What you need to know about the symptoms of sinusitis and how to treat it? We treat acute and chronic sinusitis in adults easily and quickly

Sinusitis of the nose- a fairly common diagnosis that can be heard in the office of an otolaryngologist. This is a disease of acute or chronic nature, which is based on infectious inflammatory process, localized in the paranasal cavities. The blame for this process is usually placed on viruses, fungi, bacteria or allergies.

In this case, inflammation can involve the mucous membrane of one, two or more sinuses, both on one and on both sides of the nose.

Sinuses- these are the paranasal sinuses. They are also called paranasal. This is where the disease sinusitis takes its name.

Reasons inflammation of the sinuses and blockage of their anastomosis can become in-hospital therapeutic and diagnostic procedures: in particular, nasotracheal intubation or nasogastric intubation, as well as nasal packing. Nasal disease sinusitis can be a consequence of sensitization of the body, which, for example, can manifest itself in the form of seasonal rhinoconjunctivitis.

The infection enters the maxillary sinuses ascendingly from the teeth, including after their poor-quality removal.

A fungal infection in the sinuses develops, as a rule, as a result of prolonged and unjustified use of antibiotics, especially if this occurs against the background.

Factors The risk of sinusitis usually becomes: dental diseases; ; genetic pathology caused by increased secretion viscosity (in particular cystic fibrosis); ailments accompanied by immunodeficiency; taking steroids; hypothyroidism; allergic diathesis, etc.

Signs, pain and exacerbation of sinusitis

The severity of the manifestations of the disease in question usually depends on its type, distribution and form. Symptoms of the disease are divided into local and general.

Common signs include weakness, a feeling of exhaustion and fatigue. In the acute process, the temperature rises to 38.9°C and above, and in the chronic form, as a rule, it does not stay within 37.5 or remains normal. The group of common symptoms also includes loss of appetite, sleep disturbances and headaches.

A local symptom characteristic of any type of sinusitis is a runny nose, accompanied by nasal congestion, difficulty in nasal breathing and discharge of various types. This also includes dry nose, loss of smell, coughing, sneezing, and other manifestations of infection.

The symptoms of sinusitis are quite pronounced. General signs intoxication is accompanied by pain.

Pain due to sinusitis with damage to the maxillary sinus is localized in the cheekbones and radiates to the temple, upper jaw and the forehead on the corresponding half of the head. Pain also occurs when palpating the maxillary sinuses.

A bilateral process almost completely deprives a person of the ability to breathe through the nose. The result of blockage of the tear duct is lacrimation. Discharge from the nasal passages is initially liquid and serous and quickly becomes viscous and acquires a purulent character with an unpleasant odor.

The manifestations of the chronic variant of the disease are more smoothed out. Bursting or pressing occurs due to a violation of the outflow of discharge from the sinuses. According to patients, the pain is located as if “behind the eyes” and decreases in a supine position, which can be explained by the partial restoration of the outflow of pus from their sinuses. Pain increases with pressure under the eyes, as well as when lifting the eyelids.

An exacerbation characteristic of chronic sinusitis is often accompanied by a night cough caused by drainage from the back wall pharynx with pus from the maxillary sinus. Swelling, maceration and cracks in the vestibule of the nose may develop.

With ethmoiditis, patients complain of pressing pain in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, as well as in the area of ​​the root of the nose and eyes. Immunity to odors is noted. Swelling makes it difficult to breathe through the nose. The initially serous discharge soon becomes purulent.

The acute version of the process often affects the orbit, leading to swelling of the eyelids and exophthalmos (protrusion of eyeball). In children, the conjunctiva often turns red and the eyelids swell.

Of all the types of sinus lesions, it is the most severe. Signs of sinusitis of this form include intense, sometimes even unbearable pain, both in the area of ​​​​the projection of the frontal sinuses and in the entire head. These sensations intensify in the morning.

With the appearance of pus, the intensity of pain increases, and after its removal it decreases. There are difficulties breathing through the nose. Take place copious discharge on the affected side. Sometimes there is pain in the eyes with swelling upper eyelid and eyebrows. Photophobia may develop.

Symptoms of sphenoiditis are usually erased. There is pain in the back of the head, the crown of the head, as well as in the depths of the head and eye socket. Inflammation in in this case can affect optic nerves, leading to progressive vision loss.

Sinusitis during pregnancy and complications of nasal diseases

Most women believe that this disease, without complications and accompanying other pathologies, is completely safe. However, this is not at all true. Sinusitis during pregnancy is unpleasant not so much because of nasal congestion, but because of the possible negative consequences for the development of the fetus. After all, reduced respiratory function inevitably leads to shortness of breath, insufficient oxygen supply and, as a consequence, to fetal hypoxia. The latter in the early stages of pregnancy can lead to developmental abnormalities internal organs, and for more later will cause intrauterine growth retardation.

During the rapid development of acute forms of the described disease or during the slow progression of its chronic variety, not only the paranasal sinuses, but also other intracranial structures, including the optic organ, may be involved in the pathogenic reaction.

As a consequence of the massive accumulation of purulent masses, against the background developing infection bacterial in nature, phlegmons and abscesses of the optic apple may form, as a result of which the patient may partially or completely lose the ability to see.

At running forms As a complication of sinusitis, doctors diagnose cavernous sinus thrombosis in patients. In this condition, the infection rapidly spreads throughout the body and causes. In some cases, otorhinolaryngologists detect abscesses of the central and spinal cord in patients.

Diagnosis of sinusitis

Before treating sinusitis in adults and children, it is necessary to diagnose accurate diagnosis. As a rule, the procedure for identifying the disease in this case does not present any particular difficulties. The only exceptions are variants of the disease with erased symptoms.

The basis for making an appropriate diagnosis is the clinical picture characteristic of the disease in question, supplemented by anamnesis data, the results of a physical examination, instrumental and laboratory diagnostics.

Instrumental methods include radiographic examination accessory sinuses, usually performed in two projections; ultrasonography; rhinoscopy; diaphanoscopy; NMR or CT; as well as therapeutic and diagnostic puncture (sinus puncture).

