The beneficial properties of Boligolov. Boligols - a poisonous enemy of cancer

Boligols are a two-year herbate plant The genus of the Boligol, which relates to the family of umbrella.


This plant has a wide range of gravity - from North Africa to Turkey and China. Also, the grass of Boligols is distributed throughout Europe. The length of this plant ranges from 60 to 180 centimeters. Boligol leaves are very similar to the leaves of carrots, and flowers on the flowers of parsley. This grass grows on landfills, edges, meadows, on the slopes of ravines, like a weed in the garden, not far from railway canvas and so on. Folk medicine uses Boligol Spotted (it is also called cracked).


The above-mentioned grass refers to poisonous plants. Since ancient times, it has become famous for its dangerous properties. IN Ancient Greece Very often resorted to the use of Boligol in the preparation of poison used for execution. Some sources claim that with the help of the Boligol grass poison, the world-famous philosopher Socrates was killed. The effect of the poison of this plant is almost identical to the action of the famous poison "Kurara", which provokes paralysis of the respiratory muscles. The phytoscialists claim that the poisonous properties of grass can be maintained even in the dried form.

Each part of the grass of the Boligols (root, leaves, flowers, stems) has poisonous alkaloids that cause such hazardous properties. The most famous alkaloid of this plant is a conizer (translated from Latin - killing). Alkaloids such as pseudonin, propylpiperidine and conifer, have a strong narcotic action. That is why the tincture of this grass was once used as a powerful soothing, anticonvulsant and analgesic. In addition, the components of the plants also have the antispasmodic effect.

As for this time, the use of Boligol in traditional medicine is quite rare (due to mortal danger With its overdose). Poisonous alkaloid conifed today can be found in only the composition of some homeopathic preparations.

Application in modern medicine

Very often the grass of the Boligols attribute anticancer properties. Everyone knows that the alkaloids of this plant slow down the division of cells of malignant tumors. But there is one nuance - the Boligol reviews indicate that this grass slows down the division of also normal cells. Therefore, at the current time in the medicine of Boligols, it does not apply to the treatment of oncological diseases. However, today exists great amount folk healerswhich still use this poisonous grass with tumor processes.

In the treatment of the Boligol, it is necessary to remember that such therapy should not replace the operation, rauchery therapy or chemotherapy. You can use the grass only in the most difficult situations when traditional medicine powerless or turned out to be not effective. There are reviews about the Boligol as an agent eliminating strong painfulness On oncological patients. But to cure malignant tumor With this plant, there is no scientific data.

The grass of the Boligols for the prevention of oncological ailments should not be used, since the plant negatively affects the functioning of the liver. The tincture of the aforementioned grass can be used as an anesthetic for diseases gOOD SYSTEM, diseases digestive system or with a common oncological process (for example, cancer prostatic gland). Judging by the reviews, the Boligols are best taken in the form of 10% of the tincture (and only to appoint a doctor).

In addition, the grass stimulates the blood formation, has an immunomodulatory effect, and is used in treatment varicose sickness. Also, the treatment of the Boligol is possible in violation menstrual cycle, Malokrovia, gout, rheumatism, chronic painful cough. Still that medicinal plant applied in therapy ailments nervous system (neuralgia facial nerve, epilepsy, and so on.).

Plant poisoning

It should be remembered that the treatment of the Boligol can lead to serious problemsSince some components of this grass are very poisonous. Poisoning can even come upon contact plants with skin Covers (as chemical burn) Or when you get into the mouth of the stems.

Cancer is the hardest disease, as a rule, leading to death. Healthy is afraid of fire like fire. And those who have already encountered it, do not regret anything, they are started in all the grave to be saved. Official medicine offers a standard set: surgery, irradiation and chemotherapy. Unofficial what only does not offer! Of course, it is immentable and straw in a log seems, but still it is unlikely to believe with all the signs without parsing. Sometimes their means - clean water Divorce for personal profit. It is quite another thing - the tincture of Boligolov. She really saved many people, and those who did not help survive, got rid of painful pain. This miracle potion came up with no signs, but scientists. They checked the effect of the drug and animals, and on a person. You ask: why then die from cancer? Why is the tincture of Boligolov not applied in oncological clinics? Let's not look for answers to these not medical issues at all, but we will try to figure out what the healer secret is an amazing plant.

