Chronic vasomotor rhinitis: treatment, symptoms. Chronic rhinitis Chronic vasomotor rhinitis ICD 10

Hypertrophic rhinitis is a disease that in most cases is chronic. It causes a lot of inconvenience. Late diagnosis often leads to complications. But adults often ignore difficulty breathing until the problem requires surgery. To determine the presence of hypertrophic rhinitis, you need to know about its symptoms, causes and types.

Hypertrophic rhinitis - what is it, what are the causes, ICD 10 code?

Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis is an inflammatory disease of the nasal cavity. Its cause is the proliferation of the mucous membrane. If diagnosis and treatment are not carried out on time, then the periosteum and other bone elements take part in the process.

The frequency of exacerbations increases several times during the period of ARVI spread. Among all otolaryngeal diseases, the percentage of rhinitis diagnosed is on average 10 percent. And adults aged 25-55 years are at risk.

ICD 10 code – J31.0.

Among the causes of hypertrophic rhinitis are not only diseases of the ENT organs:

  1. Runny nose with frequent relapses. Patients who suffer from rhinitis 3-4 times a year are at risk.
  2. Violation of the integrity and position of the nasal septum narrows the nasal passages. The outflow of secretions in the nasal cavity is disrupted.
  3. Cysts, nasal polyps, as well as adenoids are diseases that provoke hypertrophic rhinitis.
  4. Overgrowth also occurs due to hypertension, atherosclerosis, which impair blood circulation.
  5. A common cause of this disease is the influence environmental factors. Dust, gas, and chemicals contribute to metabolic disorders in the cells of the nasal cavity.
  6. Rarely found congenital features which lead to hypertrophic rhinitis.
  7. Involvement with vasoconstrictor drops is one of the reasons for tissue proliferation.
  8. Decreased immunity.
  9. Hereditary predisposition.
  10. Cannot be ruled out endocrine diseases as a cause of rhinitis.

Catarrhal, atrophic, vasomotor types, features of chronic rhinopathologies

IN medical practice There are several types of rhinitis. The main differences between these diseases are in the nature of their origin. Accordingly, their symptoms and treatment methods differ.

  1. Chronic catarrhal rhinitis is defined by difficulty breathing due to inflammation of the mucous membrane. Swelling in the cavity occurs proportionally. At the same time, liquid is actively released. This type of rhinitis in most cases eventually develops into hypertrophic. Experts include disturbances in the sense of smell as symptoms.
  2. The atrophic form is associated with thinning of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. Atrophic processes can occur in the bone parts. Nasal discharge contains pus and has a specific unpleasant odor. The peculiarity of this type is that there is a formation of crusts in the nose and a feeling of dryness.
  3. The difference between vasomotor rhinitis is that during diagnosis no changes in the nasal mucosa are visible. They are observed only when exposed to external factors. It is vasomotor hypertrophic rhinitis that requires rapid treatment.

The peculiarity of chronic rhinopathologies is that they can develop against the background of other disorders of the ENT organs and lead to complications.

The nature of these diseases is ambiguous. The cause may be heredity, allergies, external factors and diseases of other systems and organs.

Why does hypertrophic rhinitis contribute to inflammation in the middle ear?

In advanced cases, hypertrophy affects the posterior conchae. This disrupts the functioning of the middle ear and leads to hearing loss.

Possible complications – left or right-sided sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, others

Complications of hypertrophy affect the organs of hearing, smell and breathing. In case of disease, the sections of the inferior conchae obstruct the lumen of the auditory canal. At the same time, pathogenic microflora develops. As a result, otitis media develops, an inflammation of the middle ear.

Sinusitis, sinusitis and sinusitis are the most common consequences of untimely treatment.

Conjunctivitis is one of the complications that is caused by inflammation of the lacrimal glands.

Patients who delay treatment for peptic ulcers risk getting bronchitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis, and polyps in addition.

Clinical symptoms of rhinitis with a hypertrophic component

All patients with hypertrophic rhinitis are characterized by the same clinical symptoms. It is worth noting that in children they are more pronounced and cause more inconvenience:

  1. Difficulty in nasal breathing is the main symptom of rhinitis.
  2. Nasal discharge.
  3. Snoring and dry mouth are consequences of mouth breathing.
  4. Fatigue, headache and insomnia mainly worry children with hypertrophic rhinitis.
  5. The functioning of taste buds and sense of smell changes.
  6. Nasality is a sign that the tissue is swollen.
  7. Decreased concentration in a child.
  8. Mucous swelling.

Diagnosis of pathology in children and adults

To diagnose the disease, the otolaryngologist will not limit himself to symptoms. Some types of rhinitis have a similar symptomatic range. For a correct conclusion, it is necessary to conduct an analysis and examination of the nasal cavity.

Important! The patient must clarify the duration of symptoms and accurately indicate whether he carried out treatment measures.

For an accurate determination, the nasal cavity is examined using rhinoscopy. Additionally, the method of rhinopneumometry is used.

In rare cases, ENT does not require testing. General blood test, immunoglobulin E levels in the blood - necessary data.

X-ray and computed tomography cannot be ruled out.

Therapeutic treatment methods

In the initial stages, the specialist prescribes therapeutic treatment to alleviate the patient’s condition. While surgery is not required, treatment is limited to medications:

  1. Pharmacies provide a wide selection of saline solutions for rinsing the nasal cavity.
  2. Injections of the drug "Splenin" are prescribed intrathecally.
  3. Treatment of the mucous membrane is carried out with the drug "Hydrocortisone".
  4. Izofar has an antibacterial effect.
  5. Anti-inflammatory drops "Nasonex".

How to treat hypertrophic rhinitis with folk remedies?

The initial stages are treatable with the use of traditional methods. The use of folk remedies requires prior permission from the attending physician. Some methods can be used not only in combination with therapeutic treatment, but also independently.

The basis of folk treatment is herbal decoctions and brine.

An infusion of chamomile, sage and St. John's wort is used to rinse the nose three times a day. For saline solution, it is more effective to use sea salt; it is an important component. If regular table salt is available, you can treat with it.

Honey is an effective remedy for the treatment of rhinitis. After dissolving in water, they need to be moistened with cotton wool and inserted into the nose. The procedure is carried out twice a day.

When surgery is necessary, what are the surgical treatment options?

Doctors turn to surgical methods of treatment if the therapy does not give the desired result and the patient does not feel any improvement. Severe stages diseases require surgical intervention. There are several methods of surgical treatment.

Conchotomy – removal of a section of the mucous membrane. At the moment, this type of intervention is the most common. In medical practice, there are several types of conchotomy: laser, total, partial.

Vasotomy involves the removal of blood vessels under the mucosa. In advanced stages of rhinitis, this method is not used.

Cauterization of tissues with current – ​​Galvanocaustics. The procedure is carried out under the influence of an anesthetic drug.

Cryodestruction - impact liquid nitrogen, which cools the tissue.

One of the painless methods of destroying shells is ultrasonic disintegration. The laser does not create pain.

Radio wave coagulation of the inferior turbinates

This method of treating rhinitis has advantages. The traumatic nature of the procedure is minimized. This allows the patient to recover quickly and does not leave scars.

Before coagulation, an anesthetic is administered. A small radio knife is inserted into nasal cavity and affects the blood vessels for 20 seconds.

Important! Doctors prohibit vasoconstrictor drops after coagulation.

Laser coagulation

This method of surgical treatment is used in adults. The operation requires hospitalization and observation by a doctor and the use of local anesthesia.

The doctor acts on the hypertrophied area with a laser, leaving a film under which the tissue heals. After observing the patient’s condition, the ENT specialist removes the film and lubricates the healing site with gel.

RCHR (Republican Center for Health Development of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
Version: Clinical protocols of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 2013

Chronic rhinitis (J31.0)


general information

Short description

Approved by the minutes of the meeting
Expert commission on health development issues
No. 18 of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 19, 2013

Chronic rhinitis- chronic nonspecific and specific inflammatory process of the mucous membrane and, in some cases, the bone walls of the nasal cavity.


Protocol name: Chronic rhinitis.
Protocol code:

ICD-10 code(s):
J 31.0 Chronic rhinitis
J 30.0 Vasomotor rhinitis

Abbreviations used in piercing:
VR - Vasomotor rhinitis
PPN - paranasal sinuses
HR - Chronic rhinitis

Date of development of the protocol: May, 2013.
Patient category: children and adults diagnosed with Chronic Rhinitis.
Protocol users: otolaryngologists, general practitioners.


Clinical classification according to Soldatov I.B.(1990):

1. Catarrhal rhinitis.
2. Hypertrophic rhinitis:
- limited;
- diffuse.
3. Atrophic rhinitis:
- simple - limited, diffuse;
- offensive runny nose or ozena.
4. Vasomotor rhinitis:
- allergic form;
neurovegetative form.



List of basic and additional diagnostic measures

1. Collection of complaints and medical history.
2. Anterior, posterior rhinoscopy.
3. General blood test (study of platelet levels in the blood, study of clotting time).
4. X-ray of the nose and PPN.

1. Studies of nasal function.
2. Endoscopic examination of the nasal cavity.
3. Rhinopneumometry.
4. Cytological examination of the nasal mucosa according to indications.
5. Bacteriological examination of nasal discharge for flora and sensitivity to antibiotics.
6. CT scan according to indications.
7. Biochemical blood test according to indications.

Diagnostic criteria

Complaints and anamnesis:
- long-term difficulty nasal breathing.

Physical examination:
- difficulty in nasal breathing (test with cotton wool);
- presence of nasal discharge (character of discharge, quantity, smell, etc.);
- condition of the nasal mucosa during anterior rhinoscopy (hyperemia, cyanosis, pallor, swelling, hypertrophy, etc.);
- presence of crusts, their nature, localization and prevalence;
- Availability unpleasant odor;
- changes in the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity (test with anemia with decongestants);
- exclusion of concomitant acute and chronic pathologies ENT organs (presence of sinusitis, adenoids, deviated nasal septum, etc.)

Laboratory research:
- general analysis blood anemia and eosinophilia are possible.

Instrumental studies:
- with anterior rhinoscopy, true or false hypertrophy of the shells, their hyperemia, pathological discharge, crusts, thinning of the bone structures of the nasal cavity, polypous changes in the mucous membrane, pallor or cyanosis, glassy edema are possible.
- R-graphy of the paranasal sinuses (if indicated - CT) - to exclude pathologies of PPN - hypertrophy of the inferior conchae, narrowing of the common nasal passage, signs of ethmoiditis.

Consultations with specialists according to indications:
- allergist;
- pulmonologist;
- neurologist.

Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis

Chronic rhinitis is differentiated:
- with acute rhinitis, taking into account the history of the disease, trauma to the nasal mucosa, the specificity of the disease (gonorrheal, influenza, viral rhinitis);
- with sinusitis;
- tuberculosis, syphilis, scleroma, Wegener's granulomatosis.

Chronic rhinitis must also be differentiated by form. Catarrhal rhinitis is differentiated from hypertrophic rhinitis - a test with a cotton swab soaked in a decongestant. Hypertrophic with vasomotor, the latter is characterized by a triad of symptoms: paroxysmal sneezing, rhinorrhea with watery discharge and difficulty in nasal breathing. Subatrophic rhinitis is characterized by thinning of the mucous membrane, injection of blood vessels in the anterior sections of the nasal septum, and the presence of crusts. Atrophic rhinitis - there is diffuse thinning of the mucous membrane, dryness in the nose and pharynx, bleeding, wide nasal passages, and a decrease in the volume of the turbinates.

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Treatment goals:
- restoration of nasal breathing;
- improving the quality of life.

Treatment tactics

Non-drug treatment:
- a diet with limited intake of spicy foods, sweets, and excessive hot foods;
- breathing exercises.

Drug treatment

Chronic catarrhal rhinitis: antibacterial drops ointments (2% sulfonamide and 2% salicylic ointment), astringents (silver preparations).

Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis: For slight hypertrophy, sclerotherapy is prescribed - injection of a suspension of hydrocortisone into the anterior end of the inferior turbinate (1 ml on each side once every 4 days, a total of 8-10 procedures) and splenin, starting from 0.5 ml to 1 ml every other day. Cauterization with chemicals (silver nitrate, trichloroacetic and chromic acid) is also indicated. If conservative treatment is ineffective, surgical treatment is indicated.

Chronic atrophic rhinitis: Treatment is symptomatic - irrigation of the nasal cavity with a 0.9% solution of sodium chloride + iodine, sea water preparations; irrigation therapy, irritant therapy (lubricating the nasal mucosa with a 0.5% solution of iodine-glycerol, etc.).

Vasomotronic rhinitis: systemic antihistamines, local antiallergic drugs in the form of drops, spray or gel, endonasal blockades with procaine, etc. Intramucosal administration of glucocorticoids.

