Is it possible to correct hallux valgus in a puppy. Weakness of the hind legs in the dog. Why? What to do? Skeleton formation problems in puppies of large dog breeds

If your puppy starts to limp, you need to act quickly to prevent problems that can accompany him throughout his life. All of these diseases should be treated as early as possible in growing dogs. If your puppy has lameness, see your veterinarian orthopedic surgeon

Paw fracture in a puppy

Green-branch fracture (subperiosteal fracture) occurs in children younger age and in small puppies. The reason for this fracture is that the bones remain flexible and elastic, because they did not have time to accumulate the proper amount of minerals. This fracture is presented as a crack, the bone is not completely broken.
This fracture responds very well to treatment (if treatment is possible in principle).
Most common reason similar fractures - falling or jumping of puppies from beds, sofas, and other small heights.

Dislocated patella in puppies

This is the most common cause of lameness in dogs. At the same time, the dog walks normally, pulling the paw up, and then walking again normally. This pathology is caused by slipping patella from the joint of the puppy's paw and is due to anomalies in the growth of the paws.
Patella dislocation usually develops in puppies under one year old.

Hip dysplasia in a puppy

This problem is the most common and dangerous cause gradually worsening lameness in puppies. Often, owners believe that puppies with dysplasia are simply calm and quiet, do not like to play, sit or lie a lot, and get up reluctantly.
If hip dysplasia in a puppy is diagnosed before 16 weeks of age, then the condition of the joint can be significantly improved or even completely returned to normal with the help of an operation called juvenile symphysiodesis of the pubic bones.

Hallux valgus or "my dog ​​has crooked paws"

Quite often, owners do not worry if the puppy's limbs begin to develop abnormally. In fact, this is a serious problem in which the bones of the limbs of the dog begin to "arch". This is a dangerous condition that requires emergency measures so that this curvature does not melt permanently. The reason for the deformity is that the forearm of the front paw consists of 2 parallel bones: the radius and ulna. If one of the 4 zones of bone growth is damaged, the rest continue to grow in the 3 remaining directions and the paw begins to bend.
As strange as it may seem, the treatment requires cutting a bone that has stopped growing so that the rest of the bones continue to grow correctly and straight.

Elbow dysplasia

Non-fused coronoid (hook-shaped) process

The most common of the three causes of elbow dysplasia in puppies. The coracoid processes are thin protruding parts of the ulna that break easily in puppies. Fragmented dogs require arthroscopic surgery to avoid worsening elbow arthritis.

Elbow dysplasia is a genetically determined disorder that usually occurs in large breeds dogs. It is believed that the disease occurs more often in the case of overfeeding and excessive exertion in the first 12 months of a puppy's life.

Fragmented olecranon

An ununited process of the ulna is the second most common cause of elbow dysplasia in puppies. At this state zone
The growth of the bone does not connect to the adjacent bone; the bone fragment remains detached. This piece of bone is removed during surgery, and the puppy returns to normal life.

Osteochondrosis dissecans in puppies

The third most common cause of elbow dysplasia in puppies also causes lameness and pain in other joints. Osteochondrosis dissecans occurs when some of the cartilage and bone detach from the surface of the joint. The loose fragment must be removed and the joint surface is polished by an orthopedic veterinarian expert in arthroscopy.

Diagnosing most puppy joint problems requires

Hallux valgus (carpus valgus) -

this is a type of deformation in the frontal plane,

The angle of which is open outward (laterally).

Relevance of the topic. Of all the orthopedic problems of the forelimb, valgus deformity of the forearm bones occurred in 18% of cases, i.e. out of 50 dogs of various breeds, 9 had certain signs of hallux valgus. Out of 9 dogs, 6 animals were from chondrodystrophic breeds (Dachshund, Jack Russell, etc.), the other three were representatives of medium and large breeds (Alabai, Central asian shepherd dog, German Shepherd).

Etiology. The main cause that leads to this pathology is a local disturbance in the growth of the bones of the forearm in young, growing dogs. Impaired bone growth is associated with early closure of the growth zones. And the immediate reasons leading to the early closure of the growth zones are as follows:

1. Injuries to the growth zone. Fractures, cracks in the bones, which most often affect the distal, ulnar, growth zone.
2. Improper nutrition. Excessive, long-term intake Calcium imbalanced with phosphorus in growing dogs leads to endochondral ossification of the growth zone.
3. Hereditary factors. Hereditary inability of the distal growth zone of the ulna to grow as quickly as the distal radial growth zone (more common in chondrodystrophic dog breeds - Dachshund, Jack Russell Terrier, Basset Hound.

Local bone growth disorders are important group orthopedic problems that occur in young animals. But we will consider the most common violation of the growth of the bones of the forearm - hallux valgus against the background of early closure or growth retardation of the distal ulnar growth zone.

Early closure or growth retardation of the distal ulnar growth zone.

Pathogenesis and Clinical signs. With such a pathology, the ulna stops growing or grows slowly, and growth radius continues at normal speed. In this case, the direction of growth is hindered by the effect of a “stretched bowstring” (Fig. 2 a, b). Accordingly, first a cranial (like a "stretched bow") occurs (Fig. 2 a) and then a medial curvature of the radius (Fig. 3). All this causes the hallux valgus in the wrist. Later, subluxation of the elbow may occur (Fig. 4), because the growing radius pushes the condyles humerus proximally (up). In many chondrodystrophic breeds of dogs, it is the subluxation of the elbow that most often leads to lameness, but the hallux valgus of the wrist is clinically not so obvious as to differ from a healthy limb of a dog of the same breed. In tall, medium and large breeds of dogs, hallux valgus develops faster, is visually more pronounced and is usually the cause of lameness. In these dogs, the stress on the wrist joint increases, which ultimately leads to joint deformation and metacarpal bones.

