How much motilium tablets to give to the child. Motilium for children (suspension): instructions for use and what it is for, dosage, price, reviews, analogues. In case of an overdose, you should rinse the child's stomach, give activated charcoal and call an ambulance

Very often, children of different ages, starting from the neonatal period, have troubles associated with impaired motility of the stomach and intestinal tract. In the presence of a large number medicines offered by pharmacists, not many of them are approved for use by tiny infants and early childhood... Motilium is presented in three dosage forms taking into account the age of the patients. In addition to eliminating dyspeptic manifestations, it has the ability to relieve nausea and vomiting, which can disturb children with medicinal and food poisoning, motion sickness, intoxication with viruses during respiratory diseases and rotavirus infections.

The effect of the drug and release form

The drug Motilium with the active substance domperidone is classified as an antiemetic. central action intended for oral administration. The medicine is designed to relieve the symptoms of dysfunction of the upper intestines and stomach. After swallowing by the patient the right dose domperidone raises the pressure in the lower part of the esophagus, activates the motility of the duodenum and small intestine and stimulates the release of digested food from the stomach. The substance does not affect the degree of excretion gastric juice and its acidity.

Three forms of release of the drug Motilium are used in children of different ages

In pediatrics use different shapes Motilium.

  1. Motilium coated tablets. Assign to adolescents over 12 years of age with a body weight of at least 35 kg. One film-coated tablet contains 10 mg of domperidone. The package contains 10 or 30 tablets.
  2. Fast dissolving tablets, mint flavor. Suitable for toddlers 5-7 years old. Prescribed to children over 5 years old and weighing at least 35 kg. The package contains 10 or 30 tablets.
  3. Suspension - sweet liquid white in a bottle of 100 ml. A special syringe-dispenser is attached to it. Approved for use by healthy full-term babies from 1 month of age. The dosage is calculated in mg of domperidone per kilogram of the baby's weight.

Motilium preparations are allowed to be prescribed to children only taking into account the age and weight in each specific case.

Indications for use in children of different ages

It is forbidden to use Motilium on your own without consulting a specialist, because parents cannot fully appreciate the seriousness of the child's condition.


For the smallest patients (newborns, infants), a pediatrician can prescribe this medication in a number of situations:

  • regurgitation of milk or belching with air;
  • infant colic;
  • vomiting during motion sickness in transport (with a subsequent visit to the pediatrician and neurologist to establish the exact cause);
  • diarrhea or constipation.

With persistent vomiting or diarrhea, there is a great danger of dehydration, which is extremely dangerous for the baby. Call a doctor urgently!

In the treatment of colic, Motilium begins as an auxiliary symptomatic agent

Children over one year old

Motilium is indicated for the following symptoms:

  • bloating;
  • a feeling of fullness in the stomach;
  • fast satiety with food intake, followed by heaviness;
  • pain, spasms in upper section abdomen;
  • slow emptying of the stomach, sluggish bowel function;
  • belching food or air;
  • flatulence;
  • throwing half-digested food or hydrochloric acid from the stomach into the esophagus tube or into the oral cavity;
  • inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane of the esophageal tube;
  • heartburn in the epigastric region, burning behind the sternum in the lower esophagus;
  • nausea, vomiting after large amounts of food eaten, in case of violation of the diet;
  • nausea, vomiting as a result of poisoning with low-quality products;
  • problems in the biliary tract,
  • motion sickness in transport;
  • vomiting during rotavirus infections;
  • vomiting caused by medication.

Contraindications and side effects

Motilium has a fairly wide range of contraindications:

  • a tumor in the pituitary gland that produces prolactin;
  • simultaneous use with Motilium of tablet forms of fluconazole, ketoconazole, voriconazole, erythromycin, amiodarone, clarithromycin, telithromycin;
  • suspicion of internal bleeding in the stomach and intestines;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • perforation of an ulcer of the intestine or stomach;
  • serious liver disease;
  • special sensitivity to sorbitol (contained in Motilium Suspension);
  • intolerance to domperidone, another component.

