Complexes of children's gymnastics for the eyes or the secrets of a child's excellent vision. The benefits and features of children's gymnastics for the eyes

The main goal of visual gymnastics is to train the eye muscles. Special sets of exercises are aimed at resting the eyes, relieving fatigue during visual stress. During the exercise, there is an impact on nervous system child, which helps the brain process and assimilate information received through the visual channel.

The organs of human vision develop and form from a very early age up to 10-12 years. A special technique is designed to help developing children's eyes withstand excessive visual stress and prevent visual impairment. Ophthalmologists recommend setting aside time for classes every day, in the morning or in the evening, then the benefits of it can be felt in a month.

Universal set of exercises

In this complex, gymnastics for the eyes is suitable for children and adults. The simplicity of the exercises allows even toddlers to perform them. Before class, it is recommended to close your eyes tightly several times to improve blood flow, and the released tear moistened the eyes.

Having decided to engage in eye exercises with a child, it is important to carry it out in the form of a game and each time try to interest the baby. Great importance It has own example and calm, conducive to mutual communication, atmosphere. Children are always happy to relate to rhyme and rhythm, love poetry. There are many short verses that accompany visual acuity exercises. Together with an adult, and then independently, the child learns to do with his eyes everything that is said in the poem. Most children gradually memorize poems, thereby developing memory and broadening their horizons.

All exercises of the complex are accompanied by the poem "Days of the Week":

1. Exercise "Swing".

Put the chin on your hands so that the head does not spin along with the eyes, but remains motionless. Eyes look up, then down. Repeat 4 times. Relax, count to 10. Repeat 4 times and take a break.

All week, in order, the eyes do exercises.

On Monday, when they wake up, their eyes will smile at the sun,

Down look at the grass and back - in height.

2. Exercise "Pendulum".

It is necessary to move the eyes to the right and left, while the head should not move.

On Tuesday, the watch-eyes look back and forth.

They go to the left, they go to the right, they never get tired.

3. Exercise "Blind Man's Buff".

This exercise is so easy that even children 1-2 years old can handle it. It effectively relaxes the muscles that support eyeball. You need to try to close your eyes as much as possible (we count up to 5, and who can - up to 10), and then open them and relax, look into the distance. The exercise is repeated several times.

On Wednesday we play hide and seek, we close our eyes tightly.

One, two, three, four, five, let's open our eyes.

We squint and open, so we continue the game!

4. Exercise "Switching vision."

Children love to sit and play on the windowsill. You need to ask the baby to find an object in the window on the street that is closest to everyone, and carefully look at it, consider it. You can look at the nail by placing your finger 25–30 cm from eye level. Then choose the most distant object - and look at it. Repeat several times at the command of an adult: “Far! Close! »

On Thursdays we look into the distance, it is not a pity for this time.

What is near and what is far eyes see so they can.

5. Exercise "Watch".

Direct your gaze clockwise: down, left, up, right and down again. Go back through your eyes.

On Friday, we did not yawn - our eyes ran in a circle.

Stop, and again - run in the other direction .

6. Exercise "Corners".

Look to the upper right corner of the room, then to the lower left corner. Move your eyes to the upper left corner, then to the lower right.

Even though Saturday is a day off, we are not lazy with you.

We are looking for corners so that the pupils run .

7. Exercise "Massage".

Close eyes. Easy, with minimal pressure, stroke them with your fingers: upper eyelid from the inner corner to the outer corner, the lower eyelid from the outer edge to the inner, and then vice versa.

On Sunday we will sleep, and then we will go for a walk,

To make your eyes harden, you need to breathe air .

It is no coincidence that the last rhyme refers to a walk and fresh air. outdoor games, running, active species sports help the organs of vision to develop properly and function better. It is necessary to develop the correct posture in the child. Curvature of the spine entails a violation of the blood supply to the brain. One of the consequences is vision problems.