Often, doctors call such deformities of the bones rickets. This misconception must be refuted. Rickets is a disease of growing animals, manifested by impaired growth and development of bones due to a lack of vitamin D in the diet. For some unknown reason, our doctors call rickets any localized thickenings, curvature of bones in puppies. It has been scientifically proven that true rickets (vitamin D deficiency) is extremely rare in dogs and even difficult to simulate in an experiment.

Tactics surgical treatment. Treatment of this pathology is only surgical. The main mistake of doctors is an attempt to "straighten" the deformation of the bones by immobilizing the bandage. This "treatment" leads to contractures and further dysfunction of the limb.

Now we will analyze in detail, in order, taking into account the age of the animal, the step-by-step treatment tactics. A visible change in the appearance of a limb usually occurs at 4 to 5 months. In large breeds, a slightly noticeable lameness occurs in parallel, due to the increased stress on the wrist joint. In such dogs, lameness progresses rather quickly. At the age of 4–7 months, regardless of breed, with a visible curvature of the limb, it is necessary to carry out a “distal segmental osteotomy of the ulna” as soon as possible (Fig. 5). This operation removes the effect of the "taut bowstring" from the ulna, while the radius continues to grow and begins to gradually straighten due to continued growth. The use of additional fixation after the operation is impractical, because The main load on the distal portion of the forearm bones is borne by the radius. Often this operation is combined with an operation to “block the medial portion of the distal growth zone” (Fig. 6 a, b). At the age of 4-5 months. it is premature to supplement the first operation with the second. This is due to the fact that during the second operation, the growth of the radius can actually slow down, which will lead to a visible shortening of the diseased limb in comparison with the healthy one. The combination of these two techniques is possible mainly with 6 months of age... For each specific breed, determining the age for the operation to "block the medial section of the distal growth zone" is quite subjective and depends on the experience of the surgeon. If in 4 -5 months. carried out by " distal osteotomy ulna "and it within 1 - 1.5 months. does not lead to visible improvements, then in as soon as possible the technique of "blocking the medial section of the distal growth zone" is used. If this operation is carried out after 7-8 months of age, then the visible result is usually ambiguous.

In small, chondrodystrophic breeds, lameness develops later, at about 6-10 months and is mainly associated with subluxation of the elbow joint (Fig. 4). In such breeds, especially in the presence of lameness and the absence of visible deformity of the limb, it is enough to carry out only a "proximal dynamic osteotomy of the ulna" to correct the subluxation of the elbow. (fig. 7)

Now that everyone's done possible operations, the doctor has 3 - 5 months to wait for the end of the growth of the limbs in length and evaluate the postoperative result. A good result is considered to be no visual difference between the forelimbs and no lameness. If at the end of bone growth there is a visible curvature of the limb and / or lameness, then proceed to the next operational methodology: "Corrective osteotomy of the radius." A prerequisite for this operation is the end of bone growth in length (10 - 12 months). Seeing the scheme of this operation, the doctor must understand that the curvature of the forearm bones occurs in two projections: cranial and medial. There are two types of this operation:

"Wedge-shaped osteotomy" (Fig. 8 a, b, c)

"Oblique osteotomy" (Fig. 9 a, b)

The osteotomy site is stabilized either with a plate or with an external fixation device. Wedge-shaped osteotomy is used more often.

When starting a radial osteotomy, the surgeon should assess the condition of the carpal joint and metacarpal bones. The question arises - why? Perfectly, main goal corrective osteotomy, in each case, is restoration as much as possible, normal function the wrist and the entire limb. Complete anatomical reconstruction of the forearm bones does not necessarily guarantee the restoration of normal limb function; the deformity affects the muscles and ligaments, as well as the adjacent bones of the limb, mainly the metacarpal bones. But in practice, animals are often found in which the carpal joint and metacarpal bones are deformed (Fig. 10). This happens mainly in large dogs when the owners missed the timing of those operations in which corrections are possible due to the remaining growth of the animal (osteotomy of the ulna, blocking of the medial edge of the distal radius of the radius). In such situations, even a corrective osteotomy does not always allow visual alignment of the wrist, although the radius becomes anatomically flat and straight (Figure 10). In this case, one should seriously think about combining a corrective osteotomy of the radius with arthrodesis of the carpal joint (Fig. 11 a, b, c, d, e). If in in this case Do not perform arthrodesis of the carpal joint, then with the osteotomy of the radius we align only the anatomical shape of the bones of the forearm. In this case, the stretched ligaments of the carpal joint and the curvature of the metacarpal bones will create a visible curvature of the limb due to the forced, incorrect position of the joint.

Conclusions. Now, based on the foregoing, it is possible to draw up a competent, step-by-step scheme for the surgical treatment of hallux valgus of the forearm bones:

1. Distal (sometimes proximal) osteotomy of the ulna, or:
Distal ulna osteotomy + blockage of the medial section of the distal growth zone.
2. Corrective osteotomy of the radius or:
Corrective osteotomy of the radius + wrist arthrodesis.