Plant Description

Boligols, whose tincture is considered to be a panacea, is a modest grass with low white flowers. Externally, the plant resembles a slightly parsley slightly, and its seeds are similar to dope or anise. Grows the batils like teat grass. You can see it in the forest, in the meadows, on the slopes of mountains, wastehouses, landfills, in fences - in general, anywhere. In Russia, the Boligols spotted everywhere occasionally occurred, the tincture of which has truly magical healing properties. Its high (up to 2.2 meters) branching stem covers brown spots. Inside it is hollow. The root of the plant is similar to Morovkin. Leaves are very hard. Flowers - white inflorescences, umbrellas. Seeds are small, ribbed, gray-brown. One seed disintegrates into two smaller, called mercarpics. 1000 pieces weighs a little less than 1.5 grams. Boligols blooms almost all summer. In August-September, mature seeds appear. Important distinctive trait - The plant is "nice" smell like mice, if any part of it to stretch with your fingers.

Caution! Deadly poison!

Despite the fact that the tincture of Boligolov is a priceless medicine, the plant itself is very poisonous. Ancient Greek executioners even used Boligols as a murder weapon. That is how Socrates executed, giving him to drink a deadly throat (according to another version, he accepted himself). Some people take Boligols for garden greens, therefore it is easy. Its poisonousness is caused by alkaloids, which are crowded with all parts of the plant. The most "serious" of them is Konin. They often take up not only people, but also livestock, bird, and the dried boligs do not lose their properties. So, scientists have a version that it is the conic to kill cancer cells.

Normated treatment of Boligol's tincture is safe, but just in case, we give the symptoms of poisoning:

  • impairment and speech;
  • nausea;
  • leather pale;
  • vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • abundant salivation;
  • diarrhea;
  • difficulties in swallowing;
  • at the first stage strong arousal, In the future, paralysis.

The number of the body begins with the feet and rises to the head. When toxins reach the lungs, the victim dies from the respiratory stop. Antidote - milk with manganese. It should be pink. IN heavy cases Urgent resuscitation activities are needed.

In the external use of Boligols can also cause negative reactions in the form of redness and dermatitis.


Boligol tincture in the pharmacy is almost never found. Sometimes you need to "scold" the entire Internet to find it. But not trouble, the drug can be prepared and yourself. Where to begin? From the workpiece of raw materials. For therapeutic purposes, the ground part is suitable. Cut Boligols in June-July, and it is advisable to do it in gloves. Seeds can be disrupted immature (along with umbrellas), but it is necessary to take measures to, quickly, they did not wake up to the ground. Dry Boligols in the shade, in places, far from the dwelling of homework and, of course, from the Games of the Death. The finished raw material is crushed and placed in airtight, tightly closing the container. Perfect glass jars with covers.

Sometimes there is a need to apply crude raw materials. In such cases, the grass is crushed and immediately use, according to the recipe.

Making medication

Boligol's tincture cooking is a little confused. The Internet is full of instructions that say that for this you need to go to the field or forest (and strictly in the morning), taking with me the container and alcohol, because after 20 minutes the grass loses its properties. However, scientifically proven that the composition of dried Boligol is practically not changed. In any case, the poisons do not disappear from it. There is a periodic edition of the "Journal of Hope", which from the room in the room provides detailed information About the benefits and dangers of this plant. Its pages presents the recipes of the tincture of Boligol from fresh and dry raw materials. It is done only on the diluted in the ratio of 1: 2 medical alcohol (vodka), but not on the water. So, what do you need to get an effective tincture of Boligolov? How to cook it from raw and dry plants?

1. A third of the containers of any capacity fill with crushed young shoots and pour vodka in the neck. Close. We put on 10 days in the cellar (you can refrigerator).

