How the seam heals. How long does it take for a stitch to heal after abdominal surgery? Anterior surface of the neck

One of the most frequent complications during childbirth there are ruptures during childbirth of soft tissues birth canal, which include the cervix, vagina, perineum and external genitalia. Why does this happen and is it possible to avoid stitches? In fact, it is impossible to single out any one reason for breakups. But some of them can be influenced.

First of all, it is necessary to remember that only healthy tissues have sufficient elasticity and stretchability. Inflamed tissue is fragile and swollen, so under any mechanical stress it does not stretch, but tears. Thus, any inflammation of the genital organs the day before can lead to ruptures during childbirth. Therefore, about a month before giving birth, every woman should undergo an examination and take a smear for microflora. If inflammation is detected, treatment must be prescribed followed by monitoring its effectiveness. Another reason for decreased tissue elasticity is previous trauma (scar tissue does not contain elastic fibers and is therefore practically inextensible). So, if during a previous birth a perineal incision was made, as a rule, during subsequent births this is also necessary.

Rapid labor, lack of coordinated work between the woman and the midwife, the large size of the child or incorrect insertion of the presenting part of the fetus is another reason for ruptures during childbirth. In an ideal birth, the fetus moves through the birth canal gradually and body tissues expectant mother manage to adapt to the increasing pressure, they stretch more and more each time. If the body does not have time to adapt, this leads to impaired blood supply and swelling of the tissues of the birth canal, which inevitably ends in rupture.

Sutures after childbirth: repair of tears and incisions

All injuries to the birth canal are subject to mandatory treatment. It begins when examining the birth canal immediately after separation of the placenta. For suturing small cervical tears, anesthesia is not required, since there are no pain receptors in the cervix. If a very deep rupture is found (which is rare), the woman is placed under general anesthesia to examine the uterine cavity to determine the depth of the rupture. Cervical ruptures are sutured with absorbable material.

After examining the cervix, the vaginal walls are examined. If there are few gaps during childbirth and they are shallow, then it will be enough local anesthesia– the edges of the wound are injected with painkillers. For deep and multiple ruptures, general anesthesia is used. If epidural anesthesia was used during childbirth, then during suturing the anesthesiologist adds an analgesic to the existing catheter. Tears in the vaginal walls are repaired with absorbable sutures that do not need to be removed.

Small cracks in the external genitalia often do not require suturing, as they heal quickly, but this part of the birth canal is very well supplied with blood, therefore, if the cracks are accompanied by bleeding, they must be sutured after childbirth. Damage to the external genitalia is very painful, so medical manipulations in this area they often require general anesthesia. The sutures are placed with very thin absorbable sutures that do not need to be removed.

At the end of the postpartum examination, the integrity of the perineum is restored. Currently, sutures after childbirth are more often applied with absorbable suture material and do not require removal; interrupted non-absorbable sutures are less common.

A separate case of suturing during childbirth are sutures after caesarean section. Previously, during a caesarean section, the abdomen was cut in the middle “from the navel to the pubis” and interrupted sutures were placed. Now they make a small incision along the pubic hairline. Most often, a special continuous cosmetic suture is applied, less often - interrupted sutures or metal staples. Sutures after cesarean section are removed on the 7th–9th day. At proper care a year after the operation, a thin, thread-like white scar remains, which is easily covered even by bikini bottoms.

Healing of sutures after childbirth

Of course, all young mothers are concerned with the question of how long it takes for stitches to heal after childbirth? So, this process depends on the size of the damage, proper care, general condition of the body, methods and materials used for suturing. When using natural or synthetic absorbable materials, wound healing occurs in 10–14 days, sutures dissolve in about a month. When using metal braces and non-absorbable material, they are removed after childbirth on average on the 5th day in the maternity hospital, before discharge. In this case, wound healing will take longer - from 2 weeks to 1 month.

Stitches in the vagina and cervix

Self-dissolving sutures in the vagina and cervix do not require special care. There is no need to process or remove them, you just need to ensure complete peace and cleanliness. Postpartum discharge– an ideal substrate for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, during the first three weeks after childbirth, it is necessary to especially carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene so that the infection does not enter the genital tract. Before each visit to the toilet and changing a sanitary pad, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. After using the toilet, remove the old gasket from front to back. Wash your perineum warm water with soap. The direction of movement and water flow should always be from the genitals to the rectum. After washing the genitals, blot them dry with a napkin or a well-absorbing towel. Such a towel, like underwear, must be changed immediately when soiled by secretions, and every day - if it all remains clean in appearance. Even if you don't feel the urge to urinate, be sure to go to the toilet every 3-4 hours. But you won’t be able to take a bath in the first month after giving birth.

