There is fluid behind the eardrum, what to do. Causes of fluid in the ear. Complication after an acute respiratory infection

Adenoids and fluid in the ears do not cause much concern at first, but after a while, if the “breeding ground” of infection is not eliminated, it can cause significant damage. The substance itself accumulates in the Eustachian tubes, as a result of which the microbial environment grows in scale and reaches the adenoids.

Sometimes the water is removed on its own, as if it “resolves.” But there are difficult cases when surgical intervention may be required. If you take appropriate measures in time, there is a chance to avoid radical treatment.

Adenoids in a child

Adenoids are the left and right tonsils. They are also called tonsils. They form a lymphatic ring that provides protection against bacteria. Adenoids are the first and most persistent “warrior”. This is where the main “attack” of microbes occurs. If the infection has penetrated further, then this already indicates strong influence viruses on the body.

Most adenoid problems occur when the body's resistance is reduced. This is affected by the appearance of fluid that accumulates in the ear and promotes the growth of bacteria. As a result, an unfavorable environment “grows” in the ear and throat area, which constantly “sharpenes” strength immune system. This is why inflammatory diseases, often developing into a chronic form.

A neglected runny nose, an untreated chronic cough, damaged and weakened tonsils - all this contributes to the multiplication of viruses and the spread of mucus throughout the nasopharynx and ear canals. Next, the separated liquid accumulates, forming a pathogenic environment. Once in the ear compartments, it stagnates. In this regard, it is extremely important to treat all diseases in a timely manner. respiratory tract and ears.

Regular monitoring of the condition of the adenoids, respiratory tract and nasopharynx leads to timely action. Thanks to the above, the likelihood of harmful fluid occurring in the ear space is reduced.


Feeling of "gurgling" in the ears.

Fluid in the ear in most cases is a precursor to otitis media. Only a doctor can determine its location at the location with unconditional confidence. But there are a number of signs that confirm its presence in the ear canal by more than sixty percent.

Attention: self-study symptoms are not a reason to postpone a visit to a specialist! And especially do not experiment with self-medication. Ignoring these factors is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

The presence of water in the ear canal is confirmed by the following symptoms:

  • a feeling that water is gurgling in the ear canal;
  • congestion (then “blocks”, then again excellent audibility);
  • hearing loss;
  • leakage of water or viscous liquid from auricle;
  • leakage of fluid and pus.

All of these manifestations indicate that something is wrong with the ear. Except, of course, when water gets in by accident after swimming.

The main and most common symptoms are a stuffy ear, a feeling that there is something interfering inside, as well as gurgling sounds.

If you find at least one of the listed options, then it is highly likely that there is a foreign liquid inside.

Each case is considered individually and the nature of the manifestations looks unique, but in general the overall picture encourages you to seek help from a professional, because any delay can lead to the growth of the inflammatory process.


Otitis media.

Among the significant number of explanations for the occurrence of fluid in the ear, the most basic are:

  • head injuries;
  • acute inflammation of the adenoids;
  • all types of rhinitis and sinusitis;
  • inflammatory process spinal cord with discharge of pus;
  • acute eye diseases;
  • impaired lung function;
  • neoplasms in the auricle;
  • dermatitis, including seborrheic;
  • stagnation of water in the ear canal;
  • otitis, especially purulent;
  • immune system disorders;
  • all kinds of allergies;
  • acute inflammation of the eardrum.

A special place is given to otitis media. A disease accompanied by purulent discharge is especially dangerous.

Out of control inflammation can very quickly spread to neighboring parts of the head, causing a severe attack on the immune system.

As a result of active struggle, fluid is separated, which “settles” in the ear canal.


Before carrying out treatment, the doctor carries out a number of examinations, including sending the patient for tests. IN in this case The composition of the fluid located in the ear is also studied, and the condition of the tonsils and nasopharynx is examined. All details are important and nothing should be overlooked.

If it turns out that two ears are bothering you at once, but only one is treated, then the whole process will need to be repeated again. In some cases, the doctor prescribes antibiotics.


Any medicinal product must be prescribed by a doctor.

If an inflammatory process is detected in the ear space, then the most effective remedies are prescribed.

But in any case, you should never self-medicate; this can lead to irreparable consequences. The dosage will be determined by the doctor individually.

