Causes of bad breath in babies. Bad breath in a child: is there any reason to be afraid?

First of all, you need to pay attention to oral hygiene. You need to brush your teeth twice a day, and after each meal you need to rinse your mouth.

Why can a smell appear in a healthy child?

Do not forget that eating certain foods can cause an unpleasant odor in the oral cavity. The main reasons that give rise to odor in healthy child, are:

  1. Cheese, onion, garlic or cabbage, which are strong-smelling products. The smell of garlic can be especially strong, even if the child has eaten it in small quantities.
  2. It may smell bad due to unbalanced diet . If a child consumes products with high content protein or carbohydrates, then indigestion may develop.
  3. Dry mucous membranes provokes the development of an unpleasant odor.
  4. As stated above, improper hygiene– one of the main reasons why this deficiency appears.
  5. Increased sugar consumption or products that contain it. Sugar is a favorable environment for bacteria to multiply.

Methods to combat unpleasant odor in a healthy child

If the smell arose due to the above reasons, then eliminating this defect is very easy.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to reduce the amount of sweets consumed. The best option Honey is a substitute for sugars if the baby does not have allergies.
  2. The diet should contain a large amount of fresh fruits and vegetables. Eating a fresh apple or carrot every day will have a positive effect on your child's health.
  3. In addition, you need to teach your child to better monitor the condition of the oral cavity. It is best if parents supervise tooth brushing.
  4. For rinsing, you can use not only store-bought solutions, but also infusions of various herbs, for example, chamomile or calendula. After brushing teeth, parents should check the cleanliness of the teeth; in the future, this will become a habit for the child.

An important factor is the use large quantity fluids to avoid dry oral mucosa.

If your child’s breath smells like medicine, do not worry, because this smell will disappear as soon as the medication is finished.

It is important to explain to your child how to brush their teeth properly

Odor due to disease

Halitosis - bad breath - can develop in a child due to various diseases. That is why, when this symptom appears, it is best to seek advice from a specialist in order to exclude the development of pathology.

If you experience a pathological odor from your mouth, not only after sleep, but at any time, it is best to get examined.

Acid smell

With increased stomach acidity appears this type, in this case an emission occurs gastric juice straight into the esophagus. In addition to this symptom, the child has a stomach ache and develops heartburn.

Also, a sour smell causes gastritis, as in chronic form, and in acute.

Acetone is considered one of the most dangerous odors. If a child’s breath smells like acetone, these may be the following disorders:

Release of acetone
  • malfunction of the pancreas;
  • diathesis of neuro-arthritic type;
  • diabetes;
  • helminths;
  • liver diseases;
  • ARVI;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • presence of intestinal infections.

With fever, vomiting and weakness, acetone syndrome is diagnosed, which is caused by an increased content of ketone bodies in the blood.

Ketone bodies are formed after the breakdown of protein foods, and the disease itself is hereditary.

Causes of the smell of acetone from a child’s mouth

Stool smell

This smell occurs due to:

  • intestinal obstruction,
  • necrosis,
  • dysbacteriosis.

This sign is a mandatory reason for contacting ambulance, because when such a symptom appears in the child’s body there is an accumulation of toxins that are very dangerous.

Rotten egg smell

When acidity decreases, the smell of rotten eggs appears: food is not completely digested and begins to rot right in the stomach. Also, this symptom can be observed with severe overeating, because the stomach cannot cope with a large load in a certain time.

Smell of iodine

If there is an excess amount of this microelement, the child may smell like iodine. To eliminate this problem, it is best to contact an endocrinologist to prevent the development of diseases thyroid gland. If you stay near the sea for a long time, this aroma may also appear, but this symptom is not a pathology and goes away with time.

It is very important to know that iodine tends to accumulate in the body, so it is important to monitor the level of the element. In some situations, children may develop allergic reaction or increased sensitivity.