Stitches on the crotch

The presence of seams on the perineum will require even more careful hygiene. In the first two weeks, they hurt quite a lot, it’s hard to walk, and sitting is forbidden; mothers feed them lying down, and they also have to eat lying down or standing. This does not apply to going to the toilet, since you can sit on the toilet already on the first day after the baby is born. Wash your hands and crotch using antiseptic soap. Do not touch the seam area with your hands. In the first days, pads must be changed frequently, sometimes every 2 hours, since in order for the wound to heal as quickly as possible, it must be kept dry. Use special disposable panties for the postpartum period or loose cotton underwear.

While you are in the maternity hospital, the midwife will treat the sutures twice a day, using a solution of potassium permanganate or brilliant green. Removing the threads is a low-painful procedure that significantly relieves discomfort.

In the first days after childbirth, it is necessary to delay bowel movements; to do this, it is better not to eat cereals, fruits, vegetables and other foods that stimulate bowel movements. Usually this does not cause big problems, since a cleansing enema is performed before childbirth. After 3 days, laxatives will help restore stool if necessary. To avoid constipation, you can drink a tablespoon before meals vegetable oil, then the stool will become soft and will not affect the healing of the sutures.

After the stitches are removed and discharged from the hospital, if the damaged areas are healing well, there is no need for treatment. It is allowed to sit on something hard only after 2 weeks and only on the healthy buttock opposite the side of the incision.

Do the following exercise several times throughout the day: pull in the muscles of the vagina, perineum and anus. Stay in this state for a few seconds, and then relax your muscles. Then repeat everything again. The exercise can be done for 5–10 minutes. It stimulates blood flow to organs and promotes their better healing. The knots of absorbable sutures fall off around the third week. Chamomile infusions will help relieve pain and itching in the suture area. You can wash yourself with this infusion, or you can moisten a gauze pad with it and apply it to the wound for 1–2 hours. Some women use cold compresses. To do this, put crushed ice in a sterile rubber glove. The glove is applied to the wound for 20–30 minutes. During the first month, try not to sit or stand for long periods of time. It is better to lie on your side and sit on a pillow or circle. At the end of the first month after giving birth, you should visit a gynecologist in antenatal clinic. He will examine the sutures and remove any remaining absorbable sutures if necessary.

Sutures after caesarean section

Stitches after caesarean section. Women who have undergone a cesarean section should be prepared to experience pain in the area of ​​the postoperative wound for 2–3 weeks. In the first days you have to use painkillers. During this time, when you walk, you need to wear a postoperative bandage or tie your stomach with a diaper.

You should not lie in bed, since getting up early and moderate activity (caring for the baby, walking along the corridor) not only improves intestinal motility, but also contributes to better reduction uterus and faster healing of postoperative wounds. While you are in the maternity hospital, a treatment nurse will clean your sutures daily antiseptic solution and change the bandage. It is important to protect this dressing from water, so cover it with a towel when washing. You should ensure that the clothing surrounding the wound is always clean. Underwear, including a nightgown, is changed every day, and even more often as it gets dirty.

After the stitches are removed, you can be discharged home and take a shower. As a rule, additional seam processing is no longer necessary. For the first 2 weeks after discharge, the skin should be washed with soap and water 2 times a day. After washing the seams, they should be carefully blotted dry with a disposable or freshly washed towel.

Until the wound has completely healed, it is recommended to wear lightweight, breathable underwear. Thick underwear can injure the seam after a cesarean section. The best option are loose trousers made of cotton, with a high waist. In the first month after giving birth, a new mother is not recommended to lift weights more than the weight of the child. You also need to wear a special postpartum bandage. At first, the scar may be very itchy, this is due to the healing process, you just need to be patient. By the end of the second week after childbirth, you can begin to lubricate the scar with creams and ointments that improve skin restoration.

Complications after childbirth

A feeling of heaviness, fullness, or pain in the perineum may indicate accumulation of blood (formation of a hematoma) in the area of ​​injury. This usually happens in the first three days after giving birth while still in the maternity hospital, so you should immediately report this feeling to your doctor.

Dehiscence of sutures most often occurs in the first days or immediately after their removal, rarely later. The reason may be early sitting down, sudden movements, violation of sterility and poor comparison of tissues during suturing, as well as non-compliance with hygiene rules of the postpartum period. This is a rare complication that occurs with serious deep ruptures of the perineum. If, after being discharged home, the suture area begins to bleed, hurt, turn red, or appear purulent discharge, it is necessary to urgently consult a gynecologist, since, most likely, an infection has occurred and inflammation has occurred. To treat, the wound will need to be treated with various antiseptics, and sometimes special surgical treatment may be required.

