Psychosomatics: women's diseases. Consultation-session: Harmonization and healing of the spiritual-energetic cause of the disease, situation, problem that led to the destructive situation of a person

Do you have problems with your uterus? Let's consider the metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of uterine diseases.

Dr. N. Volkova writes: “It has been proven that about 85% of all diseases have psychological reasons. It can be assumed that the remaining 15% of diseases are associated with the psyche, but this connection has yet to be established in the future... Among the causes of diseases, feelings and emotions occupy one of the main places, and physical factors- hypothermia, infections - act secondary, as a trigger..."

Dr. A. Meneghetti in his book “Psychosomatics” he writes: “An illness is a language, the speech of a subject... To understand an illness, it is necessary to reveal the project that the subject creates in his unconscious... Then a second step is necessary, which the patient himself must take: he must change. If a person changes psychologically, then the disease, being an abnormal course of life, will disappear ... "

Let's consider the metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of uterine diseases.
Here's what world-famous experts in this field and authors of books on this topic write about it.


Liz Burbo

Emotional blockage: Since the womb is the first home in this world for the child, any disturbances associated with it should be correlated with reception, hearth, home and refuge. When a woman is unable to bear children due to uterine disease, her body tells her that deep down she wants to have a child, but fear overpowers this desire and creates physical blocking in her body. A woman who is angry with herself for not welcoming her child into this world can also suffer from problems with the uterus.
In addition, diseases of the uterus indicate that a woman puts forward or implements some new ideas without allowing them to mature. Such diseases can also occur in a woman who blames herself for not being able to create a good family home for those she loves.
Mental block: It's time for you to be more open to new ideas and move on to actively building your life without any feelings of guilt. This way you will create a place in your life for men and masculine. Get rid of fears that only harm you.

The womb symbolizes the temple of woman's creativity. The state of the uterus reflects how much you were able to express yourself in this world as a woman, mother, wife.

Dr. Oleg G. Torsunov

Such character qualities as gentleness, humility, modesty in speech and actions contribute to her normal function. Gentleness in speech and actions helps normalize metabolism and blood circulation.
-Rigidity, rudeness in speech and behavior causes metabolic and circulatory disorders in the uterus.
-Sweetness in speech and servility in actions reduce the activity of the uterus.
Humility normalizes the tone of the uterus.
-Disobedience causes increased tone uterus.
-Congestion and depression reduce the tone of the uterus.
Modesty and shyness gives the uterus the ability to be resilient.
-Arrogance causes overstrain in the uterus.
- Shyness, tightness in speech and behavior reduce endurance.

The womb symbolizes the temple of woman's creativity. The state of the uterus reflects how much you were able to express yourself in this world as a woman, mother, wife. You cannot remember and “bear” an insult inflicted by a man. You need to forgive or forget. A tumor of the uterus is accumulated grievances against men, constant replaying of previous grievances in the head. There is another reason for the appearance of tumors - this is an increasing feeling of hostility towards the world, towards oneself, towards people, or one’s own remorse.
Method of cure. As soon as a woman completely gets rid of resentment and anger towards men, the tumor resolves. In other cases, you need to work with your emotions in all the ways outlined in the book.

Louise Hay

Uterus. Symbolizes the temple of creativity.
Harmonizing thoughts: I feel at home in my body.

Dr. Luule Viilma
Uterus (bleeding): Anger against those whom the woman blames for preventing her from being a good mother, whom she considers responsible for her maternal failure.

Alexander Astrogor

The womb is the place where all feminine power is concentrated. This is a rather delicate, sensitive and vulnerable organ. That is why your biological organ, the uterus, takes all the blows of fate. If your soul cannot distance itself from the abomination of life, then the uterus collects all this dirt and absorbs it into itself. You cut the truth - the uterus, and then you wonder why you have cutting pains...
I am ashamed of you that on the path of spiritual perfection you descended into such selfishness, so humiliated your feminine dignity, turning into a woman, that prolapse of the uterus became the norm for almost all of you. And a prolapsed uterus means a woman without brakes, she doesn’t want and doesn’t know how to walk in a harness, or keep herself in check...
Your organ, the uterus, is attached ligamentous apparatus: two veins (suspenders) to the hips. Here are the reins for you! If a woman has dropped down, stopped taking care of herself, turned into a woman, then the braces don’t work, and the uterus drops or falls out altogether. It also sinks under the weight of toxins and dirt that have accumulated in the uterus. But you collected them and compacted them inside yourself with words and anger, condemning your loved ones...
If a woman defiles all men, and especially the one who breathed life into her in the form of a child, with whom she should find joy and know mother's love, then she collects so many dirty words about him that the uterus becomes unviable, and they clean it, literally scrape out all the dirt or simply remove it. I can see and hear everything from above, how you and your girlfriends do nothing but judge your men, children or parents when they meet at the entrance or spend hours on the phone. And then you all have to do a uterine cleansing. Those of you who don’t have girlfriends for such judgments don’t have such problems with the uterus...

Sergey N. Lazarev in his books “Diagnostics of Karma” (books 1-12) and “Man of the Future” he writes that the main cause of absolutely all diseases is the deficiency, lack or even absence of love in the human soul. When a person puts something above the love of God (and God, as the Bible says, is Love), then instead of gaining divine love, he rushes to something else. To what (erroneously) considers more important in life: money, fame, wealth, power, pleasure, sex, relationships, abilities, order, morality, knowledge and many, many other material and spiritual values... But this is not the goal, but only means for acquiring divine (true) love, love for God, love like God. And where there is no (true) love in the soul, how Feedback from the Universe, diseases, problems and other troubles come. This is necessary so that a person thinks, realizes that he is going in the wrong direction, thinks, says and does something wrong and begins to correct himself, takes the right Path! There are many nuances in how the disease manifests itself in our body. You can learn more about this practical concept from the books, seminars and video seminars of Sergei Nikolaevich Lazarev.


Dr. N. Volkova

Benign tumor uterus, which is often called FIBROMYOMA, develops from muscle tissue...Patients with fibroids are characterized by long-term grievances towards their loved ones, a tendency to bad mood and depression. This state of mind inhibits metabolism in the body and leads to persistent changes in the endocrine background at the physical level. The womb is a “nest” for the development of new life and the “creation” of a child. The fact that pregnancy contributes to the development of creativity is well known to those women who were engaged in the prenatal education of their child according to the author’s program. The maternal instinct is inherent in us by nature for procreation, but in modern society the woman often suppresses him. Birth control, contraception and abortion make a “hole” in the subconscious of a woman who does not fulfill her natural destiny. If fibroids are detected, it is urgent to discover your talents, and an elevated state of mind, the delight of creativity and enthusiasm miraculously contribute to the restoration of the health of the uterus within 6-12 months...

Alexander Astrogor in his book “Confession of a Sore” he writes:

Most things occur in your uterus tumor diseases. Moreover, they can be benign and malignant. Karmic medicine has already explained to you that a tumor is an insult. It’s no coincidence that you say: “Well, why are you sulking? How long are you going to sulk?” So your resentment tumor grows while you carry it around. This is how uterine fibroids arise...
A benign tumor means that, in general, you are a good, kind person, but you just don’t know how to forgive or don’t want to. The surgeon will cut it out for you, but the cause of the emotional resentment has not been removed, has not left your soul, has settled on your heart, is stuck in your feelings, strains your consciousness, but all this is localized in your feminine essence- in the uterus, so the tumor returns to the same place.
It's a completely different matter - malignant tumor. The word itself already sounds “evil” with which you are trying to take revenge on the offender. You are ready to kill, tear to pieces, destroy him, but by doing so you are signing a fatal verdict for yourself not only for your health, but also for your life, and this is cancer...
In addition to tumors inside the uterus, fibroids (muscle nodules) often form on the muscle tissue. You have this expression: “With every fiber of my soul I hate someone or something.” This is where the fibers of your soul get tied into knots of problems (fibroids).
And some of you, for almost the same reasons, develop polyps, which literally means frozen tears of self-pity. For every tear of your soul that contains a problem, there is one polyp. How many of them have covered your body inside and out? But it’s difficult for you to part with them, remove them, remove them, because self-pity is higher than your dignity and self-pride.
That's what I want once again remind you: don’t hold grudges, don’t feel sorry for yourself, otherwise depression will be your constant companions. And eternal and heavy thoughts about one’s female lot cause constant headaches and migraines, which accompany all female diseases...

