Nootropics for concussions. What to do in case of a concussion, specifics of the injury and medical recommendations

When there is a blow to the head or a sharp turn, the brain can move in seconds from its usual place and then return back, as it is washed by the liquid in the box. At very strong impact the brain may hit the skull. During a bruise, the fibers and vessels in the brain structure are stretched and certain symptoms occur in a person.

Such symptoms in the head may include, in particular, nausea. After this, the person must constantly remain at rest and take medications prescribed by the doctor. You should take the medicine strictly on the recommendation of a specialist. As medical procedures In adults, other methods may be used.

What pills to take for a concussion, as well as what other medications can be used for treatment, will be discussed in this article. Treatment for a concussion can be done at home or in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor. All efforts of the doctor will be aimed at relieving symptoms.

In some cases, with a concussion, symptoms can manifest themselves very acutely. Unpleasant sensations may occur immediately after the blow, and then last for another 2-3 hours. Depending on the severity and form of the injury, the patient may experience the following symptoms:

  • Attacks of nausea and vomiting.
  • Head spinning.
  • Confusion.
  • Pain in the head.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • Noise in ears.
  • Loss of memory.
  • Loss of consciousness.

After a certain period of time after the injury, such symptoms subside, and the victim experiences relief. It is at this moment that the pathology must be diagnosed in order to begin to treat it in time.

This is the only way therapy can be as effective as possible. If treatment is not started in time, the patient’s condition will worsen. mental condition, weakness in the body will appear and sleep will be disturbed.


Before prescribing medications for a concussion, it is necessary to determine the severity of the pathology. To do this, the doctor interviews the patient and his relatives, determines the moment of injury, as well as the symptoms that appeared after that.

Those who are near the victim in the first minutes after an injury must remember everything that happens to him and what symptoms bother him at first. This is necessary so that 15-20 minutes after the injury, the symptoms may change their character. When the patient loses consciousness after a blow, you need to remember how long he was in this state.

If there is no damage to the skull bone, then the pathology can be diagnosed by examining the patient, as well as by certain signs that may appear. The doctor can also take tactile samples and carry out the following diagnostic methods:

  1. Dopplerography.
  2. Electroencephalographic.
  3. Ophthalmographic.

If testing reveals that there is a violation of the integrity of the skull bone or that there are internal tumors in the head, then an MRI or CT scan using the appropriate equipment may be prescribed.

After thorough examination and diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment to the patient, which can be of the following types:

  1. Medication. Concussion pills are taken and injections are given to improve (TBI) brain condition. What medications to take is decided by the doctor conducting the treatment.
  2. Physiotherapeutic. They are carried out after acute symptoms have been relieved.
  3. Operational. If after the injury large hematomas are detected in the skull or damage occurs.

Throughout the entire period of therapy, the patient must be given complete rest. He needs to stay in bed all this time. This will make it possible to receive treatment faster and spend less time in the hospital. Also, such procedures will make it possible to eliminate the possibility of complications.

Medications for concussions

If the severity of the damage is moderate or mild, then instead of injections the patient can be prescribed drugs that contain a minimum amount of active ingredients. Depending on the intensity of symptoms, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Analgesics. They can relieve pain and have a sedative effect.
  • Nootropic. Help restore impaired brain functions. This is memory, perception or speech.
  • Antiemetics. Relieves attacks of nausea. It should be taken only when certain symptoms appear.
  • Diuretics. Prescribed in cases where swelling of the brain may occur or there is a risk of hypertension.
  • For dizziness. Used to relieve corresponding symptoms.
  • Sedatives. They normalize a person’s excitability and put his sleep in order.
  • Tranquilizers. If the drugs listed above did not bring positive effect, then these means are applied. They are taken only in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor. Such substances are taken until the patient’s stress goes away.
  • Vitamins. They are assigned as Excipients and provide nutrition to the brain and fibers.

All medications and their dosage should be determined only by a doctor. This does not depend on where the treatment will be carried out: in a hospital or at home.

There is no guarantee that a person will not experience headaches after completing treatment. They can be permanent or temporary. If the nature of such manifestations does not relate to migraines and other similar pathologies, then the doctor may prescribe Citramon or Pentalgin, as well as other drugs that must be selected individually for each person.

In addition to taking medications, other procedures must be prescribed. These include neurological and vascular. All of them help normalize the condition of the brain and blood vessels, as well as tissues in the head.

