Health katsuzo niche. Six rules of health by Professor Katsuzo Nishi. Additional exercises for flexibility and slimness

Katsuzo Nishi is one of the most famous Japanese healers, who formulated, based on personal experience, six rules for good health.

Nishi believed that only he himself could cure a person if he wanted to. And there is irrefutable proof of this. During Nisha’s childhood, doctors made a disappointing diagnosis, according to which he would not live to be 20 years old. However, contrary to all conclusions official medicine Katsuzo Nishi not only lived much longer than was predicted for him, but also surprised those around him with his good health even at a very old age.

System “Six Rules of Niche Health”

The fundamental factor of the Nishi system is good understanding features of human physiology. The conclusions he made literally upended people’s established ideas about what a disease is and how to achieve a cure by performing just a few simple manipulations with your body every day.

Nisha's health rules were widely publicized about 80 years ago. In our time, there are thousands of examples around the world where seriously ill people, turning to these rules, were cured of their ailments even when doctors were already helplessly throwing up their hands.

What do you need to know before starting to perform exercises from the Nishi system? As you know, most people today suffer from problems with the spine - scoliosis and various curvatures that arise as a result of incorrect posture. When a person slouches, his ligaments and muscles weaken and do not hold the vertebrae as tightly as they should, as a result of which the latter are displaced relative to themselves. The golden rules of health by Katsudzo Nishi are aimed at developing correct posture with the help of simple exercises, swimming, proper nutrition to strengthen the vertebral systems, alternating wakefulness and sleep in a certain mode, etc.

The first golden rule of health is a firm bed.

It is no coincidence that they say: if you have many diseases, treat your spine. To put your spine in order, you first need a firm bed.

A person spends one third of his life sleeping, but this time can be used not only for rest, but also for correcting posture. If you sleep on a flat and firm bed, then the weight will be evenly distributed throughout the body, and the muscles will be able to completely relax. Only on such a bed is it possible to correct the spinal column, which is in a curved state during the day during work. A hard bed stimulates skin activity, activates the work of skin venous vessels, prevents liver prolapse, and accelerates blood supply to the skin. All this provides deep sleep and a cheerful state after it.

The human spine consists of 33 vertebrae, which form 5 sections: cervical (7 vertebrae), thoracic (12 vertebrae), lumbar (5 vertebrae), sacral (5 vertebrae fused into one bone - the sacrum) and coccygeal (most often - one bone of 3-4 vertebrae). Between the vertebrae there are cartilages and ligaments. Thanks to this movable connection of the vertebrae with each other, the spine can elastically bend when moving the body, flexion and extension, lateral bending and rotation are possible in it.

The cervical and lumbar regions are most mobile, less mobile thoracic region. Connecting with each other, the vertebrae form a canal in which the spinal cord is located. Thus, one of the main functions of the spine is to protect the spinal cord - the most important control center, without which the skeletal and muscular systems, as well as the main vital organs, would not be able to function. In the middle of each vertebra there is a vertebral process, from which, in turn, there are lateral processes. They protect the spinal column from external shocks. Nerve fibers depart from the spinal cord through openings in the vertebral arches to serve various parts of the body.

In case of joint and ligamentous apparatus- the most common pathology, called subluxation, - the vertebrae are slightly displaced, moving to the side, compressing the nerves and blood vessels that extend from them, and preventing them from functioning normally. This leads to poor circulation, numbness of pinched nerves, resulting in various disorders in those organs to which pinched nerves"connected". This becomes the cause of various diseases.

Spine structure
I - cervical region; II - thoracic region; III - lumbar region; IV - sacrum; V - coccyx.

The cervical spine is especially susceptible to subluxation, since it is the most mobile. And subluxations of the cervical spine affect the eyes, face, neck, lungs, diaphragm, abdomen, kidneys, adrenal glands, heart, spleen and intestines. So, if a subluxation occurs in the 4th vertebra, the eyes, face, neck, lungs, diaphragm, liver, heart, spleen, adrenal glands, teeth, throat, nose, ears are most likely to be affected.

If your vision is not good, your throat or stomach often hurts, your functioning is poor. thyroid- most likely, this is due to subluxation of the 5th thoracic vertebra. Your heart, intestines, nose, and vision may be affected due to subluxation of the 10th thoracic vertebra. Few people know that inflammation Bladder(cystitis), appendicitis, impotence, pathological changes prostate gland in men and gynecological diseases in women they arise as a result of subluxation of the 2nd lumbar vertebra. If the 5th lumbar vertebra is subluxated, diseases such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and rectal cancer are possible.

Subluxations that are not corrected support pathological changes in the body and lead to disease.

A hard, level bed promotes uniform distribution of body weight, maximum muscle relaxation and correction of subluxations and curvatures of the spine.

It is useful to sleep on the floor, but you can make a hard bed by placing a board or piece of plywood on your bed; You can also recommend a mattress stuffed with cotton wool, hair or sponge rubber. Options may vary, but the main thing is to avoid a spring mattress.

In order to have a more sound sleep, in the evening, about an hour before bedtime, you should spend at least 20 minutes on fresh air.

The second golden rule of health is a firm pillow.

In this case, we are talking not so much about a traditional pillow, but about a cushion-shaped lining for the head (preferably wooden). The bolster pillow must be of a certain size, individually selected for each person. It should fill the depression between the back of the head and the scapular area so that the third and fourth cervical vertebrae lie flat on a hard surface and are not twisted.

Large, soft pillows that seem so comfortable actually cause our necks to crook. In Japan they say: “A crooked neck is a sign of a short life.”

