Lactamil is a reliable assistant for stable lactation. Mixtures to improve lactation: what are their benefits and which one to choose Restrictions on the menu during lactation

Feeding a newborn baby with breast milk does not always go smoothly. Both in the first days after birth and during mature lactation, a nursing mother may experience insufficient production breast milk. Such situations often undermine her confidence in her ability to feed the baby with her own milk and suggest supplementary feeding with artificial formula. But don't rush. Among the means and methods for increasing lactation, it is worth trying a specialized nutrition for nursing women - “Lactamil”.

"Lactamil" for is a dry milk formula developed Russian company Infaprim, also known for its products for baby food The mixture "Lactamil" together with the mixture is included in the NutriMa line, created by specialists specifically for lactating and pregnant women, whose body needs complete and balanced diet. So what features of the Lactamil composition allow a nursing mother to cope with a deficiency of breast milk (hypogalactia)?

Composition of the Lactamil mixture for feeding nursing mothers

The most important components that determine the product’s ability to positively influence lactation are plant extracts, which also have a general strengthening effect:

  • anise;
  • nettle;
  • fennel;
  • cumin.

All these herbs can have a calming and antispasmodic effect, which has a good effect on the production of oxytocin, one of the hormones that regulate lactation. If the woman’s general condition is calm, she is not stressed, nothing prevents oxytocin from influencing the release of milk from the mammary gland. Otherwise, production is blocked by another hormone - adrenaline and is disrupted. Thus, the main mechanism of action of lactogonic herbs comes down to relaxation and calming, and then the natural processes allowing you to continue natural feeding.

The following components of Lactamil help to saturate a woman’s body with valuable components and transfer them through breast milk to the baby:

  • skim and whole milk, demineralized whey;
  • vegetable oils (soybean and sunflower with high content oleic acid);
  • fish fat;
  • prebiotic inulin;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins and vitamin-like substances.

The mixture also contains auxiliary components in the form of a harmless emulsifier (soy lecithin) and an antioxidant (L-ascorbyl palmitate), which are also allowed in infant formulas.

What is the benefit of this specialized product? If you look at it, most infants have a similar composition. That is, a nursing mother who consumes Lactamil transfers all the valuable substances to the child without loading his body with a product alien to him - a breast milk substitute. These are the substances.

  1. Amino acids that make up milk. Their composition is improved due to the addition of whey proteins.
  2. Polyunsaturated fatty acids from vegetable oils and fish oil. Participate in the construction of cell membranes, have an antioxidant effect (alpha-linolenic, docosahexaenoic, eicosapentaenoic).
  3. Prebiotic inulin. Promotes correct formation intestinal microflora(bifidobacteria and lactobacilli) in women, which promotes saturation beneficial bacteria and mother's milk.
  4. Vitamins, vitamin-like substances. They are vital for the baby and contribute to the mother’s rapid recovery after childbirth.

This a brief description of allows you to understand how thoughtfully and correctly the composition of the components of “Lactamil” has been selected and the undeniability of its benefits. The cost of "Lactamil" varies from 330 to 550 rubles. It can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

Why do you need Lactamil?

The main indication for which Lactamil is recommended for nursing mothers as an additional specialized nutrition is the appearance of problems with milk production. However, this does not mean that it can only be used in this case. If there is enough milk, consuming the formula will have a beneficial effect on the composition and nutritional value breast milk will provide prevention of hypogalactia. After regular use such a cocktail is observed:

  • stable lactation;
  • increased volume of breast milk;
  • normalization of lactation after caesarean section;
  • prolongation of the breastfeeding period;
  • saturating the body of the newborn and his mother with useful substances;
  • reducing the recovery time of a woman’s body in the postpartum period.

Important! "Lactamil" does not increase the volume of breast milk, it only promotes its better separation.

Possible side effects and contraindications

Before buying the Lactamil mixture, you should carefully read its contraindications and possible side effects, so as not to harm yourself and your baby.

The product contains lactose and cow's milk protein. This is important to take into account for nursing women whose bodies cannot digest lactose or are intolerant to cow's milk protein. They are strictly prohibited from consuming any dairy products, which may cause diarrhea, bloating, bad feeling. This condition affects not only the mother, but also the child.

All other components, especially herbal extracts, can also cause individual reactions, but the frequency of their occurrence is low.

