Vitamins for general physical condition. Vitamins for recuperation as a way to get rid of fatigue. Top energy vitamins for women

If you do not have the strength even for everyday activities, then most likely your body lacks vitamins.

Where can I get vitamins for vitality and energy?

In order to saturate your own body with the necessary for normal functioning vitamins and microelements, you can either radically change your daily diet, or go to the nearest pharmacy and buy the most suitable vitamin complex for you. Ideally, if you feel strong it is recommended to combine these two methods. Next, we propose to find out which vitamins our body most urgently needs, as well as find out which foods contain them.

: B1 (thiamine)

This vitamin is very a wide range actions: contributes to maintaining the health of the human nervous system, slows down the aging process of brain cells, thereby maintaining clarity of thinking and memory. Therefore, if you are engaged in mental work, you simply cannot do without thiamine. Deficiency of this vitamin leads to drowsiness, irritability and premature fatigue. In order to make up for the lack of thiamine in the body, nutritionists recommend regularly eating foods such as pork (and meat and liver), legumes, cereals, cabbage, nuts, rose hips, milk, potatoes and eggs.

Vitamins for vitality and energy: B8 (biotin)

This vitamin is used to assimilate the proteins obtained from food, which are so necessary for our body to produce energy. In addition, biotin contributes to the stimulation of glucose metabolism, in other words, regulates the level of sugar in our blood. Glucose is known to be nutrient for brain cells and nerves. contained in following products: beef kidneys and liver, brewer's yeast, egg yolks, rice, mushrooms, fruits, cauliflower, milk, nuts and soy products and others).

Vitamins for vitality and energy: ascorbic acid (vitamin C)

This vitamin, familiar to all of us under the name "ascorbic acid", penetrates very quickly into a person, contributing to the production of norepinephrine, which is a substance due to which we are alert and in a good mood. In order to saturate your body with ascorbic acid, include in your daily diet foods such as rose hips, citrus fruits, black currants, bell peppers, strawberries, kiwi, cabbage (both fresh and parsley, dill, green onions, horseradish and potatoes.

Bestvitamins for vivacity: reviews

Many decide to help their body, not only by including foods rich in vitamins in their diet, but also by using vitamin complexes. According to the opinions of our compatriots, best options for this are vitamin complexes under the following names: Alphabet, Vitrum, Multitabs, Complivit, Centrum and Merz.

Vitamins that give the body vitality

Live in modern world makes a person feel constant stress. sedentary image, bad habits, unhealthy food - all this adversely affects health. The body does not fully receive the necessary nutrients. As a result, immunity begins to weaken, the nervous system suffers, irritability, insomnia, apathy, etc. appear.

Before deciding which vitamins to drink, it is advisable to find out what exactly the body lacks. It is difficult to determine this without specific tests, but some symptoms may suggest which vitamin is needed:

  • dizziness, tinnitus - lack of vitamins B3 and;
  • redness of the eyes - not enough vitamins A and B2;
  • dandruff, dry hair, brittle nails - deficiency of vitamins B6, B9, B12,,,,;
  • the appearance of bruises that do not go away for a long time occurs with a lack of vitamin C;
  • insomnia appears due to a lack of B vitamins.

What vitamins are needed for energy, giving strength and vigor:

  • B group vitamins. The normal functioning of the body without these vitamins is impossible. In total, the group has 12 items that operate on various bodies and systems in the body. For replenishment vital energy, cheerfulness, mood, mental and physical activity are responsible for vitamins B1, B3, B6, B7, B12,
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine). It is necessary to improve the functioning of the nervous system, is responsible for clarity of thinking, and is especially useful in old age. Thiamine helps to improve memory, increase attention and brain activity, prevent premature aging brain cells. This vitamin helps a person cope with mood swings. Its deficiency causes drowsiness, lethargy, irritability. Most often, a lack of thiamine occurs in people who abuse alcohol, as it interferes with its absorption.
  • Vitamin B3 (other names are niacin, a nicotinic acid or RR). As well as vitamin B1, it helps in the functioning of the nervous system and contributes to the saturation of the body with energy.
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). Regulates the flow of glucose into the blood, without which the full functioning of the nervous system and brain is impossible.
  • Vitamin B7 (biotin). This substance is involved in the process of assimilation of proteins that saturate the body with energy. Biotin also promotes the production and absorption of insulin by the body. Without this vitamin, the body will not be able to absorb glucose, which, in turn, nourishes the brain cells. With a lack of vitamin B7, a person becomes apathetic, angry and weak.