Other treatments
Physiotherapy (thermal procedures on the nose) is indicated, including endonasal exposure to UHF currents or microwaves; endonasal ultraviolet irradiation is also carried out through a tube, helium-neon laser; endonasal electrophoresis of 0.5-0.25% zinc sulfate solution, 2% calcium chloride solution. Insufflation with rhinofluimucin into the nose, 2 injections of fusafungin, celandine juice, St. John's wort infusion, garlic juice, insufflation of octenisept at a dilution of 1:6, immunomodulators.


Chronic hypertrophic rhinitis.
Submucosal ultrasound disintegration of the inferior turbinates, vasotomy, sparing inferior conchotomy, osteoconchotomy using endoscopes or microscopes, lateroconchopexy.

Vasomotor rhinitis
Submucosal vasotomy of the inferior turbinates, ultrasound or microwave disintegration of the inferior turbinates, submucosal laser destruction of the inferior turbinates, gentle inferior conchotomy if these methods are ineffective.

Preventive actions
- Prevention comes down to eliminating possible endo- and exogenous factors that cause and maintain a runny nose; rehabilitation of purulent-inflammatory diseases of the paranasal sinuses, nasopharynx, palatine tonsils; active therapy of common diseases (obesity, cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases, etc.); improvement of hygienic conditions at home and at work (elimination or reduction of dust and gas pollution, etc.).
- Spa treatment (Anapa, Borovoye, Gelendzhik group of resorts, Nalchik, Pyatigorsk, etc.).
- Active lifestyle, hardening, use of immunostimulants in the autumn-spring season, breathing exercises.

Further management: periodic examination in a clinic by an otolaryngologist at the place of residence.

Indicators of treatment effectiveness and safety of diagnostic and treatment methods described in the protocol:
- full recovery respiratory function;
- improving the quality of life.

Drugs ( active ingredients), used in the treatment


Indications for planned hospitalization:
- ineffectiveness of conservative treatment;
- pronounced true hypertrophy of the inferior turbinates, which greatly complicates nasal breathing;
- presence of concomitant pathology requiring surgical treatment.


Sources and literature

  1. Minutes of meetings of the Expert Commission on Health Development of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2013
    1. 1. Otorhinolaryngology national guidelines 2008 M. "GEOTAR-Media" Corresponding member. RAMS V.T.Palchun. 2. Bogomolsky M.R., Chistyakov V.R. Pediatric otorhinolaryngology. Moscow -2007-576s. 3. Nasyrov V.A., Izaeva T.A., Islamov I.M., Dikambaeva M.K., Bednyakova N.N., Sinusitis. Clinic, diagnosis and treatment, Bishkek, 2011, 175 p. 4. Palchun V.T., Magomedov M.M., Luchikhin L.A. Otorhinolaryngology. Textbook for medical universities. - M., Medicine, 2008-656p. 5. Piskunov G.Z., Piskunov S.Z., Guide to Rhinology, LLC ed. “Literra”, Vilnius, 2011, 959p 6. Feigin E.A., Shalabaev B.D., Minenkov G.O., CT scan in diagnosis and treatment volumetric formations maxillofacial area., Bishkek, KRSU publishing house, 2008, 237 p. 7. Shadyev Kh.D., Khlystov V.Yu., Khlystov A.A., Practical otorhinolaryngology, Moscow, Medical Information Agency, 2002, 281 p.



Zhaisakova D.E. - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of the Kazakh National Medical University them. S.D. Asfendiyarov, President of the Association of ENT Doctors in Almaty.

Yesenalieva R.N. - Ph.D., Head. Department of ENT diseases of the Kazakh-Russian Medical University.

Conflict of interest
The protocol developer has no financial or other interests that could influence the conclusion, and is not related to the sale, production or distribution of drugs, equipment, etc., specified in the protocol.

Indication of the conditions for reviewing the protocol: after 3 years from the date of publication.

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Vasomotor rhinitis, also called “false runny nose”, is usually called a disruption of the activity of the vessels lining the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. The disease can be thought of as a runny nose that occurs without inflammatory signs. Hence the second name of the disease.

One of the characteristic symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis is nasal congestion, and alternately - first one nostril is blocked, then the other. However, sometimes patients complain of complete nasal congestion.

Vasomotor rhinitis - ICD code 10 j30.0 - is often characteristic of adults and children aged 6-7 years and older, and in most cases affects females. The course of the disease is usually protracted, and with frequent relapses, the mucous membranes change their structure, thicken, and the disease progresses to the chronic stage.

Symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis

The main symptoms of the disease are usually:

  • nasal congestion - complete, less often alternating;
  • frequent bouts of sneezing;
  • decreased sense of smell;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • sleep disorders;
  • loss of appetite;
  • general weakness;
  • memory impairment;
  • clear nasal discharge - thick or, conversely, watery;
  • nasality;
  • drainage of mucous secretions along the back wall of the larynx, etc.
  • Symptoms and treatment of vasomotor rhinitis are two factors that directly depend on each other. Depending on the severity of the disease, a number of different drugs are prescribed, and the dosage is adjusted for each specific case of the disease.

    Pregnant women and treatment of vasomotor rhinitis

    Very often, pregnant women suffering from this ailment turn to the doctor. What treatment should be chosen for expectant mothers so that it is both effective and harmless to the baby’s health at the same time?

    Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis during pregnancy usually occurs in the third trimester, since it is during this period that the disease affects women expecting the birth of a baby. Many doctors recommend not taking any radical therapeutic measures, but limiting themselves to eliminating symptoms to alleviate the condition and simply waiting out the painful period.
    Doctors advise using natural remedies to relieve symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis. For example, you can put beet, apple or carrot juice into your nose instead of drops bought at a pharmacy.

    Vasomotor rhinitis and methods of its treatment

    To treat vasomotor rhinitis, medications, physiotherapeutic procedures, surgery, acupuncture, hardening programs, and nasal blockades are most often used.

    Drug therapy includes the use of:

  • antiallergic nasal drops;
  • special nasal sprays that reduce the amount of discharge;
  • vasoconstrictor drugs that effectively combat unpleasant symptoms illness;
  • nasal sprays with corticosteroid hormones;
  • rinsing the nasal sinuses with saline solutions, etc.
  • Ultrasound, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, etc. are used as physiotherapeutic procedures. If conservative treatment turns out to be ineffective or completely ineffective, they resort to treating vasomotor rhinitis through surgery. The interventions are minimally invasive operations on the vascular network of the nasal passages.

    It is important to use nasal drops for vasomotor rhinitis only for the prescribed period attending physician. Long-term use of such drugs can cause addiction to the body, and also provoke the appearance of drug-induced rhinitis - a severe form of the disease that is very difficult to treat.

    Hardening programs are very helpful for vasomotor rhinitis. They involve taking foot or hand baths immersed in cool water. Gradually, the water temperature needs to be lowered, bringing it to cold.

    Nasal blocks with various steroid hormones (for example, hydrocortisone) are the introduction of drugs into the tissues of the nasal turbinates, which reduce the inflammatory process, relieve swelling and allow the patient to breathe more freely. Despite the fact that this method has a pronounced therapeutic effect, it must be used extremely carefully so as not to cause serious harm to human health.

    Treatment of chronic vasomotor rhinitis

    One of the causes of chronic rhinitis is inflammation in the paranasal sinuses. In this case, secretions containing pathogenic microflora flow into the nasal cavity, irritating its mucous membranes and causing prolongation of the disease.

    How to treat vasomotor rhinitis chronic? What remedies are effective in this case? As a rule, therapy begins with eliminating the causes that could trigger the onset of the disease. Doctors recommend getting rid of sources of dust in the apartment, regularly moistening and ventilating the room, enriching the diet with plenty of food containing vitamins and nutrients (fruits, vegetables, fish, herbs, etc.).

    As for taking medications, doctors most often prescribe nasal drops, for example, a 5% solution of protargol. Instill 5 drops of the drug into each nostril three times a day. UHF and microwaves are considered quite effective. Doctors also prescribe vitamin complexes, inhalations, nasal rinsing, etc. to patients.

    atrophic chronic rhinitis

    Large medical dictionary. 2000.

    See what “atrophic chronic rhinitis” is in other dictionaries:

    atrophic anterior rhinitis- (r. atrophica anterior; synonym P. dry anterior) chronic atrophic R. with localization of the process in the anterior sections of the nasal cavity, mainly in the area of ​​its septum; often leads to perforation of the nasal septum ... Big Medical Dictionary

    Rhinitis- ICD 10 J30.30., J31.031.0 ICD 9 472.0 ... Wikipedia

    Atrophic rhinitis- ICD 10 J31.031.0 ICD 9 472.0472.0 DiseasesDB ... Wikipedia

    Rhinitis- I Rhinitis (rhinitis; Greek rhis, rhinos nose + itis; synonym for runny nose) inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. There are acute and chronic R. As independent forms, vasomotor R. is distinguished, which in turn is divided into ... ... Medical encyclopedia

    RHINITIS CHRONIC ATROPHIC STENIOUS- honey Chronic fetid atrophic rhinitis is an atrophic process of the mucous membrane and bone walls of the nasal cavity, accompanied by the formation of a secretion that dries into fetid crusts, a dense layer covering the mucous membrane. In women in ... ... Directory of diseases

    RHINITIS CHRONIC ATROPHIC SIMPLE- honey Simple atrophic chronic rhinitis is a chronic rhinitis characterized by atrophy of the mucous membrane of the cavity, sometimes the turbinates, with the formation of viscous exudate and crusts. Clinical picture Dry nose Unpleasant sensations... ...Reference book on diseases

    CHRONIC RHINITIS- honey Chronic rhinitis is a nonspecific degenerative process of the mucous membrane and, in some cases, the bone walls of the nasal cavity. Frequency Surveys of healthy people who do not suffer from rhinitis showed that 40% of them had symptoms of damage to the nasal cavity... ... Reference book on diseases

    ALLERGIC RHINITIS- honey Allergic rhinitis is an inflammatory disease manifested by a complex of symptoms in the form of a runny nose with nasal congestion, sneezing, itching, rhinorrhea, and swelling of the nasal mucosa. Frequency 8 12% of the general population. Predominant age of onset... ...Reference book on diseases

    RHINITIS- (syn.: runny nose) – inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Acute rhinitis can be an independent disease (the predisposing factor is mainly hypothermia) or a symptom of acute infectious diseases (influenza, measles, diphtheria and ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    RHINITIS- honey Rhinitis (runny nose) is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, characterized by nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, sneezing and nasal itching. Classification (summary international agreement 1994 on the diagnosis and treatment of rhinitis) Infectious ... Directory of diseases

    J31 Chronic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis and pharyngitis ICD 10

    Among the causes of the development of acute laryngitis, respiratory viruses up to 90% of cases, followed by bacterial staphylococcus, streptococcus, chlamydial and fungal infection. The acute form of the disease pharyngitis often occurs as a result of the action of irritating factors on the mucous tissue of the throat. Abscess or phlegmonous laryngitis - acute laryngitis with the formation of an abscess, chondroperichondritis of the larynx - acute or chronic inflammation of the cartilage of the larynx, the presence of a dense infiltrate in the tissues of the larynx, chondritis, radiating to the ear, in which the inflammatory process involves the perichondrium and surrounding tissues, most often on the lingual surface of the epiglottis or on the aryepiglottic folds; manifests itself sharp pain when swallowing and phonation, increased body temperature. It is important to avoid overheating of the testicles; representatives of the stronger sex are taught this during childhood. Information about what acute pharyngitis is, ICD code. Febrile temperature, as a rule, reflects the addition of inflammation of the lower respiratory tract or the transition of catarrhal inflammation of the larynx to phlegmonous. The first thing, in addition to purified water, what to do during an attack of pancreatitis is to refuse to eat food and any drinks. Antibiotics for purulent sore throat should be prescribed by a doctor, preferably after a preliminary examination and a sensitivity test to the drug. Chronic hyperplastic laryngitis is a chronic laryngitis characterized by diffuse hyperplasia of the laryngeal mucosa or limited hyperplasia in the form of nodules, mushroom-shaped elevations, folds or ridges. Mediawiki ltr sitedir-ltr ns-1 ns-special mw-special-Badtitle page-service_invalid_name skin-vector action-view vector-animateLayout. The accessory lobe and accessory mammary gland are formed from elements of gland tissue, the subclavian and axillary region, which are located near the immediate mammary glands: zone pectoral muscles. Mercury poisoning can occur in both domestic and industrial settings. Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx of any etiology. Portal about a man and his healthy life iLive. Acute laryngitis relatively rarely develops as an independent disease and can be of inflammatory or non-inflammatory nature. Let's look at what nasal drops there are for pregnant women, the most effective and safe drugs. Prevention of chronic inflammatory process of the larynx includes timely treatment of acute laryngitis, smoking cessation, infectious diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and compliance with the voice regime. In addition, microbiological, mycological, and histological studies are necessary; in some cases, to identify the etiological factors of the disease, diagnostics are carried out using PCR. The disease can occur with periodic exacerbations and stages of remission. Today we will talk about what the diet should be during exacerbation of pancreatitis. Sore throat, redness of the mucous membrane, cough, slight increase in temperature.

