Elevated platelets in the blood. Elevated platelets in the blood of women. Causes and treatment, what it means. How does an increase in platelets manifest?

Platelets are small anucleate cells that take part in the blood clotting process. Special coagulation factors that are found inside cells are responsible for this process. When they enter the bloodstream, they can damage the walls of blood vessels as necessary. In this case, the damaged vessel becomes clogged from the inside with the resulting blood clots, which helps stop the bleeding. The process of blood clotting is a protective reaction, thanks to which the patient’s body can recover from an injury.

With an increase in platelet content, the development of thrombocytosis is observed. This condition is fraught with the formation of blood clots, which provoke the development of complications. During therapy, efforts are directed toward preventing the formation of blood clots and eliminating the underlying condition that provokes the disorder. We will look at what an increase in platelets in an adult indicates in this article.


Thrombocytosis can be:

  • Primary (essential) - occur when the functioning of the stem cells that make up the bone marrow is disrupted. The primary form of the disease is detected mainly in patients of older age groups.
  • Secondary (reactive) - occur under the influence of some pathological condition.
  • Clonal - accompanied by defects in the development of stem cells, which differ in tumor properties. It is not possible to control the process of platelet production in this form of the disease.

Thrombocytosis can provoke the development of complications when chronic leukemia, polycythemia vera, etc. are detected.

Causes of increased platelets in adults

The exact mechanism of development of the primary form of the disease is not clear. There is a hypothesis about clonal disorders bone marrow. Severe disease is observed in patients with a predisposition to blood clots. Each separate category Patients may experience various manifestations of this disorder. Detection of thrombocytosis occurs mainly by chance, during the next planned clinical study of a general blood test.

Development secondary form the disease can be observed against the background of the following conditions and diseases:

  • When the spleen is removed.
  • Development of inflammatory processes: exacerbations of rheumatism, development of osteomyelitis, abscesses, tuberculosis.
  • Against the background of the development of erythremia.
  • With a sharp cessation of drinking alcohol.
  • After undergoing surgery.
  • The impact of anemia of various origins: iron deficiency, hemolytic, provoked by extensive bleeding.
  • When exposed to malignant or benign neoplasms.
  • With prolonged physical stress.

The development of a secondary form of the disease can also be a response of the body to the use of drugs based on adrenaline or vincristine, corticosteroids (including inhaled ones), as well as antimycotics and sympathomimetics.

Impact of diseases of infectious origin

Exposure to infectious agents is one of the most common causes of development secondary thrombocytosis. Very often violations are provoked by:

Laboratory parameters may show the following abnormalities due to an increase in platelets:

The underlying disease that provokes the disorders may manifest itself nearby characteristic features. The sooner efforts are made to eliminate the root cause, the better the prognosis for patients.

Hematological causes, effects of trauma and surgery

An increase in platelet counts in adults can be triggered by a decrease in the amount of iron in the blood plasma. The exact mechanism of development of this disorder is still being studied to this day. A similar process can develop when:

  • Anemia.
  • Acute blood loss.
  • Conditions provoked by the effects of chemotherapy.

In this case, detected thrombocytosis is a mandatory indication for a ferritin test.

Post-traumatic stress, the consequences of surgical interventions, as well as large-scale damage to body tissues, which is observed with the development of pancreatitis, enterocolitis or tissue necrosis, can also provoke thrombocytosis.

Impact of inflammatory processes

Inflammatory processes are accompanied not only by an increase in the number of platelets, but also by pro-inflammatory interleukins. These substances are involved in the production of a special hormone (thrombopoietin), which takes part in the process of maturation, division and release of platelets into the bloodstream. Among the inflammatory causes are the effects of:

  • Chronic inflammatory diseases liver.
  • Collagenosis.
  • Scheinlein's disease.
  • Sarcoidosis.
  • Spondyloarthritis.
  • Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Kawasaki syndrome.


About a third of all platelets accumulate in the spleen area. After its removal, a decrease in the volume of distributed blood is observed and platelets increase in number. The development of a similar phenomenon is also observed in those people who were born without a spleen (asplenia). The total quantitative content of platelets remains within normal limits, but they cannot be stored in the spleen and therefore enter the general bloodstream.

The development of a reactive form of thrombocytosis can be observed with gradual atrophy of the spleen.

Impact of malignant neoplasms

The following dangerous malignant neoplasms are identified, the development of which can contribute to an increase in the number of platelets:

  • Lymphomas of both types.
  • Neuroblastomas.
  • Hepatoblastomas.

A comprehensive examination allows us to identify the exact cause that provokes an increase in platelets.

How does an increase in platelets manifest?

  • Nasal, uterine, renal, intestinal bleeding.
  • Complaints of intense pain in the fingers.
  • Regularly disturbing skin itching.
  • Increased weakness, a significant decrease in working capacity.
  • Unreasonable subcutaneous hemorrhages, the formation of bruises that do not go away for a long time.
  • Blueness of the skin.
  • Dysfunctions of the organs of vision.

If one or a set of symptoms occurs, it is recommended to take a general analysis blood and undergo other tests recommended by your doctor.


Diagnosis of thrombocytosis begins with collecting anamnesis: the doctor asks the patient about previous diseases, emerging complaints and suspected reasons that could provoke this or that manifestation. In the future, the following examinations may be recommended:

  • General blood test.
  • Ultrasound examination organs of the peritoneum and pelvis.
  • Molecular research.
  • Bone marrow biopsies.

Elevated platelets: treatment

The selection of the exact treatment regimen is determined by the doctor, taking into account the results of the examination and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. When reactive thrombosis is identified, efforts are directed toward treating the underlying disease or condition. It is strongly recommended to refrain from self-medication, which may not provide the desired result and will provoke the development of complications. The treatment regimen for each patient is individual.

Drug therapy

Drug therapy for thrombocytosis in adults involves the use of:

  • Medicines with antiplatelet action based on acetylsalicylic acid. Before using such drugs, it is recommended to exclude the presence of gastric ulcers, since the use of aspirin can cause gastric bleeding.
  • Heparin-based anticoagulants.
  • Additionally, interferons and hydroxyurea-based drugs can be used.


In case of minor deviations from the norm and the development of primary thrombosis, it is recommended to review the diet and supplement it with the consumption of the following products:

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are found in fish, flaxseed and sesame oil. As an alternative, you can purchase fish oil capsules or a vitamin supplement rich in Omega 3-6-9 polyunsaturated fatty acids at the pharmacy.
  • Tomatoes, tomato juice.
  • Onion, garlic.
  • Foods rich in iodine: seaweed.
  • Sour berries and citrus fruits, as well as juices from them. It is recommended to use pomegranate, orange, lemon, lingonberry juice, which is diluted with water, observing the proportions: 1:1.