Complications after childbirth require immediate treatment, as they can lead to very serious consequences - postpartum peritonitis (inflammation of the abdominal cavity) or sepsis (a general infection of the entire body that spreads through the blood). Therefore, if you are concerned about anything about your condition, be sure to consult a doctor.

Many people, by choice or necessity, end up on the surgeon's table. After the procedure, it is necessary to pay considerable attention to successful healing postoperative sutures. Regardless of the complexity and location of the operation, the skin tissue is seriously damaged, therefore, first of all, you need to take care of their speedy healing.

It is important to prevent infections from entering the wound, which can trigger the onset of the inflammatory process. In such cases, medications come to the aid of patients, in particular ointments for the speedy healing of sutures after surgery.

Modern medicine has many techniques and technologies designed to increase the speed of healing of sutures after surgical intervention. Some patients use laser, hardware restoration procedures, or resort to injections.

However, most people treat postoperative wounds outside the hospital walls - with creams and gels, since modern methods quite expensive. You can buy a medical product in the form of an ointment without a prescription at a pharmacy and treat the wound in accordance with the instructions.

Different types of ointments are used depending on the degree of damage to the skin. To soften and quickly dissolve sutures after minor wounds, use regular creams, and for deeper injuries, use products that contain hormones. In addition to hormonal components, pharmaceutical anti-inflammatory drugs also contain vitamins, mineral components, oil extracts and other active ingredients.

Any ointments that are used to heal sutures after surgery do not have any effect on the patient’s body, only on the skin. As a result of the use of gels, scars after surgery become lighter.

During treatment, postoperative sutures exist certain conditions so that damaged skin heals faster and scars look more aesthetically pleasing:

  1. Applying ointment and dressing should be done at least twice a day.
  2. Process sore spot requires clean and dry hands, with a special disinfectant applied to them.
  3. Before changing the dressing, it is necessary to treat the wound with an antiseptic and determine the degree of healing: when the damaged area is wet and there is redness, inflammatory processes on the skin are considered unfinished; If a small crust forms on the seam, the healing process can be considered almost complete.

Postoperative special ointments are used depending on the condition of the wound. If the seam is considered wet, it must be treated with a preparation of gel-like consistency; ointment for healing a sutured wound after surgery is strictly prohibited in such situations!

If you ignore this recommendation, on the damaged area of ​​the skin, after applying the ointment, fat formation in the form of a film that prevents air from penetrating into tissues and slows down natural recovery processes.

Means for rapid wound healing

The most common drug for treating wounds after surgery is. This medication contains components that promote the production of collagen, which is responsible for the restoration processes and normalization of the skin.

Solcoseryl can be purchased in pharmacies in two forms: gel and ointment. The first option is used when the inflammatory processes have not yet completed, and the ointment is applied to a dry wound after surgery. In this case, the product covers the seam with a film that protects the sore spot from viruses and bacteria. The cost of Solcoseryl does not exceed 200 rubles.

It is possible to use more cheap analogue– . The composition of this drug is practically no different from Solcoseryl and is also an excellent ointment - an assistant in the fight against postoperative sutures. Actovegin should be applied only once a day, in the form of a bandage. At the pharmacy, its price varies from 100 to 150 rubles.

Doctors also recommend using ointment to heal postoperative sutures. The effectiveness of this drug is known, in addition, Levomekol has antibiotic properties. The product is often purchased to treat festering lesions, eczema and inflamed skin rashes. Another advantage of Levomekol is the ability to use it for pregnant girls. The cost of such a drug does not exceed 100 rubles.

Do not forget that caring for the damaged area of ​​skin after surgery must be carried out in accordance with the instructions of the doctor, who, in addition to a special ointment, will recommend several more treatment methods in combination.

Women are interested in what to put on the suture after a caesarean section. Purpose medicines depends on the characteristics of the wound and the speed of its healing. This question often arises due to fear of damage to appearance. Women believe that if you do not properly care for the incision, an unsightly scar will form. A problem may arise. All features should be discussed post-operative care with your attending physician.

Caesarean section is surgical method birth of a child. Abdominal sectioning is performed in a variety of ways. The location of the incision depends on what type of operation is being performed.

A planned caesarean section is done in two ways. A common type of incision is the laparoscopic Pfannenstiel section. According to that method abdomen dissected along the physiological fold. The length of the incision can be 20 cm. This arrangement allows you to reduce external signs operations. Also, the laparoscopic method minimizes the development of postoperative complications.

At elective surgery Another form of incision is also made. It is carried out in a straight line at a distance of 20 cm from the navel. The scar after such an operation is noticeable to others, but the scar tissue is not rough.

