Bronchitis with obstructive syndrome treatment. Acute obstructive bronchitis. Chronic obstructive bronchitis - treatment with non-drug methods


This is an insidious form of inflammation of the bronchi. Obstructive bronchitis gives dangerous complications. It is important to identify and eliminate the pathological process in time, otherwise the disease will become a serious chronic illness that will have to be treated for the rest of life.

What is obstructive bronchitis

It is known that obstruction is a narrowing of the lumens of the bronchi, which becomes an obstacle to the free flow of air into the lungs and the release of sputum. Is there a difference in diagnoses? acute bronchitis" and "acute obstructive bronchitis"? What these diseases have in common is the presence of an inflammatory process. The significant difference is that in the first case the mucous membranes of the bronchi are not affected, but in the second they are severely damaged.

What's happening? The walls of the bronchi swell and thicken. The lumens of the respiratory vessels are filled with sputum, which loses its bactericidal properties and becomes thick, viscous mucus, favorable for the spread of infection. The bronchi are seized by spasms: they either sharply narrow, then return to their original state. However, as the disease progresses, the respiratory vessels lose their ability to expand.

This pathology manifests itself in acute and chronic forms. An acute obstructive process is characterized by the rapid development of bronchial inflammation. Adults suffer mainly from chronic bronchitis, which periodically worsens. That's his distinctive feature. Obstructive pathology in acute form typical for children. Infants who have respiratory system still imperfect.

In children

How younger child, the more rapidly the inflammatory processes progress in the delicate, very sensitive bronchi. Types of disease in children:

  • acute bronchitis, in which there is no decrease in the lumen of the respiratory vessels;
  • acute obstructive bronchitis - inflammation with swelling, narrowing, spasms of the bronchi and excess mucus;
  • bronchiolitis is a very serious disease of narrowed bronchioles, often affecting children under 3 years of age, especially infants.

The disease develops in a child much more often if his health condition predisposes him to the development of this disease. High-risk group:

In adults

Since this disease in its chronic form complicates the life of older people, it is more severe. Diseases of worn-out blood vessels and the heart, as well as age-related decline in immunity, take their toll. Inflammation bronchial tree It can develop very sluggishly and manifest itself with subtle symptoms, so it is often detected when the disease is very advanced and difficult to treat.

Chronic obstructive process worsens very easily. This traditionally occurs during the inclement autumn-winter period and cold spring. Activation of bronchial inflammation is often caused by hypothermia, ARVI, influenza, and inhalation of vapors of toxic substances. As the disease worsens, its symptoms become pronounced and its course becomes rapid.

Why does bronchial obstruction occur?

The most common reasons:

  • frequent viral infections;
  • smoking;
  • occupational diseases due to chemically contaminated working conditions;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Children are also more often affected viral infection than bacterial. In addition, today it is rare that a baby does not suffer from allergies. This is a powerful factor that predisposes to irritation and inflammation of the bronchi. Respiratory vessels react to allergens with hyperreactivity - spasms, which are pathological disruptions in their physiological mechanism. The next stage is acute bronchitis in a child.

Symptoms of bronchitis in adults and children

The disease manifests itself with clear signs. Symptoms of acute bronchitis in adults are:

  • severe, debilitating cough, wheezing in the lungs;
  • shortness of breath even with little physical effort;
  • rapid onset of fatigue;
  • rise in temperature.

In children with acute obstructive bronchitis, almost the same symptoms appear. A dry, persistent cough often worsens at night. The child breathes noisily, with whistling sounds. In babies, the wings of the nose widen, the neck muscles tense, and the shoulders rise. With acute obstructive bronchitis, the vast majority of children suffer from shortness of breath. Weakness, fast fatiguability, headaches are either absent or do not have a significant effect on the child’s condition.

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis in children and adults

Young children should absolutely not inhale with essential oils or rub their chest or back with ointments or cough balms. Instead of benefit, it often brings great harm. It is better to hospitalize the child. In the hospital, complex drug therapy is prescribed, which includes:

  • medications that relieve spasms of the bronchi and dilate them (No-shpa, Papaverine, Salbutamol);
  • expectorants (Lazolvan, Doctor IOM, ACC);
  • antibiotics (Erythromycin, Amoxiclav, Azithromycin) – in the presence of a bacterial infection;
  • antihistamines (Loratadine, Erius), if the child is allergic;
  • general health-improving drugs (vitamin-mineral complexes).

In addition, the following are assigned:

  • easy vibration massage collar area;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis, amplipulse);
  • physiotherapy;
  • hypoallergenic diet.

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis in adults leads to full recovery only when acute illness has not yet become chronic. Bed rest is required. Treatment pursues main goal: slow the progression of the disease. For this purpose, drugs of the same pharmacological groups are used in the form of tablets, injections and droppers, herbal decoctions according to prescriptions traditional medicine, inhalations, massage. Extremely important condition successful therapy - smoking cessation.

How is bronchial obstruction diagnosed?

Basic methods for diagnosing pathology:

  • chest x-ray;
  • sputum culture;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • general, biochemical, immunological blood tests.

Why is bronchitis with obstruction dangerous?

The consequence of the disease after discharge from the hospital is often a residual cough, which may not go away for a long time. Obstructive bronchitis is dangerous due to severe complications. Among them:

  • emphysema;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • the appearance of a pulmonary (enlarged) heart;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • pulmonary hypertension.
  • quit smoking;
  • take regular walks in the fresh air;
  • harden the body against colds;
  • avoid dusty and chemically aggressive air environments;
  • systematically carry out wet cleaning in the house;
  • Get vaccinated against influenza annually.


Chronic obstructive bronchitis is a disease of the bronchi and lungs characterized by a partially irreversible restriction of air flow in bronchopulmonary system which is constantly progressing. The main symptoms of this pathology in the lungs are shortness of breath and cough with viscous sputum.

Chronic obstructive bronchitis is common throughout the globe and occurs on average in 250–330 persons per 100,000 population.

The lowest incidence of reported cases is less than 110 per 100,000 and covers countries such as Canada, Alaska, southwestern South America, France, Germany, Bulgaria, the Arabian Peninsula, Asian Russia and Japan.

The average prevalence of the disease is the USA, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Great Britain, Norway, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and African countries, where the incidence of cases is 110–550 per 100,000 population.

The highest incidence of chronic obstructive bronchitis occurs in Europe (Ukraine, Belarus, Russia), Asia (China, Mongolia, Tibet, Nepal, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq), Australia, Oceania and is 550–1350 or more per 100,000 population.

Middle-aged and elderly people are more often affected; in men, chronic obstructive bronchitis occurs 3–4 times more often than in women.

The prognosis for work capacity and life is unfavorable. As it progresses pathological process the lungs gradually lose their working capacity. Adequate, timely treatment only stops the course of the disease for a short time. Death occurs from complications (cor pulmonale, emphysema, etc.).

Chronic obstructive bronchitis in adults occurs due to many negative influences to the lungs both from the environment and directly from the body, and therefore the causes of the disease are conventionally divided into two groups:

  1. External factors:

High-risk professions:

  1. mining industry;
  2. builders;
  3. miners;
  4. metallurgists;
  5. pulp and paper industry workers;
  6. railway workers;
  7. pharmaceutical industry workers.
  • Frequent ARVI (acute respiratory viral infections);
  • Adenoviral infection;
  • Chronic vitamin C deficiency;
  • Previously suffered mononucleosis.
  1. Internal factors:
  • Hereditary predisposition, the basis of which is a deficiency of alpha1-antitrypsin - a substance that blocks enzymes that break down protein in the bronchial tree and thereby prevent the destruction of lung tissue;
  • Prematurity - the lungs fully develop only by 38–39 weeks of pregnancy (9 months);
  • HIV infection (human immunodeficiency virus);
  • Bronchial asthma, which is accompanied by an increase in the level of immunoglobulin E;
  • Bronchial hyperreactivity is a persistent increase in the formation of mucus in the bronchial tree.

Classification of the disease

Severity depending on symptoms:

  • 0 degree – no severity – shortness of breath occurs with intense stress on the body;
  • 1st degree – mild severity – shortness of breath occurs when climbing or while walking relatively quickly;
  • 2nd degree – average severity– shortness of breath forces patients to move at a slower speed compared to healthy people of the same age group;
  • 3rd degree – severe – shortness of breath requires patients to stop during normal walking every 100 m;
  • Grade 4 – very severe – shortness of breath occurs when eating, changing clothes or turning in bed. Such patients do not leave the room.

Stages of the disease depending on the function study external respiration spirometry method – measurement of volume and speed parameters of breathing. (This method will be described in detail in the section " Modern methods examinations", i.e. diagnosis of the disease).

