Legumes in bodybuilding. Beans in the nutrition of athletes. Best Sources of Fats

For many athletes, both beginners and sometimes experienced ones, the problem of choosing the most healthy products and dishes for your diet. From an energy point of view, the nutritional norm of an average adult is in the region of 3-3.5 thousand kcal, depending on the type of activity. But for athletes trying to gain weight, or actively training before competitions, this norm is in the region of 4 thousand kcal, and can reach up to 5.

Of course, not everyone can get such an amount, especially since an athlete needs not only calories as such, but also a balanced set food components: fiber, vitamins, minerals, etc. To obtain additional calories (and, for example, protein) you can use sports nutrition, say a protein shake. But with ordinary food, which forms the basis of the diet, you need to figure it out. You should only include on your menu those dishes that are made from... the best products, optimal from the point of view of sports activities. We will look at products suitable for fitness and bodybuilding, collecting them into 4 groups: sources of protein, carbohydrates, fats and vitamins.

The best protein foods

Meat is the main source of protein, despite the fact that there are products with the same or even higher protein content (nuts, fish, shrimp and squid, cottage cheese, cheese, beans, peas, soy, etc.). By the amount of protein among different types The leading meats are beef, horse meat, rabbit, turkey and chicken. However, it is recommended to eat lean meat, such as chicken breast. It is important to keep in mind that red meat contains creatine, which is beneficial for athletes.

Fish and seafood contain almost more protein than meat, and besides, you can also eat fatty fish, because fish fat unlike pork or beef, it is digested better and faster, contains polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3), less bad cholesterol and has a number of others useful properties. Pink salmon, halibut, saury, salmon contain the most protein, river perch, carp and tuna, as well as squid and shrimp (especially Far Eastern).

Eggs are easier to digest than meat and contain a lot of protein (although less than meat and fish). Soft-boiled eggs are best digested. Raw eggs It is not recommended to consume it, and you should also not eat a lot of egg yolks, as they are believed to increase cholesterol levels. If you have to eat a lot of eggs, use mostly whites.

Cottage cheese and other dairy products contain a lot of protein. The healthiest thing is low-fat cottage cheese. Low-fat dairy products, such as fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir, also contain a lot of protein. There is a lot of protein in cheeses, but they also have a lot of fat, so it is better to choose low-fat cheeses (such as feta cheese).

Legumes - beans, beans, soybeans, peas, lentils, etc. - contain a lot of protein, more than meat. If for some reason you are forced to limit your meat consumption, your body’s protein needs can be successfully compensated for by boiled beans (beans) or peas.

Nuts are another great source of protein. Peanuts have the most protein. It is followed (in descending order) by sunflower seeds, almonds and hazelnuts. You just need to remember that nuts contain a lot of fat - for example, more than 50% in seeds. Therefore, you should not consume kilograms of nuts - a handful of nuts a day is enough. It is also important to remember that some people are allergic to peanuts (and other nuts).

Best Sources of Carbohydrates

Porridge is an excellent source of carbohydrates. Moreover, it is important that cereals contain not only carbohydrates, but also protein (especially oatmeal, buckwheat, Wheat groats, semolina, millet, pearl barley), as well as dietary fiber (fiber), which improves intestinal function. The amount of carbohydrates in various cereals varies from 65 to 75%. Interestingly, the type of grain processed can change the type of carbohydrates and glycemic index of the finished dish. For example, whole grain oatmeal (Hercules) has a low glycemic index, unlike oatmeal, intended for quick cooking.

Noodles and pasta, especially from durum wheat and wholemeal flour. Adding high fiber vegetables (lettuce and other greens, cabbage, green beans etc.), as well as protein products (for example, meat sauce) lowers the glycemic index of the dish because it slows down the absorption of carbohydrates. In general, it is worth keeping in mind that eating vegetables and grains that contain fiber is useful for losing weight, but due to the slower absorption of carbohydrates and proteins, it may not be appropriate for gaining muscle mass.

Vegetables such as potatoes and beets also contain a lot of carbohydrates, and these are mainly quickly absorbed carbohydrates. Should not be abused fried vegetables- best baked or boiled “in their uniform”.