2. Inflorescences (you can add leaves) Fill the bank to the top, but we do not even tamper. Mass should be loose. Fill with vodka, close, insist 10 days.

3. Immature (green) seeds together with umbrellas put in the jar of loosen. Fill with alcohol (at least 70 degrees). Next, the process is the same.

4. Dry raw materials (all parts, even roots) Grind, measure 300 grams, put in a 3-liter container and floodwards with vodka. Insist two weeks.

Miscellaneous amount of raw materials are due to the fact that in all parts of Boligol, a different percentage of alkaloids is contained. In the seeds of their 2%, in colors 0.24%, in leaves and stem 0.1%.

There is still such a recipe. In the field, the ground part of Boligol is cut into pieces, immediately, not leaving the bush, is placed in the container about 2/3, poured with vodka or diluted in a ratio of 1: 2 alcohol and insist for 3 weeks periodically shaking.

Many recipes. Which one is more effective, it is difficult to say. But in each of them there are Boligols and alcohol.

With any method of manufacture finished tincture It is necessary to strain and put in the refrigerator.

Treatment. Tishchenko technique

So, you are already ready tincture of Boligolov. Application with cancer is carried out in many methods. All of them are impossible to consider them in one article. We give the most popular if you believe the reviews of the healed former patients.

The most gentlemen are recognized by Tishchenko techniques. They are based on the so-called "hills", that is, a gradual increase, and then reduce the dose. Let's start?


This technique in the rarest cases causes side effectsSince the treatment begins with minimal doses, and later the body gradually gets used to and does not respond so sharply on the "feeding" by its poison.

So, the 1st day. 1 drop of tincture on a glass of water. 2nd day - 2 drops, 3rd - 3 and so up to 13 drops. Next, the amount of water is increased by 50 ml. The process is repeated up to 26 drops. And again add 50 ml of water. Thus, gradually reach 40 drops for taking. They drink the tincture of once a day on an empty stomach, approximately an hour before meals. Reaching up to 40 drops, you need to start a decrease in the dose. Do all the same as when increasing, only on the contrary. Usually, such "slides" for complete healing requires several.

Note that it was on this technique that the tincture of Boligolov (use during cancer) is most often dried. Reviews of people are very favorable. According to the memoirs of relatives, even those whom the Boligols could not save, it was much easier to carry pain.

Very weak patients, you can not bring the reception to 40 drops, but to dwell on the quantity on which the body begins to reject the medicine, for example, by 15.

If in the process of lifting in the "slide" the patient suddenly felt a disgust for the medicine, a decrease of up to 1 drops and again rise.

If the patient at some stage of the lift felt a noticeable improvement, it is possible to remain at this level and no longer to increase the drops.

Technique Yermolchik

Some believe that the Boligol tincture of Boligol is much more efficient in decoction of other herbs. The application proposed by the Yermolchik suggests adding drops of tincture into licorice decoctions, kuragani, souls, oats, Kuril tea. Liquids for this require 50 ml.

For heavy forms Diseases (metastasis, late stages) are recommended to drink tincture 6 times a day. From 6 am to 6 pm every 3 hours, plus the last time at 8 pm. The initial 4 days each reception to drip in water 1 drop, the next 4 days - 2, then 3, 4, and 5. There is a stop at this. 5 drops drink to recovery.

With the Moma, the Ermolchik advises to do with the battle of douching. Tinstures take 5 drops on 50 ml herbal beam (Chernogolovka, Pear, Borish Matter).

In fact, with any technique together with the tincture of Boligol, or after the end of the Gorka, it is advisable to drink decoctions of other herbs. Most of all the signs and scientists advise the decoction of the Owin. This grass "can" restore the blood formula. Preparation: 0.5 liters of water 2.5 tbsp. Spoons of dry collection. Boil, insist all night in a thermos, strain. Drink three times a day along a glass (50-100 g), you can with honey.