Laboratory methods include blood tests that can confirm the presence of inflammation in the body; bacteriological examination of exudate obtained during puncture in order to determine the microflora and its sensitivity to antibiotics.

Treatment of sinusitis with antibiotics and other medications

In case of sinus disease, the best tactic on the part of the patient is to go to the doctor. The latter, having identified the symptoms characteristic of a disease called sinusitis, will prescribe exactly the treatment that is necessary in a particular situation.

The main thing in therapy this state considered to eliminate swelling and infection, as well as combat congestion and nasal discharge. As a result of such measures, the sinuses are drained and their natural drainage is ensured.

The bacterial form of the disease is treated with antibacterial agents. Antibiotics for sinusitis should be used only those to which the pathogen is sensitive. Most often it is Amoxicillin or Augmentin.

However, it is worth remembering that basically this pathology caused by viruses, on which such drugs have no effect. In addition, in patients diagnosed with sinusitis, treatment with antibiotics without proper medical supervision can lead to the development of bacterial resistance to these substances, which will not improve the prognosis.

Corticosteroids are also used in the treatment of the described disease. Nasal sprays containing these substances are considered good drugs in the treatment of nasal allergic manifestations. This includes medications such as Triamcinolone, Fluticasone, Beclomethasone, etc.

Allergy medications include: antihistamines. But those suffering from sinusitis are not recommended to take them without prescription, because they cause dryness of the mucous membranes, thicken them, complicating drainage, which can aggravate the course of the disease.

When deciding how to cure sinusitis, do not forget about decongestants. Medicines that help relieve nasal congestion are available both in tablets and in the form of nasal drops and sprays. For example, Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Galazolin.

How to cure sinusitis with inhalations

The medications listed above for sinusitis are far from the only method of treating it. Drug-free therapy is also known. In particular, rinsing or irrigating the nose saline solution and lubricating the nose with all kinds of balms that have a warming effect, etc. Such manipulations can be carried out at home.

Steam inhalations for sinusitis, carried out 2 to 4 times a day, also turn out to be very useful. Their effect is enhanced when menthol, eucalyptus or other ingredients are added to the water. essential oils. Such home treatments help open and moisturize the sinuses, thereby creating the necessary conditions to combat mild sinusitis that occurs without signs of acute infection.

However, treating sinusitis at home in adults and children should be done with caution. To avoid complications, be sure to consult a doctor.

Methods of treatment and prevention of sinusitis

In addition to the conservative ones given above, doctors also know surgical methods treatment of sinusitis. Surgery helps unblock the sinuses if drug therapy is not effective or in cases where the patient has complications. Such methods include sinus puncture, balloon sinoplasty, as well as endoscopic and invasive surgery.

A puncture followed by washing the sinus is the simplest surgical procedure.

Balloon sinoplasty consists of inserting and then inflating a soft catheter into the nasal passages. This expands the previously closed sinus and creates a free path for air.

Endoscopic surgery involves the use of a laser or coagulator. Invasive methods are gradually becoming history, but in some cases they cannot be avoided. For example, in cases of acute ethmoid sinusitis, when pus breaks through the sinus and threatens the eyes.

The question of how to treat sinusitis surgically, the doctor decides exclusively.

The symptoms and treatment of sinusitis in adults described above will represent an incomplete picture, if we do not say a few words about prevention of this disease. The best way The way to prevent sinusitis is to avoid colds and flu, and if you do get them, it is necessary to carry out effective treatment.

A good preventive measure is the elimination of predisposing factors, for example, abnormalities in the development of the mucous membranes or nasal septum.

Systematic hardening of the body is also important in terms of preventing disease.

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Once sinusitis is diagnosed, treatment is most often carried out at home. For this, traditional medicine methods and pharmaceutical drugs are usually used.

What are the features of sinusitis treatment and how to quickly cure this disease?

In order to properly treat the disease, we first understand what it is.

Sinusitis differs in location, composition of exudate (discharge), and form of the disease.

Otolaryngologists often use a classification of sinusitis based on the location of the paranasal sinuses.

There are 4 types of sinuses (sinuses) in the human skull. The frontal sinuses are located in the frontal bone; their inflammation is called frontal sinuses.

If the outermost sinus, located in the sphenoid bone, becomes inflamed, then such inflammation is called sphenoiditis. It is the most dangerous, since the sphenoid sinus borders the pituitary gland (part of the brain), carotid arteries and eyes. However, sphenoiditis is diagnosed very rarely.

When the sections (voids) of the ethmoid sinus become inflamed, ethmoiditis is diagnosed. And if the inflammatory process is localized in the largest maxillary sinuses, then a diagnosis of sinusitis is made. Sinusitis is the most common type of sinusitis and they are often identified.

In addition, sinusitis is classified according to the type of inflammation.

  1. Exudative sinusitis is characterized by the presence or stagnation copious amounts discharge, which makes it difficult to breathe and causes headaches. He can be:
  • Catarrhal, with the discharge being transparent but viscous. Caused by viruses, it is characterized by copious discharge, acute headache, and sudden loss of smell. responds well to treatment and is cured in 7-10 days.
  • Purulent. It is typically green purulent discharge. The purulent form usually occurs as a result of untreated exudative sinusitis. Among the main symptoms will be pain in the temples and forehead, which intensifies when turning and tilting the head. Most often, purulent sinusitis is caused by bacteria. To treat a purulent process, longer treatment of up to 15-20 days will be required. It is difficult to treat and requires the use of corticosteroids and antibiotics. In some cases, surgical intervention.
  1. Productive forms of sinusitis are characterized by changes in the mucous membrane of the sinuses, which cannot be returned to normal through therapeutic treatment. Among the productive forms there are two:
  • Hyperplastic. With it, the sinus mucosa thickens, it does not return to normal after the exacerbation is relieved. This causes deterioration in air passage (difficulty breathing) and decreased sense of smell.
  • Polypous. With this form, the mucous membrane grows abnormally, polyps form on it, which also impedes the passage of air.

