Safe lactation: contraception for nursing mothers. How to choose contraceptives for nursing mothers

When the happy moments of meeting a newborn baby are left behind, the turn of everyday life and the establishment of everyday life begins. And contraception is one of the first places in a series of important and main tasks for a young mother in order to prevent unwanted pregnancy. What contraceptive pills for breastfeeding can be accepted, we will discuss it in this review.

After gestation, childbirth and subsequent feeding of the child, the woman’s body requires some time to recover. Therefore, another pregnancy would be inappropriate. During this period, a woman should think about effective method contraception. Modern methods protection from unwanted pregnancy consist of taking birth control pills.

Types of oral contraceptives

TO Oral contraceptives can be divided into two types:

  • containing progestogen;
  • containing gestagen and estrogen.

We can immediately emphasize that for women after childbirth, when feeding a baby with milk, drugs based on gestagen and estrogen are recommended.

The fact is that their action is aimed at blocking the normal functioning of the ovaries and ovulation in particular. These drugs will affect the taste and quality of breast milk, so nursing mothers should not drink such contraceptives.

What drugs will not cause harm during feeding?

Preparations intended for nursing women after pregnancy should contain only progestogens.

This type of contraception is suitable for women after childbirth with normal lactation and prevent unwanted pregnancy. IN in this case will not affect breast milk production and normal work ovaries, and you can safely put your baby to your breast.

It is no secret that before you start taking any drug, you should consult your doctor.

A qualified specialist will select the most suitable birth control pills that will be safe during breastfeeding and at the same time effective for women against accidental pregnancy.

Which modern drugs can be taken based on progestogen that can prevent pregnancy?

These are contraceptives, collectively called “mini-pills”:

  1. "Femulen";
  2. "Exluton";
  3. "Charozetta."

A woman who has recently had childbirth can start taking contraceptive pills containing progestogens, which do not have a clear effect on her hormonal background. In this case, the ovulation process proceeds in the same way as before taking contraceptives.

How do these drugs work?

Contraception in the form of progestogen tablets in a woman’s body after childbirth helps thicken the mucus in the cervix, which subsequently makes it difficult for sperm to penetrate inside.

In addition, thanks to progestogen, the egg slows down its activity and, accordingly, the uterine endometrium is subject to changes.

And even if the sperm shows dexterity and penetrates the uterus, the expected fertilization with the egg will still not happen. And all thanks to the special effects of the mini-pill, which will not allow the egg to attach, fully develop and further flow into pregnancy.

When are contraceptives for breastfeeding women indicated for use?

Indications for women to use mini-pills when feeding their baby:

  • an effective way to protect a woman who is breastfeeding from unwanted pregnancy;

  • during treatment for endometriosis or other hormonal diseases;
  • decline negative consequences menstrual syndrome after pregnancy and during feeding;
  • in the treatment of mastopathy during lactation.

What are the contraindications to the use of oral contraceptives?

Every medicinal product has its contraindications. Contraceptives are no exception.

Oral contraceptives should not be used after childbirth and during subsequent feeding:

  • during therapy for kidney disease;
  • diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases;
  • if there is a need to take anticonvulsants;
  • for epilepsy;
  • if there are signs of bleeding and diseases of the genitourinary system.

If the woman feeding the baby does not have such ailments, you should carefully study the instructions for contraceptives. Oral contraception implies strict adherence to the dosage and regimen prescribed by the doctor.

As a rule, contraceptives should be taken once a day, one tablet, to prevent pregnancy. Moreover, it is recommended to do this every day at a certain time. For example, this should be done every morning at 09:00, when the baby's first feeding occurs. If the pill is taken late, its effect will be reduced.

What is also very important is that you can use mini-pills only after two months have passed from the date of birth. This period is not specified by chance. It is during this period that a woman’s body has time to return to normal after pregnancy and undergo hormonal adjustment.

What may alert a woman when feeding after taking the mini-pill?

