In order for the body to have immunity, what needs to be done. How to develop a strong immune system. How to restore and strengthen the immune system after illness

Since 2002, at the initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO), World Immunity Day has been celebrated on March 1, the purpose of which is to remind people of the problems associated with various immune diseases, as well as preserving and strengthening the immune system.

Immunity is the body’s ability to resist; the immune system neutralizes foreign cells, various infections and viruses, and then destroys them.

Signs of immune failure

Frequent colds, prolonged fever, syndrome chronic fatigue, painful sensations in joints and muscles, sleep disturbances, frequent headaches, the appearance of skin rashes - all these are manifestations of disturbances in the functioning of the immune system and reasons to start strengthening the body's defenses and consult a doctor.

The human immune system depends half on heredity, as it begins to form in the womb, and 50% on lifestyle. The three pillars on which human immunity rests are: healthy sleep, physical activity and balanced diet. Usually a person thinks about the role and possibilities of maintaining immunity only during a severe cold, while it itself is a consequence of immune deficiency.

Therefore, it is important for everyone to take care of health and strengthen the immune system, especially in the off-season on the eve of spring - this is the time when the body especially needs support. It is also important to pay attention to immunity for those who have suffered from acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections or influenza and who experience heavy physical exertion.

You can restore and maintain immunity with the help of special immune-strengthening agents, but there are many additional ways strengthen the body.

Horseradish, shrimp and bay leaf

Nutrition is the key to protection against viruses and diseases and most important factor, helping to improve the body's defenses. Nutrition should be as rational as possible in quantitative and qualitative terms. Your menu should contain animal proteins and plant origin. Animal proteins are found in meat, fish, eggs and milk, and plant proteins are found in peas, beans, buckwheat and oatmeal. Have a beneficial effect on the immune system beef liver and seafood - shrimp, mussels, squid.

Under no circumstances should you take immunostimulants on your own. To have the right to prescribe these drugs, the doctor must: first make sure that standard therapy has not brought the desired effect; study the patient’s immunogram; have long-term experience in the use of immunostimulants, based, among other things, on assessing the long-term effects of the prescribed medication.

Spices support the immune system well - ginger, barberry, cloves, coriander, cinnamon, basil, cardamom, turmeric, Bay leaf and - horseradish.

Extracting vitamins

Vitamins and microelements are needed to strengthen the immune system. Their deficiency can be compensated with the help of multivitamin complexes, but in general it is better to obtain vitamins and microelements naturally.

Vitamins A can be obtained from carrots, grapes, greens - it is found in all red and orange fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, rose hips, cranberries, lingonberries, and cabbage, especially sauerkraut. Vitamin E - in sunflower, olive or corn oils. There are many B vitamins in legumes, cereals, eggs, any greens and nuts.

Among the microelements, zinc and selenium have a positive effect on the immune system. Zinc is found in fish, meat, liver, nuts, beans and peas. Selenium should be “extracted” from fish, seafood, and garlic.

Minerals - iron, copper, magnesium and zinc - are found in liver, kidneys, heart, nuts, legumes and chocolate.

Dry red

Smoking and alcohol not only undermine, but kill the immune system. But if everything is simple and clear with tobacco, you need to quit smoking and avoid tobacco smoke, then with alcohol the situation is different. Dry red wine is good for the immune system, but the maximum permissible daily dose is 50-100 grams.

Getting used to the cold

It is necessary to prepare for any outbreak of morbidity in advance, strengthening, first of all, nonspecific protection. Everyone knows about such a method as hardening, but most are sure that hardening is getting used to the cold, for example, walking in the snow in shorts. But in fact, the essence of hardening is to train the mucous membranes to quickly respond to sudden changes in temperature.

The training can be quite simple - alternate dousing with cold and hot water forearms - from hand to elbow. The temperature of cold water is +20 °C, hot water is +35 °C - this is the most tolerable difference of 15 °C.

