Instructions for the use of Viferon suppositories for children under one year of age and older, indications and dosage, analogues. How long does it take for Viferon suppositories to work?

Viferon candles- This strong remedy aimed at stimulating immune system body. Effectively fights viruses and infections. Instructions for use of Viferon suppositories contains a lot important information, which should not be neglected. 1

Description, price, terms of sale

  1. The release form of the drug is suppositories, also known as suppositories. It is administered by injection into the rectum of a sick person.
  2. The color of Viferon candles is white, a yellowish tint is allowed.
  3. The shape of the suppository is an oblong rocket, pointed at one end.
  4. Packaging – blisters with cells (5, 10 candles per package), placed in a cardboard box.
There are also other forms of release - these are gel and ointment for external use.

Viferon can be purchased in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. How much does Viferon cost? average price for residents of Russia it is set in the range from 350 to 950 rubles. The cost depends on the quantity contained in the drug active substance. More details about it in the next section on composition.


Composition of candles

Each suppository contains the main thing active substance– recombinant human interferon, hence the name.
Interferons are a series of proteins whose properties are similar to the response of human cells to viral infections. Thanks to these proteins, the cell loses its susceptibility to viruses.

The amount of interferon can be different: 150 and 500 thousand IU, 1 and 3 million IU.

At the same time, the instructions for using Viferon 3,000,000 IU suppositories are not much different from others. There is only one point: due to the high concentration of the active substance, the amount of use per day is reduced.

Suppositories also contain excipients:

  1. Cacao butter;
  2. Polysorbate;
  3. Alpha tocopherol acetate, otherwise known as vitamin E;
  4. Ascorbic acid.

When purchasing, pay attention to the dosage of human interferon. Children's suppositories can be called suppositories with an indicator of 150 thousand IU.


Property of the drug

In the blood the drug activates protective functions body and recognizes the location of pathological pathogens. Rectal suppositories Viferon, due to the content of the active substance - interferon, have a strong stimulation of the immune system and the ability to fight viruses

Ascorbic acid enhances the antiviral effect of the drug. Vitamin E is a well-known antioxidant that protects the patient’s body from harmful free radicals. And, as you know, these particles cause diseases. They take away the missing electron from healthy cells, thereby damaging them. Alpha tocopherol restores cells and relieves inflammation.

Doctors prescribe suppositories with Viferon, and there is no need to prescribe large doses of antibiotics. The amount of other oral medications is also reduced. At the same time, the treatment period is reduced. The liver suffers less with this therapy. The risk of developing other diseases that are typical after long-term treatment tablets and mixtures – significantly decreases. Cocoa butter in suppositories is a natural emulsifier, while its synthetic analogues can harm the body by poisoning it.

You need to understand that the drug does not boost immunity, it helps to cope with the infection by reducing the body’s production of its own interferon. At frequent use there is a risk that addiction will develop, in which it will be impossible to cope with the disease without Viferon. Therefore, you need to take a source of synthetic interferon with caution.


Indications for use

Instructions for use contain information about the following conditions for which Viferon suppositories are prescribed:

  1. IN complex treatment liver cirrhosis;
  2. Acute respiratory viral infections;
  3. Complicated conditions when not timely treatment viral infections, including ARVI;
  4. In case of contact with a sick person or during severe cold, as a preventive measure for acute respiratory infections;
  5. Treatment of chronic hepatitis in adults and children;
  6. Treatment of infections and viral diseases in newborns and premature infants together with the use of other drugs.
Suppositories are also prescribed in complex therapy for the following diseases:
  1. Parainfluenza;
  2. Enterovirus infection;
  3. Pneumonia;
  4. Flu;
  5. Candidiasis;
  6. Sepsis;
  7. Mycoplasmosis;
  8. Herpetic disease;
  9. Meningitis;
  10. Cytomegalovirus infection;
  11. Chlamydial infection.

To administer the drug infant, you need to put it on its side, spread the buttocks with one hand, and immediately and smoothly insert the candle with the other. It is advisable to let the child lie down for 15-20 minutes.



  1. Intolerance and allergy to components;
  2. Pregnancy (first three months of gestation).

In case of allergic reactions, after discontinuation of the drug, negative symptoms (itching, burning, rash) disappear after three days.


Dosage of the drug and method of administration

The method of using Viferon is related to the form of its release. The suppositories are administered rectally, that is, into the rectum. Daily dose depends on a number of factors:

  1. Age;
  2. Patient's weight;
  3. The nature of the specific disease;
  4. Specific features of the body known to doctors.

Use in newborns up to 6 months and premature babies (born after 34 weeks).

As part of the complex therapy of intrauterine infections - 1 suppository with a dosage of 150 thousand IU twice a day. Course up to 7 days.

As part of the complex treatment of chronic viral hepatitis, the dosage and use are the same. The duration of use is determined individually by the doctor, after studying the tests.

Use in premature infants born before 34 weeks of intrauterine development

Used as protection against infections and viruses. Also for treatment, Viferon suppositories for children are used in the following cases:
  1. intrauterine infection;
  2. complicated pneumonia.
Dosage: one unit of the drug containing 150 thousand interferon, once a day.

The duration of treatment or prophylaxis is at least 5 days. In some cases, during treatment infectious diseases it is possible to repeat the course after a five-day break. We are talking about diseases such as: ARVI, candidiasis, chlamydia, pneumonia, herpes, meningitis, cytomegalovirus, herpes.

For children from six months to one year

For the treatment of viral hepatitis of groups - C, D and B, in chronic cases, 1 suppository rectally 1 time per day (dosage 500 thousand IU). The course is determined by the doctor and depends on the results of the blood test.

