To insert silicone into the lips or not. How can you pump up lips at home? Gels based on hyaluronic acid

And to fix this, some women prefer to go to plastic surgeons, and some try to solve their problem on their own. For this they use various methods- suction cups, masks, massages. But which ones are the most effective? And can you pump up your lips yourself? Let's try to figure this out.

If you are interested, then you should understand that this will take a lot of time. Most effective way, this is a regular exercise. It includes simple ones that need to be done at least 2 times a day for several months.

Includes the following exercises:

  1. Fold your lips into a tube and stick them forward without opening. In this case, you should experience strong tension in the lips, cheekbones and other parts of the face. Freeze in this position for a few seconds, and then relax the muscles of the face and repeat the exercise again.
  2. Sing vowel sounds. First, you need to bake them in the usual way, that is, with your mouth open, and then try to sing them, closing your lips and pulling them forward.
  3. "Draw" various figures. Close your lips and start moving them in different sides. Remember, with each exercise, you should experience tension in the muscles of the face.

To enhance the effectiveness of gymnastics, massage your lips every day. To do this, just take some cosmetic oil and start rubbing it on your lips in a circular motion for 5 minutes. You can do this with your fingertips, but it is best to use a soft toothbrush.

How to pump up lips at home? The glass will help you. This is the most effective way that gives instant results, but not for long. Take a small glass to fit your lips. Attach it and start sucking air out of it. After 1-2 minutes, remove the glasses and evaluate the results. Believe me, they will definitely surprise you.

But this method should be used carefully. Once you overdo it, bruises will appear on and around your lips, which definitely will not add sophistication to your image.

Either they do not last long, or they take too long to achieve the desired results. If you are interested in how to quickly pump up your lips and for a long time, then it is better to contact a specialized medical center.

Here you will be offered a procedure such as injections with Botox, hyaluronic acid or fillers. All these drugs are taken every year clinical researches and prove their effectiveness. They are injected with a small needle along the contour of the lips. Does it hurt to pump up your lips? No, this procedure is completely painless, since the surface of the lips is treated with anesthetics before it is performed.

Now it remains to make out one more question - what is the best way to pump up your lips for the first time? Both Botox and are two drugs that are the safest for the body and at the same time give the lips a natural volume.

And phot fillers are not recommended for the reason that they contain a synthetic gel, which, firstly, may simply not “take root”, and secondly, after it, the lips look like rubber. Therefore, it is best to give your preference to hyaluronic acid and Botox. These drugs are a little more expensive, but they give good results.

In any case, the drug for lip augmentation is selected individually. For this, you need to consult a doctor. But it is important to understand that these lip pumps have many contraindications. They cannot be used for:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • the presence of local allergic reactions;
  • viral diseases;
  • at chronic diseases during the period of exacerbation;
  • dermatological skin diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • individual intolerance to the components included in the composition medicinal product and much more.

Therefore, the question of how best to pump up lips should be asked to the doctor after passing medical examination. If you have any diseases, it is better not to risk it. Botox or hyaluronic acid injections this case can be very harmful to your health.

The advantage of using the injection method to increase the volume of the lips is that the results become noticeable immediately, and they last for more than six months. But if you are in favor of safe lip augmentation, then you should pay attention to home remedies.

Lip augmentation video

Solving problems with lips that a woman does not like with their appearance comes down to shaping and lip augmentation.

Many women are 100% sure that men like plump lips, and they don’t like narrow ones, and even with lowered corners.

In any case, this is a personal matter for a girl or woman, and the task of cosmetologists is to help them achieve their ideal.

Women are a little older - the goal is somewhat wider. They want to restore the volume of the lips that goes away with age, as well as smooth out the wrinkles that begin to appear.

What drugs increase the lips?

Most often, shape correction is carried out with drugs. hyaluronic acid, such as Restylane and other fillers.

Hyaluronic acid fillers are able not only to increase the volume of the lips, but also to give them juiciness and sensuality, to make them show the effects of young and elastic skin. The natural shape of the lips can be visibly improved, a new contour is modeled and asymmetry is aligned.