Fruits and dried fruits such as bananas, dates, dried apricots, figs, prunes, raisins are a treasure trove simple carbohydrates, as well as microelements and vitamins. They can be eaten plain (or mixed with nuts), and added to porridge and other dishes.

Best Sources of Fats

Vegetable oils are all easier to digest and healthier for the body than animal fats. It is advisable not to fry in oil, but to add it to already ready meals(for example, in porridge or salad), since heat treatment of oils greatly accelerates oxidation processes fatty acids and education of various harmful substances. Unfortunately, Omega-3 fatty acids, the most beneficial for the body, oxidize extremely quickly, so if you buy flaxseed or camelina oil, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date (the fresher the oil, the better), the light protection of the container (a dark brown bottle is better everything), and do not subject it to heat treatment under any circumstances.

Fish and fish oil - as already mentioned, contain a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids, which are easily digestible and accelerate metabolic processes, as well as contribute to more active processing of adipose tissue by the body and healing of cardio-vascular system. Most Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are found in tuna, Atlantic salmon, Atlantic herring, trout, sardines, carp and salmon.

Nuts and seeds - we have already mentioned as an excellent source of vegetable fats. They also contain a lot of protein and very few carbohydrates. In addition, nuts contain a large amount of microelements (magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, calcium).

Avocado is very healthy vegetable, containing a large amount of vegetable fats and microelements.

Sources of vitamins

Fruits first. Citrus fruits, kiwi, apples, and cranberries especially contain vitamin C. Apricots are rich in potassium and magnesium, while pomegranates contain large amounts of iron.

Fresh vegetables - tomatoes, carrots, spinach - are rich in antioxidants, carotenes, and tomatoes are a storehouse of lycopene.

Onions, garlic and herbs - richest source a whole series essential microelements, vitamins, antioxidants, phytoncides and other substances. They help to cope with stress (and every hard workout is stress for the body), increase the body’s resistance and endurance, strengthen the immune system and have a number of other benefits. useful actions on the athlete's body.

If a jock gets more from his daily menu food calories What he “burns” during training, he will definitely become overgrown with fat. Even if the amount of fat in his diet is zero. The fact is that the remaining macronutrients - carbohydrates and proteins - have a tragic ability for our bodybuilder brother.
They are utilized by the body only as needed, and all excess is “converted” into subcutaneous fat. As for carbohydrates (potatoes, cereals, sweets, pasta and flour products), every bodybuilder knows the commandment to eat less of all this goodness almost from the cradle.
But this is not the case with protein. Many people fearlessly “load” themselves with protein in “bomb” doses, since it is believed that this is how they can stimulate weight growth. Meanwhile, the body is able to absorb a maximum of 30-40 grams of protein at a time. And no steroids will help here. Excess protein will necessarily lie under the skin in the form of fat deposits. The longer the “experience” of overdoing it with protein, the more difficult it is to fight them. If we return to fats, they are only good in moderation. General rule is: 15-20% of total daily calories. In this case, you will not only lose fat, but also keep your heart healthy.

Only certain types of fats are harmful. But other fats are vital. For example, essential fatty acids, which are found in vegetable oil. The body is not able to produce them on its own. Meanwhile, it is these fats that are the “building material” for anabolic hormones, such as testosterone.
In addition, without them, fat metabolism is disrupted, which in practice
means a complete stop of the “melting” of subcutaneous fat under the influence of training. Here's a paradox: to burn fat, you need... fats! Best Sources of Healthy Fats - linseed oil and omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish). Healthy fats play a vital role in maintaining high immunity. By “crossing out” them from your diet, you are also damaging your health!

In fact, muscle is built from protein. And carbohydrates are the fuel that provides energy for intense workouts aimed at gaining weight. How many carbohydrates do you need? About 4-5 grams per kilogram of weight daily. No more, but no less. It will be
quite enough to provide the muscles with high tone and rapid recovery.

This phrase can be heard from those who go to Gym only to make the muscles more elastic and visible. And not like Arnold or Dorian Yates. It would seem that these guys really don’t need protein supplements. But this is only at first glance. In any case, the muscles should increase - grow in volume. well and muscle growth is fundamentally impossible if there is less than 2 grams of protein per kilogram of the athlete’s own weight per day. The problem is that the body urgently needs proteins for its own vital functions, for example, hematopoiesis
and synthesis of hormones. “Don’t give” your body enough dietary protein, and it will begin to devour your own muscle tissue, “extracting” protein amino acids from it. What a growth in mass! Hence the conclusion: with any type of training, keep protein in the focus of attention!

