Kidney puncture as an effective diagnostic method. Percutaneous puncture interventions under ultrasound guidance in the diagnosis and treatment of urological diseases Methodology for puncture of kidney cysts under ultrasound guidance

A kidney cyst is a cavity in the parenchyma of a paired organ filled with fluid. The pathology is benign. Carrying out puncture of the cyst is the main method surgical treatment. In the process, the liquid contents are removed from the tumor and relapses are prevented.

The procedure is carried out under ultrasound control. The specialist pierces skin covering over the organ being examined, after which a needle is inserted into the neoplasm, pumping out the liquid contents. The resulting secretion is examined to determine the nature of the neoplasm and to exclude the possibility of a cancerous tumor. The puncture formed after puncture of the cyst heals over time.

The surgical method has a number of positive aspects:

  1. Low degree of invasiveness.
  2. High efficiency.
  3. Kidney puncture does not take much time.
  4. Low cost of the procedure.
  5. Low likelihood of complications after surgery.

However, puncture of a kidney cyst has one drawback - high risk recurrence of the tumor. To reduce the risk of relapse, after removing the liquid contents, a sclerosing-type substance is injected into the cavity. In most cases it is alcohol. The substance glues the structure of the cyst from the inside, which prevents the release of fluid filling the cyst. Thus, kidney puncture is not accompanied by re-formation of the tumor.

Another disadvantage is the high risk of infection of the operated organ.

How is it carried out?

The procedure is performed using local anesthesia. A urologist, an ultrasound specialist and a nurse must be present during the operation. The position of the patient on the table depends on the location of the tumor and its size. If the tumor is not on the kidney, but on the side of it, the patient needs to lie on his side.

Initially, the doctor determines the puncture site, and an ultrasound machine identifies nearby organs and vessels so as not to cause damage during the puncture process. The depth of the puncture is determined, and a limiter is installed on the needle.

A small incision is made with a scalpel and the skin is pulled apart, after which a needle is inserted and the liquid contents of the neoplasm are collected. The resulting secretion is sent for analysis. After all the fluid has been removed, a sclerosing agent is injected into the cavity.

If the neoplasm is purulent, the doctor installs a drainage and sanitizes the tumor cavity. The sclerosing drug is administered after 4 days. The Seldinger technique is used to install drainage.

After the procedure, the patient is prescribed a course medicines antibacterial in nature.

Indications for surgery

In most patients Clinical signs there are no cysts. Pathology is most often diagnosed during a preventive medical examination. However, some patients experience some symptoms:

  1. Urine contains impurities of blood cells.
  2. A person has constantly high blood pressure, and taking medications does not help.
  3. In the lumbar region, palpation can detect swelling.
  4. Sharp painful sensations in the lumbar region, which intensify after physical activity.
  5. The cyst began to degenerate into a malignant tumor.

Important! If you have one of the above symptoms, it is strongly recommended to consult a specialist for advice.

Possible complications

Renal cyst puncture is performed in outpatient setting, after surgical treatment the patient requires observation in medical institution for 3 days. In most cases, after surgery, the patient recovers quickly and makes a full recovery.

Some patients complain of fever or slight swelling in the puncture area; the above-described complications quickly disappear without additional treatment. Serious mistakes can be avoided by using an ultrasound machine.

In some cases, the following complications are noted:

  1. Bleeding into the cavity of a neoplasm or affected organ.
  2. The onset of an inflammatory process is possible in the event of an infectious lesion of the organ.
  3. Clinical signs of an allergic reaction to sclerosing fluid.
  4. Provoking pyelonephritis and other pathologies of the renal system.
  5. Damage to the kidney or other internal organs.

Important! For large tumor sizes (more than 70 millimeters), the procedure is characterized to a small extent efficiency.

Contraindications to the procedure

Surgical treatment of a tumor in the kidney using the puncture method has contraindications:

  1. A large number of cystic formations or multilocular tumor. To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to sclerose each compartment, which is problematic to do using the puncture method.
  2. The tumor is located in the sinus area, which complicates access through the skin.
  3. The cyst communicates with the internal kidney system. Sclerosis is impossible due to the risk of damaging the tissue of the entire organ.

If there is a contraindication, other therapeutic methods are used to remove the tumor.


If the patient has no complications after the procedure, he is discharged from the hospital after 3 days. After 1.5-2 weeks, an ultrasound examination of the operated organ is performed, the doctor pays attention to scarring of the kidney and possible relapses.

If fluid is released after surgery, the doctor adheres to a wait-and-see approach for 8 weeks. If the process of accumulation of cystic fluid continues for more than 6 months, repeat puncture is performed. The likelihood of relapse is extremely low.

A cyst on the kidney is benign education, developing for many reasons. The tumor can be congenital (up to 5% of cases) or acquired (in most patients). A round or oval-shaped cavity is filled with liquid, the walls are elastic.

