Signs of the imminent arrival of menstruation. What are the signs before menstruation and what should the cycle be like?

PMS - how many days before your period can you feel its presence? The concept of premenstrual syndrome is familiar to absolutely every woman. But it manifests itself differently in everyone and begins at different times. IN modern medicine There are about 100 manifestations of premenstrual syndrome. How long does it take for PMS to start? What is considered normal, and what should you consult a gynecologist about?

Every day monthly cycle transformations and changes in the reproductive system occur in a woman’s body. The first half of the cycle is responsible for the maturation of the egg - 14-16 days. In the middle it leaves the follicle - on days 14-16. The rest of the cycle, the body prepares to maintain the pregnancy, if it occurs, or to reject everything that is not useful. In the first half of the cycle, the woman feels just fine, but from the moment of ovulation the condition begins to change. Here is the answer to the question of how long before PMS begins - 1-2 weeks before the onset of menstruation. For some women, it begins immediately after ovulation.

The main cause of premenstrual syndrome is hormonal changes in a woman’s body, the activity of the central nervous system. Immediately after ovulation, the balance of sex hormones changes dramatically. Estrogen gives primacy to progesterone, which affects the body somewhat differently. Hence the change in well-being. In addition, from the moment of ovulation the nervous system is in a tense state. Nerves are like a tense guitar string. The slightest irritation leads to a strong reaction.

In general, how many days before PMS begins depends on the individual characteristics of the body. But only its weak manifestations can be considered the norm. Strong pain, a failure in the nervous system with all the ensuing consequences is already considered a complex, terrible disease of PMS. He is being treated under the supervision of specialists. And the cause may be terrible diseases of the reproductive system, nervous system, pathological deviations in physiology. IN severe cases the condition of premenstrual syndrome occupies most woman's life. The symptoms worsen and even pose a danger to the life of the girl and those around her.

PMS symptoms

A set of various symptoms that negatively affect the emotional, physical condition girls are usually called premenstrual syndrome. PMS symptoms begin before your period - about 10 days. This is the norm. In the best case, the girl feels its presence a week before menstruation. If symptoms last more than 10 days, you need to consult a gynecologist to find out the reasons. All symptoms of manifestations are usually divided into 2 parts.

Physical symptoms:

Psychological symptoms:

  • anxiety;
  • tearfulness;
  • panic;
  • touchiness;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • presence of fear;
  • nervousness;
  • depression;
  • irritability;
  • decreased self-esteem;
  • causeless fear;
  • fatigue;
  • forgetfulness;
  • aggression;
  • insomnia.

Surely every girl will be able to determine by her condition when PMS begins and its manifestations. On the one hand, these symptoms spoil life, on the other hand, they warn of an approaching red day. Pleasant emotional events can change your physical well-being during premenstrual syndrome. The central nervous system will affect your physical well-being. Consequently, unpleasant events in a girl’s life can increase the duration of premenstrual syndrome.

First bleeding– menstruation – begins in girls at the age of 12-15 years. Every girl should know the signs of their approach.

Signs of menstruation - in girls

The approach of the first period is usually signaled by a series of characteristic symptoms.

These are, first of all, signs of puberty: the mammary glands enlarge, become sensitive and painful, the hips expand, becoming more rounded and feminine. The fact that the first menstruation is approaching is indicated by hair growth in the armpits and pubis - this means that the sex glands have begun to function. Light discharge with a creamy consistency often appears.

These signs must be reported to one of the older women in the family.

It is easy to determine the approach of critical days adult woman– signs of menstruation appear in about a week:

  • The mammary glands are cut, increase in size, become denser and more sensitive. There is often pain in the nipple area.
  • Young people may develop acne on the forehead during this period. This symptom can be observed up to 30-35 years in 99% of women.
  • Bright pronounced symptomnagging pain lower abdomen. As a rule, they appear before the onset of menstruation and accompany them for 2-3 days. In addition, the woman feels aching pain in the lower back.
Although these signs are considered normal, their intensification may indicate some abnormality. Therefore, it is important to visit the gynecologist regularly and monitor your cycle using a calendar.

