How dentists take care of their teeth. Basic rules for caring for healthy teeth. Why brushing your teeth is so important

Everyone wants to have a beautiful smile and a healthy mouth. Then everyone should understand that a healthy mouth and dentin are directly dependent on hygiene. Oral hygiene is very important!

Poor oral hygiene can lead to many dental and medical problems in the future, such as gum disease, infection, loss bone tissue, heart disease, strokes and more. Following the rules, regular inspections and cleaning can prevent these problems.

One of the easiest steps to keep your mouth clean is brushing your teeth. When cleaning oral cavity brush and dental paste, set the bristles at a 45 degree angle to the gum line.

dental floss

Flossing can help you remove food particles that are stuck between your teeth. Dental floss allows you to penetrate deep between the teeth, where the bristles of a toothbrush cannot reach. Dentists recommend flossing at least once a day.

Quit smoking

This will be of great benefit not only for the oral cavity, but also for the whole organism. Tobacco smoking causes various diseases oral cavity, of varying severity, from stomatitis and periodontal complications to oncology.

And also this save you from countless side effects caused by chemical compounds used to mask the smell of tobacco. For example, if you smoke a cigarette, you can use candy, tea, or coffee to mask the smell. This doubles the amount of damage caused.

Carbonated drinks, coffee and alcohol in the diet

Although drinks contain high level phosphorus, the mineral is an essential mineral for a healthy mouth, too much phosphorus can deplete the body's calcium levels. This leads to oral problems such as cavities and gum disease.

The use of calcium and vitamins that are good for the body

A person needs calcium for teeth and bones. It is advisable to drink milk, fortified Orange juice, milk yogurt, broccoli, cottage cheese.

Calcium and vitamin D are essential for maintaining healthy gums and dentin. Vitamin B is also important in protecting gums from bleeding. Copper, zinc, iodine, iron and potassium are also needed to maintain healthy oral hygiene.

Dentist visit

You must visit your dentist at least twice a year for a complete hygiene routine. It is important to follow all the recommendations of the dentist.

If you have pain in your mouth or jaw, you should make an urgent appointment to the doctor. Your dentist needs to diagnose the root cause and fix it before it becomes a big problem.

You must clearly understand that it is necessary to take care of the health of the oral cavity in order to avoid toothache and maintain your appearance. Many people, however, do not realize how important oral health is and how it can affect the overall health of the body.

Problems and diseases of the oral cavity can lead to diabetes, heart disease, chronic infections, disruption of the intestines, metabolic disorders and cause life-threatening diseases. It is important to remember that beautiful and even teeth are not only beautiful, but also safe.

Dental care at home

You, like everyone else, began to care about the beauty of your smile in early age. Making it a habit to meet a set of simple requirements throughout your life is not only important for your mouth, but also for your overall health and well-being.

The first step is to make sure you have good brush and pasta. On this issue, you can consult with your dentist. Most dentists offer soft brushes with small heads and long bristles.

The soft bristles are gentle on the gums, and the small head brush makes it easier to reach hard-to-reach places. Electric toothbrushes a good option for care and very effective at correct use.

Important change brush every three months. Try to replace it before it becomes unusable and wear is visible. Worn out bristles are not as effective at cleaning the mouth and can damage the enamel and gums. Also, change your toothbrush if you were sick, as you can re-infect yourself.

There are many various kinds toothpaste in a pharmacy and a store. Important pick up the paste, specifically related to your problem, then the care will be with the maximum result. It can be sensitive teeth, whitening or staining. Ask your dentist to pick up optimal paste For you.

When you have chosen the paste and brush, take time to clean oral cavity. Two minutes twice a day is the recommendation from the World Dental Association (WDA). Most of us can't stand even a minute without realizing that a couple of forward motions won't protect our mouths from bacteria. Two minutes in the morning and evening is only four minutes a day. You have time. Set a timer or use a stopwatch to make sure you brush within two minutes.

It is worth noting that cleaning oral care for two minutes will be ineffective if you do not correct technique. Use short, gentle movements when cleaning, and make sure you clean all surfaces, and even areas that are more difficult to reach. Don't forget your language.

With the help of a good brushing technique, in just two minutes, with a toothbrush and paste, you can easily take care of your oral cavity and you will have a healthy smile. Now you know how to care for your teeth, it is important to follow the instructions, monitor the symptoms, which will provide maximum care. Take care of your smile!

Proper oral care helps prevent caries and periodontitis and gum disease. A third of the extracted teeth are due to caries, another third is removed due to gum disease.

