How does ascites manifest in dogs? Abdominal dropsy in dogs: symptoms and treatment

There is no prevention for this disease, other than maintaining a good physical condition dogs. Although dropsy or otherwise ascites is rare in dogs, owners need to be aware of its signs and causes.

It is worth remembering that this article, like any other on this topic from those presented on the Internet, is for informational purposes only. This is due to the fact that each dog or puppy has its own characteristics that you need to pay attention to when choosing a treatment, so going to the veterinarian is a must in this case.

What causes dropsy in dogs and what it is, signs, stages of development, how it manifests itself

Only veterinarian by conducting special surveys.
This disease develops in different ways, sometimes rapidly, sometimes gradually. With abdominal dropsy, the dog's abdominal cavity swells, breathing becomes difficult, the dog refuses to eat. There may be vomiting, constipation, cough, weakness. With dropsy of the brain, a coma occurs.

Abdominal dropsy in dogs symptoms and treatment, including folk remedies, diet

When one eight-year-old Cocker Spaniel, who fell ill with dropsy, was sentenced by doctors: “It is better to put to sleep”, the owners did not despair and took up treatment. They injected her with drugs at home: a diuretic (Furosemide), a heart drug (Sulfocamphocaine), an immunostimulant (Cycloferon), vitamins B6 and B12. In tablets, Veroshpiron and Essentiale were given in capsules.

Soldered with a decoction of parsley in milk (this is good folk remedy from dropsy). They were forcibly minced meat with rice and broth because the animal refused to eat. Diet with dropsy must be without salt. The dog is on the mend.

It should be noted that the owners began treatment after an examination at the clinic. Doctors pumped fluid from the animal abdominal cavity and diagnosed with heart failure. In addition, 8 years is a respectable age for a dog. Applying competent treatment, the owners were able to extend the life of their pet.

Dropsy of the abdomen, chest, stomach and brain in a dog description, whether to be treated or not and whether it can be cured at home

What caused the disease, the doctor will determine, the owners need to know about maintenance therapy before prescribing treatment:
- pump out the liquid from the cavity where it has accumulated;
- give the dog diuretics;
- put the dog in an oxygen chamber if it is difficult for her to breathe;
- do intravenous injections human albumin and isotonic solutions.

Dropsy is a non-independent disease. It is a sign of serious malfunctions in the work of some body. Sometimes dropsy accompanies incurable diseases. Then the owners, applying the treatment, can hope to maintain the normal quality of life of the animal, and not for a complete cure.

Dropsy in dogs how long it will live, prognosis, consequences in an old dog

How long a dog will live with such a disease, even an experienced doctor will not say. It all depends on concomitant disease that caused dropsy. When accumulated a large number fluid in a body cavity or organ, the animal may be in pain.

Therefore, sometimes doctors suggest that the owners put the dog to sleep. Supportive care and treatment of the underlying disease can prolong the animal's life to normal canine limits.

Dropsy in a dog on the paw, ear, abdominal cavity, as a result of liver damage

According to the location on the body of the dog, dropsy happens:
- subcutaneous;
- head;
- saccular (affects the ovaries, uterus or pericardial sac);
- abdominal;
- chest.

Subcutaneous dropsy, when water accumulates between the skin and muscles, can be general or appear on separate parts of the body, for example, a paw, an ear.

When dropsy occurs as a result of damage to the liver, among other things, a restorative treatment of this organ is necessary. And for prevention, it’s good to give the dog hepatoprotectors.

Unfortunately, our smaller four-legged brothers can get sick just as often as people. Some pathologies that develop in the body of dogs can cause serious complications and lead to disastrous consequences. One of the most common and dangerous diseases affecting dogs is ascites.

Ascites, or, as it is also customary to call this disease among the people, dropsy, is an abnormal large cluster fluid in the abdominal cavity of the animal, which accompanies strong swelling belly. Such pathological condition often leads to serious complications that affect the internal organs of the dog. This is due to the fact that free liquid, which has accumulated in the peritoneum, begins to interfere normal functioning healthy animal organs. Often running form ascites causes the death of a pet.