Dr. Valery V. Sinelnikov in his book “Love Your Sickness” he writes:

The flow of blood from the uterus symbolizes the passing of joy. Feel like a real woman and bring joy back into your world. Long-standing resentments and anger are preventing you from doing this - get rid of them.
A woman came to the reception who had already long time suffered from uterine bleeding. And recently doctors also discovered uterine fibroids.
The reasons turned out to be the following. A few months ago she suspected her husband of cheating. She made a scandal for him and wanted to kick him out of the house, but the children held him back.
“I gave my whole life to him,” she said excitedly. - He took me as a girl. Besides him, I didn’t know any other men. And he acted so vilely. “I told him then,” she continued, “do you know that the men at work don’t give me a pass? And one herbalist even offered me his hand and heart. He has a big house and a foreign car. But I don’t: “I have a family, a husband and children.” “As soon as my husband found out about this, that I could leave for someone else,” she continued further, “he lay at my feet for a week and asked for forgiveness. So I haven’t forgiven him until now, and I’m unlikely to be able to forgive him.

One of my clients suffered from constant uterine bleeding. They were minor, but they exhausted her greatly. Doctors discovered uterine fibroids and immediately offered her surgery. By luck, this woman came to me. She turned out to be a good hypnotic subject and easily came into contact with her subconscious. It turned out that the subconscious was protecting her with the help of bleeding from sexual intercourse with her husband, whom she did not love and even despised. This information surprised her. But after she clarified her relationship with her husband, the bleeding stopped. And a month later when preventive examination It turned out that the uterine fibroids had resolved...

A forty-year-old woman with uterine fibroids came to see me. The tumor first appeared five years ago and grew larger every year. She was offered surgery, fearing that the tumor would transform from benign to malignant. But she decided to try my treatment method. After she established contact with the subconscious, the inner mind “revealed” the reasons for the development of the tumor. And the reason for the appearance of the tumor was accumulated grievances against her husband.
Five years ago, after a serious breakdown in the family, my husband started drinking. And every year more and more. There are constant conflicts in the family: swearing, quarrels, fights, mutual insults and reproaches. And the tumor is the grievances accumulated over five years. Why exactly the uterus? Yes, because the grievances are associated with a man.
This means that a woman’s femininity is hurt. And the uterus is an organ that symbolizes its feminine origin. When we dug deeper, it turned out that even before her marriage, her menstrual cycle was disrupted. And the reason for this violation was negative attitude towards herself as a woman, and this attitude towards herself was passed on to her from her mother. By the way, things weren’t going smoothly between my mother and men in her life either.
The woman realized that her illness and her husband’s behavior were connected with her attitude towards herself and men. She changed this attitude using certain techniques (which will be discussed below). She began to love and respect herself as a woman and treat herself with care. Changed my attitude towards men. She changed a lot in her relationship with people, with the world. Took homeopathic remedies. And within a year, her tumor had completely resolved. In addition, her relationship with her husband normalized, and he stopped drinking.
It must be said that such a result became possible only because the woman did a lot of work on herself. She had a very strong intention to be cured. She did not turn to the help of a surgeon or medications. She turned inside herself and eliminated the very causes of the disease.

At my appointment I have a woman diagnosed with uterine fibroids. She is offered surgery, fearing that the tumor will degenerate into a malignant one. But she doesn't want to have surgery. The cause of the disease is accumulated grievances against her husband, who regularly drinks and offends the woman with his attitude towards her. I try to explain this to a woman, but it is very difficult to convince a person that it is her resentment and dislike for herself that are the cause of her illness and influence the behavior of her husband.
- But how can I not be offended! - she is indignant. - He comes home drunk, insults me, humiliates me; steals money from my wallet. He is already taking things out of the apartment, selling them and drinking them away. So, should I respect him for this?
“Tell me,” I ask her, “do you love your husband?”
- Don't know.
- Do you love yourself?
The woman begins to cry. I calmly explain further:
- For many years, your husband dealt you small or large blows to your feminine pride, to your femininity. You did not accept his behavior, which degraded your dignity, and you could not accept it. You have been carrying grievances all your life, accumulating them within yourself. And the place of accumulation was your uterus, which is directly related to your femininity. This is how your tumor grew. And if you continue to behave like this
Thus, the tumor can become cancerous.
- What should I do?
- Start to forgive. I know this won't be easy for you. But you must understand that your husband, whom, by the way, you yourself attracted into your life, only reflected your own attitude towards yourself and towards men. His behavior indicates that you did not love and do not love yourself. In addition, in your subconscious you have a program of condemnation and hatred of men. Most likely, you developed this attitude towards yourself in childhood.
“Yes, probably,” the woman agrees, “my father drank and insulted my mother.” Our parents treated us (there were three of us in the family) very badly.
- Your task now is not just to forgive your husband and your parents, but to literally reconsider your entire life. Remember every situation in which you had grievances and change your attitude towards them.
Farewell! Live all these situations again, with a feeling of love. Accept them as created by you, forgive, thank and live with new feelings: love and gratitude. Your illness is your grievances. If the grievances dissolve, the tumor will also dissolve. Think of illness as God talking to you. Accept your illness as a signal to change your worldview and thank it.
It is difficult for a person to forgive when he considers another to be guilty. But if you understand and feel that you yourself are the author of the offense and that the offender is only an instrument in the hands of unknown divine forces, an instrument for your purification, for your learning, for your good - only then will you sincerely forgive and even be grateful to God, myself and this person for a valuable lesson.

A woman comes to see me. Her diagnosis is “uterine tumor.” She talks for a long time about her problems, about her pain. After she finishes the story, I ask her:
- What do you want for yourself?
“I want to get rid of the disease,” she answers.
- So, if I understand you correctly, you don’t want to get sick? - I ask her.
“Yes, doctor, you’re absolutely right,” the patient agrees.
- Fine. But I asked you about what you want, not about what you don’t want.
-Doctor, I don’t understand you. - The patient looks at me in surprise.
“You see,” I calmly explain to the woman, “the way I ask you and what I want to hear from you is very important for your healing.” In fact, I have already started treatment. And it started with this question of mine:
“What do you want for yourself?” You have already been to many doctors for a long time. They have explained to you many times what your pathology is. You know all your diagnoses by heart.
You know perfectly well what you want to get rid of. But you should also know what we will strive for as a result of our joint work. This knowledge must be specific.
- I think I understand! - the woman exclaims. “I had to say: “I want to be healthy.”
- Right. Now explain to me and to yourself what it means to you to be healthy.
“Well, first of all,” the patient begins, “I want me to have a healthy uterus.” Then, I want there to be no pain in the lower abdomen...
“Stop,” I interrupt her, “you just used negation, the particle “not.” What you want must be positive, that is, without the “not” particle.
- Yeah, I understand. But how can you say something positive without causing pain?
- For example: “I want to feel pleasant calm and a sense of comfort in the lower abdomen.”
“I want to feel a pleasant feeling of comfort in the lower abdomen,” the woman repeats and continues further: “I want my menstruation to be regular, to come every month, at right time. What
if they would come easily and so that I would know that
they came only at the moment of their appearance. So that I feel great before, during and after my period.
So that blood from the uterus is released only during menstruation and the amount of blood released would be optimal for me. To make mine general health was wonderful. So that I can enjoy life.
- Amazing! Now both you and I know what to strive for.
After this, the woman and I continue further work. Having established contact with the subconscious, we find out that the disease is the result of accumulated many years of grievances against the husband.
- Why were you offended by him? - I ask her.
- Well, because he drank, went out, cheated on me constantly, insulted me, sometimes beat me.
- That is, you were offended by him for this. But I asked you, not “why,” but “why” were you offended by your husband?
“So that he doesn’t offend me,” the woman answers.
- Now formulate the same thing, but positively.
“I wanted him to change his attitude towards me so that we could have a friendly and strong family.”
- Fine! Have you ever wondered why your husband behaves this way? How did you attract such a man into your life?
- How? He was probably like this before me. Although, the woman thinks, he didn’t drink before, he was different. Don't know.
-What was your relationship with your father? - I ask her.
The woman bursts into tears after my question.
- You know, doctor, he also drank and beat his mother.
- So what kind of attitude have you formed towards men in your subconscious since childhood?
How many grievances you have accumulated against your father and pity for your mother!
- I am my father in general for a long time hated it.
Now I don't care about him. It turns out that such a husband was given to me by God as punishment?
- No, not as a punishment. It's just that your husband reflects your thoughts regarding men. Since childhood, you have developed an aggressive attitude towards men and deposited it in your subconscious. And this destructive program has attracted a husband into your life who teaches you with his behavior. Teaches love for yourself as a woman, and teaches love for the masculine principle of the Universe.
- What should I do? - asks the woman.
- You need to reconsider your entire life.
My relationship with my father and my relationship with my husband (I gave the woman a diagram for recapitulating her personal history - given below). First of all, you need to realize that neither your father nor your husband is to blame for anything. Your mother herself attracted such a man into her life with her program of hatred towards them, which was passed on to her from her grandmother. But she did not learn the lesson, did not get rid of her pride, could not rise above her hatred and her grievances. And now you are working on this program.
If you went for surgery and didn’t change anything about yourself, then you would leave this problem to your daughter to work out.
“She’s already practicing it,” said the patient. - I recently divorced my husband.
- You see. If you start working on yourself, you will help not only yourself, but also your daughter.
After this, we create new ways of behaving, new thoughts towards men and towards ourselves as women. Within a few days, the uterine bleeding stopped, and a month later an ultrasound showed that the tumor had significantly decreased in size.

