Recovery after medical termination of pregnancy. Medical abortion: benefits and implications

Artificial termination of pregnancy has an extremely negative effect on the health of patients, and recovery after an abortion sometimes takes several months. The duration of recovery depends on the time of interruption and the abortion method. It is clear that after a non-invasive pharmaceutical abortion, the body recovers faster than after curettage, which requires long-term rehabilitation.

It will take a long time to fully normalize physical and mental health.

Since the duration of recovery depends on the type of abortion.

  • Medical interruption is indicated when the gestational age is a maximum of 7 weeks. The patient is taking high-dose hormonal drugs that suppress embryonic development... At the same time, the fertilized egg is rejected and comes out with bleeding. A week after the interruption, the woman undergoes a control ultrasound examination to eliminate the possibility of an incomplete abortion.
  • Surgical curettage is performed at 7-12 weeks. Such an interruption seriously undermines women Health and adversely affects the patient's reproduction. A woman can feel the consequences of such an abortion for several months.
  • Mini-abortion is performed by vacuum aspiration for up to 6 weeks. This procedure lasts about 5 minutes, the fetus is literally sucked out of the uterine body due to negative pressure. With such an abortion, recovery lasts much less than with curettage curettage.

The longest is the recovery after an abortion performed surgically... Moreover, curettage curettage is fraught with the development of complications.

Treatment after interruption

Immediately after the interruption, the patient remains in the hospital, the stay may last for several hours or days, depending on the type of interruption and the availability postoperative complications... The patient is given a weekly course of antibiotic therapy to prevent septic complications... To improve the contraction of the uterine body, you may need hormonal treatment, suggesting the introduction of oxytocin.

To improve blood flow and clear blood clots from the uterine cavity, a moderate physical activity... In some cases, physical therapy is performed. Vitamins are usually not prescribed, however, after antibiotic treatment, dysbiosis may develop, leading to a drop in the level of B-group vitamins. In such a situation, it is recommended to take vitamin preparations or a complex of vitamins B.

In case of persistent pain - urgently see a doctor

If the control ultrasound shows the absence of fetal residues in the uterus, the abdomen is painless and soft, the bloody smear is insignificant, then the woman is allowed to go home. Approximately one to two weeks after the abortion, the patient may experience hyperthermia up to 38 degrees, which is quite normal. But if hyperthermic conditions bother more than this period, then it is necessary to urgently consult a specialist, since this symptom indicates pathology.

After discharge, the patient needs to take a smear from the vagina and cervix for vaginosis and infections, as well as undergo an ultrasound examination to assess the condition of the endometrium and the uterine body as a whole. If the smears show increased content leukocytes or bacteria, then bacterial sowing of mucus from the genital tract is carried out. If necessary, antibacterial or antimicrobial therapy is prescribed.

Recovery of the female body

In order for rehabilitation after an abortion to occur without any complications, the patient must necessarily observe sexual rest for at least a month. If the girl ignores this prohibition, then the likelihood of developing all sorts of complications increases, especially after scraping. Sexual intercourse soon after an abortion is dangerous with bleeding or rejection of the uterine mucous layer, which occurs against the background of infectious pathogens entering the injured uterus.

  • Physical recovery after an abortion occurs in about a couple of weeks, during which the girl is prohibited from any training. It's just that the muscle tissues of the abdomen need rest during recovery.
  • Also, patients are prohibited from lifting weights in order to avoid the penetration of infectious or bacterial pathogens, you need to give up taking a bath, swimming in open water or a pool during your recovery.
  • From how smoothly it goes physical recovery, the likelihood of post-abortion complications will depend.
  • Abortion always acts as a stressful factor for a woman, therefore, it is possible to accelerate recovery after termination of pregnancy with the help of a properly composed diet rich in trace elements or vitamins, protein foods and fiber.
  • Periodically, you need to check the indicators of pressure, temperature, if abnormal changes are found, then you need to go to the doctor.


