Why does optic nerve atrophy occur? Causes, symptoms and treatment of optic nerve atrophy. Less common causes of ASD

Atrophy optic nerve is a disease in which vision decreases, sometimes to the point of complete loss. This occurs when the nerve fibers that carry information about what a person sees from the retina to the visual part of the brain partially or completely die. This pathology can arise due to many reasons, so a person can encounter it at any age.

Important! Timely detection and treatment of the disease, if the death of the nerve is partial, helps stop the loss of visual function and restore it. If the nerve has completely atrophied, then vision will not be restored.

The optic nerve is an afferent nerve fiber that runs from the retina to the occipital visual region of the brain. Thanks to this nerve, information about visible to humans picture, and is transmitted to the visual department, and in it it is already transformed into a familiar image. When atrophy occurs, nerve fibers begin to die and be replaced connective tissue, which is similar to scar tissue. In this condition, the functioning of the capillaries supplying the nerve stops.

How is the disease classified?

Depending on the time of occurrence, there are congenital and acquired optic nerve atrophy. According to localization, the pathology can be:

  1. ascending - the layer of nerve fibers located on the retina of the eye is affected, and the lesion itself is sent to the brain;
  2. descending - the visual part of the brain is affected, and the lesion is directed to the disc on the retina.

Depending on the degree of the lesion, atrophy can be:

  • initial - only some fibers are affected;
  • partial – the diameter of the nerve is affected;
  • incomplete – the lesion is widespread, but vision is not completely lost;
  • complete – the optic nerve dies, leading to complete loss of visual function.

With a unilateral disease, one nerve is damaged, as a result of which one eye begins to see poorly. When the nerves of both eyes are damaged, they speak of bilateral atrophy. According to the stability of visual function, the pathology can be stationary, in which visual acuity falls and then remains at the same level, and progressive, when vision becomes worse.

Why can the optic nerve atrophy?

The causes of optic nerve atrophy are varied. The congenital form of the disease in children occurs due to genetic pathologies such as Leber's disease. IN in this case most often occurs partial atrophy optic nerve. The acquired form of pathology occurs due to various diseases systemic and ophthalmological nature. Nerve death can occur due to:

  • compression of the vessels supplying the nerve or the nerve itself by a neoplasm in the skull;
  • myopia;
  • atherosclerosis, leading to plaques in blood vessels;
  • thrombosis of nerve vessels;v
  • inflammation of the vascular walls during syphilis or vasculitis;
  • disorders of the structure of blood vessels due to diabetes mellitus or promotion blood pressure;
  • eye injury;
  • intoxication of the body during respiratory viral infections, when consuming large doses of alcohol, drugs or due to excessive smoking.

The ascending form of the disease occurs when eye diseases such as glaucoma and myopia. Causes of descending optic atrophy:

  1. retrobulbar neuritis;
  2. traumatic damage to the place where the optic nerves cross;
  3. neoplasm in the pituitary gland of the brain.

Unilateral disease occurs due to diseases of the eyes or orbits, as well as from initial stage cranial diseases. Both eyes can suffer from atrophy at once due to:

  • intoxications;
  • syphilis;
  • neoplasms in the skull;
  • poor blood circulation in nerve vessels during atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension.

What clinical picture does the disease have?

Symptoms of optic atrophy depend on the form of the disease. If this disease occurs, vision cannot be corrected with glasses. The most basic symptom is decreased visual acuity. The second symptom is a change in the fields of visual function. By this sign, the doctor can understand how deep the lesion has occurred.

The patient develops “tunnel vision,” that is, the person sees as he would see if he put a tube to his eye. Peripheral (side) vision is lost and the patient sees only those objects that are directly in front of him. In most cases, such vision is accompanied by scotomas - dark spots in any part of the visual field. Later, color vision disorder begins, the patient first ceases to distinguish green color, then red.

When nerve fibers concentrated as close as possible to the retina or directly in it are damaged, dark spots appear in the center of the visible image. With a deeper lesion, half the image on the side of the nose or temple may disappear, depending on which side the lesion occurred on. With secondary atrophy caused by any ophthalmological disease, the following symptoms occur:

  • the veins of the eyes dilate;
  • blood vessels narrow;
  • the boundaries of the optic nerve area become smoothed;
  • the retinal disc becomes pale.

