Purring a cat is beneficial. ​40 interesting facts about the medicinal properties of cats. Physical health benefits of cats: what do cats treat?

Sofia Vasilyeva


Photo: Wirsinda Llefreaks, flickr.com

We usually don’t think about how healthy our tailed pets are. Here are 10 facts about the benefits of cats for human health.

Scientists have repeatedly conducted studies confirming the positive impact of pets on the mental and physical health of their owners.

The benefits of cats for mental health

Cats relieve stress

Cats love to be petted - no wonder. But the interesting thing is that people also like to pet cats. Simply stroking a cat's warm, silky fur has a strong anti-stress effect, reduces anxiety and relaxes.

If we pay attention to the map of the palm that reflexologists use, we will see that the zones responsible for relaxation and stress relief are located precisely in those areas that are stimulated when stroking a cat.

Anti-stress zones are highlighted in the figure with an oval

These points in the figure are indicated by the following icons

In addition, pleasant stroking stimulates the production of oxytocin - the “love hormone” and reduces the level of the stress hormone cortisol. Evidence of this.

Cats cure depression

Cats improve the well-being of people suffering mild depression And moderate severity. They improve your mood and reduce stress.

Cats have feelings for us unconditional love. The relationship with your cat is easy, and you can be yourself without fear of hurting her feelings, saying the wrong thing, or receiving unsolicited advice. A rare opportunity in our lives, isn't it?

An animal is a responsibility. And if a depressed person can easily give up on himself, then caring for an animal pulls him back to the surface, helps him feel needed and useful.

A daily routine has the same supportive effect. You can stay off the couch and eat only sandwiches, but if you have a cat, you will have to feed it twice a day what it is used to eating and clean the litter box. Daily actions like these help keep you afloat.

A depressed person feels cut off from the rest of the world. But if you have a cat, you will never be alone.

Cats improve quality of life

Scientists at Brooklyn College (New York) conducted a study back in 1980 that involved elderly patients with cardiovascular diseases. The study participants included cat owners and people who did not own a cat.

The study found that cat owners coped with losses faster, felt less lonely and were generally more socially active.

Cats contribute to the mental development of children

Cats are excellent therapists for children with autism, cerebral palsy and developmental delays. They help develop speech and communication skills and improve children's social interaction.

Physical health benefits of cats: what do cats treat?

Cats lower blood pressure

Several studies have confirmed the beneficial effects of cats on arterial pressure hypertensive patients. This is both the Brooklyn College study mentioned above and the New York University study, which involved 48 brokers who suffered from high blood pressure.

The study lasted 6 months, during which all subjects received a drug to lower blood pressure, and half of them got a cat at home. As a result, it turned out that average blood pressure levels decreased for all participants, but stress peaks only for those who got a cat.

Cats help prevent strokes and heart attacks

These life threatening conditions largely develop against the background constant stress and high blood pressure. Cats, by helping to relieve stress and lower blood pressure, help reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Cats improve heart health

A study conducted by scientists at the University of Minnesota found that cat owners are more likely to die from cardiovascular diseases, 30-40% lower than those who do not have a cat. Interestingly, dogs did not have a similar effect.

Cats Boost Immunity and Reduce Risk of Asthma

Many parents are afraid to have animals in the home with small children. But recent research by scientists has shown that, on the contrary, children growing up with pets have higher levels of protective antibodies and stronger immunity, as well as a lower risk of developing allergies and bronchial asthma.

Cats reduce pain

Perhaps this effect is associated with the feeling of living warmth, because the body temperature of cats is higher than that of humans. So when a cat lies down on sore spot, heating reduces spasm and thus reduces pain. If the cat is still purring, the healing effect of light vibration is added to its effect.

Cats help heal wounds and strengthen bones

Cats purr at a frequency between 20-120 Hz. Experiments have shown that mechanical vibrations occurring at the frequency of a cat's purr:

  • in the range of 18-35 Hz accelerate the restoration of cells, soft tissues, joints and muscles;
  • in the range of 20-50 Hz and 100-200 Hz accelerate bone growth and strengthen them

Cats not only keep you healthy, but sometimes they can literally save your life, like the kitten Nafanya (read more in ours).

