When does a bitch go into heat for the first time? At what age do dogs go into heat: how to notice the first signs. How many days does a dog go into heat: dispelling myths

Estrus in dogs is a natural and inevitable process. But it brings a number of everyday inconveniences to the owners, and is also capable of surprising with dramatic changes in the behavior of the pet. She stops obeying, ignores commands, dreams of “running away,” and walks turn the owner into a “means” of scaring away the tailed Don Juans. How to avoid unnecessary hassle during a special stage in the life of a female?

Bitches have a very strong emotional connection with their owner, they become very attached and are distinguished by their friendliness and complaisance. But during heat, even the most meek and phlegmatic “young lady” becomes simply uncontrollable. This usually happens twice a year.

Duration of estrus and its features

Other names for estrus are estrus and estrus. This is one of the stages of the animal's reproductive cycle, state of nature, signaling puberty and readiness for procreation. But in order to bear, give birth and raise healthy offspring, the bitch must also reach physiological maturity. If the owner plans to mate, the time of the first two estrus should be accurately tracked: it is better to mate the dog on the third estrus.

First heat

It is impossible to predict the exact timing, but it definitely occurs after the change of teeth. Sexual maturity also has something in common with the process heavy shedding and depends on a number of factors.

  • Breed. Maturation of representatives ornamental breeds occurs in six to seven months, average - in eight to ten. Estrus large breeds most often begins at one and a half years, even 18 months are not considered a deviation from the norm. Individuals classified as infantile (poodles, boxers, retrievers, Labradors, Dobermans) reach sexual maturity at 12-14 months.
  • Genetics. When buying a “girl” puppy, be sure to inquire about hereditary predisposition: at what age did the mother, grandmother, aunt and older sisters start estrus.
  • Pheromones. We are talking about animals living in the same family and influencing each other with smells. Male pheromones stimulate the maturation of females, while females unknowingly suppress the “maturation” of their same-sex female friends.
  • Lighting. Changing lighting affects the production of hormones. This does not apply to the natural alternation of day and night. Often, massive spring heats begin after very gloomy, cold, long winters.

In terms of time, the first empty space is the shortest. In many young dogs it can go unnoticed: with minor bleeding that stops by the third to fifth day. Early estrus can be false, without ovulation. After two to four months (sometimes earlier), the second, real one, begins. A fairly predictable and precise cycle is then usually established.

Despite the light discharge, to which male dogs react little, owners should not let their guard down while walking. Walking the females small breeds, do not allow a large “groom” to follow your pet. This may have the most Negative consequences for the health of a miniature individual.


Due to a hormonal “explosion,” the pet becomes overly active, “flirtatious,” and disobedient. Other symptoms:

  • swelling of the loop;
  • dark red discharge;
  • drops of blood on the bedding or floor;
  • frequent urination;
  • constant licking of the loop;
  • aggression towards other bitches;
  • increased interest in male dogs (but does not allow him to approach him);
  • change in diet (sharp “eating” or, conversely, refusal to eat);
  • reaction to a touch on the back (freezes, arches).


The duration of the cycle is influenced by:

  • weight and size of the female;
  • psycho-emotional characteristics;
  • conditions of detention;
  • training intensity;
  • general well-being;
  • chronic diseases.

In veterinary practice, a period of 20-28 days is called normal. The average is 21 days. Repeat " critical days» every six to eight months.

Estrus in young females is always longer than in older females. However, it does not stop even in dogs of “advanced” years. That is, these Canines do not have a “menopause,” and even a 15-year-old pet can become pregnant, which is dangerous for herself and her offspring.

Discharge may also be present after estrus: transparent, mucous, spotting, neutral odor. This is the norm. In any other situation, you must contact a veterinarian.


As can be seen from the table, emptying occurs in four stages: proestrus, estrus, metestrus, anestrus.

Table - Characteristics of estrus periods

Heat stageDuration, daysWhat is characteristic
Proestrus8-12 - A rush of blood to the genitals (loops swell);
- bleeding in small quantities;
- increased frequency of urination;
- state of excitement;
- playfulness;
- marking the territory (at home, on the street);
- simultaneous interest and aggression towards opposite sex(keeps males away)
(ovulation on days 2-4, “dangerous days”)
- Softer vulva;
- different nature of discharge (pale pink, liquid, dark insignificant, stops altogether);
- readiness for mating (allows the male, stretches out, moves his tail to the side)
Metestrus (diestrus)From 2 to 10- End of bleeding;
- loss of interest and aggression towards male dogs
AnestrusFrom 60 to 150- Sexual rest;
- return to previous lifestyle (if pregnancy does not occur)

During metestrus (whether fertilization has occurred or not), progesterone, the pregnancy hormone, increases in the female’s body. Due to hormonal imbalance, a false pregnancy may appear in the sixth week after pregnancy. Signs: swollen nipples, colostrum and discharge from the loop appear, mood swings and a desire for loneliness are observed.