Visual gymnastics for preschoolers

Starting from the age of 3, children's eyes experience significant stress. The main part of the information the child receives through the visual channel. Parents and kindergarten staff, especially teachers senior group, it is recommended to regularly carry out exercises for the eyes in children, aimed at physical and intellectual development. If the child is already experiencing vision problems, with myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and strabismus in mild degree, gymnastics for the eyes gives positive effect. You should be patient: for the first month, the results are hardly noticeable.

If a child wears glasses, then when doing visual gymnastics, you should wear glasses with lenses 1-2 diopters weaker than usual. Exercises are performed without glasses, if the parameters of the usual glasses are within 1 diopter.

The methodology mentioned above is applicable for preschool and school age. It can be diversified additional exercises which, due to some complexity, are available for children from 4 years of age.

1. Exercise with circles.

You will need two colored circles different sizes. They can be cut out of paper or cardboard together with the child and attached higher in two corners of the room. Ask the child to first look carefully at the left circle (slowly counting to 10), then at the right. You can’t turn your head, movements are performed exclusively with your eyes. After all, the circles should not guess that they are being watched! The exercise is performed 5 times, after which the baby needs to close his eyes (count up to 15) and repeat the exercise 5 more times.

2. Exercise V

This simple exercise is called "first aid" because it allows the eyes to relax and helps restore visual acuity, improves image clarity. It should be regularly performed by all those who work a lot in front of the monitor or watch TV for a long time.

To teach a child to do the exercise correctly, you should master the technique of doing it yourself. Sit facing the wall 1 meter away from it. The head, as with most eye techniques, remains motionless. The face should be completely relaxed. First you need to look at the upper left corner of the wall, immediately lower your gaze to the floor and at the same time close your eyes for 5-7 seconds. Now you need to look at the upper right corner of the wall, and again lower your eyes down. So the eyes paint an imaginary latin letter V, and the eyeballs move with maximum amplitude. Repeat 5 times in a row.

3. Exercise "Trajectory".

To complete this exercise, you will need a large contrasting pattern: a snake, a spiral, circles, wavy lines, etc. You can draw it on a piece of paper with bright colors (blue, green, red, black). The pattern is attached to the center of the ceiling. The child must, without moving his head, go through the trajectory with his eyes on the instructions of the adult. The illustration shows the "Simulator V. F. Bazarny."

4. Exercise with the clock.

Helps improve near vision. The exercise should be performed within 3-4 minutes. Need wrist watch with a large bright dial, clear numbers and minute dashes-divisions. The child will need to try to consider and name the numbers from different distances. At the first stage, the clock is located 30–40 cm from the face. Then the adult slowly pushes the clock back 1 meter, 1.5 meters. After that, he brings the watch closer to the child's face.

5. Exercise with a pendulum.

In the process of performing this technique, the blood supply to the eyes improves, and the eye muscles develop. The skill is formed to simultaneously fix moving objects. The exercise with the pendulum is especially indicated for those who have a relative in the family who suffered from strabismus: then it will have a preventive value.

It is necessary to prepare a pendulum - a bright ball, a bead, a large button on a thread. The exercise is performed sitting in front of a window. The adult stands behind the child, placing the pendulum about 40 cm from his face, and asks him to follow the movements of the pendulum. The head must remain motionless. The pendulum swings for 30 seconds. After that, the adult invites the child to look out the window at some distant object. If there is a parking lot, have them describe the cars and people who are there. If it is a house, let him tell you how many windows, what he sees in them, what is on the roof. The kid is unlikely to be able to see the details, but such an exercise is an effective eye training. It is necessary to find out from the baby at what distance he sees small details. For example, he sees the leaves on that tree over there, but on the next one he doesn’t.

It has been proven that with regular training, children begin to describe more and more details and objects that they managed to see in the distance.