Stage I – mild.

  • Tiffno index is less than 70%;
  • FEV 1 greater than 80%;
  • Absence of the main symptoms of the disease - sputum, shortness of breath and cough.

Stage II – middle.

  • Tiffno index is less than 70%;
  • FEV 1 is less than 80%;
  • The presence or absence of the main symptoms of the disease - sputum, shortness of breath and cough.

Stage III – severe.

  • Tiffno index is less than 70%;
  • FEV 1 is less than 50%;

Stage IV is extremely severe.

  • Tiffno index is less than 70%;
  • FEV 1 is less than 30%;
  • Chronic respiratory failure;
  • The presence of the main symptoms of the disease is sputum, shortness of breath and cough.

Symptoms of the disease

Chronic obstructive bronchitis occurs with a constant alternation of 2 phases of the disease - exacerbation and remission, and symptoms vary depending on the phase.

Signs during an exacerbation:

  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • general weakness;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • aches, chills, increased sweating;
  • decreased ability to work;
  • shortness of breath with minimal physical exertion;
  • cough with the release of viscous sputum of a purulent nature (yellow).

Symptoms during remission:

  • shortness of breath with increased exertion;
  • cough, mainly in the morning, sputum is serous (transparent or white).

Concomitant symptoms of damage to other organs from oxygen starvation resulting from damage to the bronchopulmonary system:

  • Signs of defeat of cardio-vascular system- increase blood pressure, increased heart rate, pain in the heart area, palpitations, blueness of the nose, lips, fingertips;
  • Signs of damage to the urinary system - pain in the lumbar region, swelling of the lower extremities;
  • Signs of damage to the central nervous system– impaired consciousness, shallow breathing, decreased memory and attention, blurred vision, hallucinations;
  • Signs of defeat digestive system– jaundice skin, lack of appetite, bloating, abdominal pain.

Modern examination methods

Adult patients with a disease such as chronic obstructive bronchitis are observed at their place of residence or work by a general practitioner. When visiting a clinic for diagnosis and treatment, they can be observed by local therapists, family doctors or pulmonologists. At inpatient treatment should be located in specialized pulmonology departments.

Algorithm for examining such patients:

  1. Diagnostic survey and collection of complaints;
  2. Diagnostic examination of the patient, including percussion (tapping) and auscultation (listening) of the chest.

During percussion, a boxy sound appears, which means increased airiness of the lungs.

On auscultation, harsh breathing and dry, whistling or buzzing rales are observed.

  1. Diagnostic laboratory examination:
  • A general blood test, which will be characterized by an increase in leukocytes, a shift leukocyte formula to the left and an increase in ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate);
  • General urine test, which will show an increase in squamous epithelial cells and leukocytes in the field of view, as well as possible appearance mucus and traces of protein;
  • General sputum analysis, which will be characterized by the presence of a large number of neutrophils and leukocytes.
  1. Diagnostic instrumental examination:

The patient is asked to breathe into a tube connected to computer program which immediately displays a graph of inhalation and exhalation. During the examination, the doctor gives commands to patients, which involve changing the speed and depth of breathing.

The main indicators that can be determined using spirometry:

  1. Vital capacity (vital capacity of the lungs) is total inhaled and exhaled air from the lungs during calm, deep breathing;
  2. FVC (forced vital capacity) is the total amount of air inhaled and exhaled from the lungs during deep, rapid breathing;
  3. FEV 1 (forced expiratory volume in 1 second) - the volume of air during a sharp exhalation after a calm, deep inhalation;
  4. Tiffno index – the ratio of FEV 1 to vital capacity. This parameter is diagnostic criterion when establishing the severity of the disease;
  5. PSV (peak volumetric velocity) is the maximum speed of air flow achieved during a sharp exhalation after a deep inhalation.
  • X-ray of organs chest cavity, which is characterized by the presence of dilated bronchi and increased airiness lung tissue.

Main types of treatment

For a disease such as chronic obstructive bronchitis, treatment is prescribed only by qualified specialists in a hospital or outpatient setting. Therapy should be combined, i.e. drug treatment should be mandatory, will be supplemented by physiotherapeutic treatment, which includes aromatherapy, inhalations, massages, heating and exercise therapy (therapeutic gymnastics).

Drug treatment

The main goals of treatment are to prevent frequent exacerbations of chronic obstructive bronchitis, relieve symptoms of the disease, improve the body's tolerance to physical activity and reduce mortality.

Bronchodilators are drugs that dilate the bronchi:

  • M-cholinergic blockers (ipratropium bromide) - Atrovent, Ipravent have a bronchodilator effect by blocking m-cholinergic receptors in the smooth muscles of the bronchi. The drug is prescribed to adults in the form of an aerosol of 40 mcg (2 puffs) 4–6 times a day;
  • Beta2-agonists short acting(salbutamol) - Salbuvent, Volmas, Ventolin - have a bronchodilator effect by stimulating beta2-adrenergic receptors, which are located in the wall of the bronchi. For adults, the drug is prescribed by inhalation at 2–4 mg (1–2 puffs) up to 6 times a day;
  • Long-acting beta2-agonists (formoterol) - Athymos, Foradil have a pronounced bronchodilator effect. Prescribed for adults: 2 breaths 2 times a day (morning and evening).

Glucocorticosteroids (hormonal drugs):

Combination drugs containing long-acting beta2-agonists and glucocorticosteroids:

Antibacterial drugs act on chronic foci of infection in the bronchi due to the accumulation copious amounts phlegm, which serves them nutrient medium. These drugs are prescribed only during the period of exacerbation of the disease.

  • 2nd generation cephalosporins (cefuroxime, cefamandole);
  • 3rd generation cephalosporins (cefotaxime, ceftriaxone);
  • 2nd generation fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin);
  • Respiratory fluoroquinolones (levofloxacin);
  • Aminoglycosides (amikacin).

Mucolytic drugs are drugs that stimulate the discharge of sputum from the bronchial tree:

  • Bromhexine (Solvin, Bronchostop) has antitussive, mucolytic and expectorant effects. Prescribed in tablets of 8–16 mg 3–4 times a day;
  • Ambroxol (Abrol, Ambrotard) stimulates the liquefaction of sputum by reducing viscosity, which contributes to its better excretion. Prescribed 30 mg (1 tablet) 3 times a day;
  • Acetylcysteine ​​(ACC) has antitussive and mucolytic effects. Prescribed 200–400 mg 2–3 times a day or 800 mg 1 time a day.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Essential oils used for aromatherapy include:

  • pine oil;
  • eucalyptus;
  • juniper;
  • sandalwood;
  • tea tree;
  • bergamot.

Complications of the disease

  • Pulmonary emphysema is increased airiness of the lung tissue, in which the elasticity of the bronchi is completely lost. At this complication inhalation is easy, but to exhale it is necessary to make a significant effort;
  • Pulmonary heart - in conditions of oxygen starvation of the body, the myocardium (heart muscle) begins to contract more intensely to improve blood supply internal organs and deliver the required amount of oxygen. Over time, the myocardium wears out, the chambers of the heart enlarge, the muscle layer becomes thin, which leads to disruption of the heart;
  • Pulmonary hypertension - increased pressure in the bronchi and alveoli due to narrowing of blood vessels;
  • Lungs' cancer.

Disease prevention

  • giving up bad habits, especially smoking;
  • moving to environmentally friendly areas of cities;
  • combating occupational hazards or switching to work that is not related to heavy industry in conditions of increased air dust;
  • balanced diet;
  • playing sports;
  • timely diagnosis and treatment of respiratory system diseases;
  • annual passage preventive examinations with mandatory FLG (fluorography).

Video: Program “Live Healthy”, topic: “COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease”

Bronchitis is one of the most common respiratory diseases. Both adults and children suffer from it. One of its forms, obstructive bronchitis, brings a lot of anxiety and discomfort, since it becomes chronic and requires treatment throughout life. If a person does not apply for timely medical care, brushing aside the signals given by the body, serious dangers await it.

Obstructive bronchitis- refers to obstructive pulmonary diseases. It is characterized by the fact that not only does it become inflamed, but the mucous membrane of the bronchus is also damaged, the tissues swell, a spasm of the walls of the organ develops, and mucus accumulates in it. At the same time, the vascular wall thickens and the lumen narrows. This makes breathing difficult, complicates normal ventilation of the lungs, and prevents the discharge of sputum. Over time, a person is diagnosed with respiratory failure.

