Reasons for toes not moving. Diseases that cause numbness. Why does the patient suffer from chronic numbness?

Numbness of the toes is a signal from the body indicating the presence of a certain pathology that needs urgent treatment. Numbness itself is a painful tingling and burning sensation of the toes, which is interpreted by patients as an extremely unpleasant sensation.

Numbness of the toes can be harmless and harmless, or it can be the first sign of a serious illness.

The main reason this phenomenon- tight, uncomfortable shoes that interfere with normal blood supply. In this case, shoes may be made of hard and low-quality material, have an uncomfortable shape and high heels. When wearing such shoes, first of all they suffer thumbs and little toes, with numbness observed either only on the right or only on the left foot. Most often, numbness is observed in people who spend a lot of time on their feet. As a rule, by the end of the working day, the toes swell so that they take up more space in the shoes, which further aggravates the problem.

However, in addition to this completely solvable problem, there are many other reasons that cause numbness in the fingers. These include:

  1. Circulatory disorders. The following ailments lead to poor blood supply: Raynaud's syndrome, gout, atherosclerosis, migraine, endarteritis, micro-stroke, etc. In the initial stages, only the tips of the fingers become numb, but other parts of the foot become very cold.
  2. Nerve conduction disorder. Compression of nerve bundles or malnutrition nerve cells leads to numbness in some areas of the leg. Such lesions include hernia intervertebral discs, pathology spinal column, sciatica, rheumatoid arthritis and radiculitis.
  3. Nerve damage. Occurs when there is a metabolic disorder or general intoxication of the body. In this case, the person feels like goosebumps are “crawling” all over his body.
  4. Pathologies of the lower extremities. Pain, burning and numbness can be caused by various joint ailments: deforming arthrosis of the foot, flat feet, deformity of the instep. So, all of a sudden it suddenly goes numb middle finger legs.
  5. Lack of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to nerve conduction disorders, calcium deficiency leads to fragility and brittle bones, and iron deficiency leads to low hemoglobin.

What diseases are accompanied by numbness of the toes?

This symptom accompanies many different ailments. Let's look at the main ones:

  1. Osteochondrosis. With herniated intervertebral discs and osteochondrosis, the fingers go numb, since the spine contains nerves that provide sensitivity to the lower extremities.
  2. Diabetes. With this pathology, the big toe very often goes numb, either on the right or on the left foot.
  3. Tumors. A tumor in the spinal cord grows and compresses the nerves responsible for sensation in the lower extremities.
  4. Alcohol addiction. Numbness occurs with a hangover due to alcoholism. In this case, a large amount of fluid accumulates in the body, which causes swelling, vasoconstriction and numbness.
  5. Arthrosis and arthritis. With these ailments, the fingers not only go numb, but also hurt after prolonged physical activity, as well as at rest.
  6. Nerve pathologies. When nerves are damaged, numbness is observed, which is accompanied by burning, pain and itching.

If the cause of this phenomenon lies serious damage, then the consequences will be catastrophic. A person may lose several fingers or become disabled as a result of complete immobility.

Additional symptoms

Numbness is often accompanied by accompanying symptoms:

  • partial or total loss sensitivity of the toes;
  • feeling of skin tightening;
  • burning at the site of numbness;
  • pain and tingling;
  • “running” goosebumps;
  • constantly cold extremities.

If the cause of the symptom is a specific disease, then clinical picture complemented by other manifestations.

Which doctor should I contact?

First of all, you need to contact your local physician, who will prescribe you a series of laboratory tests, and then refer you to a specialist. In some cases, you will need to consult several specialists: a neurologist, endocrinologist, rheumatologist, neurosurgeon, nephrologist and angiosurgeon.


After examining the patient and collecting anamnesis, he is prescribed laboratory and instrumental studies. For this purpose they prescribe:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood test for C-reactive protein;
  • blood test for rheumatoid factor;
  • blood for sugar;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • blood for tumor markers;
  • serological tests;
  • radiography;
  • Ultrasound examination (US) of blood vessels;
  • bone biopsy;
  • magnetically - resonance tomography(MRI);
  • computed tomography (CT).

What to do if your toes are numb

After diagnostic measures Once the correct diagnosis has been made, treatment can begin. It includes the following steps:

  1. Drug relief of symptoms. In this case, medications are prescribed to normalize blood circulation in the affected area or the leg as a whole. For this purpose, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, local or local muscle relaxants are prescribed. central action and painkillers.
  2. Manual techniques. They improve blood supply to the affected area and normalize the relationship with the central nervous system.
  3. Physiotherapeutic treatment.
  4. Physiotherapy.
  5. Acupuncture.

