Is it possible to eat pineapple while breastfeeding? Is pineapple acceptable on a nursing mother's menu? What is the best way to eat fruit?

Modern technologies give humanity the opportunity to enjoy juicy fruits and berries at any time of the year - just take out the treasured jar of your favorite dessert from the refrigerator.

Canned pineapples breastfeeding often raise a number of questions - for example, should a young mother eat such a product at all and is it harmful to a newborn baby who is fed breast milk? Usually, such fears are noticeably embellished, because strict restrictions in the diet of a new mother are justified only when the baby is still very small or sick.

So, in order to understand whether a young nursing mother can eat pineapples from a jar or not, it is important to first have a correct understanding of what canning is in general.

In earlier times, this process was almost the only one, in addition to natural freezing of food, that made it possible to preserve fruits and vegetables for a long time. At the same time, some of the useful ones remained inside the product. nutrients. Albeit not in the same volume as in fresh ripe fruit, because some of the vitamins are inevitably destroyed when long-term storage, however, the twists still made it possible to get your portion of the substances necessary for health.

In the factory version of canning, almost the same technologies are used, therefore most A nursing mother can still eat twists from the supermarket. There are only two nuances here: what exactly is inside the jar and whether harmful chemicals were used when preserving the fruit.

Pineapple is a fairly healthy product that many women love, and it often becomes an additional ingredient on the list. holiday salads and treats. You can’t eat it only if you are pregnant during lactation. this type you or your baby are allergic to an exotic fruit. Usually this is the main and only contraindication.

Otherwise, if you purchased high-quality products that do not contain additional harmful impurities, then eating a slice of pineapple during breastfeeding is not forbidden. But it’s better to do this when the body infant has already managed to get stronger - that’s why such a dessert is not very useful in the first month after childbirth, when the risk of allergic reaction The baby is too tall.

It is also important to understand that for our latitudes, pineapple is an exotic product, and therefore a nursing mother should not eat it in large quantities, even if her newborn baby does not suffer from intestinal colic and the appearance of skin rashes.

When you should not eat canned pineapples during lactation

Fruits, even canned ones, are an excellent source of vitamins and nutrients necessary for a nursing mother’s body.

It is not at all necessary for a young mother to give up her favorite foods during breastfeeding if her baby is already several months old and if he is not allergic.

However, there are a number of typical situations when it is still better to refuse canned pineapple for some time and postpone the tasting to a later date. late date. And most often this is due to the well-being of the infant itself.

  • If your baby suffers from allergies very often and you have to adhere to a strict diet during lactation, then it is best not to eat pineapples at all until you stop breastfeeding. Canned pineapple is not a very common product on our table, and therefore for the sensitive body of an allergic child it can even cause diathesis or intestinal disorders.
  • Avoid pineapples from a jar even when the baby is still too small.

Such treats are permissible on the menu of a mother of a three-month newborn baby, but certainly not for a woman whose baby has just been born.

  • If the baby often suffers from tummy pain and reacts sharply to any new product eaten by a nursing mother, you should not eat canned pineapple either. In addition, such an exotic plant has one pronounced property - it weakens the intestines, which can lead to the formation of gas in the abdomen and diarrhea.
  • Pineapple from a can is not very good for those nursing mothers who often experience bloating. In this case, it is better to follow a diet that will help control the proliferation of bacteria in the intestines, thereby preventing painful cramps in the stomach.
  • When choosing a product from the supermarket shelves, make sure that canned pineapples do not contain any potentially hazardous substances. Ideally, the packaging should not indicate any extra ingredients, only water, sugar syrup and the fruit itself. Refuse to purchase if you find too many additional substances in the composition.

What are the benefits of canned pineapples from a jar for a nursing mother?

Now let’s look at the other side of this product and find out what benefits it can have for the body of a nursing mother. First of all, pineapple is popularly known as a remedy that helps effectively lose weight and lose weight after childbirth. This is due to his dietary fiber and the ability to cleanse the intestines.


Canned pineapples are also good for combating body edema - especially if a young mother often has swollen ankles. Pineapple, rich natural substance bromelain and potassium, effectively removes excess moisture from body cells, and at the same time stimulates the production of breast milk.

It is believed that such a fruit is very good for those mothers who suffer from insufficient breast milk production during breastfeeding.

Diuretic effect

Canned pineapples can become good product to prevent the development of heart disease.