In contact with


Has certain differences from chronic bronchitis, namely:

  • Even small bronchi and alveolar tissue become inflamed;
  • develops broncho-obstructive syndrome, consisting of reversible and irreversible phenomena;
  • secondary diffuse emphysema is formed – pulmonary alveoli stretch greatly, losing the ability to contract sufficiently, which disrupts gas exchange in the lungs;
  • developing disturbances in pulmonary ventilation and gas exchange lead to hypoxemia (the oxygen content in the blood decreases) and hypercapnia (carbon dioxide accumulates in excess).

Distribution (epidemiology)

There are acute and chronic obstructive bronchitis. Mostly children suffer from the acute form; adults are characterized by a chronic course. It is said to occur if it does not stop for more than three months within 2 years.
There are no exact data on the prevalence of bronchial obstruction and mortality from it. Various authors put the figure from 15 to 50%. The data differs because there is not yet a clear definition of the term “chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.” In Russia, according to official data, in 1990–1998. 16 cases of COPD were recorded per thousand population, mortality was 11.0–20.1 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants of the country.


The mechanism of pathology development looks like this. Influenced hazardous factors The activity of the cilia deteriorates. Ciliary epithelial cells die, and at the same time the number of goblet cells increases. Changes in the composition and density of bronchial secretions lead to the fact that the “surviving” cilia slow down their movement. Mucostasis occurs (stagnation of sputum in the bronchi), small airways are blocked.

Along with an increase in viscosity, the secretion loses its bactericidal potential, which protects against pathogenic microorganisms- it reduces the concentration of interferon, lysozyme, lactoferrin.
As already mentioned, there are reversible and irreversible mechanisms of bronchial obstruction.

  • Bronchospasm;
  • inflammatory swelling;
  • obstruction (blockage) respiratory tract due to poor coughing up mucus.

Irreversible mechanisms are:

  • Changes in tissue, reduction in bronchial lumen;
  • restriction of air flow in the small bronchi due to emphysema and surfactant (a mixture of surfactants that coat the alveoli);
  • expiratory prolapse of the membrane wall of the bronchi.

The disease is dangerous with complications. The most significant of them:

  • pulmonary heart - the right parts of the heart expand and enlarge due to high blood pressure in the pulmonary circulation, it can be compensated and decompensated;
  • acute, chronic respiratory failure with periodic exacerbations;
  • bronchiectasis – irreversible dilation of the bronchi;
  • secondary pulmonary arterial hypertension.

Causes of the disease

There are several reasons for the development of obstructive bronchitis in adults:

  • Smoking– a bad habit is cited as the cause in 80–90% of cases: nicotine, tobacco combustion products irritate the mucous membrane;
  • unfavorable working conditions, polluted environment - miners, builders, metallurgists, office workers, residents of megacities, industrial centers who are exposed to cadmium and silicon contained in dry construction mixtures are at risk, chemical compositions, laser printer toner, etc.;
  • frequent colds, flu, nasopharyngeal diseases– the lungs are weakened by infections and viruses;
  • hereditary factor– lack of the protein α1-antitrypsin (abbreviated as α1-AAT), which protects the lungs.


It is important to remember that obstructive bronchitis does not make itself felt immediately. Typically, signs appear when the disease is already fully dominant in the body. As a rule, most patients seek help late, after the age of 40.
The clinical picture is formed by the following symptoms:

  • Cough- on early stages dry, without phlegm, “wheezing”, mainly in the morning, as well as at night, when the person is in a horizontal position. The symptom intensifies in the cold season. Over time, when coughing, clots appear; in older people, there may be traces of blood in the secretion;
  • labored breathing, or shortness of breath (7–10 years after the onset of cough) - first appears during physical activity, then during the rest period;
  • acrocyanosis– blueness of the lips, tip of the nose, fingers;
  • during exacerbation - elevated temperature, sweating, fatigue, headaches, muscle pain;
  • symptom " drumsticks» - characteristic change phalanges of fingers;
  • watch glass syndrome, “Hippocrates’ nail” - deformation of the nail plates when they become like watch glasses;
  • emphysematous chest– the shoulder blades fit tightly to the chest, the epigastric angle is deployed, its value exceeds 90°, “short neck”, enlarged intercostal spaces.


On initial stages obstructive bronchitis, the doctor asks about the symptoms of the disease, studies the anamnesis, assesses possible factors risk. Instrumental and laboratory studies at this stage are ineffective. During the examination, other diseases are excluded, in particular, and.
Over time, the patient's vocal tremor weakens, and a box sound is heard over the lungs. percussion sound, the pulmonary edges lose mobility, breathing becomes harsh, wheezing sounds appear during forced exhalation, and after coughing their tone and quantity changes. During an exacerbation, the wheezing is moist.
When communicating with a patient, the doctor usually finds out that he is a smoker with a long history (more than 10 years), who is worried about frequent colds, infectious diseases of the respiratory tract and ENT organs.
At the reception it is carried out quantification smoking (packs/years) or smoking index (index 160 – risk of developing COPD, above 200 – “heavy smoker”).
Airway obstruction is determined by the volume of forced expiration in 1 second in relation (abbreviated to VC1) to the vital capacity of the lungs (abbreviated to VC). In some cases, patency is checked using the maximum expiratory flow rate.
In non-smoking people over the age of 35, the annual decrease in FEV1 is 25–30 ml, in patients with obstructive bronchitis - from 50 ml. Based on this indicator, the stage of the disease is determined:

  • Stage I– FEV1 values ​​are 50% of normal, the condition causes almost no discomfort, dispensary monitoring is not needed;
  • Stage II– FEV1 is 35–40% of normal, the quality of life is deteriorating, the patient needs observation by a pulmonologist;
  • Stage III– FEV1 is less than 34% of normal, exercise tolerance decreases, and there is a need for inpatient and outpatient treatment.

When diagnosing, the following is also carried out:

  • Microscopic and bacteriological examination sputum– allows you to identify the pathogen, cells malignant neoplasms, blood, pus, sensitivity to antibacterial drugs;
  • radiography– makes it possible to exclude other lung lesions, detect signs of other ailments, as well as a violation of the shape of the roots of the lungs, emphysema;
  • bronchoscopy– carried out to examine the mucous membrane, sputum is collected, and the bronchial tree is sanitized (bronchoalveolar lavage);
  • blood test– general, biochemical, gas composition;
  • immunological blood test, sputum is carried out with uncontrolled progression of the disease.

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis in adults

The main measures during treatment are aimed at reducing the rate of its development.
During an exacerbation, the patient is prescribed bed rest. After you feel better (after a few days), walks in the fresh air are recommended, especially in the morning when the air humidity is high.

One cannot underestimate the danger even short-term loss vote. This may lead to development.

Exposure to both hot and cold air can lead to the same disease - pharyngitis. Find out about the prevention and treatment of this disease from.

Drug therapy

These are appointed medications:

  • Adrenergic receptors(salbutamol, terbutaline) – help increase the lumen of the bronchi;
  • expectorants, mucolytics(Ambroxol,) - liquefy and remove sputum from the bronchi;
  • bronchodilators(Theophedrine, Eufillin) – relieve spasms;
  • anticholinergics(Ingacort, Bekotide) - reduce swelling, inflammation, allergy symptoms.

Antibiotics for obstructive bronchitis

Despite the fact that the disease is widespread, no clear treatment regimen has been developed. Antibacterial therapy It is not always carried out, only when a secondary microbial infection is associated and there are other indications, namely:

  • The patient is over 60 years old - the immunity of older people cannot cope with infection, so there is a high probability of developing pneumonia and other complications;
  • period of exacerbations with severe course;
  • the appearance of purulent sputum when coughing;
  • obstructive bronchitis associated with weakened immunity.

The following drugs are used:

  • Aminopenicillins– destroy the walls of bacteria;
  • macrolides– inhibit the production of protein by bacterial cells, as a result of which the latter lose the ability to reproduce;
  • fluoroquinolones– destroy the DNA of bacteria and they die;
  • cephalosporins– inhibit the synthesis of the substance that forms the basis of the cell membrane.

The doctor decides which antibiotic is most effective in a particular case based on the results. laboratory research. If antibiotics are prescribed without analysis, then preference is given to drugs wide range actions. Most often, Augmentin, Clarithromycin, Amoxiclav, Ciprofloxacin, Sumamed, Levofloxacin, Erythromycin, Moxifloxacin are used for obstructive bronchitis.

Unjustified use of antibiotics can blur the picture of the disease and complicate treatment. The course of treatment lasts 7–14 days.


Five-minute inhalations help reduce inflammation, improve the composition of secretions, and normalize lung ventilation. After them, the patient can breathe easier.
The composition of inhalations is selected by the doctor for each individual patient. Preference is given to alkaline agents - solution baking soda, mineral water Borjomi, steamed from boiled potatoes.