The position of the spine during sleep: a - correct; b - incorrect

So, a hard pillow replaces stimulation reflex centers in the nasal cavity, curing any inflammation of the nasal septum; has a beneficial effect on the cervical spine; adjusting the vertebrae to each other, stimulates cerebral circulation and thus prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

Of course, such a pillow will cause a lot of inconvenience or even painful sensations, but all this solely depends on what people are for for a long time They got used to a different way of living and sleeping, and now everything that is right seems inconvenient and wild to them. In order to eliminate discomfort, at first the hard roller can be wrapped soft cloth(towel). As time passes, the layers of material must be removed one by one, gradually getting rid of the unnecessary lining.

The third golden rule of health is the goldfish exercise.

This exercise affects the spinal nerves, relaxes them and relieves stress, and also normalizes blood circulation, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, stabilizes the functioning of the main systems of the body, including the nervous system, and promotes proper functioning of the intestines.

Initial position: lie on your back (on a flat and hard surface - it can be a bed or the floor), throw your arms behind your head, stretch your legs forward, press your heels down and stretch your toes towards your face.

First you need to do a good stretch. Stretch your right heel forward and your arms in the opposite direction, then do the same with your left heel.

Exercise " gold fish"

Then place your palms under the cervical vertebrae, bring your legs together, and pull the toes of both feet towards your face. In this position, begin to vibrate your whole body like a fish wriggling in the water. Perform vibrations from right to left for 1–2 minutes. The body vibrates left and right, but not up and down. You can only raise your feet and the back of your head (position a in the figure). For beginners, vibration can be created by a partner, setting the required pace and accustoming the body to new sensations and movements (position b in the figure).

The fourth golden rule of health is exercise for the capillaries.

It has always been believed that the heart is a powerful motor that disperses blood throughout the body. But modern research proved that the power of the heart is not so great. It is only enough to push the blood through the arteries and bring it to the capillaries. The heart's power is not enough to move blood through the giant network of capillaries! Nevertheless, the blood passes through the capillaries, and then returns back and enters the veins.

Here's what happens: blood from the heart enters the arteries, which are something like stretchable suction tubes that have the ability to expand - they seem to “suck” blood from the heart. Then the arteries carry the blood to the capillaries, and after passing through the capillaries the blood is thrown into the veins to return back to the heart. A vein is something like a suction tube that pushes blood towards the heart and prevents it from returning back - for this there is a special valve in the vein.

Where is the pump that forces the blood into the vein? There is only one answer: it is located in the capillaries themselves.
The role of capillaries is underestimated by medical and anatomical science. The significance of this giant vascular network is still not understood, and this is great amount kind of micro-hearts! The capillaries contract, pulsate, and act as a blood motor - not only secondary to the heart, but perhaps the main one!

The purpose of this exercise is to stimulate capillaries in organs, improve blood circulation throughout the body, movement and renewal of lymph. This is a good substitute for running, as it allows you to remove the stress on your joints and heart, which is important for many health problems. If possible, perform it in light, loose clothing (and best of all, naked), then in addition to the above effects you will receive increased skin respiration, which will lead to cleansing the body of toxins through the skin.

Exercise "Vibration"
Initial position: Lie on your back on a hard surface, place the cushion discussed above under your neck.

Raise your legs and arms up, turn your feet parallel to the floor. In this position, do active shaking with your arms and legs for 1-3 minutes.

The fifth golden rule of health is the exercise of closing the palms and feet.

In addition to capillaries, the heart has another irreplaceable assistant - the diaphragm. The number of movements of the diaphragm in one minute is approximately one quarter of the number of movements of the heart. But its hemodynamic pressure is much stronger than the contraction of the heart, and it pushes blood harder than the heart. The exercise “Closing the feet and palms” will help the diaphragm work.

The first part of the exercise improves blood circulation in the body, which means it improves nutrition and cleansing. The exercise is also useful because it coordinates the functions of the muscles and nerves of the right and left half of the body, especially the internal organs.
This exercise coordinates the functions of muscles, nerves and blood vessels.

In addition, this exercise forces the muscles of the right and left sides of our body to actively interact, which, by coordinating their work, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of all internal organs. It is especially useful for women during pregnancy, as it helps proper development fetus in the womb.

The exercise consists of two stages: preparatory and main parts.

Preparatory part
Initial position: Lie on your back on a hard surface, place a cushion under your neck, close your feet and palms of your hands tightly, spread your knees to the sides.

In this position, you need to perform several different movements, each need to be repeated 10 times:

1. Without changing the position of your arms, legs and torso, press your fingertips against each other.
2. Start pressing your fingertips against each other and continue pressing with your entire palm.
3. Squeeze the surfaces of your palms tightly.
4. Stretch your clasped hands behind your head and “draw a line” from behind your head to your waist. The fingers should not change position, and the palms should be pressed as close to the body as possible.
5. Turn the fingers of both hands so that they “look” at the feet and move them from the groin to the stomach.
6. Make movements similar to point 4, but now do not bring your hands close to the body, but keep them as far away from the body as possible, so that they seem to be cutting through the air.
7. Stretch your arms up and back. Try to stretch them as far as possible.
8. Leave your hands closed above the solar plexus, and move your feet back and forth without opening them.
9. Moving your legs as indicated in point 8, add movements with your palms in the same order.

Main part
Initial position: after completing point 9 of the preparatory part, lie on your back, clasp your palms over the solar plexus, bring your feet together, spread your knees to the sides.

Exercises “Closing the feet and palms”
Close your eyes and, without changing the position of your legs and arms, lie quietly for 10-15 minutes.

So, the fifth rule of health helps the forces of mind and body to achieve balance.

The sixth golden rule of health is exercise for the spine and abdomen.

