Treatment for a lump on the upper eyelid of a dog. A tumor of the eyelid was discovered in a dog: diagnostic methods, treatment. Treatment of eye stye in dogs

Humans and dogs are completely different biological species, but the structure of some organs, tissues and cells is very similar. And therefore, diseases that attack people can just as easily occur in four-legged pets. Eye diseases They are classified as “universal” pathologies, and a stye on a dog’s eye is just as likely to occur as an abscess on a human eyelid.

What is causing the problem?

The outer mucous membrane of the eyelids is covered with sebaceous glands, the main function of which is to secrete lubricant onto the eyeball. This is necessary to ensure that the apple is always hydrated. To protect against dust getting into the eyes, the edges of the eyelids are covered with eyelashes. Impact strong flow air, dust particles and other irritants (smoke, etc.) causes the nerve endings to send an impulse signal to the cerebral cortex, the eye secretes a protective tear, and the eyelid closes.

Barley is an inflammation caused by pathogenic microorganisms entering the eyelash follicle or sebaceous pore. Bacteria multiply, affecting healthy cells and a dense “ball” appears on the surface of the eyelid. Localization of an abscess can be of two types:

  1. External - the abscess affects the outer side of the lower/upper eyelid, causing swelling of the eye.
  2. Internal - the abscess is located from the inside, protruding from the outside as a small but painful tubercle through the skin.

A dog may have a stye on his eye different sizes, it all depends on the state of the pet’s immune system and the severity of the infection.


First of all, the animal begins to experience local redness and slight swelling in the area of ​​the ciliary edge. After a couple of days, a head forms in the center of the swelling yellowish color(pus begins to accumulate). Initially, this formation is the size of a grain of millet. But pathogenic organisms quickly do their job, rapidly multiplying into a whole colony, and now, in place of a pinpoint abscess, there is already an abscess. The more inflammation swells, the thinner the walls of the eyelid become.

In the end, the epithelium cannot stand it and ruptures under the pressure of pus (the abscess opens). This usually happens on days 3-5. But there may be another development of events, the abscess will resolve inside the follicle.


If the immune system is so weak that it cannot cope with microbes that have entered the sebaceous or hair pores, then there must be reasons that have undermined the dog’s body’s defenses. Veterinarians identify factors that affect the state of the immune system:

  • A recent or current cold or infection.
  • Defeat skin fungus.
  • Intoxication.
  • Eye diseases accompanied by inflammation of mucous tissues (conjunctivitis, adenovirus, etc.).
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Injuries to the organs of vision.
  • Stressful state of the animal.
  • Keeping a pet in inappropriate conditions (damp room, low temperatures, poor diet).

At high degree infection, the purulent process can cover a large area (external and internal tissues of the eyelids).

Stye on a dog's eye photo


If a dog has stye on his eye, then you need to take a comprehensive approach to its treatment. First of all, eliminate all prerequisites that reduce immune system.

To alleviate the condition of the four-legged ward, it is used classic scheme antibarley therapy:

  1. Strict eye hygiene.
  2. Rinse with boiled water.
  3. Lotions or rinsing with herbal decoctions (calendula, chamomile).
  4. Drugs sulfonamide group orally (inside).
  5. Local anti-inflammatory drugs (ointments and drops, for example: Hydrocortisone, Tetracycline, Levomycetin.)
  6. Physiotherapy (Dry heat, UHF, Quartz)

At multiple formations treatment for abscesses will be more serious:

  • Surgical opening of ulcers.
  • A course of antibiotics in injections or tablets.
  • Immunostimulants.
  • Vitamins.

Barley boils are a consequence weak defense body, it is very important, in parallel with the treatment of eye lesions, to eliminate other pathologies and strengthen the immune system.

Rules healthy eyes simple - this is hygiene, timely treatment any diseases, balanced diet.

What not to do if a dog has a stye in his eye :

  • Apply warming with dry heat until the abscess is opened - the inflammatory process will intensify.
  • Opening the suppuration yourself - in 90% of cases this leads to pus getting into the tissue and causing serious inflammation.
  • Carry out treatment without medical diagnosis - sometimes stye is confused with inflammation as a result of ingrown eyelashes or a special form of blepharitis.

The health of a pet directly depends on its owner. Dogs are the only animals that are selflessly loyal, in spite of everything, and to behave irresponsibly towards a devoted friend is simply dishonest.