Each medicine must be selected by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the general picture of the disease. Treatment should be carried out strictly according to the prescribed dose of the drug.

The specialist also prescribes a course of antibiotics. And then a re-examination is carried out and other additional procedures are prescribed, for example, warming up.


Only when certain conditions Physiotherapy is prescribed. The fact is that not all patients will benefit equally. Some this option is strictly contraindicated.


In some cases, when all of the above types of solutions to the problem did not have the desired effect, a specialist prescribes an additional examination, and then a decision is made to artificially “pump out” the fluid.

This can only be done with the help of a catheter that is inserted into the ear canal surgically. This device allows you to remove accumulated water from the ear canal. Then auxiliary element is deleted.

It is important to remember that surgery is the last and most radical option for the development of events. If possible, everything should be done to do without it. But if medicinal method does not lead to the desired result for a long time, then you should not delay the issue, any delay can only aggravate the disease.


Regular visits to the doctor will help avoid the development of various ENT diseases.

It is equally important to follow the preventive instructions of specialists. Important adherence to the following measures is recommended:

  • timely treatment of rhinitis, otitis and tonsillitis;
  • avoiding cold bodies of water, in particular swimming in them;
  • avoiding drafts and hypothermia;
  • Regular visits to the doctor for examination and testing if necessary.

Take care of your health today, tomorrow your body will thank you. It is always easier to prevent many diseases than to treat advanced variants and deal with the consequences.

Take care of your health from a young age

Adenoids, ears and nose are the three most important pillars of maintaining immunity. Maintaining them in their original condition helps create powerful protection health.

The fact is that everything in our body is interconnected. Inflammation, igniting in one part of the head, can penetrate into other parts of the nasopharynx. This process often happens so quickly that those who turn to the doctor late harm themselves, destroying their immunity, making the disease chronic.

It all starts with an ordinary noise in the ear or a sore throat, and gradually develops into acute illness, which in some cases can only be cured by surgery.

Be vigilant, seek advice on time, do not get hypothermic and carefully monitor the timely follow-up treatment of colds.

I’m not a fan of questioning doctor’s prescriptions, but I was puzzled by something here.

Two weeks ago, my 6-year-old son and I visited our ENT specialist with a complaint about a sharp decline hearing loss and persistent runny nose. It turned out to be bilateral otitis media with fluid in the ears. They prescribed an antibiotic, an antihistamine and nasal drops. We were treated for a week. My hearing returned and my runny nose almost went away. Yesterday we went to the doctor again to get it checked. It turned out that during this time everything remained unchanged - there was fluid, the adenoids were enlarged. They prescribed the same antibiotic again, but for two weeks, a stronger antihistamine and Pulmicort nasal drops. Moreover, over the last two days the child’s atopic dermatitis- The hands turned red and the skin on the knuckles cracked. I'm in slight shock - his blood pressure hasn't bothered him for 4 years. The doctor said that all this bullshit happened because of the adenoids.

Questions for the audience: if the antibiotic did nothing in two weeks, shouldn’t it have been necessary to prescribe another drug? or just need more time? and if this fluid does not resolve, then surgery, right? All these nasal drops with cortisone, aren’t they very harmful for a 6 year old child? Is it true that blood pressure is getting worse due to adenoids and what should I do now, switch to a diet and moisturizing emulsions? maybe go to another doctor for a second opinion? In short, who had this and what did you do? Thanks a lot


