Chemical coagulation of the cervix what. How and when to cauterize erosion - video. Preparation for the procedure


Coagulation of the cervix is ​​a frequently used procedure in gynecological practice. Its use is due to various pathologies of the cervix, both benign and precancerous.

Cervix and coagulation

Due to the peculiarities of its location, structure and functioning, the cervix is ​​susceptible to damage. This narrow lower part of the uterus is located between the vagina and the body of the organ. Accordingly, the neck is not a separate body. It is formed due to the anatomical narrowing of the uterus to the vagina.

Cervix in mandatory examined by gynecologists during the examination, since from its condition it can be concluded that there are inflammatory, background, and precancerous pathologies. Acting as a kind of barrier between the vagina and the uterus, the cervix is ​​prone to adverse effects and damage.

Gynecologists distinguish two sections of the cervix depending on their location and visualization. The supravaginal section is adjacent directly to the uterine body and cannot be examined during examination. While the vaginal part protrudes into the vagina and is examined in the mirrors.

The vaginal part of the cervix is ​​covered with flat stratified epithelium, which gives the surface a smooth texture and a pale pink color. Uniformity and the absence of elevations and erosions on the surface, which indicate various pathologies, are essential.

Squamous stratified epithelium is formed by cells that are located at the level of several layers as they develop. For example, in the basal layer, which borders the stroma, the cells are immature. They are round in shape and have one large core. They then rise into the intermediate layer, gradually maturing and undergoing flattening. Finally, mature cells, which are old, function in the superficial layer. Thanks to the desquamation of flat cells, the squamous stratified epithelium has the opportunity to renew itself.

Stroma is represented vessels, nerves and muscles.

Sometimes, under the influence of various unfavorable factors, cellular changes are observed in the flat stratified epithelium. When cells acquire signs of atypia, that is, they become shapeless and increase the number of nuclei, this indicates the development of dysplastic processes. Progression of dysplasia causes loss of normal division into layers. Gradually, the cells acquire the ability to grow aggressively and invade surrounding tissues. Thus, the precancerous process becomes malignant.

Inside the cervix there is a performer protective function cervical canal. It connects the uterus and vagina to each other. The cervical canal is covered with single-layer cylindrical cells, which are distinguished by a reddish tint and give the tissue a peculiar velvety feel. The cervical canal is represented by numerous folds that allow it to stretch during childbirth. In the submucosal layer, glands are identified that produce cervical secretion, which has bactericidal properties. This is necessary to protect the sterile uterine cavity from infectious agents that inhabit the vagina.

The protective mechanism is also provided by physiological constrictions, which are represented by the internal and external pharynx. The internal pharynx opens into the uterus, and the lower pharynx opens into the vagina. This area is the location of the transformation zone connecting the squamous and stratified epithelium.

For some pathological conditions of the cervix, doctors resort to the use of coagulation. This is a fairly safe procedure that is a gentle option surgical treatment. Coagulation is carried out in outpatient setting, hospitalization is usually not required for its implementation.

After coagulation is performed, the patient can leave the medical facility almost immediately. Control of cure is carried out after a month.

Coagulation is often used in modern gynecology for the treatment of background and precancerous pathologies due to the simplicity and safety of the method. Coagulation consists of cauterizing pathological tissue using various techniques, as well as removing atypical neoplasms. In fact, cauterization is carried out directly only when the tissue is exposed to electric current. But since other methods of coagulation appeared later, the concept of cauterization is also used in relation to them.

Coagulation is used with therapeutic purpose. Using the coagulation procedure, you can prevent the development of many dangerous pathologies having serious consequences.

Advantages and disadvantages

Coagulation is carried out only according to indications, since the method has both positive and negative sides. Moreover different types coagulation has its own list of advantages and disadvantages.

Gynecologists cite the following advantages of coagulation methods compared to other surgical treatment methods.

  1. Most coagulation techniques are modern and performed using innovative equipment. Technical equipment and procedure allow us to minimize the risk of complications, which is especially important for nulliparous patients.
  2. Almost all coagulation techniques do not leave scars or cicatricial deformation, which is important for the subsequent implementation of reproductive function.
  3. The minimally invasive procedure involves a short duration rehabilitation period and rapid tissue restoration.
  4. The coagulation procedure is simple and takes little time.
  5. During the coagulation process, the effect is predominantly on pathological tissue. In this case, healthy cells are practically not subject to trauma.
  6. Coagulation does not require prior hospitalization. The intervention is carried out on an outpatient basis.

Despite the many benefits of coagulation, there are also negative aspects of the intervention. Among the disadvantages of coagulation, several main points can be highlighted.

  1. Some coagulation techniques are carried out exclusively in multidisciplinary private clinics, which implies a high cost and qualifications of the doctor, and the availability of modern equipment.
  2. Since coagulation is a surgical treatment method and can cause a number of complications, there is a need to conduct an examination in order to prevent consequences. Sometimes, after diagnosis, contraindications to the procedure are identified.
  3. Some coagulation tactics are accompanied by a long recovery period and discomfort during the rehabilitation period.

