Red spots in a 1 year old child. Diseases that cause spots to appear on a child’s body. Rashes in a newborn

The appearance of rashes on the body is a very unfavorable symptom that occurs in a huge variety of diseases. This article will tell you what parents should do if their child has a rash on his stomach.


The appearance of rashes on the abdomen can occur at the most various states. A rash manifests itself in a sick child in different ways. It's important to note that Rash elements can appear at any age.

The reasons that lead to the development of specific rashes in newborn babies and older children differ significantly from each other. Quite often, the rashes spread throughout the body.

One of the most common reasons causing rash on the body is allergy. Rashes are caused by exposure to a variety of allergens. In babies of the first year of life, a rash is often provoked by the introduction of the first complementary foods.

Using incorrectly selected hygiene products used for daily treatments may also cause a severe allergic reaction on the skin. Manifestations allergic reactions quite often found in one-year-old children.

Wearing clothes made from synthetic materials contributes to the development contact dermatitis. In this case, rashes appear in those places where there was direct contact with clothing.

In this case, the skin elements look like a small red rash. These rashes tend to coalesce, forming rather large areas of irregularly shaped lesions.

Contact dermatitis

Allergy to washing powder

A common cause of rashes on the stomach and chest in babies are various childhood infectious diseases. Measles, rubella, and chickenpox are quite severe in children and are accompanied by characteristic symptoms.

Within a few days, skin rashes rapidly spread throughout the body of the sick child. Each of these pathologies has its own incubation period, the duration of which can be from several days to a couple of weeks.

One of the most interesting forms of the disease is the appearance of a rash on the torso after high temperature. After previous viral or bacterial infections The child develops red rose-colored rashes on the skin. They are usually located on the stomach and back. The diameter of such skin rashes usually does not exceed 4-5 mm.

These skin elements usually go away on their own within a couple of days after the body temperature normalizes.

Kids visiting educational institutions, can become infected with scabies quite easily. The disease is spreading contact-household method.



Appearance skin rashes on the stomach can also be a manifestation serious illnesses internal organs. Systemic blood tumors often manifest as multiple rashes. Usually these symptoms are extremely unfavorable. Such skin rashes appear due to damage to capillaries - the smallest blood vessels.

Babies in the first year of life often develop skin rashes in the abdomen and neck. The development of these unfavorable symptoms is caused by violation of thermoregulation. This condition is called miliaria and develops quite often in children.

Excessive wrapping of a child in the first months of life provokes overheating of the skin and promotes increased sweating, which leads to the development of various rashes on the baby’s skin.

Prickly heat

Various factors influence the development of the disease in the baby fungal diseases. One of these pathologies is lichen. This pathological condition accompanied by the appearance of bright red elements that cause severe itching in the child. Quite often, such rashes appear in children in the groin area and on the stomach.

One of the most common childhood pathologies is lichen, which is caused by microsporum and trichophyton. These microorganisms provoke the appearance of rather unfavorable rashes on the skin of a sick child. This pathology is also called versicolor or tinea versicolor. Infection can occur from a sick baby to a healthy one.

After clearing the fungal rashes, numerous pale areas remain on the skin. They are usually covered with multiple skin scales, which are severely sloughed off.

The skin of the damaged areas tans quite poorly and is very itchy. Only after several months and after complete cleansing of fungi is the structure of the skin completely restored.

What does it look like?

Skin rashes can manifest in different ways. This largely depends on the cause that led to the development of these rashes.

For allergies

Allergic skin elements look like bright red individual spots. They can be located on the most different areas torso. Typically, these elements are very itchy and bring severe discomfort to the sick baby.

The duration of allergic rashes remaining on the skin may vary. Adverse symptoms usually persist during the persistence of the allergen in the child’s body.

If a child receives specific treatment, but the substance that provokes the allergic reaction continues to enter, then a rash may remain on the skin for quite a long time. New bulk elements that have appeared recently will generally have a more intense color.

You can distinguish allergic rashes from other skin manifestations at home. In this case when you press on a separate element of the rash, it turns pale and usually disappears.

The presence of various types of allergies in close relatives also greatly facilitates differential diagnosis. In this case, the appearance of a rash on the baby's skin may be caused by genetic allergic sensitivity to a specific allergen.

Dermatitis, which is allergic in nature, usually appears in areas with thin areas of skin. The appearance of such rashes on the abdomen is a fairly common location. The spread of bright red elements over all skin also confirms that the child has a possible allergy.

To eliminate unfavorable symptoms in this case, doctors prescribe antihistamines that have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antisensitizing effect.

For prickly heat

Miliaria on the skin of a child is manifested by the appearance of multiple red and white spots. In some cases, they can also be located on the stomach. This is especially common when using excessively warm clothes in a roast. summer time.

Wrapping a child in an insulated jacket in the summer leads to increased sweating, which contributes to the appearance of specific manifestations of prickly heat on the skin of the abdomen, back or neck.

For chicken pox

Skin blisters usually remain on the skin for several days and then disappear completely. Characteristic of chickenpox rapid spread of the rash throughout the body.

Chickenpox manifests itself as initially bright red spots on the skin, which quickly turn into blisters. Inside, these skin rashes are filled with serous discharge mixed with ichor. If such a bubble breaks, then all the liquid flows out, and an abscess remains in the place of the former skin element.

Skin blisters usually remain on the skin for several days and then disappear completely. Chickenpox is characterized by rapid spread of the rash throughout the body.

For rubella

Rubella is another childhood pathology that can cause various rashes to appear on the baby’s tummy. This disease is usually transmitted by airborne droplets.

Children visiting kindergarten, can become infected with rubella within a fairly short period of time. First, the sick child develops severe symptoms intoxication, and only then specific changes appear on the skin.

For measles

Infection with measles also contributes to the appearance of various rashes on the child’s tummy. This childhood infection is most common in children early age.

Manifests this pathology the appearance of characteristic rashes on the child’s skin, which look like numerous bright red spots. In most cases their shape is irregular.

For insect bites

Various insect bites can also cause a rash on the stomach. Household mites that live in pillows and blankets can cause various skin rashes. Such rashes can appear on various parts of the body, but are quite often found on the stomach and back.

They look like a small rash. This pathology manifests itself most severely in children with an allergic predisposition.

They are caused by various worms and quite often lead to the appearance of numerous skin rashes in children. During their life, helminths release a huge variety of toxic substances that have a damaging effect on the skin.

The skin is considered the largest organ in humans. Skin is a kind of indicator of the baby's health. Any rash on the baby’s body leads to caring parents in horror. Do not panic, carefully examine the child, call a doctor.

Red spots on a baby's body cause about 100 different diseases. Identifying the specific cause at home is problematic. Only experienced pediatrician after carrying out some diagnostic procedures, it can determine what caused the red spots on the body and prescribe specific treatment.

Types of pathology

Doctors highlight morphological characteristics rashes into primary and secondary. Many diseases are diagnosed by appearance rashes and accompanying symptoms.

Primary signs include:

  • spot. It is characterized by a changed area of ​​the skin, its consistency and relief do not differ from the normal epidermis;
  • bubble. It is a dense formation of small size; there is always some liquid inside it. Bubbles appear with herpes, eczema, and can be located on any part of the skin;
  • blister. Characterized by an inflamed area of ​​the skin, resulting from swelling of the dermis, for example, with urticaria. After treatment, the blister completely disappears, leaving not a single trace behind;
  • pustule. Another name for the formation is an abscess; it is a various kind of formation filled with pus. After opening, a scar forms in its place;
  • papule. It has a soft or dense consistency, the formation does not leave scars. When several papules join together, a large plaque is formed, causing a lot of inconvenience to the child;
  • tubercle. It is characterized by an asexual base, the formation rises above the surface of the skin. The color of the tubercles changes upon palpation; the specific color depends on the cause of the problem.

After primary signs secondary ones appear, these include:

  • scales;
  • crusts;
  • cracks;
  • erosion;
  • ulcers;
  • scars and other pathologies.

Some problems go away without a trace, others remain forever.

Probable causes

All unfavorable factors and diseases are conventionally divided into several large groups. Only after identifying the specific cause is it possible to begin treating the baby. Before treatment, be sure to visit a pediatrician, a specialist will carry out full examination child's body, will prescribe appropriate therapy.

Allergic reactions

Children have weak immunity; any non-specific product, pet hair, or other allergens cause an unpredictable reaction in the baby. The rashes have different shapes, characters, distinguishing feature red spots - after contact with the allergen, they quickly appear, and also quickly disappear as a result of the withdrawal of the latter.

Insect bites

Midges and mosquitoes love to bite children, such rashes cause horror in young parents, they begin to look for infectious causes of the rashes. The characteristic symptoms of insect bites are caused by the following processes:

  • children often scratch wounds and introduce infection there;
  • the body reacts sharply to toxins caused by insects;
  • in rare cases, the cause of red spots on the body is a reaction to infections caused by insects.

Chicken pox

The group of infectious diseases accounts for about 70% of all visits to the pediatrician. When an infection occurs, the baby usually experiences other unpleasant symptoms: increased body temperature, head, abdominal temperature, chills, nausea, loss of appetite. Red spots on the baby’s body may not appear immediately; sometimes the problem appears several days after infection.

The disease is very contagious and is common among children, epidemics of the disease are often observed. The incubation period of the disease is up to three weeks, then the child’s body temperature rises sharply, the baby becomes lethargic, and loses appetite. Gradually, the baby’s entire body becomes covered with red spots, then they turn into blisters that constantly itch.

In most cases, the rashes are localized between the fingers, in armpits. In infants, the temperature does not rise much, sometimes it does not exceed the normal mark on the thermometer. (We have an article about chickenpox).


The incubation period of the disease is no more than fourteen days, the patient is dangerous to others for about five days. The baby develops a high temperature, photophobia, and a runny nose. Red spots gradually turn into brown formations covered with peeling. (Read more about measles on this page.)


Transmitted by airborne droplets, the disease is highly contagious. The pathology is accompanied by the formation of small pink spots throughout the body. The red formations do not last long; after three days they disappear completely. The temperature almost never rises. (The address is written about rubella in children).