Nothing like this! It is impossible to cram all the necessary nutrients into three meals. You'll end up with elephant-sized portions!
But even if you manage to swallow them, two problems will arise. Firstly, large portions are difficult to digest. In reality this means what. Enough for some food gastric juice, bile and digestive enzymes, but not for the rest. As a result, the excess goes rotten right in your intestines. This results in increased gas formation and symptoms of food poisoning: lethargy and weakness. And secondly, if you eat rarely and in large quantities, “extra” fats, carbohydrates and proteins will definitely “reward” you with solid fat deposits. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are a tradition based on social order and tailored to the work day. But not all traditions are worth observing.
For health and optimal absorption nutrients It is much healthier to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions.

“Starvation” diets help you lose weight only temporarily. Wherein
Along with fat, you inevitably lose muscle. In addition, not receiving enough calories, your body switches to saving mode. Well, that means slowing everyone down. biological processes, including fat burning. Hence the typical effect of all starvation diets: at first the weight drops, but then firmly stabilizes. In order to reliably progress in shedding subcutaneous deposits, it is necessary to “connect” weight training to your diet. It itself stimulates metabolism, which means it will not allow the process of “burning” fat to fade away. Second condition: aerobics. It is guaranteed to accelerate the “melting” of fats.

Eat for festive table a weekly calorie requirement is, of course, a sin for a bodybuilder. But there is no point in “begging” him with hunger strikes tomorrow. A low-calorie diet (even just a day) will definitely slow down your metabolism, which means you will deprive yourself of the energy needed for hard training. So, if you've indulged in excess, don't go to the other extreme. Just return to your normal diet.

In the morning, the metabolic rate is highest. This means that the risk of fat deposits is minimal. During the day, the exchange gradually slows down, and by midnight it reaches its lowest point. So it turns out that the evening meal is the most “dangerous”. Meanwhile, many pumpers, out of fear of leaving their muscles without nutritional support all night
material they deliberately gorge themselves on right before bed. This is mistake! Such tactics will lead to obesity and nothing more. Given the low efficiency of digestion, you should not eat much in the evening. But then you need to have the will to get up at one or two in the morning and pour yourself a protein shake. Then night catabolism will definitely not threaten you! As for breakfast, for a bodybuilder this is the most important meal of the day. In the morning, the body best absorbs carbohydrates (to replenish glycogen stores) and protein (to build muscles).

No not like this. Beef tenderloin, back and sirloin contain as little fat as chicken breasts without skin, but they have much more iron and B vitamins. One way or another, you should know that any meat can easily be turned into “wrong” if you fry it in oil and pour it with fatty sauces. It is best to bake meat on the grill or in the oven with lemon juice and herbal seasonings.

It turns out that you should get all your carbohydrates only from fruits, vegetables and milk. But then how much will you have to eat and drink! If you limit yourself to feasible portions, then you simply won’t have enough calories. Well, a lack of calories, as is known, leads to a general slowdown in metabolism and a decrease in blood sugar levels. And a drop in sugar levels, in turn, provokes breakdown muscle tissue. So, there is no way to give up the so-called. starch carbohydrates. Their best sources are potatoes, whole grain pasta, brown rice and oatmeal. And don't forget - you should get 4-6 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight per day.

Indeed, juices contain a lot of vitamins, but in addition, they also have a lot of calories. With a glass of apple or grape juice, we “pour” into ourselves about 200 calories - the same amount contained in a couple of apples or
one large potato. But fruits and potatoes take much longer to digest. Juice, on the contrary, is absorbed too quickly, which leads to a sharp rise in blood sugar levels. This is usually followed by a powerful release of the hormone insulin. In principle, it is responsible for the absorption of sugar by muscles, but in addition, it stores carbohydrates for future use under the skin in the form of fat. It is clear that over time, if you abuse juices, abnormally high insulin secretion will certainly lead to fat accumulation. In addition, insulin provokes a strong appetite. And this ends in chronic overeating and the same fat deposits. After training, a good replacement for juice would be a plate of rice, oatmeal or, which is much better, legumes (beans, peas, beans). Well, satisfy your thirst with ordinary water.