Important! Those who have suffered a concussion should avoid drinking alcohol, coffee, tobacco and drugs.

To normalize the patient’s condition when a concussion occurs in old age, therapy for sclerosis may be prescribed. It is also important during this treatment to eliminate, as far as possible, other chronic pathologies in organism.

When a person has a tendency to epilepsy, after a head injury he needs to be constantly monitored at a dispensary. Also, after this injury, such patients should take a vacation and go to a resort to spend more time outdoors.

According to statistical studies, concussion is one of the leading diagnoses for head injury in both older people and children. Doctors believe that the most dangerous thing in this situation is not the damage itself, but the consequences that appear after it. Therefore, it is recommended to take responsibility for your health and, if your health worsens, immediately contact a specialist.

To help a person before doctors arrive, you need to do the following:

  1. Place the injured person on a horizontal surface with a rigid base.
  2. Turn your face as close to the ground as possible to avoid tongue retraction or vomit or other bodily fluids entering the respiratory system.
  3. Excluding spinal fractures and lower limbs, it is necessary to lay the victim on his side, bending right leg 90 degrees and placing your hand under your head.
  4. When found open TBI it needs to be treated with an antiseptic, and the edges additionally lubricated with iodine.

It must be remembered that to help a victim with a suspected concussion without being medical worker, you can only in order to alleviate his condition. It is forbidden to give the patient any medications until the ambulance arrives. Only after a thorough diagnosis can a neurologist prescribe the correct course of treatment.

Medical indications

Before choosing a treatment method, it is important to analyze the causes of concussion. This may happen due to:

  • domestic injury;
  • accident.

Particularly serious consequences of such damage often manifest themselves in older people in the form of:

Because the brain is made entirely of soft tissue, a sudden change in head position or exposure to a blow can negatively affect its structure. In this case, there is a risk of hematoma formation due to rupture of blood vessels, which leads to a deterioration in cerebral blood supply.

This condition is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • cephalgia;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • blurred vision.

If, after an accident or domestic injury, a person experiences the above-described signs, it is necessary to urgently contact a neurologist or traumatologist. For staging accurate diagnosis doctor in mandatory orders research, including:

Drug treatment

The main thing in the treatment of concussion is the absence of aggressive medicines. As a rule, treatment is aimed at normalizing the functioning of the main organ of the central nervous system, relieving headaches, improving sleep, getting rid of dizziness, anxiety and other possible pathological conditions.

The most commonly prescribed drugs are analgesics, sleeping pills and sedatives in the form of tablets, less often - intramuscular injections.

Often, analgesic medications are selected by the doctor on an individual basis. However, get rid of discomfort in the head area you can do it yourself using:

  • "Analgina";
  • "Sedalgina";
  • "Pentalgina";
  • "Baralgina";
  • "Maxigana".

The following medications may be prescribed to relieve dizziness:

  • "Tanakan";
  • "Betaserk";
  • "Bellaspon";
  • "Microzer";
  • "Belloid";
  • "Platifillin";
  • "Papaverine".

Among the sedatives noted:

If anxiety develops into constant anxiety, the doctor may prescribe tranquilizers:

  • "Phenazepam";
  • "Sibazon";
  • "Nozepam";
  • "Rudotel";
  • "Elenium".

Additional measures for recovery after injury

A speedy recovery is facilitated by taking multivitamins and tonics, such as Eleutherococcus or ginseng root.

It is also important to take additional therapeutic measures aimed at normalizing vascular and metabolic disorders. This helps speed up the recovery process brain activity and warn possible development post-concussion syndrome.

Effective medications are neurometabolic stimulants (Aminalon, Picamilon, Encephabol, Nootropil) and vasotropics (Stugeron, Cavinton, Sermion, Teonicol). But doctors also often prescribe the drug Gliatilin. IN various options treatment can be prescribed "Cavinton" 1 tablet. (5 mg) three times a day and “Nootropil” 2 capsules (0.7 mg) once a day or one tablet of “Stugeron” (25 mg) and “Encephabol” (0.1 mg). The duration of treatment is 1-2 months.

To eliminate asthenic syndrome, a reception may be prescribed the following medications: “Cogitum” 20 mg once a day, “Pantogam” 0.5 mg three times a day, “Vasobral” 2 ml twice a day and a choice of one of the multivitamin preparations, such as “Unicap-T”, “Centrum” " and "Vitrum", once a day.