Important! If even slight clouding appears in the eye (or both eyes), you should visit an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. Only by detecting the disease in time can you stop it at the stage of partial atrophy and restore vision without allowing complete atrophy.

What are the features of pathology in children

With the congenital form of the disease, it can be determined that the baby’s pupils do not react well to light. As the child grows up, parents may notice that he does not respond to an object brought to him from a certain direction.

Important! A child under two or three years old cannot report that he sees poorly, and older children, whose problem is congenital, may not realize that they can see differently. That is why it is necessary for the child to be examined annually by an ophthalmologist, even if there are no symptoms visible to the parent.

Parents should take their child to the doctor if he rubs his eyes or unconsciously tilts his head to one side while trying to look at something. The forced tilt of the head to some extent compensates for the function of the affected nerve and slightly sharpens vision. Main clinical picture with optic nerve atrophy in a child is the same as in an adult.

If diagnosed and treated in a timely manner, provided that the disease is not genetic, during which the nerve fibers are completely replaced fibrous tissue back in the period intrauterine development, then the prognosis for restoration of the optic nerve in children is more favorable than in adult patients.

How is the disease diagnosed?

Diagnosis of optic nerve atrophy is carried out by an ophthalmologist, and first of all includes examination of the fundus and determination of visual fields using computer peripetry. It is also determined which colors the patient can distinguish. TO instrumental methods diagnoses include:

  • X-ray of the skull;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • angiography of eye vessels;
  • video-ophthalmological examination;
  • Ultrasound of the vessels of the head.

Thanks to these studies, it is possible not only to identify the death of the optic nerve, but also to understand why it occurred. You may also need to consult related specialists.

How is optic atrophy treated?

How to treat optic nerve atrophy should be decided by the doctor based on the research conducted. It is immediately worth noting that the treatment of this disease is very difficult, because nerve tissue regenerates very poorly. It is necessary to carry out complex systematic therapy, which should take into account the cause of the pathology, its duration, the age of the patient, and his general state. If some process occurring inside the skull (for example, a tumor or inflammation) has led to the death of the nerve, then treatment should begin with a neurosurgeon and neuropathologist.

Treatment with medications

By using medicines You can increase blood circulation and nerve trophism, as well as stimulate the vital activity of healthy nerve fibers. Drug treatment includes:

  • vasodilators - No-Shpa and Dibazol;
  • vitamin B;
  • biogenic stimulants, for example, aloe extract;
  • drugs that improve microcirculation, such as Eufillin and Trental;
  • steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Hydrocortisone and Dexamethasone;
  • antibacterial drugs, spruce atrophy has an infectious bacterial pathogenesis.

In addition, physical therapy may be required to stimulate the optic nerve, such as laser stimulation, magnetic therapy, or electrophoresis.

Microsurgical treatment is aimed at eliminating compression of the nerve, as well as increasing the diameter of the vessels that feed it. Conditions can also be created in which new blood vessels can grow. Surgery can only help with partial atrophy; if the nerves die completely, then even through surgery it is impossible to restore visual function.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of optic nerve atrophy with folk remedies is permissible only at the initial stage of the disease, but it is not aimed at improving vision, but at eliminating the root cause of the disease.

Important! Self-medication without prior treatment medical consultation can only aggravate the situation and lead to irreversible consequences.

If the disease is caused by high blood pressure, then plants with antihypertensive properties are used in therapy:

  • Astragalus wooliflora;
  • small periwinkle;
  • hawthorn (flowers and fruits);
  • chokeberry;
  • Baikal skullcap (root);
  • Daurian black cohosh;
  • grandiflora magnolia (leaves);
  • swampy dryweed.

Blueberries are beneficial for vision; they contain many vitamins, as well as an anthocyanoside, which has positive influence on visual apparatus. For treatment you need to mix one kilogram fresh berries with one and a half kilograms of sugar and put in the refrigerator. This mixture is taken in half a glass for a month. The course must be repeated twice a year, which will be beneficial even with good vision.

