What to feed the Basenji. Raising and training an African non-barking dog. Basenji appearance

At the request of friends and acquaintances, I’m publishing it :) But before you look under the cut, I want you to understand the following. I am not a canine nutritionist. And I’m not waving a banner that says “This is the only way to feed dogs!” I am a doctor and I have a good basic understanding of physiology, incl. physiology of digestion. And I have 2 dogs who have been eating this way for many years, without getting sick and maintaining excellent physical shape (those who wish can see this every week at the races). An important addition - my dogs are not allergic to food products and they don't need any therapeutic diet!
Now I’ll just describe my feeding regimen.

I got so carried away by listing beef and beef by-products that I almost forgot what other meat I feed them.
Firstly, the same Kodmi that I love supplies horse meat. I gave the dogs horse heart, they ate it well, it is less fatty than beef. My dogs also eat lamb, and the kaltyks were especially good at it. Good, but rare - suppliers of meat for dogs usually do not include lamb in their assortment, and buying at the market is expensive, the game is not worth the candle.
And I completely forgot about the chicken! Chicken backs and wings, and sometimes necks. Everything is raw. Boiled, if I cook porridge with chicken broth, I can give the backs and necks to the dogs, but from the boiled wings I take out the bones (and give them to the rats!). Once cooked, these bones easily break into sharp edges and can damage a dog's esophagus, stomach, and intestines.
If dogs eat chicken backs, etc., for a long time, a week or more, they may become prone to constipation. This must be kept in mind and, at a minimum, try not to combine chicken backs and wings with rice, which also fixes it. But how wonderfully your teeth are cleaned! A very pleasant fresh smell from the mouth from regular gnawing of these tender bones.

Morning feeding may vary. Most often it is porridge. Rice or buckwheat, or a mix of these two cereals. Less often - Hercules. Very rarely, when you need to lose weight - pearl barley. The porridge can be empty - then I add oil and vegetables to it. In vegetable broth, in meat broth (usually I use chicken soup sets or wings), in milk. You can add fresh herbs or seasonal vegetables to the porridge.
What vegetables do I add to porridge when cooking? These are frozen vegetable mixtures - no corn or spices. Green beans, cauliflower, pumpkin, zucchini, carrots. In their raw form, I add carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes to the porridge (a little - they increase the acidity gastric juice, Fly has it reduced, so he gets the tomatoes mostly). In order for the dog to digest vegetables, they must be well grated (on a grater, not cut into pieces). For greens, I mostly give parsley. There is also an idea to use sprouted wheat in the cold season. I'll probably try it this winter.
Once a week, instead of porridge, I give cottage cheese, 2-5% fat. Sometimes I make an omelet (eggs and milk, without salt and spices), you can also add vegetables to it.
When there is absolutely no time, my dogs can easily eat dry food (I dilute it with water, but don’t let it get soggy). They easily tolerate this, but they refuse to eat dry food for a long time.

What I DO NOT give to dogs:
1. Mushrooms
2. Potatoes
3. Salt, spices
4. Food from the table, sweets
5. Bones
I will dwell on the bones in more detail. I try to give dogs dense cartilage at least once every 2 weeks. To do this, I buy a piece of brisket - I choose lean ones, where there are no or almost no bones, only cartilage. They clean teeth perfectly, and dogs have such a fresh smell from their mouths afterwards! But bones are evil. Dogs wear down and sometimes break their teeth on dense bones. Dogs swallow pieces of bones - sometimes with the most tragic consequences. If they do gnaw the bone into powder, this powder becomes cemented in the intestines, causing constipation. Bone marrow rich in fat, like periarticular tissues - which sometimes (and in my dogs for sure) causes severe diarrhea. So I am of the opinion that dogs eat meat (plus skin, hair, sinew, small bones) and not bones. And if you give them a bone, it’s only so that they chew off the articular cartilage, and then immediately take it away.

My dogs have water in free access There are always bowls on both floors of our home. Dehydration is scary, especially at a young age.

I also plan to write about how I came to natural food, about eating on the road, about losing weight on natural food, about Kodmi and their canned food.

Basenji is a unique breed, formed as a result of natural selection. That is, the person did not participate in this process. The first mentions of it can be traced back to ancient times. Archaeologists found mummies of dogs similar in structure during excavations Egyptian pyramids. In legends, these animals are credited with human-level intelligence.

It's not common, but interesting breed. Its other name is African non-barking dog. The animal makes peculiar sounds similar to singing, grumbling, rumbling.

Description of the breed

Basenjis are considered intelligent, loyal friends. The dog is not mute, it makes a lot of sounds - growls, snorts, howls, “sings”. The sounds are quiet and unobtrusive. The Basenji looks beautiful and is ideal for keeping in an apartment.

Main characteristics

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their small size, strong physique, grace and intelligence. They are energetic and need long walks and daily active play.

  • Weight . An adult male weighs about 11 kg, a female weighs up to 9.5 kg.
  • Height at withers. Male - 43 cm, female - 40 cm.
  • Color. The standard accepts four colors - red and white, black and white, tricolor and brindle. In brindle, reddish-red color predominates, with black stripes appearing. Tricolor is a black color with reddish-reddish tan, spots on the cheekbones, muzzle, and above the eyes. The end of the tail, chest and “slippers” are always white, regardless of color.
  • Lifespan. From ten to 12 years. At good care Some individuals live up to 15 years.
  • Character . Active, energetic, emotional dog. She is attached to her owner and treats strangers with distrust. Gets along well with dogs, but does not like other pets. Alert, but not aggressive.
  • Intelligence. Basenjis are considered smart dogs with an increased level of intelligence. They are able to analyze the situation.
  • Security and guard potential. The hunting breed is not intended to guard the home. Basenjis are kept in apartments, but not in enclosures. The lack of ability to bark does not prevent them from protecting the house from burglars.

Basenjis are clean and do not have the characteristic dog smell. The owners are amused by their habit of washing themselves with their paws - dogs do it almost like cats.


The breed standard refers to a set of external data characteristic of purebred Basenji representatives. Any deviation from the standard is considered a defect. A brief description of the parameters is given in the table.

Table - Basenji breed standard

Parameter (body part)Description
General form- Light build with thin bones;
- wrinkled head with erect ears;
- deep chest with pronounced undermining;
- tightly curled tail;
- graceful, well-built dog
Head- Graceful, with wrinkles on the sides and forehead;
- moderately wide, flat skull;
- weakly defined transition from forehead to muzzle
Front part- Black nose;
- strong jaws with an even bite;
- dark, almond-shaped eyes
Ears- Standing, looking forward;
- pointed, small, thin;
- set closer to the front of the head
Body- Short, straight back;
- short lower back;
- deep sternum with moderately prominent ribs
Tail- Tightly twisted into a ring;
- set high
Limbs- Straight, thinly boned forelimbs;
- elbows pointing back;
- long forearms;
- strong, muscular hind legs;
- long shins
Paws- Narrow, small;
- well arched fingers
Wool- Thin;
- thick;
- short

Advantages and disadvantages

The Basenji is a dog with a complex character. To raise a loyal friend, the owner will need a lot of patience. A dog needs attention no less than a child - he needs regular long walks and communication. The decision to get a puppy should be a balanced one. The table compares the pros and cons of the breed.