For children over 12 months

For the treatment of ARVI, influenza, it is recommended to administer 1 suppository in the morning and at night (interferon dosage 150,000 IU).

Treatment for adults

For the treatment of viral hepatitis C chronic course The dosage of Viferon for adults is 3,000,000 IU. Prescribe one suppository twice a day. The treatment period is ten days. Afterwards, the doctor should reduce the dose or leave everything as is, depending on the clinical picture.

For the treatment of urogenital, infectious and inflammatory diseases, such as chlamydia, candidiasis, mycoplasmosis, vaginosis, for adults, Viferon suppositories are prescribed in the amount of one suppository in the morning and one in the evening with a dosage of 500 thousand IU. With a dose of 1 million IU, but once a day. The course is five days. If necessary, after a 5-day break, you can repeat the application. When treating such infections with Viferon, you should avoid having sex.

For herpes, including on the genitals, a sick person is prescribed Viferon suppositories 1 million IU twice a day.

The sooner you start using Viferon suppositories, the faster and more effectively you can get rid of the herpes virus.

For acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, patients with Viferon for adults are prescribed 1 unit of the drug rectally twice a day, with a dosage of 500 thousand IU, for a week.

Suppositories quickly melt in your hands, so you should remove the suppository from the package immediately before administration.


Pregnancy and breastfeeding period

Viferon suppositories can be used during breastfeeding for the treatment of bacterial and infectious diseases. The dosage remains the same as for an adult.

Pregnant women no earlier than 2 weeks are allowed to use suppositories with any interferon content. Up to 14 days, the use of the drug is not allowed due to the lack of sufficient quantity research.

Pregnant and nursing mothers should not self-prescribe treatment with Viferon. Only a doctor, based on the characteristics of the course of pregnancy, determines: the dose of the drug per day, the dose and duration of administration.


Side effects and overdose

Side effects Viferona are rare. Typically, suppositories are well tolerated during therapy. But there are also exceptions. If you are intolerant to certain components of the suppositories, you may experience an allergy in the form of skin rashes, burning sensation. anus on mucous areas, discomfort. In general, these manifestations are not dangerous; you can not cancel the course of treatment if dangerous diseases. In this case, the doctor must assess the nature of the allergic reaction and possible harm from interrupting suppository therapy.

An overdose of Viferon can lead to negative consequences, but there is no medical data on them. Manufacturers and doctors do not recommend exceeding the prescribed dose.


Interaction with other drugs

Human recombinant interferon enhances the effect of many drugs:

  1. antiviral tablets, drops, syrups and mixtures;
  2. antibiotics of various origins and composition;
  3. medicines intended to fight microbes;
  4. adaptogens;
  5. immunostimulants.
But you should tell your doctor about all internal, external and oral medications used during the period of alleged treatment with Viferon.

To active ingredients absorbed better, you need to monitor regular bowel movements. If you are prone to constipation, it is recommended to give enemas before each insertion of the suppository.



In pharmaceuticals there is an analogue of Viferon and more than one. These drugs are similar in composition and therapeutic effects on the body. These are a number of medications with the names:

  1. Alfarekin;
  2. Laferobion;
  3. Genferon;
  4. Interal-P;
  5. Interferon;
  6. Grippferon;
  7. Laferon.
All these are analogues of Viferon for children and adult patients. There is no exact analogue that replicates the entire composition of the drug Viferon.


Viferon candles should be stored as far as possible from children. Temperature maximum 10 degrees ( the best place– refrigerator door). Packaging must be factory-made. The shelf life of suppositories is 24 months from the production date indicated on the packaging. You cannot use expired Viferon suppositories.

Despite the fact that suppositories do not have serious side effects and are approved for use with infancy, you should consult a doctor for advice. Only a specialist will determine the advisability of taking it and establish the exact dosage. You should not engage in amateur activities when it comes to health, and especially the health of young children.


About the antiviral and immunomodulatory drug Viferon

VIFERON Candles(rectal suppositories) is an immunomodulating drug with antiviral effect. It is produced in the form of rectal suppositories, bullet-shaped, white-yellow or yellow color. Inhomogeneity of color in the form of inclusions or marbling is allowed; there is a funnel-shaped depression on the longitudinal section. 1 suppository contains human recombinant interferon alpha-2b as an active substance in dosages of 150,000 IU, 500,000 IU, 1,000,000 IU and 3,000,000 IU.

When used as directed, the drug VIFERON Suppositories (suppositories) suppresses the activity of viruses and increases the effectiveness of the body’s own immune response to pathogenic microorganisms. Cocoa butter, which is part of the drug, contains phospholipids, which make it possible not to use synthetic toxic emulsifiers in production, and the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids facilitates the administration and dissolution of the drug.

The drug VIFERON Candles (suppositories) can be used during pregnancy (from 14 weeks), as well as during breastfeeding and in the treatment of newborns.

What is VIFERON used for? Candles (suppositories)

The drug VIFERON Candles (suppositories) is used in children and adults as part of complex therapy to combat the following diseases:

ARVI, including influenza, including those complicated by bacterial infection, pneumonia;
infectious and inflammatory diseases of newborns, including premature babies: meningitis, sepsis, intrauterine infection;
infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract (chlamydia, cytomegalovirus infection, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis, HPV, bacterial vaginosis, recurrent vaginal candidiasis, mycoplasmosis);
herpetic infection skin and mucous membranes, including the urogenital form in adults;
chronic viral hepatitis B, C, D, including those complicated by cirrhosis of the liver.

Brief instructions for using VIFERON suppositories

Instructions for use of VIFERON suppositories for children

Is it possible to use VIFERON Suppositories for the treatment of infants and newborns? At what age can the drug be given to children?

