From which the Yorkshire Terrier coughs. Yorkshire terrier coughs. Possible Development Options at York

Cough U. yorkshire terrier, Chihuahua I. pomeranian Spitza - One of the common diseases in dogs. If you do not guess about the reason for the cough of your pet, refer to veterinary doctor. Since, before starting treatment, it is necessary to establish the correct diagnosis. IN veterinary clinic By examining and diagnostics determine the cause of cough.

Cough in dogs, often cause diseases of the upper or lower respiratory tract.

Possible diseases causing dog cough:

    disturbed operation of the respiratory system;

    trachea disease (there is infectious and non-infectious);


    laryngo - pharyngitis;

    collapse - narrowing of the trachea;

    miscellaneous Cardiology pathology;

    allergic bronchitis;

    ingress of foreign bodies in bronchi;


    lung tumors;

    chronical bronchitis;

    acute bronchi;


Collapse, Larygitis, Laryngo - Faringitis is the diseases of the upper respiratory tract causing cough in dogs. These diseases, in addition to cough, the Yorkshire Terrier, Biver, Pomeranian Spitz, Chihuahua, cause loss of appetite, deterioration in the general condition of the body, weakness, lethargy, increasing lymph nodes and voice loss.

Diseases of the lower respiratory tract in dogs include: tumors in the lungs; sharp, allergic and chronic bronchitis; Pneumonia.

Causes of diseases causing cough in Yorkshire Terrier, Pomeranian Spitz, Chihuahua:

    adenoviral infection;

    hitting a foreign body in a throat;

    intake of cold food or water;

    in winter, eating snow;

    frequent I. long Lai, in case there are a large number of dogs together;

    tight collar;

    mycoplasmosis is an infectious disease that is caused by prokaryotic microorganisms. Mycoplasma are one of the components of the constant flora of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract in dogs, as well as sex tract, but when reduced immunitete Mycoplasmas cause a systemic infection and cause cough of York puppies, Pomeranian Spitz and Chihuahua.

Signs of diseases causing cough in dogs:

    If the dog has a wet cough and strong, parlor, but at the same time general state The body does not change, the well-being of your favorite is good, and the bouts of cough begin with swallowing large number The air or during awakening is signs of acute bronchitis. Acute bronchitis Very often accompanied by pneumonia.

    If the yorkshire terrier, Chihuahua or Pomeranian spitz has a dry cough, almost silent, there is a profit and allocation of a small amount of fluid from the nose - signs of chronic bronchitis. Chronic bronchitis in dogs may be accompanied by complications: fibrosis of the lungs, lung emphysema ...

    If your pet has a sharp cough after an injection or insect bite - a sign of allergic bronchitis.

    If the cough is accompanied increased temperature, worsening of well-being, loss of appetite - signs of bronchopneumonia.

    Frequent cause of cough in dogs is hit by foreign bodies (plant seeds, spikelets). If during cough fails the dog to remove the foreign body from the respiratory tract, then this can lead to chronic bronchitisSince foreign particles are overgrown with the time of the cells of the mucous membrane and the cough will be a constant response to this irritant.

As can be seen from the above written, the cough in dogs can cause many diseases of the respiratory system, but not always, sometimes cough can be a sign of heart failure.

Before you begin to treat the cough of Yorkshire Terrier, Pomeranian Spitz, Biver or Chihuahua, determine the correct reason. After all, the correct diagnosis is the first step towards recovering your pet!

11/09/2018 by. Evgeny

The hosts of Yorkshire terriers can often face such a problem as cough. It looks like a cough when choking, with characteristic strokewings. It should be noted that this phenomenon There should not scare the owner of the dog. The reason for this is the specific structure of the muzzle, which leads to a suffocation, and barking cough, while it seems to you that the dog has fed, and he needs help. However, this is not the only reason why your york coughs, and today we will try more about deal with this issue.

Causes of cough attacks at yorks

We have already described the first reason: it is a lot of face with other dogs. Now let's discuss the rest:

It is important to know! Sneezing in reverse side Very common among Yorks, however, is completely harmless. This can occur due to an emotional burst or wool falling into the throat.