The smell of bile

In diseases of the liver or gall bladder, it appears in the oral cavity. bad taste bitterness, as well as a characteristic odor that parents can smell. Besides:

  • the baby may complain of heaviness in the right hypochondrium, nausea;
  • Yellowing of the whites of the eyes, mucous membranes and increased body temperature may occur.

Yeast smell

A yeasty aroma from the mouth may be a sign of the development of oral candidiasis.

thrush, a disease that is caused by the activity of a fungus.

On the surface of the tongue inner surface a cheesy coating appears on the cheeks. When you try to get rid of plaque mechanically, an erosive surface opens, which can bleed. In addition, the disease may be accompanied by severe pain syndrome and the child cannot eat or even drink plain water.

Other reasons

Characteristics of bad breath in various poisonings

What to do if your child has bad breath

First of all, it is necessary to teach the child to carefully observe oral hygiene. Teeth should be brushed twice a day special toothpaste and a brush with soft bristles.

Reducing the consumption of sugars and flour products is an integral part of the prevention against unpleasant odors. In order to avoid fermentation in the stomach, it is best to avoid drinking various juices and sodas.

If the cause of an unpleasant odor is any disease, then it is necessary to fully approach treatment methods. Can be used not only drug treatment, but also traditional medicine methods.

Based general reviews, we can conclude that most often an unpleasant odor is not a symptom of a disease, but a consequence after eating spicy food. Many mothers believe that they need to more closely monitor their child’s diet so as not to complicate the work of the digestive system, and therefore avoid possible complications.

Doctors believe that the appearance of any foreign odor from mouth - acute cause, for which you need to consult a doctor. Very often, parents believe that the unpleasant odor that comes from their child’s mouth is simply a consequence of the food they have eaten. Although at this very moment the onset of the development of the disease is missed.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion on bad breath in a child

According to the doctor, an unpleasant odor always has a cause. It is very important to correctly diagnose the cause of the development of pathology, which should be carried out qualified doctor.

When accompanied by halitosis high temperature it is necessary to immediately contact an ambulance to avoid the rapid development of inflammatory or infectious process in the digestive system.

Ultimately, we can conclude that bad breath is a very dangerous symptom, which requires detailed disassembly in order to accurately exclude possible development diseases.

When a child, especially an infant, has a strange smell from their mouth, parents worry and try to figure out why the bad breath appears. Exhalation of stench from the mouth indicates the influence of various factors. The most harmless are food, the more dangerous are stress and dental diseases. An unpleasant odor can also be a consequence serious pathologies digestive system.

Why does a healthy child's breath smell bad?

In healthy children, the main cause of halitosis ( bad smell from the mouth) is poor nutrition. The predominance of protein and carbohydrate foods in the diet provokes digestive disorders and the release of odor. If your child has bad breath, consider whether he or she has eaten onions, garlic, cabbage, cheese, or other strong-smelling foods. If your baby abuses sweets, bad smell causes sugar, which contributes to the proliferation of bacterial colonization in the oral cavity.

Make sure your child brushes his teeth and does it correctly. Inept or irregular oral care creates an environment in the cavity that is favorable for the proliferation of microorganisms. Their activity produces an unpleasant odor.

Some children breathe through their mouth rather than through their nose. In this case, the mucous membranes of the cavity dry out and an “aroma” is released. If the child is worried or under stress, the condition reduces salivation. As a result, the oral cavity dries out and produces stale breath.

Particularly active children can put it in their nose foreign body. If it begins to decompose, there will be a stench from the mouth and respiratory tract. At home, it is unlikely that you will be able to remove a soggy, damaged item. The baby needs to be urgently sent to an ENT doctor.

Pediatrician Komarovsky is convinced that if the child does not have chronic diseases, bad breath is not a problem. It quickly disappears and does not require medical intervention. If the baby suffers from any pathology, he may stink constantly.

