Why are alcoholics aggressive? What to do if your husband drinks and is aggressive? Causes of aggressive behavior while intoxicated

Alcohol always affects the nervous system and psyche in different ways. Some people calm down and fall asleep, while others begin to show aggression. This is dangerous not only for themselves, but also for others, so it is important to know what measures can be taken in a given situation. In some cases, it is easy to calm a person down on your own, but sometimes this is fraught with risk, so it is better to immediately seek help from specialists.

Causes of aggression in a drunk person

The nervous system is influenced by various external factors. Particularly striking changes occur when drinking large doses of alcohol. There is no problem if the person drinks within reasonable limits and does not refuse snacks. This allows the incoming ethanol to be evenly distributed, so its concentration remains within normal limits. When critical values ​​are reached, unpleasant consequences are possible.

Ethyl alcohol is an aggressive substance that can destroy any cells in the body. In addition, ethanol increases the permeability of membranes, which leads to the unimpeded movement of various compounds throughout the body. This also applies to hormones. During the feast, the adrenal glands actively produce adrenaline. The concentration of this hormone in the blood can increase sharply, which instantly affects a person’s behavior.

Adrenaline is a compound responsible for arousal processes. In other words, the nervous system is activated, which will manifest itself externally characteristic symptoms, such as:

  • irritability;
  • excitability;
  • excessive activity;
  • nervousness;
  • panic;
  • stress.

All of these signs provoke attacks of anger or aggression. A drunk person's behavior suddenly changes. He may talk or shout loudly, actively gesticulate, try to defend his point of view, and get involved in arguments or fights.

In the most severe cases drunk people completely lose control of themselves and the situation.

They may commit inappropriate actions, and due to memory lapses, the next day they do not always remember what exactly happened.

It is important to understand that such a person will not calm down on his own. He urgently needs help from loved ones or doctors.

Types of aggression

Psychologists note that heavily drunk people behave differently. Aggression is common to many people, but it manifests itself in different ways. For a clearer understanding of the problem, experts have identified several types of this condition, each of which differs from the others in its own characteristics:

Psychologists say that serious aggression of any type has its reasons. These could be head injuries or mental disorders. An existing problem is exacerbated by ethyl alcohol, and the person himself loses control over his actions.

Self-help at an early stage

Experts say that inaction can be a fatal mistake, so signs of aggression cannot be ignored. It is important to learn to recognize its approach in order to provide timely help at home.

Alcohol does not trigger angry attacks overnight. People get drunk gradually. Initially, adrenaline releases into the blood improve mood, so a person becomes cheerful and joyful. It seems to him that all problems are easily solved. He wants to communicate with other people, even if he is initially modest and shy.

Then the drinker becomes confident in his abilities. He easily gets involved in disputes, often provokes them himself and actively expresses his point of view. When trying to doubt his rightness, the first flashes of anger arise.

He can answer sharply and loudly, take offense at those who disagree, interrupt and prove that only he is right. All these are firsts alarms which, unfortunately, are often ignored. According to psychologists, action should be taken already at this stage.

If someone in a group of drinkers has begun to show aggression, but has not yet moved on physical actions, you can try to help him yourself.

The first and main action is to limit further alcohol consumption.

An increase in the concentration of ethanol in the blood will provoke even greater problems that can no longer be solved at home.

An aggressive person should not be left alone, as anger can easily transfer from strangers to oneself. You need to talk with such people about abstract topics. Every effort must be made to divert attention from the subject of the dispute. You can talk about any pleasant topic, discuss good and positive memories. Gradually, the anger will soften, and the person will make contact more easily.

It is better if there is only one person in the room with the victim. close relative or friend. Everyone else should leave the premises so as not to provoke new conflicts. If the aggression begins to go away, you need to win over the person.

It is important to agree with his opinion, listen, understand and show your support. In most cases, this tactic allows you to cope with mild attacks of anger at early stages.

When to see a doctor

Aggression in drunk people quickly increases, so help at home is not always appropriate. If the anger is too strong, then it is better to immediately consult a doctor. This will avoid serious consequences that threaten health and life.