If degenerative processes occur in the retina of the eye, especially occurring against the background of low blood pressure, then tinctures for the preparation of which are used will be useful:

  1. Chinese lemongrass leaves;
  2. zamanika roots;
  3. Leuzea;
  4. ginseng;
  5. Eleutherococcus;
  6. sea ​​buckthorn (fruits and pollen).

If incomplete necrosis of the nerves occurs or senile degenerative changes in the eyes, then it is necessary to take anti-sclerotic plants:

  1. orange;
  2. cherry;
  3. hawthorn;
  4. cabbage;
  5. corn;
  6. seaweed;
  7. dandelion;
  8. chokeberry;
  9. garlic and onion.

Carrots (contain a lot of carotene) and beets (rich in zinc) have beneficial properties.

What is the prognosis for optic nerve atrophy and its prevention?

Upon diagnosis and initiation of therapy early stage development, you can maintain and even slightly increase visual acuity, as well as expand its fields. No treatment can fully restore visual function. If the disease progresses and there is no treatment, it leads to disability due to complete blindness.

In order to prevent the necrosis of nerve fibers, ophthalmological diseases, as well as endocrine, neurological, infectious and rheumatological diseases should be treated in a timely manner. Very important in prevention is the prevention of intoxication damage to the body.

Optic nerve atrophy is called pathological process, in which the nerve fibers are partially or completely destroyed and replaced by connective tissue. As a result, dysfunction of the nervous tissue occurs. Most often, atrophy is a complication of some other eye disease.

As the process progresses, neurons gradually die off, as a result of which information coming from the retina of the eye reaches the brain in a distorted form. As the disease progresses, more and more cells die, and ultimately the entire nerve trunk is affected.

In this case, it becomes almost impossible to restore visual function. Therefore, treatment should begin at a very early stage, when the first signs of the disease appear.

How is optic nerve atrophy treated, what are the symptoms of this eye disease? We will talk about all this today on this page “Popular about health” with you. But let's start our conversation with characteristic features of this pathology:

Symptoms of eye nerve atrophy

It all starts with decreased vision. This process can occur gradually or rapidly, suddenly. It all depends on the location of the nerve lesion and on which segment of the trunk it develops. Depending on the severity of the pathological process, vision loss is divided into degrees:

Uniform decline. Characterized by a uniform deterioration in the ability to see objects and distinguish colors.

Loss of side margins. A person can clearly distinguish objects in front of him, but he sees poorly or does not see at all what is on the side.

Loss of spots. Normal vision is hampered by a spot in front of the eye, which may have different sizes. Within its limits, a person sees nothing; beyond its limits, vision is normal.

IN severe cases complete atrophy, the ability to see is completely lost.

Treatment of optic atrophy

As we already know, this pathological process is often a complication of another eye disease. Therefore, after identifying the cause, prescribe complex treatment underlying disease and take measures to prevent further development atrophy optic nerve.

In the event that the pathological process has just begun and has not yet developed, it is usually possible to cure the nerve and visual functions are restored within a period of two weeks to several months.

If, by the time treatment begins, atrophy has already developed sufficiently, it is completely impossible to cure the optic nerve, since destroyed nerve fibers cannot yet be restored in our time. If the damage is partial, rehabilitation to improve vision is still possible. But, in the severe stage of complete damage, it is not yet possible to cure atrophy and restore visual functions.

Treatment of eye atrophy involves the use of medications, drops, injections (general and local), the effect of which is aimed at improving blood circulation in the optic nerve, reducing inflammation, as well as restoring those nerve fibers that have not yet been completely destroyed. Additionally, physiotherapy methods are used.

Drugs used in treatment:

To improve blood circulation in the optic nerve, vasodilators are used: Nicotinic acid, No-shpu, Papaverine and Dibazol. Patients are also prescribed Complamin, Eufillin, Trental. And also Galidor and Sermion. For the same purpose, anticoagulant drugs are used: Tiklid and Heparin.

In order to restore metabolic and regenerative processes in the tissues of the affected nerve, patients are prescribed biogenic stimulants, in particular, Vitreous body, Peat and aloe preparations. Vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and immunostimulants are also prescribed.