In most cases, a kidney cyst occurs in one organ on the lower or upper part of the renal pole. The formation can be small - 1 or 2 cm, some tumors grow up to 10 cm. After identifying a cyst, it is important to find out what caused it, conduct a diagnosis, and prescribe treatment.

Probable causes

It is often difficult for doctors to understand what factor gave impetus to development cystic formation. Sometimes tumors appear due to a hereditary predisposition, but acquired types often occur due to various pathologies kidneys and other organs.

Possible causes of a kidney cyst:

Kidney cyst code according to ICD - 10 - N 28.1 (acquired), Q 61.9 (unspecified type of formation), Q 61.0 (congenital single).

Find out about the reasons for the development of cystitis with blood in women and about methods of treating the pathology.

Read about deviations and normal levels of urea in the blood of men at this address.

Characteristic signs and symptoms

Negative signs directly depend on the size of the formation and the localization zone. When pus appears in the cavity, an active inflammatory process develops pain.

The main symptoms of a kidney cyst:

  • with a small tumor size, benign nature education the patient does not feel discomfort;
  • the larger the size of the cyst, the more like a person notices negative signs in the problem organ;
  • stupid, nagging pain in the lumbar region or under the ribs. Unpleasant sensations intensify with physical activity;
  • blood pressure often rises;
  • total hematuria develops;
  • if the cyst is large, it can be detected by palpation of the kidney;
  • when purulent masses accumulate in the cavity, the inflammatory process intensifies, the patient is tormented severe pain. The rupture of a cyst is accompanied by severe discomfort and requires immediate assistance from a surgeon.


The doctor should know as much information as possible about cystic formation. Cysts are distinguished according to many indicators.

  • first. Benign tumors are easily identified during an ultrasound of the kidneys. The cyst shell is quite soft, there is no infection inside the cavity;
  • second. Inside benign formations there are small changes and membranes. Calcium salts accumulate in some formations, and an inflammatory process develops;
  • third. Tumors prone to malignancy (degeneration into kidney cancer). Cysts of this category have membranes, the shell is more rigid. If such formations are detected, an operation to remove the tumors is required.

According to the nature of kidney damage:

  • two-sided;
  • one-sided.

By area of ​​localization:

  • peripelvic. The formation is located close to the renal pelvis, but does not come into contact with it;
  • subcapsular. The tumor is located under the kidney capsule;
  • multi-chamber;
  • renal parenchymal cyst. The formation is located in the parenchyma or sinus of the paired organ. The second type is a kidney sinus cyst;
  • cortical. Location area - cortical layer.

By the number of neoplasms:

  • single cyst;
  • multiple cysts.


If discomfort occurs in the lumbar region, the urologist finds out clinical picture pathology, clarifies the anamnesis, prescribes an ultrasound of the kidneys. If a cyst prone to malignancy is suspected, an MRI is performed.

Additionally, the patient submits blood and urine for analysis: it is important to check the indicators, find out whether the inflammatory process is occurring, whether there are leukocytes, protein, bacteria in the urine. When infection penetrates, it increases ESR level, the number of white blood cells often increases.

General rules and effective treatment methods

How to treat a kidney cyst and what to do? The doctor develops a treatment regimen on an individual basis. Do not take pills or use herbal infusions on the advice of people far from medicine: incorrect treatment often accelerates the growth of cystic formations and negatively affects metabolic processes.

When selecting optimal method The urologist takes into account:

  • type of education;
  • size of the cyst on the kidney;
  • tumor growth rate;
  • the tendency of the neoplasm to become malignant.

View a selection of effective treatments for renal hydronephrosis in adults and children.

The list and rules for using suppositories for the treatment of cystitis can be seen in this article.

Go to and learn about the action and features of using the diuretic drug Furosemide.

The main methods of treating kidney cysts:

  • observation. If the diameter of the tumor is less than 5 cm, then doctors often do not touch the cyst and prescribe an ultrasound examination (every 6 or 12 months) to monitor the formation. It is important to know: are there any changes inside the cavity, has pus or hemorrhage appeared, is the tumor growing, have partitions appeared, how are the kidneys working? In case of serious deviations or cyst growth, removal of the formation is prescribed;
  • smoking cessation, moderate physical exercise(gymnastics without the use of weights), prevention of hypothermia;
  • diet for kidney cysts. An essential element for preserving kidney function, reducing the load on nephrons and other tissues. It is important to reduce the amount of protein foods, do not consume strong broths, give up chocolate, coffee, alcohol, fried foods, fatty foods, and legumes. The volume of fluid per day is selected by the doctor for a particular patient, taking into account the severity of the diseases against which the cystic formation appeared;
  • medications for relief negative signs. Drugs to lower and stabilize blood pressure: Capoten, Enap, Enalapril. Herbal names for dissolving and removing stones: Urolesan, Canephron. Antibiotics if detected bacterial infection depending on the type of pathogen. Antispasmodics and analgesics for pain relief: No-shpa, Drotaverine. In cases of severe pain, bed rest is recommended.