Table - Pros and cons of the breed

Basenjis are suitable for active people who walk a lot, travel, and often go out into nature. Homebodies should give preference to other breeds.

History of origin and interesting facts

According to many scientists, this is the most ancient breed of dog. Considered African. Presumably its ancestors are Asian wolves, which spread to Central America after migration.

According to estimates, the breed has existed in nature for about 5 thousand years. The ancestors of the Basenji were depicted on the walls of the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs. The African non-barking dog has been used for hunting for centuries. Europeans first encountered it in the Congo, around the end of the 19th century. The breed, which previously existed in a limited area, became widespread only at the end of the last century. Now the Basenji can be found in most parts of the world.


Man did not take part in breeding the breed. Differences in color and body structure are due to their natural habitat. In nature, there are only two varieties of Basenji.

  1. Plain. Large variety of the breed. The height at the withers reaches 40 cm. The color is light - brown and white. The neck and part of the chest are decorated with a white collar.
  2. Lesnoy. They are called pygmy dogs because of their small stature. The height at the withers does not reach 40 cm. They are distinguished by a darker coat and eye color.

The Basenji requires minimal but regular grooming. Immediately after purchasing a puppy, it is recommended to purchase the necessary care products - shampoo for short-haired dogs, a rubber brush, nail clippers, toothbrush(finger attachment) and paste. The treatment includes seven procedures.

  1. Wool . Wipe the coat twice a week with a damp towel or a special rubber glove. Brush your pet regularly with a natural bristle brush.
  2. Bathing. Basenjis do not like water. Wash your pet if necessary - usually no more than once every three months. They use a special shampoo - for all representatives of the breed sensitive skin. After bathing, dry the coat with a soft terry towel. Using a hairdryer is not recommended.
  3. Eyes . Once a week, wipe the eyes with a damp cotton swab dipped in weak tea.
  4. Ears . Once a week auricle wipe with a damp cotton pad. For deeper cleaning, use special drops.
  5. Teeth . Clean once a week with a special toothpaste and brush. Pets are sometimes given pieces fresh tomato- natural acid prevents the formation of tartar.
  6. Claws. Use a nail clipper for medium breeds to trim the ends of the claws once a month.
  7. Treatment against ticks. In the warm season, treat your pet with a tick protection agent once every three weeks. Drops are most often used to apply to the area between the shoulder blades.

Basenjis have no undercoat - they freeze in winter. In cold weather, the pet is walked in warm, waterproof overalls.


Basenji is a difficult breed to keep. In character, they are a little like cats - they understand what is required of them, but they like to do things their own way. Escape attempts are explained by independence and love of freedom. They love chasing cats and communicating with stray dogs gathered in packs. Experienced dog breeders do not let the Basenji off the leash when walking around the city.

In nature, you cannot punish a dog for running away. Regular training, active games, rewarding with a tasty morsel will help keep your pet close to you - the dog should not get bored next to its owner. They try not to leave the Basenji alone.

Basenjis require a lot of walking. Unspent energy often results in problems - uncontrollable behavior on the street, a tendency to “smash” everything in the house. In private homes, owners try to make a reliable, high fence around all sides of the property and let their pet out into the yard as often as possible.

Buy a comfortable bed that matches the size of the dog. A set of toys is a must. Some toys are periodically removed so that the dog does not lose interest in them, and then taken out.

For the first time, you need to purchase a cat litter box or disposable diapers. The bed and feeding bowls are kept clean. Naturally clean dogs will not eat from a dirty bowl.


You can feed the Basenji dry or natural food. A well-built dog has ribs that do not stick out, but can be easily felt. Overfeeding leads to obesity increased load on the heart, shortens the life expectancy of the pet.

When feeding dry food, preference is given to premium or super-premium types. Cheap food will not provide your pet with the necessary nutrients and will negatively affect its health. Giving preference to natural nutrition, they create a balanced diet. The required products are shown in the table.

Meat products- Raw beef, veal;
- boiled heart, liver;
- tripe scalded with boiling water;
- esophagus;
- cartilage, ears and noses;
- udder;
- chicken
- Kidneys;
- pork;
- mutton;
- sausages;
- smoked meats;
- ground meat;
- tubular and sharp bones
Cereals- Buckwheat;
- rice;
- pearl barley
- Corn grits;
- millet;
- semolina
Vegetables- Carrot;
- cucumbers;
- apples;
- zucchini;
- cabbage
- Legumes;
- potato;
- mushrooms
Dairy products- Skim cheese;
- fermented baked milk;
- kefir;
- unsalted cheese
Fat dairy products with flavorings, fillers
Oils- Unrefined sunflower oil;
- butter
- Refined sunflower oil;
- salo
Chicken eggsBoiledRaw

The dog should always have clean, fresh water. Do not pour it into a bowl from the tap. Spring and bottled water is suitable. Poor quality leads to yellow teeth.

Sample menu

An adult Basenji eats twice a day. Puppies are fed more often. The frequency and time of feeding depend on the age of the puppy. The table shows an approximate feeding schedule depending on age.

Table - Approximate feeding schedule for Basenji depending on age

Age, in monthsNumber of feedingsMenu for the day
2-3 5 - 7:00 - cottage cheese or kefir;
- 12:00 - porridge with added vegetables;
- 15:00 - finely chopped meat;
- 19:00 - curdled milk, fermented baked milk;
- 23:00 - minced meat
3-4,5 4 - 7:00 - porridge with the addition of raw or boiled vegetables;
- 13:00 - chopped meat or offal;
- 18:00 - cottage cheese, fermented baked milk or kefir;
- 23:00 - meat, boiled or raw offal
4,5-8 3 - 7:00 - porridge with added vegetables;
- 14:00 - fermented milk products;
After 82 - 7:00 - fermented milk products or porridge with vegetables;
- 22:00 - offal or meat

Leftover food should not be left in the bowl - feeding is carried out strictly according to the schedule. The serving size is determined individually - the puppy must eat the food, lick the bowl and move away. If there is food left - the portion is too large, the puppy continues to lick the walls, does not move away - it is small.


The Basenji is difficult to train, despite its intelligence and intelligence. Her waywardness, love of freedom and restlessness prevent her from following her master’s commands. Training should be daily and long-lasting. The first step to dog obedience is a trusting relationship.