Also recommend decoction of a berry of rosehip with cheese (pine or spruce). This tool can withdraw the poisons and restore the vessels. Cooking: 5 tbsp. Spoons of needles and 3 tbsp. Spoons of berry pour water (700 ml). Cooking 10 minutes and insist in a thermos night. Strain. Drink up to 1.5 liters per day. The kids can add to the ingredients of the rudder (2 tbsp. Spoons).


Cancer is such a tricky infection, which at the beginning of its development is sitting in the body quietly, imperceptibly. Detect the disease during this period, it is possible only by chance with any examination. Being a tumor starts when he has already managed to strengthen and grow up. So they consider intelligent heads that, in order to destroy the disease in the embryo, the tincture of Boligol is also suitable. How to take it healthy? Many advise the use of Tishchenko's royal technique, because it is the most harmless. Those who tried it, noted the rise of the tone of the body, improving the work of all systems, pass through the pains who have suffered years, disappear with skin problems (psoriaz plaques). It is advised to conduct such preventive courses every year.

Boligols for treatment used more hippocrates. Now the folk characteristics use it with epilepsy, cough, migraines (drug removes spasms, soothes pain). Alcohol tincture as an anesthetic healers are prepared at the rate of 1 part of the raw material on 10 parts of vodka.

Boligol tincture. Application for other diseases

In addition to cancer, the boligins helps with:

1. Hypertension. We must take into account anyone who gathered to be treated to the tincture of Boligolov that he can "know" down pressure. Hypertensive drink 2 drops of medicine four times a day from 2 to 3 months.

2. constipation. 10 drops on a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach, the same in the evening.

3. Polutions. 2 drops of 1/4 cup of water four times a day, therapy duration - up to 2 months.

4. Violations of the menstrual cycle.

Before applying tincture, it is desirable to clear your body (this is especially true of the chemotherapy). A good result gives a decoction of a flaxed seed. Cooking: a glass of raw materials poured hot water (boiling water) put on water bath And boil 2 hours. The finished decoction is allowed to cool (so that you can drink) and use without restrictions.

Outdoor application

By the way, it is impossible not to note that in therapeutic purposes Not only the tincture of Boligol is used. Patient reviews show that the ointment based on this plant has proven well-based. Cooking method:

1. Take 100 ml of sunflower (unrefined) or better than good olive oil, add 2 tablespoons of dry collection of Boligol, to shake well and put in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. After expiration, it is thoroughly strain (gauze must be collapsed several times, to put surgical wool in it).

2. Take 100 ml of the same oil, pour into a metal container and put on a quiet fire (it should not boil and foam, just warm it up). There gradually add small pieces of wax (from the candle) and interfere with anything before dissolution. This procedure is performed before the composition of the composition. Having achieved the right color, remove the oil from the fire and give to cool (should be warm, not hot).

The first ingredient is added to the second and mix thoroughly.

This ointment is successfully used from cancer, like a tincture of Boligol. Application (reviews of this evidence) is advisable in external types of cancer and internal, only in such cases an ointment should be applied outwardly to the place that is affected by the ailment. It is said that this tool helps with the I and II stages, and at the III and IV tests are not finished yet. Important! On the neck and head ointment can not be applied more than 2 hours.

Among other things, the drug is used with cuts, burns, hemorrhoids (cracks).

Freshly spent or dry leaves of Boligol are externally used when gouging, rheumatism of joints, thrombophlebitis. The raw materials wrap in the rag, pour boiling water and apply to problem places up to 4 times a day.

Tincture Boligolova: Application for cancer. Growing reviews

On thematic forums, you can find articles whose authors are frightened by Boligol. Their arguments are based on the emergency poisonousness of the plant. They also argue that the Boligols are able to kill only the cells affected by cancer, but powerless during relapses. However, reviews of patients say the opposite. People tell about how the tincture of Boligolov helped them or their relatives. There are stories about the cure of patients whom doctors have already considered hopeless (cancer on late stage, metastases) and discharged home - to die. Often there are comments that tell about full cure by this means Lung cancer, stomach, intestines, prostate gland.

