Stuffy nose, no drops, nothing to do. How to break through a stuffy nose? Causes of congestion, medical and traditional methods of treatment How to break through a clogged nose

Nasal congestion is a very common symptom that occurs with a runny nose, cold, allergic rhinitis and other common diseases. Consequently, every person is familiar with the feeling of “stuffiness” when it is simply impossible to breathe through the nose.

At this moment you start looking for what to use to pierce your nose when you have a runny nose or a cold?

In most cases, people resort to using special drops - alpha-adrenergic agonists or decongestants. The most popular among them are Nazivin, Naphthyzin, Otrivin. Despite their high efficiency, otolaryngologists do not recommend using them on an ongoing basis, as they can cause hypertrophy (proliferation) of the nasal mucosa and/or have a systemic effect, which is extremely dangerous for children and pregnancy. At this moment the question arises - how to pierce the nose without drops?

Exists big list methods of “punching” the nose without using decongestants, these include:

  • Physical exercise.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Nasal rinsing.
  • Aromatherapy.
  • Warming up the nose.

Physical exercise is the key to health. This rule is familiar to any physician from any field of medicine, and otolaryngology is no exception. The main thing here is to choose the right exercises, since you can pierce your nose without drops using the appropriate physical therapy quite simple.

in the fight against acute and chronic diseases For the nasal cavity, the following set of exercises is considered effective:

  1. Close both nostrils with your fingers, close your mouth and hold your breath. Start walking and moving quickly until you urgently need to take a breath.
  2. Sit down. Straighten your back. Concentrate on breathing as much as possible.
  3. Let go of the nose. Try to resume normal rhythm breathing without opening your mouth. In this case, you should avoid deep inhalations and exhalations.
  4. Take a small breath and as you exhale try to relax all the muscles of the shoulder girdle as much as possible and chest. Repeat again.
  5. Gradually try to switch to this breathing mode, while remaining as relaxed as possible.


In 90% of cases, these exercises allow you to get rid of congestion after 2-3 minutes. How better patient knows how to control his muscles (especially the diaphragm), the more effective such exercises become.

Massage. Chinese acupressure may be exactly what it will be extremely easy to pierce your nose with a runny nose. All you need to do is remember 7 points that you will need to gently massage with your fingertips several times a day.

These points include:

  1. Indentations at the wings of the nose.
  2. Between the lower edge of the nose and upper lip. Here you need to feel the small tubercles.
  3. Tip of the nose.
  4. Whiskey.
  5. Glabella. The point is just above the eyebrows, in the center of the forehead.
  6. Inner corners of the eyes.
  7. Recesses behind the earlobes.

The massage should be done only with warm hands, and pressure and rotation should be continuous and slow, of moderate strength, preferably clockwise.

Physiotherapy. Physiotherapy is mainly used in the treatment of chronic rhinitis (chronic runny nose) in outpatient and outpatient settings, but can also be prescribed for a common runny nose.

Physiotherapy procedures that help in solving the problem of both piercing the nose without drops and getting rid of the disease include:

  • Ultraviolet irradiation - UHF. The course of treatment is 5-7 days, 1 procedure per day in the morning.
  • Laser therapy. If special devices are available (for example, Azor-IK), it can be carried out at home. The course of treatment is prescribed individually, but on average it lasts 3-5 days, 2 procedures per day.

Nasal rinsing. Most otolaryngologists, answering patients’ questions “How to pierce the nose with a runny nose?” Nasal rinsing is recommended. Most often, they prescribe salt-based products or a regular saline solution, which helps not only get rid of congestion, but also relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and promotes drainage (cleansing) of the paranasal sinuses.

Saline solution can be prepared at home without much effort. To do this, dissolve 1/3 teaspoon of salt in 250-300 ml of heated boiled water. Next, you need to rinse your nose 2-3 times a day.

Aromatherapy. Less popular and somewhat less effective means. But when correct selection drugs can both pierce the nose without drops and have a positive effect on the entire body.

The most popular essential remedies for the treatment of runny nose and colds are eucalyptus and peppermint oils, which are the basis for inhalation.

Warming up the nose. It is often used to treat nasal congestion at home in children and adults. Most often, it is recommended to carry out heating using fabric bags filled with table salt or ordinary sand, preheated in a frying pan to a temperature of 65-75 C.

How to pierce the nose with a runny nose using folk remedies

Alternative medicine has long known how to pierce the nose with a runny nose without using any medications. In her arsenal there is a large list of means that can both pierce the nose without drops and contribute to treatment, or even completely cure a person.