Cough attack, provoked by this reason, passes independently, the only thing that it can provoke is a disposable urge to vomit.

However, if your pet suffers frequent attacks cough, it should be urgently showed by a specialist, that is, the veterinarian. Only he can correctly establish the cause and appoint a suitable treatment.

Symptoms to pay attention to

It is necessary to immediately say in order for your dog to be your friend long years, it is necessary to follow and care. In case of attacks strong cough It is worth immediately examining the mouth of the animal and measure the body temperature. Also on the development of dangerous PSA diseases indicate such symptoms:

Listening to noisy breathing, in the breath of dogs wheezing;
Looking through active work muscle chest And the abdomen during the making ps inch and exhalation;
The animal opens the mouth widely to take breath and exhale;
There is an increase in body temperature;
mucous meal and language acquire a bluish shade;
Lai dog sounds different.

How is the treatment of coughing attacks

We once again want to remind you that self-medication can lead to life-threatening animal consequences, so this thing is to entrust the veterinarian. Only after inspecting and identifying the cause can be appointed adequate treatment.

For example, if the cause of cough is a banal cold, the specialist will appoint him drugs that are struggling with all the symptoms. With a properly selected dosage and compliance with the prescriptions, York doctor will feel the improvement very soon.

However, the most common cause is the collapse of the trachea. After all, in the case of the development of this pathology it is impossible to avoid cough and wheezing with breathing. If this disease is revealed to early stagesthen your pet will prescribe medicia treatmentBut when running cases, only surgical intervention can help.

What to do if the yorkshire terrier coughes just like that

We have collected for you a number of recommendations that will help to cope with the attack of physiological cough:

1. You need to provoke a dog breathing through your mouth, for this just clamp the york nose.
2. With the occurrence of coughing, make light massage Things. It will help the muscles relax and breathe normally.
3. In case the cough provoke any stress, calm the PSA with special preparations. Choose these medicines are needed strictly under the guidance of the veterinarian.

We hope that our tips will be useful to you, and you can easily cope with the bits of the cough of your Yorkshire Terrier. However, remember: the causes of these attacks may be serious pathology and illness. Therefore, be sure to show your pet veterinarian, and in no case do not self-medicate, because it is capable of costing your beloved peel.

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Cough in dogs of small breeds (York, Spitz, that terrier).

Cough U. miniature dogs The phenomenon is frequent. And if suddenly the pet became the attacks of publishing a ripple or deep buzzing sounds on exhalation, especially exhausting at night - this is a signal that he is seriously sick. A cough can manifest a lot of health problems.

Viral diseases of the respiratory tract of York and Spitz

Respiratory infections are more often unknown puppies and dogs with a weak immune defense During contacts, first of all at exhibitions. Otherwise, such a cough is called nursery.

The main thing is not to launch the process and start the treatment on time.

Flowing inflammation as a result of excitation or inhalation of smoke (passive smoking) at York and Spitz

Small rocks, such as Chihuahua, York, or That Terrier, are extremely excited and can reflexively respond to a protective cough on the next " breakdown"Or a neighboring smoker.

  • rest;
  • caressing;
  • air purification of nicotine;

Collapse trachea

This specific chronic disease is most common among dwarf rocks Dogs: Spites, Poodles, York Terriers. But the dachshund can suddenly "burn in a goose" in a state of over-excitation or when the tension of the leash becomes too strong. Anatomical deformation of the trachea, expressed in the narrowing of her lumen, is a consequence of softening cartilage rings. This innate (genetic) defect leads to the sagging of the tracheal membrane on the breath or exhalation (depending on the place of the collapse - in the chest or neck of the trachea), which in contact with the mucous membrane causes cough. This diagnosis is set by the veterinarian after hardware diagnostics. Often this pathology It does not show clinically all life and is found only after the launch of the syndrome by secondary motivating factors: diseases of the upper respiratory tract, heart failure, overlooking.