Following this health rule focuses on several important tasks. First, it coordinates the functions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. What does it mean?

All our internal organs can be divided into animal and plant. Animal internal organs include muscles and the external nervous system, and plant internal organs include the respiratory, digestive and internal nervous system. Animal nerves are found in the muscles of the arms, face, legs, neck, chest, abdominal cavity, that is, in those muscles that we can contract at will, for example, raise our arm.

Plant nerves are located in the muscles of internal organs and blood vessels, and we cannot contract these muscles at will, for example, stretch the stomach. They regulate the activity of the circulatory, respiratory, digestive, excretory, reproductive organs, as well as metabolism.

The exercise “Movement of the spine and abdomen” is intended specifically for those areas of our body in which the main vital energies And important organs. It is useful for restoring the acid-base balance in the body and promotes the beneficial effects of mental energy. It is divided into a preparatory part and a main part.

Starting position of the preparatory part: sit on the floor on your knees, with your pelvis resting on your heels (if desired or for greater convenience, you can sit cross-legged). Remember to keep your back straight. Hands should rest calmly on your knees. Perform all elements of the exercise 10 times on each side.

1. Warm-up:
– slowly raise and lower your shoulders;
– stretch your arms forward in front of you, then look back sharply, as if trying to see your tailbone, then slowly move your gaze from your tailbone to your neck (of course, you won’t be able to see your back, so do it mentally). Return your head to its original position and do the same manipulations on the right side.
- Perform the same steps with your arms stretched up.

2. Tilt your head to the right and left.
3. Tilt your head forward and back.
4. Combine points 2 and 3 (do not forget that the exercises of the preparatory period should be done 10 times in each direction).

Preparatory exercise for the back and abdomen
5. Tilt your head to one shoulder, then slowly roll it to the other, touching the back of your head.
6. Raise your hands from your knees, bend them in elbow joints to a right angle and clasp your palms tightly, throw your head back, look at the ceiling and spread your elbows to the sides, trying to connect them behind your back. At this time, stretch your chin up.

Initial position of the main part the same as in preparatory.

Basic exercise for the back and abdomen

Relax for a while, then tighten your stomach again, straighten your back and make pendulum swings to the right and left, while moving your stomach back and forth. Perform these movements for 10 minutes.

* * * * *
Now you know the six rules of health. All of them are effective and easy to implement; you just need to start, overcome the very first barrier and make the first efforts. If you are lazy, it means you don’t want to become healthy and happy enough. These rules are a system that allows you to normalize the functioning of every cell and every organ. They are subordinated to a single task - awakening the healing powers of the whole organism. However, the Health System is not limited to these six rules.

Running in place

Many people know the healing properties of running, but in order to become healthy, we do not need to run the way athletes and athletes do. Wellness running is completely different. We need running as a way to return life-giving vibration to the body and make the capillaries contract.

Light and relaxed running in place is an excellent way to make your body “vibrate”, which means properly stimulating blood circulation and making the capillaries work. Running is a completely natural phenomenon and state for every living creature on earth, including humans. It is difficult to imagine a more useful method of healing. Such running, without unnecessarily exhausting us, ideally warms up the body to every cell, causing decay products to intensively melt and be eliminated through the pores. This means that not only blood circulation is stimulated, but the blood is also cleansed!

But in order for running to be beneficial and not harmful, you need to know a few rules.

The body should be completely relaxed so that the arms dangle like whips, the legs are freely bent at the knees and do not tense. The feet should only slightly lift off the ground, making light jumps; try to ensure that the whole body vibrates slightly and pleasantly from such running, and in no case receives rough shocks.

In addition to vibration exercises and running, for treatment and prevention cardiovascular diseases Special exercises for the legs help.

Initial position: Lie on your stomach on a hard surface.

Bend your knees and remove all tension from your legs, imagining that your legs from the knee to the foot have become a reed, freely surrendering to the will of the wind.

Having completely given your legs freedom of movement, give them the opportunity, bending and unbending, to try to hit the buttocks. It will not be possible to reach the buttocks right away and not everyone will be able to. But imagine that your legs are a reed, which the wind attacks with more and more force, and your legs, either together or alternately, bend lower and lower, approaching your buttocks. In any case, you should try to make movements as if you want to hit yourself on the buttocks, even if you cannot reach them.

Do the exercise daily, trying to ensure that your heels begin to reach your buttocks.

This exercise significantly increases blood flow along the entire length of the legs, improves nutrition of muscles and tissues, and relieves fatigue from the legs from the hip to the foot.

Exercise “Reed in the Wind”

Massage with nuts
Many people know about limb massage using nuts. It improves blood supply to the extremities, relieves nervous tension and improves overall well-being.

Take two walnuts, place them between your palms, pressing harder, and begin to make rotational movements. It is important to make an effort to press the nuts more tightly into your palms.

Then place a nut under each foot and begin to roll them with your feet on a hard surface, making an effort so that the nuts are pressed more tightly into your feet.

Exercise "Leaf"
Initial position: Lie on your back, face up, on a hard, flat bed or floor.

Relax your body and imagine that it is completely empty inside, and therefore light, not weighty.

Bend your knees without lifting your heels from the surface on which you are lying. To do this, slowly pull your heels towards your buttocks as close as possible. Then, without lifting your spine from the surface, slowly raise your head forward and at the same time stretch your palms towards your knees. Reaching your palms to your bent knees and raising your head with your spine horizontal, stay in this pose for as long as you can. Imagine that a flow of energy - the healing Energy of Life - is flowing into your body through the top of your head. Then slowly return to the starting position and relax.

Exercise "Leaf"
The exercise should be performed every morning and every evening for 1-2 minutes.