If you do not brush your teeth twice a day using the correct technique, this can lead to saliva calcification. So, formation of tartar. Perform home procedures and visit the dentist. The health of your smile is up to you.

In order to maintain a snow-white smile and healthy oral cavity, each person must take proper care of their teeth. It would seem that this is difficult? Just brush your teeth every day and that's it! In fact, oral care is very difficult process, consisting of various nuances, which we will now talk about.

Surprisingly, even 30% of Russians do not know how to brush their teeth. It is necessary to clean them in the morning and evening hours, and even better after each meal. In this case, it is necessary to use one very important rule- the movement of the toothbrush should be from the direction of the gums up or down. You can not brush your teeth against the direction of the gums, this can lead to trauma, inflammation and separation from the tooth root.

The last brushing of the teeth should take place just before bedtime. In this case, it is necessary to rinse the mouth thoroughly after hygiene procedure. You can do this with ordinary boiled water, soda or lemon solution (1 tsp of soda or lemon juice in a glass of water), or you can use a special mouthwash that can be purchased at any pharmacy.

When caring for your teeth, you can use and medicinal herbs. They are made from them various decoctions and rinse the mouth with it after each meal. very good in this case use string or oak bark. These herbs have a strengthening, anti-inflammatory and healing effect.

Rule #2 - Use dental floss!

Dental floss is a unique tool with which you can clean the interdental spaces from food debris, which can be problematic to remove with a regular toothbrush. There are different types of dental floss - flavored, round, flat, with a special fluoride coating, etc.

You can use a variety of dental floss. But remember, you need to apply them 1-2 times a day, combined with brushing your teeth. In this case, it is necessary to make movements with a thread only along the axis of the tooth. Otherwise, you may damage tooth enamel and gum health. If you do not know how to use this oral care tool, we recommend that you watch the following video:

Rule number 3 - choose the right toothbrush!

Naturally, speaking about how to properly care for your teeth, one cannot fail to mention the choice of a toothbrush. After all, it is the main tool for oral care. Today there is a wide range of toothbrushes on the market - small, large, round, elongated, electric, etc.

The main rule for choosing a toothbrush is that its size should be convenient for use. The length of the bristle should be 2-2.5 times the length of the tooth. If you have heavy plaque on your teeth, then you should use a hard toothbrush. If you do not have plaque, then you can use a toothbrush and medium degree rigidity.

Remember to replace your toothbrush every 4-5 weeks. Before using it, the bristles must be disinfected. To do this, you just need to dip them in boiling water.

Proper care of teeth and gums involves the use of special toothpastes. From today, as well as toothbrushes, it is presented in very large quantities. Toothpastes are whitening, therapeutic, preventive, anti-inflammatory, etc.

It is better, of course, to consult with a specialist so that he chooses for you exactly the paste that is ideal for your teeth.

It should be noted that all toothpastes that are intended for home care behind your teeth, are not able to save you from dental plaque and plaque. Therefore, they should be used as a preventive measure. And to remove stone formations and brown coating, you need to contact a specialist and do a professional cleaning of your teeth.

At the same time, toothpastes provide teeth with all essential trace elements only by 30%. Therefore, to maintain the health of the oral cavity, it is necessary to take.

Rule #5 - brush your teeth for at least 3 minutes!

The basic rules of dental care will not be effective if you do not brush. right time. The average duration of the hygiene procedure is 2-3 minutes. At the same time, do not forget about the rules of the cleaning itself - all movements should occur in the direction from the gums to the edge of the tooth. In this way, you can remove all food debris and prevent the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the gums.

Rule number 6 - clean the soft tissues of the oral cavity!

Speaking about how to take care of your teeth, one cannot help but talk about cleaning the internal soft tissues of the oral cavity - the cheeks and tongue. Pathogenic microorganisms also accumulate on their surface, which can provoke the development of various inflammatory diseases.

To clean the soft tissues of the oral cavity, you can use special toothbrushes that have reverse side special fixture. If there is no such brush, then soft tissue cleaning can be carried out with bristles or a special scraper.

But, if there are sores, plaque or any changes on the surface of the tongue or the inner sides of the cheeks, then you should not clean them. In this case, you should immediately seek help from a dentist. Such symptoms indicate the presence of diseases of the oral cavity, which require immediate treatment.

Proper care of the teeth and oral cavity also includes the use of special rinses. They are just like toothpastes, they are different. There are conditioners that are aimed at eliminating bad smell from the mouth, as well as those that help strengthen the gums.