Surgical intervention

Even in the absence of complaints, doctors prescribe surgery to remove the cavity with fluid if the size of the tumor exceeds 5 cm. Other indications: problems with urine outflow, tumor diameter 8-10 cm, suppuration, severe pain, risk of tumor rupture, tendency to malignancy. Depending on the symptoms and the nature of the formation, a minimally invasive method is used or a standard open access operation is performed.

Surgical methods for removing kidney cysts:

If the cyst is small, urologists advise following recommendations for proper nutrition, lifestyle changes, strengthening the immune system. It is important to do an ultrasound annually or once every 6 months to monitor the dynamics of educational development.

Treatment of kidney cysts at home is ineffective. Herbal decoctions increase immune defense, reduce the risk of relapses when inflammatory pathologies urinary tract, wash the renal tubules, remove sand and small kidney stones.

Under the influence of infusions and homemade ointments, cysts do not resolve; the use of irritating compounds often causes harm and provokes the growth of benign formations. For this reason, the patient must coordinate all actions with a urologist, and take herbal decoctions only with the doctor’s permission.

When a cyst appears in the kidney tissue, the patient must find out what it is and why the formation occurred. It is important to cooperate with a urologist, take medications, follow a diet, regularly come for examinations, and do an ultrasound to monitor the condition of the tumor.

More useful information You can learn about the treatment of kidney cysts after watching the following video:

Kidney puncture as an effective diagnostic method

Kidney puncture is a research method in which a small piece of its tissue (parenchyma) is taken from a person for examination.

The puncture is used to treat cysts and also allows accurate diagnosis, as well as monitor the effectiveness of therapy for the following pathologies:

  • pyelonephritis (bacterial one- or two-sided kidney damage);
  • glomerulonephritis ( autoimmune disease, affecting both kidneys);
  • distinguish primary cancer from secondary cancer caused by metastases, as well as benign from malignant tumors;
  • chronic renal failure unknown origin, which is expressed in general weakness, sleep disturbances, persistent increase in arterial metabolism, disturbances in electrolyte metabolism, lack of hemoglobin in the blood, specific changes in urine analysis;
  • degree of organ damage systemic diseases, such as amyloidosis (a disorder of protein metabolism, accompanied by the deposition of amyloids - specific protein compounds) in tissues), systemic lupus erythematosus (an autoimmune disease connective tissue), diabetes ( endocrine pathology, in which the level of glucose in the body increases), etc.;
  • differential diagnosis of diseases that give similar symptoms, but their therapy is fundamentally different;
  • control of function, operation and possible pathology during kidney transplantation, which may be caused for various reasons, including strong drug therapy immunosuppressants, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, immune rejection of the transplanted organ.

Technique of the procedure

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of puncture and biopsy. A biopsy is performed during abdominal surgery when the kidney is completely open.

Puncture is carried out using a special puncture needle, which is inserted into the parenchyma through a puncture in the skin.

Puncture (or percutaneous biopsy) has become widespread since it is a relatively simple and non-traumatic method of examination.

Manipulation is carried out only in a hospital setting under local anesthesia under ultrasound or x-ray control.

Before the actual puncture, blood and urine tests are taken.

They also do an ultrasound of the kidneys and x-rays of all organs. abdominal cavity, immunological studies, Dopplerography of the kidney vessels, sometimes computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging is performed.

In addition, studies are being conducted to identify bleeding disorders and allergic reactions to the drug that will be used for local anesthesia.

It is advisable to refrain from eating 8 hours before the puncture, and a light sedative is usually given an hour and a half before the puncture.

When performing a puncture, the patient is placed on his stomach; it is better to place a cushion under him in the lumbar region.

A small incision is made in the area of ​​the diseased kidney, and you are asked to hold your breath to exclude the possibility of its displacement due to breathing movements, and a special puncture needle is inserted.

It consists of two sections: inside the outer cylinder with a cutting edge there is a rod with a notch, where a small part of the cortical and medullary layers of the parenchyma falls.

Then the needle and its contents are immediately sent for laboratory morphological examination, since a delay may lead to incorrect examination results.

Causes and treatment of cystosis

Puncture of a kidney cyst deserves special attention.

This is a small benign formation on the surface of an organ, filled with exudate, which can form after a long-term infectious inflammatory disease. urinary system, due to injury, hypothermia.

The cyst can reach several centimeters in size.

Most often, the formation of a cyst occurs without symptoms, and it is diagnosed accidentally during a preventive ultrasound examination or during the diagnosis of concomitant diseases.

