Children's vitamins for the brain. Improving memory, intelligence, attention in adults and children. Vitamins for the brain

Active work brain is very important for a person normal life: study, work, proper development. The modern rhythm of life puts a huge burden on us, so stimulants become especially necessary cerebral circulation. Memory improving pills will help you adapt to large amounts of work, while maintaining brain performance at the proper level.

What pills to take to improve memory and concentration?

Drugs for memory and attention are in great demand on the drug market, the most popular of which are:

  • Nootropics. These include: “Nootropil”, “Piracetam”, “Phenotropil”, “Lucetam”, “Noopept”.
  • Drugs that help improve blood properties (Trental, Vazonin, Flexital, Agapurin, Cavinton, Telektol)
  • Herbal preparations based on the gingko biloba plant (Vitrum Memory, Memoplant, Gingko Biloba, Gingkoum, Doppelgerts).

When choosing medications to improve cerebral circulation, memory, attention, you need to remember contraindications, side effects. To avoid problems associated with taking medications, you should consult your doctor. The specialist will assess the characteristics of your body and give his recommendations. Medicines can be purchased without a prescription, but in a particular case they may be ineffective or harmful.

For adults

Working people need to fuel their brains just as much as anyone else. Adults over 40 years of age and those whose work involves mental work are especially at risk. Heavy loads on the brain lead to memory impairment, decreased concentration, increased fatigue, stress, and other symptoms. To restore efficiency and activity, you need to take various vitamins and medications. Suitable for adults: “Glycine”, “Phesam”, “Vitrum Memory”, “Nootropil”, etc.

Children and teenagers

At this age, the body needs additional nutrition, because children and teenagers are very active. To become mental processes everything was going well, the children had enough energy to study and play, additional nutrition was needed. Girls and boys can get the missing elements by taking Glycine. The medicine has a calming effect. In addition, it will help cope with school curriculum, improving memory and attention, reducing fatigue during nervous and mental stress.

For students

Students experience great stress, both mental and psychological, during the session. They have to process and assimilate large amounts of information, so memory and attention must be at a productive level. Nootropic drugs will produce the desired effect. Take stimulants brain activity It is necessary to start 2 weeks before the start of the session, so that during preparation the effect of tablets to improve memory begins.

To old people

This age category needs additional brain nutrition most of all. A person over 60 years of age often experiences sleep disturbances, dizziness, increased fatigue caused by vascular diseases. Elderly people need to use drugs that improve cerebral circulation. Such medications include, for example, Tanakan and Cortexin.

The best medications to improve memory and brain function

The most common, and best from the point of view of specialists, pills for improving memory are:

With a decrease in mental and physical performance, the over-the-counter drug Mildronate 250 mg has proven itself well, which optimizes the metabolism inside the body's cells under stress and protects them from damage. The use of Mildronate helps to overcome the consequences of mental and physical overload, increase the effectiveness of sports and intellectual training, and in general, improve the quality of life. The course of the drug is important, which lasts 10–14 days.
  • "Glycine"

Ingredients: microencapsulated glycine, magnesium stearate, water-soluble methylcellulose.

Indications: reduces mental stress, improves mood, normalizes sleep, increases brain performance, is used for vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Application: you need to take the drug sublingually, 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. The dosage may vary depending on the disease.

  • "Phenibut"

Ingredients: aminophenylbutyric acid, lactose, starch, calcium stearic.

Action: affects cerebral circulation, improves brain condition, mental indicators, relieves anxiety, tension, normalizes sleep.

How to use: dose for adults – 20-750 mg, for children – 20-250 mg. The dosage depends on the disease and the age of the patient. The drug must be taken orally.

  • "Noopept"

Ingredients: noopept, starch, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose.

Indications: the drug improves memory, learning ability, and develops brain resistance to damage.

Application: orally, after meals, 10 mg 2 times a day.

  • "Piracetam"

Ingredients: piracetam, calcium stearate, starch, povidone K-25.

Use: used for problems with memory, concentration, metabolic processes in the brain, learning disabilities, chronic alcoholism.

Dosage: adults – 30-160 mg/kg per day (2-4 doses), children – 30-50 mg/kg per day (2-3 doses). The tablets are taken orally.