Many controversial topics are raised about the benefits and harms of pets. Is a cat a man's friend? Today we will consider the benefits of cats as a lodger or a member of your family.

Is a cat in the house a benefit?

Cats were domesticated 9,500 years ago and were the companions of empresses and priestesses. Even then, people realized that the benefits of cats were high. It was believed that cats ward off evil spirits, and the cat should be the first to enter a new home.

Domestic cats are gentle and affectionate creatures by nature. American scientists have found that cats are treated by having a beneficial effect on the human body, especially interesting is the fact that a purring cat lays on the sore spot of its owner, creating warmth and light vibration from purring.

Bioenergetics about cats

Experts in the field of bioenergy explain these cases the ability of cats to absorb the negative energy of the disease, and if too severe illness from the owner, then your cat left the house to die, and the owner is recovering.

Treatment cats

Let's figure out how cats heal.

Firstly, cats heal people by purring, which creates the amplitude of sound vibrations. It is the regularity of sound vibrations that is transmitted to the human body, and the frequency of sound vibrations in humans becomes the same as in a cat. The person calms down, his breathing normalizes, his mood improves and a general healing effect is produced on the human body.

Secondly, the body temperature of a domestic cat is 38-39 degrees, and if a person has a cold, then a purring cat creates a warm effect on the chest, warming up the human body and as a result helps to cope with colds and increases a person’s resistance to stress.

Benefits of cats

The benefit of cats lies in their devotion and affection towards their owner, this is what captivates and makes them the most precious creatures, especially for lonely people. It is the positive influence of cats on humans and the ease of caring for them that have allowed them to become the most common human companions around the world. Therefore, a cat in the house is beneficial!

5 common facts about the benefits of cats

1. Yours domestic cat will help you cope with stress, feelings of loneliness and even depression. The cat gets it right Bad mood his owner and helps him deal with him.

Feng Shui experts say that representatives of the cat family perfectly cleanse a room of negative energy. They unmistakably identify unfavorable places in the house, and it is not recommended to place a bed where the cat happily lies down.

2. Cats have a powerful healing effect. There is a direction modern medicine“feline therapy” (from the Latin felis - cat), which deals with the scientific study of methods of prevention and treatment various diseases with the help of “furry doctors”.

By stroking a cat, a person can normalize the pulse, lower blood pressure, relieve headaches and discomfort in the joints. But healing effect can also happen when the cat is simply nearby. Scientists say that people who have a cat in their house get sick five times less often than others.

3. Healing effect has the purring of a cat, that is, sound vibrations of a certain frequency. It stimulates healing processes, accelerates wound healing and even strengthens the immune system. That's why cats heal!

Scientists at the Fauna Research Institute from North Carolina have concluded that vibrations at frequencies between 22 and 44 hertz, at which a cat actually purrs, promote cell regeneration. And as a result of exposure to sound vibrations of this frequency, bone density increases, which contributes to faster healing of fractures.

4. It is believed that outbred cats can give a head start to their purebred brothers in the field of healing. But purebred doctors have a narrow specialization. What cats are treated? Long-haired cats help with insomnia, depression and irritability. Cats of medium fluffiness ease the course of cardiovascular diseases. And shorthaired cats and sphinxes help in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Interestingly, some Siamese cats have an inexplicable, scientific point vision, the ability to kill pathogens that accumulate in the house, and successfully treat colds.

There is no consensus on which color of cats is better for treatment. In America, short-haired “brunettes” are considered the most “medicinal”, but in England they prefer “blondes”. “Boys” are better at treating arthrosis and radiculitis. But “girls” cope more easily with diseases of nervous origin. And don't forget that not all cats are capable of being doctors.

5. Therapy cats will only do a “cat therapy” session if you truly love your furry friend. Remember that you cannot force a cat near you and force it to be treated. There will be no benefit from coercion.

Cats heal at will. Therapeutic effect occurs only with trusting and close contact between the animal and its owner.

The benefits of cats are great. Now you are convinced that a cat is a man’s friend! Sincerely love your cat, treat it kindly and respectfully, and then you will have to go to the doctors much less often.

We examined in detail the various reasons for the appearance of cats in our homes. Today we will talk about the consequences, that is, how our lives actually change with the appearance of a tailed meowing friend in it, and to what extent the expectations placed on him are justified.