What kind of mouthwash you need to use, the doctor will tell. But if you can’t visit the dentist, then you should use rinses designed to prevent oral diseases.

These conditioners contain active ingredients in liquid form, which penetrate into hard-to-reach places and have a detrimental effect on pathogens.

But it is worth noting that rinses are not an independent tool for oral care. It should be used after brushing your teeth and eating. In combination with toothpaste and dental floss, mouthwash helps prevent the formation of stones and the development of oral diseases.

What are the rules for dental care yet? Can be used chewing gums. They contribute to increased salivation, resulting in a softening of plaque. In addition, chewing gum helps eliminate food debris. But! Good only those chewing gums that do not contain sugar in their composition.

It is also important to note that you should not try to open lids, bite off fishing lines, crack nuts, etc. with your teeth. This will contribute to the destruction of tooth enamel, the appearance of cracks on the surface of the teeth and increase their sensitivity.

Remember, in order for your teeth to always remain beautiful and healthy, it is necessary to visit the dentist every 3-4 months and treat oral diseases in a timely manner.

Video on how to brush your teeth


Nowadays, everyone dreams of healthy, white teeth with which there will be a minimum of problems. Alas, so lucky a very small number of people. Or those who have enough money and time for frequent visits to the dentist. In order to achieve strong and healthy teeth need comprehensive and regular care. If you are ready to spend a maximum of 5 minutes a day on your teeth at home, then get ready to go to the dentist. I want to tell you about some rules for caring for your teeth at home.

Essential dental care items:


Be sure to change your toothbrush every 3 months! Even if your toothbrush looks only a little shabby, change it. Over time, the bristles delaminate, lose elasticity and the ability to effectively clean dental cavity. That is, if the toothbrush is worn out, even if you have a mega good pasta, then plaque will appear on the teeth, because there will be no effective mechanical cleaning that a toothbrush provides!

By the way, here is just such a case when artificial is better than natural. The natural bristles are too soft and don't provide enough cleansing. Moreover, bacteria grow faster on natural. Dry the brush with the bristles up in a cup to prevent bacteria from growing on it, do not store in the case. And it should be remembered that the toothbrush is a personal hygiene item, you should not brush your teeth with someone else's brush. After use, wash in warm, not hot water. Hot water contributes to the rapid destruction of the bristles.

Which one to choose toothbrush? What kind of toothbrushes are there?

I will say right away that the choice is large and for any type of teeth.

The main types of toothbrushes: ordinary, ultrasonic, ionic, electric, for braces. In general, for every taste, color ... and price. I'm fine with a regular toothbrush. And the price does not bite and, with proper use, cleans well, it is not a pity to throw it away after 3 months of use. In addition, ultrasonic, ionic, electric have their own contraindications, before you buy, read to whom they are suitable. I rarely use electric.

Types of toothbrushes according to bristle stiffness: very soft, soft, medium hard, hard, very hard.

More about each type.

Very soft (sensitive): for people with periodontal disease, erosion, pathological abrasion of teeth, children under 5 years old.

Soft (Soft): for children from 5 to 12 years old, with inflammation of the gums during an exacerbation, periodontitis, with diabetes and bleeding gums.

Medium hardness (Medium): for tooth enamel without pathologies, for children over 12 years old.

Hard (Hard) and very hard (Extra-Hard): for people using braces, other orthodontic constructions, with healthy periodontal tissues, but with a significant amount of plaque, with an increased tendency to form tartar. These brushes should only be used on the advice of a dentist.

I use a medium-hard toothbrush on the advice of a dentist.


The choice of toothpaste is simply huge! No seriously. When I go to the store, I understand that my eyes widen from abundance, but then the excitement subsides and the understanding comes that these are all Colgate, Bland-a-med pastes, and my favorite brand of paste is presented in 1-2 types. Therefore, you have to walk to the pharmacy.

Types of toothpastes: hygienic, treatment-and-prophylactic, medical. I will not dwell on each separately. Toothpaste is personal! If the paste helped Masha (Dasha) and came up, then it’s not a fact that it will help me. All people have different oral condition and advise toothpaste should only be done by a dentist.

My requirements for toothpaste:

Refresh your mouth


Remove plaque

Do not cause bleeding gums

Don't taste too nasty.

So, I have a favorite and this is Splat Biocalcium Paste. She fulfills all my requirements. Does it whiten? Yes a little. There is no “wow, this is just unreal” effect! But after long-term use, there is a slight lightening of the enamel. In addition, before I started using this paste, I ruined my teeth with whitening paste!

