Baked apples in the oven recipe without sugar. Baked apples with sugar in the oven. Baked apples with cottage cheese

English folk wisdom says that one fruit a day will allow you to forget about illnesses and live long life. But baked, they are almost more useful than fresh. The benefits of baked apples for weight loss, rejuvenation, good condition of the whole organism due to their heat treatment. They are absorbed better than fresh ones, retain quite a lot of vitamins, while harmful properties raw fruits are neutralized.


Fruits prepared in this way have a rich mineral composition: a lot of potassium, calcium, iron, as well as magnesium, boron, aluminum, cobalt, nickel and other trace elements.

Of particular value is a large number of rare polysaccharide pectin. This is the so-called apple fiber, which is completely absorbed by the body. It is necessary for normal operation intestines, metabolism, removal of toxins and salts from the body heavy metals, other harmful substances.

Beneficial features

Thanks to this composition, it is baked, and not boiled or fresh, apples that have unique properties.

Their regular consumption provides significant benefits to the body:

  • improves performance gastrointestinal tract, normalizes intestinal microflora;
  • removes heavy metal salts from the body, protects cells from the effects of toxic substances;
  • prevents the development of iron deficiency anemia;
  • normalizes metabolism, accelerates metabolism;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • prevents the formation cholesterol plaques in vessels;
  • Having a mild diuretic effect, it improves kidney function;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps to recover after childbirth, illness;
  • improves general health and mood, helps fight depression, stress, overwork;
  • slows down the aging process, rejuvenates the body at the cellular level.

Apples cooked in the oven can not only be eaten. They are also popular in home cosmetology.

Masks based on them have an impressive effect:

  • rejuvenate and tighten the skin, smooth out wrinkles and refresh the face;
  • accelerate the healing of wounds and cracks;
  • soften rough skin on elbows, knees and feet.

Possible harm

Like the benefits, the harm of baked apples is explained by their composition. But in relation to the beneficial properties negative impact is minimal and manifests itself when the fruits are improperly prepared or consumed in moderation.

A long-term mono-diet on this dish, as well as on other products, can disrupt the metabolism in the body, lead to diarrhea, and exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

In addition, for cooking healthy dish you need to choose the right fruits and carefully prepare them.

To avoid possible harm, follow two basic rules.

  1. It doesn't matter where the apples are cooked, in the microwave or in the oven. Choose whole, undamaged, firm fruits with no signs of rot. Not only will they retain their attractive appearance when baked. The main thing is that the finished dish will be normal in terms of microbiological indicators and will not cause diarrhea.
  2. Seasonal, domestic varieties are best suited for baking. The fact is that for better storage of imported fruits, manufacturers apply a paraffin film to them. And it must be washed off thoroughly. Otherwise, stomach upset may occur, allergic reactions and even - as a cumulative effect - poisoning.

To remove the paraffin film from fruits, wash them hot water and a brush.

Indications for use

Baked apples will become not just a dessert, but a medicine for the body in the presence of the following pathologies:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (not during exacerbation);
  • diabetes mellitus, obesity;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • overwork, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • decreased immunity;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • conditions in which the need for vitamins and minerals: childhood, adolescence and old age, pregnancy and lactation, recovery from illness;
  • unfavorable external conditions: poor environment, stress, unbalanced diet.


There are very few contraindications for eating this dish:

  • individual intolerance (very rare);
  • exacerbation of ulcers and gastritis;
  • prolonged constipation.

Baked apples for weight loss

It's low calorie dietary dish suitable for fasting days, express and mono diets. But it’s optimal if baked apples are an alternative unhealthy sweets included in a balanced daily diet.

They promote weight loss by high content potassium, and organic acids:

  • potassium is a sodium antagonist, which enters the body with regular salt and retains excess fluid in the subcutaneous fat layer. Excess sodium promotes the accumulation of fat deposits, and sufficient quantity potassium helps fight them;
  • pectin cleanses the intestines of undigested food residues and toxins, promotes peristalsis, accelerates metabolic processes in the body;
  • organic acids fight pathogenic intestinal microflora and help develop beneficial bacteria, improving digestion.

Baked apples for pregnant and lactating women

An ideal treat for pregnant women - baked apples:

  • they contain many vitamins and minerals necessary for proper development fetus;
  • They will help the expectant mother alleviate the symptoms of toxicosis and reduce swelling;
  • if, on the recommendation of a doctor, it is necessary to lose weight, baked apples will help with this;
  • Frequent digestive problems during pregnancy are another reason to eat a couple of baked apples.

Nursing mothers will also appreciate this dish. After all, it retains the benefits of fresh fruits, but does not contain them. side effects. When baked, apples destroy substances that cause allergic reactions and increased gas formation in infants.

Baked apples for children

For the same reason, pediatricians recommend introducing baked apples, rather than fresh ones, as the first complementary foods. The still immature digestive system of infants accepts them easily, with virtually no negative reactions.