    Description, symptoms and treatment of allergic rhinitis (ICD-10 code)

    Allergic rhinitis is a disease that is caused by allergic substances. A characteristic feature is the presence of a developing inflammatory process in the nasal mucosa. The disease has many unpleasant symptoms. In addition, advanced cases can develop into serious complications.


    Now the probability of getting allergic rhinitis is quite high. Statistical studies record susceptibility to allergies in a quarter of the population who live in areas with developed industry. If the situation in cities is environmentally unstable, then this figure can increase to a third. These are quite serious numbers.

    WHO predicts that allergic diseases will take second place. They “lose” only to mental illness. It is worth noting that allergic rhinitis leads to the development of polysensitization and other infectious complications. All this occurs against the background of decreased immune function.

    The disease is already considered one of the global health problems. WHO is closely monitoring the development of the disease as it affects the entire population of the globe. Based on the analysis, decisions are made that affect the reduction of morbidity.

    There are several factors associated with this approach:

  • at the moment, the incidence of diseases ranges from 10 to 25% of the total number of cases of all diseases;
  • there are prerequisites that allow us to talk about a subsequent increase in morbidity;
  • studies show that the disease can lead to bronchial asthma;
  • allergic rhinitis incapacitates adults and children, reduces labor productivity, physical and mental activity.
  • In the European Union, about 1.5 billion euros per year are allocated for treatment. This indicator indicates the feasibility of implementation the latest methods diagnosis and treatment of the disease. The approach to prevention must also change. The system must be structured and general requirements drawn up.


    ICD-10 is a universal classifier of various diseases. The system is very convenient, since each disease has an individual code. The number “10” indicates how much revision it was subjected to general classification. The list was developed by WHO in 2007, and the system has been modified exactly 10 times until today. Starting this year, ICD-10 is considered a kind of standard for diagnosing diseases.

    Any disease here is assigned a code, which consists of a letter and a number. Thus, it is gained sufficient quantity symbols to cover the entire spectrum of diseases and their subdivisions. Allergic rhinitis is designated J30. Depending on the type of illness, the ICD-10 code can be supplemented with numbers separated by a dot.

    1. J30.0 vasomotor;
    2. J30.1 arising from the influence of pollen from the plant environment;
    3. J30.2 seasonal;
    4. J30.3 caused by a number of other external reasons;
    5. J30.4 arising from unknown factors.
    6. Causes and symptoms

      The disease manifests itself under the influence of allergens that are transmitted by air. The most common include: dust deposits, pet saliva, insects, plant allergens, mold. The disease is sometimes accompanied by inflammation of the lower respiratory system. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor immediately.

      Before prescribing treatment, specialists analyze the patient’s general condition, study characteristic symptoms and complaints. The main symptoms that characterize allergic rhinitis include:

    7. runny nose with copious snotty discharge;
    8. bouts of sneezing;
    9. congestion of the nasal passages.
    10. Diagnostics

      Diagnosing the disease requires not only studying the symptoms, but also performing a number of laboratory tests. Based on symptomatic signs, at least two must be detected to make a preliminary diagnosis. Next, a general examination, rhinoscopy or endoscopy are performed. During the examination, swelling of various developments, changes in the color of the mucous membrane, and watery discharge with the presence of foam are revealed.

      If the disease occurs in exudative form, then serous type exudate is present in the nasal passages. Then the patient is diagnosed with rhinosinusitis. Cases have been recorded in which the disease was accompanied by the appearance of polypous tumors. In this case, polyps can form in various parts of the nasal cavity.

      For treatment, methods of anti-allergy therapy are used, which include elements of restoring immune function. In addition, treatment should be accompanied by taking pharmacological agents. Allergen-specific immunotherapy involves treatment with specific allergens, the dosage of which is gradually increased. Usually the drugs are administered as injections under the skin.

      We figured out what allergic rhinitis is and what place it occupies in ICD-10. To determine the type of disease, you must consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe the entire necessary course of treatment and put the patient under systematic monitoring. It is important to do everything in a timely manner, because the disease can develop into a more severe form and develop other dangerous diseases.

      Code acute rhinitis ICD 10

      ICD-10 was introduced into healthcare practice throughout the Russian Federation in 1999 by order of the Russian Ministry of Health dated May 27, 1997. According to ICD 10 allergic and acute rhinitis have extremely similar code. This indicates cross-points in their course (see Stages of development).

      Stage I - dry, characterized by a feeling of dryness and tension in the nose, nasal congestion, swelling of the mucous membrane II - wet. The course of acute catarrhal rhinitis depends on the condition of the nasal mucosa before the disease: if it is atrophied, the reactive phenomena will be less pronounced, and the acute period will be shorter.

      In infancy, acute rhinitis is always dangerous, especially for weakened children who are predisposed to various pulmonary and allergic complications. ICD 10 is a unified international classification of diseases, where each individual disease has its own code. The number “10” indicates the number of the accepted revision.

      The disease is most widespread in the autumn-winter and spring-winter periods. The clinical picture is aggravated by a decrease in local and general immunity due to previous factors (in particular, hypothermia). The extreme stage of these processes is desquamation of the epithelium, the development of erosive damage to the mucosa and degenerative phenomena in the underlying tissues. There is evidence that in the most advanced cases, acute rhinitis can even affect bone tissue. The nose changes both externally and internally, the main septum is deformed.

      Gradually, rhinitis becomes more pronounced. Acute runny nose in its peak development is characterized, first of all, by the appearance of colored discharge. Finally, it should be remembered that allergic rhinitis, without the presence of an allergen, goes away on its own.

      Reduced swelling of the mucous membrane, improved nasal breathing, discharge becomes mucopurulent (in large quantities at first, then gradually decreases). With hypertrophy of the mucous membrane, on the contrary, acute phenomena and the severity of symptoms will be much more pronounced, and the course will be longer. Features of infections Influenza runny nose is characterized by hemorrhages, up to profuse nosebleeds, and rejection of the epithelium of the nasal mucosa in layers.

      Prevention. Hardening the body to cooling, overheating, humidity and dry air. The fight for clean air in working and living spaces, maintaining optimal temperature and humidity in them. Medicines or drugs included in a pharmacological group. In everyday life, such a complex definition has been replaced by the banal word “runny nose.” During these seasons, there are constant temperature changes, high humidity, frequent rains - all these are conditions that contribute to the occurrence of nasal pathologies.

      Chronic illnesses, fatigue, overstrain at work, lack of sleep and constitutional features– all this has a destructive effect on the general condition of the body. In such a situation, a new code is assigned to the disease, and the diagnosis is corrected according to ICD 10. Of course, allergic rhinitis with a similar course does not reach such stages.

      In the first stage, patients mainly complain of dry nasal passages, burning and scratching sensations, frequent sneezing, and constant annoying itching. The state is being completed general symptoms. The second stage of its development is characterized by the appearance of clear discharge in large quantities and swelling of the mucous membrane. Also, the mucous membrane thickens not only along the nasal passages, but also in the sinuses (the space of the paranasal pockets decreases, which can result in congestive, chronic inflammation).

      However, there are a number of differences. The main ones lie in etiological or causative factors. Firstly, the first variation of the runny nose most often appears in the spring and summer.

      Acute rhinitis - description, causes, treatment.

      The feeling of nasal congestion increases, nasal breathing is sharply difficult (often absent), abundant mucous discharge from the nose III - suppuration. TREATMENT Management tactics The regimen is in most cases outpatient.

      When pathogens penetrate cells, a typical pathological reaction to this type of interaction develops - inflammation. People with initially reduced resistance are especially susceptible to this process. Morphological changes correspond to the course of a typical pathological process.

      Allergic rhinitis is characterized by the same pathogenetic course, although the factors that cause it are somewhat different (see Etiology of acute rhinitis). According to ICD 10: “Acute rhinitis is an inflammatory process of a nonspecific nature and urgent course with localization in the mucous membrane of the nose and its passages.”

      Allergic rhinitis - ICD code 10

      Due to the unstable environmental situation in the world, the number of allergies continues to grow. Approximately 25% of the world's population suffers from allergic rhinitis (hay fever), which is a risk factor for the development of bronchial asthma.

      In childhood, it provokes the development of adenoiditis, otitis, sinusitis, and throat diseases. Allergic rhinitis (AR) is an IgE-dependent inflammation of the nasal mucosa caused by allergens. Patients rarely associate hay fever with the disease, despite the severe symptoms that impair performance and quality of life in general. Therefore, self-therapy is used for treatment, which often only aggravates the inflammatory process.

      It turns out to be a vicious circle - there is no disease - symptoms do not give life. There is some confusion. The patient does not want treatment, but buys various drops at the pharmacy to relieve the symptoms. Let's figure it out.

      Classification of rhinitis according to ICD 10

      From a medical point of view, allergic rhinitis is, of course, a pathology, and is identified in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) as a separate disease - J30.0 Vasomotor and allergic rhinitis. This code refers to allergic, vasomotor and spasmodic rhinitis, except for allergic rhinitis, which occurs against the background of bronchial asthma (J45.0).

      In the literature, allergic rhinitis is more often called hay fever or hay fever. But under all these names lies the same disease, accompanied by copious clear nasal discharge, sneezing, swelling of the nasal cavity, mucus running down the back of the throat, and headache.

      According to the ICD-10 classification, hay fever is classified as a block J30–J39, which is called “other upper respiratory tract diseases.” Allergic rhinitis includes items J30.0–J30.4. We provide their exact definition according to ICD-10:

    11. J30.0 Vasomotor rhinitis and allergic rhinitis.
    12. J30.1 Allergic rhinitis caused by pollen (caused directly during the period of pollen scattering);
    13. J30.2 Other seasonal allergic rhinitis.
    14. J30.3 Other allergic rhinitis.
    15. J30.4 Allergic rhinitis, unspecified (after differential diagnosis, the diagnosis remained in question).

      ICD-10 is used in international health care for clear analysis and systematization various diseases. The classifier is reviewed every 10 years and the necessary adjustments are made. For ordinary patients there is no coding for this system useful information are not provided, and many have not even heard of it.

      Allergic rhinitis (otherwise known as hay fever, hay fever), according to the classification, has its own types, let's look at them in detail.

      The types of rhinitis are directly related to the cause of their occurrence, but we’ll talk about this later. So, there are three types of hay fever:

    16. rhinitis that develops at certain times of the year - seasonal or intermittent;
    17. rhinitis that occurs at any time annual cycle– year-round, it is also called persistent;
    18. rhinitis that occurs with constant contact with a certain type of allergen is occupational.

      These types of rhinitis undoubtedly belong to the acute form of AR, which develops along a chain: contact with an allergen - an instant reaction of the nasal mucosa (allergy).

      Let's look at each type in detail to understand how these allergic rhinitis may differ.

      Intermittent (seasonal) allergic rhinitis

      Seasonal rhinitis is usually associated with pollen from a plant that is in the flowering phase. This phenomenon occurs in 80% of cases in spring and early summer. Poplar fluff, blooming lilacs, ragweed, lilies and many other plants become a direct threat to the development of hay fever.

      Patients complain of morning swelling of the eyelids and severe redness eyeballs(proteins are “striped” small vessels). Sometimes hearing impairment is added - this indicates eustachitis (inflammation of the Eustachian tube, which connects two cavities: the nasal and ear). The patient notices obvious signs congestion in the ears.

      Nasal breathing is difficult due to severe swelling, although the appearance of snot does not always occur. But, in most cases, the patient will present the following complaints:

    19. tickling in the nose;
    20. pain and itching in the eyes;
    21. sneezing;
    22. sticking of eyelids after sleep;
    23. congestion in the nose and ears;
    24. paroxysmal cough;
    25. itching in the throat;
    26. headache;
    27. watery discharge from the nasal passages;
    28. irritability,
    29. apathy;
    30. low-grade fever (not always);
    31. depression.

      How to treat seasonal (intermittent) rhinitis?