Polypous and hyperplastic sinusitis is very difficult to treat traditional treatment. In their treatment, it is often necessary to resort to surgical methods.

Among sinusitis, allergic ones stand out. They arise as a reaction of the body to an allergen, which most often are household dust and pollen, but allergens may include chemical compounds present in polluted air, medications, alcohol, perfumes and much more.

Swelling of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses can provoke the development of serous vasomotor sinusitis and asthma.

Another important characteristic of sinusitis is the classification according to the form of the inflammatory process. The following forms are distinguished.

  • , which is characterized by profuse nasal discharge, a sharp, severe headache, painful sensations soft tissues of the face, fever, sleep disturbance. The duration of this inflammatory process is up to 8 weeks.
  • Chronic sinusitis is characterized by exacerbations and attenuation of symptoms, sometimes the signs of the disease disappear completely, but then appear again. The duration of chronic sinusitis exceeds 60 days.

The disease can affect only one sinus - this is unilateral sinusitis, two - bilateral, or all - pansinusitis. And also affecting the sinuses and nasal cavities - this is rhinosinusitis.

What can be the consequences of poorly treated sinusitis?

The inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses will progress if left untreated. So, as the viscous secretion accumulates, bacteria will settle in it, and the catarrhal form will turn into a purulent one. A prolonged inflammatory process without treatment can lead to productive forms of the disease: hyperplastic or polyposis.

Sinusitis is fraught with complications. They arise as a result of infection in adjacent organs: throat, ears, eyes. The most dangerous complications will be those that arise as a result of infection entering the bone and beyond.

Sinusitis can cause: otitis media, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, conjunctivitis, bronchitis, osteomyelitis. Among the most dangerous complications will be meningitis and cerebral edema (very rare).

How do doctors treat sinusitis?

After an initial examination, an otolaryngologist usually prescribes a number of studies: radiography, clinical analysis blood, examination of secretions. This will allow us to establish the form of the disease, as well as clarify the nature of the infection.

For viral catarrhal sinusitis (abundant transparent discharge from the nose), treatment with antibiotics is not required, since viruses are insensitive to them. Washing, instillation, and dry heat are effective here. Good effect gives the use of a nebulizer.

Effective in the treatment of catarrhal sinusitis folk methods: heat, instillation and rinsing.

Purulent sinusitis (green or yellow discharge, often mixed with blood) is treated with topical and general antibiotics and corticosteroids. If there is a lot of pus and there is a danger of bone damage or purulent masses leaving the sinus, a surgical puncture of the sinus is performed.

In any case, nasal rinsing, nasal vasoconstrictor drops: Galazolin, Naphthyzin, Sanorin, etc.

Treating sinusitis at home

When treating sinusitis at home, you should definitely consult an otolaryngologist. This will eliminate complications and make treatment faster and more effective.

Following the general rules of treatment, be sure to drink a lot, this will allow the viscous secretion to become more liquid, which will make it easier to pass.

If we talk about dry heat, then the opinions of doctors differ. Some believe that dry heat will help get rid of inflammation more quickly, while others argue that it will provoke an even greater inflammatory process. At home, heated sea salt is used as dry heat (drop a little essential oil of clove or pine, fir, lavender onto it). For dry heating, seeds of medicinal plants placed in a cotton bag and heated are suitable.

When making baths for hands and feet, you can use mustard. Only after the procedure, be sure to wipe your hands and feet dry, and put on socks and mittens (for 20 minutes). Hot baths are best done at night. After the procedure, go to bed and wrap yourself warmly.

Nasal rinsing is one of the most useful effective procedures. It helps flush out secretions and improve air movement. This procedure is best done according to the following scheme.

As a container for saline solution you can use a rubber bulb (for an enema) special device(sold in pharmacies).

In addition to saline solution, herbal decoctions are used as a liquid for rinsing the nose: calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort.

Inhalations for sinusitis are best done using a nebulizer; just 3-4 minutes 2-3 times a day are enough. For children this is 1-2 times a day for 1-2 minutes.

If it is not there, you can use the usual method: heat a decoction of herbs or a solution sea ​​salt in a bowl. We put the bowl on the table and bend over so that it is warm and comfortable to breathe. Cover the top with a towel and breathe through your nose until the solution cools (10-15 minutes).

Ointments also have a good effect. They need to be placed in the nose 15-20 minutes after instilling the drops.

Surgical methods for treating sinusitis

Surgical treatment of sinusitis in adults and children involves puncture of the inflamed sinus. This method is used in cases where a large amount of pus has accumulated in the sinus cavity and there is a possibility of it spreading to nearby bones, organs and cavities.

Surgical treatment is also indicated for productive forms of sinusitis (polyps, mucosal proliferation), if conservative drug treatment over a long period does not produce results. Among the treatment methods, balloon sinoplasty and functional endoscopy (using a laser or coagulator) have become widely popular.

Why is the use of antibiotics not always effective?

Considering the question of how to cure sinusitis at home, many people believe that for quick and effective treatment will be required antibacterial drugs. However, drugs based on amoxicillin: Amoscicillin, Augmentin, based on macrolides: Azithromecin, Erythromecin, or based on cephalosporins: Ceftriaxone will be useful only for purulent sinusitis. They also have a positive effect in productive types of the disease, but are absolutely useless in its catarrhal form.

As already noted, the overwhelming majority of sinusitis are catarrhal, and treatment with antibiotics will not bring the expected benefit.

Antibiotics will not have a positive effect on allergic sinusitis. Here, treatment is primarily aimed at eliminating the allergen. Drug treatment involves individual selection of antihistamines: Beclomethasone, Triamcinolone, Fluticasone, and others.

We should not forget that antibiotics have a large amount side effects, which can aggravate the already difficult condition of the patient.

Treatment of sinusitis in children

The signs and symptoms of sinus inflammation in children are no different from adults. In addition, children get tired faster, they refuse food, and sleep poorly.

Nasal rinsing for sinusitis is effective in children. This procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day. If possible. For very young children, this procedure is problematic.