Pouring should be done daily - 5-7 minutes a day, in the morning or evening. This procedure is especially suitable for children.

Calm and only calm!

If you often suffer from colds and ARVI, try strengthening your body with Kalanchoe juice.

Hardening will help strengthen the body's strength. The easiest way is to take a small foam mat, moisten it with a cold infusion of plants that enhance immunity, and stand on it barefoot.

They have a good immunostimulating effect nutritional yeast, which are especially recommended for children. They should be taken for a month (at least 50 grams per week), diluting a small part in boiled water without sugar.

Of the plant substances that have a pronounced immunostimulating effect, it is worth paying attention to infusions of Eleutherococcus, ginseng and Chinese lemongrass.

Drowsiness, Bad mood And mild depression can appear even when everything is fine with you: both in health and in life. Where do they come from? Loss of strength occurs due to decreased immune system defenses. Insomnia and lack of sleep, overwork at work, a sedentary lifestyle and many other factors are the cause weak defense body.

Let's take a closer look at the reasons for decreased immunity, ways to increase it, including traditional ones, and talk about prevention for a healthy body.

Causes of decreased immunity. How and how to boost an adult’s immunity at home

To answer this question, let’s remember what immunity is. The protective function of the body, aimed at resisting both external threats (bacteria, viruses, microorganisms) and internal ones (infection of one’s own cells), is called the immune system, or immunity for short. In winter, a hardened body can easily cope with the root cause of colds and flu, since its immunity is quite strong. If hardening is not an empty phrase for you - you go to the pool, do exercises, douse yourself with water in the morning - you will get sick many times less.

What are the main reasons for the decrease in the body's defenses?

  1. Not proper nutrition: life from snack to snack, frequent consumption of fast food, lack of vegetables and fruits in the diet will sooner or later weaken the immune system, because it does not receive the vitamins and minerals it needs.
  2. Increased loads or back side- physical inactivity.
  3. which will result in neurosis and irritation. If you sleep less than seven hours a night, you wake up and fall asleep at different time You are more likely to become tired and depressed.
  4. Bad habits: smoking and alcohol irreversibly lead to decreased immunity.
  5. Bad ecology.

Now let's return to the question: how to strengthen immunity at home? First, eliminate possible reasons reducing the body’s defenses: normalize nutrition, sleep, physical activity and you yourself will feel how your mood will improve, strength and joy from life will appear. If there is such an opportunity and desire, give up cigarettes and alcohol or reduce their use to a minimum.

Next step - special exercises. For example, daily exercise, yoga or jogging will make you more resilient and you will wake up faster. Add to this list dousing with water, swimming or a cold shower - the body will begin to harden and resist external influence viruses and germs of colds. The main thing, as in any business, is to know when to stop, since excesses can negatively affect your overall condition.

If there are no contraindications to high temperatures- feel free to go to the bathhouse! A set of bath procedures improves blood circulation, reduces the risk of infectious diseases, accelerates the growth of immunoglobulins and removes toxins from the body. It’s not for nothing that the bathhouse is still popular today.

Drink more than a liter of clean water daily. Not tea, coffee or juice, namely pure water regulates metabolism and removes its products from the body.

The first thing you should pay attention to is a sudden change in your body and well-being. If you begin to notice that you are tired earlier than usual or become irritable more often, or feel the first signs of a cold or symptoms, immediately purchase vitamin complex and analyze your sleep and diet. If you find that something is missing in your diet or that you are sleeping less than seven hours a night, correct it as soon as possible.

Frequent use of antibiotics, bad heredity, stress and environmental pollution also weaken the body and negatively affect immune system.

One of the folk remedies for immunity is ginger root. Grated ginger mixed with honey lemon juice, dried apricots and eat several spoons a day.

If we turn to seasonings, we can highlight cinnamon, turmeric, bay leaf and pepper. They will not only add taste to your dish, but will also become a high-quality preventive measure for maintaining immunity.

