Nutritional yeast for weight gain. Brewer's Yeast for Fast Weight Gain

Tired of being too skinny? Want to increase your weight but don't know how to do it? Not everything is so bad, it turns out, there is effective remedy to increase body weight - brewer's yeast. About their properties, rules of use and contraindications will be written below in the article.

Currently, weight loss is widespread, because every woman is not satisfied with excess weight and the shape of her body.

However, it is not always excess weight is a problem, some female representatives, on the contrary, dream of getting better, because there is nothing good in strong thinness either. It is quite difficult and sometimes almost impossible.

If you can lose weight with the help of diets and exercise, then you will not be able to get better with the help of these methods. This is exactly what brewer's yeast is used for.

As a result of their intake, normalization of metabolism is observed, appetite improves and there is a rapid set of missing weight. But still, before you start taking brewer's yeast, you should fully study their properties, indications and contraindications, as well as the rules for their use.

How additives work, their properties and composition

Brewer's yeast for weight gain is a biologically active type that normalizes the metabolism in the body.

In pharmacies, this remedy is sold in the form of dietary supplements - a biologically active food supplement.

Main Ingredients

The tool has a high value due to its rich composition. It has high level B vitamins. These components have a positive effect on digestion, normalize metabolism, improve appetite, have a beneficial effect on sleep and mood.

In addition, B vitamins improve the quality of the skin, nails, and hair.

Brewer's yeast contains a high level of valuable components necessary for the implementation normal functioning digestive organs:

  • Protein substances - almost 50%;
  • Nucleic acids - about 15%;
  • Fatty compounds - 5%;
  • Mineral components - calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron.

Separately, it is worth considering the properties of the most important components of this tool:

  1. Biotin (vitamin H) - thanks to this component, the elasticity of the hair is ensured, they do not fall out on them for a long time no gray hair occurs. In addition, he treats various skin diseases and strengthens the structure of nails;
  2. Vitamin B5 (panthenol). Due to this substance, excessive hair loss is reduced;
  3. Vitamin B12. This substance increases the absorption of iron, and also prevents anemia. But anemia is the first cause of excessive thinness;
  4. Folic acid - required component for proper blood production. In addition, it prevents various violations neural tube in the fetus, treats anemia;
  5. Zinc improves quality skin, hair, nails and increases immunity;
  6. Selenium has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair, nails. And also this component will be applied during preventive treatment cancer diseases;
  7. Chromium provides normalization of appetite, resists diabetes.

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Principle of operation and properties

The principle of "work" of yeast consists of three stages:

  • Increase appetite and stabilize metabolism. During the use of brewer's yeast, vitamins such as potassium and phosphorus cause an acceleration of metabolism. As a result, the endocrine system begins to work more actively, there is an increase in blood flow to the portal vein - all this leads to the rapid absorption of nutrients;
  • Cleansing from harmful substances. Due to fiber, the body is cleared of harmful substances, toxins, harmful microorganisms. In a cleansed body, the absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is much faster. In addition, the energy balance is maintained;
  • Weight set. Approximately 2-3 weeks after the start of brewer's yeast, a slow weight gain will begin. But it is worth remembering if there are various diseases hearts, endocrine system, baking, then brewer's yeast will not be able to help. In this case, it is best to undergo a complete examination.

Which will be better for weight gain

Now you need to do right choice brewer's yeast for weight gain.

Many are interested in the question of which yeast offered at the pharmacy has the most best qualities? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since each type of brewer's yeast for weight gain has its pros and cons.

In any case, the choice is always yours, but to make the task easier, you can carefully read the properties of different manufacturers of this tool before buying.

"Eco Mon"

First you need to highlight its positive properties:

  • Improves blood circulation in the brain;
  • Provides enrichment of the brain with oxygen;
  • Reduces blood pressure;
  • Increases the properties of the immune system.

Quite often, the tool is used to gain weight, improve skin, hair and nails.

"Eco-Mon" is also produced with succinic acid. This is a more enriched form of the drug.

During the reception, there is a significant activation of the working capacity of the brain, which leads to an improvement in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and the liver.