When receiving a traumatic brain injury, older people must supplement their treatment with anti-sclerosis drugs. In addition, it is important to pay due attention to the prevention of other diseases that may develop as a result of a concussion.

If the patient has epileptic seizures, you may need to take anticonvulsants.

To prevent possible dangerous consequences, it is necessary to periodically visit a doctor within a year after treatment.


To enhance the effect of medications and eliminate possible complications During the post-traumatic period, the patient must follow the following recommendations:

If prescribed therapy is ignored and the post-traumatic regimen is not followed, the risk of such dangerous consequences, such as asthenia, emotional-behavioral and cognitive disorders, vegetative-vascular dystonia. People who drink alcohol excessively may develop epilepsy.

A mild concussion is a traumatic brain injury that causes short term changes in the functioning of this body. Pathological condition occurs as a result of blows and bruises. Initial symptoms are almost unnoticeable, but a slight concussion can later cause severe consequences in the form of headaches or Parkinson's disease. Timely the right help and accurate compliance with the doctor’s instructions will avoid unnecessary complications.

What is a concussion

Closed lung traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a concussion of the brain (lat. commocio cerebri). At the same time, the brain does not function significant violations, symptoms are fleeting. Such concussions account for 70 to 90% of all cases of TBI. It is difficult to make a diagnosis, so the disease often goes unnoticed.

Approximately one third of patients suffer a concussion in the condition alcohol intoxication, victims are unable to understand what happened in time and seek help after a long time. In this case, errors in diagnosis can reach 50%. During a concussion, macrostructural changes do not occur and tissue integrity does not change. The disruption of interneuronal interaction is short-term, tissue damage is diffuse.


Concussion is a consequence of mechanical impact: indirect (acceleration trauma, inertial), direct (impact head injury). As a result, the brain array is displaced relative to the axis of the body and the cranial cavity, the synaptic apparatus is damaged, and tissue fluid is redistributed. Among common reasons head injuries:

  • RTA (traffic accidents);
  • criminal cases;
  • injuries at home, at work,
  • playing sports.

Signs of a concussion

Symptoms depend on the severity of the injury. The pathological condition is divided into degrees:

  • First: clouding of the state, confusion of speech without memory loss.
  • Second: amnesia is acceptable, but without fainting.
  • Third: the patient loses consciousness.

Concussion is considered as light form TBI. The pathological condition has 3 stages:

  • Acute period. Lasts from the moment of injury until the condition stabilizes, on average about two weeks. At this time, metabolic processes in damaged tissues proceed faster, and autoimmune reactions are launched in relation to companion cells and neurons.
  • Intermediate. It lasts from the moment of stabilization of impaired brain functions until their normalization, the duration is about two months. In the intermediate period, homeostasis is restored, and other pathological conditions may form.
  • Long-term (residual) period. The patient is recovering (possibly progression of injuries caused by neurological diseases, duration: 1.5–2.5 years. The well-being of the period is individual, determined by the capabilities of the central nervous system (central nervous system), the presence of neurological pathology before TBI, and characteristics of the immune system.

In an adult

The main symptom of a concussion in an adult is a disorder of consciousness at the time of injury. Immediately after the incident, you may still experience:

  • partial or complete amnesia;
  • headache; dizziness;
  • ringing, tinnitus;
  • vomiting, attacks of nausea;
  • oculostatic phenomenon of Gurevich (with certain movements eyeballs statics are broken);
  • insomnia;
  • weakness;
  • dystonia of facial vessels (pallor turning into hyperemia);
  • increased sweating;
  • neurological manifestations: asymmetry of the corners of the mouth, quickly passing, dilation or constriction of the pupils;
  • nystagmus (oscillatory eye movements);
  • unsteadiness of gait;
  • poor facial expression.

After injury and concussion, amnesia often occurs. Memory loss varies depending on when it occurs:

  • Retrograde: circumstances and events that occurred before the injury are forgotten.
  • Congradnaya: the patient’s memory disappears from the period of time corresponding to the injury.
  • Anterograde: There is a loss of memories of events that occurred after the injury.