This special exercise will allow you to straighten your posture, put the vertebrae in place and release pinched blood vessels, thus strengthening and correcting the circulation of blood through the vessels. Exercise stimulates blood circulation in the brain.

Exercise “Willow Branch”
Initial position: stand straight, place your legs as wide as possible, feet parallel to each other.

Focus on your body, imagine that it has become light, weightless, as if empty.

Place your palms around the kidney area, joining your fingers at the sacrum, and begin to slowly bend back. Bend your spine slowly, slowly and carefully tilting your head back. When the spine bends to the limit, freely drop your arms back. Now the body begins to sway lightly, like a green willow branch bent over a river. When slight fatigue appears, grasp the kidney area again and straighten the spine to a vertical position.

Exercise “Willow Branch”
This exercise gives powerful healing effect for back pain, as well as for lethargy of the heart.

Exercise “Bow String”
Initial position: get on your knees.

Bend your back and grab the ankles of both legs with your hands. Stay in this position for at least 5 seconds, then straighten up. Do this from 3 to 10 times depending on your age and well-being. Blood flow will increase, which will prevent harmful substances from stagnating in the lumbar and back areas and will prevent salts from depositing in the spine.

Do the exercise every day.

Exercise “Bow String”
This exercise helps strengthen and normalize blood circulation in the back.

Exercise “Flexible Vine”
Initial position: stand up straight.

Using your thumbs, slowly massage the areas of your back in the lumbar region on both sides along the spine, imagining how your body softens and becomes more flexible. Then, energetically, but smoothly, and not sharply, lean forward, trying to reach the floor with your hands.

Straighten up and bend back as low as possible - also with smooth, soft movements, not jerking. Straighten up again and do several vigorous but gentle bends to the right and left.

Do the exercise every day.

Exercise “Flexible Vine”
This exercise improves blood circulation not only to the back, but also to the legs. Consequently, diseases of the back and legs go away.

Exercise “Sky by the River”
Initial position: Lie on your back on a hard surface. The whole body is relaxed, legs are extended.

Place your hands behind your head and clasp them in a lock at the top of your head. Now begin to slowly raise your torso until you are in a sitting position. Continue to bend your torso as close to your legs as possible without stopping. When your torso bends towards your legs as low as possible (try to touch your forehead to your knees), freeze and imagine that you are near the river.

Your inclination is towards the river; you look into the water of the river and seem to dissolve in it. Begin to straighten up, gradually straightening your spine and returning first to a sitting position, then to a lying position. At the same time, do not lose the feeling of dissolution in the river, and, raising your eyes, imagine that you see the sky. Turning to the sky, also feel dissolved in the sky.

Do the exercise every morning and every evening.

Exercise “Sky by the River”
It also allows you to establish the necessary balance of body and spirit, not only having a beneficial effect on the circulatory system and spine, but also allowing you to develop imagination and intuition.

As you do all these exercises, tell yourself mentally that you are feeling better and better every day. If you do the exercises without believing in success and being pessimistic, then you won’t expect success. If you believe that you will be healthy, that you will defeat the disease, then it will be so.

Katsuzo Nishi managed to create 6 rules of health. In his opinion, only a person’s own efforts make him healthy. Even in childhood, doctors diagnosed Nishi terrible diagnosis and according to their suppositions, he must have lived more than twenty years. As a result, he managed not only to refute the experts’ forecast and live much longer, but also to create a unique healing system that became popular all over the world. The exercises developed by Katsuzo Nishi help the spine become more flexible, and nutrition will serve to a certain extent as a building material that helps strengthen and form correct posture. In this article we will talk about the six golden rules of health by Katsuzo Nishi.

Golden Rules of Health by Katsuzo Nishi

The Japanese health system helps to form correct posture with the help of special effective exercises, swimming, proper diet. As well as resting and sleeping on a proper, hard bed, the same goes for a pillow.

As for nutrition, the diet must contain foods rich in magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. In addition, the body must receive vitamins daily, in particular A, C and D.

6 golden rules of health from Katsuzo Nishi

Rule #1. hard bed

The slightest curvature of the spine provokes disruption of the functioning of various organs. Most people prefer to sleep on a soft bed, but have no idea what this means for their back. For this reason, the spine is under tension throughout the night and eventually becomes curved.

Katsuzo Nishi argued that it is sleeping on a hard bed that helps correct constantly occurring disorders in the spinal column. A person who likes to sleep in a soft bed thereby allows his nerves to atrophy, which provokes the development of various diseases.

Rule #2. Firm cushion or cushion

By sleeping on a firm pillow, you can achieve the natural alignment of your vertebrae. Sleeping on an ordinary soft pillow causes the cervical vertebrae to sag, which naturally provokes pain in the back and neck, and also does not have the best effect on the functioning of internal organs.

This Golden Rule health of Katsuzo Nishi affects, in particular, nasal septum, bad condition which provokes the development various ailments, which results in illness, excessive irritability and dizziness. Nishi himself recommended using a firm bolster pillow for sleeping.

Rule #3. Exercise "Goldfish"

To perform this exercise, lie on a flat bed with your toes pointed toward your torso while placing your hands under your neck. Having taken this position, begin to wriggle (vibrate) your whole body, trying to imitate the movements of a fish in the water. This exercise should be performed every day in the morning and evening for 1-2 minutes.

Thanks to this exercise, it is possible to cure scoliosis, correct the curvature of the spine, eliminate excessive tension in the spinal nerves, and also normalize blood circulation.

Rule #4. "Exercise for capillaries"

You need to lie on your back, put your head on a hard pillow, stretch your limbs up vertically to your body and vibrate them easily. With this exercise, capillaries in organs are stimulated, blood circulation throughout the body is improved, and lymphatic fluid is renewed. This exercise should be repeated morning and evening for 1-2 minutes.