6. Method "Imaginary gymnastics".

This technique was proposed by the ophthalmologist Marina Ilyinskaya in the book "How to learn and not ruin your eyesight." In addition to improving visual acuity, imaginary gymnastics develops cognitive processes- perception and imagination. It is based on the principle of the reaction of the eyes to the images presented. If you imagine that you are in a darkened room, then the pupils dilate.

To carry out this technique, you need to sit comfortably, relax and present a picture that is pleasing to the eye. The author recommends imagining the ocean coast with an island, palm trees, seagulls, a liner in as much detail as possible - colors, contrasts, small objects. You need to imagine yourself sitting on the shore and looking into the distance without glasses. The mind's eye moves slowly from one object to another. You should focus on what you good vision, do not need glasses and see all the details you can easily. The exercise is performed within 5-7 minutes.

If the child has never rested at sea, then you need to ask what events in life he remembers as the most pleasant. It can be a memory of riding the Ferris Wheel or fishing with dad on a forest lake. It is necessary to act on the basis of the situation remembered by the child.

Quick set of exercises for schoolchildren

It is important to sit in a comfortable position with a straight back. Close your eyes for a few seconds after each exercise. Beginners perform each exercise 1 time, after two to three weeks you can do it 2 times, after a month - 3 times. All movements must be done effortlessly.

  1. 1. Inhale deeply and slowly, look into the space between the eyebrows for a few seconds. Exhale slowly, return your eyes to their original position.
  2. 2. Inhale deeply, look at the tip of the nose. Hold your eyes for a few seconds, return to the starting position while exhaling.
  3. 3. Inhale, look all the way to the right. Without stopping, exhale, return to the starting position. The same to the left.
  4. 4. Inhale, look in the upper right corner. Exhale without delay, return to the starting position. The same goes for the bottom left corner. Repeat the exercise, starting from the left upper corner.
  5. 5. Inhaling, lower your eyes down and slowly turn them clockwise. AT top point without delay, begin to exhale and continue turning down. You must start the next round without delay.

Eye relaxation technique

1. Exercise "Palming" (from English word palm - palm).

Exercise can be performed during a break between studies, work on the computer.

You need to sit up straight, try to relax, breathe calmly and evenly. Tension in the cervical-collar zone disrupts the proper blood supply to the eyes, thereby depriving them of the necessary nutrition. The middle of the palms should be gently placed on the eyes, in no case should they be pressed to the face with effort. The fingers can be placed parallel or crossed on the forehead - the use should be comfortable. The main condition is to prevent slits that let light through. Now you can lower your eyelids: closed eyes are covered with palms. Now you should lower your elbows on the table, trying not to bend the spine to the sides. The body, back and neck should not be in tension. In this position, you should spend 10-15 seconds, but longer is better: during this time, the eyes have time to rest. The exit from the exercise should not be abrupt: the palms open slowly, then you need to sit with your eyelids closed for a few seconds, then open your eyes.

2. Exercise "Letter with the nose."

You need to close your eyes, relax (you can sit or stand) and imagine that the tip of the nose is a felt-tip pen or a brush with paint. Now you can write or draw anything in the air: letters, words, geometric figures, simple drawings. This exercise also relaxes the neck.

Preschool and primary school children can handle most exercises effortlessly. The problem will be that in this age group the appeal to rationality does not work: children simply cannot understand the need for such activities, which, moreover, do not give instant results. The difficult task of parents and educators is to persistently make it clear to the child that regular visual gymnastics is just as necessary as daily toilet and brushing of teeth.

If a serious problems the child does not, parents can work out basic exercises with the baby on their own. If there are problems, the best technique restoration and improvement of vision will be advised by an ophthalmologist.

Article last updated: 03/23/2018

AT modern world When outdoor games have lost their popularity, and computer games have gained, more and more children are experiencing vision problems. Restriction of high loads, balanced diet, increase motor activity and exercises for the eyes are effective methods prevention. Contraction and relaxation of muscles under the influence of special sets of exercises improve blood circulation in the tissues of the eye, reduce the amount of time spent on adaptation when conditions change environment(transition from a dark to a bright room, and vice versa), increase the endurance of the body during prolonged loads.