Important! If any side effects You should stop using Lactamil milk formula.

After opening, the dry mixture should be stored at room temperature and use within 21 days.

Instructions for use

Much depends on how you drink Lactamil. Correct Application The product allows you to support full natural feeding.

  1. A healthy milkshake is prepared immediately before consumption.
  2. Pour 170 ml of warm boiled water into a suitable container.
  3. Add 4 tbsp there. l. powdery dry product.
  4. Stir until completely dissolved (you can use a blender) and drink.

In this reduced form, the prepared cocktail is drunk 1-2 times a day. If desired, the mixture can not be diluted in water, but added directly to tea, cocoa, or porridge. The finished cocktail should be stored in a cool place for no more than 24 hours.

Many people have a question: how many days should you drink Lactamil? Milkshake You can take the entire period of breastfeeding, but under the supervision of a doctor.

Feedback from nursing mothers

According to reviews from mothers who consumed formula during breastfeeding, there was indeed an improvement in lactation. Women note:

  • consuming the mixture improves the quality of milk;
  • reasonable price;
  • variety of methods of use;
  • visible effectiveness after the first dose.

Most reviews are positive, but there are also negative ones.

  1. There are times when Lactamil nutrition for mothers does not help.
  2. The drink is quite high in calories and many simply refuse to drink it.
  3. I don't like the taste of herbal-flavored cocktails.
  4. Cooking takes time, but there are similar drugs in tablets and drops that do not require any additional actions during the reception.

Analogs of milk formula "Lactamil"

Speaking of, it is important to understand for what purpose its selection is carried out. If there are doubts only about the effectiveness of the drug to increase lactation, then several options are possible.

  1. Specialized products from other manufacturers with similar composition (Dumil Mama Plus, Femilak, Mommy and Me, Bellakt Mama).
  2. Teas for lactation, consisting of a mixture of lactogenic herbs (“Lactavit”, “Lactaphytol”).
  3. Teas instant cooking with plant extracts applied to sugar granules (“HiPP”, “Bebivita”).
  4. Dietary supplements (,).

When there is a question about intolerance to dairy products, but at the same time it is necessary to increase lactation, the choice is narrowed down to teas and dietary supplements that do not contain milk processing products.

Thus, when choosing a product, you need to take into account not only reviews from mothers, price and personal preferences, but also the state of your health and the health of your child.

"Lactamil" or "Femilak", which is better?

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Interruptions in lactation in the first month of breastfeeding are not so rare. Some women are faced with a situation where milk disappears completely for no apparent reason. For support normal level special preparations and products have been developed to prevent lactation and eliminate such problems. Among them, “Lactamil” stands out positively, having received the approval of specialists.

Lactamil is prescribed to improve lactation in women

What problems does Laktamil solve?

Composed of a set of various medicinal herbs, “Lactamil” is designed to restore proper lactation so that the nursing mother’s body produces sufficient quantity milk. Mothers who give birth at a young age especially need the drug. When they begin to lactation, there is a need to stimulate the process. The product is freely sold in pharmacies and does not require a prescription from a doctor to purchase it.

In what form is it produced and how is it stored?

The product is a powder consisting of various medicinal herbs and additionally introduced useful components. Packaged in cardboard packs, the net weight of 1 pack is 360 grams. For targeted action to improve milk production, it contains pectin, fennel, anise, nettle, and cumin. Recommended for use in the initial period of lactation. The manufacturer recommends storing the drug for 1.5 years unopened. If the package is opened, the product can be stored for about 3 weeks by placing it in a dry place where the temperature does not exceed +30 degrees.

If the mixture has already been prepared, it must be placed in the refrigerator and kept there for no more than a day. The dosage of one serving is 40 grams with a calorie content of 175 kcal. Nutrition breakdown for 100 grams of mixture: 22.5 grams of protein, 15.5 grams of fat and 52.5 grams of carbohydrates. The powder is diluted with water and is ready for use. Some components of the product work to improve digestion, which allows us to talk about its complex nature of action. The cost of one package is 300-350 rubles, which is certainly inexpensive and affordable for most breastfeeding women.

What beneficial substances does it contain?