  • weight loss in obesity;
  • the use of a shlek leash;
  • drug therapy of inflammation of respiratory organs;
  • installation of the implant (stent) in severe cases;
  • reception of funds strengthening immunity (echinacea, dandelion, hydrastis (yellowing) Canadian)

Brachicephaliac syndrome in York, Spitz, that terrier

Shi-Tzu, Pekingese, Pug - breed related to the group of brachicephalov, dogs with a shortened shape of the skull, have a natural predisposition to it. Their stiff face with a short nose and is a culprit of snoring and a specific cough, which can start from 3-4 months. In addition, such a reflex act tends to increase in warm wet weather.

  • the physiological factor does not require treatment, but in preventive purposes It is necessary to exclude provoking cough situations: stress, feverish states, high physical exertion;

Heart failure

Cardiac cough as a result respiratory failure may appear from representatives small breeds Dogs after six years. The animal is coulted, as if supposed.

When identifying any pathologies, you need to immediately contact the doctor and carry out appropriate treatment.

cough of Puppy York

Gloves in dogs

Symptoms of York defeat worms often like symptoms food poisoning. Often the dog is concerned, grabs himself with teeth in the area of \u200b\u200bthe anal hole.

If there are suspicions of worms at York, you need to seek help to the vet, as it is necessary to accurately determine the kind of helminths. The expulsion of the worms should be carried out exactly on the prescription of the doctor. In no case can not independently change the dosage, since the small dose can be ineffective, and large - fatal for the dog.

See also: Treat cashel in children

Helmintoses are very dangerous for the puppies of the Yorkshire Terrier. Big cluster helminths in the intestines can cause intestinal obstruction or even the intestinal rupture. All helminths are isolated toxic substances that can cause allergies and immune disorders.

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Cough at York. Otitis

The cough of York is most often associated with a sharp supercooling, but may have an infectious nature. Special viral disease, quite often observed in lately - The so-called "nursery cough", which is striking most often dogs that are closely in close contact. Installing interferon in the nose, as well as antibiotics (bispetol and ampicillin) very quickly cure York from cough. Usually the disease passes without complications.

Inflammation of the ears (Otitis). Most often occurs when the water or foreign body appears in the ear. The running case may be inflammation of the middle ear. In the absence of treatment, Otitis can take a protracted character. The treatment must appoint a doctor.

Sign of inflammation: the dog shakes his head, scratching ears, an purulent expiration may be observed and nasty smell From ear. Otitis is very painful for the dog, so please contact the doctor with the slightest signs of the disease.

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I know that such a topic was already but we have somewhat different

2 months ago York (soon 2 years, large-4.5 kg, boy) started coughing

At first, I did not give any values, as it was insensitive, but in the end, two weeks later decided to take a doctor (make blood test and x-rays)

X-ray showed this:

The words of the doctor and treatment:

i sent us to the cardiologist (until the TC is waiting for, when you stop giving Eufilin, and he to carry it on the car when he is bad and he coughes while they are afraid) TK increased the heart

some seals in the lungs, the analysis showed the overall level of leukocytes on upper border norms, but at the same time some of the indicators are overestimated significantly - the conclusion that there is inflammation

as a treatment-syrup from cough, Mukaltin 3r per day, a tablet dissolved in a teaspoon, a quarter of Eufilina 2 r per day, Paul ampiciline 3 p per day.

we give all days 5-6, with no improvements. The dog lost his voice. he gavkayt och low since childhood, but first Lai became high, and then disappeared at all, he tries to gavly, it is clear that he is unpleasant and only whether it makes him

the runny nose appeared, snoring at night and generally makes harsh sounds often

the question is, the right treatment prescribed us and how to be next? (Our doctor, whom we immemberously trust but still, says that you need to continue to give antibiotics up to 10 days, and Mukaltin and syrup can be given so long - until half a year - until everything with the cough come out).

the dog is sick for the first time in two years, so I stress ((((

plus such a small question: how could he pick up an infection if he was vaccinated?

Thank you very much for your help.

More details

Cough Dogs have a fairly frequent cause of appeal to the veterinary clinic.

To clarify the reasons, the animal passes a number of surveys, allowing not only to put the correct diagnosis, but also assign adequate treatment. During the diagnosis, it is very important to distinguish the problems associated with respiratory system and different cardiological pathologies.

K by major diseases causing cough Believe it: the pathology of the upper respiratory tract - LARENHIT, FARENGIT, tracheitis and narrowing the trachea-Kolaps.

