Why does black blood come out during menstruation? Black discharge in women: in what cases are they dangerous? Bleeding black

For every woman, the appearance of monthly bloody menstruation is the norm. Their amount is approximately 50 ml. Sometimes appear before menstruation dark discharge which is often within the normal range. It is known that menstruation is the result of the death of the egg. It is excreted with a dead layer of the endometrium. Therefore, the appearance of dark strokes in the early days should not be a concern. But if they appear for more than a day, then a specialist consultation is necessary. Especially if the menstruation is black. There may be several explanations for why this happens.

Black periods should be a reason to see a doctor

Age changes

At puberty, the first discharge is dark brown or even blackish. For girls, this should not cause worries if the cycle returns to normal in the future. Black periods in women with menopause are not a cause for concern. This is explained by the fact that there is a decrease in hormones, and the function of the ovaries gradually fades away.

Sometimes menopause occurs much earlier, so black periods may indicate the presence of diseases. Every woman needs a consultation with a gynecologist during this period.

The period of pregnancy and lactation

The onset of pregnancy is characterized by the cessation of menstruation. Sometimes during this period very meager discharge. But if black discharge appears during pregnancy, then options are possible:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • possible miscarriage;
  • the fertilized egg has stopped developing.

The postpartum period greatly affects the hormonal background. This may affect the establishment of the cyclicity of menstruation, or the appearance of black periods. If observed fever more than 10 days, and there is fetid odor, complications are possible. It is important not to ignore these facts and consult a gynecologist.

Breastfeeding affects recovery menstrual cycle. Long time after childbirth and after the cessation of lactation, the discharge may be dark brown or black. This is normal and a woman should not worry about it. With prolonged phenomena of this nature, you should visit a doctor.

Ectopic pregnancy can cause black periods

Venereal diseases

The reason for the appearance of black discharge may be sexually transmitted diseases. They pose a great danger, since their treatment is long and complicated. The period of menstruation in this case is accompanied by itching of the vagina, a feeling of discomfort during intercourse and severe pain lower abdomen. Possible pathology of menstruation. Their color becomes black. This is typical for diseases such as gonorrhea, chlamydia or syphilis.

black clots

If the discharge is accompanied by the presence of black blood clots, then some pathology may be their cause. But this condition is also characteristic of healthy women. This is explained by the anatomical features of the body:

  • A woman's cervix is ​​very narrow.
  • With a long stay in a motionless position, during sleep. Blood lingers in the vagina, changing color to dark.
  • Large loads increase bleeding, and clots are pushed out.
  • The cause of black blood clots is sometimes blood left over from previous periods. It curls up and with the onset of new periods, it comes out in the form of clots.
  • During ovulation, black periods are considered the norm. This state may last for some time. Such secretions in medicine are called cervical mucus.

In the presence of such signs, a visit to the doctor is necessary.

After sleep, the discharge may be dark in color.

Women's diseases

As a result of many diseases, menstruation is black. These include:

  • the presence of inflammatory processes;
  • vaginal endometriosis;
  • cancers of the uterus;
  • atrophic vaginitis;
  • endometrial hyperplasia;
  • atrophic vaginitis.

Operations on female organs

Surgery is often the cause of black discharge. Among them:

  • Premature termination of pregnancy.
  • Removal of fibroids or part of the uterus.
  • Ovarian laparoscopy.
  • Usage intrauterine device. An unsuccessful installation contributes to the occurrence of infections, changes in the menstrual cycle and blood color. This is not a sign of illness. The doctor will suggest drugs that can eliminate the problem.

Curettage of the uterus is one of the causes of black menstruation

Diagnosis of diseases

To establish why black periods appeared, diagnostic procedures help:

  • inspection is carried out using mirrors;
  • the general anamnesis is studied;
  • pelvic ultrasound is performed;
  • a biopsy is performed;
  • the hormonal background is studied;
  • a general blood test is required;
  • held diagnostic study endometrium.

Every woman should take care of her health. The slightest deviations are the reason why one should pass full examination at the gynecologist.