Burying vasoconstrictor drops indicated for children of all ages, but you should be very careful when choosing drops. Before using them, it is advisable to consult a doctor and be sure to carefully study the instructions.

The most appropriate treatment for sinusitis in children is a nebulizer. The simplicity of inhalation and the possibility of carrying out the procedure even for the smallest makes it indispensable in treatment.

Features of sinusitis treatment in pregnant women

During pregnancy, sinusitis is dangerous due to nasal congestion. With difficulty breathing, less oxygen enters the pregnant woman’s body, which also affects the oxygen saturation of the fetus. The result of this in the early stages of pregnancy may be a delay in the development of the internal organs of the fetus, and in the later stages - a delay in general development.

Another consequence of the accumulation of purulent masses in the paranasal sinuses will be compression optic nerves, which can lead to partial loss of vision for the pregnant woman.

Treatment of sinusitis in a pregnant woman must be carried out under the supervision of an otolaryngologist. Only he can prescribe medication.

Let's consider how to treat sinusitis at home for a pregnant woman?

The most acceptable would be traditional treatment methods, drops based on natural ingredients, rinsing and inhalation with plant oils.

Usually intensive treatment gives a good result and allows you to free the sinuses from viscous secretions. If time is lost and pus accumulates, more intensive local treatment, but it must be prescribed by a doctor.

Traditional methods of treating sinusitis

If you treat sinusitis at home, then treatment folk remedies will be the most acceptable and effective. The combination also gives a good result drug treatment with folk methods.

Here are some of them.


  1. Buy Vishnevsky ointment at the pharmacy, squeeze a small part from the tube into a teaspoon (without a slide), add 1-2 drops of aloe juice, onion, propolis and honey. Mix everything and put it in your nose overnight.
  2. To 1 tsp. baby cream you need to add 2 drops of camphor and menthol oil.


  1. Instill mummy solution (2%) up to 3 times a day.
  2. Freshly squeezed Kalanchoe juice, you need to drip it up to 3 times a day.
  3. Boil 50 g of sunflower oil and then cool, add the juice of ½ small onion (grate the onion and strain off the juice). After instillation, do not blow your nose for 5 minutes. Drip 4-5 drops.
  4. Radish juice. The radish is grated and the juice is strained. Apply 2 drops 3 times a day.

Nasal rinse solution

Using solutions to treat sinusitis with folk remedies, carry out the rinsing yourself according to the scheme described above. Nasal rinsing is considered the most effective method of treatment.

  1. 3 drops of iodine and 3 drops of potassium permanganate should be mixed with a glass warm water. Rinse your nose with a well-mixed solution.
  2. Add 5 drops of iodine and a teaspoon of sea salt to a glass of warm water. Stir until the salt is completely dissolved. Use for rinsing.
  3. Peel a medium-sized onion and chop very finely. Then pour boiling water and let stand. When cool, strain and add a tablespoon of honey.
  4. A decoction of St. John's wort, chamomile and calendula. Mix in equal quantities. Brew 1 tablespoon per glass of water. Pour boiling water, leave until cool, strain.


We have already described the inhalation technique in the “Treatment at home” section; here we provide compositions for inhalation.

  1. Boil the potatoes without peeling them (with their skins on). Drain the water and return to low heat until the remaining water evaporates. Then mash the potatoes a little and breathe over it.
  2. Sprinkle boiled and slightly mashed potatoes on top (like salt) baking soda. Breathe over it for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Fir oil (5-6 drops) is dissolved in a glass of very hot water. Breathe until you can no longer smell the pine needles.
  4. K very hot water add dry menthol. Breathe for no more than 10 minutes.
  5. Add 1 tsp to 0.5 liters of boiling water. propolis in alcohol.

If you breathe over boiling water, use special nozzles on a kettle or nebulizer. If you don’t have a nebulizer, breathe very hot water in a bowl on the table. Do this carefully.

Warming the nose for sinusitis

You cannot talk about how to treat sinusitis with folk remedies, without warming up recipes. Doctors have mixed feelings about him, but traditional healers They consider warming up to be effective and useful.

  1. Boil an egg hard, peel and apply one at a time to the outer side of the nose. Hot eggs should be wrapped in a dry cloth to avoid getting burned.
  2. Pour dry warm sea salt and river sand 1:1 into a bag (you can take a baby sock). Keep until the mixture cools down.
  3. Rye flour and fresh honey are mixed and two flat cakes are made. They are heated in a steam bath and applied warm to the nose. Cover the top with polyethylene.

Why is prevention important?

Scientists believe that one of the main causes of sinusitis is decreased immunity. Therefore, hardening is very important for the prevention of this disease, healthy image life, proper nutrition.

Many people have been diagnosed with sinusitis in their lives. The term usually refers to inflammation that is provoked by infection and affects the mucous membrane near the sinuses. In some cases, sinusitis is caused by a fungus. Sometimes it's bacteria or viruses. There is also allergic sinusitis, caused by intolerance to a certain substance.

Key Features

Typically, sinusitis is not difficult to detect. It manifests itself as breathing problems - the flow of air through the nose is difficult. Most patients report elevated body temperature. With sinusitis, nasal discharge is purulent and serous. Often the projections of the paranasal sinuses are painful.

To make an accurate diagnosis (and this could be left-sided or, for example, bilateral sinusitis or some rarer form), it is necessary to do X-ray affected area. Additionally, ultrasound, computed tomography, and MRI are prescribed. To cope with the disease, they take antibiotics, use physiotherapy, do rinses, drainage, and injections. Sometimes it becomes necessary to perform surgery (using an endoscope or the traditional method).


Sinusitis is an inflammation that affects the sinuses. In adults, about 0.02% of people face this disease, but among children the number of those who had to overcome it unpleasant inflammation, - about 0.5%. Sinusitis usually occurs against the background of another infectious disease. That is, in fact, it is a complication. There are several varieties (for example, left-sided sinusitis, bilateral). In a word, it’s not very pleasant.