Also, due to its pronounced diuretic effect, this fruit miraculously lowers blood pressure, and at the same time has a general calming effect on the woman’s body.

Source of vitamins

Pineapple is a wonderful vitamin dessert that contains almost everything that a nursing woman’s body needs: vitamins A and B, PP and D, and at the same time the main ingredient good health– vitamin C. And even though some of the nutrients are lost in canned form, this type of product remains incredibly healthy.

Canned exotic slices are absorbed by the body better than fresh ones, since it is easier for the digestive system to cope with the already partially processed and softened fibers of the product. For this reason, canned pineapple is less likely to cause bloating and is absorbed faster in the stomach than fresh pineapple.

Product for diets

Often this juicy fruit is included in vitamin diet not only for weight loss, but also for the general health of the body, since it is useful for a number of gastroenterological diseases, and at the same time has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Thanks to its diuretic effect, canned pineapple stimulates kidney function and heals the genitourinary system.

In general, high-quality canned pineapples during breastfeeding carry much more benefits for the body of a young mother than potential harm, and therefore you shouldn’t refuse them without special reasons. Of course, a nursing woman should not be overly fond of this delicacy, as this can lead to the appearance of a rash on the skin of the breastfeeding baby. However, a few juicy slices eaten a day will not only diversify a boring menu during lactation, but will also help replenish a number of vitamins and useful minerals.

Pineapple - a treasure trove of vitality important vitamins, trace elements and nutrients. Pineapple is superior to lemons in the amount of vitamin C. At the same time, pineapple is a low-calorie product, which is especially important after childbirth. When consuming this exotic fruit, women need to remember the main rule of feeding: “Do no harm!”, that is, it must be introduced into the diet wisely, eaten with caution, in moderation, and do not forget about the likelihood of an allergic reaction in the child.

Can a nursing mother eat pineapple?

Pregnancy and subsequent childbirth are a serious test for a woman’s body. And after giving birth to a child, a mother needs a varied diet to recuperate. Fruits become a rich source of all essential microelements. Among them, pineapple stands out as a tasty, aromatic and healthy product.

It's no secret that after childbirth a woman often experiences nervous tension, she is prone to depression and frequent mood swings. And it is pineapples that help cope with these symptoms.

They improve digestion, strengthen the immune system, elevate mood, and help the mother maintain her attractiveness and youth.

The fruit is rich in beneficial substances that stimulate the production of the joy hormone - serotonin, which is so necessary for a nursing mother. Moreover, she does not need to worry about her weight, because 100 grams of pulp contains only 48 kcal.

What is pineapple rich in?

Fragrant and juicy pulp is a source of vitamins and minerals necessary for health:

  • Vitamin C

It has antioxidant properties, strengthens connective tissue, increases protective functions, gives vessels and capillaries elasticity and smoothness;

  • Provitamin A

Prevents diseases of cardio-vascular system, helps to prolong youth;

  • B vitamins

Job nervous system, normalize metabolism, are responsible for burning fats, proteins and carbohydrates;

  • Vitamin RR

Reduces cholesterol levels, stimulates the pancreas and liver, normalizes fat metabolism, protects against diabetes and high blood pressure;

  • Potassium

Responsible for the functioning of the nervous system and heart muscle;

  • Manganese

Provides proper digestion; responsible for strengthening and growth of bones;

  • Magnesium

It helps reduce fatigue;

  • Zinc

Which improves attention, mood and memory.

A glass of pineapple juice provides the body with 75% of the daily requirement of vitamin C, as well as 20% of the daily requirement of potassium.

Medicinal properties

Pineapple is indispensable during breastfeeding; these fruits have many healing properties:

  1. Lower blood pressure, thin the blood, prevent the formation of blood clots;
  2. Helps with insomnia, headaches, dizziness;
  3. Eliminate swelling by removing water from the body;
  4. Prevent strokes and heart attacks;
  5. Helps with intestinal disorders and stomach disorders, hemorrhoids and varicose veins veins;
  6. Relieve pain in joints and muscles;
  7. Contribute to speedy recovery after infectious diseases;
  8. They have excellent antiemetic and diuretic properties.

In what form should you eat pineapples?

Fresh pulp is most beneficial. It is more convenient to eat it in rings. After completely peeling the fruit, it is cut into rings and the core is removed from each ring. Eating pineapple pulp in the form of such rings is convenient and pleasant.