The periods of estrus are stable for six years. Then the duration of anestrus increases, as do the intervals between emptyings.

Traditionally, the period favorable for conception is 9-15 days from the beginning of estrus.


Abnormalities in health (presence of diseases, tumors) are indicated by the absence of estrus. And also its “non-standard” symptoms: duration longer than usual, “chaotic” onset, empty space without discharge. To calculate the next cycle, record the dates on the calendar. By tracking the schedule, you won't miss possible problems in canine gynecology.

Considered abnormal the following manifestations in heat.

  • Bloodless (dry). It is also called hidden or “white”. Visible signs absent, except for behavioral changes and swelling of the loop. At the same time, the ovaries work in normal rhythm, females become pregnant after mating and have full-fledged offspring. Therefore, “bloodlessness” in the classical sense is not a violation of the cycle. One of the difficulties is to determine the period of sexual estrus; for this they carry out laboratory examination: take a blood test, smear.
  • Frequent. If your pupil has a leak three or four times a year, this indicates problems in the body and requires veterinary intervention.
  • Lingering. The situation is even more alarming. There are several reasons - from hormonal to oncological. However, in females puberty“prolonged juvenile proestrus” is allowed, when this phase lasts up to 40-50 days and is considered the norm.

Dry estrus is a little-studied problem, although last years began to occur more and more often and among the most different breeds. Scientists are inclined to believe that this condition is hereditary. Climate, ecology, electromagnetic factors play a role, as well as feeding animals with dry food of dubious quality.

After childbirth

After the birth of offspring, dogs recover quickly. The first signal is postpartum discharge. Estrus begins after four months. The time period can increase to six months if there was a large litter or the female fed the puppies for a long time. A void that occurs after three months is considered early and indicates hormonal imbalances.

Precursors - increased urination, drops of blood from the loop. After 10-15 days, the discharge becomes transparent straw-colored and mucous. Lasts about three to four weeks. During this time, the dog must be walked on a leash.

After sterilization

It all depends on the type of intervention. At complete removal the emptying of the internal genital organs completely stops. The result is similar after oophorectomy (only the ovaries are removed). Although it happens that the adrenal glands take over their functions, and estrus resumes. It also persists after sterilization, during which the fallopian tubes are tied.

Rules for keeping a pet these days

This is quite a troublesome matter. The female becomes susceptible to infections. High risk of unwanted mating. The following eight tips will help keep your pet out of trouble.

  1. Avoid drafts and cold floors. Do not allow to lie on a cold or wet surface. Make sure you have warm bedding.
  2. Monitor your activity. Protect from intense loads, do not allow to jump over high barriers.
  3. Don't overfeed. Daily norm the food should correspond to what you are used to.
  4. Avoid long walks. Walk often, but for 10-15 minutes. Reduce the time in frosty, wet and windy weather.
  5. Walk on short leash . Even the most well behaved dog. A leash will prevent contact with other animals.
  6. Don't allow mating. Even if the female is off the leash, try to prevent her from communicating with the opposite sex. It is impossible to separate animals during mating.
  7. Postpone participation in competitions. Shows and heat are incompatible. The dog will cause anxiety among male participants, and may itself be unpredictable.
  8. Protect from infections. They are often picked up when swimming in open water. Bathe your pupil at home or without detergents so as not to disturb the microflora.

Hygiene requirements

At the everyday level, the biggest inconvenience for owners is bloody discharge. The females are clean and constantly lick themselves, but this is not enough - the marks still remain on the floor and on the furniture. A smart solution is to roll up carpeting to prevent your dog from getting it dirty. You also need to regularly change the bedding on her sleeping place.

The ideal “hygienic” solution is special underpants (diapers) for dogs. Such clothing ensures cleanliness in the house and also allows you to avoid the annoying attention of male dogs. They are sold in pet stores, veterinary pharmacies and clinics. However, experts do not advise abusing this know-how, believing that the animal should lick itself. Definitely, panties are worn on a female who is accustomed to sleeping in her master’s bed, when she is transported in a car or public transport, for a walk.

Choose a hygiene product:

  • to size;
  • made from natural material;
  • with hole for tail;
  • with volume regulators (Velcro, suspenders, fasteners, overalls);
  • without rough seams;
  • with pockets for pads on the inside.

For reasons of economy, you can sew panties with your own hands from old onesies or children's shorts. A convenient option is a diaper made from baby diapers. For dogs, “three” and “four” are most often suitable, corresponding to the animal’s weight from 4 to 15 kg.


Dogs are smart, but subject to the influence of instincts. The strongest is procreation. No matter how much you play it safe, the female, following “nature,” will do the possible and the impossible in order to “marry” the first person she meets.

If you do not intend to breed, consult your doctor about what contraceptive method choose for your favorite. Note that a leash and fence are not considered reliable contraceptives.


Birth control pills are generally given to the dog within a month before the estimated date of estrus, that is, a course every six months. According to indications, hormonal drugs are prescribed to females who have already had at least one empty spot. Contraindications - diabetes, inflammatory diseases internal genital organs, pregnancy.