Most unpleasant looking is a longitudinal incision of the peritoneum against the background of emergency intervention. This technique used when there is an increased threat to the life of the fetus. If there is a risk of intrauterine strangulation, the peritoneum is incised longitudinally. After such an intervention, the scar remains rough. The fabric is dense and prone to knot formation. To reduce the unpleasant consequences of surgery, it is necessary to use various medications. They will help soften the fabric and reduce external signs.

Methods for fastening wound edges

During a caesarean section, the skin on the abdomen, the muscles of the peritoneum and the wall of the uterus are cut. Each fabric is held together using a variety of materials.

Self-soluble materials have found widespread use. This thread does not require removal of seams. This material is used on muscle tissue and the uterine wall. Silk threads are applied to the skin. Silk is a natural material that does not cause allergic reactions. After removing this material, no traces remain on the skin. An ordinary medical thread leaves a transverse mark on the scar.

During an emergency caesarean section, the edges of the wound on the uterine wall can be held together not only with threads. In many cases, staples are used for this purpose. They are made of medical metal that does not oxidize. Staples are used when there is a risk of uneven healing of the wound. If you use a regular thread, the wound may open. Other unwanted complications may also occur.

Hospital treatment

The doctor will prescribe what to apply to the suture after a caesarean section in the hospital. During the first week, wound treatment is carried out by nurses. It is necessary to carefully handle the sutures to avoid the development of postoperative complications.

The treatment should have the following effects:

  • elimination of pathogenic microflora and pollution;
  • drying effect;
  • antiseptic effect.

Treatment of a suture after a cesarean section is not much different from ordinary wound washing. Initially, it is necessary to treat the field with an antiseptic liquid. In hospitals, a solution of chlorhexidine or sterile liquid furatsilin is used. The field is washed until possible contamination is completely eliminated. External side seams can also be treated with 3% peroxide. The liquid dissolves the ichor released from the wound. After all treatment, the edges of the wound are generously moistened with a solution of brilliant green or fucorcin. The wound itself is not treated with drying medications. This may cause tissue burns. The surface of the seam is sealed with a sterile bandage. It can be purchased at a pharmacy or made from a bandage. Hospital treatment is carried out twice a day. After removing the drainage tube, the wound is washed once a day.

From the second week, the doctor recommends washing the skin around the suture with foam. It is not recommended to rub the skin. If washing is unpleasant for the patient, you can use special means that the modern pharmaceutical industry offers.

A series of products for the care of bedridden and operated patients - Menalind - has proven itself well. From this series, a woman in labor can use cleansing foam, lotion and wipes. These products do not harm the skin and completely eliminate all types of impurities.

In the second week, the sutures are removed. Before this, the doctor examines the scar tissue and uterine cavity. A thin film consisting of skin cells should form on the surface of the wound. They actively reproduce and form a scar. In the second week, if there are no complications, a layer of tissue 1 mm high should form on the wound. After removal, the woman can go home.

Possible complications

The sutures after surgery may not always heal correctly. Meet various complications. After a cesarean section, the following complications may develop:

  • divergence of wound edges;
  • formation of a fistula opening;
  • wound infection;
  • soreness.

Many women in labor after a cesarean section experience dehiscence of the wound edges. The problem arises due to the woman’s failure to comply with the rules of the recovery period. The patient’s main task during this period is to maintain physical rest. But this is not always possible. Caring for a child and visiting dressing rooms entail an increase in physical activity. Against this background, divergence of the seams may occur. If such a problem occurs, re-threading is required.

The formation of a fistula opening is considered a dangerous pathology. It is formed due to incomplete dissolution of the thread on the muscle frame. The area of ​​tissue around the seam becomes inflamed. Cells muscle fiber die. Mixing ichor with cells forms pus. It leads to the formation of a boil on the scar. After a few days, the surface of the boil ruptures and its contents are discharged.

Bacterial infection of the wound is most likely. If a woman does not follow the rules of personal hygiene and the wound is not treated carefully, pathogenic microorganisms settle on the wound surface. Bacterial infection accompanied by inflammation and further decay of the sutures. The healing time after a cesarean section will be long.

Sometimes women notice the onset of pain in the second week after surgery. Soreness may be a sign of internal bleeding or rupture of threads on the uterine wall. To establish the cause of the symptom that has arisen, it is necessary to carry out ultrasound examination. Only after this is effective treatment selected.

Treatment for complications

If a woman develops a complication after surgery, treatment will be different. Each type of pathology requires processing according to certain rules.

The presence of discrepancies is eliminated various methods. If the doctor uses repeated suturing, the measures will be the same. If the gap is not sutured, another treatment is prescribed.

