Oily facial skin allergy than relieve inflammation. Causes of allergic lesions of the skin of the face. General rules and methods of treatment

Not every person knows why an allergy develops on the face and why it is dangerous. This is a manifestation of the increased sensitivity of the body to foreign substances. Both adults and young children face a similar problem. Some allergic reactions require treatment emergency care and pose a threat to human life.

The development of an allergic reaction on the face

Allergy is a disease based on hypersensitivity. Most often, the skin is involved in the process. The mucous membrane of the eyes is less commonly affected. Allergy is general concept, which includes diseases of various etiologies. This is the reaction of the immune system to simple substances that come into contact with the body. The following allergens are known:

  • food additives and products;
  • dust;
  • plant pollen;
  • waste products of insects and mites;
  • synthetic materials;
  • medications;
  • vaccines;
  • animal hair;
  • fungi;
  • household chemicals.

In an adult and a child, 4 types of reactions are distinguished:

  • anaphylactic;
  • cytotoxic;
  • immunocomplex;
  • slow.

The most dangerous types of allergies on the face, which develop at lightning speed. Symptoms of an anaphylactic reaction include urticaria, angioedema, atopic dermatitis, and vasomotor rhinitis. With this pathology, the re-entered allergen leads to the production of histamine, serotonin and other substances in a sensitized person. The reaction develops quickly.

The immune complex form of allergy often manifests itself in the form of spots. This is due to the formation of circulating immune complexes that are not recognized by the body and cause organ dysfunction. This allergic reaction underlies vasculitis, lupus erythematosus and other systemic diseases.

Common etiological factors

This disease develops for several reasons. Depending on the main etiological factor allergies can be skin, insect, medicinal, food, infectious and light (solar). Irritants penetrate into the body by injection, oral and air methods, or the reaction develops with direct contact.

known the following reasons the appearance of allergic spots on the face:

  • stings of bees, mosquitoes, ticks and ants;
  • contact with poisonous plants;
  • inhalation of fungal spores;
  • the use of hyperallergenic foods (strawberries, nuts, mushrooms, chocolate);
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics and soap products;
  • exposure to direct sunlight;
  • penetration of microbes;
  • inhalation of street, house or industrial dust;
  • contact with animal hair;
  • taking medications (adrenomimetics, antibiotics).

Of no small importance is such a factor as hereditary predisposition. Allergies on the face often develop in weakened and inactive people. In young children, a reaction is possible to milk formulas.

Manifestations of an allergic reaction

Allergies on the face can manifest themselves in different ways. The following symptoms are observed:

  • rash;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • eye redness;
  • rhinorrhea;
  • sneezing
  • swelling of the lips and tongue;
  • itching in the nose;
  • skin hyperemia;
  • lacrimation.

The most severe manifestation anaphylactic shock. If proper assistance is not provided, a person may die. The most common allergic rash on the face. Otherwise, it is called exanthema. The primary elements of the rash include nodules, pustules, blisters, vesicles, and macules. Allergy on the face is often manifested by the presence of erosions, crusts and scales on the skin. This pathology often causes dermatitis.

Some people develop toxicoderma.

When the eyes are involved in the process, symptoms such as decreased vision, narrowing of the palpebral fissure, swelling of the eyelids, lacrimation, fear of bright light, burning and itching are possible. In young children, an allergy on the face most often proceeds according to the type of diathesis. The patient's cheeks become red. There may be itching. Rarely develops eczema. Urticaria is an allergic reaction on the face. It often occurs with increased sensitivity to cold. Urticaria is manifested by blisters.

Allergy and atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a consequence of an allergy on the skin of the face. Children are predominantly affected by this disease. preschool age. it chronic illness with frequent relapses. Otherwise, dermatitis is called exudative-catarrhal diathesis. The following factors play a role in the development of this pathology:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • neuropsychic overload;
  • unfavorable ecology;
  • artificial feeding;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy.

Often, dermatitis develops against the background allergic urticaria. With this disease, the following symptoms are observed:

  • combing;
  • cracks in the skin of the face;
  • rash in the form of red spots or papules on the face;
  • peeling;
  • the presence of crusts or erosion;
  • wetting of the skin;
  • wrinkles in the lower eyelids.

With allergies on the face in adults, foci of erythema appear. They are pale pink and presented with papules. It is possible to damage other parts of the body (limbs, chest, abdomen, buttocks).

Development of angioedema

The most dangerous allergic rashes by the type of Quincke's edema. Otherwise this pathology called giant urticaria. Young people are more often ill. Less commonly, edema occurs among children and the elderly. This allergic reaction affects the skin of the face, subcutaneous tissue and mucous membranes. Often, the tongue and larynx are involved in the process, which can lead to asphyxia.

The prevalence of this manifestation of allergy on the face among the population is 20%. As a result of contact with an irritant, an acute reaction develops. Increased release of inflammatory mediators. This leads to an increase in vascular permeability and tissue edema. The immunological stage (sensitization) may be absent.