Dr. Luule Viilma in his book “Psychological Causes of Disease” he writes:
Uterus (fibroids): Fear of “they don’t love me.” Feelings of guilt towards the mother. Excessive involvement in motherhood. Anger. Warlike thoughts associated with motherhood.
Uterus (tumors): Excessive feeling of emotionality.


Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” he writes:
The fallopian tubes are a pair of ducts that carry eggs from the ovaries into the uterus. The tubes also allow the passage of sperm to the site where the egg is fertilized. The most common problem is obstruction of one or both tubes. Inflammation fallopian tubes called SALPINGITIS (see related article).
Emotional blocking:
Since the fallopian tubes are the place where sperm meet the egg to form a new life, problems with them indicate that a woman is blocking the connection between the masculine and feminine principles in herself. She cannot build her life the way she wants, and also experiences difficulties in relationships with men.
Mental block:
The meaning of this illness is very important to you; you must understand that some of your beliefs greatly harm you in this moment. Excessive anger and perhaps the guilt you feel for preventing yourself from enjoying life can kill you. Your body wants you to let yourself live life to the fullest. You were put on this planet for a purpose, and if that purpose is not achieved, you will not be able to become truly happy. You, like all living things on this planet, have the right to live.

Dr. Oleg G. Torsunov
in his book “The Connection of Diseases with Character” he writes:

The fallopian tubes.
Such character qualities as peace, endurance in desires, will, emotions and thoughts of a woman give the fallopian tubes health.
Pacification helps maintain normal tone in the fallopian tubes.
-Restlessness, irritability, and fussiness cause an increase in the tone of the fallopian tubes, which can lead to spasms.
-Depression causes a decrease in the tone of the fallopian tubes, which slows down the passage of the egg through them.
Endurance gives stability to the activity of the fallopian tubes.
-Intolerance leads to hypersensitivity pipes to various stimuli.
-Excessive patience leads to a strong decrease in their sensitivity, which causes disruption of the passage of the egg through them.


Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” he writes:
Salpingitis is an inflammation of the fallopian tubes. See the article FALLOPY TUBES (PROBLEMS), with the addition that the person suppresses anger.


Dr. N. Volkova in his book “Popular Psychogynecology” he writes:

ENDOMETRIOSIS is the formation of many cystic cavities in various organs, most often in the wall of the uterus and ovaries... Psychologically, patients suffering from endometriosis are characterized by negative thinking and an inability to enjoy life. They often tend to see the situation from the bad side and fall into panic, not seeing a way out... A smile is an infrequent guest on the faces of such patients, because “twilight” prevails inside it. It is not easy to turn on the light in their soul, but without this it is difficult to achieve and full recovery. The progression of endometriosis is closely related to the lack of harmony in patients between mind and body. The main tool for restoring harmony is a person’s ability to rejoice.

Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” he writes:

ENDOMETRIOSIS. Emotional blockage: The main emotional blockage of this disease is the woman's inability to give birth to a child. Such a woman loves to lead and shows her ability to give birth, create in other areas - with regard to ideas, projects, etc. She really wants to have a child, but is afraid of the consequences of this step - for example, death or suffering during childbirth, especially if something similar happened to her mother. This fear is strong enough to block her desire to have a child. In my practice, there have even been cases when the reasons for such fear were discovered in a previous incarnation.
Mental blockage: This illness tells you that your view of childbirth as something painful and dangerous creates a physical obstacle to conception. It is very interesting that with this disease, something like a uterus is formed. This fact shows how much you want to have a child: your body even creates an additional uterus.
My experience shows that most women suffering from endometriosis are afraid of the process of childbirth itself, and not its consequences - that is, raising a child, etc. It’s time for you to get rid of the misconceptions that cause fear and finally satisfy your desire to have children. Also, give yourself permission to be imperfect and sometimes fail in your projects.

Dr. Valery V. Sinelnikov in his book “Love Your Sickness” he writes:

You have a feeling of insecurity as a woman. You constantly feel like you are being attacked and expect bad things from a man.
You cannot and do not know how to realize yourself as a woman. At the same time, you constantly send reproaches to yourself. And also reproaches, claims and insults against men.
Chagrin and disappointment in a woman’s life lead to changes in the uterus. Often in such cases, women replace love with some other highly valued qualities: for example, decency, honesty, morality.
One of my patients with endometriosis, a very young woman, admitted:
- You know, I have a wonderful husband. He good man, a wonderful father for children. But I don't feel love for him. Although I know that love should come first.
Another patient of mine with endometriosis and constant uterine bleeding stated briefly and simply:
- I don't like men.
Another woman with this disease reported during her story:
- My husband is very decent, but I love someone else!

Louise Hay in his book Heal Yourself he writes:
Endometriosis. Feelings of insecurity, sadness and disappointment. Replacing self-love with sugar. Reproaches.
Harmonizing thoughts: I am strong and desirable. It's wonderful to be a woman. I love myself, I am satisfied with my achievements.

Alexander Astrogor
in his book “Confession of a Sore” he writes:

Habits common among women also lead to common diseases, one of which is endometriosis... Don’t wash dirty linen in public, otherwise the same dirty linen and dirt will come back to you, but as a mental trauma that hits both women and women. female organs. With what gusto do you call each other the letter “p” and other letters of the alphabet, without hiding your irritation, hatred and anger. The more often you say these words, the more extensive your endometriosis is... And with endometriosis, the tissues of the uterine mucosa, like a honeycomb, are filled with bloody blisters and grow in all directions. Bubbles again, puffed up again, offended and running with bloody tears, looking for pity and protection. This not only causes problems to grow, but also the lining of the uterus. Therefore, uterus, mother, I once again ask you, do not wash dirty linen in public, put things in order yourself, but do it with the humility of serving your loved ones... Endometriosis is subject to relapse - return, and therefore any surgical intervention may be in vain as long as the spiritual climate and sensual The ecology of your family will not change its polarity...


Dr. N. Volkova in his book “Popular Psychogynecology” he writes:

CERVICAL EROSION. Every woman knows that if erosion appears, it must be “cauterized.” This opinion was formed due to the lack of health education for women in our country... Suppose you have the flu, severe runny nose. You go to the doctor, and he offers to cauterize your nose to stop a runny nose... Erosion is also only a symptom of ovarian dysfunction, and not an independent disease... In gynecological practice, every second patient with uterine fibroids was “cauterized” 5-10 years before the tumor appeared. erosion. That is, the symptom was eliminated, but the cause continued to act, causing uterine disease... The psychological causes of erosion are, first of all, grievances against close men: husband, father or brother. The basis for resentment is your expectations from life. The favorite words of such women are “must”, “obliged”, “how can he”! We urgently change our attitudes to positive ones! Better tell yourself: “these are the characteristics of the male psyche” or “the husband has the right...” Such an attitude will help lower the bar of your expectations and stop accumulating grievances. Improving relationships and achieving mutual understanding improve health and help restore ovarian function and cure erosion in 2-3 menstrual cycles.
Case from practice. Polina, 25 years old, a housewife, complained of the formation of erosion after an abortion a year ago. She took several courses conservative treatment, but there were no results. She was asked psychological counseling, to which she shrugged her shoulders in bewilderment: “I don’t understand what this has in common...” However, having learned to forgive herself for her grievances against her husband, from whom she was divorced, the woman after 3 months received a “gift” from herself in the form of complete healing of the erosion.