If the cause of numbness is banal leg fatigue or uncomfortable shoes, then to remove unpleasant sensation All you need to do is massage your foot, keep your feet warm and take off your shoes.

Leg exercises

In order to get rid of unpleasant sensations in lower limbs must be done regularly special exercises for toes. Here are some of them:

  1. Curl your toes and then unclench them. Repeat the exercise 50-100 times.
  2. Stand against the wall, rise on your toes and stand in this position for about one minute. Repeat the exercise after a few minutes. Perform five approaches.
  3. Stand straight, roll from toes to heels and vice versa. Perform the exercise 20 times.

Traditional methods of treatment

If serious pathologies was not identified, then you can use traditional medicine recipes:

  1. Apply honey to the numb area of ​​the foot. Apply a bandage and put on woolen socks. In the morning, remove the bandage and rinse your leg. In the evening, repeat the procedure.
  2. Make a warm bath, immerse your foot and firmly press your toes into the bottom of the container. This will improve blood circulation and restore sensitivity.
  3. Take a container and pour 100 ml into it sunflower oil, add 10 g ground pepper. Place the container in a steam bath and leave for 30 minutes. Allow the oil to cool and then apply it to the numb area of ​​the foot.

If you do these procedures regularly, the numbness will go away soon. IN for preventive purposes It is recommended to take vitamins - mineral complexes, avoid excessive stress on your legs and lead a healthy lifestyle.

The toes go numb when a nerve is pinched or blood flow in the tissue is impaired due to an uncomfortable posture, tight shoes or injury. Loss of sensation in the lower extremities is a symptom of radiculitis, lumbar osteochondrosis, alcohol intoxication or diabetes. When the discomfort quickly passes and does not return, there is nothing to worry about. If numbness bothers you regularly and other unpleasant signs are added, go to the doctor.

In this article we will look in detail at why your toes go numb and how you can get rid of this unpleasant sensation. The information is for informational purposes only and does not constitute instructions for action. In some cases, only a doctor will help - do not neglect a visit to a specialist.

We are looking for the reason in lifestyle, shoes and habits

    Due to an uncomfortable position (legs under you, legs crossed), the nerve is pinched, blood flow to the fingers is disrupted - sensitivity is lost, tingling and goosebumps appear. Sometimes it hurts to step on your foot. But the discomfort goes away after changing the position, rotating the foot, and moving the fingers.

    In tight, narrow shoes, the foot is constantly compressed. And with prolonged walking, a slight swelling appears, which aggravates the situation. Blood circulation is disrupted - the legs ache, ache, swell and go numb.

    Calluses are dense, dry patches of dead skin cells. Sensitivity to touch is weak, but when walking it burns and hurts. Most often, calluses cause the big toe to go numb.

    Due to any injury (be it a fracture or bruise), the nerve endings are damaged. While it is healing, it hurts, burns, and limits movement. And subsequently, numbness may appear - the toe periodically goes numb.

    Toxic substances (poisons) regularly entering the body slowly but surely destroy blood vessels. Nicotine narrows the lumen, and alcohol thins the walls. For this reason, fingers, entire limbs, and other parts of the body become numb.

    Big exercise stress on the legs leads to fatigue, paresthesia, pain.

The reasons are inside

The cause of numbness in the toes may be hidden in a serious pathology. Human body– a single whole: a pinched nerve, damage to a vessel in one place is reflected in discomfort in completely different areas.

If the foot of the left leg becomes numb, it does not mean that damage should be looked for in this limb.

What disease is associated with numbness in the feet and fingers?

Disease / pathological condition

Why does paresthesia occur?

Nature of discomfort/related clinic

Vitamin B12 deficiency

Cyanocobalamin is involved in the metabolism fatty acids, formation of nerve fiber sheaths. Therefore, with a deficiency, various neurological disorders appear.

Paresthesia of the limbs with goosebumps and tingling. Plus weakness, tinnitus, dizziness. Irritability appears.

Lumbar osteochondrosis

The sciatic nerve becomes injured and inflamed - its branches are damaged.

I can’t feel my fingers on the left and/or on right leg. It hurts, “goosebumps”, the muscles become flabby.

Intervertebral hernia

The intervertebral disc wears out - the vertebrae overlap each other - pinching blood vessels and nerve fibers. As a result, blood flow and conduction of nerve impulses are disrupted.

Periodically, my big toes go numb. Then severe pain appears.

The nervous tissue enlarges and swells – a tumor forms. More often pathological process It develops in the toes.