Rule #5. "Closing palms and feet"

Lie on your back, place a firm pillow under your head. Press the fingertips of one hand onto the fingertips of the other, then relax and repeat several times. Then move your hands back and forth, keeping your fingertips together. Then clasp your palms over your chest. This is the first part of the exercise.

The second part of the exercise is to raise your legs above your body and bring your knees together. Close your feet and simultaneously raise and lower your arms and legs 10-60 times. Afterwards you should rest, meditating for 1-2 minutes. Closing the palms and feet should be done in the morning and evening.

Rule #6. Exercise for the spine and abdomen


  • sit on a chair, raise and lower your shoulders 10 times;
  • tilt your head 10 times to the left and 10 times to the right;
  • tilt your head left and back and right and back 10 times;
  • lower your arms to shoulder level, while bending them;
  • keeping your arms in the same position, tilt them back as far as possible and pull your chin up.

Main part:

  • relax, place your hands on your knees;
  • the body is straightened, balance is maintained in the coccyx area;
  • start swinging left and right, engaging your stomach. This exercise should be repeated every day after waking up and in the evening for 10 minutes.

As you can see, following Katsuzo Nishi’s golden rules of health is not difficult. The exercises will take a little time, but will bring maximum benefits to the entire body.


The famous Katsuzo Nishi Health System is not just a set of rules and exercises, it is a whole philosophy. Elements of ancient Greek and ancient Egyptian medical practices, methods of Tibetan, Chinese, Philippine medicine and yoga were combined by Japanese scientists into a holistic, complete, self-sufficient system, the essence of which is life according to the laws of nature. This System is truly miraculous, but anyone can master it.

Healing is possible

Principles of natural healing

What is health and what is disease

The healing powers are within us

What is a healthy lifestyle

Healing with movement

Golden rules of health

Movement and health of the heart and blood vessels

Running in place

Special exercise

Massage with nuts

Movement and Spinal Health

Movement and balance of spirit

Nutritional Healing

"Foods that improve judgment"

Ki of our body: Yin and Yang

Five Elements of the Body

Food energy

Nutrition rules

Wonderful rice

Healing properties rye

Millet grains are treated and cleansed


Energy of the Five Elements in Food

Healing diseases with food

Special food will help you

Cancer is curable

Balance of the soul that comes from proper nutrition

Healing Breath

Breath is the energy of life

What prevents us from living, what prevents us from breathing

How we breathe

What does it mean to breathe correctly?

Full breath

Breath from all diseases

Relieve harmful feelings through breathing

Breathing the body

Energy healing

Spring of eternal youth and health

Mastering Energy

Wellness mood: interaction with elemental energies

Energy of sun

Water energy

Full wrap

Wellness Mindset: Accumulating Vitality

Three wonderful healers

Palm Healer

How to channel energy in the right direction

Healing with energetic vibrations

Healing with energetic warming

Improvement with energy cleansing

Healing with the energy of sensations

Healing with the energy of thought

Spinal health

Improvement of the upper and lower limbs

Healthy colon

Health improvement small intestine

Liver healing

Stomach health

Kidney health

Restorative massage with the power of thought

Soul healing

Rules strong man

The healing power of meditation

Rules of Meditation

How to enter meditation

How to come out of meditation

Meditation practice

Calm the mind

Meditation Mistakes

Meditative treatment

Harmony of happiness and health

Get back to nature

Healing is possible

The example of the life of the Japanese scientist, professor, classic of natural healing Katsuzo Nishi is truly unique. Having discovered he had serious incurable diseases Even as a child, doctors predicted his death before the age of 20. Medicine actually abandoned him. Nishi was not only able to heal himself, living, contrary to all medical predictions, a long, fruitful life - a healthy life a full-fledged person, and not a disabled person at all, but also helped many other people by developing his famous Health System.

Katsuzo Nishi himself admitted that the System he created was not his own invention. He studied and tested in practice a huge number of healing methods and systems, among which were ancient Greek and ancient Egyptian medical practices, methods of Tibetan, Chinese, Philippine medicine, yoga, as well as research by contemporary specialists in the field of natural healing, nutrition, bioenergy, hydrotherapy, etc. etc. From hundreds of sources, Nishi selected all the most effective, most effective and combined them into a complete, complete system, which saved both himself and many other people who, like him, were considered terminally ill.

Katsuzo Nishi left behind a huge amount of works and materials unknown to the general public. His students and followers do a lot of work on systematizing and processing these materials. An entire institute operates based on Nishi’s methods in Tokyo.

Nishi's health system is not just a set of rules and exercises - but rather represents an entire philosophy of a special way of life - life according to the laws of nature. The Nishi system is aimed not at treating diseases, but at restoring health to the human body, returning man to his true essence - a single integral being, inextricably linked with the entire world around him, with nature, with the Universe, which knows no diseases, and Only health knows.

Promoting health was literally a matter of life and death for Katsuzo Nishi. And he defeated illness and early death with honor, leaving humanity as a legacy of his unique experience and his Health System - truly miraculous, but at the same time accessible to every person who wants to say goodbye to illness and follow the path of healing and health.

Principles of natural healing

What is health and what is disease

Man is a part of nature, he was created and exists according to its laws - this is an immutable fact. However, a person not only deviates from these laws, violates them - he sometimes does not even know anything about the existence of laws that must be followed in order to be healthy. Disease is nothing more than a violation of the laws of nature. But in nature everything is proportionate, everything is beautiful and harmonious. Illness is a violation of harmony.