Bye female body gets used to the pills, in the first couple of months of taking the following signs may be observed:

  • spotting-type bleeding at the peak of the cycle. You shouldn’t worry too much about this, such signs are quite normal and will soon stop bothering you;
  • or maybe it’s the other way around, and there will be no periods at all for some time;
  • changes in the menstrual cycle as a whole, its duration, abundance of discharge;
  • change in breast sensitivity in the nipple area;
  • and the most negative signs taking contraceptives is education functional cysts on the ovaries;
  • change in skin type, appearance of a greasy sheen on the face and rash;
  • rare cases of increased body hair.

But there is no need to worry too much; as soon as a woman stops taking the mini-pill, these signs will disappear on their own, without additional interventions.

It often happens that if previously the discharge during menstruation was heavy, then pregnancy and subsequent use of contraceptive pills will help reduce the volume of discharge. Yes and painful sensations may disappear on the first day after the start of the cycle. But such signs of taking a mini-pill can be called positive consequences, which will be immediately noticed by a nursing woman.

How to stop taking contraceptive pills

If you want to get pregnant again, then after taking the mini-pill you need to stop taking them. But you should follow these rules:

– you cannot stop the chosen method of contraception when feeding in the middle of the cycle;

– you need to complete the entire course, then wait for the start of the menstrual cycle, and only after that you can start planning future pregnancy. If you follow all the recommendations, then there will be no reason to fear the effect of the mini-pill on conception.

It is worth dispelling the widespread myth that if a woman feeds her baby properly after giving birth, then she can safely not use protection for six months, and pregnancy will supposedly not occur. At this time, conception can occur, which leads to pregnancy quite often. The egg can mature 21 days after birth. And menstruation appears approximately five weeks after labor.

As an alternative to oral contraceptives, vaginal-type contraception can come to the aid of young mothers after pregnancy. For example, when breastfeeding, a woman can pay attention to Pharmatex, which manufacturers produce in the form of cream, suppositories, tampons and capsules.

Even before pregnancy, many women prefer to use hormonal pills. The question of birth control also arises after childbirth, but you can no longer take hormones, as they affect the quality of mother's milk. What to do and how to choose the right birth control pills while breastfeeding?

Basics of contraception after childbirth

There are several types of birth control pills: hormonal and mini-pills. The peculiarity of the first group of drugs is that the tablets simultaneously contain two types of hormones - estrogen and progesterone. Such drugs are extremely rarely prescribed after childbirth, as they greatly affect the woman’s hormonal levels and the quality of milk.

As a replacement, doctors suggest using so-called minimally effective pills, the active substance of which is only progesterone. Progesterone-based contraceptives versus combined contraceptives hormonal drugs, have a much gentler effect on the body.

They do not affect ovulation in any way, and the principle of their action is based on the thickening of cervical mucus, which makes it difficult for sperm to move through the cervix. And even if one of them does get to the egg and miraculously is able to fertilize it, conception will not occur. Thickening of the endometrium is the second feature of mini-pills. Fertilized corpus luteum they simply do not leave the opportunity to attach to the uterus.

It can be said that the effectiveness of birth control pills during breastfeeding will directly depend on the woman. The drug must be taken every day at a strictly prescribed time, which for most busy mothers can be a real problem. The instructions for most medications state that it is recommended to start taking the pills at 6 weeks after birth. However, an obstetrician can answer this question more accurately.

Another significant disadvantage of mini-pills is the fact that such drugs have some contraindications. Thus, women with such pathologies as:

  • structural changes in the liver;
  • hepatic hepatitis;
  • epilepsy;
  • unfavorable neoplasms in the mammary gland;
  • heart failure and impaired blood supply to brain cells;
  • bleeding from the vagina.

It is also worth noting that various unforeseen situations may arise while taking the drug. And if you are confused by any symptoms, it is better to consult a gynecologist.

Almost all mini-pills are the same in availability active ingredients and operating principle. The contraceptive pills recommended for breastfeeding differ only in their names. Today, women are offered the following drugs:

  • "Laktinet";
  • "Charosette";
  • "Mikronor";
  • "Continuum";
  • "Norgestrel";
  • "Ovret";
  • "Exluton".