Hello! A child (boy, 2 years old) is referred for adenotomy and ear drainage. The inspection took place using a very thin rod which is inserted into oral cavity. The ears were examined with the same rod. We didn't look at the nose. The doctor said that the pharyngeal tonsil is very large, there is fluid behind the barium membrane, which probably reduces the child’s hearing. Surgery was prescribed (adenotomy + drainage). At the time of examination by an ENT specialist, the child had a residual runny nose, which began a week before the examination (without fever or any general changes state of health). We live in Norway, physiotherapy and conservative treatment not practiced here. I do not criticize the doctor's decision at all. The fact is that in the summer we will go to Russia and we will have the opportunity to see specialists there and, perhaps, begin conservative treatment. So the question is: Can we afford a 4 month wait? Of particular concern is fluid in the ear, which can lead to irreversible changes and hearing impairment. I would not like to do drainage, because... In the summer we plan to actively swim in “dirty ponds” :) and the shunt (according to information from the Internet) is in the ear from 8 to 18 months and during this period water getting into the ear is fraught. Child's condition: - child at night and during nap breathes ONLY through his nose. Breathing is even, snoring, rarely snoring loudly (changing body position helps stop snoring); - cessation of breathing (about 7-8 seconds) was observed several times when falling asleep. Those. I don’t see this regularly; - sleep is generally not disturbed; from the age of 2.5 he wakes up in the middle of the night very rarely; - during the day, I often noticed that she was breathing through her mouth, but not all the time (I don’t observe this moment well, so I can’t say what she breathes more often); - After the start of the visit, the doctor began to get sick on average once every month and a half with ARVI. Of these, 3 times - otitis media. (he has been going to daycare for 7 months); -A doctor’s examination revealed an enlarged adenoid and the presence of fluid in the ears.

The child is 3 years old, I began to notice that his hearing began to worsen, literally in a couple of weeks it worsened greatly. An ENT specialist looked and said there was fluid in the ears, the ears were clogged due to constant runny noses and nasal rinses, he said that tubes need to be inserted, and this is under general anesthesia, I really wouldn’t like to, but the child has really begun to hear very poorly, especially when talking to him. Is there a chance that it will go away on its own or is it impossible to do without these tubes? Maybe someone has encountered something similar, I would be glad for any opinions!

Exudative otitis seems to be operated on; tempanoplasty, it seems, in Filatovskaya, does not go away on its own, the hearing may completely disappear.

Yeah, it’s not very pleasant

We'll check your hearing to know exactly how much it has decreased, and then we'll decide what to do.

What about adenoids? Most often, they are the cause of exudative otitis media at this age, and with severe hearing loss, they are usually operated on first. And then, if necessary, bypass surgery is performed. Sometimes only adenotomy is enough to restore hearing.

Not because of the adenoids, we took a picture. The doctor said because of a runny nose, we can’t treat it at all, it’s already chronic, the sinuses are inflamed, and because of this there’s all the fluid in the ears.

What about endoscopy? It is more informative than x-rays. Bypass surgery is a serious matter, nevertheless, it would be necessary to be examined as much as possible beforehand.
If, however, it is confirmed that there are no adenoid growths, then in case of severe hearing loss it is really impossible to do without shunts. in parallel with treating the cause, of course.

We (nephew) have the same problem. I'll stand nearby. It also started at the age of 3, otitis media and hearing loss, the cause was found to be adenoids, they were removed - the hearing was restored. The next year, I again had a runny nose, exudative otitis media and hearing loss, and were treated with physiotherapy and laser - it seemed to help. Now the child is 5 years old after the New Year and was rushed to the hospital with purulent sinusitis and exudative otitis media. They were in the Dzerzhinsk hospital, and on Monday they were transferred to Rusakovka to A.V. Sokolova. We are already talking about bypass surgery. The adenoids have grown again. Hearing loss on left ear 70%, grade 3 acute sensorineural hearing loss. There is no longer any strength. Shunting is scary and the main thing is not clear whether only the middle ear is affected or whether it has gone further and the nerve is affected. We would like to consult somewhere else, maybe you can recommend a good, trusted ENT specialist?

Many ENT specialists consider the image to be uninformative; an endoscopy needs to be done. It’s strange that your ENT doctor didn’t do a rumor emission right away.

They didn’t do an endoscopy, the doctor thinks that it’s clear that because the sinuses are inflamed, the runny nose doesn’t go away, everything there is swollen, and it’s not cured.

What is hearing emission? The ENT specialist only looked at the microscope, immediately assumed offhand that the hearing was reduced by 40 decibels, on Monday we are going to do an audiogram and tympanometry.

So I’m afraid that while we’re trying to figure out why, treat, wait, the hearing will be lost irretrievably. And if you have to choose whether to cut the adenoids or put tubes in, I think it’s better to have tubes, the adenoids will still come in handy for him, especially if it’s not due to them. We are not in Russia, here they would rather insert tubes than remove the adenoids. The poor child doesn’t hear at all, he doesn’t even understand well when people talk to him, for example, a gesture I do it with my hand, but he “ah” asks, like, what did you say, and I just kept silent? The last hope is that if you cure the runny nose and sinuses, then everything will work out.