In children

Clinical picture in children it is rapid, the signs of a concussion are more indicative. The pathological condition has symptoms caused by the compensatory capabilities of the central nervous system, unfinished calcification of the sutures, and the elasticity of the elements of the skull. The disease in older children often occurs without loss of consciousness, vegetative symptoms are present: color changes skin tachycardia occurs. The pain is localized at the site of injury. The acute period is shortened (lasts 10 days). Observed following symptoms:

  • temperature increase;
  • cold sweat;
  • pale face;
  • loud crying, then the child falls asleep.

In children, due to slight differentiation of the central nervous system, there may be no symptoms. Children over 2 years of age may experience ringing in the ears and short-term blindness. For children 2-5 years old, the following symptoms are typical:

  • attacks of vomiting, nausea, desire to constantly drink;
  • impaired coordination;
  • temperature rises, the child begins to sweat:
  • nystagmus;
  • lack of facial expressions;
  • lethargy, lethargy.


Postconcussion syndrome– a frequently diagnosed consequence of a concussion. The condition develops against the background of a previous head injury and is accompanied by drowsiness, headache, attacks of dizziness, numbness of the limbs, paresthesia, decreased memory, hypersensitivity to noise and light. Possible the following complications after traumatic brain injury:

  • somatoform autonomic dysfunction;
  • asthenic syndrome;
  • memory problems;
  • emotional instability, behavioral disorders;
  • insomnia.


The circumstances of the injury must be taken into account when making a diagnosis. Brain injury often resolves without objective signs. In the first hours after the incident, the doctor may notice loss of consciousness, nystagmus, unsteadiness of gait, double vision. During a concussion, there are no bone fractures, no deviations in the pressure and composition of the cerebrospinal fluid, with ultrasound examination expansions and displacements are not detected midline structures brain, computed tomography will not detect traumatic abnormalities.

Diagnosis of concussion is difficult due to the paucity of objective data. Basic diagnostic criterion– regression of symptoms within a week. The following are often carried out instrumental studies:

  • X-ray (will show the absence of fractures);
  • electroencephalography (the doctor will notice diffuse changes bioelectrical activity brain);
  • computed tomography, magnetic resonance (will show whether there are changes in the density of white and gray matter).

Treatment for concussion

Patients with suspected TBI are subject to hospitalization; they are observed in the hospital for about two weeks (the period depends on the severity of the injury). Hospital treatment is mandatory for victims if:

  • fainting lasted more than 10 minutes;
  • there are neurological focal symptoms that complicate the pathological condition;
  • the patient denies the fact of loss of consciousness;
  • convulsive syndrome;
  • suspected fracture of the skull, fracture of the base of the skull, penetrating wound;
  • confusion lasts for a long time.

If the initial degree of concussion occurs, the victim is sent for treatment at home, having previously examined him. The pathological condition is detected using CT or radiography. The therapist may prescribe an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), ultrasound examination, examination by an ophthalmologist or neurosurgeon.

Home treatment after a concussion, a course of medication lasting 2-3 weeks is required. The patient needs the following conditions:

  • dim lighting;
  • bed rest;
  • peace;
  • refusal to watch TV, computer games, listening to loud music;
  • lack of physical activity, overstrain (mental, emotional);
  • a balanced diet, excluding foods that provoke pressure surges (caffeine, spices, fatty foods, sweets, alcohol).

If you follow the doctor’s recommendations, the patient will feel improvement on the second day. A week later pathological symptoms must pass. After the course of treatment, it is better for the patient to abstain for some time from exertion, lifting weights, and spend more time in nature. Rest and a gentle attitude towards yourself will help prevent the development of complications such as dizziness, migraines, and vascular disorders.

First aid

If there is a suspicion of a concussion, and consciousness quickly returned to the victim, he should be placed in a lying position, with his head slightly raised. If a person does not come to his senses, then he needs to be placed in a saving position:

  • place on the right side;
  • tilt your head back so that your face is directed towards the surface;
  • bend the left arm and leg at a right angle, provided there are no fractures of the spine or limbs.

First aid for a concussion will save the victim from serious consequences. In this position, air easily passes into the lungs, and any liquid accumulating in the mouth, be it saliva, blood or vomit, flows out. In this position, the possibility of tongue retraction is excluded. Obvious wounds should be treated immediately. Next, the victim is taken to the emergency hospital to clarify the diagnosis. Bed rest is recommended for three days.