Belov Mikhail Viktorovich, candidate of veterinary sciences.
Veterinary clinic of orthopedics, surgery and therapy "Perspective-vet",St. Petersburg.

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For 15 years, the clinic has been treating chest hallux valgus in dogs. To date, a unified strategy for the treatment of this pathology has been developed. In animals during the period of intensive growth from 4.5 to 9 months, blocking of the distal growth zone of the radius with metal staples with a one-stage segmental osteotomy of the ulna diaphysis is performed (Fig. 1). This allows 70-80% of animals to level the limb deformity and avoid a more complex operation.

Fig. 1 Radiograph of the forearm bones in frontal and lateral projection. Blocking the distal growth zone of the radius with medial surface(a, b). X-ray of the forearm bones in frontal and lateral projections 1 month after surgery. Leveling angular deformation.

If the deformity persists, then at the end of the intensive growth of the skeleton, the animal can perform a one-step correction of the deformity of the forearm bones by means of a wedge-shaped osteotomy of the radius at the apex of the deformity angle, oblique osteotomy of the ulna, one-step correction of axial deformity and fixation of bone fragments in the apparatus of G.A. Ilizarov (Fig. 2). It must be remembered that performing this operation before the end of the intensive growth of the skeleton leads to a recurrence of the deformity of the forearm bones due to the continuation of uneven bone growth.

Rice. 2. A - A dog with hallux valgus (indicated by an arrow) of the left thoracic limb (carpus valgus). B - Wedge-shaped osteotomy of the radius with simultaneous correction of the deformity and fixation in the apparatus of G.A. Ilizarov. B - Operation stage - removal of the wedge-shaped fragment of the radius. Animal in the apparatus and after removing the external fixator (D, E).

  1. Varus (o-shaped) deformity of the chest limbs

Rice. 3. Macro photo. Varus (o-shaped) deformity of the bones of the forearm in the dog Staffordshire Terrier (a). Radiograph of the bones of the right thoracic limb in frontal projection - varus deformity (b): 1-line parallel to the articular surface wrist joint; 2-axis of the radius; 3-angle deformity of the radius. Macrophoto (B). G.A. apparatus module Ilizarov. Thoracic limb with marked landmarks for performing wedge-shaped osteotomy.

  1. Hallux valgus (genu valgum)

Valgus deformity of the pelvic limbs in dogs is caused by an increase in the cervico-shaft angle femur, which leads to severe deformity of the femoral and tibia, which together gives an X-shaped setting of the pelvic limbs. To make this diagnosis, it is necessary to perform pelvic radiographs in the first position.

Rice. 4. Radiographs of the pelvis in the first position. Increase in the cervico-diaphyseal angle of the right and left hip joint (a). X-shaped deformity of both pelvic limbs (b). Macrophoto. X-shaped pelvic limbs (c).

To correct the hallux valgus of the pelvic extremities, the animal underwent intertrochanteric osteotomy of the femur and wedge-shaped osteotomy of the tibia. The operation on the second limb was performed with an interval of 1 month. Special implants were used to fix the fragments. Removal of the plates was not carried out at the request of the owners.

Rice. 5. X-ray of the pelvis in the first position, after performing a phased intertrochanteric osteotomy of the right and left femur and wedge-shaped osteotomy of the right and left tibia (a). Animal 1.5 years after surgery (b).

  1. Neurogenic contractures and congenital anomalies of limb development

In some cases, it is impossible to establish the cause of neurogenic joint contracture, due to the absence of a history of the disease. This animal was admitted to the clinic with severe contracture of the wrist and elbow joints, shortening of the right thoracic limb due to the destruction of the proximal growth zone of the radius (Fig. 1a, b). Due to the destruction of the articular surface of the elbow joint and severe contracture of the wrist joint with loss of extensor function (neurogenic nature), the animal was performed: arthrodesis of the elbow and wrist joints, which made it possible to achieve correct positioning of the limb.

Rice. 1. Macrophoto. Contracture of the wrist and elbow joints, shortening of the right thoracic limb (a, b).

Rice. 6. Radiographs of the right thoracic limb in lateral projection. Destruction of the articular surface of the elbow joint (a). Arthrodesis of the elbow and wrist joints in a physiologically favorable position with the help of extra-bone plates(b). Completed arthrodesis of the elbow and wrist joint (c). Macrophoto. Leveling the angular deformity of the right thoracic limb (d). However, after the operations carried out, the shortening of the thoracic limb by 5 cm remains.

Rice. 7. To lengthen the limb and restore the support function, the animal underwent a transverse osteotomy of the radius and ulna of the forearm in the apparatus of G.А. Ilizarov (a) and distraction (lengthening) of the bone was performed (b - formation of the regenerate growth zone). After maturation of the regenerate, the apparatus was removed from the animal (c, d).

(!!!) You can compare the pictures of this animal at the beginning and at the end of the presentation. In our opinion, this is an excellent result, which has become a symbiosis of patience, courage, a desire to help the animal on the part of the animal's owners and the professionalism of doctors.

  1. Hallux valgus (x-shaped deformity) of the right tibia.

The animal underwent a wedge-shaped osteotomy of the tibia, with one-step correction of the deformity and fixation of the fragments with an LC-DCP plate. Restoration of the supporting function of the limb on the first day after the operation.