Gynecologists emphasize that the presence of different cauterization tactics allows you to choose best option, which has the least number of disadvantages in a particular case.

Indications and contraindications

Coagulation has an impressive list of indications for intervention. Coagulation is used for various pathologies cervix:

  • pseudo-erosion;
  • scar tissue;
  • polyposis;
  • stratum corneum;
  • condylomas;
  • cysts;
  • endocervicosis;
  • eversion of the cervical canal;
  • cervical endometriosis;
  • dysplastic processes;
  • hypertrophy;
  • leukoplakia;
  • benign neoplasms;
  • tissue damage by HPV.

Cervical coagulation is a relatively safe procedure. However, there are certain contraindications to its use.

Cervical coagulation is not performed in the following cases:

  • malignant suspicion;
  • acute inflammatory process;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • pregnancy;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • the presence of metal implants;
  • urogenital tract infections.

Many contraindications are relative. After treatment and confirmation of cure, coagulation may be performed.

Preparatory stage

Before performing coagulation, an examination is necessary. Diagnostics is carried out to determine possible contraindications which can lead to complications and long-term consequences. Diagnostics before performing coagulation include:

  • general examination by a gynecologist;
  • flora smear;
  • cytological examination;
  • detection of infections using PCR;
  • colposcopy;
  • biopsy.

If sexually transmitted infections are detected, cervical coagulation is contraindicated. This is due to the development of possible complications. The infection will interfere with the regeneration processes. A month and a half after antibiotic therapy, the woman repeats the tests. In the absence of an inflammatory process, coagulation can be performed.

Should be considered, that the examination results have an expiration date, after which it is necessary to undergo the examination again.

Coagulation of the cervix is ​​performed at the beginning menstrual cycle, after the cessation of menstruation. A few days before coagulation of the cervix, it is recommended to avoid sexual intercourse, douching and taking medications that were not prescribed by a doctor.

Execution techniques

In modern gynecology, several coagulation options are used. The choice of a specific technique depends on the characteristics of the pathology and the patient’s medical history. The choice of treatment tactics is greatly influenced by the woman’s reproductive function, the equipment of the clinic, and the availability of qualified medical personnel.

In gynecological practice, the following methods of cervical coagulation are used:

  • diathermocoagulation;
  • radio wave treatment;
  • laser exposure;
  • argon plasma tactics;
  • cauterization with chemicals;
  • cryodestruction.

Each coagulation method has both advantages and disadvantages.


Diathermocoagulation involves the use of electric current to eliminate pathological foci. Differently this technique called electrocoagulation. During the process of diathermocoagulation, the tissue is directly cauterized, after which a crust, called a scab, is formed at the burn site.

Diathermocoagulation is the first tactic of gentle surgical treatment. The intervention began to be used to treat pathological conditions of the cervix at the beginning of the twentieth century. Over almost a century of practice of using coagulation techniques, new methods of influence have been introduced, which are characterized by fewer contraindications and complications. Nevertheless, the high efficiency, low cost and simplicity of the method justifies frequent use diathermocoagulation. Moreover, in every medical institution gynecological profile has equipment for coagulation electric shock and specially trained personnel.

Since after electrocoagulation a burn remains on the tissue, there is a high probability of scar tissue formation. Often there is a narrowing of the cervical canal. That is why diathermocoagulation is not recommended for women who do not have a history of childbirth.

Gynecologists highlight the following complications arising after electrocoagulation:

  • endometriosis;
  • bleeding;
  • addition of infection and development of the inflammatory process;
  • the appearance of scar tissue and the risk of cervical rupture during childbirth;
  • relapse of a pathological condition.

During surgery, high-frequency current is used. Treatment duration is approximately 15 minutes. On the surface, the burn site looks like a scab or crust. After a few days, the scab is rejected, which manifests itself as minor brown discharge. If the scab leaves early, bleeding may occur. As a rule, electrocoagulation is carried out with a large area of ​​damage.

Radio wave excision

Destruction of pathological areas using radio waves is considered the optimal method of surgical treatment. Coagulation is performed using radio waves that are generated special device. During the process of radio wave exposure, the intracellular fluid is heated to high temperatures, which leads to the evaporation of elements.

Radio wave excision is indicated for nulliparous patients, since the technique has virtually no contraindications or complications. During the intervention, the affected area is sterilized and coagulated. This reduces the risk of bleeding and infection. Scar deformity after cauterization is also absent. The rehabilitation period is short-lived.

It is noteworthy that during radio wave treatment healthy tissue is practically not injured, unlike other techniques. During the intervention, local anesthesia is used.

Radio wave coagulation has several disadvantages that are associated with high cost manipulations, lack of qualified specialists and necessary equipment.

Laser technique

Laser exposure is also considered the most effective way to treat cervical pathologies. During coagulation using a laser, the doctor can control the depth of exposure and power of exposure, which reduces the risk of complications. During processing, healthy epithelium is slightly injured. Tissues coagulate from the periphery to the center.

The disadvantage of treatment is considered to be excessive stretching of the vaginal walls due to the use of a laser device, a gynecological speculum, or a device for drawing out evaporation products.