Premenstrual syndrome

Some women confuse the concepts of PMS and menstrual symptoms. In fact, premenstrual syndrome is not only those signs that were mentioned above, but also a whole group of neuropsychic symptoms that indicate disorders endocrine systems s. Signs of PMS before menstruation are divided into four types, having different shapes syndrome.
  1. If the form of the disease is neuropsychic, the woman becomes irritable, tearful, or, conversely, aggressive. She experiences weakness, nausea, and depression. May cause flatulence.
  2. For edematous PMS characteristic features are acute pain in the chest, swelling of the face, ankles, and hands. And, in addition, bloating, itchy skin, increased sweating.
  3. With the cephalgic form, the woman suffers from migraines, nausea, dizziness, and is irritable. Sometimes against this background, pain in the heart, swelling, and numbness of the fingers occur.
  4. Crisis, the most severe form of PMS. She is characterized by a leap blood pressure, heaviness in chest, manic fear of death.
It should be remembered that premenstrual syndrome is not only evidence of the approach of critical days, but also a complex condition that requires treatment.
There are signs, but periods are late

This can seriously alarm a woman. If critical days do not occur if symptoms are present, then most likely she is pregnant. The result of a pregnancy test will not give anything - the hCG level has not yet risen enough. If the delay has become too long, and the test results are negative, then you should urgently go to a specialist - he should refer you for an ultrasound. Such symptoms may indicate hormonal imbalance, tumors on the ovaries, etc. Another reason long delay menstruation (amenorrhea) - the consequences of abortion, miscarriage, stress, overwork and even a long absence of sex.

What should worry a woman?

Before menstruation, a woman experiences a small whitish discharge, which is considered normal. But if they become abundant and change color, it is better to consult a gynecologist:
  • If thick, cheesy flakes are discharged from the vagina, it may be thrush.
  • If you have recently given birth and your cycle has not yet returned, you may have black spotting before your period.
  • Pinkish discharge that looks like ichor indicates cervical erosion. This may also signal endocercitis and other infectious diseases.
  • If on the eve of menstruation there is brown daub, which means it is possible that you are experiencing endometriosis and hormonal imbalance. You should get tested.
  • Thick mucous yellowish-green discharge is the most dangerous - it portends purulent cercevitis

Menstruation is a sign of a woman's health. Usually, bleeding first begins at about 12-15, give or take a couple of years. Their approach is indicated by special signs of menstruation, which every girl should know.

Those who have not yet had a period should carefully monitor the changes that occur in the body. So, what signs can signal the approach of your first period?

First of all, it is physical and puberty: breast enlargement , their sensitivity and even pain, hip expansion – from girlish, almost boyish, they transform into feminine. Also indicates approaching menstruation pubic and armpit hair growth , which means the beginning of the functioning of the gonads. In addition, in most cases, the first signs of menstruation manifest themselves as light creamy discharge .

If you are in adolescence, have noticed one or more similar symptoms, you need to inform your mother. There's nothing to be ashamed of, because it's natural process growing up. Read more about your first period

If you are an adult woman

It is not difficult for an experienced woman to determine the signs of menstruation in a week - this is when they appear. Usually this:

  • engorgement of the mammary glands - they increase in volume, become denser and more sensitive. Also, in some cases, there is soreness in the nipple area. Sometimes, along with breast enlargement, dry mouth appears;
  • in young girls, signs of the onset of menstruation are expressed in increased acne, localized on the forehead. Of course, if you are approaching the noble age of 45-50 years, then this symptom will most likely be absent. But according to statistics, up to 30-35 years of age it is observed in 99% of women;
  • another bright one pronounced signs before menstruation - nagging pain in the lower abdomen. Most often, they appear immediately before the onset of menstruation and accompany bleeding for 2-3 days. Similar feelings are complemented aching pain in the lower back.

Although these symptoms are considered normal, their intensification may be a sign of some kind of abnormality. Therefore, visit your gynecologist regularly and monitor your cycle using a calendar.

This annoying PMS

Some women mistakenly call usual signs menstrual premenstrual syndrome. After all, this is not just breast swelling, acne or abdominal pain, but a whole set of neuropsychic symptoms that signal endocrine disorders. Signs of PMS before menstruation are divided into 4 types, depending on the form of the syndrome.