Lactamine, due to its wide composition of useful substances, has a beneficial effect on lactation

When developing the composition of the drug, the manufacturer carefully selected components that work effectively and safely with the body of a mother who is breastfeeding her baby. Correcting the situation with lactation, the mixture has a beneficial effect on general condition women. The following components provide versatility:

  • extracts medicinal plants: anise, nettle, fennel, caraway;
  • mineral elements, including calcium carbonate, manganese, potassium and chromium chlorides, potassium and sodium citrates, copper, zinc and iron sulfates, ammonium molybdate, sodium selenate;
  • vegetable oils are represented by crops such as corn, coconut, soybeans, palm;
  • maltodextrin;
  • lecithin as an emulsifier;
  • whey, lightened from minerals, in dry form;
  • taurine, inositol and pectin;
  • skimmed milk powder;
  • vitamins B, A, C, as well as thiamine hydrochloride, folic, ascorbic and pantothenic acids, riboflavin, tocopherol and riboflavin acetates, phylloquinone, cholecalciferol, d-biotin, nicotinamide;
  • ascorbyl palmitate, which acts as an antioxidant.

The composition, as you can see, is multifaceted, which contributes wide range effects of the drug. According to the instructions for the drug and the advice of doctors, it should be drunk 2-3 times a day. The course of administration depends on the dynamics of lactation restoration. Each woman perceives the taste of the mixture differently, some drink it as tea, while others try to add it to porridge.

If you can easily tolerate the taste and aroma of anise, which is clearly felt in the diluted powder, then you will easily accept the drug. In addition, remember that your task is much more important than just improving milk production, you are working on the full development of your little miracle.

Causes, necessitating taking the drug may be caused hormonal disorders, stressful situations in a woman’s life, a general restructuring of the body at the beginning of lactation, early pregnancy. Observations of patients who were forced to feed their babies artificial milk due to a lack of their own milk showed that by starting to drink Lactamil, they were able to restore its sufficient production.

You need to prepare Lactamil in the amount you are going to drink.

It is recommended to prepare the drink immediately before you are going to drink it. For one serving you need to take 40 grams of dry powder and dilute it with 170 ml of warm (boiled and cooled to 40-45 degrees) water. Most mothers who have used the product claim that 1-2 servings per day are enough to quickly adjust the normal flow of milk.

Natural composition is not a guarantee of absolute safety. The instructions written on the packaging warn that taking the product is only permitted as prescribed by a doctor. If you discover problems with lactation, tell your pediatrician about them. The specialist will find out the cause of the failure, and, if necessary, will recommend that you take Lactamil for several days.

What are the contraindications for use?

Responsibility and increased attention The mother should be aware of the state of her body both during pregnancy and when she begins to breastfeed. Carefully review the instructions for the product and pay attention Special attention contraindications. There is a categorical ban on its use by nursing mothers for:

  1. Pathological, lifelong immunity or complete intolerance lactose and its components.
  2. Negative reaction female body for any substance included in the working formula of the product. Some healing herbs may cause allergies or other unpleasant symptoms.
  3. A rash on the baby’s body that appears after taking the drug. This reaction is rare, but cannot be ruled out. If you see that your baby has redness and a rash, stop drinking the product and consult a doctor.

If a rash or other symptoms are detected in a child, you should consult a pediatrician; perhaps he will prescribe another remedy to increase lactation

What are the side effects?

Side effects that can cause serious health problems for mother and child natural remedy not found. However, some reviews of mothers who drank the drug indicate that it caused an allergy in the baby.

A direct connection between the appearance of an allergy in the baby due to the mother’s use of the drug was not identified, but experts do not exclude a similar reaction in both the woman and the child. Some of its plant components are capable of giving such a reaction.

How to take it correctly?

Take the product after meals, after 1-2 hours, or drink at night. If a woman is diagnosed with a stomach ulcer, the drug should be taken half an hour before meals. Having reached positive result When milk production begins to normal, you can extend the use of the product to maintain the process, taking 5 ml three times a day. Long-term use the funds should be combined with additional intake of phosphorus salts from food into the woman’s body. You can replace Lactamil with such agents as Laktogon, Mlekoin, Femilak, Milky Way(more details in the article:). Analogs are available in the form of powder and tablets.

What do experts think about the drug?