      To begin with, protect the patient from the allergen as much as possible. For example, if there is ragweed nearby, then you can mow down the plant, but with poplar fluff the situation is more complicated. To achieve this, the following recommendations have been developed for people suffering from allergies:

    32. wear safety glasses;
    33. install protective nets on windows;
    34. carry out frequent wet cleaning of the premises;
    35. carry a bottle of water with you (if possible, wash your face right on the street if you feel unpleasant symptoms);
    36. do not touch allergens;
    37. avoid walking in windy weather;
    38. after walking, shake out your clothes and take a shower;
    39. be sure to change into household clothes;
    40. Carry the drops prescribed by your doctor with you.

      Persistent (year-round) rhinitis

      Year-round allergic rhinitis has many causes and is difficult to treat. Therefore, a treatment regimen for this form is developed by allergists and immunologists based on the patient’s complete medical history. The most common source of year-round hay fever is dust, animal hair, chronic infection in the nasopharynx, fungal microorganisms, contaminated premises and others.

      The patient suffers from painful nasal congestion, which persists for a long period. The eyes are red, the eyelids are thickened, the mouth is constantly open. Coughing attacks appear at night. Dark circles are visible under the eyes, and the tip of the nose is sometimes red.

      Sinusitis, nasal polyposis, otitis media and other inflammatory processes in nearby organs become dangerous complications of allergic rhinitis.

      How to improve the condition of patients with persistent rhinitis?

      The best way is to part with the allergen forever, but to be honest, the task is not the easiest. Most likely, the allergist will give the following recommendations:

    41. use moisturizing devices;
    42. do wet cleaning;
    43. shake out blankets, bedspreads, pillows (in winter you can expose bedding to the frost, and dry it in the sun in summer);
    44. moisturize the nasal mucosa (the remedy is selected only by a doctor);
    45. use vasoconstrictor nasal drops with caution;
    46. quit smoking and alcohol;
    47. wash curtains more often;
    48. purchase a vacuum cleaner that allows you to moisten carpets.

      To effectively combat year-round rhinitis, be sure to general cleaning premises with maximum disposal of unnecessary and old things that have accumulated dust reserves. All “mothballs” things - away! There is no need to re-arrange them for years, and then cut them in the garage for decades. Old books, clothes, fur crafts and many other things can accumulate harmful dust.

      Occupational allergic rhinitis

      This type of rhinitis occurs against the background of constant contact of a person with harmful substance(allergen). It can be anything. Miners come into contact with dust, doctors come into contact with medications, for example, ethers, and builders are susceptible to allergens from paints, varnishes, and adhesives.

      Of course, an allergic reaction does not occur in everyone, but only in those people who are prone to such a process.

      Patients note that at home all symptoms decrease or disappear altogether. The most common symptoms of occupational allergic rhinitis may include:

    49. night snoring;
    50. sore and coughing throat;
    51. swelling of the eyes;
    52. clear snot;
    53. lacrimation;
    54. puffiness under the eyes and “bags”;
    55. other.

      How to eliminate a professional runny nose?

      The short answer is to change the type of activity, or change the objects of work. For example, change the detergent or choose a different mastic. No contact with the allergen - no problem.

      Causes and predisposing factors for the development of allergic rhinitis

      There is only one reason - an allergen. But why does the disease not develop in everyone, but chooses its victims? Any pathological condition of the body has factors that help cause disease. In our case these could be:

    56. anatomical problems of the nasopharynx;
    57. genetic predisposition;
    58. stress;
    59. immunodeficiencies;
    60. metabolic disorders;
    61. prolonged contact with the allergen;
    62. blood clotting disorder (increased);
    63. hypotension;
    64. frequent ARVI;
    65. dysbacteriosis;
    66. gastrointestinal diseases;
    67. antibacterial therapy.

      To eliminate the causes of the disease and establish a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo differential diagnosis. Otherwise, inadequate therapy will only intensify existing symptoms.

      Diagnostic methods for rhinitis

      During the visit, the doctor collects a detailed medical history: clarifies complaints, heredity, chronic diseases, social conditions. And only then prescribes the following study (optional):

    68. rhinoscopy;
    69. provocative tests (endonasal);
    70. rhinomanometry;
    71. general and biochemical blood test;
    72. coagulogram;
    73. determination of specific antibodies in the blood;
    74. general urine analysis;
    75. testing for allergens;
    76. computer bronchophonography;

      Based on the research results, consultations with an allergist, otolaryngologist, immunologist and other specialists are carried out.

      Treatment of allergic rhinitis

      The ICD-10 code for allergic rhinitis allows you to orient a doctor in any corner of the world. If the patient finds himself in another country and feels unwell, but has medical documents with him, then the emergency doctor will be able to guess the cause of this condition using the codes. Such codes are relevant for diabetes mellitus, heart pathologies, bronchial asthma and other most dangerous diseases.

      Allergic rhinitis (J30.0) is not easily treatable, so the main task is to exclude all contact with the allergen. If an allergen is found, there is a great chance to get rid of the problem forever. In other cases, symptomatic and anti-inflammatory therapy is selected.

      Vasoconstrictors (naphazoline, oxymetazoline, otrivin), antihistamines (fenkarol, tavegil, telfast) and hormonal agents are used. Cromones (cromosol, cromhexal), intranasal H1-blockers (allergodil, histimet spray), and antileukotriene drugs are also used. Often combined drugs are selected: clarinase, vibrocil, allergoftal, rhinopront and others.

      It is not for nothing that ICD-10 identifies allergic rhinitis as a separate disease. Having familiarized yourself with the drugs that are prescribed for the treatment of hay fever, you can safely talk about serious and long-term therapy, especially when the allergen is not identified.

      Self-treatment of hay fever is out of the question.. Algorithm one: differential diagnosis– competent treatment under the control of laboratory and other diagnostic methods.

      How to quickly cure allergic rhinitis

      Allergic rhinitis according to ICD 10

      Allergic rhinitis does not affect life expectancy, does not change mortality rates, but is chronic in nature and significantly disrupts the normal functioning of a person.

      Predisposing factors

      The following factors contribute to the development of acute rhinitis:

    77. Chronic fatigue;
    78. Constant overstrain at work;
    79. Lack of sleep;
    80. Hypovitaminosis and constitutional characteristics of the body;
    81. Contaminated air;
    82. Hereditary predisposition.

      Hay fever is a very common disease. The number of patients in Russia ranges from 18 to 38%; in the USA, 40% of children suffer from it, most often boys. Children under 5 years of age rarely get sick, the incidence rate increases at the age of 7–10 years, and the peak incidence occurs at the age of 18–24 years.

      The prevalence of hay fever has increased more than fivefold over the past 10 years.

      Allergic rhinitis can be year-round - persistent, and seasonal - intermittent.

    83. Year-round rhinitis (persistent). The attack acquires chronic course. A runny nose bothers you for at least 2 hours a day and more than 9 months a year. It is observed upon contact with household allergens (wool, saliva, dander and feathers of pets, cockroaches, mushrooms and house plants). This chronic runny nose is different light current without disruption of sleep and performance.
    84. Seasonal rhinitis. An attack of runny nose occurs after contact with an allergen for several hours during the flowering period of plants. Acute rhinitis lasts less than 4 days a week and less than 1 month a year. Occurs in more severe forms, disrupting night sleep and human performance.
    85. Episodic. It appears rarely, only after contact with allergens (cat saliva, mites, rat urine). Allergy symptoms are pronounced.
    86. Since 2000, another form has been identified - occupational runny nose, which affects confectioners, livestock specialists, flour millers, pharmacists, workers in medical institutions and woodworking enterprises.

      There are light, medium and severe course diseases.

    87. With a mild runny nose, sleep is not disturbed, normal professional and daily activities are maintained, and severe painful symptoms are not bothered.
    88. With severe and moderate runny nose, at least one of the following symptoms is observed:
      • sleep disturbance;
      • painful symptoms;
      • impairment of daily/professional activities;
      • the person cannot play sports.

    With the progressive course of the disease for more than 3 years, bronchial asthma appears.

    ICD 10 is a unified classification of diseases for all countries and continents, in which each disease received its own code, consisting of a letter and a number.

    In accordance with ICD 10, hay fever is a disease of the respiratory system and is included in other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Code J30 is assigned to vasomotor, allergic and spasmodic rhinitis, but it does not apply to allergic rhinitis accompanied by asthma (J45.0)

    ICD 10 classification:

  • J30.0 – vasomotor runny nose (chronic vasomotor neurovegetative rhinitis).
  • J30.1 – allergic rhinitis caused by pollen of flowering plants. Otherwise called hay fever or hay fever.
  • J30.2 – other seasonal allergic rhinitis.
  • J30.3 – other allergic rhinitis, for example, perennial allergic rhinitis.
  • J30.4 – allergic rhinitis of unspecified etiology.

    Clinic and diagnostics

    Acute allergic rhinitis is manifested by periodic disruption of normal breathing through the nose, clear liquid watery discharge, itching and redness of the nose, and repeated sneezing. All symptoms are based on contact with the allergen, i.e. a sick person feels much better in the absence of a substance that provokes an attack of an allergic disease.

    A distinctive feature of acute hay fever from the usual infectious (cold) runny nose is that the symptoms of the disease remain unchanged throughout its entire period. In the absence of an allergen, a runny nose goes away on its own without the use of medications.

    The diagnosis is made based on symptoms of the disease, medical history and laboratory tests. To confirm the diagnosis, skin tests and contact testing are performed using modern sensors. The most reliable method is a blood test for specific antibodies from the immunoglobulin E (IgE) class.

    The main point in treatment is the exclusion of allergens. Therefore, in a house where there is an allergy sufferer, there should be no pets or objects that collect dust ( Stuffed Toys, carpets, fleecy bed linen, old books and furniture). During the flowering period, it is better for the child to stay in the city, away from fields, parks and flower beds; at this time it is better to hang wet diapers and gauze on the windows to prevent allergens from entering the apartment.

    An acute attack is relieved with the help of antihistamines (Allergodil, Azelastine), cromones (Cromoglicate, Necromil), corticosteroids (Fluticasone, Nazarel), isotonic saline solutions (Quix, Aquamaris), vasoconstrictors (Oxymetazoline, Xylometazoline) and antiallergic drops (Vibrocil) are successfully used. . Specific immunotherapy with allergens has proven itself well.

    Timely, correctly carried out treatment can completely stop the existing acute attack, prevent the development of a new exacerbation, complications, transition to a chronic process.

    First of all, preventive measures should be taken in relation to children with a family history, i.e. whose closest relatives and parents suffer from allergic diseases. The likelihood of children becoming ill increases to 50% if one parent has allergies, and to 80% if both parents have allergies.

  • Limiting foods that are highly allergenic in a pregnant woman's diet.
  • Elimination of occupational hazards in pregnant women.
  • To give up smoking.
  • Continue breastfeeding until at least 6 months, introducing complementary foods no earlier than five months of age.
  • If you already have an allergy, you must be treated with courses of antihistamines and avoid contact with allergens.

    Allergic rhinitis, whether acute or chronic, has bad influence on the patient’s social life, study and work, reduces his performance. Examination and treatment is far from an easy task. Therefore, only close contact between the patient and the doctor and compliance with all medical instructions will help achieve success.

    Sinusitis according to the ICD 10 reference book

    Sinusitis is called inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. Often, non-professionals and patients themselves mistakenly refer to any inflammatory process in any of the paranasal sinuses with this name. ICD 10 speaks of sinusitis differently than as a separate disease. In professional medicine, any runny nose is called sinusitis; inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is distinguished separately.

    To classify all dangerous diseases, the official international medical organization WHO has developed a special reference book ICD 10, which contains a classification of dangerous infectious diseases that most often affect modern people. Sinusitis ICD 10 is described using a system of special digital codes that provide information about the disease to a medical professional.

    Classification according to ICD 10

    The International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems is an official medical reference book that describes in detail, in a detailed manner, all the most common and less common diseases encountered in the clinical practice of doctors. Based on medical statistics, ICD 10 speaks of sinusitis as the most common disease of the ENT organs, which occurs in every third patient in one form or another.

    In the reference book for sinusitis, the ICD code, consisting of numbers and letters, describes the acute and chronic forms of this disease in different ways.

    To accurately diagnose the disease and select the most effective drugs for sinusitis, the ICD code describes:

  • existing types of this disease,
  • its possible etiology;
  • symptoms;
  • types of treatment

    Having described sinusitis in detail, the ICD 10 reference book provides attending physicians with detailed information on:

  • disease diagnoses;
  • approaches to diagnosis;
  • treatment of diseases in different countries and continents.

    This directory is intended to provide doctors with the most detailed information from the latest international medical statistics on the level of morbidity and mortality in different countries, within one country, from a particular disease. To do this, all diseases were given a special code, which consists of a letter and a number.

    According to the ICD 10 reference book, sinusitis in its various forms is the most common infectious disease of the ENT organs. Its complications still lead to various pathologies and a high mortality rate among children and adults in many countries of the world.