  1. In the neuropsychic form of the disease, a woman becomes irritable, tearful or aggressive, feels weak to the point of nausea, and becomes depressed. Among physiological signs PMS of this form is caused by flatulence.
  2. The edematous form of PMS manifests itself as acute pain in the breasts, swelling of the face, ankles, and hands. Patients also experience bloating, itchy skin and increased sweating.
  3. The cephalgic form occurs accompanied by migraine, irritability, nausea and dizziness. Often these symptoms develop into pain in the heart area, numbness of the fingers and swelling.
  4. The most severe, crisis form of PMS is characterized by a jump in blood pressure, heaviness in the chest and a manic fear of death.

Remember, premenstrual syndrome is not just a sign of menstruation. This is a complex condition that requires treatment.

Symptoms are present, but menstruation is late

Sometimes it happens that there are signs of menstruation, but no menstruation, and this worries any woman. If you have experienced all the required symptoms, and your period is late, this most likely indicates pregnancy.

Doing a test before the delay is useless, since the hCG level is still too low. If, even after a long wait, the critical days still have not arrived, and the test is still negative, you need to urgently go to the gynecologist and have an ultrasound done.

A similar picture may indicate a tumor on the ovaries, hormonal imbalance, metabolic disorder, or acute infection. The cause of amenorrhea (prolonged delay of menstruation) may be abortion, miscarriage, stress, overwork, or long absence sexual partner.

What should concern you

Usually the menstruation itself is preceded by light whitish discharge, this is normal. But if the spotting before your period becomes abundant or changes color, it is better to go to the doctor:

  • If thick, curdled flakes are discharged from the vagina, thrush may be suspected. It’s not scary and can be treated quickly, but you shouldn’t delay going to the clinic;
  • if you have recently given birth and your cycle is just recovering, your period may be preceded by black spotting;
  • pink discharge, reminiscent of ichor, warns of cervical erosion. This may also be a symptom of endocercevitis and other infectious diseases;
  • if brown spotting begins before your period, which is usually a harbinger of endometriosis and hormonal imbalance, you need to get tested by a gynecologist;
  • Thick mucous membranes are most dangerous greenish-yellow discharge, signaling purulent cervicitis.

Of course, all these phenomena may be random and not pose a danger to women's health. But to make sure of this, you should visit a doctor and listen to his recommendations.


Every woman and girl is familiar with the concept menstrual cycle. Absence of menstruation occurs only when serious illnesses reproductive and endocrine systems and usually leads to infertility.

Despite the fact that this period is often accompanied by discomfort, it is an indicator of hormonal balance in the female body.

Periods and menstrual cycle

Menstruation or menstruation is the period of shedding of the inner lining of the uterus during a failed pregnancy. Particles of mucous membrane are released along with blood.

How long does it last menstrual bleeding? Its duration varies from 3 to 7 days. With diseases of the woman’s genital area, this period is lengthened or shortened, and the nature of the discharge also changes.

The interval between the first days of two consecutive menstruation is called the menstrual cycle. It is divided into three phases:

  1. Menstrual or follicular. This is the time of menstruation and maturation of the follicle with the egg in the ovary.
  2. Ovulatory. This phase begins with the release of the female reproductive cell from the follicle.
  3. Luteal. It is also called the corpus luteum phase.

During the luteal phase, a woman may experience a variety of sensations, often unpleasant. Doctors usually consider them as symptoms before menstruation.

Signs of the onset of menstruation

The first signs of menstruation and the time of their appearance are a very individual indicator. They are extremely varied and can occur in any combination. But what they have in common is their presence in almost every woman. It's rare that anyone can boast that they don't experience discomfort before menstruation.

The most common and unpleasant symptoms of menstruation are:

  • irritability;
  • tearfulness and mood swings;
  • pain in the lower back or lower abdomen;
  • engorgement of the mammary glands;
  • chest pain;
  • swelling of the legs, face;
  • drowsiness.

The complex of sensations before menstruation is called premenstrual syndrome, or PMS.

Premenstrual syndrome

PMS is generally considered to be a deviation from the normal course of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. And common complaints before menstruation are nothing more than a disruption of the functioning of most organs and systems. PMS can last from 2 days to two weeks, that is, it begins immediately after ovulation.

According to numerous clinical data, 90–95% of women are susceptible to PMS.

But some doctors dispute the high numbers. Signs of menstruation are very varied and nonspecific, and often any complaints in the luteal phase are attributed to PMS.