A pet cannot be punished for disobedience. Obedience is achieved patiently - using the “carrot” method. For any success, the dog must be immediately rewarded. The same command is practiced in different life situations and places.

The dog must understand that the owner has the right to take whatever he wants. One of the main goals of training is to teach the dog to give any objects to the owner, regardless of his desire. At three months of age, it is advisable to send the puppy to special training courses. After completing education, they move on to obedience and training courses.

Basenjis are afraid of water - they are taught to bathe from puppyhood. After bathing, be sure to give a treat to smooth out the unpleasant sensations. In nature, you should not force your dog into the water.


The Basenji's first heat should begin no later than one and a half years of age. They begin to prepare the dog for mating long before this. Be sure to check the health status, evaluate the possibility of caring for the puppies, and plan a place and time.

They make a preliminary agreement with the dog’s owner and plan an approximate mating date. Mating takes place in the male dog's territory. Young dogs may require the services of a trainer. Sometimes you have to give the dogs time to get used to each other. The next day the knitting is repeated.

The duration of Basenji pregnancy is on average 63 days. On early stages It is difficult to determine the success of mating. Indirect signs pregnancy - lethargy, increased appetite, drowsiness.

By the end of the fourth week of pregnancy, the dog becomes less active and slightly expands in the rib area. After five weeks, the nipples swell and change color. By the middle of the term, the appearance of toxicosis is possible - the appetite decreases, the dog vomits. After a few days, your health will stabilize. In the sixth week the stomach increases, in the last week it decreases. The surest sign of pregnancy is the puppies moving. During the first birth, it is advisable to invite a veterinarian to your home.

Diseases and treatment

Basenjis have good health and, with good care, can live up to 12 years, but the possibility of developing hereditary or breed-specific diseases cannot be ruled out. Seven diseases pose particular danger.

  1. Fanconi syndrome. Characterized by serious violation kidney function. It is difficult to diagnose in the early stages and often leads to death. Young dogs rarely get sick; the disease most often appears after four years of age. The main symptom is increased sugar levels in the urine. The dog drinks a lot and urinates often. The blood test remains normal. Treatment includes increasing protein in the diet, supporting the body with dietary supplements containing calcium and phosphorus. The disease is incurable.
  2. Malabsorption. Expressed in chronic food allergies. Due to its rapid passage through the intestines and bowel movements nutrients they don’t have time to assimilate. The main symptoms are diarrhea and exhaustion of the body. The disease is considered hereditary. Under treatment medications. Rarely seen.
  3. Hemolytic anemia. A genetic pathology caused by damage to two genes responsible for the production of special enzymes. They are involved in ensuring the normal state of red blood cells. Affected dogs develop incurable anemia. The Basenji's life expectancy is reduced to three years. The disease is diagnosed by analyzing a swab from the oral cavity.
  4. Hypothyroidism. The most serious disease is characterized by a lack of thyroid hormones. Symptoms - set excess weight with balanced feeding, bad condition fur and skin, swelling, low temperature, lethargy, inability to produce healthy offspring. The disease is diagnosed in the laboratory.
  5. Coloboma. Collective name for a defective structure of the eye. Visual acuity is impaired, and sometimes visible physical defects appear. Sick dogs are sterilized and not allowed for breeding.
  6. Retinal atrophy. Retinal damage develops. Over time, the dog becomes blind.
  7. Umbilical hernia . A common occurrence for Basenjis. If there is no redness, surgical intervention is not required.

Preventive vaccinations

To prevent viral and infectious diseases, puppies are vaccinated. The first vaccination is usually carried out by the breeder; the task of subsequent revaccination falls on the new owner. Vaccination schedule:

  • seven to eight weeks- vaccinations are performed against canine distemper, parvovirus, adenovirus, leptospirosis, parainfluenza type 2;
  • 12-13 weeks - rabies vaccination is added to the list of vaccinations.

To ensure vaccination goes without complications, deworming is carried out ten days before visiting the veterinary clinic. Immediately before vaccinations, the veterinarian measures the temperature and examines the dog to ensure its health.

TOP nicknames

The nickname should not only be beautiful, but also easy to remember. Long ones are reluctantly accepted by dogs. The table shows a list of the most popular Basenji nicknames in alphabetical order.

Table - Popular nicknames basenji

First letter of nicknameMaleBitch
A- Akela;
- Atila;
- Anubis;
- Antey
- Agatha;
- Aurora;
- Assol;
- Akira
B- Bard;
- Beckham;
- B.J.
- Bagheera;
- Bonnie;
- Barry
IN- Viking;
- Veles;
- Varyag
- Vesta;
- Wendy;
- Vicki
G- Hector;
- Hermes;
- Hero
- Hera;
- Grace;
- Gita
D- Dobie;
- Jack;
- Dandy
- Dana;
- Daisy;
- Jane
E- Elisha;
- Elson;
- Erofey
- Eva;
- Elana;
- Christmas tree
AND- Jean;
- Julian;
- Justien
- Jasmine;
- Janet;
- Julie
Z- Zeus;
- Zorgo;
- Zerro
- Zara;
- Xena;
- Zolda
AND- Eli;
- Indigo;
- Icarus
- Irma;
- Ida;
- Ilana
TO- Kesk;
- Kent;
- Chris
- Kira;
- Casey;
- Kelly
L- Lari;
- Lax;
- Life
- Laura;
- Lana;
- Lilith
M- Murphy;
- Martin;
- Mitch
- Martha;
- Mary;
- Mila
N- Nick;
- Knight;
- Norton
- Nessie;
- Nori;
- Natty
ABOUT- Austin;
- Orpheus;
- Odysseus
- Audrey;
- Ollie;
- Omega
P- Pirate;
- Prince;
- Pongo
- Pandora;
- Puma;
- Puffy
R- Ray;
- Ricky;
- Rolf
- Rona;
- Rosie;
- Rachel
WITH- Scooby;
- Skif;
- Silver
- Cindy;
- Sally;
- Sparta
T- Thor;
- Tim;
- Twix
- Tiffany;
- Tori;
- Tilda
U- Uranus;
- Ulf;
- Ujer
- Ulma;
- Delight;
- Ulma
F- Fred;
- Flint;
- Faust
- Frida;
- Fabi;
- Fortune
X- Hulk;
- Hugo;
- Harty
- Hannah;
- Helga;
- Haley
C- Cyclone;
- Cezzi;
- Cent
- Tsara;
- Cessa;
- Tserona
H- Chester;
- Chips;
- Cheater
- Cherry;
- Chana;
- Chelita
Sh- Sherlock;
- Shepard;
- Shakespeare
- Shelley;
- Shakira;
- Cher
E- Eddie;
- Ernie;
- Angel
- Emmy;
- Eureka;
- Amber
YU- Yucca;
- Cabin boy
- Yuji;
- Juno;
- Yula
I- Jason;
- Yakhont;
- Yard
- Yasmin;
- Yanni;
- Yaki

Photo review

A harmonious body, a tail wrapped in a tight snail, a friendly but curious look - here short description appearance of the breed. Below are photos of the Basenji different ages, showing off their natural grace.

