Rice water for diarrhea in children and adults: recipes, methods of use. Preparing rice water

The recipe for rice water for diarrhea is quite simple and well studied. This folk recipe, which has long been used to treat various diseases, including diarrhea, weight loss, and improvement of appearance.

Chemical composition

All calculations are given per hundred grams of product:

  • Calories – 250 kcal;
  • Carbohydrates – 61 grams;
  • Proteins – 8 grams;
  • Fats – 1.8 grams.

Vitamins that are included in group B:

  • B 1 – 0.3 mg.
  • B 2 – 0.2 mg.
  • B 3 – 0.7 mg.
  • At 6 – 0.4 mg.
  • At 9 – 36 mg.

Other vitamins:

  • E – 1.05 mg.
  • N – 13 mg.
  • RR – 4 mg.


  • Zinc – 1700 mcg.
  • Aluminum – 915 mcg.
  • Chromium – 3 mcg.
  • Boron – 230 mcg.
  • Choline – 90 mg.
  • Vanadium – 390 mcg.
  • Chlorine – 138 mcg.
  • Iron – 3 mg.
  • Phosphorus – 330 mg.
  • Iodine – 3 mcg.
  • Fluoride – 82 mcg.
  • Potassium – 201 mg.
  • Sulfur – 63 mg.
  • Calcium – 68 mg.
  • Selenium – 22 mcg.
  • Cobalt – 7.1 mcg.
  • Nickel – 53 mcg.
  • Silicon – 1250 mcg.
  • Sodium – 88 mg.
  • Magnesium – 97 mg.
  • Molybdenum – 27 mcg.
  • Manganese – 3620 mcg.
  • Copper – 555 mcg.

Healing and healing properties

It is made from rice, so everything is transferred to it healing properties, this useful and very important grain for the human body.

  • Rice has very high nutritional value. The body takes a long time to digest it, which helps keep you full for a long time.
  • This grain can be considered a very high-quality absorbent, which helps its decoction to be removed from the body very quickly. a short time all the toxins that got into it.
  • Helps the body fight bacteria entering it throughout the day.
  • Improves performance digestive tract, excludes all his disorders.
  • Recommended for gastritis and ulcers.
  • It is very important that rice can be eaten with any food, including all vegetables and fruits. It is very useful with fish and meat. Its ability to convey the taste of the product placed on the same plate helps you eat deliciously and easily lose weight.

    You can simply drink rice water during meals, which will help you feel full faster.

  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Gastritis;
  • Food poisoning or intoxication;
  • Diarrhea;

To very important medicinal qualities this product may include:

  • Adsorbent for poisoning;
  • Strengthens loose stools;
  • Has enveloping properties;
  • Relieves the body of excess fluid;
  • Helps in the treatment of skin diseases;
  • Fights flatulence and gas formation.

Congee its qualities are similar to activated carbon, so in case of poisoning it can be used as ambulance, if there are no appropriate medications in the home medicine cabinet.

Use for various diseases

There are several ways to prepare and consume rice water; these mechanisms are very important to follow in order to fight diseases to their full potential.

  1. For gastritis and stomach ulcers, it is recommended to drink a freshly prepared decoction in the morning a few minutes before breakfast and in the evening before bed. You need to drink a glass.
  2. For osteochondrosis, rheumatism, arthritis, it is consumed in the morning on an empty stomach and before bed. Drink half a glass. You can add a few raisins and sugar to taste.
  3. To carry out a course of cleansing the body, rice will also help; a decoction is prepared for this according to next recipe:
    • The number of teaspoons of round rice should coincide with the age of the patient, all this is placed in a glass container, filled with water, preferably boiled for a day.
    • In the morning, the water is drained, a spoonful of rice is boiled in water, the remaining rice is again filled with water. What is boiled is eaten, and the broth is drunk.
    • It is advisable to carry out this procedure before seven o’clock in the morning. But if this is not possible, then everything is done simply on an empty stomach. This remedy is good for anyone who wants to lose weight.
  4. To improve the condition of your facial skin, make it look fresher and younger, you can apply next remedy. Pre-fried raw rice is boiled until fully cooked and filtered. The decoction is used as a mask, applying it to the face with a cotton swab. Can be washed off at any time warm water.
  5. To spend full therapy intestines, you can use the following scheme. In some cases, it is advised to eat a handful of raw rice on an empty stomach in the morning; experts believe that this method will help avoid many diseases and has a very positive effect on a person’s long youth and longevity.