  • 1, 2 - Hallux valgus (x-shaped deformity) of the right pelvic limb.
  • 3 - Deformed axis of the tibia and foot of the right pelvic limb.
  • 4 - Radiograph of the right tibia in frontal projection.
  • 5 - View of the animal on the 12th day after the operation. Corrected limb axis.
  • 6 - Osteotomy of the tibia, correction of the limb axis, fixation with a plate.

(!!!) I would like to express my gratitude to Shreiner A.A., Petrovskaya N.V., and in their person to all employees of the Center for Reconstructive Traumatology and Orthopedics. G.A. Ilizarov, for the opportunity to professionally use the Ilizarov method in the practice of small pets.

(!!!) Thank Fokin V.A. - a person who discovered the AO technology of osteosynthesis in our country not only for humanitarian medicine doctors, but also for veterinarians.

Dogs are the most active pets. Units of tetrapods do not like to jump and run on any terrain, even if there are fragments of bottles, large stones and other dangerous objects. This lifestyle often leads to limb injuries. As a rule, the owner is not worried about a slight lameness, because on the dog everything heals quickly and imperceptibly. However, in some cases, pain in the paws can lead to serious illnesses. Therefore, if the dog begins to limp, the owner needs to analyze the symptoms and determine the danger of the disease. At the first sign of paw disease in dogs, you need to contact your veterinarian to obtain specialized care... Read about the symptoms and treatment of these diseases below.

Paw diseases in dogs: symptoms and treatment

First of all, there are obvious symptoms that definitely indicate that the paw is out of order. It:

  • lameness;
  • the desire to move less and lie more;
  • clumsy walking, the pet whines, stepping on the injured paw;
  • the dog's attempts to strain the sore paw as little as possible.

Then other symptoms appear, which depend on the characteristics of the disease. For example, the owner notices that the dog begins to gnaw on the paw. This can be caused by:

  • poor hygiene and condition of the nails;
  • joint pain;
  • numbness of the fingers;
  • allergies, itching, or tick bites;
  • fungal diseases.

The tendency to move less and lie down more is one of the signs of an unhealthy dog.

Diseases of the paws in dogs: causes of occurrence

The list of possible causes is extensive. Paw diseases can be caused by:

Treatment is carried out by a veterinarian. In the most complicated cases, surgical intervention is indispensable.

How to treat bumps on paws?

A bump on a paw most often signals a splinter or bruise, so the first step is to carefully examine the pet's limb. If there is a splinter, remove it and treat the wound. It is more difficult if the splinter has gotten deep under the skin and brought dirt there. An inflammation appears on the spot, for the treatment of which a course of antibiotics is prescribed.

Sometimes a bump on a paw can speak of much more serious problems, their treatment will be much more difficult. The most common diseases in dogs are presented below.

Interdigital cyst: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

One of the most dangerous inflammatory diseases is the interdigital cyst. When neglected, it can lead to limb amputation. Doctors call the main reasons:

  • trauma to the ventral interdigital ligament;
  • anatomical pathologies of the paws, congenital or acquired;
  • the dog's bad habit of constantly licking its paws;
  • spread of infection;
  • predisposition of the animal to increased keratinization.

Interdigital cyst is one of the most dangerous inflammatory diseases


The main symptom is the appearance of a tumor-like mass between the fingers. It has a red or pink color, soft to the touch, in advanced cases acquires bad smell... Most often it has the shape of a small ball.

A dog that has an interdigital cyst will constantly lick or bite on a sore paw and will not be able to walk normally. She constantly lies in one place and whines, demanding the attention of the owner.

Diagnostics and treatment

According to statistics, ulcers form between 4 and 5 toes, but can still appear anywhere. If cysts are found, you must immediately go to the veterinarian. The doctor will conduct full examination of the infected area and find out the root cause, which must be eliminated immediately (allergies, humid environment, rubbing of the paws). After the causes are identified and corrected, work begins on the cyst itself.

Treatment principles:

The drug "Prednisone"

If steroid therapy is successful, but secondary infection has occurred, drug treatment may be prescribed for the rest of life. The cyst becomes chronic.

Attention! Postoperative period Is an important part of recovery. You need to regularly take the dog for examinations. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe treatment with a manganese solution to stop the infection of the animal. During this period, you should add porridge or dry food soaked in warm water to the dog's diet.

Pododermatitis in dogs: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Pododermatitis is an inflammation that develops on the pads of the paws or between the toes (in places that come into contact with the ground during a walk). It is a consequence that signals the development of a more serious disorder in the body.


The main reason for the occurrence is a weakening of the immune system. Due to the decline protective function the body begins to multiply pathogenic microflora on the skin.

Diagnostics and treatment

If you find the slightest signs of pododermatitis, you should go to the doctor. He will conduct a series of examinations and interview the owner. A sick dog will hand over material for biopsy, blood and urine tests, cytological studies... The doctor will test for antibiotic susceptibility and allergic reactions. After identifying the severity of the disease, treatment is prescribed. The types of pathologies and their severity are presented in the table.

Table 1. Types of pododermatitis

Aseptic pododermatitisCaused by injuries to the limbs that damage the skin. Calls:

- inflammation of the pads;
- pain when walking;
- increased body temperature

Purulent pododermatitis (superficial)Superficial damage skin characterized by redness
Purulent pododermatitis (deep)Purulent pathogens get under the skin, paw suppuration begins. The dog's temperature rises, the paw hurts a lot
Interdigital dermatitis It affects all layers of the epidermis. It is caused by allergies due to contact with the reagent, injury, bacterial infections... Psychogenic factors can also be the reason: stress due to moving or quarrel with the owner

If the lesion is single, treatment with "Chlorhexidine" is prescribed. Improvement will come gradually antibacterial treatment can be avoided. With multiple lesions of the paws, the main cause of pododermatitis is initially identified and treated.