It also has a beneficial effect on digestion, improves metabolism, appetite, cleanses the body of harmful substances.

The cost of the drug in pharmacies ranges from 130 rubles to 180.

Nagipol 100

This remedy is intended for the younger generation. This is due to the fact that the drug relieves the rash and depression, and these conditions are most common in young people.

After the full intake of brewer's yeast, the quality of the skin will improve, the face will become clean, immunity and endurance to mental and physical activity. In addition, the body will leave harmful substances, digestion is normalized and appetite improves.

The cost of the drug "Nagipol 100" in pharmacies ranges from 130 rubles to 190 rubles.

With selenium

In addition to weight gain, they perform the functions of improving the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

With an insufficient amount of selenium in the body, increased hair loss is observed, the nails become brittle and begin to exfoliate, the quality of the skin deteriorates much, various inflammations can occur on it.

Therefore, sometimes for prevention, you can use brewer's yeast with selenium.

The cost of the drug is low, in pharmacies, on average, one jar costs 140 rubles.


This biological supplement is great for people with poor skin conditions, brittle nails and hair. The drug helps to get rid of acne, acne, restores the quality of nails, prevents increased hair loss and brittleness.

In addition, the skin becomes smooth, elastic, the hair acquires splendor and density. In addition, the drug "Evisent" has a beneficial effect on digestion, improves metabolism, increases appetite and cleanses the body of harmful substances.

The average cost per package of the supplement is from 120 to 200 rubles.

How to take supplements for weight gain: instructions

Before you start taking yeast to increase body weight, you need to undergo an examination. During the examination, it is necessary to pass all kinds of tests, according to which doctors can determine the presence of diseases that lead to metabolic disorders.

It is worth remembering that the uncontrolled use of brewer's yeast can cause the activation of dominant diseases, for example, cancerous pathologies.

The drug should be taken in accordance with the instructions. For almost all types of yeast, the instructions for taking are the same:

  1. Every day you should drink at least 100 grams of the drug, these are 2-3 tablets;
  2. It is necessary to drink 1 tablet three times a day. You need to drink them before meals;
  3. It is not recommended to increase the dosage on your own;
  4. The course of admission is from two weeks to two months;
  5. After that, you need to take a break for 2-3 months;
  6. If, after a full course of taking the supplement, the weight begins to increase, then after a break, you can drink the remedy again within a month in the same dosage - 100 grams per day;
  7. At severe cases the dosage can be increased by 1.5-2 times, but first you need to consult a doctor.

What should be the food during this period

During the period of taking brewer's yeast to increase weight, you need to properly build your menu. To do this, use the following recommendations:

  • Be sure to control the quality and quantity of products so that obesity does not subsequently occur;
  • Since salty, fatty, sweet foods lead to the accumulation of body fat, they should be consumed in small quantities;
  • You need to eat 4-5 times a day, but no more. There should be no overeating;
  • Breakfast should be rich and nutritious. Morning meal should provide the body with a charge and energy for the whole day;
  • In addition, in order for body weight to increase in all places, it is imperative to engage in physical exercises for all the muscles of the body;
  • Stop taking brewer's yeast for weight gain when the body weight gained is 70% of the desired weight.

Recipes for drinks that will definitely get you better!

Cooking with pressed yeast

What will be required:

  • 50 grams of pressed yeast in briquettes;
  • A slice of rye bread for 15 grams;
  • 300 ml of drinking water.

How to do:

  1. Bread should be cut into small squares in the form of crackers;
  2. We spread the slices of bread on a baking sheet and put them in the oven to dry. Dry them to a ruddy color;
  3. We heat the water to a boil;
  4. Pour crackers with boiling water and leave to infuse for room temperature within 3 hours;
  5. Next, filter the mixture;
  6. Pour the yeast with the resulting strained mixture and put on fire;
  7. We heat everything up to 70 degrees, remove from the gas and cool;
  8. We clean in heat for 7-8 hours. After that, the drink can be drunk with honey or sugar.

