How many years do dogs live: life expectancy of different breeds and the factors on which it depends. How long do mongrel dogs live in comparison with pets? How long do dogs live?

When appears in the family four-legged friend, few people think about how many years of life are allocated to everyone’s favorite. But there always comes a moment when the owner, with hidden sadness, discovers that the pet’s face has turned grey, the gait is not so cheerful, and the games and fun are not as pleasing as in previous years. More and more good faithful dog called an old man, and family members begin to calculate the dog’s age, correlating it with a human’s.

How many years of life are allocated for each dog? Are there general principles for canine longevity? Let's try together to figure out what conditions it depends on..

How long do dogs live on average?

Scientists have calculated that a dog's life lasts just over 12 years. Thisaverage life expectancy of dogs,born with good health and living in favorable conditions.

This period is conditional, since its increase or decrease is affected by various factors: breed, genetics, living conditions, nutrition, environment. And if, for example, a Shar Pei at 5-6 years old is already susceptible to senile ailments, then a Maltese dog at 10 years old remains a puppy in the eyes of others.

Probably loving and caring owners should consider average age breed of your pet not as a sentence, but as a kind of beacon that allows you to properly build a nutrition and maintenance system. By taking care of your pet's living conditions, you can give him extra years of life, contrary to the average.

How to compare the age of a dog and a person

Much less life human. If we compare human age with the age of our four-legged friends, we get amazing picture. Throughout life, a person goes through the stages of infancy, childhood, adolescence, adolescence, maturity, old age and aging. These periods are measured in years. In a dog, the duration of the stages of maturation is sometimes compressed into just a few months.Thus, a newborn puppy travels the path of a one-year-old human baby in 2 months.

The table below allows you to put an equal sign between different periods the formation of a person from infancy to old age and the development of a pet.

Person's age (number of years)

Dog age

1, 2

2 months

6 months

8 months

12 months

18 months

2 years

3 years

4 years

5 years

6 years

7 years

8 years

9 years

10 years

11 years

12 years

13 years

14 years

15 years

16 years

This correlation helps the owner better understand the behavior and needs of the pet.As in human society, children are energetic and curious, teenagers are impulsive and categorical, mature people are confident in their abilities, and older people are slow, wise and calm.

Life expectancy depends on breed

shown in the table:

Breed name

Age (years)

Irish wolfhound


Great Dane



Saint Bernard

Shar Pei


Basset Hound

Caucasian Shepherd Dog



Chow chow







English Spaniel


Laika West Siberian

German Shepherd



Bull Terrier


Akita Inu






Cocker Spaniel


Siberian Husky



Chinese Crested



Dogo Argentino




Spitz dwarf



How many lifespan of a dogwill be for one or another breed in each specific case, it is impossible to say absolutely exactly in advance. The mortality of dogs programmed to live as long as possible can be affected by distemper or heredity, accident or even stress. But with proper care in your hands caring owner every dog ​​can not only live happy life within the time frame of their breed, but also to become one of the long-livers.

Why do large dog breeds live shorter lives?

The table above clearly demonstrates that large breeds of dogs live much shorter lives than their small counterparts. If the age limit maltese dog 20 years old, Pomeranian and Chihuahua - 17, then Irish wolfhound, Newfoundland and Great Dane - only 8, mastiff and St. Bernard - no more than 10.

This is explained, first of all, by the large weight, which falls heavily on the entire body of the giant dog. More often than in small breeds, the giant’s heart contracts, supplying blood to the huge body.Representatives large breeds more often suffer not only from heart ailments, but also from diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

It should be taken into account thatlife expectancy of dogsdepends not only on the large or small size of the breed. An important point is the constitution of the dog, its heredity, the balance of nutrition and physical activity.The owner's caring and responsible attitude towards keeping the pet eliminates the negative impact of stress on the heart and joints.

Pet heredity

Not only size, but also heredity has a great influence on life expectancy. At the genetic level, a predisposition to diseases is established. The health and living conditions of the mother before conception, during pregnancy and lactation have great importance for the formation of a puppy, because it is in the mother’s womb that general state body.

In nurseries in mandatory information is tracked about how long the baby’s ancestors lived, what diseases they suffered during their lives, and what caused their death. This information helps you correctly build your pet’s lifestyle, diet, and physical activity. Taken together, this helps to minimize the possibility of hereditary pathologies and increase the life expectancy of domestic dogs.