Studies have shown that the intestines are able to synthesize biotin on their own. Therefore, if a person does not have problems with the stomach and intestines, then he will not lack vitamin B7.

  • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin). This vitamin is not found in plants. Its deficiency can lead to problems such as depression, neurosis, dementia. At risk are people with poor nutrition, vegetarians and vegans.
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). What person is not familiar with ascorbic acid? Everyone knows about it since childhood, as it strengthens the immune system and helps the body cope with viruses and pathogenic bacteria. Vitamin C is called the energy vitamin for a reason. It promotes the production of serotonin (the hormone of happiness). Interacting with amino acids, it penetrates into nerve cells and promotes the release of norepinephrine, which makes a person feel happy, cheerful and strong. Vitamin C is absorbed by the body only in combination with calcium and magnesium. Therefore, when buying vitamins to boost immunity and increase tone in a pharmacy, you need to pay attention to the composition.
  • Vitamin A (beta-carotene or retinol). Has antioxidant properties. Required for normal state cornea, mucosal hydration. Vitamin A improves eyesight, so it is important for people over 50 to take it. Retinol is also responsible for normal work gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, improves immunity. It is especially important to maintain normal levels of the vitamin for women, as it has a beneficial effect on reproductive system, normalizes production breast milk in nursing mothers and normalizes metabolism.
  • Vitamin D (cholicalceferol). Vitamin deficiency adversely affects the condition blood vessels and heart muscle, while there is a lack of oxygen. A person feels weakness, loss of strength and energy. A vitamin is especially needed for severe physical activity. Take it to raise the tone, Have a good mood, increasing activity, both physical and mental.

What foods contain vitamins

With a lack of any vitamin, it is not necessary to urgently go to the pharmacy. Often the problem can be corrected by adjusting the power supply.

In what food can you find the necessary vitamins for vivacity:

Name Where is contained Age Daily dose
Vitamin C
  • citruses;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • rose hip;
  • kiwi;
  • spinach;
  • black currant;
  • horseradish roots;
  • green onions;
  • parsley;
  • Dill;
  • broccoli.
Children under 1 year old 25-35 mg
Children from 1 to 10 years old 40-45 mg
adults 45-100 mg
Aged people 55-150 mg
Vitamin A
  • Red caviar;
  • fish fat;
  • liver of birds and small and medium livestock;
  • egg yolks;
  • whole milk and homemade cream;
  • green vegetables.
Children under 1 year old 400 mcg
Children from 1 to 10 years old 500-700 mcg
adults 3400-5000 mcg
Aged people 3600-5900 mcg
Vitamin B1
  • Whole milk;
  • eggs;
  • legumes;
  • nuts;
  • potato;
  • pork;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • whole wheat grains and bran;
  • rice husk;
  • oatmeal;
  • cabbage;
  • green buckwheat;
  • rose hip.
Children under 1 year old 0.3-0.5 mg
Children from 1 to 10 years old 0.7-1 mg
adults 1.1-2.5 mg
Aged people 1.5-3 mg
Vitamin B7
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • cauliflower;
  • tomatoes;
  • milk products;
  • egg yolks;
  • mushrooms;
  • · bean curd;
  • brown rice;
  • beef kidneys and liver;
  • nuts;
  • fruit.
Children under 1 year old 10-15 mcg
Children from 1 to 10 years old 20-30 mcg
adults 35-200 mcg
Aged people up to 300 mcg
Vitamin D
  • Veal;
  • Herring;
  • mackerel;
  • cod or halibut liver;
  • milk;
  • eggs;
  • parsley.
Children under 1 year old 10 mcg
Children from 1 to 10 years old 2.5-4 mcg
adults 100-500 IU
Aged people 150-300ME

Complexes of vitamins for cheerfulness and good mood

Proper nutrition not always enough to maintain normal vitamin levels. The reasons for this may be poor-quality products, their improper use, heat treatment, in which most of the useful substances. Also, some vitamins are absorbed under certain conditions, for example, vitamin C will be useless without simultaneous reception calcium and magnesium. That is why, sometimes it is more expedient to take vitamins for energy and vigor in the form of tablets, syrups and injections.