The most affected structure requiring rehabilitation after an abortion is the uterus. The longer the gestational period, the stronger the damage to the uterine body, especially during surgical curettage. After removing the fetus, the uterine body gradually contracts and takes on full-fledged conventional sizes after a few days. But on the wall it forms traumatic injury, which needs time to heal and fully build up the endometrial layer.

Normally, the uterine body is restored for about a month, and by the beginning of the next menstruation it acquires its usual parameters and healthy epithelium. After about one and a half to two weeks, the woman is examined by a gynecologist. If there are profuse discharge, similar to meat slops, with a nauseous odor and a dark red tint, and the uterus is painful and enlarged, then an inflammatory lesion is diagnosed.

Endometritis usually occurs against the background of violations of the abortion technique, if fetal tissues remain inside, infection has occurred during the interruption or after it, as well as the formation of hematomas, in which blood accumulates in the uterine cavity. Therefore, a control ultrasound is carried out, which confirms the purity of the uterus and the absence of abnormalities.

Menstrual cycle

Many girls are interested in how to recover from an abortion faster. But some processes require a certain time frame. For example, the restoration of the uterus takes about a month, about the same is spent on the restoration of the cycle. After interruption, ovarian-menstrual regulation is disrupted, the production of the required amount of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormone stops.

When, after the interruption, menstruation begins, it is difficult to say, because it depends on many various reasons such as the age of the patient and the timing of gestation, the abortive technique and the presence chronic pathologies as well as currents postoperative rehabilitation... Usually, menstruation resumes about a month after surgery, however, after surgical interruption, the recovery period of the cycle may become longer, and the nature of menstrual flow in the first few months may also change.

  • If enough long time menstruation is meager, then you need to go to the gynecologist for examination.
  • There can be several reasons for poor menstruation. One of them is associated with functional disruptions in the hormonal activity of the ovaries, hypothalamus or pituitary gland.
  • Often such complications arise after a pharmaceutical abortion.
  • Also, scanty periods can occur with severe trauma to the endometrial layer.
  • Excessively heavy periods after an abortion for a long time are considered a dangerous symptom.
  • This occurs with endometrial hyperplasia or adenomyosis.

Ovulation in the first few cycles (2-3), as a rule, is also absent, although sometimes ovulatory processes are restored already in the first cycle.

Do you need contraception

It is advisable to keep a calendar to mark the onset of menstruation.

How to restore the body after an abortion? As already mentioned, in order for the recovery to go smoothly and without dangerous complications, strict sexual rest is necessary for a month. When sexual intercourse becomes possible, patients need compulsory protection, because conception can occur already in the first cycle after interruption. The onset of pregnancy soon after termination is highly undesirable; it is better to wait at least six months for conception, because there is a high likelihood of developing bearing pathologies. As an effective contraceptive method, oral birth control pills, alleviating hormonal complications and preventing neuroendocrine disorders.

It is recommended to take low-dose contraceptives, i.e. with low content hormones. It's just that estrogens increase blood clotting, and in the first few cycles, the patient already has hypercoagulation. Usually, girls are assigned Mersilon, Rigevidon or Regulon, etc. The pills are started on the day of the abortive interruption, which will be considered the first day of the new monthly cycle.

What affects the speed of recovery?

In fact, abortion is the same operation as many other interventions, therefore, it will be necessary to recover from it according to a certain scheme, observing medical recommendations. The gynecologist should monitor the patient's condition during the rehabilitation period in order to timely prevent the development dangerous consequences or complications. These include pronounced painful sensations in the abdomen, abundant and long bloody issues or delayed menstruation, etc. If such problems arise, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary therapy.

In general, a variety of factors can affect recovery from interruption. First, the patient's condition. If she suffers from any chronic or hereditary pathologies, then they will impede rapid recovery. Secondly, the abortion technique. Usually, the fastest rehabilitation occurs with a mini-abortion, but after surgical curettage or pharmaceutical abortion, complications are possible.