    It is advisable to prepare a decoction for diarrhea each time immediately before use; it is drunk on an empty stomach half an hour before meals.


How to cook properly

How to prepare rice water?

  1. The easiest way to do healing agent:
    • Bring half a liter of water to a boil;
    • Wash the rice in the amount of two teaspoons, put it in boiling water;
    • Simmer the mixture over very low heat for about half an hour;
    • When the rice is boiled, it is brought to room temperature and filter very carefully.
  2. Cream - decoction:
    • Five tablespoons of peeled rice are fried in a dry frying pan, without adding oil or water;
    • The process should take place over very low heat with constant stirring until the rice turns light brown;
    • Using a coffee grinder, rice is turned into flour;
    • Flour is poured with warm water in the amount of half a liter;
    • This composition is cooked over low heat; stir constantly without leaving the stove before consuming the creamy mass.

Rice decoction is an excellent remedy for symptoms loose stool, from diarrhea and any digestive tract disorders.

  1. Recommendations refer to the first recipe. It is advisable to take a quarter glass of this decoction all day every three hours.
  2. It is recommended to take it in combination with medications, this will improve the effect and make recovery faster.
  3. These recommendations are for the second recipe. It takes twelve hours to take a tablespoon of this cream. The intervals between doses are regulated by the patient himself. This composition can fully replace one main meal, especially this method can be used by those who want to lose weight.

Harm, contraindications and side effects

This decoction despite a lot positive qualities It also has negative sides, so you should not self-medicate without consulting a specialist.

Gluten, which is contained in rice, is a strong allergen; it is worth finding out whether you are allergic to this product.

Contraindications include:

  • Excess weight;
  • Constipation;
  • For inflammation in the intestines;
  • Should not be used for colic;
  • If a man has problems with potency, rice broth can further reduce this function;
  • Allergy to this product and personal intolerance.

TO side effects can be attributed:

  • Constipation and gas formation;
  • Allergic reaction;
  • Decreased libido.

But that's it side effects are very rare and special cases. This decoction is an excellent remedy for diseases gastrointestinal tract. It is used very effectively for such unpleasant diseases like gastritis, stomach ulcer.

The positive effect is achieved due to the astringent, enveloping properties of this product. The decoction is indispensable for diarrhea and food poisoning.


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Congee is an affordable and safe remedy for the treatment of diarrhea. It has fixing properties because it contains a lot of starch. Rice water for diarrhea will help you quickly get rid of the symptoms of an unpleasant disease.

What is included in the decoction?

Rice cereal contains quite a lot of carbohydrates and minerals. The chemical composition depends on the variety. Long grain rice is best for treating diarrhea. It contains the following substances:

  • protein;
  • various amino acids;
  • vitamin B1 is responsible for metabolism;
  • niacin serves to normalize the functioning of the digestive system;
  • riboflavin is directly involved in protecting the body from infections;
  • vitamin B6 affects the functioning of the nervous system;
  • microelements.

The peculiarity of the dish is that it contains no salt. This has a positive effect on the condition of the body. There is no gluten in the cereal; it often causes allergies in children. Thanks to chemical composition Rice allows you to quickly eliminate digestive disorders.

Rice decoction, along with, is often used for intense diarrhea. The product contains a lot of protein and vitamins. Liquid contains a large number of coating substances that soothe irritated intestines.

Repeated use of the product helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Rice is the basis of many dishes that can be eaten with diarrhea.