Some experts believe that laser tactics have high risk occurrence of relapses. This is due to the fact that cells can seed healthy epithelium during evaporation.

Argon plasma technique

This innovative method, which are often used in relation to acquired erosions. Argon enhances radio wave exposure. The tactics are considered highly accurate and help avoid trauma to healthy areas of the epithelium.

For the purpose of warning painful sensations Gynecologists use preliminary anesthesia. Argon plasma excision does not lead to the formation of scar deformity. The recovery period takes about a month. You can plan a pregnancy six months after the intervention.

Arnonoplasma method Treatment is carried out using the Fotek device. This device is an analogue of the American Surgitron equipment, which is used for radio wave coagulation.

Chemical exposure

Coagulation using chemical substances may also be recommended to nulliparous patients. This is due to the superficial effect that distinguishes solutions for application to the cervix. Accordingly, chemical destruction can be recommended only for minor defects.

Chemical coagulation is painless. For achievement maximum effect treatment of the cervix is ​​carried out several times.

During the procedure, the doctor removes secretions from the surface of the cervix using a tampon, and then applies a drug, for example, Solkovagin. Thus, the treated area of ​​the epithelium is killed. After the procedure, the solution is removed from the cervix. For the most accurate application of solutions during the cauterization process, a colposcope is used.


Like diathermocoagulation, the effect of liquid nitrogen on the affected areas is applied for quite a long time. The procedure involves treating cervical defects liquid nitrogen, which is fed through a special cryoprobe. The cells crystallize, which causes their destruction.

The method is suitable for treating nulliparous patients. It is relatively painless. However, the impact low temperatures may cause seizures. The disadvantages of the procedure include the relatively long healing of the epithelium, which lasts for two months. In addition, the recovery period is accompanied by copious watery discharge. Cryodestruction can be carried out only with minor damage to the epithelium.

Recovery period

In the early recovery period There may be a mild nagging pain in the lower abdomen and a small amount of bloody spotting. In general, the rehabilitation period and the speed of regeneration processes depend on the chosen treatment method.

Long-term recovery is observed when using electrocoagulation due to the occurrence of burns and cryodestruction. The optimal methods of surgical intervention on the cervix are considered laser technique and radio wave excision. During the treatment process, there is virtually no effect on healthy tissue, and there is a minimal risk of complications. These factors have positive influence on healing and accelerate tissue regeneration.

Thus, the recovery period is characterized by:

  • emergence nagging pain lower abdomen;
  • the appearance of spotting brown discharge;
  • slight delay in menstruation.

Features of the recovery period and the speed of regeneration processes depend on the patient’s compliance with the rules. During rehabilitation it is recommended:

  • using pads instead of tampons;
  • performance hygiene procedures in the shower, as taking a bath can cause infection;
  • excluding visits to baths and saunas for a month;
  • limit physical activity, in particular, lifting weights;
  • adhere to sexual rest.

Repeated examination and control of cure is carried out no earlier than a month later.

Possible complications and consequences

Typically, the occurrence of consequences is associated with violation of the rules of asepsis during the procedure, the presence of inflammatory processes and non-compliance with the rules of the recovery period. The risk of complications increases when diathermocoagulation is performed. According to statistics, when choosing this technique, complications are observed in 80% of cases.

Complications in the early recovery period include:

  • the addition of an infection, which is manifested by a rise in body temperature, fever, pain in the lower abdomen and pathological discharge;
  • bleeding.

In the long term, the following consequences may occur:

  • development of scar deformation;
  • fusion of the cervical canal;
  • cervical rupture during pregnancy and childbirth.

In order to prevent complications and consequences, doctors recommend performing a full examination before the intervention, approaching the choice of treatment tactics on an individual basis, and following the recommendations of the gynecologist during the recovery period.

Despite the fact that coagulation of the cervix is ​​a simple and common procedure in gynecological practice, it should be taken seriously this species surgical intervention. Much depends on the choice of clinic and the qualifications of the doctor. For nulliparous patients, women who plan to carry out reproductive function, you should choose the most gentle methods.

Cauterization, a method of treating cervical erosion, has several varieties. Not long ago a new, painless and safe method: radio wave coagulation cervix.

Cervical erosion and methods of its treatment

- a defect in the epithelium covering the vaginal part of the cervix. The causes of this pathology are varied.

For treatment, various methods of cauterization of cervical erosion are used:

  • radio wave coagulation (RWH, RVT);
  • electrocoagulation of the cervix (DEC, or diathermoelectrocoagulation);
  • laser coagulation of the cervix (laser vaporization or laser coagulation);
  • cryocoagulation (cryotherapy);
  • argon plasma ablation;
  • chemical destruction (treatment with Solkovagin and other drugs).

The most effective treatment method is radio wave therapy, which copes well with the problem and can be used at any age, regardless of whether the woman has given birth or not.

What is radio wave surgery?

Radio wave treatment of the cervix is ​​carried out using the Surgitron or Fotek apparatus. The device (“radio knife”) generates high-frequency radio waves. A beam of these waves directed at pathologically altered cells causes their evaporation. The depth of penetration of radio waves is adjustable, which minimizes trauma to healthy tissue. The method does not leave scars and is the best modern alternative to laser and electrical treatment of cervical erosion.