When a puppy appears in the house, people become so attached to it that it simply becomes a full-fledged member of the family. They play with him, walk, even sleep together in the same bed. However, pets bring not only joy, but also anxiety. Most often, owners worry about them when they get sick. Just like in humans, stye can appear on the eye of dogs. How to treat it? What consequences can this lead to? What reasons lead to the development of inflammation? These questions are often asked by dog ​​owners. Detailed answers to them will be given in this material.

Before you learn how to treat stye on a dog’s eye (see the article for photos of the pathology), you need to find out what this disease is. In medicine, stye is a pimple with purulent contents that affects the eyelid. It appears due to inflammation, which originates in sebaceous glands ah or hair follicle. This process is accompanied severe pain. In addition, the dog experiences discomfort, as swelling occurs in the eye, and then pus forms. The affected area swells due to the accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms. It is they, when multiplying, that cause the inflammatory process.

Types of barley

A dog can have two types. Veterinarians distinguish them by location. Based on this, they distinguish:

  • External barley. The name of the pathology speaks for itself. The inflammatory process affects the outer side of the upper or lower eyelid. Initially, barley appears as a small red lump. When microorganisms multiply, this leads to the formation purulent fluid. When it matures, it comes out.
  • Internal stye. The disease proceeds somewhat differently than in the first case. Inflammation occurs on the inside of the eyelid. The outside of the skin may not change or may be slightly red. A small lump will be felt with your fingers. In some cases, a barely noticeable bump appears.


Owners need to know that stye on a dog’s eye can appear when microscopic mites, fungi, and bacteria penetrate the sebaceous glands or hair follicles. It is important to do it correctly water procedures and monitor animal hygiene. Otherwise, in advanced cases, not one stye may appear, but three or even four at the same time. In addition to microorganisms, provoke the development of this disease The following factors may:

  • Poor nutrition. The diet lacks minerals and vitamins.
  • Infection - Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Weak immune system.
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane.
  • Consequences of stress.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Eye injuries.

Process Development

How does stye develop on a dog's eye? 3-4 days should pass before inflammation begins and the abscess matures. At the first stage, slight swelling appears. It is localized in the area of ​​the eyelashes. After some time, the swelling will increase and the skin will take on a red tint. So the inflammatory process proceeds for 2-3 days. At the second stage of the disease, a head appears on the barley. It has a white-yellow color. It can ripen for several days. On last stage the abscess breaks through and all the contents come out. However, an abscess does not always form. If the dog good immunity, then the stye may go away on its own.


A stye on a dog’s eye can be seen visually. As mentioned above, inflammation manifests itself in the form of swelling and redness. However, these are not all the symptoms that accompany this disease. Your dog may also have:

  • Increased body temperature.
  • Severe swelling eyelids.
  • Redness of the skin.
  • Restless behavior (the animal constantly scratches its eye).
  • Discharge of purulent fluid.

Stye on a dog's eye: treatment

Before choosing a treatment method for barley, you need to know exactly the type of inflammation. It was said above that an abscess can be external and internal. As for the latter, it is not recommended to treat it yourself. The fact is that the pet may require serious procedures that the owner cannot perform. As a rule, barley is opened with a scalpel and washed with a special solution. After these manipulations, the doctor treats with an antiseptic.

But you can deal with external barley on your own. Therapeutic actions will be simple, so you can do them at home. As a rule, the following scheme is used to combat abscesses:

  • They wash their eyes with Furacilin, both of them, and not just the one with inflammation.
  • Use tetracycline or hydrocortisone ointment. They should be applied to the eyelid at least five times a day.
  • Antibiotics are prescribed in parallel with the ointment - eye drops“Desacid”, “Levomycetin”, “Iris”. They must be buried within two weeks. Dosage - 2 drops no more than three times a day.

There are not only medicinal methods treatment of barley. As always, he comes to the rescue ethnoscience. Since ancient times, such inflammation has been fought with the help of dry heat. To do this, they took a boiled, peeled egg, wrapped it in a scarf and rolled it over the eyelid. But this method can only be used if there is no purulent head on the barley. Otherwise, the animal’s condition can worsen.

Veterinarians' Caution

If a dog has stye on his eye, everyone should know what to do and what is strictly prohibited. Treatment methods have already been discussed above, and now we need to find out what is under no circumstances allowed to be done.

Veterinarians strictly prohibit squeezing out barley on your own. This should not be done, as unwanted serious consequences. For example, the dog will become infected again or develop meningitis.


