Jaw lymphadenitis treatment. Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of submandibular lymphadenitis. Submandibular lymphadenitis and its causes

IN medical practice inflammation lymph nodes occurs quite often. One of the diseases that provokes the development inflammatory process in the lymph nodes, is submandibular lymphadenitis (lymphadenopathy). With this disease, inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes develops.

Adults and children are equally susceptible to the disease. The main cause of the development of the disorder is infectious lesions.

If the problem is identified in a timely manner, then submandibular lymphadenitis can be easily treated, which results in a favorable prognosis for full recovery. Otherwise, the consequences could be quite dire.

Causes of occurrence

Responsible for the lymph nodes important function biological filters. They protect the body from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria. An enlarged lymphatic system is most often diagnosed in close proximity to the infectious focus and is accompanied by a concomitant disease.

Inflammation and enlargement of the submandibular lymph nodes can occur against the background of the following diseases:

Submandibular lymphadenitis can also develop as an independent disease; the cause of this pathology is an infection that has penetrated into one of the submandibular lymph nodes and caused its inflammation. This can happen as a result of an injury.

A disorder may play a major role in the occurrence of the inflammatory process. immune system due to the following diseases:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • serum sickness.

The inflammatory process can be provoked by Koch's bacillus (the causative agent of tuberculosis), syphilis bacteria, staphylococcus, and streptococcus. IN childhood an increase in nodes is often observed with.

Features of the clinical picture

In the first stages, submandibular lymphadenitis may not manifest itself in any way, but in the absence of proper treatment, the disease begins to progress and the following symptoms soon appear:

  • enlarged, inflamed and painful submandibular lymph nodes;
  • upon palpation, pain appears and a hard lump is felt;
  • slight redness appears, gradually acquiring a burgundy tint, then cyanosis;
  • severe swelling forms at the site of inflammation;
  • pain radiating to the ear area;
  • when swallowing there is discomfort;
  • body temperature can rise to 40C;
  • asthenic condition;
  • in blood increased rate leukocytes.

From the onset of the disease to the transition to an acute form, it can take only three days. The clinical picture changes dramatically and the tumor is already spreading throughout the neck.

Often, patients at the first stage of the disease experience a change in mood and irritability. Increasing pain makes it impossible to sleep and eat peacefully.

The appearance of cyanosis of the skin indicates the accumulation of pus in the affected area.

Chronic and acute form of lymphadenopathy

At acute course One node or several can become inflamed at the same time. In this case, the disease can resolve without accumulation of pus, but most often occurs as a result of an abscess.

Pus is localized in the node and begins to move along it. This may result from a wider spread of infection or a possible breakthrough. purulent inflammation. At acute form Tissues adjacent to the infected node may also be susceptible to infection, which also leads to swelling and pain. When moving the jaw, the submandibular lymph node hurts greatly, and the pain radiates to the neck area.

Chronic course may not be caused by correct treatment acute form. If during acute stage swelling and inflammation of the lymph node and redness around it are observed, then in the chronic course of the disease the nodes become hard to the touch.

The chronic process can also affect neighboring tissues. Symptoms manifest themselves in the same way as in the acute form.

When submandibular lymphadenitis is chronic, it can be treated surgically. During the operation, the inflamed node will be removed.

During the acute stage, pus is removed from the affected node and antibacterial therapy is prescribed.

Establishing diagnosis

There are several proven methods for diagnosing the disease. In most cases, additional measures are not even required, since the symptoms of the disease are pronounced, and accurate diagnosis possible by visual inspection.

Palpation of lymph nodes - reliable method for diagnosis

In addition to the examination, the doctor palpates the inflamed area. You will need to undergo a number of mandatory tests, among which blood drawing is especially important. It was already said above that during the development of this disease observed in the blood increased level leukocytes.

To identify pus in the node, the patient is prescribed an ultrasound.

In some cases, a puncture may be taken from the inflamed area for bacteriological analysis of the fluid. Using this method, it is possible to determine the type of bacteria that provoked jaw lymphadenitis, which will further help in prescribing the necessary antibiotic so that the treatment is effective.

Providing medical care is not so simple, but it is possible

In order to prescribe the correct treatment, it is necessary to understand the reasons that provoked inflammation and enlargement of the submandibular lymph nodes.

All therapeutic measures should be started at the first manifestations of the disease in order to prevent severe consequences. After necessary examination The doctor may prescribe the following treatment methods:

Depending on how many nodes are inflamed, surgery may proceed differently.

One node:

  • A thin incision is made on the skin over the inflamed node;
  • drainage is inserted under the capsule;
  • the wound is washed with an antiseptic.

Multiple nodes:

  • an area of ​​inflammation is opened under the jaw;
  • V fatty tissue drainage is introduced to drain pus;
  • Antibacterial therapy is prescribed.