Modern pharmaceutical companies when creating energy vitamin complex or others vitamin preparations, take into account various problems that a person may encounter. For example, you can choose a drug to give beauty and health to hair, skin and nails, or vitamins to strengthen the immune system, as well as complexes for vivacity and energy.

The best vitamin complexes that are needed for energy and uplifting mood:

  • Alphabet Energy. The complex will help a person to wake up quickly and feel a surge of energy. The composition contains vitamin B1, folic acid, plant extracts and antioxidants. The complex was created for active people to improve mental and physical activity, working capacity, raising the body's defenses. Tablets should be taken 3 times a day (morning, afternoon and evening) with meals. The course of treatment is a month.
  • Dopel Hertz Energotonic. The tool is ideal for those who feel beriberi, loss of strength, with high physical and mental stress. It is useful to take the remedy for people in postoperative period or during any illness. The drug gives energy, tone and improves mood. It is necessary for adults to take a tablespoon 3 times a day with meals. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.
  • Vitrum Energy. The complex is suitable for people with beriberi or hypovitaminosis, helps with chronic fatigue, physical activity. It is recommended to take Vitrum Energy after operations or serious illnesses in order to restore the body's strength, the balance of micro and macro elements in case of anorexia, poor and poor nutrition, and diarrhea. Adults and children over 12 years of age are allowed to take the drug for activity. Drink for vivacity on a tablet in the morning after meals for 1-2 months.
  • Dynamizan. Contains vitamins and other useful substances (vitamins A, E, C, group B, amino acids, minerals, ginseng extract) necessary for the health and full functioning of the body. The tool is recommended to increase tone, strengthen immunity. It increases efficiency, gives the body energy and vitality, and also slows down the aging process of the body. It has a beneficial effect on the health of teeth, bones, hair and nails. Dynamizan normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, restores sexual functions. Recommended for women over 35, smokers, hard workers. In order not to cause insomnia, it is necessary to take Dinamizan in the morning on a tablet.
  • Duovit for girls. Special complex for the young female body. Protects and normalizes the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system, thyroid gland, improves lipid metabolism etc. Recommended for women in their 20s and 30s. To improve well-being, increase energy, take one tablet 3 times a day with meals. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.

Which complex to choose should be discussed with the doctor. The specialist will be able to choose the most best option, taking into account the presence of diseases and what exactly the patient's body lacks.

Vitamins, unlike proteins, fats and carbohydrates, are not sources of energy. But without them, the body will not be able to exist normally, since the cells of the body will not receive the necessary nutrients. Vitamins that increase energy can be obtained by eating right or taking special preparations. With their help, the lack of useful elements in the body is replenished and the person feels full of energy and vigor.

Additional information You can learn more about vitamins in the video below.

Today, almost everyone experiences negative impact external environment.

Stress, physical activity, constant haste, insomnia - all these are factors that negatively affect the state of the nervous system.

In addition, seasonal beriberi "add fuel to the fire." Result - nervous exhaustion, weakness in the limbs, severe fatigue.

To restore lost strength and energy, you can turn to help vitamin complexes.

Vitamins and minerals to improve tone

Vitamins of group B "work" with a complex intake.

In other words, for the normal functioning of the body, it is necessary to receive all the vitamins included in this group. Their sufficient content is an excellent prevention of fatigue.

Vitamin B1 affects the functioning of the nervous system. It inhibits the aging process of cells, affects the development creativity, thinking. People engaged in mental work have a special need for this substance. Vitamin B1 deficiency contributes to a decrease in tone, the appearance of irritability and drowsiness, and a violation of the general condition.

People who prefer a low-calorie diet may pay attention to bran, oatmeal, green buckwheat.

The assimilation of proteins, and consequently, the formation of energy, contributes to vitamin H. Biotin has a unique ability - to interact with the hormone of the pancreas in the implementation of carbohydrate metabolism.

The most important property of the compound is the normalization of blood glucose levels, stimulation of glucose metabolism. After all, it is she who acts as a key nutrient for brain cells, nerve cells. low concentration blood glucose can cause fatigue, loss of strength.

To prevent a deficiency or make up for a lack of acid, the diet should be enriched with citrus fruits, rose hips, cabbage, currants, potatoes, greens.

For the normal synthesis of myoglobin, hemoglobin is necessary iron. Its deficiency reduces the bactericidal properties of neutrophils and phagocytosis. Some fruits, cereals, rye bread, liver are rich in iron.