A small device that makes a sound similar to the sound of a drill in a dentist's office should not frighten patients. Its main goal is to quickly, effectively and painlessly cleanse the mucous membrane of cells that cause the pathological process.

Before the manipulation, it is necessary to undergo an examination and take tests. Only when the results are known will the doctor be able to prescribe treatment.

Advantages of radio wave cauterization:

  • The procedure is carried out once.
  • A gentle effect on a specific area of ​​the mucosa, which allows only pathogenic cells to be destroyed.
  • Healing of the cervix occurs quickly, without scarring.
  • Powerful antimicrobial effect.
  • Can be performed on both parous and nulliparous women.
  • Tissue for biopsy is taken during the procedure.
  • There are no relapses.

Many women after surgery can carry and give birth to a child without any special consequences. In the presence of pronounced changes on the cervix, delivery by caesarean section is indicated.

Preparation: what tests need to be taken

Before performing radio wave coagulation you need to pass:

  • culture of vaginal microflora;
  • PCR for infectious diseases;
  • HPV (human papillomavirus) test;
  • coagulogram;

In addition, a colposcopy is performed (to determine the size of the erosion and the type of treatment) and, in some cases, a biopsy (as prescribed by a doctor).

Having received the research results, the doctor prescribes medications for the patient to sanitize the vagina before the procedure, prescribes antibiotics for oral administration and suppositories used after radio wave treatment of the cervix.

How does the procedure work?

Radio wave destruction of the cervix takes from two to seven minutes. The speed of the procedure depends on the size of the erosion and whether a tissue biopsy is needed or not.

  1. The woman is placed on a gynecological chair. Install the expander. The cervical mucosa is lubricated with an anesthetic drug (lidocaine). Under the control of a colposcope, the cervix is ​​cauterized using the Surgitron apparatus. There may be discomfort and aching pain lower abdomen. But they go away after treatment is completed.
  2. After cauterization, the patient spends another 5-10 minutes in the chair. After making sure that her condition is normal (she is not dizzy or nauseous), she can leave the room.

Under outpatient observation The patient stays with the doctor for the next two months. Such measures are necessary so that the specialist is confident in the correct treatment, timely healing and prevention of possible postoperative complications.

Healing process

Within a month after treatment of cervical erosion with Surgitron, vaginal discharge is observed - this is natural process. In the first five days, the discharge may be bloody, bloody, or watery.

It is important to know:

  • If they appear painful sensations, bad smell discharge and coloring it green or yellowish color, you need to contact a gynecologist. There may have been an infection.
  • If bleeding occurs after the procedure, you should also be examined by a gynecologist.
  • If the scarring process goes well, it is necessary to apply vaginal suppositories, promoting healing of the mucous membrane and relieving inflammation.
  • A follow-up examination is carried out a month later. If there are no deviations, the assigned restrictions are removed. To ensure complete recovery, the patient is invited back in another month.

When leaving the gynecologist's office, do not forget that there are things that are prohibited from doing in the next two weeks (recovery period).

  • Lifting weights over 3 kilograms.
  • Intense physical activity.
  • Intimacy.
  • Visiting the sauna, swimming pool, taking a bath.
  • The use of tampons and douches.

In each specific case, the duration of the bans and their number vary, based on the patient’s condition, the size of the post-coagulation scab and the speed of healing.

Comparative indicators of various methods of treating erosion

There are other modern surgical techniques treatment of cervical erosion. It is worth comparing the indicators to ensure their effectiveness.

Argon plasma coagulation of the cervixHeld non-contact method by using electromagnetic field high frequency, which is transmitted using argon plasma. Local heating and coagulation of tissue occurs.
  • It is possible to be exposed to a plasma flow without introducing various infections.
  • Can be used in nulliparous women.
  • Painless, safe method.
  • The specialist can easily adjust the flow depth.
  • Does not leave scars on the mucous membrane.
High price
DiathermocoagulationConducted by electric currentLow price
  • Used only in women who have given birth.
  • Long-term healing of the mucous membrane.
  • A coagulated scar can have disastrous consequences (endometriosis, infertility, decreased cervical elasticity).
  • The uterine scar can again cause erosion.
Radio wave coagulationCarried out by high frequency radio waves with adjustable penetration depth.
  • The structure of the uterine muscles is preserved after the procedure.
  • No scar is formed.
  • The method is available for nulliparous women.
Quite a high price. Not available in all clinics due to the need for expensive equipment.

Women should not neglect their health. Timely coagulation of cervical erosion reduces the risk of benign and malignant neoplasms. If you miss the moment and do not get treatment, the consequences can be disastrous.

Treatment of cervical erosion with radio waves on this moment is an effective and relatively affordable way. Due to the high temperature that occurs during cauterization, the walls are sealed blood vessels. The patient is not at risk of bleeding or infection during the procedure.