Like any other disease, it is better to prevent the appearance of barley than to deal with inflammatory processes later. To do this, you will need to review your dog's diet. It must be balanced. Animal in mandatory needs vitamins and minerals. This diet helps strengthen the immune system. According to veterinarians, this is the main preventive measure. It is important to remember that the dog must be kept clean, walked with it a lot, and exercised regularly. hygiene procedures and feed only high-quality food. In this case, the risk of barley will be minimized.

A dog and a person are different creatures of nature, but they have a lot in common! They find it easily mutual language When communicating, sometimes they understand each other without words. No wonder they say: "Dog best friend man!"

But, like a person, so a dog, unfortunately, also has general diseases! One of them - stye on the eye.

What is stye on a dog's eye?

Stye on a dog's eye(Yorkshire terrier puppy, pomeranian, Chihuahua) is inflammation sebaceous gland, and there may also be inflammation of the hair follicle. This infection, which is capable of spreading, there is the possibility of the formation of several barleys.

The dog has stye on the eye, reasons

The cause of this disease can be caused by fungus, microbes, as well as microscopic mites. When one of the pathogens (microorganism) penetrates the hair follicle or sebaceous gland, it begins to multiply intensively, which is why the disease can spread.

Factors influencing the occurrence of barley in a puppy

  • Stress.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Lack of eye care for a puppy (adult dog).
  • Weakened immunity.
  • Lack of vitamins in the animal’s body (vitaminosis).
  • Poor nutrition (not balanced).
  • Conjunctivitis.

Types of stye in dogs

Treatment of barley in dogs

Treatment for stye on the eye in dogs is the same as in humans. It takes quite a long time for a stye to go away (1-2 weeks), depending on how quickly you start treatment, so be patient and proceed.

You can burn barley with alcohol; apply a cotton swab to the barley for a couple of minutes - 2-3 times a day.

A very effective remedy is the use of tetracycline ointment; it is applied over the eyelids, as well as under the lower eyelids. If the stye is on one eye, you need to smear the other eye as a preventive measure to prevent the spread of infection. The more often you use the ointment, the better faster recovery(5-6 times a day, if you don’t have time due to work, then 2-3 times a day is simply necessary).

You can also use hydrocortisone ointment adjacently - applied to the site of inflammation.

Also, barley on the eye in puppies of the Yorkshire Terrier, Pomeranian Spitz, Chihuahua and others can be treated and traditional methods- rinse your eyes with boiled water, and also use a decoction of chamomile or calendula - these are very good antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agents.

Very effective method There is also dry heating (heat), attach a boiled egg wrapped in a cloth to the barley. If, after warming up, a purulent cap appears on the barley tumor, it means that recovery is near and warming up can be stopped. Under no circumstances should you punch the pus or try to squeeze it out; there is a risk of infection penetrating into the very depths of the eye, and then further (meningitis or sepsis may occur). The pus should come out naturally.

If the treatment process is prolonged (more than 2 weeks), contact your veterinarian for help, he will prescribe you additional treatment antibiotics.

Health to you and your pet!

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Stye on the eye of a dog is a common occurrence, as well as in people. This is an inflammatory process that affects the sebaceous gland of the eyelid. This disease creates discomfort, often causes itching, irritation on the skin around the eye, and also the formation of a purulent tumor.

Barley recognition

A purulent formation on the eye, which is barley, is noticeable immediately if it is on outside century. If it is inside the eye, the pet feels constant discomfort, a slight swelling appears on the eye, and the eyelid swells slightly. If the stye is not treated immediately, bacteria multiply and pus fills the eyelid cavity. The dog's behavior does not change at all at the very beginning of the disease, but redness of the eye can be seen and the dog may feel itching.

Types and causes of barley

There is an internal and appearance barley. An internal stye is a small formation (tubercle) inside the eye. External stye is a reddish formation that appears on the surface of the mucous membrane of the eye. Later, this formation darkens and accumulates pus.

Barley appears as a result of contact with various bacteria or harmful microorganisms on the mucous membrane. Barley can be a problem that develops into a chronic disease; the dog may subsequently experience reduced immunity and permanently weakened immunity. Causes of stye:

  • weakened immunity (barley often occurs in puppies, due to a poorly developed immune system, or in small pets who have weak immunity);
  • hypothermia or excessive exposure of the animal to the sun;
  • various bacteriological diseases;
  • stress, overexertion, poor nutrition(insufficient consumption by the dog different vitamins and minerals);
  • keeping a dog in inappropriate conditions.