The pathology is characterized by the presence of uneven red spots on the skin. From the first day, a small rash appears on the baby’s face and gradually spreads throughout the body. The disease disappears after 15 days, leaving no problems behind.

Scarlet fever

The disease is caused by streptococcus, characteristic symptoms: fever, sore throat. Three days later, the baby’s body is covered with a small red rash; the formations like to “settle” in all folds. Then the skin becomes noticeably pale and severe peeling begins. (Read the article about scarlet fever).


The disease is manifested by elevated body temperature and lasts no more than 4 days. As the temperature drops, red spots begin to cover the baby's skin. The disease is caused by the sixth herpes virus and requires treatment. (We have an article about baby roseola).

Note! Any infectious disease requires close medical attention and appropriate treatment.

Serious pathologies of blood vessels and blood

Rashes on the body are caused by hemorrhages, bruises are painted in different colors, and sometimes cause pain to the little patient. In some cases, a small reddish rash appears on the child’s body. The cause of the problem is a violation of vascular permeability, a significant decrease in the number of blood vessels, which adversely affects blood clotting.

Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules

In young children, it often appears. Problems arise against the background of the characteristics of children's skin, constant violations of personal hygiene rules, and wearing diapers. Do not wrap your baby under any circumstances. let the skin breathe. Make sure that the child is not constantly in wet diapers or dirty diapers. Carry out air baths regularly, leave the baby without clothes for at least half an hour every day.

In what cases should you immediately consult a doctor?

Red spots on the body of children - serious reason call a doctor at home. It is forbidden to take your baby to the hospital if the pathology is infectious; you are endangering everyone around you. Before the doctors arrive, do not smear the rash with any coloring compounds, they can blur the clinical picture and make diagnosis difficult.

Call immediately ambulance upon detection:

  • chest pain;
  • disturbances of consciousness: fainting, increased drowsiness, confusion, speech disorders;
  • labored breathing;
  • severely elevated body temperature, not brought down by many means;
  • runny nose, inability to breathe normally;
  • anaphylactic shock(a pathological condition characterized by difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness, low blood pressure, lung collapse), occurs with a severe allergic reaction.

What is prohibited to do

When treating red spots in a child, you can follow some rules; they will help you cope with any ailments quickly and effectively. Doctors highlight a special list of rules that cannot be broken:

  • squeeze out, comb formations on the body. This aspect especially concerns infectious diseases accompanied by severe itching;
  • do not give crumbs any medications without preliminary consultation with the doctor. It is allowed to use antihistamines for an allergic reaction, only those that you have given to the baby before;
  • It is forbidden to smear red spots with any ointments without consulting a pediatrician, especially with dyes.

Note to parents! To prevent any unpleasant consequences, carefully follow all the doctor’s instructions and do not take any action without the doctor’s approval.

Methods and rules of treatment

The choice of treatment tactics depends on the specific disease. Only a specialist will correctly identify the cause of the pathology and prescribe the necessary medical procedures. In most cases, the disease requires examination by a dermatologist or pediatrician. Neglected situations require a thorough examination of the child’s body and treatment of existing problems.

Folk remedies and recipes

Natural medicines do an excellent job of treating redness, swelling, and rashes on the skin. They have no contraindications and are absolutely safe for the baby’s health.

Effective recipes:

  • yarrow + celandine. Mix a tablespoon of dry raw materials, add a glass of water, leave for two hours. Ready product strain, apply the resulting pulp to the affected areas of the skin. Apply useful lotions several times a day, manipulations should last at least 20 minutes;
  • Infusion of birch buds copes well with inflammation and redness of the skin. Pour a tablespoon of kidneys into a glass of boiling water, wait half an hour, soak gauze in the resulting solution, apply to the red spots on the baby’s body;
  • Dill juice is great for itching. Use only fresh product, moisten the rashes on the baby’s body with dill juice. Carry out healing manipulations three times a day.

Apply folk remedies only after consultation with a pediatrician.

Prevention measures

It is difficult to prevent the appearance of red spots on your baby's skin. A young parent cannot prevent and protect the baby from unfavorable factors (insects, sick people, food allergens). Try to strengthen the child’s immunity, strengthen it, give the baby multivitamins. The body's strong defenses prevent infection and help quickly cope with illnesses.

Red spots on the body of a baby are a common occurrence in pediatrics. Be sure to find out the reason for their appearance and begin treatment immediately.

Any person, sometimes even without realizing it, encounters various types of rashes in his life. And this is not necessarily the body’s reaction to any disease, since there are approximately several hundred types of ailments that can cause rashes.

And only a few dozen really dangerous cases when rashes are a symptom of serious health problems. Therefore, with such a phenomenon as a rash, you need to be, as they say, “on the alert.” True, a mosquito bite or contact with nettles also leave marks on the human body.

We think that it would be useful for everyone to be able to distinguish between types of rash, and most importantly, to know its causes. This is especially true for parents. After all, sometimes it is by rashes that you can find out in time that a child is sick, which means helping him and preventing the development of complications.

Skin rashes. Types, causes and localization

Let's start the conversation about rashes on the human body with a definition. Rash - these are pathological changes mucous membranes or skin , which are elements of different colors, shapes and textures, sharply different from normal condition skin or mucous membranes.

Skin rashes in children, as well as in adults, appear under the influence of various factors and can be triggered by both a disease and the body, for example, medications, food or an insect bite. It is worth noting that there is indeed a considerable number of adult and childhood diseases with skin rashes, which can be either harmless or truly dangerous to life and health.

Distinguish primary rash , i.e. a rash that first appeared on healthy skin and secondary , i.e. a rash that is localized at the site of the primary one. According to experts, the appearance of a rash can be caused by many ailments, for example, infectious diseases in children and adults, problems with vascular and circulatory system, allergic reactions and dermatological diseases .

However, there are also cases in which changes in the skin may or may not occur, although they are characteristic of this disease. This is important to remember, because sometimes, expecting the first characteristic symptoms from childhood illnesses with skin rashes, i.e. rashes, parents miss other important signs that their child is not feeling well, such as feeling unwell or lethargic.

The rash itself is not a disease, but only a symptom of illness. This means that the treatment of rashes on the body depends directly on the cause of their occurrence. In addition, other symptoms accompanying the rash play an important role in diagnosis, for example the presence temperature or, as well as the location of the rash, its frequency and intensity.

A rash can certainly be attributed to the causes of body itching. However, it often happens that the whole body itches, but there is no rash. At its core, such a phenomenon as itching, - this is a signal from the nerve endings of the skin, reacting to external (insect bite) or internal (emission of histamine for allergies) irritants.

Itching of the whole body without rashes is characteristic of a number of serious ailments, for example, such as:

  • blockage bile duct ;
  • chronic ;
  • cholangitis ;
  • pancreatic oncology ;
  • illnesses endocrine system ;
  • mental disorders ;
  • infectious invasion (intestinal, ) .

Therefore, you should immediately consult a doctor in cases where the rash itches all over the body and in the presence of severe itching without rashes on the skin. It is worth noting that in some cases, for example, in old age or during time, there is no need for drug treatment itching all over the body without a rash, since this may be a variant of the norm.

As you age, your skin may become dry and require more moisture. The same may be true for the skin of a pregnant woman due to hormonal changes, occurring in her body during the period of bearing a child. In addition, there is such a thing as psychogenic itching .

This condition most often occurs in people who have crossed the forty-year threshold. In such cases, there is no rash, but severe itching is the result of severe stress. Nervous situation, lack of proper physical and psychological rest, crazy work schedule and others life circumstances modern man can lead him to breakdown and depression.

Types of rash, description and photo

So, let’s summarize and outline the main causes of rashes on the skin and mucous membranes:

  • infectious diseases , For example, , , which in addition to rashes on the body are characterized by other symptoms ( fever, runny nose and so on);
  • for food, medicines, chemical substances, animals and so on;
  • diseases or vascular system often accompanied by rashes on the body if the vascular permeability or the number that participate in the process is reduced blood clotting .

Signs of a rash are the presence of rashes on the human body in the form of blisters, vesicles or bubbles larger size, nodes or nodules, spots, and ulcers. When identifying the cause of the rash, the doctor analyzes not only the appearance of the rash, but also its location, as well as other symptoms the patient has.

In medicine, the following primary morphological elements are distinguished or types of rash (i.e. those that first appeared on previously healthy human skin):

Tubercle It is an element without a cavity, lying deep in the subcutaneous layers, with a diameter of up to one centimeter, leaves a scar after healing, and without appropriate treatment can degenerate into ulcers.

Blister - this is a type of rash without a cavity, the color of which can be from whitish to pink, occurs due to swelling of the papillary layer of the skin, it is characterized by itching, and does not leave marks when healing. Typically, such rashes appear when toxidermy (inflammation of the skin due to an allergen entering the body), with hives or bites insects

Papule (papular rash) - this is also a non-striated type of rash, which can be caused by both inflammatory processes and other factors, depending on the depth of occurrence in the subcutaneous layers, it is divided into epidermal, epidermodermal And dermal nodules , the size of papules can reach three centimeters in diameter. Papular rash is caused by diseases such as , or (abbreviated HPV ).

Subtypes of papular rash: erythematous-papular (, vasculitis, Crosti-Gianotta syndrome, trichinosis), maculopapular (, adenoviruses, sudden exanthema, allergy) And maculopapular rash (urticaria, mononucleosis, rubella, taxidermy, measles, rickettsiosis).

Bubble - this is a type of rash that has a bottom, a cavity and a tire; such a rash is filled with serous-hemorrhagic or serous contents. The size of such a rash usually does not exceed 0.5 centimeters in diameter. This type rashes usually appear when allergic dermatitis, at or .

Bubble - This is a larger bubble, the diameter of which exceeds 0.5 centimeters.

Pustule or pustule is a type of rash that is located in deep () or superficial follicular, as well as superficial non-follicular ( flickents look like pimples) or deep non-follicular ( ecthyma or purulent ulcers ) layers of the dermis and filled with purulent contents. As the pustules heal, a scar forms.