It is important to note that ascites itself is not separate disease. On the contrary, this pathological condition accompanies other, more serious illnesses animal, such as cirrhosis, malignant tumors organs and more. Thus, the appearance of ascites in a dog - this is clear sign Togo that the animal has serious deviations in health.

Causes of ascites

Ascites in animals develops against the background of other serious pathologies, so completely different factors can serve as the main causes of dropsy:

As can be seen, the factors influencing the development of pathology are quite diverse. That is why it is necessary to treat ascites various methods, depending on the disease that caused this deviation. Simply put, you can get rid of dropsy only after how the cause that caused it will be identified and eliminated.


The severity of the deviation symptoms will largely depend on the stage of ascites and the reasons that led to it. However, regardless of whether what disease caused dropsy in an animal, the signs in all cases will be identical:

In order to cure dropsy in a dog, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis in order to determine the disease that provoked the development of pathology . Animals should not be treated on their own., as this can only aggravate his condition.


The process of determining ascites includes several mandatory diagnostic procedures:

Only after a thorough diagnosis and examination of the fluid taken from the peritoneum of the animal, the veterinarian will be able to identify the cause of the deviation, put accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Treatment of the disease

The choice of the method of therapy for a dog directly depends on what kind of reason provoked the development of ascites. The prognosis of the treatment of the disease, if it was detected on early stage, favorable. However, it should be remembered that it is possible to get rid of abdominal dropsy only after the root cause that provoked it has been eliminated.

In the event that the dog is diagnosed with an incurable disease that led to ascites, therapy comes down to investing in his condition. It should be remembered that in this case the probability of remission is reduced to zero. Advanced diseases, which are no longer amenable to treatment, shorten the life of the pet, and how much is released to the dog depends only on the care of it.

conservative methods

Procedure and methods of treatment:

Surgical intervention

Surgery is scheduled in exceptional cases when the animal is completely bad condition and the immediate removal of large volumes of accumulated fluid is required.

The essence of the operation is to pump out fluid from the abdominal cavity. To do this, an experienced surgeon manually pierces the wall of the abdomen, inserts a catheter and pumps out water. The procedure is carried out slowly and carefully, because it is impossible to immediately pump out all the liquid, as this can provoke kidney failure in the animal. Moreover, in order to avoid a pet’s failure in the water and electrolyte balance, he is prescribed intravenous injections, which contribute to the replenishment of proteins, amino acids and electrolytes in the body.

Ascites (dropsy) is a symptom of various diseases of the abdominal cavity in dogs (tumors, heart failure, and others).

Signs by which this disease can be suspected in a pet are bulging sides, shortness of breath, frequent urge to go to the toilet. At the first suspicion of ascites, it is necessary to show the dog to the veterinarian. Abdominal disease can lead to serious complications and death of the animal.

Before starting the treatment of ascites, the reason for which it appeared is revealed. For this, they carry out complete diagnostics abdominal organs. Based on the diagnosis, therapy is prescribed.

Previous diseases

There may be several factors that provoke fluid retention in the abdominal cavity:

  • Tumors. Growing, they put pressure on the abdominal cavity, provoking stagnation of fluid and disrupting the outflow of lymph. In advanced cases, the tumor may burst and enter the body harmful substances that will cause complications.
  • Liver diseases. In this case, the filtration of blood and lymph toxins is disturbed. As a result, fluid stagnates in the organs, and it begins to seep through their walls into the abdominal cavity.
  • Cardiac pathologies. The work of the heart is disturbed, it ceases to cope with a large circle of blood circulation. Because of this, the vessels overflow, and fluid stagnation occurs.
  • Violation of the kidneys. These organs are responsible for removing toxins and waste products from the body. Sometimes, due to an infection, the kidneys begin to excrete and useful material, including protein. It also provokes the appearance of ascites.
  • Peritonitis. This disease causes a violation of the elasticity of the walls of the abdominal cavity, which can also cause dropsy.

When to start?