We also had aenoids + hearing loss (tubo-otitis), we had an operation at Filatov’s adenotomy + myringotomy, like they made an incision on the eardrum and “pumped out the fluid” without shunts, etc., after which the hearing was restored, now occasionally when the nose is stuffy and it’s hard to hear, we started again run through lore

My son had bypass surgery when he was 2 years old. ENT said that the liquid is already kind of hardening, only surgically. There was no talk about adenoids at all, and I didn’t even ask, there were no special problems with the nose, only decreased hearing. My hearing was completely restored. Then, in the spring of 4.5, we were treated for otitis media. Almost all summer at sea, everything is OK. In the fall (he is 5 years old), he began to have a constant runny nose and stuffy nose. ENT diagnoses exudative otitis media again. He says this is due to the fact that the adenoids are enlarged. and block the auditory tubes (inside the ear), so the water does not drain. He asks why the adenoids were not removed when the shunt was done (doctor - dr). She said to treat the adenoma, if it doesn’t help, then treat it, then the ears will be restored. I prescribed Khilovsk. hemeop. We’ll take it for 3 weeks, then we’ll go to GOA for 3 weeks. Back, ears - OK. Aden. reduce slightly and the fluid went away on its own and the hearing was restored. Now everyone has come down with the flu. The nose doesn't breathe at all. They stubbornly told me that the otitis exudate was caused by adenoids, and it is not clear why they simply shunted the ears, although this can only be done in our case. So think about it first, it’s still anesthesia, maybe it’s better to remove everything at once. Although I'm not sure. I don’t know who to believe or what to do anymore.

my son at the age of 2 had an adenotomy and tympanocentesis (fluid was sucked out without shunting), because they assured him that exudative otitis media with us only because of the adenoids. with the next runny nose, a tympanogram showed the presence of fluid again. so adenotomy does not always solve the problem 100%. So we live until the nose is stuffy and there is no runny nose, the fluid goes away and everything is OK, but as soon as you get sick, your hearing decreases and everything changes again.
when otitis occurs, then at the final stage of treatment we do electrophoresis with lidase and take courses of Nasonex. we drink homeopathy.
Last year we went to a new ENT specialist, she said that we urgently needed to make a puncture and suck out the fluid, I refused, after 3 weeks the same doctor confirmed that there was no fluid. after full recovery With proper therapy, it comes out on its own when the nasopharynx is normal.
They also say the building auditory tube It might be something special, they say we’ll outgrow it. We are waiting, we are already 4.4.)))

Thank you for writing, otherwise I’m really worried that I didn’t insist on removing the adenoids then, but everything is the same with us, but with adenoids, the nose is stuffy - fluid, summer, sea - everything is OK. And when it outgrows, they don’t say

Liquid for eardrum- extremely unpleasant symptom, causing a lot of discomfort. He can testify as to serious illnesses middle ear, and be associated with a variant of normal anatomical structure. In any case, if you suspect fluid accumulation in the ear, you should immediately consult a doctor to diagnose accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Fluid in the ear is more common in children than in adults. This is due to the structural features of their sound-receiving apparatus - short ear canal, a small ear, as well as a failure of the immune system, which leads to frequent inflammatory diseases.

The main reasons why fluid may appear in the ear behind the eardrum include:

  • Spicy otitis media.
  • Chronic purulent otitis media.
  • Eardrum injuries.
  • Ingress of a small amount of liquid from the outside (when washing your hair, bathing).
  • Otomycosis.
  • Mastoiditis.
  • Allergies.

Traumatic brain injuries, inflammatory processes in the membranes of the spinal cord, and pathologies of the eyes and respiratory system also lead to the accumulation of pathological fluid in the ears.

Depending on the cause and severity of the process, the symptoms of fluid accumulation in the ear cavity will differ. Correctly diagnose and select the appropriate effective therapy Only an otolaryngologist can do this after a thorough examination.

You cannot self-medicate and especially treat otitis in children at home, since many of the diseases that lead to the accumulation of fluid in the ear can lead to serious and even irreparable complications.