This dish is recommended for both children and teenagers. During the period of intensive growth, the body experiences a deficiency of many vitamins and minerals, and the load on the heart muscle increases. Regular use a healthy dessert will reduce these problems to a minimum.

How to bake apples correctly

It’s hard to imagine a more easy-to-prepare dish.

The apples should be thoroughly washed with hot water, pierced the peel in several places with a fork or toothpick (to prevent them from bursting), placed on a baking sheet, and placed in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

The dessert can be prepared in the microwave or in a slow cooker in the “baking” mode. In a microwave oven, the dish will be prepared in 4–5 minutes, and baked apples in the oven, as in a slow cooker, will be ready in 20–30 minutes.

If desired, you can remove the core of apples before cooking and fill it with dried fruits, honey, cottage cheese, nuts, etc. With this method of baking, they will no longer be dietary, but will become more refined and suitable even for a holiday table.

You can bake any apples, but varieties with thick skins are better suited: Antonovka, Ranet, Granny Smith. Such fruits will not crack and will retain their shape.
“Eat for health” is the most suitable phrase for baked apples. And in fact, choose, bake, enjoy the delicate taste and, with their help, maintain youth and health.

When you see this aromatic fruit dessert, which has not yet cooled down from the heat of the oven, you just want to bite into the bulk fruit, feel its tenderness and subtle aroma. We choose the recipe you like for baked apples in the oven and get real pleasure from the prepared delicacy.

This is the most easy way treat yourself to a simple and very tasty fruit sweet. For kids, this dessert will provide good support for the immune system.


  • apples - 6 pcs. (preferably variety “Renet Simirenko”);
  • regular sugar - 60 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • Use the amount of cinnamon and mint according to preference.

Cooking method:

  1. For delicious dish choose large or medium-sized fruits. Wash the apples well and remove the hard core. Divide the butter into small parts, put a piece inside the fruit and add a dessert spoon of sugar.
  2. Wrap each fruit in foil and place in the oven for 25 minutes (180°C).

To prevent food from dehydrating during baking, place a bowl of water on the bottom of the oven.

The finished apples acquired an amazing amber hue, appetizing pink skin and a wonderful spicy aroma.

How to bake with honey

By filling fresh fruits with fragrant honey contents, we get an amazingly delicious dessert.

List of components:

  • sweet apples - 5 pcs.;
  • honey (necessarily liquid) - up to 80 g;
  • vanillin.

To prevent the fruit pulp from turning into porridge during cooking, we use fruits of the same size with thick green skin.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Cut out the hard core from apples that have been washed and dried with paper towels.
  2. Place the fruits in a mold or on a baking sheet.
  3. Pour a little vanillin into the formed holes, place a spoonful of liquid honey and place in the oven for 30 or 45 minutes. Cooking time depends on the size of the fruit.
  4. Place the finished dessert on a dish, use a spoon to collect the fragrant sauce that has flowed onto the metal sheet, and add the sweet composition to the hot fruit.

Apples baked with honey are not only a delicious breakfast or a quick snack, but also a very healthy food for the body.

Cooking with cinnamon

Aromatic spices will provide the fruits with a fabulous aroma, and honey or sugar will fill the dessert with the necessary sweetness.

Product set:

  • fresh apples - 5 pcs.;
  • regular sugar or honey (buckwheat or flower) - up to 10 tbsp. l.;
  • ground cinnamon.

Ideal for this method heat treatment There will be autumn fruits of sweet and sour varieties.

Cooking features:

  1. For the presented method of baking apples in the oven, it is advisable to cut the fruits in half so that the spice composition is evenly distributed throughout the fruit and saturates the pulp well.
  2. We thoroughly wash the fruits, dry them with a towel, and divide them into halves. Using a sharp knife, remove seeds with hard partitions - we get beautifully decorated boats.
  3. Sprinkle them with cinnamon and fill them with a little honey so that the sweetness does not leak out of the apples. Place the food on a baking sheet lined with metal paper and place it in the oven.

Bake for up to 20 minutes at t=180°C, serve the dish hot.

How to bake whole apples in the oven

Excellent dessert option fast days successfully replacing sweets, cakes, pastries and other unwanted sweets.

Required Products:

  • sweet and sour fruits (“Grenny Smith” or “Golden”) - 6 pcs.

To prevent the fruits from acquiring an unsightly dark shade during cooking, sprinkle them with lemon juice.


  1. Place thoroughly washed and dried apples in a fireproof dish. Carefully pour some drinking water into the bottom of the dish.
  2. Place the food in the oven for 15 minutes, heated to t=180°C. The finished fruits should become soft, so we adjust the baking time depending on their variety and size.

We take the dessert out of the oven and allow ourselves a little “liberty” - sprinkle the ruddy dessert with sweet powder and enjoy the healthy dish with pleasure.