Professionals who study breastfeeding problems classify the Lactamil mixture as an auxiliary product that can increase milk production (see also:). A doctor may recommend taking it if a woman complains of “losing” milk. The appointment may also occur when lactation has not begun a day after the birth of the child. If you are concerned about this problem, you can take a package of the drug with you to the maternity hospital. Please note that taking the mixture does not solve serious problems, causing disturbances in the formation of breast milk. Having determined the real reason failure, the doctor, as a rule, prescribes more effective drugs.

Name: Lactamil

Release forms - tablets 250 mg/400 mg

Pharmacological group - antacid

pharmachologic effect

  • absorbent
  • antacid
  • enveloping
  • antiulcer
  • choleretic

Ingredients - algeldrat 250 mg, magnesium hydroxide 400 mg - tablet


  • Gastritis and duodenitis
  • Gastritis, unspecified
  • Gastroesophageal reflux
  • Gastroesophageal reflux with esophagitis
  • Gastrojejunal ulcer
  • Gastroduodenitis, unspecified
  • Alcoholic gastritis
  • Pain in the abdomen and pelvis
  • Pain localized in the upper abdomen
  • Heartburn
  • Acute hemorrhagic gastritis
  • Peptic ulcer of unspecified localization
  • Symptoms and signs related to the digestive system and abdominal cavity
  • Chronic gastritis, unspecified
  • Chronic atrophic gastritis
  • Chronic superficial gastritis
  • Esophagitis
  • Other gastritis
  • Other diseases of the esophagus
  • Other acute gastritis
  • Esophageal ulcer
  • Ulcer duodenum
  • Stomach ulcer

Composition by components

  • algeldrat
  • magnesium hydroxide


Heartburn, reflux esophagitis, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, peptic ulcers, gastric discomfort due to errors in diet, medication and abuse of alcohol, coffee and nicotine. Used to prevent stress-related mucosal lesions upper sections gastrointestinal tract in patients in departments intensive care.

Dosage regimen

The usual dose of the product is 10 ml (1 packet or 2 teaspoons) 4 times every day, 1-2 hours after meals and immediately before bedtime. In sick people peptic ulcer the daily dose can be increased by additional intake 3 hours after eating. Before use, homogenize the suspension by shaking the bottle or thoroughly kneading the bag between your fingers. To prevent stress-related lesions of the gastrointestinal mucosa during intensive care, it is necessary to use 20 ml of the product every hour. The drug can be administered using a gastric tube, after which it is recommended to introduce 10 ml of water through the tube to ensure complete passage suspensions. 1 hour after insertion of the probe, the aspirate of gastric contents is examined for pH value. If the pH value is below 3.5, the dose of the product should be increased.

Side effects

With significantly reduced kidney function, an increase in the level of magnesium in the blood serum is possible. With long-term use of large doses, phosphorus reserves in the body may be depleted. With large doses, increased frequency and softening of stools is possible.


Severe forms of renal failure.

special instructions

At simultaneous administration inside with others medicines(furosemide, indomethacin, tetracycline antibiotics, cardiac glycosides, isoniazid, cimetidine, anticholinergics, iron-containing products) their absorption in gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the product should be used 2 hours before or 4 hours after taking the listed medications.

Before using the medication "Lactamil" You should consult your doctor.
The instructions are provided for informational purposes only. Lactamil"Did you like the article? Share with friends on social networks:

During the period of early motherhood - pregnancy, birth and feeding of a child - many mothers experience great amount questions. When a woman finds out that she will soon have a baby, first of all she thinks about how to properly organize her nutrition, because not only her life will now depend on its quality. Therefore, it is important to choose the right amount of minerals, proteins and other nutrients, which will provide good development child both during pregnancy and in the first years of his life.

The second most important question that young mothers worry about is whether they will have enough milk to naturally breastfeed their baby. According to reviews, “Lactamil” is one of the highest quality mixtures that helps in this matter. It includes all necessary for the body for a nursing woman, vitamins, microelements, and the main component is a dry formula based on cow's milk.

Main properties of this mixture

The mixture is a powder made from cow's milk. A drink containing a large amount of minerals, trace elements, herbs and vitamins is made from it. First of all, fennel, cumin, nettle and other plants included in the herbal mixture for the Lactamil mixture influence the increase in the amount of breast milk. Vitamins A, D, E and C contained in it have a beneficial effect on the body of the child and mother. And fatty (polyunsaturated) acids (such as omega-3 and omega-6), included in its composition, are necessary for life.