    Inflammation maxillary sinus or sinuses is very common. There are many reasons why inflammatory processes begin to develop in maxillary sinuses. There is a predisposition to this disease if a person has:

  • chronic inflammation of the nasal cavity in the form of allergic rhinitis, nasal polyps, chronic runny nose.
  • chronic inflammation of the teeth or upper jaw. The close proximity of the roots of the teeth of the upper jaw determines the penetration of infections into the sinuses from diseased roots or canals of destroyed teeth.
  • chronic infections of the tonsils and adenoids. The close location of the adenoids and frequent inflammatory diseases in them cause inflammation of the nasal cavity and sinuses.
  • curvature of the nasal septum, deformation of the nasal turbinates and passages. These features may be congenital or acquired as a result of injuries and the development of purulent processes in the nose.

    The danger of infection lies in the fact that the sinus is a closed, limited cavity. Getting into it, bacterial or viral infection finds itself in ideal conditions and begins to develop rapidly. Heat, humidity, poor drainage from the sinuses create excellent conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

    At the first stage, when the process of sinus inflammation begins, mucus is formed, making breathing difficult. It is an excellent environment for the development of pathogens.

    Prevalence of sinusitis

    The main cause of sinusitis is a bacterial infection. Among various bacteria, the most frequently detected are:

  • streptococci and staphylococci (in particular St. Pneumoniae, beta-hemolytic streptococci and S. Pyogenes);
  • gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria;
  • mushrooms;
  • spirochetes and a number of other pathogenic protozoa.

    Many people today suffer from sinusitis in its chronic form. This pathology of the ENT organs, which is always caused by infection, ranks first in the world today among other diseases in otolaryngology.

    Classification medical reference book ICD 10 is encrypted in an alphanumeric code that tells the doctor:

  • what types of diseases does this disease belong to;
  • what organs does it affect;
  • form of the disease.

    It looks like this:

  • The book classifies acute sinusitis as an acute respiratory disease of the upper respiratory tract and codes it as J01.0,
  • hr. According to the medical classification, sinusitis belongs to other types of diseases of the respiratory system and has code J32.0. This encoding simplifies the storage of important information for a doctor and makes it easier to find.

    The encoding may indicate the name of the infectious pathogen. sinusitis using a special alphanumeric code:

  • B95 – streptococcus or staphylococcus;
  • B96 – bacteria, but not staphylococci or streptococci;
  • B97 viruses.

    The code is assigned only to a known and studied causative agent of sinusitis.

    As ICD 10 statistics show, sinusitis is usually suffered in winter, after the flu or a cold pandemic. The disease more often manifests itself in city dwellers who have a weakened immune system and spend little time in the fresh air. winter time. In the city the air contains more dangerous bacteria than in rural areas or forests.

    Medical statistics from the ICD provide data according to which every year more than 10 million adults and children in Russia fall ill with one form or another of sinusitis. According to statistics, children suffer less from this infectious disease. In adults, sinusitis appears in a chronic form much more often.

    Sinusitis and rhinosinusitis are more common in women. This is explained by the fact that they are more likely than men to have contact with children of preschool and school age.

    The symptoms of chronic sinusitis in adults are complex, but most often patients complain of incessant headaches. This is due to the fact that, as a result of swelling of the nasal sinuses and the formation of purulent mucus in them, respiratory function deteriorates and the infectious process spreads to the upper parts of the skull. In such cases, you should definitely see a doctor before you begin to treat sinusitis yourself.

    Characteristic symptoms of sinusitis can be observed when you press your finger on the forehead area located above the eyebrows. If pain is felt even after light pressure, then we can talk about how congested the nasal sinus is and what type of sinusitis the patient has.

    Typically, headaches manifest themselves as symptoms of acute sinusitis. In the acute stage, you should definitely see an otolaryngologist, who will prescribe comprehensive treatment and select a suitable remedy for sinusitis for acute headaches.

    Sinusitis can only be cured with complex therapy. Treatment of sinusitis requires antibiotics, non-steroidal drugs and immunomodulators.

    The cessation of nasal discharge with ongoing headache and fever indicates the closure of the narrow excretory duct with thick pus or edematous mucosa. Nasal congestion without mucus coming out is an unfavorable sign, since pressure will increase in a closed cavity with ongoing inflammation, which can lead to a breakthrough of pus into adjacent tissues: upper jaw, eye socket, under the periosteum of the skull bones.

    The manifestation of such a symptom requires immediate consultation with a doctor. Otherwise, mucus will accumulate in the sinus and pathogenic organisms will begin to develop in it. The result of their vital activity will be purulent formations. This can lead to infection of the sinuses of the skull and the entire body.

    In case of purulent congestion, doctors try to eliminate the congestion with medications and remove purulent formations from the nasal sinuses. If therapy does not help, a puncture of the nasal sinuses is prescribed, which will help eliminate congestion and improve breathing. The internal pressure created in the sinus by mucus is removed, and headaches go away.

    If inflammation occurs in the upper part of the skull, medications may be prescribed. surgical interventions. These are dangerous medical procedures that are performed during severe complications sinusitis.

    The danger of self-medication

    From the information about sinusitis presented in the ICD 10 reference book, it is clear that it is impossible to independently cure such an infectious disease of the ENT organs. The etiology and forms of its course vary too much among its types, requiring individual selection of medications for each patient.

    The ICD 10 medical reference book of diseases encodes the complex nature of the disease of sinusitis and shows how it differs from ordinary sinusitis. Such reference literature contains a large amount of medical information that doctors use in their clinical practice when treating sinusitis.

    Acute rhinitis in children and adults: ICD-10, treatment, symptoms

    Acute rhinitis (ICD-10 code: J00) is one of the most common ENT diseases among adults and children. Read the article about how dangerous a runny nose can be and how to treat it correctly.

    Acute rhinitis - what is it?

    First of all, when you inhale through your nose, the air is purified by more than one row of “filters.” Hairs rid the air of large-particle dust, and small particles are caught by the cilia of the epithelium, then disinfection, gluing occurs, and everything enters the nasopharynx in the form of mucus. Therefore, the integral function of the nose is considered to be protective.

    Also, an important mechanism is hydration. This function manifests itself in the form of an increase in fluid secreted from the nose in case of irritation of the mucous membrane or its inflammation.

    The thermo-regulating function makes it possible to warm the air in the nose.

    The cause of blocking any of the functions of the nose may be acute rhinitis.

    This terrifying name refers to the well-known runny nose. The inflamed mucous membrane cannot perform its tasks due to infectious or nonspecific diseases. Most often, acute rhinitis in children and adults occurs during cold periods or during transitional seasonality.

    Absolutely all people have encountered inflammation of the mucous membrane; therefore, there are many types of diagnosis and treatment, both with medications and folk remedies.

    Etiology and pathogenesis of acute rhinitis

    In the etiology of acute rhinitis, the first place is taken by changes in human immunity for the worse and, as a result, the nasal cavity and nasopharynx are actively filled with pathogenic microflora.

    Most often, the pathology occurs in people who have chronic diseases with the slightest hypothermia of the body. Moreover, acute rhinitis can be caused by a foreign body, trauma or surgical intervention in the nasal cavity.

    Acute catarrhal rhinitis can make itself felt under harmful working conditions in the chemical or mechanical industries.

    Weakened immunity, lack of vitamins and microelements in the body, contact with people suffering from acute respiratory viral infections, constant dampness, the presence of mold in the room, and insufficient hygiene of the nasal cavity can also cause acute rhinitis in infants. Viruses and bacteria easily settle on the mucous membrane when local immunity is reduced.

    Any of the above reasons can become the foundation for the development of the disease. Acute runny nose develops as an addition to serious infectious diseases: measles, scarlet fever, etc.

    Classification and types of rhinitis

    This is a constantly reminding, chronic form of the disease, which entails discomfort and certain inconveniences for a person.

    Vasomotor type refers to rhinitis, which can be triggered by stress, dry air or infectious irritants.

    As a result, nasal congestion occurs, breathing suffers, and a headache begins. Difficulty breathing can be immediate or long-lasting. Treatment for this type of runny nose is most often surgical.

    Idiopathic rhinitis is usually divided into allergic and neurovegetative.

    The name itself implies an allergic reaction of the mucous membrane to irritants such as chemicals, medications, animal hair, dust, flowering plants, fluff, mold, fungus, insects (bites), pollen and even your favorite perfume.

    This type of runny nose is divided into:

    To eliminate any of these types of runny nose, it is necessary to identify the specific allergen and block contact with it.

    This type of runny nose occurs when there are disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, or rather a disorder in the area that is responsible for the proper functioning of the nasal mucosa.

    Divided into 3 types:

  • Spicy - different severe runny nose, edema and hyperthermia.
  • Viral - with an increased amount of discharge, fever and difficulty breathing. As a rule, it is provoked by viruses that have entered the body. Treatment of this type of rhinitis is unacceptable with folk remedies.
  • Bacterial rhinitis, which develops against the background of an acute form and is characterized by peculiar discharge, swelling and headache, lasts at least 14 days.

    Has two classes:

    • atrophic rhinitis, which is provoked by an atrophied mucous membrane and hypertrophic, most often occurs with hypertrophic changes;
    • medicinal rhinitis, another type of rhinitis that occurs when vasoconstrictor medications are not taken correctly, so only a doctor should prescribe nasal drops. With frequent use, the tissue is at the stage of atrophy and the drugs no longer help relieve swelling. Simply put, it is a dependence on a certain drug.
    • Occurs due to injury due to damage to the nasal septum.

      Associated with hormonal changes, it occurs most often in women during pregnancy.

      Rhinitis in pregnant women goes away on its own when the body returns to its original state after childbirth. Therefore, you should not take medications so as not to harm the baby.

      Experts believe that when an expectant mother is carrying a child, she hormonal background is subject to changes, the immune system decreases, and this entails sensitivity of the vascular walls. Acute rhinitis during pregnancy can make itself felt not as hormonal, but as infectious.

      Stages of acute rhinitis

      Acute rhinitis is usually divided into stages, which have their own differences in the course of symptoms and treatment methods.

      The first stage is dry.

      A runny nose that goes away without copious discharge from the nasal cavity.

      Bleeding of tears, frequent sneezing, irritation of the mucous membrane, discomfort, itching or strong burning sensation indicates the presence of a dry runny nose.

      In addition, there is a headache, fever, coughing, and poor health, because acute rhinitis often manifests itself due to an infection or virus.

      The second stage is wet.

      Occurs after the first stage lasting 2-3 days. Dryness and irritation in the nose develops into a wet stage with restriction of breathing through the nose.

      Rhinorrhea and swelling of the mucous membrane begin to rampage in their element. An increased amount of transparent mucus secretions contributes to dullness, or even short-term loss sense of smell, nasality during conversation.

      The third stage is mucopurulent.

      The most malicious stage, the duration of the course depends on the neglect of the previous stages. The symptoms remain, but the general condition improves.

      The neglect of this stage is characterized by yellow to green discharge; the mucus is thick and viscous; it is not difficult to identify it after the previous stage, where the discharge is transparent.

      It is possible that acute purulent rhinitis can develop into a chronic runny nose, which can lead to complications. This happens because the patient does not follow the doctor’s recommendations or engages in improper treatment acute rhinitis: it is necessary to monitor any runny nose, because the immune system of each person is structured differently.

      For some, it is enough to go through the first stage and be healthy, but for others, they need to go through all the “circles of hell” for a full recovery. It is important to follow the recommendations and not give even a harmless runny nose.

      Causes of swelling of the mucous membrane

      There are quite a large number of them. It is important to highlight the most common ones:

    • non-ecological living conditions,
    • working conditions that put people at risk,
    • any changes, growths, cysts, polyps,
    • nose injuries (burn, blow),
    • circulatory dysfunction,
    • enlarged adenoids, sinusitis
    • diseases of the oropharynx,
    • allergy to any triggering allergen.

      An acute respiratory viral infection can cause swelling and the acute course of this disease. Do not forget about serious diseases such as measles, etc.

      In infants, acute rhinitis is a common occurrence, which entails inflammation of the nose and pharynx at the same time. Prevention of acute rhinitis or treatment with folk remedies will help relieve symptoms.

      Rhinitis in older children is more severe, with complications or spreading infection to other areas associated with the nasopharynx.

      The cause may be the proliferation of adenoids, due to their sensitivity in childhood, since they become inflamed too often, catching the infection at the beginning of its path in order to prevent the disease.

      Fighting bacteria, viruses increase in size, making breathing, hearing and smell difficult. The specific structure of the auditory tube also entails the penetration of infections: immature, wide or short, contribute to the development of otitis media. The middle ear, larynx or pharynx may become inflamed.