Any of the above medications can only be prescribed by a doctor. Self-administration of contraceptives, even with minimal effect of hormones during lactation, can lead to serious complications and consequences for both the woman and the child.

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In addition, the doctor will tell you in detail about the action of the drug, its side effects and give recommendations on how to take the pills correctly. In general it will look like this:

  • Progesterone medications may cause mild nausea. To prevent this unpleasant effect, your doctor will recommend starting to take birth control pills in the evening or with meals.
  • If you delay taking the pills by less than three hours, you must take the next pill immediately.
  • If taking the pill was missed for more than 3 hours, then it is necessary to use additional contraception and resume taking the drug at the beginning of the menstrual cycle.
  • You need to take the mini-pill every day at a strictly designated time.
  • In case of severe vomiting, it is recommended to repeat the tablet. If gastric motility is not restored, you should consult a doctor, and at this time use other contraceptives.

It is recommended to store all mini-pills in a dark, cool, dry place out of the reach of children. Do not keep birth control pills near water, such as in the bathroom. Humidity can significantly reduce the effect of the active components of the drug.

Medical opinion

Many women believe that it is impossible to get pregnant while breastfeeding. However, this common belief is incorrect. All gynecologists agree that the uterus after childbirth will be capable of fertilization after six weeks. And if there is a lack of milk, when a woman supplements her baby with formula, pregnancy can occur much earlier.

To protect themselves and give the body time to fully recover, and the uterus to tone up and rest, mothers should think about additional contraception. This is where they come to the rescue available funds- mini-drinks.

Medical reviews of birth control pills during breastfeeding are mostly positive:

  • Unlike combination drugs, mini-pills do not reduce the amount of milk and do not impair its taste.
  • The full effect after taking the drug is achieved within 4 hours.
  • Taking pills may not be associated with the time of sexual intercourse, since they do not affect female libido in any way.
  • There is no risk of blood clots or increased blood pressure. The pills have no effect on a woman’s emotionality.
  • If you want to get pregnant again after stopping taking the pills, the ability to conceive is restored within 30 days.

Among the disadvantages of such drugs, doctors highlight the following:

  • Taking pills should be regular and under strict supervision.
  • Women after giving birth may notice a slight weight gain while taking the mini-pill.
  • Tablets with one hormone are not able to protect against sexually transmitted infections.
  • The pills cannot be combined with certain other medications.

Breastfeeding is a natural barrier to a new pregnancy. Unfortunately, this type of protection is not 100% effective. When choosing a method of contraception against unwanted pregnancy during lactation, a woman needs to take into account its effect not only on breastfeeding, but also on her child.

Lactational amenorrhea

Amenorrhea is the absence of cyclical menstruation in a sexually mature woman. During breastfeeding, the condition occurs due to the pituitary gland, which increases the secretion of prolactin. The hormone triggers the milk secretion mechanism, and in high concentrations inhibits the formation of progesterone in the ovaries. The formation of gonadotropins in the pituitary gland, necessary for normal functioning ovaries. This phenomenon is absolute physiological norm, protecting the mother’s body from stress and blood loss.

Lactational amenorrhea protects against new pregnancy by 98% in the presence of the following conditions:

  • Breastfeeding must be done frequently, every 3-3.5 hours, avoiding a night break of more than 6 hours;
  • no more than 6 months have passed since birth;
  • menstrual cycle not yet recovered;
  • the child was not given complementary foods.

To make sure that this natural birth control method is working, there is the following evaluation scheme:

Types of oral contraceptives

After a certain time after the birth of the baby, a woman faces the question of choosing a method of contraception. Everything is easily resolved when the child receives artificial formula. If a woman in labor is breastfeeding, it is necessary to take into account the effect of contraception on lactation and the newborn. Many women decide to take birth control pills, as this is one of the most reliable methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy.