It is recommended to avoid foods that increase blood viscosity: bananas, chokeberries, rose hips, lentils. You should also refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking.

Platelets are elevated in an adult, what does this mean? - visitors to the clinic who received the blood test results whisper. If they have any idea about it, then they have only heard something about platelets. Although in fact, we very often come across the results of their work.

Well, yes. Let's remember. Yesterday I cut myself with a knife in the kitchen while peeling potatoes. Eh! Blood immediately appeared. Well, we know the importance of this miraculous liquid. And what do we do after the cut? That's right - first, the cut finger was treated with saliva or, better yet, hydrogen peroxide (disinfection), and then raised up. For what?

This is where the blood coagulation system and its faithful “soldiers” platelets come into play.

Platelets are small platelets of blood synthesized in red bone marrow cells. They play an important role in the processes of blood coagulation and the formation of clots that prevent blood loss. These cells are responsible for keeping blood in liquid form, dissolving blood clots and protecting the walls of blood vessels from damage.

Platelets are small, spherical, red plates of blood that do not have a nucleus. Their size is 2-4 microns.
There are 5 forms of these cells:

Along with leukocytes and erythrocytes, platelets belong to the cellular elements of blood. The study of cells is included in the general blood test and shows an assessment of its coagulability, which affects the body’s ability to stop bleeding and save lives in case of extensive blood loss.

Platelets do not contain a nucleus, but are composed of large quantity granules (up to two hundred pieces). IN in good condition the cells have a round or oval shape, and their size directly depends on age. The cells live from 7 to 12 days, and then they are destroyed in the liver, lungs or spleen.

Platelet granules contain platelet factors: adenosine diphosphate, thrombin, thromboxane and others. They participate in the formation of special compounds - lysocine and B-lysine, which destroy the membranes of a number of bacteria, protecting the body from penetration into it pathogenic microbes and bacteria.

The existing pseudopods help blood cells move along the bloodstream. They are able to stick to surfaces foreign bodies, capture and digest them. The cells stick together and form a blood clot, which protects against bleeding.

Also, they are actively involved in hemostasis (blood clotting) and deliver nutrients to the endothelium.

Platelets are called “blood plates” because they can change their shape from round to stellate. If there is damage inside the vessels, they take on the appearance of a spider web, while covering all damaged areas. This stimulates the process of blood clotting and the formation of a clot, stopping blood loss.

For reference. Platelets are instrumental in creating a “plug” that prevents blood loss from the cardiovascular system.

Platelet functions

The function of platelets cannot be viewed as simply preventing blood loss. These blood components also perform other important tasks. The list of main functions includes the following tasks:

  • The cells form a platelet aggregate, the primary plug that closes the site of vessel injury. Immediately after damage to the vessel, platelets are directed and attached to it, forming peculiar processes. Then they “stick together” and form a blood clot. The substances produced by the granules trigger further blood clotting processes.
  • Nourish and renew inner surface blood vessels during the aging process, with damage, wounds or inflammation.
  • Ingest some small bacteria (phagocytosis).
  • Transport various substances, including serotonin.

Platelet rate

The platelet rate is an indicator of healthy hematopoiesis and readiness to perform its main tasks at any time. The lifespan of cells is not long and their constant renewal is required. Therefore, in the adult body, old cells are continuously recycled and new cells are synthesized.

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Platelet aggregation as a blood clotting factor

The normal level of platelets in the blood is not the same for different groups of people.

  • For an adult man and woman, the norm is 180-400 g/l.
  • For a woman after menstruation – 100-350 g/l.
  • For a pregnant woman – 100-420 g/l.

Causes of increased platelets in the blood

If platelets are elevated in an adult, what does this mean? In the medical community, the situation with elevated platelets is usually called thrombocytosis and the level must be brought back to normal. Thrombocytosis is an increase in the number of these cells in the blood (more than 450*109/l), leading to increased formation of blood clots and blockage of blood vessels.

There are 3 types of it:

Cell levels may temporarily increase in the following cases:

  • after active physical labor and stress;
  • after the administration of adrenaline;
  • when giving up cigarettes and alcohol;
  • in the treatment of megaloblastic anemia.

The platelet count indicates the activity and severity of the disease. The increase in their level is proportionally dependent on fibrinogen and inversely proportional to hemoglobin, iron and albumin.

Symptoms of high platelet count in the blood include:

  • stroke;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • thrombosis of the portal, hepatic or splenic vein;
  • deep vein thrombosis of the legs;
  • disruption of microcirculation in tissues and organs;
  • bleeding on the mucous membranes;
  • increase in the size of the spleen and liver.

Thrombocytosis. What to do

Thrombocytosis is dangerous because with an increased content of platelets in the blood, they collide with each other. As a result, blood clotting processes are started. This cannot be a safe condition, especially for people at risk for vascular diseases, such as stroke, heart attack, thrombosis of the arteries of the extremities, progression of the consequences of atherosclerosis.

In blood tests of children taken for various reasons (or for no reason), quite often the values ​​of certain indicators go beyond the normal limits, which is a frequent cause of anxiety for parents. In particular, pediatricians regularly have to answer the question “Why does the child have elevated platelets?”

Together with a pediatrician at a children's clinic evidence-based medicine DocDeti Roman Shiyan “Letidor” figured out what platelets are, why they are needed and why they can be elevated.

What are platelets

Platelets are small platelets of blood. They are not cells because they do not contain nuclei, but are fragments large cells megakaryocytes, which are found in the bone marrow and other tissues.

7-14 days is the average lifespan of a platelet.

The rate of formation of new platelets is regulated by a large number of hormones and hormone-like substances, the most important of which, thrombopoietin, is formed mainly in the liver.

Platelets constantly patrol the walls of blood vessels and, if they detect damage, they immediately begin to stick to the damaged wall and to each other, forming a clot, which helps stop bleeding. They also play an important role in the processes of repairing damaged tissues.

In addition, platelets take an active part in the processes of inflammation, innate and acquired immunity.

What is thrombocytosis

Normally, platelets are contained in the blood in quantities ranging from 150·109/l up to 450·109/l.

If their number exceeds upper limit normal, this condition is called thrombocytosis. Thrombocytosis can be primary or secondary.

Secondary, or reactive thrombocytosis is not a disease in itself, it is a symptom of another condition.