With lemon

What will be needed:

  • Rye bread - 200 grams;
  • 200 grams of brewer's yeast;
  • 50 grams of lemon peel;
  • Water - 1.5 liters.

  1. Cut a piece of bread into squares and dry in the oven;
  2. Next, pour crackers with boiling water and insist 3 hours;
  3. After that, warm up the solution again, add yeast and grated lemon zest there;
  4. We put the resulting mixture in a warm place for 7-8 hours;
  5. The finished drink should be drunk before each meal for half a glass.

Contraindications and side effects

You should not use brewer's yeast for the following indications:

  • The emergence of individual intolerance;
  • Condition of optic nerve atrophy;
  • The presence of candidal dysbacteriosis;
  • Serious pathologies of the kidneys;
  • The period of pregnancy and lactation.

Among side effects the following states are noted:

  1. Hives;
  2. Itching and irritation;
  3. gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea;
  4. bloating;
  5. swelling;
  6. Diathesis.

Brewer's yeast is a single-celled fungus that is used in brewing. They are also used in medicine as sources of vitamins. It is assumed that brewer's yeast has immunomodulatory and restorative effect. A considerable number of people are trying to gain weight with their help.

Use in men, women and children

There is an opinion that brewer's yeast helps to gain weight. Therefore, they are bought and used:

  • men- to dial first muscle mass;
  • women- for a set of muscle and fat mass with a lack of body weight, sometimes for breast augmentation;
  • people after illness- to restore the previous weight during the rehabilitation period after surgical interventions or infectious diseases.

Often, brewer's yeast is bought for children who, in the opinion of caring mothers, are lagging behind in physical development from peers, grow slowly or look thin.

The proposed mechanism of action of brewer's yeast for weight gain is based on:

  • high protein content - up to 60% by weight;
  • high content of vitamins;
  • anabolic action (stimulation of tissue growth).

It is difficult to determine where the rumors that brewer's yeast helps to gain weight come from. Most manufacturers in the instructions do not indicate that the product promotes weight gain. Including this is not in the instructions for supplements based on brewer's yeast, which are positioned as a remedy for all diseases. Moreover, in a huge list of indications for their use, obesity is indicated. That is, dietary supplement manufacturers expect that under the influence of brewer's yeast, weight will decrease, not increase.

Doctor's review

With the help of brewer's yeast, you can not gain weight - this is a myth. There are several ways to increase body weight:

1. Get plenty of nutrients from supplements.
2. Increase food intake. To do this, you need to increase your appetite.
3. Take drugs with anabolic effect.
4. Slow down metabolism, reduce motor activity or otherwise reduce calorie consumption per unit of time.
5. Intense exercise while consuming large amounts of protein to build muscle.

By which of these mechanisms can a supplement containing brewer's yeast affect a person's weight? Let's go in order.

1. Source of calories. Usually, the properties of brewer's yeast are explained by the presence of a large amount of nutrients. They are rich in proteins, and therefore the whole body allegedly grows from them, and the muscles increase especially intensively.

Indeed, this supplement contains a lot of proteins - 60% by weight. But the very mass of accepted brewer's yeast is scanty. You cannot build a house out of a dozen bricks, even if they are of high quality. You can't build a body from a few grams of protein, even if you're getting your protein from brewer's yeast.

2. Appetite. Taking brewer's yeast will not affect your appetite. Therefore, weight gain due to an unconscious increase in food intake is unlikely.

3. Increased anabolism. Brewer's yeast does not have the properties of hormones and cannot interfere with metabolism. Therefore, increased formation of muscles and subcutaneous fat under their influence is unlikely.

4. The rate of metabolism. All beneficial effects Dietary supplements on the human body are usually explained by vitamins, if other explanations cannot be invented. Need to lose weight? Vitamins! Need to gain weight? Also vitamins! In fact, these biological active substances do not speed up or slow down metabolism. Therefore, the high content of B vitamins in the composition of brewer's yeast will not lead to a change in human body weight.

5. Sports. Regular exercise combined with a high protein intake will really help build muscle. However, there is no point in using brewer's yeast as a source of protein, unless you are going to eat several packs of it a day.