If a dog has all of the following symptoms, then this indicates that she has ascites:

  • bloated belly;
  • shortness of breath;
  • blue mucous membranes, in case of liver problems - yellowing;
  • dog sitting most time;
  • swelling;
  • high water intake (with kidney disease);
  • frequent urination;
  • passivity and indifference;
  • poor appetite;
  • the dog is rapidly gaining weight;
  • vomit.


Before starting treatment, the doctor prescribes the following studies - ultrasound, x-ray, abdominal fluid sampling for analysis.

Based on the data obtained, a diagnosis is made and appropriate therapy is prescribed, which is aimed at eliminating the causes of ascites.

The dosage and methods of using drugs that relieve the main symptoms of the disease are determined by the veterinarian.


The most commonly prescribed medications are:

  • Losartan;
  • Veroshpiron;
  • Furosemide;
  • Eufillin.

In advanced cases of ascites, laparocentesis is prescribed (pumping out fluid from the abdominal cavity). This procedure can significantly alleviate the condition of the dog and is carried out in parallel with taking medication. Additionally, the veterinarian may recommend taking antibiotics and protein preparations.


Depending on the disease that caused ascites, the following methods of therapy are also used:

  • taking diuretics contributes to the removal of harmful substances from the body of the animal;
  • taking cardioprotectors and hepaprotectors stabilize the work of the heart muscle and liver;
  • salt and fluid restricted diet.

At home

Ascites in dogs requires immediate medical intervention and accurate diagnosis. It should be remembered that fluid retention in the abdominal cavity is a symptom of other diseases. Self-medication can lead to undesirable consequences, so home treatment can only be concomitant with the main therapy.

Folk remedies

The use of any means traditional medicine possible only after consultation with a veterinarian. As additional treatment dropsy, you can use a recipe for a folk remedy based on milk and parsley.

Mode of application:

  1. pour a bunch of fresh parsley with milk;
  2. put the mixture in an oven preheated to 70 ° C;
  3. simmer until the liquid is reduced by 2 times;
  4. give a decoction to the dog daily, 1 time per day.

Also used as a diuretic:

  • sage;
  • tar;
  • currant leaf;
  • coltsfoot;
  • chamomile;
  • bean pods;
  • apricots.

Mode of application:

  1. 1 tbsp raw materials pour 200 ml of boiling water;
  2. insist for 1 hour;
  3. give the decoction to the dog 3 times a day.

Forecast and consequences

The prognosis for healing from dropsy of the abdominal cavity directly depends on the disease that provoked it and on the age of the dog. Ascites in young dogs, with proper and timely treatment, completely passes. For older animals, the chances of survival are slim.

Same full recovery will be without complications if dropsy appeared due to excess weight, injury or worms.

How long do pets live?

If you do not go to the doctor in time, then the life expectancy of the dog will be only a few weeks. With proper care and treatment, an animal can live for several years, even with serious illnesses that cause fluid retention in the body.


Pregnant and lactating

Treatment of ascites in a pregnant and lactating dog will be more gentle. In this condition, the animals do not puncture the abdominal cavity to drain the fluid. Therapy will be aimed at maintaining the body and eliminating fluid stagnation. Usually veterinarians prescribe:

  • diuretic drugs;
  • drugs that stimulate the heart and liver;
  • glucose;
  • vitamins;
  • decoctions of herbs.


Treatment for puppies is the same as for adult dogs. The only difference is the lower dosage of prescribed drugs.

different breeds

The appearance of ascites in dogs is not affected by the breed or size of the animal. The treatment regimen depends only on what disease caused fluid retention in the abdominal cavity.


Unfortunately, the treatment of ascites does not always lead to positive result. If fluid retention is due to an incurable disease, the veterinarian can only prescribe supportive and relieving treatment for the dog. AT extreme cases, at severe forms disease, the doctor may suggest euthanasia.

In contact with

Doctors know that dropsy in dogs is always just a consequence of some serious pathology, leading to the accumulation of fluid (in the form of exudate or effusion) in the chest/abdominal cavity or in a separate organ.