The medicine is contraindicated in any cases when it is forbidden to stimulate intestinal motility. Also, the use of Motilium should be especially careful in case of impaired renal function, problems with the rhythm of the heartbeat and with heart failure.

According to the results of medical research, with the use of Motilium, very rare negative effects- not more often than in 1% of small patients. It:

  • headaches, weakness, tearfulness, anxiety, drowsiness, leg cramps;
  • conjunctivitis (swelling of the eyelids, pain and itching, redness of the eyelids and mucous membranes);
  • dry mouth, heartburn, decreased appetite,
  • diarrhea, intense thirst, symptoms of stomatitis, constipation, urinary retention;
  • swelling of the mammary glands in girls over 10 years old,
  • stomach and intestinal cramps,
  • allergic reactions(extremely rare): skin rashes, itching, swelling of the face, hands, feet, urticaria.
  • extremely rare - anaphylactic shock.

Sometimes Motilium gives undesirable negative manifestations of a neurological nature, and with the greatest probability in babies under 3 years old. Given these data, it is necessary to strictly calculate the dose of Motilium for newborns, infants and toddlers 3-5 years old.

Mental disorders in children are also provoked by an overdose of the drug, but when contacting a doctor, it is imperative to exclude more serious reasons similar neurological symptoms.

They are extremely rare (mainly in babies up to a year):

  • strong excitement with whims, crying, fear;
  • increased nervousness, tics, trembling fingers, erratic movements of arms and legs, convulsions.

Dosage calculation

The maximum dose of domperidone per day when using tablets of any kind is 2.4 mg per 1 kg of the child's weight, but not more than 8 tablets (or 80 mg). When taking a suspension - 80 ml (80 mg). To accurately determine the dose - use the weight scale "0–20 kg", printed on the syringe-dispenser.

Table: approximate dosages for the doctor's calculation of the treatment regimen

Release form

Children under 5 years of age weighing less than 35 kg

Children from 5 to 12 years old and weighing more than 35 kg

Children over 12 years old and weighing over 35 kg

Coated tablets

Not allowed until 35 kg and 5 years of age

0.25-0.5 mg per 1 kg of body weight, divided for 3-4 doses per day

1-2 tablets 10 mg up to 4 times


1 tablet 10 mg 3-4 times a day


The daily dose is calculated on the basis of 0.25-0.5 mg (or 0.25-0.5 ml of suspension) per 1 kg of body weight, and is divided into 3 to 4 doses

10-20 ml 3-4 times a day

How to use

  1. The tablets and suspension should be taken before meals, otherwise absorption active substance slows down.
  2. The duration of application of Motilium (without interruption and without a doctor's prescription) cannot last more than 28 days.
  3. The frequency of taking the medicine is reduced to 1-2 times a day if the child suffers from kidney or liver disease. Due to illness, dose reduction is often required.
  4. The quick-dissolving tablet is placed on the child's tongue, where it melts in a few seconds. You do not need to drink it.
  5. An ordinary tablet (in a shell) is washed down with water in sufficient quantity.

How to use a measuring syringe

  1. Before using the drug, the suspension is stirred by gently shaking in the vial so that no foam forms.
  2. The suspension is in a bottle, protected from being opened by a child. To open it, you need to press on the top of the lid along with its counterclockwise rotation.
  3. Insert the dosing syringe into the bottle. Holding the lower ring of the syringe, the upper one is raised to the mark on the scale showing the baby's weight in kilograms. The dispenser filled with the suspension is removed from the vial. After emptying it is washed with water.

Motilium's analogs depending on the indications

The drug Motilium has analogues with the same active substance (domperidone) and indications for children, but, of course, they have their own contraindications and application features. Let's consider the most common analogs in the table.

Metoclopramide is used only as an antiemetic and for hiccups of unknown origin. Has serious contraindications.

If nausea and vomiting are caused by poisoning, the doctor may prescribe sorbent drugs, for example, Enterosgel, Polysorb, Laktofiltrum, Smectu. Smecta can also help a child well with diarrhea, intake, poisoning, heartburn, flatulence, bloating, heaviness in the stomach.

Smecta does not have an antiemetic effect, unlike Motilium.