Sinusitis is an area of ​​specialization in otolaryngology. If the disease affects the sinus at the top of the jaw, it is called sinusitis. When infection enters frontal sinuses they talk about frontal sinusitis. If the sphenoid sinus is affected, the disease is classified as sphenoiditis. Finally, ethmoiditis is diagnosed if the ethmoid labyrinth is inflamed.

The disease is dangerous!

The main signs of sinusitis in children and adults are: heat, purulent nasal discharge. The headache is frequent and quite severe. In the area of ​​inflammation, the face swells. At improper treatment or its absence, complications are possible. Sinusitis provokes inflammatory processes that affect the membrane, nervous system eyes, brain abscess, meningitis, osteomyelitis.

Where did the attack come from?

In total, our respiratory system is equipped with seven sinuses, connected to the nasal cavity by passages. Through the moves at normal functioning All sinus tissues are cleaned regularly. If this process is disrupted, the secretion produced by the tissues stagnates in the organ, which provokes inflammation and causes sinusitis.

Sometimes the reason lies in deformations of the structures inside the nose, which leads to blockage of the anastomosis. Very often the disease is provoked by viruses and infections. The inflammatory process leads to swelling of the mucous membrane, at the same time the glands produce more secretion than in healthy condition. The arteries narrow, the secretion blocks them, and optimal conditions for the development of pathology.

No air - no life

When natural ventilation is disrupted respiratory system, fabrics are tested oxygen starvation, which is superimposed on the abundance of stagnant secrets. Conditions, whatever you say, are optimal for pathogenic flora to form, and pathogenic bacteria are added to the infection.

The level of development of the disease (which, by the way, directly determines how to treat sinusitis) is determined by how virulent the microbes that provoked the pathology are. The use of antibiotics leads to increased resistance of microorganisms to drugs. This significantly complicates the process of eliminating the disease.

Fungi and sinusitis

The prevalence of sinusitis caused by fungal infection in last years growing. Doctors explain this by the population’s habit of treating any illness with antimicrobial agents, which helps microorganisms adapt to medications. At the same time, it disrupts the normal balance of microflora inside the body.

Antibiotics lead to mycotic infection. Wherein initial stage the disease can be provoked by a completely different reason, and the fungus “connects” later. For example, the mucous membrane swells due to medicinal product, accompanies accidental inhalation of a chemical component or even cold air.

Allergy as a root cause

Statistics show that most often allergy sufferers, as well as people with a low level of immunity, experience sinusitis. Allergies provoke vasomotor rhinitis, in which the mucous membrane swells. And this is a cyclical process: it is repeated over and over again. Up to 80% of chronic cases of sinusitis occur in people prone to allergies.

How to treat sinusitis?

Having diagnosed the disease, doctors first focus their efforts on eliminating it. pain. The next step is to identify the source of inflammation and fight it. The last stage is the restoration of normal activity of the sinuses, including monitoring their cleansing until this process is fully restored.

In order for the outflow of secretions produced by the glands to normalize, it is necessary to use specialized drugs that constrict blood vessels. They also help cope with swelling. The most famous and effective drugs for sinusitis:

  • "Oxymetazoline";
  • "Naphazoline";
  • "Xylometazoline."

Scary but effective

Quite often, especially if antibiotics do not have a positive effect for sinusitis in adults, a special method is used. Which? Sine evacuation method. Two sterile catheters are placed into the nasal passages. They are sent to one of them antiseptic composition, which is aspirated by the second catheter. This helps remove mucus, pus, cleanse the nasal cavity and disinfect it.

Antibiotics to help people

Antibacterial drugs provide indispensable help for diseases caused by bacteria. True, there are no such magic pills that, taking one or two times, will completely put you back on your feet. If you decide to use antibiotics for sinusitis in adults, you will first have to clean out the sinuses, for which they are opened and the accumulated secretions are removed.

If the disease has viral nature, antimicrobial drugs should not be used. The effectiveness of their use will be zero, but the chance of complications increases markedly due to suppression of the immune system and disruption of the healthy composition of the microflora. In fact, incorrect use of antibiotics not only does not cure sinusitis, but turns it into chronic illness. This must be remembered if you decide to treat sinusitis at home. Few people know how to do this, and often people simply choose the strongest antibiotic available.

Acute sinusitis: treatment

If an acute form of the disease is diagnosed, first of all antihistamines are used in combination with absorbable ones. At making the right choice medications prevent the appearance of adhesions. If the disease is caused by an allergy, it is treated in the same way as an acute inflammatory process. Usually they actively resort to physical therapy methods.

If conservative therapy does not give good results, the question “how to treat sinusitis” takes on a different shade. You will probably have to operate. It sounds pretty scary, but in practice it’s like this surgical interventions have been carried out for more than a decade now. They are safe and effective, although they have a number of controversial issues. During surgery, the ability to clear the sinuses is restored. natural mechanisms. If polyps are detected, they are eliminated with a laser. If nasal septum deformed, the anatomically correct shape is restored. In addition to the classical method of performing the operation, an endoscope is used as a more gentle option.

Symptomatic treatment

If the disease is quite mild, caused by a cold or rhinitis, then treatment is much simpler. Doctors recommend staying in comfortable conditions for several days - at home, without overexerting yourself or getting nervous, and avoiding cold air. As a rule, this is enough to eliminate symptoms if the disease is just beginning.

In order for your nose to breathe normally again and your sense of self to be restored, it is recommended to drink a lot of warm liquids (but not coffee), and also to pamper yourself with warm baths. Inhalations for sinusitis are quite effective at this stage of the disease. Various essential oils are used. Mint, pine, and eucalyptus are especially popular. When the temperature rises, therapy is supplemented with antipyretics and anti-inflammatory medications.

Vasoconstrictor drugs for sinusitis

For mild forms of the disease, this group of medications is used most often. The swelling goes away, breathing is restored, and the sinuses are ventilated again. This means that conditions favorable for the development of pathogenic flora are eliminated, and complications can be avoided. Gradually the disease disappears on its own. There is also a negative point - vasoconstrictor medications can be used for no more than a week. If symptoms of sinusitis persist and treatment has not produced tangible results, it’s time to see a doctor. Apparently, the disease has become more severe. When treating a child, preference should be given to drugs whose active component is xylometazoline.