Juvederm and Surgiderm, Perlaine, Teosyal are among the preparations that are made using hyaluronic acid to correct the shape and increase volume. The drug Restylane, used for lip augmentation, is also very popular.

It is a natural component of human skin and its primary role is to control water balance. Hyaluronic acid, thanks to its natural origin is a very safe and reliable component.

Despite the fact that the fillers used for these purposes are based on stabilized hyaluronic acid, it is up to the doctor to choose the optimal remedy, taking into account the effectiveness of solving the upcoming problems.

To control the contour and volume of the lips, for example, Surgilips and Restylane Lipp have been specially developed, containing 20 mg/m of hyaluronic acid. To give greater clarity to the contour of the lips, the use of products with an even higher concentration of hyaluronic acid can give. These include Juvederm, Restylane or Surgiderm.

Simultaneous injections of several agents are also practiced, when Surgiderm 30 XP is used for the contour, and Surgiderm 24 XP is injected into the lips themselves.

Lips after the correction procedure look quite natural, however, there is a great role human factor and the art of a doctor, so carefully select a cosmetic surgeon for yourself. Although the procedure itself is considered simple, knowledge of the anatomy of the lips and the high professionalism of the beauticians who perform this procedure are very necessary here.

How is the lip augmentation procedure performed?

Usually, the doctor performs anesthesia - it is either a cream or an injection, just like at a dentist's appointment - in the gum. All fillers must be in sealed sterile syringes. The drug is injected into the lips with a thin needle and the result can be observed immediately. But you can enjoy the effect only after the subsidence of tissue edema, after about a couple of days.

How long does the result last?

The period of preservation of the results of the procedure depends on the substance used for the injection. For example, for the drug Restylane, the period is approximately six months. During this time, the injected substances are absorbed and excreted from the body. Then the procedure can be repeated, or you can leave your image the same. This possibility, by the way, is considered one of the advantages of the method.

Often, after half a month or a month, additional correction of the lips is carried out. This may be due to the existing asymmetry, which cannot be corrected in one procedure. In some cases, it is not possible to achieve the desired lip volume in one session.

Another positive feature of this method is the possibility of prompt removal of the hyaluronic filler from the lips, when for some reason the result does not suit the lady. For example, new lips seem to her excessively large.

Lipofilling method

There is also a method of lipofilling, in which the filler is its own adipose tissue, which can be obtained from the thighs, abdomen, or buttocks, is properly processed, cleaned and thinned to the desired consistency. Since at the same time own tissues are introduced, which eliminates the risk of allergic reactions and other complications and rejection of the material, lipofilling is considered a very “sparing” option. The result of the procedure can last up to three years, that is, much longer.

Nowadays cosmetic procedure lip augmentation is in high demand. Hyaluronic acid in the lips will help in cases where a woman has a desire to become the owner of sexy and full lips. Today, the type of filler in which it is contained is one of the most common.

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid in kind related to the human body, will help increase their volume. The procedure does not pose any danger, does not cause any pain and easy to use. With the help of hyaluron, it will not be difficult for professional specialists to restore their former charm to the lips within a short time, which they have lost due to age, or simply to make the shape more seductive.

Mechanism of action of hyaluronic acid injections

The use of fillers based on hyaluronic acid helps restore skin elasticity and velvety.

Human skin contains collagen, which is supported by hyaluronic acid. If it is not there, collagen will also begin to break down. Injections with hyaluronic acid lead to the fact that it fills the destroyed places.

Injections consist of fillers - fillers. The basic component is hyaluronic biosynthetic acid. It is injected into the subcutaneous layer, after which it spreads there, forming support for the collagen fibers.

The cosmetologist is obliged to establish the place where the injection will be made. This must be determined with the utmost precision. So it is necessary to ensure that lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid is carried out without violations and errors, contact only specialized cosmetic clinics.