Dr. Valery V. Sinelnikov in his book “Love Your Illness” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of uterine diseases:

Cervical erosion symbolizes wounded female pride. You are sure that you are flawed as a woman. You cannot and do not know how to realize yourself as a woman.
Modern medicine, instead of treatment, offers cauterization of erosion, driving the disease deeper inside. I found that 90 percent of women with uterine tumors had had cervical erosions in the past and had cauterized them. That is, they fought the consequences of the disease. And it is necessary to eliminate the causes - change behavior and thoughts towards yourself and men.
“Well, how can I not feel inferior,” a woman complains to me, who recently began experiencing vaginal discharge due to cervical erosion. - My husband is constantly on business trips or on duty. I'm sitting at home with two children. As they say, I don’t see white light. How can I feel like a woman in such a situation, and even desirable?
“So you’re saying,” I tell her, “that any and every woman who has two children and a husband who works cannot feel like a desirable woman.”
- Well, no, why? I have a friend, she has three children, her husband works a lot, and she, as they say, blooms and smells. But for myself I don’t see a way out.
“Then let’s look for this way out together,” I suggest to her.
“Let’s do it,” she agrees (...)

According to Sergei S. Konovalov
(“Energy information medicine according to Konovalov. Healing emotions”):

Cervical erosion symbolizes wounded female pride. You are sure that you are flawed, you do not know how to realize yourself.
Method of cure. Fundamentally change your view of life. To do this, establish the right way of life (read about it in the book), conduct meditations with a book, get in touch with me more often, ask me, your Teacher, for healing energy.

Dr. Luule Viilma
in his book “Psychological Causes of Disease” he writes:
Uterus (cervical diseases): Dissatisfaction with sex life.


Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” he writes:
Adhesions are a result of inflammation that occurs in the body when it tries to compensate for the invasion. As a result inflammatory process organs that are usually separated are connected to each other. Adhesions can unite the most various organs and represent fibrous tissue, which grows around the organs and gradually becomes denser. The location where the adhesions occurred allows you to accurately determine their cause.
Emotional blocking:
Adhesions usually occur in a person who has become callous and stubbornly clings to his beliefs in order to better resist some kind of aggression. These beliefs take up too much space in his mind and prevent him from feeling.
Mental block:
If adhesions have formed in your body, this means that you are clinging to some ideas, and for quite a long time, since any tumors and neoplasms indicate some kind of long-term processes. Get rid of these old ideas that only harm you. Stop believing that being tough and callous will make you more desirable and loved.

The search and research into metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of diseases of the uterus and appendages continues. This material is constantly being updated. We ask readers to write their comments and send additions to this article. To be continued!


  1. Louise Hay. “Heal yourself.”
  2. Lazarev S. N. “Diagnostics of Karma” (books 1-12) and “Man of the Future.”
  3. Valery Sinelnikov. “Love your illness.”
  4. Liz Burbo. “Your body says: “Love yourself!”
  5. Torsunov O. G. “The connection of diseases with character. Vital energy person."
  6. Sergey S. Konovalov “Energy information medicine according to Konovalov. Healing emotions."
  7. N.N. Volkova “Popular psychogynecology”.
  8. Alexander Astrogor “Confession of a Sore.”
  9. L. Viilma “Psychological causes of diseases.”

Dr. N. Volkova writes: “It has been proven that about 85% of all diseases have psychological causes. It can be assumed that the remaining 15% of diseases are associated with the psyche, but this connection has yet to be established in the future... Among the causes of diseases, feelings and emotions occupy one of the main places, and physical factors - hypothermia, infections - act secondary, as a trigger... »

Dr. A. Meneghetti in his book “Psychosomatics” writes: “Disease is a language, the speech of the subject... To understand the disease, it is necessary to reveal the project that the subject creates in his unconscious... Then a second step is necessary, which the patient himself must take: he must change. If a person changes psychologically, then the disease, being an abnormal course of life, will disappear ... "

Let's consider the metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of uterine diseases.

Here's what world-famous experts in this field and authors of books on this topic write about it.


Emotional blocking: since the womb is the first home in this world for the child, any disturbances associated with it should be correlated with reception, hearth, home and refuge. When a woman is unable to bear children due to uterine disease, her body tells her that deep down she wants to have a child, but fear overpowers this desire and creates a physical blockage in her body.

A woman who is angry with herself for not welcoming her child into this world can also suffer from problems with the uterus.
In addition, diseases of the uterus indicate that a woman puts forward or implements some new ideas without allowing them to mature. Such diseases can also occur in a woman who blames herself for not being able to create a good family home for those she loves.
Mental block: It's time for you to be more open to new ideas and move on to actively building your life without any feelings of guilt. This way you will create a place in your life for men and masculine. Get rid of fears that only harm you.

The womb symbolizes the temple of woman's creativity. The state of the uterus reflects how much you were able to express yourself in this world as a woman, mother, wife.

Uterus. Such character qualities as gentleness, humility, modesty in speech and actions contribute to its normal function. Gentleness in speech and actions helps normalize metabolism and blood circulation.
-Rigidity, rudeness in speech and behavior causes metabolic and circulatory disorders in the uterus.
-Sweetness in speech and servility in actions reduce the activity of the uterus.
-Humility normalizes the tone of the uterus.
-Disobedience causes increased uterine tone.
-Congestion and depression reduce the tone of the uterus.
-Modesty, shyness gives the uterus the ability to be resilient.
-Arrogance causes overstrain in the uterus.
- Shyness, tightness in speech and behavior reduce endurance.

The womb symbolizes the temple of woman's creativity. The state of the uterus reflects how much you were able to express yourself in this world as a woman, mother, wife. You cannot remember and “bear” an insult inflicted by a man. You need to forgive or forget. A tumor of the uterus is accumulated grievances against men, constant replaying of previous grievances in the head. There is another reason for the appearance of tumors - this is an increasing feeling of hostility towards the world, towards oneself, towards people, or one’s own remorse.
Method of cure. As soon as a woman completely gets rid of resentment and anger towards men, the tumor resolves. In other cases, you need to work with your emotions in all the ways outlined in the book.

Uterus. Symbolizes the temple of creativity. Harmonizing thoughts: I feel at home in my body.

Uterus (bleeding): Anger against those whom the woman blames for preventing her from being a good mother, whom she considers responsible for her maternal failure.

The womb is the place where all feminine power is concentrated. This is a rather delicate, sensitive and vulnerable organ. That is why your biological organ, the uterus, takes all the blows of fate. If your soul cannot distance itself from the abomination of life, then the uterus collects all this dirt and absorbs it into itself. You cut the truth - the uterus, and then you wonder why you have cutting pains...
I am ashamed of you that on the path of spiritual perfection you descended into such selfishness, so humiliated your feminine dignity, turning into a woman, that prolapse of the uterus became the norm for almost all of you. And a prolapsed uterus means a woman without brakes, she doesn’t want and doesn’t know how to walk in a harness, or keep herself in check...
Your organ, the uterus, is attached by a ligamentous apparatus: two veins (suspenders) to the thighs. Here are the reins for you! If a woman has dropped down, stopped taking care of herself, turned into a woman, then the braces don’t work, and the uterus drops or falls out altogether. It also sinks under the weight of toxins and dirt that have accumulated in the uterus. But you collected them and compacted them inside yourself with words and anger, condemning your loved ones...
If a woman defiles all men, and especially the one who breathed life into her in the form of a child, with whom she should find joy and know maternal love, then she collects so many dirty words about him that the uterus becomes unviable, and it is cleaned, literally scraped out all dirt or simply removed. I can see and hear everything from above, how you and your girlfriends do nothing but judge your men, children or parents when they meet at the entrance or spend hours on the phone. And then you all have to do a uterine cleansing. Those of you who don’t have girlfriends for such judgments don’t have such problems with the uterus...


A benign tumor of the uterus, often called FIBROMYOMA, develops from muscle tissue...Patients with fibroids are characterized by long-term resentment towards their loved ones, a tendency to bad mood and depression. This state of mind inhibits metabolism in the body and leads to persistent changes in the endocrine background at the physical level. The womb is a “nest” for the development of new life and the “creation” of a child. The fact that pregnancy contributes to the development of creativity is well known to those women who were engaged in the prenatal education of their child according to the author’s program. The maternal instinct is inherent in us by nature for procreation, but in modern society a woman often suppresses it. Birth control, contraception and abortion make a “hole” in the subconscious of a woman who does not fulfill her natural destiny. If fibroids are detected, it is urgent to discover your talents, and an elevated state of mind, the delight of creativity and enthusiasm miraculously contribute to the restoration of the health of the uterus within 6-12 months...