A benign formation quickly spreads to other areas - it hurts a person to step.


The lumen of the arteries of the lower extremities narrows - blood flow is disrupted.

The toes of the left and right feet go numb, the limbs are cold. Sensitivity does not return for a long time. When the vessel completely closes, gangrene develops.

Neuropathy (peripheral, diabetic)

High blood sugar levels in diabetes mean a high risk of damage to blood vessels and nerves in the feet. Common reason peripheral neuropathy– intoxication.

Itching, burning, tingling in the extremities. The fingers seem to be pulled together. Spontaneous pain appears, very strong. Wounds do not heal well.

Atherosclerosis of the lower extremities

Cholesterol plaques (thickenings inside the vessels) interfere with blood circulation - the arteries and arterioles of the extremities are affected.

Sensitivity decreases. Fingers are always cold and pale.

Risk factor for limb paresthesia – pregnancy. This is not a pathological condition, so we will not include it in the general table.

The enlarging uterus and growing fetus compress the nerve roots - conduction between the fibers is disrupted. At the same time, blood circulation in the extremities deteriorates - during pregnancy, the fingers become numb and cold.

How to help yourself

Constantly recurring discomfort is a reason to consult a doctor for qualified examination and treatment. But when your leg is twisted and constrained here and now, something urgently needs to be done.

What to do if your fingers go numb:

    Take a comfortable position, move your foot up and down, left and right. Make circular movements in one direction, then in the other. The simplest exercise will help speed up the blood.

    Soak your feet in a warm bath with pine extract (if you are not allergic). Relax, sit for 5-10 minutes.

    Dry each foot with a soft towel and massage thoroughly. Rub each finger alternately, using circular movements from base to tip. Work your entire foot, bottom and top, with force.

If you experience regular discomfort, perform these manipulations every evening.

  • Choose comfortable shoes made from natural materials with low heels. Best time for shopping - evening.
  • Maintain a balance of vitamins, minerals and nutrients in your diet.
  • Take multivitamin complexes.
  • Give up bad habits (poisons cause vasospasm).
  • Strengthen the muscles in your legs and feet through physical activity.
  • In summer, walk barefoot on grass and sand more often. And in winter - on a massage mat.

Place a bowl of peas or beans on the floor. Nearby is an empty bowl. Using your fingers, pick up the beans from one bowl and transfer them to another. First we work on the toes on the left foot, then on the right. Do this simple exercise regularly to keep your blood flowing.

Folk recipes

Proven recipes will help eliminate constant discomfort. There is numbness in the toes - treatment folk remedies to help:

  1. Take a hot bath, rub your feet and apply camphor ointment to your numb toes. Put on your socks and go to bed.
  2. Brew firmly Linden blossom. Add the decoction to a hot foot bath.
  3. Treat your feet with liquid honey. Cover with film. On top are socks. Leave for a couple of hours.
  4. To strengthen blood vessels, you need to do contrasting foot baths.

Remember: prevention is always better than cure.

If discomfort is quickly relieved with simple exercises and self-massage techniques, then the cause of numbness is external (uncomfortable posture, incorrect shoes, physical fatigue). If paresthesia returns again and again, accompanied by pain, burning, tingling, run to the doctor.

On the leg, because such a phenomenon causes inconvenience and, in addition, makes you worry. So what is the reason for this problem and what should be done in such cases?

Why is my finger numb?

Quite often, numbness and loss of sensation in the fingers occurs due to pinching blood vessel or a nerve ending, which often happens when sitting for a long time in an uncomfortable position or wearing shoes with a narrow toe. But, unfortunately, a numb big toe can also be a symptom of a host of diseases:

What you should pay attention to

Of course, such conditions can be accompanied by other symptoms. For example, numbness may be accompanied by a burning or tingling sensation. It is worth paying attention to the condition of the whole organism: is there any weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness, fever, etc. It is important to note whether loss of sensation occurs in all fingers or on both feet at once - this is extremely important for the diagnostic process. In any case, if your finger is numb and does not go away, you should seek help from a doctor. After all, the sooner the cause of such a violation is discovered, the greater the chances for quick and effective treatment without complications.

Numb big toe: identifying the cause

In fact, therapy directly depends on the cause of the occurrence. this symptom, since it is necessary to treat the primary disease. For this purpose, the patient is prescribed some tests and tests, including X-ray examination. An examination by a neurologist is also required, given that quite often the cause is precisely a disorder normal operation peripheral nervous system. Only after collecting anamnesis and reviewing the examination results will a specialist be able to determine the disease and prescribe effective treatment.