During a woman's menstrual cycle, black periods may occur. As you know, menstrual flow is considered normal, which is red and does not have a sharp and bad smell. Any changes in the healthy color of menstruation cause women to panic, but you should know that this is not always a cause for concern.

When should you contact a gynecologist?

Menstruation in black should cause concern in a woman if they are accompanied by a strong and unpleasant odor. Such a smell is the first symptom of a violation in the work of the female reproductive system. or whiter indicates that inflammatory processes occur in the woman's body. All these symptoms indicate that a woman may have the following pathologies:

  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the female genital organs;
  • cancerous diseases;
  • polyps, endometriosis, adenomyosis.

In the case when black blood is observed in a small amount in a woman on the first day of menstruation, there is a possibility that the woman has become pregnant, and there is a small risk of losing the child. To determine whether pregnancy has occurred or not, a pregnancy test will help.

Can signal the presence ectopic pregnancy. It is very dangerous to health, and if it is not interrupted, then there is a danger of rupture. fallopian tube, and in extreme cases the entire uterus may need to be removed.

If inflammatory processes occur in the appendages or ovaries of a woman, then they can serve as a black discharge at the beginning of the next cycle of menstruation.

Oncological diseases can also provoke a change in the color of the discharge. But not only malignant tumors lead to the fact that a woman has menstrual discharge of a dark color. Benign formations, such as polyps, can serve as a serious barrier to the exit of blood, as a result of which blood accumulates in the body of a woman and may begin to come out in dark clots.

If a woman is going through menopause, then her cervical canal narrows a little, which negatively affects the entire cycle.

The above reasons are always accompanied by a number of uncomfortable manifestations:

  • burning and itching in the female genital area;
  • severe dizziness;
  • physical fatigue and changes in the condition of the skin, hair and nails;
  • changes in menstrual bleeding: they can become both plentiful and very scarce;
  • , the presence of bleeding between cycles.

If a woman observes similar symptoms in herself, accompanied by black menstruation, then she urgently needs to see a doctor. He will be able to conduct an examination, write out a referral for the surrender of all necessary analyzes. When the disease is diagnosed, the specialist will prescribe the necessary course of treatment. It is important to remember: do not self-medicate, which can lead to infertility.

The influence of other factors on the color of the discharge

Menstruation dark color can be observed in the following cases:

  • hormonal imbalance in the female body;
  • menopause in women;
  • sudden weight gain or loss in a woman as a result of a change hormonal background;
  • the presence of surgical interventions;
  • stressful life situations, great emotional turmoil.

A woman's cycle is regulated by her hormones. If a woman takes hormonal contraceptives, then black periods for her may be the norm, especially on the first day. Such changes in the menstrual cycle are observed the first few months after taking birth control pills. This is due to the fact that the body adapts to new doses of hormones.

The period of pregnancy and childbirth have a strong influence on the hormonal background of the female body. Black menstrual flow may be the result of such changes. Birth has a strong influence on female body. The uterus after them greatly increases and sometimes does not have time to shrink to its original size. Because of this, the blood during menstruation stagnates and collects in clots.

During the period of breastfeeding, women are sometimes disturbed by black scanty discharge. If after childbirth there are black periods that are not accompanied by a number of uncomfortable symptoms, then they can be considered the norm. If a sharp and unpleasant odor is noticeable, or pains of a different nature in the lower abdomen, then this should be a signal of the presence of health problems.

Permanent physical exercise, stressful situations and experiences that lead to depression can have a strong impact on the course of basic processes in the human body. But emotional condition women can affect not only the color of menstruation, but also their duration and delay.

Black discharge before and after menstruation

Experts say that dark discharge a few days before menstruation or on the first day of menstruation is normal.

After all, menstruation is a process aimed at removing an unfertilized egg from the body. It is excreted along with the endometrial layer. This process happens slowly and gradually, so a few days before the start menstrual bleeding"smears" of a dark shade can be observed.

Allocations after menstruation are considered normal if they last no more than 3 days. 'Cause it's happening natural process cleansing the body.

If such secretions are delayed, then this can be a signal of the presence of diseases such as uterine fibroids or endometriosis.