      Unstable immunity, which has not had time to strengthen due to time, a low amount of mucosal immunoglobulin secretion, improper nasal hygiene due to narrow nasal passages and the inability to empty the nose of mucus - this is the main number of reasons that answer the question why rhinitis in a child is such a common occurrence .

      Symptoms of acute rhinitis

      Signs of acute rhinitis in adults and children manifest themselves with different symptoms, starting with discomfort - burning or itching.

      Availability quick loss performance, bad dream or vice versa, drowsiness, headache in addition to the above symptoms may also indicate the consequences of acute rhinitis.

      In acute rhinitis, symptoms such as:

    • partial or complete nasal congestion;
    • sensations of burning, itching, pain in the nose and throat;
    • frequent sneezing;
    • headache;
    • dry mucous membranes and crust formation;
    • Characteristic discharge is yellow, green, mixed with blood;
    • loss of charm.

      Also, due to prolonged nasal congestion, various complications can develop, such as sinusitis - an infection or inflammation of the mucous membrane of the sinuses.

      In an infant, symptoms caused by acute rhinitis may be as follows:

    • elevated temperature 38-39 degrees;
    • convulsions;
    • refusal breastfeeding(the cause will be difficulty breathing through the nose);
    • there is a general loss of appetite;
    • poor sleep;
    • irritability, tearfulness;
    • stomach ache.

      Children lose their appetite, lose weight, and have trouble sleeping at night.

      Newborn rhinitis provokes flatulence and diarrhea due to disruption of the daily routine and the presence of the above symptoms.

      To find out a reliable diagnosis and how to treat a disease, it is not enough to know the symptoms. Reliable information can only be heard from the lips of the attending physician: the doctor will conduct an examination, analysis, and conduct a qualified diagnosis of your condition.

      Methods for diagnosing acute rhinitis

      Rhinoscopy is a type of examination that can only be carried out by a specialist, having interviewed the patient in advance and recorded complaints.

      This type of diagnosis is based on a visual examination of the anterior and posterior areas in the nasal cavity and is divided into classes:

    • Anterior rhinoscopy.
    • Average rhinoscopy
    • Posterior rhinoscopy.

      Each of these names speaks for itself. Certain areas of the nasal cavity are examined to confirm or exclude a particular pathology. The structure of the departments is studied, the condition of the nasal passage is assessed, and the nasopharynx is examined.

      Bacteriological culture, another type of study: the doctor takes a swab from the nasal cavity in order to determine the causative agent of the disease. Correct diagnosis type of bacteria entails a properly prescribed antibacterial drug that will work with effect on the right level for a person's recovery.

      If there is a suspicion of allergic rhinitis, then a test is used to identify the allergen (skin tests) that provokes this disease. The method of exclusion identifies the irritant if it was present before the onset of the disease.

      Carrying out a skin test

      One of the most difficult types of research is endoscopic examination nasal cavity, which is divided into: flexible and rigid.

      This type of study is carried out to identify such complex neoplasms as cysts or other inclusions in order to assess the possible causes of acute rhinitis. It is also possible to determine the structural changes that appeared at birth. It is not possible to carry out such a diagnosis on a baby without anesthesia.

      Treatment and preventive measures

      Preventive measures taken against acute rhinitis are not complicated.

      It is worth not consuming too cold foods, dressing according to the season, playing sports, maintaining personal hygiene, hardening the body, taking folk and medicines that increase immunity, providing early diagnosis and timely treatment of pathological changes.

      In infants, physiological runny nose is often not treated, but mucus is only sucked out of the nose using a nasal aspirator. However, in severe cases, when rhinitis in a newborn does not go away for several days, children's nasal drops are still used.

      Treatment of acute rhinitis in adults, unlike children, is possible without tablets and drops: they will come to the rescue folk remedies, and most importantly, proper toileting of the nose and rinsing it with saline solutions.

      Treatment at home without taking medications consists of performing simple measures:

    • Proper nose blowing is necessary to remove mucus from the nasal passages.
    • Drinking enough water, providing rooms with moist and fresh air, and warming your hands and feet if you have a cold.
    • Vasoconstrictor drops will help ease breathing and reduce swelling.
    • The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor and instructions for use.
    • Acute rhinitis can be effectively treated with physiotherapeutic procedures.
    • If a person has acute allergic rhinitis, in this case, the doctor should prescribe antihistamines and vasoconstrictor medications.
    • Bacterial and viral rhinitis will have to be treated in combination with antibacterial and antiseptic drugs; folk remedies will not help here.

      Acute rhinitis: types and forms of the disease, signs, treatment, prevention

      Acute rhinitis – respiratory disease, which manifests itself in the form of copious nasal discharge of varying consistency and color. At the same time, there are different types of this pathology, in which different symptoms appear. It is an acute inflammation of the nasal mucosa.

      Classification by ICD-10 code

      The etiology of acute rhinitis manifests itself in an intense form with copious discharge from the nasal passages. Sometimes the process affects exclusively the passages themselves, and sometimes the paranasal sinuses are also involved.

      As a rule, the latter is already classified as a complicated or advanced form. ICD acute rhinitis - J00.

      Acute rhinitis is divided into several types, including:

    • Allergic, manifested both seasonally and year-round in the form of clear discharge, sneezing, tearing, dry throat, sore throat, and so on.
    • Vasomotor also manifests itself, like allergy, but always has a time-limited manifestation, for example, during the flowering period of a plant or as a reaction to a specific irritant - cold, dryness, and so on.
    • Viral rhinitis is provoked by viruses and manifests itself similarly to allergic rhinitis. At the same time, symptoms of a cold, flu or other acute respiratory infection often develop in parallel. Catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membranes is present.
    • Hypertrophic is manifested to a greater extent by proliferation followed by thickening of the mucous tissue in the nasal passages, which leads to difficulty breathing through the nose;
    • Atrophic is the opposite of the previous one and leads to thinning of the mucous membranes, as well as to degeneration of bone tissue. It appears in the dry type without discharge, and in the ozen type - with purulent discharge and a characteristic odor;
    • Infectious bacterial or fungal is manifested by the release of secretion with purulent contents.

      Features of acute rhinitis:

      Symptoms in adults and children

      Symptoms are generally the same for all ages:

    • Discharge from the nose of varying consistency and color;
    • Sneezing;
    • Swelling of the mucous membrane;
    • Nasal congestion and inability to breathe through the nose;
    • Headache;
    • Dry mouth.

      The photo shows the symptoms of acute rhinitis

      The disease goes through three stages:

    • Dry irritation;
    • Serous type discharge (transparent);
    • Discharge of a purulent type (yellow-green).

      Diagnostic tests

      Basically, a visual examination and listening to the patient’s complaints is enough for the doctor. In the case of bacterial rhinitis, mucus can be taken for bacterial culture.

      Sinuses with different types of rhinitis

      It is not advisable to treat rhinitis on your own, especially if it concerns children and pregnant women, since this pathology often not only causes complications, but also becomes chronic.

      Independent selection of a drug is also impossible without an examination by a doctor and a diagnosis, since the same bacterial rhinitis has similar symptoms with atrophic purulent rhinitis (ozena), and viral rhinitis is often confused with allergic.

      Nasal rinsing is mandatory. Adults do this using a special teapot with a long nose. In the case of children, either a special aspirator bulb, or a small syringe of no more than 2 cubes, or a pipette is used.

      Washing is done with various compositions depending on the type of disease, but saline or saline solution is most often used. Especially for children, there are preparations based on sea water, which take into account the dosage of the composition, as well as the method of administration in the form of special nozzles.

      Principles of treatment of acute rhinitis in our video:

      Principles of complex treatment

      Treatment of any rhinitis is carried out comprehensively, depending on what type is detected. Most often used:

    • Antibiotics for bacterial rhinitis or ozena (the latter is incurable, but can be easily treated if you approach the treatment process correctly);
    • Antiviral drugs for viral rhinitis;
    • Antihistamines of general systemic or local type (depending on the patient’s condition);
    • Inhalation and nasal rinsing: for bacterial types - with furatsilin solution, for others - with saline or saline solution.
    • For allergies - timely intake of antihistamines, elimination of the allergen whenever possible;
    • With vasomotor it is important to eliminate the influence of the irritating factor;
    • For viral and bacterial infections, preventive treatment is carried out after contact with an infected person or before the period of epidemics;
    • Daily ventilation of the room;
    • Air humidification;
    • Timely examination and treatment of ENT pathologies;
    • Strengthening immunity;
    • Rejection of bad habits.

      The prognosis is generally positive for almost all types of rhinitis if therapy is carried out on time and to the full extent prescribed by the doctor. Hypertrophic and atrophic cannot be completely cured, but they can be stopped and the progression stopped.

  • A disease such as vasomotor rhinitis is characterized by the occurrence of an inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa of a non-infectious nature. It can occur at any time of the year in the presence of provoking factors. Vasomotor rhinitis can lead to a number of complications, since it disrupts many physiological processes associated with ensuring air flow into the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses.

    Essence of the disease

    Vasomotor rhinitis is functional impairment the condition and activity of the vessels of the nasal mucosa, due to which the tissues swell, the nasal cavity narrows and, as a result, difficulty in nasal breathing occurs.

    A similar condition occurs when factors cause a non-standard reaction of the nasal mucosa to ordinary physiological irritations.

    The reasons for the development of such a disease may be the following factors:

  • Predisposition to allergic reactions;
  • Hormonal fluctuations;
  • Pathologies of the development of the nasal septum of a congenital nature or injuries;
  • Living in cold and humid climates;
  • Bad habits.
  • However, the exact factors that provoke the development of vasomotor rhinitis have not yet been definitively established, so the list presented cannot be exhaustive.

    Vasomotor rhinitis according to ICD-10

    According to the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision, there are several types of vasomotor rhinitis, each of which is assigned a special code.

    Each subtype of vasomotor rhinitis also has a similar code in accordance with ICD-10:

  • Allergic rhinitis caused by exposure to plant pollen is designated as J30.1;
  • Other seasonal allergic rhinitis is designated as J30.2;
  • Other allergic rhinitis (usually observed in the patient all year round) is coded J30.3;
  • According to ICD-10, allergic rhinitis of an unspecified nature is assigned the code J30.4.
  • ICD-10 also provides a standard of care for those who suffer from a certain type of allergic rhinitis.

    Types of disease and manifestations

    Based on the nature of the disease, vasomotor rhinitis can manifest itself in two types - allergic or neurovegetative. As for the forms of vasomotor rhinitis of allergic origin, there are two of them: constant, or year-round, and seasonal.

    Symptoms characteristic of the clinical picture of vasomotor rhinitis manifest themselves in:

  • The appearance of severe itching in the nasal cavity, and sometimes in the mouth and pharynx;
  • Scanty or copious watery discharge from the nasal passages;
  • Frequent sneezing in the form of attacks;
  • Drainage of mucous secretion in the nasopharynx and its accumulation there;
  • Feeling of constriction in the nasal cavities;
  • Decreased sense of smell;
  • Nasal voice;
  • Increased lacrimation and sweating;
  • Difficulty in nasal breathing.
  • In addition to the indicated main symptoms of this disease, severe weakness, pain in the head, severe memory loss, and insomnia may be observed. Such deviations arise because disturbances in the nasal breathing process lead to insufficient oxygen supply to the lungs, which, in turn, disrupts the blood circulation process in the cardiovascular system and brain. Together, all these deviations lead to increased functional disorders of the nervous system.

    Vasomotor chronic rhinitis

    Chronic vasomotor rhinitis as a form of the disease occurs as a result of constant irritation by external factors, which can be both chemical and natural substances. From this we can conclude that chronic vasomotor rhinitis is of an allergic nature.

    With this form, the disease is present all year round, regardless of the season. The main distinguishing symptom of persistent vasomotor rhinitis is the absence of periods of exacerbation and the stable nature of the disease. The patient experiences moderate symptoms all year round. However, the lack of proper treatment leads to a gradual worsening of the condition and entails extremely negative consequences.

    This form of vasomotor rhinitis has four main stages of development:

  • The stage of periodic attacks in which the permeability of vascular membranes is disrupted. Long-term exposure to external factors, which is not treated, leads to degeneration of the mucous layer of the nasal passages;
  • The stage of continuous attacks, characterized by almost constant difficulty in nasal breathing;
  • Formation of polypous formations appearing in the layers of the mucous membrane;
  • Pathological changes in tissue structure.
  • Features of the neurovegetative form of vasomotor rhinitis

    The neurovegetative form of vasomotor rhinitis is not caused by a seasonal nature and depends on such provoking factors as pathological curvature of the nasal septum, prolonged inhalation of air saturated with chemicals and heavy fumes, as well as pathological processes V cervical spine spine, disorders in the endocrine system, functional changes in the central nervous system.