We must not forget about garlic and onions, capable of short term put a person on his feet. Their phytoncides and essential oils block the entry of viruses and microbes into the nasopharynx, thus disinfecting the body.

Aloe juice contains a number of vitamins B, C, E and amino acids that the body needs for good metabolism. It is better to mix the juice with honey in a 50/50 ratio, because otherwise it will be very bitter. Unfortunately, everything useful material They only live in it for a day, so it is better to prepare it before use.

To block one of the causes of decreased immunity - stress - you can use soothing decoctions. They do not have an immunostimulating effect, but they will help you calm down and look at the situation with a lighter head.

After consulting with your doctor, you can start using medicinal herbs: Echinacea purpurea, ginseng, dandelion, licorice, St. John's wort and others. Herbs improve memory, blood circulation, increase performance, tone and calm. It is worth consulting because many of the herbs contain toxins and the opposite effect of use is possible.

Increasing immunity with folk remedies is good at the prevention stage. At this stage, the use of certain foods will be very beneficial for general health. Let's figure out which of them should be kept on your desk every day.


No wonder it is so popular during winter illnesses. Honey contains a number of vitamins A, B, C, E, K and folic acid. But its main advantage is the content of flavonoids - substances that affect the activity of enzymes in the body.

It is only important to remember that honey should be natural and not artificial. You should approach its purchase carefully and purchase it only in trusted places.


Omega-3 fatty acids, which, alas, are not produced by the body, but are necessary for its functioning, are contained in walnuts or mixtures thereof. A vegetable proteins- akin to proteins in meat. Only the body does not become polluted, but, on the contrary, removes old toxins. Healthy minerals - potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus - will become the support of a healthy immune system with daily consumption of nuts. At the same time, they clean blood vessels from plaque, resist heart disease, reduce the risk of stroke and atherosclerosis, and generally taste good.


To improve immunity, it is better to use fermented baked milk, kefir or acidophilus. The presence of probiotics in them improves the digestion process and promotes excretion. harmful substances from the body. It is better to consume dairy products either in the evening or early in the morning on an empty stomach.

Berries: chokeberry, raisins, grapes

Improvement endocrine system, elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, lowering cholesterol and enriching the body with a large amount of vitamins and microelements - these are the merits chokeberry. It can be consumed in the form of berries, in the form of leaves, and in the form of tinctures.

Raisins have a positive effect on the treatment of cough, runny nose and bronchitis. The recommended consumption rate is 200 grams per day, the minimum is 50 grams. To improve the functioning of the heart and lungs, soak a handful of raisins in cold water, leave overnight and drink immediately after waking up.

Grapes reduce the risk of blood clots and promote good work cardiovascular systems s, increases hemoglobin levels, cleanses the blood and improves liver function.

You can purchase all of the above at any grocery store, which makes this method of prevention accessible and quick.

In cases where it is not possible to support the immune system with folk remedies or products, if it is necessary to influence the immune system quickly, they resort to the help of pharmacology. What drugs should you take to boost your immunity?

  1. Infusions of medicinal herbs- the first thing you should pay attention to. They mobilize T-lymphocytes, promote rapid destruction harmful microorganisms, are inexpensive and available at your nearest pharmacy.
  2. Bacterial enzymes- the use of these drugs creates a vaccine effect - T- and B-lymphocytes, IgA immunoglobulins are activated. The use of these drugs increases the effectiveness and shortens the duration complex treatment, the need to use antibiotics is reduced.
  3. Medicines that enhance immunity.
  4. Biostimulants- products biological origin aimed at increasing immune resistance.
  5. Hormonal drugs.