Causes of dropsy in dogs

Dropsy, not being an independent disease, becomes an indicator of severe (and very different) functional disorders in organism . Excess fluid is formed for many reasons, the most common of which are:

Important! A huge volume of fluid, stretching the organ (for example, the ovary), not only makes life difficult for the dog, but, above all, causes him unbearable pain.


There are quite a few signs that should alert the owner of a sick dog, but the most important of them is hypertrophied (bloated and sagging belly). Subcutaneous edema from the abdomen often passes to other parts of the body.

To a row anxiety symptoms also include:

  • shortness of breath, which manifests itself as a visible respiratory effort on inspiration (exhalation is almost not disturbed). Difficulties respiratory process conditioned strong pressure fluid on the diaphragm;
  • cough, in especially difficult cases of hydrothorax (accumulation of fluid in the lungs) accompanied by a distinct gurgling sound in chest cavity;
  • deviations in work gastrointestinal tract such as diarrhea, vomiting, or persistent constipation (very common);
  • increased thirst and frequent urination, especially with a weak urinary system and kidney disease;
  • intermittent fever, in which heat does not last long, being replaced by 1-2 days of normal temperature;
  • yellowing (noted at liver failure) or blueing of the mucous membranes;
  • loss of strength, lack of interest in what is happening;
  • weight gain (due to fluid accumulation) with a general decrease in muscle mass;
  • lethargic state, often turning into a coma clinical symptoms accompanying, as a rule, dropsy of the brain.

About dropsies of various etiologies, but mainly with ascites, the dog completely refuses to eat and noticeably loses weight. Against the background of general exhaustion of the body, the disproportionate bloated belly. In addition, in a lying position, a sick animal experiences discomfort and therefore prefers to sit.

Diagnosis of the disease

If you notice one (or more) characteristic features dropsy, do not delay the visit to veterinary clinic. insist on complex diagnostics disease, including ultrasound procedure abdominal cavity and x-ray (survey) picture of the abdomen. This is necessary in order to detect the presence of liquid.

A good specialist will definitely make a test puncture abdominal wall to establish the type of accumulated fluid (blood, urine, lymph, ascitic fluid). Last (specific yellowish color) speaks of ascites, after which the doctor proceeds to diagnose the underlying disease that caused dropsy.

Important! This is quite a difficult job, because big number canine pathologies show symptoms similar to hydrothorax or ascites.

Studies and analyzes, without which diagnosis is impossible:

  • physical (general) examination of the dog with fixation of the medical history;
  • blood and urine tests, as well as detailed blood biochemistry;
  • radiography of the abdominal / chest cavity;
  • puncture of the abdomen or chest cavity to collect the fluid accumulating there (this helps to establish its nature, as well as to check the material for a possible infection).

Depending on the results obtained with primary analyzes, the doctor may prescribe a number of additional studies. This is necessary to specify the root cause of the disease and understand how it will develop.

Additional activities:

  • in-depth biochemical study of blood;
  • checking the level of cholic (bile) acids, as well as lipases (in serum);
  • endoscopy;
  • echocardiogram.

If dropsy of the heart is suspected, an ultrasound examination is prescribed, the purpose of which is to indicate the presence / absence of pathological deformities of the heart muscle.

Ascites in dogs, also called abdominal dropsy, should be alarming for the owner, as it could very well be fatal. The condition is accompanied by the accumulation of large volumes of fluid in the peritoneal cavity, which can cause disruption of the organs in this area and difficulty breathing. What leads to the development of ascites and can you get rid of the disease at home?

First of all, it should be noted that ascites is not an independent disease, but a symptom of the disease. internal organs. And there are many reasons for its manifestation:

  • Tumor neoplasm. Often, oncological processes occurring in the peritoneum of an animal are accompanied by dropsy, and it does not matter which organ is affected. Pathology occurs due to the fact that the neoplasm compresses the vessels and causes a persistent increase in pressure in the portal artery system. On the background high blood pressure the cavity is filled with exudate. In addition, there is a risk of violation of the outflow of lymph, which leads to the appearance of effusion.
  • Liver disease. Since the liver is a filter of blood and lymph nodes, and is also responsible for protein synthesis, any damage to it, whether of an infectious nature or not associated with an infection, leads to the fact that the organ ceases to cope with its many functions. If we talk about abdominal dropsy, then in this case blood stagnation occurs, and fluid seeps through the vascular walls, the condition is aggravated when protein synthesis is disturbed.
  • Heart disease. Blood stasis is one condition often identified when a dog is diagnosed with heart failure. This causes fluid to enter the abdominal cavity.
  • kidney disease. This body governs water and electrolyte balance and controls the processes of excretion of metabolic products in environment. If the kidney tissues become inflamed, blood seeps into the urine, which in turn leads to protein loss. Last fact and causes ascites.
  • Protein deficiency in the diet. As in the previous case, abdominal dropsy develops due to protein starvation. Owners should carefully select the diet of their pet.
  • Peritonitis (inflammatory process peritoneum). This disease is very often accompanied by the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneum, this is due to the fact that the tissues of the vessels lose their tightness.

Whatever causes dropsy of the abdominal cavity, the signs of pathology will be exactly the same.

The severity of dropsy depends on the stage of the disease and the level of fluid in the peritoneum. Among the striking manifestations of the disease, it is worth noting the following:

  • The dog's belly swells up. In animals with obesity and a small amount of fluid, this symptom may be mild.
  • It becomes difficult for the dog to breathe - when the amount of ascitic exudate increases significantly, in addition to shortness of breath, shortness of breath appears, the mucous membranes become bluish. If the development of dropsy occurs against the background of liver damage, then the mucous tissue becomes icteric, that is, icteric.
  • Sitting becomes the most comfortable position for the dog - this is due to breathing difficulties and the pressure of the filled peritoneum on the lungs and diaphragm.
  • Puffiness - similar symptom can accompany the most various diseases, but more often it occurs if ascites occurs in conjunction with hypoalbuminemia (an abnormal decrease in albumin levels) and renal failure.
  • followed by profuse urination. This symptom of dropsy in dogs occurs due to kidney failure chronic form.
  • The activity of the animal decreases - more and more often the pet is lethargic, lethargic, the dog reacts little to what is happening around. When the disease progresses, the dog refuses to eat and moves with difficulty.
  • Muscle tissues atrophy, and body weight increases significantly - these processes occur due to the fact that fluid is retained in the body.
  • - a frequent sign of abdominal dropsy, its appearance is due to the development of the underlying disease - damage to the kidney, liver tissues, paraneoplastic process.

In addition, other disorders in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, such as diarrhea, may also appear.

In this case, there is no question of a complete cure, since ascites is only a consequence of more serious problems with health. You can get rid of dropsy of the peritoneum only if cured primary disease. If this is not done, even after removing the fluid from the abdominal cavity, it will form again. Ailments such as kidney failure, cirrhosis of the liver and others serious pathologies require mandatory medical attention.

Usually, with ascites, veterinarians prescribe diuretics - drugs that enhance the process of removing water and fluid. This group includes drugs such as Veroshpiron, Eufillin, Temisal, Furosemide, etc. However, you should be careful with such drugs, since wrong dosage can lead to electrolyte imbalance and the removal of essential minerals from the body.

You can also prepare a folk remedy that has an effective diuretic action. Excellent result gives a decoction of milk and parsley, it will require fresh herbs and homemade milk. Parsley, without chopping, should be placed in a saucepan, poured with milk and placed in an oven heated to 70 ° C. Here the agent should languish, but not boil, until its amount is halved. The dog is recommended to give it daily.

A decoction of fresh bean pods, apricots, tar, coltsfoot has a similar effect. You can also prepare a decoction from the collection of herbs - chamomile flowers, currant leaf and sage. Dried raw materials are poured with boiling water, infused for an hour and given to the pet. It is necessary to correct the nutrition of the animal, excluding from the diet foods that contribute to fluid retention in the body.

Unfortunately, there is nothing more the owner can do to help his pet, the best thing he can do is to deliver the dog to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible. As a rule, ascites accompanies diseases that cannot be cured, and maintenance therapy is carried out here. It is very important that four-legged friend during this period was surrounded by care and love.