Cats and people

Surely you remember Rudyard Kipling's fairy tale “The Cat That Walked By Itself.” In it, animals, one after another, come to man, and man tames them. The last one to arrive is the cat. She catches mice and plays with the child - and for these skills she receives the best place at the hearth and milk.

Oddly enough, this is approximately how it all happened - cats actually came to humans a little later than other domestic animals. This happened, according to scientists, at least ten thousand years ago, or even earlier, in Asia, from where the cat population gradually spread, scattered and dispersed to all other parts of the world.

Our cooperation with cats has always been mutually beneficial, and it began, as you might guess, with mice. Man mastered agriculture for a long time and gradually, but over time he learned to grow enough food to stock up. These supplies had to be stored, and barns arose, and lazy, well-fed house mice appeared in the barns.

And the cat came to the man with an offer that was impossible to refuse, because as a result, everyone won: the cat received for his use not just hunting grounds, but a real nature reserve, and the man got rid of annoying pests.

Much water has passed under the bridge since then, but the mousetrap instinct does not disappear in our pets, and the most respectable Barsik or Murzik, who spent his entire life on pillows and in nightmare Having never seen a single rodent, he is able to greatly surprise his family when he goes to the dacha for the first time.

Quite quickly, however, it became clear that the mutual benefit of a cat and a person may not be limited to prosaic mice. Because the cat turned out to have a lot of other talents.

The ability to positively influence the well-being of the owner is one of the most famous abilities of cats.

Numerous testimonies from their owners testify to the benefits that cats have for human health. You've probably heard stories about their beneficial effects on sleep, stress resistance, and blood pressure. The warm and rhythmic purring of a beloved cat relaxes a person, helps him get rid of nervous tension and overwork.

Many cat owners feel that after communicating with their pet, various pains disappear, in particular headaches, as well as painful sensations neuralgic in nature.

Scientists could not ignore these facts without attention and explanation, because many of them also have favorite cats. Therefore, research into the healing abilities of cats is appearing more and more often.

Beneficial for the heart

For example, interesting statistics collected over many years by Columbia University. It shows that cat owners live longer, suffer fewer heart attacks and strokes, and have lower cancer rates than those who don't own pets.

Many researchers speak and write about the influence of cats on cardiovascular system person. Such data are presented in the Waltham Book of Human-Animal Interaction, Elsevier science, 2013.

In the course of research, specialist Erica Friedman was able to obtain reliable data that cardiac patients recovered faster after a heart attack if they had the opportunity to constantly communicate with their cat.

According to the observations of American cardiologists, even briefly stroking a cat helps to normalize heart rate In addition, pet owners have lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure on average than those patients who do not keep animals at home. Therefore, if your cardiologist advises you to get a cat, do not be surprised, this is completely scientific!

Improves psycho-emotional state

The presence of an animal in our lives has an overall beneficial effect on our immunity, psychological and emotional condition. There is evidence that cat owners are much less likely to suffer severe disorders digestive and endocrine systems.

Moreover, cases have been described from medical practice, when communication with a cat and the resulting attachment to the animal allowed a patient at a drug treatment center to overcome his drug or alcohol addiction.

Felinotherapy has long been no longer something marginal in medicine. This method is often used when working with people who suffer mental illness or developmental disorders, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder.

Cats provide significant assistance to sick children, in particular young patients with diagnoses such as autism, attention deficit disorder, and Down syndrome. The presence of a cat nearby calms such children; they gradually learn to express their emotions easily and naturally, and attachment to their pet becomes for them a bridge leading out into the world around them.

Kittens and guys

“The woman tied a clay spindle to a thread and pulled it along the floor, and the Cat ran after it, and grabbed it, and tumbled, and threw it on its back, and caught it with its hind paws, and deliberately let it go, and then rushed after it, - and then the Child laughed even louder than he cried; he crawled after the Cat throughout the Cave and frolicked until he was tired. Then he dozed off along with the Cat, without letting her out of his arms.
“And now,” said the Cat, “I’ll sing him a song and lull him to sleep for an hour.”
And as she began to purr, now louder, now quieter, then quieter, then louder, the child fell asleep sound sleep" (R. Kipling)

A separate word needs to be said about children and cats. Sometimes it seems that they were deliberately created for each other. Adults do not always have time to play with their pet as much as they need to release their energy, especially in at a young age. Children are tireless in this matter, and they cooperative games with a kitten can become a constant source of joy, if, of course, both have learned to treat their play partner with respect.