Doctors will help if, in addition to behavioral changes, there are also physical symptoms. So, you should pay attention to general state person. Signs of deterioration include:

Even if the attack of aggression has passed, but the listed symptoms persist, there is still a danger. Remains high risk that anger and rage will resume, and the drunk himself will try to get into a fight with the people present.

Doctors warn that ethyl alcohol provokes agitation nervous system due to an increase in the concentration of adrenaline in the bloodstream, but this condition does not persist permanently. The central nervous system simply cannot withstand the load and at a certain moment turns off. This is evidenced by confusion of speech, delusions, and hallucinations. The victim later loses consciousness. This situation also requires emergency medical care.

The actions of the doctors who arrive at the call will depend on specific situation. As a rule, a drunk person is taken to a hospital. If excessive aggression is shown, he is given sedatives or safe tranquilizers. In other cases, the patient is given a drip with substances that accelerate the elimination of ethyl alcohol and its oxidation products from the body.

Subsequent treatment

Doctors are sure that not every drinker begins to show aggression. Many people who have had too much alcohol simply pass out and fall asleep, and the next morning they begin to struggle with a hangover. If the problem manifests itself, there may be mental disorders.

This means that there is a high probability of repeated attacks, and alcohol is not always needed to start them. It is possible to avoid this if you immediately identify what triggered the disorder. This may be a long-standing psychological trauma that can be corrected with the right approach. For this reason, doctors strongly advise you to consult a psychotherapist or psychologist for advice. This measure is intended to prevent the situation from recurring in the future.

In addition, it is better for people prone to aggression to stop drinking alcohol or strictly control the amount they drink. One glass of quality wine will not cause harm, but if drinking alcohol has become a habit, you need to start fighting.

There are many effective ways, including medication coding or a number of psychotherapeutic techniques.

When to call the police

An aggressive drunk poses a danger to himself and others, so all measures must be taken with caution. He probably does not control his behavior, so he can turn to physical actions at any moment. For this reason, doctors advise being prepared to call the police immediately.

Law enforcement officers are needed if a drunk person begins to threaten anyone present.

You need to seek help if an aggressive person picks up heavy or sharp objects. He may cause injury to himself or others.

In some cases, the situation can lead to serious bodily harm or physical violence. Doing anything on your own is extremely dangerous because a person does not control his emotions.

As a rule, police officers respond to such calls quickly. They manage to disarm the drunken man without any further action and take him away. Most often, further assistance from doctors is required to relieve intoxication or eliminate binge drinking.

When contacting the police, one thing must be observed: important rule. An aggressive person should not notice the call for help. It is better if the call is made from the next room or from the street. In this case, you need to try to distract the drunken person’s attention by talking.

Mistakes when interacting with a drunk person

Calming a drunken, aggressive person can be difficult.
Many people who encounter this for the first time make a number of mistakes that lead to the deterioration of the situation and its complete spinning out of control. Experts name the most common of them so that people can avoid negative consequences.

So, you cannot argue with someone who is aggressive. This is a direct way to increase anger and provoke an attack of uncontrollable rage. Then the drunk becomes uncontrollable, and it is no longer possible to cope with him on his own. He will refuse to make contact with those who tried to defend their point of view. There is a high probability of a fight with subsequent injuries or mutilations. The only way out in such a situation, call both doctors and police at the same time. You cannot get involved in a fight, argue, or shout. The drunk will perceive this as retaliatory aggression, which will anger him even more.

There is an effective, but very risky way to calm a raging husband or an out-of-control wife. According to him, you need to offer him another drink. This will give you the opportunity to gain time. In this case, someone else must call an ambulance or police, depending on the situation. The method is dangerous, since it is impossible to predict a person’s behavior after the next dose of alcohol.

There is no need to try to sedate the person. Even safe tinctures when combined with alcohol can provoke an unpredictable reaction. The combination of sleeping pills with alcohol is fraught with loss of consciousness and cardiac arrest. Medicines can only be administered by doctors who arrive on call.

True aggression after drinking alcohol rarely occurs. It should not be confused with excessive excitement or increased emotionality. The latter situations are easy to control.

