The best vegetable. The benefits of fruits and vegetables. The healthiest vegetables and fruits. Onions, onions

Not only vegetarians, but also meat-eaters consider vegetables to be an extremely useful element of the diet. After all, this richest source fiber and vitamins. Eating them daily will help boost your immunity and improve your mood. Which vegetable is the healthiest of all?


Despite the fact that the structure of the tomato is similar to a berry, and it is officially recognized as a fruit, it is usually cultivated as a vegetable crop. Usually the fruit is eaten as part of main courses, along with meat or fish, and not as a dessert, and this also distinguishes it from fruits. Today it is one of the most popular plants on the planet due to the valuable dietary, nutritional and taste properties of the fruit. Tomatoes grow well in open ground, bear fruit abundantly both under film and in greenhouses. Very often it is grown not in beds, but simply on loggias and balconies, or even on window sills in an apartment.

Tomatoes contain large quantities of the substance lycopene, which has wonderful properties. It lowers blood cholesterol levels and also blood pressure. Accordingly, the risks of thrombosis and obesity are reduced. It is extremely beneficial to consume tomatoes for men over the age of 30. They often have a lack of lycopene, so they are susceptible to heart attacks and strokes. Tomatoes are also credited with helping in the fight against cancer. Unique property tomatoes is also that they do not lose their properties even after heat treatment– on the contrary, cooking increases the amount of lycopene in fruits by 150%.

Egyptian oncologists claim that if you eat boiled tomatoes every day, the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases


Although the second most healthy vegetable was brought to Russia quite recently - in the 18th century - it has already firmly entered the list of favorite products of many residents. Its benefits do not lie in the large amount of vitamins, and it should not be consumed raw. And yet, eggplants bring significant benefits to the body due to their high content of fiber and microelements: calcium, phosphorus, etc. Interestingly, the vegetable contains a lot nicotinic acid, therefore it is recommended for people quitting smoking to reduce cravings bad habit.

Nutritionists advise eating eggplant more often for those who are losing weight or just want to stick to it. healthy eating: The vegetable perfectly stimulates digestion and also helps in removing various toxins and wastes. The fruit also strengthens bone tissue, fights diseases such as osteochondrosis, supports the heart and blood vessels.

Interestingly, eggplant can also help you become smarter: it contains a substance called nasunin, which stimulates the functioning of brain cells.

Bulb onions

In Russia, as a rule, the “Spanish” variety of this vegetable is grown. This variety is distinguished by its strong pungency and pungent odor, so it is not recommended to eat it raw, although there is a misconception that it is very healthy. At a minimum, you can marinate it in lemon juice or vinegar with a little sugar. Another thing is “white” onions. This variety, on the contrary, can be eaten raw, and its taste is much milder.

On the question of the benefits of onions: first of all, it is a powerful natural antibiotic. It’s not for nothing that they advise using it daily to protect against colds And viral infections. A large number of phytoncides in the composition strengthens the upper Airways, which contributes to the treatment and prevention of sore throat.

Onion juice can kill some species intestinal bacteria

Pumpkin (squash, zucchini)

The autumn season generously gifts gardeners with bright and useful fruits. Pumpkin, like its relatives zucchini and squash, has a lot of useful properties, as well as excellent taste qualities, allowing you to use it as part of a variety of dishes - from cereals to soups. It can be safely called the healthiest vegetable in the world. The product is also ideal for baby food, strengthens the child’s incompletely formed immunity. The fruit contains vitamins and substances such as ascorbic acid, vitamin T (which is not found in other vegetables), pectin and carotene, vitamin K. In addition to their unique composition, pumpkin and its relatives are low in calories, so they are perfect for the diet table.

Numerous studies have revealed vasodilator and anti-inflammatory properties in pumpkin. Its tender amber pulp perfectly calms the nervous system and helps with work gastrointestinal tract and even suppresses the development of tuberculosis bacillus. Vitamin A helps improve blood composition, in particular helps against anemia.