There is, however, those who did not help the tincture of Boligolov. Features of people are reduced to the fact that when it was taken only decreased pain, but the patient still died. Well, we will not argue. Cancer - insidious disease. And the body of each of us is unique. What is suitable for one, can turn back to others, and on the degree of damage to organs, the tumor at the time of the start of treatment depends final result. But if no doctor in the world gives good forecasts for cancer III, and even more the IV degree, and even with extensive metastases, why not try the Boligols? It will not be worse. Among the heated many people who, together with the tincture of Boligol, or in the interruptions between the "slides" took ASD2 - another medical know-how. This drug, designed by genius high, is able to penetrate the cells without rejecting them, and restore them normal work. The ASD2 preparation is unique, and the price is also a penny (there are cheaper tickets in pharmacies). So why do people who do not have a chance for cure with the help of official medicine, do not try to save themselves by the means that have helped others?

Boligols - poisonous dangerous plant. In Russia, it can be found everywhere. It grows along the roads, railway webs, near the fences of residential buildings, on wastehouses and gardens.

Being very poisonous, Boligols in small doses has a pronounced therapeutic effect. It has an analgesic effect, stimulates, activates the work of hematopoietic organs. The plant is destructive effect on cells. cancer tumormaking it effective in the treatment of some species oncological diseases.

There are several methods for treating cancer bats. Among them special attention Deserve the method of V.V. Tishchenko. The phytotherapist from Simferopol published a recipe for treatment, which in his family is used for a long time. His great-grandfather used it to get rid of cancer.

How preparing a tincture of Boligolov, use when cancer according to the method of Tishchenko what should be, what do feeds say from treatment? Today we will talk to you on this important topic for many, remembering the words of Voltaire - "Hope to recover is half of the recovery."

How is the grass of the Boligol, the tincture is preparing?

To prepare a tincture, it is better to use fresh, freshly placed raw materials. So recommends V. V. Tishchenko. The dried grass loses a significant part of therapeutic properties.

For the Boligol, go in June when the flowering period begins. Flowers contain it a large number of necessary for the treatment of substances essential oils.

For the preparation of tincture, you will need two clean banks: half-liter and 2 or 3 liter. Owing gloves, gauze bandage, collect inflorescences and young leaflets of the plant in a small jar, shining them with their hands. Having gained half, pour raw materials into a large one, where immediately half the liter of 50% alcohol.

It is impossible to immediately collect inflorescences into a large container. Ground vegetable mass is imputed, which is detrimental to medicinal properties plants. Therefore, it is necessary to grind, pour inflorescences from a small capacity to a large (with alcohol) gradually.

Also, as needed, gradually pour the alcohol component.

The ratio of Boligol and alcohol in a large bank should be 1 x 10 (per 100 g of raw materials - 1 l. Vodka).

When you come home, close the jar tightly with the future tincture. Clean the cool, dark place, for example, cellar. Do not forget to regularly shake the contents. In 3 weeks ( optimum time insistence) tool will be ready for use. But if the case is extra, the author of the methodology allows it to apply it after three days. Finished medicine strain, remove the refrigerator on the shelf.

Boligol grass - application for cancer

Treatment by the Boligol on Tishchenko goes according to the scheme. Take this tool must be required in the morning, an empty stomach - 1 hour before breakfast.

First, the reception is: 1 cap. Per 100 ml. water. SO next day The contents of the tincture increase by 1 drop. Dosage should be touched up to 40 drops in 40 days. After that, the number of drops should be reduced by 1 per day. That is, you need to take a 1 drop daily less, returning to the dosage of the beginning of treatment - 1 drop to half a cup of water. According to V.V. Tishchenko for complete delusion of cancer needs to repeat the course of treatment 2-3 times.

How to drink Boligols with oncology so that the body is easier?!

In the treatment, together with the increase in the number of droplets of the tincture, also increase the amount of water. So the poison of Boligol is easier to transfer to the body. After 13 drops, increase the amount of water from half a glass to 150 ml. (26 cap. - 150 ml. Waters, and after 26 cap. - 200 ml. Water). With a decrease in the number of droplets, reduce the amount of water.