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general information

Basenjis in Russia are still quite rare, but These interesting and easy-to-care dogs have a great future. They are inimitable as cute, playful and affectionate, low-maintenance, clean pets. Basenjis love to jump, play and get into mischief - that's why You can do all sorts of “dog” sports with them., for example, agility (a canine sport in which a dog quickly and correctly overcomes an obstacle course).

These animals inquisitive, active, well-trained, good with children. Among many other breeds, the Basenji stands out complete absence Barking is a common fault in small dogs, who compensate for their lack of height with a loud voice.

One more distinctive feature basenji is that female dogs come into heat not twice a year, like other dogs, but only once a year.

What makes the breed particularly attractive is the unique neatness of this dog, which licks its fur like a cat. The Basenji is ideal for those owners who consider cleanliness in the house a priority.

Breed standard

Externally, Basenjis are very graceful and elegant, they have amazing facial expressions: they have wrinkles on their forehead between their ears, giving the dog’s face a special charm. The breed is characterized by beautiful almond-shaped eyes and high-set, slightly tilted ears with sharp tips.

The tail of these dogs is very interesting: it is tightly curled, forms one or a pair of rings and fits tightly to the sacral region. An important proportion for this breed: the distance from the back of the head to the forehead should be slightly greater than from the top of the forehead to the tip of the nose.

By temperament, Basenjis are balanced, but always alert and ready for “adventures.”

There are four types of Basenji colors: black and piebald, red piebald, black and piebald with tan and markings above the eyes, on the cheekbones and on the muzzle, and brindle, in which black stripes appear on the main red background. The Basenji's coat is short and lies close to the body.

Basenjis are not capable of barking, but they use other interesting sounds to communicate and express emotions: snorting, yelping, quiet growls or grunts.

Ideal height at the withers for males: 43 cm, for females - 40 cm. Weight - from 9 to 11 kg.

History of the breed

The Basenji is considered one of the oldest breeds. Its history goes back more than 5,000 years. The Basenji's homeland is the central regions of Africa. There these dogs are still used as hunting dogs. It is noteworthy that, most likely, no one was specifically involved in breeding this breed - it formed independently under the influence of external conditions and life next to humans.

The oldest archaeological evidence of dogs, presumably the ancestors of the modern Basenji, is found in Egyptian burials dating back to the fourth millennium BC. e. Wall paintings, figurines and various religious and everyday objects of Ancient Egypt depict in detail a dog that is completely identical in appearance to the appearance of the Basenji. Mummies of dogs similar to Basenjis have been found in Egyptian burials. It is known that in Ancient Egypt dogs were considered sacred animals. In connection with the death of a dog, mourning was declared in Egyptian houses, according to the testimony of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, who visited Egypt.

When the civilization of Egypt fell into decay, the cult of dogs was passed into oblivion. However, in Central Africa the natives continued to use the Basenji as hunting dog. They valued this breed for its intelligence, dexterity, and rare silence for a dog. When hunting, the ability not to scare away game by barking is a huge advantage, and Basenjis are not able to make this sound at all, for which they later received the nickname “African silent man.” In the language of the Central Africans, the word "basenji" means "forest creature." In 1895, explorers brought a pair of unusual African dogs to England. But the debut of the breed did not take place, because the Basenji, tired of the long journey and finding themselves in an unusual environment, fell ill and soon died.

The Basenji was first officially presented to the world in 1937 at the Kraft exhibition, where they were exhibited under very original names: “Congo Terrier” and “Jungle Dog”. These unique dogs Throughout the subsequent history of the breed, it was accompanied by triumphant exhibition success, which contributed to the spread and popularity of the Basenji in the world.

In Russia, according to dog handlers, the first Basenjis appeared in 1997. These were dogs from a French kennel. Today, Basenjis from Russian breeders are receiving high marks from foreign experts.

Common diseases

The most common diseases found in Basenjis are:

Progressive retinal atrophy;


Digestive disorders;

Renal pathology.

Since most of these diseases are hereditary, the risk of their occurrence is much less if you get a puppy from healthy, proven parents. Proper care of the Basenji, if not completely eliminates, then minimizes the likelihood of health problems in a dog at a young age.

Basenji puppy (0–1 year)

The first year and especially the first months of a Basenji puppy’s life is a very important age, a period during which the foundations of the dog’s health and behavior are laid. Everything depends on how correct the care, feeding and upbringing of the puppy is. future life your pet, its quality and duration. Basenji puppies are adorable, like all babies, and like all babies, they require a lot of attention and care. But an amazing feature inherent in Basenji puppies from birth - the habit of washing their paws, like cats - will completely save you from the hassle of keeping your pet clean.

At the age of 3.5–4 months, a Basenji puppy tries to understand its place in the world around it and at the same time find out who is in charge in its “pack”. While playing, he may “accidentally” bite you; this should be taken as the first timid attempt to dominate. Your task is to strictly explain to your child “who’s boss in the house.”

At 6-8 months, the Basenji becomes even more independent, he begins to study with increased interest the world. This age is considered the first “crisis” period, when your pet, who already understands perfectly well what you want from him, may show disobedience. This happens especially often during a walk: a puppy released from a leash refuses to approach its owner. It is important not to indulge your whims little friend, but persistently seek obedience, then such behavior problems quickly pass.

Basenji puppies grow very quickly, and in the short period of your pet's childhood you should not only have time to enjoy his constantly changing games and fun, but also instill in him all the desired behavior skills.

Character and behavior

Basenji puppies are not just playful, they are incredibly active, nimble and mischievous. Left to its own devices, your pet can cause significant damage to both its own health and its environment, in ways that are impossible to predict. So, when leaving your little Basenji alone, make sure that there is nothing around except stationary furniture and special dog toys.

According to dog handlers, Basenjis do not respond well to standard training. However, owners who pay enough attention to their pet believe that Basenjis can be taught not only all the basic commands, but also many interesting tricks.

At the age of 4 to 8 months, the puppy begins to show independence of character. This is the best time to start training your dog and increase the load on walks. Start gradually practicing the commands “Sit!”, “Stand!”, “Lie down!”. If the puppy refuses to carry them out, we recommend that you still get what you want from him: otherwise, the confrontation and struggle for leadership will increase. Always reward your dog with a treat for completing a command - this will help reinforce the acquired skill.

In order for vaccination to take place without complications, it is necessary to carry out deworming (prevention or removal of worms) 10 days before it. And on the day of vaccination, make sure that your pet is absolutely healthy and does not show any symptoms. feeling unwell or inappropriate behavior.