It is not recommended to interfere with the reproductive cycle of an animal for longer than two years. This is fraught with diseases of cardio-vascular system, hormonal disorders. Tablets can provoke the appearance of cysts, the development purulent inflammation uterus (pyometra).


A contraceptive injection is convenient, but temporary. It is done a month before the expected estrus date, and not after mating, as many owners mistakenly think.

The method is effective with precise and regular emptying. Considering that it repeats on average once every six months, you will have to see a veterinarian every 4.5-5 months. If the empty space started earlier, consider that “the train has left.”

Abort unwanted pregnancy dogs are difficult. Due to the structure of the animal's genital organs, abortion is the same C-section, only in the early stages.


If you do not intend to devote yourself to breeding work, and your pet is a companion and friend, then it is better to sterilize it. By doing this, you will prevent a number of diseases of adulthood, including the most common “female” ailment - breast cancer.

The operation is most often performed at the age of eight to ten months, after the first heat. It's not worth it before: internal organs are still growing, and removing one of them can lead to deformation of neighboring ones. Animals are sterilized and medical indications: in the presence of tumors of the mammary glands or uterus, “problematic” estrus, systematic false whelping, pseudolactation.

The procedure has its supporters and opponents, who argue for this reason with enviable consistency.

The advantage is that sterilization reduces or eliminates the risks of developing:

  • malignant tumor of the mammary glands;
  • pyometra;
  • anal furunculosis;
  • cancerous tumors on the ovaries and uterus.
  • oncology - the risk of developing bone cancer increases (especially in large breed bitches), the risk of spleen hemangiosarcoma doubles, and the risk of heart cancer increases fivefold (in certain breeds);
  • hypothyroidism - the likelihood of development increases three times;
  • excess weight - up to obesity;
  • urinary incontinence - in 4-20% of females, susceptibility to urinary tract diseases is also recorded;
  • negative reactions- possible appearance of pronounced side effects after vaccination.

There is no consensus among doctors regarding sterilization. However, the majority are still on the side of this not very complicated operation. They make it under general anesthesia, and after a couple of weeks the dog feels completely healthy.

Doctors call the procedure humane. And despite all the advantages of the animal, they advise not to “humanize” the dog, attributing to it their own experiences and doubts about the correctness of the choice made.

Risks of accidental matings

After a street “marriage”, the pet will return home at least dirty, thin, flea-ridden and, most likely, pregnant. However, in addition to unwanted conception, the animal can get into much more serious trouble.

Estrus is one of the stages of a dog’s reproductive cycle, which indicates the female’s readiness to procreate. Another name for estrus is estrus. Experts note that during this period psychological and physiological changes in the animal’s body, which should be taken into account by future owners.

How is estrus going?

If the breeder has a good understanding of the basic physiological aspects of the process, then no special problems arise. If the owner has no idea what is happening in the dog’s body, then there is a high risk of unwanted problems. For breeding bitches intended for breeding, this can cause subsequent culling. That is why it is important to understand how estrus occurs and what dangers await your pet during this period.

Estrus phases

The entire period of the cycle can be divided into four phases. Each of them has its own physiological nuances and behavioral signs.

1. Proestrus. This phase is also called the precursor phase. Duration varies from 7 to 10 days. At this stage, the dog shows the first signs of impending estrus. The blood supply to the external genital organs increases, they increase in size and “swell”. A few days later the first spotting appears. For the most comfortable keeping in the house, you should purchase special underpants for your dog, which will allow you to avoid unpleasant surprises on the floor and interior items.

The pet's behavior also undergoes significant changes. The animal becomes less controllable, actively marks its territory, and shows interest in male dogs. She's flirting, but not ready for mating yet. When trying to mate, it shows aggression, moves to the side or sits on the ground.

2. Estrus. The second name of the phase is rut. The period of sexual hunting itself. During the first 2-3 days after the onset of estrus, ovulation occurs. Several eggs are released from the ovaries, ready for fertilization. This phase occurs on average after 11 days after the start bloody discharge. The owner should remember that the dog allows male dogs in for several days, and not just at the time of ovulation. Consequently, the risk of unwanted pregnancy from outbred males persists for quite a long time.

The classic sign demonstrating the female’s readiness for mating is complete absence discharge, as well as a change in bloody color to transparent or light pink. A heavily swollen loop is also a characteristic sign that the dog is ready to mate. When trying to stroke the base of the tail, the female moves it to the side, raises her pelvis and freezes in this position.

3. Metaestrus. Its duration is about 60-100 days. The discharge has stopped and the size of the vulva is gradually decreasing. The female shows aggression towards males who show interest in her. The attenuation of sexual activity gradually appears.

During the same phase, the animal experiences increased amount progesterone. The result is often .

4. Anestrus. This name is given to the period between two heats. Its duration is from 4 to 8 months. The duration of the period varies depending on the breed, size and age of the pet, as well as the individual characteristics of the organism.
Various durations cycle can be observed even in one individual and this depends on its physiological and psychological state, as well as a number of other factors.