Amazing property one of the healthiest vegetables in the world - slow down the aging process of the body

This plant, originating from Ancient Persia, has long gained strong popularity throughout the world, although in Russia this popularity is much weaker than in the countries of Europe and the New World. The vegetable has a short shelf life, after which all of it beneficial features disappear. However, everyone should pay attention to spinach as a vegetable for daily diet. It contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, as well as proteins and sugars.

Spinach has the ability to tone the body, eliminate inflammation, and also acts as a laxative and diuretic. Widely used as an aid in the treatment of gastritis and anemia. Extremely indicated for children and pregnant women, as well as people with a weakened general condition of the body. After all, the vitamin cocktail contained in this vegetable can literally put you on your feet. For people subject to frequent stress or depression, spinach will restore calm, and for people who spend a lot of time at the computer, it will strengthen their eyesight and prevent its deterioration.

The plant removes toxins from the body very well, and its low calorie content makes it a dietary product

Fans of this wonderful vegetable affectionately call it “Belgian dwarf”. Cabbage is really very small - on average five centimeters in diameter. However, the benefits from these babies are truly enormous. It contains more vitamin C than oranges and black currants, which are considered the recognized leaders. A huge number of other vitamins and minerals will help strengthen bones and improve the functioning of all body systems. But there is much less fiber here than in other vegetables.

It is advisable for pregnant women to consume this cabbage because of the large amount of folic acid it contains, a substance necessary for proper development fetus Brussels sprouts juice heals wounds by acting as natural antiseptic. And because of the high content of vitamin C, frozen heads of cabbage are always taken with them on ships by people going on long voyages.

Brussels sprouts are used in the treatment and prevention of the following diseases: anemia, tuberculosis, constipation, asthma, insomnia and many others

The most healthy vegetables sometimes they are quite exotic, for example – sweet potato. It grows mainly in hot countries and is similar in structure and appearance to potatoes, but has sweet pinkish flesh.

The calorie content of this plant is 150% higher than that of regular potatoes. Sweet potatoes contain a lot of protein, starch, mineral salts, organic acids and disaccharides.

Sweet potatoes in the diet are indicated for people with heart failure and vascular problems. Despite the calorie content, the vegetable can be consumed by people who are losing weight: fiber helps cleanse the intestines and speeds up metabolism, and also saturates well and for a long time.

If there are no contraindications, then you should consume sweet potatoes in order to improve your health. digestive system. The fruit also contains a lot of potassium, and this has great benefit for work nervous system, helps to get rid of chronic fatigue or insomnia.

The proportional component of useful elements largely depends on the variety of sweet potato and on the growing conditions

This vegetable, which originates from Asia Minor, also contains many vitamins and fiber, and in addition, research has proven that it fights cancerous tumors– including skin, breast, and prostate cancer. This is achieved due to a substance called sulforaphane, which is concentrated especially in the shoots and young stems of the plant. In cabbages there is ten times less of it. Broccoli also contains two more substances that can fight cancer: I3C and sinegrin.

Sulforaphane, found in sweet potatoes, fights bacteria that cause ulcers, although they are resistant to many antibiotics

bell pepper can safely be called " vitamin bomb", because it contains a whole list of vitamins and microelements, from vitamin C to vitamin A, which is necessary for smokers to prevent lung cancer. The area around the stalk is richest in vitamins, so do not rush to cut out the most valuable ones. Iron, phosphorus and iodine are contained in the vegetable make it an indispensable product for anemia.Pepper also reduces blood pressure, therefore it is recommended for hypertensive patients, but, on the contrary, is not recommended for hypotensive patients.

All the beneficial properties of sweet pepper are perfectly preserved when preserved, so you can save yourself from vitamin deficiency even in winter

The presence of dishes containing the listed fruits on the menu will have a positive effect on general condition body. This should be taken into account by people of any gender and age. And what are the healthiest vegetables, you have already learned from this article.