The healing qualities of the decoction are due to the fact that it has:

  1. Enveloping properties that protect the intestinal walls from harmful bacteria and irritants.
  2. After drinking the drink, inflammation in the digestive system is relieved.
  3. Rice contains substances that prevent bacteria from growing.
  4. The use of the product promotes the healing of damage.
  5. The drink calms the nervous system.
  6. It contains binders which reduce the frequency of bowel movements.

Rice congee for children

Rice broth helps:

  • stop the process of gas formation and fermentation in the intestines;
  • improve the functioning of the digestive system;
  • get rid of loose diarrhea.

Excess fluid in the intestines thickens due to the astringent properties of rice.

Taking a decoction can reduce the symptoms of bloating, which deprive your baby of sleep. It is very difficult to feed a child who has diarrhea. But this drink can solve this problem.

Product contains sufficient quantity calories. The child will not starve and will be able to replenish the necessary supply of nutrients.

The maximum volume of decoction for a baby under one year old should be no more than 200 ml per day.

After eliminating the symptoms of diarrhea, you should stop drinking the drink, as this can lead to constipation. Constipation will cause no less harm to the baby than diarrhea. Infants are fed from a bottle or spoon.

Older children can be given the broth to pour directly into a mug. Do not exceed the recommended dose of the drink.

Do not add milk to the rice water, it can cause bouts of diarrhea.

If a child has a fever and vomiting, these are signs of an intestinal infection. In this case, rice water will not help. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

It is advisable to start taking the drink after several acts of bowel movement. Rice will quickly relieve intestinal irritation. The next day, the symptoms of diarrhea will be much less.

To prepare rice water for diarrhea, you need to follow several rules:

  1. A high-quality drink can only be obtained from unpolished cereals.
  2. Rice should only be added to boiling water.
  3. Give up the idea of ​​sweetening the broth with sugar or syrup.
  4. Do not drain the liquid immediately. The decoction should be infused for 2 hours.

Cooking recipes

The medicinal drink can be prepared in several ways:

  1. Rinse 2 teaspoons of rice in cold water in advance. Pour the cereal with 2 glasses of water and put on fire. Stir the rice to prevent it from sticking to the sides of the pan. The cereal should be cooked for 1 hour. Cover the pan with a lid. Otherwise, all the liquid necessary for treatment may evaporate. Strain the solution through a fine sieve. You should end up with a solution that resembles jelly in consistency.
  2. Rice flour is often used to treat diarrhea. You can buy it ready-made or grind it in a blender. To prepare the drink you will need 100 grams of flour. Pour it into a separate container and add water. Mix the mixture thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Pour the previously prepared flour mixture into boiling water. Constantly stir the contents of the pan until a homogeneous mass is obtained. After cooling, the product is ready for use. The baby should be given 40 ml of the mixture at a time, 4 times a day. For adults, the dose can be increased to 100 ml at a time.

Cream decoction for severe diarrhea

Fry 5 tbsp. tablespoons of cereal in a frying pan until dark yellow over low heat. In this case, oil cannot be used.

Grind the finished cereal in a coffee grinder and add 3 glasses of water to the powder. The mixture should be cooked for 25 minutes over low heat. Constantly stir the solution with a spoon so that the drink is homogeneous.

Cool the resulting broth to room temperature. This remedy may help relieve symptoms of severe diarrhea.

What are the contraindications?

Treatment with rice water should not be carried out if symptoms of infection with infectious diseases occur:

  1. Blood clots and particles of incompletely digested food were found in the stool of a sick person.
  2. The patient complains of attacks of sharp pain in the navel area.
  3. The high temperature does not subside and exceeds 37 degrees.
  4. After 2 days of treatment with the decoction, a positive result was not obtained.

The use of the decoction should be stopped when the diarrhea stops, so as not to provoke constipation.