A cyst can produce certain symptoms when it increases to such a size that physical compression of the kidney and ureters occurs.

In such cases there is It's a dull pain, which is localized according to the location of the cyst - on the right or left.

IN in this case The puncture is not carried out for diagnostic purposes, but is a method of treating this disease.

Preparation for this procedure is the same as described above, but the needle itself is not inserted into the organ tissue, but into the cyst, and the contents are sucked out.

Then a special contrast is injected into its cavity, and an ultrasound scan is performed to determine whether the cyst communicates with the internal parts of the kidney - the calyces and pelvis.

If this is not observed, then in order to avoid its re-formation, instead of the removed exudate, ethanol is injected there for some time (up to 20 minutes) in combination with antibacterial and antiseptic drugs.

After the manipulation, the patient needs to remain in a supine position for about 12 hours, while doctors constantly monitor his condition.

Also, physical activity is contraindicated for several days after the puncture.


The main contraindications to puncture are:

  • diseases in which there is a high risk of massive bleeding or kidney rupture;
  • in cases where the patient has only one kidney;
  • some congenital pathologies and developmental anomalies in which puncture is impossible or life-threatening;
  • certain types of kidney tumors;
  • kidney stone disease with formation large quantity stones or large stones;
  • spicy infectious processes in the body or exacerbation of chronic;
  • in women during menstruation;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • some violations by of cardio-vascular system, as well as in the blood supply to the kidney.


Most often, after a puncture, a small hematoma forms under the capsule inside the kidney at the injection site, which does not pose any danger and resolves on its own.

There may also be blood in the urine (hematuria) for several days.

Due to blockage of the ureter by a blood clot, renal colic can occur. To prevent this, drinking plenty of fluids is recommended.

There is also a risk of more serious complications, such as subcapsular bleeding, kidney rupture, but since kidney puncture is currently carried out under ultrasound control, their likelihood is practically reduced to zero.

Puncture of a cyst on the kidney: procedure and consequences

Statistical medical data confirm the presence of one or multiple cyst kidneys in a quarter of the world's population. Pathology knows no boundaries, differences in gender and age, but can remain small, not requiring intervention, or grow, causing the patient some inconvenience. The incidence of the disease increases with age: the older the person, the more often the formation is diagnosed. However, only 8% of patients require treatment; for the rest, observation and preventive measures are sufficient.

What is a kidney puncture?

Remaining in a small-format state, kidney pathology does not affect the body in any way, but if symptoms such as:

  • pain, discomfort in the lumbar region or diseased organ;
  • problems with urination, changes in urine characteristics;
  • causeless increase in blood pressure.

You should contact your doctor, who can prescribe a puncture test. Being one of the most effective research methods, kidney puncture is minimally invasive and represents a small puncture of the formation with suction of fluid through a needle. Sometimes the procedure is performed with the introduction of a sclerosant. The process is controlled by ultrasound or x-ray imaging, so the risk of error is minimized.

Important! In the recent past, the procedure in more than 50% of cases led to repeated relapse and rapid accumulation of fluid in the biological cavity. Today the problem is solved. Thanks to the introduction of sclerosant, the once drained cavity no longer fills and does not pose a threat of development and degeneration into a malignant tumor.

Sclerosis is the introduction of pure ethanol into the cavity in the volume of about a quarter of the pumped out liquid. A mixture of alcohol and antibiotics and antiseptics can be used. The medication is pumped out after 5-7 minutes or, as some experts advise, 2 hours after the start of administration. Research shows that repeated administration of sclerosant after 12 hours produces brighter pronounced effect procedures and minimizes the likelihood of cyst recurrence.

When is a puncture necessary?

A simple kidney cyst that does not cause productive dynamic symptoms does not require intervention, but if there is a pronounced pain symptom, impaired urinary function, or increased body temperature, a puncture of the kidney cyst is performed. Indications for removal of the formation are also big size biological cavity and a high risk of threat to the patient’s life.

Important! Do not confuse puncture and puncture biopsy. A biopsy is the intravital removal of organ tissue for examination. Carried out to confirm the diagnosis, select the most effective treatment, control of the donor organ during transplantation. The whole procedure resembles a puncture with liquid extraction, but is supplemented by tissue sampling. Biopsy is a diagnostic process, puncture is a therapeutic process.

Today, ultrasound-guided renal puncture is considered one of the most advanced methods of treating patients. A shortened period of exposure, minimal puncture, high efficiency and absence of complications are clear advantages of the technique over any other treatment.

How the procedure is performed and contraindications to it

The patient does not undergo long-term treatment preparatory course and fulfills only the minimum prescriptions of the treating doctor. A visit to a specialist takes no more than 40 minutes, the entire procedure is carried out under local anesthesia. The patient is laid on his side on the couch, the puncture site is treated with an anesthetic, the skin and tissue are punctured with a special needle, then the fluid is sucked out of the cyst.