The antiviral drug can be used for the treatment of ARVI and influenza, as well as for the treatment of herpes and other diseases, starting from the first days of a child’s life, as well as for the treatment of older children.

Disease Mode of application
Recommended dose for children over 7 years old

Children under 7 years old, incl. newborns and premature babies gestational age more than 34 weeks, Viferon 150,000 IU is prescribed, 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours every day for 5 days. According to clinical indications, therapy can be continued. The break between courses is 5 days.

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of newborns, including premature babies: meningitis, sepsis, intrauterine infection Recommended dose for newborn children, incl. premature babies with a gestational age of more than 34 weeks, – Viferon 150,000 IU daily, 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours. The course of treatment is 5 days.

Premature newborns with a gestational age of less than 34 weeks Prescribe Viferon 150,000 IU daily, 1 suppository 3 times a day every 8 hours. The course of treatment is 5 days.

Recommended number of courses for various infectious diseases inflammatory diseases: sepsis– 2-3 courses, meningitis– 1-2 courses, herpetic infection– 2 courses, enterovirus infection– 1-2 courses, cytomegalovirus infection – 2-3 courses, mycoplasmosis, candidiasis, incl. visceral– 2-3 courses. The break between courses is 5 days. According to clinical indications, therapy can be continued.

Recommended dose for adults
Children under 6 months of age 300,000-500,000 IU/day is recommended; V aged 6 to 12 months– 500,000 ME/day.

Children aged 1 to 7 years recommended 3,000,000 IU per 1 m 2 body surface area/day.

The drug is used 2 times a day after 12 hours for the first 10 days daily, then three times a week every other day for 6-12 months. The duration of treatment is determined clinical effectiveness And laboratory indicators.

In case of chronic viral hepatitis of pronounced activity and cirrhosis of the liver, before plasmapheresis and/or hemosorption it is prescribed children under 7 years of age Viferon 150,000 ME, children over 7 years old– Viferon 500,000 IU, 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours every day for 14 days.

Instructions for use of VIFERON suppositories for pregnant and lactating women

Disease Mode of application
ARVI (influenza, adenovirus, rhinovirus, parainfluenza, etc.), including those complicated by bacterial infection, pneumonia Recommended dose for pregnant women– Viferon 500,000 IU, 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours every day for 5 days. According to clinical indications, therapy can be continued.
Pregnant women from the second trimester of pregnancy (starting from the 14th week of gestation) Viferon 500,000 IU is prescribed, 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours every day for 10 days, then 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours every fourth day for 10 days. Then every 4 weeks until delivery - 150,000 IU, 1 suppository 2 times a day after 12 hours every day for 5 days. If necessary, prescribe before delivery (from the 38th week of gestation) 500,000 IU, 1 suppository 2 times a day after 12 hours every day for 10 days.
Herpetic infection of the skin and mucous membranes, including the urogenital form in adults Pregnant women from the second trimester of pregnancy (starting from the 14th week of gestation) Viferon 500,000 IU is prescribed, 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours every day for 10 days, then 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours every fourth day for 10 days. Then every 4 weeks until delivery - 150,000 IU, 1 suppository 2 times a day after 12 hours every day for 5 days. If necessary, it is indicated before delivery (from the 38th week of gestation) 500,000 IU, 1 suppository 2 times a day after 12 hours every day for 10 days.

The use of the drug VIFERON® during pregnancy promotes:

Reducing the number pathological conditions pregnant woman;
reducing the incidence of polyhydramnios by 1.9 times;
reducing the antigenic load on the body of the expectant mother and fetus;
reduction in cases of pregnancy loss and threatened miscarriage by 3.5 and 2.6 times, respectively;
decline in development severe forms IUI by 1.7 times, and moderate IUI by 1.9 times;
reducing the number of children with delays intrauterine development 1.7 times;
reducing the number of newborns with central nervous system damage by 2.3 times;
optimal functional maturation of the child’s immune system due to antigenic stimulation of the fetal immune system;

Instructions for use of VIFERON suppositories for adults

Disease Mode of application
ARVI (influenza, adenovirus, rhinovirus, parainfluenza, etc.), including those complicated by bacterial infection, pneumonia Recommended dose for adults– Viferon 500,000 IU, 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours every day for 5 days. According to clinical indications, therapy can be continued.
Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract Recommended dose for adults– Viferon 500,000 IU, 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours every day for 5-10 days. According to clinical indications, therapy can be continued.
Herpetic infection of the skin and mucous membranes, including the urogenital form in adults Recommended dose for adults– Viferon 1,000,000 IU, 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours every day for 10 days or more for recurrent infection. According to clinical indications, therapy can be continued.
Chronic viral hepatitis B, C, D, including those complicated by liver cirrhosis Recommended dose for adults– Viferon 3,000,000 IU, 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours every day for 10 days, then three times a week every other day for 6-12 months. The duration of treatment is determined by clinical effectiveness and laboratory parameters.

Existing dosages of VIFERON suppositories

The use of VIFERON suppositories for various diseases

Does VIFERON Candles (suppositories) help children with fever and ARVI?

VIFERON Candles (suppositories) for runny nose

VIFERON Candles (suppositories) for cystitis

VIFERON Candles (suppositories) for herpes

VIFERON for herpetic stomatitis

VIFERON Candles (suppositories) in gynecology

VIFERON Candles (suppositories) for influenza

Human recombinant interferon alpha-2b, which is part of the drug, helps fight influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections at any stage of the disease. Wide range antiviral activity allows the drug to be used in the complex therapy of any ARVI. There is experience in using VIFERON for H1N1 influenza. Studies have shown that the drug has a pronounced therapeutic effect for influenza, which consists in a significant reduction in the time it takes for the temperature to normalize and the disappearance of symptoms of intoxication, as well as a shortening of the period of manifestation catarrhal symptoms.