One of the main symptoms that allows you to suspect fluid accumulation in the middle ear is a peculiar squelching sound, which can intensify when pressing on the tragus area.

At the initial stages, any disease is not accompanied painful sensations. Pain can occur as inflammation progresses and exudative fluid accumulates in the tympanic cavity.

Other symptoms accompanying this condition include:

  1. Shooting, throbbing pain in the ear (with acute otitis media).
  2. Increased body temperature, intoxication (with purulent inflammation middle ear).
  3. Intense itching in the ear canal area, peeling of the skin (with otomycosis).
  4. Redness of the outer ear canal.
  5. Otorrhea is the discharge of serous, purulent or bloody fluid from the ear.
  6. Pain in the temporal region.
  7. Nasal congestion, sneezing, coughing are symptoms accompanying acute tubo-otitis that occurs against the background of an infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract.

Having discovered it in yourself or your child similar symptoms, you cannot ignore them and self-medicate. Only a doctor can choose effective drugs after examination and a series of diagnostic studies.

Methods for detecting pathology

Many people are concerned about the question “What to do if a child complains of ear pain?” First of all, you should not self-medicate, especially thermal procedures. Warming up the inflammatory focus can only aggravate the process and lead to dangerous complications.

If you experience pain, a feeling of ear congestion and other unpleasant symptoms, it is important to promptly consult an ENT specialist. Only a specialist can accurately diagnose and select medications for treatment.

For diagnostics the following is used:

  • Visual inspection.
  • Otoscopy. Using an otoscope, the doctor examines the eardrum for damage. With otitis media, cloudiness and a decrease in the light reflex are observed. Very often you can notice a bulging eardrum and even see exudate through it.
  • Tympanometry is a test with which a specialist determines the mobility of the eardrum.
  • Tympanocentesis is a puncture of the membrane in order to extract pathological fluid from the tympanic cavity and diagnose it, identifying the microorganisms that caused the disease.
  • Audiometry - may be needed if you have complaints of hearing loss. Used before and after treatment.
  • General blood and urine analysis.
  • CT and MRI are prescribed in the most difficult cases, when an extensive inflammatory process is suspected, affecting not only the middle ear cavity, but also nearby structures (mastoiditis, abscesses).

After making an accurate diagnosis, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory drops and antibiotics according to indications. Treatment of uncomplicated forms of otitis, tubo-otitis, otomycosis can be carried out by a pediatrician or doctor general practice V outpatient setting. At severe conditions and for otitis in children under one year of age, treatment is carried out by a specialist otolaryngologist.


In most cases, otitis media in children and adults is not complicated. In this case, you can be treated at home, carefully following all medical prescriptions.

Part complex therapy otitis includes:

  1. Antibiotics (penicillin and cephalosporin series).
  2. Antipyretic drugs for body temperature above 38 degrees (Paracetamol).
  3. Painkillers - ear drops with anesthetic (Otipax), Ibuprofen.
  4. Drugs for the common cold - vasoconstrictors and decongestants. Allows you to relieve general state and stop the phenomena of tubo-otitis.

Some doctors believe that simple exudative otitis media can go away without using antibacterial agents. Antibiotics are mandatory from the first days of illness only in severe cases illness - in children under 1 year of age, with severe pain, with suspected purulent-inflammatory complications.

During the treatment period, it is important to eat well, consume sufficient quantity warm liquids (teas, juices, fruit drinks, milk) and avoid drafts.

Surgical intervention

In some cases drug therapy To treat ear inflammation it is not enough, surgical intervention is necessary:

  • Myringotomy - with this manipulation, the eardrum is opened with a microscopic incision under the influence of local anesthetic. Through the resulting incision, fluid and pus are removed, which collects in the middle ear cavity.

  • Tympanotomy is an otorhinolaryngological procedure during which a thin tube is inserted into the ear to facilitate the outflow of pus and prevent it from accumulating in the tympanic cavity. It is used when there is no effect from antibiotics, with frequent relapses of the disease.

These operations are performed extremely rarely, since otitis media detected on early stages, responds well to conservative treatment.

Untreated otitis in a child or adult can lead to a number of serious complications- decrease and loss of hearing, purulent abscesses, meningitis. That is why it is important to consult a doctor in time and begin treatment for the disease as early as possible.