Constant training helps to strengthen the muscular apparatus, which makes it possible to prevent the occurrence of refractive errors that occur against the background of accommodation spasm.

The main stages of creating visual gymnastics

  1. The development and formation of the method is based on the work of William Bates, who noted positive influence sets of exercises for the eyes on vision. He believed that it was important to relieve psychological stress. His techniques were based on palming, memories and mental representation of objects necessary for repetition.
  2. For training according to the Norbekov method, the main one is a complex aimed at strengthening the oculomotor and oblique muscles, stimulating accommodation, breeding the axes of the eye, followed by relaxation.
  3. Gymnastics, proposed by Zhdanov, has two directions of tasks. So, exercises for myopic combine stimulation visual analyzer both far and near. In farsighted people, all training processes take place at a working distance and near.
  4. The complexes of preventive and therapeutic exercises developed by Avetisov are aimed at improving blood circulation and circulation. intraocular fluid along with strengthening the eye muscles and working on the accommodative reserve.
  5. Achieving muscle relaxation when working with special opaque screens, using weaker ones spectacle lenses(for patients with very low vision) or frames without glasses and with alternating eye work - Utekhin's unique technique, combining the basics of pleoptics with the latest technological techniques.
  6. Rosenblum, Matz and Lokhtina created an accommodative trainer to relax the accommodative muscles.
  7. Margaret Corbet proposed to independently change the focal length by moving the book while reading, or frequent change body position. She was a supporter of active mimic charging (especially for the eyelids and eyebrows).

Gymnastics is carried out without haste in a calm environment under the supervision of parents. The child must be relaxed. In the future, it is possible to independently perform a complex aimed at preventing and restoring visual functions.

Classical instrumental music is best suited as visual exercise music.


Eye exercises are shown:

  • children with refractive errors (nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism). It is carried out at least 4 times a day, and in the case of working at a computer or tablet - every 45-50 minutes. In this situation, the main goal is not to prevent visual impairment, but to reduce visual strain, which is actively used in complex treatment such patients, allowing to stop the progression of the disease;
  • with a hereditary predisposition (when one or both parents suffer from vision problems), the constant use of gymnastics techniques can reduce the frequency of accommodation spasm, which, in turn, ensures the absence physiological cause visual impairment;
  • in case of complaints of eye fatigue or the appearance of double vision after prolonged exercise. Before starting exercises for vision, in this case, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist for examinations in order to early detection eye pathology;
  • children with high visual load, as well as those who use computer equipment for study or games or Cell phones, combined with limiting the time of using gadgets and increasing motor activity through outdoor games.


Eye charger has and contraindications to conduct:

  1. Exercise is prohibited after operations on muscular apparatus eyes due to impaired function of the operated muscle and increased tone of the antagonist muscle.
  2. AT postoperative period in patients with retinal detachment, gymnastics is not performed.
  3. At high degrees it is necessary to consult with an ophthalmologist to select the correct set of tasks that do not jeopardize complications.
  4. If there is a risk of corneal perforation, exercises should not be performed.
  5. Palming (a special type of eyeball massage used in adults) is not recommended for children due to high risk causing traumatic injury.

Types of visual gymnastics

There are a great many exercises for the eyes, which are conditionally subdivided for the following types:

  • performance of trainings under poetic forms (rhymes, jokes, nursery rhymes) or without them;
  • by availability additional materials: with additional items (bright toys, pens, balls), with the presence of demonstration posters and drawings, without any additional objects.