It is almost impossible to calm an aggressive person at home, so there is no need to be afraid of medical help. Doctors know exactly how to behave with such patients. In some cases, the assistance of the police is required. Sometimes this is the only chance to save your own health and life.

Almost every person under the influence of alcohol can exhibit aggressive behavior that is uncharacteristic for a person in sober. Experts associate this phenomenon with the psycho-destructive effects of ethanol, so alcohol and aggression are compatible and quite characteristic concepts.

Many have noticed that a person who is in a drunken state is “knee-deep in any sea.” Narcologists explain this effect by the psychoactive, intoxicating and narcotic effects of ethanol on the body. With a fairly short history of drinking strong drinks, outbursts of unexplained aggressiveness can bother a person spontaneously, quite rarely, and after a fairly large dose of alcohol.

Such aggression after alcohol is most typical for relatively young people. Today, among young people it is common to drink alcohol without any reason, especially beer. Therefore, one can increasingly hear such a phrase as uncontrollable and aggressive youth. Although a similar phenomenon has occurred before, just not on such a large scale. If a person does not consider frequent drinking as a mistake and stupidity of youth, then further abuse leads to the development of chronic alcohol addiction.

As a result, aggression provoked by alcohol affects the alcoholic himself and his environment, especially family members. Statistics show that aggression and violence are observed in 40% of married couples where one spouse suffers from alcoholism. If there are two alcoholics in the family, then the percentage of aggression is much higher. More often, children and women suffer from this phenomenon.

Why does alcohol cause aggression?

The main factor influencing the occurrence of aggression after alcohol is the psychoneurological effect of ethanol, which irreversibly damages the human psyche. As alcohol enters the body, it has a variety of effects: dilates blood vessels, rapidly spreads throughout all structures, affects nerve tissue, etc. When ethanol overcomes the blood-brain barrier, it penetrates brain cells and poisons them.

Ethanol is characterized by high neurocellular toxicity and also has a hypoxic effect on neurons, because its metabolism requires oxygen, which ethanol takes from neuronal cells. Aldehyde, which is an intermediate metabolic product, also has a toxic effect. It is considered much more toxic than alcohol itself, it practically does not dissolve in water and causes nervous tissue swelling, surges in blood pressure, migraine pain, etc.

All these factors cause the death of neurocellular structures, as a result of which the drinker gradually loses the ability to adequately perceive the surrounding reality. Unmotivated aggression during intoxication is uncontrollable and has an unstable character. Alcohol-related mental and brain disorders develop according to certain dynamics.

  • At first, alcohol causes lightness, improvement emotional state, a rush of euphoria;
  • but with further use of intoxicating drinks, a sharp change in mood occurs, in which the person becomes angry, aggressive and irritable;
  • Intoxication usually ends with a sleep phase, less often with an alcoholic coma.

Exactly on last stage drunkenness, a real threat hangs over the household of an alcoholic, caused by the actions of the drinker, which become dangerous to others.

Some researchers adhere to the theory that the causes of alcoholic aggression are often related to the situation in which a drunk person is, for example, danger, jealousy, etc. Moreover, such situations may not always be real, because under the influence of alcohol the perception of reality is significantly distorted. There is another opinion, according to which, the aggression of alcoholics depends on the initial picture of the patient’s condition, such as the presence of head injuries, mental disorders, pathological personality structure etc. Intoxication against the background of similar pathological conditions quite often accompanied by conflict, anger, embitterment and a tendency to physical violence.

Who is more likely to show aggression?

The causes of alcoholic aggression are often related to the situation in which the drunk person is, for example, danger, jealousy, etc.

Men most often show anger and violence due to alcoholism. Aggression after alcohol in men often has a social development mechanism. This theory boils down to the fact that a man, having observed people drinking since childhood, adopts similar behavior. Therefore, when drinking alcohol, he consciously stops controlling his behavior.

Aggression during intoxication is also influenced by the presence of alcohol addiction. If a person does not suffer from alcoholism and drinks alcohol a little when there is a reason, then even with severe alcohol intoxication such a person will not show aggression. And chronically alcohol-dependent people, even after a small amount of alcohol, display an angry and conflictual attitude towards others.

