How to cure comedones on the face? Rules for effective fight against black dots. How to quickly get rid of comedones at home

Closed comedones, as opposed to open ones, require more attention. Rashes of this type are more difficult to eliminate, since they do not have an opening for the contents to exit. At the same time, there is a high probability of developing inflammation inside and spreading the infection to neighboring areas.

Skin imperfections should be corrected under the supervision of a physician. Only a dermatologist will be able to determine how to treat closed comedones, depending on the symptoms of the rash. In this case, there can be many options for therapy.

Why do rashes appear?

The reasons for the appearance of closed comedones on the face can be different. Many people do not immediately detect changes, since the rashes do not cause much discomfort, do not hurt or itch. Therefore, it is often quite difficult to determine the provoking factor.

  • Closed comedones can result hormonal changes... As hormone levels increase, activity increases sebaceous glands... Therefore, teenagers, pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as women during menopause often suffer from rashes on the chin and forehead.
  • Can lead to violations improper care behind the skin. With insufficient cleansing, dead cells are not exfoliated. This provokes a blockage of the ducts.
  • A closed comedone can form in a person exposed to nervous disorders... This often happens with depression, stressful conditions that worsen skin problems.
  • Problems appear with improper nutrition. As a result of excessive consumption of sweets and fatty substances, the greasy secretion is produced more abundantly. Due to the lack of exit, it accumulates and the formation of closed comedones.
  • Pathology manifests itself in people with a hereditary predisposition to the disease. At high density and oily skin pimples and subcutaneous acne may appear with particular frequency.
  • The skin performs excretory function... Therefore, when nicotine, alcohol penetrates the body, toxins will come to the surface and provoke capillary narrowing. Due to the fact that nutrients will become smaller, comedones form on the skin. Also, the complexion deteriorates significantly.


The appearance of subcutaneous comedones is possible at any age. Both men and women are susceptible to them.

Closed comedones differ from others in the absence of an opening for the release of contents. Open rashes have it, which makes it possible for them to eliminate themselves.

Closed formations can be easily distinguished from open ones by the absence of a hole for the release of the contents.

In the cavity of the formations, an accumulation of secretion and dead epithelial cells occurs. They rarely become inflamed, as they do not come into contact with the environment. To reveal given type formations can be on some grounds.

  • On the skin, you can see medium-sized tubercles up to two millimeters in diameter. They rise above the surface of the skin. In some cases, the formations are enlarged up to five millimeters, but the rash does not merge into one whole.
  • The elevations are usually white or do not change hue. With redness, we can talk about inflammation and the formation of pus.
  • There are no visible pores on the surface of the rash. This is the main difference closed view comedones.
  • You can find rashes on the nose, forehead, cheeks, chin. But they can appear on the body, back, chest.

How to deal with comedones?

If you find unpleasant changes on the face, be sure to visit a dermatologist. Your doctor will tell you how to get rid of closed comedones. Skin cleansing procedures can be performed using medications, salon and home care as well as folk remedies.

Drug treatment

You can cure a rash on the face with the help of medications. They should be prescribed by a doctor after determining the causes of comedones and conducting an examination.

Many people start taking antibiotics in an attempt to clear their skin. But in the normal state, comedones resemble cysts that have no connection with the external environment. Therefore, bacteria cannot enter the cavity. Such appointments are necessary in case of inflammation of the formations. In all other situations, you will need to use local preparations against comedones.

  • Zinerit cream has antibacterial and drying properties. It contains the antibiotic erythromycin, so it is not recommended to use the drug for a long time.
  • You can constantly use Skinoren gel, made on the basis of azelaic acid. It softens the epidermis, thinns the tissue, with the result that the secretion leaves the ducts. Many people say that this remedy is the best among such drugs.
  • Retinoic acid formulations are recommended. They are presented in the form of Retinoic ointment, Adapalena. They can be applied in a dotted manner or on the entire surface of the face.
  • Before going to bed, you can lubricate the affected areas. Ichthyol ointment... In the morning it is washed off. The rashes are completely eliminated in a few days.
  • A cheap remedy is Zinc ointment... You need to apply it pointwise, as it dries the skin.
  • Salicylic ointment provokes an increase in acidity. Therefore, it is prescribed for the purpose of disinfecting tissues and for dissolving the contents.

Skinoren can be used for a long time

Additionally, you can take drugs that:

  • increase immune protection;
  • cleanse the intestines;
  • saturate the body with vitamins and minerals.

For skin care, you can use Holi Land - a lotion with dissolving properties. Herbal product easily dissolves the contents of comedones and cleanses the skin surface. After such an impact, it becomes much easier to mechanically remove the formation.

Holy Land Natural Lotion dissolves the inner contents of comedones

Home treatment

Before you fight closed comedones at home, you need to figure out a few basic rules. Cleansing is carried out only after preliminary steaming of the skin.