Baked apples with cottage cheese in the oven

Only 150 grams of fermented milk product combined with fruit is necessary to obtain a healthy dietary breakfast.

List of ingredients:

  • fresh apples - 5 pcs.;
  • egg yolk;
  • homemade cottage cheese - from 150 g;
  • white sugar or honey - 40 g;
  • vanillin and cinnamon powder - ½ tsp each;
  • light seedless raisins - 50 g (use as desired).

Cooking method:

  1. Fruits that are not too soft are suitable for this recipe. We follow the main requirement of correct technology - we wash the products well, then dry them. Remove hard cores from apples.
  2. We choose granular cottage cheese as a filling. Beat it with a blender or rub it through a sieve. If we use raisins (sultanas) in the recipe, we do not need granulated sugar.
  3. Combine in a bowl fermented milk product, yolk, dried fruits, cinnamon and vanillin. Mix the filling components thoroughly.
  4. We place the fruits in a small form and fill the formed cavities of the fruit with the prepared mass.

Place the dish in a preheated oven (t=180°C). Serve the baked apples with cottage cheese hot.

In puff pastry

We offer one of the most delicious and impressive desserts - apples in puff pastry.

Required Products:

  • apples - 3 pcs.;
  • boiled condensed milk;
  • nut kernels - 60 g;
  • cinnamon;
  • puff pastry - packaging.

Cooking technology:

  1. As always, wash and dry the fruits well.
  2. Mix chopped nuts and condensed milk in a bowl. We fill the fruit with the resulting composition.
  3. Roll out the dough into a not very thin layer, divide it into strips (5 x 1 cm) and form a wicker base. For one apple you need 8 parts of puff paste.
  4. Place the prepared fruits in a baking dish, leaving some distance between the fruits. Using a glass of braided dough, cut out circles and place them on each fruit in the form of a beautiful “lid.” Place the dish in the oven for 30 minutes (180°C).

You can use another option for decorating the dessert - make unique pies.

  1. To do this, roll out the dough, divide it into squares, in the center of which we place a stuffed apple.
  2. As a filler, prepare a mixture of honey and crushed nuts.
  3. We connect the ends of the layers, forming such a cute bag.
  4. Brush the products with beaten egg and place in the oven.

We choose the method of baking apples in dough according to personal preferences and tastes. Both desserts turn out incredibly delicious!

Stuffed with rice and raisins

The presented dish will be both a delicious dessert and a completely independent, highly nutritious dish.

Required components:

  • egg;
  • white small raisins - 30 g;
  • apples - 6 pcs.;
  • regular sugar and powdered sugar - 6 tbsp each. l.;
  • rice - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 40 g.

Cooking steps:

  1. We “bathe” small berries in warm water, dry with napkins.
  2. We also process rice well. Boil it in lightly salted liquid, then rinse in a colander under running water.
  3. Return the cereal to the pan, add raisins and a spoonful of boiling water. Let the food simmer for two minutes over low heat. closed, then season with butter and regular sugar.
  4. Cool the resulting mass slightly, add the beaten egg and mix the mixture.
  5. We remove the core from clean apples. For this dish we make a recess bigger size than in previous recipes.
  6. Fill the fruits with the prepared filling, compacting it slightly. Place the remaining sweet mixture on top of the main layer in the form of small slides. To prevent the skin of the fruit from cracking, we prick them in several places with a toothpick. Place the products in the mold, pour in a little water and bake for 40 minutes (180°C).

Morning breakfast of delicious apples with rice and raisins is a healing and very nutritious dish. Enough energy for the whole day!

Baked apples with nuts in the oven

The ideal combination of fruits and favorite kernels will give a wonderful taste and undoubted benefits for the body.

Product composition:

  • apples - 8 pcs.;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • We use dried cranberries, raisins and nut kernels according to preference;
  • regular sugar - 50 g;

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the core from washed and dried apples. Cut off the side parts of the fruit with a knife. We do this at an angle of 45 degrees to slightly expand the top of the recess.
  2. We also wash nuts and dried fruits and blot them with napkins.
  3. Place the fruits on a baking sheet, leaving the required distance between them.
  4. Place a cube of butter and half a dessert spoon of sugar into each fruit. To dried cranberries and the crumbled kernels did not burn during the heat treatment, we start filling the apples with these components.
  5. Sprinkle the layer of dried fruits with grated nuts.

Bake the dish for 20 minutes at t=180°C, serve hot. True, this luxurious dessert will be just as delicious when cold.