Dried fruits are also a healthy treat. They retain all microelements and vitamins, and also do not have as high acidity as fresh ones. It must be remembered that candied pineapple fruits are characterized by increased nutritional value and high calorie content.

You can also make compote with currants from fresh pulp. Sweeten it with cane sugar or fructose. You can try baking pineapple. In this form, the fruit retains its beneficial properties.

There are many restrictions in the diet of a nursing mother. After giving birth, you have to give up allergenic fruits and berries, red vegetables, and fatty foods, which can cause problems with the baby’s tummy. However, sometimes you really want to treat yourself to something tasty and healthy for your figure!

Often many people remember pineapple. This exotic fruit has a specific taste, and not everyone likes it. However, its ability to burn excess weight, low calorie content and vitamin-rich composition attracts the female half. Can a nursing mother eat pineapple? If yes, then in what form - natural, dried, canned, or should I give preference to juice? This needs to be sorted out.

A tasty, juicy fruit just begs to be put on the table, especially in winter, when there is such a shortage of fresh fruit! But is it possible to eat pineapple during breastfeeding (see also:)?

Exotic pineapple: what are the benefits for a nursing mother and baby?

Pineapple is valued for its juiciness and original taste, which it owes to the presence of fruit acids. Its extract is usually present in dietary supplements for metabolism, teas for slim figure, cosmetics, vitamin drinks. 100 grams of tropical fruit pulp contains only 52 kcal, it also contains:

  • water – 85 g;
  • 0.4 g each protein and fiber;
  • carbohydrates – 12 g;
  • vitamins C, PP, B, beta-carotene;
  • trace elements: iron, zinc, copper, iodine, magnesium;
  • essential oils.

The unique composition of the tropical fruit helps maintain tone and protects against adverse external factors, thins the blood, reducing the risk of thrombosis. The fruit also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, reduces pain in muscles and joints, lowers cholesterol levels, prevents and relieves swelling. High content fructose helps replenish the supply of sweets for those who care about their figure. The coarse fibers of the sweet and sour pulp stimulate the intestines and help remove toxins.

Benefits of Bromelain in Pineapple

Bromelain is not considered a substance vital to the body. Its consumption can be 80-300 mg. twice a day. The increased need for the enzyme increases in the following situations:

  • reduced immunity;
  • excess weight (the enzyme improves metabolic processes);
  • viral diseases;
  • injuries (dislocations, fractures, sprains);
  • oncology (bromelain inhibits tumor growth).

Pineapple often graces the table during the winter months, and for good reason. It helps strengthen the immune system and replenish the balance of vitamins and microelements during the winter. Potassium in the fruit activates brain function, magnesium soothes and reduces the symptoms of fatigue characteristic of the first postpartum months.

Before enjoying a delicious tropical fruit, a young mother should study the contraindications.

When is pineapple contraindicated?

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Fragrant pineapple during breastfeeding can cause allergies in mother and baby, because active substances fruits are easily passed through breast milk. The baby may experience sleep disturbances, excitability, indigestion, itchy skin, difficulty breathing and swallowing. In such situations, you will need to consult a pediatrician and administer antihistamines.

If a nursing mother experiences any health problems while eating pineapple, you should consult a pediatrician.

The tropical fruit contains a lot of fruit acids, so taking it can cause a negative reaction in the mother's body. This fruit is one of those that literally “sets one’s teeth on edge” and can harm one’s health. High concentration acids “shift” when consumed in excess acid-base balance, leads to thinning of tooth enamel. Among the contraindications to the use of pineapple by a nursing mother are:

  • diseases gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, colitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • urolithiasis, pyelonephritis;
  • hypotension;
  • liver diseases;
  • individual intolerance to the product.

Pineapple in the diet of a nursing mother

You can often hear that if before the birth of the baby the mother safely ate pineapple, then there will be no harm during breastfeeding. This usually happens, but exotic fruit should be introduced into the diet gradually. A nursing mother should try it at the 5th month of the baby’s life, when his digestive system has become a little stronger.

After 3 months of continuous breastfeeding, you can allow yourself a small piece of fruit (up to 30 grams). After this, you should refrain from taking it for a day, observing the baby’s reaction. If it does not occur skin rashes, food allergies, problems with stool and tummy, you can slowly introduce it into the diet in small portions.