Important! The punctate usually has a yellowish tint, but can be brown or reddish. Ultrasound accompaniment, mandatory during the procedure, minimizes the risk of errors and guarantees pumping out the fluid in full.

After the procedure, part of the liquid is sent for biochemical testing, cytological examination, and the cyst is filled with a contrast agent to check the communication with the cup and renal pelvis. If the isolation is complete, the bag is filled with a sclerosing compound, which is removed after a set period of time. The procedure is completed, the walls of the cyst subside, grow together and scar. It should be noted that the tissue of the cyst is very thin, so the patient does not feel any consequences if the puncture is performed correctly.


  • in the case of multiple or multilocular renal cysts, puncture is not performed, since it is difficult to carry out necessary manipulations in the proper amount;
  • in the presence of calcification or sclerosis of the walls of the formation, the walls thicken and do not subside after pumping out the contents, so the procedure in this case is ineffective;
  • with a parapelvic location of the formation, percutaneous access is difficult;
  • in the case of communication between the biological cavity and the renal system, a sclerosing substance cannot be administered, which means that the effectiveness of the procedure is extremely low;
  • when the formation reaches a size of 8 cm or more, removal surgery is required;
  • the procedure is not possible if there are diseases with a risk of bleeding, kidney rupture, or if the patient has a single kidney;
  • some types of tumor pathologies of the organ, the presence of stones;
  • feverish condition of the patient, infectious diseases;
  • atherosclerosis, disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • cyclical discharge in women.

Important! How smaller size cavities, the better the prognosis for complete cure. In some cases, the administration of ethanol is impossible, so the puncture is also canceled according to indications of individual intolerance.

Consequences and possible complications

If kidney puncture is performed correctly, there are no serious consequences and complications for the patient's health. Constant ultrasound monitoring eliminates the possibility of error, damage to blood vessels or organ systems. Preliminary appointment antibacterial drugs reduces the possibility of infection, infection. But there are still some consequences:

  1. nausea, vomiting, dizziness;
  2. short-term increase in temperature;
  3. hematoma formation at the puncture site;
  4. change in urine color;
  5. general weakness.

Absolutely all symptoms are short-lived and disappear after 5-12 hours.

Important! Renal cyst puncture has a high probability of complete cure. In approximately 75% of patients, a one-time injection of a sclerosing agent is sufficient and 94% of patients never experience problems with cystosis again after a repeated process (can only be done after 12 hours).

Includes puncture of the tumor. Next, the liquid contents are collected and sent to medical examination.

This disease often occurs in both men and women over forty years of age. A benign cyst is the most common type of neoplasm, which can reach a size of 10 cm and above.

7 groups of people susceptible to kidney cysts:

  1. in elderly people;
  2. for infectious diseases of the urinary system;
  3. for hypertension and vegetative-vascular diseases;
  4. due to kidney injury;
  5. with urolithiasis;
  6. in patients with tuberculosis;
  7. after surgery on the kidneys and the entire urinary system.

At the moment, medicine does not stand still. A method of percutaneous kidney puncture was developed. But sometimes, if indicated, specialists are able to perform laparoscopic intervention or open access surgery.


This procedure is performed using a specialized needle under ultrasound control or X-ray visualization of the organ.

Note. Interventions such as puncture of the kidney cyst led to reappearance over time. After removing the liquid formation, the cells forming the contents remained, which caused a relapse.

Modern medicine has solved this problem of single drainage of a kidney cyst, namely by sclerosing the cavity.

This method is carried out by adding 96% ethanol, which makes up ¼ of the volume of the extracted liquid, and after 7-15 minutes the product is removed from the soil cyst.

Puncture technique

The operation lasts about 30 minutes. It is performed under local anesthetic. then the intervention site is disinfected antiseptic solution and a painkiller is administered. Using a puncture needle, the doctor makes a puncture through the skin and tissue, then, under the strict supervision of an ultrasound machine or x-ray, inserts the kidney into the cyst. Once successful penetration of the tumor has been achieved, the doctor will remove liquid formation cysts.

Contents after puncture benign tumor has a shade from straw to yellow, and the cyst has turned into malignant stage, then the liquid has a red or brown tint.

The extracted liquid formation is sent for medical examination: cytology and biochemical analysis. Specialists check the contents for the connection between the cyst and the calyces and renal pelvis. If the cavity is completely isolated, then sclerosing medications are administered.

The cause of cystosis and its treatment

Kidney cysts is one of the most common diseases. Most often, this disease was found in the adult population.

Cysts occur when the collection tubes in the kidney become clogged, but the fast growth filter elements.

Typically, kidney cysts have a positive appearance for a long time. A person may not notice them until he undergoes a medical examination.