The wound surface is thoroughly washed with a sterile solution of furatsilin. The substance helps to wash out pathogenic microflora and clean the edges of the incision. After thorough cleansing, it is necessary to apply a special ointment. Drugs such as levomikol, levosin, syntomycin can be applied to exposed tissues. These medications eliminate pathogenic microflora and normalize the healing process. The ointment is applied twice after each treatment.

The appearance of thin scar tissue indicates the beginning of healing. In this case, the doctor changes the ointment to another remedy. Should be used medicinal substances stimulating metabolic processes. The most widely used products are those made on the basis of dexpanthenol. This substance relieves residual inflammation and stimulates the production of your own collagen. Dexpanthenol is marketed under the following names: trade names, as: panthenol, bepanten, bepantol. For women after a caesarean section, a spray is most convenient to use. It must be shaken before applying. A small amount of foam is squeezed onto the palm. It is applied to the wound without causing pain to the patient.

The fistula opening requires more careful treatment. If it is done incorrectly, the wound will take a long time to heal. The fistula canal is washed with chlorhexidine solution. After cleaning, the hole is sprinkled with dry preparation. For this purpose, a streptocide or antibiotic is used. The canal should be covered with a sterile dressing to avoid infection. After the appearance of ichor and pus has stopped, a cream containing an antiseptic can be applied to the fistula. To treat a fistula, drugs such as syntomycin liniment are used, ichthyol ointment, levomikol. Before applying it, the canal is generously moistened with hydrogen peroxide. The resulting film can also be smeared with medicines containing dexpanthenol.

If the wound becomes infected, treatment is more complex. To eliminate pathogenic flora, topical and internal use. The main effect is carried out by antibiotic agents. Many doctors prescribe antibiotics wide range actions or fluoroquinolones. Ciprofloxacin is effective against purulent lesions. It must be taken 500 mg twice a day. Therapy lasts 7 days. During this time, the woman is prohibited from breastfeeding. He is transferred to artificial nutrition. External treatment is carried out, as with suture dehiscence after cesarean section. The difference is that the sutures are washed with a solution containing an antibiotic.

It should be borne in mind that in case of infection, the genitals must also be thoroughly treated. This is necessary to avoid the spread of infection to uterine suture. Treatment can be carried out with a solution of miramistin. It comes in a special bottle with a dispenser. The tip is convenient for treating the vagina. It should be carefully inserted into the vagina and press the dispenser several times.

Recovery period

After being discharged home, the woman must also follow a number of rules. She needs to follow the following recommendations:

  • seam cleaning;
  • decreased physical activity;
  • careful personal hygiene.

Seam cleaning at home is carried out using hospital methods. Initially, the surface is treated with peroxide. Then you need to lubricate the edges of the wound with brilliant green. The wound should be sealed with a sterile napkin. If removing the napkin is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, you can buy bandages - Branolind. They are made of soft material. The pad does not stick to the seams. The choice of size depends on the length of the seams.

Should be abandoned active actions. The patient should longer time remain in a supine position. This promotes rapid healing of the suture. When ichor, blood or unpleasant odor You should immediately consult a doctor. You also need to monitor the nature of vaginal discharge. If lochia lasts more than 4 weeks, possible reason is internal bleeding. This should be reported to the gynecologist.

After surgery, therapy is prescribed by a specialist. The doctor will tell the woman what medications and in what order the sutures are treated. It is not recommended to make adjustments to the recipe yourself.

Scars remain from any surgical intervention - these are the former sutures at the site of the incision of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Usually used medicinal ointment for the healing of sutures after surgery, to soften and anesthetize the suture area, to accelerate the regeneration of the epidermis. The ointment prevents the spread of infection, stops inflammation and promotes rapid and painless healing of wound edges.

The healing process of postoperative sutures

Postoperative scars are formed depending on the nature of the injury, method of operation, suture material and other factors, but there are several main types:

  • normotrophic scar - a common type of scarring, which is obtained as a result of not very deep surgical intervention; such scars are hardly noticeable and almost do not differ in shade from the surrounding skin;
  • atrophic scar – remains after acne, boils, excision of papillomas and moles; the surface of such a scar is a bit like a dent in the skin;
  • hypertrophic scar– occurs if suppuration occurs or the sutures have undergone traumatic divergence;
  • keloid scar – forms on the skin after deep surgery or in case of slow healing without sufficient blood supply; protrudes slightly above the skin level, has a white or pinkish color and a smooth texture.

First, the collagen layer is restored, which promotes tissue fusion, strengthens scars and prevents the appearance of skin defects. An epithelial layer then spreads over the surface of the wound, which protects the damaged tissue and does not stop penetration pathogenic microorganisms. After 5-6 days, the suture edges grow together, the surface is gradually covered with new skin.