The main types of oral contraceptives:

  1. Combined oral contraceptives (COCs). These drugs contain the hormones estrogen and progestin. Depending on the concentration of the substance, they are distinguished as micro-dosed, low-dose, medium-dose and high-dose. For continuous use, micro- and low-dose products are used.
  2. Mini-drinks. The drugs contain exclusively the hormone progesterone in a low dose (most often desogestrel, 0.075 mg).

Contraceptive drugs have a number of disadvantages:

  • when choosing a drug, you must consult your doctor;
  • the possibility of developing side effects;
  • a woman needs to strictly control the time of taking medicine, which is not always convenient with a newborn baby in your arms;
  • decreased effect after taking other drugs, such as antiepileptics and antifungals, as well as grapefruit.

When can you take birth control?

In most cases, a woman is recommended to restore sexual relations no earlier than 2 months after the birth of a child. Before doing this, you must definitely consult a gynecologist.

Birth control pills If breastfeeding, it is recommended to use after childbirth, which was at least 6 weeks ago. COCs are not used in the first half of the year. This is due to the fact that milk production is suppressed by estrogens contained in these drugs.

According to the American Protocol: “Contraception during Breastfeeding” 2015, there are restrictions on the use of birth control pills during lactation.

Using birth control pills

Table 1. Use of hormonal contraceptives during lactation.

Contraception safety

According to the Cochrane Library, studies conducted on the effects of combined oral contraceptives on milk supply show conflicting results. No adverse effects on the health of the newborn were observed.

Breastfeeding mothers are advised to take birth control pills without estrogen. Mini-pills are products containing a minimal dose of progesterone. The dose of the hormone that penetrates from breast milk to the baby, negligible. Therefore, they do not cause a decrease in breast milk supply and do not have a harmful effect on the baby (no signs of dysfunction immune system or deviations in weight gain and other indicators).

The effect of contraceptives with progesterone is based on increasing the density of cervical mucus and reducing motor activity fallopian tubes More dense mucus becomes an obstacle on the way of sperm to the egg. And also in some cases, hormones suppress ovulation: the release of the egg will not take place.

Names of birth control pills

Table 2. Approved birth control pills while breastfeeding.

Drug namesActive substanceSide effect

Desogestrel, 75 mcg

Nausea, frequent mood changes,
weight gain,
menstrual irregularities,
Nausea, non-cyclical menstrual flow,
acne, decreased libido,
increase in body weight.
Linestrenol 0.5 mgNausea, irregular menstruation,
painful mammary glands, changes
moods, headaches.

The drug is taken one tablet per day, every day at the same time. The package contains 28 tablets. There is no break in taking the drug. Whenever side symptoms you need to see a doctor immediately. If pregnancy occurs, you should immediately stop taking the drug.

Advantages of mini-pills compared to combined ones oral contraceptives:

  • can be consumed already 2 months after the birth of the child;
  • have fewer side effects and contraindications;
  • have no effect on the child;
  • the composition does not affect the quantity and quality of milk.

If vomiting begins within a few hours after using the product, you need to take another tablet. At correct intake of these drugs, their contraceptive effect reaches more than 99%.


The doctor can prescribe contraceptive pills during breastfeeding after carefully clarifying the restrictions on the part of the mother. If there are contraindications, these drugs should be discontinued, since the drugs can contribute to the occurrence of such a serious complication as thromboembolism pulmonary artery(PE) or vein thrombosis lower limbs.

Main contraindications to the use of these drugs:

  • congenital disorders blood clotting;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • deep vein thrombosis of the legs;
  • history of pulmonary embolism;
  • smoking more than 15 cigarettes per day;
  • serious illnesses liver tissue and kidneys;
  • diabetes;
  • suspected pregnancy;
  • hormone-dependent cancer;
  • feeding the baby in the first 2 months after birth.

Emergency contraception during breastfeeding

If sexual intercourse occurs without protection, a woman can. Drugs in this group include drugs whose active ingredients are levonorgestrel, Postinor and Escapelle. They contain a large number of progestin, which causes a hormonal “explosion” in the body and stimulates the appearance of menstruation.

The sooner you take Postinor, the higher its effectiveness, since it inhibits fertilization. After taking the drug, breastfeeding should be suspended for 24 hours.