Physiotherapy will improve the patient's condition. One of its means is massage (percussion, vibration, back muscles). Such manipulations help relax the bronchi and eliminate secretions from the respiratory tract. Modulated currents and electrophoresis are used. Her health has stabilized after sanatorium-resort treatment in the southern resorts of Krasnodar and Primorsky Krai.


Traditional medicine uses the following plants to treat obstructive bronchitis:

  • Althea: 15 fresh or dried flowers are brewed in 1.5 cups of boiling water, drink one sip every hour.
  • Elecampane: pour a tablespoon of roots with one glass of cold boiled water, close tightly, and leave overnight. Use the infusion like marshmallow.
  • Nettle: 2–4 tablespoons of flowers are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and left for an hour. Drink half a glass throughout the day.
  • Cowberry: Syrup from berry juice is consumed internally.


The disease is debilitating, so the body should be transferred to work in a gentle mode. During an exacerbation, food should be dietary. Exclude harmful fatty, salty, spicy, fried foods from the diet. Porridge, soups, and fermented milk products will help normalize the condition. It's important to drink sufficient quantity liquid - it “washes out” toxins and thins phlegm.


For obstructive bronchitis in adults great importance has prevention.
Primary prevention involves quitting smoking. It is also recommended to change working conditions and place of residence to more favorable ones.
You need to eat right. The food should have enough vitamins and nutrients - this activates the body's defenses. It's worth thinking about hardening. Important Fresh air– daily walks are required.

Secondary prevention measures include timely consultation with a doctor if the condition worsens, and undergoing examinations. Period wellness lasts longer if doctors' orders are strictly followed.

Course and prognosis

Factors causing an unfavorable prognosis:

  • The patient's age is over 60 years;
  • long-term smoking experience;
  • low FEV1 values;
  • chronic pulmonary heart disease;
  • severe concomitant diseases;
  • pulmonary arterial hypertension
  • belonging to the male gender.

Causes of death:

  • Chronic heart failure;
  • acute respiratory failure;
  • (accumulation between the lungs and chest gas, air);
  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • blockage of the pulmonary artery.

According to statistics, in severe cases of obstructive bronchitis in the first 5 years after the onset initial symptoms circulatory decompensation due to chronic pulmonary heart More than 66% of patients die. Over 2 years, 7.3% of patients with compensated and 29% with decompensated pulmonary hearts die.

Approximately 10 years after damage to the bronchi, a person becomes disabled. As a result of the disease, life is shortened by 8 years.

It is impossible to completely get rid of chronic obstructive bronchitis. However, the purpose adequate therapy, following the instructions and recommendations of your doctor will reduce the symptoms and improve your well-being. For example, after quitting smoking, just a few months later the patient will notice an improvement in his condition - the rate of bronchial obstruction will decrease, which will improve the prognosis.
When you detect the first signs of obstructive bronchitis, it is important to immediately consult a doctor. First, you need to make an appointment with a therapist, and he will give you a referral to a pulmonologist - a specialist who treats the lungs and respiratory tract.

In contact with

Obstructive bronchitis is the occurrence of reflex spasms that prevent mucus from coming out. Obstruction may be periodic, especially in the chronic form. The peculiarity of such bronchitis is that it can occur latently.

Causes and predisposition

Most often, obstructive bronchitis does not show the usual symptoms of bronchitis. Even a cough, a prerequisite for the disease, looks harmless: coughing throughout the day with aggravation in the morning. Outwardly, this is similar to the usual clearing of the respiratory tract by the body itself. Coughing a few times or coughing in the morning after sleep is quite healthy norm. It is difficult to guess here that this is obstructive bronchitis. Therefore, it quickly becomes chronic and only then becomes obvious during exacerbations.

Another feature is that it does not always require special treatment. For example, a patient works in a dusty room. His cough is not a consequence of the disease, but the consequences of harmful work. It is enough to change jobs or change conditions to more acceptable ones, and bronchitis disappears. This happens when the only cause of the disease is external factors.

Many experts claim that main reason viral bronchial obstruction. And they say the main culprit is a previous cold, flu, or acute respiratory infections. However, recent observations carried out in Russia have shown the inconsistency of this statement. In fact, bronchitis is most common in those who smoke a lot or work in hazardous jobs. This is explained by the sensitivity of the bronchi to foreign substances and particles. Here the immune system and protective barriers are powerless: dust and resins enter the body and settle on the mucous membranes immediately in the bronchi, as they are inhaled.

By building a logical sequence of reasons, you can get the following list (from the most frequent to the least):

  • Smoking. Whether you smoke or near you is not essential for triggering the disease;
  • Impact external factors: dust, flour, toxins, heavy metals;
  • Virus or bacteria. Damage to the bronchi is a secondary disease;
  • Allergy. An enemy agent provokes a disease.

Predisposition to respiratory diseases is of significant importance. A tendency to laryngitis, sinusitis, and colds is often provoked by various bronchitis. This group of people suffers from pneumonia more often than others.

First signs

Symptoms depend on the type of bronchitis itself and the provocateur of the disease. If this is a latent form or chronic, then the cough will be minor during the day. Coughing, sometimes dry cough, sometimes with sputum. It doesn’t always bother you right away and cause inconvenience. It may worsen in the morning or closer to the morning. Here the cough becomes annoying, dull, hysterical to the point of “scratching” in the throat. In addition, there are several “identifying” signs and symptoms of obstructive bronchitis:

  1. temperature jump;
  2. the appearance of purulent impurities in the mucus;
  3. severe shortness of breath without exercise;
  4. dry cough;
  5. sweating and weakness;
  6. headache;
  7. loss of appetite and sleep.

Symptoms of obstructive bronchitis may appear all at once, or they may show only one or two. Symptoms may change: today there is a cough without sputum, tomorrow it is wet. That is, the appearance of all signs is not necessary.


The patient is prescribed an x-ray after examination, listening to the bronchi and lungs

A blood test is almost useless in diagnosing bronchial obstruction. Exception: allergic nature. In other cases, the blood clinic will show a certain number of leukocytes, which will only indicate the presence of a focus of inflammation. Therefore, the patient is prescribed an x-ray after examination, listening to the bronchi and lungs.

Pain in the ear and throat on one side, what to do about it is indicated in this article.

What to do when your throat hurts and it hurts to swallow, you can find out from this article here:

If necessary, x-rays are taken in several projections. The study is necessary to assess the condition of the bronchi and lungs and identify foci of inflammation. If necessary, spirometry and ECG may be prescribed.

How to treat at home and in hospital


The ultimate goal of treatment is to eliminate spasm, remove sputum and completely eliminate obstruction. For this purpose, treatment regimen algorithms are used, which combine modern means- antispasmodics and bronchodilators. Obstructive bronchitis will not go away quickly; it will take patience for complete healing.

To expand the lumens in the bronchi, anticholinergic blockers are prescribed: Beradual or Bromide (as tolerated). To stop the process, hormones are added, most often Prednisolone. It is important to increase dilution during treatment, so the regimen must include expectorants: Bromhexine, Ambroxol.

If infection occurs, then broad-spectrum antibiotics are added; the doctor may also prescribe antibiotics for the nebulizer for bronchitis. For allergic obstruction, antihistamines. Be sure to follow general recommendations:

  1. bed rest;
  2. humid air in the room;
  3. drinking plenty of water;
  4. following a soft diet.

Be sure to eat fermented milk, lots of vegetables and lean meat and fish. Try not to overload your stomach, eat small portions, but eat enough. But all this will be meaningless if a person does not eliminate the root cause: change harmful work, stop smoking.

Folk remedies

Infusion of lemon balm and mint is one of the effective folk remedies for the treatment of obstructive bronchitis

Treatment of bronchitis with herbs must be carried out carefully and competently. For Get well soon the patient should drink plenty of fluids. Therefore, it would be ideal if a person drinks as much as possible: herbal teas, decoctions of chamomile and sage. Be sure to include cranberries and rosehip decoction in your diet. These berries stabilize the immune system, kill infections, and have a mild diuretic effect.

What to do when you have a sore throat without fever or runny nose can be understood from the contents of the article.

You can see what a throat looks like with a sore throat in children from this article.

If coughing attacks severely tear your throat, especially if there is pain in the bronchi, make a tincture based on honey and propolis: 1/2 milk and a pinch of propolis. Drink 12 drops before the cough begins.