Thirdly, the timing of gestation. How earlier conception was interrupted, the safer and more imperceptible for the body it will pass. Also important is the qualifications of the specialist performing the operation, restoring physiotherapy procedures, drug therapy and psychological readiness women to this step. The rate of recovery depends on the age of the patient, than younger girl, the faster it will recover from abortion procedures. But at the same time, young people may subsequently have problems with the onset of pregnancy, up to infertility.

Abdominal pain after abortion

In general, soreness in the abdomen after interruption is considered acceptable norm... Worries pain syndrome about a week. If the pain syndrome literally fetters, a woman cannot tolerate such pain, then you need to contact a gynecologist. A variety of conditions can be the cause of painful complications.

  • If you are concerned about sharp, cramp-like pains, then this is due to the presence of residual embryonic-placental particles in the uterine cavity or the formation of a hematometer.
  • Constant, aching painful sensations with hyperthermia indicate the onset inflammatory process caused by an infection that was previously latent.
  • In the first few days, an increase in thermodynamic parameters is quite normal, but when the temperature exceeds 37.5 degrees for more than two to three days, an urgent medical intervention is necessary.

To prevent the development of inflammatory complications after abortive intervention, girls are prescribed antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs for 5-7 days. This is especially important preventive treatment for patients with poor smears or blood tests, urine, etc.

The recovery period is very important, the preservation of her depends on how accurately the patient observes gynecological prescriptions. reproductive functions and fertility. It is important for girls to protect themselves from hypothermia and drafts, colds, to dress warmly, especially in cold or damp weather. Hygiene procedures should be carried out daily. You can't take a bath yet, because dangerous bleeding can open, but you have to go to the shower, gently washing your genitals with warm water.

Since bleeding occurs after interruption, the pad should be changed every 3 hours to avoid infection due to stagnant blood in the pad. But tampons cannot be used after an abortion, because the blood absorbed into them serves as a favorable environment for reproduction pathogenic microorganisms, which provoke uterine inflammatory complications and other pathologies.

The recovery of the body after the abortion procedure directly depends on the method chosen by the doctors. In addition, the experience of the specialist who conducted the event is important. For example, after drug interruption the body quickly returns to its usual mode of operation. But surgical intervention often requires more serious rehabilitation measures.

The procedure excludes sexual activity for 3 weeks. It is recommended to give up sex before the end of the first menstrual period.

Sexual intercourse is especially dangerous after surgery, as it can cause complications, for example, bleeding, rejection of the uterine mucosa. In this case, intercourse will facilitate the penetration of the infection into the body.

Recovery time physical health after abortion lasts at least 2 weeks. During this time, sports are prohibited. Such a measure is necessary so that the muscles in the abdomen are at rest. Accordingly, you cannot lift weights. Successful physical recovery after such a procedure can reduce the risk of complications.

You can postpone training for a longer period if you are not confident in your abilities. In addition, a specialist will give recommendations on this matter at a routine examination.

To prevent bacteria or infection from entering the body, they refrain from taking baths, swimming in the pool and open water for some time.

No less important during the rehabilitation period is proper nutrition... Such procedures are severe stress for the body, so you need to saturate it with vitamins and minerals, as well as proteins and fiber.

They also regularly check body temperature, blood pressure, pulse. You must constantly monitor general condition women. Any deviation from the norm can be a harbinger developing complication... Therefore, when alarming symptoms you need to see a doctor.

Strict adherence to personal hygiene eliminates the development of bacteria in the microflora of the genital organs. It is recommended to wash yourself several times a day. Always dry your skin dry. Panty liners may also be needed and should be changed every 3 hours. Do not use tampons.

Often, recovery from an abortion is accompanied by antibiotics. At this time, refrain from drinking alcohol. You should not use it even for a week after the end of the medication course.

Rehabilitation period

After the procedure, a woman must follow a number of mandatory prescriptions:

  • Visit a gynecologist. After 7-10 days after the procedure, undergo an ultrasound examination of the small pelvis. This is done in order to identify the remnants of the fetal parts / exclude their presence. When complications appear, for example, bleeding, ultrasound is performed earlier;
  • Visit to a mammologist. A specialist in this profile should also refer the patient for an ultrasound scan. V in this case should check the chest;
  • Endocrinologist consultation. The doctor will help the woman restore normal hormonal background, adjust the menstrual cycle, give recommendations for physical rehabilitation;
  • A visit to a psychologist. Often a visit to this specialist it is required to apply to women who had to terminate a pregnancy by forced measures. Often, these patients have a bad experience of what happened. Against this background, they have depression, stress, nervous breakdowns... A qualified psychologist will give advice and help a woman recover on an emotional level.