Spot - a type of rash, which is a local change in skin color in the form of a spot. This type is typical for dermatitis, leucoderma, (skin pigmentation disorder) or roseola (an infectious disease in children caused by herpes virus 6 or 7 types). It is noteworthy that harmless freckles, as well as moles, are an example of a rash in the form of pigmented spots.

The appearance of red spots on a child’s body is a signal to parents to act. Of course, the causes of such rashes on the back, head, stomach, as well as on the arms and legs can be allergic reaction or, for example, prickly heat in children of the first year of life.

However, if red spots appear on the child’s body and there are other symptoms ( fever, cough, runny nose, loss of appetite, severe itching ), then most likely this is not a matter of individual intolerance or non-compliance with the temperature regime and overheating.

A red spot on a child's cheek may be a consequence of insect bites or diathesis . In any case, if any changes appear on the baby’s skin, you should immediately call a doctor.

Red rashes on the body, as well as on the face and neck in adults, in addition to the above reasons, can occur due to cardiovascular diseases , poor nutrition and bad habits, and also due to the decrease. In addition, stressful situations often have Negative influence on the skin and cause rashes.

Autoimmune pathologies (psoriasis, systemic lupus erythematosus ) And dermatological diseases occur with the formation of a rash. It is noteworthy that red spots may appear on the roof of the mouth, as well as in the throat. This phenomenon usually indicates infectious lesions of the mucous membranes (bubbles in the throat are characteristic of scarlet fever , and red spots are for sore throat ), about an allergic reaction or a disruption in the functioning of the circulatory and vascular system.

Roseola - This is a type of rash in the form of spots. It looks like spots of red or pale pink color, the diameter of which, as a rule, does not exceed five millimeters; when pressed, the rash disappears, usually has a round, oval or irregular shape with blurry or clear edges. It is believed that roseola is a sure sign typhoid fever .

Knot or nodular rash - this is a type of rash that is located deep in the subcutaneous layers, does not have a cavity and can reach a diameter of ten centimeters; after healing, a scar forms.

Erythema is a type of rash characterized by changes in a limited area of ​​the skin caused by the expansion of blood capillaries. As a rule, this severe redness skin is an allergic reaction to food, ultraviolet radiation or medications.

However, there is also erythema infectiosum in children (“fifth disease” or parvovirus ) is a disease, the first symptoms and mechanism of spread of which are similar to, that is, it is transmitted by airborne droplets and is accompanied at the initial stage by an increase in temperature bodies, , cough or sore throat, runny nose and general weakness.

Hemorrhage is a rash characteristic of damage to the blood vessels of the skin in the form of dots or spots, which can be of various shapes and sizes, and do not disappear when the skin is stretched.

Purpura is a rash that is a sign of a system malfunction hemostasis (blood clotting) body. It consists of hemorrhages in the mucous membranes or under the skin and looks like small spots of a dark red hue.

Point effusions are called petechiae or petechial rash, strip-shaped – vibex, large spotted - bruises , and small spotted ones - ecchymoses . Purpura is characteristic of deficiency or damage platelets in the blood, in case of disorders hemocoagulation , with blood stagnation, with syndrome disseminated intravascular coagulation (abbreviated as DIC syndrome), as well as with vasculitis .

In place of the above-mentioned types of rashes, secondary morphological elements may appear, such as:

  • secondary skin atrophy – these are irreversible changes in the skin, namely the loss of their previous qualities (elasticity, volume, color, etc.) in areas previously affected by diseases ( syphilis, leprosy, systemic lupus erythematosus, );
  • hyperpigmentation, depigmentation or dyschromia , i.e. change in color of areas of the skin where rashes were previously present;
  • vegetation or growth of skin that rises above healthy areas of the skin;
  • lichenification – this is a change in the skin, namely, pigmentation, pattern and thickness;
  • scar - this is a formation that is a section of dense connective tissue that remains visible at the site of healing of the skin;
  • excoriation (in simple terms, an abrasion) is a violation of the integrity of the skin, prone to infection;
  • scab or "crust" - this is a protective formation, which is coagulated blood, dried pus or dead tissue, which prevents it from entering open wound harmful microorganisms;
  • education in the form scales (loose skin) yellow, gray or brown;
  • tears or skin cracks due to loss of elasticity resulting from inflammatory processes or damage to the upper layers, after healing they can leave behind scars;
  • skin erosion – this is a defect epithelial tissue located on the surface of the dermis, which occurs when mechanical damage(for example, an abrasion), as well as in inflammatory and dystrophic processes;
  • ulcers is a defect caused by inflammation, usually occurring due to the development of infection in the human body, as well as due to chemical, mechanical or radiation effects on the skin.

The rash is also divided into monomorphic view and polymorphic . The first type includes exclusively the primary elements of the rash. This means that when an illness occurs, only one type of rash appears on the body, for example, with rubella - roseola , at vasculitis - petechial rash or petechiae , at smallpox or urticaria - blisters and so on.

Polymorphic a rash is a combination of several primary or primary and secondary elements. That is, the disease can be accompanied by several types of rashes at once and can be further complicated by serious consequences, for example, the formation of ulcers or impaired pigmentation of the skin.

The localization of the rash also plays an important role in diagnosis, i.e. its location on a specific part of the body or mucous membranes. In addition, one should take into account not only the type of rashes, but also their appearance, namely, what the lesion looks like - asymmetrical, symmetrical, whether it is located along the neurovascular tracts or not, whether the rashes merge with each other, whether they are isolated or located in groups , do they form geometric figures and so on.

It is very important to analyze all these points in time in order to select the correct and effective treatment. Therefore, if an adult has a small itchy rash on the body or has any other kind of rash that is not accompanied by itching, but other symptoms characteristic of the disease are present ( fever, lethargy, loss of appetite and so on), it is better to consult a doctor immediately.

This is especially true for parents whose child complains of rashes and body itching, the causes of which may be serious. infectious diseases . You should not self-medicate, much less resort to your grandmother’s “proven” remedies. This can all end very badly for the baby. We talked about what a rash might look like, now it’s time to look in more detail at the places where it is localized.

Rash on the body

In a child or an adult, the rash can be localized on different parts of the body. Often the location of the rash, as well as its appearance, as well as other associated symptoms (fever, cough, runny nose and so on) help the specialist make the correct diagnosis and determine the cause of the disease.

For example, a sharp jump temperature And rash a child's body indicates development infectious diseases . That is why it is important to know where rashes may be localized due to a particular ailment.

You should definitely worry and not delay in seeing a doctor if a red rash appears on the body of a child or an adult. The appearance of a person’s skin is an important factor in determining the state of his health.

In addition, any of the above types of rashes is a sign of the development of a number of serious ailments in the human body, which without appropriate treatment can cause significant harm.

Parents should be especially vigilant, since most serious infectious diseases most often affect children’s bodies, the immune system which is not yet developed and very weak. Therefore the appearance small rash on a child’s body, even without fever or other primary symptoms of illness, should be regarded by parents as a signal to immediately consult a doctor.

In the photos above various rashes you can see the difference between all its types, which can appear on the arms, legs, face, buttocks and back, shoulders, on the bends of the limbs, in the armpits or even on the mucous membranes. The rash can be small or large, bright red, pale pink or almost flesh-colored.

It is often accompanied by itching and may go away without a trace or leave marks behind. But there should be one reaction to the fact that a child is covered in a rash or a red rash on the body of an adult - call a doctor. As we said above, the causes of a rash can be not only infectious diseases , but also allergic reaction to one stimulus or another.

As a rule, both adults and children may suffer from individual intolerance to certain foods, for example, citrus fruits or certain types of fish, and may also react with rashes to medicinal or cosmetical tools.

Although the appearance of an itchy, small red rash all over the body in a child or adult may indicate allergies , you should not tempt fate and resort to self-medication. It is better to immediately consult a doctor for help.

Firstly, to avoid complications such as or anaphylactic shock . And secondly, since exactly the same rashes can be a symptom, for example, systemic lupus erythematosus or purples , as well as a number of other serious diseases. Therefore, it is better for a specialist to examine the baby and make the correct diagnosis.

Perhaps one of the most common forms of allergy rash can be considered urticaria (urticaria) . This ailment received its name due to the external similarity of the rashes to the burns that the nettle plant leaves on the skin. With nettle fever, a rash in the form of pinkish-red blisters appears on the body, which bothers the person with severe itching.

It is important to emphasize that hives - it's not just a symptom allergic reaction , such dermatitis may indicate the development of other diseases ( metabolic disorders, liver disease, gastrointestinal tract, kidney disease and others). At hives skin rashes can be large (spots) or small (dots) in size, as well as multiple or single.

As a rule, with this ailment, the first thing that appears is red dots on the face and limbs or red, rough spots on the neck. However, rashes can be localized on other parts of the body, and also disappear and appear in other places. This phenomenon is called rash migration. Hives are treated with antihistamines, which suppress the allergic reaction.

Rash on a newborn's body

As we said earlier, any type of rash deserves immediate attention, this is especially true for children. However, there is a completely safe rash, which, by the way, is most often characteristic of children in the first year of life. For example, a small rash on the face of a baby or on the cheeks of a newborn without other symptoms of the disease can be caused by the diet of a nursing mother.

In addition, such irritation often appears due to excessive salivation during teething. The caustic composition of the secretion, which helps the appearance of teeth, irritates the skin, resulting in a rash on the baby’s face, neck or hands, which the baby constantly puts into his mouth.

Failure to comply with the temperature regime is another cause of a rash that can spread throughout the body in a newborn. When a child is dressed too warmly, he suffers no less than when he is cold.

Increased sweating due to warm clothes or excessively high temperature in the room or outside, combined with slow evaporation of sweat, provokes the spread of the rash. This kind of irritation is called prickly heat.

Most often, prickly heat affects the back, back of the neck, abdomen, the area around the navel, as well as the baby’s limbs. In addition, small red nodules are localized on the baby's bottom, in skin folds, in the armpits or in the bends of the limbs.