After radio wave treatment of cervical erosion using the Surgitron device, there are no scars left, which reduce the chances of young women to conceive and bear a child normally. The muscles remain as elastic as before cauterization. The cervix recovers faster after treatment using this method (in a month to a month and a half).

Surgitron is a device that will help remove papillomas, condylomas, nevi, polyps formed on the mucous membrane, and cure cervical erosion forever. Radiocoagulation is carried out quickly and painlessly. After radio wave treatment of cervical erosion, patients do not need to stay in the hospital for a long time.

Today, radio wave therapy for the treatment of the cervix is ​​widely popular. By using modern technologies thermal cuts can be made. Thanks to such treatment methods, various diseases associated with the female reproductive system can be quickly cured. Besides, radio wave therapy of the cervix does not cause tissue destruction.

Usage radio wave therapy for surgical purposes it does not leave any stitches on the patient. When operating with radio waves on the cervix, the operation does not leave scars, which eliminates the problematic dilatation of the uterus during childbirth. After radio wave therapy, a woman will be able to have children in the future.

After such an operation, slight bleeding or even discharge in the form of ichor may be observed. Complete healing after surgery occurs in 30-40 days.

In addition, treatment using radio wave therapy has received wide indications for use in gynecology. Such indications are: polyps of the vaginal walls, treatment of cervical erosion, cervical leukoplakia, as well as various surgical interventions on the genitals.

Before performing an operation using radio wave therapy of the cervix, you should consult with our gynecologist, who will answer all questions. Before such an operation is carried out, the gynecologist prescribes appropriate tests and is required to undergo an examination using ultrasound.

Radio wave surgery of the cervix

Method of radio wave surgery of the cervix for last years becomes the most used field of medicine. The method is based on the conversion of high-frequency radio waves into energy concentrated at the end of the active elements. This energy leads to tissue evaporation without causing injury to the underlying tissue.

A special feature of radio wave surgery in the treatment of cervical diseases is the absence of bleeding and damage to nearby tissues. This in turn leads to optimal healing after surgery, without the formation of rough scars.

All postoperative period proceed without pain syndromes.

In gynecology, the method of radio wave surgery is used in the treatment of various diseases cervix. Indications for the use of this treatment method are:

  • Ectopia of the cervix;
  • Cicatricial deformity of the cervix;
  • Eroded ectropion;
  • Cervical endometriosis;
  • Polyps of the cervical canal;
  • Cervical neoplasia;
  • Leukoplakia of the cervix;
  • Vaginal cyst;
  • Cervical hypertrophy;
  • Nabothian cysts.

But, despite all the advantages, radio wave surgery has contraindications. The use of surgical treatment using radio waves is prohibited if there are any inflammatory processes on the cervix.

The essence of the procedure for radio wave coagulation of the cervix is ​​destruction pathological changes. In this case, the impact on the cervical area is carried out using radio waves. Indications for radio wave coagulation are: pathological processes in the cervix.

Contraindications for radio wave coagulation of the cervix are the presence of acute inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs.

Before performing this procedure, diagnostics are necessary. A gynecological smear for flora is performed, as well as an oncocytological examination of the cervix with extended colposcopy. Can be performed if necessary additional research for urogenital infections.

Radio wave coagulation of the cervix is ​​carried out directly after the end of the menstrual cycle, on days 1-2. After two to three days after coagulation, you should avoid physical activity. Sexual intercourse should be avoided for up to one month. It is not recommended to perform independent douching, as well as the introduction of medicinal vaginal forms. A follow-up examination is carried out by a gynecologist after the end of the next menstruation.

Coagulation of the cervix is ​​often used by gynecologists to eliminate abnormal areas on the surface of the epithelium that are formed as a result of exposure to various pathological factors. After the procedure, the defect is replaced with new healthy tissue.

What is cervical coagulation

Coagulation is common gynecological procedure, which consists in the formation of a blood clot on the affected area, which is subsequently replaced by new tissue. Coagulation is also used in various pathological areas of the endometrium, when other non-invasive treatment methods do not bring the desired effect for a long time.

Benefits of the coagulation procedure:

  • effective elimination of altered tissue;
  • possibility of conducting histological examination;
  • renewal of the affected epithelium;
  • quick results;
  • a variety of techniques allowing you to choose the best option for any type of defect;
  • precise impact on the pathological focus without damaging healthy tissue.

Disadvantages of this method:

  • pain during the procedure;
  • long-term rehabilitation;
  • side effects;
  • risk of bleeding if a blood clot accidentally breaks off;
  • scar tissue change;
  • narrowing of the cervical canal;
  • decreased elasticity of the cervix in the affected area.

Video: radio wave coagulation of the cervix

Indications and contraindications

Coagulation of the cervix is ​​indicated for the following conditions and diagnoses:

  • changes in the structure of the tissue lining the cervical canal as a result of hormonal imbalance;
  • epithelial defects discovered during colposcopic examination (polyps, cysts, foci of endometriosis);
  • erosions and cervicitis;
  • condylomas and papillomas;
  • granulomas;
  • infectious lesions;
  • scar changes.

Contraindications to surgery are:

  • bleeding of unknown etiology;
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • pregnancy;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • decreased blood clotting.