Antimicrobial therapy

It is advisable to consult a doctor in time with symptoms of sinusitis and entrust treatment to doctors who know exactly what needs to be used and when. If the disease develops in an acute form, it will have to be dealt with (most likely) with antibiotics. And they can only be used on the advice and under the supervision of the treating doctor. Usually prescribed:

  • cephalosporins;
  • penicillins.

The most famous names that are used when planning how to treat sinusitis in each specific case:

  • "Cefuroxime";
  • "Amoxicillin";
  • "Cotrimoxazole".

The course of taking the listed medications is about two weeks. Stopping treatment ahead of time is unacceptable, as the disease may return. And the microorganisms that provoke it will become resistant to drugs.

Chronic sinusitis and more

If the disease has become chronic, treatment usually involves taking a course antimicrobials from the group of protected penicillins. The most famous name of this group of medications on sale is “Augmetin”. If the disease is severe, you will have to take antibiotics for a month or even a month and a half. The process must be monitored by a doctor: the doctor selects the remedy, dose, duration of the course, and regularly checks the effectiveness of the therapy.

Many experts agree that for chronic, acute sinusitis, good results are achieved by therapy with Sumamed, the active component of which is azithromycin. This therapy lasts only three days. This is the most successful choice in the case of mycoplasma disease, which often affects children and is resistant to antimicrobial therapy.

The practice of using highly effective antibiotics that act locally is quite widespread. They are on sale trade names"Bioparox", "Fuzofungin". This treatment option is only suitable for acute forms and should be monitored by a doctor.

Pierce or cut

Further. Treatment of sinusitis using the puncture method has been known for quite some time. It is used in cases of acute and chronic disease. They pierce the area near the inflamed sinuses, pumping out excess mucus. This helps restore normal ventilation.

In some cases, the operation does not lead to the expected result. Then they resort to more active intervention. Usually additional operations are prescribed if a complication develops - meningitis or other serious violation health.

Traditional medicine against sinusitis

Since the disease is quite widespread, folk wisdom invented big variety means to combat it. There are quite simple options, there are more complicated recipes. One of the most harmless, safe and effective options- potato. The tubers are boiled, removed from the heat, drained, and kneaded. The head is tilted over the saucepan, covered with a towel on top and the hot steam is inhaled. Be careful: don't get burned! The dry heat released from potatoes helps to constrict blood vessels, which restores breathing in a short time.

Another effective recipe based on the use of potassium permanganate and iodine. Into a glass clean water(temperature is about 20 degrees) add three drops of potassium permanganate and iodine, stir the liquid thoroughly. The mixture is used to rinse the nose.

Products: effectiveness for sinusitis

Get rid of it unpleasant disease You can use regular radish. The root vegetable is grated, then the juice is squeezed out and filtered. The liquid is regularly instilled into the nose daily: three drops per nostril. The procedure is repeated three times a day.

Another recipe effective remedy: dilute 1 tsp in a glass of clean water (about 20 degrees). sea ​​salt, iodine (5 drops). Mix thoroughly. The product is used to treat the nasal cavity as follows: the solution is drawn in through the nostril and removed by mouth.

Onions are a cure for all ailments

Fir and St. John's wort against sinusitis

It is believed that these plants give good results even with chronic disease. Fir is used in the form of essential oil (can be purchased at a pharmacy). Every day at home you can do inhalations by inhaling fir oil with steam. Add only a couple of drops to one inhaler container - do not overdo it. The steam is inhaled until the pine aroma is felt.

St. John's wort is used to rinse the sinuses. Take a glass of water for a teaspoon of dry herb, boil it and brew the plant, then let the infusion cool. However, you can not only rinse your nose with St. John's wort, but also drink it. True, they prepare it for drinking a little differently. Boil a glass of water for 20 g of dried plant, pour it in, cover it and let it cool. This glass is divided into three parts and drunk per day (respectively, in three doses). Treatment lasts 12 days.

After temporary release of the blockade of the nasal canals, combination medications (Isofra, Polydexa, Protargol) are instilled into the nose, including several active ingredients(antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, drying). In parallel, in the absence of contraindications, nasal rinsing is done with saline solutions and antiseptics.

Conservative therapy almost always involves antibiotics. wide range actions are usually based on cephalosporins, macrolides and penicillins (Ceftriaxone, Augmentin, Amoxiclav).

As an additional therapy and to reduce the strength of inflammatory processes, with appropriate prescription, the patient can take antihistamines - Telfast, Claritin, Diazolin, Loratadine, and in some difficult cases, corticosteroids (Prednisolone).

Be sure to regularly consume probiotics during treatment - this will reduce Negative influence medications on the liver and restore the intestinal microflora. After overcoming the acute phase of the disease and the onset of the remission phase, the ENT doctor prescribes physiotherapeutic procedures to the patient - UHF and UV irradiation of the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity, as well as diadynamic treatment with currents.

On late stages sinusitis, classic nasal rinses at home or inpatient conditions(the so-called “cuckoo”) do not help remove stagnant pus from the sinus cavities: in this case, it prescribes a very unpleasant, painful, but effective procedure, called puncture and puncture. Here the doctor punches soft things through the nose cartilage tissue a special surgical spatula? Then he inserts a catheter, connects a syringe with a disinfectant solution to the system and injects liquid under pressure, thus through the nose, washing out all the pus accumulated in the cavity. If necessary, the catheter is left in the cavity and the washing procedure is repeated several times.

With sphenoiditis, it is impossible to reach the sphenoid sinus directly through the nose - then the doctor, in the absence of contraindications, makes a resection at the posterior end of the middle concha, inserting a catheter into the cavity.