With pododermatitis, treatment with "Chlorhexidine" is prescribed

Treatment principles:

  1. Systemic antibiotic therapy with Ceftriaxone is prescribed or similar drugs... Treatment continues until recovery and another 2 weeks after to avoid relapse.
  2. The paws of the animal are treated with antiseptics and antibiotic solution. Daily baths with "Chlorhexidine" and magnesium sulfate will be effective.
  3. Some patients are prescribed therapy with Enrofloxacin and a group of corticosteroid drugs, including Prednisolone.

If there is an ingrown hair, the torn follicles are removed. In rare cases, when therapy does not help and the condition of the dog worsens, surgery is performed to remove the skin between the toes and connect the fingers on the paw.

Attention! Pododermatitis requires long and persistent treatment. However, even after complete external recovery, there is a risk of relapse.

Video - Interdigital dermatitis in dogs

Ingrowing claws

Indoor small dogs, which are constantly in the apartment, usually suffer from this disease. They don't have enough room to run, and they don't go out for walks. The claws do not become sharpened, as in other dogs, and grow strongly. Long nails curl up and stick into the paw pads. Purulent inflammation begins, which causes pain and a lot of inconvenience.

Table 2. What to do if a claw has grown?

The claw stuck shallowlyThe claw went deep into the pad
How can I help my pet?If the claw does not enter the pad too deeply, you can remove it yourself, provided that the owner already has experience in clipping the claws. Its structure contains living tissue with blood vessels, and if you touch it with forceps, bleeding will begin.If the claw has grown too much and is stuck deep in the paw, a veterinarian will help. The owner will not be able to trim the claw so as not to touch the pulp. Also, he will not be able to easily reach the claw: it penetrates deeper and deeper under the skin, it touches more living tissue and gets stuck
Features of the procedure and careBefore the procedure, the entry point is abundantly watered with Chlorhexidine, and the owner's hands are wiped with it. Then carefully separate the tip of the stuck claw with forceps, leaving a part outside for which you can remove the foreign body with your fingers. The claw is removed, and the wound is treated with "Chlorhexidine" and iodineAfter the doctor removes the claw, wound treatment is prescribed. It is regularly lubricated with antiseptic and healing ointments. If the dog tries to lick the affected paw, a loose bandage is applied. Do not interfere with the dog playing and frolic: the dog must be active. It is enough to regularly check the cleanliness of the wound and regularly treat

Inflammation of the corolla of the claw

The disease appears as a result of bruises, complicated various infections... The dog is severely lame, the toes on the paw are swollen, and may acquire a purple hue. It can also be the result of purulent inflammation, which progresses and spreads to deep tissues. The animal refuses to eat and whines, the claws lose their shine, stagger and fall out.


  1. First aid. Warm baths are used for 10-15 minutes with manganese solution and Rivanol 0.2% each. Then penicillin ointment, "Xeroform" or "Streptocid" is applied.
  2. Treatment. Alcohol and alcohol-ichthyol compresses are recommended to warm up the inflammation. Also, therapy is carried out in the form of a circular novocaine-penicillin block.
  3. Operation. If the disease is difficult and the treatment does not give an effect, you need to remove the finger. Intervention goes under local anesthesia... 3-5 ml of Novocaine 0.25-0.5% is injected under the skin between the fingers. An incision is then made to the bone, which is dissected with bone forceps. The finger is removed, the wound is sutured and a bandage is applied.

The drug "Xeroform"

Cracked or broken claws

The problem appears if, after a paw or claw injury, the dog was not helped in time. The dog limps and whines on examination, suppuration or falling off of the claw is observed in the paw. To avoid its complete loss, softening compresses with oil are made, the claw is treated with antiseptics.


It is eliminated by removing the cutting end of the nail or the crack with a sharp knife, then the cut area is covered with epoxy resin. So the pet's claw can be saved. If the base of the claw is damaged, it is treated with an antiseptic, after which it is dried and covered with iodine. Then the burrs and broken off claws are trimmed with scissors and covered with streptocide or a mixture of manganese with boric acid... Aerosols are also suitable - "Ungutil" or "Kubatol". After processing, a protective bandage is applied to the paw.

Aerosol "Kubatol"

Bruises and wounds on the paw pads in dogs

Typical for hunting and service dogs. It occurs due to a long run over rough terrain, frozen ground, icy snow, a road with coarse sand. Among the symptoms is the dog's refusal to move; when walking, the animal does not want to lean on a limb. Abrasions, wounds and scratches are noticed on the pads, burns are possible due to contact with lime, boiling water, acid or alkali. Heavy course characterized by skin rejection and non-healing ulcers.


The dog needs complete rest. Before treatment, the paw is examined for foreign bodies - large splinters, pieces of glass or wire. Foreign bodies removed, the wound is surgically cleared of infection. An antiseptic dressing is then applied.

If abrasions become the cause of the disease, treatment with antiseptic aerosols - "Chronitsilin" and "Kubatol" is prescribed. Perhaps treatment with "Streptocide", "Xeroform" under a protective bandage. In cases of severe pain, a cold compress is applied to the paw.