Drug therapy

Medication treatment for concussion is rarely required and is symptomatic. Pharmacotherapy is aimed at normalizing brain functions, relieving migraines, dizziness, insomnia, and nervousness. For concussions, the following groups of medications are prescribed:

  • improving blood flow to cerebral vessels (Cinnarizine);
  • analgesics (Pentalgin, Analgin, Sedalgin, Dexalgin, Maxigan);
  • nootropics (Pyridol, Piracetam, Glycine, Nootropil);
  • sedatives, antidepressants (motherwort, valerian, Corvalol, Valocordin, Afobazol, Sibazon, Grandoxin, Phenazepam);
  • improving metabolic processes in the brain (Instenon, Nicotinate);
  • normalizing the functioning of blood vessels (Cavinton, Sermion, Instenon);
  • relieving dizziness (Cinnarizine, Tanakan, Platiphylline with Papaverine);
  • sleeping pills (Relaxon, Donarmil);
  • restoratives (vitamins, tonics, antioxidants).

Metabolic and vascular therapy promotes rapid recovery of brain function after a concussion. Doctors recommend combining vascular drugs with nootropic drugs. Among the possible combinations: taking Cavinton 1 tablet and Nootropil 2 capsules or 1 tablet Stugeron and Noopept three times a day for two months. Neuroprotectors provide metabolic support to the brain.

The course of therapy should include drugs containing magnesium (Magnelis, Magne B6, Panangin) and antioxidants (some are intended for intravenous injections): Mildronate 1 tablet 3 times a day, Cytoflavin 2 tablets 2 times a day. To overcome asthenic phenomena that occur after a concussion, the following are prescribed: Phenotropil (0.1 in the morning), Vasobral (2 ml twice a day), Cogitum (20 ml per day), vitamins (Centrum, Vitrum).

Treatment of concussion at home with folk remedies

At home, treatment for a concussion in an adult includes bed rest for about 2-3 weeks (for a child - about a month) and taking medications, but neglecting prescriptions traditional medicine It's also not worth it. To restore health after a concussion, plants such as St. John's wort, string, aloe vera, cinquefoil, ginseng and eleutherococcus are used. Most popular recipes:

  • Infuse for 21 days 1 tbsp. Aralia herbs in 100 ml medical alcohol. Take 30 drops twice a day (in the morning and before lunch).
  • Prepare thyme infusion: 10 g herb per 400 ml hot water, keep on fire, but do not boil, strain, take half a glass before meals.
  • Mix arnica flowers (20 g) with crushed myrtle leaves (10 g). Pour the mixture with 200 ml of boiling water and leave in a thermos for several hours. Strain, take 10 ml before meals.


After a concussion, it is recommended to be observed by a neurologist for at least a year. Such an injury is not fatal, and symptoms disappear within a month. Compliance with the regime and elimination of factors that can aggravate the consequences are guarantors full recovery ability to work. In some cases, after the symptoms disappear, victims may experience headaches, sleep disturbances, increased fatigue and irritability to light and sounds. After three months, these manifestations disappear.


Among all ailments, head diseases are the most dangerous. Most skull injuries result in a concussion. It will not go away on its own and you definitely need to contact a specialist: a neurologist, traumatologist, or neurosurgeon.

After examination, he prescribes injections or pills for concussions. Since this diagnosis is serious, treatment must be carried out responsibly.

IN different situations a person may be injured: ice, car accident, loss of consciousness followed by a fall, domestic injuries, dangerous work, state of drug or alcohol intoxication.

The brain consists of soft tissues and with a sharp blow it shifts in the direction of the push, and then a return movement is created. As a result, the brain can be damaged by contact first with one side of the skull, then with the opposite. During the displacement process, vascular rupture, hematoma, hemorrhage, swelling and similar troubles can occur.

Even if you have a minor injury, you should get checked by a doctor to ensure a healthy future. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to give a person pills due to vomiting during a concussion.

Symptoms and stages

It's easy to overlook the symptoms. Especially if the patient mild degree concussions. But careful attention to own health will help you identify the disease in time and take action. The main symptoms are the same for everyone and continue for some time after the patient begins to use the medicine for a concussion. Here are the main symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • vomit;
  • disorientation in space and time;
  • decreased brain activity;
  • negative reaction to harsh light;
  • headache, often throbbing;
  • pallor;
  • loss of consciousness (fainting);
  • amnesia;
  • floaters, ripples before the eyes;
  • high body temperature;
  • feeling of fear, panic.