“Multi-breed nobles,” or Why mongrels live longer

It is believed that mongrels live much longer than their purebred relatives. The blood of each mongrel contains characteristics of more than one breed, which gives each of them individuality. Intelligence, height and weight, health - these qualities different breeds may appear to a greater or lesser extent. It is important that mongrels are much less likely to pass on to their descendants hereditary diseases characteristic of their purebred ancestors. This is explained by the harsh natural selection that mestizos go through throughout their entire existence.

However, the lifespan inherent in a mongrel by nature may be very different from what actually awaits it. If a homeless yard terrier lives on the street, then he is constantly exposed to stress. Negative Impact The quality of food obtained in garbage cans, diet, and weather conditions influence it.

The lifespan of a dog at home can be significantly increased if the natural potential of the “multi-breed nobleman” is given proper development. Proper nutrition, cleanliness, regular vaccinations, systematic physical exercise, timely veterinary care gives a chance to significantly increase life expectancy, which depends primarily not on heredity and breed, but on the responsibility of a caring owner.

Exception to the rule: long-livers of the dog kingdom

Despite the fact that the lifespan of our pets is much shorter than that of humans, any dog ​​can, in theory, become a long-liver.

Several dogs have already become long-living record holders, immortalized in the Guinness Book of Records, among them:

  • Max lived 29 years, 9 months. Born in the USA in 1983, died in 2013. His blood contained mixed breed characteristics of a terrier, beagle, and dachshund.
  • Bluey lived 29 years, 5 months. She was born in Australia in 1910 and died in 1939. More than 20 years of her life were spent in the pastures, where Bluey helped herd sheep. The Bluey breed is an Australian Cattle Dog (Australian Heeler). It is noteworthy that this breed cannot boast of a long lifespan: it is just over 13 years.
  • Bramble lived to be 27 years old. Born in Great Britain in 1975, died in 2002. Breed - collie. The age limit for dogs of this breed is 13-14 years.
  • Pusuke lived 26 years, 8 months. Born in Japan in 1985, died in 2011. Pusuke was a mixed breed with Shiba Inu blood flowing in him. Japanese dog handlers have calculated that according to by human standards Pusuke lived to be approximately 125 years old.

What is the key to longevity?

P lifespan of dogsdepends largely on compliancea few basic rules:

Let everyone pet pleases its owners with excellent health and cheerful mood for as long as possible, and lives happily ever after. To do this, you don’t need much: to understand the full extent of responsibility for the life of your pet and to love him.

Pet lifespan

Harsh statistics confirm that a dog's eyelid is much shorter than a human's. It depends on many factors: characteristics of the breed, living conditions, nutrition and even emotional state. There is a saying that small dogs remain puppies until they are old. Indeed, breeds such as Chihuahuas or dachshunds live much longer than shepherds.

The lifespan of dogs of different breeds varies greatly. The difference can be from 5 to 10 years. For example, The Caucasian Shepherd can live at least 7 years, and the French lapdog - 16. When choosing a pet, you should pay attention to this Special attention. There are certain statistics on the life expectancy of four-legged pets.

  • Basset Hounds, Great Danes, Caucasian Shepherd dogs, English bulldogs from 8 to 13 years.
  • Lap dogs, Chihuahuas, large poodles from 13 to 17 years.
  • Boxers, German shepherds, huskies, Staffordshire terriers for about 10 years.
  • Yorkshire terriers, pugs, toy terriers for over 13 years.

Despite the fact that the average lifespan of dogs is 12 years, many owners can boast of pets that have long since passed this mark and are in excellent condition. The Guinness Book of Records recorded a unique case, when a dog named Blue was just one month shy of his 29th birthday. The long-liver lived in Australia and was a herding dog.

The reason for such a long period of life is not only proper care, but also staying on fresh air, as well as regular physical activity. This once again proves how important comfortable living conditions are for an animal.

What determines the lifespan of dogs?

It is difficult to give a definite answer to what the life expectancy of dogs is. Reality can often compete with statistics. The life of dogs can take place in different conditions, which have a direct impact on the health and general condition of the dog. In addition, there are a number of overriding factors.