Even tiny pores are opened under the influence of hot steam. To make the procedure even more useful, you can add to the water medicinal plants with disinfecting and drying properties.

The steaming procedure is performed in several ways:

  • The most simple option is the performance of steaming over the bath. A decoction is prepared in a saucepan with the addition of chamomile flowers, calendula, oak bark... Over the hot liquid, you need to tilt your head and cover yourself with a towel. It takes about 10 minutes to stay in this position.
  • You can open the pores when taking hot tub... It is recommended to add sea salt and essential oils to the water.
  • Steaming can be done in a sauna. In the steam room, the mouths of the sebaceous glands open and the contents go out. Essential oils can be added to the water to enhance the effect.
  • If a person cannot tolerate humid air, compresses will do. Cooked hot herbal decoction you need to moisten gauze or a towel and apply it to your face.

Steaming helps open pores to facilitate the release of dirt

Skin cleansing is not always done. The method is used in the fight against white rashes that contain pus inside. In order not to harm during the procedure, you must remember the basic rules for cleaning.

  1. Hands and instruments must be disinfected before squeezing out. You can use Chlorhexidine and Bacilol.
  2. It is necessary to prepare a thin needle. If the instrument is not sterile, it is boiled for 15 minutes.
  3. The skin in the area of ​​the comedone needs to be tightened. A puncture is performed in the central part. Don't make it too deep. It will be enough to pierce the skin a little.
  4. Compressive movements do not need to be performed. The skin is gently pressed and stretched. You can also remove the contents with a Uno spoon.

I resort to such a fight against comedones in extreme cases... Cleaning is required if the formations have white contents inside and a closed structure. It is forbidden to squeeze out ordinary tubercles.

It is possible to remove rashes on dense and thickened skin with the help of peels. Cleansing procedures are carried out at home at least once a week.

Chemical peels are performed using natural fruit acids. They help dissolve the keratinized parts of the epidermis and cleanse the skin. It is recommended to perform masks with berry compositions, sour fruits... You can also purchase a ready-made chemical peel.

Chemical peels can be done at a beauty salon or at home.

Mechanical cleansing is carried out using scrubs. They are applied to cleansed and steamed skin. You can also make your own scrub by mixing honey and:

  • ground coffee;
  • coarse salt;
  • semolina to choose from.

After softening the cells with fruit acids, they can be easily removed with a scrub. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out the procedures in a complex manner. Then therapeutic effect will be the maximum.

Salon procedures

Closed comedones can be treated in beauty salons. Experts will select the most the best option elimination of rashes, depending on the type and condition of the skin.

  • Mechanical cleaning is carried out by analogy with home cleaning. The method is outdated and painful.
  • In the course of vacuum cleaning, the effect is provided by a special apparatus with negative pressure. It pulls the contents out of the pores.
  • With electrocautery, deep comedones are eliminated. Cleaning in progress electric shock, which pierces the epidermis and makes it possible to penetrate to the glands.
  • Laser cleaning is also a way to deeply remove dirt. The skin is not injured during the procedure. Distinctive feature laser is its bactericidal effect. It also regulates the sebaceous glands.
  • During ultrasonic cleaning waves penetrate the skin and eliminate impurities, dead cells.

The beautician will select the appropriate type of facial cleansing

Folk recipes

As numerous reviews show, folk therapy turns out to be no less effective in the fight against closed comedones. Natural formulations work safely on the skin and help manage breakouts.

  • Can be applied to the skin vitamin mask, which includes grated carrots, cucumber and zucchini, as well as a tablespoon olive oil... The gruel is applied for 15 minutes and then washed off warm water.
  • Three times a week you can make masks with Badaga and white clay.
  • A mask from egg white whipped with a tablespoon of sugar. The mixture is divided into two parts, the first of which is applied to the face and lasts until it dries completely. After that, you need to lubricate the skin with the remaining composition. Rinse off the mask with cool water.
  • You can apply regular kefir to your face. It must be left to dry completely and then washed off.
  • Problem areas are smeared with tomato juice. It is necessary to keep the composition on the skin for no longer than five minutes. The treatment is carried out for three weeks.
  • For daily use in the morning and evening, you can prepare a citrus tonic (a tablespoon of lemon or grapefruit juice in a glass of water).
  • On the skin, you can apply a rice composition (3 tablespoons per 300 g of boiling water), which is pre-infused for 12 hours. The mashed product is applied for 20 minutes.

Treatment by any means should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. After all, rashes may not only not be eliminated, but also spread throughout the skin if the method is chosen incorrectly.

Owners oily skin often do not know how to get rid of comedones. They look unpleasant, making the face unkempt, thickly covering it with bold black dots or pimples with white heads. It is difficult to disguise them, because the surface still retains tuberosity, this is especially noticeable on the nose.