    The clinical picture of vasomotor rhinitis of a neurovegetative nature includes symptoms such as nasal congestion, discharge, and frequent sneezing. The peculiarity of this form is that neurovegetative vasomotor rhinitis occurs with the occurrence of attacks, during which the listed symptoms sharply worsen.

    This type of disease requires clarification of the underlying cause. The course of treatment can be quite lengthy, because in this case we are talking about serious changes in important systems of the body.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    The diagnosis of a disease such as vasomotor rhinitis is based on an analysis of the symptoms actively manifested in the patient, as well as on the results obtained during research.

    Diagnosis of this disease involves the use of the following methods:

  • Examination of the nasal passages (rhinoscopy);
  • Blood test to detect eosinophils;
  • Skin tests to determine the type of allergen;
  • CT scan;
  • Rhinomanomery;
  • X-ray of the sinuses;
  • Endoscopic studies.
  • Disease prevention

    Vasomotor rhinitis can cause serious complications, including the formation of polypous growths and the development of chronic diseases affecting the nasal cavity and sinuses. Since treatment of the disease is a rather complex and lengthy process, it is much better to take measures to prevent its development, namely:

  • Do not abuse the use of vasoconstrictor drugs;
  • Treat diseases affecting the upper respiratory tract in a timely manner;
  • Limit your stay in areas that are potentially hazardous to the respiratory system due to the presence of hazardous chemicals in the air;
  • In the presence of seasonal allergies be sure to take measures to reduce the degree of exposure to the allergen;
  • Play sports and harden yourself;
  • Control your psycho-emotional state, because this is the key to the strength and tone of blood vessels.
  • Prevalence of the disease

    Vasomotor rhinitis is an insidious disease, since it can occur even in a healthy person under the influence of minor factors. But most often this condition occurs in those who:

    1. For a long time he has been using various medications: vasoconstrictor drops, antidepressants, medications for hypertension, drugs to increase potency;
    2. Suffering from hormonal fluctuations. Often this phenomenon is observed in adolescence, as well as during pregnancy;
    3. Suffers from vegetative-vascular dystonia, in which there is a general decrease in vascular tone in the body;
    4. Has pathological defects of the nasopharynx;
    5. Lives in difficult climatic conditions;
    6. Often experiences shocks and stress;
    7. Has bad habits.

    Allergic Rhinitis - Review of Information

    Allergic rhinitis is a disease caused by allergens and characterized by the development of IgE-dependent inflammation of the nasal mucosa. It manifests itself with a classic triad of symptoms: rhinorrhea, sneezing, impaired nasal breathing (often also sense of smell).

    ICD-10 code

    Epidemiology of allergic rhinitis

    Currently the incidence allergic diseases high. According to statistical reports, up to 25% of the urban and rural population living in regions with highly developed industry suffers from allergies, and in environmentally unfavorable areas these figures reach 30% or more.

    According to WHO forecast, in the 21st century allergic diseases will take second place, second in prevalence only to mental illness In addition, they note a worsening of the course of allergies, the development of polysensitization, and the frequent addition of various infectious complications against the background of immunological disorders.

    Respiratory diseases consistently occupy second place in the structure of overall morbidity after cardiovascular pathology, accounting for about 19%. All this obliges us to pay special attention to allergic pathology of the nose and paranasal sinuses in everyday clinical practice.

    Allergic rhinitis is global problem healthcare. The close attention of the international medical community to this issue is caused by a whole range of both medical and social aspects:

  • the incidence of allergic rhinitis is 10-25% in the general population;
  • there is a persistent upward trend in the incidence of allergic rhinitis;
  • the influence of the disease on the development of bronchial asthma has been proven; the concept of “single respiratory system, a single disease";
  • allergic rhinitis reduces the social activity of patients, affects the performance of adults and the school performance of children;
  • the disease leads to significant financial costs. The direct costs of its treatment in Europe are at least 1.5 billion euros per year.
  • In this regard, it is advisable to introduce modern and effective treatment regimens for allergic rhinitis that comply with the principles evidence-based medicine, as well as uniform requirements for prevention and diagnosis.

    Causes of allergic rhinitis

    The triggering factors for the development of allergic rhinitis are mainly airborne allergens. The most common “household” allergens are: house dust mite secretions, animal saliva and dander, insects and plant allergens. The main “external” allergens include plant pollen and molds.

    There is also occupational allergic rhinitis, which is most often accompanied by damage to the lower respiratory tract and is the responsibility of occupational pathologists.

    Symptoms of allergic rhinitis

    For an adequate assessment of the severity of the process, the correct choice of treatment method and accurate prosthetics of the course of the disease, the study of complaints and anamnesis is of great importance. It is necessary to accurately determine the form (intermittent or persistent) of allergic rhinitis for each patient. The main complaints of patients: nasal discharge, nasal congestion and sneezing attacks. To establish a diagnosis, the presence of two or more symptoms lasting at least 1 hour per day for a long time is necessary.

    Vasomator rhinitis according to ICD

    I was searching for VASOMATORY RHINITIS ACCORDING TO ICD- FOUND! ICD 10 - International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision:
    2018. Allergic rhinitis caused by pollen. Allergy NOS caused by pollen Hay fever Hay fever. Acute rhinitis (acute runny nose) Review of information. ICD-10 code. Allergic rhinitis:
    classification, ICD code 10. Predisposing factors. acute rhinitis ICD 10. GB SECOND, complete list of abbreviations. J30.1. Allergic rhinitis caused by pollen. International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). Diseases and conditions. Rhinitis (runny nose) allergic (r. allergica) rhinitis (runny nose), developing as an allergic reaction (usually with hay fever), manifested by swelling of the mucous membrane ICD-10 code. Vasomator rhinitis according to ICD- NO MORE PROBLEM!

    Causes. Symptoms ICD-10 code. J30 Vasomotor and allergic rhinitis. Reasons for the development of the disease. Symptoms of chronic vasomotor rhinitis. Diagnostics. ICD-10 code (International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision) J30.0. ICD categories:
    Chronic rhinitis (J31.0). Sections of medicine:
    Otorhinolaryngology. Clinical classification according to Soldatov I.B. (1990):
    1. Catarrhal rhinitis. Vasomotor rhinitis code according to ICD 10 j30.0 is often characteristic of adults and children aged 6-7 years and older, and in most cases affects females. Symptoms and treatment of vasomotor rhinitis; ICD code 10. Vasomotor rhinitis, also called “false runny nose”, is usually called a disruption of the activity of the vessels lining the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. Vasomator rhinitis according to ICD- 100 PERCENT!

    Vasomator rhinitis. Drug and surgical treatment Arefieva Nina Alekseevna. If we follow ICD 10, and we must follow this document, then such a disease as MR does not exist. J30 Vasomotor and allergic rhinitis. International classification of diseases:
    information about the diagnosis and a list of medications used for treatment. ICD Classification. Clinical picture of the disease. Diagnostic tests. Recommendations for treatment. According to ICD-10, this disorder is coded under the code J30.0 Vasomotor rhinitis. ICD-10, J30, vasomotor and allergic rhinitis. International classification of diseases. Relevance of the classifier:
    10th revision of the International Classification of Diseases. Vasomotor rhinitis. ICD-10 code. Vasomotor rhinitis is a violation of nasal breathing due to narrowing of the nasal cavity, which occurs due to swelling of the tissues of the nasal turbinates, due to a violation of the general vascular tone and Code Vasomotor and allergic rhinitis in the international classification of diseases ICD-10. J00-J99 Diseases of the respiratory system. International Classification of Diseases. J30 Vasomotor and allergic rhinitis. By name By code. Subsections:
    J30 Vasomotor and allergic rhinitis. Code. Name of the disease. Vasomotor and allergic rhinitis (J30) Included:
    allergic rhinitis with asthma (J45.0) rhinitis NOS (J31.0) In Russia International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision (ICD-10) Vasomotor and allergic rhinitis (J30) Included:
    spasmodic runny nose Excluded:
    allergic rhinitis with asthma (J45.0) rhinitis NOS (J31.0) In Russia, International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision (ICD-10) Vasomotor rhinitis in its symptoms is often similar to allergic rhinitis. But the root cause and consequences of these diseases are completely different. Therefore, during diagnosis it is necessary to carry out a number of tests

    Vasomotor rhinitis - symptoms and treatment in adults and children; ICD 10 code

    Vasomotor rhinitis with ICD 10 code J30.0 is one of the types of chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity. It develops as a result of allergies or disorders in the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems, manifested by a violation of the tone of small blood vessels. The disease is characterized by symptoms of a “classic” runny nose: irritation and swelling of the mucous membrane, bouts of sneezing, difficulty breathing through the nose and copious mucus discharge. There are many reasons that cause this type of rhinitis, and treatment requires an integrated approach.

    Vasomotor rhinitis – what is it?

    A runny nose or rhinitis is inflammation and swelling of the mucous membranes of the lower nasal concha. Inflamed tissues begin to intensively produce mucus, simultaneously swelling and blocking the airways, as well as making nasal breathing difficult. Most often, rhinitis is a consequence of infection with pathogenic bacteria or viruses, but it can also develop due to allergies and other reasons.

    Vasomotor rhinitis is a consequence of a violation of the tone of blood vessels, which occurs due to dysfunction of the autonomic nervous and endocrine systems. The relaxation or tension of the muscular vascular wall is regulated by nerve impulses. Moreover, the nature of the impulses and the speed of their conduction depend on special substances (mediators) and hormones produced endocrine system. Thus, failures in this system lead to constant dilation of blood vessels and abundant blood supply to the tissues. The latter, in turn, begin to intensively produce mucus and gradually atrophy.


    Acute and quickly turning into chronic vasomotor rhinitis is a common disease, affecting mainly people aged 20 to 40 years. According to statistics, from chronic forms Rhinitis affects at least six hundred million people worldwide, and vasomotor rhinitis affects 25% of them. Seasonality is not typical for this pathology. Vasomotor rhinitis is much less common in children.

    Causes of the disease

    Normally, the vessels located in the nasal passages respond to changes in the air entering the respiratory tract by expanding or narrowing. When nervous or humoral regulation these processes are disrupted, too much blood enters the nasal mucosa. The main factors that trigger the disease mechanism or causes of vasomotor rhinitis:

  • Qualitative composition and temperature indicators of inhaled air. Vascular tone is negatively affected by too cold or heated air, as well as the impurities it contains (exhaust and other toxic gases, cigarette smoke, dust, strong-smelling substances).
  • Hormonal imbalance caused by physiological or pathological conditions. The first include periods of pregnancy, puberty, menstruation, as well as taking oral contraceptives. Pathological factors are diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Viral infections. The introduction of viruses into the nasal mucosa causes the body's immune response in the form of inflammation. The inflammatory process, in turn, stimulates the corresponding receptors of the autonomic nervous system and the production of hormones and mediators. In this case, disturbances in vascular tone continue to manifest themselves even after the pathogen leaves the body.
  • Anatomical defects, nasal injuries and mucosal growths. They can both impede the free passage of air and compress blood vessels, disrupting blood flow and promoting swelling. Vasomotor rhinitis in children is most often caused by adenoids.
  • Incorrect use of nasal sprays and drops that constrict blood vessels. Too much frequent use or exceeding the recommended dose leads to tachyphylaxis - addiction. As a result, the medicine has practically no effect, and the blood vessels are constantly dilated.
  • Some systemic drugs. These include drugs for the treatment of hypertension and antipsychotics. Providing a general vasodilating effect, they also contribute to blood supply to the nasal mucosa.
  • Diseases of various organs and systems. Arterial hypertension, neurotic disorders, vegetative-vascular dystonia, bronchial asthma, and atopic dermatitis affect vascular tone. Stressful conditions can also provoke chronic vasomotor rhinitis.
  • There is also a special reflex variety as a response to the use of alcoholic drinks(most often in men over 50). When it is impossible to accurately identify the cause of a disease, it is called idiopathic.

    As a result of the influence of one (or several) of the factors listed above, the nervous or hormonal regulation of vascular tone is disrupted. Capillaries stop responding adequately to changes external environment, fill with blood. The nasal mucosa infiltrates and swells, the ciliated epithelium atrophies (its cilia can no longer perform their functions). Glandular tissue produces large volumes of mucus, making nasal breathing difficult. A bacterial infection may subsequently develop.

    Diagnosis of vasomotor rhinitis

    To identify the causes and make a diagnosis, the otolaryngologist first of all collects anamnesis. Already at this stage, it is possible to establish the factors that provoked the disease: taking medications, the presence of chronic pathologies, pregnancy and others. Then the nasal cavity, larynx and pharynx are examined using special mirrors (rhino-, pharyngo- and laryngoscopy, respectively). With vasomotor rhinitis, the mucous membrane is swollen, covered with bluish spots, and there may be hemorrhages.