Contributes to the development of edema taking medications ( ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II antagonists). In every fourth patient, edema is due to congenital features organism. Most often, allergies appear within 2-5 minutes from the moment of contact with the substance. The following symptoms are observed:

  • swelling of the lips, cheeks, eyelids, or tongue;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • speech disorder;
  • hives;
  • skin itching.

Possible redness of the skin. Quincke's edema can lead to dysfunction of the intestines, bladder and brain. If not treated, there is a risk of developing anaphylactic shock, peritonitis and acute urinary retention.

The appearance of urticaria in humans

Allergies on the face are often represented by urticaria. Its main manifestation is exanthema with blisters or spots and pronounced skin itching. Urticaria is acute and chronic. In the latter case, the reasons are: diabetes, infections, hepatitis, dermatitis, herpes, exposure to cold and sunlight.

In facial allergies, causes include physical factors.

These include: cold, water, vibration, heat, sun, as well as mechanical irritants. Allergy on the face of the type of acute urticaria lasts for several days. At chronic form symptoms may be disturbing all year round. For acute urticaria periods of remission are uncharacteristic.

With this form of allergy, the following symptoms are observed:

  • rash;
  • tissue swelling.

The main symptom is a rash of blisters on the skin of the face. They are pale pink in color and rise slightly above healthy tissues. A common symptom is redness of the skin of the face in the area of ​​the rash. In adults, exanthema develops and disappears suddenly. Itching is moderate or very intense.

Food allergies in children and adults

Allergies on the face are possible after eating certain foods. About 8% of children and 1-2% of adults suffer from this disease. AT developed countries the incidence rate is much higher. Children often get sick bronchial asthma. The following risk factors are known food allergies:

  • smoking;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • severe pregnancy;
  • complicated childbirth;
  • artificial or mixed feeding.

In children, the development of allergies on the face (red spots) is most often associated with the use of cow's milk, citrus fruits, chocolate, eggs, fish, spices and strawberries. In adults, nuts, seafood, spices, fresh fruits and vegetables act as an allergen. Cow protein (casein and whey protein) has an allergic effect on the body.

The greatest danger to babies is unpasteurized milk, since the proteins in it remain unchanged. Meat is less likely to cause allergies, as in the process heat treatment some proteins are destroyed. Allergy symptoms are visible. Cow's milk proteins can cause several types of allergic reactions. In some countries, the rash is caused by eating eggs.

In this case, protein is a big danger.

Half of children with allergies are hypersensitive to this product. Such babies need to remove the protein and give only the yolks to eat. With food allergies, redness of the skin of the face, itching and the presence of a rash are possible. Respiratory disorders and systemic manifestations of the disease in the form of anaphylaxis are often observed. It is most often seen on hazelnuts and peanuts.

Some forms of allergies manifest similarly to atopic dermatitis. An example is toxicoderma. Its peculiarity is that the allergen does not come into contact with human skin. It enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body. The development of toxicodermia is based on a delayed-type reaction. Varieties of this pathology are Stevens-Johnson and Lyell syndromes.

The penetration of the allergen is carried out by inhalation, alimentary, injection and percutaneous methods. In the latter case, the substance is absorbed through the skin, but exhibits allergic properties after entering the general circulation. The following reasons for the development of toxicoderma are known:

  • harmful professional factors;
  • taking sulfonamides, barbiturates and B vitamins;
  • the introduction of sera;
  • the use of food additives and products;
  • inhalation of substances containing chlorine and amino group;
  • exposure to toxins.

The main symptom of toxicoderma is a rash. It may present with papules, vesicles, or macules. Sometimes get smitten oral cavity and lips. Enanthema is vesico-erosive, hemorrhagic and catarrhal. Local signs are combined with itching, burning, soreness in the face. AT severe cases toxicoderma is manifested by fever and general malaise.

Development of allergic conjunctivitis

Allergies on the face often proceed as conjunctivitis. The eyes are hurt. 15% of the population faces this problem during their lifetime. Mostly young people are ill. Allergies can lead to severe irritation conjunctival mucosa. Less often, the eyelids, retinas and cornea are involved in the process. known the following types conjunctivitis:

  • hay fever;
  • spring keratoconjunctivitis;
  • chronic;
  • medication;
  • atopic;
  • large papillary.

It is based on a hypersensitivity reaction. The level of class E immunoglobulin rises in the blood. The triggering factor is the direct contact of the irritant with the conjunctiva. Allergies are caused by: plant pollen, poplar fluff and dust. The pollinous form of the disease develops during the flowering period of plants. Allergies worries in spring and summer.

Large papillary conjunctivitis develops when wearing lenses, contact with the eye foreign bodies and the use of ocular prostheses. The cause may be suturing. Chronic allergic form conjunctivitis is caused by contact with cosmetics, dry food, feathers and down. This type of allergy is characterized by damage to both eyes.