Girls who have not given birth should use caution when treating the cervix with various coagulation methods - in some cases, as a result of the effect, the elasticity of the tissues lining the cervix changes. In the future, this can lead to problems during childbirth: non-dilation of the cervix, its ruptures.

Preparing for surgery

Preparation for this type of operation includes:

  1. Sanitation of the vagina using antifungal agents.
  2. Prevention of bleeding using special medications.

During the preparation process, it is important to take precautions that will increase the success of the procedure and reduce the risk of complications during the recovery period. Precautions include:

  1. Checking blood clotting function to prevent serious complications.
  2. X-ray examination of the lungs.
  3. Diagnosis of HIV infection, which leads to a significant decrease in immunity and will aggravate the postoperative process.
  4. Diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections and their mandatory treatment.
  5. Identification of oncogenic tissues that require a separate treatment method (taking a smear for oncocytology).

Methodology for performing various types of procedures

Today, there are several types of cervical coagulation. They differ in the method of influencing the pathological focus. We will consider the most popular treatment methods below.

Diathermocoagulation with electric current

This type of influence is carried out using alternating current and a special loop (conductor). In this case, the pathological focus is cauterized and destroyed with the formation of a dense scab, which subsequently disappears. Electrocoagulation is carried out using two electrodes. Depending on the lesion, various loops are used that conduct electric current to the tissues.

Radio wave coagulation

The procedure involves exposing the altered area of ​​the cervix to high-frequency radio waves. Unlike the previous option, the beam directed at the defect displaces it, acting in a targeted manner. This type of coagulation is based on exposure to high temperatures, which lead to the evaporation of the pathological focus without affecting healthy tissue.

Argon plasma method

Argon plasma coagulation is one of the modern and advanced treatment methods gynecological diseases. During the procedure, the affected tissue is exposed to a radio wave, which is amplified by ionized gas - argon. When exposed to a powerful radio wave, the affected area heats up and coagulates.

Laser beam vaporization and laser destruction

The first method is based on evaporation of the pathologically changed area using targeted action laser beam. This happens fast healing wounds and the absence of any negative consequences. The second method is based on a deeper impact of a laser beam, which dehydrates the affected tissue. As a result, after the intervention, not even a trace remains on the cervix.

Chemical cauterization

Treatment involves influencing the pathological area using a special concentrated composition. It is applied to the cervix, causing a chemical burn to the affected area followed by the formation of a scab. Cauterization is the least effective coagulation method.


Hypothermia of the cervical defect is performed using liquid nitrogen. If almost all previous methods were based on high temperature exposure, then this method, on the contrary, freezes the pathological focus to healthy tissue.

Condition after surgery and possible discharge

The following side effects may occur after coagulation:

  • bloody discharge;
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • general weakness;
  • headache.

Bloody discharge after coagulation of the cervix is ​​rare, but may occur due to premature detachment of the scab. If such a condition is present, then urgent hospitalization is indicated.

Rehabilitation after this procedure lasts from one to two months. The rate of healing of the postoperative surface depends on the size of the lesion and the chosen method of treatment.

Reviews from patients who underwent treatment

I learned about this disease when I was undergoing a routine examination by a gynecologist - I was only 19 years old. It turns out that cervical erosion is one of the most common women's diseases. Infectious diseases can provoke its appearance. The causes of erosion may be sexually transmitted infections, vaginal dysbiosis, early start sexual life - this membrane matures normally by 20–23 years. Erosion is " background pathology" It cannot lead directly to cervical cancer, but it can increase the risk of malignant neoplasms. Erosion must be treated! First, I took a bunch of tests: a smear for flora, chlamydia, trichomonas, herpes, microflora for dysbacteriosis, a blood test for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B and C, and a biopsy. There are various treatment methods: chemical coagulation - the most gentle method using special preparations; laser coagulation; diathermoconization - by electric current. I used a cryodestruction method - freezing with liquid nitrogen. After all the tests, I went for colposcopy 2 times - an examination from the inside through a microscope, and only then a day of treatment was appointed. The treatment cost 600 rubles. I came, lying in a chair, everything was observed through a microscope, but this terrible knitting needle, which was taken out of a thermos with liquid nitrogen, scared me in panic - it hissed, smoke came out. They used it to cauterize the erosion - it didn’t hurt, but it was unpleasant. But then I couldn’t get out of the chair, I was feeling wildly dizzy, so I sat for a bit and then walked away. On the way, I felt terribly dizzy and my vision became blurred. The doctors said that there would be discharge for about a week. Yes, there were - first white with blood, and then white. At the subsequent examination, I was told that everything was fine. This problem didn’t bother me anymore - I already gave birth, everything is fine!