  1. "Zhmurki". Close your eyes, count to five, open your eyes. Repeat 7 times. You should carefully monitor the execution, as fast execution leads to muscle fatigue and does not have any positive effect.
  1. "Far close". It is recommended to perform in front of a window. The essence of this exercise for the eyes is to alternately look at a nearby object with a further shift of gaze to an object that is far away. For small children this method it is convenient to carry out, standing directly at the window, since you can choose the most distant object of observation, and stick, for example, a picture on the glass. For older children, you can complicate the task by offering to count some objects of a certain color or shape. Up to 10 seconds are allotted for each target. Run 7 times.
  1. "Eights". Let the child mentally imagine the number eight, if the baby is small, show how it looks. Have a look at this number. Pay close attention to eye movement. To facilitate the task, you can use the drawing with arrows. Rotate the picture so that you get an infinity sign or a figure eight on the side, invite the child to draw a figure with a glance. Exercise to do 7 times.
  1. "Tic-tac-toe". From the upper right corner of the room, we move our gaze to the lower left corner, then from the upper left to the lower right. We make a circular motion with our eyes. We are closely monitoring the implementation of this exercise, since children very often perform movements not with their eyes, but with their heads. We make five crosses, five zeros. This complex can be performed with eyes closed.
  1. "Watch". We imagine a large clock face or use an image with a painted one or, if not possible, use a real watch. The movement of the eyes coincides with the movement of the second hand. We stop at each digit for 1-2 seconds. We perform 5-6 times.
  1. "Approximation". Starting position: the arm is stretched forward as much as possible, in the hand is a pen with a bright cap, to which our attention is riveted. We begin to slowly move the object towards the tip of our nose, we do not translate our gaze from the tip to anything. Once the cap becomes simple bright spot, stop moving. We make a 5 second break, then another 5 such approximations.
  1. "Easy rest". Close your eyes, count with your eyes closed to 15, open your eyes. Repeat 6 times.
  1. "Find a thing." Best done next to a bookcase or computer desk. The parent gives the task to look for some thing or book, and say where it is.
  1. "Here and there." Make 7 vertical eye movements, alternating with horizontal movements. For young children, a brightly colored toy or object to keep an eye on as the parent moves it can help with this exercise.
  1. "Fast, fast." Blink intensively, counting up to 5, take a break for 1-2 seconds, then perform 5 more times.

When forming a complex of visual gymnastics for a child, it should be remembered that the use of more than five exercises is tiring, therefore, the quality of performance will be worse.

Simple gymnastics for the eyes is effective way keeping your child healthy. Exercise daily to improve vision in children.

It is worth closing your eyes for a moment, as a frightening darkness immediately spreads around. The world seems to cease to exist - it becomes faceless and uninformative. Bright images, rich colors, volume disappear. A person loses the ability to see and navigate in space. At such moments, you understand how important it is to have good eyesight and take good care of it from a very young age. And the first step to health should be affordable and simple children's gymnastics for the eyes, the effectiveness of which is recognized by ophthalmology.

Why does visual acuity decrease?

The little man who has just come into our world has all the prerequisites for the development of 100% vision. But modern life changes the laws of nature. Reading books, electronic gadgets, even the space limited by the walls of the apartment. They force the child's eye, adapted to look into the distance, to examine objects at a very close distance. This load, as well as hereditary factors, injuries and reduced immunity adversely affect visual acuity and muscle tone, causing diseases such as:

  • myopia;
  • farsightedness;
  • astigmatism;
  • strabismus;
  • early glaucoma;
  • retinal pathology.

According to the World Health Organization, 19 million children have some form of visual impairment. Moreover, for most of the problems are reversible, provided proper treatment, which includes the systematic implementation simple exercises for eyes.

The principle of action and the meaning of gymnastics

The visual acuity of a child largely depends on the condition of the muscles that support the eyeball.

Properly selected exercises are nothing more than training and restoring the working capacity of the eye muscles, as a result of which the child's vision improves significantly. In addition, gymnastics

  • helps to correct metabolic processes and blood supply;
  • quickly relieves overwork;
  • develops coordination of movements, which is especially important for strabismus;
  • stimulates the parts of the brain responsible for visual perception information.

Besides, this the best remedy prevention of eye fatigue and the development of myopia and farsightedness in children.