Guys, NEVER use whitening paste for more than 2 weeks! She thins the enamel. I used whitening paste for a long time, as a result: the gums began to bleed, there was a strong sensitivity of the teeth to cold and hot (this is a nightmare), and most importantly, the enamel first brightened a little, and then began to appear yellow plaque and even caries. I had to run to the dentist for help. She prescribed me a paste for bleeding gums and to soften the sensitivity. Forest balm helped me a lot in the treatment of my teeth. In addition, I cleaned the dental cavity from plaque and made fluoridation of my teeth. So don't repeat my mistakes. Now the pastes with the inscription "Whitening" I bypass for the time being. I use a bleaching agent.

Pasta Splat did well after this mess. My teeth have become less sensitive, they don't bleed and I feel that the enamel has become smoother (um, I don't know how to explain it correctly), strong. After this paste, I have a feeling of freshness and that I have cleared my mouth of the remaining particles of food. I can say that I will always return to this pasta. In addition, I really like most of the Splat pastes.

Did you know that a small amount of paste (from 1 pea) is enough to cleanse the oral cavity? Yes Yes Yes! The way they show in advertisements and movies is wrong. On the contrary, too a large number of toothpaste can interfere with effective mechanical brushing! And if you are strangled by the same bourgeois and a child of advertising, like me, then try squeezing the paste not along the brush, but across it. Plus, it's such a savings!

Unfortunately, a toothbrush and toothpaste are not enough to completely clean your mouth. Some food debris can get stuck in hard-to-reach places for a toothbrush. Then dental floss comes to the rescue. If you do not clean the interdental areas from the remnants of food, then caries, an unpleasant odor, will gradually begin. So flossing is a must!

My favorite dental floss is Oral-B Essential floss. Strong enough, cleans well, easily passes between the teeth, does not hurt the gums (if you do not pull too hard).

4. Mouthwash

Here you will probably think: why is it needed at all? I explain.

The rinse aid can perform many different functions simultaneously:

  1. Whitening. Just right for me, since the rinse provides a softer and more gentle whitening than a paste.
  2. Prevention of dental diseases.
  3. Freshness of breath.
  4. Enamel strengthening.
  5. Cleanses the oral cavity from pathogenic flora and food. After a comprehensive cleaning with a brush and paste, you still do not capture the entire oral cavity, but the rinse is completely. This is especially true for people with braces and dentures.

Rinse your mouth after cleaning your mouth. I use it once a day, in the evening.

If rinsing your mouth with a different unknown chymous thing puts you off, then there is a solution for you! Make your own mouthwash at home.


  • it's economical
  • composition depends on your preferences
  • no chemistry
  • this is useful

Preparing the rinse is not difficult, but there are a few tips:

  • choose only fresh ingredients
  • store no more than 14 days
  • store mouthwash in the refrigerator, but rinse your mouth only with warm or room temperature solution
  • in order to dissolve the oils, an emulsifier is needed (for example: propolis tincture, honey, salt, etc.).

What can be used for home rinse:

  • pharmaceutical herbs, their tinctures
  • essential oils: eucalyptus, mint, sage, lemon, orange, oil tea tree, myrrh
  • sea ​​salt
  • soda. Attention: use no more than 2 r per month. Baking soda thins tooth enamel, which can lead to increased tooth sensitivity and other unpleasant consequences.

Recipe 1


  • water 1st.
  • hydrogen peroxide 1 tbsp
  • propolis tincture 1 tbsp
  • tea tree oil 10 drops

Cooking method:

  1. Dissolve tea tree oil in propolis tincture.
  2. Mix hydrogen peroxide with water.
  3. Add the dissolved tea tree oil to the peroxide solution.

I can say that this is my favorite recipe. Propolis tincture strengthens teeth, especially when paired with tea tree! I have homemade propolis tincture, because my parents have a hobby of beekeeping. But, as far as I know, propolis tincture can be bought at a pharmacy. Hydrogen peroxide works as a weak antiseptic, prevents it from multiplying harmful bacteria and slightly whitens teeth. Well, why not a 3in1 effect! And completely natural, without harmful chemicals. I use 1 p. per day, in the evening. Because there is not much time in the morning. If you want to freshen your breath, add peppermint or eucalyptus oil.