Vaccination schedule for a Basenji puppy

At the age of 7–8 weeks - vaccination against distemper, adenovirus, parvovirus, parainfluenza type 2 and leptospirosis in dogs;

At the age of 12–13 weeks - revaccination against distemper, adenovirus, parvovirus, parainfluenza type 2 and leptospirosis in dogs + rabies vaccination;

A year later - revaccination against the same diseases;

What the puppy will need

Even before a Basenji puppy appears in your home, you need to choose and prepare comfortable spot in a dry, warm, always bright room, away from heating devices, not in the aisle or in a draft. The bedding should be comfortable and of such a size that an adult Basenji can stretch out on it to his full height - after all, puppies grow very quickly. Buying a ready-made lounger will save you from having to sew a mattress yourself. Accessories for puppies offered by companies such as Trixie, Savic, Ferplast, Karlie are very practical and comfortable.

Required Items

From the first day of life in your new home, your puppy will need two bowls - for food and for water. Stainless steel cookware is considered the most convenient and practical. Plastic bowls are much less durable and very short-lived.

Like any baby, a Basenji puppy will need toys - objects made of dense material and of such a size that he cannot swallow or chew them. Considering this breed’s passion for games and mischief, it is advisable to purchase a wide variety of dog toys so that you can always occupy or distract your naughty pet.

Contrary to popular belief that dogs need to be given bones, they are absolutely contraindicated for puppies - the baby can ruin his teeth or severely choke. During the change of teeth (from 3 to 7 months), it is especially dangerous for a puppy to gnaw hard foods - you can overload the still fragile teeth and disrupt the correctness of the bite. To satisfy your pet’s need to “gnaw and bite,” buy him special treats that imitate bones, which are completely safe and even healthy. PetOnline veterinarians recommend using specially designed high-quality treats for puppies from companies such as TiTBiT, Pedigree, Bosch, Pro Plan, MNYAMS, Delipet.

Toilet and walks

While the Basenji puppy is very small, it is easy to teach him to relieve himself in a place convenient for you - for example, on absorbent diapers placed in the corner. Considering the small size of this breed, you can use a special tray with filler. As soon as the puppy wakes up, eats, or simply begins to behave restlessly, you need to carry him in your arms to the prepared place for the toilet and wait until he does all his business. When the Basenji grows up, he needs to be taught to toilet outside. To do this, it is enough to take a sleeping or just eaten puppy outside and walk with it until you get the desired result. If from a very early age the Basenji is regularly walked after sleeping or feeding, then he himself, feeling the need, will begin to ask to go outside. Usually, by the age of 6-8 months, the puppy stops soiling the house, having learned to endure from walk to walk.


Of great importance for the development of the puppy along with the correct and good nutrition have regular walks. The Basenji should spend as much time as possible on fresh air in any weather, only in this case will you be able to raise a healthy and strong dog.

From the first days of walking, you will definitely need a leash and collar. There are two main types of dog walking accessories - a belt leash and a tape measure. Many Basenji owners believe that a tape measure is ideal for walking their pets, but the choice is yours.

A Basenji puppy should never be let off the leash while walking in an unfamiliar place, as this dog runs very fast, is incredibly inquisitive and has a tendency to ignore calls from its owner.

In the first month and a half, try to walk the puppy often (four to five times a day), but in a quiet, calm place so that no one will scare him. The duration of your walks should not exceed 15–20 minutes, then the baby will not get tired. Until the puppy is physically stronger, do not walk him during rain or cold weather.

Appearance care

Wool The Basenji requires virtually no maintenance. Infrequent brushing with special brush. Washing a Basenji puppy should only be done as a last resort, since most dogs of this breed do not like water. If you do decide to wash your puppy, use only special shampoo for dogs.

Ears Basenji puppies need periodic cleaning of wax, which tends to accumulate over time. A special lotion is poured into the dog’s ear and the emerging wax is carefully removed with a cotton swab. Any unusual discharge from your puppy's ears is a reason to contact your veterinarian.

Eyes Puppy also require some care. If you notice discharge from your pet's eyes, use special means, designed for dogs. If discharge from the eyes becomes regular, contact veterinarian because it is a symptom of a number of diseases.

Teeth Puppy needs regular brushing. You can buy special bones for your pet to clean its teeth or use toothpastes for dogs.

Claws The puppy should be short. They often wear down naturally during walks. If this does not happen, you need to trim them using special nail clippers. The procedure must be carried out extremely carefully: cut the claw at an angle of 45 degrees from the inside to the outside and not go beyond the red zone of the claw.


The health and condition of the puppy throughout its entire subsequent life depends on how well the puppy’s feeding is organized. The dog's developing body needs to be provided with nutrients in the quantities necessary for its development. normal development and functioning. Improper feeding can lead to rickets, poor bone structure, poor growth and insufficient muscle development of the Basenji.

Be sure to ask the breeder or the puppy’s previous owner what he fed the pet. Any changes in the puppy’s diet - be it refusal natural feeding in favor of ready-made diets or switching to food from another brand should happen gradually, otherwise your pet may have digestive problems. You can read more about this in our veterinarian's article.

The puppy should always be fed only at specific times and should never be given anything other than special treats between feedings. PetOnline veterinarians recommend using specially designed high-quality treats for puppies from companies such as TiTBiT, Pedigree, Bosch, Pro Plan, MNYAMS, Delipet.

Food should be given in sufficient quantities, ideally in such a way that the puppy eats everything with appetite. Never throw your puppy food on the floor or the ground, and do not allow him to pick up anything, either at home or outside.

Compose complete diet For a Basenji puppy, using natural products is quite difficult. You can learn more about this from our veterinarian's article.

Concerning ready-made feed, then there are a great many of their manufacturers and types in our country now. It is best to give your dog super premium and premium food, which compares favorably with others in its quality. The food developed by specialists ensures harmonious growth of the puppy, proper formation of teeth, muscle development, and ideal coat condition.

PetOnline veterinarians recommend using only food from well-established manufacturers, such as Hills, Eukanuba, Pro Plan, Acana. Their product lines include special puppy foods that are perfect for your little one.

To make the process of purchasing everything your small pet needs as easy as possible, PetOnline offers a ready-made kit for a Basenji puppy.

Adult dog

Adult Basenji (1–7 years)

A one-year-old Basenji is already a fully formed dog, and during this wonderful period your pet is able to show its best qualities: independence, intelligence, constant readiness for games and entertainment. Your life next to this cheerful creature will be bright and full of funny adventures.

At the age of 2–3 years, almost all dogs go through the so-called transition period. At this time, your pet is able to show disobedience and even try to take a leading position. Any disobedience must be suppressed, otherwise you may later have problems serious problems in a relationship with a Basenji.