To the most effective and common means traditional medicine relate:

Cotton swabs with honey
. An extremely simple way. The whole point is to generously lubricate the tip of a cotton swab with honey and insert it into the nostrils for 10-20 minutes, after which the nasal breathing.

Juice of medicinal plants. Fresh leaves aloe or coltsfoot should be thoroughly crushed and the juice squeezed out of them, then instilled into the nose 3 times a day throughout the course of treatment.

Mustard powder. A very simple remedy that makes it possible to both pierce your nose without drops and completely get rid of a runny nose in just 1 night. All you need to do is pour mustard powder into your socks and wear them at night.

Garlic inhalations. After grating a few cloves of garlic on a fine grater, pour them into a small glass, placing it in a container with hot water. Next, cover the glass with a funnel made of plain paper and inhale garlic vapor through it for 2-3 minutes for each nostril. This procedure needs to be carried out 2-3 times a day.

Despite the lower effectiveness of folk remedies compared to pharmacological drugs, they are also capable of filming inflammatory reactions and nasal congestion, without providing negative influence on the body. Therefore, experienced doctors often include in the main treatment folk remedies, especially children and women during pregnancy.


In the fall, we increasingly begin to suffer from colds with symptoms such as fever, coughing and sneezing.

And we all know the unpleasant feeling of nasal congestion when we have a cold.

Fortunately, there is a way to get rid of congestion without drugs.

Stuffed nose: what to do?

Method 1

First, tilt your head back a little, pinch your nose and hold your breath..

Hold your breath as long as possible, and then when you finally do deep breath, your sinuses will be cleared. This works because your brain goes into survival mode, realizing you're not getting enough oxygen, and clears the sinuses.

Method 2

The second method is a little more complicated, but it can also be used anywhere.

First, press the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth. Then press two fingers on your forehead in the area between the eyebrows and nose. Repeat this sequence several times within 20 seconds.

This method works by rocking a bone in the skull called the vomer, promoting drainage from the sinuses.

Nasal congestion: causes

Nasal congestion is most often the result of inflammation and swelling of the tissues of the nasal passages and sinuses.

Many people mistakenly believe that congestion is caused by too much secretion from the nasal passage, when in fact it is due to inflamed blood vessels in the sinuses.

This irritation can be caused by a number of main reasons:

· Colds, flu

· Sinusitis (bacterial or viral)

· Allergy

· Nasal polyps

· Vasomotor rhinitis or false runny nose

· Abuse of vasodilators

When colds or sinusitis, nasal congestion usually clears up within a week.

Chronic sinusitis can last for months or even years without proper treatment.

Air pollution and toxins in environment can also provoke chronic sinusitis.

Besides, anatomical features, such as curvature nasal septum, may increase your chances of developing nasal congestion and chronic sinusitis.

Stuffy nose: what to do at home?

Here are some ways to get rid of nasal congestion at home:

Use a humidifier

Inhaling moist air reduces irritation and swelling of blood vessels in the nose and sinuses. In addition, it thins mucus, helping to clear the nose.

Take a shower

Steam showers can also be a good way to relieve nasal congestion, at least temporarily. You can also try inhaling the steam from hot water by filling a sink or pan with it.

Drink more

Fluids including water, tea, and soup will help you stay hydrated when you're sick and will thin your mucus.

Saline solutions

A saline spray also thins mucus and reduces inflammation in the blood vessels.

You can also use a vessel to rinse your nose using saline solution or sea salt. To do this, you need to tilt your head over the sink and pour the solution into one nostril until it comes out of the other nostril. Then switch sides.

Warm compresses

Soak a towel in warm water and wring it out. Place a towel over your nose and forehead. Heat reduces pain and inflammation in the nasal passages.


These medications can be in the form of a spray or tablets. However, they should not be used for more than three days, as they can only worsen nasal congestion.


If your nasal congestion is caused by allergies, antihistamines may help.

If relief does not occur after three days of treatment, consult your doctor for advice.

A child has a stuffy nose

Colds, flu and allergies may cause nasal congestion in a child.

If the child is too small, you can use aspirator or rubber bulb to clear accumulated mucus from your child's nose.

Before this you should use saline solution to thin mucus. You can use ready-made sprays or make a solution at home by adding a teaspoon of salt to a glass of water and rinse your nose by putting it into a syringe without a needle.

Remember to hydrate. Use humidifier if the air in the house is dry. You can also sit in the bathroom with the hot water on, helping your child breathe in the steam.