Recipe 2


  • infusion of oak bark (chamomile) 1 tsp per 1 tbsp of water
  • propolis tincture 2 tbsp

Cooking method:

  1. Brew oak bark 1 tsp in one glass of water. Let cool. Strain.
  2. Mix infusion of oak bark with propolis tincture.

This recipe is very simple, but at the same time effective. This rinse has a strengthening effect on the teeth. The effectiveness of propolis in strengthening teeth has long been proven, it contains many trace elements and vitamins. Oak bark contains calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, and also works as natural antiseptic and heal small wounds. Calcium is essential for strengthening our teeth. As a lazy person, I prefer recipes that are more effective and have few steps for cooking) If you don’t like propolis tincture or you are allergic to everything related to bees, you can replace it with calendula tincture, the result will also be visible. With this rinse, I rinse my mouth 2 times a day.

Recipe 3


  • mineral water 1 glass
  • sea ​​salt 1 tbsp
  • lemon essential oil 5 drops, tea tree essential oil 5 drops
  • tincture of calendula 1 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. mix sea ​​salt With essential oils and tincture of calendula.
  2. Add mineral water to the rest of the ingredients, mix thoroughly.

The effect, I'll tell you, is neat, but not for everybody. You may not like the taste, in this case I recommend reducing the amount of salt. A little more stings, or a reaction with mineral water or because of the salt. But, I still completed the course. What I liked about it: before that, my tooth ached a little, after a course of rinsing, the pain went away, is good antiseptic, cleans the oral cavity well, the enamel seems stronger, plaque has decreased! So I definitely recommend this recipe.

Recipe 4


  • 1 cup water (warm)
  • soda 1st.l
  • tea tree oil 5 drops, lemon oil 5 drops.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix baking soda with tea tree oil and lemon oil.
  2. Add soda with oils to water, stir.

I want to warn you, you should not abuse this solution, because soda thins the enamel! And if your teeth are already fragile, then you should not use this recipe. I used only 2 times a month, no more and then at the time when I used the firming rinse! Soda, although it is a good antiseptic, has a whitening effect and fights caries well, but if used excessively, it leads to hypersensitivity teeth and enamel destruction.

Recipe 5


  • decoction of oak bark 0.5 cup
  • chamomile decoction 0.5 cup
  • honey 1 tsp (liquid)
  • tea tree oil 10 drops, mint oil 5 drops, lemon oil 5 drops.
  • propolis tincture 1 tbsp

Cooking method:

  1. Brew a decoction of oak bark, chamomile. Let it brew, mix. Strain.
  2. Mix oils with honey, add propolis tincture.
  3. Mix infusions with the rest of the ingredients.

I ran out of mint oil, so I used dried mint. Don't let the honey in the recipe fool you, though it's sweet and bad for your teeth, honey isn't. It has a bactericidal, firming and anti-inflammatory effect! I am a fan of honey, propolis and all bee products. You can talk about the benefits of honey and propolis for a long time. This recipe is also strengthening for the mouth, thanks to honey, propolis and oak bark. Especially recommended for sensitive teeth and those prone to bleeding.

Here are all my favorite recipes. But you yourself can make your own rinse, it all depends on what effect you want. Don't be afraid to experiment (but don't overdo it).

Plaque, dental problems occur in most cases due to the fact that we brush our teeth incorrectly! Teeth should be brushed twice a day for at least 3 minutes. In order not to be so bored, I take my headphones with me and turn on the songs. At this time, you can dance and time is running faster. In reading your teeth, the main thing is thoroughness and regularity. Ideally after every meal (not suitable for those with fragile enamel). But not everyone carries toothpaste and a brush with them, and there is not always time. But in this case, rinse your teeth with water or rinse aid for 30 seconds. after every meal! Use a comfortable toothbrush and toothpaste.

Now about the technique itself:

  1. Wet the brush with water, apply a pea-sized amount of toothpaste to the brush.
  2. Start with the outside of your teeth. Press the brush 45’ and start brushing your teeth from the gum to the edge of the tooth (from top to bottom) with sweeping movements. In this way, first clean the upper row of teeth, and then the lower one.
  3. In the same way, clean inside tooth. Place the brush at 45’ but vertically and start sweeping from the gum to the edge of the tooth.
  4. Clean the chewing surfaces of your teeth.
  5. Do a gum massage.
  6. Clean your tongue

Everything is not so difficult. And if you do it right a couple of times, then you will repeat it automatically! Remember proper cleaning- healthy teeth!

What destroys teeth and makes them brittle? How to achieve a beautiful smile?