To strengthen your immune system, you need to get the following vitamins:

  1. Vitamin A or retinol. One of the most important vitamins - promotes the normal functioning of the visual organs, circulatory and cardiovascular systems. Has a beneficial effect on general state immunity.
  2. Ascorbic acid or vitamin C. Helps destroy harmful microorganisms, has a beneficial effect on metabolism, and removes harmful substances.
  3. Vitamin B. Plays an important role in biochemical processes, increases penetration resistance foreign bodies. It is better to take this group of vitamins either after undergoing operations or in cases of frequent stress.
  4. Vitamin E. Is involved in the production of special antibodies to resist the penetration of viruses.
  5. Vitamin D. Takes care of bone growth and strength. It is also produced by the skin when exposed to sunlight. For those who are unlucky with quantity sunny days year, you can eat fish, meat, cottage cheese, cheese and eggs to replenish this vitamin.

The human immune system is one of the most important systems, thanks to it a person is protected from various types of viruses, infections, all kinds of diseases, negative influences environment.

Our immune system is designed in such a way that when the slightest threat to the body appears, it instantly reacts and tries to destroy it or remove it from the body. Therefore, it is important for everyone to take care of health and strengthen the immune system, especially in the off-season on the eve of spring - this is the time when the body especially needs support.

It is also important to pay attention to immunity for those who have suffered from acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections or influenza and who experience heavy physical exertion.

At birth, a person is given 60% of immunity, and 40% is acquired in the process of life, after past diseases and vaccinations. With age, the immune system weakens.

Strong immunity is the key good health, but if the immune system is weakened, then the person becomes defenseless against the viruses and bacteria that surround him in Everyday life.

It is the state of the immune system that determines whether a person will get sick when exposed to any infection and how exactly the disease will progress.

Good immunity depends on external and internal factors.

To the number internal refers to an innate weakened immune system, which has inherited a predisposition to certain diseases: leukemia, renal failure, liver damage, oncological diseases, anemia. Also HIV and AIDS.

To the number external circumstances include:

  • Ecological situation;
  • Leading an unhealthy lifestyle (stress, unbalanced diet, alcohol, drug use);
  • Lack of physical activity;
  • Lack of vitamins and nutrients.

The above circumstances influence the formation of weakened immune defense, exposing human health and performance to risks.

Signs of decreased immunity:

Chronic fatigue;
. weakness and fast fatiguability;
. drowsiness or insomnia;
. headaches without apparent reason;
. aches and pain in muscles and joints.

If you do not pay attention to these signs in time and do not boost your immunity, the next items may be herpes on the lips, frequent colds and, what is much more dangerous, the development of chronic diseases and complications.

In addition, the body will not be able to fully fight viruses and infections.

Which doctors should I contact? for examination of immunity: immunologist, allergist.

Why does human immunity decrease?

Here are the most common ones:

Age: children and older people have weaker immunity than middle-aged people, which means more attention needs to be paid to their health.

Bad ecology: polluted air and water, insecticides, radionuclides, herbicides.

Poor nutrition: low-quality or spoiled food, products with large amounts of stabilizers, dyes, preservatives, leavening agents, sugar or sweeteners. In addition, fasting and an incorrectly selected diet can cause a decrease in immunity.

Overweight or underweight.

Season. Immunity in summer is much stronger than at any other time of the year - mainly due to the increase in the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits in the human diet. Therefore, in autumn, winter and spring you need to pay Special attention health, especially during periods of epidemics.

Bad habits: smoking (both active and passive), drinking large quantity alcohol, drugs.

Disturbed sleep schedule or lack of sleep, chronic lack of sleep.

Lack of vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

Stress and constant mental tension.

Mental and physical overload. At the same time, physical inactivity also negatively affects the functioning of the immune system.

Antibiotics and uncontrolled use of other medications.

Reducing the number of these factors in a person’s life is the first step to boosting a weakened immune system. But this is not enough.


You should start with nutrition. Reduce consumption or avoid fried, salty and smoked foods. Eat less sugar and sweetener. Add more foods containing minerals and vitamins to your diet, especially A, B, C, D, E, PP.