VIFERON for the prevention of viral diseases

Influenza and ARVI viruses most often enter the body through Airways, through the nose. Therefore, it is important to block the path of viruses precisely at this point of infection penetration. To prevent influenza and ARVI, use VIFERON Gel. Thanks to the gel base, the drug has a prolonged effect - for prevention it needs to be applied only 2 times a day. It is convenient for children and adults. Currently, extensive experience has been gained clinical practice on the use of the drug VIFERON Suppositories for the treatment of frequently ill children, aimed at reducing the incidence of diseases due to the immunomodulatory effect of the drug. Data from these clinical trials published in the country's leading medical publications.


The use of the drug should be discontinued in case of hypersensitivity.

Side effect

In rare cases, it is possible to develop allergic reactions (skin rashes, itching). These phenomena are reversible and disappear 72 hours after stopping the drug.

Storage conditions

Storage at temperatures from 2 to 8 °C. Keep out of the reach of children.

The difference between VIFERON suppositories and Ointment and Gel: local and systemic action

The main difference between rectal suppositories and external forms of the drug (ointment and gel) is their systemic effect. This means that the incoming active substances (interferon and vitamins E and C) exert their therapeutic effect on the entire body, providing a generalized approach to the treatment of a particular disease. VIFERON Ointment and Gel act locally, that is, only at the site of application. They do not have a systemic effect. That is why experts often recommend both forms: local and systemic, in order to enhance the clinical effectiveness of therapy.

blister in a cardboard pack, 10 pcs.: 843 –1,055 rub.

The cost of the drug is indicated as of January 2018.

"Viferon" for children - an indispensable tool in the first aid kit of a young mother, especially if the baby is not yet a year old. This medicine helps fight the symptoms of infectious and inflammatory diseases such as ARVI, influenza, viral hepatitis, herpes, and can also be used for their prevention.

The drug is a domestic development and is available in several dosage forms. This is an ointment, and a gel, and rectal suppositories– there are no pills for oral administration, since the active substance - interferon - is quite “fragile” and is easily decomposed by the inhabitants of the gastrointestinal tract.

However, when it comes to newborns, it is difficult to use the gel. It needs to be applied to clean, dried mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, which is not easy to achieve in the case of such young patients. In addition, as the instructions for using the drug advise, it must hit the tonsils and flow down the throat, and this is almost impossible to control.

Ointment is also not suitable in every case. It is mainly used externally and exclusively on affected areas - for example, if there is a need to cure herpes. In addition, it should only be used for children over one year old. Thus, the most convenient and most controlled form of medication for infants is suppositories or suppositories.

What are Viferon candles made of?

Candles look like small bullet-shaped objects with a small indentation on the cut. Their color can range from white to light yellow, and if the color of the suppository can be called marbled, then there is nothing wrong with that. But at the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the homogeneity of the substance - there should be no foreign inclusions. The maximum diameter of the candle should not exceed one centimeter.

The active ingredient in the suppositories is human interferon. Interferons are a special group of proteins produced in human body, which guards the immune system and helps in the fight against bacteria, viruses and even cancer mutations. They begin to be produced in response to the invasion of the “enemy” into the body and make cells impenetrable to diseases. Interferon prevents viruses from multiplying and spreading further throughout the body.

The human body contains several interferon proteins of different names, but greatest benefit brings alpha-2b to help cope with severe viral diseases, for example herpes. It is this protein that is included in the Viferon suppositories. Its amount is 150,000 IU in each candle.

Additional substances in the suppositories: alpha-tocopherol acetate – 55 mg, ascorbic acid- 5.4 mg, sodium ascorbate -10.8 mg, disodium edetate dihydrate - 100 mcg, polysorbate 80 - 100 mcg, base - cocoa butter and confectionery fat - up to 1 g. Each suppository is enclosed in a plastic shell, and a plate of 10 candles are placed in a cardboard box.

Tocopherol acetate and ascorbic acid themselves have anti-inflammatory, healing and regenerating effects. In combination with interferon, they can increase the body's resistance to viral infections and strengthen the immune response to aggression.

Thanks to the use of Viferon, it is possible to reduce the doses of hormonal and antibacterial substances when treating children. At the same time, the form of administration of the suppository, due to its specificity, facilitates absorption medicinal substances without the production of antibodies to foreign proteins. Cocoa butter is a harmless analogue of artificial, highly toxic emulsifiers, and polyunsaturated fatty acid help better dissolution of the drug and its absorption.

The drug is available in four dosage options:

  • "Viferon 1" - 150,000 IU;
  • "Viferon 2" - 500,000 IU;
  • "Viferon 3" - 1,000,000 IU;
  • "Viferon 4" - 3,000,000 IU.

It is worth noting that the latter type of suppositories is used exclusively for the treatment of adult patients. Children are more often prescribed Viferon of the first or second type. The dosage of the drug is important.

The instructions for use of Viferon state that the drug is available in pharmacies without a prescription. But when it comes to treating children, especially infants, you should not rely on chance and engage in amateur activities. Before using Viferon to treat your baby, you should consult a pediatrician.

For what diseases can Viferon suppositories be used?

The list of diseases for which suppositories can help is very extensive. Without the use of this drug, not a single viral disease can be treated - from colds to severe forms of flu.

Here are just some of the diseases for which Viferon is indicated for use:

  • ARVI, influenza, pneumonia (chlamydial, viral, bacterial), meningitis (viral and bacterial), intrauterine infections;
  • viral hepatitis different types in children (in combination with other drugs for therapeutic treatment);
  • ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, fungal diseases, herpes on the skin and mucous membranes in adults in the complex treatment of viral diseases;
  • influenza and ARVI in adults - in combination with other drugs.