Photo gallery: analogues of Motilium

Motilac is used in children over 5 years old. The action of Motinorm is similar to the action of Motilium. Metoclopramide injections are used to stop vomiting in children over 6 years old.
Smecta will not help a child from vomiting, but with flatulence or mild poisoning, it is used successfully

Motilium for children is a new generation drug based on domperidone, designed to improve intestinal motility. Motilium is indispensable for vomiting. The remedy saves newborn babies from active gas formation, colic and bloating.

The preparation contains:

  • Sorbitol;
  • Aspartame;
  • Sodium hydroxide;
  • Distilled water;
  • Methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • Gelatin;
  • Mint essence.

Indications for use

The instructions for use indicate that the drug is used in the following cases:

  • Frequent regurgitation in a child;
  • Vomiting resulting from functional disorders(motion sickness, dieting, overeating) or infection;
  • Vomiting in the background medical manipulations(chemotherapy, radiation therapy) or taking medications;
  • The onset of symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases, namely heartburn, bloating, vomiting, flatulence, regurgitation;
  • Vomiting in a child, which is cyclical.

The action of Motilium is to alleviate the symptoms of gastrointestinal dysfunction due to the following effects:

  • Increased pressure in the esophagus;
  • Stimulation of contractile movements of the stomach;
  • Acceleration of food transportation through the digestive tract.

In some cases, this problem is characteristic of healthy people, for example, after taking very fatty foods or eating disorders.

Instructions for use

Motilium in pill form is taken half an hour before meals. The tablet, coated with a special coating, must be swallowed whole, washed down with a large amount pure water, and the lozenge must be kept on the tongue until it is completely dissolved. The drug will begin to work approximately 30 minutes after ingestion.

Newborn children are given Motilium in the form of a suspension. Shake the bottle thoroughly before use. The suspension should be given to the child using a special measuring syringe, which is in the package. The vial must be turned upside down and the required amount of the substance must be pumped out with the plunger of the syringe. The syrup from the syringe can be placed in a spoon, or you can immediately give it to the child. After use, the syringe must be thoroughly rinsed.


  • The dose of Motilium suspension for babies under 12 years old is calculated from the proportion of 2.5 mg per 10 kg of body weight three times a day.
  • Children over 12 years old can take the medicine in the form of tablets, 1 piece three times a day.
  • An adult should take 1 capsule 3 times a day.
  • In cases acute disorders work of the gastrointestinal tract, you can take 2 capsules 3-4 times a day.

The course of drug treatment is 3-4 days. When chronic diseases the doctor can extend the course. The maximum period for taking the medicine is 28 days.


In some cases, it is strictly forbidden to use Motilium:

  • Prolakinoma;
  • Perforation;
  • Liver failure;
  • Bleeding in the abdominal cavity.

There are situations when the use of the drug is allowed with caution:

  • Violations heart rate as well as the conduction of the heart;
  • Increased QT interval;
  • Kidney dysfunction;
  • Heart failure;
  • Electrolyte imbalance.

Pregnancy and lactation

In the course of studies of the action of the drug, information about its effect on the organisms of a pregnant woman and a pregnant fetus could not be obtained. The complete safety of the medicine cannot be guaranteed. Pregnant women are prescribed Motilium only when urgent need... Its use is especially avoided in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. During lactation, doctors also recommend refraining from using Motilium, because the consequences of the presence of its components in breast milk have not been studied either.

Side effects

  • Constipation;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Thirst;
  • Dry mouth;
  • Intestinal cramps;
  • Decreased appetite.

  • Fatigue;
  • Seizures;
  • Headache.

For the psyche:

  • Increased excitability;
  • Nervousness.

For the endocrine system:

  • Violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • Excessive production of the hormone prolactin;
  • Galactorrhea.

For skin:

  • Redness;
  • Rash;

Price and analogues

The drug is sold without a prescription and costs about 700 rubles. There are analogues that can replace the action of motilium. Their price depends on the manufacturer:

  • Monitol - 200 rubles;
  • Motilak - 170 rubles;
  • Motiject - 200 rubles;
  • Dormid - 108 rubles.