Halitosis as a sign of disease

If a child takes care of himself and eats only the “right” food, but parents again notice that bad breath has appeared, or the air coming out has changed for the worse, it is recommended to contact a pediatrician, dentist or gastroenterologist. Let's consider what smell is considered strange and requires medical attention, and why it is released.

  1. Acid. An unpleasant odor signals an increase in stomach acidity or the reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus. The sour smell is complemented by pain in the pit of the stomach and heartburn.
  2. Hydrogen sulfide, reminiscent of the smell of rotten eggs. Such breathing should be considered as a symptom of inflammatory processes in the stomach. With gastritis or peptic ulcer belching joins the sulfuric stench.
  3. Sweet, similar to the smell of raw liver– a sure sign of liver disease (cirrhosis, hepatitis).
  4. Putrefactive. If a child smells rotten, halitosis draws attention to the esophagus and stomach, which is suffering from low acidity. Also unpleasant putrid smell secreted by the mouth during stomatitis, caries, sore throat and pharyngitis.
  5. Dung. The smell of animal feces signals an abnormal flow of metabolic processes.
  6. Acetone. When a baby exhales acetone, it indicates development diabetes mellitus. A decrease in insulin levels disrupts carbohydrate metabolism and causes dryness and bad breath. The second dangerous condition for a child is acetonemic syndrome. It manifests itself as episodic vomiting and a strong odor of acetone, which comes from breathing and urinating.
  7. Ammonia. Specific halitosis indicates kidney problems. How stronger smell, the more severe the pathology. Bad breath is explained by the fact that the paired organ cannot cope with its responsibilities and does not remove waste products in full.

How to eliminate halitosis

If you are sure that the child is healthy, try to get rid of the bad smell by correcting the diet. Reduce the amount of sweets you consume. Replace sugar with honey if you are not allergic to it. Develop a diet so that your baby receives a sufficient amount of a variety of vegetables and fruits (preferably fresh) throughout the day.

If a child complains of dry mouth, after which an unpleasant odor appears, organize a normal drinking regime for him. Let him drink juices, compotes, tea, decoctions and herbal infusions, but not soda. Between feedings, let's chew parsley or eat apples, oranges, and carrots.

If your one-year-old baby’s mouth smells bad, to stimulate salivation and clean the tongue, teeth and inside give him apple slices and fruit juices. Until the baby learns to brush his teeth, the mother will have to take care of her mouth using a special silicone fingertip-type device.

If you cannot cope with halitosis on your own, the child and his parents should visit a doctor and identify the predisposing factor. If the pediatrician finds no abnormalities in the baby’s health, then the patient is sent to a dentist and gastroenterologist. Specialists will figure out why the child’s mouth emits a strange odor and prescribe adequate treatment.

Immediately after birth, the baby has a very pleasant smell. This is due to its “sterility”. The newborn has not yet had time to fully encounter harmful effects environment, therefore the microflora of his body is clean and ideal. However, with age, parents may notice a rather unpleasant and even repulsive odor from the child’s mouth. This worries many, so let’s look at the causes of this pathology.

Bad breath in a child is a symptom whose cause must be determined.

Bad breath - normal or pathological?

Your baby's breath may smell, especially in the morning, due to dry saliva, accumulation of bacteria in the mouth, or the development of a disease. In the latter case, the smell will be persistent and characteristic. If after morning procedures (brushing teeth and tongue, rinsing) the specific aroma does not go away, the child should be shown to a doctor. The pediatrician will examine him, conduct an examination and confirm or refute his family’s fears.

Why does a healthy child have a strange smell from his mouth? Let's consider the physiological reasons for this phenomenon:

  • eating highly sweet, carbohydrate-containing foods or foods with a specific odor (onions, garlic);
  • drying of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and saliva due to excessive physical activity, stress or after sleep;
  • use medicines causing odor;
  • a small child may put something in his nose (for example, a piece of washcloth, rubber), which will cause the object to rot and create an odor;
  • hormonal changes during puberty, lack of vitamins, microelements and iodine in the body.