Most often, after the abortion procedure, there is an incomplete release of the amniotic fluid. This situation requires intervention in the form of "cleaning", which, in turn, increases the risk of damage to the uterine mucosa and its cervix.

As a result, bleeding may begin. If such a complication occurs, it is necessary to urgently contact the nearest medical facility.

The process of termination of pregnancy, after which the fetal parts remain in the uterine cavity, leads to the multiplication of pathogenic organisms. In such a situation, the most favorable environment for the development of infection is created. If there is a mucosal injury, then in the absence necessary measures endometritis, salpingitis or purulent inflammation develops.

Such activities increase the risk of developing malignant tumors not only in the cervix and uterine cavity, but also in the ovaries, as well as the mammary glands.

Symptoms requiring prompt medical attention and rehabilitation measures:

  • Profuse bleeding with blood clots;
  • High fever that is not knocked down by antibiotics;
  • Discharge that has a pungent and unpleasant odor;
  • Severe abdominal pain;
  • Signs of pregnancy - nausea, fainting, dizziness.

Recovery of the uterus and the body as a whole after an abortion should be accompanied by adequate rehabilitation measures. A woman should devote more time to herself and her health. After two weeks, you can begin to recuperate with minor physical training.

Recovering regular periods after an abortion

This procedure can be performed in different ways. The choice of one of these is based on the presence of contraindications and the duration of pregnancy. For example, the so-called mini-abortion (vacuum) is done on early dates.

A full-fledged surgical intervention is carried out at a later date. You can also terminate a pregnancy with the help of special medications... Each of these interventions assumes its own period of recovery of menstruation and the body as a whole.

Normally, the cycle lasts 21-35 days. It is regulated by hormones produced by the ovaries, adrenal glands, and pituitary gland. Returning to normal life directly depends on the onset of menstruation. Cycle recovery is influenced by the type of abortive intervention. Surgical and medical interventions differ significantly in terms of recovery.

Types of medical abortion

The medical method is used when the period is no more than 7 weeks. Surgery is performed between 7 and 13 weeks of gestation. The latter is divided into two types: vacuum and scraping. The vacuum method is safer. It is worth noting that medication also refers to sparing.

But it should be noted right away that self-administration similar drugs fraught with complications, after which it is necessary to apply vacuum aspiration... Scraping is applied up to 5 months. The last method termination of pregnancy differs not only in the complexity of the procedure, but also in the number of possible complications.

When does the menstrual cycle return after an abortion?

Mostly menstruation begins no later than 5 weeks later. Usually abortion is considered the first day of the cycle. If you are missing your period, you have an infection or pregnancy. The gynecologist finds out the reason for the delay using an ultrasound scan.

The cycle after surgery may become shorter or longer, or shift. Recovery after medical abortion also takes about a month. Usually, after two to three months, the cycle is completely restored, since pharmacological intervention is a sparing method, carried out at an early stage.

After a mini-abortion, your period begins after a month, but it can be painful and more profuse than usual. The infection is indicated by discharge from unpleasant odor or an unusual color.

Artificial termination of pregnancy is a great stress for female body... Ideally, women should take care of their health and not lead them to the situation when they need to have an abortion. But life is not perfect. A woman may want to interrupt unwanted pregnancy by the most different reasons... And this is her right.

Abortion negatively affects not only the physical, but also mental condition women. Therefore, it is very important that before the procedure she learns about what can be done in the postoperative period and what should be avoided.

Types of termination of pregnancy

Before talking about what not to do after an abortion, you need to know about the types of this procedure.

Doctors today practice 3 types of abortion:

  • Drug.
  • Vacuum.
  • Instrumental.