The first complaints may appear after 1-2 minutes. The following symptoms are observed:

  • burning;
  • edema;
  • lacrimation;
  • eye redness;
  • photophobia;
  • spasm of the eyelids;
  • mucous secretions.

With the drug form of conjunctivitis, the retina, cornea and optic nerve are involved in the process. Sometimes there is Quincke's edema or acute urticaria.

Allergy type blepharitis

Very often eye allergy proceeds as blepharitis. With it, the edge of the eyelids is affected. The latter are involved in the process of moisturizing the eyes with tear fluid. The prevalence of blepharitis among children and adults is very high. If the allergy is not cured, then there is a risk of the formation of a chalazion, decreased vision and damage to the conjunctiva. Inflammation can be caused by external and internal (endogenous) allergens.

The latter include waste products of helminths, microorganisms, toxic compounds. Allergic blepharitis often develops in people working in dusty areas. Symptoms come on suddenly. They include swelling of the eyelids, intense itching, watery eyes, mucous discharge, pain, and fear of bright lights.

Blepharoconjunctivitis often develops.

Other causes of allergies

There are people who are allergic to the sun, which acts on the face. The main signs are the presence of red spots and blisters on the skin of the cheeks, forehead and other exposed areas of the body. The peak incidence is observed in summer. Human susceptibility to ultraviolet increases with the use of figs, St. John's wort, fennel, carrots, tetracyclines, vitamin E and NSAIDs.

What to do with allergies on the face caused by insect bites is not known to everyone. This is a common occurrence among children and adults. Bites are possible when visiting the forest, while fishing, hunting and walking. Very often, this allergy proceeds according to the type of Quincke's edema and anaphylactic reaction.

Saliva of insects and their poison are dangerous. When exposed to insect allergens, the following symptoms are observed:

  • swelling of the eyelids and lips;
  • swelling of the larynx;
  • dyspnea;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • excitation;
  • oppression of consciousness;
  • redness of the skin of the face;
  • tachycardia;

If the allergy on the face is not treated, then the person may die. Sometimes there is a thermal form. Often this allergy on the face is combined with the sun. It is possible after taking a bath, a hot shower, visiting a bath or sauna.

Examination and treatment tactics

Doctors know the methods of treating patients with allergies on the face, what to do in this situation and the possible consequences. There are a large number of diseases with a similar clinical picture. Before you get rid of an allergy on your face, you need to exclude another pathology. The patient needs to be interviewed. This is necessary to identify a potential allergen. The following studies are being carried out:

  • dermatoscopy;
  • skin allergy tests;
  • general and biochemical analyzes blood;
  • analysis for class E immunoglobulins;
  • application tests;
  • provocative tests.

Before removing eye allergies, ophthalmoscopy, biomicroscopy and other studies of the organ of vision are required. You need to be able to help a sick person. With the development of Quincke's edema, it is required to stop contact with the allergen, rinse the skin warm water, apply an enterosorbent and an antihistamine.

If the cause was an insect bite, then you need to remove the sting. In angioedema, corticosteroids are administered. Conducted if necessary infusion therapy. It removes antigens and toxins from the blood. AT acute period Quincke's edema, fresh frozen plasma and a C1 inhibitor are introduced. Antifibrinolytics are often prescribed.

Often, androgens are included in the treatment regimen.

These medicines are for adults only. How to treat allergies on the face, not everyone knows. For skin irritations are prescribed antihistamines(Zirtek, Zodak, Claritin, etc.). Doctors know not only the causes of allergies on the face, how to treat patients, but also what nutrition should be.

After the medicine relieves the main symptoms, a diet is required. It is necessary to exclude canned food, dairy products, citrus fruits, some berries, honey, nuts, chocolate from the diet. How to treat allergies on the face in pregnant women, the specialist will also tell. When carrying a baby, many medicines are forbidden to take.

If a person has spots on his face (allergies), the prognosis is most often favorable. The danger is: shock, angioedema and reactions with systemic manifestations. Thus, an allergy in the face area - frequent condition. If a rash or other symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor and determine the cause.

- a group of diseases, united by common clinical manifestations on the skin, not having a single etiopathogenesis, but always accompanied by hypersensitivity reactions.

In clinical practice, the term "allergy on the face", as a nosological unit, is practically not used. This wording is appropriate for comparative description similar clinical manifestations on the skin of the face with a variety of allergic diseases. The phrase "allergic dermatoses" is used much more often.

Allergy pathogenesis

The causes of dermatoallergies are not well understood. Their pathogenesis is complex, it covers almost all organs. Allergies - systemic diseases caused by impaired immune response, then the tissues of the body are involved in the process. Manifestations on the skin of the face and body are the result of internal changes that have taken place.

The most likely routes for an allergen to enter the body are:


    Inside with food, water or medicine;

    Inside with inhaled air;

    Contact through the skin or mucous membranes.