Under normal conditions, with regular treatment, when ointment is used for sutures after surgery, the wound surface heals within a few days, depending on the location on the body:

  • on the face, on the head – from 3 to 5 days;
  • on the chest and abdomen - from 7 to 12 days;
  • on the back – from 10 days;
  • on arms, legs – from 5 to 7 days.

When asked what to apply to a postoperative suture, you must first treat it antiseptics to prevent inflammation and suppuration in the wound cavity. For this use:

  • hydrogen peroxide,
  • dimexide,
  • miramistin,
  • chlorhexidine,
  • furatsilin,
  • alcohol solution of iodine, brilliant green and other means.

So, is it possible to smear brilliant green on the seam after surgery? – you can, but all alcohol products cause discomfort, burning and tingling, it is better to use milder options.

Important! You cannot peel off the crusts and growths that appear on top of the seam if it does not bother you, does not hurt, or is inflamed. This is a natural process of tissue fusion, and unnecessary damage can lead to improper formation of a scar.

Basic rules of care and advice on what to apply to the suture after surgery will help restore the skin faster:

  • cleaning and treatment of seams should occur 2-3 times daily;
  • all manipulations are performed with sterile gloves or hands treated with a special disinfectant;
  • if the wound is wet, traces of inflammation are noticeable, the edges move apart, you need to wash it with an antiseptic;
  • if the wound is dry - painless, covered with a crust, then healing ointments can be applied.

Healing ointments for treating sutures

Emollient, anti-inflammatory ointments for healing postoperative sutures have a local superficial effect and do not affect general state body, so they can be used immediately after surgery. They soften dried edges, accelerate regeneration and eliminate infection of the wound by various microbes. Therefore, healing occurs faster and the scar is formed more evenly.

Depending on how deep the wound penetrates, use different kinds ointments for resorption of postoperative sutures: for healing and softening of superficial sutures and for the treatment of deep injuries, when ointments with hormonal components are used.

When treating a suture, the depth of the wound, the degree of healing and the side effects of drugs are taken into account:

  • The gel product is applied to wet, open wounds, wherein active ingredients quickly reach damaged areas;
  • ointment for healing postoperative sutures - it is better to use for dried sutures at the stage of fusion of the skin edges, since ointments contain fatty substances that create an invisible film and slow down healing.

The most effective wound-healing drugs that are prescribed to lubricate sutures after surgery:

  • Baneocin - in powder or ointment form, contains bactericidal antibiotics bacitracin and neomycin, which stop the spread of infection. The powder solution is recommended to be used to treat the wound in the first 2-3 days, then Baneocin ointment can be used. Analogues: Sintomycin, Fusiderm.
  • Actovegin - available in the form eye gel and in the form of an ointment. Contains components of the blood of calves, improves trophism and tissue regeneration. Analogs: Algofin, Kurantil.
  • Solcoseryl - in the form of ophthalmic gel, dental adhesive paste, external gel and ointment. It also contains calf blood extract, but the cost is higher than Actovegin. Solcoseryl gel is applied to fresh, unhealed wounds, to wet, non-healing tissue. Solcoseryl ointment is used after epithelization of the wound surface, for further healing of dried sutures, and promotes the formation of smooth, elastic scars.
  • Levomekol – traditional drug With local antibiotics, is widely used in domestic and hospital settings, and is available to almost every patient. This combination drug has anti-inflammatory (dehydrating) and antimicrobial effect. Active against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms (staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli). Penetrates without damaging biological membranes and stimulates regeneration processes. Contains chloramphenicol, methyluracil and auxiliary substances, effective in purulent and necrotic processes. Analogues: Levomethyl, Levomycetin, Chloramphenicol.
  • Methyluracil is a drug with a regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect, used to accelerate the regeneration process during sluggish epithelization of wounds and burns. Analogs: Bepanten.
  • Eplan is a universal, effective remedy for the treatment of burns, cuts, and surgical sutures. It has an analgesic and disinfecting effect, promotes rapid restoration of damaged tissues. The ointment contains: glycolan, ethylcarbitol, triethylene glycol. Analogs: Kvotlan.
  • Naftaderm is a drug with a disinfectant, wound-healing and antipruritic effect, promotes rapid healing and uniform resorption of scars. Active ingredient: refined naftalan oil. This cream for sutures after surgery is also used to treat dermatitis and bedsores.
  • Vulnuzan is a cream for healing sutures after surgery based on natural ingredients, active substance: mother liquor of Lake Pomorie. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties, improves the regeneration of damaged tissues.
  • Mederma is a scar smoothing gel used to smooth out scar tissue a month or two after healing. Analogues: Contractubex is an effective modern cream for resorption of postoperative sutures.