Such troubles appear due to a malfunction of the glands, as a result of which the outflow of sebum is disrupted. It stagnates in the hair follicle and accumulates, mixing with naturally dying cells of the epidermis, thickens in its structure and clogs the pore like a bottle cork. The removal of toxins through the clogged hole becomes impossible. They also begin to accumulate, and as a result, the cork becomes so large that the contents partially break through to the surface, interact with the air and acquire dark color... These are comedones - depressing tiny specks that greatly affect self-esteem.

What does the appearance of comedones indicate?

Skin imperfections arise for a reason - this is the body's way of informing the owner about a malfunction. internal organs... Such a cry for help cannot be ignored, and therefore it is necessary to analyze the mistakes that are made every time on the way to health and beauty.

  • Taking medications. The condition of the epidermis is influenced by hormonal drugs, since hormones regulate the amount of fat produced by the glands, as well as antibiotics that affect the microflora of the digestive system.
  • Irregular hygiene procedures and misuse of cosmetics. The biggest crime against beauty for a girl is going to bed with makeup. You don't need to use cheap foundations and powders from dubious manufacturers, they can clog pores and have a comedogenic effect. Our face needs regular and proper cleansing.
  • Psychological stress. Stressful work or emotional turmoil.
  • Heredity. A certain type of dermis is genetically transmitted information, therefore the likelihood of occurrence dermatological diseases can be passed down from generation to generation.
  • Improper nutrition. Too much sugar, fat and pungency in food almost inevitably leads to the appearance of inflammation in the presence of a tendency to them of the epidermis. All eaten harmful products immortalize themselves on our face.
  • Climate and ecology. Too much heat combined with humidity or, conversely, too dry air, in which there is a lot of dust, negatively affects.

Blackheads appearing in the ears have their own specific causes:

  • Wearing headphones at all times. Your ears have natural daily secretions that can accumulate on your headphones and build up to create a breeding ground for germs and bacteria.
  • Drafts and colds. In this case, inflammation forms in the ears, which is very difficult to get rid of at home.

Closed and open comedones

In cosmetology, there is a classification of comedones into open and closed.

  • Open - these are black dots, i.e. a cork that has already partially surfaced. Most of them are in the ears, on the nose.
  • Closed - bumps that are not always noticeable, but to get rid of them on your own you need a professional tool, a cosmetology loop, we will talk about it below. This tool helps to avoid injury, as such plugs are often very deep. It is not recommended to remove them at home.

Black dots can appear in a person at any age. Most of them, oddly enough, are in the ears, in the T-zone and on the chin. It would seem that imperfections in the ears are the most difficult to notice, and they should not cause strong feelings, however, there are a lot of bacteria in the auricle, due to which a slight blockage of pores can lead to very serious and painful inflammations.

And how to remove it?

Removing plugs from clogged pores is not easy. This takes a systematic approach and patience. Before starting treatment, you must go through comprehensive examination the body from a gastroenterologist and gynecologist. The problem must be fought not only externally, but also internally, only in this case it will be possible to solve it forever. There are many ways to get rid of blackheads both at home and in the salon. They all have their pros, cons and features.

Folk recipes are good because you select the ingredients yourself and you can be sure of their naturalness. In the face of a lack of time, carrying out manipulations at home is simply salvation. Some of them give amazing results, we will look at them below:

  • Egg mask. The protein of 1 egg is mixed with a teaspoon of lemon juice, then the composition is applied and held until a film forms, it must be removed, trying to maintain its integrity. Very good removes blackheads on the nose, helps to fight with enlarged pores.
  • Jelly for tightening pores. 1 tsp gelatin is soaked in 0.5 glass of water, a third of a glass of glycerin, 3 drops of salicylic acid and 2 tbsp. l. honey. Apply the resulting jelly until dry.
  • Bread gruel. 1 piece rye bread mixed with 3 tablespoons sour milk, all this is crushed and applied for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with cool water.
  • Honey scrub. 1 tsp mix honey with the same amount of salt, beat until foamy and apply on the face, remove the composition after half an hour.
  • To give the nose (and the entire T-zone) dullness and get rid of comedones on the face, you need to crush in mashed potatoes green pea, stir until the consistency of yogurt, hold the resulting mass for 20-30 minutes.

Clogged pores should be cleaned, but home removal should be avoided. It will only worsen appearance and the proliferation of the focus of inflammation.

There is a lot of information and advice on taking care of yourself at home in different sources. Cleansing masks in the walls of an apartment are permissible and even obligatory, however, unprofessional skin cleaning can lead to disastrous consequences.

