Inexpensive suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Inexpensive and effective suppositories for hemorrhoids

Rectal suppositories, or suppositories, belong to a special group of drugs and are widely used for treatment various diseases.

They have a cone shape for easier insertion into the anus. The composition of suppositories is the simplest - active ingredient and base.

Only a doctor can tell you which suppositories for hemorrhoids to use in a particular case after an examination. All drugs have different effect and action.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids, pharmaceutical manufacturers offer rectal suppositories systemic and local action. Suppositories can be multicomponent or single-component, that is, they contain one or several active ingredients.

Among such a variety, you can easily choose the drug that relieves the existing symptoms of the disease.

The use of suppositories for hemorrhoids

Both single-component and multi-component rectal suppositories for hemorrhoids are distinguished by their universal action.

They are prescribed to eliminate different problems caused by hemorrhoids:

  1. stops;
  2. improving tone and strengthening blood vessels;
  3. relieving inflammatory processes;
  4. eliminating pain syndrome;
  5. relieving itching and burning;
  6. dissolution of formed blood clots.

The composition of the suppositories affects the duration of treatment and the degree of therapeutic effect.

Types of rectal suppositories for hemorrhoidal disease

All rectal medications for hemorrhoids are conventionally divided into types based on the effect they provide:

  • Painkiller suppositories. during an exacerbation of hemorrhoids, suppositories are prescribed, which contain anesthetics (lidocaine, novocaine, anesthesin). For example, Anuzol, Neoanuzol, Anestezol, Emla, Proctosan, suppositories with belladonna and novocaine, Nefluan. The analgesic effect is due to the presence of an anesthetic in the composition of the drug intended for local application. This effect is enhanced when the drug contains hormonal components. For example, Relief Advance, Procto-glivenol, Ultraproct.
  • Suppositories with anticoagulant action. They are prescribed if the disease is complicated. The components of suppositories (for example, such as Gepatrombin G or Nigepan) are able to dissolve formed blood clots and also prevent new ones from forming. Typically, these tools help prepare the patient for minimally invasive surgery or surgical intervention. The drugs are effective local impact and for recovery in the postoperative period.
  • Suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids complicated by thrombosis and inflammation. They are not prescribed for purulent complications. Multicomponent suppositories contain anti-inflammatory, analgesic and thrombolytic substances. The most famous trade names— Proctosedyl, Proctosan, Procto-glivenol, Hepatrombin G. It should be remembered that they should be used exclusively as prescribed by a doctor.
  • Suppositories to stop rectal bleeding. Drugs in this group act differently. After the research, the doctor may prescribe Natalsid suppositories or suppositories with adrenaline.
  • Venotonic suppositories. These drugs usually contain Gingko Biloba extract, which can increase the tone of the veins. Under the influence medicinal substances the permeability of the vascular walls is restored. Exotic plant extract has antioxidant properties. Most famous tradename- Ginkor Procto.

A huge range of rectal suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids encourages many patients to self-medicate. But everyone should know that improper therapy can lead to the formation of anal fissures and infection.

What effective suppositories for hemorrhoids are most often prescribed by a proctologist?

Any drug to combat hemorrhoids, including suppositories, should be prescribed by a doctor, based on the existing symptoms of the disease and the results of the patient’s examination. For complex therapy Rectal suppositories are widely used.

Some of them have earned particular popularity:

Drug name Description
Anuzol The multicomponent preparation contains belladonna extract, glycerin, zinc sulfate, xeroform, and a fat base. Suppositories are prescribed for the treatment of hemorrhoids complicated by fissures, as they have an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.
Relief Shark liver oil in suppositories has a number of medicinal properties: anti-inflammatory, wound healing, hemostatic, anti-carcinogenic and immunomodulatory. Phenylephrine hydrochloride constricts blood vessels at the site of action. At the same time, swelling and itching sensation decrease, serous discharge from the anus stops. The basis of the suppositories is cocoa butter, which has a softening effect.
Hepazolon Witepsol in suppositories is intended to treat hemorrhoids, eczema, fistulas, and eliminate itching in the anorectal area. Suppositories are used in combination with other drugs for the treatment of thrombosed hemorrhoids and preparation for surgery.
Sea buckthorn candles Suppositories with oil from sea buckthorn berries are used to treat hemorrhoidal disease complicated by bleeding, enlargement and loss of hemorrhoidal cones. With their help you can relieve pain and itching in the anus. The drug is used at any age both for the treatment of hemorrhoids and acute stage, and for preventive purposes.
Methyluracil suppositories Methyluracil, as an active substance, reduces pain, relieves inflammation, stops bleeding, restores nutritional processes at the cellular level, and accelerates the healing of tissues damaged by the disease.
Suppositories with propolis Suppositories with propolis are prescribed to eliminate pain and relieve inflammation, accelerate the process of tissue regeneration, improve blood circulation and thin the blood.
Candles with calendula Homeopathic remedy Based on calendula tincture, it is used in complex therapy to eliminate the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