  • suitable for all age categories;
  • contain all the necessary substances;
  • increase energy;
  • increase concentration;
  • increase physical and mental endurance.

Video: "Complexes to increase the tone of the body"

Types of vitamin complexes

Complexes to increase energy are divided into several types:

The frantic pace of life negatively affects the state of the nervous system. To protect yourself from chronic fatigue, to regain lost tone and energy, it is necessary to provide support at the level of microelements. Vitamin complexes are suitable for everyone whose work is associated with mental or physical stress., i.e. people of all ages and professions.

Taking vitamins will help increase stamina and performance, become more successful, get up in the morning cheerful and full of energy. In order for the vitamin complex to bring the expected results, you need to choose it in accordance with your characteristics and needs. Include vitamins in your daily routine and your body will thank you.

A constant lack of nutrients is one of the causes of chronic fatigue., insomnia, metabolic disorders and other disruptions in the work of the human body.

Today, no one argues about whether it is possible to maintain activity and prolong youth due to vitamins.

But not everyone knows what vitamins to drink for vivacity and energy, where to buy them, what is the specificity of a particular vitamin complex, whether it is important to take into account age, gender, nature of activity and environmental conditions of residence.

With the help of vitamin therapy, it is easy to “tune” your body in a positive way, to make an eternally half-asleep, sluggish whiner a person energetic, productive and ready for new achievements.

Vitamins that give a person vitality and energy

Those who want to be healthy should know the main vitamins, the use of which leads to increased energy and maintaining vigor. Let's look at some of these "magic" vitamins and their features.

Ascorbic acid (or vitamin C)

Ascorbic acid promotes the production of norepinephrine in the body

Combining with one of the amino acids - phenylalanine - it produces norepinephrine, which provides vigor and high spirits.

The production of norepinephrine occurs in nerve cells, where ascorbic acid penetrates some time after the use of the corresponding products.

It is important that vitamin C is always “attached” with a background of magnesium and calcium, otherwise it will not be absorbed. When choosing vitamin and mineral complexes, be sure to study the composition on the package.

Vitamin A (beta-carotene)

It also has another name - retinol. Powerful antioxidant. Responsible for moisturizing the cornea. Maintains mucosal moisture normal level. Helps to preserve vision, especially with age-related changes.

Normalizes the work of the digestive tract, respiratory organs. Strengthens immune system. It is extremely important for women: it balances the reproductive system, has a beneficial effect on lactation in nursing mothers, and normalizes metabolic processes in fat cells.

Thiamin (better known as vitamin B1)

Vitamin B1 helps keep you alert and improves your mood

It is often referred to as the "vitamin of good spirits". Without it, the nervous system and mental activity are doomed to exhaustion.

Do you want to maintain clarity of mind, quick memory, sharpness of thought, creative activity? Then the best assistant in this is vitamin B1, which must certainly be included in the mineral-vitamin complexes you take.

With a lack of thiamine, a person experiences drowsiness, quickly gets tired, and becomes irritable.

If thiamine is not included in the complex of vitamins for energy and vigor, it makes absolutely no sense to purchase such products.

Biotin (aka Vitamin B7)

Also called "vitamin H" and "coenzyme R". Responsible for the digestion of proteins, which releases energy. In addition, coenzyme R is involved in carbohydrate metabolism(balances insulin).

Most importantly, vitamin B7 is a participant in glucose metabolism, that is, it largely depends on biotin whether the nerve cells of the brain will receive enough glucose or not. With a low glucose level, apathy takes over a person, he becomes lethargic, irritable, even angry.

Vitamin B7 must be part of those vitamin-mineral complexes that you intend to use.

Scientists have recently discovered amazing fact. It turns out that healthy intestinal microflora synthesizes biotin, so the issue of its “supply” to the body can be partly considered resolved (but this is provided that there are no serious intestinal dysbacterioses).

Vitamin D (cholicalceferol)

Without it, a person quickly gets tired and recovers for a long time after physical exertion. The reason is that without this vitamin, the vessels and the heart muscle noticeably weaken. As a result, insufficient oxygen supply, sluggish blood circulation.

And vice versa, if the balance in the body is normal, all cells are well supplied with oxygen, mental activity is active, mood is excellent, energy is abundant.

What foods contain these vitamins?