Bad for teeth:

  • Sweets, sugar, caramel, toffee, chips. All these joys of life destroy teeth and lead to caries.
  • Black tea, coffee, drinks containing sugar.
  • Smoking.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals.
  • Bad nutrition.
  • Very hard food (bones, crackers).
  • Picking with matches, needles in the teeth.
  • Too hot, cold food or drink.

Good for teeth:

  • Comprehensive care, regular and correct brushing technique, rinses.
  • New brush every 3 months.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, cottage cheese, milk, cheese, fish, nuts, honey, green tea.
  • Eating and drinking at a comfortable temperature.
  • Vitamins and minerals. Especially: vitamins A, D, C, B, K; calcium, phosphorus, fluorine. It should be remembered that vitamins A,D,K fat soluble. They are not quickly excreted from the body, but accumulate in it. By the way, it is vitamin D that is involved in the absorption of calcium. If there is not enough vitamin D, then calcium will be poorly absorbed, which will lead to a deterioration in the condition of the enamel. I tested it myself. On the recommendation of a doctor, I recently passed an analysis to check the amount of vitamin D in the body and was surprised by the results. I've been taking vitamins for the last month. By the way, my teeth got better. So if you have problems with your teeth, but you drink packs of calcium and the condition does not improve, then you should think about why it is not absorbed).

For or against activated charcoal and soda?

There are many articles on the Internet that soda and Activated carbon helps whiten teeth. It may help (if you use it for a long time), but you will also earn small microcracks on your teeth, increased tooth sensitivity, and subsequently caries.

And if you overdo it, then the destruction of the enamel. In this case, it is better to use a high-quality whitening paste. It even whitens teeth more gently. I will not dissemble, this method did not bypass me, and you know, I did not see any effect at a time, and I did not dare to use soda further. I am against this method of teeth whitening. I also used activated charcoal, but not as a tooth powder, but as a rinse. Rub 3 tbl. add water and rinse your mouth. Didn't like the effect. But the coal was washed out for a long time (So I do not recommend coal and soda in dental care.

That's basically all I wanted to tell you about caring for your teeth at home. I hope my review was helpful to you. beautiful smiles and healthy teeth! Thank you for your attention!

People, especially women. We are extremely badly taught to brush our teeth and not taught to chew them at all. Therefore, everything is worse than it could be, and everyone has a “facial crooked ***” (I am quoting a prosthetist from a *** polyclinic, where I had the good fortune to work). Save at least the faces of your children, until they are twisted in the same way.


For some reason, in our graceless territories, no one ever knows this.

We chew like dogs. That is, on one side of the jaw. To whom it is more convenient: on the left or on the right.

Teeth on the active side are therefore more prone to caries, and therefore, fillings. Working from year to year, the muscles of only one side of the face lead to awkward one-sided hypermimicry. It's like pumping only one arm for years, and not the other.

Of course, one should not expect symmetries of faces in the end. Chewing muscles most powerful. The jaw (visually the chin and cheek) moves towards the strong chewing side when smiling and generally active facial expressions, even just when talking.

The tip of the nose is to the side, the corner of the lip is higher, narrower than the eyes. As a result, in life, while you are flickering, nothing, but in the photo in statics - Picasso's sitter.

"Yellow Sweater", Pablo Picasso

When the face is young, plump, all this is not very noticeable. But when, after twenty, the puppy swelling subsides and the face appears in all its sculptural form, the work of the facial muscles is visible - this destroys many.

That is why many pretty girls suddenly, having crossed the threshold of adulthood, turn from pretty girls into ordinary ones. Everything seems to be the same, age-related changes still far away, but grown ugly and that's it. And this eye reads the asymmetry. Even millimeters bring disharmony.

It gets worse with age. Hypermimicry of only one side of the face leads to the fact that on this side the nasolabial fold becomes deeper than on the other, wrinkles near the eye are longer than on the other, and ptosis on weak side- more pronounced. So the asymmetry, with which we have already sort of come to terms, begins to be aggravated by the fact that one half of the face seems to be older than the other. And all because of one-sided chewing.

Zapoloshny women therefore run at thirty something to pump and stab, returning equality, harmony to the halves of the face. But, as a rule, they only aggravate the situation: their eye sees the problem in the mirror, but they are not able to verbalize it competently, and not all cosmetologists are quick-witted.

What to do?

Teach your kids how to eat right. Chewing by moving food around right side jaws to the left and back.

It's funny, of course. But necessary. And start taking care of yourself, chewing thoughtfully, controlling the moment.