  • regular sugar - 120 g;
  • egg whites - 2 pcs.
  • Cooking:

    1. We divide the washed fruits into halves, sprinkle with lemon juice, and remove the seeds with hard partitions.
    2. Place parts of the fruit on a baking sheet lined with parchment.
    3. Place 2 kernels and the same number of chocolate pieces into the formed holes. Bake the food for 30 minutes (200°C).
    4. Combine in a bowl egg whites and regular sugar, beat the mixture until stiff and stiff peaks form so that the meringue does not “fall off” from the spoon. Add a pinch if desired citric acid.
    5. Take the fruit out of the oven. Place the whipped mixture in a piping bag and cover the fruit with it.
    6. We return the food to the heat of the oven, where we brown the added air “caps”. Place the rest of the fluffy mass on paper and bake until golden brown.

    Place the fruit dessert and separately prepared meringue in the refrigerator for a while. Sprinkle the cooled delicacy with powder and serve.

    Choice best recipe baked apples in the oven is a matter of tastes and preferences, because each dish has its own merits and pleasant zest.

    Baked apples with their delicate aroma bring back memories of cozy evenings with family and the ringing laughter of children. This dessert is becoming popular again, because it is not only tasty, but also healthy. And the juicy fruits are inexpensive and are on sale all year round.

    What are the benefits of baked apples?

    Are there any treats that help you lose weight? Yes, these are baked apples. Their calorie content is only 60 kcal, but, of course, if you add fillings in the form of sugar, cottage cheese or honey, it increases. Therefore, for those who want to lose weight, it is better to flavor the fruits with ginger or cinnamon.

    What other valuable properties fruit delicacy has:

    stimulates intestinal motility and helps against constipation;
    increases the body's defenses;
    helps get rid of toxins and waste;
    acts as prophylactic from stones in the ureters;
    prevents skin aging;
    prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
    restore the composition of the blood, which is very useful for people after serious blood loss.
    Without sweet additives, this dessert is allowed for diabetics, since such fruits have a low glycemic index and normalize carbohydrate metabolism.

    When baking useful material are not lost, and the load on the teeth is reduced.
    The dessert should be consumed with caution by those who suffer from gastritis with high acidity and peptic ulcers.

    How to bake apples in the oven?

    First of all, you should choose the fruits themselves. Medium-sized sweet apples are most suitable. If only sour ones are available, you cannot do without sugar or honey. After all, in the oven they will become even more sour.

    Fruits need to be washed thoroughly. The skin of purchased apples is wiped with a brush, because they are coated with wax for safety during transportation.

    In the oven you can cook whole or cut fruits with a variety of fillings: honey, curd cream, sour cream, raisins, banana puree, jam, berries. Vanilla, cinnamon and ginger are preferred as aromatic seasonings.
    Professional dessert masters advise:

    If you cut off the tops, you can remove the seeds with a small, sharp-edged spoon. Use the cut parts as lids.
    The filling should fill three quarters of the hole - it will rise in the oven and may leak out.
    Whole fruits on the tray should lie at a short distance from each other. This way they will bake evenly.
    Unsweetened baked apples can be served as a complement to meat or fish dishes. And sweet ones look more interesting if they are sprinkled with brown sugar rather than white.

    Novice cooks often have questions: at what temperature to bake apples and how long should apples be baked in the oven. Usually the dessert is prepared at 180 degrees, but there are recipes that require higher heat - up to 220 degrees. As for the time, it also varies - from 15 to 40 minutes, depending on the variety and taste preferences.

    Easy ways to bake apples in the oven using recipes with photos

    The easiest way is to bake whole apples with the core removed on a baking sheet with a little water. The centers need to be cut out not all the way through, but just take out the seeds. But there are more interesting options available to novice cooks. Especially if they use step by step instructions with photo.

    Fruits in caramel

    Our kids will also enjoy the favorite delicacy of Western children. It’s very easy to prepare caramel apples baked in the oven according to the recipe with photo.


    six small apples;
    a pinch of citric acid and salt;
    half a glass of water;
    140 grams of sugar;
    50 ml cream.
    Cooking method:

    Dry the washed fruits and put them on wooden sticks in the place where the stalk is.

    Boil the syrup in a thick-walled saucepan, adding salt and citric acid to the water in addition to granulated sugar.

    As soon as the syrup becomes Brown color, remove the pan from the stove and pour in the cream, stir.

    Dip each fruit into the mixture so that the mixture spreads evenly over the skin and place on a wire rack with a tray.

    The caramel apples take about 30-35 minutes to set.

    Spicy fruits in vermouth

    Despite the presence of alcohol in the recipe, the dessert can be offered even to small children. Vermouth makes the fruit spicy rather than boozy. Anyone can prepare these baked apples in the oven according to a recipe with photos.


    six juicy fruits;
    juice of half a lemon;
    30 grams of butter;
    3 small spoons of honey;
    4 tablespoons vermouth;
    a couple of pinches of cinnamon.
    Cooking method:

    Divide the fruits into halves, remove the core and brush with lemon juice - this will prevent them from darkening. Place on a baking sheet or baking dish.

    Sprinkle the fruit with vermouth and pour the rest into the mold. Place a pea of ​​butter and half a spoon of honey in the middle.