See also: Allergic cough treatment Preparations for children

Diseases of the lower respiratory tract also lead to coughing: sharp, chronic bronchitis, pneumania.

Larygitis and laryngo-pharyngitis are accompanied by cough. as well as lethargy, loss of appetite, increasing lymph nodes, voice loss and can be called different infectious agents (adenovirus infection), mechanical pressure on the pharynx wall (foreign body), long continuous lamin (stay in the nursery), intake of cold food, water, snow, pressure of collar, etc.

Non-infectious diseases of the trachea include narrowing the trachea

- Intraheal obstruction ( foreign bodies, tumors, granulomas, abscesses, polyps);

- extraracal compression (tumor, increase thyroid gland, lymph nodes, dilatation of esophagus, abscesses, hematomas);

- congenital trachea hypoplasia (English bulldogs, Boston terriers);

- Local stenosis of the trachea (congenital, consequence of injury).

Diseases of respiratory tract

Sharp bronchitis - often accompanied by pneumonia.

An important symptom is strong, parlor, moist coughmanifested on the background of the general good well-being dogs. The occurrence of an attack is typically when awakening, inhalation of large volume fresh air and smoothing accumulated mucus.

More details

Pets cough for so many reasons. Some of them are very insignificant, and some of them are dangerous for life. Cough may happen, for example, as because of the water in the larynx during drinking, and without drinking external reasonsIf this first sign serious problems with heart or light. Below are the most frequent reasons Cough at domestic animals, but not all.

How does the veterinarian determines the cause of cough?

When asking the owners about the cough of their animal, the conversation begins with the same issues every time. Doctors call it an anamnesis. Does the dog cough? What breed of a dog? How long is the animal cough? What age is your pet? Is the cough hard and dry, wet and productive with spormwomen's sputum? When is the animal cough most when a dog is active or coughing manifests itself during rest, lying? Does your pet become sluggish or more depressed than usual? Does the problem have a seasonal character? Does the animal sneeze and has expirations from the nose? When was the last time the dog was examined and what did you detect? Animal gain weight or lost weight? Any other changes that you noticed in your pet?

These issues give reason to start investigating the causes of cough.

The gum examination allows you to identify whether they are pale or bluish or if there are ulcers, hemorrhages.

It is necessary to check the almonds of the pet. Increased almonds often cause cough. Inflamed eyes and dry crusts coated with a nasal mirror often accompany the nursery cough, the massage of the trachea of \u200b\u200bthe animal, causes cough with tracheans, a collapse of trachea, tumors in the field of trachea.

Checking the neck of the animal will also find out if he has a pathological pulse, whether he is present in yarema ViennaIt should also be examined by the abdominal cavity of the pet to detect a liquid, an enlarged liver or spleen, which will point to the cough associated with heart failure.

Sometimes dog breeders face such a problem when the dog coughs as if he was suppressed and trying to jump out something. Pets, especially pure, need care no less than small children. From this material you can familiarize yourself with the main symptoms and causes of cough in dogs.

What are the symptoms?

If your dog coughs seemed to be suppressed, then it should be sorted out in the symptoms. When pets of large or small rocks strongly and constantly cough, jerk with saliva, foam and grunt, it may indicate about serious diseases. Experts allocate several signs considered evidence of certain problems.

Therefore, before you give a pet any medicines, it is necessary to diagnose its health status and pay attention to the accompanying symptoms:

  • if the dog is jumping, he can simultaneously stand out from the nose;
  • cough in dogs may be accompanied by mass loss;
  • the dog ceases to be active as before, it becomes sluggish and even depressed;
  • during active classes and loads in the favorite evenly breathing;
  • foam can go from the mouth, loves can tear;
  • if the dog is in a lying position, breathing is he who has studied;
  • favorite scrolls and sneezes.

If the dog coughs as if he was stifled, scrolls, sneezes, tears it with white foam, then it urgently needs to be carried to the veterinarian. The owner first must pay attention to the state of the gum of the pet, maybe they bleed, ulcers appeared on them or they pale. Often cough in dogs is manifested in parallel with the increased temperature. And if the dog scrolls and sneezes, you should also check the lymph nodes, they may have increased.