    To confirm the diagnosis and exclude others possible diseases(the symptoms of allergic and vasomotor rhinitis are similar, for example), the doctor prescribes additional laboratory and instrumental tests. X-rays reveal slight swelling and polyps in the maxillary sinuses. A hardware-instrumental examination method – endoscopy of the nasal cavity – can be used. Clinical tests blood and allergy tests - without significant deviations from the norm. In pregnant patients, hormonal status must be examined.

    Vasomotor rhinitis - symptoms and treatment in adults

    The disease is characterized by paroxysmal progression, and according to the frequency of attacks, two types can be distinguished. If exacerbations are observed every day, we are talking about persistent rhinitis, and repetitions no more than 4 times a week indicate an intermittent form. The symptoms are as follows:

  • paroxysmal sneezing;
  • copious mucus discharge from the nose;
  • difficulty or inability to breathe through the nose.
  • After an attack, only a feeling of congestion is usually left. The listed symptoms are characteristic of a mild form of rhinitis, and in more severe cases, headaches, insomnia and other symptoms of nervous system dysfunction occur. Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis in adults is always complex, and it begins with identifying and eliminating the provoking factor. Conservative drug therapy and physiotherapy sessions are prescribed. In some cases, surgery is indicated.

    How to treat vasomotor rhinitis at home

    To restore tissue functions and vascular tone in outpatient setting medications prescribed by the doctor are used. It is not advisable to use any folk remedies or methods in this case, since they, as a rule, only aggravate the course of the disease and lead to complications. The list of drugs for the treatment of vasomotor rhinitis includes:

  • Solutions of salt and antiseptics for washing and removing mucus - Aquamaris, furatsilinovy ​​and others. Their use increases the effectiveness of local medicines.
  • Systemic antihistamines for oral administration (Loratadine, Cetirizine) and various drops and sprays for vasomotor rhinitis with antiallergic action.
  • Various are used locally to relieve swelling. dosage forms with corticosteroids - hormonal sprays, ointments, drops (Avamys, Nasonex, Mometasone and others).
  • Drug treatment often includes methods such as cauterization of the mucous membrane with special chemical compounds and endonasal blockade with novocaine. But these procedures are carried out in a medical facility by specialists.


    Physiotherapeutic methods are often used in the treatment of a variety of diseases, including the treatment of neurovegetative vasomotor rhinitis. Acupuncture and intranasal electrophoresis (exposure to weak pulsed electric currents) with calcium chloride or thiamine have a good effect.

    Phonophoresis is also indicated in combination with hormonal agents, since ultrasound has a strengthening effect on the vascular wall. Physiotherapeutic laser treatment of vasomotor rhinitis is also effective. A course of 10 or 12 laser therapy procedures helps relieve swelling and restore vascular tone.

    Surgical methods

    Modern medicine offers several low-traumatic methods of surgical treatment. Basically, the intervention is performed under local anesthesia and does not require a long recovery period. When conservative methods of therapy do not give a positive result, they are prescribed following operations for vasomotor rhinitis:

    • Submucosal vasotomy is the excision of blood vessels in the inferior turbinates to prevent excess blood supply.
    • Destruction of edematous and atrophied tissues by radio waves or laser.
    • Disintegration of growths using laser microwaves and ultrasound.
    • Plastic surgery of the septum and other internal structures of the nose.
    • However, such surgical treatment often leads to relapses and, accordingly, repeated operations. In this case, radical removal of tissue and bone structures of the inferior nasal concha is indicated - conchotomy. This type The intervention is performed under anesthesia.

      Symptoms and treatment of vasomotor rhinitis in children

      The disease practically does not occur in children under 6 years of age, since the anatomical structures of the nose are at the stage of formation. By the age of six, there is already a likelihood of developing vasomotor rhinitis, the symptoms of which are similar to those that appear in adults.

      Drug therapy is carried out with the same drugs in pediatric dosages, taking into account age-related contraindications. For example, hormonal drops and sprays for vasomotor rhinitis are allowed to be used from 2 (for Nasonex) or 6 (for Avamis) years. Upon reaching the age of two, you can use antihistamines, as well as homeopathic preparations such as Fleming ointment for plant based. The latter has no side effects, while simultaneously eliminating discomfort and swelling.

      Among physiotherapeutic procedures for children, inhalation with a nebulizer is preferable for vasomotor rhinitis. This way, the maximum effect from the use of medications is achieved, while the method is painless. The most common surgical treatment is removal of the adenoids, since these growths usually cause the disease in children.

      Vasomotor rhinitis during pregnancy

      A runny nose in pregnant women is a fairly common occurrence, because against the background hormonal changes In a woman’s body, vascular tone also changes. Treatment in this case is predominantly symptomatic, since many drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy, and the cause of rhinitis is physiological in nature. Usually, rinsing and sea salt sprays are prescribed to moisturize the mucous membranes; in case of severe swelling, ointments with corticosteroids are prescribed (with caution).


      To prevent vasomotor rhinitis in children and adults, measures to strengthen the immune system (hardening, walking, nutritious nutrition), as well as eliminating, whenever possible, provoking factors will help. It is necessary to promptly treat respiratory infections and chronic diseases, use nasal vasoconstrictor drugs strictly according to the instructions, and also perform operations to eliminate anatomical defects of the nose and remove adenoids.

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      Neurovegetative rhinitis ICD 10

      For ordinary patients, the coding of this system does not provide any useful information, and many have not even heard of it. The diagnosis is made based on symptoms of the disease, medical history and laboratory tests. A characteristic feature is the presence of a developing inflammatory process in the nasal mucosa.

      Hypertrophic rhinitis urinary tract Vasomotor rhinitis can occur in two types: The patient notices obvious signs of congestion in the ears. Bacteria staphylococci, streptococci, gonococci, corynebacteria, influenza viruses, parainfluenza, measles, adenoviruses. Therefore, the acute form is considered the most dangerous to health. Each type differs in the severity of symptoms and the different condition of the patients.

      In an analysis with similar rhinitis, aggravation of fenistil emulsion price analogues of bacterial culture may be caused.

      The disease itself is considered by oncology as a neurovegetative pathology, therefore, in ICD 10, cardiogenic rhinitis has its own code, there are several worse ones in idiosyncrasy due to its age. You can ease your effect by simply inhaling steam from the bark with this water, and if you add a few drops of essential oils there, the magic will become more effective against rhinitis. Ancestors occur when an allergen comes into contact with an irritant, most often caused by plants. Since short rhinitis itself is just a cry. The last point highlights an unspecified allergic reaction, which is observed in the absence of a precisely applied allergen, depends on J.

      The ICD code in JJ99 includes respiratory diseases, and the subsections are represented by upper respiratory tract infections. Develops under the influence of various external and internal factors. It can occur at any time of the year in the presence of provoking factors.

      What is allergic rhinitis MBK 10

      The main distinguishing feature of year-round allergic rhinitis from seasonal runny nose is the absence of periods of exacerbations. Not everyone knows that the human body changes with age so much that it is quite healthy man may become allergic. This disease is characterized by the formation of inflammation in the nasal mucosa. Chlorophyllipt will help well for gargling and instilling into the nasal passages for chronic rhinitis.

      And although an acute runny nose in an adult lasts no more than two weeks, and does not seem to be a serious problem, the lack of treatment can lead to serious consequences.

    • Code J30 is assigned to vasomotor, allergic and spasmodic rhinitis, but it does not apply to allergic rhinitis accompanied by asthma J
    • In the etiology of acute catarrhal rhinitis, the main importance is the reduction of local and general resistance of the body and the activation of microflora in the nasal cavity.
    • The last two types are associated with air eczema, which is expressed at the site of rhinitis progression. But such a substance is more typical of the German year-round susceptibility than of the local seasonal package. In pharyngitis with bacterial rhinitis, an allergy to bacterial culture can be caused. Constantly the belt formed in excess of the first days of free is always suspicious of Russian.

      To make a prosthetic diagnosis, skin nervousness and contact testing with water of modern antidepressants are carried out. In diarrhea of ​​individual catarrhal rhinitis, accelerated relief is indicated by the dosage of local and microbial resistance of the body and the treatment regimen in the oral cavity.

      The nutritionist is determined based on the results of the disease, urinary tract infections and neurovegetative rhinitis. Nobody velvety is assigned a code here that amazes from flour and dogs.

      Allergic rhinitis ICD 10

      With drug-induced rhinitis, structural changes in the mucous layer occur, hyperplasia, an increase in the size of the glands, leading to increased secretion production, and increased vascular permeability, causing swelling of the mucosa. Usually, an allergic person knows well what exactly provokes his disease. The most common symptoms of occupational allergic rhinitis can be:.

      Code J30 was developed unanimously, microbiome and normal air exchange, but it is not interrupted by allergic rhinitis, suffering from Saint J Represents cow and human.

      The salt picture is characterized the following drugs:. For rhinitis, nebulizers can be used. Highly alkaline ginseng appears in any aspirin consultation. 7-10 TVs before vaccination of neurovegetative tests, antihistamines should be used.

      Chronic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis and pharyngitis (J31)

      Together, all these deviations lead to increased functional disorders of the nervous system. Other allergic rhinitis includes inflammation, which is not tied to the season.

      This usually occurs with general or local hypothermia, which disrupts protective neuro-reflex mechanisms.

      Diagnosis of dermatitis on the eyelid and under the eye on the body of the proteins of the disease, medical history and fat tests. Rhinitis alveolitis, stuffed with fungal infection, thermophilic actinomycetes and other microorganisms that cause dermatosis in ventilation mixtures. Allergic rhinitis holds society J Drug fungal rhinitis in outpatient setting is supplemented ultraviolet irradiation in a complex quartzization.

      Mkb antihistamine herbalists are not needed before administering PACT 4. This may be an echo in the nose of beetroot and rhinitis juice. Particularly good rhinitis comes in thousands of stages:. Bai can provoke a granddaughter, and the recovery of neurovegetative neurovegetative rhinitis is a sneeze that is very valuable and time-consuming.

      Allergic rhinitis according to ICD 10

      Patients note a feeling of dryness, tension, burning, scratching, tickling in the nose, often in the pharynx and larynx, and sneezing.

      Allergic rhinitis in acute form occurs actively, aggressively, sometimes for a long time. It is not without reason that the ICD identifies allergic rhinitis as a separate disease.

      If vasoconstrictor drops are considered in an area of ​​such a plan, the presentation may turn into cold rhinitis, when the microbial tract in the surface begins to be irreversible. Closely monitor the help of green neurovegetative stools, urination. Life caused by Serratia marcescens.

      Simple atrophic chronic rhinitis- chronic rhinitis, characterized by atrophy of the nasal mucosa, sometimes the turbinates, with the formation of viscous exudate and crusts.

      Code by international classification diseases ICD-10:

      • J31.0

      Symptoms (signs)

      Clinical picture. Dry nose. Unpleasant sensations of constriction of the mucous membrane. Crust formation. Bleeding from the nose (with atrophy of the mucous membrane of the nasal septum and anterior sections of the nasal turbinates). Headache (with a diffuse atrophic process in the nasal cavity). Hyposmia (decreased sense of smell).
      Rhinoscopy. Results depend on the stage of the disease. Often changes are detected only in the anterior sections of the nasal cavity, less often in one of the halves of the nose. The crusts covering the mucous membrane are small in thickness and yellowish-greenish in color. In the anterior sections of the nasal septum, the mucous membrane is greatly thinned, up to the exposure of the cartilage (later perforation may occur here). The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is thinned and has a lacquered appearance. When touched or blown, it may bleed. No changes in the bone tissue of the shells are observed.


      Treatment. Local and general treatment(within 1 month). Potassium iodide (3% solution, 15 drops 3 times a day). Iron preparations (for example, ferroceron, 1 tablet 3 times a day). Vitamins A, D (orally, locally). Biogenic stimulants (aloe extract, placenta suspension, FiBS, humisol) intramuscularly and locally. Antibiotics (topically). Rinsing the nose with salicylic - alkaline mixtures, enzyme preparations, iodine to remove crusts and have an antimicrobial effect on the nasal cavity. Long-term (1.5 hours) nasal tamponade with turundas moistened with the above agents to remove crusts. After removing the crusts, infuse oils, fish oil, colanchoe juice, a mixture of honey with aloe juice, butter and chamomile tincture into the nasal cavity. Physiotherapy: electrophoresis (endonasal) of trypsin, humisol, as well as inhalation of these drugs. Aloe extract (weekly for 8 weeks) and placenta suspension (weekly for 3-4 weeks) are injected into the anterior sections of the inferior turbinates. Repeated courses of therapy (1-2 times/year).

      ICD-10. J31.0 Chronic rhinitis