The main causes of unpleasant odor

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Bad breath appears at any age and can be associated with rot, iodine, acid, acetone, urine or rotten eggs(we recommend reading: ). With the transition to solid foods and the appearance of teeth infant and children older than one year, food remains remain in the mouth, which leads to the proliferation of bacteria and fungi in the body. At proper care and oral hygiene, the odor usually disappears if it is not a symptom of any disease.

Let's consider the main causes of pathology:

  • insufficient hygiene;
  • diseases of the oral cavity;
  • diseases of the ENT organs;
  • bronchial infections;
  • digestive system disease;
  • damage to the liver, kidneys;
  • diabetes.

Neglect of oral hygiene

The most common cause of morning odor is poor or improper child oral hygiene or the consumption of foods that cause a specific odor (for example, garlic).

Parents should take control of this issue, as some children neglect oral hygiene. As a result, many microbes appear on the leftover food in the mouth, it rots, decomposes, and plaque forms on the teeth and tongue (we recommend reading:). Caries and bad breath appear.

Diseases of teeth and gums

Bad breath is accompanied by almost all diseases of the teeth and gums:

  • caries;
  • gingivitis (we recommend reading:);
  • stomatitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • tartar, etc.

The child should be taken to the dentist, even if no changes are visible on the teeth. Many pathological processes in teeth begin without damage to the enamel, so examination by a specialist is necessary to exclude or confirm the diagnosis.

Diseases of the nasopharynx

Bad breath will occur with diseases of the ENT organs

Bad breath may be a consequence developing disease ENT organs. The main diseases causing pathology:

  1. Acute, purulent or chronic tonsillitis(angina). As a result of the proliferation of bacteria in the nasopharynx, the tonsils form purulent plugs, the tonsils become inflamed. A child with a sore throat feels unwell, has pain when swallowing, and has a fever. Mucus with bacteria accumulates in the throat, which causes a putrid, sour smell.
  2. Sinusitis, acute or chronic rhinitis also causes the appearance of this unpleasant pathology. Purulent mucus flows down back wall nasopharynx, stagnation of snot and pus occurs, so the child smells unpleasant.
  3. Neoplasms and cysts in the throat. This pathology is the most dangerous because the only symptom There may be a putrid odor from the mouth. Often the disease is asymptomatic.

Lung infections

Pulmonary infections affect bronchial secretions, causing mucus production and coughing. This process is very dangerous for children, especially for children under one year old. His lungs are not developed enough to get rid of mucus on their own, so it, along with bacteria, accumulates in the bronchial tree, and an odor appears when coughing. If the problem is not solved, bronchitis and pneumonia develop.

Digestive diseases

When, when communicating with a child, relatives notice that his breath smells sour or rotten, then most likely the baby has digestive problems.

Gastrointestinal diseases are also the cause of bad breath

The appearance of an unpleasant odor may indicate:

  • gastritis;
  • disruption of the stomach;
  • excessive secretion of gastric juice;
  • duodenal disease;
  • neoplasms and tumors in the digestive organs;
  • disruption of the valves in the stomach;
  • poor nutrition.

Liver diseases

The appearance of a sweetish odor from a child’s mouth when exhaling indicates liver disease. If the disease occurs in acute form, other symptoms also occur: changes in nail color and skin, yellowish coating on the tongue, itching and rash on the body. These symptoms indicate acute liver failure, disruption of its function and blood flow.

Liver disease is indicated by a sweetish or rotten odor not only from the mouth. Over time, the baby’s skin begins to exude the same aroma.

When additional symptoms You need to urgently consult a doctor who will refer you for tests and an ultrasound. If measures are not taken in time and treatment is not started, the child may fall into a coma.

Kidney diseases

Your child's breath may smell like urine or ammonia. This pathology is associated with:

  • Not proper nutrition;
  • taking medications;
  • kidney disease (pyelonephritis, stones, neoplasms).