Often, a condition such as diarrhea takes people by surprise. As a result, a person’s productivity decreases, his well-being, appetite and mood in general worsen. There are many reasons why it can occur. The reason is not always serious illness. Therefore, you can try to get treatment with traditional medicine. After all, sometimes, quickly taking antibiotics does not help, but worsens the situation. There are many remedies that can help, for example, chamomile or bird cherry infusion, rice infusion. But it is rice water for diarrhea that is more popular due to its quick results (unless, of course, diarrhea is caused by serious illnesses). And at such a moment, many people wonder how to prepare rice water and what is the benefit of it.

Useful properties of rice

Many people know about the benefits of rice, and we often hear this from relatives or doctors. But what are the beneficial properties of rice broth?

  • A considerable content of substances that envelop the walls of the stomach, relieve irritation and inflammation.
  • The ability to improve intestinal motility (this helps restore the formation feces, which directly helps with loose stools).
  • A significant content of starch (also a property that helps with diarrhea, so rice is a pretty good remedy for diarrhea).
  • Rice water for diarrhea reduces the level of flatulence and bloating.
  • Rice for diarrhea helps restore the level of nutrients in the body, because it has significant nutritional value (which is important, because with diarrhea, a person’s appetite decreases and the body does not receive enough nutrients).

Also to beneficial properties rice can be attributed to:

  • Help with diet (weight loss);
  • Complete absence allergic reactions;
  • Stabilization of blood pressure.

Recipe and dosage regimen

When asking how to make rice water, it is worth considering the severity of diarrhea and the age of the patient. Before you directly cook the rice water, you need to understand several points:

  • Rice should not be imported (during transportation it is processed chemicals), as well as polished (the level of vitamins in it is much lower).
  • Sugar, salt and other spices should not be added to the broth. It should be fresh and viscous.

Conventionally, rice broths are divided into 4 subgroups:

  • For adults;
  • For teenagers and older people;
  • For babies;
  • Cream soup.

Each congee recipe is slightly different from the other.

For adults

An adult already has a more established microflora and immunity, so for him, rice water can be a salvation for sleep at an unexpected moment. Diarrhea can be caused by various circumstances: minor poisoning, weather, stress. But even minor diarrhea can lead to dehydration and worsening general condition. The recipe for rice broth has been known for a long time, and it has not changed since then:

  1. Pour 500 ml of water into a clean container and bring to a boil.
  2. Drop 2 tbsp. rice into boiling water, stirring thoroughly, bring to a boil.
  3. After this, reduce the temperature to a minimum and cook the rice for 40-45 minutes, covered with a lid.
  4. Cool to room temperature and strain.

How to drink rice water for diarrhea prepared in this way: take every 2 hours. In most cases, the patient's condition improves quite quickly, and the main symptoms disappear within 6-12 hours. If this remedy does not help within 1-2 days, you should consult your doctor.

For teenagers

For adults and teenagers, the recipe for rice water is similar. Therefore, it is enough to know how to cook it for adults. But sometimes it is necessary to vary the recipe, depending on the severity of diarrhea.

For minor diarrhea

  1. Pour 500 ml into a clean container and bring to a boil;
  2. Add 1.5 teaspoons of rice, cook over low heat for 45 minutes, covered.
  3. Cool to room temperature and strain.

This rice broth for diarrhea can also be used for older people, since their microflora becomes more sensitive with age.

This rice decoction should be taken according to the following scheme: 50 ml every 3-4 hours.

With severe weakening due to dehydration

  1. Make 1 tsp. rice flour (using a coffee grinder or blender), pour into 200 ml of boiling water.
  2. Stirring thoroughly, cook (for 5 minutes).
  3. Allow to cool to room temperature.

This decoction is taken up to 5 times a day, in small portions.

For babies

Stomach upset in infants can be caused by a number of reasons, and before starting treatment folk remedies- you need to consult a pediatrician and determine main reason manifestations of diarrhea.