How is pineapple best digested?

Nutritionists advise nursing mothers to eat fresh pineapple and only on an empty stomach (in the absence of gastrointestinal problems). This is how bromelain is best absorbed, as it easily penetrates the bloodstream through the intestinal walls. According to research, soy, potatoes and heat treatment of fruit reduce the absorption of bromelain. At high temperatures the enzyme is destroyed, and at low temperatures its activity is less pronounced.

To eat pineapple, it is better to choose a fresh fruit, since canned fruits do not contain the necessary nutrients and can harm the health of the baby.

How to choose a pineapple?

Usually the fruit is valued according to appearance. A ripe fruit does not always have a golden brown color and may even be slightly pressed down, unlike an unripe one. Lack of odor may also indicate its immaturity.

You should not buy fruits with stains or damage, as they may be spoiled. The presence of a tail is required, which retains moisture and preserves useful material. The thicker and greener the tops, the juicier the fruit.

Are there any benefits from canned pineapples?

Canned pineapples are not beneficial for a nursing mother or baby. Firstly, when heat treatment bromelain is destroyed. Secondly, vitamins are destroyed during long-term storage, and sugar syrup (filling) is a source of empty calories. If the syrup contains preservatives, dyes, E additives, flavor enhancers (which most manufacturers are guilty of), fruit from a jar will only do harm. Thirdly, canned pineapples are a serious allergen for nursing mothers and babies.

Delicious candied fruits

Candied pineapple peels look very attractive, but they are less healthy than freshly cut fruits. 100 grams of multi-colored candied fruits contain about 92 kcal, 18% carbohydrates, 37 g protein, 2.2 g fat. During their production, the amount of moisture is reduced, the preservative E220 and sulfur dioxide are used, which destroys vitamin B1.

Because of this composition, tasty colored pineapple sticks can cause heartburn, allergies, and asthma attacks (if the young mother has a predisposition). Allergens pass into breast milk and cause reactions in babies. Snacking on candied fruits during breastfeeding is not recommended. The maximum you can afford is up to 5 cubes per day, added to porridge or cottage cheese.

It is recommended for a nursing mother to consume candied pineapple in small quantities; it is good if they are added to porridge

Pineapple juice

Unlike the pineapple itself, its juice does not contain coarse fibers that are beneficial for digestion. It stores healthy vitamins, bromelain, trace elements. Store-bought reconstituted juice does little good. It contains fewer vitamins, and bromelain is completely absent after heat treatment. In addition, sugar syrup and preservatives are added to packaged juice, the use of which is undesirable.

Like the fruit itself, the mother is allowed to try its juice only 4-5 months after birth. To prepare, the ripe fruit is peeled, cut into pieces, and sent to a juicer (it is almost impossible to squeeze fresh juice out of it without the help of household appliances). You need to drink the juice on an empty stomach within 10 minutes after preparation (vitamins are destroyed over time). If it seems too sour, it should be diluted with water.

How to cook pineapple?

Pineapple will make it easy for a nursing mother to diversify her diet during breastfeeding. It is combined with cheese, chicken, puff pastry and other products, which allows you to prepare delicious and quick dishes:

  1. Boiled salad chicken breast. To prepare, boil chicken fillet, take 100 grams of fresh pineapple pulp, 100 grams. hard cheese, 1 clove of garlic (to taste). The breast and exotic fruit are cut into cubes, the cheese is grated, and the garlic is chopped. The dish is prepared as follows: the chicken is placed on a plate, lightly compacted, and poured with low-fat unflavored yogurt. Place pineapples mixed with garlic on top, top with yogurt again and sprinkle with cheese. Keep in the refrigerator for an hour before serving.
  2. Sandwiches with pineapple and cheese. For cooking take Rye bread, butter, a few slices of fresh fruit and hard cheese. The bread is cut into slices, greased with butter, and this side is placed on a hot baking sheet. Place a slice of pineapple and cheese on the bread and put it in the oven for baking. When the cheese is melted, remove from the oven and serve, garnished with herbs.

Note to mom

When an allergy to a tropical fruit and indigestion in a baby could not be avoided, you should remember: if you exclude the fruit from the diet, the hives and discomfort in the tummy will go away in 3-4 days. However, to be on the safe side, the baby should still be shown to the doctor.