After injections with hyaluronic acid are made, under their influence the skin will begin to tighten, thereby straightening it.

Such injections have their charm - in human body the substance is not foreign, unlike silicone. It is also more difficult to make a mistake with the amount of hyaluronic acid injection. From the point of view of scientists, the presence in the body of an additional source of hyaluronic acid will only contribute to overall rejuvenation.

Benefits of Injections

After the injection, the lips become much more attractive:

  • Acquire a distinct and clear outline;
  • increase in size;
  • Their form improves.

Injection intervention to obtain a larger volume has many advantages, which include:

  • Observation of the size of the lips - such a correction allows you to control the amount of the injected substance;
  • Gradual injection - to achieve the desired effect, injections can be done not immediately, but in several doses;
  • The smallest number of bruises and bruises that occur, unlike other fillers;
  • The unlikely occurrence of allergic reactions after the procedure is due to the fact that hyaluron is close in composition to the human body;
  • A fairly long-term result after this procedure, when compared with other fillers in terms of volume increase.

However, if you are allergic to lidocaine, you should tell your doctor about it before deciding to pump up your lips.

With the help of injections of hyaluronic acid, various defects can be corrected.

Classification of fillers with hyaluronic acid

There are two types of fillers based on hyaluronic acid, these are biphasic and monophasic.

The structure of biphasic gels is very dense. Correction and correct even distribution with their help is difficult. However, there is a plus - after their application, the result lasts from 6 months to 1.5 years. The purpose of biphasic gels is to solve complex problems, for example, the creation of facial contours and so on.

Multi-phase fillers contain particles of the same size, due to this there is a uniform distribution and filling under the skin of gaps in wrinkles and folds.

Such fillers are very elastic, therefore they easily make their way into the layers under the skin. They contain analgesics, which is why these injections do not cause pain. Further correction is also not difficult, the doctor performs the distribution of the gel with the help of fingers.

The advantages of monophasic fillers include a reduction in the possibility of infection. This is due to the fact that in this case no re-correction is required. Monophasic hyaluronic fillers are injected into the subcutaneous layer for:

  • Lip augmentation or correction;
  • Smoothing wrinkles, including mimic;
  • Scar filling.

Indications for the procedure of injections with hyaluronic acid

Regarding the corrective injection to give volume to the lips, specialists are mainly addressed by people who want to make their appearance better, more flawless. There are no age restrictions for contour plastic surgery.

  • not symmetrical;
  • Thin;
  • With a not very expressive form.

Those wishing to change the lips with such a procedure, depending on the purpose and age category are divided into three types:

  • From 17 to 30 years old. These are the ones who try to appear seductive and sexy. It is for the sake of achieving these goals that they need sensual and plump lips;
  • After 30. From this period of life, the first symptoms of aging begin to emerge. These injections help to emphasize the outlines of the lips and correct the oval of the face. At this age, some women dare to change the disproportion and shape of the lips;
  • After 50. Having reached this age, most often women are faced with the presence a large number wrinkles, drooping corners of the mouth, changing the contour, appearance and pale lips. Hyaluronic acid injections are the best way to solve such problems.

Before performing such a procedure, the specialist consults individually with each patient.

This will help him to correctly assess the situation, choose the drug, taking into account personal characteristics body and all contraindications.

Carrying out the procedure

The filler is stored in sealed and disposable syringes, this excludes the penetration of infection under the skin. The specialist is taken to perform the injection from the middle of the lips. The filler is injected within 15-30 minutes. The doctor all this time observes how the hyaluronic acid spreads along the lip line.

For the procedure, a fan or linear technique for introducing funds is used. Important point- the doctor must make the injection so that no bulges form.

Hyaluron is injected into the place between the muscle and the skin, to a depth of 2-3 mm, using a thin needle.

If the injections are made deeper, then the duration of the result will be shorter, the filler is absorbed more rapidly.

The portion of the filler depends on the structural features of the patient's lips and on his wishes. The doctor controls the amount of hyaluron that is injected into symmetrical places so that it is equally equal.