Do not consider that raising and training a dog is completed when the puppyhood ends - your matured pet needs not only regular physical exercise, but also constant repetition teams included in basic course training, as well as active communication with family members. Basenji has excellent intelligence, which it is advisable to constantly develop.

From about 4–5 years of age, the Basenji becomes more sedate and balanced, while remaining cheerful and playful. The pet will continue to surprise you with new manifestations of its intelligence, but pranks and pranks will remain a thing of the past, giving way to more “thoughtful” actions.

The Basenji is considered one of the easiest breeds to care for; you only need to provide a nutritious diet, regular walks with your pet and minimal care for its appearance. It should be remembered that the quality of life of a dog at this age determines its well-being in old age and life expectancy.

An adult dog needs annual (and if any pathologies are detected, more frequent) veterinary examinations in order to identify early signs various diseases.

Character and behavior

Unlike a number of other breeds, the Basenji does not tolerate the slightest violence, demands for unquestioning obedience, or harsh training. Such methods can only turn a charming, cheerful creature into a frightened or embittered animal. However, allowing your pet to dominate its owner or do whatever he wants is also not a good idea.

Basenjis are very intelligent, quick-witted and playful, and best shape communication with this pet will become cooperative games, during which you can instill in your dog the basic skills of correct behavior. Raising a Basenji is a very important process that, as a rule, lasts the entire dog’s life, since this breed is very freedom-loving and not prone to submission.

Veterinary passport and vaccinations

A veterinary passport is required for a dog of any breed. This is a document that contains information about the animal, its owner and vaccinations. A veterinary passport is issued upon the first vaccination of an animal and is filled out by a veterinarian.

An adult dog must be vaccinated annually against distemper, adenovirus, parvovirus, parainfluenza type 2 and leptospirosis, and must be vaccinated against rabies.

What does an adult dog need?

The place for the Basenji should be away from heating devices, not in the aisle or in a draft. It is important that the dog does not interfere with movement around the apartment or house, and does not fall under the feet of the family. The bedding should be comfortable and of such a size that the Basenji can stretch out to his full height on it. Buying a ready-made lounger will save you from having to sew a mattress yourself.

Required Items

A dog needs two bowls - for food and for water. Stainless steel cookware is considered the most convenient and practical. Plastic bowls are much less durable and very short-lived. Basenjis are very playful and will happily accept the presence of special toys - balls, rubber bones, Frisbee discs, and so on. Accessories for dogs offered by companies such as Trixie, Savic, Ferplast, Karlie are very practical and comfortable.

Toilet and walks

Along with proper and nutritious nutrition, regular walks are of great importance for a dog’s health. To make walking with your dog comfortable and safe, it is important to choose the right leash and collar for your pet. There are two main types of dog walking accessories - a belt leash and a tape measure. Many Basenji owners believe that a tape measure is ideal for walking their pets, but the choice is yours.

Movement is key to your pet's health, especially during the first three years of its life. Two hour walks a day is the absolute minimum your dog needs.

It is not recommended to let the Basenji off the leash while walking in an unfamiliar place. So calm and obedient at home, your pet, once outside, can succumb to the power of natural instincts, uncontrollably pulling him in a completely different direction than where you wanted to go. Considering that this dog runs very fast and has a tendency to ignore the owner's commands, once free, it can find itself in a very unpleasant situation.

Appearance care

Wool The Basenji requires virtually no maintenance. Infrequent brushing with a special brush is sufficient. Basenjis should only be washed as a last resort, since most dogs of this breed do not like water. If you decide to wash your pet, use only special shampoo for dogs.

Ears dogs need periodic cleansing of sulfur, which tends to accumulate over time. A special lotion is poured into the dog’s ear and the emerging wax is carefully removed with a cotton swab. Any unusual discharge from your dog's ears is a reason to contact your veterinarian.

Eyes Dogs also require some care. If you notice discharge from your pet's eyes, use a special product designed for dogs. If discharge from the eyes becomes regular, contact your veterinarian, as this is a symptom of a number of diseases.

Teeth Dogs need regular brushing. You can buy special bones for your pet to clean its teeth or use toothpastes for dogs.



Proper nutrition- this is the key to your dog's health. A frivolous attitude towards feeding an animal leads to problems, the solution of which will cost you much more than high-quality dog ​​food, and will only bring illness and suffering to your pet.

As for ready-made feeds, there are now a great variety of manufacturers and types in Russia. It is best to use super premium and premium food, which compare favorably with others in the quality of the products they contain.

The dog should always be fed only at specific times and should never be given anything other than special treats between feedings. It is preferable to use specially developed high-quality dog ​​treats from companies such as TiTBiT, Pedigree, Bosch, Pro Plan, MNYAMS, Delipet.

Food should be given in sufficient quantities, ideally in such a way that the dog eats everything with appetite.

Any changes in a dog's diet - whether it is abandoning natural feeding in favor of ready-made diets or switching to a different brand of food - must occur gradually, otherwise your pet may have digestive problems. You can read more about this in our veterinarian's article.

Elderly dog

Basenji in old age (7–12 years or more)

Around the age of 7, the Basenji begins to age, and this must be taken into account when caring for your pet. Over the years, your prankster and naughty boy becomes more obedient, he needs less movement and games. But Basenjis, as a rule, remain cheerful and charming pets until death.

Animals age somewhat differently than people; they do not develop gray hair or wrinkles, and it is not easy for the untrained eye to determine a dog’s age based on its appearance. However, as old age approaches, your pet's body undergoes changes, as a result of which the Basenji becomes less energetic and active, sleeps more, and gets tired faster.

Even if it seems to you that your dog is still healthy, cheerful and active, you should remember that as he ages, he will in any case need more careful care. Carefully monitor not only the condition of your pet’s coat and appearance, but also its mood. An aging dog, even with good care, may show signs of various chronic diseases, which can be noticed by deviations in behavior. Regular examinations by a veterinarian with tests are no less necessary - this will help identify age-related diseases at an early stage and start their treatment in a timely manner.

Around the age of 10, the Basenji enters the old age phase. During this period such age-related changes such as inactivity, loss of flexibility and dexterity, loss of appetite, fast fatiguability are becoming more and more noticeable. Your pet needs constant attention and care, not only to maintain health, but also for psychological comfort. Old dogs that cannot keep up with the active lifestyle of their owners often feel abandoned and unwanted. The pet, who has been your faithful and devoted friend all his young years, now needs your love more than ever.

Your veterinarian will become your constant assistant during this difficult time. To maximize the life of the Basenji and maintain its quality, it is necessary to regularly monitor your pet and promptly treat all identified diseases. With good care and no severe age-related pathologies A Basenji can live up to 12–13 or even 15 years, remaining in fairly good physical shape.