1. A - increases the strength of the body's immune response to invading antigen. Converted from beta-carotene, which is found in plant foods red and yellow color(melon, tomatoes, pumpkin, carrots, red pepper).

2. B vitamins - stimulate the immune system during stress, after surgery or injury. Contained in seeds, nuts, legumes, mushrooms, cheese, buckwheat and wholemeal bread.

3. C - accelerates the production of immune cells. However, an overdose of this vitamin suppresses the immune system. Contained in large quantities in black currants, rose hips, citrus fruits, sea buckthorn, parsley, lemon and sauerkraut.

4. D - ensures a timely response of the immune system to a threat. To provide the body with this vitamin, it is enough to regularly be in the sun or consume fatty fish(salmon, herring) and eggs.

5. E - protects cells from damage. A lot in seeds, nuts and sprouted grains.

6.PP ( a nicotinic acid) - reduces the effects of stress, which has a beneficial effect on human immunity. The best food sources of this vitamin are beets, beef liver, beef kidneys, brewer's yeast and salmon.

Fresh air

Fresh air also helps improve immunity. The air in the city can hardly be called clean, so great benefit will bring trips outside the city and walks in the park area. In addition, it is important to control the humidity in the room. When the nasal lining dries out, it cannot provide protection against viruses and bacteria.


Physical activity. Daily exercise will help strengthen the body's protective functions and increase its endurance. If you can’t go to the gym or go for a run, you can limit yourself to morning exercises and some travel by car or public transport replace it with walking.

Healthy sleep. An adult needs to sleep about 7-8 hours a day, and a child needs 9-10. It is important that you sleep at night.

Dairy products

It is better to accompany the intake of antibiotics with the consumption of fermented milk products - kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt and natural yogurt. They minimize Negative influence drugs on the intestinal microflora due to the content of probiotics and prebiotics.

Drugs and medications

You can use drugs to boost immunity, but keep in mind that their uncontrolled consumption can lead to the development of allergic and autoimmune diseases. It is better not to buy them without a doctor's recommendation.


Many scientists do not recommend forcing the body to get used to the cold. The whole point of hardening is to force immune cells move faster and resist bacteria more actively. To do this, it is enough to take once a day cold and hot shower, and then rub the body with a rough towel. Naturally, you need to come into contact with ice water gradually. Starting with cool water, gradually lower the temperature day by day.

Stress management

Motherwort, valerian and peppermint are best suited for this, but it is important to understand that almost all medicines have contraindications and are not intended for long-term use. Sometimes you can just give yourself half an hour a day and spend it in complete silence, of course, if possible.

Rejection of bad habits

This is useful not only for strengthening protective functions the whole body, but also to improve the functioning of almost all organs.

The tips listed are suitable for people of all ages. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of information on how to effectively boost the immunity of an adult, child or elderly person.

Manager therapeutic department Clinic No. 1 KGB No. 3 - Sharonova I.N.

Since the first autumn runny nose, the word “immunity” has been firmly in the top queries search engines. By December, the “immune rush” reaches its peak. In fact, the immune system (a personal bodyguard “built-in” by Nature itself to protect the body from the adverse effects of the environment) is required to work seven days a week and seven days a week, regardless of the season. And if you systematically maintain his “qualifications” at the proper level, then demanding the performance of direct official duties will be easy and simple.

The main task of immunity is to make a person immune to foreign biological objects.

Well, if the owner allows his security to work according to the principle “the soldier is sleeping - the service is in progress,” then pathogenic microorganisms, without receiving proper rebuff, they begin to rule the body as if they were at home. Foreign to the body are microorganisms, toxic compounds of plant or animal origin, dead or degenerated cells of the body itself. “Foreign” can penetrate from the outside (bacteria, protozoa, fungi, viruses, etc.) or form in the body itself (tumor, degenerated, dead cells). Each human cell has a mark that identifies it as its owner. Anything that does not have such markings (external agents or own altered cells) must be destroyed. The main task of the immune system is to maintain constant internal environment body.