Analogs are somewhat cheaper, however, their effectiveness is lower than that of Motilium.

  • Also take note:

TO similar drugs can be attributed:

  • Sulpiride;
  • Riabal;
  • Damelium;
  • Raglan;
  • Sturgeon;
  • Monetorm.

Sometimes, to strengthen therapeutic effect, they are prescribed in conjunction with Motilium.

Instructions for the use of motilium suspension for children with vomiting must be in the package of such medicinal product and is subject to careful study by the parents of the sick child. This drug is prescribed by the attending physician after examining the baby and identifying symptoms of poisoning or other conditions, which are accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

From the very birth of babies, when taking any new food, there are disturbances in the work of the stomach and intestines due to unstable work digestive system... Recovery normal functions of these important organs in babies infancy and older there are many medicines, and one of them is motilium.

Characteristics of the medication

Motilium is an antiemetic drug with domperidone as its active ingredient. The medication is intended to eliminate symptoms and restore normal work stomach and upper intestines.

After taking the drug, it helps to increase the pressure in the lower part of the esophagus, increases the activity of the fine and duodenum and helps the stomach get rid of processed foods.

The active substance domperidone at its therapeutic action does not affect the amount and acidity of secreted gastric secretions.

Motilium in case of drug or food poisoning is irreplaceable means to relieve nausea and vomiting in children. Also, this drug helps with persistent motion sickness on the road, intoxications during viral, rotavirus and respiratory diseases.

Motilium, depending on the age of young patients, is available in different types and packages:

  • Suspension in the form of a sweet whitish syrup in a 100 ml bottle. Complete with syrup, the package contains instructions and a syringe dispenser. The drug is prescribed to full-term infants from one month to five years. Quantity active substance domperidone is calculated in mg per kilogram of the child's weight.
  • Mint-flavored tablets in instant form. The drug is prescribed for children up to school age from five to seven years, weighing up to 25-30 kg. Complete with 10 or 30 tablets in the package contains instructions for the use of the drug.
  • Tasteless tablets in a dense shell. Medicines are prescribed for school-age children over seven years old, weighing more than 35 kg. In a package with 10 or 30 tablets, instructions for correct use funds.

Motilium in one form or another is prescribed only after consultation with a pediatrician, taking into account the condition, age and weight of the child.

Indications for taking the drug

Motilium for nausea in a child can be prescribed to children of all ages, but in in different ways, with such symptoms:

  • airy belching and regurgitation of breast milk;
  • colic in infants;
  • vomiting with stable motion sickness on the road;
  • diarrhea or frequent constipation;
  • bloating in the abdomen;
  • a feeling of fullness in the stomach;
  • spasms accompanied by painful sensation, v upper area abdomen;
  • insufficient bowel function;
  • ascent of undigested food or gastric juice into the esophagus canal or even into the oral cavity;
  • inflammation of the walls of the esophagus;
  • burning, turning into heartburn, in the stomach and in the lower region of the esophagus;
  • overeating, accompanied by nausea and vomiting;
  • food poisoning with stale food;
  • inflammatory processes in the bile ducts;
  • drug poisoning;
  • nausea and vomiting with rotavirus disease.

Motilium in case of vomiting in a child should be taken only after the appointment of the attending physician in a dosage that was individually calculated by the doctor.


For all its advantages, motilium also has some contraindications:

  • Intolerance to the active substance domperidone or other constituent substance of the drug.
  • Hypersensitivity to sorbitol in suspension.
  • Severe liver disease.
  • Ulcerative diseases of the stomach or intestines.
  • Bowel obstruction.
  • Suspected bleeding in the stomach or intestines.
  • Tumor formations in the pituitary gland.
  • Forbidden simultaneous reception with amiodarone, voriconazole, clarithromycin, ketoconazole, telithromycin, fluconazole and erythromycin.

Side effects

The use of motilium can be accompanied by a number of side effects:

  • Spasmodic sensations in the stomach and intestines.
  • Allergy in the form of itching severe edema hands, feet and face, hives, rashes all over the skin;
  • Heartburn and dry throat, urinary retention.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Diarrhea or constipation;
  • Ulcers on the oral mucosa.
  • General conjunctivitis, which occurs in the form of redness and swelling of the eyelids, pain and itching.
  • General weakness and drowsiness.
  • Headaches, restlessness, and leg cramps.
  • Inflammation of the mammary gland in girls.