The benefits of fruits and vegetables are truly invaluable, and hardly anyone can argue with this statement. Scientists have long proven that eating them daily (preferably raw) helps strengthen the immune system, improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and saturate the body with vitamins and minerals. That is why it is worth taking a closer look at what these products contain and what properties they have.

The benefits of fruits and vegetables

It is believed that to maintain normal operation The body needs to eat at least 600 g of these products daily. What are the benefits of fruits and vegetables? To answer this question, it is worth considering their unique composition.

  • First of all, we should mention the high content of vitamins. These are biologically active substances necessary for the functioning of the body, as they participate in almost all metabolic reactions. For example, the benefit of lemon and orange, as well as kiwi and black currant is that they contain a huge amount of vitamin C, which is so necessary for work immune system. Carrots and blueberries are sources of beta-carotene. Pumpkin, sorrel and spinach are rich in vitamin K, while green peas and cauliflower contain folic acid.
  • These products also contain great amount useful macro- and microelements, in particular calcium and phosphorus (necessary for strengthening bones and teeth), magnesium, sodium and copper. Apples and bananas contain large amounts of iron and potassium, which ensure hematopoietic processes and regulate myocardial function.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants. These are biological active substances that protect cell membranes from negative impact free radicals. Thus, regular consumption of these products helps slow down the aging process, improves blood circulation, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. The most famous natural antioxidants include vitamins A, K and C. By the way, it is rich in White cabbage(the benefits and harms of this product will be described below).
  • In addition, fruits and vegetables contain pectins, phytonutrients, phytohormones and other beneficial substances.

Positive effects on the cardiovascular system

As already mentioned, fresh fruits and vegetables contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that improve myocardial function, ensure the elasticity of vascular walls, and activate hematopoietic mechanisms.

It has been proven that people who eat 8 servings of fruits and vegetables a day are less likely to develop diseases cordially- vascular systems s. As a result of research, it was also found that in hypertensive patients, whose diet mainly consists of vegetables and fruits, blood pressure noticeably decreases.

How do fresh fruits and vegetables affect the digestive tract?

The benefits of fruits and vegetables for digestive tract just huge. As is known, the movement of a bolus of food through the esophagus is ensured by peristalsis (contraction) of the walls of the stomach and intestines. The only mechanical stimulator of peristalsis is fiber, which is present in abundance in fresh vegetables and fruits.

Moreover, cellulose is used beneficial bacteria digestive tract, which has a good effect on the functioning of the whole body. Some products, in particular beets, the health benefits and harms of which will be described below, are used to combat constipation.

Cure for diabetes and cancer

It is worth noting that studies conducted by the World Cancer Fund have proven that regular consumption of fruits and vegetables reduces the likelihood of developing oncological diseases. The list of healthy foods includes garlic, onions, Chinese cabbage, zucchini, broccoli, tomatoes.

Research has been carried out on the mechanisms of development diabetes mellitus, during which scientists were able to find out that regularly eating large amounts of fresh fruit (in particular, blueberries, apples, grapes, bananas) reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. By the way, during the same tests it was proven that constant consumption of fresh juices from the same fruits and berries, on the contrary, is harmful to the pancreas.

The benefits of green vegetables and fruits

Not everyone knows that vegetables and fruits of the same colors, as a rule, contain the same substances. For example, red foods contain lycopene, white foods contain sulforaphane, but the healthiest green vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamin K, potassium, folic acid, carotenoids and Omega-3 fatty acids.

This group includes cucumbers, green leafy salads, asparagus, kiwi, avocados, artichokes, celery, peas, olives, peppers, and some varieties of apples and pears. Regular use These products improve hematopoietic processes, help normalize weight, have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair, and are an excellent prevention of cancer and diabetes.

The healthiest fruits

Of course, all fruits are healthy. But some of them have a more saturated composition.

The healthiest vegetables

Of course, it is difficult to single out the most healthy foods from this category. However, scientists managed to compile a list.

As you can see, fruits and vegetables are really healthy. They should make up the lion's share of the daily diet.

Oncological, cardiac and immune diseases are less likely to cause trouble for those who eat fresh vegetables every day. On the website, we decided to publish a list of the most healthy vegetables that should definitely be included in the daily diet.