During pregnancy and many rectal suppositories are contraindicated. An in-person consultation with a proctologist is required.

How to insert a suppository correctly

Rectal suppositories should be stored in the refrigerator. Before the procedure, you need to thoroughly wash your hands, lubricate your anus with Vaseline and take a candle with your fingers.

With one hand you need to slightly pull the upper buttock to slightly open the entrance to the anus. Now you can insert the suppository into the anus with your other hand. The suppository is pushed into the sphincter with the tip of a finger to a depth of at least 2.5 and no more than 5 centimeters. You need to bring your buttocks together and stay in this position for a few seconds.

The use of suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids gives excellent results.

Preparations of this kind are easy to use. But before using them, you must consult a doctor. This is due to the fact that anti-inflammatory suppositories have a number of serious contraindications and unwanted reactions.

It is the doctor who, based on the tests obtained and a thorough examination, can correctly prescribe treatment.

Hemorrhoids, if they suddenly happen, make life very difficult - the nodes hurt, irritate, interfere with bowel movements, and bleed. This disease, of course, is unpleasant, but completely curable if the problem is not neglected.

On this moment there is a very large selection of medications available to treat this unpleasant disease at home. The most popular are local remedies presented in the form of ointments and suppositories, very often one medicinal product Available in these two forms.

It is more convenient to apply ointments to external hemorrhoids, and suppositories will help alleviate the condition if there are internal hemorrhoids. In the majority medicines for hemorrhoids contains natural ingredients that are practically not absorbed into the blood. Therefore, the use of some suppositories and ointments for the treatment of this disease is permitted during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In this article we will try to choose the best suppositories for hemorrhoids, which are the most effective, but at the same time inexpensive. Leave your reviews about the drugs in the comments.

The use of suppositories for hemorrhoids

Medicinal suppositories for hemorrhoids, offered in pharmacies, are quite effective and can significantly weaken sharp pain, itching and burning. The mechanism of action of suppositories is their ability to melt at temperatures above 31°C and transform into a liquid state.

Wherein the following effects are achieved:

  • rapid absorption of drugs;
  • local effect of the drug on the affected areas;
  • ease of administration;
  • painless use;
  • no load on the digestive tract.

In order for suppositories for hemorrhoids to be administered smoothly, it is best to lie on your side. You can stand, leaning forward a little, but this complicates the procedure. You don't need to hold the product in your hands for a long time because it melts. With your free hand, you need to spread the buttocks and insert the suppository so that it passes into the ampulla of the rectum, passing the sphincter. For a less painful insertion, you can lubricate the end of the candle with Vaseline or baby cream.

Read also, for treatment at home.

Types of suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids

It is very difficult to unequivocally answer the question which suppositories are best for hemorrhoids. The choice depends on the symptoms and course of the disease. To make it more convenient to determine effective drug, they were divided into groups:

  1. Painkiller suppositories– their action is aimed at relieving pain, itching, burning. The main active ingredients in their composition are analgesic drugs– novocaine, anesthesin. Most often used in the first stages of the disease. This is Procto-Glyvenol, Ketonal.
  2. Anti-inflammatory suppositories are indicated for almost all patients, because they contain only natural substances. This sea ​​buckthorn oil, propolis, St. John's wort extract, oil tea tree. They should not be used only by those patients who have had cases of allergies to any natural substance. In addition to suppositories with oils and plant extracts, Anuzol, Neo-Anuzol, Relief, Proctosan and Posterisan also help well.
  3. Hemostatic suppositories are designed to stop bleeding, which can cause anemia and, if left untreated, lead to death. The hemostatic suppositories contain calcium, vikasol, and dicinone. The effect of using such suppositories is an increase in the rate of blood clotting. They are usually used on last stage hemorrhoids.
  4. Candles with adrenaline. This remedy has an excellent hemostatic and analgesic effect. However, adrenaline increases blood pressure, so this method is mainly used by young patients.
  5. Candles with belladonna. They have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. They contain natural ingredients. The instructions for the drug recommend using it for hemorrhoids varying degrees gravity, as well as cracks anus. Despite the naturalness of the drug, it has a number of contraindications, so you should not use them yourself.
  6. Suppositories with propolis. A common, affordable and effective drug for the treatment of hemorrhoids, which relieves inflammation and reduces size hemorrhoids, have an analgesic and antimicrobial effect.
  7. Candles of combined properties. These effective candles against hemorrhoids contains several substances that have different properties. For example, combination drugs may have an immediate analgesic and hemostatic effect. This group includes suppositories for hemorrhoids and fissures “Relief Advance”, “Procto-glivenol”, “Proctosedil” and others. All these drugs have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and decongestant properties.

As you can see, the choice of effective suppositories and ointments for hemorrhoids depends on the predominant symptom - bleeding, pain, itching or inflammation of the skin around the anus.

Effective and inexpensive suppositories for hemorrhoids: list

Among the best candles, which are used to treat hemorrhoids at home, the following TOP drugs can be called:

  • . Complex drug, which have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and bactericidal effects. Price: 220-270 rub.
  • . Has antipruritic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effects. Price: 400-470 rub.
  • Procto-glivenol. It contains two active substances - lidocaine and tribenoside. These rectal suppositories have anti-inflammatory, venotonic and local anesthetic properties. Price: 350-400 rub.
  • . The shark liver oil included in the composition has an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect, promotes rapid wound healing. The anesthetic benzocaine is used as a pain reliever. Used to relieve inflammation and pain. Price 350 rub.
  • Relief Ultra. The drug has anti-inflammatory, drying, wound-healing and astringent properties. Price 330-380 rub.
  • . It has anticoagulant, antiallergic and antiexudative effects. The substances included in the drug accelerate tissue regeneration, stimulating metabolic processes. Price 170 rub.
  • . They have local anesthetic, antipruritic and anti-inflammatory properties. The drug contains substances that block pain syndrome. Price 300-350 rub.
  • Suppositories with propolis. They have analgesic properties. To prepare them you need to mix water solution propolis with ointment base. It could be Vaseline butter or lanolin. Price 160-200 rub.
  • Candles with sea buckthorn. Used in complex therapy or when other suppositories are contraindicated (during pregnancy), sea buckthorn oil helps fast healing damaged tissues, stimulates reparative processes of mucous membranes and skin. Price: 100 rub.

Each type of rectal suppository for hemorrhoids is designed to eliminate the causes and symptoms certain type diseases due to the substances contained in the composition, so the drug is prescribed individually.

Suppositories for hemorrhoids during pregnancy

The first rule during pregnancy is do not self-medicate. For any reason, including hemorrhoids, you should consult your doctor, because not all medications can be used during this period.

Under control medical personnel The following candles may be recommended:

  • Natalsid;
  • Olestesin;
  • Belladonna extract;
  • Nigepan;
  • Neo-Anuzol;
  • Posterisan;
  • Candles with sea buckthorn oil;
  • Glycerin suppositories.

As for the other drugs, then there are certain restrictions:

  • Hepatrombin G - from the second trimester;
  • Relief - with extreme caution;
  • Advance relief - not applicable;
  • Relief ultra - from the fourth month;
  • Procto-Glyvenol - from the second trimester, as prescribed by a doctor;
  • Aurobin: according to instructions, can be used from the second trimester;
  • Proctosedyl - not allowed;
  • Ultraproct is only possible as a last resort.

In general, rectal suppositories can be used during pregnancy, but preferably only those made from natural, plant-based bases. Such drugs have fewer contraindications, have a milder and more gentle effect, and do not exhibit side effects.