Alexander Astrogor in his book “Confession of a Sore” writes:

Most tumors occur in your uterus. Moreover, they can be benign and malignant. Karmic medicine has already explained to you that a tumor is an insult. It’s no coincidence that you say: “Well, why are you sulking? How much longer are you going to sulk? So your resentment tumor grows while you carry it around. This is how uterine fibroids arise...
A benign tumor means that, in general, you are a good, kind person, but you just don’t know how to forgive or don’t want to. The surgeon will cut it out for you, but the cause of the emotional resentment has not been removed, has not left your soul, has settled on your heart, is stuck in your feelings, strains your consciousness, but all this is localized in your feminine essence - in the uterus, so the tumor returns to the same place. place.
A malignant tumor is a completely different matter. The word itself already sounds “evil” with which you are trying to take revenge on the offender. You are ready to kill, tear to pieces, destroy him, but by doing so you are signing a fatal verdict for yourself not only for your health, but also for your life, and this is cancer...
In addition to tumors inside the uterus, fibroids (muscle nodules) often form on the muscle tissue. You have this expression: “With every fiber of my soul I hate someone or something.” This is where the fibers of your soul get tied into knots of problems (fibroids).
And some of you, for almost the same reasons, develop polyps, which literally means frozen tears of self-pity. For every tear of your soul that contains a problem, there is one polyp. How many of them have covered your body inside and out? But it’s difficult for you to part with them, remove them, remove them, because self-pity is higher than your dignity and self-pride.
So I would like to remind you once again: don’t hold grudges, don’t feel sorry for yourself, otherwise depression will be your constant companions. And eternal and heavy thoughts about one’s female lot cause constant headaches and migraines, which accompany all female diseases...

Dr. Valery V. Sinelnikov in his book “Love your illness” writes:

The flow of blood from the uterus symbolizes the passing of joy. Feel like a real woman and bring joy back into your world. Long-standing resentments and anger are preventing you from doing this - get rid of them.
A woman came to the appointment who had been suffering from uterine bleeding for a long time. And recently doctors also discovered uterine fibroids.
The reasons turned out to be the following. A few months ago she suspected her husband of cheating. She made a scandal for him and wanted to kick him out of the house, but the children held him back.
“I gave my whole life to him,” she said excitedly. - He took me as a girl. Besides him, I didn’t know any other men. And he acted so vilely. “I told him then,” she continued, “do you know that the men at work don’t give me a pass? And one herbalist even offered me his hand and heart. He has a big house and a foreign car. But I don’t: “I have a family, a husband and children.” “As soon as my husband found out about this, that I could leave for someone else,” she continued further, “he lay at my feet for a week and asked for forgiveness. So I haven’t forgiven him until now, and I’m unlikely to be able to forgive him.

One of my clients suffered from constant uterine bleeding. They were minor, but they exhausted her greatly. Doctors discovered uterine fibroids and immediately offered her surgery. By luck, this woman came to me. She turned out to be a good hypnotic subject and easily came into contact with her subconscious. It turned out that the subconscious was protecting her with the help of bleeding from sexual intercourse with her husband, whom she did not love and even despised. This information surprised her. But after she clarified her relationship with her husband, the bleeding stopped. And a month later, during a routine examination, it turned out that the uterine fibroids had resolved...

A forty-year-old woman with uterine fibroids came to see me. The tumor first appeared five years ago and grew larger every year. She was offered surgery, fearing that the tumor would transform from benign to malignant. But she decided to try my treatment method. After she established contact with the subconscious, the inner mind “revealed” the reasons for the development of the tumor. And the reason for the appearance of the tumor was accumulated grievances against her husband.
Five years ago, after a serious breakdown in the family, my husband started drinking. And every year more and more. There are constant conflicts in the family: swearing, quarrels, fights, mutual insults and reproaches. And the tumor is the grievances accumulated over five years. Why exactly the uterus? Yes, because the grievances are associated with a man.
This means that a woman’s femininity is hurt. And the uterus is an organ that symbolizes its feminine origin. When we dug deeper, it turned out that even before her marriage, her menstrual cycle was disrupted. And the reason for this violation was a negative attitude towards herself as a woman, and this attitude towards herself was passed on to her from her mother. By the way, things weren’t going smoothly between my mother and men in her life either.
The woman realized that her illness and her husband’s behavior were connected with her attitude towards herself and men. She changed this attitude using certain techniques (which will be discussed below). She began to love and respect herself as a woman and treat herself with care. Changed my attitude towards men. She changed a lot in her relationship with people, with the world. I took homeopathic remedies. And within a year, her tumor had completely resolved. In addition, her relationship with her husband normalized, and he stopped drinking.
It must be said that such a result became possible only because the woman did a lot of work on herself. She had a very strong intention to be cured. She did not turn to the help of a surgeon or medications. She turned inside herself and eliminated the very causes of the disease.

At my appointment I have a woman diagnosed with uterine fibroids. She is offered surgery, fearing that the tumor will degenerate into a malignant one. But she doesn't want to have surgery. The cause of the disease is accumulated grievances against her husband, who regularly drinks and offends the woman with his attitude towards her. I try to explain this to a woman, but it is very difficult to convince a person that it is her resentment and dislike for herself that are the cause of her illness and influence the behavior of her husband.
- But how can I not be offended! - she is indignant. - He comes home drunk, insults me, humiliates me; steals money from my wallet. He is already taking things out of the apartment, selling them and drinking them away. So, should I respect him for this?
“Tell me,” I ask her, “do you love your husband?”
- Don't know.
- Do you love yourself?
The woman begins to cry. I calmly explain further:
- For many years, your husband dealt you small or large blows to your feminine pride, to your femininity. You did not accept his behavior, which degraded your dignity, and you could not accept it. You have been carrying grievances all your life, accumulating them within yourself. And the place of accumulation was your uterus, which is directly related to your femininity. This is how your tumor grew. And if you continue to behave like this
Thus, the tumor can become cancerous.
- What should I do?
- Start to forgive. I know this won't be easy for you. But you must understand that your husband, whom, by the way, you yourself attracted into your life, only reflected your own attitude towards yourself and towards men. His behavior indicates that you did not love and do not love yourself. In addition, in your subconscious you have a program of condemnation and hatred of men. Most likely, you developed this attitude towards yourself in childhood.
“Yes, probably,” the woman agrees, “my father drank and insulted my mother.” Our parents treated us (there were three of us in the family) very badly.
- Your task now is not just to forgive your husband and your parents, but to literally reconsider your entire life. Remember every situation in which you had grievances and change your attitude towards them.
Farewell! Live all these situations again, with a feeling of love. Accept them as created by you, forgive, thank and live with new feelings: love and gratitude. Your illness is your grievances. If the grievances dissolve, the tumor will also dissolve. Think of illness as God talking to you. Accept your illness as a signal to change your worldview and thank it.
It is difficult for a person to forgive when he considers another to be guilty. But if you understand and feel that you yourself are the author of the offense and that the offender is only an instrument in the hands of unknown divine forces, an instrument for your purification, for your learning, for your good - only then will you sincerely forgive and even be grateful to God, myself and this person for a valuable lesson.