    Place the mold in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes, pouring the dripping juice over them from time to time.
    The finished apples should sit for a quarter of an hour. After that, they are doused with sauce again and sprinkled with cinnamon.

    How to bake apples in the oven with cottage cheese or honey?

    These fillings are perhaps the most popular. After all, they give the dish a delicate sweetness and the body valuable microelements.

    An easy recipe baked apples with cottage cheese in the oven

    The creamy dessert literally melts in your mouth and looks very beautiful.


    six sweet fruits;
    150 grams of medium fat cottage cheese;
    10 ml vegetable oil;
    a pinch of vanillin;
    50 grams of granulated sugar;
    a third of a glass of raisins.
    Cooking method:

    Cut off the caps from the washed fruits and remove the cores.
    Wash and steam the raisins.
    Mash the cottage cheese with a fork, combine with the protein and other ingredients. You won't need the yolk.
    Place the mixture into the openings of the fruits and cover with lids.
    Place the fruits in a greased form and place in a hot oven (200 degrees) for half an hour.
    The walls of the finished dessert are pierced without resistance with the tip of a knife.

    Cottage cheese and apple casserole

    If you cook cottage cheese casserole In the oven with apples, the dish acquires a delicate fruity taste. There will be no need to persuade your child to finish his breakfast!


    400 grams of cottage cheese;
    five fruits;
    60 grams of butter;
    four eggs;
    four large spoons of flour;
    half a glass of sugar;
    Cooking method:

    Cut the peeled and seeded fruits into small slices.
    Fry sugar in butter, stirring until it becomes sticky caramel.
    Lightly fry the apple slices in this mixture. They should become more transparent.
    Add cottage cheese, vanilla sugar and flour passed through a sieve to the yolks, ground with a small amount of sugar. Bring to a uniform consistency.
    Pour in the whipped whites and mix again.
    Place apple slices in caramel in a pre-greased pan and cover with curd mixture.
    Bake in a hot oven (170 degrees) for 45 minutes.
    You can add cinnamon to the casserole, and pour honey or syrup over the finished dish.

    Classic recipe for apples baked in the oven with honey

    In this case, the fruits are the most sour, because honey is very sweet.


    five apples;
    the same number of small spoons of liquid honey;
    crushed nuts;
    Cooking method:

    Remove the core from the washed fruits so that you get a “cup” for honey.
    Cover the pan with foil. The edges of the foil should be significantly larger than the sides.
    Place the apples and pour a little vanillin into the cups, pour honey over it.
    Make a “plug” of nuts on top.
    Connect the edges of the foil so that the fruits are covered. There is no need to pinch the edges tightly.
    Cook in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 25 minutes (depending on the size of the apples).
    This dessert is not suitable for those who suffer from allergies to bee products.

    How to cook charlotte with apples in the oven

    There are a great many varieties of baked goods with apples. All types of dough are combined with these fruits. But perhaps the most popular recipe for apple pie in the oven is tender charlotte. It was invented by German confectioners, but now this dessert, beautiful in its simplicity, has conquered the whole world.

    Recipe for simple charlotte with apples in the oven

    Bake charlotte with apples in the oven according to classic recipe won't be difficult.


    110 grams of flour;
    five apples;
    four eggs;
    170 grams of granulated sugar;
    half a small spoon of baking powder.
    Cooking method:

    Beat the eggs with granulated sugar until the mass triples and a creamy color appears.
    Combine flour with baking powder or soda slaked with vinegar.
    Mix the ingredients and beat until smooth.
    Cut the peeled fruits into thin slices and mix with the dough.
    Pour the mixture into a pre-greased mold and bake for 40 minutes in an oven heated to 180 degrees.
    Readiness is checked by sticking a match into the thickest part. If it remains dry, the charlotte is baked.

    To ensure that the charlotte with apples in the oven according to this cooking recipe is fluffy, the flour must be sifted.
    It is not recommended to open the oven during baking, otherwise the biscuit will settle.

    Fruits in a coat of dough

    Fruit combined with dough does not necessarily take the form of a pie. Sometimes they look unusual, in in a good way words. Apples in puff pastry are not a shame to serve at any holiday table.


    half a kilo of puff pastry;
    seven apples.
    Cooking method:

    Carefully remove the centers of the fruits.
    Cut the rolled out dough into 1.5 cm wide strips and coat with beaten egg.
    Wrap each apple in a spiral, overlapping row over row.
    Place on a baking sheet coated with oil and bake for 40 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees.
    The hole from the core can be filled with filling or sprinkled with sugar.

    Can it be combined with poultry?

    Of course yes! Recipes for cooking goose or duck with these fruits have become classics. Apples will give the meat a piquant sourness and subtle aroma.