Almost every person experiences a runny nose every year, especially during autumn bad weather and winter cold. At first glance, this is a simple cold, but its symptoms and manifestations can provoke serious complications. Therefore, it is important to know how to pierce the nose with a runny nose of various etiologies, in order not only to make breathing easier, but also to avoid negative consequences. You need to be careful when using home treatment methods.

Dangerous causes and consequences of snot

Among the consequences that may occur if treatment is not completed acute rhinitis, the following diseases should be highlighted:

  • acute sinusitis (several or one sinus becomes inflamed);
  • sinusitis (inflammation in the paramaxillary sinuses);
  • frontal sinuses (accumulation of pus and inflammation of the frontal adnexal sinuses);
  • polypous sinusitis (the appearance of polyps and tissue proliferation in the nasal passages).

Weakened immunity is one of the factors causing a runny nose.

To decide how to break through a stuffy nose at home, you need to identify the cause of mucous discharge. Usually a runny nose and congestion occur due to infections, hypothermia, viruses, but there are other factors:

  • external allergens;
  • surgical operations in the nasopharynx;
  • endocrine and nervous diseases;
  • long-term use of vasoconstrictor sprays;
  • injuries and deformations of the nose;
  • dry air;
  • chemical irritants;
  • adenoids;
  • weakened immunity.

Symptomatic therapy is aimed at relieving the main symptoms of rhinitis - congestion, discharge, swelling, inflammation.

Rules for treating a runny nose

If your nose is stuffy and snot appears, you must adhere to the basic rules of treatment:

  1. If the temperature begins to rise during rhinitis, then it is necessary bed rest, as well as antipyretic drugs.
  2. It is necessary to constantly clear the nasal passages of mucus and crusts. The best way to do this is by washing, for example, with salt spatter or sea water.
  3. It is important to get rid of congestion, since insufficient nasal breathing leads to oxygen starvation. To do this, use vasoconstrictor drugs with caution, as well as homeopathy.

Everyone knows how unpleasant it is to feel nasal congestion, which prevents you from living, working, getting enough sleep at night and performing household chores. Many people are so used to using vasoconstrictor drops that they carry them with them everywhere, without even thinking that their long-term use can become addictive, which is then very difficult to get rid of.

Meanwhile, there are many solutions to the problem of how to get rid of nasal congestion without drops and other chemicals. It is imperative to combat the manifestations of a runny nose. After all, stagnation of mucus in the nose can provoke much more serious problems than simple rhinitis is sinusitis, which can even be complicated by meningitis and brain abscess.

The bottom line is that vasoconstrictors only relieve symptoms, but do not treat the root causes of the runny nose, and it is these that need to be dealt with. We need to take a closer look at ways to decompress the nose without droplets, maintaining the health of the mucous membrane and preventing complications.

When are drops not needed?

A runny nose develops due to inflammation of the mucous epithelium of the nasal passages, and it is provoked by the contact of bacterial, viral or allergic irritants on its surface. The mucous membrane, as best it can, fights the invasion of foreign microorganisms, responding to the attack with increased mucus production.

Often this situation is complicated by the addition of a secondary infection, which develops with inadequate treatment of a runny nose - a person tries to relieve nasal congestion with drops, but in the end he simply gets rid of the symptoms, leaving the root cause without action. This leads to stagnation of exudate in the sinuses, which is fraught with more serious complications.

There are situations when there is no infection, but the nose reacts with congestion to allergic irritants, such as dust, animal hair or odor household chemicals. In this case specific treatment a runny nose is not required, it is enough to eliminate the allergen and mucus production will decrease on its own, and breathing through the nose will be restored.

The causes of a runny nose are not always due to infection.

Dry and thin epithelial tissue can cause nasal congestion due to insufficient air humidity in the room, severe gas pollution or irritation from household chemicals - this ailment often plagues workers in hazardous industries. In such situations, a runny nose must not only be treated, but also prevented in ways that will be discussed later.

General methods for getting rid of congestion

To relieve nasal congestion without drops, you need to restore the structure of the mucous membrane, which, under the influence of external factors, becomes dry and reacts with a runny nose, in order to somehow compensate for this fact. For this there are general recommendations, suitable for every patient suffering from regular manifestations of rhinitis.

This procedure can be called the best and most effective for relieving congestion symptoms. The more often and more severely a runny nose appears, the more intensively you need to rinse your nose - this is the only way to achieve success in the fight against the disease. What products are suitable for washing?