If the situation is not critical (body temperature is normal; no additional allocations, in the form of blood) - it is important to know how to prepare rice water for diarrhea in babies:

  1. Soak the rice for 12 hours in cold water.
  2. Pour a full 1 tablespoon of water into a glass of water.
  3. Place on the fire under the lid and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to low. Cook for an hour at minimum temperature.
  4. If the liquid level decreases, add water to the original amount.
  5. Strain and cool to room temperature

This rice decoction for diarrhea for children under 1 year of age should be given 50 ml 2-3 times a day with equal frequency.

Cream soup

A stronger decoction. Prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Full 5 tbsp. Fry the rice in a frying pan until golden brown and grind into flour.
  2. Pour in 3 glasses of water and bring to a boil, cook with constant stirring for 25 minutes.
  3. Cool.

Use in small portions (a tablespoon throughout the day, but not longer than 12 hours).


Rice porridge for diarrhea often does not cause complications if you follow the recipe and consume it in recommended doses.

You should also not use rice for diarrhea if:

  • Vomiting;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Various impurities in the stool (in the form of blood).

If the cause of the painful condition is an intestinal infection, then retaining feces in the body will only aggravate the situation rather than alleviate it.

Rice water can be more than just your savior. Therefore, first of all, you should always consult a doctor for help in determining the cause of diarrhea. And consultation on whether the use of rice water will be enough, or whether it is worth resorting to drug treatment.

Rice water for diarrhea is a means of normalizing intestinal health in children and adults, known for many generations. Despite the unpleasant taste and not appetizing appearance, it has a quick and effective effect on the body. Rice broth exhibits the properties of sorbents, due to which it is often compared with activated carbon. In contrast, this product not only removes harmful toxins, but also enriches a person from the inside with useful substances.

How does rice broth affect the body?

Once in the intestines, rice water has the following effects:

  1. Fixing.
  2. Enveloping.
  3. Calming.

The fixing and enveloping properties of rice are manifested due to the presence of starch. This substance is able to bind excess fluid and toxins located in the intestinal lumen, stimulate growth and activity beneficial bacteria. The presence of B vitamins, zinc, phosphorus and potassium in the natural “medicine” helps neutralize toxins released by various bacteria and shortens the duration of acute intestinal disorder. Thanks to its chemical composition, rice broth ensures normal intestinal motility, thickens stool, and eliminates bloating and a feeling of heaviness.

The effect of the product lasts 2-3 hours, after which the dose should be repeated. Treatment takes about 2 days, but the first positive effect becomes noticeable after a short period of time.

Interesting fact. Drinking rice water in the morning is a long-standing tradition of Chinese people. The drink has gained such popularity due to its tonic, cleansing properties, ability to give the body a boost of energy throughout the day, speed up metabolism and prevent dehydration.

In what cases to use

You can resort to using rice water if a child has diarrhea for the following reasons:

  • due to overfeeding, when excess food becomes nutrient medium for the development of bacteria;
  • as a result of the appearance in the diet of foods that the body cannot completely process;
  • after stress received by the baby, manifested by intestinal upset;
  • due to poisoning with poor quality food or eating “heavy” dishes;
  • as a result of exacerbation chronic diseases.

When the little patient’s condition improves and the abdominal pain decreases, stop taking the decoction so as not to cause constipation.

Is any rice suitable for making broth?

All varieties of the product have a beneficial effect on the condition of the digestive tract. However greatest benefit If you have diarrhea, bring long grain rice. This type of cereal can be used both to eliminate diarrhea and to treat gastritis, ulcerative lesion stomach, duodenum.

Basics therapeutic effect round rice is its ability to cleanse the body in case of poisoning. Brown cereal will be beneficial for gastrointestinal disorders and constipation. In addition, it is used for overweight, respiratory diseases.

Cooking recipes

To obtain a pronounced result, you need to know how to properly prepare rice water for diarrhea. To do this, you should purchase light, dry cereal in undamaged packaging. It is recommended to buy a domestic product, as imported rice is often treated with various chemical compounds.

Before preparing the remedy for diarrhea, the rice must be washed and dried. It is better to pre-filter the cooking water and let it brew.