    Baked goose with apples

    This recipe is for those who want to surprise guests.


    goose carcass;
    90 grams of sugar;
    kilogram of apples.
    Cooking method:

    Singe the goose, rinse, rub with salt in all places. Tie the legs and wings with harsh thread or twine.
    Peel half the fruits and cut into thick slices. They will become the stuffing for the bird.
    Sew up the hole or pin it with toothpicks.
    Place the carcass on a baking sheet with a piece of foil on top.
    Bake in the oven at 190 degrees for 3 hours.
    When a golden brown crust appears, the bird should be basted with fat, which drips onto the baking sheet.
    Remove the goose and place on a plate.
    Place the remaining apples in the oven for 40 minutes.
    Remove the strings and toothpicks and surround the bird with baked apples.
    Ready dish sprinkle with chopped parsley.

    Recipe for duck with apples, baked in the oven

    Duck cooked with prunes and apples in a culinary sleeve turns out to be very juicy.


    60 grams of prunes;
    juice of half a lemon;
    20 ml olive oil;
    three large spoons soy sauce and liquid honey;
    half a kilo of apples.
    Cooking method:

    Make a marinade by combining sauce, honey, lemon juice and oil.
    Rub the washed carcass everywhere with salt (you can add spices to taste).
    Steam the prunes and cut out the apple cores. Cut the fruits into cubes.
    Stuff the duck with stuffing, sew up the hole and coat with marinade.
    Let the bird marinate for half an hour.
    Pack into a cooking sleeve.
    Bake at 200 degrees for 120 minutes.
    An hour after putting it in the oven, the sleeve needs to be cut to obtain an appetizing crust.

    The versatility of baked apples allows them to be used in various recipes and combinations. And the low cost is to bake fruits in the oven at least every day.

    Source →

    We offer you recipes for baked apples that have been tested many times. Apples baked in the oven will retain most of the nutrients.

    The most common fruit in our country is the apple. It can be found on the shelves of any store, as well as in personal plots.

    ABOUT useful properties oh, everyone knows baked apples in the oven. They are not only very tasty, but also healthy. They contain a lot of calcium, phosphorus and potassium, which is beneficial for the functioning of the heart. 100 g apples – daily requirement every person of vitamin C. Apples contain a small amount of iodine.

    Apples baked in the oven can be eaten at any time of the day: for breakfast, lunch and dinner. On festive table this dish along with cottage cheese, raisins, cinnamon, honey, sour cream and others healthy ingredients, will be a wonderful dessert. Thanks to its simplicity and the right ingredients, this dish will decorate any holiday table.

    Apples in the oven


    4 large apples;

    70 g brown sugar;

    1 teaspoon cinnamon;

    70 g chopped nuts;

    80 g raisins or currants;

    1 dessert spoon of butter;

    3/4 cup water.

    How to bake apples in the oven:

    1. Heat the oven to 190°C. Wash the apples and cut out the cores (you can use a regular knife or a teaspoon). The hole that appears in the center should have a diameter of 2.5 cm.

    2. In a small bowl, mix currants (or raisins), cinnamon, sugar and nuts. Place the apples in a baking dish and fill the hole in each apple with the mixture. Add 3/4 cup to the mold with apples hot water and put it in the oven.

    3. Apples take from 15 to 40 minutes to cook, it all depends on the size of the apple. They should not be too hard or extremely soft.

    4. Serve the baked apples warm, along with vanilla ice cream.

    Green baked apples


    4 small green apples;

    120 g sugar;

    4 tablespoons butter;

    2 teaspoons cinnamon.

    Preparation of green baked apples:

    First, preheat the oven to 180°C. Cut out the core of the apples. We do this very carefully so as not to cut through the apple, but there should be a small hole left. Place 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1 tablespoon of butter into each apple. Sprinkle it all with cinnamon. Bake the apples for 15 minutes. The sugar should melt and the apples should become soft and tender.

    German style baked apples


    4 sour apples;

    30 g pistachios;

    30 g pine nuts;

    130 g chopped almonds with powdered sugar;

    50 g cream;

    2 yolks;

    70 g raisins;

    125 ml dry white wine;

    2 tablespoons butter;

    Lemon juice;

    130 ml orange liqueur.

    Baking apples in the oven in German:

    Wash the apples and remove the middle. We water them lemon juice. Pine nuts, pistachios, cream, almonds with powdered sugar and mix the yolks. Add raisins to the resulting mass. Place the apples in a pie pan and pour liqueur and wine over them. Place in a preheated oven at 190°C for about 15 minutes. Remove the baked apples from the oven and pour the pre-prepared sauce over them and put them back in the oven for a few more minutes.

    Many people have been familiar with the taste of baked apples since childhood. Mothers always baked apples for their children in the oven. However, apples baked in the microwave taste no worse. At first it seems that baking apples is very easy and simple, but unfortunately, this is not so. There are many recipes for baking apples and, accordingly, each housewife follows her own special tricks.