Drug treatment

Not all antibiotics are effective for submandibular lymphadenitis (or for any other). Most often the disease is caused by staphylococcus pathogens. Therefore, antibiotics of the penicillin group should be prescribed.

Penicillin antibiotics are the drugs of choice for lymphadenopathy

The choice of drug is based on the degree of damage, the age of the patient and the individual characteristics of the body. But we must understand that they act to eliminate the cause, and not the inflammatory process itself. In most cases, the doctor prescribes injections. Treatment lasts for at least two weeks.

Local ointments can be prescribed as adjuvant therapy.

If treatment is started in a timely manner, it is sufficient to rinse and apply antibacterial agents. The operation is prescribed only if there is pus in the node.


Lymphadenopathy can only be cured with traditional medicine almost impossible. This especially applies to severe advanced stages. But such methods can be a good addition to the main treatment, significantly alleviating the patient’s condition.

You can apply antiseptic compresses and take drinks that strengthen the immune system. The main thing is that before starting such treatment, you must consult with a specialist.

The clinical picture is similar to that typical for adult patients, with one exception: in children, lymphadenitis very rarely resolves with suppuration of the inflamed nodes.

Enlargement of lymph nodes can be caused by many infectious processes. Therefore, doctors focus their main efforts on elimination of the main infection, and treatment of the disease is resorted to only in cases where severe pain in the inflamed nodes appears.

In childhood, the disease often becomes chronic. If this happens, then doctors need to find out the hidden infectious source of infection and begin to eliminate it. Important events To treat the disease in children, take multivitamins and harden the body. Of course, during an exacerbation period you should not start to harden yourself.

In childhood, lymphadenitis localized under the jaw is treated in the same way as in adults.

What is the danger?

If the patient does not have proper treatment, or the wrong measures are taken, the disease may become chronic form. In the worst case, they may appear serious complications, which pose a threat to the patient’s life.

The inflammatory process can begin to spread to nearby tissues, which can lead to serious diseases such as periadenitis or an abscess.

When the infection is localized in the area respiratory system breakthrough of purulent inflammation can lead to the appearance of chronic fistulas in the bronchi or esophagus.

Antibacterial therapy can provoke negative reactions from the body:

  • loss of appetite;
  • redness of the skin;
  • loose stools;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • feeling of anxiety.

If such symptoms appear, you should immediately inform your doctor. In this case, another drug will be prescribed. Adverse reactions of the body can disrupt the course of treatment and lead to unpleasant consequences.

Preventive measures

To avoid inflammation of the lymph nodes, you must follow a few simple recommendations:

  • treat infectious diseases at their first manifestations;
  • keep track of ;
  • visit the dentist's office twice a year;
  • treat all injuries and skin damage immediately antiseptics.

You can reduce the possibility of infection only if you pay close attention to your body.

Submandibular lymphadenitis can occur in acute and chronic forms. In the first case, only one or several nodes can become inflamed at the same time. Although an acute course can be observed without the presence of pus, most often it is caused by an abscess. In this case, pus can be localized in the node and fluctuate, which indicates that it moves around the node. This can provoke its breakthrough and a more extensive spread of inflammation. In addition, in acute form, the infection can affect not only the node, but also the tissues adjacent to it. They also become swollen and painful.

In acute form painful sensations may affect the neck and jaw. Pain is caused by opening and closing the mouth.

Submandibular lymphadenitis in chronic form

Submandibular lymphadenitis (causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention are described in the article) can also occur in a chronic form. It may be provoked improper treatment acute illness. In the acute form, the lymph node swells, the skin around it becomes red, and in the chronic form, the nodes harden.

In a chronic process, as well as in an acute one, inflammation can affect tissues close to the node. The patient exhibits the same symptoms as in the acute course: fever, redness of the skin, asthenia and fever.

If the disease is chronic, doctors may resort to surgical method, during which the affected node will be removed. The acute form is stopped by removing pus from the affected node with further use of antibiotics.

The appearance of submandibular lymphadenitis in children

The disease occurs quite often in childhood. The infection can spread from various areas of inflammation. This could be an infection of the teeth, gums, throat, etc.

Infants cannot develop this disease, since the formation of lymph nodes occurs during the first three years of a child’s life.
If the process in a child is not stopped in time, it may be necessary surgery to remove a node. Therefore, it is important to start therapy in a timely manner. Many parents do not even suspect that lymph nodes are located in the back of the head. Although submandibular lymphadenitis in children is easily diagnosed.

The child complains of pain in the neck or lower jaw. The parent can feel the knots. They will be soft and mobile.

Diagnosis of the disease

There are a number of methods to help diagnose this disease. A doctor can make a diagnosis only based on signs, without conducting any examinations, since the symptoms of the disease are quite vivid.