Expectant mothers can use this drug starting from the 14th week of pregnancy. During lactation there are no restrictions on the use of the medicine. Adverse reaction The administration of the drug may cause allergies and itching on the skin. As a rule, these symptoms disappear three days after the administration of the suppository. A contraindication to the use of the drug may be individual intolerance to certain substances in the composition.

There is no information about the effects of an overdose of the drug, the instructions say. Also, the drug combines well with other substances used in the treatment of the above diseases. The shelf life of the drug is two years if stored in a place protected from the sun.

The dosage of the drug varies depending on the age of the patient. If we are talking about the treatment of childhood diseases, including in infants, then the recommendations are as follows:

  • for newborns (including premature infants with a gestational age of over 34 weeks) - one suppository of 150,000 IU every 12 hours, the duration of therapy should be five days;
  • for premature infants with a gestational age of less than 34 weeks, the frequency of administration of a suppository of 150,000 IU is once every 8 hours, the duration of treatment is 5 days.

Depending on the doctor’s decision, treatment can be carried out over one to three courses of five days. The break between them must also be at least five days. It is worth noting that the dosage of the drug does not increase more than 150,000 IU until the child reaches the age of one year.

Children's suppositories "Viferon-1" are prescribed to infants; for children from one to seven years of age, the doctor has the right to prescribe "Viferon-2", from the age of seven to 14 years, "Viferon-3" is used, and then - "Viferon-4" for adults. It is necessary to buy strictly the drug that is prescribed for a given situation and age, so as not to harm the child or get complete absence any effect from treatment.

Let us add that Viferon is used not only as a medicine for an already developed disease, but also as a preventive measure. A course of the drug will help to slightly strengthen the immune system in anticipation of the cold season.

How to administer a suppository to a baby?

Before administering a suppository to a baby under one year old, it is necessary to carefully prepare. First of all, this concerns compliance with the storage conditions for suppositories recommended by the instructions. They should not only be hidden from the sun, but also be kept in the refrigerator at a temperature no higher than 8 degrees. This ensures that the drug does not melt prematurely and that there will be no problems during its administration.

It is advisable for the child to relieve himself immediately before administering the medicine. The fact is that foreign objects entering the anus can cause involuntary bowel movements in the baby, so the candle simply does not have time to act. That's why it's worth the wait natural process in a small patient, and then begin treatment.

The child should be gently placed on his side. After this, the plastic packaging of the candle is opened - as a rule, hands are enough for this, but if difficulties arise, you can use scissors. You should be careful not to crumble the candle. It is also necessary to take into account that cocoa butter melts quickly enough in your hands, so you should not delay the introduction of a candle that has already been removed from the package.

Then the baby lying on his side is slightly spread with one hand, and the drug is quickly injected with the other. After this, it is advisable to turn the child over on his tummy and wait 15-20 minutes so that the medicine has time to dissolve and disperse throughout the body.

If you have questions about the use of Viferon suppositories during pregnancy, see the article.
If you do not understand how to properly administer Viferon rectal suppositories, see the article.
Viferon price: in Moscow, Ukraine, Belarus.
ABOUT correct selection For dosages of Viferon suppositories in questions and answers, read the article

Information on how to properly store Viferon candles in the form of questions and answers can be found in the article

Trade name of the drug



Feron LLC, Russia

International nonproprietary name

Interferon human recombinant alpha-2

Dosage form

Rectal suppositories

Release form

Suppositories (150,000 IU, 500,000 IU, 1000,000 IU, 3,000,000 IU) weighing from 0.95 g to 1.05 g, 10 pieces each in PVC/paper strip packaging or weighing from 1.00 g to 1.10 g, 10 pieces in PVC/PVC blister packaging. 1 or 2 blister packs with instructions for use in a cardboard pack


The suppository is bullet-shaped, yellowish-white in color, and has a uniform consistency. Inhomogeneity of color in the form of marbling and the presence of a funnel-shaped depression on the cut are allowed. The diameter of the suppository is no more than 10 mm.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Immunomodulatory and antiviral agent.

Active substance

1 suppository VIFERON 150000 IU contains the active interferon substance human recombinant alpha-2 150,000 IU;
1 suppository VIFERON 500,000 IU contains the active substance - human recombinant interferon alpha-2 500,000 IU
1 suppository VIFERON 1000000 IU contains the active substance - human recombinant interferon alpha-2 1000000 IU
1 suppository VIFERON 3,000,000 IU contains the active substance - human recombinant interferon alpha-2 3,000,000 IU


Ascorbic acid 0.015 g, alpha tocopherol acetate 0.055 g, base cocoa butter or solid fat

pharmachologic effect

Human recombinant interferon alpha-2 has pronounced antiviral, immunomodulatory and antiproliferative properties. The complex composition of the drug determines the presence of a number of additional effects: in the presence of ascorbic acid and alpha tocopherol acetate increases the antiviral activity of human recombinant alpha-2 interferon, enhances its immunomodulatory effect on T- and B-lymphocytes, normalizes the level of immunoglobulin E, and restores the functioning of the endogenous interferon system. In addition, ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol acetate, being highly active antioxidants, have anti-inflammatory, membrane stabilizing, and regenerating properties. It has been established that when using VIFERON there are no side effects that occur when parenteral administration interferon preparations, and antibodies that neutralize the antiviral activity of interferon are not formed.


After rectal administration, after 12 hours, a decrease in serum concentration is observed, which necessitates its repeated administration.