Our world today is, it would seem, a world of fairly educated people. But the knowledge gained as a result of education most often has nothing to do with the nature of the world and man. This knowledge does not make people happier, does not give them health and harmony. People have mastered the most complex technology, but it does not relieve them of indigestion, many other ailments and serious illnesses. With all his gigantic education, with a huge amount of accumulated knowledge, a person has never understood himself and, when feeling unwell, takes a pill to drown out the pain, instead of understanding the underlying causes of this discomfort. In essence, a person behaves as if his illnesses have no causes at all, or he does not want to know anything about these causes.

Meanwhile, any disease is nothing more than a result gross violation elementary laws of life human body, laws of nature. That is why a disease cannot be cured with drugs, because for true treatment it is necessary first of all to restore the action of the biological laws of the body, and for this you need to know what these laws are - the laws of health. But medicine, unfortunately, does not study the laws of health. She only studies diseases. Medicine fights diseases and does not care at all about how to bring the body to healthy state, restore and maintain health. Doctors start from illness, not from health; illness becomes the fulcrum for them in the healing process, not health! Signs of health are not studied in medical institutes; Medical students are not required to study healthy people. Medical professors never give lectures about what health is - but they constantly talk about diseases. It turns out that medicine simply does not know what health is. But how can you cure a person, that is, bring him to health, without knowing what health is?

Without thinking about what health is, medicine very often treats one thing and cripples another. She tries to cope with diseases individually, but at the same time the body as a whole is not brought to a healthy state. Medicine approaches a person very mechanically, viewing him as a set individual organs, and not as a single, integral being fused with nature.

Modern medicine meticulously “disassembles” a person into parts, each specialist studies what he sees only in the fragment under his jurisdiction human body, and not in the body as a whole. Truly, it is appropriate for the patients of a medical specialist to exclaim: “Doctor, I didn’t anatomical atlas, I am human!" By studying only individual fragments of the body, the doctor does not see the whole picture. But still ancient Japanese doctor Kan Funayama in Essays on Medicine instructed: “If you do not believe that a person is an indivisible whole, the path to success is closed to you.”

In the East, medicine has never been an isolated branch of knowledge, studying only the body in isolation from all other components of the complex “device” that is a person. The ancient healers of the East always knew that it was impossible to heal the body without changing a person’s very way of life, without rebuilding the perception of the world in a more harmonious way, without replacing dark black thoughts with good and bright ones. Therefore, traditional Eastern medicine is inseparable from Eastern philosophy, which preaches a special way of life - a way of life in peace, harmony, unity with nature. On the basis of this philosophy, Chinese art about the harmony of space is built - Feng Shui, the limitless possibilities of which are not yet known to Western civilization. Based on this Japanese system nutrition - macrobiotics, and all kinds of martial arts that have come down from ancient times...

Katsuzo Nishi was the lead technical engineer for Japan's first subway project. At a certain stage, life forced this man to take serious care of his health and fight for it. Through the study of Aikido and many preventive and health theories, in 1927 Nishi formulated his 6 “golden” rules of health. His system is based on actions and exercises aimed at strengthening the back muscles. As a result of his searches, Nishi came to the conclusion that a healthy spine is the basis of a healthy body. According to this Japanese, good posture is the key to the correct functioning of all major human systems and organs.

The site invites its readers to familiarize themselves with Katsuzo Nishi’s healthy lifestyle system and the 6 “golden” rules of which it consists.

Rule 1. Hard bed.

Nishi strongly recommended that all his followers precede going to bed with a walk in the fresh air, and only indulge in sleep while lying on a hard bed. Thanks to this approach, the spine will have the opportunity to get rid of tension and completely relax overnight. Today, following this advice from the Japanese, it is not at all necessary to sleep on boards; for the health of the spine, it is quite enough to purchase a good orthopedic mattress.

Rule 2. Cushion instead of pillow.

Nishi recommended using the cushion instead of a pillow during rest and sleep in the area between the head and neck. Thanks to this simple measure, the quality of sleep will significantly improve and the constriction of nerve endings in the cervical spine spine.

Rule 3. Exercise “Goldfish” in the morning and evening.

This surprisingly simple but powerful exercise is based on vibrating movements. First, a little warm-up. Lie on your back, place your arms straight along your head. We press the popliteal space to the floor, bring our feet towards ourselves and alternately pull forward, first the right one, then left heel, stretching the spine. Do several of these movements.

After this preliminary stretching, we move on to the “Goldfish” exercise itself. To perform this, it is recommended to place a small roll rolled up from a bath towel under your neck. Bend your elbows and place your palms under your bottom occipital part bring your head and feet toward you and begin vibrating movements left and right from your toes. The vibration will instantly be transmitted to the entire body. You seem to be shaking, making movements of small amplitude in horizontal plane left-right. The main mistake when performing the “Goldfish” is that some people try to vibrate their body up and down. It is not right! You need to oscillate left and right. Start with 30 seconds and gradually increase the duration of your vibrations to 2 minutes. The exercise perfectly relaxes the spine, eliminating all spasms and tension.

After this, rest for 10 minutes, bending your knees and bringing your feet together. Bend your elbows and clasp your palms together solar plexus.

It is very important that the “Goldfish” exercise be performed in warm conditions. temperature regime and without drafts, otherwise, when you are cold, your muscles will not be able to relax properly. “Goldfish” is recommended to be performed both in the morning and in the evening. However, keep in mind that after sleep it is easier to achieve maximum muscle relaxation and the effect of practice will be better. In the evening before the “Goldfish” class, it is recommended to take a warm shower, lie down with eyes closed, relax and disconnect from the daily worries and only then begin the exercise.
“Goldfish” vibrations are suitable for any age and help to quickly recover from injuries, release nerve clamps, normalize blood circulation, saturate the body with oxygen, stabilize the nervous system, improve the functioning of internal organs, improve digestion, activity of cardio-vascular system and musculoskeletal system.