Loss of sensation in the toes of one of the toes is an unpleasant symptom. Many fear that its cause may be pathology. In some cases, this is a truly dangerous sensation. In this article we will look at the main reasons why the fingers on both limbs at once or only on the right foot go numb. They can be divided into chronic and temporary.

What causes temporary paresthesia?

Paresthesia of the lower extremities is a condition in which the toes become less sensitive. Additional symptoms:

  • burning;
  • feeling of goosebumps;
  • tingling;
  • pale skin;
  • pain.

This condition is not uncommon. It can be observed both in a healthy person and in a patient. Most often, people who do not have dangerous pathologies, discover temporary paresthesia. It occurs due to mechanical reasons and goes away without a trace as soon as the provoking factor ceases to act. You can feel numbness in your fingers due to the following reasons:

  • wearing uncomfortable shoes (most often this results in loss of sensitivity in the little finger);
  • uncomfortable sleeping position;
  • staying in one position for a long time (for example, tucking only the right limb);
  • long stay in the cold;
  • destruction of blood vessels due to bad habits (smoking or regular drinking of alcohol).

Exactly mechanical reasons most often lead to numbness in the toes of only one foot. The limb that is most often exposed to negative effects suffers. For example, if you tuck your right leg while sitting, your toes will go numb.

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

Everything in the body is interconnected, so a failure in one of its systems can lead to paresthesia. There are several situations in which
you need to consult a doctor:

  1. Fingers hurt and go numb for no apparent reason. Before contacting a specialist, it is necessary to exclude possible mechanical problems. For example, walk around in more comfortable shoes for a while.
  2. You often lose coordination of movements: you stumble, twist your legs. Also indirect sign there may be unsteadiness in gait.
  3. Do you feel additional symptoms: excessive weakness, drowsiness, dizziness, tinnitus.
  4. You cannot feel the temperature change with your toes. To confirm this sign, prepare two bowls of water - warm and cool. First dip your toes in cool water and then in warm water. Healthy man you will definitely feel the difference.

If you notice these signs in yourself, it is best not to put off visiting a doctor. They may indicate life-threatening pathologies - then it will be too late to contact them. The first place to start is to visit a therapist. When you come to him, he will collect anamnesis, schedule a consultation with a specialist and refer you to additional diagnostics(radiography, tests and other types of research).

The only period when you should not worry about numbness in your toes is pregnancy. The occurrence of a symptom should be reported to your doctor, but in most cases its presence will be explained physiological characteristics female body. Along with the growth of the fetus, the uterus enlarges, which puts pressure on the nerve roots and large vessels. This is what leads to numbness. After childbirth, the symptom of women's legs will be as sensitive as before.

Why does the patient suffer from chronic numbness?

If your fingers go numb almost constantly, and this feeling for a long time does not leave you, then the cause may be illness. The pathology is easy to recognize - it progresses over time: first you lose sensitivity from the little finger to the middle finger, and then this symptom covers the remaining joints. As a rule, the last numbness affects the thumb. The reason for this unpleasant symptom the following diseases may occur:

  1. Osteochondrosis lumbar region spine, intervertebral hernia. This is the most common reason paresthesia. During treatment of these pathologies or after surgical intervention you begin to feel your feet again.
  2. Nerve damage to the lower extremities due to trauma. In this case, the symptom develops atypically - first the movable thumb, index or ring finger loses sensitivity, while the rest retain their functions in full.
  3. Diabetes mellitus of the second degree leads to the first loss of sensation in the feet. Also, this disease and other pathologies of metabolic processes lead to loss of sensitivity in the fingers.
  4. Multiple sclerosis leads to paresis and paralysis. One of the first symptoms that occurs is numbness in the toes.
  5. With Raynaud's syndrome, blood circulation in the arteries is disrupted, and small vessels are also affected.
  6. Polyneuropathy occurs due to a lack of B vitamins. This disease is characterized by numbness of the toes of only one foot.
  7. Launched vascular pathologies lead to complete blockage of blood vessels. If you do not pay attention to the appearance of numbness, gangrene may develop.

Less commonly, this symptom accompanies other diseases: ministroke, spinal tumors, damage to the peripheral nervous system, rheumatoid arthritis, transient ischemic attacks.