  • "Nootropil"

Ingredients: piracetam, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, etc.

When to take: to strengthen memory, for dizziness, decreased concentration, activity, changes in mood, behavior, and dyslexia.

Instructions: take tablets for brain activity and memory needs to be taken orally during meals or on an empty stomach. The dosage depends on the disease and characteristics of the body.

  • "Phenotropil"

Ingredients: phenotropil, lactose monohydrate, calcium stearate, starch.

Indications: disruption of learning processes, diseases of the central nervous system, deterioration of memory, attention.

Application: dosage is individual, take after meals, orally.

Where to buy and how much they cost

Many pharmacies in Moscow offer products to improve memory and brain function. Medicines are available at all points of sale medical supplies.

  • "Samson-Pharma" at the address: Altufevskoye sh., 89, has all drugs in stock (Glycine, Phenibut, Noopept, Piracetam, Nootropil, Phenotropil). Prices: 35.85-442.15 rubles.
  • The “Solnyshko” pharmacy (Shipilovskaya str., 25, building 1) has all medications at prices ranging from 29.00 to 444.00 rubles.
  • Planet Health does not sell only Piracetam. Other medications are available. Prices: 31.60-455.00 rubles. Address: st. Suzdalskaya, 34a.
  • Online resources ( and have each of the drugs at prices ranging from 13.60 to 427.00 rubles.


For normal development And good health Every child needs vitamins. And especially when it comes to schoolchildren. Getting enough vitamins, child school age easily copes with study load, concentrates freely on tasks and quickly learns new material. What vitamins do schoolchildren need and do they need vitamin supplements from the pharmacy at this age?

Vitamin complexes are a real salvation when it is impossible to have a balanced diet.



Vitamins are not given in the following cases:

  • Development of hypervitaminosis (usually an overdose of vitamin D or A).
  • Individual intolerance.
  • Serious illnesses The child has.

Vitamin supplements should only be prescribed by a doctor

Why do they stimulate brain function and improve memory?

  • Vitamin B1 improves brain nutrition and is activated cognitive activity, and the child begins to remember the material better. A lack of this vitamin leads to memory problems, irritability and fatigue.
  • With significant mental stress, a schoolchild needs more vitamin B2, as it is responsible for generating energy. A lack of this vitamin is manifested by weakness, poor appetite, and dizziness.
  • Vitamin B3 is involved in energy production in nerve cells, due to which the work of the brain is activated. Without sufficient daily intake, the child’s memory decreases, and fatigue gradually accumulates.
  • The state of long-term memory depends on vitamin B5. Its deficiency leads to constant fatigue and sleep problems.
  • Vitamin B6 is also very important for the functioning of the central nervous system. Symptoms of its deficiency are the appearance of insomnia, memory loss, and slow thinking.
  • Sufficient income folic acid important for regulating the excitability of the nervous system, preserving memory and speed of thinking. A deficiency of this vitamin leads to apathy and problems with both long-term and short-term memory.
  • Vitamin B12 is important for cognitive function brain functions, as well as changes in sleep and wakefulness patterns. If there is a lack of it, the child will be constantly drowsy and begin to complain of dizziness.
  • Taking vitamin C is also important for memory, since sufficient supply ascorbic acid required for the absorption of B vitamins.
  • Vitamin E is also important, as it has been noted to protect nerve cells from the action of free radicals and toxic compounds. In addition, its use strengthens the walls of blood vessels, which also helps improve memory.

Security sufficient quantity vitamins are very important for the full development of the child

Should it be used to strengthen the immune system?

It should be noted that the student’s immune system is indeed subject to high stress and should be supported with vitamins. The diet of a school-age child should contain sufficient sources of vitamin C and vitamin A, as well as vitamins E and D. It is these vitamins that play the greatest role in protecting the body from attacks by viruses and bacteria.

If it is not possible to ensure the supply of such compounds with food, you can resort to the use of special complex vitamins, for example, give your child VitaMishki Immuno+ or Immuno Kids from Multi-tabs.

Release forms

Vitamins for school age are produced in different shapes– sweet gel or syrup, chewable hard tablets or gummies, coated tablets, capsules, dragees and even injection solutions. At the same time, the most popular vitamin supplements for schoolchildren are chewable ones.