Required condition successful treatment - accurate compliance with the recipe for cooking and receiving. Under any conditions do not allow an overdose!

Does Boligols help with cancer (reviews about this technique)

According to the reviews of people who used this techniqueThe Boligols according to the Tishchenko method in the form of tinctures are really effective. Cancer was heard even in hopeless cases. Especially effective when oncological tumors Breast, prostate, esophagus, stomach and liver.

Here are just some reviews:

Pavel Petrovich Puchko From Krivoy Horn writes that he is as hopeless oncological patient It was denied an operation back in 1990. After extracting home to die, he could no longer do without narcotic painkillers. Began to apply this technique. Treatment of the tincture of Boligol went long. After the third course of treatment, recovery came. Pavel Petrovich went to work and now lives his ordinary life.

Anna Reports about the healing of his mother-in-law, which has long sowed the prostate cancer. The patient began to be treated with a tincture of Boligol on the Tishchenko system. Saw a tincture according to the scheme, in parallel rubbed into the crotch area. After passing the course of treatment with a Boligol, the examination showed complete cure from cancer.

Although, of course, there are a lot of negative reviews about the Tishchenko methodology, especially from professional doctors.

In custody:

During treatment tincture, it is necessary to closely monitor its condition. If at the end of the course (30 cap. Or more) felt symptoms of poisoning: strong nausea with vomit headache, weakness, do not raise more dosage, and reduce it a couple of drops.

If signs of poisoning do not disappear, either repeat, stop receiving the tincture. For 3-4 days drink weak Solution Manganese (light pink) on milk. When the body's condition returns to the norm, continue to drink tincture, but with a daily decrease in dosage by 1 drop.

And do not forget that the most active ally of the disease is the despondency of the patient. Therefore, do not gross, take care of health and be healthy!

About how the tincture of Boligolov, application, reviews about her, led to you, Svetlana,

Boligols spotted (crawled) or omge - wild-growing herbaceous plant of the family umbrella. By appearance Young leaves of Boligolov very much resemble parsley shoots. However, this modest grass can have an action on the human body, absolutely opposite to the harmless seasoning.

Boligols are officially recognized as a poisonous plant, so it is so important to correctly identify the danger, and do not confuse Omega with other herbs. But, except for poisoning qualities, Boligols in small doses are effective tool with many diseases, including those recognized official medicine incurable.

Where does it grow and what does the grass of the Boligols look like?

Boligols familiar to many gardens like a weed grass from which it is difficult to get rid of. It grows mainly on wet, well-fertilous soils, preferring outdoor solaries. Often you can meet Omega on forest edges, wastehouses, pastures, fuel meadows and landfills. In Russia, the area of \u200b\u200bits distribution is almost the entire European part of the country, Western Siberia and the Caucasus.

As already mentioned, the type of Boligols can be easily confused with parsley, only larger size. The grass has a high branching stalk (can reach one and a half meters from the ground), hollow inside and covered with reddish spots outside. It is because of this feature that the word "spotted" was added to the title. Leaves are the next, filament. At the beginning of the summer, Boligols bloom with small white inflorescences collected into numerous umbrellas. Fruit the seeds of light-brown color starts from the end of August.

Important! If you doubt what plant in front of you is useful or poisonous omogeg, just scroll through several leaves between your fingers. Dangerous Boligols "will give out" yourself unpleasant odorsimilar to a specific mouse stench.

How to take Boligols? Recipes

IN folk medicine Boligols apply as a basis for aqueous solutions (infusions and decoctions), alcohol tincture, oil extract and ointment for outdoor use.

Water infusion. Put a teaspoon of crumpled raw materials into a thermos and pour steep boiling water. Insist for 5 hours, then filter and take half the table. Spoons 1-2 times a day. Keep the infusion in the refrigerator, but not more than 5 days.