  • Genetic predisposition. When breeding expensive breeds Inbreeding is used for domestic pets. In this case, breeders pay the main attention not to the health of the offspring, but to the number and appearance, without taking into account the average term parents' lives.
  • Breed characteristics. Over the past decades, scientists, as a result of selection, have secured in animals a considerable number of unnatural abilities that directly affect their health. Dogs with flattened faces often suffer from problems with respiratory system. Animals with bare or folded skin are prone to inflammation and allergic reactions. Exclusively big sizes bodies add extra stress to cardiac activity.
  • Average The lifespan of dogs depends on the quality of their habitat, proper and timely nutrition. At home, it is much easier to ensure comfortable maintenance. Accordingly, such pets live much longer than street mongrels.

Despite the fact that according to statistics Small dogs live longer and those whose features are not distorted by the active activity of breeders, it is within the power of each owner, by surrounding the pet with affection and care, to make it another long-liver.

It is important to remember that a pet’s resistance to disease and stress depends entirely on the psychological, physical and emotional development, which falls entirely on the shoulders of the owner.

How to determine the age of a dog?

Knowing the relationship between the life scale of a four-legged friend and a human is not enough to determine the average age of each specific dog. You can visually estimate how old a pet is using several indirect or direct signs. First of all it is necessary to pay attention to the muscles of the animal. In old age, the dog may show signs of overweight, it becomes inactive, the back loses its elasticity, and the stomach droops.

Lifespan affects the pet's coat. IN at a young age it is softer and silkier, but in older people it turns gray, dull, and sometimes looks oily. Besides, a clear sign aging is a cloudy condition of the eyes. Over time, they lose their clarity and transparency, and characteristic discharge appears. The most accurate way to determine age is by the condition of your teeth.. Starting from the age of 7, the front teeth or hooks begin to wear down, and from the age of 9 they fall out in a certain pattern.

Is it possible to extend the life of a pet?

How many years do dogs live , largely depends not only on genetic data or characteristics of the breed. Each dog can take an honorable place in the Guinness Book of Records as another long-liver. In order for your pet to please with loud barking, devotion and love for as long as possible, it is necessary to ensure proper care from his very young age: monitor nutrition, ensure proper physical activity, regular walks in the fresh air.

How long do dogs live? , depends on the conditions in which they were kept in their first 5 years. This leaves an imprint on how the animal will age. Manifestation of all kinds of diseases, weakened hearing and vision, problems with the heart, musculoskeletal system, and so on.

If an animal has reached the level of 10 years, it is time for it to provide special conditions existence. An elderly pet is worth See your veterinarian regularly. The sooner a professional doctor detects the presence of a disease, the greater the chance of fast treatment, no complications. The food should be softer and easier to digest. Under no circumstances should recruitment be provoked excess weight. This will affect blood vessels, cardiac activity, and the respiratory system.

By old age, every pet acquires a whole “bouquet” of diseases. Animals become sensitive to weather and are more susceptible to emotional stress. During this period, they especially need love and care, constant attention and affection. Now all that remains is to thank your four-legged friend for all the happy moments given and come to terms with the upcoming separation.

No matter how severe the loss, you cannot, having lost your first dog, deprive yourself of communication with the second, third, and so on. Many are afraid to experience the pain of separation again. However, it is worth looking into the eyes little puppy who is looking for his friend, a loving owner. He so needs warmth and care. Is it possible to deprive a baby of this joy, because his life is much shorter than ours!

When buying a dog, we, as a rule, do not think about how many years dogs live, paying attention to the cute face, coat, color and smart eyes. But this can become an important, and sometimes decisive, factor. After all, a dog is not just a faithful companion. This is a guard and assistant in household chores. We will try to tell you how long dogs of different breeds live on average and how you can extend their life.

Unfortunately, the lifespan of dogs is relatively short. It is also known that large breed dogs live shorter lives than small dogs. A dog whose adult weight exceeds 26 kg and whose height is 60 centimeters can be safely classified as large breeds. From the table we can approximately find out how long do big dogs live.

Breed Lifespan
in years
Alaskan Malamute 8
English Mastiff 6
Afghan Hound 13
Belgian Shepherd 12
Boxer 10
Dogue de Bordeaux 8,5
Bullmastiff 8,5
Weinmaraner 10
Greyhound 13
Doberman 10
Deutsch drathaar 12
Irish Wolfhound 6
Caucasian Shepherd Dog 9
Cane Corso 10
Neapolitan Mastiff 8
German Shepherd 10
German dog 8
Newfoundlen 7
Rottweiler 10
Giant Schnauzer 11
Russian greyhound 10
Saint Bernard 9
Tosa Inu 10
Central asian shepherd dog
Tibetan Mastiff 8
Turkish Kangal 12
Scottish Setter 11
Airedale 11
South Russian Shepherd 10

Medium size dogs- the largest group. There are about 200 breeds in it. The characteristics of this group are as follows: weight - from 13 to 25 kilograms, height at the withers 40-57 cm. On average, such breeds live longer than their larger counterparts.