Causes of thrombocytosis

Exists great amount reasons that can lead to an increase in the number of platelets in the blood. Here are some of the most common causes of this condition:

Very often, an increase in platelet levels occurs in young children during the recovery period after an infection.

Iron deficiency. With significant iron deficiency, anemia develops, which is characterized by a decrease in such indicators clinical analysis blood, such as hemoglobin, average volume of erythrocytes, average hemoglobin content in an erythrocyte.

Inflammatory diseases, injuries, burns, surgical interventions.

Taking certain medications.

The incidental detection of an elevated platelet count in one test usually does not require further testing to determine the cause. The main thing to remember about elevated platelet levels is that we are treating the child, not the numbers on the blood test results.

Primary thrombocytosis It is very rare in children (with an incidence of approximately 1 case in 10 million people). This condition develops as a result of impaired control of platelet production and is associated with mutations in genes encoding proteins involved in the regulation of this process. It can be hereditary (most often a mutation of the thrombopoietin gene or its receptor) or acquired (when mutations occur in bone marrow cells).

If an unexplained increase in platelet count lasts for more than 3 months, this condition can be suspected in the following situations:

Presence of primary thrombocytosis in close relative child;

If the child has previously had unexplained bleeding or thrombosis;

If the child has an enlarged liver or spleen.

In these cases, the pediatrician may refer the child to a hematologist for additional examination.

The child has elevated platelets - causes. Elevated platelets in a child’s blood, what does this mean?

At birth, each child undergoes a general blood test that determines his group, Rh factor, number of red blood cells, their ESR (sedimentation rate), leukocytes, platelets (plt). This standard procedure allows you to determine general state work internal systems child. Sometimes an elevated platelet count in the blood is detected.

What does it mean if there are elevated platelets in a child’s blood?

This indicates a child's predisposition to developing a disease called thrombocytosis. If the level of these blood cells is low (deficiency), then the child probably has thrombocytopenia. In both cases this indicates possible development more serious pathologies. Thrombocytosis is divided into:

Primary thrombocytemia is characterized by the proliferation of certain areas of the red bone marrow, which leads to increased production of blood platelets. The root cause of such thrombocytosis is congenital or acquired diseases (erythremia, myeloid leukemia). In the clonal form of the disease, a defect in stem cells is determined due to tumor process: This leads to an uncontrolled increase in platelet production.

Average platelet volume is increased

There are two similar definitions that carry different meanings. If they say that platelets have a high volume, we are talking about their appearance. When the average platelet volume is increased, their number is implied. However, both formulations are interrelated. An increased level of platelets in the blood of children is considered normal, because their circulatory system is not yet well established.

Secondary thrombocytosis

In the case of secondary thrombocytosis, the increase in the number of blood cells is not so pronounced. In rare cases, a value of over a million is recorded in 1 μl, while the function and morphology of platelets are not impaired. Secondary thrombocytosis can have different development mechanisms:

  1. After removal of the spleen, old blood cells (or obsolete ones) do not have time to be destroyed, and new ones are formed in the same volumes. In addition, the spleen produces antiplatelet antibodies ( humoral factor, which is designed to reduce production).
  2. Thrombocrit increases during the inflammatory process.
  3. Biologically active substances, which have a stimulating effect on the formation of blood platelets, increase in malignant tumor diseases.
  4. An increased platelet count is observed with frequent repeated blood loss.

After illness

There may be a lot of platelets in the blood after an illness. Thrombocytosis develops after or during the following diseases:

  • ulcerative colitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • acute, chronic infections;
  • rheumatism in the active phase;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • acute blood loss;
  • malignant diseases;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • osteomyelitis.

Treatment of thrombocytosis in children

When a child has a lot of platelets in his blood in childhood, this becomes a reason to monitor the indicator. It is necessary to regularly take blood tests so that the doctor can see the dynamics of the content of blood platelets. When diagnosing thrombocytosis, it is necessary for the doctor to prescribe drug treatment. The duration of the course and dosage depend on the child’s condition and are prescribed individually by the doctor. If a child has elevated platelets, the following medications may be prescribed:

  1. Myelobromol, Myelosan. Prescribed for a long time until results are obtained to reduce platelets in the primary type of disease.
  2. To reduce the blood cell count, use Aspirin and Trental, which improve microcirculation. The first drug can be used only in the absence of erosive changes in the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Clobidogrel, Ticlopidine. Prescribed for clonal disease, they have an antiplatelet effect. The dosage is always prescribed individually.
  4. Bivalirudin, Heparin, Livarudin, Argotoban belong to the group of anticoagulants that help with ischemic manifestations and thrombosis.

On initial stage disease and to prevent it, you can use folk remedies: they will help reduce the number of platelets and improve the child’s well-being. A symptom that he has elevated platelets may be pain in his fingertips, severe itching, frequent headaches, anemia, rapid pulse. For example, you can prepare the following traditional medicines:

  1. From chestnut peel. You will need 50 g of green horse chestnut peel. Fill with vodka - 500 ml. A glass jar works well for cooking. Close the lid and leave for 12 days in a place without access. sunlight. Strain the tincture and drink 40 drops before meals 3 times a day, diluting with water. You can sweeten the infusion with honey or sugar. Course – 21 days. Break between re-treatment at least 1 week.
  2. From thorns and dandelions. Mix equal amounts of sloe flower and dandelion grass. You need to pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into 400 ml of boiling water. Leave the product to infuse for 4 hours. Next, you should strain it and drink it throughout the day in 4 doses. The course of administration is 2 weeks, during which there should be no meat in the diet. It can be carried out 2 times a year.

How many platelets should there be in a blood test?

After the test, the doctor interprets the results, but every parent wants to know what is normal. The platelet count (plt) differs at different ages, so don’t be alarmed if your child’s platelets are slightly elevated. It should be remembered that in children under one month the indicator may deviate, because the circulatory system has not yet established its functioning; this is not a reason to panic. The following indicators are considered the norm:

  • content from 100 to 420 thousand is normal for newborns;
  • 150-350 thousand should be in children after 10 days to 1 year;
  • 180-320 thousand for babies older than one year;
  • 75-220 thousand is the norm for adolescence.

Foods that increase the number of platelets in the blood

One way to lower platelets in the blood is to follow a diet. If a child has very high platelet counts, the diet should contain foods that help thin the blood and do not cause it to thicken. Even a child with an analysis showing elevated platelets must have the correct drinking regime: the less fluid in the body, the higher the concentration of platelets. You can drink not only water, but also fresh fruits, vegetables, green tea. Here is a table of prohibited products at elevated levels:

Elevated platelets in a child

Elevated platelets in a child - an excess of the permissible number of blood cells, which may be due to certain pathological processes or external negative factors impact. Treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor after determining the cause of the imbalance.