It’s great if you combine all the treatment with frequent inhalations. Inhalations can be done at home or using a nebulizer. The composition of the inhalation is very different:

  1. coltsfoot decoction with chamomile;
  2. infusion of mint and lemon balm;
  3. steamed boiled potatoes;
  4. inhalation of menthol vapors.

Inhalation works well to dilute mucus, cough it up and reduce the activity of coughing attacks. Plus heat steam penetrating the body kills germs.


With complications of obstructive bronchitis, pulmonary insufficiency may appear

When obstruction develops, the lungs no longer receive the required amount of air. Inhalations become heavy, the diaphragm does not open completely. In addition, we inhale more than we exhale. Some part remains in the lungs and provokes pulmonary emphysema. In severe and chronic forms, pulmonary failure may occur, and this is a cause of mortality. Untreated bronchitis almost always ends in pneumonia, which is much more difficult to treat.


What not to do when treating obstructive bronchitis - learn from this video:

Obstructive bronchitis can be dangerous due to its complications. Having a penchant for secrecy, he already poses a risk to our health. But in the normal course, it is important not to delay going to the pulmonologist. Do not forget that obstruction can lead to a chronic form, when healing will be impossible.

Main causes and symptoms of obstructive bronchitis

Obstructive bronchitis is the most common disease that affects the respiratory system. Today, bronchitis with obstruction is diagnosed in every 4 patients suffering from this disease. Both children and adults suffer from bronchial pathology. One of the most dangerous forms for health is acute obstructive bronchitis, which brings the patient a lot of discomfort and anxiety, since if the disease becomes chronic, it will be very, very difficult to cure it. In addition, when flowing neglected form a person will have to take medications for the rest of his life. That is why, if a patient is suspected of acute obstructive bronchitis, it is important to immediately carry out treatment, because otherwise the patient will face unpleasant health consequences.

Epidemiology of the disease

Doctors classify chronic or acute obstructive bronchitis as an obstructive pathology of the respiratory tract.

The disease is characterized by the fact that not only inflammation develops in the bronchi, but also damage to the mucous membrane occurs, which causes:

  • spasm of the bronchial walls;
  • tissue swelling;
  • accumulation of mucus in the bronchi.

Also, obstructive bronchitis in adults causes significant thickening of the walls of blood vessels, which leads to a narrowing of the bronchial lumen. In this case, the patient experiences difficulty breathing, difficulties with normal ventilation, lack of quick departure sputum from the lungs. If acute obstructive bronchitis is not treated promptly, a person may develop respiratory failure.

It is important to note that treatment of obstructive bronchitis in adults should not be carried out until the doctor determines the type of disease - acute or chronic.

In fact, these forms differ significantly from each other, namely:

  • in the acute form, the alveolar tissue and small bronchi are not able to become inflamed;
  • the chronic form leads to irreversible consequences as a result of the development of serious broncho-obstructive syndrome;
  • in the acute form, emphysema does not form (the alveoli of the pulmonary cavity are stretched, as a result of which they lose the ability to contract normally - this causes a disturbance in gas exchange in the respiratory organs);
  • during chronic bronchitis, disruption of air flow causes hypoxemia or hypercapnia (decreased or increased carbon dioxide in the bloodstream).

It is worth noting that recurrent obstructive bronchitis mainly develops in children, as the chronic form of the disease is increasingly being diagnosed in adults. It is indicated by a strong cough with sputum production, which has troubled an adult for more than one year.

Why is obstructive bronchitis dangerous? Basically, the disease carries its danger when the respiratory organs are affected, as a result of which inflammation develops in them. There are no known cases of mortality from this disease, since recurrent obstructive bronchitis, in general, responds well to treatment and is diagnosed on time.

That is why patients with obstructive bronchitis need to closely monitor their health and immediately begin treatment when the first symptoms of the disease are detected. Obstructive bronchitis, the symptoms of which are known to many people, is expressed quite clearly, so only a minimal number of people can fail to notice inflammation of the bronchi.

Origin of the disease

The mechanism of development of the disease in the victim is as follows - under the negative influence of pathogenic factors on the bronchial cavity, the condition and performance of the cilia deteriorate. As a result, their cells quickly die, which leads to an increase in the number of goblet cells.

Also, with bronchitis, there is a significant change in the density and composition of the secretion located in the respiratory organ - this leads to the fact that the activity of the cilia is significantly worsened, and the movement becomes slower. If treatment of acute obstructive bronchitis was not carried out on time, the victim develops stagnation of sputum in the bronchial cavity, which causes blockage of the small airways.

As a result of the loss of normal viscosity, the bronchial secretion loses its protective qualities, which make it possible to protect the respiratory organs from dangerous bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms.

In addition, if a person constantly has an exacerbation of the disease and the attack lasts several days, this indicates a decrease in the concentration of the following substances in the bronchial cavity:

  • lactoferrin;
  • interferon;
  • lysozyme

The reversible mechanism includes:

  • bronchial swelling;
  • bronchospasms;
  • obstruction of the respiratory system resulting from poor coughing.

Irreversible mechanisms are:

  • tissue changes;
  • reduction of bronchial lumen;
  • prolapse on the walls of the bronchi;
  • lack of intake of large amounts of air due to the course of emphysema.

Obstructive bronchitis, which is important to treat immediately after signs of the disease are detected, can cause a variety of complications.

These include:

  • development of emphysema of the pulmonary cavity;
  • the appearance of cor pulmonale - expansion of some parts of the heart resulting from high blood pressure blood circulation;
  • respiratory failure of acute or chronic type, which often causes an attack of illness;
  • pulmonary hypertension;
  • bronchiectasis.

Bronchitis with obstructive syndrome causes complications only if the person for a long time does not begin treatment of the disease. How long does obstructive bronchitis last?

Before answering the question of whether obstructive bronchitis is contagious, it is necessary to identify the causes that cause the development of the disease.

Today, doctors identify several main causes of bronchitis, which include:

  1. Smoking. This addiction is responsible for the development of the disease in 90% of cases. To get rid of obstructive bronchitis caused by smoking, you should stop smoking so that nicotine, tar, and combustion substances from cigarettes do not irritate the mucous membranes and aggravate an attack of bronchitis.
  2. Unfavorable working conditions for health and respiratory organs. Dirty air can also develop recurrent bronchitis. Miners, builders, office workers, residents of large cities, metallurgists, and so on are especially susceptible to the disease. How long is obstructive bronchitis treated in case of persistent negative influence on the lungs of dirty air? In this case, treatment can be carried out throughout your life, maintaining your own condition with medications and procedures. To completely cure the disease, the victim will have to change the area and try to visit the sea, mountains or coniferous areas more often, where the air will help avoid attacks of the disease, as well as quickly get rid of it.
  3. Frequent flu, nasopharyngeal diseases and colds. IN in this case bronchitis acute degree develops due to the fact that the lungs are weakened by the influence of viruses, bacteria and other dangerous microorganisms. Obstructive bronchitis can be cured only with complete restoration of the respiratory system and nasopharynx.
  4. Heredity. The symptom of obstructive bronchitis often affects a healthy person as a result of unfavorable heredity. This happens due to the fact that there is an insufficient amount of antitrypsin protein in the body, which constantly protects the lungs from harmful bacteria. Unfortunately, this disease cannot be cured; the patient will have to constantly take maintenance medications. Is it possible to get infected with this type of bronchitis? No, the hereditary form is not contagious, so the patient cannot harm anyone. If the patient’s condition worsens, the patient must receive emergency assistance, since the consequences of hereditary form can be disastrous.

Symptoms of obstructive bronchitis

It is important to remember that the signs of obstructive bronchitis do not make themselves known immediately - usually with obstructive bronchitis in adults and children, they appear only when the disease has already developed and is fully affecting the bronchial cavity.

Of course, the main complaint of a patient with obstructive bronchitis is a strong, long, cutting and unpleasant cough. However, this does not mean that the victim develops bronchitis. Therefore, it is important for any person to know all the symptoms of the disease in order to catch it in time and visit a doctor.