The reasons for its occurrence are different, as are the consequences of the disease. You should be attentive to your dog, visit the veterinarian in a timely manner, vaccinate your dog on time and monitor its diet. In addition to these reasons, we can also highlight the possibility of barley occurring in some breeds of dogs: Chihuahuas, lapdogs, miniature pinschers, pugs or Yorkshire Terriers. To a greater extent in small dogs, which have low immunity and a tendency to eye diseases.

Symptoms of barley in an animal

Symptoms appear 3-4 days after infection, redness immediately appears on the eyelid. There may be slight swelling of the eye and elevated temperature at the dog. After a few days, the small lump may ooze pus (a yellowish substance). The dog feels itchy and tries to scratch the sore eye, which can cause even more suppuration.

Important! Do not squeeze out the pus or let your dog scratch its eye; you should immediately contact a veterinarian and begin treatment. If you notice this ailment and particles of dirt, it must be removed using cotton wool soaked in water.

Treatment of eye stye in dogs

You should definitely consult a doctor before treating your dog. The doctor will be able to examine and necessary tests. If the formation is on the inner eyelid, the doctor will remove it and wash it out antiseptic if you need to use an antibiotic. This method is used at a late stage of the disease to avoid infection. But, in principle, internal and external stye are treated in the same way.

First, the eye is thoroughly washed with a concentrated solution of chamomile or a solution of furatsilin (one tablet of furatsilin per glass of water). The doctor must make sure that the dog does not have allergic reaction for medicine. This is done using a blood test. With the help of medicinal anti-inflammatory ointments, which are placed behind the eyelid, you can cure stye in a dog.

If an animal has late stage diseases, use various drops containing potent antibiotics. It is important to remember that you should not apply heat to the area with the tumor, this can aggravate the situation and increase the amount of pus.

Drugs that treat stye on a dog's eye

The most popular means There is Tetracycline ointment. It contains an antibiotic that fights bacteria and quickly eliminates redness, itching and irritation. After several days of use, the pet immediately feels better and the affected eye stops itching.

Erythromycin ointment. An ointment that is prescribed to both animals and people with barley disease. It actively fights bacteria, eliminates fungus, reduces the amount of pus and dries the barley itself quite strongly, thereby reducing it. Prevents the entire eye from being affected.

Levomycetin drops. An antibiotic that is easy to instill in a dog, does not cause a burning sensation and effectively eliminates the disease on early stage. It is better to follow the recommendation of a doctor, who will select a drug taking into account the characteristics of the animal, and also prescribe treatment if the dog is allergic to the drug.

You can also use folk remedies: wash the dog’s eyes after each walk with a solution of chamomile and calendula. Make various compresses from sea buckthorn oil, which soothe the eyes and serve antibacterial agent and are absolutely harmless to your pet's health.

Prevention treatment

Main preventive method will monitor the dog’s nutrition and support its immune system. This can be done with the help of vitamins, supplements, and the right balanced nutrition. The diet should include vegetables, healthy cereals and fresh meat.

If the dog eats dry food, it should be selected according to the dog's age. You should ensure that the dog does not come into contact with sick animals, and after a walk you can wipe its paws disinfectant. It is very important to get vaccinated on time and be examined by a veterinarian every six months.

Conclusions about the formation of barley

A stye on a dog's eye can occur due to many reasons. It's worth remembering that you don't need to exercise self-treatment pet. It is worth contacting a specialist in time. Stye can be easily cured, but improper treatment can cause chronic diseases eye. You should make sure that no particles of dust or various contaminants get into your dog’s eyes after a walk or play. They can become infectious agents and form stye.

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Pets, our companions and life partners, not only inherit the character of their owner, but also suffer from similar ailments. Stye on a dog’s eye is an unpleasant and painful pathology, but the problem is that neither medicine nor veterinary medicine has yet developed prevention or a clear treatment for the disease.

Causes and types of barley in dogs

The outer side of the eyelids is dotted with exposed sebaceous glands of the mucous membrane. The main function of the glands is to produce lubricant for hydration eyeball. The mucous membranes are surrounded by eyelashes, which protect the eyes from microscopic dust particles. If air pressure or dust gets on the eyelashes, the sensory signal is transmitted to the brain and the eyelid closes and the eye begins to water.

Barley is an inflammatory process that began due to harmful microorganisms entering the pores of the sebaceous gland or eyelash follicle. A compaction in the form of a small ball forms on the eyelid. According to localization, barley is divided into:

  • External– stye is located on the upper or lower eyelid, while the eye itself swells.
  • Interior– barley is formed from inside century, and a small painful bump appears on the skin.