Treatment of sinusitis in children

Treatment of sinusitis in a child must begin with a prompt and correct diagnosis. The best and best way to do this is through a comprehensive examination by an ENT doctor, who will conduct not only a primary visual examination, but will also refer the child for additional tests, including X-rays, ultrasound, diaphanoscopy and computed tomography.

The main factors for the success of treatment are the rapid elimination of infection, normalization of sinus ventilation and the outflow of mucus from the cavities, weakening and neutralization of the main symptoms.

A course of neutralizing symptoms, in addition to the use of painkillers, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs, taking warm baths and drinks, if possible bed rest without visiting the street, especially in the cold season, as well as inhalation with essential essences of eucalyptus, mint and pine components.

Restore normal nasal breathing preferably with the help of gentle vasoconstrictor drugs with a small dosage - these are Nazol Kids, Rinofluimucil, DlyaNos, etc. It is definitely worth organizing nasal rinsing using specially developed isotonic saline solutions - these are the Aqua Maris, Aqualor, etc. systems.

Antibiotics for the treatment of sinusitis in children should be prescribed exclusively by an ENT specialist. On average, the antibacterial course lasts from 9 to 14 days. If a baby has sinusitis in the first, mildest stage, then antibiotics based on cephalosporins or macrolides will be optimal - these are the drugs Clarithromycin, Spiramycin, as well as Ceftriaxone, Cefepime, Ceftobiprole. At severe forms diseases or their chronic phase, it is preferable to use penicillins - Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin.

For acute sinusitis in children, complex local preparations can be a good alternative to classic broad-spectrum antibiotics local application based on antibiotics, antihistamine components and antiseptic drugs - in particular, Polydexa and Bioparox.

If the paranasal sinuses are severely affected by infection and pus and drug treatment is unsuccessful, a specialist doctor usually prescribes a microsurgical operation - direct puncture of the sinuses. In this case, the small patient is given a strong painkiller and the operation is performed under general anesthesia. After the puncture, the doctor, using saline solution and the pressure created by the syringe, forcibly flushes out the contents of the cavity, which comes out through the nose. If there is an urgent need, this activity is repeated several more times, having previously installed a catheter, so that next time the soft tissue of the nasal septum will not be pierced again.

In some cases, even with severely advanced sinusitis, a non-surgical method of moving fluid, popularly called “cuckoo”, helps. Here a small patient is injected into one nostril with saline solution in large quantities, which gently “squeezes out” the accumulated mucus and directs it through the second exit parallel nasal canal. Such procedures usually require at least 4-5 sessions.

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk wisdom and ancient medicine have preserved dozens of recipes that help cope with sinusitis. Below, the most effective of them will be indicated.

  1. Steam inhalations with the addition of essential oils or extracts of pine, eucalyptus, tea tree, mint (a few drops are enough) - these products clean and disinfect the cavities in the sinuses, and also relieve swelling of the mucous membranes.
  2. Lotions made from a mixture of propolis and golden mustache juice. To prepare them, take several balls of propolis, soak them in a mixture of water and golden mustache juice (50 to 50), heat them a little over low heat, place them in 2-3 thick pieces of gauze folded in several layers and apply the product to the area of ​​the affected sinuses. Keep the lotions for 30-40 minutes, perform the above steps no more than once a day, for about 10-12 days.
  3. Classical herbal medicine. Take two tablespoons of string, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of hop cones, and three teaspoons of oregano. Boil the decoction for 10 minutes, add one teaspoon of dried wormwood, stir, strain, cool and drink 100 mg twice a day on an empty stomach. Funds for two weeks.
  4. Tea mushroom. For sinusitis, traditional medicine recommends using tincture as a nasal rinse. kombucha.
  5. Children's decoction. In the old days they cooked for children with sinusitis next remedy: one teaspoon each of aspen bark, pine buds, tansy, coriander fruits, goldenrod and edelweiss, must be brewed in 2 liters of water, then judge and filter the tincture. Take 100 ml internally three times a day, and also instill two drops into the nose, also three times a day. The course of treatment is two weeks.

Useful video

Dr. Komarovsky about sinusitis and methods of its treatment in children.

Treatment of diseases of the ENT organs with traditional medicine recipes has been popular since time immemorial. In practice, decoctions of medicinal herbs, warming compresses, and inhalation procedures are often used. These methods have virtually no side effects and perfectly complement traditional therapy. It is useful for every person to know how to treat sinusitis at home.

Sinusitis is often confused with rhinitis, since these pathologies have a lot in common. When a runny nose appears, many people try to cure the disease with pharmaceutical sprays or drops, but this is where the therapeutic measures end. With such a negligent attitude towards health, patients create many problems for themselves.

It is necessary to take into account certain factors for a person who is struggling with a maxillary disease.

  1. The root cause that caused the pathological course should be dealt with.
  2. You need to change your diet; it should be rich in vitamins to increase the body’s protective properties.
  3. Before using folk remedies, it is worth checking the components for an allergic reaction.
  4. Untreated sinusitis develops into an acute or purulent form.
  5. Therapeutic measures should only be prescribed by a doctor after a diagnosis has been established.

It should be remembered that therapy will not give immediate results. Traditional treatment take a lot of time. It is strictly forbidden to neglect the disease; this can be fatal (due to the occurrence of meningitis). The main manifestation of the disease is the inflammatory process and swelling of the sinus mucosa, which causes nasal congestion and headaches. Due to the development of inflammation, a favorable environment is created for the development of bacteria. Sinusitis treatment at home is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease.

Therapy is aimed at the following activities:

  • fight against swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • improving nasal aeration;
  • stimulation of mucus outflow;
  • preventive measures for bacterial infection;
  • prevention of purulent complications.

Drug treatment

How to treat sinusitis at home? The following information will be useful to people suffering from maxillary pathological process. Conservative therapy is aimed at eliminating swelling of the mucous membrane to normalize breathing and the outflow of snot. Vasoconstrictors are suitable for such purposes. In parallel, corticosteroids, anti-inflammatory and antihistamines can be prescribed. Patients are recommended to take antibiotics if the cause of the disease is bacteria.