A woman comes to see me. Her diagnosis is “uterine tumor.” She talks for a long time about her problems, about her pain. After she finishes the story, I ask her:
- What do you want for yourself?
“I want to get rid of the disease,” she answers.
- So, if I understand you correctly, you don’t want to get sick? - I ask her.
“Yes, doctor, you’re absolutely right,” the patient agrees.
- Fine. But I asked you about what you want, not about what you don’t want.
-Doctor, I don’t understand you. - The patient looks at me in surprise.
“You see,” I calmly explain to the woman, “the way I ask you and what I want to hear from you is very important for your healing.” In fact, I have already started treatment. And it started with this question of mine:
“What do you want for yourself?” You have already been to many doctors for a long time. They have explained to you many times what your pathology is. You know all your diagnoses by heart.
You know perfectly well what you want to get rid of. But you should also know what we will strive for as a result of our joint work. This knowledge must be specific.
- I think I understand! - the woman exclaims. “I had to say: “I want to be healthy.”
- Right. Now explain to me and to yourself what it means to you to be healthy.
“Well, first of all,” the patient begins, “I want me to have a healthy uterus.” Then, I want there to be no pain in the lower abdomen...
“Stop,” I interrupt her, “you just used negation, the particle “not.” What you want must be positive, that is, without the “not” particle.
- Yeah, I understand. But how can you say something positive without causing pain?
- For example: “I want to feel pleasant calm and a sense of comfort in the lower abdomen.”
“I want to feel a pleasant feeling of comfort in the lower abdomen,” the woman repeats and continues further: “I want my menstruation to be regular, to come every month, at the right time.” What
if they would come easily and so that I would know that
they came only at the moment of their appearance. So that I feel great before, during and after my period.
So that blood from the uterus is released only during menstruation and the amount of blood released would be optimal for me. So that my overall health is great. So that I can enjoy life.
- Amazing! Now both you and I know what to strive for.
After this, the woman and I continue further work. Having established contact with the subconscious, we find out that the disease is the result of accumulated many years of grievances against the husband.
- Why were you offended by him? - I ask her.
- Well, because he drank, went out, cheated on me constantly, insulted me, sometimes beat me.
- That is, you were offended by him for this. But I asked you, not “why,” but “why” were you offended by your husband?
“So that he doesn’t offend me,” the woman answers.
- Now formulate the same thing, but positively.
“I wanted him to change his attitude towards me so that we could have a friendly and strong family.”
- Fine! Have you ever wondered why your husband behaves this way? How did you attract such a man into your life?
- How? He was probably like this before me. Although, the woman thinks, he didn’t drink before, he was different. Don't know.
-What was your relationship with your father? - I ask her.
The woman bursts into tears after my question.
- You know, doctor, he also drank and beat his mother.
- So what kind of attitude have you formed towards men in your subconscious since childhood?
How many grievances you have accumulated against your father and pity for your mother!
- I generally hated my father for a long time.
Now I don't care about him. It turns out that such a husband was given to me by God as punishment?
- No, not as a punishment. It's just that your husband reflects your thoughts regarding men. Since childhood, you have developed an aggressive attitude towards men and deposited it in your subconscious. And this destructive program has attracted a husband into your life who teaches you with his behavior. Teaches love for yourself as a woman, and teaches love for the masculine principle of the Universe.
- What should I do? - asks the woman.
- You need to reconsider your entire life.
My relationship with my father and my relationship with my husband (I gave the woman a diagram for recapitulating her personal history - given below). First of all, you need to realize that neither your father nor your husband is to blame for anything. Your mother herself attracted such a man into her life with her program of hatred towards them, which was passed on to her from her grandmother. But she did not learn the lesson, did not get rid of her pride, could not rise above her hatred and her grievances. And now you are working on this program.
If you went for surgery and didn’t change anything about yourself, then you would leave this problem to your daughter to work out.
“She’s already practicing it,” said the patient. - I recently divorced my husband.
- You see. If you start working on yourself, you will help not only yourself, but also your daughter.
After this, we create new ways of behaving, new thoughts towards men and towards ourselves as women. Within a few days, the uterine bleeding stopped, and a month later an ultrasound showed that the tumor had significantly decreased in size.

Dr. Luule Viilma in his book “Psychological Causes of Diseases” writes:
Uterus (fibroids): Fear of “they don’t love me.” Feelings of guilt towards the mother. Excessive involvement in motherhood. Anger. Warlike thoughts associated with motherhood.
Uterus (tumors): Excessive feeling of emotionality.


Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:
The fallopian tubes are a pair of ducts that carry eggs from the ovaries into the uterus. The tubes also allow the passage of sperm to the site where the egg is fertilized. The most common problem is obstruction of one or both tubes. Inflammation of the fallopian tubes is called SALPINGITIS (see related article).

Emotional blocking:
Since the fallopian tubes are the place where sperm meet the egg to form a new life, problems with them indicate that a woman is blocking the connection between the masculine and feminine principles in herself. She cannot build her life the way she wants, and also experiences difficulties in relationships with men.
Mental block:
The meaning of this illness is very important to you; you must understand that some of your beliefs are greatly harming you at the moment. Excessive anger and perhaps the guilt you feel for preventing yourself from enjoying life can kill you. Your body wants you to allow yourself to live life to the fullest. You were put on this planet for a purpose, and if that purpose is not achieved, you will not be able to become truly happy. You, like all living things on this planet, have the right to live.

Dr. Oleg G. Torsunov in his book “The Connection of Diseases with Character” writes:

The fallopian tubes. Such character qualities as peace, endurance in desires, will, emotions and thoughts of a woman give the fallopian tubes health.
Pacification helps maintain normal tone in the fallopian tubes.
-Restlessness, irritability, and fussiness cause an increase in the tone of the fallopian tubes, which can lead to spasms.
-Depression causes a decrease in the tone of the fallopian tubes, which slows down the passage of the egg through them.
Endurance gives stability to the activity of the fallopian tubes.
-Intolerance leads to increased sensitivity of the tubes to various irritants.
-Excessive patience leads to a strong decrease in their sensitivity, which causes disruption of the passage of the egg through them.


Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:
Salpingitis is an inflammation of the fallopian tubes. See the article FALLOPY TUBES (PROBLEMS), with the addition that the person suppresses anger.


Dr. N. Volkova in her book “Popular Psychogynecology” writes:

ENDOMETRIOSIS is the formation of many cystic cavities in various organs, most often in the wall of the uterus and ovaries... Psychologically, patients suffering from endometriosis are characterized by negative thinking and an inability to enjoy life. They often tend to see the situation from the bad side and fall into panic, not seeing a way out... A smile is an infrequent guest on the faces of such patients, because “twilight” prevails inside it. It is not easy to turn on the light in their soul, but without this it is difficult to achieve complete recovery. The progression of endometriosis is closely related to the lack of harmony in patients between mind and body. The main tool for restoring harmony is a person’s ability to rejoice.

Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:

ENDOMETRIOSIS. Emotional blockage: The main emotional blockage of this disease is the woman's inability to give birth to a child. Such a woman loves to lead and shows her ability to give birth, create in other areas - with regard to ideas, projects, etc. She really wants to have a child, but is afraid of the consequences of this step - for example, death or suffering during childbirth, especially if something similar happened to her mother. This fear is strong enough to block her desire to have a child. In my practice, there have even been cases when the reasons for such fear were discovered in a previous incarnation.
Mental blockage: This illness tells you that your view of childbirth as something painful and dangerous creates a physical obstacle to conception. It is very interesting that with this disease, something like a uterus is formed. This fact shows how much you want to have a child: your body even creates an additional uterus.
My experience shows that most women suffering from endometriosis are afraid of the process of childbirth itself, and not its consequences - that is, raising a child, etc. It’s time for you to get rid of the misconceptions that cause fear and finally satisfy your desire to have children. Also, give yourself permission to be imperfect and sometimes fail in your projects.

Dr. Valery V. Sinelnikov in his book “Love your illness” writes:

Endometriosis: You have a feeling of insecurity as a woman. You constantly feel like you are being attacked and expect bad things from a man.
You cannot and do not know how to realize yourself as a woman. At the same time, you constantly send reproaches to yourself. And also reproaches, claims and insults against men.
Chagrin and disappointment in a woman’s life lead to changes in the uterus. Often in such cases, women replace love with some other highly valued qualities: for example, decency, honesty, morality.
One of my patients with endometriosis, a very young woman, admitted:
- You know, I have a wonderful husband. He is a good person, a wonderful father to his children. But I don't feel love for him. Although I know that love should come first.
Another patient of mine with endometriosis and constant uterine bleeding stated briefly and simply:
- I don't like men.
Another woman with this disease reported during her story:
- My husband is very decent, but I love someone else!

Louise Hay in her book Heal Yourself writes:
Endometriosis. Feelings of insecurity, sadness and disappointment. Replacing self-love with sugar. Reproaches. Harmonizing thoughts: I am strong and desirable. It's great to be a woman. I love myself, I am happy with my achievements.

Alexander Astrogor in his book “Confession of a Sore” writes:

Habits common among women also lead to common diseases, one of which is endometriosis... Don’t wash dirty linen in public, otherwise the same dirty linen and dirt will come back to you, but as mental trauma, affecting women and the female organs. With what gusto do you call each other the letter “p” and other letters of the alphabet, without hiding your irritation, hatred and anger. The more often you say these words, the more extensive your endometriosis is... And with endometriosis, the tissues of the uterine mucosa, like a honeycomb, are filled with bloody blisters and grow in all directions. There are bubbles again, you are pouting again, you are offended and you are running around with bloody tears, looking for pity and protection. This not only causes problems to grow, but also the lining of the uterus. Therefore, uterus, mother, I once again ask you, do not wash dirty linen in public, put things in order yourself, but do it with the humility of serving your loved ones... Endometriosis is subject to relapse - return, and therefore any surgical intervention may be in vain as long as the spiritual climate and sensual The ecology of your family will not change its polarity...