In addition, a petition is played an important role in this case, as well as its age. As practice shows, pets of certain breeds are sometimes located to certain diseases.

What are the causes of cough

Why does the dog cough? Most breeders mistakenly believe that dog cough is no more than an ordinary cold. But it is in the root, and write off bad state of health This cause does not follow this reason.

Viral cough

One of the most common causes, due to which the favorite can cough, is a viral cough. Usually this disease manifest in the form valier cough or tracheobronchitis. As practice shows, infection is quickly transmitted as a result of contact with infected pet. To get your pet, it is quite enough for a minute of contact.

At the earliest stage, the dog will cough, he seems to be trying to jump out something. After some time, the pet breaks with white foam. The first thing to do is to take a pet for a specialist, the subsequent treatment is made only after a patient's complete examination by a doctor.

  • At home, dry cough in the pets is treated with antibiotics;
  • an irritated trachea of \u200b\u200bthe animal can be treated with special medications against cough;
  • if the dog scrolls and teels white foam, treatment can be made using medications issued by the doctor;
  • when your favorite will lose appetite and refuses food, prevent contact with unauthorized pets;
  • with increased almonds, doctors usually prescribe the use of expectorant preparations (by video author - Ludmila Podgaevskaya).

Mechanical damage and foreign bodies

It often happens that the pet is not just cough, but also scrolls, and blood is distinguished from the mouth. Apparently, in this case The reason is the presence of a third-party subject in the body. All breeders know that animals often swallow different things, but they usually digest in the stomach. So, if the dog scrolls and he has blood out of his mouth, this is rare quite enough. The reason can be the defeat of the central nervous system Or rapid food ingestion, which is especially important for petty rocks.

Similar cough can also manifest itself as a result of suffocation by collar. In addition, the cause can be the tumor or the presence of fluid in respiratory tract. One way or another, the only thing to do is to seek help from a specialist.

The main symptoms are as follows:

  • the dog may try to bother;
  • the dog scrolls, her tears, sometimes foam;
  • animal sneezes;
  • from the mouth is distinguished by saliva with blood;
  • dog does not want to eat or drink;
  • foam can stand out from the nose (video by

Allergic cough

Puppy I. adult individual Sometimes coughing is manifested only at a certain time of the year. If so, then most likely, your pet is simply allergic. However, the cause of the appearance of the symptom can also serve as the reaction of the animal organism on the bites of various insects. In addition, the cause allergic cough It may well be dust or some substances in feeding diet.

It is easy to give a dog or a puppy to remove allergy symptoms - no way out. In order for the treatment to be the most effective, first need to find out for what reason the allergy appeared. Of course, at home it is difficult to do it. If the favorite is allergic to food, then this can be understood by changing the diet. However, only the survey at the veterinarian will quickly obtain a more accurate result.

The main symptoms of the allergic cough are shown below:

Cardiac cough in dogs is manifested due to cardiac damage mitral valve. Because of this disease, liquid begins to gather in the lungs of the pet, which presses very much on the trachea. Moreover, cardiac cough It can manifest itself as a result of dilatation cardiomyopathy, which is characteristic of large varieties. If you are the owner of a puppy or shallow dog weighing up to 7 kg, the likelihood of such a disease is extremely small.

The main symptoms are shown below:

  • in abdominal cavity Liquid began to gather;
  • the gums acquired a bluish gray shade;
  • the activity of the animal decreased significantly;
  • dog scrolls, he manifests a deaf cough;
  • intensity increases (by video author - Ludmila Podgaevskaya).

Cough due to oncological diseases

Sometimes the problem may appear as a result of the fact that the pet develops oncological disease. As a rule, in this case, the breed does not play roles, usually the problem is manifested in an older age. Types of tumor can be several, treatment options depend on it. For example, with a primary or secondary tumor, the CBS can be easier if you give him steroids. In any case, it is not necessary to give any drugs without prescribing a doctor.

How to treat a dog cough if the cause is the first-type adenocarion form:

  • with a decrease in activity and mobility, veterinarians are usually prescribed by bronchopholics;
  • if the animal has shortness of breath, steroids can solve the problem;
  • in arrhythmia optimal option Treatment will be bronchorated drugs.