The choice of vitamins is very wide and allows you to choose suitable option even the pickiest child

Which vitamins are best to give: a review of popular ones

Most often, schoolchildren buy the following multivitamin supplements:

Name and release form

Age of application



Daily dosage

Alphabet Schoolboy

(chewable tablets)

The supplement contains all 13 vitamins, plus 10 minerals

In creating the complex, scientific recommendations on the compatibility of vitamins and minerals, affecting their absorption.

The additive rarely causes allergies.

The drug helps to increase mental performance, improve tolerance to sports activities and strengthen the immune system.

The tablets contain no synthetic flavors, dyes or preservatives.

3 tablets

Pikovit Forte 7+

(coated tablets)

11 vitamins

The supplement gives the student a good dose of B vitamins.

At the tablets pleasant taste mandarin

The complex helps with poor appetite, seasonal hypovitaminosis or increased stress.

The supplement is often prescribed after antibiotic treatment.

There is no sugar in the preparation.

1 tablet

VitaMishki Multi+

(chewable lozenges)

13 vitamins

2 minerals

The lozenges have an original shape and a pleasant fruit taste.

Thanks to choline, the drug improves brain function.

The complex has a positive effect on the attention and memory of the student.

The lozenges contain no synthetic flavors or flavoring additives.

1 lozenge

Vitrum Junior

(chewable tablets)

13 vitamins

10 minerals

The tablets have a pleasant fruity taste.

High doses of phosphorus, magnesium and calcium will help strengthen the student’s teeth and posture.

The complex has a stimulating effect on mental development.

The supplement is indicated for significant physical and mental stress.

1 tablet

Sana-Sol for schoolchildren

(effervescent tablets)

10 vitamins and magnesium

A tasty drink is prepared from the tablets.

Due to the presence of vitamins C and E, the complex increases the student’s body’s resistance to external negative factors.

Thanks to high doses of B vitamins, the drug has a positive effect on the nervous system and helps to absorb new material.

Drink of 1 tablet and 150 ml water

Multi-tabs Junior

(chewable tablets)

11 vitamins

7 minerals

The supplement comes in the form of tablets with berry or fruit flavor.

This is a balanced formula for schoolchildren, helping them quickly adapt to a new team and cope with workloads.

Thanks to high content Iodine complex stimulates both immunity and mental development.

1 tablet

Multi-tabs Teen

(chewable tablets)

11 vitamins

7 minerals

The supplement normalizes metabolic processes and stimulates the development of intelligence.

The drug contains a full dose of iodine.

1 tablet

(chewable tablets)

10 vitamins

Schoolchildren like the shape and taste of this drug.

The complex strengthens immune system and has a positive effect on the metabolism in the child’s body.

1 tablet

Kinder biovital

From the first year of life

10 vitamins

3 minerals

Children love the taste and consistency of these vitamins.

Twice a day 5 g

Centrum Children's

(chewable tablets)

13 vitamins

5 minerals

The supplement gives the child the necessary combination of B vitamins to support the nervous system, activate memory and thinking.

The complex has a positive effect on the condition of teeth, bones and the immune system.

The tablets do not contain sugar or dyes.

1 tablet

Many doctors insist on the need to introduce vitamin supplements into a child’s diet. As an example, you can watch the video of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia.

We insist on a balanced diet and providing the student with the necessary amount of vitamins from foods.

Nutrition adjustments as an alternative

If parents want to use vitamins to improve the student’s health, they will help him mental development, first you should review your child’s diet, because we get almost all the vitamins valuable for the brain from food.

When balanced rational nutrition Vitamin supplements from the pharmacy will not be needed. To do this, make sure that the student’s menu includes:

  • Dishes from oily fish(pink salmon, salmon, trout). They are a source of iodine and easily digestible proteins.
  • Various vegetable oils, seeds and nuts. From these the child will receive vitamin E.
  • Whole grain dishes. They are a source of B vitamins.