What to do if your toes often go numb

Self-medication for numbness in the fingers can lead to the loss of a limb or severe deterioration in health. The course of therapy should only be drawn up by doctors. It will depend on the pathology that led to the appearance of the symptom. You can be treated using the following methods:

  1. The use of painkillers, anti-inflammatory, vasodilating medications. The therapy has several goals: restores blood supply to the lower extremities and helps deliver nutrients. To prevent the patient from suffering from a lack of useful blood components, vitamin therapy is used.
  2. Surgery if necessary to restore blood supply or functioning of the nervous system.
  3. Massage of the lower limbs and back.
  4. Physiotherapeutic methods - from electrophoresis to wraps.
  5. Non-traditional methods of treatment: acupuncture, hirudotherapy.
  6. Taking a course of physical therapy.

As a rule, several methods are used at once. At the doctor’s insistence, a diet may be included in the complex (if the cause is diabetes) or other measure to restore health. All patients with numbness in the fingers are recommended to purchase comfortable shoes and avoid bad habits, take contrast baths in the evenings and rub relaxing balms into your feet after physical activity.

Many people take numbness lightly, not attaching the slightest importance to such manifestations. In some situations this is correct, because if a person has so-called “goosebumps” and a tingling feeling in the leg after he long time I sat on it, then this is absolutely normal. But what if such a feeling arises for no apparent reason, and especially with a certain frequency?

Numbness of the fingers on the lower extremities, which is described as a loss of sensation followed by a slight tingling sensation, can indicate many diseases, most of of which is associated with the spine. There are many reasons for this phenomenon and it is worth knowing about them in order to be able to figure out when to go to the hospital.

Simple causes of big toe numbness

The “leg-to-leg” pose leads to poor circulation and... as a result, numbness

The simplest explanation for this phenomenon is a prolonged stay in a position in which the leg was pinched (for example, squatting). In such cases, when changing position and starting motor activity restoration of blood circulation is accompanied by a feeling of numbness and tingling.

It is not uncommon for the toes to become numb in the cross-legged position in which many people are in the habit of sitting. You should get rid of this manner - in a position with your leg thrown up, blood circulation is impaired, which over time can lead to a serious problem - varicose veins veins in the legs and groin area.

Second reason for numbness thumb on the foot, which does not indicate a disease, is the wrong shoe. Tight socks, high heels and long stays in such shoes lead to the disappearance of the sensitivity of the finger, which is pinched. The way out of this situation is very simple - you need to get rid of uncomfortable shoes, and choose new ones correctly, taking into account the size of the foot, its characteristics and the degree of daily load. Sometimes numbness occurs as a result of wet or cold feet.

Diseases causing the problem

The lumbar spine is responsible for the work of the lower extremities, so if something is wrong with the sensitivity of the fingers, then the problem may lie in this part of the back. First possible problem- This intervertebral hernia, which, as it grows, puts more and more pressure on the nerve endings, thereby causing disturbances in sensitivity. The specific location of the lesion determines whether symptoms will appear on the left or right leg.

Let's look at a few more common reasons for this phenomenon:

  • inflammation sciatic nerve;
  • experts note that in 9 cases out of 10, when patients come to the hospital with a complaint of periodic numbness of the fingers on the lower extremities, they are diagnosed with osteochondrosis (impaired structure and quality of performance of the functional load of the intervertebral discs). With this disease, numbness in the fingers is far from the only symptom, it can only indicate an approximate location. Diagnosing the problem is very simple - you need to take an x-ray of the lumbar spine;
  • spinal tuberculosis (an infectious disease that affects bones and joints);
  • diseases associated with metabolic disorders (for example, diabetes);
  • the presence of a tumor, possibly even of an oncological nature;
  • problems with normal blood circulation in the lower extremities;
  • Raynaud's disease (impaired regulation of activity small vessels, which leads to their spastic reaction);
  • Numbness of the fingers can be one of the symptoms of developing gout. The disease is associated with salt deposition uric acid, overweight people are at risk; the disease is more common in males who abuse protein foods;
  • Alcoholism can also cause numbness in the limbs.

Diseases that cause numbness of the big toe (photo)

Gout Circulatory disorders Tumor near the spine Osteochondrosis Inflammation of the sciatic nerve Intervertebral hernia

At first glance, the symptom is very simple and not dangerous, but it can hide a lot of serious illnesses. Particular attention should be paid to the loss of sensation in the toes, which occurs repeatedly and is not associated either with wearing shoes or with an uncomfortable, forced posture while sitting or lying down. There is only one way to accurately determine the real cause of the problem - by turning to a specialist for help. Typical patient complaints:

  • numbness changes painful sensations and is localized exclusively in the big toe;
  • the toe on one foot goes numb more often than the other;
  • after sleep there was a feeling that the sore finger had been laid down, but during the day the sensitivity did not return;
  • numbness appeared in the finger and progressed over a period of time, spreading to the entire leg, etc.

How to get rid of the problem of numbness?