It's hard to find children, no loving cats. A cat is a whole world to a baby, both frightening and attractive, with fluffy fur, a cold nose, a bright personality and hidden claws.

You have probably observed how children of animal owners sometimes differ from their peers in responsibility, mental maturity and kindness. The impact of pets on the formation of a child’s personality has more than once become the subject of serious research. Their results suggest that pets help children feel confident, become happier, and even overcome problems such as excessive shyness and speech dysfunction.

The undoubted benefits of cats for parents of small children, such as their ability to put the baby to sleep with their purring in a matter of minutes, should not go unnoticed.

The benefit to humans from the home cat healer, which we very briefly discussed in the paragraph above, fully extends to children, but with one significant addition.

Prevention of allergies in children

Scientists from different countries who worked on the problem of childhood allergies, which in our time has acquired unprecedented importance, came to the same conclusion: children born and raised in a family whose members were animals are ten times less likely to suffer from allergies, both in childhood and and in adulthood.

In addition, children who freely communicated with at least one animal from the cradle are, in principle, less likely to suffer from any diseases, including viral infections.

Big sensation in scientific world were the recent discoveries of Danish scientists. The study, which took place in Copenhagen, involved children who were diagnosed with genetic predisposition to asthma. During the observation, it turned out that in those children who lived in the same family with a cat from birth, this predisposition did not manifest itself subsequently.

The mechanism of the effect of cats on the development of asthma in children has not yet been fully studied, but scientists suggest that this discovery will help humanity overcome this serious illness.

Brightening up loneliness

Loneliness is a scourge modern world, in which people become increasingly withdrawn into themselves, trust others less and less, and increasingly hide from life. And for the lonely man a pet can become a real salvation, replacing him with the whole world and not allowing him to plunge into the quagmire of despondency.

Interaction with an animal, as already written above, harmonizes a person’s psycho-emotional state, compensates for the lack of affection and communication, and the need to take care of it does not allow one to withdraw into oneself and lose the desire to live on. After all, your pet will be lost without you, he has no one but you, and this means that you are needed, that is, you are no longer alone.

Young single people, of course, can get a dog. They are physically active and are able to provide her with regular walking, as well as proper attention on the street. For older people, this is often an unbearable burden, especially if they are inactive for health reasons.

For them the cat will be the most best choice, because you don’t need to walk with her, she is balanced, calm and self-sufficient. But at the same time, cats love communication, they are affectionate and willingly give people their warmth.

Lonely old people living next to cats feel much better, because they have someone to give them love and care. And cats, responding with tenderness and gratitude to their owners, thereby prolonging their lives and making them happier.

It’s no wonder that one of the most successful areas of work for therapy cats is nursing homes. According to German gerontologists, elderly people who have a cat can sometimes live as much as 10 years longer than doctors predict.

Special abilities of cats

During biological evolution Having followed the path of active growth and development of the brain, man has lost many of the abilities that allow him to navigate living nature. Our hearing and sense of smell have been greatly reduced, and technological progress has made the ability to notice the slightest changes in the surrounding space insignificant.

Cats have retained ancient instincts, and most importantly, biological “tools” that allow them to sense the approach of danger before the inevitable happens. A sensitive and observant owner, who is always attentive to the condition of his tailed friend, may, without realizing it, receive a very important warning from him.

Feel slight vibrations

As an example, there is countless evidence that our pets sense seismic activity.

A smart person will certainly be wary when he sees that his cat is rushing around, not finding a place for itself, and is trying to take everyone it can away from the house. Often cats saved entire families from imminent death under the rubble of a house in this way.

In the nineties, a story was passed down from mouth to mouth about a cat that persistently rushed into the children's room and called other family members to follow it. As soon as they entered there, there was an explosion and part of the entrance collapsed. Of the entire apartment, only the room chosen by the cat remained intact.

Hear sounds elusive to our ears

During the world wars, cats saved many lives by warning their families in advance about bombings. It can be assumed, that keen hearing the cat allowed her to hear the distant rumble of approaching bombers.