When not to use rectal suppositories

Contraindications to the introduction of suppositories for hemorrhoids:

  • stable hypertension;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • ulcers and erosions of the rectum;
  • severe general swelling;
  • allergy to the components of candles;
  • infectious inflammatory diseases and the development of tumors in the rectum;
  • diabetes mellitus complicated by immune disorders and trophic disorders legs

Remember that treatment of hemorrhoids should not be limited only to the use of suppositories. The set of measures to combat the disease includes changing lifestyle, increasing motor activity, proper nutrition, rejection of bad habits.

This drug is plant based has not lost its popularity for many years. The traditional version of suppositories, which contain only sea buckthorn oil, or the drug Olestesin, additionally enriched with analgesic and antimicrobial components.

Sea buckthorn candles in a positive way affect the inflamed intestinal mucosa, significantly accelerate regeneration processes, due to which they successfully cope with cracks and other damage.

Ichthyol suppositories for hemorrhoids

On early stages hemorrhoids, rectal ichthyol suppositories are widely used for rapid pain relief and effective elimination inflammation, which is based on active antimicrobial action drug.

Suppositories with ichthyol for hemorrhoids are prescribed quite often. They have pronounced anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties, reducing due to these effects painful sensations, and promote rapid healing of anal fissures.

Both external and internal means are used. Rectal suppositories for hemorrhoids belong to the first category.

Hemorrhoid suppositories do not enter the bloodstream and do not affect work internal organs, weakening the patient's already damaged immunity.

Suppositories for hemorrhoids - how do they help? The main task of suppositories against hemorrhoids is to act on the tissue in the area of ​​insertion.

Candles consist of active ingredients, additional substances that enhance their effect, as well as a fatty base.

How do suppositories work for hemorrhoids? When administered, solid fats begin to melt, covering the surface of the rectum and hemorrhoids with a thin film.

It protects tissues from damage, slightly melts compressed feces, facilitating their rapid removal from the body.

Suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids in men may also affect external hemorrhoids protruding from the anus. Flowing from the anus, the components of the suppositories soften the skin around the anus, treat cracks and abrasions, and prevent suppuration and inflammation.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with suppositories can relieve fever, itching and burning, strengthen the immune system and improve general state sick.

Now that you know a little more about suppositories for treatment, the names of the best ones are - next topic, which we will touch on in the section below.

Rating of suppositories for hemorrhoids

What suppositories are there for hemorrhoids? Most suppositories have a complex effect, solving several problems at once. However, they are all divided into groups according to composition active substance.

When treating, one or several drugs are used at once; if the patient’s condition changes, the therapeutic regimen is adjusted. Below are various categories of suppositories for hemorrhoids, a list, names of the most effective ones and photos.


What suppositories for hemorrhoids should I use for pain? To relieve acute attacks, relieve heaviness, burning, and spasms, it is recommended to use suppositories with anesthetics.

Most often, lidocaine, benzocaine, novocaine, and belladonna extract are included in suppositories. The components actively affect nerve endings, relax the walls of the rectum, relieving spasms and hypertonicity.

So, here is a list of suppositories for hemorrhoids that will help relieve pain and discomfort:

  1. . Suppositories based on shark liver extract with an active wound-healing effect and softening cocoa butter.

    Suppositories contain venylephrine, which constricts blood vessels, and an increased dose of benzocaine. Candles are shown straight severe forms hemorrhoids, they even remove severe attacks, which are not affected by other drugs.

  2. . Suppositories are recommended for exacerbations of hemorrhoids; they contain the anesthetic benzocaine, zinc oxide, which reduces swelling, and dermatol, which dries out the inflamed areas.

    The composition contains menthol, which cools the skin and quickly brings relief. 2-3 suppositories are used per day, the course lasts 1-2 weeks.

  3. Ketonal. A strong pain reliever, contains ketoprofen, which blocks nerve endings. Used when acute attacks, thrombosed hemorrhoids, painful anal fissures and chronic constipation.
  4. . A product based on belladonna extract with an anesthetic effect.

    Includes the antibacterial component xeroform and zinc sulfate, which relieves swelling and irritation.

  5. . They contain the powerful antispasmodic papaverine hydrochloride, which relaxes the intestinal walls and relieves pain from chronic constipation.