In addition to the visual method, as well as palpation, there are other diagnostic methods. For example, a doctor may prescribe a blood test for a patient. As already mentioned, the disease provokes an increase in the level of leukocytes.

They also resort to ultrasound. Ultrasound reveals the presence of pus in the node. In addition, the doctor can perform a puncture (collection of fluid for bacteriological analysis). Such manipulation will help determine which bacteria provoked the inflammation and which antibiotic is appropriate to prescribe in this case.

Basic principles of treatment

How does submandibular lymphadenitis occur? Symptoms and treatment folk remedies, as well as methods traditional medicine indicate that this is an inflammatory disease that causes suppuration. Therapy is based on eliminating the infection that caused the inflammation.

As a rule, they resort to drugs such as:

  • aluminum 8%). It has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. Used as rinses and cold lotions. Before use, the product is diluted 10-20 times.
  • Salt based solution. Used for rinsing.
  • Use of antibiotics. They are prescribed both in tablet and intramuscular injections. Among them, the most widely used drugs are Cephalexin, Clindamycin, Amoxiclav, Lincomycin, and Cefuroxime. Antibiotics should only be taken as prescribed by a doctor.

If submandibular lymphadenitis (symptoms and treatment are described) was diagnosed at an early stage, then usually the use of rinses and antibiotics is sufficient for relief.

If pus accumulates during inflammation, they usually resort to a simple operation, which involves making a small incision and removing the pus through drainage.

In most patients, several nodes are affected at once. In this case, surgery will be required. The doctor does under lower jaw small incision. A drainage tube is inserted into it and the pus is removed. When the manipulation is completed, the wound is closed with clamps. After surgery, the patient must take a course of antibiotics.

The use of folk remedies in the treatment of lymphadenitis

How is submandibular lymphadenitis relieved? Symptoms and treatment with folk remedies, as well as traditional medicine methods, are presented in this article. In most cases, using traditional methods for lymphadenitis is a waste of time. The patient believes that he is easing his condition, but in fact the disease is progressing and, as practice shows, leads to a hospital bed.

Usually traditional methods effective only at the initial stage of the disease. In any case, you cannot resort to using home remedies without a doctor’s advice.

Among the most popular traditional methods treatment should be noted:

  • Drinking ginger tea.
  • Applying a compress with Echinacea tincture in alcohol. One tbsp. l. the drug is diluted warm water in a ratio of 1:2. The resulting mixture is soaked in a bandage.
  • Drinking echinacea tincture. For this purpose, 30-35 drops of the product are diluted in half a glass of water. The medicine is taken three times a day.
  • Drinking blueberry drink. A handful fresh berries You should grind it, add water to the pulp, let it sit for about an hour and drink. The procedure is repeated before each meal.
  • Uses of dandelion powder. This medicine can only be prepared in the summer. Dandelion roots are dried and then crushed. The resulting powder is eaten 1 tsp. 30 minutes before meals.
  • Drinking beet juice. Juice is squeezed out of fresh fruits and placed in the refrigerator for 6 hours (the foam should be skimmed off). The medicine is taken in the morning before breakfast. Taste beet juice is not very pleasant, so it can be diluted by a quarter with carrot juice.
  • Drinking garlic infusion. Chop two heads of garlic and add warm boiled water. They are infused for 3 days. The medicine is stirred twice a day. Drink the infusion 2 tsp. between meals.
  • Vitamin C intake. The starting dose is 0.5 g three times a day. If no improvement is observed, then it is recommended to increase the vine to 2 g.

Preventive measures

How submandibular lymphadenitis occurs (symptoms and treatment), the photos in this article give an idea. The disease causes excruciating pain and requires the use of antibiotics. Often surgery is required to relieve the disease.

In order not to encounter a problem such as lymphadenitis, you should avoid infection of the body and treat everything in a timely manner, even if it’s not very serious illnesses. Avoid scratching and wounding the skin. When they appear, immediately treat with antiseptic agents. Should not be underestimated timely treatment gums and caries, since they are the ones who can primarily provoke the development of such an unpleasant disease.

Infections, which often enter our body through the oral cavity, can cause lymphadenitis.

This disease is the most common among all existing inflammatory processes of the lymph nodes.

At the same time, both adults and children can suffer from the disease. We will learn further how to recognize the first symptoms and not wait for complications.

Most a clear sign the beginning of the development of submandibular lymphadenitis - the appearance of painful nodes under the lower jaw, which upon palpation cause pain.

Gradually, the tumors in the neck area increase in size and develop a clear outline. In parallel, the following symptoms are observed:

  • ear pain;
  • increased body temperature, sometimes above 38°C;
  • redness of the inflamed area;
  • loss of appetite;
  • feeling of constant fatigue;
  • sleep disturbance.

Without treatment, it becomes difficult for the patient to move his jaw painlessly. After a few more days, the inflamed area increases in size geometric progression, the swelling moves down to the collarbone.