The reasons that platelets in a child’s blood are higher than normal can only be determined by diagnostic measures. The clinical picture for a violation of this nature will be rather nonspecific, so you must independently compare the clinic and therapeutic measures strongly not recommended. This is extremely dangerous for a child and can lead not only to complications, but also to death.

Diagnostically, an increase in platelets in a child’s blood is established by laboratory tests. Instrumental diagnostics carried out if necessary, depending on the current symptoms.

The prognosis is entirely individual, since everything will depend on the provoking factor and the age of the child, the state of his immune system.

Norms for children

  • newborns - normal level platelets 100–420 units;
  • 3 months and up to a year - platelets in the child’s blood are 150–390 units;
  • after a year - 180–380 units;
  • in adolescents (after 12 years) - 75–220 units.

As a rule, at 3 years (in some cases at 4 years), platelet counts in children begin to decrease and reach the adult norm (180–360 units). It should be noted that boys will have high platelet counts compared to girls. This is quite normal and is not a pathology. Anything greater than the given numbers indicates that the child’s platelets are elevated.


The reasons that a child may have elevated platelets are as follows:

  • congenital blood diseases;
  • systemic and/or auto immune diseases;
  • oncological diseases, including blood cancer;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • enlargement of the spleen or removal of this organ;
  • viral infections;
  • heavy, long lasting infectious diseases which led to a severe weakening of the immune system;
  • disruption of the circulation of blood components during emotional or physical stress.

Elevated platelets in an infant may be due to errors in nutrition - an incorrectly selected mixture, not sufficient quantity vitamins in the diet, early introduction of complementary foods. Only a doctor can determine why platelets in the blood are elevated.


The clinical picture, if platelets are slightly elevated, may be completely absent or occur in latent form. As a rule, in such cases, the disorder is diagnosed accidentally - during diagnosis in relation to other complaints or during a preventive examination.

It should be understood that the general clinical picture will be supplemented by the symptoms of the underlying disease, so often the signs are mixed, nonspecific, which means it is impossible to carry out treatment on your own.

An increased platelet count in the blood can be characterized by the following clinical picture:

  • the child is lethargic, often cries, is capricious, sleeps poorly;
  • petechiae may appear on the skin and mucous membranes - tiny dots on the surface that are formed due to hemorrhages;
  • formation of hematomas on the child’s skin for no apparent reason;
  • increased sensitivity of the skin to physical impact - bruises can form even from touching;
  • bleeding from the nose and gums.

Older children may additionally complain of the following:

  • tingling in the fingertips, feeling of cold;
  • skin itching;
  • dizziness, headache;
  • problems with urination, painful sensations lower abdomen.

In a child, if platelets are elevated, there may be blood in the urine and feces ah, sometimes there are convulsions and lethargy is noted. The clinical picture does not always indicate that these are elevated platelets in the blood, so if a clinic is available, you should contact a pediatrician.


An elevated level of this blood component can only be determined through laboratory tests. The child should be examined by a pediatrician, but an additional consultation with a hematologist will be required. medical genetics, infectious disease specialist, oncologist.

The diagnostic program includes the following:

  • a general clinical blood test will show that the child’s indicators are elevated;
  • expanded biochemical analysis blood;
  • general urine analysis;
  • analysis of stool for occult blood;
  • bone marrow puncture;
  • test for tumor markers.

Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor will determine how much increased amount platelets in the child’s blood and what treatment tactics should be chosen to solve the problem.


Hospitalization of the baby is necessary only in the most extreme cases. If the cause is not oncology, treatment is carried out using conservative methods:

  • nutrition correction;
  • taking medications;
  • compliance with the daily routine.

The medicinal part of treatment may include drugs with the following spectrum of action:

  • for blood thinning;
  • to reduce platelet production;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes.

Be sure to exclude from your diet foods that produce this blood component. You should add foods that are rich in vitamin B6 and magnesium to your menu. It is necessary to monitor the drinking regime - the child needs to be given clean water, herbal infusions, juices and compotes.


As a preventative measure, the following should be done:

  • regular walks in the fresh air;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • maintaining proper drinking regime and diet;
  • prevention of infectious and inflammatory diseases.

At feeling unwell In a child, you should consult a doctor, and not carry out treatment at your own discretion - only a doctor can determine whether a child has elevated platelets or not.

The child's platelets are elevated. Causes, treatment

Quite often, children are prescribed a general (clinical) blood test. Pediatricians offer this type of analysis because the baby’s body is still getting acquainted with various infections for the first time, so the baby can get sick a lot.

After clinical blood tests are performed, it is sometimes discovered that the child’s platelets are elevated. For worried moms and dads, it is naturally very important to know and understand what this situation entails.

UAC and OAM for kids

Doctors are sure that it is normal to visit them due to illness in children approximately 10-12 times in one year. Usually, during each visit to the pediatrician, the baby may be prescribed a UAM (general urine test) and a UAC (general blood test).

During the OAC, it may become clear that the child’s platelets are elevated. These blood cells are capable of clotting blood and transporting immune complexes in the body.

Almost all platelets can be classified as mature (approximately 95 percent). These cells, which form the basis of the platelet system, live for about 10 days.

Platelet levels can be determined through a laboratory test of blood taken from a vein or finger. If the baby is very small, blood is taken from the heel or toe.

Platelets in babies

The norm of platelets in children (their content in the blood) is directly dependent on age:

  • in newborns up to 10 days from birth – 100-420×10 9 /l of blood;
  • in babies under 1 year of age – 150-350×10 9 /l;
  • in children after 1 year, as in adults – 180-320×10 9 /l.

If the deviation from the norm is small, it should not force parents to “ring the bells.” If the norm of platelets in children is exceeded by hundreds of thousands of units, it is necessary to conduct an urgent and as thorough examination of the baby’s health as possible.

If the platelet count doubles, doctors consider it a critical condition.

An increase in platelet levels in children may indicate the presence of such serious illnesses like leukemia.

Manifestation of high platelets

There are certain signs that parents can discover that their child’s platelets are quite elevated. These include:

  • the baby complains of fatigue, which occurs very often;
  • the child's limbs swell;
  • arms or legs hurt;
  • nosebleeds start for no reason.

Any of these signs cannot be ignored.

Causes of High Blood Cell Count

When platelets are elevated in a child, even an infant, this can lead to the formation of blood clots.