How many days does heat last?

The total duration of estrus varies within the range 3 to 4 weeks. But veterinarians remind us that this indicator is very conditional and can undergo changes even in one animal per year. different stages life.

Signs and symptoms of estrus

For an experienced breeder, the first heat will never come as a surprise. But what if this is your first dog or until now you have only kept males? Veterinarians remind that there are a number of signs that will help an observant owner recognize an approaching heat and prepare for its onset.

Among the most characteristic features, indicating the dog’s puberty include:

  • Swelling of the genital loop. At first it is slightly noticeable, but after a few days the swelling increases;
  • Frequent urination;
  • The appearance of bloody discharge in the urine;
  • The appearance of bloody discharge;
  • Behavior change. The animal becomes aggressive towards other females and becomes nervous;
  • There may be a change in appetite. The dog may completely refuse food or begin to absorb it in larger quantities than usual;
  • Flirts with male dogs;
  • At the moment of touching the pelvic area, the dog freezes and moves its tail to the side;

Another sign of estrus is molting. It can cause additional troubles to the owner, in addition to the classic discharge during this period.

It is important to understand that during the first heat the signs may not be clearly expressed and it is quite easy to miss the start of the cycle. Males, at the same time, may not pay attention to the female. And they can show her increased attention. This is due to the hormonal background of the animal and it is practically impossible to predict the development of events.

How does a dog's behavior change during heat?

During the period of estrus, the mood and behavior of the dog undergoes significant changes. The animal becomes less controllable. There may be difficulties with behavior during walks. A previously perfectly trained dog may refuse to follow basic commands, show dissatisfaction at the end of a walk, react aggressively to other bitches and show increased attention to males of any breed.

A negative reaction to individuals of the same sex continues throughout the entire period of sexual hunting. But the female begins to let males in from the second phase. That is why dog ​​handlers and experienced breeders strive to teach a dog to wear special underpants and prefer to walk the animal only on a leash. This allows you to reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancy, as well as maintain control over your pet’s behavior.

Limiting your dog's walks in crowded places will help avoid the consequences of inappropriate behavior and reduce the risk of unpleasant situations.

How often does heat occur?

There is no clear answer to this question. Some individuals show signs of sexual heat every 6 months, while others remain inert to the process of procreation for a longer period of time.

That is why breeders should take into account that estrus may occur both 1 time and 3 times a year. But the classic version of the bitch’s physiology involves the occurrence of empty spots twice a year.

Dog's first heat

This indicator can vary in the range from 6 months to 1 year. It is extremely rare for large breeds to experience their first estrus at closer to two years of age.

If, after 36 months from the birth of the animal, the bitch’s first heat does not occur, then it is necessary to undergo an examination by a veterinarian. This state of affairs indicates the presence of a serious pathology. It may take a long time drug treatment or surgery.

Timing of the onset of the first estrus in dogs of different breeds

As a rule, bitches miniature breeds They enter puberty much earlier than their larger friends.

So, in French lap dogs and Italian greyhounds, the first estrus occurs at the age of 5-6 months.

For animals of medium breeds, this period shifts to 7-9 months. Bitches belonging to large breeds (,) enter puberty closer to one year.

And representatives of giant breeds (St. Bernards, Great Danes) mature after a year and their first heat appears much later than in other females.

Problems during heat

One of the most common problems faced by dog ​​owners is frequent urination immediately before the start of the emptying session. If the animal is not used to limiting itself, then it is recommended to increase the frequency of walks or transfer the pet to an enclosure where it will be alone.

The use of special panties and constant monitoring allows you to avoid unwanted pregnancy. If the dog stops obeying the owner and tries to escape during the walk, then the optimal solution would be to walk the animal on a leash during the off-leash period.

Some bitches may experience changes in the frequency of estrus, its intensity, or the appearance of uncharacteristic discharge. You should not try to figure out the problem yourself. You should seek help from a specialist who will identify the cause of this dog’s condition. It will also help correct the estrus cycle.

Undesirable consequences of estrus

Subsequent complications include mating a small bitch with big male, which will lead to the formation of large fruits. Independent delivery in in this case difficult. And if the breeder missed the moment of mating, then the supervision of a veterinarian is necessary in order to monitor the condition of the bitch.

There is also a danger of unwanted pregnancy from outbred males in females intended for breeding. If this becomes known, the pet will forever lose the right to participate in improving the line and maintaining the purity of the breed.

Unwanted pregnancy

If the breeder suspects that the bitch has been bred, then the only reasonable solution would be to go to veterinarian. The specialist examines the dog and, based on its physiological condition, selects medicinal product for termination of pregnancy.

It should be understood that such a decision will not be easy and may cause certain health problems for the bitch in the future. Modern manufacturers offer wide range medications that can be used both on the first day after mating and a few days later.