The area of ​​skin where the disease develops becomes red in color. At the same time, the mucous membrane is also subject to inflammation. oral cavity.

However, the most complex signs of the disease, when the help of a specialist becomes vitally necessary, are:

  • temperature rise up to 40°C;
  • severe (shooting) pain;
  • burgundy or blue skin tone.

The last sign indicates the presence of pus in the lymph nodes, which is dangerous for the body as a whole.

Often patients try to cure the disease on their own, without even thinking about the cause of the problem.

Primary sources of development

The most common cause of lymphadenitis in the body is the entry of pathogenic microflora into the lymph, which is most often represented by staphylococci and streptococci.

In turn, the foci of bacteria are teeth and gums affected by oral diseases. Periodontitis, gingivitis and caries are diseases whose environment is an excellent way of transporting pathogenic microflora to the lymph nodes through the lymph. Against this background, inflammation occurs.

The next primary source of lymphadenitis is chronic infectious processes in the nasopharynx and tonsils. Such diseases include tonsillitis and sinusitis. This is why it is so important to identify the cause of lymphadenitis. For effective treatment secondary disease, the source of infection should be eliminated.

It is also possible that bacteria enter the lymph nodes directly, for example, when they are injured. Infection can occur when the skin is damaged.

It is worth noting that pathogenic microflora cannot always be represented by streptococci and staphylococci. There are other types of bacteria, by which the classification of the disease is determined.

Find out more about traditional and folk methods.

In this you will find the answer to the question of how to get rid of caries at home in one day.


Experts distinguish several types of lymphadenitis, which are classified:

  1. By severity- chronic, acute.
  2. According to the nature of the inflammatory process- non-purulent, purulent.
  3. According to the manifestation of the disease. Downtime is characterized by swelling. With hyperplastic, an increase in the volume of lymph node tissue is observed. When destructive, the lymph node and nearby tissues are destroyed.
  4. According to the type of causative agent of the inflammatory process. The causative agent of syphilis is Treponema pallidum. The causative agent of tuberculosis is Koch's bacillus.

Possible complications

If you do not contact a specialist in a timely manner and there is no proper treatment, submandibular lymphadenitis is fraught with:

  • formation of fistulas. The complication is typical in cases where the causative agent of the inflammatory process is Koch's bacillus;
  • the formation of phlegmon (purulent inflammation that does not have clear boundaries) and abscesses;
  • development of sepsis.


Quite often, the pronounced symptoms of lymphadenitis allow a specialist to make a diagnosis without resorting to various instrumental methods diagnosis by conducting an examination and taking an anamnesis.

Otherwise, the patient is prescribed laboratory research as general analysis blood, which gives a picture of the level of leukocytes. With this disease it increases.

At the same time, an ultrasound examination can be performed to verify the presence of pus in the lymph nodes.

To further prescribe treatment, the specialist may also need the results of a puncture - taking fluid from a lymph node for bacteriological analysis. This determines the type of disease and the sensitivity of bacteria to a specific group of antibiotics.

Ways to get rid of the problem

It is very important that therapy is prescribed by a specialist. Self-treatment may result in the most complex consequences described above. Depending on the type and course of the disease, there are 3 types of solutions to the problem.

Conservative treatment method

Target this treatment– eliminate the original source of the disease. To do this, lotions with diluted Burov's liquid are prescribed. The drug is an 8% aluminum solution with antiseptic, astringent, anti-inflammatory properties. In the presence of chronic tonsillitis Frequent gargling with saline solution is recommended.

Required attribute conservative therapy are also antibiotics. This type The drug can be prescribed both in the form of tablets and as intramuscular injections. Antibiotic use must be strictly controlled.

It is worth noting that the listed treatment methods are effective only for early stages diseases, provided there is no pus in the nodes.

Surgical intervention

Purulent melting during the course of the disease is a sign of the need for surgical intervention. To do this, the dental surgeon makes a skin incision above the lymph node and inserts drainage under the capsule, after which he washes the wound with an antiseptic.

If several lymph nodes are affected, the skin is opened in submandibular region faces. Outflow of pus into in this case is ensured by introducing drainage into the fatty tissue. At the end of the operation, the wound is closed with clamps, and the patient is prescribed antibiotics.

If the causative agents of the inflammatory process are Koch's bacillus or Treponema pallidum, it is determined specific scheme treatment.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine is not a panacea for lymphadenitis. However, it is worth trying some recipes, coordinating them with your doctor.

Ginger tea

Ingredients: ginger root and boiled water.

Preparation: pour boiling water into a thermos and add chopped ginger root.

Application: drink both cold and hot 3 times a day for 2 weeks.

Efficacy: relieves signs of the inflammatory process in the early stages of its manifestation.