In gynecology, the term “premenstrual syndrome” has been known since the beginning of the 20th century and refers to the most pronounced manifestations before menstruation, which disappear as soon as menstruation begins.

The severity of PMS is greater in women who suffer from gynecological and general diseases, and also by type of activity are associated with occupational hazards. Constant stress, fatigue, lack of sleep, conflicts in the family and at work aggravate the manifestations of PMS.

Causes of premenstrual syndrome

The causes of unpleasant symptoms before menstruation are varied. There are many theories of their origin, but none of them has been fully confirmed.

The most substantiated versions of the development of PMS are:

  1. Hormonal disorders. It is believed that with excess production of estrogens to the detriment of gestagens, the likelihood of severe premenstrual syndrome is higher. But some studies don't show significant violations hormone production in the luteal phase.
  2. Water intoxication. According to this theory, before menstruation, the production of antidiuretic hormone increases, which entails water and electrolyte disturbances. During the luteal phase, water retention occurs in the body and the functioning of many organs is disrupted.
  3. Central causes of PMS. Many gynecologists attribute the change psychological state women with fluctuations in melanostimulating hormone, and edema syndrome and pain in the mammary glands - with excess prolactin. Impaired production of these hormones is a consequence of a malfunction of the central nervous system.

IN last years In gynecology, it is customary to consider premenstrual syndrome as the body’s reaction to a failed pregnancy.

Monthly female body adapts to the disruption of the life continuation program. In the case of gynecological, endocrine or other diseases of a woman, adaptation turns out to be ineffective, anti-stress mechanisms do not cope with their task.

This is where mental and somatic manifestations- harbingers of menstruation. As menstruation approaches, they increase, and with their onset they end.

Variety of premenstrual syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome comes in different forms. Some girls' mood deteriorates, a feeling of unreasonable anger or anxiety arises, even to the point of an emotional breakdown.

Others note the appearance and increase in swelling a week before the onset of menstruation. Most women experience breast pain and enlargement. It is customary to distinguish between the following PMS options:

  • hydropic;
  • neuropsychic;
  • cephalgic;
  • crisis.
Edema variant

The main symptoms of this variant of premenstrual syndrome will be bloating, swelling of the arms and legs, breast enlargement, engorgement and soreness.

Also, many women complain of excessive sweating and increased sensitivity to odors.

These symptoms occur due to water retention in the body. This condition can last 7–10 days. There are usually no urinary problems with the edematous form of PMS.

Neuropsychic variant

This form of premenstrual syndrome can manifest differently in different age groups. Girls are more likely to experience depressive symptoms- depressed mood, tearfulness, emotional instability. Older women tend to aggressive behavior a few days before your period.

Often the neuropsychic form of PMS is manifested by suspiciousness, increased fatigue and weakness.

There may be violations on the part of digestive system– constipation, bloating, decreased or increased appetite.

Cephalgic variant

Cephalgia is headache. This will be the main symptom in this case. The pain is similar to that of a migraine. Usually noted in the temporal areas, pulsating in nature.

Many women complain of pressure and pain in the eyes, a feeling of fullness of the eyeballs.

With the cephalgic variant, there is often nausea and vomiting, which is practically untreatable. There are usually no other manifestations of PMS with this option.

Crisis option

This form is one of the most severe and is manifested by disruption of the sympathetic-adrenal system, such as crises. Before menstruation, women will experience the following symptoms:

  1. Increased blood pressure, sometimes to significant levels.
  2. Feeling of pain or pressure in the sternum.
  3. Anxiety – a feeling of fear of death.
  4. Increased heartbeat, interruptions in heart function.
  5. Numbness of the arms or legs, their coldness.
  6. Headache.

Usually crises before menstruation are provoked external factors– stress, fatigue, anxiety, physical overload. They are especially common in women with hypertension and kidney disease, but can occur even when there are no other diseases.

Headache and increased blood pressure with this form of PMS persist before menstruation constantly, even outside of crises.

Forms of premenstrual syndrome

PMS can be mild or severe, depending on the severity of the symptoms. How many days they last also plays an important role.

A mild form of premenstrual syndrome is represented by 3-4 symptoms, but only one or two of them are expressed. The duration of mild PMS is usually from two to ten days.