Rule 4. Exercise to activate capillary blood circulation.

This exercise, like the Goldfish, is based on vibrating movements. It is performed in the same way, lying on your back with a bolster under your neck. This time you have to raise your arms and legs up, slightly bending them at the elbows and knees, respectively. Start vibrating left and right again from your toes. The shaking will easily spread to all other parts of the body. Perform oscillatory movements for 1 minute. In total, we have 3 approaches to this exercise.

Exercise is an active prevention of heart and vascular diseases, in particular varicose veins veins

Rest in the position we took after performing the Goldfish exercise and do two more sets.
Finally, rest for 3-5 minutes in Shavasana - with your arms and legs spread straight on the floor.

Don't get up suddenly. First turn over onto your right side, bend your knees and pull them to your chest, place your head on your lower arm extended along your head.

After this slow, sit on the floor and cross your legs in front of you in Turkish Pose or Lotus Pose.

Rule 5. Exercise for closing the feet and palms.

As a warm-up before performing this exercise, lie on the floor, bend your knees and flex your feet. Bend your arms at the elbows, close the pads of the fingers of the same name together in the solar plexus area, point your fingers upward. Press them against each other 10 times.

Now alternate straightening your elbows with bending them 10 times. Lift your shoulders off the floor and return them to their original position.

Then stretch your arms above your head, touching the floor with your fingers closed together and return to the level of the solar plexus, bending at the elbows. 10 reps.

Now we will make a “pendulum” with our hands - alternate between moving our straight arms up and lowering them down to our feet.

It's time to add footwork. You can slide them along the floor, straightening your knees a little, or you can lift them above the floor.

The last option is only suitable if the lower back is completely healthy.

We combine movements with our arms and legs: we straighten our arms up, and our legs move down at the same time.

Then we lower our palms to the solar plexus area and at the same time bend our knees more.

Start with 4-5 repetitions, gradually increase to 10 times.

Then gently bring your knees together and pull them towards your chest. Rest in this position for half a minute.

The exercise of closing the feet and palms improves coordination of the left and right parts of the body. IN alternative medicine Such practices are often recommended as part of a rehabilitation program for injuries and neurological disorders.

Rule 6. A set of exercises for the spine and abdomen.

This complex can be performed while sitting on a chair, or you can sit on the floor with your legs crossed in Turkish pose or Lotus Pose. Keep your back straight, pull in your stomach, stretch the top of your head up, and close your eyes.

1. Raise your shoulders up, then lower them down. Repeat the movement 10 times.

Now we will do an intermediate exercise. Straighten your arms in front of you, palms facing forward. Turn your head to one side - look down over your shoulder. Then turn your head in the other direction and look down over your other shoulder.

Now we raise our arms up, slightly bending our elbows, and again perform similar head turns as in the previous exercise.

2. Gently tilt your head to your right shoulder, then to your left. Repeat the movement 10 times.

Perform an intermediate exercise with head rotations, as after shoulder raises.

3. Tilt your head forward, then tilt it back. Repeat the movement 10 times.

Do the intermediate exercise described above again.

If you feel that your back is tired, stretch forward, placing your straight arms on the floor.

Straighten up and turn your body to the right, looking over your right shoulder. Stand up straight. Perform the same turn of the body and head to the left.

4. Turn your head to the right, then to the left. Repeat the movement 10 times.

Now we spread our straight arms to the sides, bend them at the elbows, palms facing forward.

As you exhale, connect your elbows, round your lower back, and tilt your head forward.

As we inhale, we spread our elbows to the sides, tilt our heads back, and stretch our chin up. We fix the pose for 7 seconds. Repeat the entire sequence 10 times.

That's all.

Using these 6 “golden” rules of health, Nishi and his followers achieved healing from many diseases, found the joy of life and again felt its taste. Many of Nishi’s principles, including his “Goldfish” exercise, were included in the aikido training program, of which this Japanese was once a teacher. All that remains for you and me is simply to take this valuable work into service and verify from our own experience the effectiveness of the proposed program.

In the photo – Tatiana Kisil


The Japanese popularizer of healing methods, Katsuzo Nishi, believes that cancer is formed as a result of the accumulation of carbon monoxide (CO2) in the human body due to a lack of oxygen. Indeed, energy cancer cells gives a fermentation process that occurs in the absence of oxygen.

The accumulation of carbon monoxide in the body, which has strong toxic properties, can arise for two reasons. The first is that a lot of food is consumed and the body does not have enough energy to completely digest it into the final products, carbon dioxide (CO2) and water, which are easily excreted by the body. As a result, oxidation “gets stuck” at intermediate stages, where carbon monoxide occurs.

The second reason is related to impaired skin respiration. And wearing clothes disrupts skin breathing. Moreover, it is assumed that this leads to difficulty in getting half of the oxygen into the body!

A lack of magnesium in the body leads to the formation of carbon monoxide.

Consuming sugar and alcoholic beverages leads to the destruction of blood vessels, which increases the formation of carbon monoxide.

These reasons mainly indicate improper, poor nutrition.

Lack of vitamin C and subcutaneous hemorrhage. Due to the fact that the human body cannot produce vitamin C and it comes from food, human health is largely determined by the quality of food. If the food is boiled or depleted, then the body does not receive enough vitamin C. Vitamin C deficiency leads to subcutaneous hemorrhages. The concept of “subcutaneous” must be considered more broadly. This is not only hemorrhage under the skin, but also under any mucous membrane (intestines, uterus, etc.). The combination of hemorrhage and injury can lead to oncology.