Signs of the disease include:

  1. Cough. With the development of pathology, it is dry, sparse, sometimes whistling, without sputum production. It mainly attacks the patient at night, when the person is lying down, because at this time bronchial secretions fill the airways and cause their blockage. The cough can intensify in cold weather - in this case, the body will take a long time to survive. After a few days, the person begins to gradually cough up mucus and clots of secretion. In older people, blood can be found in it.
  2. Heat. How long does the patient have a fever? On average, it goes away within 3-6 days after the start of treatment. If the temperature persisted and then disappeared, this indicates that a person’s bronchitis occurs in a non-contagious form. Bronchitis without fever means that the disease appeared as a result of smoking or frequent exposure to acute respiratory viral infections or colds. If a patient develops a viral or bacterial infection, it will certainly be accompanied by a high fever.
  3. Difficulty breathing. When the bronchial lumen is narrowed, a person cannot inhale a portion of air normally and without straining the body. This is especially noticeable when infectious course a disease that is quite easy to catch. If the deterioration of breathing is constantly repeated, the patient is prescribed special medications for obstructive bronchitis, which will help relieve inflammation and swelling, as well as normalize the unhindered penetration of air into the body.
  4. Dyspnea. It usually appears 10 minutes after the end of a long and severe cough. If obstructive bronchitis in an adult, the symptoms and treatment of which have not been fully studied by a doctor, is characterized by shortness of breath with physical exercise, this is not chronic course diseases. But if shortness of breath affects the patient even at rest, this indicates the development of an advanced form, which needs to be treated as the diagnosis is carried out.
  5. Acrocyanosis. This is a blue discoloration of the fingers, nose and lips. If the patient still has a fever, the obstruction will only be relieved after 2-4 months of treatment. Wherein this symptom may constantly disappear and reappear.

TO additional symptoms diseases include:

  • muscle pain;
  • sweating;
  • frequent fatigue;
  • change appearance fingers;
  • bronchitis without fever, but with a feeling of heat;
  • layering of nails and changes in their appearance.

How to cure obstructive bronchitis? To do this, it is important to identify signs of the disease in time, with the help of which the doctor can quickly assess the state of health and prescribe the correct and effective treatment. With repeated manifestations of relapses of the disease, the obstruction will no longer be considered acute, which means that the patient will need complex treatment.

Treatment of the disease

When diagnosed with obstructive bronchitis, the identified symptoms and prescribed treatment can quickly put a person on his feet, but it requires a long and thorough treatment, which will help prevent another attack, as well as restore bronchi with blockage from phlegm.

When contacting a doctor, he must first determine whether bronchitis is contagious or not, as well as how the patient can get rid of airway obstruction forever. After the doctor has carried out a diagnosis, which includes bronchoscopy, examination of the bronchi, as well as radiography, he will prescribe therapeutic measures, which are aimed at reducing the rate of disease development.

During the course of the disease, the victim must be prescribed bed rest. After 3-6 days, the patient is allowed to go out into the fresh air, especially at a time when it is quite humid.

In order to permanently overcome bronchitis as a very dangerous disease for health, the patient will need to take certain medications.

So, how to treat the disease in order to recover faster from obstructive bronchitis:

  • adrenergic receptors (Terbutaline, Salbutamol) - these drugs increase the bronchial lumen and also allow you to relieve unpleasant symptoms of the disease (you need to take such medications for more than one day to achieve a quick treatment result);
  • bronchodilators (Eufillin, Teofedrine) – if a person experiences bronchospasm, this group of drugs quickly treats the disease (the duration of such treatment is prescribed by a doctor);
  • mucolytics (Lazolvan, Bromhexine, Sinekod, Ambroxol) - these drugs get rid of sputum, since they dilute it well and remove it;
  • anticholinergics (Bekotide, Ingacort) – these medications restore the body, reduce swelling and inflammation.

A patient needs emergency help if there is a danger of complete blockage of the airways - in this case, the longer a person hesitates, the sooner he will need help. What to do if the condition worsens?

The patient should consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment in a hospital, namely:

  • dropper;
  • taking mucolytics (Sinekod);
  • antibiotics (if the pathology is contagious, since bacteria and viruses are transmitted instantly).

How is the disease transmitted? Bronchitis spreads quickly from person to person by airborne droplets, while the time of such spread of the pathogen is instantaneous.

Today, cases of infection of the disease from a sick person to a healthy person continue - and 1 patient is capable of infecting not one or two people, but everyone who is close to him. That is why sometimes treatment and prevention of obstructive bronchitis takes place in an isolated room or at home.

In addition to taking medications, obstruction is also treated with other methods:

  • you can get rid of the disease using steam inhalations or healing infusions (there are no negative consequences from this method of treatment);
  • obstruction is treated by performing physiotherapeutic procedures, which are often used as emergency first aid (for this, the doctor must know everything about the etiology of the disease);
  • treatment folk remedies– many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to get rid of bronchitis folk ways and what consequences such treatment entails: in fact, this method of treatment is considered one of the most effective and efficient.

If signs of bronchitis reappear, you should immediately seek help from a doctor, because the disease can quickly spread to healthy people, since its development requires very little - the bronchi of a healthy person.

Obstructive bronchitis in adults: symptoms and treatment

Bronchitis with obstruction is a serious disease among adults. Everyone should know the reasons to avoid possible consequences and complications.

What does obstructive bronchitis mean? This disease is determined by inflammation and damage to the bronchial mucosa. Breathing functions are complicated by spasms and narrowing of the bronchi, which leads to sputum retention. Disruption of the bronchial tubes complicates the patient's life: breathing is difficult, shortness of breath, wheezing, and cough appear. The obstructive form is treated continuously with only some breaks for recovery. At the first symptoms, it is necessary to begin their prompt elimination to alleviate the patient’s condition. Errors in therapy lead to progression of the disease: it “passes” into chronic stage, treatment of which practically does not produce remission.

What does recovery depend on?

Rehabilitation of bronchial functions in obstructive form depends not only on the activities of the attending physician, but also on the patient, his self-organization, and the accuracy of following recommendations. A successful result also depends on related factors:

  • age category of the patient;
  • bad habits;
  • damage to other organs;
  • the nature of the disease;
  • development of pathologies.

You can only get rid of the second factor. All smokers with experience suffer from chronic bronchial obstruction. To relieve cramps, it is enough to get rid of the bad habit.

Risk factors for the disease

Working conditions, as well as lifestyle, directly affect health. In almost all types of work there is a risk of obstruction. Work in chemical laboratories, metallurgical plants, and construction sites affects the functioning of internal organs. Being in an office also makes it difficult for your lungs to function by inhaling ink while printing documents.

After infections in the form of bacteria and viruses enter a healthy body, the bronchi are damaged and bronchitis occurs. It appears after undergoing viral diseases. The main pathogens can be streptococcus, herpes, adenovirus, chlamydia, mycoplasma. With a weakened immune system, stressful working conditions, excessive respiratory tract diseases, poor nutrition, the patient is prone to pulmonary obstruction.

Allergy is the main factor in the manifestation of the disease. Adults who experience allergic reactions from an early age are more often affected. Inflammation of the bronchi due to allergies is the source of bronchial asthma.

Causes of obstructive bronchitis

The main group of factors that influence the development of bronchitis includes all kinds of infectious and inflammatory diseases, which lead to deterioration of the lungs and further susceptibility to reagents.

Having allergies increased activity bronchi - aggravates the clinical picture of the disease. Polluted ecological areas combined with bad habits will accelerate the process of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Almost all industries and premises contain microparticles harmful substances that impair respiratory function.

Residents in villages are less prone to the disease, compared to the number of patients among city residents.


Timely diagnosis of the symptoms of the disease will help stop the source of inflammation in time. Manifestations of the obstructive form of bronchitis include:

  1. The appearance of shortness of breath and sweating when walking.
  2. Increased patient fatigue that occurs with minimal physical activity no load. The old rhythm of life becomes impossible.
  3. The main symptom of obstructive bronchitis is a severe cough with difficulty clearing sputum. For patients with non-obstructive bronchitis similar reason complicates life activities, depriving rest and sleep. In the chronic course of the disease, hypoxia occurs - lack of oxygen.

All symptoms bother the patient for 10 to 20 days with acute obstructive bronchitis in adults. Regular manifestation of symptoms more than three times a year serves as a reason to establish a history of recurrent nature. More frequent recurrences of shortness of breath, cough, and fatigue over 2 years indicate a chronic form of obstruction.


For patients with signs of obstruction, diagnosis consists of a set of studies:

  1. Physical parameters.
  2. Laboratory tests.
  3. X-ray.
  4. Functional.
  5. Endoscopic.

The research results will help the pulmonologist correctly determine the form and stage of obstruction. Physical parameters in recurrent disease appear weakened voice tremors, decreased mobility of the edges of the lungs, upon auscultation - hard breathing, wheezing on forced exhalation.

To exclude lung damage, radiography is prescribed. Obstructive bronchitis with the onset of symptoms for 2 years has an enhanced bronchial pattern with deformation of the roots of the lungs.

Bronchoscopy is performed to examine the bronchial mucosa and collect sputum. In some cases, bronchography is prescribed - diagnostics to exclude obstruction by a foreign body.