With heat rash, a rash often appears on the face and head of a newborn. Moreover, with a weakened immune system, such a seemingly harmless irritation can develop into a serious complication in the form of a pustular skin disease. Miliaria itself does not require any specialized treatment; it is enough to simply eliminate the cause of the baby’s overheating.

First of all, you should sort out your clothes. It should not be too hot, the child should be dressed according to the weather. You should not wrap your newborn tightly, even after a fever or a cold. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the material from which the child’s clothes are made. It is better to give preference to natural fabrics and avoid synthetics.

All infants benefit from air baths to prevent skin pores from becoming clogged. After water procedures do not rush to dress the child right away, let him be naked. If the air in the room is too dry, you need to use humidifiers and ventilate the children's room as often as possible.

Erythema toxicum - This is another common phenomenon among newborns, accompanied by skin rashes. With this ailment, a white-yellow pustular or papular rash appears, approximately one or two millimeters in diameter, surrounded by a clear red rim.

It is noteworthy that the causes of these rashes are not known for certain. Rash when toxic erythema may appear in scattered elements or cover the entire surface of the baby’s body with the exception of the feet and palms. It goes away on its own after some time. Most often, the rashes are localized on the sternum, in the buttocks, on the bends of the limbs, as well as on the scalp of the baby.

It is important to emphasize that when toxic erythema general state the baby does not change at all. That is why this disease does not require any specific treatment, you just need to take more careful care of your child’s skin. However, if in addition to the rash the baby has other symptoms, for example, fever, itching, loss of appetite and so on, then you should not hesitate and put off calling a doctor.

Newborn acne - This is a malaise that affects about 20% of newborns. With this condition, a rash appears on the skin of the face, less often on the neck and scalp of the baby in the form of pustules And papules . The cause of this phenomenon is considered to be the process of activation of the child’s sebaceous glands.

Just as in the case with toxic erythema, acne of newborns is considered a variant of the norm and does not require any special treatment, in addition to the usual procedures for caring for an infant. Unlike teenage acne This type of acne goes away gradually on its own, leaving no scars or spots.

Insect bites can also cause rashes in babies. This is primarily due to the body’s reaction to toxins that are released into the subcutaneous layers by some types of insects. In addition, mechanical trauma to the skin occurs, and scratching the bite site can lead to the development infectious diseases , the carriers of which may well be insects.

Therefore, it is worth taking a more careful approach to the safety of a child when he is in nature. There are many insect repellent products available today. The consequences of bites can be really serious, for example, if there is allergic reaction for poison However, in most cases, everything works out with minor troubles in the form of itching and rashes.

It is important to be able to distinguish a rash from an insect bite from something more dangerous to the baby’s health. This applies, first of all, infectious diseases , which can develop either asymptomatically, or their characteristic signs are not clearly expressed. In the pictures below you can see the appearance of the bites of the most common insects.

At the site of a mosquito bite, as a rule, a red blister appears, which then transforms into papulu (dense structure, lasts from several hours to several days), and can also form bubble or flushed. Mosquitoes are carriers of infectious diseases such as , yellow and dengue fever.

Wasp, bee, hornet, bumblebee sting

At the site of the bite of wasps, hornets, bumblebees or bees, a edema and redness appears, there are pronounced pain sensations. When bees bite, they leave their sting in the upper layer of the dermis; it must be removed. In some cases, a bubble With clear liquid inside. It is important to remember that bee and wasp stings very often provoke the development of severe allergic reaction With Quincke's edema And hives .

The appearance of tick bites depends primarily on the type of insect. For example, a disease such as scabies provoke scabies mites that penetrate the subcutaneous layers of the dermis and “burrow” scabies there, which are characterized by a small red rash in the form papules and itching. Typically, with scabies, rashes are localized on the flexor surfaces of the limbs, on the hands, as well as in the interdigital area, under the mammary glands and in the groin area. The itching experienced by a person infected with scabies intensifies in the evening.

When bitten by a field or forest tick, you can see a different picture. Firstly, the body of the insect remains at the site of the bite, since the tick bites and partially penetrates upper layer skin. Secondly, if the insect is infected, then the person runs the risk of becoming infected tick-borne encephalitis or Lyme disease , which are characterized by primary symptoms similar to development. At borreliosis joins the above mentioned characteristics macular erythema , which manifests itself at the site of the bite.

For example, people who do not take care of their hygiene and rarely change their clothes may develop body lice, which bite all parts of the body hidden under clothing. At phthiriasis or lice pubis lice live in groin area and can quickly spread to other parts of the body.

Lice carry powdery and relapsing fever , and this is very dangerous diseases that require specialized treatment to avoid severe complications and even death. In addition, these insects can infect Volyn fever And tularemia .

Rash on the skin of the arms and legs (photo with description)

Continuing the topic of rash localization, we move on to consider rashes on the arms and legs. In many diseases, the skin rash initially appears on the extremities and only then spreads to other parts of the body. In some cases, rashes on the arms or legs are the first signs of illness.

Experts say that any form of rash on the skin of the extremities should not be ignored. Since this indicates a malfunction in the normal functioning of the body, the causes of which can be both illness and other factors, for example, an insect bite or an allergic reaction.

Rash on hands

The causes of rashes on the skin of the hands can be: infectious diseases , and non-compliance with simple hygiene practices, as well as problems with digestion , allergic reactions or regular cold . Each person's body is different, and it is not surprising that some may experience irritation on the skin of their hands.

A rash on a child’s hands is also a common occurrence, which can indicate both the development of serious diseases and the presence of allergies. Therefore, in any case, if a rash is detected, you should immediately consult a doctor, especially if the rash on your hands itches and thereby gives the person a lot of unpleasant sensations.

A rash on the hands in the form of red dots may be caused by the body's reaction to allergen . Quite often, this type of rash occurs due to hypothermia in winter or, conversely, due to exposure to ultraviolet rays in the summer. So uncomplicated dermatitis easily cured with nourishing winter creams or sunscreen cosmetics.

Moreover, the appearance allergic rash on the hands may be caused by the use of certain cosmetics or household chemicals, food, animal hair and plant pollen, as well as medical products.

The following skin conditions can also cause rashes on the hands.

  • - This chronic illness, in which a small red rash spreads to the skin of the arms, head or knees; the malaise causes a lot of inconvenience, since the rashes are very itchy and the skin is peeling.

  • is a skin disease characterized by an acute form and heredity. With this disease, rashes appear on the hands, as well as on the knees and less often on the skin of the face in the form of bubbles . In places where small bubbles burst, wounds are formed that require immediate treatment to avoid infection.

  • is a skin disease that occurs due to the harmful effects of scabies mites on the human body. If scabies (lines of a whitish-gray hue) are noticeable on the body, papulo-vesicular rash on the hands, and in the evening the itching intensifies greatly, then most likely the person has become infected with scabies, which is transmitted from the carrier through direct contact (skin to skin) or through sharing personal hygiene items. Due to severe itching and scratching of the rash, the disease is often complicated by pustular formations.

  • Vasculitis is a disease caused by inflammatory process V blood vessels. The disease is characterized by the appearance of a rash in the form of pustules or papules on the face, in the buttock area, on the feet and palms, as well as on other parts of the arms and legs.

  • - This is a disease that is sexually transmitted and is sexually transmitted. The first sign of this disease is a rash in the form of small pimples dark in color, which are localized on the hands. The rash then spreads throughout the body.

It is worth noting that a rash on the skin of the hands may be the body’s reaction to a deficiency of other essential compounds. Also, rashes are often caused by failure to follow simple rules of personal hygiene. A rash on the palms of a child under one year of age may be associated with prickly heat .

Since the skin one month old baby have not yet adapted to a new environment for the entire child’s body, rashes may appear due to overly warm clothing, or high temperature in the room, as well as due to dry air. In addition, a rash on the palms may be the result of an allergic reaction or poor hygiene.

Rashes on the skin of the lower extremities are caused by the same reasons as in the case of a rash on the arms. In addition, there are a number of diseases that primarily affect the skin of the legs, for example, fungal diseases, ringworm (trichophytosis) or contact dermatitis . Of course, only a specialist will be able to correctly diagnose the presence of a rash on the skin of the legs or under the knees.

However, by its appearance one can conclude what kind of disease develops in the human body. For example, when prurigo (pruritic dermatitis ) or after an insect bite, rashes remain on the skin in the form of bubbles , which are very itchy, and the rash is in the form nodules or plaques talks about ichthyosis or psoriasis.

So, we list the main causes of rash on the legs in children and adults:

  • allergic reaction , expressed contact dermatitis - This is one of the most common causes of rashes on the extremities (usually appear pimples on the legs or arms). This ailment often worries children, whose skin on their legs, arms and other parts of the body is still too sensitive to various external factors. Therefore, special cosmetics and detergents are provided for children that do not contain aggressive allergens in their chemical composition. You should not bathe your child using “adult” products, even well-tested ones (shampoos, gels, bath foams, soaps, etc.), they can be harmful;
  • atopic dermatitis or neurodermatitis – this disease is typical, as a rule, for children younger age. With this ailment, a severely itchy and scaly rash appears on the child’s legs and less often on the arms in the form of bubbles with liquid inside. Except directly eczema with neurodermatitis may develop And allergic runny nose ;
  • infectious diseases (measles, chicken pox, rubella, scarlet fever ) is a whole group of viruses in which, in addition to other symptoms, a rash appears on the human body various types, for example, a red rash on the legs and arms that quickly covers the entire body;
  • bacterial infections – these are diseases caused by bacteria, for example, streptococcal pathogens that cause rashes on the body;
  • fungal diseases (keratomycosis, lichen, actinomycosis, favus, trichophytosis,) – this is a type of skin disease caused by pathogenic fungi that affect the skin (more often the rash is localized on the soles of the feet, on the palms, in the groin area), nail plates or hair. With fungal diseases, skin rashes may appear in the form of pimples, plaques or rough spots on the body of an adult or child.