According to laboratory research, side effects from motilium appear in one baby in a hundred children. The use of motilak, as an analogue containing the same active substance domperidone, allows you to bypass some side effects.

Motilium is a centrally acting antiemetic that blocks dopamine receptors.

Release form and composition

  • Film-coated tablets: round, biconvex, from pure white to pale cream color, on one side the inscription "JANSSEN", on the other - "M / 10" (10 or 30 pcs. In a blister, in a cardboard box 1 blister );
  • Suspension for oral administration: uniform consistency, white (100 ml in dark glass vials, in a cardboard box 1 vial complete with a dosing syringe).

The active ingredient is dromperidone: in 1 tablet - 10 mg, in 1 ml of suspension - 1 mg.

Additional components of the tablets:

  • Excipients: hydrogenated cottonseed oil, pregelatinized starch, microcrystalline cellulose, polyvidone (K-90), corn starch, sodium lauryl sulfate, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate;
  • The composition of the film shell: sodium lauryl sulfate, hypromellose 2910 5 mPa × s, purified water.

Additional components of the suspension: liquid uncrystallized sorbitol 70%, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, polysorbate 20, sodium saccharinate, sodium hydroxide, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, microcrystalline cellulose and sodium carmellose, water.

Indications for use

Motilium is used for a complex of dyspeptic symptoms often associated with gastroesophageal reflux, esophagitis and delayed gastric emptying:

  • Early satiety, pain in the upper abdomen, a feeling of fullness in the epigastrium, a feeling of bloating;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Flatulence, belching;
  • Heartburn and belching, including those with gastric contents.

In addition, Motilium is used for nausea and vomiting caused by a violation of the diet or drug therapy as well as infectious, organic or functional origin.

A specific indication for the use of Motilium is nausea and vomiting due to the use of dopamine agonists (such as bromocriptine and levodopa) in Parkinson's disease.



  • Prolactinoma (prolactin-secreting pituitary tumor);
  • Medium and severe liver dysfunctions;
  • Conditions in which stimulation is contraindicated motor function stomach, for example, mechanical obstruction, perforation, gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • Concomitant use of oral forms of erythromycin, ketoconazole and other strong inhibitors of the CYP3A4 isoenzyme that cause prolongation of the QT interval, such as clarithromycin, voriconazole, amiodarone fluconazole, and telithromycin;
  • Lactose intolerance, galactosemia, glucose / galactose malabsorption - for tablets;
  • Body weight in children less than 35 kg - for tablets;
  • Hypersensitivity to Motilium components.

Relative (caution should be exercised due to the risk of complications):

  • Violation of conduction and heart rhythm, including prolongation of the QT interval;
  • Impaired renal function;
  • Congestive heart failure;
  • Electrolyte imbalance.

Method of administration and dosage

Motilium should be taken orally, preferably before meals. food slows down the absorption of domperidone.

Film-coated tablets

  • Adults and adolescents over 12 years old: 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day (no more than 8 tablets / day);
  • Children weighing more than 35 kg: 1 tablet 3-4 times a day. If the desired effect is absent, the dose is increased, but not more than up to 80 mg of domperidone per day.

Oral suspension

  • Adults, adolescents over 12 years old and children weighing more than 35 kg: 10-20 ml 3-4 times a day, but not more than 80 ml;
  • Infants and children under 12 years old: 0.25-0.5 ml for each kilogram of body weight 3-4 times a day. Maximum allowable daily dose 2.4 ml / kg, but not more than 80 mg. For convenience of dosing, a scale with marks of the child's weight is applied on the syringe - from 0 to 20 kg.

Immediately before taking, the bottle should be gently shaken, stirring well its contents.