To stop and reduce the inflammatory process, they are often used hormone therapy with Prednisolone and Dexamethasone.
In addition, complex treatment includes drugs aimed at normalizing the functioning of the central nervous system. nervous system: Cerebrolysin, Phezam, as well as Emoxipin, Nootropil and Cavinton.

All of the above and others medicines The doctor prescribes it individually, after determining the cause of the pathological process and diagnosing the underlying disease. This takes into account the degree of damage to the optic nerve, the patient’s age, his general condition and the presence concomitant diseases.

In addition to medications, physiotherapeutic techniques and acupuncture are actively used. Methods of magnetic, laser and electrical stimulation of the optic nerve trunk are used. According to indications, the patient may be recommended surgical treatment.

Complex therapy is prescribed in courses that are repeated every few months.

In conclusion of our conversation, it should be noted that optic nerve atrophy cannot be cured by unconventional means. You will only waste time. The pathological process will progress, increasingly reducing the chances of successful treatment and restoration of vision.

Therefore, if you have the symptoms described above or other symptoms indicating the development of pathology, do not waste precious time and make an appointment with an experienced ophthalmologist. With timely treatment, the chances of restoring vision increase significantly. Be healthy!

Optic nerve atrophy is the development of a pathology in which the optic nerve is partially or completely destroyed within its own fibers, after which these fibers are replaced by connective tissue. Optic nerve atrophy, the symptoms of which are decreased visual functions in combination with general blanching of the nerve disc, may be congenital or acquired due to the nature of its occurrence.

general description

In ophthalmology, diseases of the optic nerve of one type or another are diagnosed on average in 1-1.5% of cases, while in approximately 26% of them the optic nerve is subject to complete atrophy, which, in turn, causes blindness that cannot be treated. cure. In general, with atrophy, as is clear from the description of the consequences to which it leads, there is a gradual death of its fibers in the optic nerve, followed by their gradual replacement, ensured by connective tissue. This is also accompanied by the transformation of the resulting retina light signal into an electrical signal during its further transmission to the posterior lobes of the brain. Against this background, they are developing various types disorders, with a narrowing of the visual fields and a decrease in visual acuity preceding blindness.

Optic nerve atrophy: causes

Congenital or hereditary pathologies directly related to vision that are relevant to the patient can be considered as reasons that provoke the development of the disease we are considering. Optic nerve atrophy can also develop as a result of suffering from any eye diseases or a certain type of pathological process that affects the retina and the optic nerve itself. Examples of the latter factors include eye injury, inflammation, dystrophy, congestion, edema, damage caused by toxic effects, compression of the optic nerve, circulatory disorders of one scale or another. In addition, not the least role among the reasons is played by current pathologies with damage to the nervous system, as well as general type diseases.

In frequent cases, the development of optic nerve atrophy is caused by the influence exerted by the pathology of the central nervous system that is relevant to the patient. Such pathologies can be considered syphilitic brain damage, abscesses and brain tumors, meningitis and encephalitis, trauma to the skull, multiple sclerosis etc. Alcohol poisoning caused by use methyl alcohol, and general intoxications of the body are also among the factors affecting the central nervous system, and, ultimately, among the factors provoking optic nerve atrophy.

The development of the pathology we are considering can also be contributed to by diseases such as atherosclerosis and hypertension, as well as conditions the development of which is provoked by vitamin deficiency, quinine poisoning, profuse bleeding and fasting.

In addition to the listed factors, optic nerve atrophy can also develop against the background of obstruction of the peripheral retinal arteries and obstruction of the central artery in it. These arteries provide nutrition to the optic nerve; accordingly, if they are obstructed, its functions and general condition are disrupted. It should be noted that obstruction of these arteries is also considered as the main symptom indicating the manifestation of glaucoma.

Optic nerve atrophy: classification

Optic nerve atrophy, as we initially noted, can manifest itself both as a hereditary pathology and as a non-hereditary pathology, that is, acquired. Hereditary form of this disease can manifest itself in such basic forms as the autosomal dominant form of optic atrophy, the autosomal recessive form of optic atrophy, as well as the mitochondrial form.