Consider what procedures cosmetologists can offer you:

  • Cleaning after steaming. The most outdated method at the present time, as it is time consuming and more traumatic. The effect of a steamed face does not last long, and during the session the treated area has time to cool down, inflammations are removed "dry", which is unacceptable. With this method, a vaporizer is often used - a device that generates jets of steam. This tool also makes a micromassage of the face. At home, this type of cleaning is most often done.
  • Cosmetic loop to remove comedones. A tool made of metal that has a special design. The main elements of such a device are Vidal's loop or Uno's needle. The needle pierces the skin, and the loop squeezes decay products onto the surface. On the Internet, this method is positioned for home use, however, the first procedure must be carried out by a specialist. Ask him to show you how to apply the loop and use the tool later.
  • Cleaning with heating gels. A composition that expands the pores is applied to the epidermis, after which the plugs can be removed without hindrance. In this way, it is possible to remove comedones in the ears, since it is not effective enough to hold the thick skin of the auricle over the steam. Additionally, Vidal's loop can be used.
  • Ultrasonic cleaning. The safest variant of the procedure from the point of view of skin injuries, since there is no strong pressure fingers. After a light peeling, a special ultrasonic device is used. Today this device is in the arsenal of every cosmetologist.
  • Peeling. This procedure removes the upper layers of the dermis, as a result the comedone is partially or completely stretched to the surface, the plugs hidden in the thickness of the skin are pushed out. This procedure is very effective, and that part of the problems that are invisible to the eye is eliminated. The ingredients of the composition may vary depending on the thickness and sensitivity of the facial skin. Fruit acids are most commonly used. Chemical acids are more damaging to the skin and should be used with caution.

When we talk about a face, clear skin is not just a tool to enhance its attractiveness. The absence of dermatological problems speaks of human health. You don't have to think that you can solve this problem once, then forget about it and stop following your lifestyle again. There are rules that must always be followed.

  • Visit doctors, follow up hormonal background and the health of internal organs.
  • Cleanse your face twice a day.
  • Use a scrub weekly. It is a good tool for the renewal of epidermal cells.
  • Apply makeup carefully in hot weather.
  • Eat right
  • Avoid stress and lack of sleep
  • Clean your earbuds regularly to avoid comedones and ear infections.

In the rhythm of life big city less and less time is left for your health, but the body's reserves are depleted. If you do not help yourself and take care of your body, it will not give you the desired blooming look in the mirror, and diseases of the skin and internal organs will greatly reduce the quality of your life.

We are glad to meet you again, our regular and new readers! New article we decided to devote to the actual skin defect - clogged pores.

If you find comedones in yourself - how to get rid of such a scourge at home? How difficult are folk remedies for blackheads and subcutaneous lumps in preparation and use? Let's take a closer look at this.

Formed at the site of clogged pores. Most often found open comedones, or . Getting rid of them is not difficult at all with the help of regular deep cleaning since.

Closed comedones, or fatty lumps under the skin, are much less common. However, their removal will require caution, since there is a high risk of introducing the infection under the skin, thereby starting inflammatory process.

By the way, regular cleansing of the pores will help prevent the formation of new comedones, so this simple procedure should not be neglected.

Purifying protein masks

One of the best home remedies for pore cleansing is an egg white mask. In terms of its effectiveness, it is in no way inferior to the advertised gelatinous products.

V chicken protein contains a lot of substances that are beneficial to the skin. Protein, dries, brightens and tightens the skin, cleanses and shrinks pores, and collagen helps to prolong its youth.

The simplest recipe for making a mask is to mix 1 protein (not whipped!) And 1 tbsp. granulated sugar. The result should be a viscous homogeneous mass. If the skin is oily, the mask is applied to the entire face. In case of dryness, peeling of the skin, the mixture is applied only to areas with open comedones.

The mask is applied in 2 stages. For the first time, half the mixture is applied to the face and wait for it to dry out a little. After 3-5 minutes, a second layer is applied over the first, and then the problem areas (T-zone, etc.) are easily patted with the pads of the fingers.

The principle of action is reminiscent of a honey massage, which is also performed with patting the skin. The mask can change its original shade, darken. This indicates effective cleansing pores, as the hardening protein pulls all the sebum, dust and dirt out.

The remnants of the mask are washed off with lukewarm water, and then the skin is lubricated with a non-greasy cream. The optimal course is for a month, with an interval of 2-3 days between procedures. However, the first improvements in the condition of the facial skin will be noticeable after 1-2 procedures.


For quick release from black dots, acne and acne, as well as to rejuvenate the skin of the face, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with this effective tool .

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To prepare an improved version of the protein mask, you will need:

  • 1 protein;
  • 2 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • 2 tsp aloe leaf juice.

All components are mixed and whipped for 1-2 minutes, the finished mixture is applied to cleansed skin. Lemon refreshes the skin and fights dark spots, as well as dissolves hardened sebum well.

Aloe prevents the development of inflammation, the appearance of red spots at the site of cleansed pores. The protein helps to remove the sebaceous plugs from the pores and also narrows the sebaceous ducts.

Soda, salt and oatmeal

If the skin of the face is healthy, there are no purulent acne, damage (scratches, open wounds, etc.), but there are dark spots, remove them powerfully with the help of home scrubs. The optimal frequency of their use is once every 7-10 days.