If a person has mania, psychosis, schizophrenia, etc. mental disorder, then he can also show aggression after intoxication. A similar picture of behavior after drinking alcohol is observed in people who have a quarrelsome nature, are under stress or depressed state, overly impulsive and prone to deviant behavior even without alcohol.

Factors of anger and aggressiveness

Experts note several factors that significantly influence the manifestations of aggression while drinking alcohol. Aggression can be of various types:

  1. Verbal - when a drunk person insults the people around him with words.
  2. Physical - when a person uses force against others.
  3. Altruistic - when a drunk tries to protect someone, and not always from real threat, it’s just that such a state often manifests itself as an aggravation of justice.
  4. Auto-aggression - when a drinker directs aggression against himself, engages in self-flagellation, excessive self-criticism, and often leads to a suicidal outcome.

But each of these types of aggression is based on certain factors.


If alcohol and aggression in the family are common, a child growing up in such a social unit will, over the years, begin to adopt the model of behavior of a father who is under the influence of alcohol. Such children consider it normal to be angry and unjustified rudeness towards members of their family, and even towards strangers Same. Such upbringing, or rather the lack thereof, usually leads to similar behavior in the child in the future.


With the development of alcoholism, acts of aggression begin to occur more often, because cognitive functions drinking man are seriously suffering. As a result environment becomes situationally dangerous for alcohol addicts. The characteristic euphoria after drinking alcohol lasts less and less, and irritability and anger, on the contrary, manifest themselves more and more, developing into pronounced hostility towards others. The final stage in the development of alcohol addiction is usually socio-psychological degradation, which is accompanied by a criminal, antisocial behavior.


Of no small importance in the nature of aggression after alcohol is the personal portrait of a person, his character and temperament. Alcohol causes aggression in people who are by nature hostile and angry towards others. If, while in a sober state, a person is characterized by increased conflict, angry outbursts and malice, then under the influence of alcohol these character traits can intensify even more.

Stopped drinking, anger appeared

Often, the wives of men who have stopped drinking note that their spouses have become literally unbearable, their character has changed, they have become angrier, etc. Indeed, aggression after quitting alcohol is by no means a rare phenomenon. Doctors associate this condition with post-alcohol depression and withdrawal syndrome, which occur in the first 3-5 days after stopping the use of strong drinks.

  • Post-alcohol depression requires mandatory medical intervention. Physiologically manifests itself as convulsions, tremors and nervous system hyperactivity. A person is in a deep psychological crisis, in which he has no positive emotions, goals and meaning of life;
  • Post-alcohol depression, in the absence or ineffectiveness of treatment, develops into post-withdrawal depression, which is much more dangerous. Outwardly, a person lives fully, returns to his previous way of life. But now he does not have the opportunity to relieve tension with alcohol, so he does not experience euphoria, is deprived of peace, is not satisfied with life, is aggressive and angry towards himself and others.

Protracted psychological crises sometimes go away on their own, but the person completely changes, and sometimes, as a substitute treatment, he begins to use drugs, engage in extreme hobbies, become a gambling addict, etc.

How to help a loved one

It is unlikely that you will be able to cope with the problem of alcohol aggression on your own. And it is necessary to treat it, because family members take risks every day when they are near a clinically aggressive person when intoxicated. The bottom line is to eliminate alcohol addiction, which causes aggression. But not every alcoholic will immediately agree that he is sick, and that to get rid of unmotivated aggression he needs to give up drinking. You can try to talk about treatment only if the alcoholic is completely sober. A professional psychologist can guide a person to the desire for treatment.

When the decision on treatment is made, it is necessary to select a doctor, a treatment method, and be sure to provide to a loved one psychological support. Modern techniques are able to return a person to normal life, and subsequent family support will help you adapt and forget about alcohol forever.

It is no secret that with constant consumption of alcohol, personality degradation occurs. In a state of binge drinking, a person is unable to think about his actions and does not realize that he is causing pain to the people around him. Conflict situations constantly arise that can lead to problems with other people and provoke the drinker to break the law.

Aggressive state of an alcoholic

Not only young people, but also adults, regardless of gender and social status, can display aggressive behavior after drinking alcohol. The concepts of “alcohol” and “aggression” are inextricably linked, therefore, in order to get rid of aggressive behavior The first step is to treat the addiction.