Allergy is reproduced in the form of four types of response; in clinical practice, their combinations are often found:

    Type I response (anaphylaxis). An allergen (A) upon initial entry into the body causes a response in the form of the production of antibodies (AT). This is the immunological (preparatory) stage. Antibodies cause sensitization of the body (hypersensitivity). When A enters the body again, they meet with sensitized antibodies. As a result, there is a rapid release of histamine, serotonin and other substances - mediators of pathogenesis. This is the second pathological-chemical stage. Abs are fixed on mast cells connective tissue skin) and lymphocytes ( cellular immunity). Under the influence of histamine mast cells in the skin "explode" and form damage on it. The reaction develops within 10-15 minutes. This is the so-called pathophysiological stage (stage of clinical manifestation). Allergy manifests itself in the form of urticaria, Quincke's edema, atopic dermatitis on the face;

    Type II reaction (cytolysis). It develops with incompatibility of blood groups (allergic blood transfusion pathologies). It is indirectly involved in the pathogenesis of dermatoallergies;

    III type of response (immune complex). It is the result of the formation of a large number of circulating immune complexes (CIC) or the impossibility (for whatever reason) of their elimination (destruction) by phagocytes in the tissues of the reticuloendothelial system (RES). Moving along the bloodstream, CEC settle in organs and tissues, causing toxic changes in them. This type of reaction is typical for discoid and disseminated lupus erythematosus (symmetrical red spots on the cheeks, connected on the bridge of the nose in the form of a butterfly), hemorrhagic vasculitis (rashes on the skin of the arms, legs and torso), serum sickness (including a rash on the skin of the face) ;

    Type IV response (delayed hypersensitivity). Allergy develops with the participation of immunocompetent lymphocytes (T-cells) after exposure to antigens (AG). As a result of the interaction, an antigen-specific pool of sensitized lymphocytes is formed. When AG enters the body again, an increased formation of T-cells of various subpopulations occurs. The response to repeated administration of AG develops slowly. A bright clinical picture appears only after 6-48 hours.

Allergy symptoms on the face

Allergy is indicated by the subjective sensations of the sick person and external signs on the skin of the body and face, identified during the collection of anamnesis. Symptoms, determined by the examination of the patient, allow us to differentiate different forms.

A rash or eruption on the face (exanthema) is a limited pathological change skin that differs from healthy areas in color and appearance. Different types rashes with dermatoallergies have great importance for differential diagnosis diseases and prescribing proper treatment. Allergodermatoses on the face are accompanied by the formation of primary and secondary rashes.

Primary types of rash on the face with allergies:

    Papule (nodule). Homogeneous swelling of red color, rising above the skin. When pressed, it changes color to white. There are superficial (epidermal), deep (dermal) and mixed (epidermodal) papules. Depending on the size - miliary (up to 3 mm), lenticular (up to 7 mm), numular (up to 30 mm). Small papules are painless, after the end of the pathogenesis they disappear without a trace;

    Pustule (abscess). A convex cavity filled with pus, which is usually detected when the pathogenesis is complicated by the penetration of pyogenic microflora. Does not fade when pressed. The head stands out in the center white color. There are superficial and deep pustules. Superficial abscesses heal without a trace, deep ones are reborn into scars;

    Blister (urtica). Quite a large bubble of round or irregular shape, filled with exudate. The appearance of a blister is usually accompanied by itching and burning. As a rule, bubbles disappear without a trace within a day. An exception is urticarial vasculitis - with it, the blisters last up to 4 days. Blister - result acute inflammation the papillary layer of the dermis, which is accompanied by a small one. Diagnosed with allergic, mosquito bites, horseflies, toxidermia;

    Vesicle. A tubercle with a diameter of not more than 10 mm, filled with a transparent or reddish exudate. It is the result of stratification of the epidermis under the action of various allergic factors. Vesicles can be detected by contact and atopic dermatitis, Lyell's syndrome and other allergies.

Secondary types of rash on the face with allergies:

    A scab is a crust on the skin formed by dead tissues and dried inflammatory exudate. Scabs are observed with long-term dermatoallergies;

    Scale - exfoliated dried epidermis, fragments of yellow or gray color, can be of different sizes - from large (5 mm) to small (1 mm). Occur after the disappearance of vesicles, pustules or papules;

    Erosion is a deep skin defect (up to the lower layers of the epidermis), the result of repeated opening of vesicles or pustules. Erosion repeats their shape and size.

Allergy is an abnormal hypersensitivity of the immune system to one or more substances (allergens), manifested by its sharp reaction of rejection upon contact with irritants. At primary contact, we are never talking about allergies; if this is a reaction, then this is only a manifestation of intolerance. According to WHO figures, today every third inhabitant of the Earth has an allergy in its various manifestations, which is why the 21st century is called the allergic century.

The term "allergy" itself was introduced back in 1906 by the pediatrician from Vienna, Clemens von Pirke, who noticed that some of his patients react unusually to common substances (dust, pollen, food) with the manifestation of such special signs as swelling, itching, rash etc.