School for immunity

No one, even the most talented bodyguard, is born like that. And be sure to take a training course. For immunity, such a “school” is the time of first contacts with hostile environmental agents - from the birth of a child to 8-10 years. The formation of immunity is always individual, since approximately 50% of the rate and power of creating a protective mechanism depends on hereditary factors, and the rest great value have issues of rational nutrition, harmonious physical and psychological development, reaction to preventive vaccinations, hygiene skills. A special point stands out as common sense parents in the prevention and treatment of inevitable childhood diseases.

What is it about? Yes, that the complete isolation of a child from society in early childhood is fraught with not the most favorable consequences in the future. Many hundreds of years ago, Chinese doctors wrote: “If you want your child to grow up healthy, let him be snotty all the time in childhood.” And if a child grows up with his grandmother before school, walks alone, because “on the playground and in kindergarten one infection,” then the active process of immunity formation will occur in primary and secondary schools.

And also about the fact that any child’s sneeze should not be treated uncontrollably (“what do they know, these doctors”) with potent drugs. Antibiotics are especially fashionable today, which “finish off” the rudiments of immunity, destroying both pathogenic and beneficial microorganisms along the way.

If normal conditions are created for the development and functioning of the immune system, then immunity will automatically be maintained at the proper level. The main principle of stimulating the body’s defenses in a child is to ensure normal conditions for the development and functioning of the immune system (concept healthy image life).

What can be done if the child’s immunity works “with a clear deficiency”?

A mother may suspect an immune disorder in her child if:

The child gets sick often (ARVI more than 8 times a year).
Common ones in a child are severe, with many complications (otitis media, tonsillitis).
The child responds poorly to treatment, and the illness lasts longer than usual.

If all of the above points are present in the daily life of your family, you need to contact specialists. Because the immune system is a complex, multicomponent, self-regulating, self-learning complex. It has its own intelligence officers, soldiers, interceptors, its own headquarters, radars, immediate reaction forces, tactical and strategic weapons. But, most importantly, the immune system creates all these types of armed forces specifically against each enemy. And as a result, it turns out that immunity is a combination of many thousands of individual immunities. And there is simply no “universal pill” to make it work.

And if you have growing suspicions that your child’s personal bodyguard is working “sloppy”, a qualified, professional assessment must be carried out immune status. And, in accordance with the identified “gaps,” the selection of an immunocorrection method.

How is immune status assessed?

First of all, consult an immunologist. If your child is often sick, your pediatrician will refer you to a specialized clinic for consultation. Especially if you show your awareness and urgently ask him about it. The immunologist will talk with you and study medical card the child, in order to assess the frequency of infectious diseases, the nature of their course, temperature reaction, will ask what vaccinations were given, what medications you used to treat the child’s diseases. Look at the test results. He will be interested in the content of granulocytes, monocytes, lymphocytes, the presence/absence of bacteria and viruses. Then, depending on the results of the first appointment, he will send you for a blood test from a vein (immunogram), which will allow you to qualitatively and quantitatively assess the functional activity of immune-competent cells.

And based on the data obtained, the doctor will prescribe (if necessary) drugs that can regulate immunity (immunomodulators).

Why shouldn’t you engage in “self-correction” of the immune system?

Yeah, you say, of course. It is worth spending time on a trip to the clinic, money on tests, when only the iron does not talk about miraculous “safe” immunostimulants. Drugs that “improve immunity” are widely available in retail pharmacies and are usually available without a prescription. And in practical healthcare (read, in the district clinic), products that “improve immunity” are universally recommended.

You can be convinced that these funds are not “harmless” if you carefully read the paragraphs “ Side effects», « special instructions" and "Precautions" in the instructions for their use. And this is only one side of the coin. The second is that not all positions of the immune status always need to be INCREASED. Maybe it’s just for your child normal operation of the body's defenses, some of them need, on the contrary, to be lowered, that is, the balance needs to be adjusted. And it is almost impossible to do this “blindly”.