For a speedy recovery and healing of sutures, it is necessary to follow the basic rules of hygiene and treatment regimen:

  • regularly wash and treat the damaged area;
  • follow all instructions and recommendations of a specialist, what to apply to the sutures after surgery;
  • carefully study the instructions for medications and do not use ointment for postoperative sutures if there are the described contraindications;
  • allow only those within their power physical exercise so that there is no traumatic impact and seam divergence;
  • follow a diet and medical prescriptions regarding nutrition and weight regulation.

By doing these simple recommendations how to smear a postoperative suture for fast healing, you can significantly speed up your recovery and return to your usual activities. Even minor damage to the skin can lead to inflammation and infection. In order to leave smooth, unnoticeable scars, it is necessary to treat them in a timely manner. surgical sutures medicinal ointments.

Any operation - planned or performed urgently - is stress for the body, in response to which it activates a whole cascade of reactions. They also start in the skin through which the incision is made. And the larger the intervention, the worse the blood supply to the integumentary tissue and the more genetic features in its enzyme systems, the higher the likelihood that postoperative scars will appear at the incision sites.

So that they don't spoil appearance, did not dictate the style of clothing worn and did not cause an uncomfortable feeling of tightness in the surrounding tissues, they need to be removed. We'll talk about ways in which this can be done.

Why do postoperative scars appear?

The formation of such defects depends on many factors:

  • Was the incision made along Langer's lines (this is a conventional diagram showing in which direction in a particular area of ​​the body the skin will stretch as much as possible).
  • Whether the surgical approach was over a bony prominence or over an area that is subject to tension or is forced to move frequently. For the treatment of diseases or plastic surgery the incision is not performed in such places, but if the intervention was carried out for wounds, to remove foreign body or tumors, these features may not have been taken into account.
  • The scale of the operation: if the intervention was carried out during internal organs, after the incision, the skin was stretched to reach the desired abdominal organ. Such stretching, especially in conditions of insufficient blood supply to the covering tissue (this increases with age), increases the chance of scarring.
  • How the postoperative suture was placed on the skin - were several stitches performed or the surgeon used an intradermal technique (using a fishing line that connects 2 skin flaps without interrupting its progress). Some interventions, due to the severity of the subcutaneous fat layer, are forced to end with the installation of devices to “tighten” the skin. In this case, the chance of scar formation is 99%.
  • Has there been any suppuration or suture dehiscence? These factors increase the chance of excessive scar tissue development at the incision sites.
  • Is there a tendency to form keloids, which is genetically determined?

Types of postoperative scars

The dermatologist decides how to remove a scar after surgery by assessing the type of defect. There are 3 types.

Normal after damage skin it starts 2 processes of the opposite direction at once. The first is the formation of connective (that is, scar) tissue, the second is its splitting. When they are coordinated, a normotrophic scar is formed - an unnoticeable defect of the same color as the surrounding skin.

If the dissolution of scar tissue prevails over its formation, the scar will resemble a pit and is called. Such defects often form after operations that did not require suturing: moles,.

When formation prevails over destruction, a pinkish hypertrophic scar protrudes above the skin appears. Its appearance is promoted by suppuration or constant traumatization of the wound area. It forms when surgery has been performed in the area large quantity subcutaneous fat. The likelihood of the formation of such defects is reduced if, after removing the sutures, you use an ointment for healing scars after surgery: Levomekol, Actovegin, Methyluracil or Solcoseryl.

If there genetic predisposition skin may form. This is a formation protruding above the rest of the skin, pink or whitish in color, smooth and shiny. It begins to grow 1-3 months after the stitches are removed. The chance of its occurrence increases if the skin is dark, surgery was performed on the chest, or the intervention was performed during pregnancy or adolescence. The occurrence of this type of defect cannot be prevented.

Scar removal methods

The choice of method by which postoperative scars and scars should be removed is within the competence of the dermatocosmetologist. Only he, based on an assessment not only of the type skin defect, and the blood supply to the integumentary tissue, can decide whether the following apply here:

  • ointment for scars after surgery;
  • injection treatment method (mesotherapy, drug injections or steroid injections);
  • physiotherapeutic methods of influence;
  • deep dermabrasion;
  • method of chemical peeling of scar changes;
  • one of the mini-operations, when the scar can be removed either by exposure liquid nitrogen, or laser, or current pulses;
  • Plastic surgery.

You should not self-medicate: folk remedy post-surgical scars often become a waste of time, which later makes it difficult for even a laser to deal with them. A dermatologist will tell you exactly when you can try using ointment, and when more aggressive methods are needed.