After each meal, chew gum only on the undeveloped side of the jaw (you will directly feel the wild resistance to the exercise: the muscles there will instantly get tired, your cheek will go numb a little, and as soon as you loosen control, the chewing gum will be thrown to the swinging side familiar to the muscles).

After six months of control and simple exercises with chewing gum, you will see how the face goes back to its place, and in the photo you get many times better: it’s not Quasimodo at all with a curse on his forehead. In a year and a half it will be nice.

It's reversible, mind you. And it doesn’t cost money at all, we don’t consider the cost of chewing gum.

Teeth cleaning

Teeth should be brushed every day, teeth are brushed for far more than five seconds, and teeth are brushed with nothing.

There is nothing wrong with asking your dentist which toothbrush is right for you. He will advise, looking at the enamel and gums.

If all your teeth are sealed, there is no problem, you brush your teeth thoroughly at night, and in the morning you still have stale - you have worthless paste. That means she doesn't work all night. And the bacteria conditionally hang out and shit as they want from four to eight in the morning: the paste does not hold them back, but it does not protect you.

Throw away your cheap putty, don't skimp on pasta.

Dentists and prosthetists will then cost you more, and sexual partners will run away after the first night: the smell from the mouth under the article of pheromones cannot be carried out.

You can also ask your dentist about pasta. For example, I have Marvis. It stands like a cast-iron bridge, but I wait for discounts in online stores and buy a year in advance, what to do.

If you smoke and drink coffee but don't want to yellow enamel, then with such a “dental” paste (not “Blendamed”, of course, this is pointless) you need to brush your teeth at night, rinse, then squeeze quite a bit of this paste onto the brush, brush your teeth, spit out the excess and do not rinse, leaving a thin film of paste until the morning . But a caring dentist will advise you anyway, although you won’t go to him, of course.

One toothbrush is never enough. Dental floss is also necessary: ​​you will never brush the meat fibers with just a brush. If you don't like flossing and constantly cut your gums, buy yourself a new multi-tufted brush in addition to the main one.

Brush your teeth first with a regular brush, and then clean the interdental space with a multi-beam one.

Teach children how to brush their teeth thoroughly. There is a special mouthwash that paints plaque on the teeth blue. Play with children from the age of six in the dental police (my innovation). Brush your teeth with them, and then rinse your mouth with this tester with the whole family. Blue spots on the teeth will show where the child misses, where plaque remains, which means that he does not clean thoroughly (at the same time, smiling at the mirror, you will learn a lot about yourself). Correct your child.

The dental police should come suddenly. This fun game, children will happily wait for the dental police and brush their teeth thoroughly and correctly every day.


Teeth must be taken care of. I know there is no money. But this is not a reason.

Firstly, dental care you are still entitled to free compulsory medical insurance. Yes, it's painful. But you can't be a lazy asshole with a rotten mouth.

Take a free ticket and go. The appointment, of course, is two months ahead, but is it free or fast for you?

Even if you need eight fillings, they put two at a time, and coupons for three months in advance - you will manage perfectly and free of charge in a year.

There is a nuance. Depending on the availability of the polyclinic, you may be given a light-curing, or maybe a cheap concrete filling. On the front teeth, don’t worry, concrete will not be put anywhere and never: doctors are not animals. But on the sides they can. But it's better than holes, caries, bad breath.

You can agree and officially pay only for the material, so that there are modern fillings everywhere. And it is in any way cheaper than visiting a paid dentist.

Secondly, for those who have money, but there is not much of it, there is great amount discount coupons. There is no need to be afraid to treat your teeth with a coupon. The coupon simply means that some dentist, already experienced, got sick of working for his uncle, opened a private office and wants to gain clientele.

He will try with the coupon as carefully as without the coupon. He will try even better than in the promoted expensive clinics: every client and word of mouth is important to this specialist, he needs to stay in the niche of private practice.

He will always show you all the stickers on the sterilizers and, in front of you, will take the craft bag out of the sterilizer, and the tools out of the craft bag. No doctor will ever be offended if you ask to see all this. You have every right.

Thirdly, it is obligatory to go for cleaning and polishing of teeth once a year.

Don't be brutes and don't care. You can't look good bad mouth and teeth.

Cleaning can also be taken on coupons: you can find 600 rubles, and even 450. Do not go broke. The stone will be removed, your teeth will be polished, and you will immediately become more beautiful.

It is impossible to respect a person if he does not respect himself. A self-respecting person does not start his mouth, the matter, as we found out, is not at all about finances.