Suspension application rules:

  • Pressing on the plastic cover from above, turn it counterclockwise and remove;
  • Place a syringe in the vial;
  • While holding the lower ring in place, raise the upper ring to the mark corresponding to the child's weight (in kilograms);
  • Holding the lower ring, remove the filled syringe from the vial;
  • Close the bottle;
  • After taking the drug, rinse the syringe with water.

Side effects

Basically Motilium is well tolerated. In rare cases, the following side effects occur:

  • Digestive system: gastrointestinal disorders, violation functional tests liver, transient intestinal spasms;
  • Nervous system: convulsions, headache, drowsiness, extrapyramidal phenomena (in children - rarely, in adults - in isolated cases; completely reversible, go away on their own after discontinuation of the drug);
  • Mind: nervousness, agitation;
  • Immune system: allergic and anaphylactic reactions;
  • Endocrine system: an increase in the level of prolactin in the blood plasma, in some cases contributing to the appearance of neuro-endocrine phenomena (amenorrhea, gynecomastia, galactorrhea);
  • Skin: itching, rash.

special instructions

Patients with renal failure do not need dose adjustment, however, with repeated use of Motilium, the frequency of administration should be reduced to 1-2 times a day. In some cases, a decrease in a single / daily dose is also shown. If necessary, long-term treatment you need to constantly monitor the patient's condition.

In rare cases, the drug can cause neurological side effects in children. For this reason, it is important to stick to the recommended dosage.

In the case of the simultaneous appointment of antisecretory or antacids they must be taken after meals.

Motilium does not render negative impact attention and speed of reactions.

Drug interactions

The bioavailability of Motilium, taken orally, decreases in the case of previous intake of sodium bicarbonate or cimetidine.

Antisecretory and antacid drugs should not be taken at the same time. medicines since they reduce the bioavailability of domperidone.

Anticholinergic drugs can neutralize the effect of Motilium.

Medicines that significantly inhibit the CYP3A4 isoenzyme can increase the concentration of domperidone in the blood plasma. These include azole antifungal drugs(ketoconazole *, itraconazole, voriconazole *, fluconazole *), macrolide antibiotics (eg erythromycin *, clarithromycin *), HIV protease inhibitors (eg indinavir, fosamprenavir, nelfinavir, atazanavir, ritonavir, vaquinamilonavir) , diltiazem), amiodarone *, nefazodone, aprepitant, telithromycin. Drugs marked with an asterisk (*) also lengthen the QTc interval.

Motilium has gastrokinetic properties, therefore it is assumed that it can influence the absorption of concomitantly used oral preparations, in particular, enteric coated and sustained-release agents. However, the intake of domperidone by patients during the period of use of digoxin or paracetamol did not affect the level of these drugs in the blood.

If necessary, Motilium can be used simultaneously with antipsychotic drugs(it does not enhance their action), as well as with dopamine receptor agonists (levodopa or bromocriptine) - domperidone suppresses their peripheral effects (nausea, vomiting, digestive disorders), but does not affect the central action.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store at a temperature of 15-30 ° C out of the reach of children.

The shelf life is 5 years.

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Motilium suspension for children belongs to antiemetics. The principle of action is based on the suppression of the brain center responsible for vomiting reflex blocking dopamine receptors.

Release form and composition

Suspension for oral administration. White color. The consistency is homogeneous. Active ingredient- domperidone.

Auxiliary components:

  • sorbitol liquid non-crystalline;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • sodium saccharinate;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • sodium carmellose;
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • polysorbate;
  • purified water.

Packaging: dark glass bottle, 100 ml.

pharmachologic effect

It has an antiemetic effect, stimulates the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines. Domperidone is a dopamine antagonist and does not have the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier like its analogs. Therefore, taking Motilium rarely leads to extrapyramidal side effects.

The antiemetic effect of Motilium is achieved through a combination peripheral action and suppression of dopamine receptors. At oral administration the drug makes the contractions of the stomach muscles longer, accelerating the emptying of the stomach. The secretory function of the stomach does not change under the influence of the drug.


The active substance of Motilium is rapidly absorbed and reaches its maximum presence in the blood plasma within an hour after taking the medicine. Reduced acidity stomach impairs absorption of the drug.