Echinacea tincture

Ingredients: Echinacea tincture.

Preparation: dilute 30 - 35 drops of tincture in 0.5 cups of boiled water.

Application: drink the entire contents of the glass 3 times a day.

Efficacy: increases immunity, prevents infection from developing.

Dandelion powder

Ingredients: dried dandelion root powder.

Preparation: purchase ready-made or prepare it yourself by chopping dried dandelion roots.

Application: 1 tsp. eat half an hour before meals 2 times a day for 3 days.

Efficiency: within the specified time, the inflammatory process should decline.

Beet juice

Ingredients: beets.

Preparation: pass the vegetable through a juicer and place the juice in the refrigerator for 6 hours in an open container, after removing the foam.

Application: 100 ml on an empty stomach.

Efficacy: improvement in well-being is observed on the third day.

Garlic infusion

Ingredients: 2 heads of garlic.

Preparation: chop the peeled heads of garlic, add warm water and leave for 3 days, stirring the mixture morning and evening.

Application: drink 2 tsp. after every meal.

Efficacy: improvement is observed already on the second day.


Ingredients: onion head.

Preparation: the fruit is baked in the oven for 15 minutes. Afterwards, grind the onion until a paste forms and mix with 1 tbsp. pharmaceutical tar.

Application: use the resulting mass as a compress. Apply to the affected area overnight.

Efficacy: relieves swelling.

Mint leaves

Ingredients: mint leaves.

Preparation: Grind the ingredient until juice forms.

Application: apply the entire contents to a bandage or gauze and apply to the affected area.

Efficacy: relieves swelling and inflammation.

Interior fat and grass

Ingredients: interior fat and norichnik grass.

Preparation: melt 0.2 kg of fat and add 3 tbsp. dried and crushed norichnik herb. Then simmer the resulting mixture in a water bath for 4 hours. Filter the hot pulp and put it in the refrigerator.

Application: use as an ointment 3 times a day.

Efficacy: relieves inflammation.

From the video you will learn several more recipes for the treatment of lymphadenitis.

Chicory roots

Ingredients: dry or fresh roots chicory.

Preparation: the amount of chicory roots required to cover the entire affected area is poured with boiling water (so that the mixture is covered) and infused for 20 minutes. The chicory roots should be crushed and then the excess liquid should be drained.

Application: apply the remaining mixture to the affected area 2 times a day for a couple of hours.

Efficacy: improvement is observed on the third day.

Young pine shoots

Ingredients: young pine shoots.

Preparation: mix 2 liters of the main ingredient with three liters of water and a glass of sugar. Cook in a saucepan over low heat for 2 hours. Afterwards, filter the broth and boil the liquid for another 2 hours.

Application: after each meal, 1 tbsp. l. within a month.

Efficacy: the decoction is excellent for both treatment and prevention of disease.

Important! If you do not experience any noticeable improvement within 3 days after using folk remedies, immediately seek help from a qualified specialist. The listed methods are useless if there is pus in the inflamed nodes.


In order not to encounter a recurrence of lymphadenitis, concomitant infections in the body should be treated in a timely manner.

In addition, don't forget:

  • visit the dentist periodically;
  • monitor oral hygiene;
  • prevent the development of carious processes;
  • apply preventive visits otolaryngologist;
  • do not trigger inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx.

Nutrition during therapy

During treatment, specialists prescribe patients a diet that includes avoiding salty and smoked foods, various fast foods, and fried foods.

Disease in children

Often, disease of the lymph nodes in children is a consequence of inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract. An illness of this kind can be easily treated by eliminating the root cause.

However, if the nodes become enlarged, it is still worth seeing a qualified specialist to identify the source of infection and prescribe treatment.

Pathology in pregnant women

In pregnant women, any minor inflammatory process can develop into lymphadenitis. After all, the immunity of expectant mothers during the period of waiting for a baby is significantly reduced. That is why it is so important to be examined by a dentist and otolaryngologist before planning a pregnancy.

Be that as it may, treatment of the disease in expectant mothers is carried out by prescribing antibiotics that are acceptable for their situation.

Submandibular lymphadenitis is an inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are a kind of barrier that traps microorganisms, toxins and other harmful substances, traveling with the lymph flow from areas of the body with an inflammatory process.

Upon penetration large quantity infectious agents from the primary focus to the lymph node, the microbial balance in it is disturbed, which leads to the development of lymphadenitis.

Thus, inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes is a secondary disease, that is, they react to some pathological processes in maxillofacial area.

What pathologies can lead to submandibular lymphadenitis:

  • Apical periodontitis (acute and chronic forms).
  • Periostitis and osteomyelitis of the jaw.
  • Acute and chronic pericoronitis (inflammation of the gums in the area of ​​the erupting wisdom tooth).
  • Odontogenic sinusitis.
  • Radicular cysts (including during exacerbation).
  • Lesions of the oral mucosa and red border of the lips (herpetic or aphthous stomatitis, oral candidiasis, etc.)
  • ENT pathology (otitis, laryngitis, sinusitis).