There are very rare cases when, before taking the test, the baby was very worried or showed excessive motor activity- ran or jumped. Another possibility for excess platelets may be in the following situations: the child has recently undergone surgery (surgery); the child has had a sore throat or cold; the child had a tooth removed. Even if the baby was taking medication, it had some effect on the platelet level. Unfortunately, in most cases, thrombocytosis (an increase in the number of blood clots) loudly “screams” that this is the beginning of a serious disease.


High platelets in children indicate that their blood is too thick, much more than it should be. If this happens, moms and dads should take immediate blood thinning measures.

Memo to parents. Thrombocytosis itself is not a disease. If you thin your baby’s blood without eliminating the cause of the increase in platelets, it will do nothing.

There are several ways to thin a child's blood. The first option is to use medications. The second option is to give preference to a diet by drawing up a specific diet, including all the necessary products (best of all - garlic, ginger, lemon, pomegranate).

Reducing platelets

How to reduce platelets in a baby so that unnecessary harm is not caused to his body?

If the whole point is a disease, therapy should be carried out listening to the opinion and recommendations of the doctor. The disease must be eliminated, because without this there is no point in talking about a decrease in platelet levels. If, as a result of the examination, doctors do not find a serious illness, and the level of platelets is still far from critical, in order to lower them, you can adjust the baby’s diet. There are many options here:

  • Give your child plenty of fluids (carbonated drinks are prohibited);
  • remove everything fried, spicy, fatty and smoked from the child’s diet;
  • daily invite your baby to eat more berries, fruits and vegetables (red and blue fruits are a priority);
  • add celery and figs to your diet;
  • Do not offer your child food of animal origin (with the exception of dairy products) for some period of time.

If elevated platelets are the result of an abnormality in blood formation, the process of hematopoiesis, then in this case drugs that thin the blood and reduce the level of cells will come to the rescue. In this way, the risk of blood clots will be prevented and the blood will be maintained in a thin state.

Clinical blood test

For the first time in the baby’s life, a blood test is taken while still in the maternity hospital, then when he reaches the age of 3 and 12 months. But if the baby is premature or there is a Rh conflict with his mother, if there is intrauterine infections and other pathologies, the analysis can be carried out even in 1 month. The doctor offers a clinical blood test if the baby is sick, according to indications. This type of analysis is used quite often, because thanks to it you can get as much data as possible.

According to existing rules, a clinical blood test should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. If it comes to infants who find it difficult to be hungry, then the analysis can be carried out a couple of hours after the end last appointment food crumbs. Clinical analysis can show an increase or decrease in the level of blood cells.

If platelets are elevated in a child who is 3 months old (and normal values ​​at this age are 180-400*10 9 /l), then you should not immediately suspect any abnormalities, because the level of these cells can fluctuate depending on various reasons. You just need to consult a pediatrician.

If the platelet level is still elevated, the reasons may be the following:

To exclude or confirm a neoplasm in a baby, it is necessary to donate blood for all indicators.

Increased platelets in a child (3 months)

We had a blood test every month - everything was fine. Now retaken:
platelets 597 when the norm is up to 400! (There were 320 per month). In addition, the hematocrit and segmented neutrophils were slightly reduced; lymphocyte % and average hemoglobin concentration in erythrocytes were slightly increased. And hemoglobin dropped from 139 to 112.

What does an increase in platelets mean? Who had it, what did they do, how did it end?
I’ll see the doctor the day after tomorrow, but I’m already on my nerves.

Why does a baby have high platelets in the blood at 3 months?

Inflammatory processes often cause an increase in platelet levels. It is also important to know that an increase is possible for other reasons: bleeding, ulcerative colitis, tuberculosis, osteomyelitis.

After it was detected in the blood high level platelets, it is worth carrying out the following examinations:

  • serum iron and ferritin analysis;
  • C-reactive protein count;
  • coagulation assay;
  • undergo an ultrasound;
  • visit a hematologist;
  • If prescribed by a hematologist, undergo a bone marrow examination.

If the level of platelets is elevated, it is necessary to establish the cause of this phenomenon, why the disease occurred, and what it leads to. It is especially important for a child at 3 months to have indicators within the normal range, although at this age there may be small short-term differences with it. The decision about the need for further examination in such cases is made only by the doctor.

After all the tests and studies have been completed, the pediatrician will prescribe treatment. Prescriptions are not carried out until the exact cause is determined in order to avoid side effects and complications. In your case, it is still impossible to diagnose thrombocytosis, since the indicator does not exceed the norm by 2 or more times.

Elevated platelets in a child: causes of pathology, what parents should do

At any hint of illness, many mothers rush to show their baby to the pediatrician. And the younger the child, the more they rush. The doctor will examine the baby, listen to him and... send him for a general blood test. Because it is the hematogram (the ratio of blood cells, their quantity) that in most cases gives a good specialist a complete understanding of what is happening in the child’s body. And for mothers, the names and numbers on a small piece of paper in a children’s card remain a meaningless combination of symbols.

The simplest thing a mother can figure out on this piece of paper is the platelet count. But this knowledge will help parents prevent any complications associated with changes in their blood levels. What are platelets, how many of them should “float” in the baby’s bloodstream? What to do and how to react if the number of platelets in the blood is increased in a child under the age of one year, at 2 or 3 years old? Why are these changes happening? We will look into these issues!

Platelet norms

First, let's find out what kind of cells these are - platelets. And this shaped elements blood. Some of the types. Honestly, these are the smallest inhabitants of the bloodstream, they are even called blood platelets - they are so small and flat. The plates have many functions, this is how the body works - even the tiniest cell has a lot of responsibilities and tasks. The main job of platelets is to gather in close, cozy companies, forming a blood clot.

In order for all these processes to occur on their own, it is necessary that the number of blood platelets more or less corresponds to those generally accepted for different ages standards:

What do deviations from the norm indicate?

If the baby’s platelet count fits into generally accepted norms, that’s good. However, if there is a significant deviation (more than 100 * 109 units per 1 liter of blood), the child may be diagnosed with thrombocytopenia (this is if the amount is below normal) or thrombocytosis (when there are too many blood platelets).

Thrombocytosis poses a much greater danger. If the analysis shows that the child has a high platelet count in the blood, this indicates the following:

  • The blood is thicker than normal. This overloads the blood vessels and heart - it is more difficult for these organs to “pump” fluid throughout the body.
  • The platelets are too close to each other. This is the danger of their involuntary combination into quite large blood clots, which can clog blood vessels and in some cases even stop the heart, clogging any heart valve or coronary vessel.
  • Even the combination of blood platelets into small blood clots is fraught with blockage of microcapillaries. This provokes various edema, as well as heart attacks in parenchymal organs, destroying their structure (liver, lungs, spleen, kidneys). Even the baby’s brain gets damaged (in advanced cases).