Most often, kidney cysts are accompanied by increased arterial hypertension, the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the kidneys, namely pyelonephritis.

Surgical intervention is resorted to only if the size of the tumor is at least 5 cm.

Urgent surgical intervention includes:

  • suppuration of the tumor;
  • severe and prolonged pain;
  • strangulation of the ureter and pelvis;
  • Arterial hypertension does not stop.

Kidney biopsy as one of the diagnostic methods

Biopsy is a modern medical procedure, which is widely used all over the world.

This medical study is carried out with the collection of a small piece of kidney tissue with cortical and cerebral fluid for further examination under a microscope.

Attention. Biopsy is one of the most difficult surgical interventions. Such operations are carried out strictly in hospitals with a nephrology department. This operation has both indications and contraindications.

There are two types of such examination of kidney cysts: percutaneous and open access.

Percutaneous biopsy is the most popular diagnostic method. It collects biological material using a special needle that passes through the skin and tissue.

The surgical biopsy method is performed under general anesthesia. During medical intervention the necessary tissue is taken for a morphological study. This operation is indicated for a patient with bleeding problems or with one kidney.

This examination gives an accurate prognosis in the development of the disease, makes it possible to choose the right treatment, and helps control the disease while prescribing medications.


Specialists place the patient on the operating table depending on the location of the tumor.

The entire kidney puncture operation is carried out strictly under ultrasound supervision. Before inserting the needle, the doctor determines the puncture site and its angle. The device also allows for the depth of the puncture.

A specialized needle has a fixing tip that will prevent you from plunging deeper into the cyst than necessary. This procedure will help you avoid unpleasant moments.

Once the patient has been given anesthesia, the specialist will make a small incision on the patient’s skin, then use a clamp to spread the skin tissue and subcutaneously fatty tissue. This procedure allows short time restore skin tissue and shorten the rehabilitation period.

After penetration into the cyst, the wire aspirates the liquid contents.

If during puncture the cyst cavity is filled with pus, then drainage is installed and the cavity is completely sanitized. Then, a week later, sclerosing fluid is injected.

When the cyst cavity is absolutely clean, it is filled with sclerosant. Typically this is a volume of 20 to 25% of the initial volume.

During and after surgery, complications may occur in the form of bleeding inside the cyst. The amount of blood loss varies.

Experts warn the patient that if antiseptic rules are not followed, an inflammatory process may develop, with the formation of pus.

Simple cyst in the kidney

Such a benign formation can be congenital, acquired, cancer, genetic, or associated with tuberculous sclerosis.

A simple cyst develops from the renal canals, and breaks the connection with other canals of the kidney. The cause of tumor formation is accelerated growth epithelial tissues.

This neoplasm can cause constant pain, stagnation of urine and is the cause of the onset of inflammation. In medicine, there are cases when hemorrhage or an infectious process occurs in a kidney cyst.

Attention. Experts say that sometimes tumor formation is the cause renal failure.

Simple cysts can be detected using ultrasound and MRI examinations.

To combat the tumor, specialists may prescribe medication or surgery.


This medical examination is indicated for a patient who has pain, high blood pressure or impaired urine flow.

Puncture technique

As before any operation, blood and urine tests are taken.

Before surgery, the patient is placed on his stomach. Then a small incision is made in the area of ​​the diseased organ and you are asked not to breathe. This will allow the special needle to be inserted without displacement. Inside the needle there is a small rod where the collected biological material is located.

Then the needle with its contents is immediately sent for morphological examination.

Percutaneous puncture of a kidney cyst is performed under local anesthesia in full compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. Renal puncture can be performed on an outpatient basis under ultrasound guidance.

Simple renal cyst

Simple cysts are asymptomatic in most cases. Only a small number of patients experience pain in the lumbar region, increased blood pressure and urinary disorders. Such symptoms are explained by the large size of the cavity and specific location.

This disease is diagnosed using ultrasound examination or computed tomography.

There are several treatment methods: biopsy, cyst resection or nephrectomy. IN Lately they try to carry out organ-saving operations, especially if it is possible to limit oneself to performing a therapeutic and diagnostic puncture.

Indications for puncture of a kidney cyst

Simple cysts do not require special treatment, especially if they do not cause productive symptoms. However, there are several indications for percutaneous puncture of a kidney cyst.

If there is severe pain or increased blood pressure, the cyst must be removed. Also, puncture of a kidney cyst is carried out when the outflow of urine is impaired, or in the case when a benign formation reaches a very high level. large sizes and may threaten the patient's life.

Puncture technique

The purpose of percutaneous puncture of a kidney cyst is to puncture the wall of the formation cavity, evacuate fluid and introduce a sclerosing agent. The position of the patient on the operating table depends on the location of the formation. If it is in the upper, middle, lower segments on the lateral surface, then the patient must be placed on his stomach. But in cases of cyst localization on medial surface kidneys, the patient should lie on the other side.