The set of minerals is also important - copper, zinc, iron, etc. Such a rich content of the Lactamil nursing formula (according to reviews) provides a woman who has given birth with a rapid recovery after pregnancy. On taste qualities The mixture is influenced by the taste of fennel and anise. The main indication for its use is an insufficient or reduced amount of milk when breastfeeding a child, a decrease in its production as a result of stress or during periods of “lactation crises.”

Positive effects (as evidenced by reviews from nursing women) are a noticeable increase in the amount of milk, trouble-free establishment of lactation after a cesarean section, and assistance in “returning to the breast” after complete or partial loss of breast milk.

Composition of the drug

The detailed composition of the Lactamil mixture looks like this:

There are a lot of reviews about Lactamil.

How to dilute the mixture correctly?

The powder is not immediately ready for use. It is necessary to measure 40 g of the mixture and dilute this amount in 170 ml of boiled warm water. You need to stir until the drink is completely homogeneous, so that there are no lumps left. The optimal number of doses is twice a day. However, the exact dosage is prescribed by the doctor after an individual examination of the mother. It is best to take a freshly prepared mixture, but it is also possible to store the already diluted drink in the refrigerator (no more than one day). In accordance with the instructions, opened packaging is stored in a dark place for three weeks. Then it expires.

Reviews of "Lactamil" confirm positive effect from use after the first doses. And it especially helps those mothers who have given birth to twins, because the amount of breast milk and all its nutrients, so necessary for babies, in this case should be twice as large.

What are the contraindications for use?

The Lactamil mixture also has some contraindications. Pay attention to them! So, it is not suitable for those children or mothers whose bodies do not process and absorb lactose. It should also be abandoned if hypersensitivity to one or more of its components.

If after using the mixture a rash appears on the skin of the mother or baby, you should immediately stop using it. A direct connection in the occurrence of allergic reactions in nursing women and children when taking Lactamil has not yet been confirmed, however, this possibility has not been excluded by experts. First of all, due to the fact that it contains cow's milk, and also because the mixture includes herbal teas. Therefore, when taking the cocktail for the first time, it is necessary to monitor the child’s skin reactions.

Overdose of the drug

The question of whether an overdose can occur when using the mixture deserves special attention. Although there is no information about such cases, you should not take it in excess quantities or exceed the recommended dose. After all, vitamins and minerals are useful only in normal quantity, and their excess can lead to allergic reactions and other undesirable consequences.

We will consider reviews of the Lactamil mixture below.

What to do if there is no desired effect?

In other cases, the intake does not bring the desired effect - the amount of breast milk does not increase or continues to decrease. Most often, the reason for this is the incorrect method of diluting or storing the mixture, the expiration date, or taking it in quantities less than recommended.

If, after carefully reading the instructions, no deviations from them are found, then it would be a good idea to consult your doctor. After all, the reasons why nursing mothers lose lactation can be very different, and in order to detect them and take timely measures, a medical examination is necessary.

Calorie content of the mixture

According to reviews, “Lactamil” for lactation is very effective.

But for many women, counting calories is commonplace. AND high calorie content cocktail is important information for those who want after childbirth fast deadlines get into shape. 100 g of the mixture contains 349 kilocalories. However, it is important to remember that taking it not only helps to quickly establish contacts, but also increases immunity, improves a woman’s well-being during such an important period for her, and reduces the number of acute respiratory viral infections and other colds.

Mixture for nursing mothers “Lactamil”: reviews from nutritionists

After the appearance of the Lactamil mixture on the market, many specialists in breastfeeding and nutrition immediately started talking about its positive properties. Doctors often prescribe the mixture for symptoms of decreased or impaired lactation. In addition, it is prescribed to women who have not started producing milk a day after giving birth (therefore, it is recommended to take one package of the mixture with you to maternity hospital). Among the analogues one can note such products as “Mlekoin”, “Lactagon”, “Femilak”, “Milky Way”, etc.

Very often, young mothers face the problem of lack of milk when breastfeeding. Many people, at the first signs of decreased lactation, decide to switch their child to infant formula. But it is almost always possible to correct the situation, and one of the ways to do this is for the woman to use special medications. These include Lactamil.