The simplest scrubs are prepared on the basis of soda ash, mixing it in equal parts with fine rock salt.

Both products have a crystalline structure, which helps to deeply cleanse the pores from grease and dirt.

Dry soda and salt are mixed. The face is cleansed, washed hot water or keep it over steam for a few minutes. A cotton pad is moistened, dipped in the resulting powder and gently treated skin with comedones, massaging in a circular motion. Do not try to cover the entire face at one time. It is better to do everything in stages: first, clear the nose, then the forehead, then go to the chin, etc.

It's not worth keeping a soda scrub on your face for a long time. As soon as all problem areas are massaged, the mixture is removed by thoroughly rinsing your face with cool water. If you did not manage to completely wash off the scrub from the face, it will make itself felt after 10-15 minutes with a slight burning sensation.

After such cleansing, the skin needs nourishment. Therefore, after removing the scrub, you can wipe the skin with herbal lotion (no alcohol!) And apply a thin layer of moisturizer.

Can I clean my skin with baking soda-free salt?

Yes, for this it is mixed with regular soap. First, the face must be prepared by holding it over the steam for several minutes. This will help open pores and soften sebum.

First of all, soap is used to make foam. Then dip a cotton pad, first in soapy foam, and then in salt, and gently massage the skin area with comedones for 1 minute. After that, the soap-salt mixture can be left on the face for a couple of minutes, so that the product penetrates deep into the pores.

Then the face is washed twice: first hot, then cold water... Hot water helps to remove soap and salt residues, cold water tightens the cleaned pores and closes them.

If redness, irritation appears at the place of comedones, after washing, the face is wiped with any lotion without alcohol or juice of aloe leaves.

What should we do for those with thin, irritating, sensitive skin?

For them, rubbing the baking soda crystals against the skin leads to a reddening of the face. To prevent irritation, use bran or pre-soaked oat flour instead of salt. Instead of finished flour, you can finely grind oat flakes("Hercules").

Old blackheads are removed with a universal scrub, which will require:

  • soda ash on the tip of a knife;
  • 1 tbsp ground oatmeal;
  • kefir of any fat content (by eye).

Soda and flakes are mixed and then diluted with kefir to make a viscous mass. The resulting scrub is applied only to areas of skin with comedones, allowed to be absorbed. After 10 minutes, the dried mixture rolls off easily if you rub it with your fingers. The remains of the scrub are washed off with water and the cream is applied.

Soda crystals penetrate deeply into pores and remove sebaceous plugs. Kefir helps dissolve hard sebum.

Here's another way to gently clean clogged pores. For its preparation, combine:

  • 2 tsp shaving foam;
  • 1 tsp 3% hydrogen peroxide solution;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice;
  • table salt on the tip of a knife.

The finished mixture is applied with fingertips to areas of the skin with dark spots, gently massaging in circular motions, after a couple of minutes, rinse off with lukewarm water. This scrub effectively dissolves sebum that has hardened in the pores, mixed with dirt and dust.

V winter time the pores of the skin also need high-quality cleansing. However, due to the dry air, the face needs intensive replenishment. Preference should be given to oily-based scrubs. Here is a recipe for one of them:

  • 1 tsp oat flour;
  • 0.5 tsp fine table salt;
  • 1 tsp coffee grounds(it is best to take finely ground grains);
  • 1 tsp ground white beans;
  • 0.5 tbsp 20% sour cream.

All dry components are mixed, then sour cream is added to them and the problem areas on the face are treated with the resulting scrub. Then the face is washed with lukewarm water, a thin layer of nourishing cream is applied.

After cleansing pores

Loving mechanical cleaning has a drying effect on the skin of the face. To prevent dehydration and flaking, the skin is treated with special emollients and moisturizers. Here's a homemade nourishing lotion recipe that requires:

  • 2 tbsp purified glycerin;
  • 4 tablespoons clean water;
  • 1 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice.

All components are thoroughly mixed. Ready remedy apply on a cotton pad and gently rub the skin with it, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips.

Glycerin moisturizes the skin well, eliminates dryness and flaking, prevents flushing from abrasive particles, lemon juice lightens dark spots, and with prolonged use of the lotion - dissolves sebum in the pores.

Herbal home remedies

Medicinal plants are widely used in the fight against comedones. Here's how to make a mask that removes dark spots:

  • 1 tbsp dry flax seeds;
  • 0.5 tbsp dry chamomile inflorescences.

The ingredients are ground into powder (in a coffee grinder or mortar), and then brewed with boiling water. The result should be a viscous mixture, which is allowed to brew for about half an hour (so that the flax swells).

The cooled mask is applied in a dense layer to problem areas of the skin, after 20 minutes it is washed off with warm water. After that, the face is rinsed with cold water or rubbed with an ice cube to tighten the cleaned pores.