I really want to offer juicy pineapple slices to a grown-up child with dessert or pie. However, it is worth waiting until three years. IN early age the product increases the risk of food allergies, irritates mucous membranes digestive system. It should be introduced into the diet of older children carefully, having first discussed this issue with the pediatrician.

Juicy, sweet pineapple is one of the favorite overseas delicacies. Its high price is often attributed to the large number of beneficial properties of the product. It is believed to have a positive effect on appearance. By eating pineapple, women can hope to improve the condition of their skin and hair.

It is also useful if a woman wants to reduce her weight. This desire usually appears in mothers after childbirth. How good or bad is pineapple while breastfeeding? The answer to this question worries many breastfeeding women.

Is it possible to eat pineapple while breastfeeding?

A very tasty and tempting fruit attracts women always and especially during the period of feeding the baby. breast milk. The lactation period is important in the life of a woman and her baby, with a special attitude towards the selection of food products.

The mother who carried the child and then gave birth to it is quite exhausted. Her body requires increased balanced nutrition. But do not forget that all foods taken by the mother have a direct effect on the health and development of the baby.

Not many people know that pineapple belongs to allergenic products. It contains many acids and vitamins. Before introducing this fruit into the diet, a woman needs to familiarize herself with information regarding the properties of the product and its effect on the baby.

On the shelves of our stores you can find fresh and canned fruit, as well as pineapple juice. The concentration of beneficial and allergenic substances in fresh products is greater than in canned ones. Some people prefer canned food, others the opposite. But if you think about the child, then preference should be given to fresh fruit.

Not all women are in their daily diet I had this fruit before pregnancy. Therefore in in this case it is unusual and exotic for female body. The woman does not know what his reaction to the fruit will be. Therefore, you should not experiment during lactation. If you haven’t eaten pineapples before, then you should temporarily postpone introducing your body to this product.

It is known that infants often experience an allergic reaction after their mother has tasted a juicy delicacy. A red rash appears on the baby's skin. If you stop consuming the allergenic irritant, all symptoms of a negative reaction will completely go away.

But they only disappear so quickly external manifestations allergic reaction. The substance that provoked such a reaction will be removed from child's body within a month. There have been cases where allergies caused by pineapple have been severe forms requiring treatment in medical institutions.

If, after eating pineapple, you notice at least some changes in the child’s condition, you need to consult a doctor, and you should forget about the provocateur of the allergic reaction.

The benefits of pineapple during lactation

To understand the benefits or harms of pineapple during lactation, you need to know everything about its composition. The results of biochemical studies showed that most of the product is water and carbohydrates. The proportion of fiber and protein is small.

The fruit contains:

  • vitamins of group B, PP;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • a safe source of vitamin A - beta-carotene;
  • micro- and macroelements (calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, iodine, zinc, copper);
  • amino acids;
  • aromatic and essential oils.

This fruit is classified as a low-calorie product. It contains a lot of fructose, this is what makes it useful quality for lovers of sweets.

Vitamin C is also a beneficial component of pineapple. Consuming this exotic fruit helps maintain body tone and increase its protection against stress. In addition, it affects the increase in human performance.

The beneficial substances that make up fruit pulp have the following effects on the body:

  • thin the blood (indispensable for varicose veins, tendency to form blood clots);
  • improve the elasticity of blood vessels, have positive influence on the cardiovascular system;
  • reduce swelling; prophylactic from edema;
  • reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, protect blood vessels from the formation of plaques;
  • reduce painful sensations occurring in muscles and joints.

Pineapple has the best beneficial properties during the off-season, when people become deficient in vitamin deficiency. Vitamins and amino acids support weakened immunity.

Calcium, which is found in the pulp of the fruit, improves the supply of oxygen to the brain and affects the production of serotonin. Thanks to these substances, a woman’s general state, mood, it gets rid of the symptoms of constant fatigue.

The fruit clearly has many beneficial properties. But, despite this, you can start using the product only after you are familiar with the contraindications.

Pineapple contraindications

The presence of acids in pineapple means that it should not be eaten by people who have gastrointestinal diseases (due to increased acidity). The product should not be consumed if you have gastritis, stomach ulcers, colitis, or duodenal ulcers.

Pineapple is an exotic fruit, so people who suffer from pyelonephritis urolithiasis kidney diseases skin, rheumatism, arthritis, and low blood pressure, should be careful when introducing this product into their diet.