Topical remedies for sinusitis. How to cure sinusitis at home, what medications should be used?

  1. Vasoconstrictor drugs. These include drops and sprays. They eliminate nasal congestion 5 minutes after instillation. These drugs cannot be used regularly because they are addictive (take no longer than a week). The medicines “Naphthyzin”, “Sanorin”, “Tizin”, “Nock-spray” received praise. For teenagers under 12 years old, a special children's uniform is produced.
  2. Mucolytic agents. They are used to thin mucus in the sinuses. Such medications (Fluditec, Mucodin) are produced in the form of syrups for babies from capsules and tablets. For adults, the medicine is made in the form of effervescent drinks.
  3. Antihistamines. They should be taken only when absolutely necessary. They help dry out the mucous membranes and thicken snot in the nasal passages. A suitable environment is created for the development of bacteria. This medicine indispensable for allergic sinusitis.
  4. Corticosteroids. Such medications quickly relieve inflammation and reduce symptoms. For example, the drug Nasonex is rarely prescribed. It gives anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects. This medication is relevant for sinusitis of an allergic nature.
  5. Treating sinusitis at home with antibiotics. Such drugs are prescribed only after consultation with a doctor. They will be relevant if the pathology is caused by bacteria.

Antibacterial agents have the following advantages:

  • act instantly;
  • do not have a harmful effect on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • penetrate even into the most remote corners of the inflamed nasal sections.

Chronic sinusitis treatment at home is practically no different from other forms of the pathological process. Symptoms periodically worsen when relapses occur. Acute sinusitis treatment at home also involves extinguishing the source of infection and restoring breathing. This form of the disease often develops into chronic course. You can prevent the development of this metamorphosis with the help of complex therapy. In addition to conservative treatment, various procedures are used. Inhalation for sinusitis at home plays an important role in the fight against pathology.


Compresses help in the fight against sinusitis. They can be used both for chronic and during acute course pathology. Hot butts warm up the sinuses, relieve inflammation, and stimulate the discharge of mucus.

How to treat chronic sinusitis at home using heating? It is recommended to do the following compresses:

  • from boiled eggs (pre-wrap in cloth to prevent burns);
  • using heated sea salt (put in a bag);
  • from black radish nectar with sunflower oil(mix ingredients, apply to sinuses, cover with film).

All butts should be held for no longer than half an hour. After removing the compress, you need to cover the area with a warm cloth until the skin cools completely. The patient should be in bed at this time. Treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies at home using compresses will help relieve symptoms after the first procedure.

Nasal rinsing

Nasal irrigation is often prescribed for sinusitis. Using this procedure, pathogenic microorganisms are removed from the nose, swelling is eliminated, and mucus is evacuated. Signs, symptoms and treatment at home for sinusitis are determined by the following means:

  • a solution of sea or table salt purchased at a pharmacy;
  • the product can be prepared at home (take 2 glasses of water, add a teaspoon of sea salt);
  • Furacilin, potassium permanganate, chlorhexide also effectively eliminate bacteria in the sinuses and remove snot.

Treatment of sinusitis at home using rinsing solutions should be done at least 4 times a day. You need to irrigate your nose carefully, following all instructions.

Steam inhalations

If a person suffers from nasal congestion, effective steam treatments. It is recommended to use herbal tinctures, decoctions of medicinal plants. Bee products, aromatic oils, and potatoes are also used. Traditional medicine has a positive attitude towards inhalation procedures. Thanks to these measures, a person will be able to relieve nasal congestion after the first procedure.

Popular recipes for inhalation of the nasal passages.

  1. Celandine, raspberry, calendula. Use all herbs in equal proportions, add water, let it brew. The solution for inhalation is ready.
  2. Chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow. Take raw materials in proportions 1:2:1, pour boiling water. Let it brew for an hour.
  3. An effective solution will be from bay leaf. To prepare the drug, you need to take 30 large leaves of the plant, pour boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 60 minutes.

Inhalation treatment should last a week, with 3 procedures per day. Such activities can be done for small children under 5 years old. For treatment to give results, you must first clean the nasal passages. Vapors must be inhaled not through the mouth, but through the nose. If the patient has a fever, the nasal passages should not be inhaled.

Ointments and applications

In the fight against maxillary pathology, ointments and applications are good. They give an effect no worse than drops and sprays. Unlike such medications, the ointment can be applied to the mucous membrane of the nasal passages and distributed in the required proportions.

Recipes for balms for sinusitis.

  1. Ointment made from honey and flour. To make the product, bee nectar is melted in a water bath. While it is liquid, add flour and stir. You should get a dough from which you should sculpt flat circles. They need to be placed on the sinuses, the remaining cakes should be placed on the forehead. This procedure It's best to do it before bed.
  2. Application of therapeutic mud. The mass should be warmed up, placed in fabric bags, and applied to the sinuses. Leave the cake for 20 minutes. You can put up to 20 butts per day.

Appliqué is the name given to butts made from medicines. To carry out this manipulation, you need to prepare a mixture. Usually the mass is in liquid form. For example, steamed raw materials. To prevent the product from falling apart, a cloth is placed between the pieces. The healing mass has healing properties. Pepper patch, cakes made from flour and honey, propolis with aroma oil. On the recommendation of a doctor, you can use Heparin and Tetracycline ointment.

The benefits and harms of home treatment

Therapeutic therapy at home is often criticized by official medicine. Most people do not have enough knowledge to fight diseases on their own.

  1. With the help of traditional therapy, it is possible to cure the pathology over a long period of time, which is the main disadvantage.
  2. Also, a person may choose the wrong treatment, and complications will begin.
  3. Homemade recipes may cause side effects, allergies.

If the diagnosis is incorrect, the consequences of self-prescribed therapy can be more serious. Positive aspects of treating illness at home.

  1. There is no need to spend a lot of money on pharmaceutical products that may not be effective.
  2. The patient does not need to visit a doctor or undergo paid tests.

It is better to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe current treatment measures. Self-medication rarely works positive results, only if the person does not have knowledge in the field of medicine.