How to maintain the health of the female reproductive system?

Many diseases are easier to prevent than to treat. Maintaining the health of the female reproductive system will help regular proper nutrition and a moderately active lifestyle. Permanent physical exercise, which can replace morning exercises, strengthen muscles and general health. Under the ban it is necessary to define any alcoholic drinks And tobacco products. They negatively affect nervous system person, just like constant stress and emotional stress, and can provoke irregular periods of a dark color. It will be useful preventive examinations at the doctor's. You need to go through them at least once every six months. The doctor can early stage determine the development of diseases, which will greatly facilitate their treatment.

Remember that during menstruation it is strictly forbidden:

  • visiting a bath or sauna, taking a hot bath;
  • strong physical activity;
  • unprotected intercourse;
  • limit your body in water and food.

If we neglect these simple rules, then in the future, the occurrence of black menstruation is possible. Black colored menstrual blood may be normal, but it can also signal serious problems in the work of the female genital organs. Every woman is obliged to clearly monitor the duration and regularity of the menstrual cycle, be attentive to any manifestations of symptoms that may signal the presence of serious pathologies.

Black menstruation can be both a sign of pathology and a variant of the norm. Menstruation, its color, frequency, profusion, smell are signs by which one can judge about normal functioning female body.

All of the above factors are important. And if black menstruation has gone, only the doctor can name the reasons after the examination.

Normally, a woman's menstrual cycle lasts from 21 to 35 days. Menstruation lasts from 3 to 7 days. The discharge is red, the shade depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, clots are acceptable. The amount of discharge normally should not exceed 50 ml.

Pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region, in the chest during menstruation is also normal.

Black periods: causes

If there are black periods, why this occurs is a difficult question. Often this is a symptom of pathological processes in the body.

The reasons may be as follows:

  • scrapings and others surgical interventions;
  • hormonal dysfunction;
  • problems with immunity;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • the period after childbirth or caesarean section;
  • inflammatory processes of the organs of the reproductive system;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • irregular sex life or its absence;
  • external factors in the form of climate change, stress.

Age changes

Brown or black periods on the first day of menstruation, as well as throughout its duration, may be in adolescents. This may be a feature of the onset of puberty. However, if menstruation is dark, almost black, after the formation of the menstrual cycle, this is a reason to contact a gynecologist.

Why do black menstruation go on in women after forty years? Here the reason may be in fading reproductive function organism and. At the same time, the functioning of the ovaries changes, the production of hormones decreases, all this is reflected in the nature of the discharge.

Similar problem in more early age may be a consequence of another pathology - the onset of early menopause.

During pregnancy

Scanty dark discharge or daubing is possible during pregnancy, or rather, in the first days after fertilization of the egg. After conception occurs abrupt change hormonal background of a woman. Such discharge may be caused by a lack of progesterone, which is necessary for normal gestation.

If pregnancy is confirmed by or analysis, the onset of abnormal discharge may indicate the presence of.

Dark vaginal discharge after childbirth and breastfeeding may be the norm if a woman does not have any other symptoms of pathology.

Inflammatory processes

The causes of black menstruation on the first day of menstruation or throughout its duration may be the presence of inflammation. Pathological processes in the uterus, appendages, ovaries, endometriosis, can change the nature of the discharge.

It is possible to change the color of menstruation and when infected sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis, and others.

Suspect an infection or inflammatory process it is possible if the changed color of the discharge is combined with other symptoms:

  • itching, burning, redness, swelling in the vagina;
  • pain during intercourse or going to the toilet;
  • foreign odor.

Hormonal imbalance

The causes of imbalance of hormones can be both internal and external:

  • The former are caused by other diseases. It could be diabetes, disruption of the thyroid gland and more. Hormonal imbalance leads to serious malfunctions in the body, so a visit to the doctor is mandatory.
  • External causes of violation hormonal balance more often in the reception of contraceptives. Preparations oral contraception protect women from unwanted pregnancy but they can cause side effects and lead to such consequences as black periods. In this case, it is necessary to replace the drug or refuse it and use other means of contraception (the doctor should select the drug).