Kidney function is affected by a lack of fluid in the body. If a child drinks little water and his diet mainly consists of carbohydrate foods, this leads to increased load on the urinary system. The kidneys fail to cope with their functions, urine stagnates in the body and decay products accumulate, which cause the smell of ammonia.


For proper functioning of the body, glucose is necessary, which comes from certain foods. The hormone insulin, which is produced by the pancreas, helps it get into the cells. If there is a lack of it, glucose is not transported into the cells, which leads to their starvation.

To avoid bad breath in diabetes mellitus, you must adhere to special diet

This picture is observed in children with diabetes mellitus, when the hormone is not produced enough or is completely absent. This is what they lead to pathological changes in the pancreas. The reason for this may be heredity. The accumulation of glucose and ketone substances in the blood provokes the smell of acetone and iodine.

Does the appearance of odor depend on the age of the child?

Bad breath can appear at any time in life and does not depend on age. This problem is relevant for both adults and children, and in childhood this pathology is more common. This is mainly due to insufficient hygiene and poor nutrition. Whatever the reason for the odor, the child should in any case be shown to a doctor.

What is the treatment of pathology?

Unpleasant oral odor caused by physiological reasons, does not require treatment. It is often enough to review the child’s diet and quality of nutrition, limit the consumption of carbohydrate and sweet foods, monitor the amount of fluid intake and proper hygiene oral cavity. If the smell does not go away after a week, this indicates some kind of disease. This smell will go away when the cause is identified and eliminated. To do this, you should contact a specialist.


From the early age It is necessary to instill in your child the habit of caring for teeth

To prevent oral odor, the baby must be taught to take care of oral hygiene from the moment of teething. In addition, starting from six months, the baby is given clean boiled water between meals, since at this age the liquid contained in breast milk is no longer enough to maintain water balance.

U one-year-old babies The first teeth should be cleaned with a bandage. It is wound on a clean forefinger, moisten with boiled water and wipe each tooth on both sides. If there is plaque on the child’s tongue, it must be removed without pressing, so as not to provoke a gag reflex and not to injure the tissue.

From the age of 2, parents brush their child’s teeth with a toothbrush. A three-year-old child should do this himself under parental supervision. From 10 years of age, children can use dental floss(see also: ). The child's diet should include fish, dairy products, fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and fiber. Parents need to keep an eye on the amount clean water, drunk by the child (not taking into account teas, juices, compotes, etc.). Norms for its use.

The problem of halitosis affects not only adults, but also children. It is characterized by the presence of an unpleasant odor in the mouth and can occur for various reasons.

In a child, bad breath can be caused by a massive accumulation of microorganisms (viruses, but more often bacteria), as well as other factors associated with problems of the digestive system.

Sometimes it is enough to provide a good hygiene care behind the oral cavity, but it happens that you have to treat chronic diseases that cause this disease.

In any case, this trouble cannot be ignored. If, despite proper dental care, bad breath continues, you should seek help from a doctor.

Only he is able to identify the disease and the degree of its development. At timely treatment, many health problems can be avoided. And when existing ones are identified, it is important to treat them correctly.

What does halitosis indicate in children and its causes?

A lot can be said about the factors influencing bad breath in childhood. Often this manifestation is not the only one, but is accompanied by a number of other concomitant signs of the disease.

Thanks to them, doctors identify the disease that provoked such unpleasant consequences. Having carried out diagnostics child's body, determine accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