It is important to remember that such complexes are contraindicated in retinal detachment and myopia greater than -6 diopters.

For the little ones

Already at 1-2 years old, a child can perform elementary visual gymnastics. Of course, classes should take place in the form of an exciting game and correspond to age characteristics.

At 2-3 years old, it’s good to add a thematic rhyme to the exercises - it will make gymnastics more understandable, interesting and easy to remember.

This is the watch-eyes,
They tick back and forth.
Walk left, walk right
And they will never subside.

Thus, the children get used to doing exercises, which so far seems to them fun fun but already brings great benefit health.

Visual exercise for preschoolers

At 3-4 years old, many children begin to walk in junior group kindergarten, and their lives change dramatically. Now the kids spend quite a lot of time in class. To reduce the load, experienced caregivers in without fail alternate training with exercise therapy and gymnastics for the eyes.

Each complex should consist of 5 exercises and last no longer than 3-5 minutes.

The most effective are still sets of exercises for preschoolers in verse:

“It suddenly became dark, dark - we need to close our eyes. The day has come, and here again - you need to open your eyes. Until 5, we count with you, we close our eyes again.

At the end of the exercise - invite the children to relax and massage the eyelids with the fingertips.

Mom can also come up with exciting games to improve vision: offer to flap your cilia like a butterfly's wings, or catch a runaway sunbeam with your eyes. It’s good if you manage to pick up a cheerful verse or drawing illustrating the movements.

Getting ready for school

In the middle (4-5 years) and senior (5-6 years) groups of the kindergarten, there is an intensive preparation for school. The child should attend fairly long classes in reading, writing, mathematics, modeling and drawing. The load on the fragile body increases dramatically. Gymnastics for the eyes is simply necessary for children of this age, and the complexes are becoming more and more complex.

As before, all classes must be held in game form be understandable and easy to implement. Modern multimedia tools provide a wide range of visual exercises in the form of cartoons, animations, accompanied by rhythmic music or poems that set an additional pace for movements. You can use such programs in kindergarten and at home.

In primary school

At 6-7 years old, children, as a rule, go to the first grade. Schoolwork, homework, small print in textbooks, paper of inadequate quality, poor lighting cause an enormous burden on visual apparatus baby. Eyes practically do not rest - after school, children are mostly busy with a computer or watching television programs. Not surprisingly, 4% of first graders are forced to wear glasses.

In this regard, a physical minute based on exercises from the card file of visual gymnastics becomes very valuable for schoolchildren.

Useful exercises should be performed daily, starting with 3 minutes a day and gradually increasing the load. Patience, perseverance, and consistency will lead your student to one day say, "Mom, I don't need glasses anymore."

Hello, dear mothers, fathers, grandparents! Perhaps the main component of the child's development process is the accumulation of various information by him. Did you know that 90% of the information the baby receives with the help of vision? The eyes are priceless and amazing gift therefore it is important to protect them from a very early age. negative impacts, strengthen the eye muscles. Today we will tell you what eye exercises for children should be like so that the baby can maintain good vision for many years.

How to protect your child's eyes

Intensive development of the organs of vision occurs in the first ten years of a child's life. During this period, any negative factors can cause visual impairment or eye disease. What should be done? Here are some recommendations from pediatric ophthalmologists:

  • Do not allow your baby to sit in front of a TV screen or computer monitor for a long time.
  • You can not watch TV or play computer games in a dark room: the eyes are forced to constantly change focus, which leads to their overstrain.
  • The baby should sit directly in front of the screen, and not to the side of it.
  • Pay attention to the posture of the little one at the table. Sitting "with a crooked back" disrupts the blood circulation of the brain and can lead to visual impairment.
  • Do not allow the child to read or look at pictures while lying down.
  • Tell your child that the eyes must be protected, in no case should they be injured.
  • Motor activity: outdoor games, physical education - helps the eyes work better.
  • Regularly visit an ophthalmologist with a toddler who will check his vision and, if necessary, prescribe a course of vitamin therapy.
  • Make sure your baby's food is nutritious. Very beneficial for the eyes following products: carrots, blueberries, cottage cheese, pumpkin, fish and fish fat, various fruits.
  • Do visual exercises with your child on a regular basis.