Alcohol tincture. Fresh grass (leaves, inflorescences, young stems) Grind immediately after cutting, and immediately connect with alcohol in a ratio of 1 to 2. Close the container tightly. Leave in a cool place for 14 days, periodically bumping content. After a period of time, the tincture must be sonicated. Use dosage.

Malignant diseases occupy one of the leading places in the patient's mortality structure. When making a diagnosis not only suffers the physical state man, but also appear disorders of the psycho-emotional sphere. Often, cancer patients lose hope for recovery, are depressed and become closed. In such cases, in addition medical treatment, can be applied unconventional methodsallowing you to restore mental and physical health. To do this can be used boligols., Chamomile, Melissa and many other herbs.

Leading clinics abroad

Does the bats from cancer help?

Each person has its own characteristics, so it is necessary to test allergies before applying any folk remedy. This is carried out by taking the minimum dose of decoction or tincture so that when developing allergic reaction The symptoms were quickly curable.

In this regard, the contraindications of the use of plants, in particular Boligol, applies individual intolerance.

Grass Boligolit is widely used to combat cancer diseases when the tumor is localized in the prostate, lactic glands, stomach or brain.

In general, this plant is considered to be poisonous, but due to its properties there is observed positive result In the treatment and decrease in symptoms developing due to malignant pathology.

In addition to oncological diseases, Boligols can help with mental disorders or age-related changes nervous system (sclerosis, dementia).

Among the main properties it should be noted immunostimulating, sedative and antitumor effects. Thanks to analgesic action, the plant helps to cope with pronounced painful syndrome In 4 stages of the disease. Sedative (soothing) and vasodilating properties are aimed at improving the quality of life.

How to treat Cancer Boligol?

Treatment of grass of Boligols according to the method of Tishchenko

Initially, we will analyze the popular method of treatment according to the method of Tishchenko. It is effective in fighting cancer various localizationHowever, the best results are observed with malignant lesions of the lungs, because the flowers of the plant have an expectorant effect.

Therapy implies a reception for half an hour before breakfast. In the first day, a single dose is 1 drop, and it is impossible to drink with water, secondly - 2 drops and so on to forty drops. Then it is necessary to reduce the dose in the same mode. The full course is 80 days.

Preparation of tincture

Now in more detail about the methods of preparation of the Boligol-based tincture. The volume of banks is 1 liter, and the length of insteading is 10 days for all recipes:

  • in the bank, it should be placed crushed young shoots of 300 ml (or dry raw materials, including 100 ml roots) and pour vodka to edges. Close tight and arrange in a dark cool place.
  • the inflorescences fall asleep (not tight!) In the jar, we pour to the edge of the vodka and close.
  • non-existent seeds with umbrellas also loomed in a jar, fill with alcohol (minimum 70 degrees) and close.

The various volumes of the same plants in recipes are due to the unequal concentration of alkaloids in certain parts of Boligol.

Fresh grass tincture

Separately, describe the recipe that is preparing exclusively from fresh, only torn grass. It is necessary to grind the ground part of the plant and immediately put the resulting mass of 600 ml into a liter jar, to add to the edge of the vodka and leave to appease 20 days, regularly shaking. Instead of vodka, alcohol is allowed to use it, but it is required to dilute 1: 1 with water to reduce degrees.

You can also prepare an ointment, taking 100 ml of olive oil and adding 30 g of dry crushing collection of Boligolov. You need to shake well and leave in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Further, profiling, it is recommended to lubricate the places affected by a tumor for 4 hours, after which the ointment should be washed.


It is not recommended to independently begin treatment folk remedies without preliminary consultation a qualified specialist, because malignant process Without treatment, it can progress and reach 3-4 stages, when mortality is very high and irreversible.

Examined in detail recipes where used boligols., I would like to note that this plant is really effectively, but it is necessary to observe your well-minded during the taking of the tincture, because the Boligols are still a poisonous grass and can bring significant damage, without observing the dosage and recommendations of the attending physician!


All of the above information is provided solely to familiarize themselves! We do not quote readers to use medicines Based on this grass and do not bow to self-medication!

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