  • The main reasons for the appearance of odor in children are the oral cavity and its hygiene. IN younger age these may be diseases in the form of stomatitis, and a teenager may experience caries and different kinds periodontal disease.
  • The second reason is directly related to digestive system, namely, with her diseases. Numerous studies have shown that this type of disease affects children who were on artificial feeding. Among children fed on mother's milk breast milk, this problem occurs much less frequently. The presence of dysbiosis and pancreatitis - all this affects the smell of a child’s mouth. Define this problem possible based on accompanying symptoms in the form of frequent belching, problems with stool, bloating, and increased gas formation.
  • Chronic constipation. In this case, a putrid odor may be felt. Moreover, not only from the mouth, but throughout excretory system. For example, in the form of sweat. This disease is characterized by frequent and repeated constipation. If this happened once, constipation could be caused by a lack of fluid in the body or a malnutrition.
  • Often a child is diagnosed with bad breath due to problems in the nasopharynx. The inflammatory process occurring in this area provokes swelling, snoring and complete blockage of the nasal canals, preventing breathing through the nose. An unpleasant odor is characterized by diseases of rhinitis, tonsillitis and adenoids, especially in chronic forms.
  • Nutrition is of great importance. It must be balanced and correct. If these rules are violated, malfunctions begin in the digestive system, which lead to bad breath. You should limit your consumption of exclusively sweet and protein foods, giving preference to fruits and vegetables. Often, a bad odor can be caused by certain products with a corresponding aroma. These include onions and garlic.
  • Often, during illness, a child’s body temperature rises. This can also cause bad breath. This occurs due to dryness of the oral cavity, since during illness there is an increase in metabolism, manifested in the form of increased sweating.
  • Often, due to a change in bite, an odor may be felt. This occurs due to the destruction and decomposition of mucosal tissue. Especially if children are teething.

What could the smell be?

For any health problems in a child, parents strive to find the causes in order to eliminate them.

But there are times when minor deviations should not only alert you, but also become a reason for an immediate trip to the doctor.

Any odor emanating from a child’s mouth is a consequence of some processes in the body, and sometimes diseases. For diagnosis and further treatment, establish the nature of the smell.

  • Smell of acetone. It is a consequence of acetone syndrome. Appears due to the accumulation of acetone in the body. Provokes tachycardia, diabetes and urolithiasis. At the first signs, immediately call an ambulance. Before the doctors arrive, give the child a teaspoon of boiled water at intervals of 10 minutes.
  • Putrid smell. It is felt in diseases of the ears, nose and throat. These include various types of dental diseases and abnormalities in the digestive system. If the smell of rot appears, seek help from a doctor to determine the exact causes and treatment.
  • Sour smell. It appears in diseases of the digestive system, especially gastritis. To confirm the diagnosis, consult a gastroenterologist.
  • Rotten smell. Most often it manifests itself with flatulence, bloating, increased gas formation, diarrhea and plaque on the surface of the tongue. These are clear signs copious discharge air from the stomach cavity saturated with hydrogen sulfide. The characteristic odor from a child’s mouth is released due to increased acidity of gastric juice in the stomach, as a result liver failure, the presence of ulcers, kidney disease and oncological diseases organs of the digestive system. Having handed over everything necessary tests, the gastroenterologist will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
  • Smell of vinegar. It may be a consequence of a disorder in the functioning of the pancreas, the presence of dysbiosis in the intestines and the result of periodontal disease. By contacting your dentist, you can determine the causes of bad breath in your child.
  • Sweet smell. It is characteristic of liver diseases. These are all groups of hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. This acute sign why you should immediately show your child to a doctor.
  • The smell of snot. This a clear sign disorders or diseases of the nasopharynx associated with inflammatory process. Only a doctor (ENT) can treat such diseases, who, after a detailed examination, prescribes antibiotics.
  • Vomit smell. Signals about failures in gallbladder. Occurs as a result of poor flow of bile. After visiting a doctor, an ultrasound is performed abdominal cavity, then appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Factors leading to dryness

Important reasons why an unpleasant odor appears from a child’s mouth may lie in poor moisture in the oral cavity.

Causes dryness optimal conditions for the development of pathogenic bacteria and microbes.

These conditions may be due various factors, especially at older ages. After all, kids infancy There is constant salivation, which can destroy microorganisms.