Especially if “to be sure” you use several means at once. “Yes, we are now taking it with the whole family so as not to get sick, and then there is a list of 4-5 items belonging to different classes, immunomodulators/stimulants/correctors. Moreover, more than half of the list consists of dietary supplements that are not immunotropic (acting on the cells of the immune system) agents at all. Whether immunity will increase, and whether it was necessary to “raise” it among representatives of a particular family - the question remains open, but allergic reactions(this is also the body’s immune response) such a mixture can give a wide variety.

What can I do to make my child less sick?

Don't be tempted by infections. That is, during periods of epidemics, try to take your child to public events in closed spaces as little as possible. If he goes to kindergarten, and you have the opportunity to “keep him at home” at this moment, do not deny yourself this pleasure.

Breathe. The immune system is extremely sensitive to normal level oxygen. So take your child for a walk fresh air, don’t be afraid to freeze, remember that there is no bad weather, only bad clothes. Ventilate your apartment. Remember, draft is the enemy of infections!

Breathe in. A few drops essential oil tea tree, or eucalyptus will make the air in the house truly healing.
Do not refuse Hypnos, Nikte and Morpheus, i.e. good sleep at night, make sure your child gets quality sleep.

Dress smartly. Most colds are associated with improper clothing. Don't bundle up your children. After running a little and sweating in his fur coat/synthetic overalls/quilted pants/fur hat, the child becomes “ weak link", and quickly becomes hypothermic.

Eat tasty and healthy food. Nuts are especially useful. dairy products, especially “live”, enriched with bifidobacteria, seafood, Bee Honey, vegetables and fruits rich in C and A.

Drink! Water, herbal and fruit teas: apple, orange, cranberry, strawberry, chamomile, etc.

Take care of vitamins. Vitamin D is especially important for children. (Consult your doctor about doses and regimen).
Don't be afraid of a contrast shower. A wonderful workout for the immune system - alternating high and low temperatures. An excellent hardening effect in baths and saunas. If it is not possible to go to a bathhouse or sauna, an ordinary contrast shower will do.

Rinse your nasopharynx, coming home (especially if you were traveling on public transport or were present in crowded places). After all, it is in it that the vast majority of pathogenic agents accumulate. Suitable chamomile decoction with a pinch of salt, warm mineral water, solution sea ​​salt. Preventive inhalations are also useful for the nasopharynx during the “sick season.” For example, with freshly cut lemon peel, a clove of garlic, etc.

Be cheerful and calm yourself and do not frighten the child that he might get sick. Do not give in to public panic about “epidemics”, “pandemics”, etc. Remember that chronic illness weakens the body and makes it vulnerable to disease!

These simple rules (rather, a style of healthy, active, intelligent life) will allow you to survive all flu and cold seasons without much loss. And if you suspect your child serious problems with immunity, you just need to entrust their decision to doctors. This is not difficult, especially if you live in big city. In Moscow, for example, there are dozens of research institutes, clinics, and centers dealing with immunity issues. And regional cities do not lag behind the capital.

After all, depending on what school will pass in childhood, the personal bodyguard of the Most Important Person in the world for you - your child - often determines his future. Will he grow up healthy, free, or will he be forced to “work for pills all his life”...

Immunity is a natural barrier to microbes: viruses, bacteria, fungi. The struggle to increase immunity is relevant at any time of the year.

In the spring comes the time for vitamin deficiencies, in the winter the flu is rampant, in the fall many are overcome by colds * therefore the most fertile time for strengthening the immune system is summer, and for this in the piggy bank traditional medicine There is a whole scattering of methods in store.

How to restore and strengthen the immune system after illness

Signs of weakened immunity

The signal that what does the immune system require? urgent help, I can be: constant fatigue; fatigue: insomnia or. on the contrary, drowsiness: chronic diseases; periodic aches in joints and muscles; frequent colds,

Ways to strengthen immunity

1/ First! step on the path to health is getting rid of bad habits.