    Suppositories soften tissues, envelop compressed feces and promote their rapid elimination. The drug has many contraindications, including cornerstone glaucoma, atonic constipation, and low blood pressure.

    You can use 1-3 suppositories per day, the course of treatment should not exceed 2 weeks.

  6. . The drug is especially effective on initial stages hemorrhoids.

    The composition includes the anesthetic lidocaine, as well as tribenzoide with a pronounced vascular strengthening effect. No more than 3 suppositories are used per day, the course depends on the patient’s condition.

    There are few contraindications, but suppositories should not be used for chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus and rectal cancer.

  7. Viburcol. Homeopathic medicine, containing extracts of belladonna, plantain, chamomile, nightshade, and meadow lumbago.

    Suitable for treating frail and elderly patients who cannot tolerate more active medications. It has a minimum of contraindications; up to 4 suppositories can be used per day, continuing the course for up to 20 days or longer.

  8. Voltaren. A very popular drug with analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory effects.

    Contains diclofenac, which quickly relieves pain and prevents infection. Use 2-3 suppositories per day, the course does not exceed 2 weeks.

    The product is used as prescribed by a doctor; it does not combine with all medications. Contraindications include extensive skin damage, rectal bleeding, renal and liver failure.

Candles with adrenaline

For the treatment of advanced hemorrhoids, complicated frequent inflammations nodes, complex, antitumor, anti-inflammatory effects are required. Adrenaline suppositories have all these qualities.

Attention! They cannot be found on the open market; the drug is prescribed by a doctor, after which pharmacists prepare the drug for a specific patient. This approach allows you to enhance the effect of certain components and speed up recovery.

Adrenaline-based medications are recommended to be combined with other drugs– wound healing, regenerating, general strengthening. They are suitable for therapeutic courses of 10-14 days, but can also be used as an express remedy for acute attacks.


For inflammation and extensive skin damage, the following are used: levomecithin, tetracycline, framecithin. They actively act on the affected areas without affecting other organs.

Antibiotics do not affect viruses and fungi, the course of treatment cannot exceed 5-7 days. The drugs are prescribed by the attending physician; they are not recommended for use in autoimmune diseases, severe forms renal failure and diabetes.

What are the names of suppositories for hemorrhoids that contain antibiotics:

Wound healing

How to treat hemorrhoids? With candles that can heal not only anal fissures, but also the hemorrhoids themselves. Below are the most effective healing suppositories for hemorrhoids:


Many patients turn to the doctor with the request: “Recommend suppositories for hemorrhoids that are inflamed,” to which the specialist has a ready answer: “There are special anti-inflammatory suppositories.”

The main principle of action of anti-inflammatory drugs is to suppress the activity of bacteria, disinfection, and enhance the outflow of lymph, which relieves swelling.

The patient feels better after just a few procedures. Candles can be combined with ointments or gels of the same name, which have a good effect on the condition of the skin and external hemorrhoids.

Here are the most popular anti-inflammatory suppositories for hemorrhoids:


What suppositories should I use for hemorrhoids that bleed? At frequent bleeding Suppositories with an astringent and vascular tonic effect are recommended.

They strengthen the walls of veins, reduce capillary fragility, and protect mucous membranes and skin from damage. Natural and synthetic ones have a good hemostatic effect.

The drugs are used according to the doctor's indications, they are cannot be combined with anticoagulants that have the opposite effect and reduce blood clotting. To treat external damage, it is better to use ointments, gels and creams.

Find a list of effective suppositories for hemorrhoids for men from this line below:

Now that you know about the types of suppositories for hemorrhoids, you can choose a drug based on your specific case.

Addition to therapy

Is it possible to cure hemorrhoids with suppositories? Suppositories can quickly relieve pain, burning and itching, remove swelling and stop inflammation. However, they are unable to cope with the main cause of hemorrhoids – venous dysfunction.

Increase efficiency rectal suppositories will help with more fiber, taking dietary supplements and vitamin complexes, full and smoking.


Rectal suppositories – fast-acting remedy, which is gentler and more effective than oral medications. They affect only the affected areas, without affecting the internal organs.

In order for the drugs to work with maximum efficiency, it is important to use them under the supervision of a doctor who can make timely adjustments to the therapeutic regimen.