It should be borne in mind that it is not possible to make full and large lips from small narrow lips. You can only correct their shape, and then within reason.

After the injection intervention is completed, the cosmetologist conducts a weak, gentle massage. It helps the filler to be more evenly distributed in the tissues. Then cold is applied to the lips. Some time after the procedure, a slight swelling will be noticed. The desired result will appear before your eyes after a few days.

Contraindications for hyaluronic acid injections

Clients speak about the method of lip augmentation using this drug only as a procedure that gives amazing results. However, she also has her contraindications.

Contour plastic is forbidden to be performed during pregnancy and lactation. There are also such contraindications as the presence of inflammation, herpes in its active phase, when ulcers and crusts form on the lips. The introduction of anti-aging drugs can contribute to the occurrence of unforeseen reactions.

You can not perform such manipulations for those who:

  • There are problems with blood clotting;
  • Viral diseases in the acute stage;
  • Diabetes;
  • Pathological fear of the needle;
  • Increased sensitivity to hyaluron and other components.

There are still contraindications - this is the presence of menstruation during the implementation of plastic surgery. This event significantly affects the duration of exposure to hyaluronic acid.

Side effects of the drug with hyaluron

The use of this drug does not entail the occurrence of side effects, however, in some cases, there may be allergic reactions. This is influenced by the origin of the filler-filler.

From the filler, which is based on connective tissue animals, allergies very often occur and this filler acts very a short time. Such hyaluronic acid is most often extracted from chicken scallops.

The filler with biosynthesized hyaluronic acid is considered the best in quality, in this case it is produced by microorganisms. This hyaluron has a high degree cleaning. To side effects the appearance after a rejuvenating injection can be attributed to:

  • Edema;
  • Slight swelling.

All these symptoms disappear after a short period of time.

Lip care after the procedure

After it has been carried out contour plastic lips need to follow some simple advice. Very important:

  • Restrict physical exercise to prevent bruising and bruising;
  • You can not massage your lips on your own;
  • It is useful to abandon the use of decorative cosmetics for 3-4 days;
  • Within 14 days it is forbidden to take hot bath, solarium, go to the pool, bath, sauna;
  • For 2 weeks, you can not do facial massage.

If bruises occur in the area of ​​the lips after injections of hyaluronic acid, the use of ointments is allowed, for example, Arnica, TraumelS.

Every day the patient is obliged to drink the prescribed amount of water. It depends on the amount of filler introduced. It is also necessary in without fail visit a doctor 10-12 days after this anti-aging procedure, the effect of which is immediately noticeable. And yet, the lips will acquire their final shape only after 14 days. This is the time during which the filler can be evenly distributed and collect as much moisture around itself as needed.

In fashion at all times great importance given to sexuality and naturalness. Modern cosmetology is able to give beauty, in short time and very qualitatively eliminate minor flaws in appearance to achieve perfection.

Lip augmentation with silicone is one of the most popular and far from innovative. medical procedures, thanks to which you can give the sponges a more attractive puffy shape and correct all sorts of existing flaws. Silicone lips have gained such popularity due to the fact that every day fashion dictates new canons and rules to people, which everyone tries to follow as carefully as possible.

Plump lips are the dream of almost every beauty, someone is trying to achieve the desired result with the help, and someone resorts to the services plastic surgeons. And it is the second option - to pump up the lips with silicone - that is becoming more and more in demand in the pursuit of ideal unearthly beauty, since cosmetics do not always help correct asymmetry or significantly increase naturally thin lips.

Features of silicone lips

To decide whether it is worth increasing the sponges by this method, it is necessary to understand all the disadvantages and advantages of this procedure. It’s worth starting with the fact that lip silicone is a foreign chemical compound inorganic nature, created as a result of the interaction of elements such as oxygen and silicon. For "labial" injections, silicone is used in a liquid state, it is easier to evenly distribute and give natural form. But there are a number of indicators under which a highly qualified surgeon will never pour silicone into the lips.