To avoid fluid accumulation in the ears, it is important to follow a number of simple rules:

  1. Treat in a timely manner infectious diseases upper respiratory tract.
  2. Avoid getting water into your ear from outside.
  3. Avoid drafts and hypothermia.
  4. In the cold season, wear a hat when leaving the house.
  5. Carry out ear hygiene regularly.

These simple rules will help both adults and children to minimize the likelihood of developing exudative and purulent-inflammatory processes in the middle ear. But if fluid still accumulates in the ear cavity, uncomfortable squelching sounds and pain appear, you should immediately consult a doctor for help.


Fluid in the ear a very unpleasant symptom that causes a lot of discomfort and sometimes pain.

A situation like this can be said to be various diseases, and about the anatomical.

Often children face such a problem as fluid in the ear.

Adults are less susceptible to this problem. The reason for this is the structural features of the ear of children - short ear canal, immune failure.

What's flowing?

Scientific determination of occurrence in the ears liquids is called otorrhea. This in itself is not a disease, but a symptom of pathologies associated with the organ of hearing.

Often it is discharged into the nasopharynx through the Eustachian tube. Do not allow too much exudate to accumulate, because... this may cause excessive proliferation of harmful microorganisms.

If fluid in the child’s ear appears due to the usual ingress of water from outside, an ENT doctor will help get rid of it. He fulfill blowing the eustachian tube and relieve tissue irritation. If there is an infection in the ear, the doctor will administer antibacterial therapy.

Useful video from Komarovsky

Here is what Evgeniy Olegovich says about this:


As you can see, there are quite a few reasons why a child may develop fluid in the ear. If you have any symptoms of the disease, you should seek help from a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe treatment. Remember, self-medication can lead to serious consequences.

The appearance of fluid in the ear should be the basis for contacting an otolaryngologist. This condition may indicate development serious pathologies that require medical care. However, sometimes such problems are associated with anatomical issues. In any case, only an ENT doctor can determine the causes of the anomaly.

Fluid behind the eardrum

Usually the appearance of excess fluid behind the eardrum is the result of various inflammations middle ear. In addition to discomfort and squelching sounds, the accumulation of fluid puts pressure on the membrane, which is the cause.

IN difficult situations and there is a risk. As a result, out. inflammations that long time left unattended can be very serious.

Ear structure


The main symptom of fluid accumulation is a squelching sound. Most often it occurs when there is pressure on the tragus. As large amounts of fluid accumulate, there is a risk of increasing pain.

When an infection occurs and appears, the discomfort intensifies. Also at this stage of the body. In difficult cases it reaches 40 degrees and decreases with great difficulty. Such patients require treatment in a hospital setting.

For information on the symptoms and causes of fluid in the ear, watch our video:


Children are most often affected by this problem. This is due to insufficient development of the child’s hearing organ and the frequent occurrence of ear pathologies. In any case, the main reasons for the occurrence of such problems include the following:

  • penetration;

When liquid gets into the ears, a feeling of discomfort and discomfort occurs. This can happen when the membrane ruptures or fluid leaks through the Eustachian tube. This is often associated with nasal irrigation for rhinitis.

In addition, the formation of fluid sometimes becomes a consequence of the activity of fungal microorganisms during otomycosis. However, mostly we are talking about the ordinary. During development, the functioning of the Eustachian tube is often disrupted. Due to the lack of drainage, the secreted fluid accumulates behind the membrane.

If you do not start therapy in a timely manner, there is a risk of creating a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. As a result, it develops. In advanced cases, it takes on a character. Such a pathology can become.

The appearance of a feeling of transfusion is most often characteristic of a small accumulation of fluid. When filling middle cavity there is pressure on the eardrum. This provokes its protrusion and leads to the development of perforation. In such a situation, forced evacuation is the basis.

In children, ear pathologies most often appear due to problems with the functioning of the Eustachian tube. The cause of this anomaly may be adenoids. To avoid such problems, you need to treat colds in time and strengthen the immune system.

Fluid behind the eardrum with otitis media


To determine the causes of fluid accumulation, you need to contact an otolaryngologist. The specialist will examine the ear cavity using an otoscope. When this sign is confirmed, clouding of the membrane and weakening of the light reflex are visualized. Sometimes it is possible to see the exudate even through the membrane.