Particularly well known is the story of the cat Sally from London, who, sensing the approach of an air raid, ran to the gas masks hanging on the wall and persistently made it clear that it was time to go down to the bomb shelter.

Fires and floods

An equally interesting story happened in the nineteenth century in St. Petersburg. A stray cat came into one of the houses from the street and brought her kittens. She dragged the kids to a fairly high step of the stairs and did not allow anyone to take them down from there. The next day, a terrible flood began in St. Petersburg, but the water level did not reach her kittens.

There are countless examples of cats saving people from fire. The extremely high sensitivity of cats allows them to smell a fire much earlier than people, and often it is cats that wake up their owners who are sound asleep and unaware of the danger.

As you can see, a lot can be said about the benefits that cats bring to us. But we get them not only for the sake of benefit, because a beloved pet gives us a feeling of joy and happiness. And any cat brings happiness to the house.

Any size, breed and gender, with any tail and ears, regardless of its color and degree of fluffiness. Because a cat is concentrated happiness. No wonder they say that your home is where your cat is...

What canned food tastes best for cats?

RESEARCH ATTENTION! You and your cat can take part in it! If you live in Moscow or the Moscow region and are ready to regularly observe how and how much your cat eats, and also remember to write it all down, they will bring you FREE WET FOOD SETS.

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1.From a long time ago cat times live next to a person. Nowadays, it is representatives of this family that are most often kept as pets.

2. It’s difficult to find a person who doesn’t like cats at all. Communication with cats brings not only pleasure, but also health benefits. Scientific research have proven that furry healers can help with many diseases.

3. Treatment with cats has scientific name– felinotherapy. Felinotherapy, or treatment with cats, is perhaps one of the most developed branches of pet therapy.

4. Experts say that the strength of healing energy and its direction depends on the breed and color of the animal. Different pets can have different effects on our body.

5. Even when we come as a guest to a house where there is a cat, we strive to pet it. Communication with a tailed pet energizes you with positivity and relaxes you.

6. Sphinxes. Representatives of this breed are considered the most “multidisciplinary healers”, as they help cure many diseases, especially if they were identified in the initial stages. In addition, sphinxes take a lot of negative energy.

7. Some people are contraindicated from petting furry animals or even being in the same room with them. If you are allergic to cat fur, interacting with your pet will only harm your well-being. And yet there is a solution to this problem.

8. Sphinxes are hairless cats that heal people just as well as their furry relatives. Representatives of this breed are safe for those who are allergic to wool.

9. According to felinologists, cats are able to treat arrhythmia, stabilize blood pressure, treat Chronical bronchitis, osteochondrosis and even atherosclerosis.

10. Tricolor, red and gray cats– these are the most positive pets. It is believed that communication with such cats gives a lot of positive emotions and helps you feel better.

11. Siamese are cats that, by their mere presence, destroy almost all pathogenic bacteria in the house, so their owners rarely suffer from colds.

12. Quite a few psychologists agree on positive influence cats on people's mental health. Moreover, just having a pet in your home is not enough; you should love him with all your heart, treat him sincerely and express your feelings towards him without hesitation. And if the animal feels this very sincerity, it will definitely help you.

13. Fluffy cats They are considered not only the most charming, but also cope well with “yin” diseases, which are characterized by energy deficiency. And also after a short interaction with your beloved pet, it goes away. headache and blood pressure normalizes.

14. There is even evidence that cats can speed up the healing of wounds.

15. Cats treat themselves basically like this: many pets lie on the most painful places of their owners. After such “sessions,” the patient’s condition actually improves over time.

16. Persian cats. Those who have such a pet note their beneficial effect on the joints. Joint pain goes away quite quickly; in some cases, complete recovery from osteochondrosis can be observed.

17. Can mongrel animals heal? Of course, yard cats treat people’s illnesses no worse than the winners of world exhibitions. Why not, because in the veins of mongrel animals the blood of representatives of the most different breeds. Remarkably, owners of mongrel cats claim that their pets are more affectionate than their purebred relatives.

18. When treating, the main thing is to accustom the cat regularly throughout treatment course lay on the sore spot. With bronchitis, the cat should lie on its chest, with arthritis, on inflamed joint, and for atherosclerosis and migraines - at the head.