Often, lymphadenitis can develop after traumatic surgical procedures in the maxillofacial area, for example, after tooth extraction (especially wisdom teeth), jaw surgery, dental implantation, etc.

Clinical picture

There are acute and chronic forms of this disease, while the acute process can be serous or purulent.

Acute lymphadenitis

Serous inflammation of the lymph node is not always accompanied by a deterioration in the patient’s well-being; swelling of the soft tissues is also not always observed. Skin above the lymph node are not changed in color. The patient's complaints are associated with pain in the submandibular region, which intensifies during conversation and jaw movement. Patients often experience painful swallowing.

On palpation, the lymph node is enlarged in size (normally 0.5-1.0 cm in diameter), oval in shape, painful, elastic and mobile. The surrounding tissues are of a soft consistency and are not fused to the lymph node.

The serous process often turns into a purulent one, which is characterized by a violation general condition patient – ​​body temperature rises, weakness, chills, malaise appear, and loss of appetite.

Swelling of the tissues of the submandibular region is determined; the skin over the swelling is red, dense, and sharply painful. If it is possible to palpate the lymph node, then it is of dense consistency, enlarged, and inactive.

Chronic lymphadenitis

The chronic form is most often the outcome of an acute process, but in Lately It is increasingly possible to observe primary chronic inflammation in the lymph nodes.

The disease develops slowly over several months. Patients complain of a small ball in the submandibular area, which can be painful. Some patients experience an increase in temperature up to 37.3 degrees, general weakness. Edema of soft tissues, as a rule, is not noted.

Upon palpation, a lymph node is determined to be round or oval in shape, enlarged in size, elastic in consistency, mobile and not fused to the surrounding tissues. If the process lasts for a long time, fistulous tracts may appear on the skin of the submandibular region.

Exacerbations of a chronic process in the lymph node are often observed, and the symptoms correspond to the serous or purulent form of acute lymphadenitis.


If you suspect lymphadenitis of the submandibular nodes, you must comprehensive examination patient to detect the cause of the pathology. Special attention are given to odontogenic infection, for the search for which it is necessary to conduct an x-ray examination.


It is necessary to begin treatment of any form of submandibular lymphadenitis by identifying the cause of the disease and eliminating it.

All decayed teeth (roots), teeth with foci of infection at the apexes of the roots (according to radiographs), and “eights” with symptoms of pericoronaritis must be removed. Periodontal and subperiosteal abscesses (if present) are opened. Teeth with radicular cysts are removed or cystectomy is performed. Consultation with an otorhinolaryngologist and, if necessary, appropriate treatment is necessary.

Acute serous submandibular lymphadenitis can be stopped without resorting to surgical intervention on the lymph node. Drug treatment is prescribed (antibiotics, antihistamines and painkillers), compresses with dimexide on the submandibular area, and physiotherapeutic methods.

In case of purulent form, opening of the purulent focus followed by drainage of the wound is indicated. The patient undergoes daily dressings, treating the wounds with antiseptic solutions. Complex anti-inflammatory therapy is also prescribed.

To treat the chronic form, in addition to eliminating the cause, they resort to physiotherapeutic methods of treatment. For exacerbations, the treatment tactics are the same as for the acute stage of the disease.

In case of prolonged course of chronic lymphadenitis with the formation of fistulous tracts, their excision is indicated (lymph nodes are also excised).

In the human body, there are about one hundred and fifty types of lymph nodes, called regional in medicine, since they are localized throughout the human body. Their role in the body cannot be overestimated: they act as a kind of filters or barriers that prevent the expansion of bacteria and infections.

Submandibular lymphadenitis is a disease that is expressed by an inflammatory process in the lymph nodes localized under the lower jaw of a person. The inflammatory process is rarely regarded by health workers as a separate disease; lymphadenitis is the body’s reaction to other negative processes in it. Let's consider common factors that provoke the onset of the disease, its symptoms, diagnostic methodology, treatment and prevention options.

The root causes of the genesis of submandibular lymphadenitis

Submandibular lymph nodes act as original indicators of the health of the oral cavity and those located close to nodal points. Because when inflammatory reaction in the mandibular lymph nodes, the root causes should be sought in the following:

  1. Acute respiratory infections of any etiology. These include sore throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis or respiratory diseases.
  2. Inflammatory processes in the tonsils.
  3. Caries in neglected form caused by incorrect sanitation of the oral cavity.
  4. Otitis in chronic or acute form.
  5. Inflammatory processes in the nasal sinuses.
  6. Traumatic or mechanical damage submandibular region.