    A few more baked apple recipes

    Apples are a fruit that can be baked whole, cut into pieces, or pureed. They can be baked with sugar, nuts, caramel or dried apricots. Also, when preparing them, you don’t have to use anything, bake the apples completely, without even cutting out the core. Many housewives bake apples with various berry sauces, ice cream or cookies. Let's look at each recipe in more detail.

    We will need half a kilogram of apples, 2 egg yolks, 2 tablespoons of sugar, half a glass of milk, 30 g of butter and 100 g of any cookies. To prepare baked apples with cookies, you first need to crush the cookies and mix them with butter, sugar, milk and egg yolks. Wash the apples, cut them into pieces and pour over the resulting mixture.

    Apples in caramel

    Another delicious recipe– apples in caramel. To prepare it, we need, of course, caramel (toffee, 400 g), half a glass walnuts(shredded). You can use any other nuts you like. To melt the toffees, sprinkle them with water and place them on water bath. When melting the butterscotch, you need to stir it well. Wash the apples, remove the peel and cut into large cubes. We string the chopped apples onto skewers, dip them in hot caramel and roll them in nuts.

    Baked apples with dried apricots and cottage cheese

    Apples baked in the oven with dried apricots and cottage cheese are a dessert with a unique taste. To achieve a delicate taste, you need to know one thing: little secret- fresh cottage cheese. Grind it with a spoon, add chopped dried apricots and place in apples. Fresh cottage cheese will give apples a perfect creamy taste and they will be very soft and tender. We wipe the cottage cheese and mix it with finely chopped dried apricots, sugar and egg yolks. Cut off the top of the apples and remove the core using a teaspoon. It's time to stuff our apples with dried apricots and cottage cheese. We bake the formed apples in the oven or in microwave oven approximately 10 minutes. Ready apples can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

    Baked nesting doll apples

    There is another recipe for making baked apples - apple nesting dolls. This dessert resembles a nesting doll with another one inside, that’s why it’s called that. Children will surely love this type of dessert, as it is not only beautiful, but also tasty and very healthy. Apple nesting dolls are made from prunes, apples and walnuts. Prunes must be washed and scalded with boiling water, they will become soft. We peel walnuts and peel apples. Cut out the core of each apple and leave a small hole.

    Now let's start folding the nesting dolls. We start with the smallest one - a walnut, we hide it in prunes. Then we hide the prunes in a larger nesting doll - an apple. Sprinkle a teaspoon of sugar on top and bake in the oven or microwave. Of course, you can use dried apricots instead of prunes. beautiful and delicious dessert is an apple baked with cranberries. To do this, you need to add cranberries to each apple and sprinkle it all thoroughly with sugar. Baked, they turn out incredibly tasty and beautiful.

    It happens that you really want a healthy and tasty dish. You can make baked apples at home with sugar or honey. The resulting dessert is amazing. It's quick to prepare and very healthy. This is the easiest recipe for making apples. Baked apples can be given to small children; they will eat it with pleasure.

    Apples prepared in this way are an excellent food for people who suffer from diseases. digestive system. The point is that in fresh products contained active ingredients that are annoying digestive tract. However, fruits that undergo heat treatment lose acidity, while retaining all vitamins. These desserts can be enjoyed by both adults and children. The dish is also popular with girls who watch their figure, as it does not contain many calories.

    As you can see, the recipes for baked apples are very diverse, with the addition of different spices and fillings. They are baked whole or cut into pieces. Apples can be prepared in different ways, but they will always remain tasty and healthy.

    Recipe for baked apples in the oven

    For the cooking recipe the best way Winter apples are suitable. They are dense and strong in structure. Each recipe begins with the fact that you need to wash the apples well and cut off the tail. A funnel is made on top, which allows you to remove the stalk and capture the seeds we don’t need. This can be done using a special paring knife or a regular kitchen knife. Some housewives do this with an ordinary teaspoon with a sharp end.

    In a small container - a saucepan, baking sheet or baking dish, you need to pour a little water and lay out the apples. If desired, you can add sugar, raisins or honey to each hole and bake them in an oven preheated to 180°C.

    The dessert is prepared very quickly - about 10-15 minutes. The apples should become soft, but under no circumstances become soggy. You can use berries or whipped cream for decoration. It can also be nuts and powdered sugar. The dish is served chilled.

    Baked apples are a simple recipe that can be followed by both professional cooks and beginners. This dish can be eaten every day. Baked apples are tasty and healthy. You can add honey, nuts and dried fruits to them. Even if you add only one sugar, it will still turn out very tasty.

    The dessert is prepared both in the oven and in the microwave. The article describes in detail simple recipes, as well as recipes for real gourmets. This dish can be served as a dessert, instead of a cake. It is low calorie and very light.

    Apples contain pectin - vegetable fiber, improving the functioning of the digestive system and the entire gastrointestinal tract. The fruit consists of 80% water, which is why when baked it turns out so light and soft.