Reasons and contraindications for which and under which the doctor does not have the right to administer silicone injections:

  • If the sponges donated by nature are quite plump and harmonious, then a professional surgeon will try to persuade the patient not to create silicone lips;
  • Minors can only get silicone lips done with written parental permission;
  • If a client or client wants to make the lips not harmonious and disproportionate, which will spoil the natural beauty;
  • The presence of a mental disorder in the patient;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • Diabetes.

If a woman who has chosen silicone lip augmentation wants to get rid of unwanted age wrinkles or is simply unhappy with her thin or asymmetrical shape, as well as not outstanding sizes, then you can safely go for a magic injection. In this case, no doctor will be able to refuse the procedure.

Do not forget that this procedure is primarily medical, and not cosmetic. You can make silicone lips in any clinic plastic surgery, the main rule is that the price should not be low, because free cheese is only found in mousetraps. And the low price for such a service suggests that a pseudo surgeon works there or low-quality lip silicone is used.

In a good clinic, doctors should follow certain instructions, any patient should be required to have the results of the following tests:

  • General blood analysis;
  • The results of a biochemical blood test;
  • Coagulation analysis;
  • HIV and syphilis testing;

Benefits of silicone lip augmentation

  • First of all, this is the durability of the result, depending on age, silicone can retain its shape and not deform on average from 3 to 5 years.
  • Secondly, silicone does not require adjustment and frequent updates like other materials used in cosmetic lip augmentation.
  • The third is the speed of the result, often after a couple of weeks or a month they already pass pain and puffiness, and silicone sponges acquire their final shape in 2-3 months.
  • Fourth, effective smoothing of age wrinkles around the mouth.

Disadvantages of silicone sponges

  • Painful sensations in the first couple of weeks or a month after the end of the procedure when touched and kissed, which is especially unpleasant when you want to show off new lush and attractive lips.
  • The possibility of swelling, redness at the injection site and around it. High chance of bleeding at the injection site.
  • In the case of a poorly performed procedure, tumors may occur.
  • At smoking women and men may start rejecting the material.
  • A nerve that is accidentally hit during an injection can lead to loss of sensation.
  • It is worth mentioning main feature behavior of silicone in the lips. In its liquid state, it is able to grow into natural tissues, thereby incrementally increasing the volume of the mouth and modulating new form. And if in the end, the girl wants to remove the foreign material, then this may not be possible until the end. And in the worst case, the facial nerve can be affected.

Video: scary inflated lips

How is the preparation procedure and the process of silicone lip augmentation?

In fact, it does not take very much time and the scheme is quite simple, and everything happens in stages:

  1. From the very beginning, a woman is warned about all possible dangers, check the test results and conclude an agreement between the client and the clinic.
  2. Next, using local anesthesia the lower part of the face and the “labial” area itself are anesthetized.
  3. Through a special syringe, silicone is poured into the lips in the required dose.
  4. Evenly with light finger pressure, the silicone is smoothed over the inner lip surface.
  5. Next, the owner of the new lips evaluates the result in the mirror and, if she is satisfied with the result, then that's it. If the end result does not satisfy the desire of the patient, then after a few days you can repeat the procedure and add a little more volume.

As for lip augmentation with liquid silicone at home, this is impossible. Such medical and surgical interventions occur only in specialized clinics. So you can only do it yourself with a pencil and lipstick. But in this case, there is no health risk, and the probability of becoming another victim of inexperienced surgeons is zero. AT last resort You can also try .

Conclusion: is it worth pumping silicone into sponges ?!

Before deciding on such a fashionable silicone magnification need to be carefully considered. Indeed, in the pursuit of fashion, one should not forget about own health and aesthetics. If you have already decided on lip augmentation with silicone, then you must follow the measure. Girls with silicone lips, if they are slightly enlarged and really change their natural shape in better side, always look very sexy, appetizing and attractive. Well, huge silicone lips of unnatural shapes and volumes, on the contrary, can repel others, in particular, the opposite sex.