I was diagnosed with erosion when I was 19 years old. As expected, I was sent for colposcopy to confirm. Well, they didn’t touch her until her first birth, she just went for a colposcopy every year. After 4 years, she gave birth to a child. Erosion after childbirth remained unchanged. 5 years after giving birth, when I came for my next colposcopy, the doctor was very worried. She urgently gave me a biopsy. After 10 days, the result was ready - grade 2-3 dysplasia. It was no longer possible to hold on. The doctor prescribed moxibustion for me on the seventh day from the start of the cycle (this was April 23). During questioning, it turned out that this would all take place without anesthesia, but after reading reviews on the Internet, I calmed down. The doctor from my antenatal clinic also reassured me that it didn’t hurt. What a shock I had when, upon arriving on the appointed day, in addition to cauterization, I was also prescribed conization (a piece of tissue in the shape of a cone is burned out with a laser, and then this piece is sent for examination). Cauterization really doesn't hurt - you can easily endure it by clenching your teeth (and I can't stand pain at all). But after a few seconds of cauterization, conization begins. Pain pierces your entire body, and you literally feel this ray with your whole body. Your ears are blocked from pain, and you can no longer lie still. The entire procedure with changing the laser attachments lasts no more than a minute, and the cauterization itself takes about 20 seconds. After I got up from the chair, nothing hurt at all. Only now within 2 months there will be abundant transparent discharge with an unpleasant odor. And he was prescribed sexual rest for a month, not to take baths and not to carry heavy objects. And I want to advise all girls and women not to let erosion occur - it can degenerate into dysplasia.


I cauterized cervical erosion a long time ago - after the birth of my first child. There was great erosion. First, I took tests for all sorts of infections and mandatory tests for AIDS, hepatitis, etc. Along the way, I was prescribed treatment. I had to light candles and take trichopolum. The doctor said that this should be done just in case, so that the erosion becomes a little less. The test results were normal, the erosion did not decrease due to treatment, and the doctor examined my cervix with staining. There were areas that were not stained, and this could indicate the degeneration of erosion into cancer. I was given a referral to hospitalization, where under anesthesia they took a biopsy - they cut off a piece of the cervix, stitched it up and left me in the hospital for three days. The biopsy was ready in about ten days and the histologist did not find any problems. Then they cauterized the erosion with electric current. All I could smell was burnt meat. This was the only discomfort I experienced. There was no unusual discharge, although the doctor warned me not to be alarmed even if it was green or purple. Of course, they told me to maintain sexual rest, forbade me from lying in the bathroom, swimming in the pool, and so on. The procedure is not painful and not scary. It is done once and the erosion is forgotten forever.

Good afternoon I am 25 years old. I was diagnosed with erosion in 2006. Since then, my erosion has become larger and began to take up everything visible part cervix. Therefore, I seriously decided to start treating her - I am planning a pregnancy in the near future. I saw many doctors, but to no avail. And finally, after 6 years of my unsuccessful “treatment,” I came across a wonderful doctor, who, seeing my erosion, unequivocally said that it must be treated. The doctor suggested radio wave method treatment - it is the least traumatic and is recommended for nulliparous women. Before the procedure, I had a video colposcopy. I also inserted Polygynax suppositories for 10 days to kill bad microflora. Passed the following tests: general analysis blood, general smear, chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, gardnerella, trichomonas, candida albicans, papilloma 16.31, blood for syphilis, cytology (smear for atypical cells). Based on these tests, the doctor prescribed me treatment after the end of my next menstruation. The treatment is carried out on a gynecological chair - a pad with electrodes is placed under the butt. I won’t hide that it was very painful. The doctor said that the pain depends on nervous system- Some people are in pain, while others don’t feel anything at all. The procedure lasted 7 minutes. In terms of cost, it cost me 3,000 rubles, since the erosion is large. In general, the price starts from 1500 rubles. (treatment and biopsy). After the procedure, I had very heavy discharge for the entire month. This is all a normal reaction of the body. After my next period, I went to see a doctor, and she showed me my renewed cervix, my joy knew no bounds. She, of course, has not yet fully recovered, but the picture is already much better. Overall, I can say that my experience can be called successful! I'm happy with the result, I wish I had done this sooner!


Modern methods of cervical coagulation allow short term and with high degree effectiveness in eliminating various pathological areas of the epithelium. In this case, it is possible to take tissue for histological examination to identify hormonal and oncogenic factors.


Gynecologists often have to deal with various benign conditions of the cervix during the examination process. The peculiarity of such pathologies is their background nature. This means that if appropriate measures are not taken in a timely manner, a precancerous or malignant disease may develop.

In modern gynecology, treatment includes both therapeutic and surgical methods. It is important to note that experts prefer gentle methods for eliminating pathologies. This is due to the possibility of their use in nulliparous patients, as well as the relatively short recovery period.

One of effective methods surgical treatment can be called a method laser coagulation, which is successfully used both in gynecology and in other branches of medicine. Laser coagulation is considered a gentle way to eliminate many benign pathologies due to its non-contact effect.

Laser coagulation of the cervix allows treatment without significant damage to the epithelium. The laser coagulation method involves targeted action on tissue using a laser, while the light form of energy is converted into heat. As a result of heating the cells, their fluid evaporates and the subsequent destruction of pathological tissue occurs.

The laser coagulation process is completely controlled by the attending physician, who determines the required area of ​​influence and also prevents tissue damage. Thanks to the use of special equipment, it is eliminated possible infection blood and scar formation. The laser beam acts in a targeted manner, capturing only small areas of healthy tissue.