Reasons for deviations

Why and for what reasons does the number of platelets in a child’s blood increase? There are several factors that precede an increase in blood platelets in the baby’s bloodstream:

Determine by clinical picture thrombocytosis is quite complex - this pathology does not have a clear severe symptoms. In a child, an increased platelet count often occurs in combination with increased ESR(erythrocyte sedimentation rate) and clinically manifests itself:

  • Headaches;
  • Fatigue;
  • General weakness.

In order to respond to this pathology in a timely and correct manner, you need to follow simple tips:

  • At the slightest suspicion, take the child to the doctor;
  • Be sure to take a finger prick blood test;
  • Together with your doctor, determine the cause of the increase in platelets;
  • Following the doctor's recommendations, undergo a course of treatment.

As treatment, your doctor may prescribe you:

  • Taking anticoagulants (reduce blood clotting);
  • Taking antiplatelet agents (prevent the formation of blood clots);
  • Taking stimulants immune system drugs;
  • In the most difficult cases - thrombocytapheresis (mechanical purification of blood from excess platelets using a special device).

The most important tips:

  • Contact your doctor promptly;
  • Take the necessary tests;
  • Provide your child with plenty of fluids;
  • Do not self-medicate; it is better to stay with your child in a hospital under the supervision of specialists.

Increased level of platelets in the blood of a child - video

This video explains in detail what happens when the number of blood platelets in a child changes, almost all the causes of thrombocytosis and thrombocytopenia are listed.

Blood is the most important fluid in our body. By the slightest changes in its composition, you can find out whether everything is fine with the child. One of important elements This fluid is platelets.

An increased content of blood platelets not only indicates the presence of another disease in the body, but in some cases it is also dangerous for the baby’s life. Thrombocytosis is just a symptom of an underlying disease or pathology, but if you do not treat it carefully and do not take measures, it is possible serious complications. That is why, at the slightest suspicion, you should immediately contact specialists.

Increased level of platelets in the blood of a child

Blood test indicators are important for assessing the health of children, so their changes always alarm adults - both mothers and doctors. If parents see an increased level of platelets in their child’s blood in the results, they are always interested in whether this is dangerous for their daughter or son. To get timely help for your baby, you need to find out why platelets may be higher than normal and what to do if the level is elevated.

What platelet count is considered elevated?

Platelets are small blood cells without nuclei, the second name of which is “blood plates”. They are important for blood clotting, in particular for the formation of blood clots to close a damaged vessel and stop bleeding. Such cells are formed in the red bone marrow, live up to ten days, after which they are destroyed in the spleen.

The upper limit of the norm for a newborn is considered to be 490 x 109/l of platelets, but by the fifth day of life their number begins to decrease, amounting to no more than 400 x 109/l at the age of 5 days to a month, and in a one-year-old child and older - a maximum of 390 x 109/l.

A slight excess is not considered dangerous by doctors, but if the number of platelets exceeds the norm by 20-30 x 109/L or more, this condition is called thrombocytosis or thrombocythemia.

Causes of thrombocytosis

Depending on the provoking factor, thrombocytosis is divided into:

  1. Primary. Its appearance is due to a disruption in the formation of blood platelets in the bone marrow, for example, due to a tumor process.
  2. Secondary. This increase in platelets develops due to a disease that does not affect the bone marrow. However, it is only one of the symptoms of the disease.

Causes of secondary thrombocytosis include:

  • Surgery to remove the spleen. The increase in blood platelets after such an intervention is associated with a slowdown in their decay. In addition, the spleen normally produces compounds that inhibit platelet synthesis, and after removal they no longer inhibit their production.
  • Acute inflammation, for example due to bacterial or viral infections, rheumatism, tuberculosis, osteomyelitis and other pathologies. Due to inflammatory process The production of the hormone thrombopoietin begins, which stimulates platelet maturation.
  • Cancerous tumors, such as lymphogranulomatosis or lung sarcoma. Due to the growth of a malignant neoplasm, the bone marrow is activated, as a result of which blood platelets are produced in increased quantities.
  • Blood loss caused by injury, liver cirrhosis, anemia (both iron deficiency and hemolytic), ulcerative lesion Gastrointestinal tract and other factors. In such situations, thrombocythemia acts as a compensatory response.

A slight increase in platelet count can be observed during mental or physical stress. Sometimes platelets increase as a result of side effects of certain medications.

Symptoms of increased platelets

If a child develops thrombocytosis, this may include:

  • Swelling and a feeling of heaviness in the limbs.
  • Soreness in the fingertips.
  • Skin itching.
  • Weakness.
  • Blueness of the skin of the extremities and lips.
  • Cool to the touch hands and feet.
  • Dizziness.
  • Frequent nosebleeds.

Why is thrombocytosis dangerous in children?

Because too large number blood platelets accelerates the blood clotting process. Platelets begin to stick together and clog blood vessels, resulting in the formation of blood clots. Their appearance disrupts functions internal organs, which is especially dangerous if the vessels of the heart or brain are blocked.


Changes in platelet count are determined during a clinical blood test. If thrombocytosis is detected, the child should be carefully examined, since the cause of the disease is a fundamental factor in prescribing treatment. If the indicator is significantly elevated, the child should:

  • Determine the amount of iron in the blood, as well as the level of ferritin, to rule out anemia.
  • Determine seromucoids and C-reactive protein in the blood to confirm the presence of an inflammatory process.
  • Do a blood clotting test.
  • Conduct an ultrasound examination of internal organs.
  • Do a urine test.

If indicated, the child is referred to a hematologist, and after his consultation, a bone marrow test may be prescribed.


In the treatment of primary thrombocytosis, cytostatic agents, drugs to improve blood circulation, and drugs that prevent blood platelets from sticking together are used. In some cases, anticoagulants and other drugs are prescribed.

In case of severe thrombocythemia, the child is referred for a thrombocytopheresis procedure, when blood platelets are removed from the blood with a special device. If thrombocytosis is secondary, attention is paid to treating the underlying disease, and also protecting the child from increased thrombosis.

What to do if there is a slight increase

If platelets are only slightly elevated, medicines are not assigned. In such situations, the doctor will advise you to pay attention balanced diet child. The children's diet should include:

  • Products that contain a lot of iodine. These include fish and seafood.
  • Calcium-rich foods. First of all, these are dairy products.
  • Products from which the child will receive iron. This could be meat, liver, cereals, fruits, etc.
  • Products that help thin the blood. Lemon, ginger, cranberries, viburnum, lingonberries, garlic, beets, tomato juice have this effect. fish fat and some other products.