Indications for use

In the complex therapy of various infectious and inflammatory diseases in children, including newborns and premature infants:

  • acute respiratory viral infections (influenza, ARVI, including those complicated by bacterial infection),
  • pneumonia (bacterial, viral, chlamydial),
  • meningitis (bacterial, viral),
  • sepsis,
  • intrauterine infection (chlamydia, herpes, cytomegaly, enterovirus infection, candidiasis, including visceral, mycoplasmosis);
In complex therapy chronic viral hepatitis B, C, D in children and adults, including in combination with the use of plasmapheresis and hemosorption,
for chronic viral hepatitis of pronounced activity and complicated by cirrhosis of the liver;
in complex therapy in adults, including pregnant women, with urogenital infection(chlamydia, cytomegalovirus infection, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis, papillomavirus infection, bacterial vaginosis, recurrent vaginal candidiasis, mycoplasmosis),
primary or recurrent herpetic infection of the skin and mucous membranes, localized form, mild and moderate course, including the urogenital form;
in complex therapy, including those complicated by bacterial infection in adults.

Dosage regimen

Suppositories containing human recombinant alpha-2 interferon as an active substance in the indicated dosages (150,000 IU, 500,000 IU, 1,000,000 IU, 3,000,000 IU) are used rectally.
In the complex therapy of various infectious and inflammatory diseases in newborns, including premature: newborns, including premature infants with gestational age more than 34 weeks VIFERON is prescribed 150,000 IU* daily, 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours. The course of treatment is 5 days.
Premature newborns with gestational age less than 34 weeks VIFERON is prescribed 150,000 IU daily, 1 suppository 3 times a day after 8 hours. The course of treatment is 5 days.
Recommended number of courses for various infectious and inflammatory diseases in children, including newborns and premature babies:

  • influenza, ARVI, including those complicated by bacterial infection - 1-2 courses;
  • pneumonia(bacterial, viral, chlamydial) – 1-2 courses,
  • sepsis– 2-3 courses,
  • meningitis– 1-2 courses,
  • herpetic infection– 2 courses,
  • enterovirus infection– 1-2 courses,
  • cytomegalovirus infection – 2-3 courses,
  • mycoplasmosis, candidiasis, including visceral, – 2-3 courses.
The break between courses is 5 days. According to clinical indications, therapy can be continued.

In complex therapy chronic viral hepatitis B, C, D in children and adults: for children with chronic viral hepatitis, the drug is prescribed in the following age-specific dosages: up to 6 months 300,000-500,000 IU per day; from 6 to 12 months– 500,000 IU per day. Aged from 1 year to 7 years– 3,000,000 IU per 1 m2 of body surface area per day. Aged over 7 years old– 5,000,000 IU per 1 m2 of body surface area per day. for each specific patient is made by multiplying the recommended dosage for a given age by the body surface area calculated according to nomogram to calculate body surface area by height and weight according to Garford, Terry and Rourke, divide into 2 administrations, round up to the dosage of the corresponding suppository. The drug is used 2 times a day every 12 hours for the first 10 days daily, further three times a week every other day for 6-12 months.
The duration of treatment is determined by clinical effectiveness and laboratory parameters. Children with chronic viral hepatitis of severe activity and liver cirrhosis before the plasmapheresis and/or hemosorption the use of the drug is indicated for 14 days daily, 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours(for children under 7 years old VIFERON 150,000 IU, for children over 7 years old - VIFERON 500,000 IU).
Adults with chronic viral hepatitis VIFERON 3,000,000 IU is prescribed, 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours for 10 days daily, then three times a week every other day for 6-12 months. The duration of treatment is determined by clinical effectiveness and laboratory parameters.
In complex therapy adults, including pregnant women, With urogenital infection(chlamydia, cytomegalovirus infection, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis, papillomavirus infection, bacterial vaginosis, recurrent vaginal candidiasis, mycoplasmosis), with primary or recurrent herpetic infection skin and mucous membranes (localized form, mild and moderate course, including the urogenital form).
For adults, with the above infections, except herpes, Viferon is prescribed 500000 IU By 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours. Course 5-10 days. According to clinical indications, therapy can be continued with breaks between courses of 5 days.
At herpetic infection VIFERON is prescribed 1000000 IU 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours. The course of treatment is 10 days or more for recurrent infections. It is recommended to begin treatment immediately when the first signs of damage to the skin and mucous membranes appear (itching, burning, redness). When treating recurrent herpes, it is advisable to begin treatment in the prodromal period or at the very beginning of signs of relapse.
U pregnant women with urogenital infection, including herpetic, in the second trimester of pregnancy (starting from the 14th week) - Viferon 500,000 IU 1 suppository every 12 hours (2 times a day) for 10 days, then 1 suppository every 12 hours (2 times a day) twice a week - 10 days. Then, after 4 weeks, preventive courses of the drug Viferon are carried out 150,000 IU 1 suppository every 12 hours for 5 days, the preventive course is repeated every 4 weeks. If necessary, it is possible to conduct a treatment course before childbirth.

Separate article. In complex therapy influenza and other acute respiratory infections viral diseases , including those complicated by bacterial infection in adults. VIFERON is used 500000 IU 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours. The course of treatment is 5-10 days.


Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug

Pregnancy and lactation

The drug is approved for use from the 14th week of pregnancy. There are no restrictions for use during lactation.

Side effect

In rare cases, allergic reactions (skin rashes, itching) may develop. These phenomena are reversible and disappear 72 hours after stopping the drug.

special instructions

Can be used as part of combination therapy with antibacterial drugs, GCS, immunosuppressive drugs, interferon inducers.