The most famous is saline solution. You can prepare it yourself by stirring a tablespoon or sea ​​salt. You can buy a ready-made isotonic solution, especially for washing at home - for example, Marimer or Dolphin. The latter is even equipped with a convenient system for better nose treatment.

Air humidification

It's no secret that in winter time Heating radiators greatly dry out the air in the room. The skin of the nasal passages becomes thinner, the capillaries expand, and as a result, it is difficult for a person to breathe and severe congestion develops.

Compliance with drinking regime

Water is universal remedy rescue in a situation where the nose cannot breathe. It can be used to rinse the nostrils, humidify the air and restore water-salt balance in organism. To maintain the mucous epithelium in healthy condition, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters mineral water during the day.

Eating healthy foods

In a situation with a runny nose, spicy, salty and spicy foods are considered such. To achieve a better anti-inflammatory effect, you need to eat more garlic, onions, pickled tomatoes and cucumbers, sauerkraut, pepper.

Clean and ventilate the room regularly

Dust, pet hair, bed mites, mold– all these factors irritate the nasal mucosa, which becomes inflamed and swollen. Wet cleaning should be carried out daily; at the same time, it is recommended to disinfect the bedding and inspect the floors and walls for the presence of fungus.

Regularly rinsing your nose with salted water can not only cure rhinitis, but also prevent its occurrence.

These simple methods will help relieve nasal congestion caused by external factors– dry air and the presence of allergens. As you can see, in order for the nose to breathe, incredible efforts are not required; it is enough to regularly rinse the nose, humidify the air and monitor the condition of the living space.

Treatment of congestion in accessible ways

You can eliminate nasal congestion without using drops; it is enough to know about effective and effective ways how to deal with the problem. If you don’t have time to go to clinics, buy expensive drugs for rinsing, you can restore nasal breathing on your own.


Acupuncture techniques affecting certain points of the face are an ideal way to combat a runny nose for those who do not have vasoconstrictor drops, and I don’t want to once again expose the body chemical exposure drugs.

By pressing on some areas of the forehead, temples and wings of the nose, you can restore blood supply to the mucous membrane and remove pain syndrome and get rid of swelling of the nasal epithelium, the main thing is to massage regularly and correctly.

You can effectively narrow the blood vessels in the nose and eliminate the symptoms of a runny nose by massaging the following points on the head:

  • a point located between the eyebrows, more precisely, between their inner corners, just above the bridge of the nose;
  • the second point is located 15 mm above the first;
  • two points are located on both sides of the bridge of the nose - you need to retreat approximately 0.5 cm from the corners of the eyes;
  • two points can be found by placing your fingers below the nostrils on both sides of the wings of the nose. You just need to massage the area in front of the skin fold of the upper lip.

Each of these points needs to be massaged for at least one minute, so the entire session will take about 6-8 minutes. If giving yourself a facial massage is inconvenient (while at work or in public place), you can massage your fingertips. Pressing on the pads has an equally effective effect, relieves lacrimation and removes congestion in the nostrils.

The most effective point impact is the place between the big and index fingers, right in the middle, you need to massage these areas on both hands. By the way, in order to get rid of a child’s runny nose, you can teach him this simple technique so that the baby can independently help himself kindergarten or school.

Scheme of self-massage of acupuncture points


By using physical exercise You can achieve a good effect in getting rid of a runny nose. the main objective, which is handled by physical activity, improves cardiac activity, increases muscle tone, accelerates blood circulation in tissues and sweat.

Many have noticed that when consuming hot food or a drink, secretions from the nose immediately begin to flow - the same thing happens with intense physical activity. The body itself begins to help cleanse the nostrils of mucus in order to ensure full saturation of the tissues with blood.

Exercises performed on fresh air, give double positive effect. During exercise, you can not only get rid of a runny nose, but also saturate your brain with oxygen, which is so lacking for workers in stuffy offices.

What exercises can you do to force your nose to breathe actively:

  • swing your legs;
  • squats;
  • strengthening the press;
  • walking on stairs;
  • skiing, skating in winter, and roller skating in summer.

After the very first exercise, you can notice a pattern - as soon as the armpit area sweated, the congestion in the nostrils immediately subsided. The effect of vasoconstriction, however, will not last long, so you need to immediately help the body get rid of secreted mucus - rinse your nose with saline solution.


Not everyone likes to immediately resort to the help of vasoconstrictors at the first signs of rhinitis. Good effect In getting rid of congestion without the use of chemicals, physiotherapy can be done, which can be carried out even at home, using improvised means.