Syphilis, HIV or tuberculosis can also be the root cause of the pathology, however, in such a situation, inflammatory processes are more often observed in other lymph nodes.

Symptoms of the disease

Initial phase pathological process often does not bother the sick person much. The disease begins with a slight increase in the area in the lymph node region, which is not immediately detected visually. In this case, the patient may feel slight discomfort when touching the inflamed node.

If you ignore the inflammatory process, without seeking medical help and starting appropriate treatment in a few days, the lymph nodes can become very large in size, submandibular lymphadenitis will make itself felt to the patient with the following symptoms:

  • systematic pain, often shooting to the side auricle and neck;
  • the inflamed area of ​​skin begins to acquire a burgundy color, often with a bluish tint;
  • the appearance of swelling or swelling in the region of the inflamed node;
  • hypothermia of the submandibular node of local type;
  • painful sensations when swallowing.

If at this stage you do not consult a doctor and do not eliminate the cause of inflammation, the patient’s temperature will then rise, often up to forty degrees, and symptoms of intoxication of the body will also appear. The sick person begins to feel body aches, fatigue, loses appetite, feels severe pain in the area of ​​inflammation, even at rest, the tumor grows significantly in volume.

The result of this condition is more than dangerous for human health, and sometimes even for life: the absence medical care threatens to appear with all the ensuing consequences.

Chronic and acute development of lymphadenopathy

Lymphadenopathy can develop in the form of an acute and chronic process. Acute lymphadenitis of the submandibular region progresses against the background of an abscess and can be expressed by inflammation of one or several nodes. An acute disease is accompanied by piercing pain that can radiate to the neck and adjacent regions of the body. A distinctive feature of the disease at this stage is often the appearance of purulent formations in the node, which have a liquid consistency. Purulent fluid can move through the lymph node, thereby provoking the growth of swelling and infection of the tissues adjacent to the inflamed area of ​​​​the body.

Often, chronic submandibular lymphadenitis is the result of lack of treatment or incorrect treatment of the disease in its acute form. In the chronic course of the disease, the painful symptoms do not subside, however, the inflamed node itself hardens, and when palpating the area, you can feel a hard “lump” inside. Sometimes treatment of an inflamed node at the stage chronic course illness suggests surgery by resection of the inflammation focus.

The acute form of the disease in an unadvanced stage requires drug treatment of the original source of the pathology in combination with antibiotic therapy. At the complex stage of acute lymphadenopathy, the opening of the purulent focus and drainage of the formations are provided.

Diagnostic measures

A preliminary diagnosis of the patient is possible through a visual examination, based on palpation of the inflamed area. In this case, the patient is given a presumptive diagnosis of suspected submandibular lymphadenitis.

Additionally, to confirm the diagnosis, the patient will be scheduled for blood donation. laboratory analysis, the results of which, in case of existing submandibular lymphadenitis, will show an increased leukocyte ratio. Further diagnostic measures depend on the stage of the pathology. At the initial stage of the disease, the patient will be recommended to visit specialists in order to identify the cause of inflammation of the node, and at the same time antibiotic therapy will be prescribed.

At more complex stages of the disease, the patient may be referred for an ultrasound examination to confirm or refute the presence of pus in the node, and a puncture from the lymph node is also taken to determine the type of bacteria that caused the disease. This will help you select the most effective class of antibiotics for their effect on certain type bacteria present in the body.

After confirming the diagnosis in the official medical documentation The attending physician indicates the disease according to the International Classification of Diseases. Official medicine classifies the pathology in the section “Infections of the skin and subcutaneous tissue“, while submandibular lymphadenitis has a code according to ICD-10 L04.0, which stands for the fact of the source of infection in the region of the neck, head and face.

Providing medical care

Making a diagnosis of “submandibular lymphadenitis” is actually much easier than curing the pathology. The problem is that treatment of the disease must begin immediately in order to prevent serious consequences However, in the case of lymphadenopathy, eliminating symptoms is not the primary task; it is important to find the original source of the pathology.

The methodology for treating submandibular lymphadenitis in adults involves the following measures:

  1. Sanitation of the inflamed area. For this purpose, Burov's solution is most often used.
  2. Compliance with a plentiful drinking regimen in combination with a diet that includes foods with a significant vitamin content.
  3. Reinsurance against hypothermia, providing for the patient to regularly stay warm.
  4. Compliance with hygiene standards.
  5. Prescribing broad-spectrum antibiotics or a specific class if a type of bacterial pathogen is identified.
  6. Prescription of lotions or ointments for local, external use.
  7. Antibiotic therapy. Both drugs in tablets and drugs in the form of injections can be prescribed, depending on the severity of the pathology, the type of stick, as well as the age and health of the patient.