Activated carbon

From tablets of regular activated carbon, you can make excellent scrubs at home to eliminate open comedones. Charcoal is a natural absorbent that absorbs excess sebum and dirt particles, and reduces the amount of harmful microorganisms in the pores of the skin.

The simplest scrub recipe is to dilute 10 finely ground charcoal tablets clean water until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The finished scrub is applied to cleansed, damp skin, lightly massaged, after 10 minutes, washed off with running water. For those with dry, irritating skin, you can use cream or milk instead of water for dilution.

If you dilute the charcoal powder with aloe juice, you get a scrub with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties. Mixing equal proportions of coal and clay, you get a scrub mask that brightens, cleanses and dries the skin.

For cleaning and resurfacing leather Activated carbon mixed with sea ​​salt and then diluted with kefir or yogurt. With increased dryness of the skin, add 0.5 tsp to the mixture. olive or almond oil.

We have tried to present recipes for deep cleaning of pores with a variety of components. Which one to give preference to is up to you, dear subscribers. See you again on the blog pages!

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Comedones are divided into 2 types - open and closed. Anyone who has never even encountered acne knows what open spots look like). Most of them even have an excellent idea of ​​how to deal with them, because open comedones in the form of a greasy dark rod can be easily cleaned. mechanically... But how to get rid of the problem of closed comedones, which do not come out when squeezed onto the surface of the skin, but only become inflamed and often form huge pimples with a white head, is not known to many.

Closed comedones are popularly called milia for their resemblance to the grains of this cereal plant, but in dermatology they have a special medical name - milia.

Closed comedones- these are hermetically closed pores, where fat accumulates, not being able to go outside, as a result of which a non-inflamed head is formed. But inflammation can happen when germs get in at the time. Such milia look like small bumps on the skin, white They are practically invisible, but if you run your hand over the skin, you will feel roughness and unevenness.

Why do closed comedones (mildews) appear?

Before treating comedones, let's find out why they appear. This is due to clogging of the pores.

And they are hammered in such reasons:

Inadequate skin care and poor cleansing;

The use of substandard or unsuitable cosmetics;

Or, conversely, excessive fat release;

Hormonal disorders;

Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

Disastrous effects external environment.

Genetic predisposition.

It is worth noting that closed comedones can occur in almost all people, regardless of age, gender, but to a greater extent this problem is observed in adolescents during puberty. Moreover, it occurs in almost 90 percent of young people 12-25 years old.

Closed comedones: treatment

Even if you almost never use cosmetics, you should not neglect cleaning, since properly performed cleansing helps to remove not only accumulated dirt from the skin, but also dead cells. And if they are not removed in a timely manner, they will partially block the excretory function, as a result of which the sebum will not be able to reach the surface of the skin, it will harden and fill the pores.

So, let's figure out what products, preparations and procedures are suitable for the skin with closed comedones and how to use them correctly.

1. It is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the face with a sponge or a sponge using a special foam for washing. The procedure is carried out daily in the morning and in the evening. The foam is applied to a damp face, beaten with massaging movements until small bubbles appear, and then washed off with a sponge. This way, dead cells, together with particles of fat and impurities, are better removed from the epidermis.

2. Weekly scrub or peeling with fruit acids (BHA and AHA) should be done. But you cannot combine exfoliation with a scrub and peeling - this is a path to severe irritation.

3. Also, in the treatment of milia, masks with clay or badyag are excellent. But keep in mind that if you use a peel or scrub, they should not be applied more often than once a week. And if not, you can do such masks three times a week.

4. Remove makeup every night using alcohol-free toners or cosmetic milk.

5. Dry skin must be moisturized with a cream that does not clog pores.

6. It is useful for the face to make vegetable masks: carrot, cucumber, and also masks from zucchini. To do this, grate the vegetable on a fine grater, add a couple of drops of lemon juice or olive oil to the mass. Apply for 15 minutes. on the face, then rinse with boiled water (warm).

7. Eat healthy, balanced meals. Eat less fried foods, baked goods, white bread, sweets, smoked products, fatty meats and spices. because of them, the skin secretion increases. It is better to include in the diet more fruits, vegetables, grains and cereals.

8. In hot weather for daytime make-up, do not use foundation, preferring loose powder.

9. Apply "Differin" and "Skinoren" daily, these funds are most effective for closed comedones. The thing is that the main task in the treatment of milia is to open the pores and thin the cuticle, which does not allow the greasy secretion to come out. "Skinoren" contains in the composition inhibiting the growth, keratinization and necrosis of epidermal cells. Differin acts similarly, but additionally promotes desquamation and lysis of the upper epidermal layer. But you shouldn't expect an instant result. Only after 3 months of regular use the skin will become thinner, pores will open and white plugs will easily come out of them.

If you want to get rid of comedones quickly, you need to do a mechanical cleaning in the salon, followed by supportive therapy.