These contraindications should be noted Special attention women who are carrying a baby and nursing mothers. Due to various changes in the condition of their body, they are more susceptible negative impacts allergenic products. During this period, long-forgotten problems often reappear.

Experts advise women who have even the slightest doubt about the benefits of pineapple for the child’s body to refrain from eating it. During lactation you can eat many other healthy products, which are absolutely safe.

Although, if you have never had an allergy to this fruit, and if you are not too zealous with volumes, then you can eat pineapple during breastfeeding.

Those women who loved and ate pineapple even before pregnancy without any negative consequences, can take this product during breastfeeding.

In most cases, the picture of introducing pineapple into the diet of a nursing mother is quite favorable. Especially if the mother cares very much about her baby and starts eating fruit in very small doses. If the child’s reaction to the product is normal, the dose can be increased slightly, but you should not chase large volumes. This way you can harm a small, still fragile person.

Is it possible to have canned pineapples during breastfeeding?

If everything went smoothly and the child was not affected by the use of the new product, then you can continue to eat it, but you should follow some rules:

  • the volumes of product consumed should NOT be large;
  • DO NOT eat the product constantly;
  • use only fresh products, NOT canned ones.

Why do these rules exist? Let's talk about them in more detail. You should never exceed the volume of food consumed. If they are dimensionless, this threatens the health of the mother and child. This concerns the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the manifestation of allergic reactions.

The words canned food and preservatives already sound warning. If we were talking about home preservation, the picture would be clearer. When making blanks, we know what we put in them. But when the thing is put into production, you should be careful.

The canned product is very tasty, but it will be harmful for the child, primarily due to large quantity sugar in syrup. Excess sugar can harm a baby's health.

To summarize: canned pineapples are prohibited for mothers; you can only eat fresh fruit in small quantities and not very often.

Those who love freshly squeezed juices can make one from pineapple, but you can only drink it in the form of nectar. That is, you need to dilute pure juice with water (ratio of one to three or one to four). This way you will protect yourself and your baby from negative reactions.

How to eat pineapples for a nursing mother

Many mothers breastfeed their baby for up to a year or even more. Doctors advise women not to consume exotic delicacies until the child is 4-5 months old. The introduction of any new product into the diet of a nursing woman should be discussed with a doctor, the same applies to pineapple.

In the first 3-4 months, you should not eat pineapple for the following reasons:

  • The fruit is classified as an allergenic product. A small dose of pineapple can lead to an allergic reaction, even leading to the most serious irreparable consequences;
  • The ability of the product to cause disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract of the infant. When a child is born, his body is absolutely sterile; there are no bacteria in the intestines. Therefore, it is unknown how the little man’s body will react to such a product. In most cases, indigestion appears, stool is disrupted, and so on;
  • When the baby is 5 months old, the mother can try some of the fruit. Initially it should be a very small piece. During tests, you need to pay special attention to the health of the baby. If everything goes smoothly, the dose can be repeated at the same dose. Don't overdo the doses. Everything should be in moderation.

Important! Pineapple contains a lot of acids, so eating it on an empty stomach is prohibited!

What is the best way to eat fruit?

The fruit pulp has the greatest value. It is most convenient to cut the fruit into rings, after peeling it. You can often find a dried product in the supermarket. It does not have much acidity, so it will bring more benefits than fresh product. But even dry fruit should be eaten only after the child reaches five months of age.

Pineapple is one of the most expensive fruits on our market. Sellers justify the high price with the healing properties of the overseas delicacy. In particular, the product has a positive effect on a woman’s appearance: improves skin, hair and helps lose weight. It is not surprising that mothers who want to quickly return to “their body” after giving birth are thinking about introducing this fruit into their diet. But is it possible to eat pineapple while breastfeeding (BF) - a controversial issue.

Pineapple belongs to the fruit elite. For an ordinary domestic family, the constant presence of the product in the diet is expensive. But when a child and a young mother appear in the house, no one will skimp. Here the relatives will be crushed into pieces, and a star will be taken from the sky. But can a nursing mother have pineapple?

Controversial fruit

Doctors recommend that women adhere to a strict diet during lactation and eat food that is not only healthy, but also acceptable for the baby’s fragile body. “Tropical cone” is among those products whose attitude is ambiguous. On the one hand, it is rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements, and on the other hand, it is a potential allergen.