Prevention of cough in dogs

If the dog tears foam and sneezes what to do in this case by the breeder? Treatment of cough in dogs should be carried out strictly according to the results of the inspection by a specialist who will begin to reveal the cause. As for the breeder, he must make prevention in time, only so you can reduce the risk of the disease.

The prevention of cough, as a symptom of "nursery" cough, to some extent there may be timely vaccination. Prevention of diophilaratory - regular processing of drops against fleas, ticks and mosquitoes.

Video "For what reasons cough dogs?"

The answer to this question you can learn from the video (author of the video - Russian of that Michelle - care, sewing clothes, purchases).

And by virtue of the building, the facet periodically frighten their owners with a characteristic cough. In this case, York coughs seemed to be suppressed and at the same time may even be slightly peeled. This physiological phenomenon and scare the owner should not. The fact is that the structure of the dog's face is somewhat different from other breeds. Hence the occurrence of a periodic chopping, which causes a cough attack. At the same time, a complete feeling is created that the dog is suppressed, trying to jump out something.

But not only the structure of the face may become the cause of cough of yorks.

Yorks can cough for a variety of reasons.

Among the most common states causing the development of dog cough, it is worth highlighting the following:

Sometimes Yorks manage to sneeze in the opposite direction, i.e. Through throat. The condition can be provoked by a strong emotional shock - the joy of meeting with the owner - or getting into the nasopharynk a lump of wool.

Important. There is no dangerous dog such a cough threatens. It takes the attack literally in a few minutes and the worst thing he can end - York is getting into swamp wool.

The attention of the dog owner requires often emerging cough attacks. In this case, the pet must urgently show the veterinarian. Only a specialist will be able to establish accurate diagnosis And choose an adequate treatment.

Symptoms that indicate the pathological cough

In order not to miss the beginning of a serious illness, you need to carefully follow York.

In the pathological cough, the dog opens the dog widely, the body temperature changes.

The development of pathology will indicate the following symptoms:

  • noisy dog \u200b\u200bbreath;
  • during the breath and exhalation, there is too active work of the muscles of the chest and the peritoneum - the belly in the animal is very flowing, and the breast is significantly expanding;
  • during the breath, York is too widely discovered;
  • the dog may have a rise in total temperature;
  • in case of inspection, the mouth is fixed with the sinusiness of the mucous surfaces and the language;
  • there is a change in voice timbre (York begins to bark differently).

In the development of such symptoms of Pesik, it is necessary to urgently show the veterinarian.

Treatment of pathological cough at yorks

Determine true cause Cough at yorks can only doctor. It is from the final diagnosis that the designated therapy will depend on.

When diagnosing a pet, it will be spelled out with various symptomatic medicines. The reception and dosage scheme will select the doctor. In compliance with all the recommendations, the cough of Yorks is running quickly and without the development of serious consequences.

When identifying in the respiratory tract of dogs of foreign objects, the doctor can extract them. It is not recommended to do this on its own, since the owner can injure the nasopharynx mucous membrane and worsen the general condition of the pet.

If York has started cough, it is worth showing a veterinary doctor.

But the most common disease in yorks is considered a trachea collapse. When developing pathology, avoid the development of cough and wheezing, accompanying the process of breathing, will not work. When identifying a disease in the early stages, it successfully sufficiently conservative therapyBut in the launched cases to help the dog will be able to surgery.

How to help York when attacking a physiological cough

What to do if York coughed just like that?

  • Hold him the nose. In this case, the Pesk will be forced to open the mouth and take a sigh. In most cases, such a reception helps the dog get rid of cough.
  • During an attack, a slightly massage the face of the animal. Such a massage will help relax the tense muscles of the trachea and allow the dog to breathe in normal mode.
  • If the cause of cough becomes stressful situationsthen pet can be poked soothing means. Selected drugs should veterinarian.

If York has grown hard, you can safely massage my throat.

If suddenly your York coughed, then you should not fall into a panic. If he does not have additional pathological symptoms, then the cough will take place independently, without damaging the dog. In addition, you know how to make it easier.

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