It is equally important to get enough minerals. For memory and attention, a child needs:

  • Iron. Its source will be veal, rabbit, liver, beans, eggs, cabbage.
  • Magnesium. His child will receive from peas, beans, dried apricots, nuts, cereals, sesame.
  • Zinc. To get it, your child needs to eat dried fruits, liver, meat, mushrooms and pumpkin seeds.

Read another article about the correct diet for schoolchildren. You will learn the principles of a balanced diet and see an example menu for the week.

With a balanced diet and lack of negative symptoms vitamin complexes will not be needed

Komarovsky's opinion

A well-known pediatrician calls vitamins substances important for a child’s health, but he is sure that an ordinary child does not need pharmacy vitamin complexes. Komarovsky suggests that parents monitor their child’s diet more carefully so that everything necessary vitamins entered the child's body with food.

As for improving memory, the popular doctor reminds that this function should be trained by studying poetry and other activities, and not at all by taking vitamins.

  • When looking for multivitamins for a child, you first need to pay attention to the recommended age of use. Both reduced dosages in vitamins for smaller children and high doses in complexes for adults are not suitable for schoolchildren.
  • You should buy vitamin supplements at the pharmacy, choosing a complex from the assortment famous manufacturer. Then you will be confident in the quality of the vitamins your child receives.
  • Choosing vitamin complex for a schoolchild, they often prefer a supplement that contains other nutrients in addition to vitamins. In such complexes, pay attention to the dosage of iodine, zinc, selenium, iron, and omega fats.
  • If you are interested in a complex with a high calcium content, pay attention to supplements such as Calcinova, Pikovit D and Sana-Sol with calcium and magnesium.
  • If you are interested vitamin preparations with a high iron content, it is worth purchasing Vitrum Circus or Doctor Theis Multivitamol. In these complexes, vitamins are supplemented with a high dose of iron to stimulate hematopoiesis and prevent anemia.

The problem of developing memory, attention and the ability to concentrate on tasks in the case of a schoolchild’s developing brain can arise as a result of the action of several factors: psychological, physiological, behavioral, etc.

  • In some cases, in order to develop memory and brain function, schoolchildren are offered to change their lifestyle and activities, and enrich their diet (including with the help of dietary supplements).
  • In others - by medical indications apply complex treatment stimulants and nootropics.
  • Thirdly, a solution is sought in an individual approach, taking into account the peculiarities of perception and memorization of a particular student, as a result of which parents adjust the school course of study for their child.

Factors that need to be taken into account when working to improve the functioning of a student’s brain

Medical factor

Most often, in the context of considering the effect of this factor, they talk about attention deficit hyperreactivity disorder (ADHD). Not all doctors, teachers and parents recognize the existence of this neurological-behavioral disorder, but for most ADHD - medical fact, full way a cure for which has not yet been found.

The syndrome is believed to be more common in boys than in girls. But the variety of diagnostic criteria, research methods and methods of localizing groups does not make it possible to establish not only the exact proportion, but even the prevalence of ADHD. Numbers from 3:1 to 9:1 are given for the ratio of boys to girls with this syndrome. The general estimate of the prevalence of the disorder ranges from 1 to 30% of the entire population. It is also believed that one third of children diagnosed with ADHD outgrow or adapt to the syndrome. The difficulty of classification also arises due to the fact that some of the signs of ADHD appear episodically and from time to time.

Phenomenological characteristics include such diagnostic criteria, How:

  • inability to maintain attention to details, as well as to concentrate on completing tasks and goals set during games,
  • forgetfulness and absent-mindedness in everyday situations, which is also accompanied by frequent loss of things,
  • avoiding involvement in processes that require prolonged mental stress, etc.

Recognition of ADHD in a child allows you to make correct adjustments to stimulate the student’s brain activity, which in the future gives him the opportunity to count on success in the professional field, eliminates problems with adaptation in a team, and difficulties in interpersonal relationships.

Although approaches to dealing with the disorder vary different countries, it is generally accepted A complex approach, which includes non-drug psychotherapy and individual behavior modification with the help of psychostimulants and nootropics (if pedagogical and neuropsychological correction does not help).

The danger of prescribing stimulants to children is due to the fact that excessive doses of drugs can be addictive, as a result of which there are cases when a teenager uses high doses to achieve narcotic effects. Part of the addiction is due to the short-term effect of the drug, which therefore needs to be taken several times a day. So the effect of most of them lasts no more than 4 hours, but methylphenidate or dextroamphetamine with a duration of action of up to 12 hours remains dangerous for addiction.