Depending on the force of the impact, the age and health of the victim, three stages of concussion can be distinguished. Based on the degree of damage, different treatments are prescribed.

Stage 1

With a minor injury, most often the patient does not lose consciousness, but if this happens, the fainting lasts no longer than 5 minutes. Such people experience dizziness, blurred vision, and pallor. Medical assistance definitely needed.

Stage 2

For medium degree The lesion is characterized by loss of consciousness for 10-15 minutes, vomiting, numbness of the fingers, ringing in the ears, and severe headache. You don't have to decide for yourself which medications to take for a concussion. Leave this to the discretion of the doctor - he has the knowledge and experience.

Stage 3

With significant injury, a person vomits, feels dizzy, and has loud noise in the ears. Fainting can last up to half an hour. Memory cannot recall recent events; This is practically shell shock.

Concussion in children and adults: similarities and differences

In adults and children, the diagnosis and course of the disease, as well as the frequency of injury, differ.


Kids cannot explain their feelings. Therefore, parents need to be attentive to the child and his behavior. If he is vomiting, refuses to eat, cries more than usual, there is a deterioration in coordination (for example, the baby has already eaten with a spoon himself, but at a certain moment he could not pick it up properly) - this is a reason to consult a doctor.

In addition, children are more prone to injury, because they are restless, active, but still have poor control of movements and calculation of strength. If a child suffers a head injury in the presence of his parents, there is no need to wait for symptoms to appear; immediately take the victim to the emergency room.


More often than not, adults behave carefully, but no one is immune from injury. At the first suspicion of a concussion, you should contact a neurologist or an emergency room. Enduring pain and taking pills to relieve symptoms during a concussion is very harmful.

Aged people

This category of people gets injured less often, but tolerates them worse. After a concussion, older people may develop dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and amnesia. Therefore, treatment for concussions in grandparents includes anti-sclerotic drugs. The dosage is calculated taking into account the age, weight and condition of the patient.

First aid to the victim

If a person suffers a head injury on the street, only a doctor can prescribe medication for a concussion. Therefore, it is necessary to provide first aid, but not to aggravate the situation. Here is a list of actions for a person without medical education.

  1. Place the patient on his side. Thus, a person will not choke on vomit, and his tongue in an unconscious state will not block the airway.
  2. If the head injury is open or other significant injuries are noticeable (fracture of a leg, spine, etc.), you should not move the victim of misfortune. Simply turn the victim's head to the side and monitor his breathing.
  3. Treat wounds on the head with an antiseptic and the edges with iodine (if you have a first aid kit with you).
  4. Call “ Ambulance” and wait for her arrival. Tell the doctors under what circumstances the injury occurred, how long ago, what medications the person is taking, whether he is intoxicated, how long he has been unconscious, and the like. Even unimportant details can play a leading role in the choice of prescribed drugs and which treatment to choose.


To get a complete picture, doctors send a patient with a suspected concussion to comprehensive examination and only then are medications prescribed for concussions.

A person undergoes an X-ray, computed tomography, and less often an MRI, since it is not always informative in the case of a concussion in children or adults. Consultation with an ophthalmologist, EEG examination, and ultrasound are recommended.

Drug treatment

For any person, a concussion is an injury for which you will have to receive medication in the form of injections or IVs. In mild stages, take medications orally, in tablet form.

Treating a concussion is a long process. It may take 2-4 weeks. During this entire time, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to each prescribed medicine, understand the name, read the instructions and take it correctly. The patient must be hospitalized and receive basic treatment in the hospital under the supervision of specialists. After a concussion at home, you need to stick to a routine, get more rest and not overexert yourself.

If a patient is diagnosed with a concussion, treatment must begin; the doctor selects medications for each specific case and calculates the dosage. But there is general instructions and recommendations on which pills to prescribe.