An important advantage of laser coagulation of the cervix is ​​the ability to control the depth of exposure. After the procedure, there is some improvement in local blood supply, stimulation recovery processes, anti-inflammatory effect. This helps normalize menstrual, reproductive and sexual function.


Laser coagulation is used to eliminate a variety of gynecological pathologies. Experts note that laser coagulation is most often used as a surgical treatment for the following pathologies:

  • erosion;
  • damage to the cervical epithelium;
  • cysts;
  • leukoplakia;
  • polyps;
  • scar deformity;
  • endometriosis localized in the cervix;
  • cervicitis in chronic form;
  • ectopia.

Gynecologists emphasize that laser coagulation is often used to treat pseudo-erosion of the cervix. This pathology It is considered the most common benign condition of the cervix.

Cervical erosion refers to several different epithelial defects. In particular, 80% of cases are due to pseudo-erosion.

Erosion is understood as a defect that is located on the visible vaginal part of the cervix. The erosion appears as a spot that differs in color and texture from the epithelium adjacent to the vagina.

Erosion is sometimes a stage of cervical development. During the prenatal period, the vaginal area is first covered with columnar epithelium, which in adult women is localized in the area of ​​the cervical canal.

The cervical canal is located inside the cervix, connecting uterine cavity and vagina. Its surface is formed by cylindrical cells and mucus-producing glands. Externally, the cervical canal is velvety and reddish in color.

The squamous epithelium covering the vaginal part of the cervix is ​​multilayered, in contrast to the cylindrical single layer. It has a pale pink color and a smooth and shiny surface.

Over time, the columnar epithelium that covers the vaginal area of ​​the cervix in girls regresses. As a rule, in girls after the end of puberty, the cervical part of the uterus is lined with flat multilayer cells. However, with hormonal abnormalities, regression of the columnar epithelium occurs later. In such cases, during gynecological examination congenital ectopia or erosion can be diagnosed.

Ectopia, which is congenital, does not require cauterization by laser coagulation. Patients are advised to regularly visit a doctor and undergo examinations. If the defect is accompanied by inflammation, appropriate drug therapy is prescribed.

Quite often in girls who began sexual activity early or in women after surgical interventions, improper contraception, rough sexual intercourse, the mucous membrane is damaged. As a result, a wound appears, which often occurs with inflammation.

Improper healing of true erosion or wound leads to pseudo-erosion. Cylindrical cells appear on the surface of the wound. This defect is treated using various methods of cauterization of the cervix, one of which is laser coagulation.

Clinically, erosion usually does not manifest itself. In some cases, the appearance of mucous and contact discharge, as well as the growth of leukocytes in the smear, is noted.

Electrocoagulation may be contraindicated. Experts highlight the following contraindications for electrocoagulation of the cervix:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • sexual infections;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • inability to determine the transition zone;
  • extensive tissue damage.

In order to identify indications and contraindications for laser coagulation, it is necessary to undergo an examination. Gynecologists note that sometimes contraindications are temporary and can be eliminated. In this case, the procedure may become possible.

Preparation and execution

Before laser coagulation of the cervix, a woman undergoes an examination. The choice of diagnostic scope is determined by the doctor.

Typically, examination before laser coagulation includes:

  • gynecological examination of the cervix in the speculum;
  • simple, extended colposcopy;
  • biopsy if a precancerous or malignant process is suspected;
  • flora smear;
  • cytological examination;
  • bacterial sowing;
  • diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections using the PCR method.

A few days before the procedure, it is recommended to avoid sexual intercourse, douching and taking medications. Laser coagulation of the cervix is ​​carried out on the fifth to seventh day of the menstrual cycle. Performing laser coagulation at the beginning of the cycle is justified by the active production of hormones that promote tissue restoration. In addition, it reduces the risk of cycle disruptions.

The laser coagulation procedure is performed on outpatient appointment. The duration of laser coagulation of the cervix is ​​up to forty minutes, depending on the volume of the affected tissue.

Before laser coagulation, the doctor performs local anesthesia with lidocaine. With laser coagulation, the doctor cauterizes the pathological area with a slight capture of healthy tissue. First, the laser beam is applied along the contour of the defect, moving to the central part. After evaporation, the cells are sucked into a special tube.

Experts note that after laser coagulation of the cervix, practically no negative consequences or complications are observed. During the first few hours, nagging pain and discomfort may appear in the lower abdomen.

The rehabilitation period is characterized by the occurrence bloody discharge which are the norm. If the discharge increases, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

During the first month after laser coagulation it is recommended:

  • refuse sexual intercourse in order to prevent infection and trauma to the damaged mucous membrane of the cervix;
  • avoid intense physical activity, lifting weights;
  • exclude visiting a bathhouse or sauna, swimming in reservoirs;
  • replace tampons sanitary pads in the presence of discharge.

If bleeding occurs, elevated temperature, severe pain and pathological discharge, you should immediately contact a medical facility.

After laser coagulation, the damaged tissue is rejected within a few days. However, it takes up to two months for the mucous membrane to fully recover.