Dr. N. Volkova in her book “Popular Psychogynecology” writes:

CERVICAL EROSION. Every woman knows that if erosion appears, it must be “cauterized.” This opinion was formed due to the lack of medical education for women in our country... Let's say you have the flu and have a bad runny nose. You go to the doctor, and he offers to cauterize your nose to stop a runny nose... Erosion is also only a symptom of ovarian dysfunction, and not an independent disease... In gynecological practice, every second patient with uterine fibroids was “cauterized” 5-10 years before the tumor appeared. erosion. That is, the symptom was eliminated, but the cause continued to act, causing uterine disease... The psychological causes of erosion are, first of all, grievances against close men: husband, father or brother. The basis for resentment is your expectations from life. The favorite words of such women are “must”, “obliged”, “how can he”! We urgently change our attitudes to positive ones! Better tell yourself: “these are the characteristics of the male psyche” or “the husband has the right...” Such an attitude will help lower the bar of your expectations and stop accumulating grievances. Improving relationships and achieving mutual understanding improve health and help restore ovarian function and cure erosion in 2-3 menstrual cycles.
Case from practice. Polina, 25 years old, a housewife, complained of the formation of erosion after an abortion a year ago. She underwent several courses of conservative treatment, but there were no results. She was offered psychological counseling, to which she shrugged her shoulders in bewilderment: “I don’t understand what this has in common...” However, having learned to forgive herself for grievances against her husband, from whom she was divorced, the woman after 3 months received a “gift” from herself in the form complete healing of erosion.

Dr. Valery V. Sinelnikov writes in his book “Love your illness” about possible metaphysical causes of uterine diseases:

Cervical erosion symbolizes wounded female pride. You are sure that you are flawed as a woman. You cannot and do not know how to realize yourself as a woman.
Modern medicine, instead of treatment, offers cauterization of erosion, driving the disease deeper inside. I found that 90 percent of women with uterine tumors had had cervical erosions in the past and had cauterized them. That is, they fought the consequences of the disease. And it is necessary to eliminate the causes - change behavior and thoughts towards yourself and men.
“Well, how can I not feel inferior,” a woman complains to me, who recently began experiencing vaginal discharge due to cervical erosion. - My husband is constantly on business trips or on duty. I'm sitting at home with two children. As they say, I don’t see white light. How can I feel like a woman in such a situation, and even desirable?
“So you’re saying,” I tell her, “that any and every woman who has two children and a husband who works cannot feel like a desirable woman.”
- Well, no, why? I have a friend, she has three children, her husband works a lot, and she, as they say, blooms and smells. But for myself I don’t see a way out.
“Then let’s look for this way out together,” I suggest to her.
“Let’s do it,” she agrees (...)

According to Sergei S. Konovalov (“Energy-information medicine according to Konovalov. Healing emotions”):

Cervical erosion symbolizes wounded female pride. You are sure that you are flawed, you do not know how to realize yourself.
Method of cure. Fundamentally change your view of life. To do this, establish the right way of life (read about it in the book), conduct meditations with a book, get in touch with me more often, ask me, your Teacher, for healing energy.

Dr. Luule Viilma in his book “Psychological Causes of Diseases” writes:
Uterus (cervical diseases): Dissatisfaction with sex life.


Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes:
Adhesions are a result of inflammation that occurs in the body when it tries to compensate for the invasion. As a result of this inflammatory process, organs that are usually separated are connected to each other. Adhesions can unite a variety of organs and are fibrous tissue that grows around the organs and gradually becomes denser. The location where the adhesions occurred allows you to accurately determine their cause.
Emotional blocking:
Adhesions usually occur in a person who has become callous and stubbornly clings to his beliefs in order to better resist some kind of aggression. These beliefs take up too much space in his mind and prevent him from feeling.
Mental block:
If adhesions have formed in your body, this means that you are clinging to some ideas, and for quite a long time, since any tumors and neoplasms indicate some kind of long-term processes. Get rid of these old ideas that only harm you. Stop believing that being tough and callous will make you more desirable and loved. /

The psychosomatics of endometriosis can be different. Experts in this field give different interpretations, possible causes of the disease. In order to get rid of psychosomatic illness, you need to visit not only a gynecologist, but also a psychologist or psychotherapist, otherwise the disease will return.

Psychological causes of the disease

Pathological growths glandular tissue uterus and ovary problems can occur due to childhood or adult problems of a woman. Possible reason is a woman’s failure to accept her own gender identity. This often happens if a girl was deprived of her father’s love in childhood: he died early, left the family, or treated the baby or her mother poorly. If parents often argue with each other, the child feels unwanted, which negatively affects his physical condition.

Experts in the field of psychosomatics believe that the cause of endometriosis is difficult relationships with parents. The disease can occur not only due to the absence of the father, but also due to lack of attention from the mother.

Pathology can also arise in a situation where the parents were too demanding of their daughter. Excessive strictness does not allow the girl to show her own individuality, which leads to a personal crisis. Such girls in adulthood suffer not only from endometriosis:

  • often the disease is accompanied by the inability to refuse;
  • victim complex;
  • inability to defend oneself.

The causes of the disease can also appear in adulthood. If it happened unplanned pregnancy, a woman may not experience warm feelings for the child she has produced. Often girls are angry with a newborn because with his birth they lose some of their previous opportunities and do not feel an internal readiness to care for another person. Rejection of the mother's role can cause endometriosis.

Other reasons for the appearance of a pathological condition in women are a feeling of insecurity in a partner, a lack of satisfaction with the relationship. A woman can suspect a man of lying, infidelity, be rude to him, and prevent her loved one from appreciating her as a person.

Psychologist Liz Burbo

American psychologist Liz Burbo believes that this disease occurs due to a woman’s refusal to accept her ability to bear and give birth to a child. Such girls often prefer a career to family. The body reacts to such thoughts, as a result of which the process becomes impossible. Strong ones can also lead to endometriosis. negative emotions associated with the birth process. If a woman is too afraid of dying during childbirth or becoming disabled, a disease will arise that prevents pregnancy and childbirth.

The specialist speaks about physiological reasons: a woman can transfer reproductive function to organs of other body systems.

Louise Hay's technique

Healer Louise Hay states that the underlying reason for the development of the disease is a feeling of vulnerability, a sense of danger. Sick women often feel hopeless, dissatisfied with themselves or the people around them: friends, acquaintances, relatives. The girl refuses to solve problems, prefers to blame her neighbors or circumstances for her failures.

Louise Hay believes that such a patient can only be cured when her self-esteem becomes adequate. You need to take responsibility for your own life, stop waiting and start acting.

Psychosomatics according to Sinelnikov

Healer Sinelnikov claims that endometriosis occurs in those women who do not know how to build harmonious relationships with partners. If a girl blames her man too often, tries to suppress him, treats him roughly, then pathology may arise. The specialist also states that the reasons must be sought individually with each patient, since the circumstances and reactions to them are different for girls.


To treat endometriosis, avoid drug therapy, surgical intervention not worth it, because Working with a psychotherapist will help get rid of the causes of the disease, but will not eliminate the symptoms or restore health. It is important to undergo a timely course of therapy, since advanced endometriosis can cause oncological diseases, losses large quantity blood, iron deficiency.

Women are often prescribed hormonal drugs. IN severe cases surgery may be needed.

Psychotherapy sessions are important. The program is selected individually for each woman, based on her personal characteristics. The psychotherapist will help the patient accept her feminine nature and form positive attitudes. Psychotherapy is also useful for a cured illness, since sessions with a psychologist will prevent the return of the pathological condition.

Many studies confirm that psychological condition a person affects his health. Existence negative factors directly affects the functioning of the reproductive system.

Psychosomatics and endometriosis may be closely related. It is worth considering what leading psychologists think about this.

Psychosomatics – comparatively new science, studying the impact of psycho-emotional disorders on physical state. This term is used both in psychology and medicine.

Negative psychological factors can cause various diseases, including. No one will deny that after suffering stress, a person may have a headache and high blood pressure. arterial pressure. In a similar way Other ailments also develop.

A disturbed psycho-emotional state causes a defensive reaction in the body. The brain triggers the production of hormones designed to protect a person from negative factors. When their level remains elevated for a long time, pathologies develop.