Rash on the buttocks of a child

A rash on a baby’s bottom is a fairly common problem in the first year of a baby’s life. This is primarily due to the very delicate skin of the buttocks, which reacts sharply to many external factors, such as diapers, clothes or cosmetics. Quite often, rashes are caused by prickly heat , i.e. non-compliance with the temperature regime, which entails clogging of skin pores and increased sweating.

Photo of a red rash on a child's bottom

As a result, the child suffers from irritation, which does not allow him to live normally due to a banal itch. The opposite cause of rashes on the buttocks is hypothermia . Allergy along with prickly heat, it is considered one of the most frequently recorded causes of rashes on the buttocks.

If a child has a rash not only on the butt, but also on the legs, arms, stomach and other parts of the body, then this indicates the infectious nature of the rash. In this case, you should immediately call a doctor to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Adults also quite often encounter rashes in the buttock area, which in addition to infectious diseases, prickly heat or allergies lead:

  • reinforced keratinization , i.e. the process of cleaning the surface of the skin from dead cells, in which, due to non-compliance with hygiene rules, acne on the buttocks;
  • sedentary work;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • bad habits and unhealthy diet;
  • taking medications;
  • underwear made from non-natural fabrics or the wrong size.

Rash on the stomach

Rash on the stomach in an adult or child can be caused by the following reasons:

  • allergy for medicines, cosmetics or food, as well as for clothing or bedding;
  • (increased sweating) in an adult or prickly heat in an infant, a rash may appear on the stomach and back, in the groin area, as well as on the limbs;
  • dermatological ailments , for example, such as psoriasis, scabies or dermatitis in which skin rashes are the main symptoms of the disease;
  • can also cause rashes, for example small red pimples on the body of an adult, which are primarily localized on the arms, shoulders or hips, and then gradually spread to all parts of the body, may signal the development syphilis ;
  • viral diseases , for example, a virus can cause a rash in the form bubbles on the abdomen, as well as in the thighs in adults, and diseases such as chickenpox, scarlet fever or measles may begin with a small rash on the child’s stomach;
  • violation hormonal background, Typically common in pregnant women, who may develop a rash on their abdomen that goes away on its own after delivery.

It is worth noting that if a rash appears, especially a rash on the stomach of a baby, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice. After all, only a specialist will be able to recognize signs of a particular disease in the rash. Even if it turns out that the rash is just prickly heat , which occurs in almost every second infant, it is better to exclude more serious ailments with the help of a pediatrician.

Rash on the back and chest

A rash on the chest, back, shoulders and forearms is characteristic of most diseases caused by infection or viruses . The thing is that, initially localized in one specific area, the rash quickly spreads throughout the body, including on the surface of the back.

In a child or an adult, rashes on the back or chest may also appear in response to individual intolerance to any food product, cosmetic or medicine.

In addition, a rash can form after interacting with pets or after a walk in a park where, for example, poplars grow or some flowers bloom, the pollen of which is a strong allergen.

Acne also affects the back area. Teenagers most often face the problem of acne and acne on the body and face due to a “hormonal explosion”, which is quite normal for their adolescence.

Almost everyone can get rid of teenage acne, although some really have to fight for clear skin. However, older people can also suffer from the same problem if hormonal background does not settle down over time.

Rash on neck

The causes of a rash on the neck in an adult, as well as in a child, can be:

  • allergic reaction ;
  • insufficient hygiene;
  • inappropriate clothing (made of synthetic material) or accessories (for example, made of metal to which the person is allergic).

It is important to emphasize that in the case when the rash on the neck itches and thereby causes inconvenience, the causes of the rash may be:

It is worth noting that in addition to itching, skin rashes in the above cases are accompanied by other symptoms, for example, elevated body temperature and other characteristic signs of ARVI (chills, general weakness, photosensitivity and others), sometimes the patient experiences painful sensations upon palpation or hyperemia . In addition, the rash spreads quite quickly throughout the body.

The causes of a rash on the face in a child or adult can be:

Many parents often ask the question: “Red cheeks in a child - what is this, the norm or a symptom of some disease?” To begin with, we note that redness can be caused by completely harmless factors, for example, a walk outside in cold weather or the fact that the baby rested on one cheek while sleeping.

It is not uncommon for the cheeks to turn red due to heat when the temperature rises. temperature bodies during teething. However, if the child’s face is not only red, but also has rashes on other parts of the body, then you should consult a doctor, since in this case there is a high probability allergic reaction or diathesis .

If a child has pimples on the body, not only on the face, then this is a signal for immediate action, especially when the rash is accompanied by severe itching. When a child itches, there can be different reasons, for example, allergy or infectious diseases , which, firstly, require fastest treatment, and secondly, they are contagious and can harm all family members.

Allergic skin rashes

Individual intolerance or allergy It is considered one of the main causes of itchy skin rashes. Researchers believe that allergies are a modern “scourge” of humanity. Since every year more and more people, and especially children, suffer from this immunopathological process , in which a hypersensitive reaction is observed immune system to exposure to some allergen.

Photos of allergic skin rashes

An allergic rash is the body's primary reaction to an irritant. It can be localized on various parts of the body, but most often appears on the stomach, face or neck, and on the limbs. In addition to direct allergy rashes, other symptoms may be present in children and adults, for example, runny nose And nasal congestion , cough, feeling of sand V eyes, seizures And bronchospasms , headache And hearing loss.

In severe cases, a person may develop acute coronary syndrome ( And ) , and . This condition is extremely dangerous for humans and, according to statistics, ends in death in 20% of cases. Usually, anaphylactic shock characteristic of individual intolerance to certain types of drugs.

Allergies on the body can manifest themselves as hives, eczema (allergic spots) , and contact dermatitis . To treat allergic skin rashes in adults and children, it is important to determine the type of allergen to which the body reacts so sharply. Among the most common causes of allergic reactions are:

  • household dust and dust mites living in it;
  • plant pollen;
  • food products (honey, nuts, seafood, dairy products, citrus fruits, cereals and legumes, eggs, sesame seeds);
  • a protein found in some vaccines and donated blood;
  • medicines containing , salicylates, sulfonamides and some other compounds;
  • insect bites, usually wasps or bees;
  • animals or insects (hair of dogs or cats, ticks and cockroaches);
  • cosmetics and decorative cosmetics.

Treatment of an allergic rash on the body in an adult, as in a child, begins with diagnosis, which consists of conducting “skin” tests. In this procedure, to identify the cause of the allergy, a small amount of different allergens is used, which are administered intradermally, i.e. under a person's skin.

If, after 30 minutes or earlier, the patient’s skin shows a reaction to a particular test, then we can conclude that when interacting with this particular allergen, the person will experience symptoms of individual intolerance.

It is important to emphasize that allergies cannot be completely cured. Unfortunately, currently there are medications that can alleviate the symptoms of individual intolerance, but there are no drugs that will once and for all help cure a person from allergies.

Allergy sufferers will have to avoid allergens throughout their lives to avoid feeling sick. And if allergy symptoms do appear, then in this case you need to have antihistamines on hand that will help reduce the severity of hypersensitivity symptoms and allow you to “win” time if a person requires medical attention.

Skin diseases in children, photos and descriptions

Having clarified the general points, we can move on to consider specific diseases, in which various types of rashes appear on the child’s body. So, first, let's make a single list of the most common ailments that are characterized by a rash:

  • measles;
  • impetigo;
  • felinosis;
  • rubella;
  • meningococcal sepsis;
  • scarlet fever;
  • chicken pox;
  • infectious mononucleosis;
  • sudden exanthema;
  • vesicular enterovirus;
  • erythema infectious;
  • toxic erythema;
  • yersiniosis;
  • pseudotuberculosis;
  • diaper rash;
  • prickly heat;
  • diaper dermatitis;
  • acne of newborns;
  • vesiculopustulosis;
  • allergy;
  • scabies;
  • infectious exanthema;
  • disruption of the circulatory and vascular system;
  • insect bites (bugs, fleas, wasps, bees, mosquitoes, flies).

Infectious childhood skin diseases

It is worth noting that in medicine there is a conditional list of the six most common infectious diseases that occur in children and are accompanied by a rash. Among them measles, scarlet fever, rubella, chickenpox, infectious and sudden erythema . In addition, such ailments as infectious mononucleosis, meningococcal And impetigo .

It is these diseases that will be discussed further. We will look at the symptoms of these diseases in more detail, give them a brief description and present photos of the rashes that accompany them with explanations. Of course, this is just reference information, since the child’s treatment should be carried out by a pediatrician. However, it will be useful for all parents, without exception, to know at least a minimum of information about the most common children's infectious diseases .

This is an infectious disease caused by RNA virus , part of the group paramyxoviruses , which also include, for example, and parainfluenza . The disease has a high degree of susceptibility. This means that in the vast majority of cases, a person will still not be able to avoid the disease and will sooner or later get measles.

Measles viral exanthema, photo

The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, the source of infection is a sick person, i.e. carrier of the virus. The patient is considered non-contagious only from the fifth day of the rash.

The risk group is children from two to five years old. It is important to note that newborn babies are practically not susceptible to this disease, unlike children aged 2 years, since their body has innate immunity transmitted from the mother.

After an illness, a fairly stable immunity to the virus is formed, which, as a rule, excludes re-infection. However, it is not uncommon for people who have previously had measles to fall ill again. Adults carry measles worse than small children and often the disease progresses with the development of complications. The main and most effective way Prevention and control of the disease is considered vaccination.

Symptoms of measles in order of their occurrence:

  • a sharp jump in temperature (38-40 C);
  • dry cough;
  • photosensitivity;
  • runny nose and sneezing;
  • headache;
  • measles enanthema;
  • measles exanthema.

One of the main signs of the disease is measles viral exanthema in children and adults, as well as enanthema . The first term in medicine refers to a rash on the skin, and the second refers to a rash on the mucous membranes. The peak of the disease occurs precisely when the rash appears, which initially affects the mucous membranes in the mouth (red spots on the soft and hard palate and whitish spots on the mucous membranes of the cheeks with a red border).