As you could see, in our article there are only scary aunts “with duck horns”, so know the measure when using this chemical preparation ...

Fashion is so changeable, lush lips are now welcome, and after a while, thin and not prominent mouth shapes will become the main squeak. And then what? Get silicone out of your lips and run after fashion trends again? Before risking your health, it is worth weighing all the pros and cons 1000 times, and after- already make the “right” decision in your opinion.

Video: Silicone in the lips - beautiful or scary?

To be more precise, they don't inject Botox. This substance has other purposes: it serves to freeze muscle fibers. And silicone in the lips is possible, but it is practically not used, because the effect of silicone or fat fillers and implants is difficult to predict. Deformations may occur, for example.

Currently, hyaluronic acid fillers are used for lip augmentation.

Since hyaluronic acid is found in the human body, it is a fairly safe material: allergic reactions rarely occur on such fillers, it is easy to dose and quite easy to remove.

There are several brands that are recognized as safe: Restylane, Juvederm, Belotero. Full list FDA-approved fillers can be found. Be sure to see if the remedy that the clinic offers you is on this list.

Each of these fillers has its own characteristics of application. It is better to discuss the choice of means with the doctor.

2. The effect of hyaluronic acid is temporary

Hyaluronic acid is absorbed, so the effect of lip augmentation lasts from several months to six months. It depends on the type of filler, and on individual characteristics.

3. Men Can Too

Fillers not only make lips plump and sensual. They help to correct the shape and eliminate imbalances. And who said that men do not want to get plump lips?

4. It will still be your lips.

Don't expect fillers to make lips look like your favorite celebrity. Yes, with the help of hyaluronic acid, you can correct the volume and shape, but nothing more. And although the effect will be noticeable immediately, you should not expect that your friends will not recognize you.

5. It hardly hurts, but it is noticeable

Before the injection, the doctor applies an anesthetic to the lips and the skin around them. Depending on individual characteristics, sensitivity changes: someone feels only a slight tingling sensation, someone is unpleasant. After the injection, ice is applied to reduce swelling, it also helps to get rid of discomfort.

A few days after the injection, the sensitivity of the lips may be reduced.

6. You need to prepare for the procedure

This is not as harmless an intervention as it seems. Before the procedure, you should not take drugs that affect clotting or thin the blood (including vitamins and vitamin E), drink alcohol, or smoke.

7. There are contraindications

You can’t fill your lips with fillers if you have, autoimmune diseases, problems with blood clotting or exacerbation of herpes.

8. There are side effects

Such an injection surgical intervention which may have undesirable consequences. After the injection, there will definitely be swelling, but it will pass in a few days. Other annoyances:

  • bruises.
  • Cones.
  • Lip deformity.
  • Redness.
  • Infection at the injection site.
  • Allergy.

9. Getting involved is dangerous.

It is a pity that no one keeps statistics of girls who are addicted to lip augmentation.

However, whoever has Instagram does not need statistics. Either because the fillers need to be constantly updated, or because the best is the enemy of the good, but it’s very possible to overdo it with lips.

Just in case: if you are going to a beautician, start with a minimum. If you want more, go for more. But better think a couple of extra weeks, do you really need it.

And even more so, do not try to increase the lips several times from the first procedure, do not stretch the tissues.

10. If you don't like it, you can play back

If you are using a hyaluronic acid filler and decide you don't like it the new kind lips, then the beautician can fix it. Hyaluronic acid is broken down by a special enzyme. And if you make an injection with it, then the lips will “deflate” faster than in six months: almost immediately after the injection of the drug.

11. It's not that cheap

The cost of one procedure varies depending on the clinic, the filler and the amount of material. You need to focus on amounts from 500 to 2,000 dollars.

12. Injections must be done by a doctor

Therefore, do not hesitate to ask for a clinic license and documents about vocational education the doctors. And do not increase your lips just in beauty salons, trusting the hands of non-specialists, because you risk your face.