The congenital form of atrophy is considered as atrophy resulting from genetic diseases, due to which the patient has visual impairment since birth. Leber's disease is identified as the most common disease in this group.

As for the acquired form of optic nerve atrophy, it is determined by the characteristics of the impact etiological factors, such as damage to the fibrous structure of the optic nerve (which determines such a pathology as descending atrophy) or damage to retinal cells (this, accordingly, determines such a pathology as ascending atrophy). The acquired form of optic nerve atrophy can, again, be provoked by inflammation, glaucoma, myopia, metabolic disorders in the body and other factors that we have already discussed above. Acquired optic atrophy can be primary, secondary or glaucomatous.

At the heart of the mechanism primary form of atrophy the optic nerve is considered to be an effect in which compression of peripheral neurons occurs within visual pathway. Primary form (which is also defined as simple form) atrophy is accompanied by clear disc boundaries and pallor, narrowing of blood vessels in the retina and possible development excavation.

Secondary atrophy, developing against the background of stagnation of the optic nerve or against the background of its inflammation, is characterized by the appearance of signs inherent in the previous one, primary form atrophy, but in this case the only difference is the blurred boundaries, which is relevant for the boundaries of the optic nerve head.

At the heart of the development mechanism glaucomatous form of atrophy The optic nerve, in turn, is considered to be a collapse that has arisen in the sclera from the side of its cribriform plate, which occurs due to a state of increased intraocular pressure.

In addition, the classification of forms of optic nerve atrophy also includes such variants of this pathology as already noted in the general review partial atrophy optic nerve and complete atrophy optic nerve. Here, as the reader can roughly assume, we are talking about the specific degree of scale of damage to nerve tissue.

A characteristic feature of the partial form of optic nerve atrophy (or initial atrophy, as it is also defined) is the incomplete preservation of visual function (vision itself), which is important when visual acuity is reduced (due to which the use of lenses or glasses does not improve the quality of vision). Although residual vision can be preserved in this case, there are disturbances in color perception. Preserved areas within sight remain accessible.

In addition, optic nerve atrophy can manifest itself in stationary form ( that is, in finished form or non-progressive form), which indicates a stable state of actual visual functions, as well as in the opposite, progressive form, in which a decrease in the quality of visual acuity inevitably occurs. Depending on the extent of the lesion, optic nerve atrophy manifests itself in both unilateral and bilateral forms (that is, affecting one eye or both eyes at once).

Optic nerve atrophy: symptoms

The main symptom of this disease is, as noted earlier, a decrease in visual acuity, and this pathology not amenable to any correction. The manifestations of this symptom may vary depending on the specific type of atrophy. Progression of the disease can lead to a gradual decrease in vision until complete atrophy is achieved, in which vision is completely lost. The duration of this process can vary from several days to several months.

Partial atrophy is accompanied by a stop in the process at a certain stage, after which vision stops falling. According to these features, a progressive or completed form of the disease is distinguished.

With atrophy, vision can be impaired in various ways. Thus, the fields of vision may change (basically they narrow, which is accompanied by the disappearance of the so-called lateral vision), which can lead to the development of a “tunnel” type of vision, in which it seems that everything is seen as if through a tube, in other words, only visibility of objects directly in front of a person. Often scotomas become a companion to this type of vision; in particular, they mean the appearance in any part of the visual field dark spots. Color vision disorder is also relevant.

Visual fields can change not only according to the type of “tunnel” vision, but also based on the specific location of the lesion. If scotomas, that is, the dark spots noted above, appear in the patient’s eyes, this indicates that those nerve fibers that are concentrated in maximum proximity to the central part of the retina or are located directly in it have been affected. The visual fields are narrowed due to damage to the nerve fibers; if the optic nerve is affected at a deeper level, then half of the visual field (nasal or temporal) may disappear. As already noted, the lesion can be either unilateral or bilateral.

Thus, we can summarize the symptoms under the following main points that determine the picture of the course:

  • the appearance of sector-shaped and central scotomas (dark spots);
  • decreased quality of central vision;
  • concentric narrowing of the field of view;
  • pallor of the optic nerve head.