Character and behavior

Basenji retains a puppy's interest in life until old age, and games with household members will continue to captivate your pet. However, it should be borne in mind that the vital forces of this dog’s body are no longer the same as at a young age. Although the Basenji may still look tireless, in reality it is no longer so. Don't let your pet run and play too much; any overwork in an older dog can lead to illness.

By about 10 years of age, Basenjis often experience decreased visual acuity and develop cataracts. Even a partially blind dog should be walked only along a familiar route, kept on a leash and carefully monitored to ensure that the pet does not bump into objects. At home, so that the dog cannot harm itself, everything that could pose a potential danger is removed from the floor.

With age, the Basenji, who previously enthusiastically took part in all family trips, games and ventures, becomes more and more conservative, changes in environment and noisy fun begin to irritate him. Be lenient with your aging pet and do not force him to participate in all activities. He is still ready to do anything for you, but he physical state requires a more measured and calm lifestyle.

Basenji bones become more fragile as they age, so careless movements of the dog can lead to serious injuries. With an older dog, quiet walks are appropriate, without significant jogging or overly active games.

As Basenjis get older, they may suffer from urinary incontinence. In this case, special absorbent diapers that are placed on the dog’s bed will help you. You should never scold your pet because he is simply not able to control the functions of his body as before.

Veterinary passport and vaccinations

A veterinary passport is required for a dog of any breed. This is a document that contains information about the animal, its owner and vaccinations. A veterinary passport is issued upon the first vaccination of an animal and is filled out by a veterinarian.

An older dog should be vaccinated annually against distemper, adenovirus, parvovirus, parainfluenza type 2 and leptospirosis, and must be vaccinated against rabies.

Some believe that old dog Vaccinations are not necessary, but quite the opposite is the case. As you age, your pet's risk of contracting an infectious disease increases as your pet's immune system becomes more vulnerable.

On the day of vaccination, your pet must be absolutely healthy and not show any symptoms of poor health or inappropriate behavior.

What does an older dog need?

As your dog ages, he needs warmth, and you may have to move his place closer to the radiator. Be sure to make sure that there are no drafts where your pet sleeps - they are dangerous for an older dog. The bed should be comfortable and of such a size that the Basenji can stretch out on it to his full height.

Required Items

An older dog needs two bowls - one for food and one for water. Stainless steel cookware is considered the most convenient and practical. Plastic bowls are much less durable and very short-lived. Be especially careful that the bowl always contains pure water, dehydration at this age is very dangerous. You may need other household items to care for your older dog. You will certainly find everything you need among dog accessories offered by companies such as Trixie, Savic, Ferplast, Karlie.

Toilet and walks

Regular walks are necessary for an older dog primarily to maintain joint flexibility and maintain muscle tone. However, for Basenjis as they age, it is advisable to reduce the number and duration of walks. Dogs of this breed often remain active and playful into old age, but the vitality of the body inevitably decreases with age, and your pet may become overtired.

You should walk in good weather; on especially rainy or frosty days, the duration of the walk should be minimal. There are two main types of dog walking accessories - a belt leash and a tape measure. Many Basenji owners believe that a tape measure is ideal for walking their pets, but the choice is yours.

Appearance care

Wool The Basenji requires virtually no maintenance. Infrequent brushing with a special brush is sufficient. Basenjis should only be washed as a last resort, since most dogs of this breed do not like water. If for any reason you decide to wash your pet, use only special shampoo for dogs.

Ears Older dogs need periodic cleansing of wax, which tends to accumulate over time. A special lotion is poured into the dog’s ear and the emerging wax is carefully removed with a cotton swab. Any unusual discharge from an older dog's ears is a reason to contact a veterinarian. Moreover, even in the absence external signs inflammation in the ears, a dog’s hearing acuity often decreases with age. If you notice that your pet does not respond to calls, does not flinch at loud sounds and does not turn its head towards your voice, it is likely that he has completely or partially lost his hearing.

Eyes Older dogs also require some care. If you notice discharge from your pet's eyes, use a special product designed for dogs. If discharge from the eyes becomes regular, contact your veterinarian, as this is a symptom of a number of diseases. A decrease in visual acuity in old age in Basenjis is a very common occurrence, so it is necessary not only to remove the clear exudate that has accumulated overnight in the corners of the eyes every morning, but also to carefully examine the dog’s eyes. A slight bluish haze will warn you about the onset of cataracts, covering the pupil.

Teeth older dogs are more fragile than in their younger years, they can crumble and fall out. To regularly clean your teeth during this period, it is best to use toothpastes for dogs. You should not allow your pet to chew on anything hard to avoid premature tooth loss.

Claws dogs should always be short. They often wear down naturally during walks. If this does not happen, you need to trim them using special nail clippers. The procedure must be carried out extremely carefully: cut the claw at an angle of 45 degrees from the inside to the outside and not go beyond the red zone of the claw.


Feeding an elderly Basenji should be treated with special attention, since the dog especially needs adequate nutrition during this period of life. balanced diet. In old age, a dog's metabolism slows down, it needs fewer calories than at a young age, but still essential vitamins and nutrients must be supplied to the body in sufficient quantities.

It is quite difficult to create a complete diet for an elderly Basenji from natural products. You can learn more about this from the article by our veterinarian

As for ready-made food, it is advisable to give your elderly pet super premium and premium food, the manufacturers of which are responsible for the quality of their products.

Perhaps during this period, due to some disease, the Basenji will need a veterinary diet. Your doctor will tell you which feeding option is best for your dog. Leading food manufacturers have created special diets for dogs with certain medical conditions that will help you provide your pet with the most appropriate nutrition for him.

In order for your pet to grow up as a healthy, beautiful and cheerful puppy from childhood, you must adhere to certain feeding rules. Everything depends on the quality of food. I propose to consider the rules of feeding dogs. What can be given to dogs and what cannot be given? How to feed dogs and in what quantity.

1. mushy food. When feeding puppies, the food should be mushy.

2. Salt. Food for dogs needs to be salted, but just a little bit, less than for people.

3. Fresh water. It is important that your dog always has access to fresh water.

4. Especially if you feed your dog dry food. Water level . elbow joint

5. The container with water should be placed at the level of the pet's elbow joint. As the puppy grows, the height of the stand should be adjusted. This is necessary in order to avoid curvature of the dog’s spine from incorrect posture while eating.. Avoid bloating

6. Eat the right amount of food. The number of feedings for a puppy should be appropriate to its age. Infrequent feeding and large amounts of food contribute to disruption of muscle development, skeletal systems, leads to bending of the limbs and arching of the back.

7. Food for 15 minutes. The food container should be left for 15 minutes. If your puppy refuses to eat within these 15 minutes, the bowl should be removed until next appointment food on schedule. In connection with this, you should also reduce the portions.

8. Never give bones. Giving bones to dogs is strictly prohibited - one of the most important rules of feeding dogs! Since this leads to internal diseases. Eating bones can cause constipation in dogs. internal bleeding, injuries, diseases of the rectum, volvulus, obstruction, etc. Very often this leads to the death of the pet.