Breed Lifespan
in years
Australian Shepherd 13
Akitainu 9
American Bulldog 9
Amstaff 12
English bulldog 9
English Setter 11
Basenji 15
Basset Hound 13
Bulterer 13
Dalmatian 13
Golden retriever 12
Irish Setter 12
Karelo-Finnish laika 10
Karelian Bear 10
Keeshond 14
Kerry Blue Terrier 14
Collie 12
Labrador 12
Miniature Schnauzer 14
Pit bull terrier 14
Pointer 13
Russian guyhound 13
Samoyed husky 15
Siberian Husky 12
Whippet 14
Pharaoh Hound 13
Hovawart 12
Chauchau 13
Shar Pei 11
Jagdterrier 13

Small breed dogs by size they are divided into the following groups: toi (height up to 28 cm at the withers), dwarfs (below 35 cm) and small (below 45 cm). The weight of such dogs does not exceed 10 kilograms.

Breed Lifespan
in years
Australian Silky Terrier 15
American Cocker Spaniel 14
English cocker spaniel 12
Affenpinscher 12
Beaveryork 15
Beagle 15
Bichon Frize 15
Border Terrier 14
Italian Greyhound 15
Yorkshire Terrier 15
Cairn Terrier 13
Chinese Crested 10
Maltese 14
Pug 12
Pekingese 13
Russian Spaniel 13
Scottish Terrier 12
Dachshund 13
Fox terrier 13
French Bulldog 11
Chihuahua 13
Sheltie 13
Spitz 15
Japanese Chin 16

However, it should be noted that weight and height are not the only factors influencing a dog's lifespan. There are exceptions to any rule. The age of your pet may vary significantly depending on huge amount external and internal factors. Your pet’s lifestyle, diet, and physical activity have a huge impact.

What affects the lifespan of dogs

Mongrels suffer from hereditary diseases much less than purebred dogs

If in its youth the dog ate well, walked in the fresh air, was regularly examined by a veterinarian, was kept at a comfortable temperature and clean, in adulthood its health will not cause you any special problems.

How long do mongrel dogs live?? Studies have shown that they have a clear advantage over purebred dogs in health. After all, their intelligence, health, height, weight and other characteristics are the result of a mixture of characteristics of several species. Wherein hereditary diseases, characteristic of this or that breed are not inherent in them.

Of course, all this applies to domestic dogs that have an owner, a home and appropriate care. Street dogs, unfortunately, are under the influence of constant stress factors: weather conditions, food quality, diet, lack of veterinary care. All this significantly reduces the lifespan of such animals.

How to extend the life of your four-legged friend

Be attentive to your dog and he will live a long, happy life

If you want your pet to feel comfortable, follow these simple recommendations:

  • First of all, it is worth taking care of competent, diverse and balanced diet. Don't forget vitamin and mineral supplements.
  • It is also worth monitoring your pet’s weight, because its excess is often the cause of heart failure. vascular diseases and skeletal problems.
  • Mode. For wellness The dog needs to lead an active lifestyle. Even before getting a puppy, think about whether you can provide sufficient exercise or whether you should opt for a dog with a calmer temperament.
  • Cleanliness of the premises and hygiene of the dog itself is an important component of its health.
  • Favorable microclimate in the family. If there is peace and tranquility in the family, stressful situations do not undermine the mental and physical health pet.
  • Veterinary care throughout your pet's life. Many problems and diseases in an animal’s old age can be, if not avoided, then their catastrophic impact can be reduced if they are detected on early stage. Do not neglect preventive examinations, vaccinations, and tartar cleaning.
  • Try to also minimize the possibility of accidents. Walking your dog correctly will prevent the possibility of poisoning or an accident. Limiting access to wires and cables will protect your pet from electric shock.

Thus, when purchasing a dog, you should pay attention to the breed and living conditions typical for it. This will allow you not only to know in advance how long your four-legged companion will live, but also to take measures to extend this period. Let your dog please you with excellent health and wonderful mood for as long as possible. After all, this is the key to your longevity and good health.