Thus, it is not difficult to come to the conclusion that it is impossible to gain weight with the help of brewer's yeast. There are no mechanisms by which body weight could change under the influence of these additives.

How to use?

Most manufacturers produce brewer's yeast in 500 mg tablets. It is recommended to take them:

  • up to 12 years - 1 tablet 3 times a day;
  • adults and children over 12 years old - 2 tablets 3 times a day.

The daily dose for adults will be about 3 grams. This amount of brewer's yeast contains 1.5-2 grams of protein. It is difficult to assume that this amount of protein is enough to increase muscle mass.

Effective Method weight gain and body cleansing

Brewer's yeast is primarily known to us as the main ingredient needed in brewing beer. But their use is not limited to the use in the preparation of a foamy drink loved by many.

Brewer's yeast, due to its unique composition, has been successfully used for a long time as a vitamin and immunomodulatory supplement. They are are effective method solutions to the problem of lack of weight. affecting metabolism and chemical reactions in the human body, brewer's yeast stabilizes body weight.

Operating principle

Brewer's yeast is a by-product of the beer industry. They absorb vitamins and nutrients from other ingredients used in the brewing process.

Yeast absorbs nutrients, it also absorbs flavors, so yeast is often quite bitter. Some manufacturers try to remove bitterness from the final product, but at the same time some nutrients are removed. For example, during the purification of bitterness, chromium is almost completely removed.

Brewer's yeast is sold in pharmacies, grocery stores and convenience stores. sports nutrition. There is no way to determine the exact nutrient content of brewer's yeast: it will vary depending on the age of the yeast and even from batch to batch. However, the composition of nutrients remains unchanged:

  • nucleic acids;
  • folic acid;
  • pyridoxine;
  • biotin;
  • potassium;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • niacin;
  • chromium;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus;
  • amino acid complex;
  • iron.

Brewer's yeast is low in calories, fat, sodium, and carbohydrates, making it ideal for those with dietary health restrictions. But how, with this composition, do they help to increase body weight?

The vitamin-mineral complex, protein, fiber and glucose contribute to an increase in body weight, having a complex effect on the body and bringing all life processes back to normal.

The use of such a complex will improve the functioning of the digestive system and normalize hormonal background. Appetite will increase, metabolism will improve, the work of many organs will stabilize. Reception brewer's yeast helps to maintain cholesterol levels within normal limits, improve immunity, reduce fatigue and nervousness.

Vitamins and minerals will help replenish energy reserves cells, due to the production of insulin and glucose, digestion and the functioning of the endocrine system will improve. The process of assimilation of useful and nutrients will be accelerated. In this case, fat will not accumulate on internal organs where it is highly undesirable.

Fiber is good for the intestines, it helps to cleanse it of all kinds of contaminants. In addition, fiber is important in the conversion of proteins and trace elements.

Under the influence of brewer's yeast, the body is first cleansed, systems and organs normalize their work. Then brewer's yeast restore energy balance, proteins are well digested and fats are burned.

Gradually, the weight begins to increase. Body weight will grow fastest when there is a large deviation from the norm. Appetite will increase, so food should be varied and high-calorie, but not harmful.

Nutrition with Brewer's Yeast

It is recommended to eat a balanced diet, 4-5 times a day, but do not overeat. Due attention is given to breakfast, it should be quite dense. Do not get carried away with foods high in fat, sugar and salt.

You need to drink 2-3 liters of water per day. With this diet, brewer's yeast is taken for at least a month.

In order for body weight to increase not due to fatty layers, but to gain weight evenly, you need to perform physical exercises. It's better to give preference for heavy sports: fitness or exercise at home with dumbbells.

Be sure to let your body rest for 2-3 days. So you will build up not only fat, but also muscle mass. Of course, it is necessary to take into account the hereditary and individual characteristics of a particular organism.

Stop drinking brewer's yeast only when at least seventy percent of the desired body weight has been gained.