In addition, the presence of a secret is indicated. They usually appear after the membrane ruptures. In such a situation, a large amount is released and crusts form. Then the pain decreases and the patient experiences temporary relief.

Drug treatment

If fluid accumulates in the ears, treatment should be selected by a doctor depending on the clinical picture pathology. In the absence of infection, the exudate gradually disappears on its own. In such a situation it is not prescribed.

To cope with the problem, it is enough to provide dry heat. A wool bandage is suitable for this. If observed, you can use those that contain.

During development infectious inflammation drugs such as levofloxacin, cefuroxime axetil can be used. Well antibacterial therapy must last at least 10 days. Several times a day they inject into the ear canal antibacterial drops– or can be used for this purpose.

Besides antibacterial drugs, the following medications can be used:

  • anti-inflammatory substances - for example, or erespal;
  • antihistamines – , ;
  • mucolytics – ambroxol, rhinofluimucil;
  • local corticosteroids – flixonase, nasobek;
  • vasoconstrictor drops – galazolin, .

If the patient's condition does not improve or even worsens, an urgent need to consult a doctor. Inflammation near the brain is very dangerous for humans.

Alternative methods

If problems are caused by water getting behind the membrane, an otolaryngologist will help you deal with them. To do this, the doctor makes and eliminates tissue irritation. If infection occurs, antibiotic therapy is required.

It will not be possible to cope with excess fluid in such a situation on your own. If water is located externally, you can get rid of it cotton swab or just shake your head. However, if liquid gets behind the membrane this method will not be effective.

How is eardrum bypass performed:

When is surgery needed?

If serous discharge transforms into pus and difficulties arise with its removal, surgical intervention should be performed. To do this, the doctor makes a small puncture, after which all the liquid is drained out. Additionally, the ear cavity is sanitized. This is required in case of extensive infection or large quantities pus.

For the treatment of children early age often used. Due to this, it is possible to ensure constant removal of fluid and ventilation of the ear cavity. This helps eliminate the causes of exudate accumulation. This approach is justified for prolonged purulent otitis media.

Damage to the membrane does not affect the level of hearing in the absence of complications. After some time, it heals on its own, causing virtually no tissue scarring.

Eardrum bypass

Possible complications

If treatment of the pathology is started in time, complications occur extremely rarely. Most often, their appearance is due to penetration and subsequent spread pathogenic microorganisms– staphylococci, streptococci, etc. If the violation is not dealt with in a timely manner, there is a risk of the following consequences:


If you identify the problem in time and start treating it, it will be enough conservative methods to completely eliminate the anomaly. In more advanced cases, there is a need for surgical intervention. If you do not start therapy in a timely manner, there is a risk dangerous consequences for good health.

The accumulation of fluid behind the eardrum may indicate the most various pathologies both in adults and children. To establish the causes of this disorder, you should contact an experienced otolaryngologist. The specialist will conduct a diagnosis and, based on its results, select the optimal therapy.

Fluid behind the eardrum tends to accumulate if otitis media is present in chronic or acute form. When you turn your head sharply, you can hear a splash of water in your ears, but this is not the only unpleasant aspect. The accumulated fluid in the morning creates pressure, which not only damages the eardrum, but also causes a lot of pain. The worst outcome is a rupture of the fragile membrane, which can result in permanent hearing loss. It is especially worth paying attention to this problem in children, since the membrane is fragile and a slight pressure is enough to break it. If fluid begins to come out, it means that the membrane has become deformed. This situation has a variety of consequences, including disability, hearing loss, and deformation of the auricle. If fluid flows from the ear, this means that the membrane has already ruptured, and appropriate measures must be taken to eliminate the problem.

In adults, the reasons for the occurrence of average chronic otitis much more than in children. According to medical statistics, only 29% of adults have suffered from this disease. The rest (71%) are children aged 3 to 14 years. Let's look at the main reasons why fluid appears in the ear behind the eardrum:

  • lack of hats in autumn and winter time of the year. The auricle becomes overcooled and this leads to inflammation, which later develops into otitis media;
  • fluid in the ear can be a complication after an illness affecting the nasopharynx (for example, sinusitis);
  • severe damage or deformation of the auricle;
  • the presence of "" from sulfur;

A single drop of water that gets into the ear is enough for a complication of the disease to begin to develop in the future, and moisture to begin to accumulate in the ear. Since children are susceptible to otitis, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of bathing, and also not allow the child to leave the house without a hat (in the winter season).