How to prepare rice water for childhood diarrhea - the classic way

Add a small amount of polished rice (2 teaspoons) to 500 ml of boiling water, then cook for at least 45 minutes over low heat, remembering to stir regularly. The cooled product will need to be passed through multi-layer gauze, then consumed throughout the day with 2-3 hour breaks. This decoction provides quick withdrawal symptoms of diarrhea and noticeably improves the condition after the first serving. To enhance the antidiarrheal effect, you can additionally introduce small portions of rice porridge into your diet.

Rice water for diarrhea - an effective recipe for diarrhea and vomiting

Before cooking the diarrhea remedy, a glass of rice will need to be ground to flour, then mixed with 1 liter warm water. Afterwards, you need to boil the composition over low heat for about 5 minutes, add a little salt. The chilled product is drunk in small portions every 2 hours.

How to make creamy rice water

This product will be useful both during the active stage of diarrhea and during the recovery stage. Fry 5-6 tablespoons of rice cereal in a frying pan (until golden brown). Next, grind it using a coffee grinder and combine it with 0.5 liters of heated water. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for another half hour with constant stirring. Allow the mixture to cool before using. Accepted according to the standard regimen.

Diarrhea requires the most careful approach in infants, as it can lead to life-threatening dehydration. When a baby has diarrhea, it is better to give rice broth using a syringe without a needle.

Presence of contraindications

Rice water should not be used for:

  • colitis;
  • inflammation of the large intestine;
  • predisposition to constipation;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • individual intolerance to the product.

The presence of traces of blood, mucus, foam, or other atypical substances in the stool is an indication to seek medical advice. medical care and refusal of self-medication. If you suspect infectious origin diarrhea traditional methods treatments will become ineffective. In this case, you should not take rice water, as you will need a course of antibiotics and sorbents under the supervision of a specialist.

What to do if the decoction does not help

If rice water does not bring positive results in eliminating diarrhea within 3 days, you will need to stop using it and prescribe more strong means. To do this you need to contact medical institution and pass necessary examination. Independent choice In this case, medication will become unacceptable, as it can cause even greater harm to the weakened child’s body.

You should not use rice water if the child has a fever, there are traces of blood and other impurities in his stool, or there is severe abdominal pain and swelling. In this case, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

Pediatricians' opinions on the use of the product

Many pediatricians approve of the use of rice water for diarrhea in children due to the absence of gluten, a substance that can cause severe allergic reactions. However, some of them do not recommend using this remedy for the treatment of infants under 6 months of age and are allowed to use only after the successful introduction of complementary foods.

If a child develops diarrhea, rice water should be used only after consulting with the doctor and finding out the exact cause of the disorder.

Rice water for diarrhea is widely used in alternative medicine (for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea in children and adults). Clinicians do not deny the effectiveness of rice in stool disorders.

The natural properties of rice not only eliminate stool disorders, but also help solve the problem of exacerbations of various chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Rice and rice water are widely used in alternative medicine to treat intestinal disorders. The next day, normal stools are possible.

Useful properties of rice

The beneficial properties of rice have been well studied by doctors and followers. alternative medicine. Rice water has long been used to improve overall tone, performance and various diseases digestive system.

The product is effective against exacerbations of gastritis, peptic ulcer and accompanying symptoms, as well as during stool liquefaction of various natures. Rice contains complex carbohydrates, which have the following beneficial effects on the gastrointestinal tract:

  • enveloping (creating protection for the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach from various aggressive factors);
  • soothing (elimination of irritation of mucous epithelial layers);
  • astringent (relieving gagging, normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • cleansing (binding of excess fluid in the intestinal cavity);
  • fixing (fixing stool and improving intestinal motility).

Rice water is especially useful for various food poisonings, intestinal infections, which provoke persistent diarrhea with risks of dehydration. The decoction is a kind of emergency medicine for patients with persistent diarrhea for more than 2-3 days.