An alternative to such drugs is plant origin such as HeadBooster, BrainRush, Optimentis, which have an effect on improving brain nutrition, blood circulation, energy exchange and cortical tone not immediately, but gradually, as the condition of tissues and communication functions in neural networks improves. Due to their “mild” action, these same drugs are most often used in physiological correction.

Physiological factor

The most common physiological reason, which prevents a schoolchild’s brain from fully revealing its potential, is considered to be a violation of the blood circulation in the brain, as well as a lack of nutrients and oxygen. This situation may arise due to:

  • genetic factors
  • birth and postpartum injuries associated with injuries cervical region, asphyxia, hemorrhages,
  • diseases suffered by the child or mother during pregnancy,
  • unbalanced nutrition and difficult environmental conditions,
  • habits due to which the student systematically breaks the rules healthy image life and behavior.

The last two points are those that can and should be influenced in order to improve the functioning of your child’s brain.

Socio-psychological factor

A child’s success or failure in acquiring new knowledge may directly depend on the degree of psychological comfort of the learning environment and teaching methods that correspond to individual perceptions. Thus, a child studying in a hostile group cannot, in principle, be focused on mastering knowledge, since he is busy with his own “survival.” Despite all the student’s intelligence and brain activity, his formal performance will remain at a low level.

A “visual” child, who tends to more easily perceive information in the form of images, diagrams, visual images, printed texts, will remember worse oral speech and an attempt to convey information through verbal dialogue. And vice versa - it is easier for an “auditory” child to see information than to hear it, which also needs to be taken into account when assessing the student’s individual abilities and the processes of stimulating the work of his brain.

Finally, the child simply needs to be taught some memorization techniques in order for his efficiency and learning ability to increase dramatically. Most of these techniques use associations, emotions, and rhythm as learning aids. So a vivid emotional image, associatively associated with the object of memorization and built into the space of a consistent story, will be remembered much better.

Means to improve child brain function

Drugs and dietary supplements that affect memory, ability to concentrate and quality of sleep do this indirectly - through improving microcirculation and supply to the brain, as well as through the “switching on” of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are biological active substances different groups(peptides, amino acids, monoamines), acting as intermediaries in the transmission of electrochemical impulses from the neuron. Most drugs created to stimulate brain activity contain such an “intermediary”.

« Glycine" A drug called a neurotransmitter amino acid, which reduces the release of excitatory amino acids and causes an inhibitory effect. The drug helps normalize sleep and increase mental performance. To improve sleep, take 0.5 tablets 20 minutes before falling asleep for children under 3 years of age and 1 tablet after three years of age. In similar doses - 0.5 and 1 tablet according to age, but 2-3 times a day - it is used to relieve psycho-emotional stress, improve memory and mental performance of the child. Duration of admission - 14 days. If necessary and in agreement with the doctor, the duration of treatment can be increased to 30 days. At the same time, with prolonged use, children under 3 years of age reduce the dose (to once a day) and the period (to 7-10 days).

« Pantogam" Here as active substance used gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is one of the most important neurotransmitters of the central nervous system. The drug is prescribed for problems with attention, speech, weakened memory and decreased mental performance. For young children, Pantogam is prescribed in the form of syrup with a gradual increase in dosage. With long-term use of the drug, stop taking drugs of this group to avoid excessive stimulation of the central nervous system. "Glycine" mentioned above enhances therapeutic effect"Pantogama".

« Biotredin" In combination with Glycine, it is recommended to take another nootropic - Biotredin, which is taken in courses of 7-10 days in the “1 tablet three times a day” mode. The product contains vitamin B6, activating the cognitive functions of the brain, improving attention and memory of schoolchildren. However, the vitamin B complex is more widely and fully represented in herbal preparation"Optimentis".

« Optimentis" A natural herbal remedy that contains, in addition to pyridoxine (B6), which improves metabolism and increases brain performance, and biotin (B7), which normalizes metabolism, other vitamins of this group. Tocopherol is responsible for improving oxygen supply, and for energy levels and blood circulation. plant based, consisting of a composition of Ginkgo Biloba extract and ginseng.