The presence of dishes with vegetables is especially important in winter and spring period when vitamin intake decreases. In addition, vegetables are an excellent product for growing children and developing organism, and therefore the following information will be useful to everyone.

10 healthiest vegetables

1. Tomato, tomato

Tomatoes in stores are next to vegetables, although in fact they are fruits. Tomatoes contain: lycopene (anti-cancer), the whole group vitamins A-K(help normalize blood pressure and reduce the number of free radicals).

2. Eggplant

Eggplants are especially effective in promoting heart function and contain antioxidants. These vegetables are high in potassium and fiber, leading researchers to suggest that consuming them may help fight dementia and stroke. The unique substance nasunin contained in eggplants can protect brain cells from injury.

3. Onions, onions

If you suffer from osteoporosis or are prone to developing it, onions should be included firmly in your daily diet. A peptide contained in onions retains calcium in human body. Vitamin C, along with folic acid, helps fight diabetes and heart disease.

4. Pumpkin (zucchini, squash)

Beta-carotene and vitamin C are found in all vegetables from the pumpkin group. Thanks to these elements, pumpkin gives us anti-inflammatory properties, helps in the fight against asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis. Among other things, pumpkin vegetables contain magnesium, fiber and potassium, which are especially beneficial for the body.

5. Spinach

It is no coincidence that Popeye the sailor ate so much spinach, because it contains all the vitamins and minerals that necessary for a person. Spinach is also rich in chlorophyll, helps resist osteoporosis, arthritis and colon cancer (special spinach diet).

6. Brussels sprouts

For pregnant women, this small green vegetable has great importance. Brussels sprouts are high in folic acid, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, fatty acids Omega-3. This product can prevent neural tube problems, so you shouldn’t neglect it.

7. Sweet potato

A root vegetable that contains dozens of different components that can resist the development of cancer. There is fiber, iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, and manganese. Sweet potatoes can quickly saturate the body with energy and vitality, and help normalize the functioning of the digestive tract.

8. Broccoli

Not every vegetable can compare with broccoli in terms of health benefits. It contains folic acid, beta-carotene, vitamin C, antioxidants that resist cancer of the colon, lungs, and stomach. Broccoli is wonderful cold remedy, which increases immunity and helps fight the flu.

9. Sweet pepper

Regardless of its external color, red pepper contains elements that are beneficial for the functioning of the heart system. This product contains folic acid and lycopene, which our body needs. If consumed daily Bell pepper, then the risk of cancer will significantly decrease.

10. Carrots, carrots

IN useful substances carrots are especially interested in the eyes, hair and skin. This root vegetable includes significant antioxidants, among which vitamin A is especially prominent (in percentage). Carrots also have vitamin C, which promotes the functioning of the heart and vascular systems, protecting our body from diseases.

We talked about the 10 healthiest vegetables, but this does not mean that a variety of other vegetables is less valuable for you. human body. Not at all. It is advisable to include in your daily diet not only the above-mentioned products, but also greens, fruits, and juices, which we have discussed more than once on the pages of our website.

Scrolling a little further down this page, you will find others useful tips our site about fruits and vegetables that are guaranteed to be useful to you in Everyday life. Read, study, educate yourself, learn more new things and put your knowledge into practice, then you will not be afraid of any diseases. And be healthy!

Let's do the following: for each vegetable we will calculate the percentage composition of vitamins and microelements, in terms of the norm for a person, for convenience we will introduce a point system (for example, cauliflower has 1.4 µg/100g of iron, and with a norm for a person of 14 µg it will be 1.4/(14 /100) = 10 points). The number of points will reflect the biological value of a particular vegetable. In fact, the more points, the more beneficial this vegetable is for a person.