Secondary optic nerve atrophy determines the following manifestations when performing ophthalmoscopy:

  • varicose veins;
  • vasoconstriction;
  • smoothing the area of ​​the optic nerve boundaries;
  • disc blanching.


Self-diagnosis, as well as self-medication (including treatment of optic nerve atrophy with folk remedies) for the disease in question should be completely excluded. Ultimately, due to the similarity of the manifestations characteristic of this pathology with manifestations, for example, of the peripheral form of cataract (accompanied initially by impaired lateral vision with subsequent involvement central departments) or with amblyopia (significant reduction in vision without the possibility of correction), install it yourself accurate diagnosis It's simply impossible.

What is noteworthy is that even of the listed disease options, amblyopia is not a disease as dangerous as optic nerve atrophy can be for a patient. Additionally, it should be noted that atrophy can also manifest itself not only as an independent disease or as a result of exposure to another type of pathology, but can also act as a symptom of certain diseases, including diseases that end in death. Considering the seriousness of the defeat and everything possible complications, it is extremely important to promptly begin diagnosing optic nerve atrophy, to find out the reasons that provoked it, and also to adequate therapy addressed to her.

The main methods on which the diagnosis of optic nerve atrophy is based include:

  • ophthalmoscopy;
  • visometry;
  • perimetry;
  • color vision research method;
  • CT scan;
  • radiography of the skull and sella turcica;
  • NMR scanning of the brain and orbit;
  • fluorescein angiography.

Also, a certain information content is achieved to compile a general picture of the disease by conducting laboratory methods studies such as blood tests (general and biochemical), testing for borelliosis or syphilis.


Before moving on to the specifics of the treatment, we note that it in itself is an extremely difficult task, because the restoration of damaged nerve fibers is in itself impossible. A certain effect, of course, can be achieved through treatment, but only under the condition of restoration of those fibers that are in the active phase of destruction, that is, with a certain degree of their vital activity against the background of such exposure. Missing this moment can cause final and irreversible loss of vision.

Among the main areas of treatment for optic nerve atrophy, the following options can be distinguished:

  • treatment is conservative;
  • therapeutic treatment;
  • surgical treatment.

Principles conservative treatment come down to implementation the following drugs in him:

  • vasodilators;
  • anticoagulants (heparin, ticlid);
  • drugs whose effect is aimed at improving the general blood supply to the affected optic nerve (papaverine, no-spa, etc.);
  • drugs that affect metabolic processes and stimulate them in the area of ​​nerve tissue;
  • drugs that stimulate metabolic processes and have a resolving effect on pathological processes; drugs that relieve inflammatory process (hormonal drugs); drugs that help improve the functions of the nervous system (nootropil, Cavinton, etc.).

Physiotherapeutic procedures include magnetic stimulation, electrical stimulation, acupuncture and laser stimulation of the affected nerve.

The repetition of the course of treatment, based on the implementation of measures in the listed areas of influence, occurs after a certain time (usually within several months).

As for surgical treatment, it implies an intervention aimed at eliminating those formations that compress the optic nerve, as well as ligating the area of ​​the temporal artery and implanting biogenic materials that help improve blood circulation in the atrophied nerve and its vascularization.

Cases of significant loss of vision due to the disease in question necessitate assigning the patient the appropriate degree of impairment to a disability group. Visually impaired patients, as well as patients who have completely lost their vision, are sent to a rehabilitation course aimed at eliminating the restrictions that have arisen in life, as well as compensating for them.

Let us repeat that optic nerve atrophy, which is treated using traditional medicine, has one very significant drawback: when using it, time is lost, which is practically precious as part of the progression of the disease. It is during the period of active independent implementation of such measures by the patient that there is an opportunity to achieve positive and significant results on their own scale due to more adequate treatment measures (and previous diagnostics, by the way, too); it is in this case that treatment of atrophy is considered as effective measure, at which the return of vision is acceptable. Remember that treatment of optic nerve atrophy with folk remedies determines the minimum effectiveness of the effect thus provided!

2708 08/02/2019 6 min.

Any sensations in human body, both external and internal, are possible only thanks to the functioning of nervous tissue, the fibers of which are found in almost every organ. The eyes are no exception in this regard, therefore, when destructive processes begin in the optic nerve, a person faces partial or total loss vision.