The symptoms of otitis, with fluid formed behind the eardrum, are significantly different from all other types of the disease. It is necessary to know what signs indicate the onset of the disease in order to prevent many negative consequences in time:

  • increased body temperature (up to 39 degrees);
  • severe pain in the ear;
  • sudden loss of strength;
  • the affected ear begins to clog;
  • loss of appetite;
  • deviations in the nasopharynx, even chronic runny nose, are possible;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • a critical symptom that indicates the neglect of the situation is the release of fluid from behind the eardrum and it gradually flows from the ear.


To begin with, the ENT performs a direct survey of the patient, trying to collect as much information as possible about the onset of the disease, the course of its development, as well as the estimated timing incubation period. In a row diagnostic measures includes not only a survey, but also laboratory, instrumental and hardware research.

Initially, otoscopy is used, which allows you to see changes inside the ear, as well as determine the presence of infection or acute inflammation. A cylinder is inserted into the ear, the narrow side of which enters the ear cavity. The opposite side expands, allowing the specialist to carefully examine how the disease progresses.

Afterwards a series is carried out laboratory research. To the list of tests in mandatory the following is included:

  • blood test (general and detailed). Allows you to determine the presence of pathogenic microorganisms that become provoking elements of the disease;
  • collection of daily urine.

The final part of diagnosis is research through equipment. Most often, fluoroscopy or MRI is prescribed, which allows you to see the amount of accumulated fluid behind the eardrum, as well as determine the degree of pressure on it.

After the diagnosis has been made, the attending physician can prescribe treatment for otitis with further elimination of fluid in the middle ear.


Only a competent, comprehensive therapeutic course can prevent the development of serious complications, as well as completely cure the disease. Particular care and prudence must be exercised with children, since they are a potential risk group. Let's consider the main methods of treatment, as well as what first aid should be provided to a sick child.

First aid for a child

With otitis media, the child experiences painful sensations. As first aid, you need to take a painkiller orally. Depending on the age of the child, tablets or suspensions are needed. Up to 7 years of age, medications in liquid form are recommended - Nurofen or Efferalgan. Older children can take Ibuklin in tablet form.

You can also use heated vegetable oil to relieve pain.

This is important: Under no circumstances should you drop anything into your child’s ear unless prescribed by a doctor.


Below is a list of medications that are used to eliminate otitis and pus-like fluid:

  • painkillers orally. The most commonly used are Paracetamol or Ibuklin.
  • . It was previously mentioned that otitis media is infectious in nature, which is characterized by the presence of pus-like microorganisms. The patient is prescribed Amoxicillin or Augmentin.
  • if not observed, the doctor prescribes ear drops with an anti-inflammatory effect; or .

The remaining drugs are prescribed by the attending physician, if there is a threat of complications, and also depending on the patient’s response to certain medications.

Surgery: when is it necessary?

Surgical intervention is required if therapy medicines did not bring relief to the patient's condition. There is a safe and effective procedure– shunting. With this manipulation, a small puncture is made in the eardrum, through which fluid flows out. Similar therapy is also used for adults, but it is not always possible to eliminate the pressure that the fluid has created. In the worst case scenario, an incision is made into the membrane and further cleaning of pus.


In 70% of cases, patients have favorable prognoses after treatment. With otitis, auditory activity partially decreases, and after completing a therapeutic course it quickly returns.

The remaining 30% of patients have an average situation. The reason for this is a long delay in treatment or an interrupted therapeutic course. But after the surgery surgical intervention the situation is improving significantly.

Important! Promptly treat otitis with the resulting fluid. Otherwise, the moisture behind the eardrum will deform or rupture it, which will lead to irreversible consequences, including hearing loss in the affected ear.


As complications of otitis media, it is worth highlighting a number of possible complications:

  • transition of otitis media to or;
  • incomplete treatment will result in a relapse of the disease;
  • partial loss of hearing activity is possible;
  • partial deformation of the eardrum.