The size of the formation depends on the degree of infection and the state of the dog’s immunity. Usually, the process begins with a formation the size of a grain of millet, but can increase, see photo below. Rapidly multiplying microbes “launch” purulent inflammation, which leads to thinning of the walls of the eyelid and subsequent opening or resorption of the stye.

Typically, the cause of inflammation of the eyelids can be any factor that weakens the immune defense:

  • Previous infectious or cold disease.
  • Fungal skin infection.
  • Intoxication.
  • Inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane of the eye, conjunctivitis.
  • Violation of animal welfare standards, hypothermia, high dampness in the home, unbalanced nutrition.
  • Lack of vitamins.
  • Eye injury.
  • Stress.

Important! Due to high infection, the inflammatory process can spread to nearby tissues of the eyes and eyelids.

Treatment and prevention of barley in dogs

Before treating barley, it is necessary to exclude all factors that provoke a decrease in immunity. Next, it is necessary to alleviate the dog’s condition. Classic treatment consists of maintaining hygiene and using anti-inflammatory ointments, for example, Tetracycline, Hydrocortisone, Erythromycin.

Tetracycline ointment is applied in small quantities to the affected eyelid 5-6 times a day. If the stye is external, the eyelids are treated with Hydrocortisone. Please note that local treatment It is carried out for two eyes at once, regardless of the location of the inflammation. To enhance the effect, antibiotics are used - Levomycytin eye drops, used as prescribed by a veterinarian or according to instructions. The course of treatment is 7–14 days. If a stye in a dog’s eye does not go away, take your dog to the doctor. Visually, stye looks like an inflammatory process due to ingrown eyelashes.

Important! Do not heat barley unless the procedure is prescribed by a veterinarian!

At the stage when a purulent head has appeared at the top of the stye, the veterinarian may prescribe heating. Typically, purified boiled egg or warm tea bag. You may come across a recommendation to process barley at 70° medical alcohol, but using the method is much riskier than the possible positive effect.

If styes occur en masse on your dog’s eyelids, be sure to contact your veterinarian, who will determine how to treat the disease. Most likely, local treatment will be powerless, and the animal will be prescribed a course of antibiotics, immunostimulants, followed by surgical opening of the formations.

Important! Never open or squeeze a stye on your dog's eye! In 9 cases out of 10, such self-medication leads to the outpouring of pus into the interstitial space, which is fraught with severe inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye.

  • Stye on a dog's eye - what is it and how to recognize it?
  • Causes of stye appearing on a dog's eye
  • The process of stye formation on the eye and its symptoms in dogs
  • Treatment of barley in dogs

Our smaller brothers often become real family members and delight us, the owners, with their ease and pure naive love. And although we are different species, we can be plagued by the same diseases, for example, colds and worms.

But barley on a dog’s eye often causes bewilderment, because there is still no definite answer to the question - what to do and what kind of treatment.

The eyelid contains numerous glands that open at the edges (the sebaceous glands of the eyelashes - meibomian glands). They produce an oily substance that protects the eyes from drying and rubbing of the eyelids, as well as from excess tear fluid and foreign bodies. Blockage of the ducts of these glands or their inflammation leads to swelling of the eyelids. A “red pocket” or “stye” forms on the eyelid. When one of the pathogens (microorganism) penetrates the hair follicle or sebaceous gland, it begins to multiply intensively, which is why the disease can spread to nearby tissues and contribute to the formation of several styes.

Barley can be located not only on the outside, but also on the inside of the eyelid:

  • External stye - this type stye manifests itself in inflammation of the hair follicle or sebaceous gland, redness and increased inflammation appear on the outside of the dog’s eye, and swelling appears. And after a while, pus may appear in the tumor.
  • Internal stye – this type of stye in dogs appears on the inside of the eyelid. Inflammation of the meibomian gland lobule occurs ( fat gland cartilaginous plate of the eyelid).

The reason for the appearance of barley on a dog's eye may be the entry into the sebaceous gland or hair follicle, microbes, fungus, as well as microscopic mites.

Factors contributing to the appearance of stye on the eye in dogs are:

  • Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Weakening of the body as a result of disease.
  • Toxic-allergic conditions.
  • Hypothermia.
  • The presence of an uncorrected refractive error.
  • Contact with small foreign bodies on the conjunctiva.
  • Stress.
  • A-hypovitaminosis.
  • Unbalanced diet.
  • Lack of eye care.
  • Conjunctivitis.