POINTS Name B Vit A vit B2 Vit C vit E Ca K Mg Fe Kcal
430 Parsley (greens) 3.7 950 0.05 150 1.8 245 800 85 1.9 49
342 Sweet pepper 1.3 250 0.09 200 0.7 8 163 7 0.5 26
316 Dill (greens) 2.5 750 0.1 100 1.7 223 335 70 1.6 40
290 Spinach (greens) 2.9 750 0.25 55 2.5 106 774 82 3.5 23
249 Carrot 1.3 2000 0.07 5 0.4 27 200 38 0.7 35
223 Brussels sprouts 4.8 50 0.2 100 1 34 375 40 1.3 35
207 Sorrel (greens) 1.5 417 0.1 43 2 47 500 85 2 22
191 Celery (greens) 0.9 750 0.1 38 0.5 72 430 50 1.3 13
146 Cauliflower 2.5 3 0.1 70 0.2 26 210 17 1.4 30
126 Green onion 1.3 333 0.1 30 1 100 259 18 1 20
121 Red cabbage 0.8 17 0.05 60 0.1 53 302 16 0.6 26
118 Kohlrabi cabbage 2.8 17 0.05 50 0.2 46 370 30 0.6 44
98 Salad (greens) 1.5 292 0.08 15 0.7 77 220 40 0.6 16
97 White cabbage 1.8 3 0.04 45 0.1 48 300 16 0.6 28
89 Garlic 6.5 0 0.08 10 0.3 180 260 30 1.5 149
87 Tomatoes 1.1 133 0.04 25 0.7 14 290 20 0.9 24
81 Swede 1.2 8 0.05 30 0.1 40 238 14 1.5 37
80 Potato 2 3 0.07 20 0.1 10 568 23 0.9 77
67 Radish 1.2 0 0.04 25 0.1 39 255 13 1 20
66 Pumpkin 1 250 0.06 8 0.4 25 204 14 0.4 22
65 Turnip 1.5 17 0.04 20 0.1 49 238 17 0.9 32
56 Celery (root) 1.3 3 0.06 8 0.5 63 393 33 0.5 34
53 Beet 1.5 2 0.04 10 0.1 37 288 22 1.4 42
47 Rhubarb (greens) 0.7 10 0.06 10 0.2 44 325 17 0.6 16
46 Bulb onions 1.4 0 0.02 10 0.2 31 175 14 0.8 41
43 Jerusalem artichoke 2.1 2 0.06 6 0.2 20 200 12 0.4 61
42 Zucchini 0.6 5 0.03 15 0.1 15 238 9 0.4 24
40 cucumbers 0.8 10 0.04 10 0.1 23 141 14 0.6 14
32 Eggplant 1.2 3 0.05 5 0.1 15 238 9 0.4 24

CONVENTIONAL ABBREVIATIONS: B- protein content (g/100g), vit A- vitamin A content in retinol equivalent (mg/100g), vit B2- vitamin B2 content (mg/100g), Vit C- vitamin C content (mg/100g), Vit E- content of vitamin E in tocopherol equivalent (mg/100g), Ca- calcium content (mg/100g), K- potassium content (mg/100g), Mg- magnesium content (mg/100g), Fe- iron content (mcg/100g). Values ​​in bold are those that exceed daily requirement in a given vitamin/element.

Which vegetable is the healthiest? Conclusions from the table:

  • The most useful vegetable - parsley! This is a valuable green leafy vegetable (greens), it is distinguished by a large number of vitamins C and A, as well as an optimal balance of microelements.
  • If you look at the table carefully, you will immediately notice the fact that almost all green leafy vegetables have very good indicators, unlike other vegetables. The most healthy greens- this is parsley, dill and spinach.
  • We see very high levels of vitamin C (almost 3 daily values ​​per 100g) in sweet pepper. It, of course, loses to green-leafed vegetables in terms of the composition of microelements, but among other vegetables it takes a confident first place.
  • Carrots and Brussels sprouts- it is impossible to say which of these vegetables is better in composition, since carrots have very high levels of vitamin A, but in terms of vitamin C and microelement composition Brussels sprouts higher.
  • In general, all types of cabbage are distinguished by high content vitamin C, which makes them very useful.
  • Vegetables are all healthy, but, as they say, among equals there are those who are “more equal.” Jokes aside, scientists from William Paterson University in New Jersey set out to find out what kind of vegetables they are.