Then maculopapular rashes become noticeable along the hairline on the head and behind the ears. A day later, small red dots appear on the face and gradually cover the entire body of a person with measles.

The order of measles rashes is as follows:

  • first day: mucous membranes of the oral cavity, as well as the area of ​​the head and behind the ears;
  • second day: face;
  • third day: torso;
  • fourth day: limbs.

During the healing process, measles rashes remain dark spots, which, by the way, disappear by themselves after some time. With this disease, moderate itching may occur.

A disease caused by harmful effects on the human body gram-positive bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes (group A streptococci ). The carrier of the disease can be a person who is sick himself scarlet fever, streptococcal pharyngitis or .

In addition, you can become infected from someone who has recently been ill themselves, but there are still harmful bacteria in the body that are spread by airborne droplets.

What's most interesting is to pick up scarlet fever it is possible even from an absolutely healthy person, on whose mucous membranes the nasopharynx is sown group A streptococci . In medicine, this phenomenon is called a “healthy carrier.”

According to statistics, about 15% of the world's population can safely be considered healthy carriers Streptococcus A . In the treatment of scarlet fever, they are used, which kill streptococcal bacteria. In particular severe cases patients are prescribed infusion therapy to reduce the severity of symptoms of general intoxication .

It is worth emphasizing that quite often this disease is confused with purulent sore throat , which is really present, though only as one of the symptoms of scarlet fever. A situation with an incorrect diagnosis can be fatal in some cases. Since particularly severe septic cases of scarlet fever are accompanied by severe focal damage to streptococcal bacteria throughout the body.

Scarlet fever most often affects children, but adults can easily become infected. It is believed that people who have had the disease receive lifelong immunity. However, in medical practice There are many cases of re-infection. The incubation period lasts on average about 2-3 days.

Microbes begin to multiply on the tonsils located in the nasopharynx and oral cavity of a person, and when they enter the bloodstream they affect internal organs. The first sign of the disease is considered to be general intoxication body. A person may have a rise temperature , be present severe headaches, general weakness, nausea or vomit and other signs characteristic of bacterial infection .

Rashes appear on the second or third day of the disease. Soon after this, you may notice a rash on the tongue, the so-called “scarlet tongue”. The disease almost always occurs in combination with acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis) . Rashes with this disease look like small pinkish-red dots or pimples one to two millimeters in size. The rash is rough to the touch.

The rash initially appears on the neck and face, usually on the cheeks. In an adult, rashes on the cheeks can be caused not only by scarlet fever, but also by other ailments. However, precisely with this disease, due to the multiple accumulation of pimples, the cheeks turn crimson, while the nasolabial triangle remains pale.

In addition to the face, the scarlet fever rash is localized mainly in the groin area, lower abdomen, on the back, on the folds of the buttocks, as well as on the sides of the body and on the bends of the limbs (in the armpits, under the knees, on the elbows). Sores on the tongue appear approximately 2-4 days from the onset acute phase diseases. If you press on the rash, it becomes colorless, i.e. seems to disappear.

Usually scarlet fever rashes go away without a trace after a week. However, after the same seven days, peeling appears at the site of the rash. On the skin of the legs and arms, the upper layer of the dermis comes off in plates, and on the torso and face, fine peeling is observed. Due to the localization of the scarlet fever rash, it appears that large red spots form on the cheeks of an infant or an adult.

True, there are not isolated cases when the disease occurs without the appearance of skin rashes. It is important to note that, as a rule, there is no rash in severe forms of the disease: septic, erased or toxic scarlet fever. In the above-mentioned forms of the disease, other symptoms come to the fore, for example, the so-called "scarlet" heart (significant increase in organ size) with a toxic form or multiple lesions of connective tissues and internal organs with septic scarlet fever.

A viral disease, the incubation period for which can last from 15 to 24 days. Transmitted from an infected person by airborne droplets. In the vast majority of cases, this disease affects children. Moreover, the chances of becoming infected in infancy, as a rule, are negligibly small, unlike a child of 2-4 years old. The thing is that newborns from their mother (if she had this disease at one time) receive innate immunity.

Scientists attribute rubella to diseases from which the human body receives lasting immunity. Although the disease is more common in children, adults can also contract it.

Rubella is especially dangerous for women during pregnancy. The thing is that the infection can be transmitted to the fetus and provoke the development of complex malformations ( hearing loss, skin and brain damage or eye ).

In addition, even after birth the child continues to get sick ( congenital rubella ) and is considered a carrier of the disease. There is no specific medicine for the treatment of rubella, as in the case of measles.

Doctors use so-called symptomatic treatment, i.e. alleviate the patient’s condition while the body fights the virus. The most effective way to combat rubella is vaccination. The incubation period for rubella can pass unnoticed by humans.

However, upon completion, symptoms such as:

  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • pharyngitis;
  • headache;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • adenopathy (increase lymph nodes on the neck);
  • macular rashes.

With rubella, a small spotty rash initially appears on the face, which quickly spreads throughout the body and predominates in the buttocks, lower back, and on the folds of the arms and legs. As a rule, this occurs within 48 hours after the onset of the acute phase of the disease. Rash in a child rubella At first it looks like a measles rash. Then it may resemble a rash with scarlet fever .

Such similarity of both the primary symptoms themselves and the rashes with measles, scarlet fever And rubella may mislead parents, which will affect treatment. Therefore, you should immediately seek medical help, especially if a rash appears on your face. one month old baby. After all, only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis by “calculating” the real cause of the rash.

On average, skin rashes disappear within the fourth day after their appearance, leaving behind no peeling or pigmentation. The rubella rash may be mildly itchy. There are also cases when the disease proceeds without the appearance of the main symptom – rashes.

(more popularly known as chickenpox) - This viral disease, which is transmitted by airborne droplets through direct contact with an infected person. This disease is characterized by febrile state , as well as the presence papulovesicular rash , which is usually localized in all parts of the body.

It is noteworthy that the virus Varicella Zoster which causes chickenpox, usually in childhood in adults it provokes the development of no less serious illness - shingles or .

The risk group for chickenpox is children aged six months to seven years. The incubation period for chickenpox usually does not exceed three weeks; according to statistics, on average, after 14 days the disease enters the acute phase.

First, a sick person experiences a feverish state, and after a maximum of two days, rashes appear. It is believed that children tolerate the symptoms of the disease much better than adults.

This is due, first of all, to the fact that in adults, in the vast majority of cases, the disease occurs in a complicated form. Typically, the period of fever lasts no more than five days, and in particularly serious cases it can reach ten days. The rash usually heals within 6-7 days.

In the vast majority of cases chicken pox passes without complications. However, there are exceptions when this disease occurs in a more severe form ( gangrenous, bullous or hemorrhagic form ), then complications in the form of lymphadenitis, encephalitis, pyoderma or myocardium .

Since there is no single drug to combat chickenpox, this disease is treated symptomatically, i.e. They alleviate the patient’s condition while his body fights the virus. In case of fever, patients are advised to rest in bed; if severe itching is observed, it is relieved with antihistamines.

To heal rashes faster, they can be treated with Castellani solution, brilliant green (“zelenka”), or use ultraviolet radiation, which will “dry out” the rash and accelerate the formation of crusts. Currently, there is a vaccine that helps you develop your own immunity against the disease.

At chicken pox Initially, a watery blistering rash appears in the form of roseola . Within a few hours after the appearance of the rashes, they change their appearance and transform into papules , some of which will develop into vesicles , surrounded by a rim hyperemia . On the third day, the rash dries up and a dark red crust forms on its surface, which disappears by itself in the second or third week of the disease.

It is noteworthy that with chickenpox the nature of the rash is polymorphic, since on the same area of ​​the skin rashes in the form of spots , so vesicles, papules and secondary elements, i.e. crusts. With this disease there may be enanthema on the mucous membranes in the form of blisters, which turn into ulcers and heal within a few days.

The rash is accompanied by severe itching. If the rash is not scratched, it will go away without a trace, because... does not affect the germ layer of the dermis. However, if this layer is damaged (due to constant violation of the integrity of the skin surface) due to severe itching, atrophic scars may remain at the site of the rash.

Emergence of this disease provokes harmful effects on the human body parvovirus B19 . Erythema It is transmitted by airborne droplets; in addition, the risk of contracting this disease is high during organ transplantation from an infected donor or through blood transfusion.

It is worth noting that erythema infectiosum belongs to a group of poorly studied diseases. It is believed that it is especially acute for people prone to allergies .

In addition, erythema often occurs against the background of diseases such as , or tularemia . There are several main forms of the disease:

  • sudden exanthema , children's roseola or “sixth” disease is considered the mildest form of erythema, the cause of which is herpes virus person;
  • Chamer's erythema , a disease for which, in addition to rashes on the face, is characterized by swelling of the joints;
  • Rosenberg's erythema characterized by an acute onset with fever and symptoms of general intoxication of the body, as with, for example. With this form of the disease there appears abundant maculopapular rash mainly on the extremities (extensor surfaces of the arms and legs), on the buttocks, as well as in the area of ​​large joints;
  • is a type of disease that accompanies tuberculosis or rheumatism , rashes with it are localized on the forearms, on the legs, and a little less often on the feet and thighs;
  • exudative erythema accompanied by the appearance papules, spots , as well as a blistering rash with clear liquid inside on the limbs and torso. After the rashes disappear, abrasions and then crusts form in their place. With complicated exudative erythema ( Stevens-Johnson syndrome ) in addition to skin rashes on the genitals and anus, erosive ulcers develop in the nasopharynx, mouth and tongue.

Incubation period at erythema infectiosum may last up to two weeks. The first symptoms to appear are intoxication body. A sick person may complain about cough, diarrhea, headaches And nausea , and runny nose and pain in the throat. As a rule, it increases temperature bodies and maybe fever.

It is noteworthy that this condition can last quite a long time, because the incubation period erythema infectiosum can reach several weeks. Therefore, this disease is often confused with ARVI or cold . When conventional treatment methods do not bring the desired relief, and a rash appears on the body, this indicates the development of a disease of a completely different type than acute respiratory viral diseases.