And yes, boys: you are not a gift horse, we look you in the mouth. man with rotten teeth- it's a fucking shame. Please go to the dentist or clinic.

With you was the messenger "Obvious". The rubric "Someone had to say it."

How should adults take care of their mouth?
The main rule for maintaining a healthy beautiful smile throughout life is the observance of the rules of oral hygiene. Even in adulthood, caries and periodontitis are possible, which can lead to more serious diseases. Throughout life it is important:

  • Brush your teeth at least 2 times a day with fluoride toothpaste to remove plaque, the sticky film on your teeth that is main reason caries.
  • Use dental floss every day to remove plaque from the interdental spaces and from the gum line until it hardens and turns into tartar. Once tartar has mineralized, it can only be removed by professional teeth cleaning.
  • Limit the intake of foods rich in sugar and starch, especially semi-liquid sticky snacks between main meals. The more often you snack, the more likely tartar acids are to attack tooth enamel.
  • Visit your dentist regularly for oral health care and professional teeth cleaning.

What are the special requirements for oral care in adults?
Even with proper care for teeth and gums adults may need special assistance in maintaining oral hygiene. Fortunately, your dentist can successfully meet these requirements in most cases.

  • Periodontitis begins in the gingivitis stage and is reversible at this stage. Symptoms of gingivitis are redness, swelling, and bleeding soreness of the gums while brushing your teeth. If you notice some of these symptoms, contact your dentist - before the disease has become severe. V late stage Periodontitis can lead to tooth loss.

    Oral health may also affect general health organism. Recent studies point to an association between periodontitis and other diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, as well as the possible relationship between periodontitis and premature birth. To prevent periodontitis, brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss every day, and have regular checkups and professional dental cleanings every six months.

  • With age, it is possible to develop caries on previously filled surfaces of teeth (known as secondary, recurrent caries), as well as on their root surfaces. Therefore, it is important to brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste and visit your dentist regularly.
  • As we age, tooth sensitivity also increases. With age, as a result of the drooping of the gums, the roots of the teeth, which are not protected by enamel, are exposed. Under the influence of temperature irritants (cold or hot food and drinks) on the tissues of the tooth, a pain sensation occurs. V special occasions pain can also be caused by osmotic (sweet, sour) stimuli and the effect of evaporation (movement of cold air). If you are having pain, you must use a toothpaste specially formulated for sensitive teeth. If the symptom persists, visit a dentist - hyperesthesia may indicate more serious illness, for example, caries, or damage - the presence of a cracked or broken tooth.
  • Crowns are used to strengthen damaged teeth. A crown covers or completely hides a damaged tooth. A crown not only supports a damaged tooth, it can also improve it. appearance, shape or closure with the dentition. Implants and bridge prostheses are used to replace extracted and lost teeth. Implants replace one or more teeth and can also be used to attach full or partial bridges. The dentist will help you the right decision about dental implants. Bridges are recommended to replace one or more teeth. They cover the area where the teeth are missing. Bridges are attached to natural teeth or implants at the edges of the gap.

How to make teeth whiter?
professional cleaning teeth by a dentist or hygienist can help remove most external plaque caused by the use food products and smoking. Use a whitening toothpaste to remove stain and prevent yellowing of teeth between dental visits. If you have old plaque that has accumulated over the years, you may need to professional whitening teeth, helping to reduce and remove staining from external surfaces teeth.

Internal staining of teeth can be treated with a chemical bleaching method or porcelain veneers or crowns should be placed on discolored teeth. All whitening methods are safe and effective, but only your dentist or hygienist can determine which one is best for you, depending on the condition of your teeth and the results you want.

What impact does nutrition have on oral health?
Proper Diet necessary for optimal health of the whole body, and for maintaining healthy gums and teeth. Eating a diet that contains everything your body needs nutrients and minerals, will allow you to resist the infection of the oral cavity leading to the development of periodontitis. In addition, the consumption of hard foods high content cellulose (fruits, vegetables) helps clean teeth and oral tissues. Remains of soft sticky food accumulate on chewing surfaces and in interdental spaces, contributing to the formation of plaque. When you eat foods rich in sugar and starch, the bacteria in tartar produce acids that attack your teeth. at least within 20 minutes or more after finishing a meal. To prevent the destruction of tooth enamel, it is necessary to limit the number of snacks and drinks consumed between meals. If you need to eat, give preference nutritious foods like cheese, raw vegetables, yogurt without added sugar and fruit.