10. In no case should closed comedones be squeezed out on your own, since you can bring in microbes, and this causes an inflammatory process. It is better to go to a beauty salon and a qualified specialist will disinfect your skin, pierce the milium with a sterile needle and remove the accumulated fat in it. Closed comedones can also be removed using electrocautery.

In general, it is easier to prevent the appearance of comedones than to deal with the existing ones. Therefore, if you notice that the skin is prone to their occurrence, start necessary care(in particular, cleansing), this will avoid unnecessary problems.

Closed comedones are a familiar problem. They appear on the face and can even spread to the back. The cause of their occurrence can be stress, diseases of internal organs, but most often adolescents suffer from them when their body is experiencing a hormonal surge, as well as women during pregnancy, menopause and in case of disruptions in the menstrual cycle.

Sebum builds up under the skin and becomes a small nodule. They are often small and almost invisible, but sometimes they have quite big sizes and besides, they cause painful sensations... Being under the skin, they do not have the opportunity to finally mature and come out; and if an infection enters such a comedone, then there is a high probability of developing serious inflammation. How do you get rid of them? Let's figure it out.

Open and closed comedones - what's the difference?

Skin rashes, called comedones, are divided into two types - open and closed comedones. The first are formed when the contents of the follicle mouth appear on the skin surface. This type is considered the most noticeable, as it visually presents as black dots. Such formations are easy to remove even at home.

Getting rid of closed comedones is not easy. An attempt at conventional mechanical removal can only lead to the fact that they turn red. inflamed pimples with a white top. This type of comedones is popularly called "millet" because they look like millet grains. In dermatology, the term milia is used to define them.

What are the reasons for the appearance of closed comedones on the skin of the face? The main reason is the accumulation of secretions in the sebaceous glands, secreted in excess. The inability to release secretions at the pore and contributes to the formation of small whitish nodules located under a thin layer of skin (subcutaneous acne).

Among the many causes of closed-type rashes, the main factors for their appearance are improper skin care (especially oily or dry skin), as well as the use of cosmetics that cause closed comedones.

Reasons for the appearance of closed comedones

The main reason for the appearance of closed comedones is various hormonal disorders, but doctors note a number of other factors:

  1. Excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Improper skin care or complete neglect of personal hygiene, resulting in clogged skin pores.
  3. In some cases, certain medications may be the cause.
  4. A genetic predisposition, as a result of which comedones can appear even in those who monitor the condition of the skin.
  5. In men, excessive testosterone levels also lead to comedones.
  6. V exceptional cases the appearance of comedones can be influenced by pollution environment... As a result, clogging of the pores of the skin with particles of dust, dirt and various compounds, which leads to the appearance of closed comedones.

As a result hormonal disorders comedones often appear in pregnant women, even if all hygiene requirements are met. Diseases endocrine nature and gastrointestinal problems also increase the likelihood of such acne.

What closed comedones look like, photo

Closed comedones are small bumps in the body or white slightly protruding above the skin surface. From the outside, they can be completely invisible and felt only by touch, if you run your hand over the skin. They feel like a slight roughness or unevenness.

Drug treatment

It is necessary to treat closed comedones in a comprehensive manner. First, you need to identify the cause of their appearance and cure, and then deal with cosmetic skin defects.

Preparations for the treatment of acne and comedones are aimed at reducing the activity of the sebaceous glands, eliminating comedones and skin defects from their occurrence. Medicines can be both internal and external.

The most used drugs for comedones:

  1. Zerkalin (ointment) is an antibiotic drug. Production - Croatia. Able to treat acne and other similar formations on the skin. Effectively fights comedones.
  2. Roaccutane (capsules) is a drug aimed at suppressing acne and comedones. Manufactured in Switzerland. Contains beeswax, soybean oil. The drug should be taken from small doses with a gradual increase.
  3. Zincteral (tablets) - catalyzes metabolic processes. Manufacturer Poland.
  4. Series cosmetics- Hollyland. Produces preparations in the form of ointments, lotions, masks for the treatment of problem skin. The drugs were produced in Israel.

Any remedy can have side effects or incompatibility with other drugs. Before using drugs, you should consult with your doctor about the appropriateness of their use.

Skin cleansing

First of all, at home, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin of the face with a special cosmetic product using a sponge or sponge. Hygienic care start with the fact that the composition for washing is applied to damp skin, and then rubbed without pressure until bubbles appear and removed with a wet sponge. It helps to cleanse the epidermis of fat particles, layers of dead cells and dirt.

Every week, you need to peel with fruit acids or use a scrub to cleanse the skin of dead cells. Body masks or clay masks also help to enlarge pores and renew the epidermis. However, when using a peel or scrub, you can only do it once a week. If masks are the only method in the fight against closed comedones, then in a day or two.

At home, vegetable masks made from carrots, cucumbers, zucchini and apples will help to cope with closed comedones. Vegetables are finely ground, you can grate or blender, and if they do not contain acids, then add lemon juice. The composition is complemented by vegetable oil, most often olive. But in the advice of cosmetologists and the reviews of many women, you can read that this oil can clog pores. In this case, you need to use a cosmetic vegetable oil that is suitable for your skin.