Abortion could be a radical solution. In this case, the dog is no longer suitable for breeding because its uterus has been completely removed. In any case, the decision should be made only after consultation with a veterinarian. The specialist will talk about possible complications and adverse consequences of any choice of the breeder.

False pupishness.

If the bitch has not been bred, then after a short time she may show signs of pregnancy. This condition is called “false pregnancy” and is associated with increased level progesterone in the animal's body.

It is extremely rare for a dog to cope with the problem on its own and hormonal background is gradually returning to normal. In most cases, the help of a veterinarian is necessary, who selects a course of medications to normalize hormonal levels and stabilize the psychological state of the pet.

How to discourage male dogs during heat

It is not possible to completely discourage male dogs during the period of heat. But manufacturers offer a whole range of high-quality and effective sprays that will help partially eliminate the odor and reduce the number of males attracted.

The following products are available on the domestic market:

  • Spray from the BioVax company “Flirt? No!";
  • “True Friend” - eliminates oestrus odor;
  • Manufacturer Le Artis offers touch-me-not spray;
  • From the domestic manufacturer Himol, you can find the drug “Antikobelin” on store shelves.

It’s worth noting right away that it will not be possible to completely remove the smell of a bitch and males will still pursue her when free-walking. But the aroma that attracts them will become significantly less and the likelihood of attracting animals from more distant territories will be much lower.

How to keep a bitch and a dog in the same room when the bitch is in heat

Safely keeping a dog and a bitch in the same room during the emptying period is a difficult and troublesome task. For a bitch, you need to stock up on a large number of special panties that are securely fixed on her body and prevent unscheduled mating. The use of sprays can reduce the intensity of the odor and partially alleviate the condition of the dog.

Also manufacturers veterinary drugs offer sedatives that will help your pet survive the most dangerous period empty spaces. How safe are these medications? Of course, they are not beneficial for the dog’s health. Should I use sedatives on my dog ​​if the bitch is in heat? The answer to this question must be decided by the animal owner himself.

One of the most effective and effective ways is the division of dogs into the period of estrus. It is necessary to place the animals in different rooms to minimize the risk of unwanted mating. Also, some breeders practice "vacation". During the period of heat, the male is simply sent to close friends or relatives.

The correct behavior of the owner during the dog’s heat period is the key to its health and well-being in its subsequent life. Veterinarians remind that if the breeder does not currently plan to obtain offspring from the dog, then it should not be bred.

Each one is a huge risk of getting an unwanted pregnancy. Before estrus, your veterinarian may prescribe a course of medications that prevent ovulation.
After the end of estrus, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the animal. After 2 months, signs of a false pregnancy may appear. In this case, you will need to consult a specialist and possibly prescribe medications.

If the owner does not plan to breed a bitch, then a good solution would be one that will immediately solve the problem of unwanted pregnancy.

Owners who, when purchasing a puppy, have chosen a female dog usually know that the properties and structure of her body will one day present an unpleasant surprise. Heat is special condition the dog’s body, informing her and the “suitors” around her that she is ready for procreation, that is, for bearing puppies and giving birth.

A dog's first heat usually occurs in the first year of life after changing teeth. between 6 and 18 months. The onset of heat depends on the size and breed of the bitch. Most often this is a surprise for both the dog and its owner.

But if at the age of 2 years the female has not started to come into heat, then you should start to worry. Take your dog to the vet because not coming into heat on time means there is a health problem or hormonal imbalance that requires treatment.

How many days does the first heat last?

The first estrus is most often short and not always real - sometimes ovulation does not even occur. Typically, the active phase of estrus lasts on average 23 days, and the first ends as suddenly as it began. It manifests itself as slight bloody discharge from the genital loop and does not attract males.

Phases of the sexual cycle

  • Proestrus– This is the first stage of the dog’s reproductive cycle. Its duration is from 7 to 10 days. These days, the animal's behavior changes - the lady becomes aggressive towards other representatives of the fairer sex and actively flirts with male dogs. Bloody discharge appears from the genital loop; drops of them can be easily found on the floor or furniture.
  • Estrus– the second period lasting from 4 to 12 days. The bitch is already allowing the males to approach her, she is ready for mating. In the first days of this period, ovulation occurs. The discharge from the loop becomes light, almost beige, or disappears completely. If you want to have puppies, then you need to plan mating for this period of estrus.
  • Metestrus– the third stage of estrus, which lasts from 60 to 100 days. If there was no mating, then the dog’s body is completely restored, but the content of the hormone progesterone in the body increases, which sometimes causes “ false pregnancy" Discharge from the loop in this phase stops within 6-10 days, and the hormonal balance gradually improves.
  • Anaestrus– period of sexual rest of the dog. Duration 100-150 days. During this period, the dog’s body returns to normal and prepares for the start of the next cycle.

How often does it go?

Estrus in dogs occurs on average 1-2 times a year, the frequency of occurrence largely depends on the breed and size of the dog. In aging animals, the incidence of estrus decreases.