No data provided

Drug interactions

VIFERON, rectal suppositories, compatible and goes well with all medicines used in the treatment of the above diseases (antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, glucocorticosteroids)

Best before date

2 years. Do not use the drug after the expiration date

Storage conditions

In a dark place, at a temperature from 2 to 8° C. Transportation and storage in accordance with SP at a temperature from 2 to 8º C. Store out of the reach of children

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Without a doctor's prescription

approximate price

Russia: 150,000 IU 5.3-7 $, 500,000 IU 7.9-9.5 $, 1,000,000 IU 10.9-13.8 $, 3,000,000 IU 18.7-21.1 $
Belarus: 150,000 IU 10-14.3 $, 500,000 IU 13.9-19.4 $

Instructions for use:

Viferon is a drug with immunomodulatory, antiproliferative and antiviral effects.

Release form and composition

Viferon is produced in the form:

  • Ointment for local and external use - homogeneous, viscous, yellowish-white or yellow in color, with a specific odor of lanolin (6 g or 12 g in aluminum tubes, 12 g in polystyrene cans, 1 tube or can in a cardboard box);
  • Gel for local and external use – gel-like, opaque, homogeneous white mass with a grayish tint (12 g in aluminum tubes or in polystyrene cans, 1 tube or can in a cardboard box);
  • Suppositories for rectal use– bullet-shaped, uniform consistency, white with a yellowish tint, with a diameter of up to 10 mm (10 pcs. in strip packs, 1 or 2 packs in a cardboard box).

The composition of 1 g of ointment includes:

  • Active substance: human recombinant interferon alpha-2b – 40,000 International Units (IU);
  • Auxiliary components: anhydrous lanolin – 0.34 g; tocopherol acetate – 0.02 g; Peach oil– 0.12 g; medical petroleum jelly – 0.45 g; purified water – up to 1 g.

The composition of 1 g of gel includes:

  • Active substance: human recombinant interferon alpha-2b – 36000 IU;
  • Auxiliary components: 95% ethanol – 0.055 g; alpha-tocopherol acetate – 0.055 g; methionine – 0.0012 g; benzoic acid – 0.00128 mg; citric acid monohydrate – 0.001 g; sodium chloride – 0.004 g; sodium tetraborate decahydrate – 0.0018 mg; distilled glycerin (glycerol) – 0.02 g; 10% solution of human serum albumin – 0.02 g; carmellose sodium – 0.02 g; purified water – up to 1 g.

1 suppository contains:

  • Active substance: human recombinant interferon alpha-2b – 150,000, 500,000, 1,000,000 or 3,000,000 IU;
  • Auxiliary components: ascorbic acid – 0.0054/0.0081/0.0081/0.0081 g, respectively; alpha-tocopherol acetate – 0.055 g; disodium edetate dihydrate – 0.0001 g each; sodium ascorbate – 0.0108/0.0162/0.0162/0.0162 g, respectively; polysorbate 80 – 0.0001 g each;
  • Base: confectionery fat and cocoa butter – up to 1 g.

Indications for use

Viferon in the form of an ointment is prescribed for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) and influenza in children over 1 year of age;
  • Viral (including herpetic) lesions of the mucous membranes and skin of various localizations.

The drug in the form of a gel is indicated for use:

  • ARVI, including influenza, long-term and frequent ARVI, incl. occurring with complications bacterial infections(prevention, simultaneously with other drugs);
  • Recurrent stenosing laryngotracheobronchitis (prevention, simultaneously with other drugs);
  • Herpetic cervicitis (simultaneously with other drugs);
  • Herpetic infection of the mucous membranes and skin (acute and exacerbation of chronic recurrent), incl. urogenital form of herpetic infection (simultaneously with other drugs).

Viferon in the form of suppositories is used simultaneously with other drugs in the treatment of diseases:

  • ARVI, including influenza, incl. occurring with complications of bacterial infections, pneumonia (chlamydial, viral, bacterial) in adults and children;
  • Chronic viral hepatitis B, C, D in adults and children, incl. in combination with the use of hemosorption and plasmapheresis for chronic viral hepatitis of pronounced activity, which is complicated by cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases in newborns (including premature babies): sepsis, meningitis (viral, bacterial), intrauterine infection (enteroviral infection, chlamydia, CMV infection, herpes, mycoplasmosis, candidiasis, including visceral);
  • Recurrent or primary herpetic infection of the mucous membranes and skin, localized form, moderate and mild course, including the urogenital form in adults;
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract (bacterial vaginosis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, papillomavirus infection, CMV infection, gardnerellosis, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, recurrent vaginal candidiasis) in adults.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Directions for use and dosage

Viferon ointment is used topically and externally.

Herpetic infection: The ointment should be applied 3-4 times a day in a thin layer to the affected areas and rubbed in gently. Duration of therapy is from 5 to 7 days. It is recommended to start treatment when the first signs of the disease appear (redness, burning, itching). For recurrent herpes, it is advisable to start treatment in the prodromal period or when the first signs of relapse appear.

Influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections: The ointment is applied in a thin layer to the mucous membrane of the nasal passages 3-4 times a day during the entire period of the disease. Frequency of use for children 1-2 years old – 3 times a day, 2-12 years old – 4 times a day.

Gel Viferon is used topically and externally.

Complex therapy of ARVI: the gel (a strip up to 5 mm long) should be applied to the surface of the nasal mucosa, which must first be dried, and/or to the surface palatine tonsils using a spatula or cotton swab, 3-5 times a day. The duration of the treatment course is 5 days, if necessary, therapy can be continued. To prevent ARVI during an increase in incidence, a strip of gel up to 5 mm is applied 2 times a day. The duration of use of Viferon is 14-28 days.

Complex therapy of recurrent stenotic laryngotracheobronchitis: A strip of gel up to 5 mm long should be applied to the surface of the palatine tonsils. IN acute period illness (first 5-7 days) - 5 times a day, then for 21 days - 3 times a day. To prevent the disease, the gel is used for 21-28 days 2 times a day, courses are recommended to be repeated 2 times a year.