The human immune system has its cells everywhere in the body, especially in the intestines and lymphoid tissue, bone marrow. Regardless of their location, they perform a protective function everywhere. These include lymphocytes, antibodies, immunoglobulins, interferons, etc. Each cell of the system has its own purpose from birth and they are grouped: someone fights viruses, others fight bacteria, worms, etc. The groups are coordinated with each other. If any link weakens, diseases occur.

Allergy is the result of a violation of parity between groups of immune cells. Because of this imbalance, the immune system begins to respond to ordinary substances (for example, a person sniffed a flower) inadequately, with increased sensitivity. This leads to reactions on the part of the target organs: swelling of the skin, eyes, nose, gastrointestinal tract, etc. Hereditary predisposition also plays a significant role: allergic parents have a high probability that the child will also be allergic.

Etiology of the phenomenon

Naturally, the reason is only in the presence of the allergen and its impact, but there are a lot of provoking factors. The widespread prevalence of allergies is most often associated with poor ecology, especially in megacities: exhaust gases, industrial waste emissions, the rapid development of chemical production. Also takes place:

  • uncontrolled medication;
  • malnutrition;
  • household chemicals.

The allergen is often:

  • house, household, book and road dust (often contains mites, fungi and their metabolites);
  • cushioned furniture;
  • feathers, down and animal hair;
  • animal excrement;
  • food for fish;
  • pollen;
  • food products;
  • perfume, skin care product, etc.

Types of allergies

There are five of them in total:

  1. Food - a red-orange range of products, semi-finished products, store-bought sweets and soda. An example is an allergy on the face.
  2. Insectal - develops from stinging insects. It immediately manifests itself as a rash, swelling of the eyelids, and Quincke's edema often develops. It is almost impossible to get rid of it, the insect can be found anywhere.
  3. Respiratory - occurs when an allergen is inhaled: it can be animal hair, dust, pollen, mold.
  4. Infectious - develops mainly on microbes of the Neisseriaceae family that cause asthma. Therefore, asthma is considered an infectious-allergic disease.
  5. Medicinal - occurs when the drug is prescribed by the patient himself, taken uncontrollably and for a long time. With it, not only Quincke's edema develops very quickly, but also anaphylactic shock with a fatal end. At home, it is impossible to cope with it, emergency treatment.

Types of allergic reactions

There are four types of them:

  • The first type of reaction is an anaphylactic-type allergy; the fastest, immediate. Shows up in a few minutes. All the complications of allergy can be associated with such reactions: anaphylactic shock, asthma attack.
  • The second type - cytotoxic hypersensitivity - manifests itself 6 hours after the allergen.
  • The third is an immunocomplex reaction; develops 12 hours after exposure. Her examples are allergic dermatitis in adults, conjunctivitis.
  • The fourth - delayed type, develops 1-3 days after the allergen - these are tuberculin tests, transplant rejection, contact dermatitis.

Symptomatic manifestations

Allergy symptoms always concern the respiratory tract (swelling of the nasal mucosa with difficulty in nasal breathing, dry cough, choking, itching in the throat, rhinitis), skin, eyes (conjunctivitis, lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids, face), gastrointestinal tract (vomiting, diarrhea, nausea). Most often, an allergy reaction manifests itself on the entire head and neck.

Allergy on the face - there is no such nosology, it is a whole group of pathologies, the factors are different, but the signs are the same, although polymorphic, in the form of allergic dermatoses. When an allergy develops on the face in adults and the reasons for it have not been clarified, a visit to a doctor is mandatory, at least for the choice of treatment. This may be a manifestation of:

  • food allergies;
  • a cosmetic product can also become a source of allergies;
  • taking medications;
  • insect bite;
  • use household chemicals etc.

An allergic rash on the face looks small, itchy, swollen, red. Cosmetic allergenic products include waterproof mascara, cheap lipstick, foundation, bright shadows. Allergy on the face develops primarily at the site of application cosmetic product, so it goes in spots. In addition to the rash, there may be: burning and dry skin; there may be acne on the face, especially with oily skin.

After stinging insects, exanthems, blisters and itching appear on the skin of the face. The difference between a simple bite and an allergy is that with a bite, redness does not spread over the face. With allergies, a runny nose and redness of the eyes may join. With continued contact, the rash can turn into large spots, up to hives. Often, Quincke's edema may begin, which is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • puffiness of the face, which continues to swell, the palpebral fissures practically close;
  • there is a feeling of pressure on the skin from the inside;
  • lips and ears swell quickly.

This condition is dangerous for the development of laryngeal edema and requires acceptance urgent action. The beginning swelling of the larynx is manifested by a barking cough and a hoarse voice, a feeling of suffocation. This is especially common and dangerous in young children. What to do in such cases? Just call an ambulance with an urgent tracheotomy.

Allergy on the head - its causes, among others, are hair care products (masks, shampoos, paints, balms), poor-quality hats. With an allergic origin of the disease, the very first sign of an allergy is itching. It grows slowly, but then does not stop. As a result, dermatitis develops here. There may be a rash on the face.