The procedure for percutaneous puncture of a kidney cyst is carried out under ultrasound guidance. Before performing a puncture, the doctor must determine the needle entry point and the angle of inclination. Do not damage the kidney tissue itself or pass the needle through the collecting system. Undoubtedly, during the procedure, large vessels or nearby organs cannot be damaged. Also, using ultrasound, the depth of insertion of the puncture needle is determined. A special clamp is placed on it, which does not allow the doctor to enter deeper than necessary. This tactic helps to avoid adverse consequences.

After anesthesia, the surgeon makes a small incision in the skin with a scalpel, and uses a mosquito clamp to push apart the layers of skin and subcutaneous fat. This technique was chosen for more easy recovery tissues and reducing the rehabilitation period.

The puncture itself is performed with a special needle, which is equipped with an echo-positive tip (that is, it is visible on the screen when ultrasound diagnostics). Since the entire procedure is performed under the control of an ultrasound machine, this tip provides maximum accuracy.

  1. The cavity is filled with sclerosant. The volume of injected liquid is 20-25% of the original volume. This is done in cases where the intracystic fluid is serous in nature without the presence of pus. By administering a sclerosant, doctors prevent the re-formation of the cyst.
  2. If the cyst was filled with pus, then it is necessary to install a drainage, completely sanitize the cavity, and then (after 4-5 days) inject a sclerosing substance. The Seldinger technique is used to install drainage.

Possible complications

The technique for percutaneous puncture of a kidney cyst is simple. But despite this, undesirable consequences may occur. If medium or large vessels are damaged, bleeding into the cyst cavity or perinephric tissue is possible. The amount of blood loss depends on the size of the damaged vessel.

If the rules of asepsis and antisepsis are not followed, purulent-inflammatory processes may develop. In rare cases, the patient develops pyelonephritis. The patient may also develop allergic reaction for anesthetic drugs or sclerosants.

Postoperative follow-up

After the operation, the patient is discharged home on the third day, unless complications arise. It should go away in two weeks ultrasound examination. The doctor observes the dynamics and condition of the remaining formation. If fluid continues to accumulate in the cavity, the patient should be monitored for another 2 months. A repeat procedure is prescribed if positive dynamics are not observed for more than 6 months.

The advantages of percutaneous puncture of a kidney cyst are its painlessness and low invasiveness. Relapses are extremely rare and are explained by the individual characteristics of the body.

Modern medicine does not stand still. Thanks to this, diagnostic methods are constantly being improved to help identify certain pathologies of internal organs in human body. One of these procedures is kidney biopsy, which has been successfully used by doctors all over the world for a long time. Efficiency this method has been confirmed for decades, so its results are beyond doubt.


A kidney biopsy is an intravital diagnostic test, thanks to which it is possible to obtain a small fragment of kidney tissue with the cortex and medulla for subsequent examination under a microscope. The procedure is carried out strictly in specialized nephrology departments in accordance with certain indications and contraindications. A kidney biopsy is a more complex surgical procedure than one, and therefore requires careful preparation.

There are two main types of kidney biopsy:

  1. Percutaneous biopsy (puncture of the diagnosed kidney). The most common type of this diagnosis. It involves collecting biological material through a special thin needle through the skin. The doctor may additionally use computed tomography or an ultrasound machine to correctly guide the instrument to a specific area of ​​the organ.
  2. Surgical biopsy ( public method). Tissue for morphological examination is taken from the organ during an operation performed under general anesthesia, for example, when removing a tumor. This method is indicated for patients with bleeding problems and patients with one working kidney.

The goals of a kidney biopsy, as well as an adrenal biopsy:

  • give an objective picture of the disease;
  • most accurate forecast further development pathologies;
  • organize quality treatment;
  • provide control over the dynamics of the disease before, during and after the prescribed treatment.

If, for any indication, your doctor has prescribed a biopsy for you, be sure to tell him about hereditary and acquired diseases, allergies, pregnancy, and even treatment attempts folk herbs and tinctures.


A kidney biopsy may be prescribed in the following cases (indications):

  1. When making a diagnosis, when other research methods do not allow establishing the disease:
  • when protein is detected in a urine test, nephrotic syndrome for differential diagnosis between glomerulonephritis ( autoimmune disease, affecting both kidneys), amyloidosis (a disease in which a special insoluble protein, amyloid, is deposited in the kidney tissue), pyelonephritis (bacterial unilateral or bilateral kidney damage), chronic interstitial nephritis (inflammatory disease kidneys of a non-infectious breed), diabetic nephropathy (severe complication diabetes mellitus to the kidneys);
  • in patients with renal hematuria (after excluding the urological source of bleeding) to distinguish between hereditary nephritis, Berger's disease, diffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis;
  • with rapidly progressing renal failure of unknown etiology;
  • if you suspect arterial hypertension renal origin;
  • if you suspect cancerous tumor, the presence of a cyst.
  1. For the purpose of selecting treatment tactics.
  2. For follow-up (repeated biopsies):
  • determining the effectiveness of the treatment;
  • monitoring the condition of the transplant (puncture of the transplanted kidney) in the case where it took place.