There are many methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy. Choosing optimal method contraception, you need to consult a gynecologist who will conduct a thorough postpartum examination and tell you which birth control pills can be taken while breastfeeding.

Did you know that in some cases a woman can become pregnant in the first two weeks after the baby is born? It is unlikely that you will like this prospect in light of the worries that have fallen on you about the baby. And the body should not undergo such shock therapy - according to experts, it takes 2 years for its full recovery and hormonal changes.

Of course, planning next pregnancy- the exclusive right of a woman or future parents, but it still won’t hurt to take care for a while. In this article we will dwell in detail on contraceptive methods that are suitable for a nursing mother.

Lactational amenorrhea method

Contemplating the wisdom of Mother Nature, you never cease to be amazed at how carefully she treats a woman’s body and protects her. During the first few months, a breastfeeding woman does not have periods. This physiological condition (so-called lactational amenorrhea) is associated with an increased level of prolactin, a hormone responsible for milk production and blocking the process of egg maturation.

Lactational amenorrhea - effective method natural contraception for 6 months. after the birth of the child. For it to work, several conditions must be met:

  • the baby should be immediately put to the breast after birth, which is impossible if the woman had a caesarean section;
  • the child must be completely breastfed, without the introduction of supplementary feeding;
  • The baby must be put to the breast regularly. The recommended break between feedings during the day is 3 hours, at night - no more than 6 hours. The more often feeding occurs, the better;
  • Mom hasn't gotten her period yet.

The disadvantage of MLA is the short period of action, as well as a sharp decline effectiveness when extending the interval between feedings or introducing supplementary feeding.

Other natural methods of contraception for breastfeeding

Focus on other methods of natural pregnancy planning - symptothermal and calendar methods, monitoring cervical mucus, basal temperature- not recommended during lactation. For example, if under normal conditions (if used correctly) the reliability of the symptothermal method is comparable to hormonal contraceptives(at least 90%), then when feeding its effectiveness decreases to approximately 50%.

Ovulation tests

Usually women use it to determine the time most favorable for conception. But with the same success they can be used for contraception.

They are used in a similar way to pregnancy tests. To do this, dip the test strip in fresh urine and evaluate the test result after a few minutes. If there is no ovulation, one control line will appear, when positive result there will be two stripes.

It should be noted that the intensity of coloring of the second band may vary - this depends on the concentration of luteinizing hormone determined using this test. But even if a very light stripe appears, you should take appropriate measures and be on the safe side.


You can use condoms without restrictions. They are absolutely safe for the baby and do not have any effect on the composition of breast milk.

Also worth noting high level their reliability and low cost. In addition, condoms are the only form of contraception that protects against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Barrier (mechanical) methods of contraception for women

Female condoms, diaphragms and uterine caps are quite rare. They can be used no earlier than 6 weeks after birth.

We recommend that you consult with your doctor regarding the selection of a cap and diaphragm. the right size, because The size of the cervix may not correspond to those before conception. In addition, when using “female” contraceptives, certain skill and preliminary planning of sexual intercourse are required.

Hormonal oral contraceptives during breastfeeding

Until the 70s. XX century Oral contraceptives were prohibited during feeding. Now the situation has changed, but the restrictions remain. To protect against unwanted pregnancy during this period of time, only purely progestogen contraceptives can be used; they are also called “mini pills”. The progestogen they contain prevents the fertilized egg from implanting in the uterine cavity.

This hormone does not in any way affect the production of breast milk. COCs (combined oral contraceptives) with progestogen and estrogenic components cannot be used.

"" can be used no earlier than after 6 weeks. after childbirth. Of the advantages this method contraception, it should be noted that it is highly reliable - it is higher than when using a condom. Compared to COCs, they have fewer side effects - for example, they can be used for diabetes mellitus, they are not contraindicated smoking women regardless of age. Mini-drinks do not cause increased blood pressure, circulatory disorders, depression, nausea or headaches.

One of the disadvantages of “mini pills” is that in order to achieve a contraceptive effect, they must be taken at the same time in accordance with the instructions. They do not protect against STDs, and minor weight gain or loss may occur when taking the pills.

“Mini-drinks” can provoke changes in the menstrual cycle, exacerbation of thrush, and the appearance of age spots, swelling of the legs, hair growth on the legs, increased oily skin, general nausea and weakness at the beginning of use. A serious reason to discontinue such drugs may be bleeding that does not stop for a long time, as well as cases where the side effects listed above do not go away or do not decrease within 2-3 months of taking the pills.

Absolute drug indications for prescribing the “mini-drink” include malignant tumors, uterine bleeding, acute hepatitis, epilepsy, serious illnesses heart, liver, kidneys. Therefore, before taking these medications, you should definitely visit an antenatal clinic.

Injectable hormonal contraceptives

The list of advantages, disadvantages and side effects has something in common with oral contraceptives. One of the undoubted advantages of this method of contraception is the duration of action. To achieve the effect, one injection once every 3 months is enough. The drug can be administered into different times- the first 5 days after the resumption of menstruation, 5 days after birth in the absence of breastfeeding (breastfeeding) or after 6 weeks. after childbirth with breastfeeding baby.

There are also references in the literature to subcutaneous hormonal implants for subcutaneous administration, however, at the moment such drugs are not registered on the Ukrainian market.

Important! Active ingredients injections and implants and their metabolites can be excreted in mother's milk and have a negative effect on the baby. Therefore, we strongly recommend using this method of protection with caution and only after consulting a doctor.

Intrauterine devices

These products are highly reliable and are approved for lactation. However, you cannot install the spiral right away, because... there is a high risk of it falling out. This procedure can be carried out no earlier than 6 weeks later. Some experts do not recommend using an IUD at all for six months. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you discuss this moment with a specialist.

Local spermicidal agents during breastfeeding

These means include a variety of dosage forms For local application- creams, suppositories, tampons, etc. All of them are inserted into the vagina, usually 5-15 minutes before sexual intercourse. Active substances These drugs destroy sperm. Moreover, along with contraceptive effect additional hydration of the vaginal mucosa occurs.

Among the shortcomings local funds It should be noted that most of them are destroyed under the influence of soap solutions, so you should use only water for genital hygiene. Local possible allergic reactions- both for the woman and her partner.

Also, some experts note that the substances contained in these products can negatively affect the bacterial flora of the vagina. Despite the fact that they are all sold without a prescription, if there are any controversial issues, it is best to consult a gynecologist.

Emergency contraception

They are used extremely rarely, in cases where conventional methods contraception did not help or was not used. Postinor is usually used - 2 tablets are taken according to the scheme for 3 days. after sexual intercourse.

Attention! The drug contains equine doses of hormones that are excreted in breast milk. For this reason, it is best to refrain from feeding for at least 8 hours after taking each tablet.

Surgical contraception (sterilization)

When a woman is sterilized, the fallopian (uterine) tubes, through which the egg moves into the uterus, are ligated. IN fallopian tubes creates a favorable environment for conception and further development fertilized egg. The operation is performed once and is irreversible, so you should think carefully and weigh the pros and cons before agreeing to it.

Regardless of your choice, we wish you to effectively protect your baby and yourself from unwanted consequences. Be healthy!

Many mothers are sure that they cannot get pregnant while breastfeeding. However, this is not quite true. In the first six months of lactation, indeed, the risk of pregnancy is reduced to a minimum. Lactational amenoria is a natural contraceptive that suppresses ovulation and provides a 99% guarantee.

But it works only in the first six months after the birth of the child and only under certain conditions. First of all, this is properly established breastfeeding, which includes frequent and regular breastfeeding, feeding on demand, continuous lactation, etc. Read more about the method of lactational amenoria.

Even if you comply with the conditions of lactational amenoria, there is still a minimal chance of pregnancy. Please note that they may arrive as early as the second or fourth month. To avoid unwanted pregnancy, nursing mothers are advised to use various ways contraception. However, not all products can be used during lactation. Let's look at which contraceptives are safe for nursing mothers.

Types of contraception for nursing

  • Lactational amenoria is valid only for the first six months after childbirth and only when the child is fully breastfed;
  • Condoms can be used already in the first days after childbirth. Affordable and easy way contraception does not affect the course of lactation and does not affect the health of the baby and mother. However, please note that the efficiency this method is 86-97% and directly depends on the quality of the product and correct use;

  • Spermicides can also be used immediately after birth. Available in the form of suppositories, tablets and ointments. This safe means, which at correct use give an efficiency of more than 90%;
  • The intrauterine device is allowed only after six weeks, provided that the birth took place without complications. The reliability of the product is 98-100%, and the validity period is up to 7 years, depending on the type. You can remove the spiral at any time. Remember that procedures can only be performed by a doctor!;
  • Oral contraceptives or birth control pills are used 6-8 weeks after the baby is born. The products do not affect milk production or lactation, but be sure to consult your doctor before use! The reliability of the drugs is about 98%;
  • The injection method of contraception (Depo-Provera) involves an injection into the muscles every three months. After childbirth, it can be used 6 weeks later. The drug does not affect lactation, the health of mother and baby.

Birth control pills during lactation

There are progestogen and combined contraceptive pills. The latter should not be taken while breastfeeding, as they increase estrogen levels, which negatively affects milk production. In addition, estrogens are increased content have a negative impact on development infant and on the mother’s well-being. Combined tablets can be used no earlier than six months after birth and only under the supervision of a doctor. Please note that they often lead to a depressive mood and cause hormonal imbalances.

Progestin tablets or mini-pills are single-component drugs that contain only gestagen or progesterone as hormones. They do not contain estrogens! The contents of the product reach the baby along with breast milk in small quantities and have no effect on the baby’s well-being. In addition, mini-pills do not affect milk volume in any way. They are easily tolerated and do not have a strong side effect and rarely have a negative impact.

Mini-pills are great for women who have given birth and for use during lactation.

However, before using any product, be sure to consult a specialist. Let him select the appropriate drug and prescribe correct dosage. Please note that some of these medications should not be taken after caesarean section or while taking antibiotics! Let's take a closer look at which birth control pills are safe for nursing mothers.

A drug Composition and features of reception Side effects Price
Lactinet The active substance is desogestrel. Take one tablet every 24 hours; effectiveness decreases significantly when there is a gap of 36 hours between two tablets. Nausea, frequent mood swings, painful sensations in the breast, weight gain, menstrual irregularities and headaches 650-850 rubles (28 tablets)
Charosetta The active substance is desogestrel; if the dose is delayed by 12 hours, the effectiveness does not decrease Nausea and headaches, swelling of the mammary glands, acne, Bad mood 900-1200 rubles (28 tablets)
Exluton The active substance is linestrenol. Normalizes and controls the menstrual cycle, take one tablet per day Nausea and headache, swelling and engorgement of the mammary glands 1900-2200 rubles (28 tablets)

Rules for taking contraceptives during lactation

  • Mini-pills can be taken 21-28 days after birth;
  • Strictly follow the instructions and doctor's prescription. Do not increase or decrease the dosage. An excess of medicine can cause severe side effects, and a deficiency will not lead to the desired effect;
  • Take these pills once a day at the same time;
  • It is recommended to use the first two weeks of use additional funds contraception;
  • It is better to take the drug before bed, as the tablets often cause dizziness and nausea, weakness and temporary malaise;
  • If a side effect occurs, stop taking the medication and consult a doctor;
  • If you become pregnant, stop taking birth control pills immediately.

Among the signs of pregnancy during breastfeeding are a delay in menstruation, pain in the chest and nipples, decreased lactation without visible reasons. A new pregnancy affects the taste and composition of milk, so during this period the baby may begin to behave restlessly, be capricious and refuse to breastfeed. In addition, standard symptoms of pregnancy appear in the form of toxicosis. Vomiting and nausea, malaise and rapid fatigue appear, and sometimes blood pressure decreases.