The same cannot be said about older people. This is facilitated by:

  • Overlapping of the nasopharynx with adenoids and formations on the tonsils. This becomes the reason why it is easier to breathe through the mouth rather than through the nose. Due to breathing through the mouth, it becomes dry, leading to unpleasant consequences.
  • Another reason why a child breathes through his mouth and not his nose is diseases associated with chronic runny nose and sinusitis.
  • If the child has a curved nasal septum, this also becomes an obstacle to breathing through the nose.
  • Strong odor from the mouth may occur in the morning. The reasons may lie in involuntary breathing through the mouth during night sleep. To eliminate this problem, consult a doctor.

The influence of children's age on smell

Besides accompanying symptoms and factors, the presence of bad breath in a child may be related to age. If infants under one year of age most often have a milky aroma, then changes occur at older ages.

  • 2-3 years. At this time, a bad odor may appear due to insufficient hygiene oral cavity. The child is just developing his first teeth brushing skills. You should explain to your child that it is important to take care of his teeth and show him how to do it correctly.
  • 4 years. At this age, children experience an increased consumption of sweets, protein and carbohydrate foods. It is necessary to completely revise your diet in favor of healthy foods rich in fiber, fruits and vegetables.
  • 5-6 years. During this period, the presence of a problem may indicate the presence of a disease. It can be related to both the digestive system and dentistry. ENT diseases cannot be ruled out either. See a doctor promptly for prevention and treatment.
  • From 10 years. This is cause for concern. It could be serious violation in the functioning of the child’s entire body. To establish the causes, immediately go to the hospital.


If halitosis is detected in childhood, it is usually not required special treatment. It is enough to draw a series necessary measures on oral hygiene. To do this, brush your teeth regularly with children's toothpaste and a brush.

It is necessary to explain to the baby that it is important to brush not only the teeth, but also the surface of the tongue. It contains more bacteria. Parents should also reconsider their child’s diet.

Avoid various sweets and limit the consumption of carbohydrate and protein foods. In return, they enrich the diet in favor of fruits, vegetables and foods rich in fiber.

If, after taking the necessary measures, the child again has a strange odor from his mouth, you should consult a pediatric dentist.

He will help determine the cause of this problem, and will also refer you to the appropriate specialist if the disease is not of a dental nature.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the oral cavity of your children. Often the problem can be solved faster if you consult a doctor in time.

Prevention is also important. After all, it's always better disease prevent rather than treat it.

Bad breath in a baby can occur in a number of ways: various reasons– this and stressful situations, and problems with the digestive system. Halitosis also appears when hygiene rules are violated (delayed brushing of teeth, dry mouth). After timely cleansing and moisturizing, symptoms may disappear.

What to do if an unpleasant odor appears constantly? There is only one answer to this question - you need to urgently consult a specialist, because halitosis is often a precursor to more serious illnesses. It is advisable to visit a dentist to check your child’s gums and teeth. If everything remains unchanged, you will need the help of a pediatrician.

Types of odors and causes of their occurrence

Smell of vinegar or acetone

If your child's breath smells like a chemical solvent, a plus appears elevated temperature, you should call an ambulance as soon as possible. The acetone smell may indicate acetone syndrome, which affects children of various age category. Before the doctor’s visit, the child should be given boiled water in small quantities, but often.

A faint odor of acetone from the mouth indicates the following problems:

  • possible renal disease;
  • improper functioning of the pancreas;
  • the appearance of worms;
  • the occurrence of dysbacteriosis;
  • first signs of diabetes.

Whatever it is, you need to consult a specialist as soon as possible.

The smell of rot

Occurs as a result of a lack hygiene measures oral cavity or in the presence of sore throat, pharyngitis, tonsillitis. Together with unpleasant smell one can observe the presence white plaque on the tongue, nasal congestion, coughing.

Often a putrid odor occurs with diseases of the digestive system, the appearance of stomatitis, and also if the acidity of the stomach is reduced.