Application in bodybuilding and fitness

Brewer's yeast as food additive- it is rich in B vitamins, amino acids, protein, minerals, enzymes and nucleic acids product. Sports supplements mainly contain non-living, dried brewer's yeast.

For athletes of power sports, brewer's yeast is primarily interesting for its rich content of amino acids, including BCAA. Yeast has a protein content of 52% by weight, making it an excellent source of protein. extra protein. Thanks to the content of B vitamins, they increase physical and mental performance.

As a food supplement, brewer's yeast is available in powder form (most effective form), in flakes, and in tablets. They can be added to protein shakes and weight gainers, sprinkled on regular foods, and taken alone as a dietary supplement.

How to take

Brewer's yeast is available in supplement and liquid form. Supplements should be taken as directed, usually 1 to 2 tablespoons per day, or 8 to 16 500 mg tablets per day. Special drinks are prepared from liquid yeast.


Take the black Rye bread, cut into small pieces and dry in the oven. Then pour boiling water and let it brew for several hours. Add 45 g of brewer's yeast, mix thoroughly and strain. Boil and cool. Add another 5 g of yeast and leave in a warm place overnight. Take 100 ml before meals, adding sugar or honey.

In view of high content phosphorus in yeast, their use is not recommended for people suffering from osteoporosis. if you accept a large number of brewer's yeast, make sure your diet also contains enough calcium.

Brewer's yeast is a great way to gain the missing weight. You should only follow correct mode nutrition, devote time to sports activities, and the result will not keep you waiting.

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Poor appetite, pathological underweight, low rates muscle mass growth - undesirable conditions that interfere both in bodybuilding and in Everyday life, however, when using brewer's yeast, you can gain mass without unnecessary difficulties.

Brewer's yeast is a natural product that does not have a toxic effect on the systems of the human body.

Brewer's yeast - what is it

As a beneficial fungal organism, brewer's yeast is created from premium quality beer wort, hops and barley. The resulting dry extract is used to create tablets that are placed in plastic bottles to be sent to pharmacy chains.

In addition to yeast tablets, they are also sold in capsules and powder form. Raw yeast is difficult to digest, often leading to indigestion, while autolysates, which are sold in pharmacies, do not cause such a negative reaction.

Fact. high the nutritional value nutritional yeast provides more than 50% of the proteins that are needed to increase body weight.

Benefit and harm

A large number of incoming vitamins and amino acids help the body replenish energy losses and prevent beriberi.

The protein molecules included in the composition are quickly absorbed, so the beneficial effects are observed after the first use of yeast. Additionally, their reception allows you to get rid of dermatological problems - rashes,.

Positive properties of the additive:

  • hair elasticity increases (biotin);
  • skin condition improves (panthenol);
  • accelerates the absorption of iron (B12);
  • the process of hematopoiesis is enhanced (folic acid);
  • immunity increases (zinc);
  • increased appetite (chromium).

At long-term use it is possible to develop intestinal dysbacteriosis, as well as an increase in allergic reactions.

The benefits and harms of the supplement are in different proportions: positive aspects still more, so the use of this remedy is shown by many doctors and professional bodybuilders.

Dosages for weight gain in sports (bodybuilding)

If weight gain is required, how to take yeast is a question that often arises. Athletes tend to increase the dimensions of their body, but in order for this to happen, it is necessary to choose the optimal dosage of this nutritional supplement. The total duration of the course should also be from 4 to 6 weeks, while the rest time takes at least 1 month.

Reception scheme:

  1. the total number of tablets per day - up to 25;
  2. single dose - 3-5 tablets;
  3. reception frequency - 4–5 times;
  4. minimum water consumption - 2 liters;
  5. consumption relative to food - in 10 minutes;
  6. alternative reception - immediately after a meal.

If a powder is taken, then its concentration will be 1–1.5 tbsp. l per day. Persons with a fast metabolism can increase the concentration up to 2 tbsp. l and 20–28 tablets, respectively. The loose form is very convenient for preparation from milk, raw eggs and yeast - it was she who used it in her youth for an accelerated set of muscle mass.