It is better to ask your doctor about how to treat viral erythema. Although it is known that there is no specific medicine for this disease. Experts use symptomatic treatment. Initially when erythema infectiosum the rashes are localized on the face, namely on the cheeks and resemble a butterfly in shape. After a maximum of five days, the rash will occupy the surface of the arms, legs, entire torso and buttocks.

Usually the rash does not form on the hands and feet. First, separate nodules and red spots form on the skin, which gradually merge with each other. Over time, the rash becomes round in shape, with a lighter center and clearly defined edges.

This disease belongs to the group of acute viral diseases, which, among other things, are characterized by changes in blood composition and damage splenic lymph nodes And liver . Get infected mononucleosis possible from a sick person, as well as from the so-called virus carrier, i.e. a person in whose body the virus “dormants”, but he himself is not yet sick.

This ailment is often called the “kissing disease.” This indicates the method of distribution mononucleosis – airborne.

Most often, the virus is transmitted through saliva through kissing or sharing bedding, dishes, or personal hygiene items with an infected person.

Children and young people usually suffer from mononucleosis.

Distinguish acute And chronic form of malaise. To diagnose mononucleosis, a blood test is used, which may contain antibodies to the virus or atypical mononuclear cells .

As a rule, the incubation period of the disease does not exceed 21 days; on average, the first signs mononucleosis appear within a week after infection.

The main symptoms of the virus include:

  • general weakness of the body;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • catarrhal tracheitis;
  • muscle aches;
  • increased body temperature;
  • angina;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • increased size of the spleen and liver;
  • skin rashes (For example, herpes first type).

A rash with mononucleosis usually appears with the first signs of the disease and looks like small red spots. In some cases, in addition to spots on the skin, roseola rashes may be present. At mononucleosis The rashes are usually not itchy. After healing, the rash goes away without a trace. In addition to skin rashes infectious mononucleosis White spots may appear on the larynx.

Meningococcal infection

Meningococcal infection is a disease caused by the harmful effects of bacteria on the human body meningococcus . The disease may be asymptomatic, or may be expressed in nasopharyngitis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx) or purulent. In addition, there is a danger of damage to various internal organs, as a result meningococcemia or meningoencephalitis .

The causative agent of the disease is gram-negative meningococcus Neisseria meningitides, which is transmitted by airborne droplets from an infected person.

The infection penetrates through the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. This means that the person simply inhales meningococcus nose and automatically becomes a carrier of the disease.

It is noteworthy that when high degree immune defense, no changes may occur; the body itself will defeat the infection. However, young children, whose immune system, as well as the entire body as a whole, is still too weak or elderly people can immediately feel the signs nasopharyngitis .

If bacteria meningococcus manages to penetrate the blood, then more severe consequences diseases. In such cases, it may develop meningococcal sepsis. In addition, bacteria are carried through the bloodstream and enter the kidneys And adrenal glands , and also affects the lungs and skin. Meningococcus without appropriate treatment is able to penetrate through blood-brain barrier and destroy brain .

Symptoms of this form meningococcus How nasopharyngitis similar to the beginning of the flow ARVI . In a sick person, the temperature body, he suffers from strong headaches, sore throat, stuffy nose , there is also pain when swallowing. Against the background of general intoxication, a hyperemia .

Meningococcal sepsis begin with sharp jump temperatures up to 41 C. In this case, the person feels extremely unwell, symptoms of general intoxication body. Small children may vomit, and infants may experience convulsions. Roseolous-papular or roseola rash appears approximately on the second day.

When pressed, the rashes disappear. After a few hours, hemorrhagic elements of the rash (bluish, purplish-red in color) appear, rising above the surface of the skin. The rash is localized in the buttocks, thighs, legs and heels. If a rash appears in the first hours of the disease not in the lower, but in the upper part of the body and on the face, then this signals a possible unfavorable prognosis for the course of the disease ( ears, fingers, hands).

With lightning or hypertoxic form meningococcal sepsis against the background of the rapid development of the disease appears hemorrhagic rash , which right before our eyes merges into vast formations, reminiscent in appearance cadaveric spots . Without surgical treatment, this form of the disease leads to infectious-toxic shock which is incompatible with life.

At meningitis The body temperature also rises sharply, and chills are felt. The patient suffers from severe headaches, which intensify with any movement of the head; he cannot tolerate sound or light stimuli. This disease is characterized by vomit , and young children develop seizures. In addition, children with meningitis can take a specific “pointing dog” pose, when the child lies on his side, his head is thrown back strongly, his legs are bent, and his arms are brought to the body.

A rash with meningitis (red-violet or red in color) usually appears on the first day of the acute phase of the disease. The rash is localized on the limbs, as well as on the sides. It is believed that the larger the area of ​​distribution of the rashes and the brighter their color, the more serious the patient’s condition.

The cause of this pustular disease is Streptococcus (hemolytic streptococcus) And staphylococci ( Staphylococcus aureus) , as well as their combinations. Impetigo pathogens penetrate the hair follicles, causing the formation of a pustular rash, in place of which ulcers appear.

This disease usually affects children, people who frequently visit public places, as well as those who have recently suffered severe dermatological or infectious diseases .

Harmful microorganisms enter the human body through microcracks in the skin, as well as through abrasions and insect bites. At impetigo rashes are localized on the face, namely near the mouth, in the nasolabial triangle or on the chin.

The following forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • streptoderma or streptococcal impetigo , For example, lichen , in which dry spots appear on the skin with a red rim or diaper rash;
  • ring-shaped impetigo affects the legs, hands, and feet;
  • bullous impetigo , in which bubbles with liquid (with traces of blood) appear on the skin;
  • ostiofolliculitis is a type of disease caused by Staphylococcus aureus , rashes with such impetigo are localized in the hips, neck, forearms and face;
  • slit impetigo – this is a disease in which linear cracks can form in the corners of the mouth, at the wings of the nose, as well as at the eye slits;
  • herpetiformis A type of impetigo is characterized by the presence of a rash in the armpits, under the breasts, and also in the groin area.

Treatment of impetigo depends primarily on the type of disease. If the disease is caused by harmful bacteria, then antibiotics are prescribed. A sick person must have individual means personal hygiene so as not to infect others. The rash can be treated or biomycin ointment .

It is important to remember that the presence of any rash on a person’s body, and this is especially true for children, is a reason to consult a doctor. In the case when the rash covers the entire surface of the body in a matter of hours, it is accompanied by feverish state , A temperature rises above 39 C, with symptoms such as strong headache, vomiting and confusion, difficulty breathing, swelling , then you should immediately call an ambulance.

To avoid more serious complications Do not injure areas of the body with rashes, for example, by opening blisters or scratching the rash. As many experts, including the famous pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky, warn, you should not self-medicate, much less delay calling a doctor to check the effectiveness traditional methods treatment.

Various rashes or exanthemas on the skin of children raise many questions among parents. Red spots on a child’s body and a rash are often the first symptoms of disorders in the body. Therefore, a timely visit to a specialist will make it possible to make the correct diagnosis (cause) and treat the disease at the initial stage without risks to health.


Insect bites

Most common reason the appearance of red spots on the child’s body occurs after the bite of mosquitoes, bees and wasps. Redness of the hands, feet or other areas of the skin occurs due to toxic substances entering the body. Bee and wasp stings cause swelling because the sting gets stuck in the wound and causes infection. You need to remove it and treat the bite site with an antiseptic solution.


Red spots on the child's body as a result food allergies. Even a small piece forbidden product may cause itching and skin rashes. Usually, taking an antihistamine can cure an allergic reaction in a matter of days.


Quite often, itching and rashes on the body of an infant indicate chickenpox. The patient becomes infected from an infected person, develops a high fever, and later, his body becomes covered with red spots in the form of a rash, which become blisters and then burst. Treatment with a special product helps get rid of chickenpox within 3-4 weeks.

Prickly heat

In the summer, children often sweat, so red spots appear on the folds of the skin, which cause discomfort as they peel and itch. The problem can be solved by daily bathing and wearing clothes made from natural fabrics. Constant adherence to hygiene rules helps parents forget about such a problem as prickly heat.

Unfortunately, sometimes large red spots on the body and a rash indicate that the baby has more serious illnesses that require immediate treatment.

Rash symptoms

The most pronounced symptoms are:

  • Temperature rises, but not always
  • Often there is a sore throat
  • The child is shivering
  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Gagging
  • Decreased appetite

The most common diseases


If a child has red spots all over his body, then maybe he has Measles? For the first day, the patient experiences an increase in body temperature and symptoms of conjunctivitis. After a few days, a rash appears on the baby’s face and limbs, followed by pigmentation. Throughout the illness, the patient has a high temperature. After a few days, the spots turn brown and begin to peel off. In total, the disease lasts approximately 2 weeks.

Scarlet fever

The causative agent of scarlet fever is streptococcus. It enters the body through unwashed fruits, toys, and clothing. The child's temperature rises sharply and the body becomes covered with red spots. Visual symptoms of scarlet fever can be seen in the armpits, face or groin. The patient has a severe sore throat. Within 2 days, the affected skin dies and falls off. The disease is treated only with antibiotics.

Molluscum contagiosum

The viral disease mainly affects young children with weakened immune systems. Molluscum contagiosum is manifested by the appearance of round, hard balls. In this case, the patient does not experience any pain. Strengthening the child’s immunity helps him to fully recover.

Roseola nursery

The causative agent is considered to be herpes type six. The child develops a fever, which can be quite high. After the decline, the baby’s body becomes covered with small red spots. In most cases, the disease affects children in the first year of life. Roseola goes away in about a week with proper treatment.


The disease spreads through the air. After a week, red spots appear on the child’s body. It mainly affects the skin of the back, chest, face and occurs without fever. Rubella differs from other diseases in that spots measuring 3-5 mm cover the entire body in a couple of hours. The main places of damage are the bends of the elbows, knees, and buttocks.