Complex therapy of acute and chronic recurrent herpetic infection (when the first signs of the disease occur): a strip of gel up to 5 mm should be applied using a cotton swab/cotton swab or spatula to the affected surface, previously dried, 3-5 times a day for 5-6 days. The duration of the course can be increased until clinical manifestations disappear.

Complex therapy of herpetic cervicitis: 1 ml of gel with a cotton swab should be applied 2 times a day to the surface of the cervix, which must first be cleared of mucus. The duration of use of the drug is 7-14 days.

The gel should be applied to the surface of the palatine tonsils half an hour after eating, and to the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity - after cleaning the nasal passages. When Viferon is applied to the affected areas of the mucous membranes and skin, a thin film is formed within 30-40 minutes, onto which the next dose is subsequently applied. If desired, the film can be washed off with water or peeled off.

Viferon suppositories are used rectally.

Complex therapy of acute respiratory viral infections:

  • Adults and children over 7 years old - daily for 5 days (possibly longer if indicated). 2 times a day with a 12-hour break, 1 suppository 500,000 IU;
  • Children under 7 years of age, including newborns and premature infants with a gestational age of 34 weeks or more - 1 suppository of 150,000 IU daily, 2 times a day with an interval of 12 hours for 5 days (if indicated, treatment can be continued with a break of 5 days);
  • Premature newborns with a gestational age of up to 34 weeks - 1 suppository of 150,000 IU daily, 3 times a day with an interval of 8 hours for 5 days (if indicated, treatment can be continued with a break of 5 days).

Complex therapy of infectious and inflammatory diseases (sepsis, meningitis, intrauterine infections, including CMV infection, chlamydia, herpes, candidiasis, enterovirus infection) newborn children, incl. premature babies, with gestational age: over 34 weeks - daily 1 suppository 150,000 IU 2 times a day with an interval of 12 hours, up to 34 weeks - daily 1 suppository 150,000 IU 3 times a day with an interval of 8 hours. Treatment course- 5 days.

  • Sepsis – 2-3 courses;
  • CMV infection – 2-3 courses;
  • Herpetic infection – 2 courses;
  • Meningitis – 1-2 courses;
  • Mycoplasmosis, candidiasis, incl. visceral – 2-3 courses;
  • Enterovirus infection – 1-2 courses.

In the presence of clinical indications treatment can be continued.

Complex therapy of chronic viral hepatitis B, C, D: Viferon is used daily for 10 days, 2 times a day every 12 hours, then for 6-12 months - 3 times a week every other day. The duration of therapy is determined by laboratory parameters and clinical effectiveness. The daily dose is:

  • Adults – 2 suppositories of 3,000,000 IU;
  • Children over 7 years old – 5,000,000 IU per 1 m2 of body surface area;
  • Children 1-7 years old – 3,000,000 IU per 1 m2 of body surface area;
  • Children 6-12 months – 500,000 IU;
  • Children under 6 months – 300,000-500,000 IU.

Chronic viral hepatitis severe activity and cirrhosis of the liver: Before hemosorption and/or plasmapheresis, daily use of Viferon 150,000 IU is recommended for children under 7 years of age, 500,000 IU for children over 7 years of age, 2 times a day with a 12-hour break for 14 days.

Complex therapy of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract (mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, human papillomavirus infection, chlamydia, CMV infection, gardnerellosis, trichomoniasis, recurrent vaginal candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis): adults – 5-10 days daily, 1 suppository of Viferon 500,000 IU. Frequency of application – 2 times a day (every 12 hours). If there are clinical indications, treatment can be continued. According to the same scheme, in the first 10 days of treatment, Viferon is prescribed to pregnant women after the 14th week of gestation. Over the next 10 days, the drug is prescribed 1 suppository 2 times a day with a 12-hour break every 4th day. Then - every 28 days until delivery, 1 suppository of 150,000 IU 2 times a day with the same interval every day for 5 days. If necessary, before delivery (from the 38th week of gestation), 1 suppository of 500,000 IU is prescribed 2 times a day for 10 days.

Recurrent or primary herpetic infection of the skin and mucous membranes, localized form (moderate and mild): recommended single dose for adults for 10 days - 1,000,000 IU, pregnant women from the 2nd trimester - 500,000 IU. The drug is used daily 2 times a day (every 12 hours). If there are clinical indications, therapy can be continued. Pregnant women can subsequently use Viferon according to the treatment regimen for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract.

Side effects

Viferon in the form of ointment is well tolerated in most cases. Side effects when applied to the nasal mucosa are usually transient and weak character and disappear on their own after discontinuation of the drug.

In extremely rare cases, when using the gel in patients with hypersensitivity Local allergic reactions may develop. When they appear, treatment is stopped.

When using Viferon suppositories, in some cases, allergic reactions (itching, skin rashes) may develop. These phenomena are reversible and disappear 72 hours after cessation of therapy.

special instructions

An opened tube with ointment can be stored in the refrigerator for 1 month, with gel - 2 months.

Viferon in the form of suppositories can be used by pregnant women starting from the 14th week of pregnancy.

Drug interactions

Viferon goes well with everyone medicines, used in the treatment of viral and other diseases (chemotherapy drugs, antibiotics, glucocorticosteroids).


Analogs of Viferon are: Infagel, Vitaferon, Genferon, Laferon, Laferobion, Anaferon, Kipferon, Grippferon.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a dry place, protected from light, out of reach of children, at a temperature of 2-8 °C.

The shelf life of the drug in the form of gel and ointment is 1 year, suppositories – 2 years.