Causes of aggression

Causes of aggression in an alcoholic

Scientists found out the reasons for the aggressiveness of drunk people, and came to the conclusion that ethyl alcohol, which has a Negative influence on the psyche. The higher the stage of intoxication, the greater changes a person’s mental state undergoes - he is unable to control speech, emotions, and commits rash and illogical actions.

At first, a person feels elation, some euphoria, lightness and a cheerful mood. But, over time, positive emotions are replaced by irritation and anger. At this moment, the drunk becomes dangerous both for his own family and for people he doesn’t know at all. Any action of loved ones can cause irritation, anger, and cause unmotivated aggression. In this state, accumulated grievances are remembered and jealousy awakens.

If the drunk has previously had a head injury, such as a concussion or mental disorders, then without threats to other people and conflict situations, is practically not possible. Aggressive behavior in drunk people usually occurs in the third stage of intoxication.

Even if a person with alcoholism himself understands that it is time for him to stop drinking alcohol and start treatment, aggression does not go away due to the onset of withdrawal syndrome, which also changes the mental state. At this time, the desire to hangover is great, because the person is unfriendly, is in an aggressive state, and shows hostility. Moreover, even quiet people who do not show any signs of aggression in sobriety can be aggressive.

Types of aggression

What types of aggression do alcoholics have?

Not only narcologists, but also psychiatrists study the behavior of drunk people. They were able to identify several forms of behavior observed after an alcoholic takes a dose of alcohol, and also identify types of aggression:

  • Physical, which is the use of force against others.
  • Verbal aggressive behavior is an insult to the personality of others.
  • Straight. At the same time, a drunk person openly shows his anger and is capable of breaking things in the heat of the moment.
  • Indirect. A drunk person is aware of his actions and tries to take out his anger on a specific person or group of people.
  • Altruistic. A drunk person seeks to protect someone from a real or imaginary threat, and the sense of justice intensifies.
  • Auto-aggression. This type of aggression is directed against oneself, manifested by self-flagellation, often ending in a suicide attempt.

Psychiatrist from Germany Gunter Ammon considers the manifestation of each type of aggression in a drunken state as an attempt to protect oneself. After drinking a dose of alcohol, a person is unable to adequately perceive the situation and, in order to protect himself from others, chooses tactics “ best protection“This is an attack.”

Aggressive behavior is more often manifested in people who have complexes due to:

  • lack of communication;
  • lack of a full-fledged family;
  • problems in personal life and at work.

What to do with alcohol aggression?

The emergence of aggression after drinking alcohol

Aggression while intoxicated is extremely dangerous for others. Any person who is close to a drunk can become an object of venting anger and irritation. What will come into the head of a drunken person in the next minute is unknown even to him. For this reason, loved ones try their best possible ways protect yourself and your children by leaving your own home, since often in case of conflicts with an alcoholic you have to call the police.

To cope with manifestations of aggression, it is recommended to follow some recommendations:

The most important thing is that the alcoholic himself wants to recover. Alcoholism causes strong attachment and craving for a drink. If you leave yourself without a glass, a person begins a kind of withdrawal, no different from withdrawal from drug addiction.

Drunk people think that they have no addiction to drinking alcohol, and they can easily stop drinking alcohol at any time. This is far from true, and it is useless to prove it to them. Any attempts to somehow influence an alcoholic and rein him in are pointless and can result in unpredictable consequences. No one can be immune from a new outbreak of aggression.

It makes sense to start talking about treatment only when the alcoholic is absolutely sober, able to understand the gravity of the situation, adequately respond to arguments and conduct a dialogue with loved ones. It may take more than one month to explain the situation to the patient, but calm persuasion is perceived by the alcoholic much better than screaming and swearing. In such cases, there is no way to avoid talking to a narcologist.