Question about daily nutrition an athlete, a healthy lifestyle enthusiast who strives to monitor weight and health, is always relevant, because I myself have been involved in sports all my life and have been on all the diets in the world. And I continue to look for the best option.

The protein we are used to in the form of meat is not only starting to get boring, but we want variety. The question of the quality of this protein made me pay attention to plant protein.

So, legumes, namely beans, are the most optimal source of protein for both the athlete and modern society.

Let's try to figure out together what this “golden” product is and why it is attractive.

The calorie content of beans is 260 kcal, protein is 21-22 grams. But to cook it you need to soak it.

The most convenient option for consuming fruit beans, let’s call them by the usual word “beans beans,” is canned beans.

So, let's look at the most available options

There are many types of beans, but the most famous are white and red.

  1. Biological value of beans, composition. Useful qualities and digestibility.

By chemical composition canned beans are rich in highly nutritious plant protein, helping athletes and supporters healthy image life to quickly and fully recover from stress.

In addition, beans are rich in complex carbohydrates (i.e. fiber), which gives us long-lasting energy. Beans contain a lot of B vitamins, especially B 6, as well as minerals: iron, sulfur, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium and potassium.

About white Alubia: a source of iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and calcium

6 grams protein

Interestingly, the composition canned beans not much different from unprocessed beans. The product retains more than 80% of its nutrients after canning. Canned beans contain practically no fat; the calorie content of canned white beans is 95 kcal.

The most famous variety of red beans is the variety Kindy. High amino acid content. Source of iron, potassium, molybdenum and thiamine with pyridoxine.

Squirrel 7.8. kcal 123.

Canned beans normalize metabolism in the body, mainly protein and carbohydrate. Regular consumption of them helps reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

Canned beans are a blood-forming product. Because of great content iron and vitamin B6.

An excellent diuretic, expectorant and sedative.

Many sports use diuretics (which is unacceptable), so beans can come to the rescue of athletes such as: wrestling, boxing, and rhythmic gymnastics.

Very important point, protein from beans is much easier and faster to digest by the body. This is especially important for athletes when they need to quickly recover before the next workout.

A very important point: during preparation and preservation, the manufacturer soaks the beans correctly. Which is not always possible at home. That is why canned beans are well and easily digested in the stomach, there is no bloating or fermentation.

Beans are digested in an average of 2 hours.

  1. Lose weight with beans.

White beans for weight loss.

White beans are high in zinc and copper, calcium, and iron. They have a delicate structure and are digested better than other legumes. Thanks to high concentration zinc, white beans are equally beneficial for both women and men. Zinc deficiency in representatives of the stronger sex can cause infertility.

Eating beans 2-3 times a week will replenish our body with these elements.

The presence of dietary fiber that stimulates work digestive system and giving a feeling of satiety;

Reduced blood sugar levels;

Blocking calories and starch;

Low energy value.

Red beans for weight loss

In terms of the amount of protein, red beans are close to meat and fish. Red beans contain large amounts of iron, potassium, and sulfur. The latter is necessary in the treatment of bronchial, intestinal and skin diseases.

Beneficial properties of red beans for weight loss:

Low calorie content, 85 kcal in a can.

It has a diuretic effect, which in turn helps remove excess fluid from the body and eliminate swelling;

Takes part in the breakdown and elimination of fats.

Coarse fibers vegetable fiber V beans normalize work digestive tract, maintain a feeling of satiety, which leads to a reduction in the amount of food consumed and weight loss.

You don’t want to eat for 3-3.5 hours if you have canned beans in your diet, due to the fiber and high protein content.

  1. Beans in sports.

Protein sports nutrition and a dissolved protein shake are produced based on legumes. The basis of nutrition for bodybuilders and those who like to train with weights.

Pay special attention to the anti-allergenic property of legumes. Such sports nutrition perfectly restores muscles with building material and does not cause a negative reaction from the body. The digestibility of vegetable protein is up to 80%. They are a long-lasting protein; their best use is in the evening when the body is sleeping. Gradual nutrition of tired muscles at night.