    A dish made from this fruit only brings benefits, so every housewife should be able to cook it. Include this unique dish - baked apples - in your menu and give health and joy not only to your family, but also to loved ones. If you want something light and simple, feel free to choose baked apples in the oven.

    How to bake whole apples in the oven with nuts and honey, the most delicious recipe

    Apples baked with honey in the oven are an interesting way to please your family and guests. This dessert looks beautiful when served, has a mild taste and, in addition, gives many benefits. It’s difficult to say who came up with the idea of ​​baking apples. During the Soviet era, their harvest was so large that they did not have time to prepare all the fruits. They did a lot of things using apples: they dried them, made compotes, jam. By the way, delicious recipe apple jam you can find . Those fruits that lay in cellars for a long time lost their elasticity. And it was baking in the oven that allowed limp apples to recover new life. The heat makes the skin soft, but the core of the fruit remains juicy and aromatic. Modern technologies allow you to cook a baked apple much faster. All you need is an oven and a little inspiration. How to bake whole apples in the oven? The difficulty is to keep the bottom intact while removing the seeds. The best varieties for baking – crispy, they hold their shape well and will not fall apart under the influence of high temperatures.

    The benefits of baked apples are equal to the benefits of fresh ones. After all, baked apples are dietary product, containing many vitamins and minerals even after heat treatment of the fruit. All vitamins in the baked fruit are well absorbed by the body. Most of all, the aromatic pulp contains vitamin E; B vitamins are also present in the composition. The dessert is also pleased with the presence of minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron. You can often hear doctors recommend eating an apple every day to avoid most diseases. Simple baked apples without additives are suitable for nursing mothers, babies from 6 months, people after surgery, and athletes.


    • 800 g apples (4 large or 6 medium);
    • 60 g honey;
    • 50-60 g walnuts;
    • 4 tsp Sahara;
    • 1 tbsp. cinnamon.

    Recipe for baked apples in the oven with nuts, cinnamon and honey

    1. Holding the knife at an angle, cut out part of the seed box from each apple. I have the golden variety, they keep their shape perfectly. It is better to take firm, dense and crisp apples so that they do not boil in the oven. Don’t forget to wash the skin thoroughly, because we won’t be cutting it off.

    2. Cut out and remove the middle with all the bones.

    3. Clean the center of the apples with a teaspoon, removing the seeds and hard membranes. We do this very carefully so as not to damage the bottom. We clean a little so that a lot of pulp remains.

    4. Apples are prepared. Let's move on to the filling.

    5. Pour 1 tsp into each apple. Sahara. The amount of sand is calculated for 4 large apples. If the fruits are smaller, then you will need less sugar per apple. Add sugar according to your taste and depending on the sweetness of the apples themselves. All proportions in this recipe are approximate and are designed for 4 large fruit.

    6. Add 0.5 tsp on top. cinnamon. This spice promotes weight loss by enhancing the body's metabolic processes. The combination of apple and cinnamon is one of the most successful culinary solutions. Eating such a dessert, a person feels a lift in mood and a surge of vitality, since cinnamon not only adds an amazing taste, but also converts calories into pure energy.

    7. Decorate the top with walnuts. This product, in its form, seems to hint at invaluable benefits for the brain. Daily consumption of walnuts stimulates mental activity and improves memory.

    8. Grease the bottom of the baking dish with a thin layer of vegetable oil so that the fruit does not burn on the bottom. Place the stuffed apples in the pan at a distance of at least 3 cm so that they do not touch each other. How long should I bake the apples in the oven? For medium-sized fruits, 15-20 minutes are usually enough, for large ones - about 30 minutes at 180 degrees. We focus on this time, make sure that the peel does not crack too much, and if something happens, immediately remove it. In just a few minutes, the skin on the finished baked apples can burst, the pulp can spread, and the dessert will no longer look so appetizing. Therefore, we do not move far from the oven and observe the process taking place in it.

    9. The apples are baked and become soft, the skin begins to crack a little, but all the juice still remains inside along with the filling. The walnuts on top were toasted and crispy.

    10. Place warm apples on a dish and pour liquid honey over them. If you only have solids, melt it in a water bath. Baking with honey is very harmful, since when heated above 60 degrees, this product loses most of its beneficial properties. When heated, healing enzymes are destroyed and healthy sugars. There is an opinion that hot honey is a carcinogenic product, but many believe that this is an extreme case. When the heating temperature in a water bath is 40-50 degrees, nothing will happen to the honey; the dessert will turn out not only sweet and aromatic, but also very healthy.

    11. The finished baked apples will shrink a little when they cool. They are very juicy inside, and the aroma in the kitchen is indescribable. When the apples are ready, the whole family will already gather at the table waiting for dessert!

    Fragrant baked apples with cinnamon and walnut ready. Bon appetit!