Domperidone does not accumulate in the body, is completely metabolized in the gastrointestinal tract and liver, and is excreted with waste products. At oral administration up to 31% of domperidone is excreted in the urine, up to 66% in the feces. An insignificant fraction of the substance is excreted from the body in its original form. Half-life in healthy person is about 8 hours.

The study of the distribution of the drug in experimental animals indicates a low penetration of domperidone into the brain. Data on the pharmacokinetics of the drug were obtained in a study of adult volunteers.


Motilium is used to normalize the functioning of the digestive system. Motilium medicine is prescribed to children with the following symptoms:

  • frequent and profuse regurgitation;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting of various nature, including cyclic vomiting;
  • heartburn;
  • gastrointestinal reflux;
  • difficulty in emptying the intestines;
  • a feeling of fullness in the epigastric region and fast saturation;
  • flatulence;
  • soreness and discomfort in the upper stomach;
  • other disorders of the functioning of the stomach.

Before use, you should carefully but thoroughly shake the contents of the vial. The bottle is childproof and can be opened by pushing on the cap while rotating it counterclockwise.

A measuring syringe is supplied with a 100 ml package, with which you can measure the required volume of the drug in accordance with the weight of the child. To do this, hold the lower ring, raising the upper one to a level corresponding to the patient's body weight. After use, the syringe must be thoroughly rinsed with water and returned to the case.

Motilium is recommended to be taken before meals in order to avoid slowing down the absorption of domperidone (active substance). For complaints about the gastrointestinal tract, Motilium is recommended to be taken 30 minutes before meals.

Dosage regimen

Children, including infants, are prescribed 0.25 ml of Motilium suspension for each kilogram of weight 3-4 times a day. If necessary, the amount of the drug per dose can be doubled (it is not recommended to increase the dosage for children under one year old). Usually a double dose is given to treat nausea and vomiting. Children from 12 years old are prescribed 10 - 20 ml of suspension 3 - 4 times a day. Daily dosage should not be more than 2.4 ml per kilogram of weight, in total - no more than 80 ml.
For convenience of dosage, you can use a special scale on the syringe enclosed in the package.

The frequency of admission is recommended to be reduced to 1 - 2 times a day in children with renal insufficiency. Single dose in the first course of treatment in this case does not change.
It is not recommended to take Motilium for longer than 28 days without a specialist appointment. In order to avoid undesirable consequences, it is better not to give Motilium to children under 12 years of age without consulting a doctor, and in case of prescription, do it accurately.

Side effects

Rarely occurring consequences of taking Motilium:

  • neurological side effects (including depression, anxiety, nervousness, seizures);
  • drowsiness and lethargy;
  • headache;
  • violations normal functioning gastrointestinal tract(including diarrhea and intestinal cramps);
  • dry mouth;
  • minor disruptions in the work of the endocrine system.

Allergic reactions to Motilium in the form of rash and urticaria are extremely rare. There are isolated reports of cases anaphylactic shock. Neurological consequences taking the drug more often occurs in children under one year old, since the children's blood-brain barrier is still underdeveloped. But the side effects in most cases completely disappear after the end of treatment. Contraindications:

  • serious violations of the liver;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • obstruction or perforation of the stomach;
  • prolactinoma (pituitary tumor);
  • intolerance to sorbitol;
  • parallel ingestion of CYP3A4 isoenzyme inhibitors, which increase the QT interval;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of Motilium.

The drug can be used with extreme caution when liver failure, congestive heart failure, disturbances in the rhythm and conduction of the heart and shifts in electrolyte balance.


Signs of drug overdose: increased sleepiness, disorientation in space and the consequences of a neurological nature. In case of overdose, it is shown to take Activated carbon, in case of a severe overdose, the doctor may recommend a gastric lavage or prescribe anticholinergic and antihistamines.

Storage conditions

Motilium is stored in a place inaccessible to children, away from sources of light, cold and heat. Storage temperature range 15 - 30 ° C. The shelf life of the suspension, if the conditions are met, is 5 years. The recommended period of use is 3 years. To decide whether it is worth giving to the child and how to take Motilium, you need to seek the advice of a specialist.

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