At the same time, a search is made for the source of the inflammatory process by visiting. Problems with lymphatic system most often associated with the presence of infection in the body. Inflamed regional hubs as a result of bacteria entering the node, which acts as a filter in human body, delays negative components, preventing them from entering the blood. In order to identify the source of infection, a visit to the dentist and otolaryngologist is considered mandatory, who can prescribe individual treatment, if health problems are detected in their specialty. If the problem is not identified by these specialists, then a comprehensive examination of the body may be prescribed.

In a situation where ultrasound examination purulent formations are detected in one or more nodes, a local class operation may be prescribed. The mini-operation involves opening the inflamed lymph node with subsequent drainage of the pus. In the chronic form of the pathology, when the lymph node already has a dense purulent consistency, its absolute removal is envisaged. After the operation, the patient is prescribed complex treatment with a course of antibiotics.

Drug therapy

Basis complex therapy submandibular lymphadenitis are antibiotics. Often the disease is caused by bacteria of the staphylococcal group, which requires the patient to take penicillin class antibiotics.

The selection of antibiotics for submandibular lymphadenitis should be done exclusively by the attending doctor based on tests and other methods for diagnosing the pathology. The fact is that antibiotics are medicines that, in addition to effectively affecting infectious and bacterial foci, also affect the beneficial microflora of the body, have a lot of effects in their list adverse reactions. Independent unregulated use of antibiotics can help cope with one problem, while simultaneously provoking other diseases with aggravated consequences.

When selecting medications, the attending physician is guided not only by the diagnosis, but also by the accompanying subjective characteristics of the patient, prescribes the dosage and form of the drug, taking into account the age, weight and other individual criteria of the patient.

On initial stages illness, if the patient seeks help in a timely manner, the use of antibacterial drugs may be sufficient medicines and local treatment of the inflammation with ointments, among which doctors most often recommend Troxevasin, Vishnevsky ointment or boric vaseline.

In parallel, the patient is prescribed vitamin and immunity-boosting complexes, which contribute to more quick recovery patient.

Traditional medicine

Unconventional therapy, despite significant development of methodology drug treatment and pharmacology, and is now often used by many people. The reason for this precedent is often fear of doctors, saving on medicines, or hope for simple healing with the help of effective “grandmother’s” recipes. Submandibular lymphadenitis cannot be cured exclusively with folk remedies, Alternative medicine can only be used as aid in the comprehensive elimination of the disease.

In complex therapy of the disease against the background drug therapy The following traditional methods of treatment can be used:

  1. Taking or rose hips, which has a significant anti-inflammatory effect on the body, while simultaneously increasing human immunity.
  2. Treatment herbal infusions using plants that have an antiseptic effect on the body: yarrow, chamomile, oregano and others.
  3. Compresses from herbal mixtures with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory natural characteristics can slightly alleviate the patient’s condition, reduce pain and help reduce swelling.

Before you start using non-traditional treatment methods, be sure to consult with your doctor, since the effects of herbs may not only not be effective, but also cause complications.

Submandibular lymphadenitis in a child

Lymphadenitis is a disease that can affect people of any gender and age. Submandibular lymphadenitis in children in its course and symptoms is practically no different from clinical picture illness in an adult. The only exception is the very rare appearance of suppuration in the lymph nodes - this criterion is not typical for pathology in childhood. In children under one and a half years old, except infectious diseases, inflammation of the submandibular lymph node can provoke teething.

The technology for treating submandibular lymphadenitis in the younger generation does not differ from the treatment of an adult patient. The doctor first determines the source of the infection and takes steps to eliminate the original source of the disease. Antibiotic therapy is also used in the treatment of pathology, while doctors use drugs that are designed specifically for pediatric patients. Ointment compresses may be prescribed, vitamin complexes, physiotherapeutic procedures.

Methods for preventing the disease

Preventive measures to prevent the genesis of lymphadenitis in any location consist of maintaining healthy image living in compliance with the principles of personal hygiene, as well as taking a responsible attitude towards one’s health.

Proper nutrition with the presence of vitamins and microelements in the diet to strengthen the immune system, hardening - these measures contribute to the overall strengthening of the body, which allows it to effectively prevent infectious pathologies.

Systematic visits to doctors, in particular the dentist, and compliance with his recommendations for daily oral care allow you to immediately eliminate infectious foci that can become the primary source of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the region of the neck, head and face.

Responsible attitude towards one’s health, which does not include self-medication in case of illness viral infections, refers to the prevention of inflammation of the lymph nodes, since it is often the irrational therapy of simple viral diseases entails the spread of infection throughout the body.

Let's sum it up

is a life-threatening disease. Self-medication often provokes the transition of the inflammatory process into a chronic form, which is treated exclusively surgically, by removing an important filter of the human body.

In order to prevent the development of lymphadenitis, it is important to promptly contact qualified specialists for any diseases who will help to correctly cope with the disease and prevent complications, including submandibular lymphadenitis.