Exercise for the eyes in verse

The main purpose of visual charging is to train the eye muscles. Young children are much more interested in doing exercises if they are carried out in the form of a game. Turn on soft music and start doing exercises for the eyes in verse with the baby.

Sun and clouds

The sun played hide and seek with the clouds (look up),
The sun of the cloud-flyer counted (left-right):
Gray clouds, black clouds (up and down)
Lungs - two things,
Heavy - three things.
The clouds hid, the clouds were gone (close your eyes with your palms) -
The sun in the sky shone with might and main (open eyes wide).


That's what a dragonfly is like pea eyes (make “glasses” with your fingers).
Left, right, back, forward (look left and right with your eyes) -
Well, just like a helicopter (circular eye movements).
We're flying high (look up)
We're flying low (look down)
We fly far (look into the distance)
We're flying close (look down).


The donkey walks, chooses,
He does not know what to eat first (circle the circle with his eyes).
A plum is ripe upstairs (look up),
And nettles grow below (look down),
On the left - beets, on the right - swede (look left-right),
Left - pumpkin, right - cranberry (look left-right),
Bottom - fresh grass(look down)
Top - juicy tops (look up).
Couldn't select anything
And without strength, he lay down on the ground (close your eyes, then blink 10 times, repeat 2 times).

autumn leaves

Oh how the leaves fly
They burn with all colors (circular eye movements: left, up, right, down, right, up, left, down).
Maple leaf, carved leaf (look left-right),
Multicolored, painted (look up and down).
Shu-shoo-shoo, shoo-shoo-shoo,
As I rustle a leaf.
But suddenly a breeze blew (circular eye movements: left, up, right, down, right, up, left, down),
Our leaf spun (look left and right),
Flew overhead (look up and down) -
Red, yellow, gold.
Shu-shoo-shoo, shoo-shoo-shoo,
As I rustle a leaf.
Under the feet of the guys (look down)
Leaves rustle merrily (look up).
We will now walk
And collect bouquets (look left and right).
Shu-shoo-shoo, shoo-shoo-shoo.
How I rustle a leaf (close your eyes, stroke your eyelids with your index fingers).


Sleeping flower (close your eyes, relax)
And suddenly woke up (massage the eyelids, slightly pressing on them clockwise and against it),
I didn’t want to sleep anymore (blink my eyes),
Startled, stretched, (raise your hands up - inhale, look at your hands, arms bent to the sides - exhale),
Soared up and flew (shake brushes, look left and right).

Visual exercises with the baby should be performed regularly, at least twice a day. The duration of one lesson should not exceed 5 minutes.

Here are a few more poems that immediately mention what actions need to be performed.

One - to the left, two - to the right,
Three up, four down.
And now the eyes in a circle,
To see the world better.
Look closer, look further
Exercising the muscles of the eyes.
See you soon better
And a hundred times sharper.
We are gymnastics for the eyes
We execute every time:
Right, left, around and down -
Do not be lazy to repeat!
Eyes to the right, eyes to the left
And we'll go around in circles.
Blinking fast
And we rub a little.
Look at the tip of your nose
And look at the "between the eyebrows".
Circle, square and triangle
Repeat three times.
We close our eyes
We inhale slowly.
And on the exhale again
Make your eyes blink.
Now relax
And they went for a walk.

And some more exercises.

Change exercises every two to three weeks so that the interest of the little one in visual gymnastics does not disappear. Buy a big doll that closes its eyes and moves its arms well. Tell the child that the Katya doll will work out with you, let the baby show her what exercises to do.

look at the balls

Attach bright balloons to the ceiling in two corners of the room. The baby should stand or sit in the center.