It is advisable to avoid foods that increase clotting, such as bananas, lentils, walnuts, rose hips, and pomegranate. In addition, the child should be given a sufficient amount of fluid, and any folk remedies in children with thrombocytosis can be used only after consultation with the doctor.

You can learn more about platelets, their role and normal composition in the blood by watching a fragment of the program “Live Healthy.”

To perform all the functions of the human body, it is important that the circulatory system is in optimal condition. Any deviations from the norm are cause for concern and may be a sign of obvious negative changes in health. It’s not for nothing that doctors recommend periodically taking blood tests and checking for elevated platelets. If , this potentially indicates several possible reasons changes. The reasons can be quite safe and harmless, but in some situations they indicate a serious pathology.

An increase in the number of platelets in the blood is life-threatening.

Important Features

Of great concern to doctors is the state of increased levels of platelets in the blood, which means the presence of negative changes in the functioning of the entire circulatory system. Blood is the fundamental fluid in the human body, which includes:

  • red blood cells;
  • leukocytes;
  • platelets (TC).

The latter are also commonly called Bizzocero plaques. But more often a more familiar concept is used - platelets. These are small blood cells that do not have a nucleus inside them. They circulate in the serum and are key components in the preservation of vascular walls. If a person has elevated platelets, this does not mean that his circulatory system is now even better protected. Yes, their task is to stop bleeding in damaged areas. They begin to stick together, forming clots and forming a microscopic thrombus. That is, TCs are responsible for coagulation.

Imagine for a moment if a person lacked these blood cells. Only the slightest bleeding would lead to inevitable death due to blood loss. TCs act as the only components in our body that can stop bleeding. This applies to internal and external damage. The bone marrow acts as a site for the formation of TCs. Gradually spreading throughout circulatory system, platelets in the blood live for a week. After this, they die and are processed in the liver or spleen. New platelets appear in their place.

Disruptions may occur in the process of producing blood cells. For the proper functioning of the body, it is important that the TC level is always normal. If the quantitative indicators are higher than the established norm, the person is diagnosed with thrombocytosis. Depending on the gender and age of the patient, there are different standards for platelet levels. Therefore, you should build on individual indicators. The generally accepted threshold for thrombocytosis is 400 thousand units/μl.

Types of shopping centers and standards

The average quantitative norm of platelet content in the blood ranges from 180 to 320 thousand units/μl. If, during the examination and testing of samples, their excess was revealed, then a disease such as thrombocytosis is diagnosed. There is a special classification of types of blood plaques or platelets. There are several types of blood cells depending on their age.

  1. Degenerative. Their share accounts for no more than 5% of the total.
  2. Old ones. On average, they occupy about 5% of the total number of platelets.
  3. Young. The smallest amount is accounted for by this age-related type of blood cells (up to 1%).
  4. Mature. They form the basis of platelets in the circulatory system. In a normal state and in the absence of pathologies in the human body, there should be at least 85% of mature platelets.

If we start from the quantitative ratio, then the norm is determined based on the age and gender of the person. Quantitatively they fit into the following framework:

  1. For newborns, the quantitative norm is considered to be a level from 100 to 420 thousand units/μl. If elevated platelets are detected in an infant, the causes should be immediately identified and treatment prescribed.
  2. For children normal indicator will be from 180 to 320 thousand units/μl;
  3. In women, the normal level is considered to be from 150 to 380 thousand units/μl;
  4. In men, it is considered normal to have a reading of 180 to 320 thousand units/mcL.

Periodic blood composition checks allow you to monitor your general health and respond to pathological processes. So don’t be lazy to find out your platelet distribution index and other quantitative and qualitative indicators of blood cells. It is not for nothing that a blood test is considered the main one in identifying almost all types of diseases. Every person should know why average volume platelets are elevated and what this means regarding his health. The reasons are different, so they should be determined individually. An increase in TC in different situations is associated with completely different factors.


The primary task for the attending physician is to determine the cause of the increased platelet content in the blood. Treatment tactics are based on provoking factors. It is necessary to eliminate the root cause that caused the situation when too many blood cells formed in the blood. Having dealt with it, it will be possible to normalize the performance of the entire circulatory system. Elevated platelet levels in the blood are usually diagnosed when:

  • recently transferred surgical operations, which were accompanied by heavy blood loss;
  • severe bleeding caused by various injuries and factors;
  • oncological diseases;
  • blood diseases;
  • dysfunctions of the blood creation system;
  • exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • infectious lesions;
  • viral infections and diseases;
  • overdose or improper use of certain medications.

We cannot exclude situations where laboratory technicians simply incorrectly collect samples for blood testing. In order to exclude medical errors during the examination, it is recommended to contact trusted medical institutions and take repeated tests some time after receiving the results.

Diagnostic methods

If platelets are elevated, patients are referred for comprehensive examination. With its help, it is possible to determine what provoked such changes in the circulatory system and what measures should be taken to eliminate the disorder. Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor will decide what to do and what treatment tactics to resort to. If the child is not in danger, then therapy is limited proper nutrition and lifestyle adjustments. If platelets are elevated in an adult and are accompanied by dangerous pathologies, more serious treatment methods may be used.

It should be understood that for thrombocytosis, therapy differs significantly from the tactics used for thrombocytopenia, that is, a low platelet count in the patient’s blood. Comprehensive diagnostics consists of:

  • mandatory external examination of patients;
  • submitting samples for platelet testing;
  • aspiration biopsy of bone marrow samples;
  • trepanobiopsy of bone marrow;
  • oncological examination in order to identify or refute the presence of malignant tumors.

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will determine what type of thrombocytosis your particular case belongs to. It is divided into two types:

  1. Primary. In this case, high platelet counts are caused by dysfunction of human bone marrow cells. Characteristic symptoms with such a violation it is practically absent. In rare cases, headaches and deterioration in general health are possible.
  2. Secondary. In this case, thrombocytosis occurs as a symptom of an ongoing disease, is a consequence of surgery, or side effect from improper use of medication.

Based on the diagnosis, appropriate treatment is prescribed.