A dog almost always becomes an almost full-fledged member of the family. And the owners in this case are always interested in the life expectancy of the dogs. After all, losing a pet, for whom you become the center of the Universe, is very painful. Today we’ll talk about how long animals live and what their life expectancy depends on.

Choosing a puppy

If you decide to have a dog in your home, then choose not a puppy, but a breeder. Remember that babies are funny and affectionate, but not all of them can boast of good health. But precisely from this factor depends on how long the dog will be your most loyal friend.

A properly selected diet also plays a big role. High-quality food with a balanced composition will add a couple of years of happy life to your pet.

It is not only the individual who must lead. The dog is no exception in this regard. Long walks good food increase the lifespan of your pet. Veterinary examinations will help prevent the development of many fatal diseases for the animal.

What is the life expectancy of a homeless mongrel?

Street dogs, unfortunately, die before reaching old age. Many factors contribute to this. And this is, first of all, poor nutrition, since animals obtain food by rummaging in garbage containers.

homeless dog all year round is under open air regardless of the time of year, and this also does not add health to the dog.

Dogs leading a street lifestyle get sick very often. Especially many animals die due to plague infection. This dangerous disease, which is the cause of death of many, are vaccinated against it.

A stray dog, as a rule, or it would be more correct to say, is a mixed breed obtained from crossing various breeds. And the average number of years lived by a mestizo depends on the breed of his parents.

Life expectancy of dogs of different breeds

When choosing a future furry family member, you need to remember that appearance is not the most important thing. Purebred dogs, having an appearance closest to natural anatomy, live longer than their externally non-standard relatives.

But there are exceptions to all rules. So, Chuhuahua babies are real long-livers. Their life expectancy reaches 15 years. Of course, it all depends on the owner and the conditions he creates for the dog.

A dog of the Akina Inu breed (the role of Hachiko was played by a dog of this particular breed) will delight the owner from 10 to 14 years.

Miniature toy terriers, which girls love to dress beautifully and carry with them everywhere, like a beautiful handbag, can live up to 15 years. But with proper care and good heredity, they sometimes set records, living up to 25 years.

Purebred husky dogs remain in excellent health even at 14 years of age. physical fitness, and can live for a full quarter of a century. But boxers have quite short life- only 10 years.

Note to future owners

When choosing a dog, you should pay attention to the breeds that are closest to natural look. So, a flat muzzle, huge eyes or crooked paws will add unusualness to the animal, but will shorten its life.

Life expectancy can also depend on such little things as eye color. Dogs with beautiful blue eyes They may turn out to be completely deaf, and during a walk the dog will not be able to hear a car approaching him. The result is death.

How to extend the life of your pet

The lifespan of dogs depends primarily on the animal's diet. It is necessary to feed the dog correctly, and for this it is necessary to take into account the weight, age, and also the rhythm of his life.

As for the food itself (natural food and dry food), you need to consult a veterinarian. If this is not possible, then we must remember that a sudden transition from one type of food to another is unacceptable.

Sweets, fatty and fried foods are completely prohibited for dogs.

Long walks will also help extend the life of dogs. After all, movement is life. In addition, the animal will always be in good shape.

For a dog, the family in which it lives automatically becomes its pack. It is important that the animal does not feel like an outcast. Let your pet take part in your life: play with it, take it with you on vacation. Psychological condition Animal health also plays an equally important role as good nutrition.

And, of course, a loving owner needs to monitor the health of his pet. The dog must be taken to preventive examinations V veterinary clinic, get vaccinations, etc.

Remember that representatives of large breeds already become real old people by the age of 7-8 years. But even at this age they love you no less than when they were puppies. Therefore, be just as attentive to them.

In general, you just need to love an animal - and then it will live a long and happy life.

Nature has given the average dog 12 years of life. This does not mean that your pet will exactly fit within these limits: perhaps he will live half as long or, conversely, much longer than the laws of biology allow him to live.

What affects a dog's lifespan?

Let's leave aside extraordinary situations (deaths associated with sudden illness or injury), and then the question of how long dogs live will be determined by three basic factors:

  • Heredity.
  • Breed.
  • Quality of life.

Man himself is to blame for the fact that purebred dogs (deprived of natural selection) weaken from generation to generation. Breeders who are interested not so much in healthy, but in numerous (and correct in appearance) offspring, do not disdain inbreeding. In the race to make a puppy attractive from a profit point of view, breeders ignore the genetic abnormalities of its parents.

If your dog’s heredity is poor, it’s strange to expect him to live a record long life.