Video: Laser resurfacing

How to treat postoperative scars at home

You can use these at home local remedies, such as: creams for resolving scars after surgery, ointment-based preparations, special patches. An excellent help for such therapy is the use of physiotherapeutic procedures (phonophoresis with lidase and hydrocortisone) and compression methods(pressure treatment, when the same drugs are applied under a pressure bandage).


This is a drug based on urea, a substance that dissolves tissue, as well as sodium heparin, a compound that thins the blood (this improves microcirculation) and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Effective for removing fresh post-operative scars.


This is a gel based on onion extract, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. It inhibits the growth of cells that give rise to scar tissue. This also includes heparin, which has an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic effect, softening scar tissue. The third main substance of the drug is allantoin, which promotes wound healing and increases the ability of tissues to bind water.

Gel and spray Kelo-kot

The drugs are based on silicone and polysiloxane. Together they form a film on the surface of the scar that will prevent the growth of scar tissue, restore interstitial water balance, and eliminate itching and a feeling of skin tightness.


It contains silicon dioxide (abrasive particles) and polysiloxanes. Its effect is not much different from the effect of Kelo-Kot: moisturizing the skin, eliminating itching, fighting scars and the appearance of pigmentation on them.


This is a scar cream after surgery. It contains silicone, the actions of which are described above, hydrocortisone, a hormone that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, and vitamin E, which softens scar tissue.

Gel Fermenkol

It consists of enzymes that break down collagen (collagen fibers form the basis of scar tissue). Can be used to treat both fresh postoperative scars and those that are more than 6 years old. In the latter case, it is better not to smear the scar, but to apply Fermencol under the influence of electrophoresis.


This is an ointment based on natural ingredients, made according to an Ayurvedic recipe. Thanks to its active ingredients, it penetrates deep into the tissues, “switches” regeneration in them so that they themselves begin to displace the scar defect, replacing it with normal skin.

Mepiderm scar patch

This is a silicone patch combined with a compress

ionic (compressive) layer. This complex creates sufficient moisture in the scar tissue, which leads to its rapid resorption.

It has different sizes, which allows you to choose it individually. Its color is flesh. Before application, the skin should be treated with water lotion and dried with a dry cloth. It is advisable to remove hair at the application site.

Contraindications to treatment at home

It is better not to decide the question of how to smear the formed scar while there are such conditions at the site of the defect as:

  • redness;
  • herpes;
  • the appearance of reddish vessels;
  • manifestations: weeping areas with individual blisters and crusts on them.

It is contraindicated to begin treatment of scars during exacerbation of existing chronic disease, with allergies, especially with skin manifestations, during any infectious disease.

Video: How to remove scars and scars

Treatment in a dermatocosmetologist's office

Let's look at what scar correction methods professionals offer.


The method involves injecting a “cocktail” of (the main natural “filler” of the skin), vitamins and enzymes into the area near the scar. The effectiveness of the method is low.

Administration of glucocorticoid hormones

The method is based on the introduction into scar tissue of drugs based on synthetic analogues of hormones produced in the human adrenal glands (“Triamcinolone acetate”, “Hydrocortisone suspension”). There they, having a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, should stop the production of connective tissue, and this will significantly reduce the scar after surgery.

This is how hypertrophic and keloid scars are treated.


This is the name given to exfoliation of the surface layers of skin within the epidermis so that new, healthy layers appear in their place. Since a scar is not the epidermis, but connective tissue, you don’t have to be afraid to cause deeper damage (the germ layer will still not be deformed due to its absence).

To treat scars, mechanical peeling is performed (microdermabrasion, using small abrasive particles) or chemical analogue when acids are used (for example,).

Scar removal using deep mechanical dermabrasion


It is based on the effect of liquid nitrogen. It causes necrosis of pathological tissue, in place of which healthy skin is formed.

The depth of cryotherapy is not 100% controlled. More than one procedure may be needed to remove a scar. Healing after each of them takes up to 14 days, the wound is wet and can become infected.

Laser resurfacing

This The best way, removal of scars after surgery. It involves the application of microburns both on the area of ​​the defect itself (because of this, the scar is “compressed”), and on a small area along its perimeter. As a result of the last impact, healthy skin begins to form, which displaces scarred skin.

For complete correction, you may need not 1, but several procedures. Healing occurs under a dry crust, so infection is impossible here. The crust disappears after 10 days.

Scar correction using laser resurfacing


They know how to get rid of a scar after surgery if it occupies a large area, is keloid or hypertrophic plastic surgeons. They excise the scar tissue, after which they either immediately apply cosmetic stitches or cover the defect with a flap of their own skin. The flap is pre-prepared so that it does not lose its blood supply.