Definition of disease

Optic nerve atrophy (or optic neuropathy) is the process of death of nerve fibers, which occurs gradually and is most often the result of a malnutrition of the nervous tissue due to poor blood supply.

Transmission of images from the retina to visual analyzer in the brain occurs along a kind of “cable”, consisting of many nerve fibers and packed in “insulation”. The thickness of the optic nerve is no more than 2 mm, but it contains more than a million fibers. Each section of the image corresponds to a certain part of them, and when some of them cease to function, “silent zones” (image disturbance) appear in the image perceived by the eye.

When nerve fiber cells die, they are gradually replaced by connective tissue or nerve auxiliary tissue (glia), which is normally designed to protect neurons.


Depending on the causal factors There are two types of optic nerve atrophy:

  • Primary. The disease is caused by an affected X chromosome, so only men aged 15-25 years are affected. The pathology develops in a recessive manner and is inherited;
  • Secondary. Occurs as a consequence of ocular or systemic disease associated with impaired blood supply or congestion of the optic nerve. This pathological condition can appear at any age.

Classification is also carried out according to the location of the lesion:

Also distinguish the following types atrophy: initial, complete and incomplete; one-sided and two-sided; stationary and progressive; congenital and acquired.


The frequency of various pathological processes in the optic nerve is only 1-1.5%, and in 19-26% of them the disease ends in complete atrophy and incurable blindness.

The cause of the development of optic nerve atrophy can be any disease that results in swelling, compression, inflammation, damage to nerve fibers or damage vascular system eye:

  • Eye pathologies: pigmentary dystrophy retina, etc.;
  • Glaucoma and increased IOP;
  • Systemic diseases: hypertension, atherosclerosis, vascular spasms;
  • Toxic effects: smoking, alcohol, quinine, drugs;
  • Brain diseases: abscess, multiple sclerosis, arachnoiditis;
  • Traumatic injuries;
  • Infectious diseases: meningitis, encephalitis, syphilitic lesions, tuberculosis, influenza, measles, etc.

Is it possible to cure glaucoma?

Whatever the reason for the onset of optic nerve atrophy, the nerve fibers die irrevocably, and the main thing is to quickly diagnose it in order to slow down the process in time.


The main sign of the onset of pathology can be a steadily progressive deterioration of vision in one or both eyes, and it cannot be corrected by conventional methods.

Visual functions are gradually lost:

The onset of symptoms may last several days or months, depending on the severity of the lesions, but without a timely response it invariably leads to complete blindness.

Possible complications

The diagnosis of “optic atrophy” must be made as early as possible, otherwise vision loss (partial or complete) is inevitable. Sometimes the disease affects only one eye - in this case the consequences are not so severe.

Rational and timely treatment the disease that causes atrophy allows in some cases (not always) to preserve vision. If the diagnosis is made at the stage of an already developed disease, the prognosis is most often unfavorable.

If the disease begins to develop in patients with vision indicators below 0.01, then therapeutic measures most likely will not give any result.


Targeted ophthalmological examination– the first mandatory step if a disease is suspected. In addition, consultation with a neurosurgeon or neurologist may be required.

The following types of examinations may be performed to detect optic nerve atrophy:

  • Fundus examination (or biomicroscopy);
  • – determination of the degree of violations visual perception(myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism);
  • – visual field examination;
  • Computer perimetry – allows you to determine the affected area of ​​nervous tissue;
  • Assessment of color perception - determination of the localization of nerve fiber lesions;
  • Video-ophthalmography – identifying the nature of the damage;
  • Craniography (x-ray of the skull) - the main object is the area of ​​the sella turcica.

Read more about How is a fundus examination performed? By .

To clarify the diagnosis and additional data, it is possible to conduct studies: CT, nuclear magnetic resonance, laser Dopplerography.


If the nerve fibers are partially damaged, treatment must begin quickly and intensively. First of all, the efforts of doctors are aimed at eliminating the cause pathological condition to stop the progression of the disease.