Second, no less important factor, – breed. Each has its own approximate interval of earthly existence.. And here breeders have made their contribution, fixing hypertrophied traits in breeds that shorten the dog’s eyelid.

Important! The owner is solely responsible for the quality of life of a four-legged animal. In order for the dog to be mentally and physically healthy, he must feed it properly, walk it, raise it, groom it, train it, and of course, not expose it to excessive stress.

Summary: what less people invaded the development of the breed, the higher the life expectancy of most of its representatives.

Breed influence

Anatomy and constitution are responsible for the length of a dog’s stay on earth.. How bigger dog similar to their free brothers, the higher the chance for a long life.

Exterior pretentiousness - Right way To various diseases. For example, flat-faced creatures almost always breathe poorly, miniature ones have fragile skeletons, and dogs with folded skin often suffer from allergies.

In this regard, risk factors also include:

  • round skull;
  • huge bulging eyes;
  • limbs that are too crooked, short or disproportionately long;
  • disproportionately elongated back or short croup.

An albino may be deaf, an animal with “wrongly” colored fur may exhibit symptoms, a pet with huge floppy ears may suffer from frequent ear inflammation.

Dog handlers know what is prohibitive large dogs live (on average) less than small dogs: this is due to the high load on cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system. It is logical that giant dogs are much more likely to be diagnosed with heart and joint diseases.

This is interesting! Very thin dogs have another problem – diseases of the urinary system.

Dogs have to pay with their health and for their own popularity. The more popular the breed, the higher the temptation for the breeder to sell as many puppies as possible, regardless of their possible defects.

The quality of life

This is an extremely broad area in which all responsibility for the existence of the dog falls on the shoulders of its owner.


There is nothing difficult in forming balanced menu. Read the literature, consult with experienced dog breeders and draw up daily diet, which will include vitamins and minerals, as well as nutrients in the right proportions.

In the end, trust the company that produces industrial feed, the main thing is that dog bowl there was plenty of protein, carbohydrates and fat. Otherwise, the animal will be lethargic and is unlikely to live to its old age.

It includes several aspects, including:

  • pet care;
  • daily walking;
  • proper sleeping place;
  • comfortable temperature in the house.

If the dog does not walk much, sleeps poorly, does not receive the required hygiene procedures, don't expect her to live long.


Anyone who has purchased a puppy should make it a habit to visit the veterinarian regularly. Only a doctor will notice the disease before it takes on irreversible forms and prescribe appropriate treatment.


The adequate behavior of a four-legged animal in various emergency situations depends on it: the more accurate the reaction, the greater the chance of becoming a long-liver.

What's the use of being physically healthy dog, if he eats all sorts of rubbish on the street, throws himself under the wheels of cars, picks on neighborhood dogs and constantly tries to run away from his owner?

Psychological climate

The dog next to you should be calm. Don't turn training into torture or toilet training into a painful ordeal.

A weakened dog’s psyche is a favorable background for the emergence of various psychosomatic ailments and phobias that are difficult to treat.

The Myth of the Mutts

It sounds something like this: homeless watchdogs (thanks to harsh natural selection) live much longer than highly purebred specimens.

In reality, the task of natural selection is to preserve the species, that is, large number healthy reproductive individuals. An animal that has lost fertility is not interested in its relatives, so it long life the dog/wolf pack doesn't need it.

By the way, about wolves, who live for about 12 years: in wildlife predators rarely reach this age, while in captivity (under human supervision), on the contrary, they set longevity records. The conclusion is simple - natural selection does not lead to an increase in life span.

This is interesting! Undoubtedly, nature ensures that natural environment The strongest puppies survived: without pathologies or external defects.

In general, from the point of view of biologists, yard balls live no longer than purebred dogs With good health(about 15 years). Another question is where to buy 100% healthy puppy? Some illnesses may not be detected immediately, but only after a certain time.

Breed and years

Answering the question, how many years do dogs live, we come to the conclusion - the more majestic the breed, the less often its representatives live to old age.

This is interesting! The most old dog planets. The last records about this old woman are dated 2013, when she, or rather he turned exactly 30 years old.

Terrier Max lives in Louisiana (USA). He was born in 1983 and boasts excellent health. He lived for three decades, practically without any illness: only 2 diagnoses appeared in the dog’s medical record - arthritis and cataracts.

Janelle Deron, the owner of the record holder, gave him exclusively factory food and never spoiled him with food from the table.