Parameters of external respiration functions reliably diagnose the nature of the disease. Diagnosis is carried out using spirometry, peak flowmetry, and pneumotachometry. The results indicate: the severity of obstruction, reversibility, and the state of pulmonary parameters.

Diagnostics in the laboratory is aimed at studying the composition of urine and blood. When establishing a medical history and excluding pulmonary tuberculosis, sputum is examined.

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis in adults

For effective therapy the patient must stop smoking, try to lead a healthy lifestyle, and follow the recommendations of the attending physician. If the cause of bronchitis with obstructive syndrome is found in hazardous working conditions, try to change jobs as soon as possible.

Treatment of the disease consists of:

  1. Drugs intended to dilate the bronchi. The most effective is ipratropium bromide with an anticholinergic effect, its aerosol analogue is Atrovent. Medicines enter the bronchi in the form of small particles during inhalation during the first hour, maintaining the effect from 4 to 8 hours. Depending on the etiology of the disease, the doctor will prescribe 2 or 4 procedures 3 times a day. At mild symptoms V for preventive purposes Berotec and Salbutamol are prescribed in 3 doses. Be careful with the methylxanthine group, especially in heart failure. For example, aminophylline solution is used only for inpatient treatment.
  2. Expectorant cough medicines. Acetylcysteine, Lazolvan, Ambroxol promote sputum discharge.
  3. Prescribing antibiotics is advisable for bacterial infections, purulent sputum, and intoxication.
  4. Corticosteroid therapy is prescribed on a limited basis, weighing overall recovery against side effects.
  5. Gymnastics using the Buteyko method is recommended for all patients for the prevention of obstructive bronchitis.

Complications of the disease with attacks that cannot be stopped on an outpatient basis are treated in hospitals. Also reasons for treatment in a hospital are respiratory failure, pneumonia, and the need for bronchoscopy.

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis with folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers many recipes for eliminating bronchial obstruction. It is up to you to decide which method you choose - to take herbal medicines orally or in the form of compresses. Is it possible to cure bronchitis at home? Judging by numerous reviews, it is quite possible to get rid of the disease. We offer several simple and effective recipes.

Melt 50 grams butter and honey, cool until room temperature and apply a thin layer on your back and chest. Wrap yourself up well and lie down for 30 minutes. Apply the compress at night for two weeks.

The most popular recipe is onion broth: boil the main ingredient in the peel with sugar for 30 minutes, cool and drink throughout the day. Use 100 grams of sugar for a medium onion.

Treatment of obstructive bronchitis at home with difficult sputum discharge consists of simple complex exercises using specially developed methods to cleanse the bronchi, eliminate hypoxia, and restore lung function.

Conclusion and prevention of the disease

It is possible to cure acute obstructive bronchitis in an adult by prescribing an adequate treatment regimen, non-compliance with which leads to complications with relapse into a more complex stage - chronic.

It is possible to effectively delay the course of obstruction drug therapy, compliance with working conditions without harm to health, moderate physical activity. The most susceptible to the disease are elderly people, smokers, and patients with congenital pathologies that aggravate the prognosis.

Prevention of obstructive bronchitis is aimed at maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It is important to consult a doctor with the first symptoms, the elimination of which will not cause more complex treatment and serious consequences.

Obstructive bronchitis is the most common disease that affects the respiratory system. Today, bronchitis with obstruction is diagnosed in every 4 patients suffering from this disease. Both children and adults suffer from bronchial pathology. One of the most dangerous forms for health is acute obstructive bronchitis, which brings the patient a lot of discomfort and anxiety, since if the disease becomes chronic, it will be very, very difficult to cure it. In addition, during an advanced form, a person will have to take medications for the rest of his life. That is why, if a patient is suspected of acute obstructive bronchitis, it is important to immediately carry out treatment, because otherwise the patient will face unpleasant health consequences.

Doctors classify chronic or acute obstructive bronchitis as an obstructive pathology of the respiratory tract.

The disease is characterized by the fact that not only inflammation develops in the bronchi, but also damage to the mucous membrane occurs, which causes:
  • spasm of the bronchial walls;
  • tissue swelling;
  • accumulation of mucus in the bronchi.

Also, obstructive bronchitis in adults causes significant thickening of the walls of blood vessels, which leads to a narrowing of the bronchial lumen. In this case, the patient experiences difficulty breathing, difficulties with normal ventilation of the lungs, and a lack of rapid discharge of sputum from the lungs. If acute obstructive bronchitis is not treated promptly, a person may develop respiratory failure.

It is important to note that treatment of obstructive bronchitis in adults should not be carried out until the doctor determines the type of disease - acute or chronic.

In fact, these forms differ significantly from each other, namely:

  • in the acute form, the alveolar tissue and small bronchi are not able to become inflamed;
  • the chronic form leads to irreversible consequences as a result of the development of serious broncho-obstructive syndrome;
  • in the acute form, emphysema does not form (the alveoli of the pulmonary cavity are stretched, as a result of which they lose the ability to contract normally - this causes a disturbance in gas exchange in the respiratory organs);
  • during chronic bronchitis, impaired air flow causes hypoxemia or hypercapnia (a decrease or increase in carbon dioxide in the bloodstream).

It is worth noting that recurrent obstructive bronchitis mainly develops in children, as the chronic form of the disease is increasingly being diagnosed in adults. It is indicated by a strong cough with sputum production, which has troubled an adult for more than one year.

Why is obstructive bronchitis dangerous? Basically, the disease carries its danger when the respiratory organs are affected, as a result of which inflammation develops in them. There are no known cases of mortality from this disease, since recurrent obstructive bronchitis, in general, responds well to treatment and is diagnosed on time.

Is obstructive bronchitis contagious or not, and should a person be afraid if he has another attack? In this case, the contagiousness of the disease depends on the cause of the disease - if inflammation in the bronchi develops due to damage to the respiratory organ by viruses or bacteria, the pathology will be considered contagious.

That is why patients with obstructive bronchitis need to closely monitor their health and immediately begin treatment when the first symptoms of the disease are detected. Obstructive bronchitis, the symptoms of which are known to many people, is expressed quite clearly, so only a minimal number of people can fail to notice inflammation of the bronchi.

The mechanism of development of the disease in the victim is as follows - under the negative influence of pathogenic factors on the bronchial cavity, the condition and performance of the cilia deteriorate. As a result, their cells quickly die, which leads to an increase in the number of goblet cells.

Also, with bronchitis, there is a significant change in the density and composition of the secretion located in the respiratory organ - this leads to the fact that the activity of the cilia is significantly worsened, and the movement becomes slower. If treatment of acute obstructive bronchitis was not carried out on time, the victim develops stagnation of sputum in the bronchial cavity, which causes blockage of the small airways.

As a result of the loss of normal viscosity, the bronchial secretion loses its protective qualities, which allow it to protect the respiratory system from dangerous bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms.

In addition, if a person constantly has an exacerbation of the disease and the attack lasts several days, this indicates a decrease in the concentration of the following substances in the bronchial cavity:
  • lactoferrin;
  • interferon;
  • lysozyme

How to treat obstructive bronchitis? To do this, it is necessary to understand exactly what mechanism of the disease develops in a person - reversible or irreversible.

The reversible mechanism includes:

  • bronchial swelling;
  • bronchospasms;
  • obstruction of the respiratory system resulting from poor coughing.
Irreversible mechanisms are:
  • tissue changes;
  • reduction of bronchial lumen;
  • prolapse on the walls of the bronchi;
  • lack of intake of large amounts of air due to the course of emphysema.

Obstructive bronchitis, which is important to treat immediately after signs of the disease are detected, can cause a variety of complications.

These include:
  • development of emphysema of the pulmonary cavity;
  • the appearance of cor pulmonale - expansion of some parts of the heart resulting from increased circulatory pressure;
  • respiratory failure of acute or chronic type, which often causes an attack of illness;
  • pulmonary hypertension;
  • bronchiectasis.

Bronchitis with obstructive syndrome causes complications only if a person does not begin treatment for the disease for a long time. How long does obstructive bronchitis last?

If the pathology is properly combated, the disease can be completely cured in 3-6 months. However, for this it is important to strictly follow the doctor’s treatment, as well as perform all procedures, then acute bronchitis will quickly recede and will not cause complications.

Before answering the question of whether obstructive bronchitis is contagious, it is necessary to identify the causes that cause the development of the disease.