“The athlete sleeps, the muscles grow.”

Because of high content fiber, it can help you reduce your levels
cholesterol, it regulates digestion and prevents constipation. Water-soluble fiber may help
regulate blood sugar levels (like a sponge absorbs glucose) and therefore less insulin is released. This is especially welcome
for diabetics and those suffering from insulin resistance and hypoglycemia, as well as for people who want
lose excess fat

For athletes and marathon enthusiasts, red beans are the most suitable. It contains a large amount of iron and B vitamins, which promotes the formation of red blood cells - hemoglobin.

  1. Beans as a meat replacement for vegetarian athletes. Or during Lent.

Protein is vital construction material for a person. He must be in daily diet nutrition and account for 25-45% of the total.

But what about those people who, in their conviction, do not accept animal protein?

Or during Orthodox posts, there are 4 of them, and each total number days a year are about 120, and this is a third of the year without meat or other animal protein.

Eating beans daily helps the body get everything it needs to function.

We take canned beans, 100 grams of product contain 6-8 grams of protein. An adult needs 100-150 grams of protein per day.

The daily diet of an athlete (vegetarian) may look like this:


Buckwheat porridge 200 grams 6 grams protein

200 grams red beans 17 grams protein

Lean bread toast with soy cheese

40 grams of nuts (walnuts and almonds) 7 grams

=30 grams per morning.


2 fruits (apple, banana, 50 grams peanuts) 10 grams of protein


Lentil soup 200 grams- 8 grams protein

Cauliflower with mushrooms 350 grams – 15 grams of protein = 23 grams

Snack after training, a protein shake with plant protein. 23 grams


Canned white beans tomato paste 200 grams 14 grams

Salad of fresh vegetables and spinach leaves 200 grams 4 grams of protein = 18 grams

In the evening, isolate on vegetable protein 23 grams

=127 grams of protein per day for an athlete, average, without animal products.

It is common knowledge that vegetarians do not suffer from obesity and rarely get sick. diabetes mellitus Type II and coronary disease hearts.

By replacing animal protein with plant protein, the following occurs:

Unloading the digestive organs. Meat takes a long time to digest, contributing to the formation of toxins and waste in the intestines.

Elimination of edema and reduction blood pressure. This happens due to an increase in fluid excretion naturally, with urine. And a decrease in its amount leads to a decrease in blood pressure.

Improving the elimination of lactic acid. From its excess, muscles ache after physical activity, appears general weakness, sometimes the temperature even rises.

But when talking about replacing meat with beans, you should remember that meat contains vitamin B12, which is absent in plant sources. This vitamin is critical for normal operation nervous system. At large physical activity The consumption of this vitamin is significant.

Therefore, when replacing animal protein with vegetable protein, it is imperative to use an additional source of vitamins, and Special attention pay attention to the vitamin B12 content in it.

  1. Beans for every day.

We have already told you above that it is not advisable to rely entirely on plant protein in our daily diet. But beans have a “magic time of day” when they are the most best dish, ideal in terms of taste and nutritional qualities, is breakfast

After all proper breakfast- this is a successful day, wellness and a slim body.

The carbohydrates needed to charge our brain are absorbed in moderation, without a big spike in insulin, if we add beans to breakfast. A large number of fiber in beans slows down the absorption of carbohydrates, which allows you to receive the necessary energy gradually, without storing its excess in fat layer. Plus, the presence of protein in beans makes your muscles full and energized.

And naturally, in modern world, when we usually don’t have time to soak beans, a person’s ideal breakfast would be a diet using canned beans.

I'll give you an example proper breakfast for men and women.

A proper breakfast for a man should not exceed 600 kcal. This breakfast includes for example:

Scrambled eggs from 2 eggs (the body receives 150 kcal and 20 grams of protein)

- 2 grain toasts (250 kcal, 8 grams protein, 30 grams complex carbohydrates)

100 grams canned beans (85 kcal, 15 grams protein + fiber)

Cappuccino (100 kcal)

Breakfast for a slim lady, 450 kcal

Scrambled eggs from one egg (80kcal, protein and essential fats)

Cereal toast (120 kcal plus complex carbohydrate energy)

100 grams of red beans (85 kcal and satiation for the whole morning)

A woman needs to pay more attention to iron-containing products, day maintenance normal level hemoglobin. Iron is better absorbed at breakfast.