K. Nishi believes that constipation should mean expansion of the pylorus (from the stomach to the duodenum) as a result of weakening of the fifth cervical vertebra. As a result of this expansion, acid enters the intestines, neutralizes bile (has an alkaline pH), which leads to a weakening of intestinal function - constipation. Constipation, in turn, leads not only to sludge in the body, but also to the formation of carbon monoxide.

In cancer patients, a change in the cell membrane has been observed - weakening. Due to the fact that this membrane consists of a special substance, renin, it is Special attention. When pigment (age) spots appear on the skin, this indicates that the cell membranes are worn out and carbon monoxide is accumulating in the body.


K. Nishi offers three main directions in the treatment of cancer: removing carbon monoxide, providing the body with vitamin C and restoring blood vessels.

In order to implement these three directions in practice, it is necessary:

1) restore skin function;

2) remove toxins from the intestines;

3) get rid of constipation;

4) restore normal circulation of fluids in the body (blood, lymph), and at the same time cleanse them;

5) restore a person’s normal posture.

K. Nishi suggests restoring skin function by exposure (air baths) 6 to 11 times a day. It is best to perform nudity sessions in the morning before sunrise, and in the evening after sunset. The person must completely remove all clothing. During the session, you can rub your body, or you can perform one of his exercises (better for capillaries or “Goldfish”). After the session, dress warmly and remain calm. As soon as you warm up, perform the next session, and so on 6-11 times.

1st day. Start with 20 seconds of exposure and continue up to 70.

2nd day. Start with 20 seconds of exposure and continue up to 80.

So add 10 seconds at a time until on the 6th day you reach 120 seconds. Now there is no need to add time, but simply fulfill this norm of exposure.

Fasting is recommended to remove toxins from the intestines, cure constipation and cleanse the body fluids.

It is recommended to restore normal circulation of fluids using contrasting water procedures. For this purpose, K. Nishi recommends taking baths with hot (41-43 °C) and cold (14-15 °C) water. One minute hot bath and the same cold. You always have to finish cold water. It is recommended to perform eleven such combinations (cold-heat - one contrast procedure).

It is recommended to eat foods rich in natural mineral salts (raw vegetables), easily digestible foods that acidify the body: rice, fish, chicken along with five types of vegetables. In our conditions, Maya Gogulan, a follower and promoter of the K. Nishi system, recommends the following five types of vegetables: cabbage, carrots, parsley, beets, potatoes.

To improve posture and increase capillary blood circulation, follow the “six rules of Nisha’s health.”

1. Sleep on a flat, hard bed. K. Nishi recommends sleeping on a hard, flat bed (a spring bed is not suitable). In this case, the body weight is distributed evenly and the muscles are completely relaxed. On a flat bed, the curvature of the spinal column is corrected. After all, displaced vertebrae put pressure on the nerves and blood vessels in the intervertebral spaces. This leads to diseases of those organs that are served by these nerves and blood vessels.

2. A small, hard pillow for your neck. K. Nishi advises placing your neck on a hard pillow and making sure that the third or fourth cervical vertebrae is on top of the pillow. If it is painful, put a towel on it first. Such a pillow corrects the position of the cervical vertebrae, and therefore prevents a lot of various diseases caused by this.

3. Exercise “Goldfish”. Lie down on a flat bed; Without bending your legs, pull the tips of your toes towards you so that you feel a stretch in your calves. Place both hands under your neck, crossing them in the area of ​​the fourth or fifth cervical vertebra. In this position, swing your entire body from side to side, like a fish swimming in water. Do the exercise twice a day for 1-2 minutes.

4. Exercise for capillaries. Lie on your back with your head on a hard pillow, stretch your arms and legs up vertically towards your body and then shake (vibrate) them.

5. Exercise “Closing the palms and feet.” First part. Lie on your back, put your hands on your chest. Open your palms, connect the fingertips of both hands, press them against each other and relax; repeat several times. Then move your hands back and forth with your fingertips closed, as if cutting through the body. Second part. Continuing to lie on your back, raise your legs up above your body, bringing your knees together. With your feet closed, move your legs forward and backward ten times at a distance of one and a half times the length of your leg. Then, closing your palms and feet, remain calm for 5-10 minutes.

6. Exercise for the spine and abdomen. Preparatory part:

a) sitting on a chair, raise and lower your shoulders (10 times);

b) tilt your head to the right and left (10 times in each direction);

c) tilt your head forward and back (10 times in each direction);

d) tilt your head to the right - back (10 times) and to the left - back (10 times);

e) stretch your arms forward to a horizontal position and turn your head left and right (1 time each);

f) raise both arms up parallel and turn your head to the right and left (once each);

g) lower your arms to shoulder level, bending them at the elbows;

h) keeping your hands in this position (g), throw them back as far as possible, stretching your chin strongly up.

Main part. After the preparatory part, relax, place your palms on your knees and after a while begin the main part of the exercise: straighten your body, maintaining balance on your tailbone; then swing it left and right, while moving your stomach (for 10 minutes in the morning and evening). While doing this exercise, convince yourself that your health is improving every day.

It is emphasized that during treatment crisis phenomena should occur - the separation of dead pathology itself various types and through the most various organs discharge. Heavy discharge blood, loss of dead tissue - phenomena indicating successful treatment. Nishi believes that until crisis phenomena appear, the disease will not disappear. During a crisis, he recommends, in order to avoid deterioration, to soberly analyze your state of health, show self-control and determination. Nishi recommends going on a complete fast during a crisis while avoiding agitation. After passing it, start eating. After the crisis, improvement comes.

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