For breeding dogs, eating bones is extremely unacceptable, since the bite is disturbed and the teeth are ground down. But joints are very useful for dogs. You can give chicken necks, which should first be broken with a hammer.

9. Meat. The diet of an adult dog should consist of 40-50% meat. You can give any meat except pork. It is highly undesirable to feed your dog pork. In addition to meat, offal products (liver, heart, lungs, kidneys, etc.) are very useful for dogs.

10. Dairy. The puppy's diet from 1 to 12 months should be dominated by dairy products (homemade cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, etc.), the amount of which must be reduced as the dog grows. After a year, dairy products should be eliminated. It is not advisable to feed dogs milk.

11. Cereals. The main source of carbohydrates is cereals. Cereals are especially useful for dogs: oatmeal, rice, buckwheat. It is undesirable to give wheat, semolina, and pearl barley. To make sure your dog eats a portion of boiled cereal with appetite, add vegetable oil (milk thistle, wheat germ and other cold-pressed oils).

12. Fish. It is not recommended to give dogs river fish. It is necessary to give sea fish, boneless fillets. You can replace a portion of minced beef with boiled sea fish a couple of times a week. Fish can also be given raw, but previously frozen.

13. Vegetables, fruits, herbs. To ensure that dogs, especially puppies, get enough vitamins and minerals, it is necessary to provide vegetables, fruits and various herbs. For puppies it needs to be crushed.

14. Smoked meats, sausages, fried foods. You cannot give dogs sausages, sausages, smoked foods, pickles, fried cutlets, fish, etc. This category of food leads to a deterioration in the health of dogs and causes allergies. For the same reason, products that contain dyes and chemical additives should be avoided.

15. Additives. In addition to basic nutrition, you can pamper your pets with such useful additives as honey (add to cottage cheese), seaweed, grated black currants, dried fruits, chopped eggshell(calcium, silicon), rosehip syrup, etc.

16. Separate food. For better digestion of food, many experts recommend feeding dogs in the following mode: separate power supply. That is, without mixing protein and carbohydrate foods in one plate. For example, in the morning - dairy products, at lunch - boiled rice, for dinner - minced beef.

17. Particular attention in the first year of development. The main development, growth, formation of the dog’s exterior and health actively occurs in the first 12 months of its life, especially from 1 to 7 months. It is during this period that you need to pay special attention to feeding the puppy, adhere to a high quality and proper diet.

» Feeding


Chairs should be pushed in tightly, food should not be left on the table, food should not be fed from the table, the dog should be fed only from a bowl or from the hand, and food and treats should not be thrown onto the floor for the puppy.

The food and water bowl should be on a stand and located at chest level so that the puppy only puts his face in it. As the puppy grows, the stand under the bowl should “grow.” This is important for the correct formation of the exterior.

The puppy should always have fresh water. Pay attention to the water your dog will drink. Don't let her drink anything you wouldn't drink yourself. Let it be good filtered or bottled water, otherwise in a year your dog’s beautiful white teeth will be covered with a nasty coating, stomach problems will begin, and the smell from the mouth will knock you off your feet.

All attempts by the puppy to beg for something from the table are attacked or ignored. Always clear food from the table when you leave the kitchen. Even a well-mannered dog, left alone with food, will certainly try to steal it.

When a puppy finds itself in an unfamiliar house, it experiences stress. This may affect his appetite. For the first 7-10 days, the puppy should be fed in the same way as the breeder fed it. Introduce new foods gradually, in small portions. The puppy should be fed at regular intervals. Approximate number of feedings per day: up to 2 months. 5-6 times, from 2 to 4 months. 4-5 times, from 4 to 6 months. 3-4 times, from 6 to 12 months. 3 times, from 12 months. 1-2 times.

General rule- The dog must be fed so that it is neither excessively thin nor overweight. The ribs should be palpable without problems, but not protruding.

Food should not be freely available all the time - only during the feeding period. Anything the dog doesn't eat, you remove. The amount of food should be such that the puppy quickly eats the offered portion, licks the bowl and moves away from it. If the puppy licks the bowl for a long time and carefully and does not leave it, it means that he is not full.

Types of feeding.

Or only natural products with the addition of mineral supplements, or only ready-made food one company (dry and canned), observing the recommended norm for the dog’s weight. If you choose dry food, choose good food. Those called “Premium class” and “Super-premium class”. These are Pro Pak, Eukanuba, Royal Canin, Hills, Akana...

About food.

A dog is a predator, so the basis of its diet should be meat (raw, or scalded with boiling water) - beef, veal, turkey, rabbit. In an adult dog, meat and offal make up a third of the diet.

By-products(boil lightly) - liver, heart, no more than once a week. Scar(cow stomach) is a great dish! Moreover, the healthiest tripe is the uncleaned one - green and smelly. It must be washed well and scalded with boiling water.
Another great product - esophagus. N wasps and ears cows are an excellent delicacy and a complete meal, containing skin, wool (also healthy!), cartilage, and meat.
In general, offal is much healthier and tastier for dogs than muscle meat, which we prefer.

Bones and cartilage(soft and raw) are useful for cleaning teeth, but they should be given no more than once a week: marrow from the bones is very fatty and, if consumed frequently, causes diarrhea. As soon as the dog has chewed the cartilage, take the bone, because the very substance of the bone in the dog's intestines sticks together into stones, and can cause constipation and intestinal inflammation. Contrary to popular belief, bones are not best food for dogs. Dogs eat meat!

Chicken- but only if you are sure that there is no risk of salmonellosis. Adult dog You can give whole chicken backs and wings.

Cereals- buckwheat, rice (with water and without salt).

Oil- necessary for good skin and coat. Add to porridge. It can be any unrefined vegetable oil.

Greenery. Standard option - parsley. As a source of vitamins - finely chopped into porridge. There is no need to give hot onions, but garlic for the prevention of worms is very desirable. For an adult dog - a half tooth per week.

Vegetables(raw) - carrots, cucumbers, pumpkin, zucchini, squash, spinach. Beets and cabbage - in small quantities. No potatoes and legumes!

Fruits- apples, pears, bananas, etc.

Low-fat dairy products- cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt without sugar.

Eggs chicken Cook for 5 minutes. (it turns out slightly soft-boiled). 1 egg per week, can be mixed with vegetables or kefir. Quail eggs.

IT IS FORBIDDEN : boiled bones, pork, soups, sausages, oatmeal, pasta, potatoes, sour cream, cream. No leftover human food! Everything spicy, fried, salted, smoked disrupts metabolism, spoils teeth, eyes, and wool.

A natural diet must include vitamins and microelements.

Don't overfeed your puppy! What kind of dog will become depends on what you put into the puppy as it grows.

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