Treatment of alcohol aggression

Ways to cure a person from alcohol addiction

It is important to understand that without the help of medicine it is impossible to solve the problem of alcohol dependence and the manifestation of aggression as a result. The likelihood is too great that the patient will not want to make contact himself, understand his condition and find compromises. When talking with loved ones, peace can be concluded only for a short time, until the moment the alcoholic pours himself the first glass. Then the patient’s behavior after drinking alcohol will again fall into the mainstream of incessant scandals, insults, and manifestations of hostility. It is for this reason that it is important that a person clearly understands that in order to return to normal life, treatment is necessary.

When a husband drinks and is aggressive, family life becomes unbearable. The character of an alcoholic is unstable and explosive; any little thing can make him angry and encourage him to give up. Able alcohol intoxication he becomes uncontrollable. All household members adapt to the mood of the alcoholic, trying to predict his actions and not fall under the hot hand. When children see their drunken father, they huddle in corners to avoid shouting and beatings. There is fear and anxiety in the house. The situation is aggravated by the progression of alcoholism. Binges become longer and longer, and the alcoholic becomes angrier and more intolerant.

If so, then it is important for the husband to take timely measures.

How to behave when your husband is aggressive?

The correct behavior of a wife when dealing with an aggressive spouse will help to avoid moral and physical trauma, as well as maintain control over the situation.

When you see an angry spouse, you need to try not to show him your fear. Fear is a provocateur of anger and aggression; it fuels an alcoholic. In families where drunkenness and violence are chronic, the woman’s personality is deformed. It is almost impossible for her to maintain composure in a critical situation. But you need to make an effort and hide your emotions.

You should not notice his behavior and not show dissatisfaction. Despite the shouting, nagging and provocations, you need to calmly go about your daily affairs. With this behavior of the wife, the husband will cease to be the center of attention of the family. Sometimes alcoholics behave aggressively, trying to assert themselves. They like that everyone is afraid of them and depends on their mood. There is no need to demonstratively ignore the aggressor. This will make him even more furious. You need to talk calmly and peacefully.

You shouldn’t argue with a drunk husband or try to convince him of something.

In a state of alcoholic intoxication, a person is not able to adequately perceive the situation. He will only become angrier, and in the morning he will hardly remember the events of yesterday. The wife will only waste her energy.

Although children often suffer from the aggression of fathers, many alcoholics try not to splash out emotions on their offspring, especially young ones. Therefore, it makes sense to move to the children's room if the husband makes a scandal. In front of children, he will behave calmer and will not touch his wife.

To calm an irritated spouse, you need to switch his attention to something that interests him. You can invite him to look Soccer game or play computer game with kids.

If the wife is sure that her husband will not use force, she can stop him with a sharp and categorical answer. For example, demand not to speak in such a tone or to be quieter. You need to speak firmly, confidently, with feeling self-esteem. The wife’s non-standard behavior will puzzle the rowdy and stop him for a while. After the cooling phrase, you should pause and continue the conversation in a peaceful, calm tone, moving it into everyday life. This will allow the woman to take control of the situation.

Why do drunk husbands become aggressive?

Aggressive behavior drinking husband usually caused by exposure to alcoholic beverages. As alcoholism develops, a man's behavior changes. If in the early stages he experiences a surge of strength and euphoria when intoxicated, then after the development of addiction, alcohol causes aggression, rudeness and irritability in the alcoholic. How more people drinks, the harsher, fiercer and more despotic he becomes. This needs to be understood by wives of alcoholics who hope for changes for the better. After all, many alcoholics, having sobered up, become sweet, loving spouses. They sincerely repent of what they did and swear on their knees that this will not happen again. It is more pleasant for a wife to trust her husband, because she does not want to destroy the family and deprive the children of their father.

Alcoholism is a disease. Ethyl alcohol (a component of alcoholic beverage) accumulates in the body and destroys it. The main effect of ethyl alcohol is on the brain and nervous system. Even with low-alcohol drinks, over time he develops alcoholic psychosis. Under the influence of ethyl alcohol, an alcoholic experiences hallucinations, fear, panic and anxiety, as well as hatred and aggression. It seems to him that he is surrounded by enemies and ill-wishers, and his wife is cheating and making treacherous plans. The destruction of the psyche will continue as long as the alcoholic drinks. Damage internal organs, which is caused by ethyl alcohol, only accelerates the process of personality degradation. Therefore, it is possible to stop the aggression of a drinking spouse only if he stops drinking.