Today, doctors identify several main causes of bronchitis, which include:
  1. Smoking. This addiction is responsible for the development of the disease in 90% of cases. To get rid of obstructive bronchitis caused by smoking, you should stop smoking so that nicotine, tar, and combustion substances from cigarettes do not irritate the mucous membranes and aggravate an attack of bronchitis.
  2. Unfavorable working conditions for health and respiratory organs. Dirty air can also develop recurrent bronchitis. Miners, builders, office workers, residents of large cities, metallurgists, and so on are especially susceptible to the disease. How long does it take to treat obstructive bronchitis in the case of constant negative effects of dirty air on the lungs? In this case, treatment can be carried out throughout your life, maintaining your own condition with medications and procedures. To completely cure the disease, the victim will have to change the area and try to visit the sea, mountains or coniferous areas more often, where the air will help avoid attacks of the disease, as well as quickly get rid of it.
  3. Frequent flu, nasopharyngeal diseases and colds. In this case, acute bronchitis develops due to the fact that the lungs are weakened by the influence of viruses, bacteria and other dangerous microorganisms. Obstructive bronchitis can be cured only with complete restoration of the respiratory system and nasopharynx.
  4. Heredity. The symptom of obstructive bronchitis often affects a healthy person as a result of unfavorable heredity. This happens due to the fact that there is an insufficient amount of antitrypsin protein in the body, which constantly protects the lungs from harmful bacteria. Unfortunately, this disease cannot be cured; the patient will have to constantly take maintenance medications. Is it possible to get infected with this type of bronchitis? No, the hereditary form is not contagious, so the patient cannot harm anyone. If the patient’s condition worsens, the patient must receive emergency care, since the consequences of the hereditary form can be disastrous.

The causes of the pathology may be other, but they are observed in the patient quite rarely.

It is important to remember that the signs of obstructive bronchitis do not make themselves known immediately - usually with obstructive bronchitis in adults and children, they appear only when the disease has already developed and is fully affecting the bronchial cavity.

Of course, the main complaint of a patient with obstructive bronchitis is a strong, long, cutting and unpleasant cough. However, this does not mean that the victim develops bronchitis. Therefore, it is important for any person to know all the symptoms of the disease in order to catch it in time and visit a doctor.

Signs of the disease include:
  1. Cough. With the development of pathology, it is dry, sparse, sometimes whistling, without sputum production. It mainly attacks the patient at night, when the person is lying down, because at this time bronchial secretions fill the airways and cause their blockage. The cough can intensify in cold weather - in this case, the body will take a long time to survive. After a few days, the person begins to gradually cough up mucus and clots of secretion. In older people, blood can be found in it.
  2. Heat. How long does the patient have a fever? On average, it goes away within 3-6 days after the start of treatment. If the temperature persisted and then disappeared, this indicates that a person’s bronchitis occurs in a non-contagious form. Bronchitis without fever means that the disease appeared as a result of smoking or frequent exposure to acute respiratory viral infections or colds. If a patient develops a viral or bacterial infection, it will certainly be accompanied by a high fever.
  3. Difficulty breathing. When the bronchial lumen is narrowed, a person cannot inhale a portion of air normally and without straining the body. This is especially noticeable during the infectious course of the disease, which is quite easy to become infected. If the deterioration of breathing is constantly repeated, the patient is prescribed special medications for obstructive bronchitis, which will help relieve inflammation and swelling, as well as normalize the unhindered penetration of air into the body.
  4. Dyspnea. It usually appears 10 minutes after the end of a long and strong cough. If obstructive bronchitis in an adult, the symptoms and treatment of which have not been fully studied by a doctor, is characterized by shortness of breath during exercise, this is not a chronic course of the disease. But if shortness of breath affects the patient even at rest, this indicates the development of an advanced form, which needs to be treated as the diagnosis is carried out.
  5. Acrocyanosis. This is a blue discoloration of the fingers, nose and lips. If the patient still has a fever, the obstruction will only be relieved after 2-4 months of treatment. In this case, this symptom may constantly disappear and appear again.

Additional symptoms of the disease include:

  • muscle pain;
  • sweating;
  • frequent fatigue;
  • change in the appearance of the fingers;
  • bronchitis without fever, but with a feeling of heat;
  • layering of nails and changes in their appearance.

To prevent this from happening, any person needs prevention of obstructive bronchitis, which will help to forget about the disease forever. However, if a person again discovers the main symptom of the pathology, it is necessary to treat it with full responsibility.

How to cure obstructive bronchitis? To do this, it is important to identify signs of the disease in time, with the help of which the doctor can quickly assess the state of health and prescribe the correct and effective treatment to the patient. With repeated manifestations of relapses of the disease, the obstruction will no longer be considered acute, which means that the patient will need complex treatment.

When obstructive bronchitis is diagnosed, the identified symptoms and prescribed treatment can quickly put a person back on his feet, but it requires long and careful treatment, which will help prevent another attack, as well as restore bronchi with blockage from phlegm.

When contacting a doctor, he must first determine whether bronchitis is contagious or not, as well as how the patient can get rid of airway obstruction forever. After the doctor conducts a diagnosis, which includes bronchoscopy, examination of the bronchi, and radiography, he will prescribe therapeutic measures that are aimed at reducing the rate of development of the disease.

During the course of the disease, the victim must be prescribed bed rest. After 3-6 days, the patient is allowed to go out into the fresh air, especially at a time when it is quite humid.

In order to permanently overcome bronchitis as a very dangerous disease for health, the patient will need to take certain medications.

So, how to treat the disease in order to recover faster from obstructive bronchitis:
  • adrenergic receptors (Terbutaline, Salbutamol) - these drugs increase the bronchial lumen and also allow you to relieve unpleasant symptoms of the disease (you need to take such medications for more than one day to achieve a quick treatment result);
  • bronchodilators (Eufillin, Teofedrine) – if a person experiences bronchospasm, this group of drugs quickly treats the disease (the duration of such treatment is prescribed by a doctor);
  • mucolytics (Lazolvan, Bromhexine, Sinekod, Ambroxol) - these drugs get rid of sputum, since they dilute it well and remove it;
  • anticholinergics (Bekotide, Ingacort) – these medications restore the body, reduce swelling and inflammation.

During treatment, patients must follow all the recommendations of the attending physician so that bronchitis does not become chronic. If the disease can be transmitted to a healthy person, treatment should be carried out at home.

A patient needs emergency help if there is a danger of complete blockage of the airways - in this case, the longer a person hesitates, the sooner he will need help. What to do if the condition worsens?

The patient should consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment in a hospital, namely:
  • dropper;
  • taking mucolytics (Sinekod);
  • antibiotics (if the pathology is contagious, since bacteria and viruses are transmitted instantly).

How is the disease transmitted? Bronchitis spreads quickly from person to person through airborne droplets, and the time of such spread of the pathogen is instantaneous.

Today, cases of infection of the disease from a sick person to a healthy person continue - and 1 patient is capable of infecting not one or two people, but everyone who is close to him. That is why sometimes treatment and prevention of obstructive bronchitis takes place in an isolated room or at home.

In addition to taking medications, obstruction is also treated with other methods:
  • you can get rid of the disease using steam inhalations or healing infusions (there are no negative consequences from this method of treatment);
  • obstruction is treated by performing physiotherapeutic procedures, which are often used as emergency first aid (for this, the doctor must know everything about the etiology of the disease);
  • treatment with folk remedies - many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to get rid of bronchitis using folk methods and what consequences such treatment entails: in fact, this method of treatment is considered one of the most effective and efficient.

If signs of bronchitis reappear, you should immediately seek help from a doctor, because the disease can quickly spread to healthy people, since its development requires very little - the bronchi of a healthy person.

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  • Congratulations! You are completely healthy!

    Your health is fine now. Don’t forget to take good care of your body, and you won’t be afraid of any diseases.

  • There is reason to think.

    The symptoms that concern you are quite extensive and are observed when large quantities diseases, but we can say with confidence that something is wrong with your health. We recommend that you contact a specialist and undergo medical examination to avoid complications. We also recommend that you read the article on.

  • You are sick with bronchitis!

    In your case, there are clear symptoms of bronchitis! However, there is a possibility that it could be another disease. You need to urgently contact a qualified specialist; only a doctor can diagnose accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. We also recommend that you read the article on.

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    Task 1 of 14

    1 .

    Does your lifestyle involve heavy physical activity?

  1. Task 2 of 14

    2 .

    Do you take care of your immunity?

  2. Task 3 of 14

    3 .

    Do you live or work in an unfavorable environment(gas, smoke, chemical emissions enterprises)?

  3. Task 4 of 14

    4 .

    How often are you in damp, dusty or moldy environments?

  4. Task 5 of 14

    5 .

    Have you been feeling physically or mentally unwell lately?

  5. Task 6 of 14

    6 .

    Have you been worried about elevated body temperature lately?

  6. Task 7 of 14