This method of artificial interruption is considered the most gentle, since it is not associated with a surgical effect on the woman's body. Its essence lies in taking certain drugs that block the production of progesterone in a woman. Without it an important hormone the ovum cannot develop. The lack of progesterone causes the cervix to open and the embryo to exit.

The drug method has the following features:

  • This method can only be used if the timeline is less than 7 weeks.
  • This method has some side effects.
  • This method involves the use of drugs such as: mifepristone, mifegin and mithyprex. Their use always causes hormonal disruption in a woman's body, which must be compensated for by taking other medicines.

Vacuum abortion

It is also popularly known as a mini abortion. Such an intervention is more gentle in comparison with instrumental abortion, since there are much less consequences after it.

Interrupt with vacuum apparatus performed without opening the cervix. To remove the embryo, a special probe is used, connected to a vacuum pump. It is injected into the uterine cavity and the ovum is literally sucked off.

This type of abortion has the following features:

  • It can only be carried out if the gestation period does not exceed 8 weeks.
  • After such an abortion, the patient's rehabilitation period is much shorter than with a surgical one.

Instrumental interrupt

This is the oldest type of abortion.... Doctors consider it obsolete, but at the same time it is the most common in our country.

This type is carried out using special tools. They expand the cervix and scrape out the organ cavity. The scraping procedure is painful, so it is performed under general anesthesia. Before the operation, the woman is warned about this.

This species has the following features:

  • During the procedure, all actions of the gynecologist are monitored using an ultrasound machine.
  • The procedure is allowed during pregnancy up to 12 weeks.
  • During a surgical abortion, it is not uncommon for mechanical damage organ walls, infection and rupture of the muscle tissue of the cervix.

What is the safest species? In the opinion of the overwhelming majority of doctors, women are the easiest to tolerate pharmaceutical abortion. This abortion became widely used in 1990. It has the following advantages:

  • It is possible to get rid of the ovum before the formation of the embryo. That is, the pregnancy is terminated at the earliest possible date.
  • This type of abortion takes place without damaging the endometrium of the uterus, which increases the likelihood of re-pregnancy.

The greatest danger is carried by an instrumental abortion, since curettage often causes various negative consequences.

What should not be done after an abortion?

Regardless of the type of abortion after the procedure, a woman must adhere to the following rules:

Alcohol after drug interruption

Can I drink alcohol after an abortion? if it was medicated? This question is asked by many women. The answer to it is obvious: alcohol is prohibited for a certain time, since it can cause quite unpleasant consequences.

Mifepristone is most often used for surgery with a pharmacist. This drug strongly disrupts the mechanism of pregnancy, which is why it is interrupted. In this case, the medicine affects not only the uterus and the ovum, but also the entire woman's body, causing a general systemic failure. It is for this reason that Mifepristone and alcohol are incompatible. The risk of development is too great various problems with health. In addition, alcoholic beverages can neutralize the effects of the drug, which can lead to an incomplete abortion.

Even if the interruption is considered gentle, this does not mean that it is completely safe for the woman's body. Such a procedure still remains a gross intervention in the body, which is not without consequences. Therefore, after any abortion, a woman needs time and energy to recover. Taking alcohol reduces immunity and takes away the necessary strength.

Alcohol causes not only physiological, but also psychological harm.


Alcohol, getting into the human body, causes vasodilation. Because of this, more blood flows to the uterus, which can increase uterine bleeding, which always happens after using Mifepristone ... This can lead to massive blood loss and a threat to life..

Alcohol can also reduce the effect of the drug. As a result, there is a risk of incomplete termination of pregnancy. In this condition, surgical intervention is indispensable. If you do not cure the uterus in time, then a focus of infection may appear in the organ cavity. Even if it is possible to cope with it, with a high degree of probability the woman will no longer be able to have children.

Very often after an abortion in preventive purposes women start taking antibiotics. As you know, this group of drugs is incompatible with alcohol, as it can cause liver and kidney problems.