Inflammation of the tissues of the fornix and interdigital space in dogs

Occurs for the same reasons as the previous illness. It often develops in dogs with naturally widely spread paws, flat feet. Another reason is the hypothermia of the dog due to a long leash on wet soil or a wet cement floor. Symptoms: noticeable lameness, redness, swelling, in case of complications - purulent inflammation, ulcers, eczema.


Treatment is antiseptic in nature, similar to the treatment of inflammation of the corolla of the claw. If the damage is significant, bandages with an antiseptic are placed on the paw or special protective shoes are put on.

Video - Skin diseases in dogs

Eczema in dogs

Typical for hunting dogs... Appears on the skin irritated by thorns, needles, nettles. Due to damage, inflammation develops on the outer layers of the skin, a rash forms. Symptoms: First, a rash appears in the form of bubbles, which, when opened, form a moist eczema. The inflammatory process can drag on for a long time. It is difficult for the dog to walk, his paw hurts.


Before processing, the wool on the affected area is clipped. If the wound is contaminated, it should be washed with a decoction of burdock, chamomile, oak, "Chlorhexidine" or weak solution manganese. Local treatment is a treatment with a cream or spray for eczema, which have:

  • antifungal;
  • antimicrobial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • wound healing;
  • drying effects.

Weeping eczema is treated with a course of antibiotic injections or pills. It is recommended to combine: start treatment with injections and finish with pills. Appointed:

  • Sinulox 250: 12.5 mg / kg every 12 hours for 14 days;
  • "Ciprofloxacin" 500: up to 2 tablets daily for 2 weeks, the dose depends on the complexity of the inflammation;
  • "Amoxicillin" solution 15%: 1 ml / kg every 24 hours for 7 days or tablets - 15 mg / kg;
  • Erythromycin: 15-20 mg / kg every 24 hours for 14 days.

Ciprofloxacin tablets (dosage 500 mg)

To accelerate wound healing with wet eczema and start renewal of the skin surface with dry eczema, vitamin and metabolic preparations are used:

  • ascorbic acid, "Retinol" and "Tocopherol" 5%, alternately 1 ml., every day one drug is put;
  • "Vitam": 3-5 ml / 10 kg twice a week, set for 30 days;
  • "Gamavit": 0.5 ml / kg 2-3 times weekly, also within a month; "Catosal": from 2.5 to 5 ml., The dose depends on the condition of the dog.

Solution for injection "Gamavit"

Important! These drugs are contraindicated in cases where the root cause has become allergic reaction... They can aggravate the patient's condition.

Radial nerve palsy in dogs

This disease is the most common in comparison with lesions of other nerves in the limbs. It occurs due to bruises, muscle strain. After mechanical injury of the radial nerve, the triceps brachii muscle ceases to function, and all distal joints are bent. Symptoms: unbent shoulder joint, drooping elbow and flexed wrist. The dog cannot lean on a limb due to its unnatural position.


Daily massages can relieve the patient's condition. Galvanization with iontophoresis, heating, exposure to UV lamps is also prescribed. Darsonvalization of the radial nerve and daily injections with vitamins B1 and B2, "Dibazol" and "Proserin" are performed alternately. The course of injections is 1 month.

Diseases of the paws in large breed dogs

For large, severe dogs, paw diseases are not uncommon. Due to their heavy weight, their joints often hurt. The reason may be not only acquired diseases, but also congenital ones. The most common are:

Dysplasia is common in babies. hip joints- an inherited disease. It is diagnosed in dogs during the period of intensive growth - from 4 to 10 months. It becomes difficult for puppies to get up after sleep, they long time limp. If untreated, the symptoms intensify, the four-legged is threatened with complete immobility.


It will not be possible to completely rid the pet of dysplasia, but you can alleviate its condition. Treatment can be conservative or surgical.

With a conservative drug, drugs are prescribed:

  • anti-inflammatory ("Rimadil", "Quadrisol-5", "Deracoxib");
  • pain relievers (No-shpa, Phenylbutazone, Ibuprofen, Acetylsalicylic acid);
  • chondroprotectors (Pentosan, Hondrolon, Stride, Adekvan);
  • supplements and vitamin and mineral complexes with chondroitin and glucosamine.

Dosages are prescribed depending on the degree of neglect of the disease and the condition of the animal. Physiotherapy also helps well - massage, ozokerite, laser and paraffin therapy.

Surgery is needed when the disease progresses and the dog gets worse. The operation involves adjusting the shape femoral head: It is made to fit the acetabulum. Depending on the complexity of the case, partial removal of the cartilage or replacement of the damaged area with a titanium prosthesis is performed.

After the operation, with proper care, complete restoration of the joint is possible, the dog will be able to move independently.


With arthritis in the joints of the dog begins inflammatory process that interferes with normal walking and causes severe pain. Most often affects the elbow or hip joint. Due to illness, the dog moves little, limps, does not want to go outside. Therapy is prescribed only after examination and identification of the cause of the pathology. The veterinarian takes an X-ray of the affected area, in rare cases, an analysis of the fluid from the diseased joint is required.


The basis is the treatment with medications of the following direction:

  1. Anti-inflammatory, analgesic: Onsior, Metakam, Rimadil. They relieve pain, inhibit the spread of inflammation. In the absence of these drugs, aspirin is suitable, but only for short-term therapy.
  2. Antibiotics in cases where pathogenic bacteria have become the root cause of the disease.
  3. Chondroprotectors (Chondrocan, Chondroitin Complex, Chondartron, Chondrolon) to restore damaged cartilage, strengthen and protect against infection.