For colds and for the heart

If we talk about the benefits of the product, then it is a super store of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system. Even in lemon ascorbic acid an order of magnitude less than in pineapple. The fruit also contains the enzyme bromelain, which improves digestion, relieves inflammation during injuries and prevents the formation of blood clots. What other qualities does the “tropical pine cone” have? What arguments are there in favor of eating pineapple during breastfeeding?

  • Improves vision and protects against. This effect is due to the high content of vitamins A and C in the treat.
  • Calms nerves, invigorates, improves metabolism. This happens because the fruit is rich in B vitamins: pyridoxine, riboflavin and thiamine.
  • Quickly saturates the body. The high fiber content makes the product filling. At the same time, 100 g contains only 52 kcal.
  • Normalizes blood pressure, improves heart function. The fruit copes with these tasks thanks to the potassium and magnesium in its composition.

What's in it

The table below provides a detailed analysis of the value of the product, how much and what beneficial substances are contained in 100 g of fruit pulp.

Table - Chemical composition pineapple

The nutritional valuePer 100 gMacro- and microelementsPer 100 gVitaminsPer 100 g
Squirrels0.3 gCalcium17 mgPP0.3 mg
Fats0.1 gMagnesium13 mgA3 mcg
Carbohydrates11.8 gSodium1 mgBeta carotene0.02 mg
Potassium134 mgIN 10.06 mg
Phosphorus8 mgAT 20.02 mg
Iron0.3 mgAT 50.2 mg
Copper0.11 mgAT 60.1 mg
Manganese0.93 mgB9 (folic acid)5 mcg
Zinc0.12 mgWITH11 mg
Selenium0.1 mcgE0.2 mg

Some modern research confirm the ability of pineapple to fight cancer cells. However, for the fruit to really bring healing effect, it must be consumed fresh, regularly and in large quantities. For example, for arterial health you should eat about 200 g of pulp and drink a glass of fresh juice per day. But with such frequency and in such quantities, pineapple is strictly prohibited during lactation.

Pineapple taboos during breastfeeding

But with all our beneficial properties pineapple is still a fruit. Great content acids can lead to stomach problems. Pineapples are generally contraindicated for people with ulcers and gastritis. In addition, sugar and acids are capable of... Also, doctors do not recommend eating exotic sweets for pregnant women, since the active substances in the fruit can cause an increase in uterine tone and provoke premature birth.

Three is not allowed

And when feeding a newborn, it is better to consume pineapple according to the principle: in moderation and at the right time. Here are the three main taboos on pineapples during breastfeeding:

  1. Deadlines. Even an ordinary apple grown in your own garden can provoke an allergy in a baby, aggravating an already painful process formation of the gastrointestinal tract. What can we say about the “overseas” dish. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to introduce pineapples into the diet of a nursing mother in the first months after childbirth. You can try the fruit no earlier than six months later.
  2. Story . If before pregnancy the mother was not a fan of pineapples, then during lactation you should not develop new food addictions. Not only the child’s body, but also your own may not be ready for this.
  3. Quantity . Like any “controversial” product, pineapple should be consumed in limited quantities. Start with a small slice and monitor your baby's condition for two days. If no reactions occur, the portion can be gradually increased to 150-200 g several times a week.

The important point is in what form the fruit will end up on your table. Fresh pineapple is much more filling useful components than canned. But fruit from a jar is safer from the point of view of the risk of skin reactions in the baby. Some mothers choose the golden mean: they eat dried fruits, which preserve as much as possible nutritional benefits product and are less likely to cause allergies.

The risk of sneaking

During breastfeeding, pineapple can also be consumed in salads or desserts. Then its quantity will be minimized, and taste qualities will be preserved. But you should not mix the product with other “overseas” ingredients, otherwise, when swelling or swelling appears in a child, it will be difficult to determine the root cause.

In any case, can a nursing mother eat pineapple? In each specific case, you need to consult a pediatrician-curator. Indeed, for healthy person and when used wisely, the product is absolutely safe and healthy. But a baby is always a special risk area.

Still, pineapple is not a product that you can’t do without, and the lactation period is not best time for experiments. Remember that sometimes allergies can be hidden, when a provoking substance accumulates in the body and “hits” the baby’s body on the sly.