Drug therapy

Since restoration of dead nerve fibers is impossible, therapeutic measures, designed to stop the pathological process by all known means:

  • Vasodilators: A nicotinic acid, No-shpa, Dibazol, Eufillin, Complamin, Papaverine, etc. The use of these drugs helps stimulate blood circulation;
  • Anticoagulants: Heparin, Tiklid. The drugs prevent blood thickening and the formation of blood clots;
  • Biogenic stimulants: Vitreous body, Aloe extract, Peat. Increase metabolism in nerve tissues;

Heparin ointment is used in the treatment of optic nerve arthritis

  • Vitamins: Ascorutin, B1, B6, B2. They are catalysts for most biochemical reactions occurring in eye tissues, just like amino acids and enzymes;
  • Immunostimulants: Ginseng, Eleutherococcus. Necessary for stimulating regeneration processes and suppressing inflammation in infectious lesions;
  • Hormonal agents: Dexamethasone, Prednisolone. Used in the absence of contraindications to relieve symptoms of inflammation;
  • Improving the functioning of the central nervous system: Nootropil, Cavinton, Cerebrolysin, Phezam.

Instruction D Examethasone for the eyes is located.

Dexamethasone is used in the treatment of optic nerve osteoarthritis.

In each specific case, treatment is prescribed individually under the supervision of the attending physician.

In the absence of contraindications, an additional effect can be achieved using acupuncture, as well as physiotherapeutic treatment methods:

  • Ultrasound;
  • Electrophoresis;
  • Electrical and laser stimulation of the optic nerve;
  • Magnetotherapy.

Such procedures can have positive effect in case of incomplete loss nerve cells its functionality.


TO surgical methods resorted to when there is a threat of complete blindness, as well as in other situations requiring surgical intervention. The following types of operations can be used for this:

Various techniques for surgical treatment successfully practiced in clinics in Russia, Israel and Germany.

Folk remedies

Optic atrophy should be treated medications under the direction of qualified doctor. However, such therapy often takes place long time, and in this case the means by folk recipes can provide invaluable help - after all, the action of most of them is aimed at stimulating metabolism and increasing blood circulation:

  • Dissolve 0.2 g of mumiyo in a glass of water, drink before lunch on an empty stomach, and also drink a glass of the product in the evening for 3 weeks (20 days);
  • Make an infusion of crushed astragalus herb (2 tablespoons of dried raw material per 300 ml of water), leave for 4 hours. Within 2 months. take 100 ml of infusion 3 times. in a day;
  • Peppermint is called an eye herb, it is useful to eat it, and instill the juice mixed with equal amounts of honey and water into the eyes, morning and evening;
  • You can eliminate eye fatigue after long-term work on the computer by using lotions from infusions of dill, chamomile, parsley, blue cornflower and regular tea leaves;
  • Unripe Pine cones grind and cook 1 kg of raw material for 0.5 hours. After filtering, add 1 tbsp. honey, stir and refrigerate. Use 1 r. per day - in the morning before meals 1 tsp. ;
  • Pour 1 tbsp. l. parsley leaves 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew in a dark place for 24 hours, then take 1 tbsp. l. in a day.

Use in treatment folk remedies should only be done after consulting an ophthalmologist, since most herbal components have an allergenic effect and may cause unexpected effect in the presence of certain systemic pathologies.


In order to avoid optic nerve atrophy, it is worth paying attention to preventive measures not only for eye, but also for systemic diseases:

  • Treat ocular and systemic infectious diseases in a timely manner;
  • Prevent eye and traumatic brain injuries;
  • Do preventive examinations in an oncology clinic;
  • Limit your consumption or eliminate alcohol from your life;
  • Get your blood pressure under control.

You can find a color blindness test online.



Optic nerve atrophy is an almost incurable disease late stages a disease that threatens the patient with complete blindness. However, partial atrophy can be stopped, and the main direction before developing medical tactics should be extensive diagnostics - after all, it is this that will allow us to establish the cause of the changes and try to stop them.

So try to give increased attention not only for the health of the eyes, but also for the entire body. After all, everything in it is interconnected, and diseases of blood vessels or nerves can affect the quality of vision.

Also read about red spots under the eyes in.