With more frequent or rarer manifestations of estrus, you should consult a veterinarian, since this is the first sign of hormonal imbalance.

What are the signs of an onset heat?

  • The girl experiences a more frequent urge to urinate, she marks her territory;
  • Interested in a lady dog big number males;
  • The bitch begins to eat a lot or, conversely, refuses food;
  • The pet licks the genitals more often than usual;
  • Drops of blood are found at the place where the bitch is resting;
  • When you touch the back, the animal freezes and moves its tail to the side;
  • The bitch becomes disobedient and does not respond clearly to commands;
  • She becomes playful and is in an excited state.

How does estrus occur in different breeds?

Representatives' first heat small and medium breeds comes earlier than large ones, usually in the interval from 6 months to a year. This is due to the faster development of the dog’s body over time.

U large and breeds dogs first time she comes at 12-18 months.

Small dogs go into estrus more often than large dogs. There are no further differences depending on the size of the dog.

How to care for your dog during this time?

  • Walk with a bitch in heat follows only on a leash;
  • If you do not intend to breed a dog, then limit its contacts with its brothers;
  • Do not visit exhibitions and training grounds;
  • Don't bathe with your dog in open waters to avoid infection;
  • To get rid of the smell that attracts males, wash your dog and use special deodorants;
  • Provide your dog proper nutrition and good exercise;
  • To keep your apartment clean, use hygiene panties for dogs;
  • Make sure your pet was not in a draft, did not sit on a cold floor or wet grass, otherwise, inflammation of the uterus can easily begin.

When does estrus start again after giving birth?

If your pet has given birth to puppies, then the next heat should be expected no earlier than in 4 months. But if she brought few puppies or fed them for a long time, then the timing of the onset of estrus shifts on average up to 6 months.

If you do not plan to have puppies, then the easiest way is sterilize dog - this one abdominal surgery will forever save you from the troubles caused by estrus for both you and your pet. If you have a breeding bitch, then in order for the estrus to proceed normally, and for the pet to later produce healthy and strong babies, take care to provide her with proper care and proper nutrition.

Estrus– this is not the worst thing that happens in the life of a person and a dog, and even a beginner in the field of dog breeding, having the necessary knowledge, will provide the dog with a comfortable existence during this period of life, and will save himself from unnecessary worries.

A dog is man's friend, faithful and devoted. Females are especially attached to their owner. However, keeping a pet is associated with inconveniences, and the owner of the animal must be aware of them. One of the inconveniences is the process of estrus, natural and inevitable, indicating the female’s puberty. Most inexperienced owners have little idea what to do and how to properly care for the dog during this period.

It is important to monitor the health of the pet during this time and several days after the end of the period, regardless of whether there was mating or not. At this time, your pet needs especially careful care, hygiene, your attention, care and affection. Feeding should be complete and nutritious.

Signs and symptoms

You can understand that your pet may soon begin to feel empty-headed by its behavior: it becomes uncontrollable and aggressive. He begins to mark in the apartment, does not listen to commands during a walk, and can break off the leash and run away. Appetite may either increase or decrease.

Determination of symptoms: the animal begins to urinate more often, bloody discharge occurs from the loop, nipples become enlarged, behavior changes dramatically, interest in the opposite sex increases. Before emptying, molting begins.

Until the fertilization phase has arrived, the female does not allow the male to approach her, but after a week (when the discharge turns the color of straw and acquires a mucous consistency) she will become excitable and will provoke males to mate, i.e., at the sight of a male, she will stand in a pose and move her tail to the side. This behavior will continue for a week.

If the owner wishes to mate a female, he must indicate on the calendar the days of readiness for mating. Take a closer look at your pet during heat to make this difficult time easier for her. The best option mating a bitch with a dog is the third waste.

In scientific terms, estrus, but in common people, estrus or rutting is a natural process, which suggests that when dogs begin their first heat, they are ready to mate and bear offspring. It often goes away when the female has already replaced her milk teeth with permanent ones. But it is impossible to determine the period of its onset.

The first estrus, unlike the next ones, is inactive, it is the shortest and, as a rule, not real, since there is no ovulation. Males pay almost no attention to the female, because her blood discharge is very insignificant. In small breeds, such as dachshund or spitz, it begins at 6-10 months. In large ones (alabais, huskies, german shepherds) - at the age of 10−18 months, but there is no specific period.

The owner should be alarmed if the pet's estrus does not make itself felt after this age; usually the female begins to discharge no more than twice a year. If there is estrus three times a year or more, it is necessary to take the dog to the veterinarian for consultation and treatment.

The monthly cycle in large breeds is determined at two years, in small breeds - at approximately 18 months. How long a dog goes into heat depends on the breed and age, health, and conditions of detention.

Estrus before 5 or after 18 months is already unnatural.

Veterinarians do not recommend breeding a dog during the first estrus, since the body is not yet ready for pregnancy and childbirth, this will affect the dog’s health, and early pregnancy is fraught with the birth of non-viable puppies. The first birth can also be difficult and threaten the life of your pet.