Hemorrhoids are a pathological process that affects the cavernous bodies around the rectum. The disease develops due to excessive blood flow and stagnation in the pelvic vessels. The elasticity of the ligaments that hold the rectum and surrounding vessels is impaired. Fixed outward from the lumen of the rectum. When nodes fall out, strangulation and bleeding develop. Pathological process accompanied by severe pain, discomfort, worsens the patient’s quality of life.

The pathology is chronic and requires complex treatment using general therapeutic and local funds. Effective and available means For treatment, it is customary to consider suppositories for the resorption of hemorrhoids.

Today's pharmaceutical industry provides patients with a range of medications in the form of suppositories to get rid of an unpleasant disease. The final choice is made by the attending physician, taking into account the patient’s condition.

A number of rectal suppositories with various principles of action have been developed. Chemical composition And pharmachologic effect candles vary. Effects of suppositories:

  1. Analgesic effect. The suppositories contain local anesthetics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Local anesthetics are often included in medicinal products benzocaine or lidocaine is included.
  2. The anti-inflammatory effect is due to the presence in the composition dosage form non-steroidal components, corticosteroid hormones. The suppositories are characterized by an anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. Suppositories contain potent components - they should be used in a short course.
  3. Hemostatic and wound-healing components stop bleeding from anal fissures and heal.
  4. Suppositories containing venotonics strengthen vascular walls and increase tissue elasticity cavernous bodies. In case of exacerbation of hemorrhoids with prolapse of nodes outward, this reduces the node in size and helps to reduce it.
  5. The addition of anticoagulants to suppositories prevents the development of blood clots in the pelvic vessels. Heparin is often used as an active substance. When bleeding from anal fissures, the use of suppositories is strictly contraindicated!

Rectal absorbable suppositories are made on the basis of solid oils (cocoa butter). Once in the rectum, they melt easily. Active active ingredients are absorbed through the mucous membrane and act on the internal nodes. Ointments for hemorrhoids when prolapsed nodes are used for treatment external shape diseases.


Suppositories have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Relieves swelling and helps resolve hemorrhoids. The suppositories contain local anesthetic lidocaine and venotonics.

The suppositories quickly melt at a temperature of 38-39 degrees and are absorbed into the tissues of the rectum and cavernous bodies. The remedies are effective in the acute stages of the disease, when the inflamed node has fallen out and hurts.


The suppositories contain the local anesthetic benzocaine. Suppositories contain zinc - antiseptic– and menthol, which has an analgesic effect, eliminates burning in the anus.


The candles contain belladonna plant extract. The drug has a pronounced analgesic effect and relieves spasms. Under the influence of the drug, the rectum stops hurting and swelling. The drug has long been used in proctology and is characterized by effectiveness in internal forms diseases.

Anti-inflammatory suppositories

The group of drugs includes corticosteroid hormones, substances that have a venotonic effect. Drugs are quickly eliminated inflammatory process, accelerate the resorption of hemorrhoids. Used for a short course. Contraindications to the use of suppositories are during pregnancy and early childhood.

Gepatrombin G

The hormonal drug is effective in treating the acute stage of hemorrhoids. The composition contains a glucocorticosteroid component, heparin - helps relieve swelling and prevent the formation of blood clots. The drug is effective when the node does not dissolve for a long time.

It should be used for a short course due to the side effects that glucocorticosteroids have on the body. Thanks to suppositories, it is possible to relieve swelling and pain from hemorrhoids, reduce the size of the lump, and prevent prolapse. If a knot falls out large sizes, it is recommended to use .

Proctosedyl M

Proctosedyl M suppositories have a similar composition - they contain a hormonal component, venotonics. Due to the presence of a vasoconstrictor in the composition, suppositories relieve inflammation and stop bleeding. Treatment helps protect against thrombosis, which often acts as a complication of hemorrhoids. Suppositories are effective when hemorrhoids are inflamed and do not resolve for a long time.


The drug contains the hormonal component prednisolone and heparin. Suppositories relieve pain and swelling during inflammation. Prevents the formation of blood clots in nodes. If bleeding develops, suppositories are contraindicated.