No woman feels joy after such stress. But the feeling of loss, regret and sadness are familiar to everyone. For many ladies, alcohol becomes a way to temporarily get rid of negative emotions. And here lies the main danger... The point is, alcohol can hardly improve your mood. They only exacerbate negative emotions that get stronger during a hangover. As a result, starting with small doses of alcohol, the woman gradually increases everything. As a result, there is alcohol addiction which is extremely difficult for women to cope with.

Doctors strongly advise women not to resort to alcoholic beverages to deal with emotional problems. Better to see a psychologist or psychiatrist. The latter can prescribe antidepressants.

A worthy replacement drugs decoctions of motherwort or valerian can become. They are able to calm a woman down.

When can I drink alcohol after a medical abortion?

Considering that the main action of Mifepristone falls on the first 3 days, but at the same time it affects the body for at least 2 weeks, then we can talk about an acceptable return to drinking alcohol after three weeks after intervention medically... But in this case, you need to remember that alcohol can become the factor that will provoke the development of any complications.

Potential consequences of drinking after medical abortion

To drink or not to drink alcohol after an abortion, every woman decides for herself. Outsiders cannot influence such a decision. However, they should try to convey to her information about the possible consequences of a wrong decision. Doctors call the main consequences of drinking alcohol:


After an artificial termination of pregnancy, a woman must limit herself in many ways in order to maintain her health, as well as be able to become a happy mother in the future. And first of all, one should give up alcohol. Not a single woman has succeeded in drowning out feelings of guilt and becoming healthier with the help of alcoholic beverages. It's hardly worth experimenting with.

Attention, only TODAY!

Medical abortion is the termination of pregnancy with medication, without gynecological intervention... It is carried out at the request of the woman, for a fee, according to the accepted scheme and only in clinics licensed to carry out this procedure. Now in Russia there are quite a few of them.

When is the procedure possible

Until what time medical abortion do, described in the official medical documents- this is 6 weeks in Russia. Moreover, the period is considered from the first day of the last menstruation.

Specifically, from the day of conception (more often ovulation), no more than 4 weeks should pass. This is 2 weeks of delay in menstruation. But the sooner the procedure is performed, the greater the chances of success.

How to find out early that a pregnancy has come? You can take a blood test for hCG 1-5 days before the start of the delay in menstruation. Or do home test, only mandatory with high sensitivity. There are test strips that show the correct result even 5 days before the start of the missed period. Moreover, their cost is low, about 50 rubles.

However, be prepared for the fact that before the start of the missed period, even if the hCG level confirms that you are pregnant, no one will give you an abortion. Neither medical nor surgical. It is necessary that the ultrasound confirms the presence of the ovum in the uterus. And before the start of the delay, he is still not visible there.

How is pregnancy termination with pills and its cons

A woman needs to find a clinic where they carry out this procedure and make an appointment with a gynecologist. After confirmation uterine pregnancy and the appropriate time for the procedure, he will tell you how an early medical abortion goes and issue an informed consent, which the patient must sign.

Further, she will be given a drug, which she must take in the presence of a doctor. After that, it is advisable to stay in the clinic for a couple of hours, but in practice, women are usually quickly released home, since the medicine is well tolerated, rarely gives side effects. These medical abortion pills are called Mifepristone. After taking them, a very small number of women immediately begin to miscarry. Most of them do not feel well. But there may be spotting, bloody discharge from the vagina.

After 36-48 hours, the woman should take another drug - Misoprostol. Again, this should, by standards, take place in the clinic, under the supervision of a physician. And after taking this medicinal product, after 20-30 minutes strong cramping pains, bleeding. At this time, the woman should be in the clinic. If she vomits, it is one of the side effects Misoprostol - may need to additional reception drug. Usually, within the next 2-3 hours, a fertilized egg comes out. True, you may not even notice it, since there will be a lot of clots. As soon as the pain subsides a little, the woman is allowed to go home.