It is equally necessary to adhere to the recommended ratio of servings to human body weight - 0.3 g per 1 kg. The calorie content of a 100-gram serving is 440-460 kcal.

Advice. To get better quickly, after training, you should eat more protein foods, as well as gainers.

Given the likelihood of suppression of the intestinal microflora by taking yeast, doctors advise taking Linex after the course and similar preparations containing bacterial lysates. The drugs normalize the ratio of beneficial and conditionally pathogenic agents to a healthy level.

You should stop taking the pills when you reach 70-80% of the weight that the athlete wanted to gain. The reason is the slow action of yeast, which has a kind of inertia (kilograms are gained even after the cancellation of the course for several weeks).

Permanent intake of dietary supplements is prohibited: the instructions for use contain instructions on observing breaks between courses, otherwise weakening of potency in men is possible due to. Breaks between courses allow you not to suppress the production important elements needed to maintain men's health.

Fact: If you want to overcome the use of brewer's yeast, it makes it easier to get rid of cravings for alcohol.


The fungal origin of the food additive leads to restrictions associated with the impossibility of its use in the presence of diseases caused by the influence of this biological agent (fungal lesions of the skin, nails, internal organs).

The intake should also be limited for children under three years of age, who have not yet fully developed immunity. Reception taboo:

  • individual intolerance;
  • kidney disease;
  • gout;
  • atrophy of the optic nerve;
  • dysbacteriosis.

If the state of health is burdened with these diseases, then it is better to stop using brewer's yeast. It is also better for older people not to include them in the diet due to the content of nucleic acids.

It is forbidden to take them during pregnancy, another restriction is the joint use with diuretics and contraceptives, which can reduce the effect of drugs.

Side effects

Brewer's yeast for women can bring problems associated with abrupt change body proportions. Although the supplement regulates metabolism, however, with a high propensity for weight gain, you can quickly exceed the result that was originally planned.

Girls can also detect a recurrence of thrush during the course, and men - balanoposthitis. It is also possible an uncontrolled increase in appetite, failure menstrual cycle and pressure increase.

Manufactured products and estimated price

There is an abundance of products on the market from different manufacturers that use a brewing additive. Often, manufacturers add another component to enhance the effect of the drug. How to drink with additional components?


  • FROM ascorbic acid. The supplement in combination with vitamin C can significantly increase the body's defenses, especially during epidemics. The action of the yeast is also enriched by the recovery vascular system and increased performance. Produced by Eco-mon in plastic containers of 100 tablets. Price - 130-150 rubles.
  • . BAA is used for weak children with underweight. Most well-known manufacturer- "Ecco Plus", which allows you to buy useful tool for 150–170 rubles (100 tab.).
  • With zinc. Recommended for men as a testosterone booster, which also allows for more successful sports training. May be used as aid to enhance potency. Produced by the Eco-mon company with standards of 100 tablets, the price is 130–140 rubles.
  • With gray. It is better not to buy this option for those who decide to get better: the introduction of sulfur - a mineral for weight loss - allows you to slow down your metabolism and, as a result, block the main action of yeast. It is rational to use such a combination of substances to improve the skin, hair and nails. The option is taken in a reduced dose - 3 tablets three times a day. The manufacturer is Alkoy-Pharm, the cost is 220–240 rubles (100 tablets).
  • With calcium. This type of dietary supplement is an excellent solution for athletes involved in heavy weights. The presence of calcium, by promoting skeletal growth, helps protect bones from damage. An additional effect is the restoration of the nervous system. Manufacturer - "Eco-plus", price - 110-130 rubles (100 tablets).
  • With iodine. Recommended for people who have a tendency to develop diseases thyroid gland. Another condition is living in a region where there is a deficiency of iodine in food and products. In addition to weight gain, dietary supplements also normalize the activity of the endocrine system and help remove toxins from the body. Manufacturers - Bitra, which produces products under the Nagipol line with iodine and carnitine.

If you need a product in powder form, you can purchase the product Solgar(USA). The net weight of the package is 400 g, the price is 1.2–1.5 thousand rubles. In capsules of 100 pcs. you can buy Melvita brand products (France) for 800 rubles.