In the case of a severe form of PMS symptoms, there are many, 4-5 will be pronounced, and their appearance can be noticed 10-12 days before the start of menstruation.

Stages of PMS

The time of onset of symptoms and the degree of their severity in the phases of the menstrual cycle determine the identification of three stages of PMS:

  1. The compensated stage is considered the most favorable. In this case, the precursors of menstruation remain unchanged for years, do not intensify, and stop by the first day of menstruation.
  2. At the subcompensated stage, the precursors gradually begin earlier, and during PMS their intensity is more pronounced. But by the time menstruation begins, the symptoms also completely disappear, and the woman feels quite satisfactory.
  3. The decompensated stage of PMS is the most severe, with a poor prognosis. Symptoms worsen over time and their number increases. They are observed not only in the luteal phase, but throughout the entire cycle. All this time the woman feels unsatisfactory.

Sometimes PMS symptoms persist, but there are no periods. This course is typical for an irregular menstrual cycle or its failure. The beginning of pregnancy also occurs under the guise of PMS, when all the precursors of menstruation are present, but the delay continues for a long time.

Premenstrual syndrome is not normal. This is a pathology of the menstrual cycle that requires compulsory treatment at the gynecologist. With the right therapy, PMS symptoms significantly decrease or disappear completely.

This set of symptoms before menstruation represents specific special sensations that are associated with physiological changes in the body. It manifests itself differently in every woman, as a rule, it is pain in the chest and lower abdomen, spotting before menstruation, irritability, weight gain, etc.

Development of PMS

Up to 40% of women note the development of premenstrual syndrome; with age, symptoms become more pronounced. Typically, signs of PMS develop 2-10 days before the appearance of menstrual flow. Women celebrate increased fatigue, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, depressive state or attacks of aggression.

The main signs of premenstrual syndrome:

  • tearfulness, feeling of depression;
  • emergence inexplicable anxiety and aggression;
  • feeling of uselessness and hopelessness;
  • fatigue, headache;
  • detachment and desire to hide from everyone;
  • absent-mindedness, inability to solve daily problems;
  • drowsiness or insomnia;
  • flatulence;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • sensitivity and .

Usually a woman experiences several symptoms at once. If they cause discomfort, then you need to visit a doctor who can prescribe effective therapy. But it’s worth taking a closer look at each symptom and its main causes.

Weight gain

Almost every woman notes that her weight increases a few days before the appearance of menstrual flow. This phenomenon is associated with fluid retention, which is determined by changes in the levels of progesterone and estrogen, excessive salt intake or hypovitaminosis. As a result, swelling of the limbs occurs, a feeling of heaviness, and maybe... After your period ends, symptoms usually disappear.

It can also lead to weight gain increased appetite. On this moment It was not possible to establish for certain why women want to eat before menstruation. But there are 2 factors:

  1. Hormonal component. During the luteal phase, which precedes the onset of menstrual flow, there is an increased production of estrogen and progesterone against the background of a decrease in luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones. As a result, appetite sharply increases, which is associated with a decrease in blood glucose levels under the influence of estrogens. It is the lack of sugar that will become a signal to make up for the created deficiency.
  2. Psychological factor. Quite often the development of symptoms is not due to hormonal changes, but with their constant expectation. A woman realizes that premenstrual syndrome can justify bad character, laziness or overuse sweets. This does not mean that she wants to lie to others. Typically, a woman believes that she is developing PMS, which causes behavior changes.

Irritability before menstruation

Almost every woman notices increased irritability immediately before the onset of menstruation. This is due to the high sensitivity of the nervous system to changes hormonal levels in this period. Many people note a sharp change in mood, and the development of depression is possible.

Acne occurrence

3-6 days before menstruation, many women may experience acne on their faces, regardless of age. This symptom is purely individual, but it manifests itself in almost 98% of the fair sex before middle age. The occurrence of acne will be determined by the phase of the menstrual cycle.

During the follicular phase, there is an increase in estrogen production, which can reduce activity sebaceous glands and increase synthesis hyaluronic acid. The skin becomes more oily, but remains moisturized. The luteal phase is characterized by an increase in the production of progesterone, which activates the sebaceous glands. Acne occurs before menstruation due to the ability of the hormone to provoke a skin reaction to harmful factors and allergens. Acne causes stressful situations, unhealthy diet, increased synthesis of androgens.