If it has been revealed that the patient has increased quantitative and qualitative indicators of platelets in the blood, it is necessary to form an individual therapeutic tactics. can act drug therapy. It consists of:

  1. Anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents. These are medications whose function is to reduce blood clotting.
  2. Thrombocytopheresis. This is special medical procedure, in which excess blood plaque is removed from the patient using medical device. Blood cell separators are used quite often if the disorder is associated with primary form thrombocytosis.
  3. Taking interferons. They are prescribed to patients in a course, the duration and features of which are determined individually.
  4. The use of a special drug such as Anagrelide, which acts directly on megakaryocytes and reduces the concentration of blood cells.
  5. Hydroxyurea. Special group medicines, which are prescribed in combination with other drugs.

If this is a secondary type of thrombocytosis, then the patient should be accurately diagnosed, identify the underlying disease and formulate an effective treatment plan for it. adequate treatment. By eliminating the root cause of the elevated platelet level, you will be able to cope.

It is not often that thrombocytosis has to be treated in inpatient conditions. The patient receives prescriptions, recommendations and advice from the attending physician, and the treatment process itself takes place at home. When treating at home, it is important to follow several rules and tips aimed at reducing platelet concentrations. This is only possible in situations where the patient is not in a critical situation, there are no dangerous pathologies, and no indications for hospitalization were identified.

basis home treatment diet is in favor. Under no circumstances should a person go hungry. The diet provides normalization of a healthy diet, exception harmful products and including foods that are not harmful and can help restore the circulatory system.

If the doctor has authorized treatment at home, several basic rules must be followed:

    1. Try not to eat a lot of fatty meat. Use dietary varieties. It is better to minimize the amount of fish, poultry and meat consumed by replacing them with legumes and dairy products. Fractional and separate meals bring more benefits.
    2. Do not eat anything that should be cooked by frying. Frying and even frying in a small amount of oil will harm your health.

It is absolutely impossible to ignore the fact of an increase in platelets. Most serious consequences formation in veins, vessels, etc. is considered. Sometimes they come off and close the lumen, causing local inflammation, swelling and blocking the blood flow. Against the background of thrombosis and blockage of blood vessels, heart attacks, strokes, and thromboembolism occur. The result of such complications is the death of a person. It is not so often possible to save a life, since only surgical intervention can cope with a blood clot.

So if the next preventive examination showed an increased level of blood cells, this indicates serious violations and potentially dangerous disease. Must pass mandatory comprehensive diagnostics to accurately determine the causes of thrombocytosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Be healthy and never self-medicate without consulting a specialist! Subscribe to our website, leave your comments, ask questions and don’t forget to invite your friends to join us!

High level of platelets in the blood, exceeding acceptable standards for healthy person, can lead to active thrombus formation in the bloodstream, resulting in blockage of blood vessels.

Most doctors and scientists directly associate the mechanism of accelerated formation of blood platelets with an increase in the concentration of megakaryocytes located in the bone marrow. As recent studies show, in patients with thrombocytosis the concentration of the above elements is always increased: this is especially evident in polycythemia, in which decayed fragments of megakaryocytes are quite easily found in the blood. Also, a certain amount of them can be detected during the development of myelogenous leukemia.

Who should I contact?

This problem is being addressed hematologist– he refers patients for diagnostics, makes a differential analysis of the results obtained, establishes a diagnosis and, ultimately, prescribes the procedure necessary for recovery.


The main method for determining platelet levels remains a general blood test. However, besides this, other approaches to diagnosing a possible disease are also used.

To make the most reliable diagnosis, especially if it is made for the first time, doctors recommend taking:

  1. Platelet analysis three times with an interval of four days,
  2. Measure level serum iron and ferritin.
  3. Perform a bone marrow biopsy.
  4. Examine coagulogram.
  5. Perform an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and pelvic organs.
  6. C-reactive protein test
  7. Additionally, consult a urologist or gynecologist.

Norms for platelet concentration

  1. For newborns – from 100 to 420*10^9 units/l
  2. For children – from 180 to 320*10^9 units/l
  3. For women – from 150 to 380*10^9 units/l
  4. For men – from 180 to 320*10^9 units/l

Types of thrombocytosis

  1. Primary. Most often caused by dysfunction of bone marrow cells. A classic hematological problem leads to a sharp increase in platelet levels in the absence of external symptoms problems: in rare cases, a person experiences headaches unknown etiology.
  2. Secondary. Caused by specific diseases, infections, side effects of certain drugs, tumors, surgical interventions and other external factors.

Possible consequences of elevated platelets

The main consequence of a high level of platelets in the blood is the formation of multiple blood clots in the peripheral circulatory system and, as a result, blockage of blood vessels and the formation of a number of diseases: from swelling of the extremities and narrowing of blood vessels, to erythema, ischemia, as well as blockage of the veins of internal organs, heart attacks.

Possible reasons

Thrombocytosis is caused by a number of reasons.

Why are platelets elevated in newborns and children?

Most often in newborns, infants and children, the underlying causes high content platelets in the blood are:

In men and women, the mechanism of formation of thrombocytosis is almost identical, however, if representatives of the stronger sex are less likely to have problems with platelet aggregation, then representatives of the fair sex are less likely to have problems with polycythemia.

The primary form of the disease in adults is caused by hereditary and acquired immune diseases. Most common reasons The secondary forms are as follows:

In pregnant women, in addition to the above reasons, the balance of platelets in the blood can also be affected by antiphospholipid syndrome, as well as manifestations of toxicosis. Frequent diarrhea and vomiting provoke blood thickening, and this process is aggravated by limited fluid intake to eliminate swelling. In addition, the level of platelet aggregation during pregnancy is increased - this is a physiological phenomenon.

How to lower platelet levels?

There are many different ways to lower platelet levels in the blood. Here are most of them.

Conservative therapy

  1. Anticoagulants - fraxiparin and fragmin, prevent blood clotting.
  2. Antiplatelet agents - pantoxifylline, chimes, prevent aggregation of blood platelets.
  3. Interferon is an immunostimulant.
  4. Hydroxyurea – antitumor agent.
  5. Anagrelide is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor that slows down the process of transformation of megakaryocytes into blood platelets.
  6. In rare cases, plateletpheresis. This procedure involves separation of the bloodstream and removal of excess platelets from it.

Diet and foods that lower levels

The diet for thrombocytosis includes foods that thin the blood, in particular tomato juice, olive oil, garlic, onions, fish oil, berries, lemons, linseed oil. In addition, do not forget to include foods with high content magnesium

Particular attention should be paid to the drinking regime - insufficient fluid intake increases the concentration of platelets in the blood. You can drink not only plain water, but also green tea, sour berries, fruits and fresh vegetables/fruits. Don't forget - humans are 90 percent water!

Useful video