Allergy on the neck - her skin is considered the most sensitive. Of the provocative factors, cosmetics, synthetic clothing, jewelry (especially if they are not removed), UV radiation, pollen and individual products, any dust, and drugs can be noted. Allergy on the neck is manifested by swelling, skin hyperemia, itching and burning, peeling and dry skin. Among the rashes, bubbles, spots, scales are observed. If an allergy on the neck is complicated by a systemic allergic reaction of the body, shortness of breath, nasal congestion, cephalalgia, visual and hearing impairment may be added.

Ear allergies - the cause is often low-quality jewelry, ear jewelry, ear piercing, care products. Symptoms are manifested by peeling, hyperemia. Often this is accompanied small rashes secretion of serous fluid from ear canal and severe itching. Later, noticeable swelling may develop. auricles and mucous in the tympanic cavity. The constant flow of fluid from the passage leads to weeping eczema in this place. Allergic rhinitis, acne on the face join, sleep is disturbed, general weakness and sweating, there is a decrease in activity.

The Eustachian tube may become blocked due to swelling. More often it happens in children. Without treatment, deafness may develop. If at the same time laying in the ear is noted and the liquid becomes purulent, then there is purulent otitis media. There may be a latent course, without acute symptoms.

Allergy on the forehead - a rash on the forehead can be flat, scaly, embossed. It can peel off, flake off. If you have a rash on your forehead, this may not necessarily be a manifestation of an allergy. It can also be a simple irritation after insolation. Skin allergies are always accompanied by itching. Often an allergic rash on the forehead develops as a result of contact with local antiseptics. In severe cases, the entire face and tongue may swell - anaphylaxis, which requires emergency emergency hospitalization.

Allergy on the eyelids - when the allergen gets on the conjunctiva. Of the reasons, in addition to all the usual ones, the wearing of contact lenses allocated indoor plants irritants, tobacco smoke, UFO, eye drops and cosmetics, hair sprays and deodorants. There is severe dryness of the eyes, hyperemia of the sclera, intolerable itching, redness and swelling of the eyelids.

Allergy on the eyelids can be manifested not only by damage to the eyelids, but also to the retina, optic nerve, choroid eyes and keratitis (corneal lesions). Possible lacrimation with mucous discharge and crusts on the eyelids.

Lip allergy is contact allergic cheilitis. Considered a delayed allergic reaction. All of the reasons listed above can be mentioned. In addition, weather conditions, dental elixirs and pastes, tattoos, piercings, fillings, mouthpieces, pencils in the mouth. Allergy on the lips is manifested by the fact that wounds, vesicles, itching appear on the skin, then dryness and peeling of the skin. Lips may blister small rash, cracks, purulent crust. On the border there is swelling, severe itching.

Diagnostic measures

The most popular diagnostic methods:

  • Prick testing - applying an allergen to the skin of the forearm and checking the result after 15 minutes.
  • Blood sampling for the determination of allergens in it.
  • Elimination tests - the gradual elimination of suspected allergen products and verification of the result.
  • In a third of allergy sufferers, the level of eosinophils is elevated in the blood (more than 5). You can also determine the level of IgE immunoglobulins and the concentration of eosinophilic protein.

Principles of treatment

Treatment will be successful with acquired allergies. If the matter is in heredity, there will be no complete deliverance, only a decrease in relapses. So how to get rid of allergies on the face in general and in particular?

Principles of treatment:

  • exclusion of a meeting with an allergen;
  • the use of histamine blockers - AGP;
  • local treatment with drops, gels, ointments;
  • cleansing the intestines by taking enterosorbents, removing helminths, improving and normalizing microflora;
  • conducting SIT.

What is the treatment for ear allergies? For ear allergies, ear washing is done with saline. solution, apply ear drops Cetirizine, Allergodil. At mucopurulent secretions it is necessary to clean the ear with a metal padded jacket with threads.

Allergic reactions today attack many, in someone they manifest themselves on external factors or medicines, and someone for food. In rare cases, allergic irritation occurs only on the face, in many patients the skin changes in other parts of the body, signs of conjunctivitis and rhinitis appear. If you have never seen how an allergy occurs in adults, the photos in this article will be a good example.

Allergy on the face in adults: photo

Causes of allergies on the face in adults

The main cause of facial allergies in adults is an imperfect and insufficient immune system of the body, so allergens attack and modify cells.

Infection proceeds according to the following scheme: a foreign cell (allergen) enters the body, after which the protective immune properties to remove it, however, immunity does not have enough strength to fight. In this regard, the allergen is in the body for a long time, which reacts with the manifestation of an allergy on the face.

Quite often, rashes and spots on the face appear as a result of:

  1. Contact with pets (hamsters, dogs, cats) - allergy to animal hair.
  2. Excessive application of hygiene rules - fanatical monitoring of cleanliness of the skin, can lead to a weakening of the protective functions of the body, because they do not participate in the life of the body.
  3. Improper nutrition - if present in the diet great amount synthetic products and preservatives, it can cause rashes and redness on the skin.
  4. Moving to a new place or climate change - when the body enters new conditions, it protective functions can decrease, which is why allergic reactions are manifested.
  5. Genetic predisposition - if parents suffered from various kinds of allergies, then their children have a predisposition to similar reactions.