19. Communication with cats undoubtedly has a beneficial effect on the human body. Every lover of the cat family knows that the body temperature of these animals is higher than that of humans. Usually it is 38-39 degrees. With such a living “hot water bottle” it is very pleasant to crawl under the covers when you have a cold or fever. Moreover, unlike a mechanical device, there is no risk of overheating or incorrect settings. The warmth of a cat is completely natural, safe and beneficial for everyone.

20. As therapists in England and the USA who worked in specialized clinics for mentally retarded children found out, cats provide serious assistance to people suffering from mental illness, heart disorders, brain damage, and even contribute to the complete healing of those addicted to alcohol and drugs.

21. Cats: British, exotic shorthair, Russian blue, Scottish - when kept indoors, these animals can cure heart disease.

22. The color of our beloved pet can affect our health. Cats with black hair cope with diseases caused by excess energy, such as heart attack, stroke, arthritis and osteochondrosis. Pets of black color absorb "into themselves" greatest number negative energy compared to cats of other colors.

23. Cats with white fur. It is useful to have such animals for people who suffer from energy deficiency. All fluffy blondes are considered “super medicinal”, and in the UK animal therapists even sell them in pharmacies.

24. Ginger - these cats are capable of giving the greatest amount of positive energy. They literally saturate their owners with positive emotions.

25.Cats with gray fur have equally the properties that are inherent in black and white cats, and pets of a gray-blue color also calm their owners.

26. Oriental cat breed. They can fight liver and kidney diseases, as well as treat colitis and gastritis.

27. Fluffy healers banish diseases various methods. They can use massage, heating, irradiation.

28.Massage - the cat begins to gently massage the sore spot with its paws, sometimes to enhance the effect, it releases sharp claws, thus performing a kind of acupuncture.

29. Warming up - the pet tries to lie directly on the problem area. He can spend quite a lot of time in this position; he often stays there overnight, and if the owner tosses and turns, the cat always returns and lays down again in the same place.

30. Irradiation - the cat begins to purr softly, sometimes it sniffs its owner, sometimes it sits nearby. At this time, she can perform a massage at the same time or simply place her front paws where the problem is. Such purring sounds are incredibly calming, while healing waves pass throughout the body.

31. Angora, Siberian, Burmese and other long-haired cat breeds are considered to be quite good neurologists and are excellent at relieving irritability, helping to cope with depression and eliminating insomnia.

32. Communication with cats is attributed to depression and schizophrenia. At the same time, no special skills are required from the cat - it just needs to be affectionate and sociable.

33. Even a cat’s purring is beneficial for humans, which, according to scientists from the Animal Communication Institute in North Carolina, strengthens bones. How does this happen? All thanks to the sound range in which cats purr - from 27 to 44 hertz.

34. According to the observations of specialists, people who have a cat in their house apply for medical care much less often than those who do not have such a pet.

35. It should be remembered that after castration and sterilization, cats and female cats lose a significant portion of their abilities.

36. In England today, “medicinal cats” are sold in pharmacies. There they proved that animals familiar to us have great medical potential.

37. More recently, the healing abilities of cats have been studied in National University Treatment Methods Impacts of London. Studies have proven that cats heal people. Moreover, these animals are capable of generating a magnetic field no less strong than modern medical equipment.

38. Upon contact with an animal, when stroking a cat, a special electrostatic field is formed. It has a very beneficial effect on the human body.

39. Science has proven that regular communication with a purring cat can improve immunity. While purring, the pet also emits special vibrations. It is believed that it is especially useful to listen to a purring cat when he is lying on you.

40. The psychoenergetic effect of a cat on a person cannot be underestimated. These animals are incredibly beautiful, and their fur is pleasant to the touch. Admiring a pet or petting it, each person receives a significant amount of positive emotions. Researchers from the Berlin Institute of Gerontology have found that having a cat affects a person’s life expectancy - cat lovers live, on average, 10 years more than those who are unlucky enough to have a furry doctor .