Even our grandmothers, at the first symptoms of the disease, steamed their feet in hot water. Can be cooked foot bath With mustard powder, with the addition of eucalyptus or mint essential oil.

You need to keep your feet in warm water for at least 15 minutes, then rub them dry, lubricate them with Zvezdochka balm or Doctor Mom ointment and put on warm socks, preferably made of clean wool.

You can also dip not only your feet in water, but also prepare a full-fledged bath. You can add a decoction of chamomile (1-2 liters per bath), calendula, mint or St. John's wort to warm but not scalding water. You can use natural pine branches; they will saturate the bathroom with their essential oils, relieve a runny nose and tone your muscles. After taking a warm bath, you need to dry yourself and go to bed.

Warming up – good way get rid of congestion, it reduces swelling of the mucous tissue, relieves inflammation and makes breathing easier through the nose

For effective heating, you can take a hot hard-boiled egg, as well as bags of heated salt or cereal. The only contraindication for the procedure is a suspicion of the bacterial nature of the runny nose. In this case, heating will only aggravate the course of the disease, providing microbes with a favorable, warm environment for reproduction.

Inhalation based saline solution, essential oils or a decoction of anti-inflammatory herbs has a powerful effect on the mucous membrane, facilitates nasal breathing, reduces irritation of the epithelium and moisturizes it.

For inhalation in hot water you need to add a few drops of your favorite essential oil, for example, peach, eucalyptus or pine and breathe over the steam for 10-15 minutes. You can prepare an infusion of chamomile, string, coltsfoot or oak bark and add it to the water for inhalation.

Traditional treatment

If nasal congestion, which is difficult to eliminate, nevertheless returns, in the form of a complex effect, you can use traditional medicine recipes to relieve nasal swelling:

  • aloe and kalanchoe juice– contain substances that have anti-inflammatory and vascular tone-strengthening properties. The juices of these plants effectively narrow the capillaries in the nose, making breathing easier and reducing the level of inflammation. Freshly squeezed extract should be instilled several times a day, 3-4 drops into each nostril;
  • honey is natural remedy to combat many ailments, including runny nose. To get rid of congestion, you need to soak cotton balls in honey and insert them into each nasal passage, leaving them there for 15 minutes;
  • garlic - powerful antimicrobial agent containing great amount phytoncides. To relieve the symptoms of rhinitis, you need to cut a slice of root vegetable into small pieces, put them in a glass, and then place it in a container with hot water. You need to breathe in the aroma of garlic using a funnel, placing its tip against each nostril alternately - the procedure takes 3-5 minutes;
  • beet-carrot drops– to prepare them, fresh small fruits are grated, the juice is squeezed out and mixed in a 1:1 ratio. You need to instill the prepared composition three times a day, a few drops.

Such simple methods will help to effectively relieve swelling of the tissue of the nasal passages and make breathing easier.

Before using any folk recipe, you need to make sure that it is safe for the body, that is, that there is no allergy to the components of the medicinal compositions.

Now it has become clear what to do if the nose cannot breathe fully. The use of vasoconstrictor drops, of course, quickly and effectively helps get rid of a runny nose, but these drugs will not cure its cause. Besides overuse drops and exceeding their dosage can damage the nasal mucosa and cause an addictive effect.

It is better to get rid of rhinitis in accessible and in safe ways than to fight with later dangerous complications. If the runny nose does not leave alone for 2–4 weeks and does not stop accessible ways– this is a reason to consult a doctor; perhaps an infectious process is rapidly developing in the nasal cavity.

Nasal congestion occurs due to the fact that the mucous membrane seriously swells under the influence of inflammatory processes in organism. The first signs of problems with the nose are that the patient cannot breathe fully, the sense of smell is seriously deteriorated, if a runny nose occurs against the background of a cold, weakness may appear, even to the point of reluctance to do anything. In the future, without proper treatment, rhinitis can develop into sinusitis or any other purulent inflammation.

Sometimes the cause of swelling is allergic reaction- in this case, in addition to using folk remedies, it is recommended to urgently start searching for the allergen, and if it is known, consult a doctor for advice on medications or take already prescribed tablets.