Does rice help and why? During use, the normal vitamin balance is restored, and the normal water-electrolyte composition in the blood plasma is maintained. Thanks to the use of the decoction, the following effects can be achieved:

  • binding and removal of toxic compounds;
  • elimination of vomiting (which is very important to prevent dehydration due to diarrhea);
  • relief of symptoms of diarrhea (formation of stool, reduction of intestinal irritation);
  • elimination of fermentation processes in the intestinal sections.

Note! The beneficial effects of rice and rice water on the gastrointestinal tract do not cause serious side effects. Rice water for diarrhea is well tolerated by the body, even against the background of increased allergic susceptibility.

Basic cooking rules

How to properly prepare rice water? Proper preparation decoction - collateral fast treatment diarrhea and stool restoration in adults and children. To prepare, you will need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Rice must be thoroughly rinsed in running water, left for several minutes and drained;
  • Place the rice in a saucepan, add water and boil until the cereal is ready for up to 30 minutes;
  • The broth is filtered into a separate vessel.

Ready rice can be eaten without salt and sugar. Rice water is drunk in small portions throughout the day.

Note! It is important to understand that in case of severe intoxication, with depression of consciousness, severe vomiting in children and adults, with an increase in temperature, only rice water will not help. It is important here to call emergency assistance to prevent dehydration and carry out serious cleaning measures.

Basic recipes for diarrhea

With diarrhea for 3-4 days in children and adults without worsening general well-being You should consult a doctor to diagnose and determine the exact cause pathological symptom. Without eliminating the cause, diarrhea may begin again after stopping the use of rice water in food.

Diarrhea is not an independent disease, but is considered a consequence of any dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. There are several basic recipes for adults and children:

  • Recipe No. 1. To prepare, you will need to rinse 200 g of rice, put it on low heat in 1 liter of water and cook until the cereal is ready. After cooking, the rice is carefully filtered, and the broth is taken in small portions throughout the day. For infants, 1 tbsp is enough. spoons 2 times a day.
  • Recipe No. 2. Add 1 tbsp to 0.5 liters of boiling water. spoon of rice, cook under a closed lid for about 40 minutes. Afterwards, the rice is left to cool completely and filtered. Add a little honey to the rice broth and drink it in small portions throughout the day.
  • Recipe No. 3. 4 tbsp. spoons of rice are fried in a dry hot frying pan until golden brown. After the rice is crushed using a coffee grinder, pour 600 ml cold water and boil for 40 minutes. After the broth has cooled completely, it can be consumed in small portions throughout the day.
  • Recipe No. 4. 1 tbsp. A spoonful of rice flour is poured into 300 ml of boiling water, left for several hours and taken together with honey and boiled rice in small portions.
  • Recipe No. 5. 2 tbsp. spoons of rice flour are combined with 0.5 liters of water and brought to a semi-thick state over low heat. This jelly drink is consumed throughout the day.
  • Rice porridge with water for diarrhea. To prepare, rice is thoroughly washed with water and then boiled in water for 40 minutes. Porridge is eaten every morning on an empty stomach. Children can add a little butter and sugar.

Prepared rice water can be consumed by children from 3 months to 2 tbsp. spoons per day, for children over 3 years old - 200 ml per day, for adolescents and adults up to 0.5 liters per day in small portions.

Important! After the stool has recovered a little, it is necessary to stop using the decoction to avoid excessive constipation of stool and constipation. Before infants drink the decoction, parents should consult a pediatrician.

If children refuse to take rice water, then it can be diluted with sweet syrup or honey to improve taste qualities. For children of any age, the decoction should be administered gradually to avoid any negative reactions. For example, if you are allergic to rice or its ingredients food components, the development of serious adverse reactions is possible.

Usually, on the 3rd day of treatment with rice water and rice, it subsides. It is important to understand that stool disorder should not be associated with general deterioration patient conditions: uncontrollable vomiting, loss of consciousness, signs of dehydration, signs of serious intoxication. In all other cases, the use of rice is appropriate and is not harmful to health, provided caution and daily dosage are observed.

About diarrhea in E. Malysheva’s program about health:
