Use of cedar oleoresin: assessment of effectiveness, benefits and possible harm. How to use cedar resin

Pine resin is a product obtained from coniferous trees; in simple terms - resin. It is also called sulfur, and the solidified substance is called barras. It is easily mined and widely used in medicinal purposes, both in the official and folk medicine. We will find out further why this substance is good and how to use it.

Chemical composition

A third of the resin is rosin acid. They are usually hard, but fresh resin has a soft, stretchy texture. This is due to the presence of terpenes, which make up almost 18% of the mass.

Among the useful elements are vitamins A, D, K, E, and representatives of group B (P, PP). There are many micro- and macroelements in the resin - iron, cobalt, manganese, calcium, copper, phosphorus, zinc. There is also iodine and carotene.

Benefit: medicinal properties

Resin is used as an antiseptic and antibacterial agent. Has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is especially good to use it on festering wounds - the resin will disinfect the affected area and draw out all the bad things, while healing will be faster.

Resin has a calming property - baths with the addition of pine resin help you relax and fall asleep faster, and cure insomnia. The frozen grains, when consumed orally, can relieve coughing.

Important! Turpentine (a resin derivative) is poisonous. Therefore, any treatment involving it should be under the supervision of a physician.

Coniferous liquid can strengthen the immune system and restore strength to the body after long and serious illnesses.

Use in medicine: indications for use

Pine resin is used in the treatment of diseases of many organs and tissues.

Skin diseases

Indications for use:

  • furunculosis;
  • eczema;
  • allergic reactions;
  • psoriasis;
  • herpes;
  • streptoderma;
  • trophic ulcers.

  • disinfects the skin;
  • draws out pus (for example, with furunculosis);
  • relieves pain;
  • calms;
  • promotes rapid healing.

Diseases of teeth and gums

Resin is included in many pastes and rinses that will help prevent gum disease and the formation of dental caries.

Indications for use:

  • stomatitis;
  • bleeding gums;
  • ulcers on the tongue and mouth;
  • toothache;
  • gingivitis;
  • periodontal disease 1 and 2 degrees.

Taken in the form of chewable mixtures in combination with medicinal herbs, as separate chewable cakes (serku), in the form of healing balms internally and locally.

How it works:

  • kills germs;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • relieves pain;
  • helps ulcers heal faster.

Joints and connective tissues

  • polyarthritis;
  • arthritis;
  • gout;
  • radiculitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • myositis;
  • plexite;
  • constant back pain from overwork and stress.

How does it work:

  • when rubbed into places of pain, the balm can stop the development of the disease and reduce the severity of its course;
  • adding baths and lotions to ointments helps relieve tension, relax muscles and joints;
  • massages with oil based on resin help to warm up the source of pain and relieve pressure in joints and muscles.

Respiratory diseases

Helps with:

  • chronic diseases;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis.

How it works:

  • helps phlegm resolve;
  • promotes vasodilation and expectoration;
  • kills germs and bacteria;
  • helps regenerate lung tissue.

Digestive system diseases

Indications for use:

  • stomach ulcer or duodenum;
  • colitis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • heartburn;
  • gastritis;
  • cholecystitis.

Drops are prescribed in small doses, which:

  • relieve pain;
  • renew microflora;
  • remove dysbacteriosis as a consequence of the disease;
  • help the healing of internal organs;
  • improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Did you know? In the old days it was believed that the resin of an ancient pine tree could attract wealth.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

It will help cure the following diseases:

  • angina pectoris;
  • arrhythmia;
  • tachycardia;
  • vascular dystonia;
  • endarteritis.

How does it work:

  • when rubbed into the sternum and back, it gets inside and acts in places of illness;
  • soothes and relieves pain;
  • helps normalize processes in the heart and improve the condition of blood vessels.

Diseases of the excretory system

Helps with:

  • kidney stones;
  • prostatitis;
  • adenoma;
  • hemorrhoids.

Here, enemas with a solution of resin are used, which are absorbed and begin to act locally. Baths based on a medicinal substance are also useful, as is a balm that is taken orally.

Diseases of the reproductive organs

Zhivitsa treats:

  • thrush;
  • cervical erosion;
  • cystitis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • also helps with PMS.

It is recommended to use microenemas or administer the solution using a tampon. Gum balm is also prescribed.

How does it work:

  • eliminates pain and unpleasant discharge;
  • alleviates the disease and promotes its rapid treatment.

Eye diseases

Prescribed for treatment:

  • cataracts;
  • thorn;
  • barley.

It works topically by instilling a solution of turpentine balm 5% into the eyes.

Diseases of the central nervous system

Resumes processes in the central nervous system:

  • with atherosclerosis;
  • after injuries that led to deterioration of memory, coordination, attention, speech;
  • with senile dementia;
  • in Alzheimer's disease.

Fights viral or microplasma infection; it is also prescribed for cerebral hypoxia. In general, resin stimulates and renews all processes.

Endocrine system diseases

Pine resin helps with inflammation thyroid gland. Thanks to succinic acids The composition reduces blood sugar levels and improves the condition of diabetic patients.

Obesity, overweight

Excess weight can be removed by rubbing oil from resin in a steam room or bath - it activates fat burning. At the same time, waste and toxins are eliminated, and the person begins to feel much better. Baths can also be used. Together, these procedures will help you lose more than 5 kg in a month.

Blood-sucking insect bites

Resin-based balms help prevent insect bites and relieve symptoms after them. They stop itching, burning and irritation. Used for tick bites:

After a bite, you need to drink balm for several days to prevent infection with encephalitis.

Application in cosmetology

To improve the condition of the skin of the face, neck and chest, it is recommended to massage with oil based on pine resin. This helps smooth out wrinkles, eliminate skin imperfections, and makes the skin elastic and fresh.

The resin is also used for massages of the back, legs and arms - this helps to relax muscles, warm up joints, dilate blood vessels and relieve pain; it is also used for varicose veins of the legs. Helps regenerate skin, eliminate fatigue and improve performance.
Aromatherapy helps relieve runny nose and acute respiratory infections, clears phlegm from the lungs and improves breathing. A drop of oil can be added to a humidifier with necessary function, or to the aroma lamp.

Harm and side effects

Consumption may be harmful medicines in larger doses than the doctor prescribed. Concerning side effects, then in case of an overdose there may be rashes, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting.


It is possible to be allergic to the medicinal substance, so before use it is better to check your reaction on your wrist by holding the ointment or balm there for 10 minutes. It is also better to refrain from using the product for pregnant women and children under 10 years of age.

Procurement and storage of raw materials

We choose any pine tree we like in the forest and make an incision on the tree. You immediately need to connect a container into which the resin will be drained. One tree can produce up to 1.5 kg of resin. Most of the “harvest” will be collected from May to August.

Important! There is no need to let the tree die - just make a couple of cuts to collect a liter container of resin. The tree cannot be touched for the next two years.

Collection Tips:

  • if you wipe a knife or awl with an oiled cloth, the resin will not stick to it;
  • choose trees away from roads, construction sites and factories;
  • resin can be cut from already wounded naturally trees;
  • resin accumulates under the bark, where there are tubercles.

Mighty cedar trees have been a natural source of high-quality wood for several centuries, and also provide humanity with healthy nuts and medicinal resin, which is popularly called simply resin. Essentially, this is the “blood” of the plant, promoting the healing of cracks in the bark. It has found wide application in bioenergy, official and alternative medicine.

Cedar resin, reviews of the use of which are found only in a positive way, has been known for a long time miraculous properties. According to reliable data, during the war balms were made from it, which had antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Gunshot wounds were treated with this natural medicine. The ointment promoted rapid regeneration and restoration of the skin.

Doctors of the 21st century did not stand aside and actively use resin in pharmaceuticals, diluting it with various oils, including cedar. Healing balms are successfully used to solve cosmetic and therapeutic problems. Cedar resin oil, used internally and externally, gently cleanses the body, restores every cell and helps strengthen the defenses.

Vitamin and mineral set

Cedar resin is enriched with tocopherol (vitamin E), it acts as a kind of protective barrier that prevents the invasion of free radicals, and also strengthens blood vessels, prolongs youth and prevents the development of atherosclerosis. It contains a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which control the amount of cholesterol and fat metabolism.

It is worth mentioning which is responsible for capillary permeability. Cedar resin on cedar oil contains a set of B vitamins and many macroelements. Laboratory research claim that the raw material exhibits a disinfectant, wound-healing and general strengthening effect.

No wonder the ancient Siberian peoples made cakes from pine resin and used them as therapy for illness. oral cavity. They squeezed oil out of it, which helped in getting rid of trophic ulcers, wounds, cuts and burns. For doubling healing power resin was added to honey. Cedar resin, in combination with a beekeeping product, exhibits cleansing, tonic, antidepressant, antihistamine, strengthening and anti-inflammatory properties.

This is a natural stimulating product aimed at improving intestinal microflora. Used as an additional therapy for cardiac, respiratory, digestive and musculoskeletal pathologies. The scope of its application is quite extensive.

How is cedar resin useful?

The properties are due to the content of valuable components in the chemical composition, which ensure the uninterrupted functioning of the entire body. Practice has proven that resin, upon contact with the skin, begins to have a beneficial effect, calms nerve endings, improves mood and energy levels.

Cedar oleoresin (no negative reviews from users were identified) can be used as a prevention and treatment for cholelithiasis. Gastroenterologists and folk doctors recommend taking it with sea ​​buckthorn oil at gastrointestinal diseases. Course use will help to organize activities digestive tract and improve the production of gastric juice.

A similar drug is indicated for heart patients and people prone to vascular disease. Natural medicine reduces arterial pressure, strengthens capillaries and reduces the risk of heart attack. The balm is suitable for diabetics and people with thyroid problems. Resin is indispensable for nervous disorders, increased excitability, insomnia and depression.

Cedar resin: how to take and use?

In its pure form, the resin is used extremely rarely; it is mainly used to make balms, oils, ointments, capsules and other products. The most popular is turpentine balm based on cedar oil; it is absolutely safe and can be used in different variations. The dose is taken in doses - a few drops.

If during the treatment period cedar resin, reviews of the use of which are mostly enthusiastic, does not provoke allergic reaction, then the amount of product is increased to a tablespoon. In case of gastrointestinal disease, it is prescribed to take it three times a day on an empty stomach, 5 grams for a week, then the dosage is adjusted to 10 ml and drunk for another 5-7 days.

Also, cedar resin, the properties of which are due to its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects, is widely used for infectious pathologies small pelvis. Microenemas are made - 10-30 ml of solution for an adult.

The raw materials will help cope with acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. At severe symptoms(runny nose, cough, sore throat, sneezing) apply a small amount of balm to the area upper lip and inhale essential oils. Can be rubbed into chest, nasal mucosa, treat the larynx. Raw materials not only eliminate pathogenic bacteria, but also strengthens the immune system.

Since ancient times, cedar resin has been used as an oily liquid to treat deep wounds, ulcers and various damages skin. Apply compresses, baths and lotions to promote rapid healing.

Use in cosmetology

Cedar oleoresin with cedar oil restores, perfectly moisturizes, nourishes, accelerates regenerative processes and relieves inflammation. The balm is indicated for sensitive and problem skin. The product fights the early decline of the epidermis, fills with energy, helps smooth out facial wrinkles and restores its former elasticity.

After just two applications, you feel velvety, soft and the quality of the skin improves significantly. Apply the balm twice a day (in the morning and before bed). There is no need to rinse it off; the oil is perfectly absorbed, creating an invisible protective film from pathogenic bacteria. Trichologists advise applying the herbal medicine to the roots of the hair and not rinsing it off for two hours. A simple procedure will significantly strengthen the hair follicles, prevent hair loss and make your hair thicker.

Done 2-3 times a week nourishing mask: Combine 30 g of balm with powdered pine nuts (large spoon) and a similar amount of natural honey. Apply the resulting mass to clean facial skin and massage for 5 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Therapy with turpentine balm

Better than anyone chemical preparation cedar oleoresin treats dermatological diseases. Reviews about the application this tool they say that it instantly heals wounds, relieves redness, itching, pain and does not cause side effects. After use, the skin becomes smooth and healthy even with psoriasis. At serious damage(deep cuts, 2nd-3rd degree burns, purulent wounds) you should mix the balm with flower honey and apply a thick layer to the skin without bandaging.

Streptoderma and eczema

If you have a weeping and itchy rash, you should treat the affected areas twice a day with balm. Continue therapy for 14 days. If there is no improvement, then start taking the solution 5 drops three times a day. Cedar resin prevents relapses, relieves inflammation and improves skin condition.

How to take for non-healing purulent wounds? In such a situation, it is recommended to make your own medicinal potion from oily balsam and medicinal malt (equal proportions). The cream should be very rich, rub it in several times a day, and take 10 drops of undiluted balm three times a day for three weeks.

Mastitis (inflammatory process in the mammary glands)

Apply gauze compresses to the chest area. Combine internal use with external treatment - 5-10 drops three times a day. Continue the procedure and use for three months. Treat cracks and irritation on the nipples cedar resin With butter.

For headaches, toothache and joint pain, cedar resin is used (there are no negative reviews). Judging by surveys of people, the product eliminates pain syndrome, weakness and adds strength.

Gynecological pathologies (adnexitis, cervical erosion, candidiasis)

IN complex therapy cotton swabs are used, generously moistened with a resin solution, which is sold in any pharmacy chain. Administer before bedtime throughout the night.

Cedar aromatherapy

It’s not difficult to create the atmosphere and aroma of cedar wood in a room. You can use a special aroma lamp or a fabric base soaked in turpentine liquid. Five drops are enough to disinfect the room and freshen the air. The third option: drop the solution onto a pillowcase, humidifier, or clothing.

By inhaling beneficial aromatic substances, you will quickly restore lost strength, strengthen your immune system and simply lift your spirits. In addition, aromatherapy helps cure colds. For people who have a tendency to frequent depression and loss of strength, cedar resin is recommended.

In the harsh climate of Siberia, mighty cedars have been growing for hundreds of years with excellent wood for furniture and construction, very healthy and tasty nuts, as well as tree resin, popularly called resin. So, resin is a resin that got its name due to its beneficial properties, due to the fact that during photosynthesis cedar produces negatively ionized oxygen.

Due to the fact that Siberians widely use the benefits available to them, which also includes resin, whose medicinal properties have been known from time immemorial, they are an example for other peoples when it comes to a strong and healthy person.


Coniferous resin became famous and widely used during the Second World War. At that time, the fronts faced the problem of disinfecting wounds received in battles. The deficiency of antibiotics was successfully compensated when oleoresin was used. Its use contributed to disinfection, as well as the rapid healing of wounds. In addition, this resin was a stimulant for the body, successfully maintaining its strength.

In Siberian settlements, cakes made from resin are still in use today. Chewing them regularly eliminates various diseases oral cavity: disinfects, strengthens gums, prevents tooth decay, etc.

At a time when medicine was in its infancy and was inaccessible to the simple Siberian peasant, he actively used various folk remedies. Thus, the common man was saved from inevitable blindness by resin. Its use saved me from eye diseases better than any medicine. And even though in those days the ones used today had not yet been scientifically formed medical concepts, such as ulcers, cancer - it was the resin of pine needles that served to treat and prevent their occurrence.

Biochemical composition

The best confirmation that cedar resin is a substance with medicinal properties is considered to be the fact that scientists and medical professionals have shown interest in it. They produced it biochemical analysis and revealed the presence of various useful components. It is necessary to briefly mention the most important of them: neutral substances - sesquiterpenes and diterpenes, monoterpenes - this is the basis for the production of turpentine, organic acids; colored alcohols and resinols, ethers complex substances, fatty acid(stearic, lauric, etc.) and

It should be noted that the preventive and medicinal properties of oleoresin are explained by the presence of neutral substances in it, whose share is about 20 percent.

Energy wave

In addition to its chemical composition, people also attribute more interesting properties to cedar medicinal qualities. It is believed that what the plant generously shares with people emits special energy vibrations, whose waves correspond to energy waves absolutely healthy person. And that thanks to this phenomenon, oleoresin (reviews about it can be read in the article below), entering the body, immediately begins to tune its cells to a positive wave, cleanses it of diseases and harmful substances, and also accelerates regeneration.

Resin is a cedar resin, the bioenergy of which allows it to be used as an effective pharmacological agent, as well as in cosmetology. In addition, there is an opinion that its bioenergy gives confidence in one’s capabilities, calms the nerves, helps make the right decisions, and evens out the mood. In other words, she is a healer of both body and soul. Although these are precisely the things that are quite difficult to verify scientifically.

Use of resin

Resin is a substance that is rarely used in its pure form. It is mainly used in the manufacture of oils, balms, etc. She reveals herself best in balms. They are healthy and completely safe for consumption.

Professional doctors believe that it is necessary to start taking such balms with 5 drops, gradually increasing the dose to a tablespoon. It is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast. The exact dosage will be prescribed by the attending physician, who will focus on the disease, as well as its stage.

When using oil based on cedar resin, you can strengthen the body and also get relaxation during a massage (general or therapeutic).

People who have undergone treatment with this remedy say that it helped them get rid of various types of dermatological problems. For example, after using ointments with resin, cuts and wounds heal almost immediately, including those that were severely festered before using the ointment; in addition, psoriasis almost completely disappeared.

Resin has also found use among women. Girls, with their constant craving for beauty, using a cream with resin, will receive perfectly moisturized skin that can gain a second youth, get rid of cracking and dryness, as well as wrinkles.

Drops containing oleoresin, whose medicinal properties will allow you to disinfect and clear the nasopharynx in the most effective way, will help you get rid of sinusitis, constant runny nose or colds, as well as strengthen your immune system.

Angina arrhythmias

Resin has also found application in the treatment of these diseases. At the very beginning of an attack, you need to rub 10 drops of a 5% solution into the chest (between midline and left nipple). Moreover, to prevent such conditions, it is possible to combine external daily rubbing for a month with internal use (5 drops once a day).

Pressure pathologies

For hypertension or hypotension, the following folk remedies will help. Treatment begins with taking 3 drops of a 10% solution orally once a day, gradually increasing the dose to 3 times. The course of treatment is 1 month.

For vascular endarteritis and neurocirculatory dystonia

In this case, take 5 drops of the product orally three times a day, and in the evening also lubricate the affected limbs. Treatment should be carried out for three months. You can also do this to enhance the effect.

Enterocolitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis

Resin, the price of which is quite affordable (about 360 rubles per 100 ml bottle), is also used to treat these diseases. A 15% solution is taken. It is necessary to apply five drops orally in the first week of treatment in the morning before meals, then (if the discomfort) the dose is increased to ten drops (taken at 8, 12 and 18 o'clock), while the duration of treatment is one month. This treatment also restores the intestinal microflora.


A 25 percent solution is used. You need to rub your legs, chest, back, and nose. It is necessary to do this 4 times a day for prevention during epidemics, and also instill 3 drops of a 5% solution into the nose twice a day.


Moisten a tampon with the same solution, then insert it into the anus. If external nodes appear, they need to be massaged with resin. In addition, enemas with it have a positive effect.


Drop the same solution onto the tonsils or lubricate them. This must be repeated every 6 hours, and when the first signs of this pathology occur, the drug must be rubbed on the outside of the tonsils, and a compress must be applied for 20 minutes.

External use

A 100% solution is used when inflammation of the mammary gland occurs. In this case, the product is rubbed directly into the site of the disease, in addition, compresses with a 5 percent solution are used, and along with it this solution is taken orally three times a day, 5 drops. This treatment lasts two months.

The following baths help with prostatitis: a tablespoon of a 50 percent solution in a glass of water, it should be taken for 15 minutes every day, the course of treatment is 12 baths. In addition, it is necessary to rub this product into the perineal area for three months. In addition, enemas with a 5 percent solution will help.

For neuritis, it is necessary to rub a 25% solution four times a day along the nerve. If it is located deep in the tissues, you need to apply a compress for twenty minutes. The course of such treatment can range from a week to 3 months.

Also, a 25% solution is used for joint inflammation. It is rubbed three times a day into the joint area, the duration of treatment depends on the patient’s condition.

For osteochondrosis, massage is done with a solution. The general course is 10-15 sessions, in addition, it is very useful for myositis and plexitis.

Skin pathology

It should be noted that for streptoderma and dry eczema, a special ointment is prepared. Resin and medical grease are its main components. The affected areas are lubricated twice a day, while the resin is taken orally, 5 drops three times a day. The general therapeutic course is 20 days.

The affected areas are lubricated twice a day with a 15 percent solution. If there is no effect, you can add five drops orally twice a day.

For trophic ulcers, cotton wool, previously soaked in a solution of resin, is applied to the lesions.

For herpes, at the first symptoms, cotton wool moistened with a 50% solution is applied for half an hour. Repeat after a few hours - up to 5 times a day.

For burns and frostbite, apply a bandage moistened with a 5% solution.


The properties of resin help a person cure various diseases. But it also has contraindications. One of them is individual intolerance. Cedar resin should be stored in a dark and cool place, the period of use is one year.

This remedy should only be used as an adjunct to treatment prescribed by a physician.

Zhivitsa: reviews

Reading reviews of people who have used preparations with cedar resin, we can conclude that it helps many with various skin diseases, pressure pathology and neuritis. Reading dissatisfied reviews, you can find out that it is not so easy to buy. In addition, there are people with individual intolerance to the drug.

" If you came to this page from a search, then you are probably interested in the following question: how to take resin? We will examine this question in this article.

Regardless of what kind of resin you use (cedar, pine, fir or spruce), there are two types of its use:

  1. external
  2. internally

Application of resin in the form of turpentine balsam

By itself, in its pure form, oleoresin is used very rarely. Most often, the so-called turpentine balm (a mixture of resin and cedar or linseed oil different concentrations).

Each disease requires its own concentration. So for oral administration you need 5 or 10% turpentine balm, but not higher. For external use, a balm with a concentration of 15%, 25%, or even 50% is suitable.

How to take honey with the addition of oleoresin

Honey with resin is not only very healthy, but also extremely tasty. Therefore, getting children, for example, to take such a medicine will not be difficult. They will do it with pleasure!

For medicinal purposes, honey with resin is used both externally and internally. The norm for an adult is 2 tablespoons per day (before breakfast and before dinner). This is quite enough.

True, even such a harmless and sweet medicine has limitations. It is not recommended to take honey with the addition of resin for more than 1 month. A break is definitely needed. You can read more about the treatment and use of such honey.

How to use gum ointment

Gum ointment is used mainly as an external remedy, but there are also recipes where it is taken orally. As a rule, it is bought in so-called health stores or made independently.

The peculiarity of its use is that it should be used exclusively warm (therefore it should not be stored in the refrigerator).

Another important nuance. Gum ointment is not used when the patient has a fever. Read more about how to use gum ointment for medicinal purposes, where to buy it and how to make it yourself.

How to take oleoresin in its pure form

As already mentioned, oleoresin is used quite rarely in its pure form, but this also happens. One such example is the use of pure oleoresin for stomach cancer.

Such patients are recommended to chew a piece of resin, about the size of a pea, 3 times a day. Chew it for 20 minutes, then spit it out. It seems that such a simple procedure has a very positive effect on the condition of a stomach cancer patient.

For gastritis, it is also useful to dissolve a piece of resin. According to patients, this gradually reduces pain.

For furunculosis, a piece of resin is applied to the boils and covered with a band-aid, left overnight. In just 3 days, the boils simply dissolve.

That's all. Now you know how to take resin. But knowledge alone cannot cure you of diseases. Apply them in practice and you will be able to see for yourself how great healing power lies in a small piece of resin, carefully preserved and given to us by nature.

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Resin is an aromatic, sticky, resinous substance released when the bark of coniferous trees (pine, spruce, fir, cedar, larch) is damaged. Hardening on the surface of the bark, the resin creates a reliable protective barrier that protects the wounded tree from penetrating into it pathogenic microorganisms or bark beetles pests.

Resins of all coniferous species have a pronounced antibacterial, antiseptic, analgesic, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, vascular strengthening, antiallergic, antifungal, antiviral, and immunomodulatory effect.

In ancient times, people noticed that just as a person’s blood runs, so does the sap run by the trees. That's why they called resin - resin. Alive, Zhivaga is the goddess of life among the ancient Slavs. Resin is the life sap of a tree. They took it in late spring and at the dawn of summer, when the awakened earth joyfully opened flowers and the grass sprang wildly in the meadows. They looked for healthy, thick trees, strong and proud, stretching their green palms high into the sky. They took the voluntarily donated blood of the tree, without an incision, as is now practiced, thanked the tree for the life given to them, for healing and help, believing that it would not leave Zhiva-Zhivag with its mercy, would breathe life into the body of the dead, and raise it from the bed.

And it couldn’t be otherwise - oleoresin cures 99 ailments, and even drives away the hundredth. People believed that tree blood not only drives away illnesses, but also restores a person’s vitality by transferring part of their soul.

Centuries passed and people forgot the mercy of their land... considers modern science wood blood is used only as a raw material for the production of turpentine and rosin, forgetting the old recipes and compositions, forgetting the experience of doctors and healers of the ancients. There are almost no serious studies studying healing properties resin, no, despite the fact that many modern doctors They use it in the composition of ointments and other medicinal potions.

Physical characteristics and chemical composition resin

Resin, a colorless viscous resinous substance with a characteristic pine odor; waste product of trees, mainly conifers (in the USSR - pine, spruce, cedar, larch, fir). Contained in resin passages that penetrate all parts of the tree, and is released when it is damaged. Hardening on the surface of the damaged area, the resin protects the tree (“heals the wound,” hence the name) from the penetration of pathogenic fungi, bark beetles and others.

The composition of resin includes: 40-65% diterpene, or resin, acids general formula C19H29COOH (levopimaric, pimaric, palustral, abietinic, dehydroabistinic, etc.), 20-35% of monoterpene hydrocarbons of the general formula C10H16 (volatile part of oleoresin - α- and β-pinenes, carene, camphene, β-phellandrene, limonene, etc.) , 5-20% sesqui- and diterpene hydrocarbons and their derivatives (so-called neutral substances). The qualitative composition of resin acids and monoterpenes for the resin of coniferous trees growing in the USSR is basically the same (cedar resin also contains lambertian acid), their quantitative composition is different and depends on the species and type of tree, its area of ​​distribution, etc. fir resin contains, in addition, triterpene acids.

Resins differ significantly from one another in the content and composition of neutral substances (in % by weight): in the resin of Scots pine (Pinus silvestris) - 3-4 (pimaradiene, pimarinol, abietinol, abietinal, methyldehydroabietate, etc.), in the resin of Siberian cedar (Pinus sibirica) - 7-10 (cembrene, isocembrine, isosembrene, etc.), in larch oleoresin (Larix sibirica, Larix daurica) -18-20 (larixol, larixacetate, epimanool, epitorulozole, aldehydes, etc.), in oleoresin spruce (Picea obovata, etc.) - 10-12 (neoabienol, epimanoyloxide, etc.), in fir resin (Abies sibirica) - 8-12 (manoyloxide, abienol, neoabienol, etc.).

The composition of the resin includes:
volatile substances (32-35%) – monoterpenes (a- and b-pinenes, b-phellandrene, camphene, carene, limonene, etc.);
diterpenes, sesquiterpenes and their derivatives (8-10%);
resin acids (77–77.5%) - abietic, lambertian, dextropimaric, dehydroabistic, levopimaric, pimaric, palustraic, sapinic, etc.
higher fatty acids (0.3%) including: lauric, palmitic, palmitooleic, oleic, stearic, etc.
resinols and resinotannols (resin alcohols), rubbers (resin esters), vitamins C and D, succinic acid.

Medicinal properties of resin

The composition of wood blood is similar; all oleoresins are characterized by a strongly pronounced healing, antiseptic, and analgesic effect. However, there are also differences:

Siberian cedar resin is an excellent remedy for stimulating and restoring metabolic processes and blood circulation in the brain, improves integral brain activity, especially in atherosclerosis, injuries and other diseases with obvious impairment cerebral circulation(impaired memory, attention, speech, dizziness). Can be used when depressive states, in gerontological practice, senile dementia, including Alzheimer's disease. Normalizes cardiac activity, including during myocardial infarction. It is advisable to use it for brain hypoxia caused by acute viral and mycoplasma infections, for example, a virus tick-borne encephalitis. There is data on preventive action at tumor diseases: increases the sensitivity of tumors to radiation and chemotherapy.

During the Great Patriotic War, at acute shortage medicines, oleoresin brought invaluable help to military surgeons; deep bullet wounds were treated with it in Siberian hospitals. The most severe and chronic tissue damage, including gangrene, was treated with resin. In case of fractures, resin was smeared on the site of injury - and the bone healed faster.

Resin has shown itself to be excellent in the treatment of diseases gastrointestinal tract. Resin resin is consumed in small doses orally - when peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, hemorrhoids, heartburn. Resin improves intestinal microflora and helps cope with dysbacteriosis. Resin is useful for pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, catarrh, colitis, gastritis, hepatitis, cholecystitis and enterocolitis. Resin is used as an epithalizing agent for various ulcerative and erosive processes, for rubbing against rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, colds respiratory organs.

Resin is an excellent remedy for stimulating and restoring metabolic processes and blood circulation in the brain. It improves the integral activity of the brain, especially in atherosclerosis, trauma and other diseases with obvious impairment of cerebral circulation (impaired memory, attention, speech, dizziness).
There is evidence of the preventive effect of oleoresin in tumor diseases: it increases the sensitivity of tumors to radiation and chemotherapy.

Non-strict recipes and simple technology of preparation at home - seasonings, drinks, tinctures, kvass, teas, decoctions, extracts - encourage patients to treat with resinous substances. AND accessible form procedures - baths, lotions, massage, rubbing, instillation, inhalation.

Recipes for using resin

For outdoor and internal use ointment-balm is made. It contains: resin, propolis, beeswax, dried plantain leaf powder, meadowsweet, flaxseed and St. John's wort oil.

For bruises, diseases of the joints, spine, incipient boils, light burns, cracks on the fingers, herpes on the lips, rub the ointment into sore spot within 3–5 minutes. You can do it up to 3 times a day.

For a runny nose, lubricate the wings of the nose, the area maxillary sinuses, bridge of the nose and forehead. When coughing, apply mustard plasters and then lubricate the reddened skin with ointment. You can use ointment instead of massage cream to prevent frostbite.

For bronchitis, asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis, and stomach ulcers, a pea-sized dose of ointment should be added to slightly hot milk or tea. You can add it to a warm decoction of cetraria. Drink 3-4 times a day, 150 g, 15 minutes before meals, preferably with honey. The course of treatment is from 10 days to 6 months.

Tincture of oleoresin for sexual weakness

For sexual weakness, pour 1 teaspoon of pure resin into 500 g of vodka and place in a dark place for 7 days. Take 15 grams twice daily before meals. Or 30 grams before bed. The course of treatment is 2 months with a break of 10 days between them.

Gum oil for stomach ulcers and cataracts

To do this, you need to collect May resin (resin). Dissolve it in vegetable oil (preferably linseed) in a ratio of 1: 4. Then strain through 4 layers of gauze, let it sit for a day, carefully pour it into a dark bottle using a clean syringe and store in the refrigerator.

This oil is used internally - in the treatment of stomach ulcers (1|2 teaspoon, 3 times a day), externally - for joint diseases (instead of massage cream) and for cataracts. To do this, drop 1 drop of oil into the eye at night. There will be a slight burning sensation, but it will go away quickly. Course - 2 months.

Methods for obtaining resin

Resin is obtained by regularly making cuts on the tree trunk during the growing season (tapping) and collecting it in special containers. The yield of resin depends mainly on the type of tree and climatic conditions. In the USSR, mainly Scots pine is subjected to tapping, and the yield of resin is on average 1.0-1.1 kg/year. The yield of resin from trees of other coniferous species is significantly lower: cedar 0.6-0.8 kg, larch and spruce 0.3-0.5 kg.

When extracted, oleoresin quickly thickens in air, changes color to light or dark brown, becomes waterlogged, and becomes clogged. Commercial resin is characterized by the content of volatile terpenes (10-20% by weight), H2O (2-10%) and mechanical impurities (1-5%). Resin is soluble in diethyl ether, in abs. ethanol, acetone, worse - in gasoline, does not dissolve in water.

Scots pine resin is the main raw material for the production of rosin and turpentine. Processing of pine resin consists of removing water, removing debris, distilling off volatile monoterpene hydrocarbons with steam (this produces turpentine) with the simultaneous fusion of solid resin acids (receives rosin). Resin from larch, cedar, spruce, fir is a raw material for the production of α- and β-pinenes, balms (including medicinal), immersion oil, so-called neutral larch resin, glue-paste for sizing paper, repellents and others.

Processing of larch resin includes: purification, steam distillation of volatile terpene hydrocarbons with subsequent rectification, saponification of the non-volatile part with alkali, extraction of neutral substances with gasoline, boiling of the extract to obtain neutral larch resin (first obtained in the USSR), boiling of resin acid salts to obtain adhesive paste . Processing of cedar and fir resin consists of cleaning, thorough filtering and subsequent partial distillation of volatile monoterpene hydrocarbons to obtain fir and cedar balsams. The global volume of oleoresin harvesting is more than 700 thousand tons/year (1987). (1)

Dosages and methods of using resin

Since oleoresin is potent natural remedy, then the concentration for care products should be no more than 3-5%, for medicinal drugs for external use - no more than 50%, for internal use - no more than 5% of the share in the solution.