On the face, an allergy can appear due to a variety of reasons that are not always possible to immediately identify. Therefore, in order to accurately determine the allergen, the doctor must prescribe tests.


Allergy on the face is manifested equally in both children and adults.

Main symptoms:

  1. Redness of the surface of the face or red spots;
  2. Severe swelling of the face;
  3. Violent itching;
  4. Rashes and blisters that don't have fluid
  5. Nasal congestion;
  6. Dry skin and peeling;
  7. Numerous acne on the face;
  8. Tearing of the eyes, conjunctivitis;
  9. In severe cases, Quincke's edema.

In the process of developing an allergic reaction, it is not necessary that all symptoms without exception will be present, most often it manifests itself in three signs.


To completely get rid of allergic reactions, it is necessary to undergo a whole course of measures to reduce sensitivity to an irritant. The essence of this course is to introduce a small amount of the allergen into the body over a long period in order to develop immunity to it.

If the allergy does not bother you much or if there is no possibility to complete the whole course, then the treatment can be carried out with local remedies. The most popular among them are:

  1. Creams and ointments for allergies - given form is the most common for getting rid of allergy symptoms. To enhance their action, often use complex oral antihistamines.
  2. Oral antiallergic drugs are universal means, for adults are available in the form of capsules or tablets.
  3. Intravenous injections - red spots, rashes are very quickly eliminated, and swelling of the face is also removed.

From an allergic rash on the face, such drugs are often prescribed:

  1. Suprastin is a drug that has a wide range of actions. Able to eliminate almost all manifestations of allergies.
  2. Fenistil is a hormone-free drug that is suitable even for newborns.
  3. Tavegil is a fast-acting drug.
  4. Allertec is a very effective tool.

In no case should you self-medicate, it is best to consult a doctor who will not only select the appropriate drug, but also determine the desired dosage.

Video Compilation

Allergies on the face appear in adults and children. Redness, rashes, swelling are signs that worsen not only the appearance, but also health. Negative symptoms indicate negative processes occurring in the body.

What signs indicate the development of dangerous angioedema? What medicines and folk remedies eliminate the manifestations of allergies on the cheeks, chin, forehead? Is it possible to apply hormonal ointments with allergies on the face? Answers in the article.

Probable causes

Negative reactions are the result of the interaction of foreign proteins with cells of the immune system. With a powerful release of histamine, the mechanism of allergic inflammation is triggered, special biologically active substances irritate skin papillae. After some time, negative symptoms appear on the surface of the epidermis. With pseudo-allergies, negative signs are also noticeable on the face and body, but the immune system does not participate in the reaction.

Main allergens:

  • low temperatures, harsh wind, ultraviolet;
  • highly allergenic products;
  • potent drugs: sulfonamides, antibiotics;
  • pollen of some plants, mold spores, pet hair, dust mites;
  • cosmetics with irritating components or not suitable for a certain type of epidermis;
  • frequent stress, poor ecology, heredity;
  • passion for deep cleansing of the skin of the face. The gradual thinning of the epidermis provokes excessive sensitivity to the action of irritants.

Allergy on the face ICD code - 10 - L20 - L30 (Dermatitis and eczema).

Types of allergic reaction

Upon contact with an irritant on the face and body, negative symptoms appear after a certain time:

  • lightning reaction. dangerous kind immune response, symptoms (often severe) occur after 10-15 minutes, sometimes after half an hour;
  • slow reaction. Rash, redness, swelling, blisters appear after a few hours or two to three days. Weak reactions or pronounced signs are possible with the accumulation of the allergen in the body.

Signs and symptoms

How to recognize an allergy on the face? Dermatitis in this zone is characterized by various signs. In some cases, one or two pronounced negative symptoms appear, in others, a complex of negative reactions is noticeable.

The main signs of an allergy on the face:

  • blisters. Convex formations appear against the background of allergic inflammation. The formations are pale pink or purple, with urticaria they resemble a trace from the touch of a burning plant;
  • pustules. Ulcers contain exudate, after resorption, deep pustules leave pits and scars on the skin;
  • scales. Unaesthetic small crusts of grayish-white or yellow color- the result of peeling of the epidermis. Unpleasant formations most often appear on the eyebrows, ears, eyelids, scalp;
  • crusts. A secondary sign of an allergy on the face occurs after the inflamed areas dry out. In the chronic form of diseases, crusts of a dirty yellow or grayish color develop when the negative process is attenuated;
  • redness. A hallmark of the majority allergic diseases. Hyperemia is often observed in the face: on the cheeks, chin, forehead. Redness occurs with an acute immune response and pseudo-allergy after consumption a large number some products: honey, oranges, chocolate;
  • papules or nodules. education different size- 3-30 mm, red color, slight swelling is noticeable. After taking antihistamines papules disappear without leaving a trace;
  • . Negative symptoms appear in the area of ​​​​contact with the allergen. According to the localization zone, it is easier to determine against the background of the action, which factor caused redness, hyperemia, swelling, and burning sensation.
  • erythema. Against the background of the expansion of capillaries, red spots appear on the body that do not rise above the skin. To the touch, problem areas do not differ from healthy areas. After the return of blood flow to normal condition erythema disappears;
  • . dangerous reaction With characteristic features: the face swells, the eyes resemble slits due to swollen eyelids, cheeks. Puffiness develops on the mucous membranes of the mouth, the palate, tongue, and larynx swell. If help is not provided, a lethal outcome is possible due to suffocation in acute allergic inflammation;
  • erosion. The shape and size correspond to the opened abscesses. The affected areas are "gates" for microbes and pathogenic fungi. Erosion accompanies,.

On a note! Allergy on the face in children often appears up to a year during the transition from breastfeeding to artificial feeding, the introduction of complementary foods. Often, negative symptoms occur after eating crumbs. breast milk if a nursing mother eats prohibited highly allergenic foods. Redness, rashes, crusts, itching accompany contact dermatitis, childhood eczema, food allergies.

General rules and methods of treatment

How to treat allergies on the face? When eliminating negative signs you need to be especially careful: delicate skin is forbidden to be treated with many potent agents suitable for application to the buttocks or hands. It is important not only to lubricate the irritated epidermis with creams, gels with a therapeutic effect, but also to suppress the process from the inside: take antihistamines. Lotions and sprays act more “softly” on problem areas, after application of which there is no penetration active components into the deep layers of the skin.

Medical therapy

  • tablets, drops and syrups for allergic reactions. The liquid form is suitable for babies and children under 12 years old, tablets are prescribed for adults (children in rare cases). Effective drugs at chronic types allergies and mild manifestations:, and others. In case of an acute reaction, appoint,;
  • non-hormonal ointments and creams for allergies on the face. for topical application:, Dermadrin, Ketocin. Wound healing, anti-inflammatory compounds: Vundehil, Bepanten, Epidel, Protopic, Solcoseryl ointment;
  • . The compositions soften, moisturize, nourish the epidermis, prevent peeling, relieve itching. The best drugs in the form of a cream emulsion, face and body milk, ointment, cream: Locobase Ripea, Topikrem, Omnika, Emolium, Dardia, Mustella Stellatopia;
  • hormonal creams and on the face. With negative reactions on the face, doctors prescribe in last resort if non-hormonal formulations do not help. It is undesirable for children to apply strong drugs on delicate skin to avoid folliculitis, excessive dryness of the skin. Preparations for the treatment of problem areas: Afloderm, Elocom, Advantan. Other corticosteroids should not be applied to the face;
  • . Rashes on the arms, back, cheeks, neck, chin are a signal of negative processes in the body. With allergic inflammation or it is important to cleanse the body of harmful food components, drug residues, and toxins as soon as possible. Effective sorbent preparations: Multisorb, Sorbeks, Polyphepan, White coal, Smekta, Enterumin, ;
  • sedatives. Against the background of itching, insomnia, irritability often develop, the patient worries about the deterioration appearance with allergies on the face. stressful situations worsen the course of the disease, provoke an increase in negative symptoms. Patients are prescribed drugs: valerian tablets, Novopassit, Karvelis drops, calming collection, Persen, motherwort tincture, decoction of lemon balm and mint.

Folk remedies and recipes

Homemade formulations can be applied to the face only after the permission of the attending physician. When choosing an ointment, decoction, you need to take into account the strength backlash, form of the disease.

Proven funds:

  • lotions with a decoction of calendula, chamomile, sage, oak bark,. Each plant has a positive effect on problem areas with skin reactions. active action gives herbal collection from two or three components;
  • aloe juice for inflammation and redness allergic reactions. Helps not only freshly squeezed juice from the fleshy leaf of the agave, but also the pulp, which can be used to wipe problem areas;
  • nettle decoction. Means to be taken orally to remove toxins, cleanse the blood;
  • herbal collection with antiallergic action. Combine licorice, succession, sage, wheatgrass, elecampane root (1 part each) and viburnum sprigs (twice as many as the rest of the ingredients);
  • . For 1 liter boiled, a little warm water take 1 g of natural mountain balm. Drink 100 ml of healing liquid daily.

hypoallergenic diet

- an indispensable element in the treatment of all types of diseases with hypersensitivity of the body. Refusal prevents the appearance of new rashes, reduces redness, itching. Do not use names with preservatives, emulsifiers, synthetic dyes.

It is important to reduce the load on the digestive organs. Nutritionists recommend steam, baked dishes. Boil the meat well or steam the meatballs. Fried foods, pickled vegetables, pickles, smoked meats, seasonings and spices should be excluded from the diet.