The child must first look carefully at one ball (10 seconds), then concentrate on the other. At the same time, do not allow him to turn his head, only his eyes should make all movements. Repeat 5 times, then invite the baby to close his eyes for a few seconds and repeat the exercise again.

We close our eyes

This exercise is designed to relax the muscles that support the eyeball. It is light, but very effective, even children of 2-3 years old can cope with it.

Close your eyes tightly for 10 seconds, then open them and relax. Repeat several times.

Further - closer

During the walk, stop with the baby in any place. Find two stationary objects: one distant (for example, a tall tree) and the other close (for example, a flower).

Ask the child to look at the tree and at the flower in turn, using only the eyes. Do this several times.

Snakes and spirals

For this exercise, you will need didactic material. Take several large sheets of paper or cardboard and draw one shape on each of them. It can be snakes, spirals, circles, broken lines, etc. The main condition: the picture should be large and bright.

Sit the baby in the center of the room, and attach your posters one at a time to the wall. The kid must “go through” the path from the beginning of the drawing to the end with his eyes.

We write with the nose

Tell the little one: “Imagine that your nose tip is a pen that you can write or draw with. Let's write something!"

You can "write" different letters or numbers that the baby already knows. Or “draw” a house with smoke, a tree, or maybe just a circle or a square.

What are the benefits of visual gymnastics?

Visual exercise relieves stress from the eyes of the child and trains the eye muscles. It depends on them whether the baby will have eye problems during school years and in later life. In addition, light and exciting exercises help:

  • Calm the nervous system of the child, relieve mental stress.
  • Lighten the load on the eyes, let them relax, rest.
  • Activate the processing of information coming through the organs of vision.
  • Prevent, slow or stop vision loss or development eye diseases at the baby.

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Vision is one of the main human senses, so it should be protected from a young age. In our age modern technologies people are increasingly developing problems with vision, and they also appear in school-age children. The most common cause of visual impairment in schoolchildren and early development they have diseases such as myopia, astigmatism, strabismus, is the abuse computer games and watching cartoons on TV. Instead of walking in the fresh air, outdoor activities and metered reading, children spend all their free time in front of the monitor, which cannot but affect their organs of vision. Bad influence computer on the vision of schoolchildren lies in the fact that the muscles of the eyes, which are not yet strong, are very tired from prolonged exertion. If this happens regularly, then vision begins to rapidly decline.

However, this can be avoided by introducing a restriction on the computer and TV, alternating hard work of the eyes (doing homework, reading) with rest. Also, ophthalmologists strongly recommend doing eye exercises for schoolchildren, both at home and at school. The protection of the eyesight of schoolchildren is very important, since myopia, as a rule, is very difficult to treat.

Gymnastics for the eyes is the most suitable method for the prevention of visual impairment in younger students, because if you teach a child in early age do these exercises, it will become very good habit. If your schoolchild already has any visual impairment, then visual gymnastics should be performed without fail. Regular eye exercises will stop the decline in vision, which for schoolchildren often ends with prescribing glasses. Classes should be done 2-3 times a day, devoting 10-15 minutes to this. During these exercises, the muscles of the eyes relax and rest, and the subsequent load on the eyes is perceived much easier. Such exercise for the eyes is useful not only for schoolchildren, it will not interfere with adults, especially those whose work involves daily “communication” with a computer.

The exercises described below are aimed at relieving tension from the eye muscles, at their training, as well as at increasing accommodation, improving blood circulation in the tissues of the eyes. Each of them should be repeated several times (at first 2-3 times, then, when the child already knows what to do, 5-7 times). When voicing the exercises to your child, be sure to do them with him: good example sometimes works better than any words.

Gymnastics for the eyes, designed to perform younger students and children attending Kindergarten, may include elements of the game. For example, these exercises can be arranged in a poetic form and, including as an audio recording, be performed by the whole team.