Lactamil mixture during breastfeeding

Lactamil is a dry, water-soluble drug created specifically for women who are breastfeeding their baby. It helps to install full lactation, increase the volume of milk produced and improve its quality due to the vitamins, macro- and microelements included in the mixture. Lactamil allows you to balance the diet of a nursing mother and replenish the body's increased need for proteins, minerals and other beneficial substances.

Lactamil increases the quantity and quality of breast milk

Composition of the dry mixture

Lactamil contains:

  • skimmed milk powder;
  • dry demineralized whey;
  • vegetable oils (palm, coconut, soybean, corn);
  • maltodextrin;

    Maltodextrin is a substance obtained by processing starch.

  • pectin;

    Pectin - substance plant origin which helps restore work digestive system young mother in the postpartum period.

  • extracts of fennel, nettle, anise, caraway;

    It is thanks to the lactogenic herbs included in Lactamil that the amount of breast milk increases.

  • minerals (potassium chloride, ferrous sulfate, calcium carbonate, potassium citrate, sodium citrate, zinc sulfate, copper sulfate, manganese chloride, potassium iodide, chromium chloride, sodium selenite, ammonium molybdate);
  • vitamins ( ascorbic acid, tocopherol acetate, nicotinamide, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine hydrochloride, riboflavin, folic acid, thiamine hydrochloride, retinol acetate, d-biotin, phylloquinone, cholecalciferol, cyanocobalamin, inositol);
  • taurine;

    Taurine - vitamin-like biologically active substance(dietary supplement), which in combination with fatty acids helps protect the mother’s body from influences on it negative factors environment, and also contributes to better development of the child.

  • emulsifier (lecithin);
  • antioxidant (ascorbyl palmitate);
  • β-carotene.

Lactamil does not contain sugar and GMOs. The drug is available in powder form. One box is enough for 9 uses. The product comes with a measuring spoon.

For ease of use, Lactamil comes with a measuring spoon.

Indications for use of Lactamil mixture

Lactamil is recommended for women who have difficulty with breastfeeding. At the very beginning of breastfeeding, while lactation has not yet established properly, it is especially necessary. Also, its use will be useful during lactation crises (periods when a growing baby temporarily lacks milk), stress, poor nutrition of the mother or a specialized diet that a nursing woman is forced to adhere to.

Contraindications, possible harm and side effects

The use of the mixture does not cause any serious side effects. However, in rare cases, allergic reactions are observed on both the mother and the child. An allergy when using Lactamil may occur to any component of the drug.

Contraindications for the use of Lactamil include:

  • intolerance to lactose and its components;
  • the appearance of a reaction in the form of a rash and redness in the baby.

How to use Lactamil correctly

Lactamil is drunk as a stand-alone drink or added dry to porridge, tea and other dishes. The product must be prepared immediately before use. It is recommended to consume one or two servings of the drug per day.

To prepare a drink from Lactamil powdered milk mixture, you need:

Analogues of the Lactamil mixture

There are no analogues of Lactamil on sale, but there are other dry mixtures designed to stimulate lactation:

  • MD Mil Mom. It contains various components beneficial to the woman’s body, but, unlike Lactamil, there are no lactogenic herbs;
  • Femilak. There are no lactogenic herbs in it, just like in MD Mil. Pregnant women are allowed to take the drug;
  • Milky Way. Contains useful material and galega herb, which is an excellent lactogenic agent.

    When choosing between a mixture of Lactamil and Milky Way, you need to understand that the first, due to the presence in the composition large quantity herbs may be more allergenic than the second.

Each of the drugs has a unique composition, so in case of intolerance to any component of Lactamil or allergic reaction for it, you can choose another product. In addition, when choosing a mixture, you should focus on individual taste preferences, since they are all quite specific.

What to choose: Lactamil, MD mil Mama, Femilak or Milky Way - table

MD mil Mom Femilak Milky Way
average pricePackaging 360 g - 350 rub.Packaging 450 g - 475 rub.Packaging 360 g - 280 rub.Depending on the packaging volume:
  • 200 g - 300 rub;
  • 400 g - 500 rub.
Presence of lactogonic herbs in the compositionNettle, anise, cumin, fennel.No.No.Galega grass.
The presence of substances that enrich women’s nutritionEat.Eat.Eat.Eat.