To eliminate the cause, it is necessary to contact specialists, systematically cleanse the oral cavity, and ensure drinking regime.

Smell of pus

The appearance of this type of odor indicates chronic inflammation, increasing the amount of lymph in the nasopharyngeal cavity. When the tonsils are covered with a coating of pus, plugs appear, which serve as a source of bad odor. The process is accompanied by an increase in temperature, the throat becomes coated, a runny nose and a coated tongue occurs.

Parents should take their child, especially if it is a newborn, to be examined by a pediatrician. He may be prescribed antibiotics. When the disease passes, the unpleasant smell will disappear along with it.


Increased acidity or the onset of inflammation in the stomach is often accompanied by the appearance of sour smell from the baby's mouth. In this situation, you will need the help of a gastroenterologist - the baby may have gastritis.
A sour and sour milk smell can also occur due to the penetration of gastric juices into the esophagus. Accompanied by heartburn and pain in the hypochondrium.


The occurrence of liver diseases is very often accompanied by a cloying, sweet odor from the mouth. If such a symptom occurs, you need to contact a gastroenterologist - he will help determine the disease.


The presence of a chemical component indicates problems with the digestive system and gall bladder.

Most often, the symptom occurs with dyskinesia of the bile ducts.


Increased bleeding of the gums and the occurrence of periodontal disease lead to the appearance of a chlorine odor with a metallic impurity. Visiting a dentist and checking your gums and teeth will help you get rid of the disease.


It often occurs when there is an increased iodine content in the body, which means you need to be examined by an endocrinologist. May cause discomfort after a long stay in a maritime climate, taking iodine preparations, development of thyroid disease.

In infants it can occur with Klebsiella. The bacterium can enter the body with poorly washed fruits, which leads to diseases of the stomach and intestines.


Poor flow of bile leads to a bile odor from the mouth. It is necessary to consult a doctor to undergo an ultrasound of the organs located in the abdominal cavity and undergo the necessary tests.


Iron deficiency, which causes anemia, results in a metallic taste and iron odor in the breath. It is necessary to take a blood test and determine the level of hemoglobin.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, then it is prescribed vitamin complex containing a sufficient amount of iron.

There are other reasons leading to its appearance: gastritis, increased acidity, dysbacteriosis, disease of the gastric system.


An unpleasant ammonia aroma indicates kidney problems or the onset of diabetes. Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, reduced level Insulin is the main cause of diabetes.


A baby smelling feces is extremely rare and is associated with heredity. It can occur when metabolism is disturbed, and with acute intestinal dysbiosis.

The correct diagnosis can be made by an endocrinologist or gastroenterologist.

Smell of hydrogen sulfide

Belching, accompanied by a hydrogen sulfide smell, the appearance of a white coating - all this indicates possible gastritis, ulcers, liver diseases, disruption of the bile ducts.

If such symptoms are detected, it is necessary to undergo examination by a gastroenterologist.


Candidiasis is accompanied by just such a smell. Stomach diseases are another reason for the appearance of a yeasty aroma. Only a specialist can install it, and he will prescribe the necessary examination.

Solutions to the problem

Most often, no special measures are required. You need to periodically thoroughly clean your teeth and gums, balance your diet, reduce your intake of sweets, and provide for your baby. sufficient quantity drinking. If everything is done correctly, the symptoms disappear on their own.

If the disease continues, you need to seek help from specialists.

Prevention measures

To prevent unpleasant odors, you need to take the following steps.

  1. Maintain oral hygiene, brush your baby’s teeth 2 times a day, as soon as the first tooth erupts. When the child learns to rinse his mouth, you can do this with herbs - for example, chamomile.
  2. Stick to healthy regime nutrition. Infant should eat vegetables and fruits, phosphorus- and calcium-containing products in the required quantities.
  3. You can't eat sweets. Instead, you can give honey if the baby is not allergic to it.
  4. Provide the child with the right amount of drink.
  5. Visit the dentist periodically.