Watch a video on the topic of publication from Komarovsky

Red rash spots like any other external manifestations require attention from parents. A child's skin is still very delicate and even the slightest rays of sunlight can cause redness on the body. Therefore, if irritation appears, you should not delay going to the pediatrician.

A real nightmare for mothers and fathers is the “blooming” of the child’s skin. In medicine, red spots on a child’s body are manifestations of exanthematous infections, allergic and other diseases. Parents do not need to be afraid of rashes, but should worry about the cause of their appearance. A child becomes covered with red spots for a reason, but because of the skin’s reaction to changes within the body and in the environment. The degree of influence of such rashes on the health of children varies, and their treatment and prevention differ.

Rashes or exanthemas on the skin appear due to inflammation, which is accompanied by vasodilation and infiltration in the tissues. Among the elements of the rash, primary and secondary are distinguished. Spots, nodules, bubbles and blisters belong to the first group. Scales, crusts, cracks, erosions, and pigmentation disorders are considered secondary. Such processes in the skin are characteristic of infectious and non-infectious diseases that “trigger” inflammation in the dermis.

Signs of a spot as an element of a rash:

  • usually does not protrude above the level of healthy skin;
  • formed at the site of vasodilation;
  • most often has an irregular shape;
  • diameter varies from 0.5 to 2 cm.

A rash in the form of dots with a diameter of 0.1 to 0.5 cm is called “roseola”. For example, with scarlet fever. Rubella is characterized by a small-spotted rash with spots ranging in size from 0.5 to 1 cm. With measles, large red spots appear on the child’s head with a diameter of 1–2 cm. The characteristics of the rash, namely the shape and size of the elements, their number, color, location, are required taken into account by doctors examining a sick child. It is also taken into account that the spots disappear when pressure is applied to them, and appear again after the pressure is removed. If bulging skin tumors appear, they do not disappear with pressure.

A maculopapular rash rises above the level of the epidermis. If the red spots do not disappear when the skin is stretched, then this is hemorrhage. The appearance of such elements is associated with damage or increased permeability of the capillary walls. The spots are red at first, then they turn yellow. The smallest hemorrhages are petechiae - no more than 0.5 cm in diameter, larger ones are purpura and ecchymoses.

Doctor, Candidate of Medical Sciences A.S. Botkina (Moscow) in one of her publications in the journal “Pediatrician Practice” notes that various skin lesions account for 30% of all requests. A child health specialist reminds that the most significant causes of skin changes are dermatological problems and allergies.

Another group of factors requires special attention, namely infectious diseases. Sometimes exanthema becomes a sign of a microbial or viral infection, which allows you to make a diagnosis as soon as possible and begin treatment in a timely manner.

Six classic childhood diseases

At the appointment, the pediatrician will definitely ask about when the rash appeared and about the presence of itching. When examining a child's throat, rashes on the mucous membranes may be detected. For example, small spots on the inside of the cheeks appear in children with measles. A symptom of scarlet fever is petechiae on the palate.

It is important to take into account all manifestations: rash, fever, intoxication, sore throat, cough.

When a child has red spots all over his body, the possibility of infection with one of the 6 classic childhood infectious diseases cannot be ruled out:

  1. Measles.
  2. Scarlet fever.
  3. Rubella.
  4. Infectious mononucleosis.
  5. Erythema infectiosum.
  6. Sudden exanthema (infantile roseola).

In medical literature, especially foreign ones, diseases are called by numbers: “first”, “second” and so on until “sixth”.


In developed countries, cases of this disease are few and do not become epidemics. Measles is characterized by the appearance bright red spots approximately 5 days from the onset of the disease. The elements have scalloped edges and are prone to merging. At the same time, the mucous membrane of the palate becomes covered with pink dots. The child has a fever and sore throat.

Scarlet fever

Dots and spots of bright pink color appear already on the first or second day of the disease. Elements of the rash are located against the background of reddened skin, thicker in the groin folds, armpits, neck, and sides of the body. The rash persists for about a week, after which flaky elements remain.

At the same time, the child develops symptoms of a sore throat, the pharynx becomes “flaming” red, and the nasolabial triangle remains pale. The tongue is initially covered with a white coating, but in the next 24 hours it clears and resembles raspberries. In modern children, scarlet fever often occurs without an increase in body temperature.


One or two days after the onset of the disease, small red spots appear on the child’s bottom, as well as on the face, arms and legs. The spots disappear without a trace within 2–3 days. Redness of the throat, intoxication are mild, body temperature is subfebrile. Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck are characteristic.

Infectious mononucleosis

The causative agent of the disease is the Epstein-Barr virus, type-IV human herpes virus (HHV). Red spots and papules usually occur in children treated with ampicillin. Other symptoms infectious mononucleosis: prolonged fever, inflammation and sore throat, swollen lymph nodes.

Erythema infectiosum

One of clinical manifestations parvovirus infection (B19). In foreign medical literature, mainly in English, fifth disease is often referred to as “slap marks” syndrome. In Russian publications you can find the following comparisons: “burning” or “slapped” cheeks. First, dots appear on the face, then they increase in size and merge into large red spots. These changes may be accompanied by itchy skin.

Two days before the rash appears, the child feels unwell, develops fever, nausea, and sore throat (in 30–35% of cases). Round pink-red spots appear on the shoulders, back and other parts of the body. The rash on the arms and legs appears less frequently. The infection is transmitted from patients only until the face turns red.

Sudden exanthema

The causative agent of the sixth disease or infantile roseola is HHV types VI–VII. Dry pink spots up to 5 mm in size become noticeable by 3–5 days of illness and disappear without a trace after a few days. The localization of the rash is mainly on the neck and torso, rarely on the face and limbs. Other signs of the disease: a sharp increase in body temperature to febrile levels, mild symptoms of general intoxication. The child may have seizures. Specific therapy is usually not required, only symptomatic treatment.

Spotted rash in children

Red spots signal health problems and are signs of several dozen different syndromes and diseases. If the rash is allergic in nature, then sometimes it is enough to take antihistamines or use ointments with glucocorticoids. This treatment is ineffective when infectious diseases. It is necessary to fight the cause of rashes - microbes and viruses.


The disease begins suddenly with a sharp rise in T° and general intoxication. Often a red spot appears in the child’s eye and nosebleeds. Occasionally, petechiae appear on the face and chest. The spots appear on the first day and disappear in the following days.

Hand-foot-mouth disease - enteroviral exanthema

Diseases are caused by enteroviruses, which are most active from spring to autumn. Measles-like enterovirus exanthema most often affects young children. Spots with a diameter of about 3 mm are located on the face and torso and disappear after a day or two. Roseola-like exanthema is also called “Boston disease.” The rash on the face looks like round pink-red spots with a diameter of 0.5–2 cm. The spots disappear without a trace one or two days after their appearance.

Hand-to-mouth disease or viral pemphigus are caused by Coxsackie viruses and enterovirus-71. Children under 10 years of age are most often affected. The oral mucosa becomes covered with painful pink-red spots and vesicles. In approximately 75% of cases, a rash appears on the face, palms and heels, sometimes spreading to the buttocks and genitals. At first these are small red spots, then single or multiple bubbles. The disease usually proceeds without complications. Treatment is predominantly symptomatic, for example, if the palms are itchy, then antihistamine drops are given.

Pityriasis rosea

The exact reasons for the appearance of a large, rough spot with a diameter of about 5 cm on the waist or thigh have not yet been established. Scientists suggest that the activity of herpes viruses increases against the background of immunosuppression. Later, small “daughter” plaques of light red, crimson or pink appear.


The spots are often localized on the back of the head and limbs, have the shape of a ring or oval, and are very itchy and flaky. Treatment is carried out antifungal ointment"Mikozolon", iodine tincture.

One of the causes of a small or large spotted rash is infection with thrush pathogens (yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida).

Staphylococcal infection

The cause is some kind of infectious focus, for example a purulent wound or phlegmon. A pinpoint “scarlet-like” rash occurs 3–4 days after staphylococcal inflammation. The disease resembles a sore throat: fever, redness of the throat. Elements of the rash are densely sprinkled on the lower abdomen, located in the groin, in the natural folds of the body.

The introduction of pyogenic streptococci into the skin is the cause of streptococcal pyoderma. This pustular disease affects the body against the background of decreased immunity, deficiency of vitamins A and C, infection of wounds and burns.


If a child is covered with red spots, then he may be infected with bacteria of the genus Yersinia. When children suffer from pseudotuberculosis, the rash looks like dots, spots and papules of varying diameters throughout the body. Clusters form on the palms in the form of “gloves”, on the feet in the form of “socks”, and “hood” on the head and neck. The body temperature rises, signs of intoxication are observed. After about a week, dry scales remain in place of the spots.

Red spots in diseases of non-infectious etiology

Spots on the testicles in boys and on the vulva in girls appear due to irritation of the delicate skin by feces, after overheating, in conditions of excessive humidity. Miliaria is a disease that accompanies infants. You should wash your child correctly and in a timely manner, and use only products that are safe for children’s skin.

Prevention of red spots in the groin area caused by poor hygiene in infancy, is to change the diaper correctly . After removing the wet baby product, you need to wash the baby or wipe it with a damp sanitary napkin without alcohol. Allow the skin to “breathe” a little, then apply Bepanten or zinc ointment, or use Depatenol cream. After this, you can put on a dry diaper.

Rough spots under the knees and on the shins in infants can be a reaction to dry air in the room, hard, chlorinated water or herbs used for bathing.

The appearance of erythema in a child may not be associated with any disease. A large-spotted rash occurs after a massage or as a reaction to a vegetative nervous system to strong emotions and physical effort. The body releases a substance from the immune system - histamine. There is tingling, itching, and redness of the skin.

An increase in histamine levels appears on any part of the skin - on the face, on the stomach, on the arms. If the spots do not go away, swelling and itching of the skin bothers you, then the child is given antihistamines drops "Fenistil" or Zyrtec. You can take a warm bath with potassium permanganate; After water treatments, apply Fenistil gel to the spots.

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