Cappuccino without sugar, but with one piece of chocolate (150 kcal)

The coarse fiber in beans will prevent high insulin release. Therefore, chocolate in this diet will only be beneficial for a girl.

The benefits of eating beans are certainly not limited to the morning hours.

Lunch with beans is also healthy.

And the first thing that comes to mind in this case is, of course, lobio. A national dish Georgia, lobio translated from Georgian language- beans. To prepare this dish, use red or purple beans. All kinds of seasonings are added to lobio: garlic, walnuts, wine vinegar, vegetable oil and onions. Typically, onions account for up to half the amount of beans. Depending on the recipe, tkemali, tomatoes, and cheese are added. Spices: red and black pepper, cloves and coriander.

The dish turns out to be very nutritious and tasty.

For 100 grams of lobio we get:

65-80 kcal, depending on added ingredients (nuts and cheese)

0.5 fat ( vegetable oil and some nuts)

4 grams of protein

12 grams complex carbohydrates (fiber)

For a serving of 300 grams we get fullness, 12 grams of protein and a slim figure.

  1. canned beans are the most layered, light and satisfying snack for an athlete.

And finally, I’ll give an example from my own experience of eating beans. Athlete's experience.

One day after an evening workout I was so hungry that I couldn’t make it home. While running, you can only eat buns and shawarma, and this is not at all sporty and not for slender women. I gathered my strength into a fist and looked more closely at the counter (anything, but not rolls with chocolate, I didn’t want fruit at all). I remembered about canned beans and bought white beans from the store. tomato sauce, and a disposable spoon, I opened it on a bench in the park, ate half of it, felt that I was full and moved towards home. At home, I made a sandwich with black bread toast from the remaining half a jar. It turned out very tasty and the most interesting thing - satisfying. 300 calories from beans and 100 calories from toast - a wonderful dinner, both light and full. Now I regularly eat beans for dinner with a salad of greens and vegetables. it really replenishes both strength and well-being. And the most important thing is saving precious time for health benefits.

It’s not easy for all parents to cope right now. proper diet nutrition for your child, and what if the child is an athlete?

It is for athletes that the problem of choosing the most healthy products and dishes for their diet is relevant. From the point of view of energy requirements, the nutritional norm of the average adult, depending on the type of activity, is in the range from 1.8–3.5 thousand kilocalories. But for athletes, especially athletic sports, for whom maintaining optimal body weight is important, or those who actively train before competitions, this norm is in the range of 4-5 thousand kcal.

Of course, it is not always possible to get such a number of calories from regular food, especially since an athlete needs not only calories as such, but also a specifically balanced set of nutritional components: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals, etc.
IN big sport There is such a thing as sports nutrition, which is mainly based on protein shakes. But this does not exclude the presence of ordinary products in the athlete’s food.
It is extremely important for an athlete to include in his menu only those products that are optimal from the point of view of sports. One such product is beans. And that's why.

100 g of beans contains:
60 g carbohydrates (20–25% dietary fiber, 70–75% starch, 5% sugar);
21–23 g of proteins (12 essential and 8 non-essential amino acids, among which glutamine and aspartic acids, as well as leucine amino acids BCAA – 18%). The absorption of bean proteins is 70–80%, which is considered an extremely high indicator for protein;
0.8–1.7 g of fats, of which healthy (unsaturated) – 70%;
Vitamins B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, E, K, PP, which enhance neural conductivity, promote normal cell growth and regeneration and are responsible for protein synthesis. The intensity and quality of training depends on these vitamins, and a deficiency of these vitamins leads to disruption of the metabolism of fats and proteins, which, in turn, inhibits the growth of muscle mass.
100 g of “6 sotok” beans contain 120–265 kcal. The glycemic index of beans is low: from 15 to 35 depending on the variety.

It will also be useful for mothers to know that consumption of beans is recommended for the prevention of hypertension, stroke, pyelonephritis and cardiac arrhythmias, which is the basis for protecting a child athlete from the adverse effects of heavy physical activity.

Every training and, especially, competition is serious. physical stress, And regular use beans helps increase the body's resistance and endurance of the athlete, strengthens his immunity.