Duration and stages

How many days does a dog go into heat? In both large and small breeds, it can last 20-30 days (about 3-4 weeks). In any case, its average period may vary among different breeds.

If estrus occurs more than twice a year, you should definitely show the dog to the veterinarian, because frequent processes indicate hormonal changes in the body. In young people, the periodicity is unchanged. In older people, signs of estrus are mild, their number per year is reduced, although old dog She may very well become pregnant.

The owner, before breeding offspring, must know at what age the dog begins to go into heat, how long this process will take, how long it will take, how many days the dog's heat lasts and when is the best time to breed. To do this, he must understand each of its stages:

  1. Proestrus lasts 7-10 days, the dog’s behavior changes greatly. She is very active, loves to go for walks, is uncontrollable and pays obvious attention to male dogs.
  2. Estrus is complete readiness for mating.
  3. Metaestrus - duration is several days. The blood stops flowing, the loop decreases, and the dog loses interest in males.
  4. Anestrus - a state of sexual rest occurs.

At the end of estrus, the female looks tired, the loop remains swollen for several days, and leaks leak from it for some time. transparent discharge. This is fine. She sleeps a lot and no longer allows male dogs to approach her, although for some time every second male still shows active interest in her.

Attention, TODAY only!

(estrus, estrus) - a certain period, the reproductive stage, when an unsterilized female is ready to mate in order to produce offspring. The natural process also indicates the onset of puberty. The bitch is ready to mate, bear and give birth to offspring. If you have no experience with pets, but are planning to have a girl, we recommend reading this article, from which you will learn when the first heat should occur, what period it is, and also how to determine the onset of estrus in females.

Not only breeders of females, but also males should have an idea of ​​how estrus in a dog occurs and how long it lasts. This information will help to avoid unwanted mating, since it is during this period that the female allows males.

Heat – natural physiological process, indicating the onset of puberty. This main signal indicates that your pet is ready to bear offspring.

Estrus is accompanied by bloody vaginal discharge from the vulva, swelling of the outer labia, enlarged nipples, hormonal changes in the body, changes in the behavior of the pet.

The abundance of vaginal discharge during estrus, its nature (consistency, color) depends on the size, age of the dog, as well as the emptying period. In representatives of small breeds, the discharge is insignificant and the owners do not always determine the exact date of the onset of estrus. Therefore, the article will consider other signs by which you can understand that the dog is in heat.

Despite the readiness for mating, during the first breeding, experienced breeders and veterinarians categorically do not recommend breeding a dog, since the body is not fully ready for bearing offspring or giving birth. Pregnancy that is too early will have a negative impact on the dog’s health and can result in the birth of weak, non-viable puppies and difficult childbirth.

Advice! It is best to mate a bitch with a male during the third heat, having chosen a worthy groom for your favorite. This optimal age for mating.

Problematic heats

For development, possible pathologies indicate:

  • too frequent estrus;
  • bloodless, hidden estrus;
  • too abundant vaginal discharge non-characteristic color and consistency during or after emptying (blood with pus, black discharge);
  • weakness, apathy, lethargy, inappropriate behavior dogs;
  • refusal to eat, increased thirst;
  • unstable body temperature.

For several days after estrus, the loop remains slightly swollen. A small amount of light, transparent discharge flows from the vulva. This is the norm.

If a dog is in heat for more than 25-28 days, the vaginal discharge has a sharp putrid smell, gray-brown, dark yellow-brown color, severe bleeding developed after emptying, immediately show the dog to a veterinarian. This condition is caused by vulvovaginitis, metritis, the presence of tumors in the organs of the reproductive tract, and infection of the uterus by pathogenic flora. Heavy bleeding signals poor blood clotting.

First heat in dogs

If you decide to get a female dog, you need to understand that puberty in females is much more difficult from a physiological point of view than in males. In addition, owners must pay great attention to the health of their pet throughout their life. At least twice a year, during estrus, the dog’s body becomes more vulnerable than at other times.

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As a rule, the first estrus in females occurs between the ages of 8 and 13-15 months. Some females may go into heat at six months or even one and a half years. Much depends on the breed, physiological, and individual characteristics of the organism. For example, in dogs of miniature decorative breeds (Yorkies, Chihuahuas, Chins), estrus occurs after a year, and in females of large, giant breeds (Great Danes, Shepherds, Labradors) about six to ten months.

Note, that often in young dogs the first emptying is not real. That is, there is no ovulation. The next estrus may take some time to occur, so be careful.

But even within the same breed, the first heat occurs in different periods, and the intervals and duration are different.

Advice! If a female dog does not begin to go into heat until she is two years old, this indicates the presence of some pathologies in the dog’s body, indicates hormonal imbalance, and disturbances in the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system.

Normally, dogs go into heat once or twice a year. As a rule, the interval between estrus is four to six to seven months. So in mongrels and northern dogs (,), estrus occurs approximately once every ten to twelve months, and in females of other breeds - once every five to six months.