Infection can also occur hematogenously.

Styes begin with local redness, soreness and slight swelling in the area of ​​the ciliary edge of the eyelid. After 2-4 days, a yellowish head forms at its top. On the 3-4th day from the beginning of the process, the abscess is opened and purulent contents and particles of necrotic tissue are released from it. In other cases, either resorption of the infiltrate or its organization occurs.

Sometimes, especially when squeezing out pus, barley can cause phlegmon of the orbit, thrombosis of the cavernous sinus, and meningitis.

Treatment of barley in dogs is general and local. Prescribed internally sulfa drugs.

Local treatment of barley involves the use of antibiotics in the form eye ointments(hydrocortisone, tetracycline, maxitrol, erythromycin, 10% sulfacyl sodium) or Levomycetin drop. Hydrocortisone should be applied directly to the inflammation itself, and tetracycline should be applied behind the lower eyelid. Be sure to smear both eyes, even if there is inflammation in only one. Ointments are applied 5-6 times a day, as a last resort– at least 3 times a day.

Before using the ointment, the eyes should be rinsed with boiled water or a decoction of calendula or chamomile. These herbs have excellent antiseptic properties and they will not allow the inflammation to spread further.

One of the most common means of combating barley is dry heat. Boil the egg, peel, wrap in a clean scarf and apply to the inflamed area. Only this should be done only after opening the abscess. Otherwise, the process will only get worse. You can also use tea lotions and baked onions.

Barley can also be processed ethyl alcohol 70 degrees. To do this, drop alcohol onto a cotton pad and apply it to the barley for a couple of minutes.

You can use albucid - instill 1-2 drops into each eye 4-6 times a day.

UHF and tube quartz are also used to treat barley in dogs.

Local treatment is carried out until the symptoms of inflammation disappear. In case of massive processes, barley is opened in combination with general antibacterial treatment. For recurrent barley - autohemotherapy, vitamins, oral antibiotics.

Under no circumstances should you pierce the purulent cap and squeeze out the pus. This can cause infection to penetrate deep into the eye and cause more serious illnesses, such as meningitis or sepsis.

On average, barley should go away in a week. If this does not happen, then perhaps you are dealing with another type of blepharitis, which includes stye. Visit your veterinarian again to have him prescribe additional medications.

Stye on the eye of a dog is a common occurrence, as well as in people. This is an inflammatory process that affects the sebaceous gland of the eyelid. This disease creates an unpleasant sensation, often causes itching, irritation on the skin around the eye, and also the formation of a purulent tumor.

Barley recognition

A purulent formation on the eye, which is a stye, is immediately noticeable if it is on the outside of the eyelid. If it is inside the eye, the pet feels constant discomfort, a slight swelling appears on the eye, and the eyelid swells slightly. If the stye is not treated immediately, bacteria multiply and pus fills the eyelid cavity. The dog's behavior does not change at all at the very beginning of the disease, but redness of the eye can be seen and the dog may feel itching.

Types and causes of barley

There is an internal and external appearance of barley. An internal stye is a small formation (tubercle) inside the eye. External stye is a reddish formation that appears on the surface of the mucous membrane of the eye. Later, this formation darkens and accumulates pus.

Barley appears as a result of contact with various bacteria or harmful microorganisms on the mucous membrane. Barley can be a problem that develops into a chronic disease; the dog may subsequently experience decreased immunity and a permanently weakened immune system. Causes of stye:

  • weakened immunity (barley often occurs in puppies, due to a poorly developed immune system, or in small pets who have weak immunity);
  • hypothermia or excessive exposure of the animal to the sun;
  • various bacteriological diseases;
  • stress, overexertion, poor nutrition (insufficient intake of various vitamins and minerals by the dog);
  • keeping a dog in inappropriate conditions.

The reasons for its occurrence are different, as are the consequences of the disease. You should be attentive to your dog, visit the veterinarian in a timely manner, vaccinate your dog on time and monitor its diet. In addition to these reasons, we can also highlight the possibility of stye occurring in some dog breeds: Chihuahuas, lap dogs, miniature pinschers, pugs or Yorkshire terriers. To a greater extent in small dogs, which have low immunity and a tendency to eye diseases.