Folk remedies

To deal with such a problem will help ethnoscience... Herbal decoctions, various masks made from natural ingredients have a positive effect on the skin, no worse than expensive pharmaceutical products.

Effective remedies for closed comedones:

  1. Chamomile. Take 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile, pour a little boiling water over it. Wait 30 minutes, strain, apply the gruel to your face, hold for 15 minutes, do such manipulations every day. After a week, you will notice that comedones have decreased in size, and over time, the mildew will disappear altogether.
  2. Protein treatment. Take one fresh egg, separate the white from the yolk, beat it with 1 tablespoon of sugar, divide the mixture into 2 equal parts. Apply the first half on the face, wait until it is completely dry, then do the same with the second half of the mass. Rinse off the mask with cool water, do not forget to lubricate after the procedure skin nourishing cream... Such manipulations remove impurities, cleanse the pores, and promote the opening of millets;
  3. Vitamin mask. Grate carrots, zucchini, cucumber (in equal amounts), add 1 tbsp to the mixture. spoon of olive oil, mix thoroughly. Put the resulting gruel on your face in a thin layer, wait 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water;
  4. Salt. Take a glass of boiled water, dilute a finely grated piece of antibacterial soap in it, add 1 tablespoon of fine salt. Soak a cotton pad in the solution, rub it into problem areas on the skin no more three minutes, do not overdo it, this method should be used very carefully so as not to damage the skin;
  5. Citrus tonic. Dilute 1 spoonful of lemon or grapefruit juice with 1 glass of boiled water. Moisten a cotton pad with this product and wipe the areas where millets accumulate. Use this remedy morning and evening.

Do not expect lightning-fast action from these recipes; 2-3 weeks should pass for a quality result. Do not be alarmed if mildews take longer on the nose than on all other zones, this is a natural process.

Laser treatment

This procedure not only has no consequences in the form of scars or scars, but is also completely painless.

There are three types of such laser peeling:

  1. Pulsed laser. During processing, bacteria die, and the secretion of the sebaceous glands is also reduced. As a result of such a decrease in the intensity of secretion, less sebum is produced, which is nutrient medium for bacteria. As a result, old comedones dissolve, and the likelihood of the formation of new ones decreases.
  2. Blue laser processing (frequency 405-420 nm). This procedure destroys bacteria deep in the skin and promotes the absorption of comedones.
  3. Diode laser. Unlike the previous type, this procedure contributes to the complete cessation of sebum secretion. It is quite effective in the treatment of acne, when comedones are formed in large quantities over the entire surface of the face.

This effective method allows you to achieve visible results after the first procedure, and thanks to the ability to adjust the depth of penetration, the specialist can work precisely with problem areas without affecting the surrounding tissues.

Why doesn't the medicine work?

This impatient question is asked by dermatologists and cosmetologists by many patients after several weeks of treatment with the recommended drug. Doctors usually explain that there are several reasons to recognize a drug as ineffective:

  • the medicine was taken continuously and at the indicated dosage;
  • the application was in accordance with the instructions attached to the drug;
  • if it was used only in the place where acne appeared;
  • when using the medicine, all hygiene rules were observed.

If comedones on the nose or in another part of the face have not disappeared within a week after starting the drug, this is quite natural. At the first stage, the medicine prevents the occurrence of new acne. The old ones disappear on their own, but this takes time, at least a month. It is advisable to change drugs only if an allergic reaction has occurred.

How effective this or that drug can be can be assessed no earlier than two months later. You cannot take two drugs at the same time, as it is difficult to know which one is of real benefit. And we can talk about the ineffectiveness of treatment only after two months, when it becomes clear that there is no improvement, new foci of acne appear. In this case, you need to see a doctor again.

This must be remembered constantly and throughout the entire course of treatment with medicines, cosmetics or folk remedies adhere to the following simple guidelines.

  1. Daily use cleansers for the face (milk, tonic, lotion), weekly - scrubs or gommage.
  2. Self-extrusion of comedones is strictly prohibited, which in 95% of cases leads to their inflammation, which has to be treated with antibiotics.
  3. Choose the right line of cosmetics for skin care.
  4. Do not leave makeup on your face overnight.
  5. Limit the amount of fatty, fried, spicy, pickled, salty, sweet, flour foods in your diet.
  6. Stop taking medications for a long time.
  7. It is useless to deal with comedones if you smoke a lot or abuse alcohol. WITH bad habits at problem skin time to say good-bye.
  8. Try to be less likely to be influenced by stressful situations.
  9. Treat existing stomach diseases.
  10. Move to an area with a better ecological situation.

All these measures are not only an effective fight against comedones, but also the prevention of this. cosmetic defect... It will not just change your life, but it is necessary if you want to look stunning.

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