Wound healing suppositories

To heal wounds and cracks in the rectum and for ruptured hemorrhoids, it is recommended to use suppositories with an anti-inflammatory and healing component.


The drug is based on an extract from seaweed. Safe and effective for the treatment of inflammatory processes and cracks in hemorrhoids. The use of Natalsid suppositories is required to heal wounds and microscopic cracks in the mucous membrane, reduce bleeding, and inflammation in the nodes. Indications for use are external and internal hemorrhoids.


Relief is a popular suppository for hemorrhoids that dissolves nodes and promotes rapid healing. The drug is based on shark liver oil. It has a pronounced wound-healing and absorbable effect.

Treatment with Relief suppositories reduces the inflammatory process, relieves itching and burning in the rectum. Suppositories with an antiseptic effect prevent the addition of a secondary infection and the development of complications. With the use of suppositories, hemorrhoids decrease in size, and blood flow in the vessels of the rectum improves. Relief is available in the form of an ointment for external use - it can treat prolapsed hemorrhoids.

Relief suppositories and ointments are safe and are used to treat hemorrhoids in pregnant women and young children.

Methyluracil suppositories

They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, absorbable and wound-healing effect.

Suppositories containing propolis are characterized by anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Known for strong allergenic properties. Must be used with caution.

Glycerin suppositories

Suppositories with glycerin have a dual effect on inflamed hemorrhoids. One side is a laxative effect and prevention of constipation. The other side is the enveloping effect of glycerin, the ability to heal microscopic wounds and cracks.

The use of suppositories during pregnancy and early childhood

Hemorrhoids often develop in women during pregnancy. An increase in pressure in the pelvic cavity due to increasing pressure from the uterus is considered a provoking factor for the development of the disease in pregnant women.

Many healing procedures Contraindicated during pregnancy. Proctologists select for expectant mothers safe drugs. Relief suppositories and ointment are effective and safe for hemorrhoids in pregnant women and children. The active substances of the drugs do not penetrate the hematoplacental barrier and do not cause harm to the unborn baby.

A proven ointment for hemorrhoids for external use in children and pregnant women is Relief ointment. When a secondary infection occurs and bleeding develops, Levomekol ointment is effective.

The pharmaceutical industry does not produce special suppositories for hemorrhoids for children. Use candles for adults. They are divided into parts based on the child’s body weight. Candles must be inserted carefully to a shallow depth. Before use, it is advisable to cleanse the intestines.

Hemorrhoids are a problem that affects more than 30% of all people on the planet, although it is not an infectious disease.

This varicose veins veins, which is simultaneously combined with thrombosis and inflammation in the rectum.

I work as a driver, so I could not avoid hemorrhoids. These candles always save me. Just a couple of days - and nothing hurts.

Mikhail, 28 years old

Methyluracil is always in my medicine cabinet. At first it's easy an indispensable tool. I really like it, it's effective.

Ilya, 58 years old

Suppositories with methyluracil are especially good if hemorrhoids are in an acute condition.

They are also suitable as against relapses. But these suppositories cannot eliminate bleeding. Therefore, the doctor often prescribes this drug in combination with other suppositories.

Ichthyol suppositories - and the pain and inflammation will go away

Ichthyol suppositories help to quickly get rid of symptomatic manifestations hemorrhoids, if used correctly.

With their help you can reduce pain, relieve swelling, significantly improve blood flow in problem areas, stop inflammation.

In addition, ichthyol is a substance that helps increase the tone of the veins. Accordingly, the fight against the disease is successful.

The best way is to use not only ichthyol suppositories, but also an ointment based on this substance.

Just 2 suppositories a day and the problem can be dealt with in just a few days.

Convenient and efficient. In 2 days I got rid of hemorrhoids.

Ekaterina, 76 years old

Recommended by a friend. Candles are inexpensive, every pharmacy has them. It is better to immediately use both suppositories and ointment. And then you can cure hemorrhoids in a day.

Elena, 43 years old

Ichthyol suppositories are a time-tested medicine that has been used for a century. They continue to successfully save the health of many people. In addition, this tool is very budget-friendly.

Sea buckthorn candles - natural and effective

– a hypoallergenic product that is suitable for every patient with hemorrhoids.