After 7-10 days, it is necessary to do an ultrasound scan to make sure that there are no complications in the early termination of pregnancy, which primarily consist of incomplete miscarriage. If the particles of the ovum remain, or it continues to develop, vacuum aspiration is suggested. Even if the woman has already decided to leave the child. The fact is that due to the intake of "Misoprostol", the strongest spasms that it causes, the child develops numerous malformations, such as defects of the skull, feet (horse foot), etc. And that's not all possible consequences medical abortion. A frequent complication severe and prolonged bleeding becomes. By the way, this complication after vacuum aspiration is observed much less often. The woman is forced to take hemostatic drugs. This all limits her ability to work.

Medical abortion also has contraindications:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • allergic reaction;
  • long-term use of glucocorticoids;
  • adrenal, hepatic and renal failure and some others. For example, a doctor may refuse this service if a woman has a large myomatous intramuscular node, since active contractions of the uterus that occur after taking "Misoprostol" can lead to tumor necrosis.

Cycle recovery, sex life, contraception and new pregnancies

Discharge after medical abortion lasts about 10-14 days, more than during normal menstruation, or even after surgical termination of pregnancy. At the same time, it is possible to determine whether the uterus has completely cleared of the membranes from the membranes only by the results of an ultrasound scan. If so, your menstrual cycle will recover quickly. So, menstruation after medical abortion in the early stages usually begins after 28-35 days. In this case, ovulation may already be in the middle of this cycle, so it is very important to start using reliable contraception right away. Many are also interested in when it is possible to have sex after a medical abortion, in how many days. Doctors recommend only after the complete cessation of secretions, that is, after 10-14 days. But we will focus on the issue of contraception.

Modern doctors recommend for women living with one permanent sexual partner, an intrauterine system (coil) or oral contraceptives ( hormonal pills). In this case, the spiral can be installed directly on the days of bleeding after an abortion. The main thing is that by that time there are no membranes left in the uterus. That is, you need to do an ultrasound scan, and if all is well, you can talk to your doctor about which intrauterine system you need better fit, buy and install it. Intrauterine systems are installed in the last days menstruation when cervical canal ajar to make the procedure easier and more painless.

Oral contraceptives can be started in the first 5 days after a miscarriage. Strictly according to the instructions. Then contraceptive effect will be good and will come quickly (how quickly depends on the day of the cycle on which the drug was started). Besides, hormonal contraceptives help restore hormones. Doctors often prescribe them to be taken after an abortion for at least three months, and it is possible even before planning a pregnancy, if there are no contraindications to the pills.

Is it possible to terminate a pregnancy in this way on your own, without going to the doctor

Many women are not entirely satisfied with this option of abortion. Expensive ... And again, you need to go to the doctors. Therefore, they are trying to purchase drugs on their own, which, in their opinion, should "help". Since the drugs necessary for medical abortion are not available on the free market, they buy what is available. And this is Oxytocin. It is sometimes used for incomplete abortion or to intensify labor pains. But in the early stages of pregnancy, this drug alone will not help. It will only lead to very painful contractions of the uterus, possibly bleeding. But it is very unlikely that a miscarriage will occur, especially a complete one. And the remnants of the membranes in the uterus are a direct threat of blood poisoning.

For this reason, in order to avoid severe complications, you should not cause a miscarriage on your own for any period.

Many women after medical abortion (MA) are concerned about how to avoid complications and maintain their health.

Despite the seeming safety of the procedure for medical termination of pregnancy. Like any other hormonal intervention in a woman's reproductive health, abortion has a number of consequences.

Medical abortion is performed without surgery into the uterine cavity in early pregnancy (up to 6 weeks). It is carried out using drugs that block the action of progesterone, which promotes normal development pregnancy.

Thus, the termination of pregnancy takes place in the form of menstrual bleeding, accompanied by moderate pain in the lower abdomen.

The effectiveness of the method is about 95% in the absence of complications inherent in surgical abortion.

What complications can there be after medical abortion?

After this medical manipulation a number of complications are possible. Let's list them:

  • ongoing pregnancy;
  • profuse uterine bleeding;
  • pronounced cramping sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • dyspeptic disorders in the form of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea;
  • allergic reactions like urticaria;
  • migraine;
  • general malaise, hot flashes, chills;
  • increased body temperature.