Decide which better yeast, can only be based on the additional goals pursued by the buyer (protect the bone apparatus, increase testosterone production, etc.). If additional exposure is not required, then it is enough to purchase the classic version.

Yeast analogs

In the presence of individual intolerance to the component or the presence of contraindications to the use of this dietary supplement, you can choose substitutes that contribute to weight gain.

Yeast alternative:

  • . Sports protein blends are half "fast" carbohydrates, which give strength during training, and "slow" types, which contribute to weight gain. Great for those who do not have the opportunity to eat fully, but do not want to have a daily calorie deficit from the recommended rate.
  • high calorie content.

    Alternative option gainers can be baby dry mixes and meat puree, which are also easily digestible and give a lot of energy.


    Taking brewer's yeast is an indispensable way to normalize weight in people who suffer from excessive thinness or are rehabilitated after a debilitating illness. The lack of artificial synthesis of the supplement also helps to safely increase your own body weight.

    Effective use during training also allows you to save your personal budget, while the cost of acquiring sports nutrition is usually high.

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    In caring for their appearance, some women strive to lose weight, while others (and there are many of them) are concerned about the problem of how best to get better. This article will tell you how you can gain weight with the help of brewer's yeast, while remaining elegant.

    Brewer's yeast- a great way to get rid of excessive thinness by building muscle mass. So the woman will get better without gaining a single gram of fat. And all this is due to the composition of yeast.

    • This product can be called a natural dietary supplement, as it is a complete set of vitamins (the main ones are E, F, D, K, H, PP, B1, B2, B6) and minerals (Ca, Cr, Fe, Mn, Zn, Se, etc. .).
    • The 8 most important amino acids for the body, which it is not able to produce on its own, are just present in brewer's yeast.
    • The protein included in the composition is similar in properties to an animal product. It is involved in the structure of cells and connective tissues.

    Even brewer's yeast contains fiber, glucose, fatty acidimportant components in metabolism.

    Thanks to his healing composition yeast helps to strengthen the immune system, normalize the activity of all human organs. Glucose stabilization, insulin production, proper functioning gastrointestinal tract- this is just a part useful influence health product.

    Allowing the formation of a special microflora in digestive system, yeast (and they have a fungal basis) help stabilize the hormonal background and start the metabolic processes. In addition to the overall effect of the product on human body individual effects are also considered depending on gender.

    Taking yeast tablets, a woman takes care not only of her health, but also of her appearance. As soon as the hormonal background is adjusted, many diseases (and primarily gynecological ones) will immediately recede. Will return to normal nervous system restore normal circulation.

    All this contributes to external beauty, and the first signs can be seen on the face - it becomes cleaner, less greasy. If there were acne, then they disappear.

    A comprehensive set of vitamins and minerals provide proper nutrition to skin cells and hair follicles healing them. Brewer's yeast stimulates tissue regeneration, thereby slowing down the aging process.

    For thin people with an angular figure, the product will help to give an appetizing roundness without the slightest sign of fat content, which is so appreciated by many women.

    When it comes to looks, women are inventive. If oral yeast is good, why not use it externally as well? So they began to add them to various masks and got an excellent effect - small defects and wrinkles disappear, the skin becomes clean, elastic and toned.

    Having diluted the beer tablets with water into a gruel, it is worth trying tonic massages. It perfectly relieves fatigue from the muscles and swelling from the legs. This procedure will help to cope with cellulite.

    Men did not ignore this product. True, they approach their appearance from a slightly different position - they are more concerned about the stateliness and sportiness (and some and solidity) of their figure. Although the intake of yeast will have a positive effect on the condition of the hair, skin, and nails. Immunity will be strengthened, the functions of all organs will improve.

    Helping recovery hormonal balance, yeast allows a man to feel his importance, normalizing them sexual function. Therefore, this biological additive is recommended for use in preventive purposes to avoid prostate diseases.

    To get the coveted "bodybuilder's cubes" by taking only this product will not work. To have a beautiful athletic body, regular exercise is essential. The main function of the tablets is to improve metabolism in the body and fill the tissues and muscles with energy, which, in combination with proper nutrition and sports will give the desired result.