Even pregnant women are prescribed this drug. The effect of this medicine is quite mild. You need to place 1 suppository rectally before going to bed every day. Improvement will come after a week or two.

Reviews from patients who used sea ​​buckthorn candles for the treatment of hemorrhoids, confirm the effectiveness of the drug.

During pregnancy hemorrhoids occurred. There was no strength to endure. I had to treat it. Sea buckthorn suppositories helped gently and quickly.

Vera, 29 years old

As a doctor, I must say that suppositories with sea buckthorn are the best for hemorrhoids. light drug. He will gradually but gently treat the problem.

Kristina Nikolaevna, 43 years old

Sea buckthorn suppositories are completely safe. They are prescribed to patients of different ages(even the elderly). They will not affect the development of the fetus during pregnancy at any stage.

Popular remedy Natalsid

- suppositories with anti-inflammatory and restorative properties.

The main substance of suppositories is sodium alginate.

It is obtained from seaweed. Therefore, this drug is natural, natural.

For adult patients with hemorrhoids, Natalsid is prescribed 2 suppositories per day (morning and evening).

The course should last at least a week, maximum 2 weeks.

I thought that hemorrhoids would stay with me for the rest of my life. The last time I went to another proctologist. He prescribed Natalsid. All symptoms are gone.

Igor Stepanovich, 55 years old

I didn’t think that I would face hemorrhoids. I bought Natalsid. They helped quickly. No side effects.

Victoria, 27 years old

Heparin suppositories - an unforgettable classic

Heparin suppositories are rightfully considered one of the most popular. They are also one of the most popular among buyers. With their help, you can stop the process of thrombosis and stop further development diseases.

Effective therapeutic effect from the use of heparin suppositories will occur when they are correctly administered.

The doctor prescribed Gepazolon for hemorrhoids. The suppositories are easy to administer and act quickly. They turned out to be quite effective.

Ivan, 74 years old

I recommend Nigepan to everyone who suffers from hemorrhoids. There are no problems with the introduction, side effects absent, a week - and no bleeding or pain.

Elizaveta Maksimovna, 36 years old

It is impossible to find heparin suppositories directly for sale in the pharmacy. In production there are only rectal suppositories using this active substance. These drugs include: Nigepan, Hepazolon.

Proctoglivenol will help in the most severe cases

Proctoglivenol is a suppository with complex effects. They can not only relieve the inflammatory process, but also reduce pain.

The main indications for the use of these suppositories are chronic and acute internal hemorrhoids.

The dosage and duration of treatment with the drug is determined only by a specialist.

But in acute form illnesses are prescribed 1 suppository at night.

My daughter developed hemorrhoids during pregnancy. It's difficult, of course. Treated with several different drugs. But this one really helped.

Lyudmila Ivanovna, 54 years old

I'm embarrassed to admit, but I have hemorrhoids. It got so bad that I couldn’t sit, stand, or walk because of the pain. Now I am being treated with Proctoglivenol. The condition improved already on the 2nd day.

Victor, 38 years old

That's why independent decision the use of this remedy should not be taken. And you should seek help from a doctor.

Suppositories Proctosan

Proctosan suppositories consist of many medicinal components.

Therefore, they have several effects at once: they dry out problem areas, promote the healing of cracks, and relieve pain.

Indications for their use are hemorrhoids not only of 1st and 2nd degrees, but also chronic course diseases.

Suppositories are used rectally, 1-2 per day. The general course of treatment lasts no more than 10 days.

Hemorrhoids came out unexpectedly. I went to the doctor and was prescribed Proctosan. After the first use I felt the effect.

Svetlana Yurievna, 46 years old

I have chronic hemorrhoids. I tried a lot of things. So far, Proctosan has dealt with the problem most effectively.

Denis, 53 years old

Proctosan - effective medical drug. It is especially popular among specialists. Therefore, it is often part of complex therapy.

Specific suppositories against hemorrhoids are prescribed only by a doctor. After all, the choice of a particular medicine depends on the predominant symptom (bleeding, itching, inflammation or pain).

In each specific case, the doctor approaches the problem individually and prescribes the maximum effective remedy for the patient.

Therefore, there is no need to prescribe medications for hemorrhoids on your own; it will be pointless and sometimes even dangerous, although they are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. But it's better to trust a professional.