During this period, many people resort to using medications without any system or control, and having found a suitable remedy, they drip it at every opportunity. That's just anyone medical product there are a number of disadvantages:

  • The drops are addictive: after a few years, or even months of active use, a person notices that he cannot breathe normally, even if there is no runny nose as such, and again, without hesitation, he uses the drops. It turns out vicious circle, which is very difficult to interrupt;
  • many medications (even harmless ones like nasal drops for a runny nose) cannot be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • nasal drops have their own contraindications, which many do not pay attention to, which leads to exacerbation of other diseases or the manifestation of allergic symptoms;
  • and lastly, they can give absolutely the opposite effect, even if all conditions of use are met, simply due to the individual reaction of the body.

That is why it is impossible to constantly get rid of this symptom with medications - but you should not run to the doctor at the first manifestation of it. In this situation, you can use natural folk remedies.

Folk recipes

There are many folk recipes that tell you how to pierce your nose at home without drops - some of them are easy to implement, even without constant access to rare herbs and materials. The most effective and interesting recipes are indicated below.

  • Simple pure water. If you don’t have any herbs or medicines on hand, and your runny nose is dead, a simple clean nose will help clear your stuffy nose. warm water. It is taken into a handful and drawn into the nostrils until it passes into the mouth. It’s a little unpleasant, but for the sake of free breathing you can endure it. The procedure must be repeated every few hours, as soon as the person feels that the nose is starting to become stuffy again;
  • Honey. Cotton swabs are dipped in liquid or melted honey and inserted into the nostrils for ten to fifteen minutes. If the honey has been melted, you need to wait a little so that its temperature equalizes, otherwise the person risks getting a burn to the mucous membrane. The method should not be used when possible allergies for honey;
  • Salty water. Pharmacies sell special purified sea ​​water, but it’s no better than simple saline solution made at home. To prepare it, a spoonful of salt (if you have it, you can use sea salt, but in general any salt will do) is dissolved in half a glass of warm purified water. The nose is washed using a large syringe from which the needle has previously been removed;
  • Juice of medicinal plants. This method requires Fresh Juice plants (aloe or coltsfoot is best). Aloe is easy to grow on a windowsill, so there should be no problems with it, but difficulties can arise with coltsfoot leaves - you should choose what is easier to get in a particular area. The leaves are thoroughly crushed, and the juice is carefully squeezed out of the resulting pulp. It is instilled (a drop into each nostril) three times a day;
  • Mustard. Not really standard method effects - under no circumstances should they put it in the nose (unless they want to get a burn to the mucous membrane). Mustard powder is poured into warm socks without holes - the resulting unique compresses are put on the feet before bed. In the morning you can say goodbye to a runny nose - by at least for some time.
  • Inhalations. Sometimes doctors themselves prescribe inhalations in special rooms, but patients can easily do without them - the basic procedure can be carried out at home. To do this, garlic is finely grated, crushed into a pulp, which is then placed at the bottom of a glass, mug or small jar. The glass container is placed in a saucepan with hot water (the level should be such that the water does not overflow over the edges of the glass) and covered with a funnel made of fairly thick paper. The narrow end of the funnel is applied to the nostrils one at a time, for about five to ten minutes. This procedure should be carried out at least three times a day;
  • Potato or egg. If you boil these products and gently apply them to your sinuses, it should feel easier. Important: if the problem is purulent inflammation, too frequent warming will only harm the body. This method It’s better not to use unless you are sure that it’s just a common runny nose.

In order not to worsen your condition with a cold, it is recommended to use simple tips:

  • When taking an evening bath, you can add a couple of drops to it eucalyptus oil(it is desirable that the bath is hot), after which you should lie in it for no more than ten minutes;
  • Eating too spicy food temporarily helps to break your nose;
  • camphor oil, rubbed into the chest before bed, allows you to get rid of symptoms the next morning;
  • During sleep, it is better to position the pillow so that the head is slightly elevated - this will at least not worsen the situation with nasal congestion.


To prevent snot from accumulating in the nasal cavity and to allow a person to breathe calmly during a runny nose, it is necessary to periodically rinse the nose. You don't have to go to the doctor for this. special procedure- at least for a while they will help to deal with the problem folk remedies. Of course, if the runny nose does not go away, and, moreover, the patient’s well-being worsens, he should urgently see a specialist - but this is only if he feels really bad.

If your nose is stuffy, folk recipes act quite effectively, perfectly replacing drops, addictive. Almost everything necessary ingredients You can buy them at your local pharmacy or grocery store, and every person has some of them at home, so you shouldn’t have any problems creating a solution for rinsing your nose. It’s worth a try - patients who previously could not sit for several hours without drops, after the course traditional therapy noted that they felt much better than before.