In support. Every person needs it. We don’t always receive it fully from family and friends. A nearby living creature seems to take part in us; the cat listens affectionately and silently. And of course, she is always on our side;

In Game. At heart, we are all a little children, sometimes we so want to fool around, run, scream, but we cannot do this, being within the framework of “adulthood”. With a cat, you can afford this - after all, she also needs active rest for full development;

In communication. A cat is a wonderful “interlocutor”. She doesn’t make any comments to us, doesn’t express sharp criticism, doesn’t ask unnecessary questions, but simply looks at us silently, occasionally “interfering” in the conversation with a short “meow.”

It is interesting that in some countries they use the so-called feline therapy (Latin felis - cat). Thanks to long-term contact between people and cats, it is possible to achieve the following health indicators:

  • The main benefit from have a nice chat with an animal – significant strengthening of the immune system, reducing the risk of developing oncological diseases by 20%
  • Reducing the threat of developing heart and vascular diseases by 30%.
  • Reducing the risk of depression and other mental disorders by 25%.
  • Maintaining social activity instead of trying to be alone (cats are also predisposed to interact with people, which also brings tangible benefits).
  • The benefits are also created due to a pleasant feeling of safety and comfort, which is confirmed by numerous personal reviews from cat owners.
  • Overcoming the consequences of prolonged loneliness (especially in the elderly), disorders after losses (death of a loved one).
  • Finally, thanks to the calming effect of the animal, it is much easier for a person to fall asleep, so insomnia disappears. This benefits your night's rest and creates conditions for a comfortable awakening.

Thus, the benefits of a cat for humans are much more tangible than possible risks associated with the spread of infectious diseases or negative impact wool ( allergic reactions). This is why many psychologists give the same advice different people(especially for single people): get yourself a pet.

Who gets cats - stereotypes

There is an opinion that cats are more often owned calm people people who are too lazy to move, they like to lie on the sofa in front of the TV or with a book, they like to take a nap. They would get other animals, but they would have to tinker a lot with them, and with a cat there are fewer problems. There is also an established stereotype that these pets are adored by independent and self-sufficient women who can achieve their goals in life, they are independent - cats too.

Women who are left alone in old age or without children also become cat people. They give their maternal and friendly feelings to these animals, and they reciprocate. Unmarried men are also not averse to having a pet who, like them, is independent and independent. These stereotypes are not always true.

Why is the presence of a cat beneficial for a child?

It's a rare child who won't ask his parents to buy him this soft, furry friend. Many experts agree with children and advise adopting an animal to strengthen family ties and improve the well-being of family members.

A child always needs best friend, to whom you can tell everything without hiding, without fear of being heard. This friend can be a cat. If the dog recognizes the owner as the main one, then you can communicate with the cat on equal terms. The stereotype that cats and their owners do not like to move a lot is erroneous.

For normal physical and mental development and growth, small kittens require constant activity. The child is all for it; he enjoys playing with the pet. Doctors say that children living with pets develop better immunity and have a much lower risk of developing allergies.

Some people have dogs, others - birds. Who are cats suitable for? The child develops personal preferences. There is no need to force him to choose something else if he dreams of a kitten. You also need to make sure that the child does not show aggression; it is impossible for the child to offend animals in any way. A cat will also only benefit auditors and sensory people. After all, it is useful to stroke the animal and listen to its purring.

How a cat treats its owner

The fact that the cat treats the owner is beneficial in the fight against painful sensations, and even lies down on the affected area, is known quite well. At the same time, science does not yet recognize the fact that the animal “sees” or “feels” pain points, trying to “remove” extraneous sensations. However, it is obvious that due to the effects of temperature and the pleasant tactile sensations of stroking fur, the human body gains the following benefits:

  • blood flow is activated;
  • heat acts as a natural heating pad with an optimal temperature;
  • the cat acts like a warming agent for radiculitis and inflammation;
  • There are also benefits from contact with a pet’s fur and claws: a person’s nerve endings are activated, which has a beneficial effect on neurons, and also normalizes blood pressure and heart rate.

It is believed that black cats absorb more negativity. Red pets, on the contrary, give off positive energy. Smooth-haired cats help to recover from heavy mental and physical stress.

Fluffy Persians and long-haired Angoras will help you with metabolic disorders, psoriasis, and pancreatitis. Blue and cream cats increase energy and calm nerves.

There are countries where cats are sold in pharmacies as medicine. Cats sold in pharmacies are always vaccinated and sterilized on time.