Go to official site.

" The main competitor of Optimentis in the group of natural and vegetable nootropic drugs called “HeadBuster”, which, thanks to its composition, compensates for the lack of both vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids. At the same time, it also contains extracts of ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba, which are responsible for microcirculation of brain tissue. Children over 12 years of age can take this dietary supplement the same way as adults, half an hour before meals three times a day for a month.

Go to HeadBooster official website.

School time is a serious test for child's body. Attending school, all kinds of clubs, and simply communicating with children every day requires a lot of effort. In order to replenish them, children need to eat properly, go for walks fresh air and get vitamins. Vitamins for schoolchildren are divided into five groups: vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamins C, E and D.

School time and vitamins

Vitamin A is important for prevention colds. Taking this vitamin is important in spring-autumn period when the risk of ARVI and influenza is high. In addition, this vitamin is necessary to maintain visual acuity, which is important for children during school time, given the enormous workload of modern schoolchildren.

B vitamins are excellent vitamins for the memory of schoolchildren. They have a positive effect on the ability to concentrate when receiving new information. In addition, without them the full functioning of the nervous system is impossible.

With a small intake into the body, the following manifestations may develop:

  • irritability,
  • fast fatiguability,
  • weakness,
  • sleep problems.

At the same time, we note the peculiarity of B vitamins: they are quickly eliminated from the body. That is why parents need to constantly supplement daily diet baby such products as:

  • cereals,
  • dairy products,
  • beef liver,
  • mushrooms,
  • Pine nuts,
  • beans.

Next healthy vitamins for the brain of schoolchildren it is vitamin P and D.

Vitamin P is necessary to prevent brain capillaries from permeability and fragility.

Vacations and vitamins

All children and parents look forward to the end of the school year and school holidays. Summer is a time for recuperation and relaxation from mental stress. Pay attention to getting vitamins during the holidays. If school time is a time of vitamins for the memory and attention of schoolchildren, then the holidays are the right time to take those that will strengthen the immune system.

In the spring-autumn period, remember about the prevention of colds and sufficient intake of vitamin C in the body.

In the summer, take care to take vitamin A (beta-carotene) and vitamin E. The body may experience a deficiency of beta-carotene due to the restriction of foods containing it: liver, butter. With insufficient consumption vegetable oil and porridge there may be a lack of vitamin E.

We have collected for you big number drugs to improve memory and brain function that have proven themselves and we will tell you about them in detail. But before making a review, it is worth mentioning that doctors advise training your memory naturally, for example, reading books and then narrating the plot. Sometimes trivial things prevent a person from concentrating: extraneous noises, smells, a mess on the desktop. Methods for training memory and attention are well known. Before prescribing medications for yourself, you need to practice and systematically do exercises to develop attention and memory.

An example of one of the exercises:

Focus your gaze on the tip of one of your fingers. Try to concentrate only on him. You need to hold your attention for at least 2 minutes, without being distracted by events happening around you. Of course, this exercise seems simple. But you can complicate it by sitting near the TV with an interesting movie or putting on a baked chicken that gives off an aroma. To be beneficial, this exercise should be done once a day systematically. If the effect is visible, there will be no need for tablets or capsules that improve concentration.

The pharmaceutical market offers a wide range of drugs to enhance brain activity. Some of them are inexpensive, but there are also drugs for high cost. How to figure out what to drink to improve memory for adults?

Pills and other medications to improve brain activity and memory

Most drugs for cerebral circulation in adults are sold in pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription. But some can be bought over the counter. Despite this, doctors recommend before using medications or biologically active additive consult them.

Review of drugs: what is included in the TOP?

Ways to improve memory with drugs without a prescription from a doctor

  • under stress;
  • with strong emotional stress;
  • to improve memory;
  • to improve brain performance.

Glycine should be taken one tablet three times a day.

Undevit– produced in the form of dragees, includes a complex of vitamins A, C, E, P and B. Undevit is recommended for elderly patients to activate metabolic processes in the brain, after past diseases during the recovery period. Use 2 tablets within 24 hours.