If a bitch's pregnancy occurs every three to four months, we recommend that you show your pet to a veterinarian. It is possible that frequent estrus indicates hormonal disorders.

Duration of estrus

The average duration of estrus in female dogs is three weeks (21-23 days). In this case, you need to take into account the number, frequency of emptying, age, weight of the dog.

In young dogs, as a rule, the duration and frequency of estrus is unchanged. In older dogs due to age-related changes, the rest period increases.

If the duration of a female dog's estrus is 25-28 days, and the periods of rest are six to seven months, then this schedule should be constant. If vaginal discharge has become abundant, more pronounced, with frequent periods of estrus, or estrus does not occur on time, consult a veterinarian.

Important! Emptying may not occur within the designated period if the dog is sick, weakened, or exhausted. Hidden estrus is noted in case of hormonal imbalances, after long-term use hormonal drugs, preventing sexual hunting.

Owners of bitches should monitor the dog's health during and after estrus for several days, regardless of whether the dog has been bred or not.

To have an idea of ​​the duration of estrus, mark the days of its beginning and end in a notebook, and also describe the behavior of the bitch during certain periods.

Even old females, if left unchecked, attract males and can be mated. The bitch can be covered by a sick male or a larger male dog.

Stages, emptying cycles

Conventionally, estrus in a dog is divided into four successive stages:

  • Proestrus (precursor). The duration of the cycle is seven to ten days. At this stage, noticeable characteristic manifestations. Due to the rush of blood to the genitals, the vulva swells. A small amount of bloody mucous discharge is released from the loop. There is no ovulation, the bitch is not ready for mating, she does not allow male dogs, driving away suitors with a growl. Behavior changes. The pet becomes more excited, playful, energetic, may show disobedience, and is reluctant to follow commands. Some bitches are irritable and aggressive. During walks, they explore the area and leave marks behind them. Urination is frequent.
  • Estrus (rut). During the period of sexual heat, in the first two to three days after its onset, ovulation occurs. The female is ready to mate, but does not always allow males. The rut occurs approximately on the 11-14th day after the appearance of bleeding. During this period, females, as a rule, are interested in males. The bitch flirts with the dog and pulls her tail away. The loop swells greatly, becomes more pliable and loose. The discharge takes on a dark red, brown hue and a viscous, thick consistency.
  • Metaestrus (the period of the end of estrus). The amount of discharge from the loop decreases. The labia decrease in size and swelling subsides. Females do not accept the advances of males, driving them away in every possible way. The duration of metaestrus is 10-11 days. If pregnancy does not occur, the body gradually comes to a state of rest. But regardless of whether the egg is fertilized or not, there is increased concentration contains progesterone (pregnancy hormone), so a false pregnancy may develop.
  • Anestrus. The duration of the rest period, which determines the frequency of emptyings, is 100-170 days.

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If you are planning to breed a bitch, the most favorable period- 10-12 days from the start of emptying. On other days, the female simply does not want to allow males to approach her.

It is better to carry out mating twice, for two days in a row at the same time. If the dog has an obstinate character, introduce your pet to a male dog a few weeks before the heat.

During estrus, females need especially careful care and attention. Maintain hygiene, regime, daily routine. The diet should be nutritious, balanced and complete.

To prevent unwanted mating, walk your animal on a leash and away from general dog walking areas. An empty female attracts male dogs, which is not pleasant for their owners and for the dog itself, and starts fights with other females.

You can let your dog off the leash only in deserted places where there are no dogs or people. Do not let your pet out of sight, control its actions and movements. If the bitch is disobedient, limit yourself to walking on a leash.

If the dog is kept in the yard, lock it in an enclosure during estrus to avoid unwanted mating.

Keep a close eye on your dog. False pregnancy may develop. Therefore, to avoid possible complications, if you notice the first manifestations of this condition during or after estrus, consult a veterinarian.

If the bitch has no breeding value, a dog is best. There are also special means to prevent ovulation and unwanted pregnancy.

Important! Long-term use such medications can provoke hormonal imbalance, oncology. Only a veterinarian should prescribe them!

How to determine the onset of estrus

You can tell that your dog is about to go into heat by looking at her behavior. Of course, each pet is individual, has its own character and disposition. At the same time, knowing the behavior and habits of your dog, you can understand that in a few days or weeks your pet will start going blank.

Bitches become more playful, active and even disobedient, especially on walks. Within a few days, the dog begins to flirt with male dogs, leaves marks with urine, explores the territory, becomes interested in male dogs, and reluctantly returns home from a walk. In some dogs, their appetite increases or, conversely, decreases.

Important! Before emptying, as well as in the first days, urination becomes more frequent, so the dog asks to go outside more often. The loop (labia) swells. The dog begins to lick itself frequently. Appetite is impaired, temperature rises.

During the rutting period, bitches can jump on other dogs with their paws, regardless of their gender. Females raise and curl their tail to facilitate mating.