Joint disease, often flowing into chronic form and does not have an inflammatory nature. It is characterized by deformation of the joints, can be diagnosed by the crunching of bones, which is heard when walking.


As a treatment, drugs are prescribed to relieve inflammation and pain. They are used as intramuscular or intraarticular injections. It:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • "Gamavit";
  • Voltaren;
  • Vedaprofen;
  • "Quadrisol-5".

To quickly restore cartilage in the joints and increase resistance to infections, chondroprotectors with glucosamine and chondroitin are prescribed. Cold salt lotions, warming compresses with paraffin and ozokerite, wraps with herbal decoctions allow to alleviate the condition at the initial stage of arthrosis. But such therapy cannot replace full-fledged treatment.

Elbow hygroma

It is the collection of fluid in the elbow joint. V chronic stage the disease becomes serous. The size of the elbow increases significantly. The fluid-filled sinus can grow to the size of a hen's egg. Usually the disease does not cause any painful sensations, only discomfort.

Table 3. Treatment of elbow hygroma

Conservative treatmentOperative treatment
Eliminating the problemWith a simple hygroma, the problem is solved by sucking fluid from the cavity, after which a corticosteroid is injected into the "bag" on the olecranon. It can be "Diprospan" 2-4 mg with 1-2 ml of a solution of "Lidocaine" 2%In more complex cases, the affected cavity is drained by means of a glove or passive drainage. To prevent the infection from spreading, the first 5 days after the operation, fluoroquinolone antibiotics are prescribed and the cavity is disinfected with "Dioxidin" 1% daily for a week.
RecoveryIf the dog's condition improves, 1-3 injections are sufficient, 18-60 days apart. In case of relapse, a second course of "Diprospan" is prescribed.If after draining there are purulent discharge, the veterinarian will prescribe antibiotics based on the color and consistency of the discharge. After 1-1.5 months, the drainage is completely removed

Hind leg failure in dogs

Hind legs fail in case of complications of diseases. These can be the consequences of arthritis, arthrosis, tumors, intervertebral hernia... The reasons can also be neurological diseases, injuries, problems in the digestive tract. Hind legs can refuse a pet due to sciatica and pyelonephritis. If your dog's hind legs are malfunctioning, you should go to the veterinarian. Timely therapy will help regain mobility. Otherwise, everything can end in complete paralysis of the paws.


After examination and identification of the root cause, therapy is prescribed. This could be:

  1. The use of anesthetic drugs for acute pain syndrome.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs: Quadrisol, Rimadil. They are applied to the inflamed area after pain relief or relief.
  3. A course of B vitamins to restore the transmission of nerve impulses. Contraindicated in the presence of tumors.
  4. The drug "Proserin" for the restoration of muscle tone and conduction of the nervous system.
  5. Preparations "Fervistim", "Fervital" with concomitant lesion gastrointestinal tract... Eliminate constipation, restore bowel and bladder function.
  6. Acupuncture and massages help to get back motor activity... These methods are used only in the absence of pain.
  7. Surgical intervention in cases where the legs have failed due to compression of the vertebrae by a hernia or tumor.

Release form of the drug "Rimadil"

Limb amputation in dogs

It is necessary to amputate the paw after severe injuries, which resulted in crushing of tissues. It is also performed due to the developed gangrene or osteomyelitis. The dog's paw is amputated under anesthesia, and a tourniquet is applied above the incision site. The skin and muscles are dissected with a circular incision. After that, the tissues are separated from the bone, moved down and isolated with sterile dressings.

The bone itself is dissected with a surgical saw after the periosteum is removed. A small part bone marrow removed, then the bleeding vessels are treated. A stump is formed, after which a bandage is placed on it.

Signs of the disease are described differently by different people: wagging gait, dog dragging its paws, paralysis hind legs, lameness, back hump, etc. There is no single reason for these problems. Therefore, qualified diagnostics is very important for effective treatment... In this case, you cannot do without a visit to the doctor.

In this article we will try to give general information on possible reasons weakness of the hind limbs in dogs, and also briefly denote general principles diagnostics and treatment of related diseases. There is a breed and age predisposition to certain pathologies.

Discopathy, disc herniation... Thus, Pekingese, Dachshunds, French and English Bulldogs, Poodles and Pugs are prone to displacement and destruction of intervertebral discs. This pathology presents serious danger for life and can even lead to the death of the dog. When the disc is displaced, the spinal cord is compressed.

Outwardly, this manifests itself in repeated attacks. severe pain: the dog freezes in one position (usually with an elongated neck and a hunched back), tremors, shortness of breath, hind legs give way, weaken. With less pronounced compression spinal cord clinically, only weakness of the hind limbs is observed - the dog seems to drag them, tries to transfer body weight mainly to the front paws, cannot jump onto a sofa (chair, chair), cannot bend over to a bowl or to the floor.

If discopathy is suspected, it is necessary to immediately conduct a qualified diagnosis and take effective measures up to surgical intervention because spinal cord compression can quickly lead to irreversible changes when any treatment is ineffective.

Dysplasia... Dogs of large and giant breeds (St. Bernard, Great Dane, Rottweiler, Newfoundland, Retrievers, german shepherds) at the age of 4-12 months are prone to diseases of the hip joints. The occurrence of these diseases is influenced by many factors, in particular, an unbalanced diet, an overweight puppy, slipping paws on the floor, heredity, etc.