The appearance of blood before menstruation

If a woman uses intrauterine device, then periodic bleeding may appear, for example, after sexual intercourse or a doctor’s examination.

If appears, then this is a variant of the norm. However, bleeding before menstruation, which is accompanied by pain, may be a sign of insufficient blood clotting, inflammatory processes, endometriosis. Towards the emergence heavy bleeding can lead to stress and disruption of hormone production.


After ovulation occurs, the woman’s body begins to prepare for possible pregnancy, therefore, there is a decrease in progesterone production. If conception does not occur, then menstrual bleeding begins against the background sharp decline levels of female sex hormones. Many women do not notice any changes, but more sensitive ladies complain that they have a headache.

Also, the occurrence of pain may be associated with dysregulation water-salt balance. After all, an increase in estrogen production will contribute to fluid retention, which can even lead to swelling of brain tissue. This will lead to a pressing headache and aching character, localized in the occipital region.

The development of migraine before menstruation deserves special attention. After all, the end of the menstrual cycle can act as a trigger that provokes the occurrence of pain. Migraine is characterized by severe throbbing pain, which is localized in the temporo-frontal-orbital region. During an attack, a sharp spasm of blood vessels occurs, followed by pathological expansion, which leads to irritation of pain receptors.

Frequent urination

This problem is quite common among women. Frequent urination may be accompanied by pain in urethra. Frequency of visits to the toilet more than 10 times a day is considered pathological. If you have this symptom, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Establishing the causes will allow timely initiation of therapy to prevent the development of severe complications.

Frequent urge to urinate may develop due to hormonal imbalance, tumors Bladder, stones, neuroses, diabetes mellitus, uterine prolapse, organ fibroids.

Changes in the uterus and ovaries before menstruation

The cervix begins to descend before menstruation and gradually opens, which allows for withdrawal bloody discharge lighter. There is also an enlargement of the uterus, which can manifest itself as bloating. This symptom causes virtually no discomfort and will completely disappear after the end of menstrual flow.

Many women note that their ovaries hurt, which may be due to their enlargement. This sign indicates the imminent appearance of menstrual bleeding.

Also quite often, women have a stomach ache; the development of this symptom is associated with a decrease in the production of estrogen and progesterone, which provokes detachment of some part of the overgrown endometrium.

Abdominal pain may occur due to follicle rupture during ovulation. Almost 5% of women experience this symptom every month. It is completely normal and therefore does not require special therapy. However, if ovulation occurs immediately before menstruation, this may indicate the presence of gynecological pathologies.

Possible causes of abdominal pain:

  • decrease in the concentration of endorphins in the blood;
  • presence of inflammation;
  • stressful situations;
  • gynecological pathologies;
  • infectious lesions of the genital organs.

If the arisen pain syndrome is very strong, you need to urgently contact a specialist.

Treatment of unpleasant symptoms before menstruation

Commonly used to treat PMS symptomatic therapy, which allows you to eliminate symptoms that cause discomfort. At the appointment, the doctor must carefully interview the patient and prescribe the necessary diagnostic measures, for example, determination of hCG level, ultrasound thyroid gland, breast and pelvic organs, examination for venereal diseases, determination of hormonal levels.

If unpleasant symptoms associated with hormonal imbalance, it is necessary to use hormone therapy, the duration of which is usually 3 months. The presence of infections will require admission antibacterial drugs. Therapy for bleeding before menstruation often involves curettage. Also drug treatment should include the prescription of sedatives, hormonal and psychotropic drugs, antihistamines medicines which will reduce swelling.

To reduce the severity of the symptom complex, it is enough to change your lifestyle, including daily physical activity, reduce your intake of salt and sweets, which will prevent fluid retention. It is worth paying attention to hidden sources of salt: soy sauce, soups, canned food, delicacies. Give preference to healthy foods: fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains. It is best to avoid consuming large doses of caffeine and alcohol.

Doctors also recommend avoiding fatty and smoked foods, which can also retain fluid in the body. Prescribing diuretics will help remove excess fluid from a woman’s body, but they must be prescribed by a doctor.

If PMS symptoms make life very difficult, it is better to consult a specialist. Care about own health will help to avoid serious problems and eliminate pathologies in a timely manner.