Biopsy technique

Before performing a kidney puncture, as in the case of the adrenal gland, the patient is prescribed depressant which helps reduce fear. Pads are placed under the patient's body. The patient is warned that it is his responsibility to carefully and promptly follow the doctor's instructions.

First, specialists determine the puncture site and mark this area with a marker. The next step is to treat the skin with an antiseptic. Many people are interested in whether it hurts to do a puncture? To avoid pain, the biopsy is performed local anesthesia, which involves the introduction of novocaine deep into the skin.

The procedure is carried out under ultrasound control. As the needle penetrates the kidney tissue, the doctor will ask the patient to hold their breath to prevent bleeding. The injection site is compressed for some time.

After puncture, the skin is again treated with an antiseptic to prevent bacterial infection. The patient needs to lie on his back for 15-30 minutes, after which he can return home. After the procedure, the person may experience pain at the biopsy site. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe a pain reliever. However, if analgesics do not help, and over time the pain only intensifies, then the patient will have to return to the hospital.

The duration of the procedure is approximately half an hour. But in some cases, a biopsy may take longer. long time (profuse bleeding, difficulty in inserting the needle). Sometimes it is necessary to make 2-3 punctures to obtain a sufficient amount of biomaterial.

Causes and treatment of cystosis

Puncture of a kidney cyst deserves special attention. This is a benign formation of small size, filled with exudate, which can develop as a result of a long-term infectious and inflammatory disease. urinary system, due to hypothermia, injury, etc. Often this formation is asymptomatic. And it is diagnosed accidentally during a preventive ultrasound or when concomitant diseases are identified. Puncture of a kidney cyst in this case is carried out not for the sake of diagnosis, but for the purpose of treating a urological disease. If the puncture is suitable for those who have a pathological cavity formed in the rear part of the organ, then it is carried out if the neoplasm is located on the front or side wall of the organ.

In some cases, with a particularly large cyst, pronounced death of renal tissue, or an oncological nature of the lesion, the patient may undergo. Nephrectomy puts a lot of strain on another major organ of the urinary system. That is why it is very important to observe in the postoperative period.


There are not only indications for renal biopsy, but also contraindications. The latter can be either absolute or relative. The first contraindications include:

  • the presence of one working kidney;
  • allergy to novocaine;
  • blood clotting problems;
  • blockage of the renal veins;
  • renal artery aneurysm;
  • cavernous tuberculosis of the organ;
  • hydronephrosis.

Add to list relative contraindications includes:

  • severe renal failure;
  • severe diastolic hypertension (more than 110 mm Hg);
  • periarteritis nodosa;
  • advanced stage of general atherosclerosis;
  • nephroptosis;
  • multiple myeloma;
  • pathological kidney mobility.

Possible risks and complications

Frequency of serious consequences after diagnostic study is 3.6%, the frequency of nephrectomies (surgeries to remove a kidney with a tumor) is 0.06%, mortality is 0.1%.

  1. In 25-30% of cases, microhematuria is observed (the presence of red blood cells in the urine in microscopic quantities), which persists during the first two days after the procedure.
  2. In 6-7% of cases, macrohematuria occurs (the presence of blood in the urine in a significant amount). It is often short-term and occurs without any symptoms. Prolonged gross hematuria, which usually occurs as a result of renal infarction, is often accompanied by renal colic, tamponade Bladder blood clots, which requires the help of a urologist.
  3. Massive bleeding under the kidney capsule or into the perinephric tissue (fatty capsule of the kidney) is indicated by constant intense pain in the lumbar region, decrease in blood pressure (blood pressure) and hemoglobin level in the blood. Problems in the functioning of the organ compressed by the hematoma cannot be ruled out. Perirenal hematoma is detected using ultrasound and CT.
  4. Rare and extremely serious consequences of a biopsy are:
  • infection of the hematoma with the development of purulent post-biopsy paranephritis;
  • rupture of the organ being diagnosed;
  • injuries to other organs (spleen, liver, pancreas);
  • trauma to large vessels.

The safety and availability of the puncture method have led to the fact that biopsy in last years began to be used in in case of emergency, for example, in acute renal failure, including in intensive care settings.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the indications for diagnostic testing in a particular case are determined only by a nephrologist. Kidney biopsy is performed in urology and nephrology departments. The study of biomaterial takes on average 2-4 days.


Attention! The information on the site is presented by specialists, but is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for self-treatment. Be sure to consult your doctor!