  1. Firstly, we need nootropic drugs with a concussion. They will restore health to the brain: Piracetam, Stugeron, Glycine, Nootropil.
  2. To strengthen blood vessels, vasotropic agents are prescribed: Instenon, Cavinton, Teonicol.
  3. To reduce swelling and reduce intracranial pressure diuretics with a diuretic effect are used: Veroshpiron, Diakarb, Uregit.
  4. To reduce headaches and stop vomiting, Papaverine, Belloid, Tanakan are suitable.
  5. To normalize sleep and general condition The patient is prescribed tranquilizers: Phenazepam, Dormiplant, Phenobarbital.
  6. Next are medications to prevent seizures and epilepsy. Such drugs are prescribed only if, according to research results, a person has a predisposition to epileptic seizures. But for older people, these drugs are prescribed in any case.
  7. Antisclerotic agents for the elderly.
  8. Vitamins.
  9. Sleeping pills.
  10. Sedatives, sedatives also required: valerian, Corvalol, motherwort.
  11. Can be assigned separately.

Of course, it is not enough to undergo medical treatment for a concussion and forget about the injury.

During treatment and for a long time Afterwards you need to be careful and follow simple rules:

  • Full sleep. The first month after injury – at least 8-10 hours a day.
  • High-quality and varied food.
  • Eliminate coffee, chocolate, alcohol, nicotine, drugs.
  • Ventilate the living space.
  • Avoid reading, watching TV, playing games on the computer or phone, and even listening to music.
  • Study mild physical exercises with the permission of a doctor.
  • Regularly take medications prescribed by your doctor for a concussion. Strict adherence to doses and time of administration guarantees quick recovery and no complications.

Despite a long stay in the hospital and taking medications, every person needs to take care after discharge. Treatment should not be abruptly stopped after a concussion. A gentle regime, sufficient rest and sleep are recommendations for every former patient. Try to always be careful and careful. But if an injury occurs, follow the advice of doctors and follow their instructions. Faith in a speedy recovery and patient responsibility - necessary condition for effective treatment.

Our expert - neurologist Elena Yuryeva.

This injury is considered mild - not a brain injury, after all! However, with a concussion, multiple microbruises, numerous minute perivascular edema and hemorrhages occur, and functions are impaired. nerve cells brain, their nutrition deteriorates. And sometimes all this can result in immediate and long-term complications: increased intracranial pressure, severe headaches, decreased visual acuity.

What are we complaining about?

The most “typical” symptoms of a concussion are headache, vomiting (single or repeated), dizziness, and short-term loss of consciousness may occur. What if nothing like that? We were renovating an apartment, fell off a stepladder, hit our heads, but it seems everything turned out okay. Should I worry? It’s worth it if after a few hours you feel weak or lethargic (you shouldn’t chalk this up to fatigue), you start sweating, or you’re irritated by the TV on, bright lights, or you can’t sleep. Do not ignore even the most minor “deviations from the norm.” It’s better to play it safe a hundred times and see a doctor after an injury than to make a mistake once and then have to deal with the consequences for a long time.

It's better not to put it off

The ideal option after a head injury is to get to a clinic or emergency room and take an x-ray to find out if there is damage to the bones of the skull. If there are obvious symptoms of a concussion, you should immediately call an ambulance. Before her arrival, you need to go to bed. It is better to use a low pillow, especially if the victim was vomiting after the injury.

Apply a cold compress to the area you hit as quickly as possible: use frozen food bags from the refrigerator, wrapped in a thin towel. Under no circumstances should you take painkillers or any other medications before being examined by a doctor: this may “mask” the increasing symptoms of a worsening condition.

Treatment? Necessarily!

After a concussion (even in the most mild degree) you definitely need to take the course rehabilitation treatment. It is selected by the doctor specifically depending on the severity of the injury.

Even with a mild concussion, bed rest is required for 2-3 days. The best medicine in the first days - sleep. You can take soft: drugs for plant based with valerian, motherwort. In the room you need to draw the curtains on the windows or lower the blinds, in the evening do not turn on bright lights, but use a night light. For several days, even if you feel quite well, TV, computer, and reading are prohibited.

One of the consequences of such an injury is the occurrence of edema. To prevent them, the doctor may prescribe a mild diuretic with potassium supplements to prevent its loss by the body through the exiting fluid. In general, you should try to drink less; strong tea, coffee and other tonic drinks are strictly excluded, the best option - mineral water. A dairy-vegetable diet is preferable. Bananas, citrus fruits, and walnuts are very healthy.

Even after a mild concussion, you will have to forget about household chores and any other activities for at least a couple of weeks. physical activity, do not rush to get behind the wheel.

If the injury turns out to be moderate or severe and you are admitted to the hospital, the doctor, of course, will give specific recommendations after discharge, but do not forget that you must be monitored by a neurologist for a year.