How to get your husband to stop drinking?

The drinking spouse usually understands well where and how he can behave. A person can control a lot. The husband's behavior largely depends on the reaction of his wife. Therefore, the wives of chronic alcoholics are considered codependent. They support their husband's desire to drink, often without realizing it.

In order for a husband not to drink alcohol, he must understand that his wife will never put up with his addiction. Through her behavior, a woman must constantly demonstrate her negative attitude to alcohol. You cannot show weakness and encourage drinking sometimes, “on holidays.” You should not reward a glass of alcohol for work done.

It is advisable not to keep alcoholic beverages at home and give up the habit of celebrating various minor events with drinking.

You should not justify the antics of your drinking husband to others and solve his problems. He himself must be responsible for his actions.

There is no need to create comfortable conditions for your husband to drink with his drinking buddies at home. Such “friends” must be driven away without hesitation. Any contacts between a spouse and drinkers should cause persistent rejection by the wife. If a man values ​​his family, he will begin to avoid them himself.

There is no need to feel sorry for your drinking spouse, hiding from him his “exploits” while drunk and downplaying the damage he caused. The state of his health should not be kept secret. An alcoholic must know everything unpleasant about himself.

A man should form a stable association of drinking alcohol with unpleasant events: conflicts in the family, health problems, difficulties at work or quarrels with friends.

We need to find any way to engage our husband in an interesting activity. If a man has a hobby, he should be encouraged. An enthusiastic person rarely drinks alcohol.

The sooner a spouse begins to fight her husband’s addiction, the greater the chance of stopping the development of alcoholism and preserving the family and the health of all its members.

If the husband drinks every day and goes on binges, medical attention is needed. In this case, you need to convince the alcoholic to see a doctor.

How to reduce your spouse's aggression?

It occurs more often in men prone to violence. Such men already in the early stages of alcoholism terrorize their wives. A tendency towards aggression is evidenced by the husband’s desire to control his wife in everything. He does not trust her, considers her a weak, weak-willed person, unable to be responsible for her actions. An oppressive husband does not respect his wife and does not take her wishes into account. He quickly “explodes” and loses his temper. Easily insults his wife, even while in good mood. The tyrant never admits his guilt and considers others to blame, especially his wife. He is aggressive, rude and disrespectful to others. The man does not show sympathy and does not feel sorry for his wife.

To prevent the aggressive behavior of a violent spouse, you need to not allow yourself to be humiliated from the very beginning of their relationship. Husbands behave with their wives as she allows. Insults should never be tolerated. A woman must defend her dignity and demand respectful treatment. At the first attempts at violence, the wife must give a tough rebuff: threaten with divorce, division of property, or calling the police.

Alcoholism is a rather serious social and everyday problem that is relevant for many countries of the world, including Russian Federation. As such, there is no centralized fight against this disease, which makes the problem even more acute. Psychiatrists and narcologists provide prevention and treatment for patients suffering from alcohol addiction. In this article we will talk about such a phenomenon as aggression during alcohol intoxication, since the danger to own health and the health of others.

Absolutely any person experiences a change in consciousness when consuming alcoholic beverages, even in small quantities, which makes the problem associated with aggressive state alcohol-drinking person, relevant for everyone. In order to understand the causes of aggression that arise during intoxication and the mechanisms to combat such mental state, it is necessary to have an understanding of the basic principles of the effects of ethanol or ethyl alcohol on the human body and directly on the central nervous system.

Alcohol has various effects on the body of the person who consumes it, and first of all this factor depends on the amount of alcohol consumed and the characteristics of the body that consumed it. In practice, the degree of intoxication is measured by the amount of alcohol dissolved in the blood in ppm. The norm is considered to be a level below 0.3 ppm, and already above given value alcohol begins to affect the central nervous system, psyche and other organs and systems. Typically, alcohol aggression occurs already when medium degree intoxication, however, in some cases, aggressiveness can be observed even in mild forms of intoxication.

Getting into gastrointestinal tract, alcohol quickly begins to be absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, already in its upper sections. After absorption, ethanol enters the portal vein system and part of it is detoxified in the liver due to a special enzyme - alcohol dehydrogenase. Each individual person has an individual level of this enzyme, and the higher the level, the less pronounced the effect of alcohol, including aggressiveness.