It is safer and easier to use canned beans in an athlete’s diet. This is due to the fact that when choosing beans for canning, only the best fruits, undamaged and untouched by rotting processes, are used. In addition, canned beans are already ready to eat, which makes them almost the main product in an athlete’s diet! My personal favorite in the line of canned beans is the 6 Sotok brand beans. It meets all the necessary quality requirements and, in addition, has a great taste!

With regards to physical education,
your Marianna Trifonova

An article about the rate and timing of protein and carbohydrate consumption after training.

The basis of any changes in the body is primarily nutrition, not physical activity. The result will largely depend on it. If the intensity of sports is high enough, it is also necessary to adjust the nutrition plan to the training. In this article we will introduce you to general norm and timing of protein and carbohydrate intake after exercise.

Recommendations for protein and carbohydrate intake. To achieve your goal, be it losing weight, gaining muscle mass or maintaining body shape, you first need to consume a certain amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates over a period of time. all day. This is important for building your body! For example, if you use all daily norm carbohydrates immediately after training, your efforts will not bring results. Firstly, as a rule, many simply physically cannot eat the required daily carbohydrate intake in one meal. Secondly, even if you try and regularly eat this way, you risk stretching your stomach and not having time to evenly use up the energy received from carbohydrate foods during the day and it will be stored as fat.

Therefore, let's figure it out overall role carbohydrates and proteins.

So, useful carbohydrate products(fruits, cereal crops, the legume family) help the body produce energy throughout the day, including for training. During digestion, carbohydrate products are broken down into individual glucose molecules. They then pass through the intestinal wall into the blood. Glucose is transported through the bloodstream to the liver, where it is filtered and stored in reserve. Pituitary gland (gland located in the brain internal secretion) supplies the pancreas and thyroid glands a signal to release hormones that force the liver to release accumulated glucose into the bloodstream, after which the blood delivers it to those organs and muscles that need it. Having reached the desired organ, glucose molecules enter the cells, where they are converted into a source of energy that is available for use by the cells.

They also speed up the recovery process after intense exercise and stimulate insulin production. They store glycogen in the muscles and liver, thanks to which the brain receives signals of satiety, so the body spends energy on muscle growth.

Daily requirement for carbohydrates. The American College of Sports Medicine gives general recommendations, from which it follows that the daily intake of carbohydrates depends on the type of sport and level of activity during training.

According to these data, most people should consume 3 to 5 grams of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight per day, provided that you exercise 3-4 times a week and the goal is to increase lean body mass. For those who train 3-4 times a week and want to lose weight, 2 grams of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight will be enough.

Carbohydrate intake after exercise

If there are 24 to 48 hours between workouts or sporting events, it is important to pay attention not to how many carbohydrates you consume at a time after training, but to ensure that you consume the daily amount necessary for your goals and activity level. In this case, glycogen reserves will be evenly restored between workouts.

Protein products (dairy, eggs, poultry, fish, meat) help maintain or increase muscle volume, avoid serious damage muscles and fill the bloodstream with amino acids, since protein is the main plastic material for the construction of cells, tissues and organs, the formation of enzymes, many hormones, and hemoglobin.

Daily protein requirement. According to research from the National Academy of Sports Medicine, for physical active people It is recommended to consume up to 2 grams per 1 kg of weight. If you exercise 3-4 times a week, this is considered an average level of activity. In this case, it is recommended not more than 1.7 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day.

Protein intake after exercise. According to research from the American College of Sports Medicine, it is recommended to consume about 20 grams of protein along with carbohydrates within the first 30 minutes after exercise. physical activity, thereby optimizing the recovery process. Experts from the National Academy of Sports Medicine note that after training it is necessary to give preference to dairy products, as well as eggs, since the protein in these products is more easily absorbed than from other sources.

Example of a post-workout meal:

1. When losing weight:

  • cod (protein) + green beans (fiber)
  • turkey (protein) + fresh vegetable salad (fiber)

2. When gaining muscle mass:

  • chicken breast (protein) + lentils (complex carbs) + broccoli (fiber)


Remember that nutrition after training, as before, should be balanced. This way you will make the work done truly effective.
December 21, 2016, 17:28 2016-12-21