Sources ascorbic acid(or vitamin C):

  • citrus;
  • sea ​​buckthorn berries;
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • kiwi;
  • spinach leaves;
  • black currant;
  • horseradish roots;
  • parsley and dill;
  • broccoli etc.

Daily doses:

  • children under 1 year - 25-35 mg;
  • children from 1 to 10 years old - 40-45 mg;
  • adults (men and women) - 45-100 mg;
  • elderly people - 55-150 mg.

Sources of Vitamin A (retinol):

  • granular red caviar;
  • poultry, medium and small cattle;
  • egg yolks;
  • whole milk and real country cream;
  • green vegetables.

Daily doses:

  • babies under 1 year old - 400 mcg;
  • children from 1 to 10 years old - 500-700 mcg;
  • adults - 3400-5000 IU;
  • elderly people - 3600-5900 IU.

Sources of thiamine (vitamin B1):

  • village milk;
  • eggs;
  • legumes;
  • nuts;
  • potato;
  • pork (meat and liver);
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • whole wheat grains;
  • bran;
  • rice husk;
  • oatmeal;
  • cabbage;
  • green buckwheat;
  • rosehip, etc.

Daily dose of consumption:

  • babies up to 1 year - 0.3-0.5 mg;
  • children from 1 to 10 years old - 0.7-1 mg;
  • adults (men and women) - 1.1-2.5 mg;
  • elderly people - 1.5-3 mg.

Sources of Biotin (Vitamin B7):

Products. which contain vitamin B7

  • Brewer's yeast;
  • cauliflower;
  • tomatoes;
  • milk products;
  • egg yolks (but not whites, because they do not give biotin, but destroy it);
  • mushrooms;
  • bean curd;
  • brown rice;
  • beef kidneys and liver;
  • nuts;
  • fruits, etc.

Daily doses:

  • babies up to 1 year old - 10-15 mcg;
  • children from 1 to 10 years old - 20-30 mcg;
  • adults (men and women) - 35-200 mcg;
  • elderly people - up to 300 mcg.

Sources of vitamin D (cholicalceferol):

  • veal;
  • fatty herring;
  • mackerel fillet;
  • cod and halibut liver;
  • milk;
  • eggs;
  • parsley, etc.

Daily doses:

  • babies under 1 year old - 10 mcg;
  • children from 1 to 10 years old - 2.5-4 mcg;
  • adults (men and women) - 100-500 IU;
  • elderly people - 150-300 IU.

Vitamin complexes to give vitality and energy

Properly selected complex of vitamins will provide you with a boost of energy

There are many good, proven, effective vitamin complexes on sale today.

Each of them has its own nuances.

Much depends on the specific purpose: whether vitamins are shown for girls and women or men, for children or adults, and can be focused on the elderly.

Consider the most popular vitamin complexes.

Alphabet Energy Complex

Indicated for general strengthening vitamin therapy. Developed on the basis of natural plant extracts.

Among the ingredients of the Alphabet Energy complex there are vitamins B1, E, A, C, H, folic acid, selenium, zinc, etc.

Vitamins provide a smooth transition from sleep to wakefulness. Strengthen immunity.

Protects the body from external stimuli, as well as from the inside at the level of metabolic processes. Reinforce antioxidant protection. Increase endurance. Return functionality.

The daily norm consists of 3 capsules: "Energy of the morning", "Cheerfulness of the day" and "Restorative". You can take 3 tablets once a day in the morning or 1 tablet 3 times a day - for breakfast, lunch, dinner (the second method is preferable, because it gives a more stable result).

The average price in the market is from 245 to 315 rubles.

Vitrum Energy Complex

Indicated against hypo- and avitaminosis, with obvious signs diarrhea, anorexia, depression, apathy, etc.

Fights fatigue. Helps to recover during heavy physical exertion. Normalizes mental activity.

It is prescribed for people over the age of 12. The daily dose is 1 tablet 1 time per day with meals (the course of administration is 1-2 months).

The market average price is 680-710 rubles per pack of 30 tablets, 1100-1135 rubles. per package 60 tab.

Vitamins provide energy for the whole day. The composition contains vitamins A, E, C, group B, a number of amino acids and minerals (zinc, selenium, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, magnesium, etc.), ginseng extract. The complex has a high antioxidant effect.