    A research team led by Jennifer Di Noia looked under a magnifying glass 47 varieties of vegetables and fruits.

    It turned out that the “praised” broccoli and everyone’s favorite paprika did not take first place!
    It turned out that cranberries are “so-so”... And lemon, rich in vitamin C, was in place 28, strawberries in 30th place.

    The research was carried out on the basis of:

    — content in vegetables and fruits was assessed 17 vitamins(including vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, E and K), coarse dietary fiber, as well as others useful substances, How:

    iron, calcium, riboflavin, niacin, thiamine, folic acid, protein, potassium and zinc

    - taking into account daily needs 47 varieties of vegetables and fruits were studied for vitamins and nutrients;

    — 100 g of vegetables or fruits should cover 10% or more of the body’s daily need for vitamins and other nutrients.

    Raspberries, tangerines, cranberries, garlic, onions and blueberries failed the test.

    — based on the results of the study, vegetables were rated on a scale of 100 points.

    Overall, as Di Noia says, at the top of the rankings cruciferous vegetables - such as watercress (watercress), cabbage and arugula, - and leafy vegetables - spinach, chard and chicory dominated.

    A yellow And red vegetables (such as tomatoes, carrots and sweet potatoes) were at the bottom of the table, along with leeks, citrus fruits and berries.

    Scientists have compiled this list of the healthiest vegetables.

    The healthiest vegetables - Top Ten!

    Of course, there is no need to panic! No need to change your diet plan right away!

    Many fruits and vegetables not included in the top ten contain quite healthy flavonoids or carotenoids.

    So, list of top ten “powerhouse fruits and vegetables” (PFV)

    9. roman lettuce/romano 63,48
    10. fodder cabbage/leaf cabbage 62,49

    The calculation was carried out based on a diet of 2000 kcal per day; For 17 nutrients (potassium, coarse dietary fiber, protein, calcium, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folate, zinc, and vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, E, and K); on 100 g of food per 100 kcal.

    So is it worth paying attention to “exotics” and forgetting about the old company “Apple and Co”?

    Answer: definitely not!

    The top ten took into account the content of vitamins and minerals, but no presence of secondary plant substances, which have a huge impact on many metabolic processes in our body and have preventive action on the body: they possibly protect against various tumor diseases and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

    Eat that.
    There can be absolutely nothing bad in broccoli or red peppers, bananas or raspberries...

    People who eat get sufficient quantity nutrients to get you through life healthy and happy!

    Maybe it's just pay attention to the top ten and use it more often - for your own good?!

    Continuation of the table - from position 11 to 42

      1. Turnip (Brassica rapa subsp. rapifera), or forage turnip 62.12
      2. Sarepta mustard, or Russian mustard, or Blue mustard, or Sarepta cabbage 61.39
      3. Endive 60.44
      4. Chives 54.80
      5. Curly cabbage, or Kale, or Grunkol, or Braunkol, or Brunkol 49.07
      6. Dandelion green 46.34
      7. Red pepper 41.26
      8. Arugula 37.65
      9. Broccoli 34.89
      10. Pumpkin 33.82
      11. Brussels sprouts 32.23
      12. Green onions 27.35
      13. Kohlrabi 25.92
      14. Cauliflower 25.13
      15. Cabbage 24.51
      16. Carrot 22.60
      17. Tomato 20.37
      18. Lemon 18.72
      19. Iceberg 18.28
      20. Strawberry/strawberry 17.59
      21. Radish 16.91
      22. Winter squash (all varieties) 13.89
      23. Oranges 12.91
      24. Lime 12.23
      25. Grapefruit (pink and red) 11.64
      26. Rutabaga 11.58
      27. Turnip 11.43
      28. Blackberry 11.39
      29. Leek 10.69
      30. Sweet potato 10.51
      31. (White) grapefruit 10.47