It is necessary to comply with the conditions for vaccination of cats when scheduling vaccinations:

  • antiviral vaccination;
  • rabies vaccination;
  • shingles vaccination.

Application of animal-assisted therapy

The benefits of cats for human health have been repeatedly proven during scientific experiments and research. The concept of cat therapy appeared relatively recently. Alternative modern method treatment was developed by scientists at the University of London.

During a scientific experiment, the electromagnetic field of cats was measured. As it turned out, animals are capable of producing a stronger biofield than low-frequency generators. The results obtained formed the basis new technique treatment chronic diseases inflammatory in nature.

The volunteers were divided into two groups: in the first, patients were treated with low-frequency current, in the second group, cats were involved in the treatment, which were applied to the sore spot or affected organs. The results were impressive. In the first group, only 60% of the patients were healed, while the people treated with the help of cats all recovered.

During a cat therapy session, the tissue healing process occurs faster and pathogenic agents are killed. Cat therapy is effective in treating inflammatory processes in joints, gynecological diseases.

Cat therapy is widely used in the treatment of mentally retarded children, patients with mental disorders, and heart diseases. Cats contribute to the healing of people suffering from alcohol and drug addiction.

It has been found that children who regularly interact with cats are less susceptible to infectious diseases. This pattern is explained increased resistance body, strong immunity these animals.

For decades, scientists have paid attention to cat voices. Purring is not only a sign cat love and sympathy, but also powerful medicine, helping to restore vitality.

The purring of furry healers is a set of oscillations of certain frequencies (from 27 to 44 hertz) that affect the activation of protective immune forces human body. One more amazing fact is that the purring of a pet speeds up the process of bone fusion by 25%.

The amplitude of sound vibrations has a beneficial effect on the psyche and nervous system. The person calms down and breathing normalizes. Sounds in this range stimulate cerebral circulation, normalize blood pressure and heart rate.

Cats quite often lie down on a sore spot. If a person gets sick colds, a cat purring on the chest creates a “warm” effect and helps to cope with the disease faster.

Cats, by the way, can help not only with colds. And although scientists cannot yet explain this, the fact remains: depending on the breed and length of fur, cats are treated various diseases. For example, it is believed that representatives of long-haired breeds (Persian, Siberian, Angora) “specialize” in diseases nervous system and musculoskeletal system.

A treatment method based on human-animal interaction is called animal therapy. Everyone knows that cats try to absorb negative energy by staying near electrical appliances. The animal instantly detects negative changes in the human body and strives to absorb negative radiation, in fact, to recharge its body.

  • prolonged stress;
  • bad environment;
  • energy depletion.

Timely vaccination will strengthen the animal's immunity. The animal will be healthy and will be able to help your body during periods of illness.

If a person suffers chronic fatigue, then to restore energy you need to take your pet in your arms, relax and stroke it. In case of osteochondrosis and fractures, the cat should be pressed to the sore spot, massaging its fur. These manipulations should be performed at least once a day. It is advisable that the session last at least half an hour.

Put the cat on cervical vertebrae, like a collar, very useful for hypertension and cervical osteochondrosis. It’s good if, after suffering paralysis, the cat licks the patient’s injured limbs - this acts like a good massage.

Within two weeks, you can perform procedures for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the thoracic and lumbar regions(each procedure is 10 minutes). In this case, you need to lie on your stomach and place your pet on the sore area of ​​the vertebra. When you have a cold, the cat will act as a heating pad. For pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis and pneumonia, the cat should be placed alternately on its chest and back. By placing the animal in the area solar plexus for 10 minutes, you can relieve suffering from pain in the intestines and stomach.

Each cat heals differently. Some release their claws and massage the body, while others lie on the sore area and warm it. In any case, the effect of such physiotherapy is felt at the first rumbling sounds. Interaction with animal fur can be compared to treatment with weak currents. But only a healthy pet can have a beneficial effect on human health. To do this, you need to take care of your pet.

And you can learn about how to take care of your pet’s health and new treatment technologies in the Novosibirsk veterinary clinic “BEST” by following the link http://www.vetclinika.com/.

If the pet is healthy and well-groomed, nothing will prevent it from having a positive effect on your health.

How cats treat people. Cats prolong the life of men