Strengthens bone tissue and teeth, as well as hair and nails. Fights infections. Increases performance. Normalizes sleep. Restores weakened sexual function. Neutralizes stress. Improves blood circulation. Awakens optimism and good mood.

Adults and adolescents over 14 years of age take 1 tablet per day before lunch (no more). Drinking after dinner is permissible only for those who work and must remain cheerful at night.

The market average price is 380-465 rubles per pack of 30 tablets.

Complex "Duovit" for girls

Developed taking into account the characteristics of a young female body (protection of the functions of the ovaries, thyroid gland, support for lipid metabolism, strengthening of the bone and joint apparatus, etc.). Includes vitamins A, C, B, E, D, folic acid and a number of minerals.

Market prices average 265-315 rubles for a pack of 30 tablets and 340-430 rubles for a pack of 60 tablets.

"Complivit" for women after 45 and the elderly

The manufacturer has developed a whole line of products for different categories consumers.

Women's compositions are focused on alleviating the condition during extinction reproductive function, protect against tumor threats, prolong sexual activity and general tone.

Designed to protect the musculoskeletal system, vision, of cardio-vascular system. Consume in accordance with the instructions provided.

Prices range from 168-410 rubles for 30 tablets and 220-490 rubles for 60 tablets (depending on the composition and the intermediary markup).

Frequent weakness, nervous exhaustion are problems familiar to every person. To get rid of them, you do not need to overeat chocolate, eat tons of bananas and oranges. To do this, it is enough to make small adjustments to the daily diet, namely: add a couple of essential vitamins that will energize the body.

Good vitamins for vitality and energy

B1 - affects the entire nervous system, delays the aging of brain cells and controls its clarity until old age, is an activator of creative abilities and a "charge of vivacity"; with a lack of this element, drowsiness, excessive irritability, fatigue are felt; you can find B1 in pork, nuts, legumes, cabbage, milk, rose hips, eggs, bran, rice husks, whole wheat;

B8 - helps produce energy and absorb proteins, it also interacts with insulin during carbohydrate metabolism and takes part in the synthesis of glucokinase, which allows you to stabilize glucose levels; as you know, it is glucose that nourishes the nerve and brain cells, if its level drops below 20 mg, then a person will have apathy, lethargy and irritability; you can find B8 in mushrooms, nuts, milk, cauliflower, brewer's yeast, fruits, beef liver, egg white (but not in the yolk);

Considering that group B is responsible for the nervous system, the use of B1 in combination with B8 will give vivacity for the whole day.

C - is responsible for the youth and vigor of the body, together with the phenylalanine amino acid, it is absorbed into nerve cells and provokes the production of norepinephrine; especially active action renders when interacting with magnesium and calcium; you can find vitamin C in rose hips, citrus fruits, kiwi, bell pepper, horseradish, parsley, tomatoes, cabbage.

These vitamins will replenish the body with energy and become a prevention from various diseases. When does a person need in large numbers minerals and nutrients, then doctors recommend looking for "helpers" among drugs.

Rating of vitamins from a pharmacy

The answer to the question: "What vitamins to drink for vitality and energy" will be short review the most popular medicines containing the necessary elements.

So here are the top five drugs:

  1. "Vitrum Energy" - a complex consisting of ginseng extract, 18 trace elements and 13 types of vitamins; recommended for use with reduced attention, stress, physical exhaustion and fatigue; will help to gain vitality and energy;
  2. "Alphabet Energy" - in their composition succinic acid, 9 trace elements, extract Chinese magnolia vine and Siberian ginseng, as well as 13 vitamins; will help to recover after hard work, affect mental activity, increase efficiency; if you take the drug three times a day, and not three tablets at a time, this will enhance their positive effect;
  3. "Dynamizan" - it contains ginseng extract, 2 amino acids, 10 microelements and 11 vitamins; recommended for strong physical and mental stress, to increase concentration and endurance, to relieve stress;
  4. "Gerimaks Energy" - includes in its composition an extract of green tea and ginseng, 7 microelements and 10 vitamins; created it to restore the body after long-term treatment, to improve memory; in addition, it is recommended for those who have too much mental and physical stress;
  5. "Dopel Hertz Energotonic" - this vitamin solution contains 28 components, including extracts of several plants, trace elements and vitamins; it is designed for people who have been seriously ill or are in a post-operative condition; for those who have a broken diet and those who have a colossal lack of nutrients; for those who need more attention.

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