We will understand in more detail which signs may indicate the presence of complications and what to do if this happened, and also try to answer the most frequently asked questions of women.

The likelihood of developing pregnancy can occur in 1-2.5% of cases. Will tell about its presence positive test after medical abortion, which is recommended not earlier than a week after the procedure.

Earlier testing may result in positive result due to the fact that the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) after abortion decreases gradually.

If the test shows pregnancy 7-10 days after the abortion, contact your gynecologist immediately.

Why does heavy bleeding occur?

It is possible that the pregnancy is terminated, but the ovum does not come out or is not completely expelled from the uterine cavity. Clinically, this condition is accompanied by bleeding. Or the cause is the accumulation of blood clots in the uterine cavity. In both cases, it is shown that ultrasound examination which will show the nature of the problem.

To stop bleeding, drug therapy is prescribed: "Dicinon", aminocaproic acid. And from the methods traditional medicine a tincture of water pepper is suitable.

When do I need a cleanse after a medical abortion?

Cleaning will be required if the ultrasound found the remains of the ovum or blood clots. The doctor will help clarify this problem during a routine examination 10-14 days after MA. And of course, the patient will notice prolonged bleeding.

Do I need to take antibiotics after MA?

After a medical abortion, there is no need for antibacterial drugs, because the procedure is not associated with surgical intervention into the uterine cavity.

But there may be conditions in which antibiotics are indicated. In particular, this indication can be elevated temperature after medical abortion.

If the temperature is over 38 ° C, which lasts longer than four hours, see a doctor immediately, even if you want to stay in your usual home environment.

Restoration of the menstrual cycle after MA

The onset of menstruation usually occurs 30-32 days after the procedure, but there may be a delay of up to 10 days, which is associated with hormonal disruption in organism. In this case, you need to do a test and continue taking medications prescribed by your doctor.

What medications are prescribed in the post-abortion period

Most often they are prescribed:

  • "Duphaston" normalizes the neuroendocrine function of the ovaries and uterus, compensates for the deficiency of progesterone.
  • Antispasmodics (No-shpa, Drotaverin) reduce pain caused by uterine contractions.
  • Means for regulating the motility of the digestive tract ("Motilium", "Motinol", "Metoclopramide") for treatment side effects in the form of nausea and vomiting.
  • Antidiarrheal ("Loperamide", "Imodium"), if the post-abortion period is accompanied by upset stool.
  • Antihistamines ("Claritin", "Cetrin") with allergic manifestations and hives.
  • Sedatives ("Diazepam", valerian extract) to reduce the manifestations of neuropsychic stress caused by the nature of the procedure.
  • Multivitamin complexes containing antioxidants ("Multi-tabs", "Vitrum"), tonic (royal jelly "Apilak") to maintain immunity and restore the body's defenses.
  • Hemostatics for profuse bleeding.

What medications are prohibited after medical abortion?

Do not take painkillers (Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac), as they increase bleeding.

When can I breastfeed?

After a medical abortion, the concentration of drugs harmful to the child remains in breast milk for another week. Therefore, for the period of withdrawal of medications after the procedure, which is about 6-7 days, it is recommended to suspend breastfeeding.

For quantity and quality breast milk the injected drugs do not affect, and you can successfully resume breastfeeding after the recommended time.

Recovery period

The recovery period after medical abortion lasts about a month and provides several methods of rehabilitation. These include taking medications prescribed by a doctor after an abortion and observing the following recommendations:

  • Good nutrition. To prevent anemia caused by bleeding, it is necessary to eat beef and beef liver which are a source of iron. Alcohol is prohibited for 2 weeks. Drinking alcohol leads to increased bleeding and weakening of the immune system.
  • Work and rest mode. Eliminate hard physical labor, hiking gym and a solarium.
  • Sexual life is recommended no earlier than a month later.

Is it possible to swim in the sea after MA

Swimming in the sea or pool is prohibited for 2 weeks. From hygiene procedures showering recommended.

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