Emotional stress, anxiety, depression affect the functioning of the body, and therefore menstrual flow can change its usual color. Such a symptom can also be combined with a violation of the cycle in the form of a change in its duration, a delay in menstruation or their complete absence.

The presence of clots

Black clots during menstruation are the result of all the reasons listed above. Also have an impact anatomical features women, as well as features of the functioning of the body.

Narrow cervix, small physical activity, for example, during a night's sleep, lead to the fact that the blood stagnates in the uterine cavity and coagulates there into clots. With more active movement, dark-colored clots come out.

But if the presence dark clots accompanied by the presence of an unpleasant odor, severe pain in the abdomen, fever, it is important to undergo an examination.

Do I need to go to the doctor?

To find out why black periods are coming, only a gynecologist should. Therefore, when applying to a woman, a full examination will be prescribed:

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will prescribe a treatment aimed at eliminating the cause of the pathology.

Dark discharge can be either a variant of the norm or indicate serious violations in the work of the body. It is important for a woman to monitor her well-being and seek advice in time if something goes wrong.

On the video about the discharge

It is customary to judge a normal menstruation by its regularity, the volume and color of discharge, the absence unpleasant symptoms. A change in the shade of the blood can be both a variant of the norm and a sign of an inflammatory or infectious process. In general, black periods indicate that the blood leaves the uterus with a delay.

Causes of black periods

The main reason for black menstruation is a hormonal imbalance. Staining can also occur in the following cases:

  • irregular sex life;
  • recent surgery on genitourinary system or childbirth;
  • age;
  • lactation or pregnancy;
  • decreased immunity;
  • metabolic failure;
  • climate change, stress, insomnia.

Scanty dark discharge may appear after an abortion, the introduction of an intrauterine device and other manipulations in the uterus and ovaries. They also retain blood and stain it in a dark shade of synechia - partitions in the uterine cavity.

Central Genesis

The absence of menstruation, the release of dark blood clots is a symptom of amenorrhea central genesis. The causes of this syndrome are dysfunction of the subcortical structures and the cerebral cortex. Allocate congenital, organic and functional pathology.

Functional amenorrhea, as the most common, occurs against the background of factors such as:

  • severe stress;
  • mental trauma;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • neuroinfection;
  • changes in hormonal levels during unsuccessful pregnancy, abortion, childbirth;
  • physical or emotional overload;
  • development of manic-depressive psychosis;
  • pituitary tumors.

Violation of the central nervous system leads to malfunctions of the genitourinary and reproductive systems of a woman. Long-term depression, stress, chronic mental disorders, a single emotional overexcitation can provoke a menstrual cycle disorder, as well as lead to the appearance of dark blood and clots.

Ovarian Genesis

Ovarian dysfunction (impaired hormone-forming function) is one of the main causes of infertility, missed pregnancy, miscarriage, and changes in the menstrual cycle. High risk factors for developing the disease in women over 40 with a history of diabetes, obesity, ovarian and uterine tumors, frequent abortions wearing an intrauterine device.


  • hormonal imbalance;
  • increase in the duration of menstruation;
  • erratic irregular menstruation;
  • an increase in blood loss up to 100 milliliters or more;
  • intense staining of secretions.

Some experts refer (PMS) to one of the manifestations of ovarian dysfunction. The disease can cause fibroids, mastopathy, endometriosis, infertility and oncological tumors mammary glands.

mother form

Often, a change in the menstrual cycle is not caused by a malfunction of the ovaries, but by pathologies of the uterus, such as damage to the basal layer, birth defects. The main reason is frequent abortions, which result in a gradual depletion of the basal layer of the endometrium and the occurrence of intrauterine adhesions.

The adhesive process can occur not only during abortion, but also as a result of myomectomy, diagnostic curettage, sharp and .

Another reason for black menstruation is genital tuberculosis. With the development of the disease, intrauterine adhesions are formed, partially or completely covering the uterine cavity.