Smoking, sedentary lifestyle, stressful situations, overwork - You will have to say goodbye to all this. They must be replaced positive emotions, proper nutrition, adherence to a daily routine, moderate physical activity and regular walks in the fresh air.

- The body will be grateful

— 2. if the daily menu includes products to enhance immunity. Among them: carrots, broccoli, dairy products, strawberries, kiwi, salmon, pine nuts, pumpkin, olive oil, zucchini. squash, citrus fruits, greens. In addition, we should not forget about unsaturated fatty acids contained in fish and other seafood. It is important to know that prolonged heat treatment destroys them.

- Exist

3.medicines to enhance immunity . These include immunotropic drugs, which are prescribed by the doctor, guided by the data from the questioning and examination of the patient.

— Many people prefer to take vitamins to boost their immunity. The main thing here, of course. is . A person must receive it daily from the outside. But in this matter, you will need to consult a specialist: some diseases may become an obstacle to taking it. You need to be careful with taking vitamins on your own: some vitamins are needed specifically in your case, while others are not. if you take them thoughtlessly. can also cause harm (for example, an excess of vitamins A. O and a number of others are quite dangerous).

- From natural remedies can use medicinal herbs . and , and licorice, and , and - these and hundreds of others medicinal plants nature gave us. However, we must remember. that long-term uncontrolled use of many herbs can cause exhaustion of the body due to the intense consumption of enzymes . In addition, they, like some medications, cause nausea.

- IN Lately quite popular

- 5. became a homeopathic way to strengthen the immune system. Homeopathy is especially popular for improving immunity in children. Prescribes medications exclusively homeopathic doctor and only after a thorough diagnosis. Such remedies can permanently relieve a child and an adult from allergies, flu and colds.

The best remedy for boosting immunity is

6. hardening and physical activity . Take a contrast shower. wet yourself cold water, go to the pool, visit the bathhouse. You can start hardening at any age. Moreover, it should be systematic, gradual, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the climate of the region in which you live. Hardening procedures cannot be carried out after sleepless night, significant physical and emotional stress, immediately after eating and when you are sick. Jogging in the morning, aerobics, fitness, yoga are indispensable for improving immunity. It is important that the treatment measures you choose are carried out regularly, with a gradual increase in load.

- There is also

— 7.special diet to improve immunity . It involves EXCLUSION from the diet: smoked meats, fatty foods, sausages, sausages, canned food, and semi-finished meat products. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of canned, spicy foods and spices. There MUST BE dried apricots, figs, dates, bananas on the table every day. You can snack on them throughout the day.

— A prerequisite for the formation of strong immunity is intestinal health, because in its lymphoid apparatus there is most of cells of the immune system. Many medicines, poor quality drinking water, diseases, elderly age, a sharp change in diet or climate can cause intestinal dysbiosis. It is impossible to achieve good immunity with a diseased intestine. Products rich in lacto- and bifidobacteria and wellness treatments with probiotics.

— It is best when methods of increasing immunity are used in combination. Here it is necessary to remember and

— 8. about traditional medicine.


Increasing immunity with folk remedies requires a certain patience and perseverance. If you are not lazy and try to follow at least one of them, you will get rid of the daily feeling of fatigue or constant colds and illnesses .

So, folk remedies to increase immunity:

- Pour 2 tbsp. l . leaves 500 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 8-10 hours. It is better to use a thermos for this. Drink the infusion daily, a quarter glass. It’s also useful to simply eat 4-6 nuts during the day.

An effective remedy to improve immunity - drink from . To prepare it you need 2 tbsp. l. Rinse the raw materials in boiling water, then pour a glass of boiling water and cook for 20 minutes. Let it brew for half an hour and strain. Drink a glass of decoction daily. You can add a little honey to it. You can not drink at once, dividing the entire volume into several parts.