Symptoms of barley in an animal

Symptoms appear 3-4 days after infection, redness immediately appears on the eyelid. There may be slight swelling of the eye and a fever in the dog. After a few days, the small lump may ooze pus (a yellowish substance). The dog feels itchy and tries to scratch the sore eye, which can cause even more suppuration.

Important! Do not squeeze out the pus or let your dog scratch its eye; you should immediately contact a veterinarian and begin treatment. If you notice this ailment and particles of dirt, it must be removed using cotton wool soaked in water.

Treatment of eye stye in dogs

You should definitely consult a doctor before treating your dog. The doctor will be able to do an examination and the necessary tests. If education is at inner eyelid eyes, the doctor will remove it and wash it with an antiseptic if you need to use an antibiotic. This method is used at a late stage of the disease to avoid infection. But, in principle, internal and external stye are treated in the same way.

First, the eye is thoroughly washed with a concentrated solution of chamomile or a solution of furatsilin (one tablet of furatsilin per glass of water). The doctor must make sure that the dog does not have an allergic reaction to the medicine. This is done using a blood test. With the help of medicinal anti-inflammatory ointments, which are placed behind the eyelid, you can cure stye in a dog.

If the animal has a late stage of the disease, various drops containing potent antibiotics are used. It is important to remember that you should not apply heat to the area with the tumor, this can aggravate the situation and increase the amount of pus.

Drugs that treat stye on a dog's eye

The most popular remedy is Tetracycline ointment. It contains an antibiotic that fights bacteria and quickly eliminates redness, itching and irritation. After several days of use, the pet immediately feels better and the affected eye stops itching.

Erythromycin ointment. An ointment that is prescribed to both animals and people with barley disease. It actively fights bacteria, eliminates fungus, reduces the amount of pus and dries the barley itself quite strongly, thereby reducing it. Prevents the entire eye from being affected.

Levomycetin drops. An antibiotic that is easy to instill in a dog, does not cause a burning sensation and is good at eliminating the disease at an early stage. It is better to follow the recommendation of a doctor, who will select a drug taking into account the characteristics of the animal, and also prescribe treatment if the dog is allergic to the drug.

You can also use folk remedies: wash the dog’s eyes after each walk with a solution of chamomile and calendula. Make various compresses from sea buckthorn oil, which soothe the eyes, serve as an antibacterial agent and are absolutely harmless to the health of your pet.

Prevention treatment

The main preventative method will be to monitor the dog’s nutrition and support its immune system. This can be done with the help of vitamins, supplements, and a proper balanced diet. The diet should include vegetables, healthy cereals and fresh meat.

If the dog eats dry food, it should be selected according to the dog's age. You should ensure that your dog does not come into contact with sick animals, and after a walk you can wipe your paws with a disinfectant. It is very important to get vaccinated on time and be examined by a veterinarian every six months.

Conclusions about the formation of barley

A stye on a dog's eye can occur due to many reasons. It is worth remembering that you do not need to self-treat your pet. It is worth contacting a specialist in time. Styes can be easily cured, but improper treatment can cause chronic eye diseases. You should make sure that no particles of dust or various contaminants get into your dog’s eyes after a walk or play. They can become infectious agents and form stye.

What do you prefer to feed your pets?

    Special veterinary feeds 5%, 341 votes

    I don't feed her, she finds food somewhere herself 3%, 203 votes

January 17, 2018

Inflammatory process of the sebaceous gland or hair follicle called barley. It is noteworthy that stye is a type of blepharitis.

Stye on a dog's eye

Most of the sebaceous glands are located on the outside of the eyelids, the functions of which include the formation of mucous exudate to moisturize the eyeball. There are eyelashes around the eye that protect the mucous membrane from mechanical damage– ingress of dust and small solid particles. If the age-old barrier passes and small hard or soft particles still get on the mucous membrane, the eyelid begins to move and closes the organ of vision.

There is a stye on the dog's eye.

As for barley, this is a process that is characterized by inflammation as a result of the penetration of an irritant into the pores of the sebaceous gland or into the hair follicle.

Classification of causes and types of barley

Based on location, three types of pathology are distinguished:

  • external type– develops on the outer side of the eyelid;
  • interior– localized on the inside;
  • mixed type– simultaneously on the upper and lower eyelid, external and internal location.

External type of pathology.


A stye looks like a lump.

Causes painful sensations.

Present severe itching.

In appearance, the disease looks like a reddened lump that is painful to the touch; often the entire eye becomes swollen, depending on the degree of damage.

A harbinger of infection is severe itching in the eye area. The dog will constantly rub his eyes with his paw. The progression of the disease causes purulent inflammation.