With the defeat of the hip joints, most often, signs of weakness of the limbs appear after rest (in the morning, when getting up) and decrease during physical activity. In addition, the lesion of the hip joints is rarely symmetrical, and the dog initially "falls" on only one paw. You can read more about the pathology of the hip joints in our article "Dysplasia ..."

Myositis... Middle-aged dogs may suffer from muscle inflammation called myositis the next day after unusually heavy physical exertion. One of the manifestations of myositis is weakness of the hind limbs, "stilt gait". Treating myositis is not a major problem. However, only a veterinarian can distinguish between myositis and spinal cord injury.

Diseases of the vascular system. In older dogs, hind limb weakness may be of central origin, i.e. associated with disruption of the brain. According to our observations, most often there are various vascular problems, less often - volumetric processes(brain tumors). In this case, competent treatment can significantly improve the condition of the dog and significantly prolong its life.

Kidney disease in dogs CAN NOT cause hind limb weakness and hunched posture, unless it is an extreme degree of exhaustion and autointoxication (however, in this case, the weakness extends to all muscles).

A common mistake of owners is the independent "treatment" of a dog with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, indomethacin, diclofenac, rimadil, etc.). Clinical improvements with the use of these medicines are extremely temporary and mask the manifestations of the underlying disease. In addition, medicinal anti-inflammatory drugs have been shown to have serious side effects including ulceration of the stomach wall and gastric bleeding.

Hallux valgus, X-shaped hind limbs... Hallux valgus occurs most often in fast growing large breed puppies. It is characterized by a significant curvature of the bones of the thigh and lower leg, as a result of which the set of the hind limbs changes exponentially.

Most probable cause today is improper feeding. Excess protein and energy in a puppy's diet will lead to faster growth and weight gain. In this case, the total weight of the young animal exceeds the natural resistance to the loads of the developing skeletal system limbs.

If the animals get to the doctor in a timely manner, before the onset of severe deformities of the limbs, then enough drastic limitation the amount of protein and calorie content of the feed. Pain relievers and chondroprotectors reduce pain, but thus increase the young animal's need for movement, which leads to an increase in biomechanical stress. After the growth zones are closed, corrective operations on the bones can be performed, which significantly improve the quality of life of the animals.

Osteochondrosis... it complex pathology, manifested by impaired cartilage mineralization. The disease is widespread and among different types animals, including dogs. In dogs, osteochondrosis is observed as primary disease large breed puppies (i.e. more than 25 kg of the weight of an adult animal). Most at risk breeds: Great Dane, Labrador Retriever, Golden retriever, newfoundland, rottweiler.

Osteochondrosis is a multifactorial disease in which genetics and feeding play significant roles. The disease affects different breeds and each of them has a specific localization of osteochondrosis. So, in Rottweilers, OCD lesions are more common in the elbow and hock joints.

In most cases, lesions are observed from different sides. If the disease affects the articular cartilage, osteochondritis dissection (OCD) may develop. Cartilage stratification in osteochondrosis is most common in areas subject to the greatest stress. In OCD, some of the articular cartilage begins to detach and may fragment. At the same time, joint inflammation is noted.

In puppies of large dogs with osteochondrosis, damage to the growth zones is also observed, which lead to curvature of the bones of the forearm, separation of the olecranon from the ulna and the supraglenoid process from the scapula. It has been scientifically proven that long-term consumption of an excessive amount of balanced food or food rich in calcium (regardless of other components), can cause an increase in the frequency and severity of signs of osteochondrosis in puppies of large breeds of dogs.

Similar changes can be observed in puppies raised on a diet with increased content calcium. There is a misconception that calcium is never too much, and the puppy will absorb as much calcium from the diet as it needs. In experiments, it was found that dogs receiving food with high content calcium, assimilate it much more.

In dogs with articular cartilage osteochondrosis without cartilage detachment, only nonspecific clinical signs may be evident. In cases where the cartilage begins to flake off, osteoarthritis and inflammation of the subchondral bone can be observed. The result is lameness.

Measurement of the circulating concentration of calcium and phosphorus does not allow establishing the ratio in feed and absorption of these elements and cannot be used to support the diagnosis of osteochondrosis. Osteochondrosis of the articular cartilage does not always develop into OCD. However, in cases where the cartilage begins to exfoliate, surgical treatment is required.

If osteochondrosis affects the growth zone of the bones of the forearm, the so-called. "Crooked beam syndrome". In crooked beam syndrome, severe shortening of the ulna can be irreversible, as can abnormal development of the wrist and / or separation of the olecranon.

Forage correction for early stages can positively influence the spontaneous disappearance of cartilage lesions. Osteochondrosis of the articular cartilage and growth zones may disappear, but dietary changes may not help in cases of OCD where cartilage detachment has occurred or when severe beam curvature is present.

In most of these cases, surgical correction is indicated. Feed correction involves reducing the consumption of energy (protein, fat, carbohydrates), calcium and vitamins to the minimum requirements of the dog. Drug treatment osteochondrosis in dogs is ineffective.

conclusions... Not only growth and development depend on how well a puppy eats. Puppies have good immunity and less susceptible to disease. Adequate provision by all nutrients and proper care: essential for development exercise stress, will help the full realization of the genetic potential and will lay the foundation for a long, complete and healthy life your pet. At the slightest violation in the development of the dog, consultation with an orthopedic veterinarian is necessary.


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