Psychosomatic reasons

The psychosomatics of endometriosis lies in various factors. What matters is a woman’s experiences and her perception of the world around her. The reason why endometriosis develops may be hidden deep in the subconscious.

Even during puberty, the girl’s body begins to prepare for the full functioning of the reproductive organs. These processes are inherent in every woman. Menstruation begins, the work of sex hormones begins. The endometrial layer grows monthly, designed for comfortable implantation of a fertilized egg.

Many girls are faced with infertility caused by endometriosis. Some experts believe that the etiology of gynecological disease is often associated with a violation of psycho-emotional balance, internal fears and incorrect perception of the world around us.

By for unexplained reasons An emotional blockage occurs in the brain, turning a woman against pregnancy and childbirth. Due to such a blockage in the body, conception does not occur, and the result is this state lasting for a long time is endometriosis.

Psychosomatic factors, possible consequence of which endometriosis is the following:

  • incorrect attitude towards one's own sexuality;
  • non-perception of your body as feminine;
  • fear of the upcoming birth;
  • experiences after an abortion or miscarriage;
  • feelings of defenselessness;
  • fear of a man being rude;
  • self-flagellation;
  • lack of internal balance and the ability to realize oneself;
  • negative thoughts, emotions and long-term grievances;
  • feeling of disappointment and fear of the future;
  • feeling of anger.

Women who experience these conditions and negative mental perceptions are susceptible not only to endometriosis, but also to other gynecological diseases. Because of negative influence When stress hormones affect the ovaries, cysts, polyps, and tumors appear. Not uncommon among women of reproductive age. We have to treat the syndrome chronic fatigue and many other pathologies.

Psychologists' opinion

Researchers have noticed that those who are satisfied with life are less likely to experience diseases internal organs and conduct more active, fulfilling activities. Experts note the psychological causes of endometriosis and associate psychosomatics with general condition female body.

It is worth considering in more detail the results of observations by Louise Hay, Elena Guskova and other psychologists. This will help you assess your own condition in order to choose the right course of action.

Louise Hay

Louise Hay considers the main psychosomatic factors in the development of adenomyosis and endometriosis of the uterus to be:

  • feeling of lack of security;
  • frequent disappointments in yourself and those around you;
  • chronic grievances and protracted conflicts;
  • reproaches addressed to oneself or someone else.

What matters is a woman’s attitude towards herself and the world around her. It is important to convince yourself of your own abilities, learn to experience contentment and gratitude, notice achievements, moderate degree be proud of them and believe in a bright future. This way you can destroy the disease and improve your own well-being.

Vladimir Zhikarentsev

The psychosomatics of uterine endometriosis, according to this doctor, is also associated with a sense of security. It is important to create comfortable and warm relationships with people around you. You need to love yourself and those around you.

Some people strive to replace a negative state excessive consumption Sahara. This not only does not solve the problem, but can also cause diseases of other internal organs.

Liz Burbo

The psychologist more fully describes the psychosomatics of uterine endometriosis. This disease Liz Burbo gives the following assessment:

  • since with endometriosis the uterine mucosa grows beyond its boundaries, the body tries to reproduce the reproductive structure in miniature outside the system;
  • the woman herself gives herself an emotional attitude towards the inability to conceive;
  • fear of pain, childbirth, death blocks a woman’s body and makes her incapable of giving birth.

Getting rid of psychosomatic causes may take time, but will allow you to cope with the “root” of the development of pathology. This will make it possible to conceive and bear a healthy child.

Elena Guskova

According to Elena Guskova, the psychosomatic causes of endometriosis lie in the following:

  • dissatisfaction with your own home;
  • the feeling that the real source of convenience and comfort lies elsewhere;
  • lack of emotional comfort.

The problem can be eliminated only after achieving a feeling of satisfaction with life and place of residence. This does not always require moving, as the reason often lies in human psychology.

It will be much easier to cope with pathologies of a physical nature if negative psychosomatic factors are eliminated. This may take time, but the results are worth any effort.

  • Louise Hay
  • Liz Burbo
  • Endometriosis is one of those mysterious diseases for which science cannot accurately explain the cause. There is little data on the prevalence of the disease, because many women simply do not go to the doctor, believing that abdominal pain during menstruation is normal, or almost normal.

    According to statistics, the problem most often occurs in women aged 25-30 years. When a woman comes out reproductive age, pathology almost never occurs in her, just as it does not occur in girls at a young age.

    general information

    Endometriosis of the uterus – gynecological pathology, in which endometrial cells (this is the inner uterine layer) fall outside the uterus and begin to grow. These cells are very sensitive to sex hormones, which determines the monthly menstrual cycle: under the influence of hormones, the endometrium grows and, under hormonal influence, begins to be rejected; if conception does not occur, there is no embryo in the uterus.

    If endometrial cells grow outside the uterus, they do not lose sensitivity to hormones, but only grow and are rejected monthly where they are - in the intestines, navel, within the reproductive system, but outside the main reproductive organ. Why this happens, medicine cannot answer. There are only assumptions about gene mutations, cell metabolism disorders, and so on.

    Why this happens, medicine cannot answer. There are only assumptions about gene mutations, cell metabolism disorders, and so on. Endometriosis manifests itself as pain in the abdomen, pelvic area, and disorders menstrual cycle, heavier periods, longer periods than before, and pain may occur during sexual intercourse. In severe cases, it is painful to have bowel movements and bladder. Endometriosis is considered one of the causes of female infertility.

    Psychosomatics of the disease

    Since we are talking about the cells of the structural layer of the uterus, psychosomatics considers endometriosis as a disorder of female self-identity. Psychoanalysts call this gender identification. Not a single child in the world is born with an understanding of what gender he belongs to. Until a certain age, everyone grows up in the same onesies and diapers, wears the same overalls, differing only in color. And only then does the child begin to identify himself as one gender or another, which completely depends on what gender his parents classify him as.

    IN puberty the girl either happily accepts the role of a future woman, or begins to refuse it, adopting a male model of behavior.

    Families where a girl sees her mother suffer, or experiences maternal aggression, with a high degree of probability, will not fully accept her own feminine principle, it will be unpleasant for her.

    It is these girls who mainly choose male professions, make friends mainly with men, compete and compete with them, become champions in boxing, auto racing, and powerlifting.

    The feminine principle in such a woman is blurred, not specified, she does not perceive it as a dominant in her life, and therefore, gradually, on a subconscious level, “blurring” and physical development develops - the cells of the main female reproductive organ spread to where they do not belong at all and are lost natural boundaries of the endometrium.

    Second probable cause psychosomatic medicine examines a woman’s lack of a sense of security and her own “home” (in the general sense of the word). This means that a woman is ready to go looking for a new “home”, cozy and safe, at any moment. But most likely she won’t find him there either. The keeper simply does not have a psychologically secure home.

    Pain due to endometriosis without loss reproductive function are characteristic of women who see something shameful in their genitals, in their nature, in sex and treat it accordingly.

    Infertility due to endometriosis develops in women who deny the feminine principle so much that they do not want to be mothers (they are subconsciously afraid of childbirth, they are afraid of not raising a child as a worthy person, they are afraid that they will not cope financially and physically).

    Another large category of patients with endometriosis are women who really want to get pregnant. They have elevated this idea to the rank of obsession; they torture themselves and those around them with it. As a result, the endometrium hormonal background creates an additional, extra layer, which is what underlies the development of endometriosis and adenomyosis (sprouting of endometrial cells into the muscle tissue of the uterus with subsequent inflammation of the latter).

    But also, according to researchers in the field of psychosomatic medicine, endometriosis can also develop in women who are too demanding, dictatorial towards their partners, who despise or hate men in general and their partner in particular. Often the prerequisites for illness are created in childhood, when the girl’s relationship with her father is not the best.


    Many psychiatrists and psychoanalysts regard endometriosis and adenomyosis as a psychogenic autoimmune disorder. pathological condition. The focus of excitation in the cerebral cortex is caused by one of the above factors, this is how it starts pathological process, namely: the proliferation of endometrial cells is not at all where it is intended by nature.

    Revealing the real reason- the main condition for successful treatment, especially since nothing special traditional medicine cannot offer it to a sick woman. For pain, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, which do not speed up recovery. They are trying to fight foci of proliferation of endometrial cells with hormones, but so far they have not been particularly effective hormonal treatment could not be found. Surgery to remove all foci - the only way out, but even here there is a high probability that the problem will return again.