The main causes of infection:

  • complication of respiratory diseases;
  • fungal skin infection;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • any inflammatory ophthalmic infection, conjunctivitis, for example;
  • improper conditions of detention: damp premises, hypothermia, poor nutrition;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • eye injuries;
  • stressful or shock situations.

Stress can cause infection.

It is important for owners to remember that ignoring pathology leads to damage to nearby tissues and optic nerves animal, which causes complications and the possibility of loss of vision.

Symptoms and signs

  • The early stage of the disease is characterized swelling and hyperemia of the affected eyelid.
  • The dog becomes restless, constantly rubs his inflamed eyelids with his paws, which further aggravates the problem.
  • The animal is acting scared, does not allow itself to be touched, and when the eyelid is touched, it becomes aggressive, tries to bite the owner, and there is noticeable pain.
  • A more advanced stage is characterized by the formation pus at the site of the lesion.
  • Small the seal increases in size and becomes like a significant tumor.

When sick, a dog constantly rubs its eyes with its paws.

The transition from one stage to another takes several days - from two to four.

After this time, a spontaneous breakthrough of the abscess occurs or the opening does not occur at all and the tumor gradually disappears. However, this does not mean that the infection has gone away.

Treatment of styes in dogs

The effectiveness of treatment depends on timely medical intervention. It is important to notice the disease at an early stage and alleviate the animal’s suffering.

Timely contact with a veterinarian affects the effectiveness of treatment.

If the infection progresses and the abscess is already fully formed, it is strictly forbidden to open it yourself. Moreover, you should not try to squeeze out the pus - this is fraught with complications and the development of infections such as meningitis, phlegmon, sepsis.


Therapy is used mainly of a local nature. Use hydrocortisone or tetracycline ointment. In this case, hydrocortisone is applied to the immediate area inflammatory process, and tetracycline ointment is applied to the lower eyelid area.

Hydrocortisone ointment is used to treat the eyes.

Therapy is carried out on both eyes, even if only one organ is inflamed. Perform the appointment up to six times a day. Before using ointments, wash the site of infection with an antiseptic solution.

Alcohol can be a possible antiseptic. To do this, moisten the swab and apply it to the eyelid. In this way, cauterize the stye two or three times a day. Sulfonamide drugs, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs for topical use are prescribed.

Folk remedies

From folk remedies a decoction of chamomile or calendula is used. These plants act as excellent antiseptic solutions.

Chamomile decoction is a good antiseptic.

In order to prepare a decoction of chamomile, take two teaspoons of chamomile and pour one glass of boiling water. Leave for about two hours, strain. Cools to room temperature. Wash your pet's eyes several times a day before using ointments and between treatments.

Calendula decoction

To prepare a decoction of calendula, not only the flowers of this plant are useful, but also the stems themselves.

  1. The plant is crushed, two teaspoons are measured out, and boiling water is poured into it.
  2. Leave for two hours.
  3. Strain when chilled.
  4. Warm up slightly before use.
  5. Rinse your eyes with warm broth three or four times a day.

The calendula decoction needs to be infused for two hours.

Decoction of chamomile, calendula and St. John's wort

It is allowed to prepare a mixed decoction of chamomile, calendula and St. John's wort.

Take one teaspoon of each plant, pour 200 grams of boiling water, infuse, filter. After it cools down you can add a couple of drops alcohol solution propolis. Apply to the sore spot, preferably at night, and apply a fixing bandage to your pet.

IN herbal decoction you can add a couple of drops of propolis tincture.

Bay leaf

Bay leaf is considered one of the effective remedies.

  1. Place two or three chopped bay leaves and a few pieces of cotton wool into boiling water.
  2. Boil and let sit for a quarter of an hour.
  3. When it cools to room temperature, apply to the sore spot as a compress.

Bay leaf - effective remedy from barley.

It is advisable to put it overnight. To prevent the dog from tearing off the compress, it is recommended to make a fixing bandage. Another remedy is a hard-boiled egg. It is applied warm to the barley for a couple of minutes.


To prevent infection, owners should take care of their pet and monitor its health.

Catch changes in behavior, avoid hypothermia, and do not place the animal in damp rooms. Prevent stressful or states of shock. Walking the dog in safe places where the possibility of injury is limited. Vaccinate your dog in a timely manner and undergo regularly scheduled medical examinations.

Timely vaccination is the prevention of the disease.

Video about the first signs of eye disease in dogs