Causes of aggression

The main reason is the neurotoxic effect of ethyl alcohol, which is part of the drink, on the cerebral cortex and subcortical structures. Under the influence of alcohol, the electro-chemical processes occurring in the brain are first disinhibited, including disturbances in the limbic system, which is responsible for aggressiveness, fear and prudence. During sufficiently strong alcohol intoxication, a drunk person becomes uncritical of his thoughts, actions and deeds, which can lead to various kinds of injuries to himself and others. An aggressive drunk person in the phase of nervous system excitation is mentally unstable. Aggression is usually associated with internal psychological problems and conflicts that took place in the past and remained on a subconscious level. IN in this case Almost any factor can provoke aggressive behavior, since a drunk person cannot be aware of it.

The level of aggressiveness may be even more intense as a result of any organic disorders in the functioning of the central nervous system, for example, due to previous concussions or traumatic brain injuries.

Aggression during alcohol intoxication is almost 3 times more common in men than in women, which many experts associate with characteristic features personality and male mindset and character. Also, men are more prone to drinking, since the level of stress in their lives is usually higher than that of women and is associated with career, work, and personal relationships.

Consequences of intoxication

Sometimes it happens that during intoxication a person does not experience anger and does not have excessive aggressiveness, but when the state of intoxication is relieved, the level of aggression increases. This condition is explained by a noticeable decrease in the level of secreted serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for positive emotions. After heavy intoxication, people usually experience severe weakness, malaise and severe discomfort, which cannot but make the alcoholic irritable and aggressive.

Aggression and family

One of the most common reasons the occurrence of domestic drunkenness is a violation of relationships within the family. Factors influencing the increased risk of developing drunkenness in the family are:

  • Short social level life;
  • Unsatisfactory sanitary characteristics of the home;
  • Insufficient education of family members;
  • Living in conditions of constant stress;
  • Material disadvantage.

Many of the above points not only push people to drink, but are also factors in increased latent stress and corresponding aggression during alcohol intoxication. In the absence of inhibitory processes in the cerebral cortex, during drunkenness a person begins to focus on his own problems. To compensate for stress and anxiety, a person turns on protective mental mechanisms that redirect aggression towards people around him.

Correction methods

It is very important to stop a person in time before his condition leads to serious complications And high degree alcohol addiction. Remember, first of all, it is important to understand that a person who is on a binge or is a systematic drinker is a sick person! It makes it easier moral attitude to a person and helps fight this condition.

It is very important not to follow the lead of dependent people, since, first of all, such people are excellent manipulators, even without knowing it.

To treat alcoholism, a patient needs to undergo several courses of psychotherapy or group trainings in order to develop a stable awareness of his own problem - the disease. A person who is dependent on alcohol, like no one else, needs an acceptable level of socialization. More communication, disclosure and analysis of one’s own problem and inferiority help to cope not only with alcohol addiction, but also with aggression and latent stress.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the coding of patients with alcohol dependence. The method is undoubtedly effective, however! It is important that the patient himself understands his problem and wants to fight it, then the effectiveness will be maximum, otherwise coding will be ineffective.

How to deal with an aggressive person when intoxicated

Aggression after drinking alcohol should be perceived as an individual manifestation of human character, and should not be taken to heart. First of all, do not make sudden movements and do not cling to words, remember - a person in a state of passion is inadequate and is not aware of his own words and actions. It is better to keep a distance from such a person so that aggression cannot result in physical consequences. Here is the necessary algorithm of actions when contacting an aggressive drunk person:

  • Keep your distance;
  • Carefully and discreetly remove any available alcohol;
  • Remove objects that are sharp or dangerous in your opinion;
  • Don't argue with a drunk;
  • You should not leave such a person alone, as he may harm himself;
  • Wait for the braking phase (when the drunk wants to sleep) and lay him down so that his arms and legs do not become numb;

If you cannot keep the situation under control, immediately call an ambulance. medical care, since doctors have necessary medications capable of stopping a state of severe intoxication.