With diseases of the endocrine glands

The hormones triiodothyronine and thyroxine produced by thyroid gland, provide the cyclic functioning of the ovaries and the synthesis of progesterone and estrogen. slightest violation in the work of the thyroid gland causes changes in the menstrual cycle - a delay, a decrease or increase in blood volume, ovarian dysfunction.

So, menstrual blood becomes dark and even almost black against the background hormonal imbalance caused by hypo- or hyperthyroidism:

  1. Hyperthyroidism (excessive activity of the thyroid gland) provokes amenorrhea and infertility. In addition to black discharge, a symptom complex of PMS is observed, soreness during critical days, difficulty of conception, general deterioration states.
  2. Hypothyroidism, or insufficient hormone production, causes scanty menstruation, decrease in duration, delay and irregularity of menstruation, spotting in the middle of the cycle.

Menstrual function is fully restored after adequate treatment thyroid diseases.

Taking medications

Reception of some medicines causes increased menstruation, black clots and cycle failure. Contraceptives(OK) contribute to an increase in the concentration of hormones. A change in the ratio of estrogen and progesterone levels, especially in the first months of taking the drugs, leads to staining of the discharge in a brown and maroon hue. Sometimes, on the contrary, the amount of mucus increases, which gives the secretion a light red and pink color.

For the purpose of contraception or during treatment hormonal drugs The woman's body is changing dramatically.

In the first 1-3 months after starting these drugs reproductive system adapts to the "new" level of hormones. With regular intake and no gaps from the 4th month, the color of the discharge becomes normal.

Symptoms and consequences of hypomenorrhea

Scanty discharge for a short time, dark blood with menstruation - one of the symptoms of hypomenorrhea. PMS often develops, there are pains in the lower abdomen, indigestion, discomfort in the chest and lower back, headache, drowsiness.

Also, hypomenorrhea can be accompanied by black menstruation, severe swelling, emotional instability, black clots, especially on the first and second days of menstruation.

If during menstruation blood is coming in a small volume, menstruation ends in 2-3 days, they talk about the development of hypomenorrhea. This is facilitated by obesity or excessive thinness, taking oral contraceptives, chronic diseases, intoxication, problems with the thyroid gland, stress. Often, instead of menstruation, dark-colored discharge is observed - meager, smearing.

Complications are frigidity, infertility, miscarriage, risk of ectopic pregnancy, secondary amenorrhea ( complete absence menses).

To avoid missed periods and serious complications, it is necessary to conduct an examination with a doctor and pass the prescribed tests. They help prevent the development dangerous diseases, as well as normalize the cycle and improve the functioning of the reproductive female system.

Menstruation is a period of shedding of the endometrial layer (the lining of the uterus). This process occurs under the influence of the hormones of the menstrual cycle: estrogen and progesterone.

It lasts about 28 days, and by the time menstruation begins, some changes occur in the body. It can be weight gain, swelling, discomfort. This process is painless, but the phenomenon of black menstruation becomes a cause for concern.

Menstrual cycle

Critical days begin during puberty, usually at the age of 11-14 years. Represent bloody issues scarlet, odorless. The amount of secretion in the amount of 40-60 ml at a time is considered optimal. The intensity varies, as it depends on physiological features women.

A deviation from the norm is considered when, throughout the entire period, there are:

  • blood clots;
  • too little or heavy menstruation;
  • black smearing mucus instead of menstruation.

The change in shade is affected by the concentration of blood in the excreted secret. The larger it is, the darker it is, respectively. However, there may be several factors that influenced this.

Possible causes of black periods

Their presence is considered harmless, but it is important to know what diseases they are a symptom of. This may indicate harmless processes in the body, or, conversely, is a signal that you should definitely consult a specialist.

Reaction to age-related changes

The main and most common situation for the presence of dirty secretions is the moment of the onset of menstruation. Menarche is the first menstrual bleeding. Like all subsequent ones, the cycle is accompanied by aching pain in the lower abdomen, changes in the body, fever.

The peculiarity of the menarche is that the period of the full formation of the cycle takes up to six months. That is, after the first black discharge, it may take several months before menstruation begins again.