    Brewer's yeast, gain mass: video

    Despite the fact that brewer's yeast is freely available and dispensed by pharmacies without a prescription, in some cases it can be harmful.

    • Contraindications to the use of the product are gout and kidney disease.
    • Since the yeast has a fungal basis, it can exacerbate thrush (candidiasis) in a woman.
    • The effect of this product on the body is akin to the effect of antibiotics. If a person is allergic to pennicillin, then yeast is contraindicated for him.

    Individual intolerance to this product is also possible, therefore, before taking it, you need to make sure that the body responds adequately to dietary supplements. Pregnant women should not rush to introduce brewer's yeast into the diet without consulting a supervising doctor. And do not give them to children under 3 years old.

    Before introducing brewer's yeast into the diet, you should reconsider your diet, because this product will promote protein synthesis. The bet is made on a balanced 4 meals a day, limiting the intake of fats, sugar and salt. The tableted product is tied to the hours of eating.

    To gain weight, 30 minutes before meals, drink 2 tablets (children under 12 years old - 1). In addition to this, you should go in for sports or visit a fitness club 2-3 times a week. Half an hour after each session, it is recommended to take another 1 tablet.

    At the same time, weight is regularly monitored. As soon as the indicator reaches a mass of 75% of the desired one, you can stop taking the yeast. They have a prolonged action, so the mechanism launched by the product will continue to work.


    As an alternative to tablets, it is proposed to use a crumbly product, which is used for making malt. It can be bought from brewery workers. Prepared from "live" yeast healing drink, which children also drink with pleasure.

    The recipe is not much different from the preparation of kvass. Taking 10 g of sugar and yeast, they are poured warm water(0.5 cups), wrapped and allowed to wander for 0.5 hours. The drink is drunk before meals, each time making fresh composition. This is the easiest recipe and the drink is prepared quickly.

    Someone prefers to use more rye bread and lemon zest or juice. Then you will have to insist longer, so it is more reasonable to make blanks for several steps at once.

    The properties of brewer's yeast have long been of interest to pharmacologists, so it is not surprising that such a variety of this product is sold in pharmacies. Below is a list of the most popular in action and having a low cost.


    Dry preparation without impurities. Corresponds to all the properties described above. Perfectly strengthens immune system, improves metabolism and increases weight mass.


    An analogue of "Naturlivit", only purified and with an increased amount of iron. Among other properties, it perfectly increases efficiency and relieves physical and psychological fatigue.

    Nagipol 100

    it complex composition from lipids, amino acids, protein compounds, enzymes, nucleotides and, of course, mineral and vitamin components. Often prescribed for infectious diseases, heavy metal poisoning and in the postoperative period.

    Ekko Plus

    Not only will it help increase body weight - some this drug taken just to normalize weight. Cysteine, biotin, folic acid, vitamins help to cope with beriberi and eliminate skin problems.

    AMT-brewer's yeast

    The most budget option is dietary supplements. The drug is supplemented with succinic acid, which accelerates metabolic processes in the body.

    Eco-mon with selenium

    It will not only help to achieve the desired weight, but also restore strength, improve appearance and preserve youth for a long time. It is a universal product for men and women of all ages.

    If you set out to wander around local pharmacies, you can find other drugs with various additives, but all of them will be very useful for recovery. normal microflora in the intestines, and, therefore, to achieve the required weight.

    Pharmacy price

    Prices in different pharmacies for many drugs differ from each other. As for this product, the differences will be small, and since the cost is low, they will not be noticeable.

    The drug is packaged in 100 tablets per package, while maximum price hardly exceeds 150 rubles. ("Naturlivit"). Basically, the cost of yeast is lower, and as already mentioned, the cheapest option can be considered "AMT - brewer's yeast" - in retail their price is about 70 rubles. Slightly more expensive is Nagipol - 100 rubles.

    If you purchase products through distribution sites, you can buy brewer's yeast cheaper - at a wholesale price, which is always lower than the retail price.
